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& B
Volume 11, Number 3, 2008
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/cpb.2007.0110
Virtual Mobile Science Learning for Blind People
This study presents the design, implementation, and usability evaluation of AudioNature, an
audio-based interface implemented for pocketPC devices to assist science learning in users
with visual impairments. The usability evaluation sessions helped to redesign the interface
and adjust it to the user’s mental model while operating a pocketPC mobile device. Users ac-
cepted the interface, enjoyed the interaction with AudioNature, felt motivated, and learned
science. Cognitive evaluations provided evidence that points toward gains in problem-solv-
ing skills and showed that game-based learning activities facilitate the user’s interaction with
the software. Users showed more self-confidence when designing and elaborating action the-
ories to solve the problems posed.
hardly learn
science by doing.
Activities such as conduct-
ing laboratory experiments, where observation is
one of the most important processes, are almost im-
possible to cope with for blind users. The same logic
applies to onsite, out-of-classroom work designed
to achieve concrete experiences in direct contact
with the environment, which most of the time is
seen as too risky for learners with visual impair-
The use of a mobile device in this context allows
users to interact playfully in nonstatic places for sci-
ence learning purposes.
Thus, on the one hand, the
user can learn science while traveling or in waiting
contexts, and on the other hand, the mobile device
provides a learning tool to be used in school activi-
ties outside the classroom, such as in a park or zoo.
In the last few years, a diversity of software and
have been developed involving
blind users as the main participants, assisting them
in their learning with interactive technology. Very
few studies use mobile devices,
focusing mainly
on haptic interfaces
and desktop applications.
These authors have shown that audio-based virtual
environments are a powerful incentive for blind
learners to develop and train cognitive skills and
learn specific content.
AudioNature is an audio-based virtual simulator
for science learning implemented in a mobile device
(pocketPC) platform. To adjust the software to the
mental model of visually impaired users, a user-cen-
tered design was used. The system presents an
ecosystem that has been altered and challenges
learners to return it to normality through interac-
tive tasks and problem solving.
Department of Computer Science, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
Rapid Communication
Visual interfaces
The visual interfaces used in AudioNature were
designed with high-color contrasts to model the in-
teraction of users with residual vision.
Audio interfaces
All interface elements in AudioNature are repre-
sented through audio. Early usability evaluations
permitted us to opportunely define which sounds
had to be used and which locutions were accepted
by users. When learners begin an interaction with
AudioNature, they listen to a welcome message and
an introduction to the software. Then, an audio cue
is played together with information related to the
objects and elements provided by the software. An-
imals, for instance, are represented by real sounds;
instructions and variables are represented through
text-to-speech (TTS) with a synthesized voice.
Interaction with AudioNature
The interaction of blind users with AudioNature
is made through the touch screen and the available
buttons. While the user interacts with AudioNature,
an audio feedback is reproduced, thus allowing the
user to realize the effects of actions and the state of
the ecosystem.
The methodology used consisted of applying
evaluative instruments and concrete materials in or-
der to evaluate the usability of AudioNature and to
make a preliminary assessment of the use of this ap-
plication in supporting the learning process for
problem-solving skills and biological concepts such
as biological interaction and balance in an ecosys-
The sample consisted of 10 learners aged 19 to 31
(5 men and 5 women). Five of them have low, non-
functional vision, and five of them have acquired
total blindness. Two special education teachers sup-
ported this evaluation as facilitators and observers
by filling in some items of the cognitive tests.
The instrument used in the usability evaluation
was an end-user’s usability test. To evaluate the im-
pact of AudioNature on the learning of biological
interaction concepts and problem-solving skills,
pretests and posttests were applied.
After that, users participated in hands-on activi-
ties concerning two cognitive tasks. These tasks
made use of concrete materials to allow users with
visual impairments to interact playfully with objects
and concepts integrated in AudioNature.
Users evaluated AudioNature during two ses-
sions of 1.5 hours each over a month. Each user was
provided with a pocketPC and a pair of headsets
for interaction. In this evaluation, the user interacted
with AudioNature using all the functions available
with the help of the facilitators and then answered
the end-user’s usability test.
Cognitive tasks were carried out in two sessions
of 2.5 hours each. In these activities, the user inter-
acted with the concrete material and AudioNature
in the same session. The user first explored the con-
crete material, then played with AudioNature, and
then joined the rest of the testing group and con-
tinued with the concrete materials.
The usability evaluation of AudioNature showed
that the interaction between users and the mobile
device through sound feedback support is a good
combination to aid in the learning of science in these
users (see Fig. 1).
Users with total blindness obtained the lowest
scores. Statements 6, 7, and 8 regarding software ob-
tained the highest difference between users with re-
sidual vision and users who were totally blind. Five
of the seven users who interacted with AudioNa-
ture noticed that the reduction or increase in the vol-
ume of animal sounds corresponded indeed to the
change of the number of animals in the simulation.
This is interesting, because it confirms that a sound-
based mobile system was well accepted by users
with residual vision relating the volume of these
sounds to the number notions.
Users with residual vision assigned, on average, a
high score (4.3 out of 5.0 points) to the hardware used,
unlike totally blind users, who evaluated with a low
average score (3.0). Totally blind users fairly accepted
the hardware. There was no mention of any difficul-
ties when using the mobile device (see Fig. 1B). Fig-
ure 2 shows preliminary pretest/posttest cognitive
evaluation. Most users demonstrated gains in solving
cognitive tasks after using AudioNature.
On average, pretest scores were 65.64% and
posttest scores reached 84.96%, increasing by 19.25
points. In only one case was there no difference be-
tween pretest/posttest scores. The other nine cases
increased their scores.
Content evaluation showed that, on average,
learners’ correct answers increased at posttest, and
the minimum and maximum correct answers also
increased. Cognitive tasks showed a high attain-
ment in all learners.
We have introduced AudioNature, a proof-of-
concept for the use of PDA simulation games by
blind people to learn biological concepts in mobile
contexts. Usability and preliminary cognitive eval-
uations in using AudioNature, along with playful
cognitive activities, were implemented involving
users in interactive processes for science learning.
The results obtained were highly satisfactory and
FIG. 1. Usability evaluation of AudioNature (A) and pocketPC (B).
FIG. 2. Pretest/posttest gains in cognitive impact.
challenging. Learners learned biology concepts and
performed problem-solving tasks correctly.
The usability evaluation during software imple-
mentation led us to define, modify, and improve the
design of the interfaces and the interaction pro-
cesses in order to adjust them to the mental model
of blind learners. Mobility allowed them more in-
teractions over distances, freedom to move, and the
extension of the space daily navigated. Users felt en-
joyment and were motivated when they interacted
with AudioNature.
According to the set of evaluations used together
with each process involved in the cognitive inter-
vention, such as entry activities, cognitive tasks ses-
sions, and evaluation activities, we confirm the ap-
propriateness of designing game-based cognitive
interventions for blind user rehabilitation through
interaction with mobile devices. The rationale be-
hind a mobile device design is easy access for ex-
tensive use over a long period of time. Then, com-
paring the increase in performance in the blind and
control groups may give some insight into the im-
pact of auditory feedback on the blind brain.
Mobile devices are designed for visual use. Studies
like this one can help us to understand the interaction
of blind people with mobile devices in order to design
applications such as AudioNature that go beyond
technological devices such as PCs, which obligate
blind learners to remain in a static corporal position.
Improved designs will increase their possibilities for
learning, interacting, and communicating while mov-
ing and therefore integrating themselves into society.
This report was funded by the Chilean National
Fund of Science and Technology, Fondecyt, Project
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Address reprint requests to:
Dr. Jaime Sánchez
Department of Computer Science
University of Chile
Blanco Encalada 2120
Santiago, Chile 2777