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Abstract and Figures

The absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) into the ocean lowers the pH of the waters. This so-called ocean acidification could have important consequences for marine ecosystems. To better understand the extent of this ocean acidification in coastal waters, we conducted hydrographic surveys along the continental shelf of western North America from central Canada to northern Mexico. We observed seawater that is undersaturated with respect to aragonite upwelling onto large portions of the continental shelf, reaching depths of ∼40 to 120 meters along most transect lines and all the way to the surface on one transect off northern California. Although seasonal upwelling of the undersaturated waters onto the shelf is a natural phenomenon in this region, the ocean uptake of anthropogenic CO2 has increased the areal extent of the affected area.
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DOI: 10.1126/science.1155676
, 1490 (2008); 320Science
et al.Richard A. Feely,
Water onto the Continental Shelf
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Evidence for Upwelling of Corrosive
Acidified Water onto the
Continental Shelf
Richard A. Feely,
Christopher L. Sabine,
J. Martin Hernandez-Ayon,
Debby Ianson,
Burke Hales
The absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO
) into the ocean lowers the pH of the waters.
This so-called ocean acidification could have important consequences for marine ecosystems. To
better understand the extent of this ocean acidification in coastal waters, we conducted
hydrographic surveys along the continental shelf of western North America from central Canada
to northern Mexico. We observed seawater that is undersaturated with respect to aragonite
upwelling onto large portions of the continental shelf, reaching depths of ~40 to 120 meters along
most transect lines and all the way to the surface on one transect off northern California. Although
seasonal upwelling of the undersaturated waters onto the shelf is a natural phenomenon in this
region, the ocean uptake of anthropogenic CO
has increased the areal extent of the affected area.
ver the past 250 years, the release of
carbon d ioxide ( CO
) from industrial and
agricultural activities has resulted in atmo-
spheric CO
concentrations that have increased by
about 100 parts per million (ppm). The atmo-
spheric concentration of CO
is now higher than
it has been for at least the past 650,000 years, and
is expected to continue to rise at an increasing
rate, leading to pronounced changes in our cli-
mate by the end of this century (1). Since the
beg in ni ng of the in du st ri a l era, the oceans have
absorbed ~127 ± 18 billion metric tons of carbon
as CO
from the atmosphere, or about one-third
of the anthropogenic carbon emissions released
(2). This process of absorption of anthropogenic
has benefited humankind by substantially
reducing the greenhouse gas concentrations in
the atmosphere and minimizing some of the im-
pacts of global warming. However , the oceans
daily uptake of 22 million metric tons of CO
a sizable impact on its chem i s t r y and bio l o gy.
Recent hydrogra phic surveys and modeling studies
have confirmed that the uptake of anthropogenic
by the oceans has resulted in a lowering of
seawater pH by about 0.1 since the beginning of
the industrial revolution (37). In the coming
decades, this phenomenon, called ocean acidi-
fication, could affect some of the most funda-
mental biological and geochemical processes of
the sea and seriously alter the fundamental struc-
ture of pelagic and benthic ecosystems (8).
Estimates of future atmospheric and oceanic
concentrations, based on the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) CO
scenarios and general circulation models, indicate
that atmospheric CO
concentration s could exceed
500 ppm by the middle of this century , and 800
ppm near the end of the century . This increase would
result in a decrease in surface-wate r pH of ~ 0.4 by
the end of the century , and a corresponding 50%
decrease in carbonate ion concentration (5, 9). Such
rapid changes are likely to negatively affect marine
ecosystems, seriously jeopardizing the multifaceted
economies that currently depend on them (10).
The reaction of CO
with seawater reduces
the availability of carbonate ions that are neces-
sary for calcium carbonate (CaCO
shell formation for marine organisms such as
corals, marine plankton, and shellfish. The extent
to which the organisms are affected depends
saturation state (W), which
is the product of the concentrations of Ca
divided b y the apparent stoichiometric
solubility product for either aragonite or calcite:
= [Ca
where the calcium concentration is estimated
from the salinity, and the carbonate ion con-
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory/National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle,
WA 981156349, USA.
Instituto de Investigaciones Oceano-
logicas, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Km. 103 Carr.
Tijuana-Ensenada, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.
and Oceans Canada, Institute of Ocean Science, Post Office Box
6000, Sidney, BC V8L 4B2, Canada.
College of Oceanic and
Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, 104 Ocean
Administration Building, Corvallis, OR 973315503, USA.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
134°W 130°W 126°W 122°W 118°W 114°W
Depth (m)
Fig. 1. Distribution of the depths of the undersaturated water (aragonite saturation < 1.0; pH < 7.75) on
the continental shelf of western North America from Queen Charlotte Sound, Canada, to San Gregorio
Baja California Sur, Mexico. On transect line 5, the corrosive water reaches all the way to the surface in the
inshore waters near the coast. The black dots represent station locations.
13 JUNE 2008 VOL 320 SCIENCE
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centration is calculated from the dissolved in-
organic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA)
measurements (11). In regions where W
is > 1.0, the formation of shells and skeletons
is favored. Below a value of 1.0, the water is
corrosive and dissolution of pure aragonite and
unprotected aragonite shells will begin to occur
(12). Recent studies have shown that in many
regions of the ocean, the aragonite saturation ho-
rizon shoaled as much as 40 to 200 m as a direct
consequence of the uptake of anthropogenic CO
(3, 5, 6). It is shallowest in the northeastern
Pacific Ocean, only 100 to 300 m from the ocean
surface, allowing for the transport of under-
saturated waters onto the continental shelf during
periods of upwelling.
In May and June 2007, we conducted the
North American Carbon Program (NACP) West
Coast Cruise on the Research Ship Wecoma along
the continental shelf of western North America,
completing a series of 13 cross-shelf transects
from Queen Charlotte Sound, Canada, to San
Gregorio Baja California Sur, Mexico (Fig. 1).
Full water column conductivity-temperature-depth
rosette stations were occupied at specified locations
along each transect (Fig. 1). Water samples were
collected in modified Niskin-type bottles and an-
alyzed for DIC, TA, oxygen, nutrients, and dis-
solved and particulate organic carbon. Aragonite
and calcite saturation, seawater pH (pH
), and
partial pressure of CO
) were calculated
from the DIC and TA data (11).
The central and southern coastal region off
western North America is strongly influenced by
seasonal upwelling, which typically begins in early
spring when the Aleutian low-pressure system
moves to the northwest and the Pacific High moves
northward, resulting in a strengthening of the
northwesterly winds (13, 14). These winds drive
net surface-water Ekman transport offshore, which
induces the upwelling of CO
-rich, intermediate-
depth (100 to 200 m) offshore waters onto the
continental shelf. The upwelling lasts until late
summer or fall, when winter storms return.
During the cruise, various stages and strengths
of upwelling were observed from line 2 off central
Vancouver Island to line 11 off Baja California,
Mexico. We observed recent upwelling on lines
5 and 6 near the Oregon-California border. Co-
incident with the upwelled waters, we found evi-
dence for undersaturated, low-pH seawater in the
bottom waters as depicted by W
values < 1.0
and pH values < 7.75. The corrosive waters
reached mid-shelf depths of ~40 to 120 m along
lines 2 to 4 and lines 7 to 13 (Fig. 1). In the region
of the strongest upwelling (line 5), the isolines of
= 1.0, DIC = 2190, and pH = 7.75 closely
followed the 26.2 potential density surface (Fig.
2). This density surface shoaled from a depth of
~150 m in the offshore waters and breached the
surface over the shelf near the 100-m bottom
contour , ~ 40 km from the coast. This shoaling of
the density surfaces and CO
-rich waters as one
approaches land is typical of strong coastal up-
welling conditions (1518). The surface-water
on the 26.2 potential density surface was
about 850 matm near the shelfbreak and higher
inshore (Fig. 2), possibly enhanced by respiration
processes on the shelf (17). These results indicate
that the upwelling process caused the entire water
column shoreward of the 50-m bottom contour to
become undersaturated with respect to aragonite,
a condition that was not predicted to occur in open-
ocean surface waters until 2050 (5). On line 6, the
next transect south, the undersaturated water was
close to the surface at ~22 km from the coast. The
lowest W
values (<0.60) observed in the near-
bottom waters of the continental shelf corre-
sponded with pH values close to 7.6. Because the
calcite saturation horizon is located between 225
and 400 m in this part of the northeastern Pacific
(19), it is still too deep to shoal onto the continental
shelf. Nevertheless, the calcite saturations values
drop in the core of the upwelled water (W
As noted, the North Pacific aragonite satura-
tion horizons are among the shallowest in the
global ocean (3). The uptake of anthropogenic
has caused these horizons to shoal by 50 to
100 m since preindustrial times so that they are
within the density layers that are currently being
upwelled along the west coast of North America.
126°W 125.5°W 125°W 124.5°W
Temp (°C)
(µmol kg
Depth (m)Depth (m)Depth (m)Depth (m)Depth (m)
Fig. 2. Vertical sections of (A) temperature, (B) aragonite saturation, (C)pH,(D)DIC,and(E) pCO
transect line 5 off Pt. St. George, California. The potential density surfaces are superimposed on the
temperature section. The 26.2 potential density surface delineates the location of the first instance in
which the undersaturated water is upwelled from depths of 150 to 200 m onto the shelf and outcropping
at the surface near the coast. The red dots represent sample locations. SCIENCE VOL 320 13 JUNE 2008
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Although much of the corrosive character of these
waters is the natural result of respiration processes at
intermediate depths below the euphotic zone, this
region continues to accumulate more anthropogenic
and, therefore, the upwelling processes will
expose coastal organisms living in the water column
or at the sea floor to less saturated waters, exacerbat-
ing the biological impacts of ocean acidification.
On the basis of our observed O
values and es-
timated O
consumption rates on the same density
surfaces (1820), the upwelled water off northern
California (line 5) was last at the surface about
50 years ago, when atmospheric CO
was about
65 ppm lower than it is today . The open-ocean an-
thropogenic CO
distributions in the Pacific have
been estimated previously (4, 19, 21). By determin-
ing the density dependence of anthropogenic CO
distributions in the eastern-most North Pacific sta-
tions of the Sabine et al.(21)dataset,weestimate
that these upwelled waters contain ~31 ± 4 mmol kg
anthropogenic CO
(fig. S2). Removing this signal
from the DIC increases the aragonite saturation
state of the waters by about 0.2 units. Thus, without
the anthropogenic signal, the equilibrium aragonite
saturation level (W
= 1) would be deeper by
about 50 m across the shelf, and no undersaturated
waters would reach the surface. W ater already in
transit to upwelling centers carries increasing an-
thropogenic CO
and more corrosive conditions to
the coastal oceans of the future. Thus, the under-
saturated waters, which were mostly a problem for
benthic communities in the deeper waters near the
shelf break in the preindustrial era, have shoaled
closer to the surface and near the coast because of
the additional inputs of anthropogenic CO
These observations clearly show that seasonal
upwelling processes enhance the advancement of
the corrosive deep water into broad regions of the
North American western continental shelf. Because
the region experiences seasonal periods of enhanced
aragonite undersaturation, it is important to under-
stand how the indigenous organisms deal with this
exposure and whether future increases in the range
and intensity of the corrosiveness will affect their
survivorship. Presently, little is known about how
this intermittent exposure to corrosive water might
affect the development of larval, juvenile, and adult
stages of aragonitic calcifying organisms or finfish
that populate the neritic and benthic environments in
this region and fuel a thriving economy . Laboratory
and mesocosm experiments show that these changes
in saturation state may cause substantial changes in
overall calcification rates for many species of marine
calcifiers including corals, coccolithophores, foram-
inifera, and pteropods, which are a major food
source for local juvenile salmon (8, 2230). Similar
decreases in calcification rates would be expected
for edible mussels, clams, and oysters (22, 31). Other
research indicates that many species of juvenile fish
gions are highly sensitive to higher-than-normal
concentrations such that high rates of mortality
are directly correlated with the higher CO
centrations (31, 32). Although comprehensiv e field
studies of organisms and their response to sporadic
increases in CO
along the western North American
coast are lacking, current studies suggest that further
research under field condition s is warranted. Our
results show that a large section of the North Amer-
ican continental shelf is affected by ocean acidifi-
cation. Other continental sh el f regio ns may also
be affected where anthropogenic CO
water is being upwelled onto the shelf.
References and Notes
1. U. Siegenthaler et al., Science 310, 1313 (2005).
2. C. L. Sabine, R. A. Feely, in Greenhouse Gas Sinks,
D. Reay, N. Hewitt, J. Grace, K. Smith, Eds. (CABI,
Oxfordshire, UK, 2007).
3. R. A. Feely et al., Science 305, 362 (2004).
4. C. L. Sabine et al., Science 305, 367 (2004).
5. J. C. Orr et al., Nature 437, 681 (2005).
6. K. Caldeira, M. E. Wickett, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 110,
365 (2005).
7. R. A. Feely et al., PICES Press 16, 22 (2008).
8. J. A. Kleypas et al., Impacts of Increasing Ocean
Acidification on Coral Reefs and Other Marine Calcifiers:
A Guide for Future Research, report of a workshop held
18 to 20 April 2005, St. Petersburg, FL, sponsored by
NSF, NOAA, and the U.S. Geological Survey (2006).
9. S. Solomon et al., Eds, in Contribution of Working Group I
to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge Univ. Press,
Cambridge and New York, 2007).
10. J. Raven et al., Ocean acidification due to increasing
atmospheric carbon dioxide, policy document 12/05
(The Royal Society, London, 2005).
11. The details of the analytical methods and calculations for
the carbonate system and anthropogenic CO
are given
in the supporting online material.
12. R. A. Feely et al., Mar. Chem. 25, 227 (1988).
13. B. Hickey, in The Sea, A. R. Robinson, K. H. Brink, Eds.
(Wiley, New York, 1998), vol. 2.
14. J. Timothy Pennington, F. P. Chavez, Deep Sea Res. Part II
Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 47, 947 (2000).
15. A. van Geen et al., Deep Sea Res. Part II Top. Stud.
Oceanogr. 47, 975 (2000).
16. G.E.Friederich,P.M.Walz,M.G.Burczynski,F.P.Chavez,
Prog. Oceanogr. 54, 185 (2002).
17. D. Ianson et al., Deep Sea Res. Part I Oceanogr. Res. Pap.
50, 1023 (2003).
18. B. Hales et al., Global Biogeochem. Cycles 19, 10.1029/
2004GB002295 (2005).
19. R. A. Feely et al., Global Biogeochem. Cycles 16, 1144 (2002).
20. R. A. Feely et al., J. Oceanogr. 60, 45 (2004).
21. C. L. Sabine et al., Global Biogeochem. Cycles 16, 1083
22. M. A. Green, M. E. Jones, C. L. Boudreau, R. L. Moore,
B. A. Westman, Limnol. Oceanogr. 49, 727 (2004).
23. J. M. Guinotte et al., Coral Reefs 22, 551 (2003).
24. C. Langdon, M. J. Atkinson, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 110,
C09S07 (2005).
25. H. J. Spero et al., Nature 390, 497 (1997).
26. U. Riebesell et al., Nature 407, 364 (2000).
27. I. Zondervan et al., Global Biogeochem. Cycles 15, 507
28. B.A.Seibel,V.J.Fabry,Adv. Appl. Biodivers. Sci. 4, 59 (2003).
29. B. Delille et al., Global Biogeochem. Cycles 19, GB2023
30. A. Engel et al., Limnol. Oceanogr. 50, 493 (2005).
31. F. Gazeau et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L07603 (2007).
32. A. Ishimatsu et al., J. Oceanogr. 60, 731 (2004).
33. We thank Capt ain Richard Verlini and the crew of the
R/V Wecoma for logistics support. We also thank D.
Greeley, D. Wisegarver, P. Covert, and S. Barry for the DIC
and TA measurements. Financial support for this work was
provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administrations Global Carbon Cycle Program and the
National Aeronautical and Space Administration Ocean
Biology and Biogeochemistry Program.
Supporting Online Material
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 and S2
25 January 2008; accepted 13 May 2008
Published online 22 May 2008;
Include this information when citing this paper.
Regulation of Hepatic Lipogenesis
by the Transcription Factor XBP1
Ann-Hwee Lee,
* Erez F. Scapa,
David E. Cohen,
Laurie H. Glimcher
Dietary carbohydrates regulate hepatic lipogenesis by controlling the expression of critical enzymes
in glycolytic and lipogenic pathways. We found that the transcription factor XBP1, a key regulator of
the unfolded protein response, is required for the unrelated function of normal fatty acid synthesis
in the liver. XBP1 protein expression in mice was elevated after feeding carbohydrates and
corresponded with the induction of critical genes involved in fatty acid synthesis. Inducible, selective
deletion of XBP1 in the liver resulted in marked hypocholesterolemia and hypotriglyceridemia,
secondary to a decreased production of lipids from the liver. This phenotype was not accompanied by
hepatic steatosis or compromise in protein secretory function. The identification of XBP1 as a regulator
of lipogenesis has important implications for human dyslipidemias.
epatic lipid synthesis increases upon in-
gestion of excess carbohydrates, which
are converted into triglyceride (TG) in
the liver and transported to adipose tissue for
energy storage. Dysregulation of hepatic lipid
metabolism is closely related to the development
of metabolic syndrome, a condition characterized
by central obesity, dyslipidemia, elevated blood
glucose, and hypertension (1). In mammals, he-
patic lipid metabolism is controlled by transcrip-
tion factors, such as liver X receptor (LXR), sterol
regulatory elementbinding proteins (SREBPs),
and carbohydrate response elementbinding pro-
tein (ChREBP), that regulate the expression of
Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases,
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA 02115,
Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA 02115, USA.
Division of Gastroenterology, Brigham
and Womens Hospital, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
*To whom correspo ndence should be addressed. E-mail: (L.H.G.); ahlee@hsph.harvard.
edu (A.-H.L.)
13 JUNE 2008 VOL 320 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org1492
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... The biological community of the Gulf of Alaska changes with changing ocean conditions, and the suite of predators that salmon will face is expected to change as marine species adjust their distributions to increasing SST (Karinen et al. 1985; see also Appendix 1 in Fulton and LeBrasseur 1985;Anderson and Piatt 1999). In addition to facing a changing predator community and reduced food supplies, foraging opportunity may be further changed by ocean acidification (Fabry et al. 2008;Feely et al. 2008). Pteropod mollusks, an important food of young salmon during the first summer, may be adversely affected by declining pH, which makes it difficult for them to construct their shells. ...
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Anadromous Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) are vulnerable to climate change in both freshwater and marine habitats. I use a qualitative model to assess the cumulative effects of climate change across life stages and generations of Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and other salmon species. The effects of climate change most relevant to Fraser River sockeye include warming of freshwater and marine habitats, altered hydrology in spawning rivers, reduced productivity in nursery habitats, and changed distribution and phenology of predator and prey species. The weight of evidence indicates that these changes will negatively affect growth and survival of Fraser River sockeye at all life stages. Effects on one life stage will also carry forward to heighten adverse effects at subsequent life stages and across generations so that the cumulative impact is greater than the impact on individual stages. Salmon can adapt to climate change but probably not enough to sustain productivity. In the south, focus of policy and management on conserving and enhancing resilience is needed to retain some salmon production. At the same time, Arctic habitats are becoming accessible to salmon. Management in the Arctic should protect potentially productive habitats from development and facilitate their colonization by Pacific salmon.
... The CCS has a rich history of OAH studies based on both observations and numerical models. Several instances of hypoxic and low-pH conditions have been documented in the region, in particular along the coasts of Vancouver Island (Franco et al., 2023), Washington State (Barth et al., 2024;Connolly et al., 2010), Oregon (Adams et al., 2013(Adams et al., , 2016Chan et al., 2008;Hales et al., 2006;Harris et al., 2013), and California (Booth et al., 2012;Feely et al., 2008;McClatchie et al., 2010). Detrimental impacts of OAH on marine organisms have already been observed in the CCS (Bednaršek et al., 2014(Bednaršek et al., , 2017Feely et al., 2016;Haigh et al., 2015;McClatchie et al., 2010), including habitat compression for zooplankton and fish (Bednaršek & Ohman, 2015;Howard et al., 2020). ...
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In Eastern boundary upwelling systems, such as the California Current System (CCS), seasonal upwelling brings low oxygen and low pH waters to the continental shelf, causing ocean acidification and hypoxia (OAH). The location, frequency, and intensity of OAH events is influenced by a combination of large‐scale climatic trends, seasonal changes, small‐scale circulation, and local human activities. Here, we use results from two 20‐year long submesoscale‐resolving simulations of the Northern and Southern U.S. West Coast (USWC) for the 1997–2017 period, to describe the characteristics and drivers of OAH events. These simulations reveal the emergence of hotspots in which seasonal declines in oxygen and pH are accompanied by localized short‐term extremes in OAH. While OAH hotspots show substantial seasonal variability, significant intra‐seasonal fluctuations occur, reflecting the interaction between low‐ and high‐frequency forcings that shape OAH events. The mechanisms behind the seasonal decreases in pH and oxygen vary along the USWC. While remineralization remains the dominant force causing these declines throughout the coast, physical transport partially offsets these effects in Southern and Central California, but contributes to seasonal oxygen loss and acidification on the Northern Coast. Critically, the seasonal decline is not sufficient to predict the occurrence and duration of OAH extremes. Locally enhanced biogeochemical rates, including shallow benthic remineralization and rapid wind‐driven transport, shape the spatial and temporal patterns of coastal OAH.
... In turn, carbonate ions such as CO3 2are also reduced, which leads to decreased concentrations [2]. The relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration levels and oceanic pH can be complex, and is determined by various factors including temperature, salinity and alkalinity levels; but one principle remains consistent: as CO2 increases so does ocean pH decrease; since 1900 CO2 concentration has gone from approximately 280ppm to 400ppm correlating with an approximate drop in average ocean surface pH by about 0.1 units [3]. While seemingly minor; it represents approximately 30% increase in acidity due to logarithmic nature of pH scale. ...
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This paper investigates the impact of human-caused CO2 emissions on marine carbonate chemistry, with particular attention being given to current trends and implications of ocean acidification as well as projected future projections for its effects. The study provides insight into the chemical processes underlying ocean acidification, its historical and modern progressions, as well as its biological impacts on organisms such as corals, mollusks and plankton. Furthermore, this report assesses the larger implications for marine ecosystems and fisheries as well as valuing ecosystem services that have been negatively impacted by acidification. Methodical approaches, including in situ observations, laboratory experiments and predictive modeling are discussed here to illustrate the current status of research. This paper also considers mitigation and adaptation strategies such as carbon capture and storage, enhancing ecosystem resilience enhancement measures and international policy measures as mitigation and adaptation strategies. By drawing together findings from diverse disciplines, this study seeks to identify research gaps as well as prioritize areas for further investigation, stressing the importance of joint efforts against ocean acidification.
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Land and ocean ecosystems are strongly connected and mutually interactive. As climate changes and other anthropogenic stressors intensify, the complex pathways that link these systems will strengthen or weaken in ways that are currently beyond reliable prediction. In this review we offer a framework of land–ocean couplings and their role in shaping marine ecosystems in coastal temperate rainforest (CTR) ecoregions, where high freshwater and materials flux result in particularly strong land–ocean connections. Using the largest contiguous expanse of CTR on Earth—the Northeast Pacific CTR (NPCTR)—as a case study, we integrate current understanding of the spatial and temporal scales of interacting processes across the land–ocean continuum, and examine how these processes structure and are defining features of marine ecosystems from nearshore to offshore domains. We look ahead to the potential effects of climate and other anthropogenic changes on the coupled land–ocean meta‐ecosystem. Finally, we review key data gaps and provide research recommendations for an integrated, transdisciplinary approach with the intent to guide future evaluations of and management recommendations for ongoing impacts to marine ecosystems of the NPCTR and other CTRs globally. In the light of extreme events including heatwaves, fire, and flooding, which are occurring almost annually, this integrative agenda is not only necessary but urgent.
The increase of anthropogenic CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere reduces the pH and raises the temperature of the oceans. The combination of both factors impacts the physiological responses and calcium carbonate structures of marine organisms. This study assessed the performance of the juvenile stage of the gastropod Acanthina monodon, after it was continuously exposed to treatments at two pCO2 levels (400 and 1200 μatm) at two temperatures (10 °C and 15 °C) during the periods of embryonic encapsulated development and the early post-hatching juvenile stage. Juvenile performance was evaluated by quantifying shell growth, survival, foot adhesion strength, shell breakage resistance, and oxygen consumption rates. The results indicate that the combination of increased temperature and decreased pH increased juvenile shell growth, while only the decrease in pH had a negative effect on shell strength. However, juveniles were able to attach more strongly to substrates following exposure to the higher temperature level. Furthermore, the interaction of treatments had no effect on the metabolic rate or survival of juveniles, suggesting a possible compensatory effect of the juveniles to the more adverse conditions to which they were exposed.
Global coral reef ecosystems have been severely degraded due to the combined effects of climate change and human activities. Changes in the seawater carbonate system of coral reef ecosystems can reflect their status and their responses to the impacts of climate change and human activities. Winter and summer surveys in 2019 found that the ecological community of the Luhuitou coral reef flat was dominated by macroalgae and corals, respectively, contrasting with the conditions 10 years ago. The Luhuitou fringing reefs were sources of atmospheric CO2 in both seasons. In winter, the daily variation range of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in Luhuitou coral reefs was up to 450 µmol/kg, while that of total alkalinity (TA) was only 68 µmol/kg. This indicated that the organic production was significantly higher than the calcification process during this period. The TA/DIC was approximately 0.15, which was less than half of that in healthy coral reefs; hence, photosynthesis-respiration processes were the most important factors controlling daily changes in the seawater carbonate system. The net community production (NCP) of the Luhuitou coral reef ecosystem in winter was as high as 47.65 mmol C/(m2·h). While the net community calcification (NCC) was approximately 3.35 and −4.15 mmol CaCO3/(m2·h) during the daytime and nighttime respectively. Therefore, the NCC for the entire day was −21.9 mmol CaCO3/(m2·d), indicating a net autotrophic dissolved state. In summer, the acidification was enhanced by thunderstorms and heavy rain with the highest seawater partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and lowest pHT. Over the past 10 years, the increase rate of seawater pCO2 in Luhuitou reef was approximately 13.3 µatm/a***, six times that of the open ocean, while the decrease rate of pH was approximately 0.008 3/a, being five times that of the global ocean. These findings underscore the importance of protecting and restoring Luhuitou fringing reef, as well as similar reefs worldwide.
Dissolved calcium plays a critical role in coastal environments, influencing marine ecosystems and fisheries. This review comprehensively examines current research on dissolved calcium along China’s coast. Despite its importance, research on dissolved calcium in China’s estuarine and coastal areas is still in its early stages, spanning estuaries, continental shelf seas, and bays, yet with limited literature available. This review advocates for the use of automated EGTA (C14H24N2O10) potentiometric titration for accurate determination and quality control of dissolved calcium. Alternative techniques, such as ion chromatography and ICP-MS, are also viable options, while methods like fluorescence, capillary zone electrophoresis, and pulsed constant current control should be approached cautiously. Thermodynamics, terrestrial inputs, biological activity, and calcification influence dissolved calcium dynamics, resulting in its excess presence. Investigating the distribution and contributing processes of this excess calcium poses significant research challenges. Special scenarios including sea ice, submarine groundwater discharge, and hydrothermal vents warrant further investigation for their impact on excess calcium. Discrepancies between Ωarag calculated from measured dissolved calcium and carbonate (CO₃²⁻), and apparent solubility product (Ksp) versus calcium-salt ratios, may introduce inaccuracies in acidification assessments. The intricate nature of calcium ions and their geochemical implications should be carefully considered when studying coastal acidification effects on the calcium carbonate system. While focusing on China's coastal regions, insights from these studies could substantially contribute to global research and management of coastal acidification.
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pH is a key index in ocean biogeochemical and acidification research. However, there remains a limited understanding of the spatial patterns and drivers of pH across different coastal oceans. In this study, we present the distribution of spectrophotometric pHT (in total proton scale) from a synoptic summer cruise in 2018. We examine the processes controlling pHT along the U.S. East Coast, covering the South Atlantic Bight (SAB), Mid‐Atlantic Bight (MAB), and Gulf of Maine (GoM). Our findings reveal a continuous low pHT band associated with the oxygen minimum and CO2 maximum zone along the slope of the entire east coast, extending from the bottom layer (∼1,000 m) in the SAB to the middle layer (300–500 m) in the MAB and GoM. We also identified unique low pHT features in each subregion, including an onshore upwelling of the low pHT slope water in the SAB, a seasonal low pHT feature on the bottom of the MAB shelf associated with the Cold Pool water, and an inflow of low pHT slope water to the bottom of the GoM. Our findings suggest that net biological production plays a prominent role in regulating sea‐surface pHT, driving it away from the air‐sea equilibrated pHT and mitigating the pHT decrease caused by the anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake. Furthermore, net biological respiration dominates the interior pHT distributions. Our analysis provides new insights and establishes a foundation for interpreting future pH changes in response to processes such as water masses shifting, ocean warming, and anthropogenic carbon uptake in coastal oceans.
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An investigation was conducted to determine the effects of elevated pCO2 on the net production and calcification of an assemblage of corals maintained under near-natural conditions of temperature, light, nutrient, and flow. Experiments were performed in summer and winter to explore possible interactions between seasonal change in temperature and irradiance and the effect of elevated pCO2. Particular attention was paid to interactions between net production and calcification because these two processes are thought to compete for the same internal supply of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). A nutrient enrichment experiment was performed because it has been shown to induce a competitive interaction between photosynthesis and calcification that may serve as an analog to the effect of elevated pCO2. Net carbon production, NPC, increased with increased pCO2 at the rate of 3 ± 2% (μmol CO2aq kg−1)−1. Seasonal change of the slope NPC-[CO2aq] relationship was not significant. Calcification (G) was strongly related to the aragonite saturation state Ωa. Seasonal change of the G-Ωa relationship was not significant. The first-order saturation state model gave a good fit to the pooled summer and winter data: G = (8 ± 1 mmol CaCO3 m−2 h−1)(Ωa − 1), r2 = 0.87, P = 0.0001. Both nutrient and CO2 enrichment resulted in an increase in NPC and a decrease in G, giving support to the hypothesis that the cellular mechanism underlying the decrease in calcification in response to increased pCO2 could be competition between photosynthesis and calcification for a limited supply of DIC.
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CO2-enriched seawater was far more toxic to eggs and larvae of a marine fish, silver seabream, Pagrus major, than HCl-acidified seawater when tested at the same seawater pH. Data on the effects of acidified seawater can therefore not be used to estimate the toxicity of CO2, as has been done in earlier studies. Ontogenetic changes in CO2 tolerance of two marine bony fishes (Pag. major and Japanese sillago, Sillago japonica) showed a similar, characteristic pattern: the cleavage and juvenile stages were most susceptible, whereas the preflexion and flexion stages were much more tolerant to CO2. Adult Japanese amberjack, Seriola quinqueradiata, and bastard halibut, Paralichthys olivaceus, died within 8 and 48 h, respectively, during exposure to seawater equilibrated with 5% CO2. Only 20% of a cartilaginous fish, starspotted smooth-hound, Mustelus manazo, died at 7% CO2 within 72 h. Arterial pH initially decreased but completely recovered within 1-24 h for Ser. quinqueradiata and Par. olivaceus at 1 and 3% CO2, but the recovery was slower and complete only at 1% for M. manazo. During exposure to 5% CO2, Par. olivaceus died after arterial pH had been completely restored. Exposure to 5% CO2 rapidly depressed the cardiac output of Ser. quinqueradiata, while 1% CO2 had no effect. Both levels of ambient CO2 had no effect on blood O2 levels. We tentatively conclude that cardiac failure is important in the mechanisms by which CO2 kills fish. High CO2 levels near injection points during CO2 ocean sequestration are likely to have acute deleterious effects on both larvae and adults of marine fishes.
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Today's surface ocean is saturated with respect to calcium carbonate, but increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are reducing ocean pH and carbonate ion concentrations, and thus the level of calcium carbonate saturation. Experimental evidence suggests that if these trends continue, key marine organisms—such as corals and some plankton—will have difficulty maintaining their external calcium carbonate skeletons. Here we use 13 models of the ocean–carbon cycle to assess calcium carbonate saturation under the IS92a 'business-as-usual' scenario for future emissions of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. In our projections, Southern Ocean surface waters will begin to become undersaturated with respect to aragonite, a metastable form of calcium carbonate, by the year 2050. By 2100, this undersaturation could extend throughout the entire Southern Ocean and into the subarctic Pacific Ocean. When live pteropods were exposed to our predicted level of undersaturation during a two-day shipboard experiment, their aragonite shells showed notable dissolution. Our findings indicate that conditions detrimental to high-latitude ecosystems could develop within decades, not centuries as suggested previously.
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Primary production and calcification in response to different partial pressures of CO2 (PCO2) (``glacial,'' ``present,'' and ``year 2100'' atmospheric CO2 concentrations) were investigated during a mesocosm bloom dominated by the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi. The day-to-day dynamics of net community production (NCP) and net community calcification (NCC) were assessed during the bloom development and decline by monitoring dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA), together with oxygen production and 14C incorporation. When comparing year 2100 with glacial PCO2 conditions we observed: (1) no conspicuous change of net community productivity (NCPy); (2) a delay in the onset of calcification by 24 to 48 hours, reducing the duration of the calcifying phase in the course of the bloom; (3) a 40% decrease of NCC; and (4) enhanced loss of organic carbon from the water column. These results suggest a shift in the ratio of organic carbon to calcium carbonate production and vertical flux with rising atmospheric PCO2.
In laboratory experiments with the coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica, the ratio of particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) to particulate organic carbon (POC) production decreased with increasing CO2 concentration ([CO2]). This was due to both reduced PIC and enhanced POC production at elevated [CO2]. Carbon dioxide concentrations covered a range from a preindustrial level to a value predicted for 2100 according to a “business as usual” anthropogenic CO2 emission scenario. The laboratory results were used to employ a model in which the immediate effect of a decrease in global marine calcification relative to POC production on the potential capacity for oceanic CO2 uptake was simulated. Assuming that overall marine biogenic calcification shows a similar response as obtained for E. huxleyi or G. oceanica in the present study, the model reveals a negative feedback on increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations owing to a decrease in the PIC/POC ratio.
We evaluate experimentally the effect of carbonate saturation state at the sediment-water interface (SWI) on survivorship of various size classes of the juvenile bivalve Mercenaria mercenaria. Populations of 0.2-mm, 0.3-mm, 1-mm, and 2-mm M. mercenaria were introduced to sediments realistically undersaturated (experimental, saturation state with respect to aragonite = Ω aragonite = IMP/K′sp = ∼0.3) and saturated (control, Ωaragonite = ∼1.5) with respect to aragonite in order to evaluate the impact of saturation state and dissolution on survivorship. Linear regression analysis was used to examine mortality within each treatment over time and show significant mortality for each size class in experimental-undersaturated treatments only (P < 0.05). Mortality rates in experimental-undersaturated sediments were -11.8, -4.8, -1.9, and -1.1% d -1 for the 0.2-, 0.3-, 1.0-, and 2.0-mm bivalves, respectively. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to examine differences in mortality between treatments over time and show significantly different mortality rates for the 0.2-, 0.3-, and 1-mm individuals (P < 0.05). Dissolution may represent a previously unrecognized yet significant source of mortality for "just-set" juvenile bivalves, particularly the very small individuals that have been largely ignored in recruitment studies to date. Dissolution-induced mortality may help explain the exponential losses of juvenile bivalves following their transition from the pelagic larval phase to the benthic juvenile phase.