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Shivering heat production and core cooling during head-in and head-out immersion in 17 degrees C water


Abstract and Figures

Many cold-water scenarios cause the head to be partially or fully immersed (e.g., ship wreck survival, scuba diving, cold-water adventure swim racing, cold-water drowning, etc.). However, the specific effects of head cold exposure are minimally understood. This study isolated the effect of whole-head submersion in cold water on surface heat loss and body core cooling when the protective shivering mechanism was intact. Eight healthy men were studied in 17 degrees C water under four conditions: the body was either insulated or exposed, with the head either out of the water or completely submersed under the water within each insulated/exposed subcondition. Submersion of the head (7% of the body surface area) in the body-exposed condition increased total heat loss by 11% (P < 0.05). After 45 min, head-submersion increased core cooling by 343% in the body-insulated subcondition (head-out: 0.13 +/- 0.2 degree C, head-in: 0.47 +/- 0.3 degree C; P < 0.05) and by 56% in the body-exposed subcondition (head-out: 0.40 +/- 0.3 degree C and head-in: 0.73 +/- 0.6 degree C; P < 0.05). In both body-exposed and body-insulated subconditions, head submersion increased the rate of core cooling disproportionally more than the relative increase in total heat loss. This exaggerated core-cooling effect is consistent with a head cooling induced reduction of the thermal core, which could be stimulated by cooling of thermosensitive and/or trigeminal receptors in the scalp, neck, and face. These cooling effects of head submersion are not prevented by shivering heat production.
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Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine x Vol. 79, No. 5 x May 2008 495
Shivering Heat Production and Core Cooling During
Head-In and Head-Out Immersion in 17°C Water
Thea Pretorius , Farrell Cahill , Sheila Kocay ,
and Gordon G. Giesbrecht
production and core cooling during head-in and head-out immersion
in 17°C water. Aviat Space Environ Med 2008; 79:495 9.
Introduction: Many cold-water scenarios cause the head to be par-
tially or fully immersed (e.g., ship wreck survival, scuba diving, cold-
water adventure swim racing, cold-water drowning, etc.). However, the
specifi c effects of head cold exposure are minimally understood. This
study isolated the effect of whole-head submersion in cold water on sur-
face heat loss and body core cooling when the protective shivering
mechanism was intact. Methods: Eight healthy men were studied in
17°C water under four conditions: the body was either insulated or ex-
posed, with the head either out of the water or completely submersed
under the water within each insulated/exposed subcondition. Results:
Submersion of the head (7% of the body surface area) in the body-
exposed condition increased total heat loss by 11% ( P , 0.05). After
45 min, head-submersion increased core cooling by 343% in the body-
insulated subcondition (head-out: 0.13 6 0.2°C, head-in: 0.47 6 0.3°C;
P , 0.05) and by 56% in the body-exposed subcondition (head-out:
0.40 6 0.3°C and head-in: 0.73 6 0.6°C; P , 0.05). Discussion: In
both body-exposed and body-insulated subconditions, head submersion
increased the rate of core cooling disproportionally more than the rela-
tive increase in total heat loss. This exaggerated core-cooling effect is
consistent with a head cooling induced reduction of the thermal core,
which could be stimulated by cooling of thermosensitive and/or trigemi-
nal receptors in the scalp, neck, and face. These cooling effects of head
submersion are not prevented by shivering heat production.
Keywords: hypothermia , cold-water immersion , perfused body mass ,
symptomless hypothermia , thermal core .
HE EFFECT OF HEAD heat loss on body core cool-
ing is much discussed but less well understood.
Over the years, many studies have documented effects
of several factors on the rate of core cooling in cold wa-
ter. These factors include body size and mass, water
temperature and movement, nutritional and hydration
status, exposure time, thermoregulatory status, insula-
tion, etc. ( 12 , 14 ). The vast majority of these studies were
done with the head out of the water and generally ex-
posed to relatively warm laboratory conditions. Thus,
although many cold-water scenarios cause the head to
be partially or fully immersed (e.g., ship wreck survival,
scuba diving, cold-water adventure swim racing, cold-
water drowning, etc.) the specifi c effects of head cold
exposure are not well documented.
Some authors have predicted a substantial heat loss
through the head due to the high rate of surface blood
ow in the scalp ( 4 ). Others predicted minimal heat
loss from the head due to the relatively small ( ; 7%)
increase in exposed body surface area (BSA) ( 13 ) and
minimal conductive heat loss directly through the
scalp and skull ( 20 ). There have been few attempts to
directly determine the core cooling effect of head cold
A few previous cold-water immersion studies have
demonstrated that dorsal head immersion does not in-
crease core cooling rate when the rest of the body is in-
sulated. However, when the rest of the body is already
cold-exposed, additional immersion of the dorsal head
increased core cooling signifi cantly ( 5 , 15 ). The only
known study involving whole-head submersion was
conducted in 17°C water with shivering suppressed by
Demerol ( 16 ). This study confi rmed the increased core
cooling effect of head cooling when the body was al-
ready exposed. However, unlike with dorsal head im-
mersion, submersion of the whole head also increased
core cooling when the body was not cold-exposed. These
results were proposed to arise from a reduced thermal
core when scalp and facial cooling increased peripheral
While previous work on non-shivering humans has
valuable implications for situations like cold-water
near-drowning and symptomless hypothermia experi-
enced by scuba divers, similar observations with the
shivering mechanism intact could provide valuable
additional insights for thermoregulation of scuba div-
ers and cold-water swimmers in adventure races. The
purpose of this study was to determine whether an in-
tact shivering mechanism would negate the impact of
whole head submersion on core cooling in 17°C water.
We hypothesized that whole head submersion would
still increase core cooling disproportionally more than
the relative increase in surface heat loss, even when
shivering heat production would tend to attenuate core
From the Laboratory for Exercise and Environmental Medicine,
Health, Leisure and Human Performance Research Institute, Univer-
sity of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
This manuscript was received for review in July 2007 . It was ac-
cepted for publication in February 2008 .
Address reprint requests to: Thea Pretorius, 211 Max Bell Centre,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada R3T 2N2; .
Reprint & Copyright © by the Aerospace Medical Association, Alex-
andria, VA.
DOI: 10.3357/ASEM.2165.2008
496 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine x Vol. 79, No. 5 x May 2008
The experimental protocol was approved by the
University of Manitoba Education/Nursing Research
Ethics Board. The study was open to men and women;
however, only men volunteered. Eight male subjects, each
of whom provided written, informed consent and proof
of scuba diving certifi cation, were studied. These subjects
appeared both mentally and physically healthy and had
no signifi cant medical history, such as cardiorespiratory
disease or Raynaud’s syndrome, as refl ected by a medical
(PAR-Q) questionnaire. None of them had male-pattern
baldness nor did any have particularly long or thick hair.
For each trial, subjects wore a swimsuit while being
instrumented in a room at an ambient temperature of
; 22°C. Core temperature was measured using a ther-
mocouple (Mallinckrodt Medical Inc., St Louis, MO) in
the esophagus (T
) at the level of the cardiac atria. This
site provides the closest correlation to intracardiac tem-
perature ( 11 ). Single-channel electrocardiogram and
heart rate were also monitored (Hewlett Packard Co.,
McMinnville, OR).
Cutaneous heat fl ux (W z m
) and skin temperature
(°C) were measured from 12 sites (listed below) using
thermal fl ux transducers (model FR-025-T-18, Concept
Engineering, Old Saybrook, CT) according to standard
procedures ( 8 ). Body surface area (BSA) was calculated
as follows: area (m
) 5 weight
(kg) z height
(cm) z
0.007184 ( 2 ). The following regional percentages were
assigned based on Layton et al. ( 13 ): forehead 4%, dor-
sum of the head 3%, chest 8.75%, scapula 8.75%, abdo-
men 17.5%, forearm 12%, posterior upper arm 7%, ante-
rior thigh 9.5%, posterior thigh 9.5%, anterior calf 6.5%,
posterior calf 6.5%, and the foot 7%. Flux was defi ned as
positive when heat traversed the skin toward the envi-
ronment (i.e., heat loss) and values for each transducer
(W z m
) were converted into W z region
as follows:
(W) 5 transducer fl ux (W z m
) z body surface
area (m
) z regional percentage z 0.01. Eq. 1
A light mesh hood was used to hold the heat fl ux
transducer snugly against the hair on the back of the
head. This eliminated a layer of water between the hair
and transducer, thus ensuring that heat loss from the
skin, and through the hair, was channeled through the
transducer. The mesh was light and provided negligible
insulation when tested on the bare forehead ( , 5% de-
crease in heat fl ux).
Oxygen consumption (
) was measured with an
open circuit from expired minute volume and inspired
and mixed-expired gas concentrations sampled from a
mixing box (V
229 by Sensormedics, Yorba Linda, CA ).
Because subjects were completely submersed in half of
the trials, they breathed compressed air throughout
baseline and during immersion/submersion in all trials.
The scuba tanks were kept at room temperature at all
times before and during testing and the assumption was
made that the temperature of the inspired gases was
room temperature ( ; 22°C). To facilitate metabolic mea-
surements, a standard scuba regulator (Blizzard, Sher-
wood, Lockport, NY) was modifi ed and connected to
corrugated tubing so that all expiratory gas could be col-
lected by the metabolic system. Metabolic measure-
ments of respiratory activity conducted in hyperbaric
conditions but analyzed at normobaric conditions will
over-estimate ventilatory parameters, but will accurately
measure metabolic variables (i.e., oxygen consumption)
( 16 ). All data were recorded at 30 s intervals.
In subsequent analysis, oxygen consumption and re-
spiratory exchange rate (RER) were used to calculate
metabolic rate (M) in Watts as follows ( 19 ):
M (W) 5 o
(L z m i n
) z 69.7(4.686 1 [(RER 0.707)
z 1.232]) Eq. 2
Respiratory heat loss (RHL) was calculated in depen-
dence of metabolism ( 3 ):
RHL (W) = 0.09 z M Eq. 3
Total energy production for the immersion/submersion
period was calculated by converting metabolic rate (W)
to kilojoules (kJ). Total energy loss was calculated as the
sum of total body cutaneous heat fl ux and respiratory
heat loss (kJ).
Immersion Conditions
Subjects were immersed/submersed four times in 17°C
water; the order of conditions followed a balanced de-
sign. For each condition subjects were lowered with an
electronically isolated hoist into the water. Two of the
conditions involved complete submersion and required
the breathing of compressed air. Thus, for all trials (base-
line and immersion/submersion), subjects wore a nose
clip and breathed compressed air as previously described.
One weight belt (15 kg) was worn around the waist and
another one (12 kg) was placed over the thighs, but not
covering the heat fl ux probes. In all conditions a light
mesh hood kept the posterior head heat fl ux disk in place.
In the head-submersion trials a diving facemask was
worn. The straps of the mask did not cover the posterior
head probe. The mask covered the nose, upper cheeks,
the eyes, and approximately 50% of the forehead, with a
total surface area of approximately 160 cm
. The average
body surface of the subjects was 2.07 6 0.1 m
. The face is
considered to be 4% of the total BSA ( 13 ); this would im-
ply that the average face surface of the subjects was 800
and that the mask covered 20% of this area. In the
body-insulated conditions, the instrumentation wires ex-
ited the suit via the right wrist cuff. During these trials,
the right hand was held just above the water surface to
prevent water from leaking through the wrist seal.
Exposed head-out: The subjects wore only a bathing suit
and were immersed to the neck with the head positioned
above the water.
Exposed head-in: The subjects wore only a bathing suit
and were lowered until the entire head was completely
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine x Vol. 79, No. 5 x May 2008 497
Insulated head-out: Subjects wore a 1.5-mm thick vulca-
nized rubber dry suit over thermal underwear (full body
suit), a two-piece fl eece suit, two pairs of socks, and a wool
glove on the left (immersed) hand, as well as a rubber
glove over the wool glove. The insulation value of this en-
semble was 0.98 m
K/W (6.3 clo). Subjects were immersed
to the neck with the head positioned out of the water.
Insulated head-in: Subjects wore the same insulation
ensemble described above. They were lowered until the
entire head was completely submersed.
Subjects were studied on four separate occasions at
least 48 h apart except for two cases in which an insu-
lated head-out condition followed 24 h after an insu-
lated head-in condition. For every subject all experi-
ments were done at the same time each day to control
for circadian effects. Abstinence from alcohol, tobacco,
and strenuous exercise for 12 h prior to the study was
requested. They were instructed to consume only a light
meal before they arrived for the study.
After subjects were prepared and they were relaxed,
10 min of baseline measurements were recorded. In the
insulated conditions only the thermal underwear and
one pair of socks were worn during baseline. Before the
subjects were immersed the rest of the insulative cloth-
ing was donned, a process that took ; 30 min. Full dress-
ing was delayed to prevent the subjects from overheat-
ing and potentially sweating during the baseline period.
Although the act of dressing did increase heat pro-
duction, the effect was transient and relatively small
compared to the overall heat balance of the 45-min
immersion/submersion period.
The subjects remained immersed until one of four re-
moval criteria was met: 1) immersion time of 60 min; 2)
voluntary request by a subject for removal; 3) T
34°C; or 4) termination of immersion by investigators
for safety reasons. Upon removal from the cold water,
subjects could choose to be placed in a 40°C stirred wa-
ter bath until T
was . 36°C and they felt comfortably
warm. The water bath was used in all exposed condi-
tions and one insulated head-in trial.
Data Analysis
Three subjects asked to exit the water after 45 min due
to discomfort, twice in the exposed head-in condition
and once in the insulated head-in condition. Therefore,
all analysis included data from only 45 min of immer-
sion. The following calculations were made for each
condition: 1) decrease in T
from time 0 to 45 min; 2) rate
of core cooling (calculated by linear regression for T
data from 10 to 45 min of immersion) and the following
variables for the 45 min immersion/submersion period;
3) cutaneous heat loss; and 4) metabolic heat produc-
tion. Group results were calculated for each condition
and reported as means 6 SD.
Repeated measures one-way analyses of variance
compared intercondition values. A P -value 0.05 identi-
ed statistically signifi cant differences. A Tukey’s test
was used for post hoc analysis of signifi cant differences.
For the exposed head-in condition, a paired t -test com-
pared the percentage of the body surface area attributed to
the head (designated as 7%) to the heat loss from the head
expressed as a percentage of total heat loss. Metabolic rates
from baseline and the end of immersion/submersion
periods were also compared with paired t -tests.
The subjects were 32.4 6 12 yr old; 179.6 6 5 cm tall
and weighed 88.3 6 16 kg. They also had 20.2 6 6%
body fat ( 1 ), and a body surface area of 2.1 6 0.1 m
Esophageal Temperature
The average baseline core temperature for the four
conditions was 37.2 6 0.4°C with no difference between
conditions. T
increased during the suiting up process
in both the insulated conditions ( Fig. 1 ). From the onset
of immersion, T
responded as follows. As expected, T
remained unchanged throughout the insulated head-
out trials ( Table I ). Compared to having the head out, 45
min of head submersion signifi cantly decreased T
both the insulated (0.5 6 0.3 vs. 0.1 6 0.2°C; P , 0.05)
and exposed (0.7 6 0.6 vs. 0.4 6 0.4°C; P , 0.05) subcon-
ditions. Surprisingly, the drop in T
was not signifi cantly
different between the insulated head-in (0.5 6 0.3°C),
and the exposed head-out (0.4 6 0.4°C) conditions.
Metabolism and Heart Rate
The onset and intensity of shivering could not be reli-
ably confi rmed by direct observations; thus, shivering
was inferred by increased metabolic heat production.
Metabolic rate was similar during baseline in all condi-
tions ( Table I ) and was unchanged throughout the
insulated head-out immersion period. In the insulated
head-in condition, metabolic rate signifi cantly increased
Fig. 1. Change in esophageal temperature from immersion (i.e., time
0) during 10 min of baseline and 45 min of immersion/submersion in
all conditions (plotted every 30 s). For both insulated conditions, data are
not presented for the period of dressing immediately prior to immersion/
submersion (note: core temperature rose slightly during this time).
* Separates all conditions that are signifi cantly different ( P , 0.05).
At 30 and 45 min, values below this symbol are signifi cantly decreased
from values at time 5 0 min ( P , 0.05). Error bars represent SD.
498 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine x Vol. 79, No. 5 x May 2008
by 35% after 45 min of submersion ( P , 0.001), indicating
that some shivering occurred in this condition. In both
exposed conditions, shivering signifi cantly increased
metabolic rate by ; 2.3-fold ( P , 0.05) after 45 min; in
these conditions head submersion did not signifi cantly
increase metabolic rate. After 45 min, metabolic rate was
signifi cantly higher for the exposed head-out condition
than the insulated head-in condition ( P , 0.05). Heart
rate was similar during baseline in all conditions. Within
each condition there were no signifi cant changes during
immersion/submersion; however, after 45 min heart
rates for both insulated conditions were signifi cantly
lower than for the exposed conditions ( P , 0.05).
Energy Production and Loss
Heat loss and energy production calculated for the
entire 45-min period of cooling are presented in Fig. 2 .
Total body heat loss was more than twice the amount in
the exposed than in the insulated conditions ( P , 0.001).
Head submersion caused a fourfold increase in head
heat loss in both insulated and exposed subconditions.
In the exposed head-in condition, head heat loss (133 6
14 kJ) accounted for 11% of the total cutaneous heat loss
of 1225 6 202 kJ. This proportion was signifi cantly
greater than the 7% regional contribution of the head to
total body surface area ( P , 0.001).
This was the fi rst study to evaluate the isolated contri-
bution of whole head cooling to lowering of core tem-
perature when the shivering mechanism is intact. An
intact shivering mechanism did not eliminate the
phenomenon seen in a previous study where shivering
was inhibited ( 16 ). Head submersion increased the rate
of core cooling both when the body was insulated from,
and exposed to, 17°C water. The increase in core cooling
was disproportionately greater than could be explained
by the relative increase in heat loss alone (e.g., in the ex-
posed head-in condition, head submersion accounted
for an 11% increase in total heat loss, yet the rate of core
cooling increased by 56%). Hayward et al. ( 10 ) reported
similar effects when subjects were physically active in
10°C water. They demonstrated that drown proofi ng
(which intermittently submersed the whole head) in-
creased core cooling by 36% compared to treading water
with the head above water.
The present study confi rms the observation that addi-
tional exposure of the face also promotes core cooling
when the body itself is not cold-stressed. This is in con-
trast to previous studies exposing only the dorsal head.
In these trials dorsal head immersion only increased
core cooling when the body was also immersed in cold
water; an effect that occurred with shivering intact ( 15 )
or inhibited ( 5 ). Also, the core cooling rate was similar
whether the head only (insulated head-in) or the body
only (exposed head-out) was exposed to cold water, de-
spite a large difference in total heat loss (665 6 88 vs.
1174 6 156 kJ, respectively). Although this data cannot be
directly compared to our previous data, an intact shivering
mechanism seemed to attenuate core cooling in all
comparable conditions. Core cooling rates for shivering-
inhibited ( 16 ) and shivering-intact trials, respectively,
were: insulated head-out, 1.1 vs. 0.2°C z h
; insulated
head-in, 1.6 vs. 0.7°C z h
; exposed head-out, 1.8 vs.
0.7°C z h
; and exposed head-in, 2.5 vs. 1.1°C z h
Possible Mechanisms for the Results
An intact shivering mechanism did not prevent the dis-
proportionately large increase in core cooling when the
head was totally submersed. As suggested previously
( 16 ), these results are consistent with the moderately in-
creased heat loss affecting a smaller thermal core. Stolwick
and Hardy ( 17 ) and others ( 18 ) have described a two-
layer thermal model in which the body has core and shell
Fig. 2. Energy production and loss during 45-min period of immer-
sion/submersion in 17°C water. Total Loss includes cutaneous and re-
spiratory heat loss. Body Loss includes trunk, legs, and arms. Less than
in corresponding exposed conditions ( P , 0.001). * Different from all
other conditions ( P , 0.001). 1 Greater than head-out conditions ( P ,
0.001). Error bars represent SD.
Metabolic Rate (W) Heart Rate (bpm)
Decrease In
Core Cooling
Rate (°C z h
) Baseline 45 min Baseline 45 min
Insulated Head-Out
138 6 31 139 6 32 79.2 6 9 69.5 6 7 0.1 6 0.2 *
tblfn1 0.2 6 0.3 * tblfn1
Insulated Head-In
137 6 28
185 6 33 * tblfn1 85.9 6 7 73.1 6 6 * tblfn1 0.5 6 0.3 0.7 6 0.5
Exposed Head-Out
140 6 41
325 6 97 82.2 6 9 79.1 6 7 0.4 6 0.4 * tblfn1 0.7 6 0.5 * tblfn1
Exposed Head-In
155 6 37
364 6 119 83.6 6 8 82.5 6 9 0.7 6 0.6 1.1 6 0.6
* Separates all conditions that are signifi cantly different ( P 0.05).
Signifi cant difference over time ( P 0.05).
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine x Vol. 79, No. 5 x May 2008 499
layers. Depending on the state of vasomotion, the muscle,
fat, and skin layers may be part of either the core or shell.
For example, increasing peripheral vasoconstriction de-
creases the size of the thermal core (i.e., the mass of tis-
sue perfused) as the muscle, fat, and skin layers effec-
tively become part of the shell. In this condition, a given
amount of heat loss would cause a greater change in tem-
perature of the reduced thermal core. A reduced thermal
core has been used to explain surprisingly high rates of
core temperature increase in hypothermic subjects ( 19 )
and is consistent with the relatively large core tempera-
ture decrease in our previous ( 16 ) and present studies.
It is noteworthy that when the body is insulated,
whole head submersion increases core cooling while
dorsal head immersion does not. This phenomenon may
be explained by a greater stimulation of peripheral
vasoconstriction — and thus smaller thermal core — when
the face is also cooled. Facial submersion would increase
vasoconstriction through normal thermoregulatory con-
trol mechanisms and possibly the human dive refl ex,
which is mediated by the trigeminal nerve ( 2 , 13 , 14 ). The
extent to which the dive refl ex contributes to these re-
sults was not determined in the present protocol.
Finally, it was interesting that core cooling was similar
when either the head only or body only was cold-
exposed, despite signifi cantly greater heat loss (by 509 kJ)
during body-only immersion. Two opposing factors
could explain these results. A reduced thermal core dur-
ing head submersion would enhance core cooling, while
increased shivering heat production during body im-
mersion would tend to offset the core cooling effect.
During body immersion a higher rate of shivering would
not only increase heat production, but it could also in-
crease the size of the thermal core (i.e., perfused mass)
as muscle blood fl ow increased to fuel shivering. The
sum of these factors (shivering, surface heat loss, and
the size of the thermal core) results in similar core cool-
ing rates in these two conditions.
Practical Implications of Results
Scalp and facial cold exposure will enhance core cool-
ing even in cool (17°C) water. This study has practical
implications for cold-water scuba divers and recre-
ational swimmers (e.g., adventure racers) who may be
at risk if they experience hypothermia to the point of al-
tered physical ( 7 ) and mental capacity ( 6 , 15 ). These re-
sults indicate that the head should be kept out of the
water as much as possible during cold-water activities.
If head immersion/submersion is inevitable, the head
should be insulated as much as practical and a facemask
or goggles should be worn as this would attenuate the
vasoconstriction response ( 9 ).
In conclusion, even when the shivering mechanism is
intact, head submersion signifi cantly increases the rate
of core cooling. This increased cooling rate is dispropor-
tionately greater than the relative increase in heat loss,
whether the body is insulated or also exposed to the
cold water. These results are consistent with a moderate
increase in heat loss affecting a reduced thermal core,
caused by enhanced peripheral vasoconstriction. Fur-
ther work is warranted to determine if, and how, the hu-
man dive refl ex contributes to this phenomenon.
This study was supported by the Natural Science and Engineering
Research Council of Canada. The authors wish to thank Doug Evans of
One Stop Diving in Winnipeg for providing the scuba regulator used
in this study, and Jeremy Stewart of the Freshwater Institute, Winnipeg,
for providing compressed air. We also wish to thank Kate McGarry and
Dominique Gagnon for technical assistance during many of the trials.
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... 6,9,10 A series of head submersion studies from our laboratory demonstrated that with the body insulated or exposed in 17ºC water, immersing the whole head results in an increased rate of core cooling with no additional increase in metabolic heat production. 5,11 A surprising result of these studies was that head-only immersion resulted in the same rate of core cooling as did body-only immersion (0.7 Ϯ 0.5ºC per hour). 5 Possible explanations for these similar core cooling rates include: 1) less total heat loss in the head-only cooling condition offset by a much smaller increase in shivering heat production compared with the body-only cooling condition; 5 2) greater relative heat loss from the head secondary to a lack of vasoconstriction of scalp vasculature; 12 and 3) if head-only cooling caused a greater overall peripheral vasoconstriction than body cooling (thus reducing the effective perfused mass), a given amount of heat loss from the head would have an exaggerated cooling affect on this reduced thermal core. ...
... 5,11 A surprising result of these studies was that head-only immersion resulted in the same rate of core cooling as did body-only immersion (0.7 Ϯ 0.5ºC per hour). 5 Possible explanations for these similar core cooling rates include: 1) less total heat loss in the head-only cooling condition offset by a much smaller increase in shivering heat production compared with the body-only cooling condition; 5 2) greater relative heat loss from the head secondary to a lack of vasoconstriction of scalp vasculature; 12 and 3) if head-only cooling caused a greater overall peripheral vasoconstriction than body cooling (thus reducing the effective perfused mass), a given amount of heat loss from the head would have an exaggerated cooling affect on this reduced thermal core. 13 Although we have shown that head cooling is very effective in decreasing core temperature, less is known about warming the core through the head in a coldstressed person. ...
... 5,11 A surprising result of these studies was that head-only immersion resulted in the same rate of core cooling as did body-only immersion (0.7 Ϯ 0.5ºC per hour). 5 Possible explanations for these similar core cooling rates include: 1) less total heat loss in the head-only cooling condition offset by a much smaller increase in shivering heat production compared with the body-only cooling condition; 5 2) greater relative heat loss from the head secondary to a lack of vasoconstriction of scalp vasculature; 12 and 3) if head-only cooling caused a greater overall peripheral vasoconstriction than body cooling (thus reducing the effective perfused mass), a given amount of heat loss from the head would have an exaggerated cooling affect on this reduced thermal core. 13 Although we have shown that head cooling is very effective in decreasing core temperature, less is known about warming the core through the head in a coldstressed person. ...
The purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of head vs torso warming in rewarming mildly hypothermic, vigorously shivering subjects using a similar source of heat donation. Six subjects (1 female) were cooled on 3 occasions in 8ºC water for 60 minutes or to a core temperature of 35ºC. They were then dried, insulated, and rewarmed by 1) shivering only; 2) charcoal heater applied to the head; or 3) charcoal heater applied to the torso. The order of rewarming methods followed a balanced design. Esophageal temperature, skin temperature, heart rate, oxygen consumption, and heat flux were measured. There were no significant differences in rewarming rate among the 3 conditions. Torso warming increased skin temperature and inhibited shivering heat production, thus providing similar net heat gain (268 ± 66 W) as did shivering only (355 ± 105 W). Head warming did not inhibit average shivering heat production (290 ± 72 W); it thus provided a greater net heat gain during 35 to 60 minutes of rewarming than did shivering only. Head warming is as effective as torso warming for rewarming mildly hypothermic victims. Head warming may be the preferred method of rewarming in the field management of hypothermic patients if: 1) extreme conditions in which removal of the insulation and exposure of the torso to the cold is contraindicated; 2) excessive movement is contraindicated (eg, potential spinal injury or severe hypothermia that has a risk of ventricular fibrillation); or 3) if emergency personnel are working on the torso.
... Surface cooling of the head alone REVIEWS PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 31 • March 2016 • has little effect (168). At the same time, in oxygenated humans, submersion of the head with the rest of the body accelerates the rate of core cooling by 56% (212). Circulatory function is necessary to rapidly decrease brain temperature. ...
Drowning physiology relates to two different events: immersion (upper airway above water) and submersion (upper airway under water). Immersion involves integrated cardiorespiratory responses to skin and deep body temperature, including cold shock, physical incapacitation, and hypovolemia, as precursors of collapse and submersion. The physiology of submersion includes fear of drowning, diving response, autonomic conflict, upper airway reflexes, water aspiration and swallowing, emesis, and electrolyte disorders. Submersion outcome is determined by cardiac, pulmonary, and neurological injury. Knowledge of drowning physiology is scarce. Better understanding may identify methods to improve survival, particularly related to hot-water immersion, cold shock, cold-induced physical incapacitation, and fear of drowning.
... 17 Studies of cold-water immersion hypothermia show that core body temperatures fall faster when the head is submerged along with the rest of the body. 18 When shivering thermogenesis was inhibited by meperidine, the rate of core temperature decline was faster (39%) in subjects who have their head and face submerged than the increased total body surface area of 7% would predict. 19 Our results during snow burial did not show a similar trend. ...
Objectives Avalanche victims are subjected to a number of physiological stressors during burial. We simulated avalanche burial to monitor physiological data and determine whether wearing head and face insulation slows cooling rate during snow burial. In addition, we sought to compare 3 different types of temperature measurement methods. Methods Nine subjects underwent 2 burials each, 1 with head and face insulation and 1 without. Burials consisted of a 60-minute burial phase followed by a 60-minute rewarming phase. Temperature was measured via 3 methods: esophageal probe, ingestible capsule, and rectal probe. Results Cooling and rewarming rates were not statistically different between the 2 testing conditions when measured by the 3 measurement methods. All temperature measurement methods correlated significantly. Conclusions Head and face insulation did not protect the simulated avalanche victim from faster cooling or rewarming. Because the 3 temperature measurement methods correlated, the ingestible capsule may provide an advantageous noninvasive method for snow burial and future hypothermia studies if interruptions in data transmission can be minimized.
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Mountain accident casualties are often exposed to cold and windy weather. This may induce post-traumatic hypothermia which increases mortality. The aim of this study was to assess the ability of warming systems to compensate for the victim’s estimated heat loss in a simulated mountain rescue operation. We used thermal manikins and developed a thermodynamic model of a virtual patient. Manikins were placed on a mountain rescue stretcher and exposed to wind chill indices of 0 °C and − 20 °C in a climatic chamber. We calculated the heat balance for two simulated clinical scenarios with both a shivering and non-shivering victim and measured the heat gain from gel, electrical, and chemical warming systems for 3.5 h. The heat balance in the simulated shivering patient was positive. In the non-shivering patient, we found a negative heat balance for both simulated weather conditions (− 429.53 kJ at 0 °C and − 1469.78 kJ at − 20 °C). Each warming system delivered about 300 kJ. The efficacy of the gel and electrical systems was higher within the first hour than later (p < 0.001). We conclude that none of the tested warming systems is able to compensate for heat loss in a simulated model of a non-shivering patient whose physiological heat production is impaired during a prolonged mountain evacuation. Additional thermal insulation seems to be required in these settings.
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This study isolated the effects of dorsal, facial, and whole-head immersion in 17C water on peripheral vasoconstriction and the rate of body core cooling. Seven male subjects were studied in thermoneutral air (28C). On 3 separate days, they lay prone or supine on a bed with their heads inserted through the side of an adjustable immersion tank. Following 10min of baseline measurements, the water level was raised such that the water immersed the dorsum, face, or whole head, with the immersion period lasting 60min. During the first 30min, the core (esophageal) cooling rate increased from dorsum (0.29 0.2Ch¹) to face (0.47 0.1Ch¹) to whole head (0.69 0.2Ch¹) (p< 0.001) cooling rates were similar during the final 30min (mean, 0.16 0.1Ch¹). During the first 30min, fingertip blood flow (laser Doppler flux as percent of baseline) decreased faster in whole-head immersion (114 52%h¹) than in either facial (51 47%h¹) or dorsal (41 55%h¹) immersion (p< 0.03) rates of flow decrease were similar during minutes 30 to 60 (mean, 22.5 19%h¹). Total head heat loss over 60min was significantly different between whole-head (120.5 13 kJ), facial (86.8 17 kJ), and dorsal (46.0 11 kJ) immersion (p< 0.001). The rate of core cooling, relative to head heat loss, was similar in all conditions (mean, 0.0037 0.001CkJ¹). Although the whole head elicited a higher rate of vasoconstriction, the face did not elicit more vasoconstriction than the dorsum. Rather, the progressive increase in core cooling from dorsal to facial to whole-head immersion simply correlates with increased heat loss.
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Active rewarming of hypothermic victims for field use, and where transport to medical facilities is impossible, might be the only way to restore deep body temperature. In active rewarming in warm water, there has been a controversy concerning whether arms and legs should be immersed in the water or left out. Further, it has been suggested in the Royal Danish Navy treatment regime, that immersion of hands, forearms, feet, and lower legs alone might accomplish rapid rates of rewarming (AVA rewarming). On three occasions, six subjects (one female) were cooled in 8 degrees C water, to an esophageal temperature of 34.3+/-0.8 (+/-SD) degrees C. After cooling the subjects were warmed by shivering heat production alone, or by immersing the distal extremities (hands, forearms, feet and lower legs) in either 42 degrees C or 45 degrees C water. The post cooling afterdrop in esophageal temperature was decreased by both 42 degrees C and 45 degrees C water immersion (0.4+/-0.2 degrees C) compared with the shivering alone procedure (0.6+/-0.4 degrees C; p < 0.05). The subsequent rate of rewarming was significantly greater with 45 degrees C water immersion (9.9+/-3.2 degrees C x h(-1)) than both 42 degrees C water immersion (6.1+/-1.2 degrees C x h(-1)) and shivering alone (3.4+/-1.5 degrees C x h(-1); p < 0.05). The extremity rewarming procedure was experienced by the subjects as the most comfortable as the rapid rise in deep body temperature shortened the period of shivering. During the extremity rewarming procedures the rectal temperature lagged considerably behind the esophageal and aural canal (via indwelling thermocouple) temperatures. Thus large gradients may still exist between body compartments even though the heart is warmed.
Thesis--Danmarks Tekniske Høojskole. Summary in Danish. Bibliography: p. 225-240.
Five different behaviors of man while in cold ocean water (9-10 degrees C) were assessed for their effect on rate of progress into hypothermia. With subjects wearing lifejackets, two thermally protective behaviors were studied which reduce exposure to the water of areas of body surface with high relative heat loss potential. One was huddling of three persons and the other a self-huddle behavior (HELP or Heat Escape Lessening Posture). These two behaviors resulted in significant reductions of rectal temperature cooling rate of 66 per cent and 69 per cent, respectively, of that of a control behavior. With no flotation available, two survival swimming behaviors (treading water and drownproofing) were shown to result in significant increases in cooling rate to 134 per cent and 182 per cent, respectively, of the control behavior. Potential swimming distance of subjects wearing a life-jacket was 0.85 miles in water near 12 degrees C before predicted incapacitation by hypothermia. It was concluded that behavioral variables can be of major importance in determining survival time in cold water through modulation of cooling rate associated with other variables such as fatness, body size, and clothing.
Six subjects performed three manual arm tasks: 1) prior to immersion in 8 degrees C water; 2) soon after immersion to the neck, but prior to any decrease in core temperature; and 3) every 15 min until core temperatures decreased 2-4.5 degrees C. The tasks were speed of flexion and extension of the fingers, handgrip strength and manual dexterity. There was no immediate effect of cold immersion; however, all scores decreased significantly after core temperature decreased 0.5 degrees C. Further decrease in core temperature was associated with a progressive impairment of performance, although at a slower rate than during the first 0.5 degrees C decrease. Flexion and extension of the fingers was affected relatively more than handgrip strength or manual dexterity. Decrement in performance is a result of peripheral cooling on sensorimotor function with a probable additional effect of central cooling on cerebral function.
The mathematical models of thermoregulation of Stolwijk and Hardy, and Montgomery were used to develop a model suitable for the simulation of human physiological responses to cold-water immersion. Data were obtained from experiments where 13 healthy male volunteers were totally immersed under resting and nude conditions for 1 h in water temperatures of 20 and 28 degrees C. At these temperatures, the mean measured rectal temperature (Tre) fell by approximately 0.9 and 0.5 degrees C, respectively, yet mean measured metabolic rate (M) rose by approximately 275 and 90 W for the low body fat group (n = 7) and 195 and 45 W for the moderate body fat group (n = 6). To predict the observed Tre and M values, the present model 1) included thermal inputs for shivering from the skin independent of their inclusion with the central temperature to account for the observed initial rapid rise in M, 2) determined a thermally neutral body temperature profile such that the measured and predicted initial values of Tre and M were matched, 3) confined the initial shivering to the trunk region to avoid an overly large predicted initial rate of rectal cooling, and 4) calculated the steady-state convective heat loss by assuming a zero heat storage in the skin compartment to circumvent the acute sensitivity to the small skin-water temperature difference when using conventional methods. The last three modifications are unique to thermoregulatory modeling.
For purposes of theoretical analysis of experimental results and evaluation of hypothetical concepts a mathematical model of thermoregulation in man is presented. The human body is represented by three cylinders: the head, the trunk, and the extremities. Each cylinder is divided into two or more concentric layers to represent anatomical and functional differences in so far as they are of primary importance in thermoregulation. Heat flow between adjacent layers is by conduction, and all layers exchange heat by convection with a central blood compartment. All three skin layers exchange heat with the environment by conduction, convection, radiation, and evaporation. Signals which are proportional to temperature deviations in the brain and to deviations in average skin temperature are supplied to the regulator portion of the model. The regulator then causes evaporative heat loss, heat production by shivering or changes in the peripheral blood flow to occur in the appropriate locations in the body. If a proposed mechanism of thermoregulation is expressed in quantitative form it describes the relationships between the input signals and the resulting thermoregulatory response; the model can be used to compare the quantitative response resulting from a proposed mechanism with the responses obtained by measurement. A number of experimental results are compared with predictions furnished by the mathematical model using a regulator with an output which is proportional to the product of the input signals. It is emphasized that models of this type should be used in close connection with an experimental program to attain their full usefulness.
Eleven of nineteen young adults development bradycardia and reduced forearm blood flow within 30 seconds of breath-holding with total body immersion and were classified as strong responders. Analysis of data from these strong responders showed that, when the face was lifted from the water after 30 seconds’ total immersion, the development of the diving response ceased, and both heart rate and blood flow returned towards resting levels even though the breath was still held. Conversely, total immersion after 30 seconds of breath- holding with the face in air produced bradycardia of rapid onset and decreased blood flow. Wearing a face mask and swimming cap prevented the development of the usual diving response.