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Abstract and Figures

Cognitive decline, mood, behavioral and sleep disturbances, and limitations of activities of daily living commonly burden elderly patients with dementia and their caregivers. Circadian rhythm disturbances have been associated with these symptoms. To determine whether the progression of cognitive and noncognitive symptoms may be ameliorated by individual or combined long-term application of the 2 major synchronizers of the circadian timing system: bright light and melatonin. A long-term, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2 x 2 factorial randomized trial performed from 1999 to 2004 with 189 residents of 12 group care facilities in the Netherlands; mean (SD) age, 85.8 (5.5) years; 90% were female and 87% had dementia. Random assignment by facility to long-term daily treatment with whole-day bright (+/- 1000 lux) or dim (+/- 300 lux) light and by participant to evening melatonin (2.5 mg) or placebo for a mean (SD) of 15 (12) months (maximum period of 3.5 years). Standardized scales for cognitive and noncognitive symptoms, limitations of activities of daily living, and adverse effects assessed every 6 months. Light attenuated cognitive deterioration by a mean of 0.9 points (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.04-1.71) on the Mini-Mental State Examination or a relative 5%. Light also ameliorated depressive symptoms by 1.5 points (95% CI, 0.24-2.70) on the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia or a relative 19%, and attenuated the increase in functional limitations over time by 1.8 points per year (95% CI, 0.61-2.92) on the nurse-informant activities of daily living scale or a relative 53% difference. Melatonin shortened sleep onset latency by 8.2 minutes (95% CI, 1.08-15.38) or 19% and increased sleep duration by 27 minutes (95% CI, 9-46) or 6%. However, melatonin adversely affected scores on the Philadelphia Geriatric Centre Affect Rating Scale, both for positive affect (-0.5 points; 95% CI, -0.10 to -1.00) and negative affect (0.8 points; 95% CI, 0.20-1.44). Melatonin also increased withdrawn behavior by 1.02 points (95% CI, 0.18-1.86) on the Multi Observational Scale for Elderly Subjects scale, although this effect was not seen if given in combination with light. Combined treatment also attenuated aggressive behavior by 3.9 points (95% CI, 0.88-6.92) on the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Index or 9%, increased sleep efficiency by 3.5% (95% CI, 0.8%-6.1%), and improved nocturnal restlessness by 1.00 minute per hour each year (95% CI, 0.26-1.78) or 9% (treatment x time effect). Light has a modest benefit in improving some cognitive and noncognitive symptoms of dementia. To counteract the adverse effect of melatonin on mood, it is recommended only in combination with light. Identifier: ISRCTN93133646.
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current as of June 10, 2008.
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. 2008;299(22):2642-2655 (doi:10.1001/jama.299.22.2642) JAMA
Rixt F. Riemersma-van der Lek; Dick F. Swaab; Jos Twisk; et al.
Care Facilities: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Noncognitive Function in Elderly Residents of Group
Effect of Bright Light and Melatonin on Cognitive and
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Effect of B right Light and Melatonin
on Cognitive and Noncognitive Function
in Elderly Residents of Gro up Care Facilities
A Randomized Controlled Trial
Rixt F. Riemersma-van der Lek, MD
Dick F. Swaab, MD, PhD
Jos Twisk, PhD
Elly M. Hol, PhD
Witte J. G. Hoogendijk, MD, PhD
Eus J. W. Van Someren, PhD
tia, cognitive decline is frequently
accompanied by disturbances of
mood, behavior, sleep, and activi-
ties of daily living,
which increase
caregiver burden and the risk of insti-
The limited treat-
ment possibilities create an opportu-
nity for other symptom management
Changes in the circadian pacemaker
of the brain, located in the hypothalamic
suprachiasmatic nucleus, may contrib-
ute to cognitive, mood, behavioral, and
sleep disturbances.
The circadian tim-
ing system is highly sensitive to environ-
mental light and the hormone melato-
and may not function optimally in
the absence of their synchronizing ef-
fects. In elderly patients with dementia,
synchronization may be attenuated if
light exposure and melatonin produc-
tion are reduced.
Indeed, bright light
ameliorates behavioral
and sleep
To our knowledge, no previous stud-
ies in humans have applied long-term
combined stimulation of the circadian
timing system with daily light and mela-
tonin. We conducted a multicenter,
double-blind, randomized placebo-
controlled trial that evaluated the ef-
fects of up to 3.5 years of daily supple-
mentation of light and/or melatonin.
Using a practical clinical trial ap-
long-term treatment effective-
Author Affiliations are listed at the end of this article.
Corresponding Author: Eus J. W. Van Someren, PhD,
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Meiberg-
dreef 47, 1105 BA Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Context Cognitive decline, mood, behavioral and sleep disturbances, and limitations
of activities of daily living commonly burden elderly patients with dementia and their
caregivers. Circadian rhythm disturbances have been associated with these symptoms.
Objective To determine whether the progression of cognitive and noncognitive symp-
toms may be ameliorated by individual or combined long-term application of the
2 major synchronizers of the circadian timing system: bright light and melatonin.
Design, Setting, and Participants A long-term, double-blind, placebo-
controlled, 2 2 factorial randomized trial performed from 1999 to 2004 with 189
residents of 12 group care facilities in the Netherlands; mean (SD) age, 85.8 (5.5) years;
90% were female and 87% had dementia.
Interventions Random assignment by facility to long-term daily treatment with whole-
day bright (±1000 lux) or dim 300 lux) light and by participant to evening melatonin
(2.5 mg) or placebo for a mean (SD) of 15 (12) months (maximum period of 3.5 years).
Main Outcome Measures Standardized scales for cognitive and noncognitive symp-
toms, limitations of activities of daily living, and adverse effects assessed every 6 months.
Results Light attenuated cognitive deterioration by a mean of 0.9 points (95% con-
fidence interval [CI], 0.04-1.71) on the Mini-Mental State Examination or a relative 5%.
Light also ameliorated depressive symptoms by 1.5 points (95% CI, 0.24-2.70) on the
Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia or a relative 19%, and attenuated the increase
in functional limitations over time by 1.8 points per year (95% CI, 0.61-2.92) on the nurse-
informant activities of daily living scale or a relative 53% difference. Melatonin shortened
sleep onset latency by 8.2 minutes (95% CI, 1.08-15.38) or 19% and increased sleep du-
ration by 27 minutes (95% CI, 9-46) or 6%. However, melatonin adversely affected scores
on the Philadelphia Geriatric Centre Affect Rating Scale, both for positive affect (−0.5 points;
95% CI, −0.10 to −1.00) and negative affect (0.8 points; 95% CI, 0.20-1.44). Melatonin
also increased withdrawn behavior by 1.02 points (95% CI, 0.18-1.86) on the Multi Ob-
servational Scale for Elderly Subjects scale, although this effect was not seen if given in
combination with light. Combined treatment also attenuated aggressive behavior by 3.9
points (95% CI, 0.88-6.92) on the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Index or 9%, increased
sleep efficiency by 3.5% (95% CI, 0.8%-6.1%), and improved nocturnal restlessness by
1.00 minute per hour each year (95% CI, 0.26-1.78) or 9% (treatmenttime effect).
Conclusions Light has a modest benefit in improving some cognitive and noncog-
nitive symptoms of dementia. To counteract the adverse effect of melatonin on mood,
it is recommended only in combination with light.
Trial Registration Identifier: ISRCTN93133646
JAMA. 2008;299(22):2642-2655
2642 JAMA, June 11, 2008—Vol 299, No. 22 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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ness on a broad range of health out-
comes including cognitive, mood,
behavioral, functional, and sleep distur-
bances were evaluated in a diverse popu-
lation typical of care facilities for el-
derly residents with dementia. We
hypothesized that long-term treatment
would attenuate cognitive decline and
depression, as the primary and second-
ary outcomes, respectively, and would
moreover ameliorate behavioral, func-
tional, and sleep disturbances.
Participants and Group Care Facilities
The participants were 189 residents of
12 different Dutch homes for the
elderly (170 women and 19 men,
which is a rate representative of Dutch
homes for the elderly; mean [SD] age,
85.8 [5.5] years) living in assisted care
facilities, in which residents have their
own apartment where they sleep and
retreat, but spend most of the daytime
in a common living room supervised
by caregivers. The facility is classified
as an open type. Residents may need
to be transferred to a nursing home if
they develop unsolvable behavioral
and/or cognitive problems that lead to
an unsafe situation; when they wander
from the facility; or when physical
disabilities cause too much burden
for the nursing staff. Of the 61 homes
for the elderly that were initially
approached, 12 confirmed that they
had a group facility with daily occupa-
tion and would be willing to partici-
pate. For recruitment, all 253 resi-
dents living in the facilities were asked
for verbal consent and the patients’
responsible relatives were asked to
provide written informed consent.
Consent was obtained from 189. No
other inclusion criteria were applied to
obtain a sample that is representative
of the environment, which is consis-
tent with the design of a practical
clinical trial.
Exclusion criteria were
the use of monoamine oxidase inhibi-
tors, long-term use of nonsteroid anti-
inflammatory drugs, severe liver or
kidney dysfunction, and aphakia.
None of the potential participants had
to be excluded. The Medical Ethics
Committees of Hospital De Gelderse
Vallei, Ede, and the VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, approved the study.
The clinical diagnosis of dementia
was made according to the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor-
ders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) crite-
ria for dementia and dementia sub-
To determine the clinical
diagnosis of probable Alzheimer dis-
ease, criteria from the National Insti-
tute of Neurological and Communica-
tive Disorders and Stroke (NINCDS)
and the Alzheimer’s Disease and Re-
lated Disorders Association (ADRDA)
were used.
Of the 189 participants,
120 (63%) met the NINCDS-ADRDA
criteria for probable Alzheimer dis-
ease, 20 (11%) met the DSM-IV crite-
ria for vascular dementia, and 24 (13%)
met criteria for other types of demen-
tia, including dementia due to mul-
tiple etiologies (9 cases), frontal-type
dementia (3 cases), Lewy body demen-
tia (2 cases), Parkinson disease (2
cases), Wernicke-Korsakoff (1 case),
and dementia not otherwise specified
(7 cases). Seventeen participants (8%)
did not meet the criteria for dementia,
but stayed in the group care facility for
various medical or psychosocial rea-
sons. In 8 participants, data on medi-
cal history were insufficient to reach a
reliable clinical diagnosis.
To investigate possible systematic
group differences in the environmental
setting of the participants, all facilities
were rated on the Therapeutic Environ-
ment Screening Scale (TESS).
TESS assesses the quality of nursing
home environments for residents with
dementia and includes items on the gen-
eral conditions of the environment such
as noise, lighting, design, and mainte-
nance, as well as questions about staff
interactions with residents and about the
involvement of residents in planned ac-
tivities. The sum score ranges between
0 and 166, with higher scores indicat-
ing a supposedly more therapeutic en-
vironment. No cutoff scores have been
established. In the present study, TESS
ratings ranged between 90 and 129.
Group means are given in T
Study Design
In a 22 factorial design, facilities were
randomly assigned using the Micro-
soft Excel (Redmond, Washington) ran-
dom number function to 1 of the 2 light
conditions and participants to double-
blind daily intake of melatonin (2.5 mg,
Terafarm, Brielle, the Netherlands,
n=95) or placebo (n=94), given ap-
proximately 1 hour before bedtime
the nursing staff who ensured adher-
ence. The tablets took about 1 hour to
completely dissolve in water, which can
be considered a medium-fast release
preparation. Timing and dosage were
based on previous studies.
The 12 homes for the elderly were
randomly assigned to active (6 facili-
ties, n=98) or placebo (6 facilities,
n=91) light exposure. Forty-nine par-
ticipants were assigned to light only, 46
to melatonin only, 49 to their combi-
nation, and 45 to neither light nor mela-
tonin (double placebo). The mean (SD)
ratio of participants assigned to the ac-
tive melatonin group within each fa-
cility was 0.50 (0.06).
Randomization was performed by a re-
search assistant not involved in the study
(J. van Heerikhuize, Netherlands Insti-
tute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam) and
kept concealed. Codes were revealed to
the researchers only after completion of
the study and subsequent data reduc-
tion and processing steps. The flow of the
participants included in the study is
shown in F
Light exposure was manipulated by
installing a large number of ceiling-
mounted fixtures with Plexiglas diffus-
ers containing an equal amount of Phil-
ips TLD 840 and 940 fluorescent tubes
(Philips Lighting BV, Eindhoven, the
Netherlands) in the common living
room. Lights were on daily between ap-
proximately 9
AM and 6 PM. The aim was
an exposure of ±1000 lux, measured
before the eyes in the gaze direction. This
intensity is technically feasible and has
in previous studies been confirmed
to synchronize circadian rhythms in
healthy people in temporal isolation
and to improve circadian activity rhythm
disturbances in elderly patients with
moderate to severe dementia.
For the
©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, June 11, 2008—Vol 299, No. 22 2643
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placebo group, an equal number of fix-
tures were installed, but these con-
tained only half of the tubes, accommo-
dated concealed band-stop filters, and
were installed at a greater distance from
the eyes. The resulting average light ex-
posure measured at eye level in the gaze
direction is shown in F
IGURE 2. Light
intensity was increased to ±1000 lux
between 10
AM and 6 PM at the 6 light
facilities (active condition) (P.01 for
all hourly comparisons of the active
condition vs baseline except between
3 and 4
PM) while the intensity was not
altered at any time of the day for the pla-
cebo light facilities (inactive condi-
tion). Caregivers were blinded to ran-
domization and were asked to guess
their facility’s light status. Based on 184
ratings obtained from 89 caregivers over
the treatment period, there was no sig-
nificant difference on a 100-mm illu-
mination pleasantness visual ana-
logue scale (mean [SD] active light
condition, 52 [37]; mean [SD] inac-
tive light condition, 55 [34]; 2-tailed t
test, P= .47); neither was there a differ-
ence in whether they thought their fa-
cility had effective light (active light
condition, 69%; inactive light condi-
tion, 64%; 2-tailed
test, P=.62).
Participants were followed up for up to
3.5 years, a mean (SD) of 15 (12)
months. Recruitment and enrollment
commenced in 1999 and data acquisi-
tion continued until April 14, 2004. Fol-
low-up assessments were made 6 weeks
after the start of the treatment, and sub-
sequently every 6 months. Neuropsy-
chiatric symptoms were assessed 6
weeks prior to the start of the treat-
ment in the 129 participants enrolled be-
fore the lights were installed. Another
60 participants were enrolled in the
study later, and the absence of a base-
line assessment in these participants was
accounted for by the mixed-effect re-
gression analyses described below. At
their first assessment, these 60 partici-
pants were similar to those assessed at
baseline on the demographic or clini-
cal variables listed in Table 1, except for
higher mean (SD) scores on the Mini-
Mental State Examination (MMSE) of
18.1 (4.9) vs 14.7 (6.3) (t test, P=.001),
Table 1. Characteristics of Participants
6 Placebo (Inactive) Light Facilities 6 Active Light Facilities
Double Placebo Melatonin Only Light Only Light Melatonin
Distribution of Participants Over Groups
Participants, No./total (%) 45/189 (24) 46/189 (24) 49/189 (26) 49/189 (26)
Female sex, No./total (%) 40/170 (24) 38/170 (22) 45/170 (26) 47/170 (28)
Deceased, No./total (%) 18/60 (30) 16/60 (27) 12/60 (20) 14/60 (23)
Outplaced, No./total (%) 9/48 (19) 12/48 (25) 13/48 (27) 14/48 (29)
Diagnosis, No./total (%)
Alzheimer disease 22/120 (18) 28/120 (23) 37/120 (31) 33/120 (28)
Other 23/69 (33) 18/69 (26) 12/69 (17) 16/69 (23)
Characteristics Within Groups
(n = 45) (n = 46) (n = 49) (n = 49)
Allele, present/participants characterized (%)
ApoE2 2/19 (11) 4/31 (13) 2/26 (8) 4/27 (15)
ApoE4 5/19 (26) 7/31 (23) 5/26 (19) 6/27 (22)
Age at first assessment, mean (SD), y 85 (5) 86 (5) 85 (6) 87 (6)
Date of first assessment (SD)
May 11 (85 d) May 12 (85 d) June 9 (62 d) June 7 (70 d)
Time followed up, mean (SD), d 381 (343) 433 (324) 550 (389) 443 (393)
TESS score, mean (SD)
104 (9) 104 (8) 101 (10) 102 (12)
Medication use at inclusion and at any follow-up, No. (%)
Preassessment 11 (24) 12 (26) 18 (37) 13 (27)
During treatment 19 (42) 18 (39) 17 (35) 13 (27)
Preassessment 7 (16) 5 (11) 3 (6) 8 (16)
During treatment 10 (22) 7 (15) 4 (8) 9 (18)
Preassessment 10 (22) 11 (14) 11 (22) 13 (27)
During treatment 15 (33) 11 (24) 13 (27) 12 (24)
Preassessment 11 (24) 8 (17) 5 (10) 10 (20)
During treatment 13 (29) 8 (17) 9 (18) 10 (20)
Vision, No. (%)
Lens opacity 17 (38) 10 (22) 10 (20) 17 (35)
Glaucoma 2 (4) 2 (4) 2 (4) 3 (6)
Abbreviation: TESS, Therapeutic Environment Screening Scale.
Recruitment and inclusion were staggered so SDs are provided to demonstrate the absence of seasonal differences between the dates of first assessment.
Applied to rate the overall quality of the group care facilities.
2644 JAMA, June 11, 2008—Vol 299, No. 22 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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Figure 1. Flow of Participants Included in the Study
Status at 6-mo follow-up
5 Died
3 Placed in nursing home
0 Participation by facility ended
1 Withdrew
31 Included in analysis
Status at 6-mo follow-up
2 Died
3 Placed in nursing home
1 Participation by facility ended
1 Withdrew
39 Included in analysis
Status at 6-mo follow-up
2 Died
2 Placed in nursing home
0 Participation by facility ended
0 Withdrew
43 Included in analysis
Status at 6-mo follow-up
4 Died
1 Placed in nursing home
2 Participation by facility ended
0 Withdrew
37 Included in analysis
Status at 1-y follow-up
5 Died
1 Placed in nursing home
0 Participation by facility ended
3 Withdrew
22 Included in analysis
Status at 1-y follow-up
7 Died
3 Placed in nursing home
2 Participation by facility ended
0 Withdrew
27 Included in analysis
Status at 1-y follow-up
0 Died
3 Placed in nursing home
7 Participation by facility ended
0 Withdrew
33 Included in analysis
Status at 1-y follow-up
1 Died
5 Placed in nursing home
4 Participation by facility ended
0 Withdrew
27 Included in analysis
Status at 2-y follow-up
1 Died
2 Placed in nursing home
4 Participation by facility ended
1 Withdrew
10 Included in analysis
Status at 2-y follow-up
3 Died
2 Placed in nursing home
4 Participation by facility ended
0 Withdrew
9 Included in analysis
Status at 2-y follow-up
3 Died
2 Placed in nursing home
2 Participation by facility ended
0 Withdrew
16 Included in analysis
Status at 2-y follow-up
4 Died
3 Placed in nursing home
2 Participation by facility ended
0 Withdrew
13 Included in analysis
Status at 1.5-y follow-up
2 Died
0 Placed in nursing home
1 Participation by facility ended
1 Withdrew
18 Included in analysis
Status at 1.5-y follow-up
4 Died
2 Placed in nursing home
3 Participation by facility ended
0 Withdrew
18 Included in analysis
Status at 1.5-y follow-up
4 Died
2 Placed in nursing home
4 Participation by facility ended
0 Withdrew
23 Included in analysis
Status at 1.5-y follow-up
1 Died
1 Placed in nursing home
3 Participation by facility ended
0 Withdrew
22 Included in analysis
45 Randomized not to receive melatonin
(double placebo)
46 Randomized to receive melatonin
(melatonin only)
49 Randomized not to receive melatonin
(light only)
49 Randomized to receive melatonin
(light plus melatonin)
Status at intervention onset
and 6-wk follow-up
3 Died
1 Placed in nursing home
1 Withdrew
40 Included in analysis
Status at intervention onset
and 6-wk follow-up
0 Died
0 Placed in nursing home
0 Withdrew
46 Included in analysis
Status at intervention onset
and 6-wk follow-up
1 Died
1 Placed in nursing home
0 Withdrew
47 Included in analysis
Status at intervention onset
and 6-wk follow-up
2 Died
2 Placed in nursing home
1 Withdrew
44 Included in analysis
Status at 3-y follow-up
0 Placed in nursing home
0 Participation by facility ended
2 Included in analysis
Status at 3-y follow-up
0 Placed in nursing home
2 Participation by facility ended
2 Included in analysis
Status at 3-y follow-up
2 Placed in nursing home
7 Participation by facility ended
4 Included in analysis
Status at 3-y follow-up
2 Placed in nursing home
4 Participation by facility ended
4 Included in analysis
Status at 2.5-y follow-up
2 Died
1 Placed in nursing home
5 Participation by facility ended
2 Included in analysis
Status at 2.5-y follow-up
0 Died
2 Placed in nursing home
3 Participation by facility ended
4 Included in analysis
Status at 2.5-y follow-up
1 Died
1 Placed in nursing home
1 Participation by facility ended
13 Included in analysis
Status at 2.5-y follow-up
2 Died
0 Placed in nursing home
1 Participation by facility ended
10 Included in analysis
61 Facilities assessed for eligibility
12 Facilities randomized
118 Participants assessed 135 Participants assessed
6 Placebo (inactive) light facilities 6 Active light facilities
27 Excluded (no consent obtained
from relatives)
37 Excluded (no consent obtained
from relatives)
Status at 3.5-y follow-up
0 Died
0 Placed in nursing home
0 Participation by facility ended
2 Included in analysis
Status at 3.5-y follow-up
1 Died
0 Placed in nursing home
1 Participation by facility ended
2 Included in analysis
Status at 3.5-y follow-up
0 Died
0 Placed in nursing home
0 Participation by facility ended
4 Included in analysis
Status at 3.5-y follow-up
0 Died
1 Placed in nursing home
0 Participation by facility ended
1 Included in analysis
91 Participants randomized 98 Participants randomized
All available data for participants that were lost to follow-up at any stage were included in the mixed-effect regression analyses.
©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, June 11, 2008—Vol 299, No. 22 2645
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Multi Observational Scale for Elderly
Subjects (MOSES) withdrawn behav-
ior subscale of 19.7 (5.9) vs 16.6 (5.8)
(t test, P=.001), and Cohen-Mansfield
Agitation Index (CMAI) of 47.4 (16.2)
vs 42.0 (13.5) (t test, P =.02). Fol-
low-up was primarily determined by the
duration of participation of the facility,
some of which ended due to logistical
reasons including renovations, mov-
ing, and staff limitations. Participation
of facilities varied between 3.5 years
(4 facilities), 3 years (1 facility), 2.5 years
(2 facilities), 2 years (2 facilities), 1.5
years (2 facilities), and 0.5 years (1 fa-
cility). Secondarily, a major number of
participants were lost to follow-up as-
sessment due to death or outplacement
to a nursing home, which is inherent to
the study population.
Assessment of Outcome Measures
As advocated for practical clinical
a broad range of measure-
ments were obtained, including scales
for cognitive and noncognitive symp-
toms and functional abilities as well as
sleep-quality estimates derived from ac-
tigraphic activity measurement. The
ranges and normative cutoff scores
(when available) for all scales are pro-
vided in T
ABLE 2. All individuals per-
forming assessments were blinded to
treatment allocation.
Three scales were administered by a
trained neuropsychologist. The pri-
mary outcome, cognitive performance,
was assessed with the MMSE.
was determined using the Cornell Scale
for Depression in Dementia (CSDD),
which combines interviews of the pa-
tients and caregivers.
Self-esteem was
obtained with the Philadelphia Geri-
atric Centre Morale Scale (PGCMS).
Six scales were completed by the daily
caregivers. The Philadelphia Geriatric
Centre Affect Rating Scale (PGCARS)
rates behavioral expressions of negative
and positive mood.
Withdrawn behav-
ior was assessed with a subscale of the
The questionnaire format of
the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI-Q)
was used to rate the severity and its re-
sulting distress of 12 psychopathologi-
cal behaviors.
The CMAI was used to
rate agitated behaviors.
of activities of daily living were rated on
the nurse-informant adaptation
ADL) of the scale by Katz et al.
nally, caregivers rated 16 items on pos-
sible adverse effects suggested from
previous studies on light or melatonin
treatment on a 4-point scale (0= absent,
1=probably absent, 2=probably present,
Actigraphy, the continuous assess-
ment of activity with a small wrist-worn
recorder, has been recommended as the
technique of choice for studying sleep in
patients with dementia because poor
adherence and diffuse slowing on the
electroencephalogram make sleep assess-
ment with standard polysomnographic
assessment difficult.
Estimates of sleep
were obtained from a mean (SD) of 14
(4) days of actigraphic recording using
the Actiwatch and accompanying soft-
(Cambridge Neurotechnology,
Cambridge, England). Although actig-
raphy does not discriminate well between
wakefulness without movement and
sleep, reasonable estimates of sleep para-
meters can be obtained from long-term
Bedtime and wake time,
which are required for sleep estimates,
were provided by the nursing staff. The
calculated variables quantify 2 pro-
cesses of sleep: (1) the quantity of sleep
and wakefulness, expressed as the dura-
tion, onset latency, and efficiency (per-
centage of time asleep while in bed) of
sleep, and nocturnal restlessness (min-
utes per hour containing any activity dur-
ing the most restful 5-hour period of the
average 24-hour pattern)
; (2) the
within-sleep structure, expressed as the
average durations of nocturnal awaken-
ings and of uninterrupted periods of
sleep. Longer periods of activity are more
disruptive to sleep while prolonged
periods without activity are associated
with polysomnographically deter-
mined deeper sleep.
Figure 2. Median 24-Hour Light Exposure
12 AM 3 AM 6 AM 9 AM 12 PM 3 PM 6 PM 9 PM 12 AM
Time of Day
Light Intensity, lux
Light condition
Lights on
Illumination levels were obtained at eye level in the direction of gaze, which was usually slightly downward or
at best representing light falling on the vertical plane. Such illumination levels are considerably lower than as-
sessments representing light falling on the horizontal plane directed toward the light sources, but better rep-
resent light levels that can enter the eye. Daytime assessments include occasional observations made if par-
ticipants were not actually present in the common living room where the lights were installed but in their own
bedroom. The data thus represent the adherence to the light treatment condition. In the active light condition,
the hourly averages between 10
AM and 6 PM were significantly higher compared with pretreatment assess-
ments (P.01 for all hourly comparisons of the active condition vs pretreatment assessments; except between
3 and 4
PM, P =.06). At no time of day was the intensity increased in the placebo group relative to the pre-
treatment assessments. Comparisons were made using mixed-effect analysis of 3017 light measurements from
189 participants in 12 facilities assessed repeatedly during the 3.5 years. As long as participants were included
in the study, they each contributed to light measurements several times a day and at several follow-up peri-
ods. Error bars indicate interquartile range.
2646 JAMA, June 11, 2008—Vol 299, No. 22 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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Table 2. Assessment Scales Up to 2 Years of Follow-up
Total No.
of Valid
No. of
No. of
ment, Mean
(n = 129)
Follow-up, Mean (SD)
(n = 177)
(n = 150)
(n = 109)
1.5 y
(n = 81)
(n = 48)
Cognitive Scale
MMSE (range, 0-30; cutoff, 24) 619 500 174 None
14.3 (7.0) 15.4 (7.3) 15.6 (6.4) 14.5 (5.4) 13.7 (7.4) 12.5 (6.6)
Light 14.5 (6.2) 16.6 (5.5) 15.6 (5.2) 16.2 (4.5) 17.4 (3.7) 16.1 (4.5)
Melatonin 15.3 (5.3) 17.1 (6.2) 15.0 (6.3) 16.5 (6.6) 15.1 (6.1) 15.3 (6.0)
L M 14.7 (6.8) 15.5 (6.4) 16.5 (6.2) 15.6 (6.1) 15.1 (6.8) 17.8 (4.4)
Mood Scales
CSDD (range, 38-0; cutoff, 8 minor and 12 major) 730 606 187 None
7.6 (5.1) 7.8 (5.2) 9.3 (6.1) 11.3 (7.4) 12.0 (7.5) 15.1 (8.6)
Light 7.4 (6.9) 5.8 (4.9) 7.9 (5.6) 11.0 (7.7) 9.9 (5.9) 10.7 (7.3)
Melatonin 7.0 (5.5) 7.5 (6.2) 8.1 (6.5) 9.6 (7.9) 11.3 (7.6) 10.1 (8.0)
L M 7.8 (5.4) 6.8 (5.0) 6.6 (5.0) 8.9 (7.6) 9.7 (6.9) 9.7 (5.4)
PGCARS positive (range, 0-15) 699 576 182 None
10.9 (3.3) 11.3 (2.4) 10.5 (2.6) 11.9 (2.6) 10.6 (2.9) 11.0 (1.0)
Light 11.0 (3.5) 10.7 (3.5) 10.9 (3.2) 11.6 (3.1) 11.5 (2.2) 11.5 (2.4)
Melatonin 10.7 (3.0) 10.3 (2.5) 10.3 (2.6) 10.3 (2.9) 10.4 (3.2) 10.8 (3.5)
L M 10.9 (3.6) 11.0 (3.0) 11.2 (3.0) 12.2 (3.0) 10.8 (2.8) 11.5 (2.7)
PGCARS negative (range, 15-0) 699 576 182 None
6.2 (3.2) 7.0 (2.9) 6.7 (2.6) 6.2 (2.0) 6.6 (2.2) 9.1 (2.5)
Light 5.9 (2.3) 5.8 (2.3) 6.1 (2.6) 7.3 (3.2) 6.3 (3.1) 6.4 (2.9)
Melatonin 6.6 (3.2) 6.5 (2.5) 7.0 (2.8) 7.5 (2.8) 7.2 (3.0) 6.8 (3.3)
L M 5.4 (2.5) 6.2 (2.7) 5.5 (2.3) 5.8 (2.7) 6.4 (3.1) 4.6 (1.6)
PGCMS (range, 0-17) 604 492 172 None
10.6 (4.8) 10.4 (4.9) 11.1 (6.0) 11.3 (6.0) 12.0 (4.4) 11.0 (5.6)
Light 11.9 (4.4) 12.5 (3.7) 13.1 (4.3) 11.3 (3.6) 12.4 (4.1) 11.1 (4.2)
Melatonin 11.9 (4.5) 11.5 (4.4) 12.9 (4.4) 11.6 (4.8) 10.9 (5.2) 9.3 (5.6)
L M 11.7 (4.4) 11.7 (4.1) 12.0 (3.4) 12.0 (4.0) 10.9 (5.3) 12.7 (3.7)
Behavioral Scales
MOSES (range, 34-0) 701 577 182 None
17.4 (5.2) 16.6 (6.1) 17.9 (6.0) 17.0 (4.1) 19.8 (5.4) 19.9 (5.0)
Light 19.6 (7.1) 17.5 (5.9) 19.0 (6.1) 17.6 (6.2) 15.5 (4.7) 16.4 (6.2)
Melatonin 18.9 (6.4) 18.3 (5.9) 20.4 (6.5) 19.2 (6.6) 20.4 (7.0) 17.0 (5.8)
L M 18.1 (6.1) 17.6 (5.7) 18.6 (6.4) 17.6 (5.6) 18.5 (5.1) 18.1 (5.9)
NPI-Q severity (range, 36-0) 706 581 183 None
5.2 (5.5) 6.4 (5.3) 5.2 (4.4) 6.1 (3.5) 6.8 (5.0) 8.2 (3.9)
Light 4.3 (4.4) 4.7 (5.0) 5.7 (5.7) 5.8 (5.7) 4.0 (4.6) 4.9 (5.8)
Melatonin 5.7 (5.2) 4.8 (4.5) 4.6 (3.8) 5.4 (4.7) 4.5 (4.5) 5.5 (6.7)
L M 3.9 (5.0) 4.6 (5.7) 2.7 (3.0) 4.6 (4.5) 4.4 (5.1) 3.7 (4.1)
NPI-Q distress (range, 60-0) 706 581 183 None
4.8 (6.3) 6.0 (5.9) 3.6 (4.6) 3.2 (3.5) 4.2 (4.6) 7.4 (4.5)
Light 4.8 (5.5) 5.1 (6.0) 6.1 (7.4) 6.0 (7.2) 4.2 (5.3) 5.4 (6.8)
Melatonin 5.6 (6.8) 4.6 (5.6) 3.8 (4.2) 3.7 (5.2) 2.6 (4.3) 3.6 (5.5)
L M 4.4 (6.0) 4.7 (6.5) 2.2 (3.5) 5.5 (6.2) 4.7 (6.6) 3.1 (4.3)
CMAI (range, 203-0) 708 583 184 None
45 (18) 46 (18) 47 (19) 48 (18) 47 (15) 58 (16)
Light 45 (13) 41 (12) 44 (18) 46 (18) 42 (14) 49 (15)
Melatonin 48 (17) 45 (15) 47 (19) 48 (16) 49 (19) 44 (19)
L M 44 (15) 39 (12) 40 (12) 42 (13) 45 (17) 40 (10)
Functional Limitations Scale
NI-ADL (range, 58-0) 700 575 181 None
21 (13) 20 (12) 22 (12) 22 (11) 27 (14) 29 (14)
Light 18 (12) 15 (11) 20 (14) 17 (12) 17 (14) 13 (11)
Melatonin 23 (11) 22 (14) 23 (13) 27 (14) 31 (16) 28 (15)
L M 18 (13) 18 (12) 16 (11) 17 (11) 17 (10) 16 (9)
Actigraphic Sleep Estimates
Sleep efficiency (range, 0-100),% 566 466 164 None
76 (13) 72 (13) 75 (12) 73 (12) 70 (14) 78 (11)
Light 70 (16) 73 (11) 72 (12) 74 (11) 76 (10) 74 (12)
Melatonin 72 (13) 75 (12) 78 (13) 74 (15) 74 (14) 71 (17)
L M 73 (11) 75 (12) 78 (8) 77 (11) 78 (11) 80 (6)
Sleep onset latency, min 566 466 164 None
31 (23) 42 (49) 32 (38) 46 (59) 59 (86) 23 (27)
Light 50 (36) 48 (36) 41 (31) 51 (49) 29 (14) 33 (27)
Melatonin 54 (61) 37 (31) 28 (26) 40 (32) 37 (31) 41 (49)
L M 44 (34) 42 (37) 26 (17) 40 (30) 28 (27) 20 (18)
Total sleep duration, h 566 466 164 None
8.7 (2.1) 8.0 (1.8) 8.1 (1.8) 8.2 (1.7) 8.0 (1.8) 8.0 (2.1)
Light 7.4 (2.1) 7.6 (1.2) 7.5 (1.2) 7.6 (1.1) 7.9 (1.4) 7.4 (1.2)
Melatonin 8.3 (1.5) 8.2 (1.6) 9.1 (2.1) 8.6 (2.0) 8.3 (1.7) 8.0 (2.0)
L M 7.7 (1.4) 8.3 (1.8) 8.5 (1.4) 8.3 (1.4) 8.5 (1.5) 8.3 (1.3)
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At each assessment, the prescrip-
tion of antipsychotics, anxiolytics, hyp-
notics, and antidepressants was re-
trieved from the medical record and
scored as present or absent. Finally, a
physician performed a visual examina-
tion focusing on the presence of opac-
ity of the lens and glaucoma.
Statistical Analysis
Mixed-effect regression analysis
used, which is the analysis of choice for
realistic long-term data sets in psychia-
try and in an elderly long-term care
which typically have vari-
able numbers of observations due to the
causes described above. The analyses
were performed with the MLwiN soft-
ware (version 2.0, Institute of Educa-
tion, London, England) and accounted
for the 3-level nested structure of the data
set (ie, a variable number of observa-
tions nested within participants and par-
ticipants grouped in 12 facilities). De-
tails are given in the online supplemental
information (see http://www.jama
.com). Melatonin, light, and their inter-
action were dummy coded in 3 vari-
ables indicating the presence of active
treatment at any observation and ana-
lyzed in a 2 2 factorial design. Both
treatment effects (ie, independent of
time) and time treatment effects (ie,
treatment effects changing linearly over
time) were evaluated. In addition, the re-
gression models allowed for inclusion of
linear changes over time, and for modi-
fication of level, time course, and treat-
ment effect by missing data patterns. Lo-
gistic mixed-effect regression was applied
to evaluate possible group differences and
grouptime interactions in the prescrip-
tion of psychotropic medication.
Special attention was given to the fact
that (particularly after 1.5 years) many
cases were lost to follow-up either due
to noninformative reasons (discontinu-
ation of participation by the facility) or
to possibly informative causes (death
or nursing home transfer). In a prede-
termined analysis, missing data due to
(1) death or nursing home placement
and (2) insufficient communicative
abilities at any assessment occasion
were considered to be informative and
dummy coded (indicating presence of
this condition for a participant at any
point in time) to allow for evaluation
of their possible effects in a pattern-
mixture model.
Second, to obtain the
most simple acceptable regression equa-
tion insensitive to a reduction in the fol-
low-up time, a post hoc sensitivity
analysis was used to verify whether
treatment effects obtained from analy-
ses on the complete 3.5-year data set
were still present in a reduced data set
including only the first 1.5 years of fol-
low-up data. A further preplanned
analysis examined possible effect modi-
fication by diagnosis by including
dummy coding of the Alzheimer dis-
ease diagnosis in the regression mod-
els. Possible effect modification by opac-
ity of the lens of the eye and glaucoma
were likewise examined in a post hoc
analysis. The most simple acceptable re-
gression equations were selected using
the likelihood ratio
Significance levels for effects were set
at less than .05 with 2-sided testing.
Analyses were intention to treat; none
of the participants switched treatment
and the analyses included all random-
ized participants. Additional t tests,
tests, and simple logistic regressions
were performed using SPSS version 14.0
(SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois).
Statistical Power
At the onset of the study it was esti-
mated that participants would remain
in the protocol for an average of 2.5
Table 2. Assessment Scales Up to 2 Years of Follow-up
Total No.
of Valid
No. of
No. of
ment, Mean
(n = 129)
Follow-up, Mean (SD)
(n = 177)
(n = 150)
(n = 109)
1.5 y
(n = 81)
(n = 48)
Actigraphic Sleep Estimates
Nocturnal restlessness (range, 60-0), min/h 566 466 164 None
11.3 (6.5) 13.2 (7.9) 11.4 (6.3) 12.0 (6.0) 13.7 (7.0) 13.2 (7.2)
Light 12.9 (9.6) 12.6 (7.4) 12.1 (6.7) 10.5 (6.3) 10.1 (6.1) 10.9 (7.0)
Melatonin 12.1 (6.1) 11.8 (7.1) 10.4 (6.2) 11.1 (8.1) 11.2 (5.5) 12.5 (6.8)
L M 11.8 (5.4) 11.6 (6.4) 10.5 (5.6) 9.6 (5.4) 9.0 (5.4) 9.5 (4.1)
Duration of awakenings, min 566 466 164 None
4.4 (2.5) 4.8 (2.9) 3.8 (1.9) 4.1 (2.1) 3.7 (1.2) 3.5 (1.0)
Light 5.1 (2.7) 4.1 (1.6) 4.6 (2.0) 4.8 (1.8) 4.5 (1.3) 4.3 (1.8)
Melatonin 4.3 (1.6) 4.5 (2.2) 4.2 (1.8) 4.2 (1.5) 5.5 (4.0) 4.7 (1.7)
L M 4.8 (2.2) 4.1 (1.4) 4.1 (1.9) 4.1 (1.5) 4.1 (1.2) 3.5 (1.1)
Duration of uninterrupted sleep epochs, min 566 466 164 None
33 (38) 21 (15) 21 (13) 35 (67) 17 (10) 20 (9)
Light 23 (12) 23 (13) 22 (17) 28 (22) 26 (11) 27 (31)
Melatonin 18 (7) 27 (26) 30 (23) 23 (15) 32 (36) 33 (33)
L M 25 (15) 24 (17) 29 (25) 39 (62) 26 (13) 22 (8)
Abbreviations: CMAI, Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Index; CSDD, Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia; L M, light plus melatonin; MOSES, Multi Observation Scale for Elderly Sub-
jects; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; NI-ADL, nurse-informant activities of daily living adaptation
of the scale by Katz et al
; NPI-Q, questionnaire format of the Neuropsy-
chiatric Inventory; PGCARS, Philadelphia Geriatric Center Affect Rating Scale; PGCMS, Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale.
The number of observations during the last 1.5 years were limited and therefore data are only shown up to 2 years of follow-up. Group averages for the cognition ratings appear to
increase over the follow-up assessments. This does not actually reflect within-participant changes, but rather the change in group size at each subsequent follow-up. First, participants
who dropped out had worse cognitive ratings. Second, 60 participants enrolled in the study after lights had already been installed. At their first assessment, these 60 participants had
higher scores on the MMSE.
Range is shown as worst to best.
For example, the neuropsychologist obtained a total of 619 successful MMSE assessments, of which 500 were follow-up assessments, for 174 participants. In addition to failure of
observation reported in the “Results” section, a few observations were missed for some variables due to issues of ambiguity or readability in the rating reports.
Indicates double placebo.
2648 JAMA, June 11, 2008—Vol 299, No. 22 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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years, allowing for 6 follow-up assess-
ments (1 short-term and 5 half yearly).
Under the assumption of a within-
subject correlation of r=0.50 and using
the formulas provided by Twisk,
participants would be needed to at-
tain, at a 2-sided a level of less than .05,
a power of 0.80 to detect effect sizes of
0.25 for main effects and 0.35 for in-
teractions (ie, between the conven-
tional definition of a small effect size
of 0.20 to a moderate effect size of 0.50).
Because new inhabitants, assigned to
the special care facilities after study ini-
tiation, were faced with the presence of
the dedicated lighting systems, they
were allowed to participate, yielding a
total of 189 participants. A post hoc
power analysis, taking into account the
reduced follow-up and larger sample
size than anticipated (189 partici-
pants followed-up for 3.25 assess-
ments on average), yielded minimal de-
tectable effect sizes of 0.23 for main
effects and 0.33 for interactions.
Randomization was balanced in that
none of the individual or environmen-
tal characteristics, use of medication,
or pretreatment outcome variable lev-
els differed significantly between the 4
groups (Table 1; all P .05, average
tests performed for frequen-
cies and analyses of variance for lev-
els). The participants included in the
study and followed up in the 4 groups
are shown in Figure 1. An overview of
the number of observations and the sub-
group means and standard deviations
through 2 years are shown in Table 2.
Treatment effects analyzed, taking into
account the factorial design, are given
in T
Of the maximum number of possible
MMSE observations, 15% (112/744)
failed due to insufficient communica-
tion abilities and 1% (6/744) due to ab-
sence of the participants during the neu-
ropsychologist visit. Regression analysis
showed that light ameliorated cogni-
tive decline overall by 0.9 points (95%
confidence interval [CI], 0.04-1.71,
P=.04) on the MMSE or a relative 5% (all
percentages given relative to intercept
unless stated otherwise). The effect was
best described as a fixed difference at all
time points, and thus left the rate of pro-
gressive worsening unchanged.
Mood Scales
Of the maximum number of possible
CSDD depression observations, 2% (14/
744) were missing due to absence of the
participant or a knowledgeable care-
giver during the neuropsychologist visit.
Light treatment ameliorated depres-
sive symptoms by 1.5 points (95% CI,
0.24-2.70; P =.02) on the CSDD or a
relative 19%. Of the maximum num-
ber of PGCMS scores on the partici-
pants’ self-esteem, 18% (134/744) failed
due to insufficient communication abili-
ties and 1% (6/744) failed due to ab-
sence of the participant during the neu-
ropsychologist visit. No treatment effect
was found for the PGCMS (P =.18 for
light, P=.36 for melatonin, and P=.28
for light plus melatonin). Of the maxi-
mum possible number of caregiver rat-
ings on the PGCARS, MOSES, NPI-Q,
CMAI, and NI-ADL, 4% (30/744) failed
because caregivers stated that they were
unable to provide a rating due to limi-
tations of communication, abilities, or
observability of the participants and 1%
(7/744) due to incomplete data. Mela-
tonin adversely affected observed mood
by lowering positive mood ratings by
0.5 points (95% CI, 0.10-1.00; P=.02)
on the PGCARS positive or 5% and in-
creasing negative mood rating by 0.8
points (95% CI, 0.20-1.44; P=.01) on
the PGCARS negative or 14%. A
light melatonin interaction effect of
−1.00 point (95% CI, −0.17 to −1.82;
P=.02) on the PGCARS negative or 17%
indicated that the adverse effect of mela-
tonin on negative mood expressions
was compensated for in those partici-
pants who received bright light in ad-
dition to melatonin.
Behavioral Scales
Melatonin treatment aggravated the with-
drawn behavior rating by 1.02 points
(95% CI, 0.18-1.86; P =.02) on the
MOSES or 7%. No treatment effect was
found for the NPI-Q severity (P=.41 for
light, P=.52 for melatonin, and P=.77 for
light plus melatonin) and caregiver dis-
tress (P=.18 for light, P=.32 for mela-
tonin, and P=.80 for light plus melato-
nin). Combined light and melatonin
treatment ameliorated agitated behav-
ior by 3.9 points (95% CI, 0.88-6.92;
P=.01) on the CMAI or a relative 9%.
Activities of Daily Living
Light treatment attenuated the gradual
increase in functional limitations by 1.8
points (95% CI, 0.61-2.92; P=.003) on
the NI-ADL per year (ie, a relative 53%
less steep increase compared with the
increase of 3.3 points per year in par-
ticipants in the inactive light condi-
Of the maximum number of possible
actigraphic recordings, 22% (160/744)
failed due to nonadherence and 2%
(14/744) due to logistics. The percent-
age of missing data did not vary across
time points (
=5.4, P=.71). Light and
melatonin treatment affected sleep in
several ways. As to the quantity of
sleep and wakefulness, the 4 variables
obtained were all affected by the treat-
ments. An important variable is noc-
turnal restlessness, quantified as the
minutes per hour containing any
activity during the most restful 5-hour
period of the average activity profile.
Combined treatment (light and mela-
tonin) ameliorated nocturnal restless-
ness with an effect that increased over
time, ie, by 1.00 minute per hour each
year (95% CI, 0.26-1.78; P = .01) or
9%. Combined treatment also
increased sleep efficiency by 3.5%
(95% CI, 0.8%-6.1%; P=.01). Melato-
nin shortened sleep onset latency by
8.2 minutes (95% CI, 1.08-15.38;
P=.02) or a relative 19% overall. Sleep
duration increased by 27 minutes
(95% CI, 9-46; P =.004) or 6% with
melatonin treatment and in addition
by 10 minutes per year (95% CI, 0.4-
20; P=.04) with light treatment or 2%.
Regarding sleep structure, the treat-
ments significantly reduced sleep frag-
mentation. The combination of light
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Table 3. Treatment Effect Estimates
Assessment Scale
Overall Analysis
Up to 3.5-y Follow-up
Analysis for
Up to 1.5-y Follow-up
Pattern-Mixture Analysis
Effect Modification
by Drop Out
Effect Modification
by Insufficient
Communicative Abilities
Effect Estimate
(95% CI)
Effect Estimate
(95% CI)
Effect Estimate
(95% CI)
Effect Estimate
(95% CI)
Cognitive Scale
Mini-Mental State
Light 0.87
(0.04 to 1.71)
.04 1.03
(0.18 to 1.87)
.02 1.45
(−0.14 to 3.03)
.07 −0.27
(−1.77 to 1.23)
Melatonin −0.01
(−0.79 to 0.76)
.97 −0.14
(−0.91 to 0.64)
L M −0.23
(−1.38 to 0.93)
.70 −0.49
(−1.64 to 0.66)
Mood Scales
Cornell Scale for Depression
in Dementia
Light −1.47
(−2.70 to −0.24)
.02 −1.76
(−2.98 to −0.53)
.01 1.10
(−0.91 to 3.11)
.28 −0.02
(−2.05 to 2.01)
Melatonin −0.82
(−1.87 to 0.23)
.12 −0.73
(−1.79 to 0.33)
L M −0.94
(−2.48 to 0.61)
.24 −1.01
(−2.56 to 0.54)
Philadelphia Geriatric Center
Affect Rating Scale positive
Light −0.17
(−0.81 to 0.48)
.61 −0.21
(−0.86 to 0.45)
Melatonin −0.55
(−1.00 to −0.10)
.02 −0.50
(−0.97 to −0.03)
.04 −0.14
(−1.04 to 0.77)
.76 0.14
(−0.81 to 1.08)
L M0.60
(−0.28 to 1.49)
.18 0.57
(−0.35 to 1.48)
Philadelphia Geriatric Center
Affect Rating Scale negative
Light 0.50
(−0.07 to 1.07)
.08 0.38
(−0.19 to 0.94)
Melatonin 0.82
(0.20 to 1.44)
.01 0.82
(0.20 to 1.45)
.01 −0.55
(−1.73 to 0.63)
.36 0.24
(−0.95 to 1.44)
L M −1.00
(−1.82 to −0.17)
.02 −0.94
(−1.78 to −0.09)
.03 1.07
(−0.44 to 2.57)
.16 −0.43
(−2.00 to 1.14)
Philadelphia Geriatric Center
Morale Scale
Light 0.35
(−0.28 to 0.98)
.18 0.49
(−0.16 to 1.14)
Melatonin 0.21
(−0.38 to 0.80)
.36 0.25
(−0.36 to 0.86)
L M0.07
(−0.71 to 0.85)
.28 0.09
(−0.71 to 0.89)
Behavioral Scales
Multi Observation Scale
for Elderly Subjects
Light −0.51
(−1.55 to 0.53)
.34 −0.68
(−1.76 to 0.40)
Melatonin 1.02
(0.18 to 1.86)
.02 0.81
(−0.07 to 1.69)
.07 0.35
(−1.29 to 1.98)
.68 0.80
(−0.88 to 2.48)
L M −0.74
(−2.35 to 0.87)
.37 −0.82
(−2.45 to 0.81)
Neuropsychiatric Inventory
questionnaire format on severity
Light 0.23
(−0.73 to 1.19)
.41 0.06
(−0.92 to 1.04)
Melatonin −0.41
(−1.21 to 0.39)
.52 −0.54
(−1.36 to 0.28)
L M −0.36
(−1.42 to 0.70)
.77 −0.42
(−1.50 to 0.66)
Neuropsychiatric Inventory
questionnaire format on distress
Light 0.25
(−0.87 to 1.37)
.18 0.11
(−1.04 to 1.25)
Melatonin −0.68
(−1.64 to 0.28)
.32 −0.72
(−1.71 to 0.26)
L M −0.56
(−1.81 to 0.69)
.80 −0.54
(−1.84 to 0.76)
Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Index Light −1.61
(−4.82 to 1.60)
.33 −1.85
(−5.04 to 1.34)
Melatonin 1.28
(−1.99 to 4.55)
.44 1.40
(−1.89 to 4.68)
L M −3.90
(−6.92 to −0.88)
.01 −3.83
(−6.90 to −0.75)
.01 −5.35
(−11.19 to 0.49)
.07 −0.51
(−6.64 to 5.61)
2650 JAMA, June 11, 2008—Vol 299, No. 22 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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and melatonin treatment interacted to
reduce the average duration of indi-
vidual brief nocturnal awakenings by
0.5 minutes per year (95% CI, 0.21-
0.85; P =.01) or a relative 12%. Mela-
tonin treatment increased the average
duration of uninterrupted periods of
sleep by 5.8 minutes (95% CI, 1.0-
10.6; P=.02) or a relative 25%.
Table 3. Treatment Effect Estimates
Assessment Scale
Overall Analysis
Up to 3.5-y Follow-up
Analysis for
Up to 1.5-y Follow-up
Pattern-Mixture Analysis
Effect Modification
by Drop Out
Effect Modification
by Insufficient
Communicative Abilities
Effect Estimate
(95% CI)
Effect Estimate
(95% CI)
Effect Estimate
(95% CI)
Effect Estimate
(95% CI)
Functional Scale
Nurse-informant activities
of daily living scale
Light −1.77/y
(−2.92 to −0.61)
.003 −2.02/y
(−3.78 to −0.26)
.02 −0.26
(−2.72 to 2.21)
.84 0.04
(−1.39 to 1.48)
Melatonin −0.92
(−2.33 to 0.49)
.20 −1.52
(−3.00 to −0.04)
L M −1.25
(−3.13 to 0.63)
.19 −1.73
(−3.70 to 0.23)
Actigraphic Sleep Estimates
Sleep efficiency, % Light 0.83
(−1.89 to 3.55)
.55 1.00
(−1.77 to 3.78)
Melatonin 1.50
(−1.40 to 4.40)
.31 1.72
(−1.18 to 4.62)
L M3.46
(0.84 to 6.09)
.01 2.92
(0.25 to 5.58)
.03 1.66
(−3.49 to 6.81)
.53 −0.55
(−7.47 to 6.38)
Sleep onset latency, min Light −3.61
(−11.23 to 4.01)
.35 −2.46
(−10.38 to 5.45)
Melatonin −8.23
(−15.38 to −1.08)
.02 −7.16
(−14.56 to 0.23)
.06 1.33
(−13.05 to 15.72)
.86 1.54
(−15.60 to 18.67)
L M −1.71
(−14.3 to 10.8)
.79 0.29
(−12.7 to 13.3)
Total sleep duration, min Light 10.14/y
(0.38 to 19.90)
.04 15.66/y
(2.14 to 29.18)
.02 0.05
(−0.24 to 0.34)
.75 0.15
(−0.14 to 0.44)
Melatonin 27.48
(8.55 to 46.41)
.004 20.28
(4.05 to 36.51)
.01 0.14
(−0.39 to 0.66)
.61 −0.13
(−0.76 to 0.51)
L M8.46
(−27.6 to 44.6)
.65 8.64
(−22.8 to 40.0)
Nocturnal restlessness, min/h Light −0.25
(−1.47 to 0.97)
.69 −0.17
(−1.44 to 1.10)
Melatonin −0.48
(−1.62 to 0.66)
.41 −0.40
(−1.60 to 0.79)
L M −1.00
(−1.78 to −0.26)
.01 −1.39
(−2.62 to −0.17)
.03 −0.54
(−2.17 to 1.09)
.52 0.26
(−2.26 to 2.77)
Duration of awakenings, min Light −0.50
(−1.04 to 0.04)
.07 −0.57
(−1.15 to 0.02)
Melatonin −0.05
(−0.52 to 0.41)
.83 −0.02
(−0.52 to 0.49)
L M −0.53/y
(−0.85 to −0.21)
.01 −0.63/y
(−1.21 to −0.05)
.03 −0.20
(−0.89 to 0.50)
.58 −1.00
(−2.16 to 0.16)
Duration uninterrupted sleep
epochs, min
Light 0.05
(−4.93 to 5.03)
.98 0.29
(−5.07 to 5.66)
Melatonin 5.83
(1.05 to 10.61)
.02 6.03
(0.96 to 11.09)
.02 2.02
(−7.56 to 11.60)
.68 −7.71
(−18.98 to 3.56)
L M −0.15
(−8.30 to 8.00)
.97 0.50
(−8.16 to 9.15)
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; L M, light melatonin interaction.
Obtained from analyses using all available data assessed during up to 3.5 years of follow-up. The estimates indicate factorial effects; for example, light treatment increased MMSE scores
by 0.87 points (95% CI, 0.04-1.71), irrespective of whether participants were assigned to the active or placebo melatonin condition. Effect estimates were obtained from intent-to-treat
mixed-effect regression analyses including a pattern-mixture model approach
to account for missing data. Treatment effects were best modeled as modulated by time for the effect
of light on the NI-ADL, and for the effect of the combination of light and melatonin on nocturnal restlessness and the mean duration of intermittent awakenings (expressed in units of
effect per year).
Because, after 1.5 years of follow-up, only a limited number of observations could be obtained, a sensitivity analysis was performed to estimate effects as obtained from analysis on a
data set that was limited to the first 1.5 years of follow-up.
Missing data due to (1) death or nursing home placement and (2) insufficient communicative abilities at any assessment occasion were considered to be informative and dummy coded
(indicating presence of this condition for a participant at any point in time) to allow for evaluation of their possible effects in a pattern mixture model.
None of the treatment dropout
pattern effect estimates reached significance, indicating that treatment effects that reached significance in the overall analyses were not a result of confounding by selective missing data
and were of equal size for participants with and without missing data.
©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, June 11, 2008—Vol 299, No. 22 2651
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Prescription of Medication
The 4 groups did not differ in the pro-
portion of participants receiving psy-
chotropic medication at the onset of
their participation (Table 1, all P .32
test). Logistic mixed-effect re-
gression analysis showed that the pre-
scription use of antipsychotics, anxio-
lytics, hypnotics, and antidepressants
did not change after treatment onset
compared with prescription use prior
to treatment onset (all P .80). There
were no effects on prescription use with
either light or melatonin treatment or
their interaction (all P .35).
Missing Data and Effect
Modification by Diagnosis
and Visual Impairment
Because, particularly after 1.5 years,many
cases were lost to follow-up, it was im-
portant to determine whether treatment
effects obtained fromanalyseson the com-
plete 3.5-year data set were present when
only the first 1.5 years of follow-up were
included in the analysis. Compared with
the treatment effect estimates based on
all available data, only marginal changes
occurred when theestimates were derived
from only the first 1.5 years of follow-up
(Table 3). In fact, positive treatment effect
size estimates were similar or increased
when based on the first 1.5 years com-
pared with the full data set. Adverse treat-
ment effect sizes were generally less or
unchanged. This sensitivity analysis sug-
gests that the results cannot be attributed
to confounding by drop out.
The second approach to assess the im-
pact of dropouts was to code missing data
due to (1) death or nursing home place-
ment or (2) insufficient communication
abilities in 2 dummyvariables to allow for
inclusionin the regressionanalysis accord-
ing to a pattern-mixture model approach.
Individuals who dropped out of the study
due to nursing home placement or death
scored markedly worse on the MMSE
(−3.5; 95% CI, −5.1 to −1.8), PGARS posi-
tive (−0.9; 95% CI, −1.5 to −0.4), PGARS
negative (0.9; 95% CI, 0.3 to1.5), MOSES
(4.4; 95% CI,2.9 to 5.8),and NI-ADL (5.5;
95% CI, 2.3 to8.8). Relative to the decline
participants showed overall (all of the fol-
lowing expressed in scale points per year)
on the MMSE(−1.1; 95% CI,−1.4 to −0.7),
CSDD (2.1; 95% CI, 1.5 to 2.6), MOSES
(1.1; 95%CI, 0.8 to 1.5), CMAI (1.3; 95%
CI, 0.2 to 2.5), and NI-ADL (3.3; 95% CI,
2.3 to 4.3), participants who dropped out
worsened at a faster rate on the MMSE
(−1.5; 95% CI, −2.1 to −0.9), CSDD (1.5;
95% CI, 0.6 to 2.4), NPI-Q severity (2.1;
95% CI, 1.3 to 2.9), NPI-Q distress (2.5;
95% CI, 1.5 to 3.5), CMAI (4.2; 95% CI,
2.2 to 6.2), and NI-ADL (2.9; 95% CI,
1.6 to 4.2). Therefore, a pattern-mixture
analysis was performed that considered
dropouts as informative for the out-
come measures. These analyses showed
that none of the treatmentdrop out or
treatmentinsufficient communicative
abilities interaction terms reached sig-
nificance when added to the regression
models of the outcomes that showed sig-
nificant treatment effects in the overall
analysis (Table 3). Moreover, treatment
groups did not differ with regard to the
frequency of participants with dropout
pattern 1 (P.99) or 2 (P=.51) (
Finally, none of the treatment effects was
modulated by the presence or absence
of the diagnosis of probable Alzheimer
disease or by visual impairment (data
available on request). Attenuations of the
favorable treatment effects on nocturnal
restlessness (P=.07) and on the mean
duration of intermittent awakenings
(P=.08) for participants with opacity of
1 or both lenses of the eye were the clos-
est to significance.
Adverse Effects
An overview of the average ratings prior
to and during treatment is given in
ABLE 4. Items with the highest overall
ratings were drowsiness and irritability.
Of note, in contrast to previous studies
on light and melatonin that suggested an
increased occurrence of complaints, an
increased occurrence by either light or
melatonin treatment or their interaction
was not found.Onthe contrary, compared
with the pretreatment assessment and the
placebo-treated participants, light treat-
ment significantly reduced the ratings on
irritability, dizziness, headache, consti-
pation, and inability to sleep. Melatonin
reduced the ratings on constipation. No
severe adverse eventswere reported bythe
patients’ physicians. In the only case re-
portedby others, thedaughterof a 90-year-
old participant diagnosed with probable
Lewy body dementia suspected hermoth-
er’s increase in restlessness and falls to be
related to the treatment andrequested dis-
continuation. This patient had been as-
signed to the double placebo group.
This, to our knowledge, is the first
double-blind, placebo-controlled ran-
domized trial evaluating a combination
of the circadian stimuli light and mela-
tonin on a daily basis for an average of
15 months. The application of indirect
ceiling-mounted, whole-day bright light
resulted in optimal adherence and al-
lowed for a verifiable placebo group.
Light reduced the cognitive deficits by
5% without decelerating the progressive
cognitive worsening (as is also the case
for acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
). Light
also reduced depressive symptoms by a
relative 19% and attenuated the gradual
increase in functional limitations by 53%.
A similar increase in efficacy over time
by 2% was found for its effect on sleep
Melatonin had no effect on the CSDD
depression ratings but adversely affected
caregiver ratings of withdrawn behavior
and mood expressions. We suspect that
the long-term daily application of 2.5 mg
of melatonin may have induced supra-
physiological daytime levels, which are
associated with sleepiness and dyspho-
Bright light amelioratedtheadverse
effect on mood. For practical application
in elderly residents, a dose lower than 2.5
mg should be consideredas well as simul-
taneous application of bright light.
However, melatonin also induced
positive effects. In combination with
bright light, it attenuated agitated be-
havior by 9%. Most notably, melatonin
reduced sleep onset latency by a rela-
tive 19%, increased total sleep duration
by 6%, and increased the mean dura-
tion of uninterrupted sleep periods,
which has been related to the depth of
by 25%. Furthermore, in com-
bination with bright light, melatonin im-
proved sleep efficiency (3.5%), noctur-
nal restlessness (9% per year), and the
2652 JAMA, June 11, 2008—Vol 299, No. 22 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
at Vrije Universiteit on June 10, 2008 www.jama.comDownloaded from
average duration of brief nocturnal awak-
enings (12% per year). The strength of
the latter 2 effects increased over time
with treatment. If effects were sus-
tained over time, prolonged combined
treatment could help maintain sleep ef-
ficiency above 85%, which has been re-
garded as a cutoff for clinically relevant
disturbed sleep.
Our novel finding that
some melatonin effects develop slowly
and/or only in combination with light
treatment may explain the lack of ef-
fects in some of the previous short-
term studies.
Four limitations should be dis-
cussed. First, the study was performed
in a somewhat heterogeneous group of
elderly people, most of whom had
dementia, representative of residents in
group care facilities. Our trial should
therefore be considered a practical clini-
cal trial, which includes a more diverse
study population than is usually the case
in clinical trials with restricted eligibil-
ity criteria. Practical clinical trials have
been recommended to provide health
care decision makers with a more reli-
able estimate of applicability.
intrinsic to the aim of a practical clinical
trial, one should be cautious regarding
the multiplicity of analyses and out-
comes. However, light consistently
improved several important clinical para-
meters. As noted by Caspi et al,
the con-
sistency of results in several parameters
suggests a robust finding because the
number of significant effects far exceeds
the proportion that could be explained
by chance. A third issue concerns the lim-
ited number of men participating in the
present study. Although representative
of care facility occupancy in the Neth-
erlands, which is dominated by women,
these results may not be generalizable to
men. A fourth limitation was the sub-
stantial number of participants eventu-
ally lost to follow-up. Drop out was pri-
marily due to logistic limitations (ie,
discontinuation of facilities) and sec-
ondarily related to the very nature of the
population under study, which is at high
risk of death and transfer to a nursing
home. We verified that the treatment
effects were not modulated by dropout
pattern and were robust in a sensitivity
analysis limiting the data set to the first
1.5 years of follow-up.
Table 4. Evaluation of Potential Adverse Effects
Rating, Mean (SD)
Melatonin Light Melatonin
sessment None Light Melatonin
Effect Estimate
(95% CI)
Effect Estimate
(95% CI)
Effect Estimate
(95% CI)
Dizziness 0.94
(−0.55 to −0.19)
.001 −0.24
(−0.49 to 0.01)
.06 0.31
(−0.06 to 0.69)
Drowsiness 0.98
(−0.31 to 0.29)
.93 0.12
(−0.18 to 0.42)
.42 −0.06
(−0.50 to 0.37)
Eye complaints 0.86
(−0.23 to 0.21)
.91 −0.12
(−0.30 to 0.06)
.19 0.36
(−0.01 to 0.74)
Feebleness 0.69
(−0.38 to 0.04)
.11 −0.02
(−0.26 to 0.22)
.88 0.19
(−0.16 to 0.54)
Headache 0.75
(−0.41 to −0.02)
.03 0.01
(−0.23 to 0.24)
.96 0.03
(−0.32 to 0.37)
Hunger 0.38
(−0.20 to 0.19)
.98 −0.15
(−0.34 to 0.05)
.14 −0.08
(−0.36 to 0.20)
Hyperactivity 0.26
(−0.24 to 0.11)
.46 0.10
(−0.09 to 0.28)
.31 −0.21
(−0.48 to 0.06)
Inability to sleep 0.63
(−0.67 to −0.37)
.001 −0.02
(−0.24 to 0.21)
.87 0.24
(−0.08 to 0.57)
Irritability 1.07
(−0.57 to −0.11)
.004 −0.12
(−0.41 to 0.16)
.40 −0.16
(−0.58 to 0.26)
Nausea 0.36
(−0.23 to 0.14)
.62 0
(−0.19 to 0.19)
.99 −0.11
(−0.39 to 0.17)
Constipation 0.84
(−0.54 to −0.11)
.003 −0.17
(−0.33 to 0)
.05 0.10
(−0.23 to 0.43)
Pins and needles 0.24
(−0.25 to 0.04)
.16 −0.14
(−0.28 to 0.01)
.06 0.16
(−0.04 to 0.37)
Stomach ache 0.23
(−0.12 to 0.16)
.75 −0.02
(−0.16 to 0.13)
.83 −0.04
(−0.25 to 0.18)
Sweating 0.37
(−0.02 to 0.37)
.09 0.01
(−0.20 to 0.21)
.96 −0.07
(−0.36 to 0.23)
Trembling hands 0.37
(−0.25 to 0.14)
.61 0.01
(−0.20 to 0.22)
.92 0.07
(−0.25 to 0.39)
Other complaints 0.48
(−0.27 to 0.18)
.69 −0.02
(−0.23 to 0.19)
.85 0.02
(−0.28 to 0.31)
Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.
Caregivers provided a total of 694 adverse effects scale ratings, of which 571 were follow-up assessments, for 182 participants.
The 16-item ratings were given on a 4-point scale (0 = absent, 1 = probably absent, 2 = probably present, 3 = present).
Light treatment lowered the ratings on irritability, dizziness, headache, constipation, and inability to sleep; treatment with melatonin lowered the ratings on constipation.
©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, June 11, 2008—Vol 299, No. 22 2653
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We hypothesize that enhancement of
the function of circadian timing system
has been involved in thetreatment effects.
Several previous studies
suggest an in-
volvement of the circadian timing system
in optimal brain function, while other
indicate functional deficits in
the circadian timing system at advanced
age and in dementia. The long-term
supplementation of light as the primary
stimuli acting on the suprachiasmatic
nucleus may have improved its abilities
to synchronize rhythms in for example,
hormones, metabolism, and peripheral
oscillators, which concertedly contrib-
ute to an individual’s general function-
ing. This synchronization may be a slow
process, which could account for the
gradual increase in some of the effects.
For example, even in healthyhumans and
animals, some studies have shown that
it may take months until effects of light
or exercise on day-night rhythms become
evident (reviewed previously
). From a
practical point of view, one might imag-
ine the effects of enhanced rhythm syn-
chronization on general well-being as
comparable with recoveryfrom detrimen-
tal effects of jet lag and disturbed sleep.
A final issue to be discussed is whether
the statistically significant findings can
be interpreted as clinically relevant. Al-
though effects between 3.5 and 3.9
points on the MMSE have been consid-
ered clinically significant,
no treat-
ments have come close to this large an
effect. A meta-analysis concluded that
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors im-
prove cognitive performance by about
0.60 to 1.10 points on the MMSE.
though no direct comparison with our
findings can be made because our par-
ticipants were not all diagnosed with Alz-
heimer disease and showed more se-
vere cognitive deterioration at onset, the
effect by light of 0.87 points (95% CI,
0.04-1.71) on the MMSE is of a compa-
rable magnitude. Unlike acetylcholin-
esterase inhibitors, it did not manifest
adverse effects. Of further importance for
the evaluation of clinical relevance is that
light also contributed to improve-
ments in mood, behavior, functional
limitations, and sleep. Given the CSDD
cutoff scores of 8 for minor and 12 for
major depression, and the present CSDD
scores varying between about 8 and 12
on average in the placebo group, the light
treatment-related amelioration by 1.5
points (95% CI, 0.24-2.70) on the CSDD
or 19% could change the score from ma-
jor depression to minor depression, or
minor depression to no depression. Al-
though we are not aware of cutoff scores
for the behavioral and functional scales,
a reduction of 58% in the gradual in-
crease in functional limitations could be
clinically relevant. On the other hand,
with sleep efficiency varying between
about 70% and 76% on average in the
placebo group, the improvement of 3.5%
by combined treatment is not suffi-
cient to reach the often-used cutoff of
85% to overcome clinically relevant dis-
turbed sleep. On the whole, light treat-
ment could have clinically beneficial ef-
fects. We did not assess the cost of light
treatment; lights were provided at re-
duced cost and installation was not
In conclusion, the simple measure of
increasing the illumination level in
group care facilities ameliorated symp-
toms of disturbed cognition, mood, be-
havior, functional abilities, and sleep.
Melatonin improved sleep, but its long-
term use by elderly individuals can only
be recommended in combination with
light to suppress adverse effects on
mood. The long-term application of
whole-day bright light did not have ad-
verse effects, on the contrary, and could
be considered for use in care facilities
for elderly individuals with dementia.
Author Affiliations: Netherlands Institute for Neuro-
science, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sci-
ences, Amsterdam (Drs Riemersma-van der Lek,
Swaab, Hol, and Van Someren); and Departments of
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (Dr Twisk), Psy-
chiatry (Dr Hoogendijk), Neurology (Dr Van Some-
ren), Clinical Neurophysiology (Dr Van Someren), and
Medical Psychology (Dr Van Someren), Research In-
stitute Neuroscience CNCR (Dr Hoogendijk), and Alz-
heimer Center (Dr Van Someren), VU University Medi-
cal Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Dr
Riemersma-van der Lek is now with the Department
of Psychiatry, University Medical Center Groningen,
Groningen, the Netherlands.
Author Contributions: Dr Van Someren had full ac-
cess to all of the data in the study and takes respon-
sibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy
of the data analysis.
Study concept and design: Riemersma-van der Lek,
Swaab, Hoogendijk, Van Someren.
Acquisition of data: Riemersma-van der Lek, Hol, Van
Analysis and interpretation of data: Riemersma-van
der Lek, Swaab, Twisk, Hol, Van Someren.
Drafting of the manuscript: Riemersma-van der Lek,
Hol, Van Someren.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-
tellectual content: Riemersma-van der Lek, Swaab,
Twisk, Hol, Hoogendijk, Van Someren.
Statistical analysis: Twisk, Van Someren.
Obtained funding: Riemersma-van der Lek, Swaab,
Van Someren.
Administrative, technical, or material support: Swaab,
Hol, Hoogendijk, Van Someren.
Study supervision: Swaab, Hoogendijk, Van Someren.
Financial Disclosures: None reported.
Funding/Support: Financial and material support were
provided by the Netherlands Organization for Health
Research, the Hague, by grants 0028-300-30 and 907-
00-012; the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Re-
search, the Hague, by grants 016.025.041 and
051.04.010; the Stichting De Drie Lichten, Leiden;
Stichting RVVZ; Zeist by grant 01-220; Japan Foun-
dation for Aging and Health; Hersenstichting Neder-
land by grant 11F04-2.47; Internationale Stichting Alz-
heimer Onderzoek by grant 05511. Philips Lighting
BV, Braun, and Cambridge Neurotechnology sup-
plied material for this study at reduced cost.
Role of the Sponsor: None of the sponsors or fun-
ders had any involvement in the design or conduct of
the study; collection, management, analysis, and in-
terpretation of the data; and preparation, review or
approval of the manuscript.
Additional Information: An equation and additional
details about the mixed-effect regression analysis is
available at
Additional Contributions: We thank the inhabitants
and staff of the participating homes for the elderly.
Renske van Hutten, MSc, Annemarie Kalis, MSc, and
Rene den Haan, MSc, provided neuropsychological as-
sessments, Jacqueline Sluijs, BSc, provided the assess-
ment of the apolipoprotein E genotype, Joop van Heer-
ikhuize, BSc, participated in the randomization and
distribution of tablets, Jenneke Kruisbrink, PhD, pro-
vided library assistance, and Tini Eikelboom, MSc, and
Wilma Verweij, MSc, corrected the English spelling and
grammar; all are from the Netherlands Institute for
Neuroscience, Amsterdam. The following persons pro-
vided advice on the protocol: Marcel Smits, MD, PhD
(Centre for Sleep-Wake disorders and Chronobiol-
ogy, Hospital Gelderse Vallei, Ede, the Netherlands)
and Elsbeth Nagtegaal, PhD (Meander Medical Cen-
ter, Department of Pharmacy, Amersfoort, the Neth-
erlands). The following persons provided advice on
multilevel analysis: Hans Berkhof, PhD (Department
of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU Univer-
sity Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) and
Min Yang, PhD (Centre for Statistics at Queen Mary
University of London, London, England). Debra Skene,
PhD (Neuroendocrinology Research Group, School of
Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, University of Sur-
rey, Guildford, England) provided critical reading of
the manuscript and useful comments. None of the ac-
knowledged persons received any compensation.
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... Meanwhile, gerontology studies have largely examined how indoor lighting impacts visual clarity, aiding in navigating spaces and enhancing spatial legibility in wayfinding, mobility, and task performance. A review of the literature reveals a notable gap in understanding the relationship between qualitative attributes of light, such as spatial pattern and luminance distribution, and nonvisual outcomes among older adults (Knez and Kers 2000;Riemersma-van Der Lek et al. 2008;Yamadera et al. 2000). Furthermore, there is a significant lack of studies examining how indoor lighting patterns impact nonvisual outcomes such as mood, behavior, and preferences in older adults. ...
... Yamadera et al. (2000) suggest that bright light therapy of 3000 lux from 9 to 11 am can enhance circadian rhythm and cognitive state in the early stages of Alzheimer's. Riemersma-van Der Lek et al. (2008) support that full-day bright light therapy at 1000 lux can improve both cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms of dementia. Figueiro (2008) recommends two lighting schemes with varying spectra and light intensities for different times of the day and night, emphasizing their practicality and effectiveness. ...
... Lovell et al. (1995) demonstrated that individuals receiving 2500 lux of light for 2 hours in the morning over two 10-day periods had lower agitation levels than on regular days. Riemersma-van Der Lek et al. (2008) highlighted that a full day of bright light (1000 lux) can alleviate depressive symptoms. Burns et al. (2009) contended that bright light therapy (10000 lux), compared to low illumination (100 lux), positively impacts reducing agitation and improving sleep in individuals with dementia. ...
... Overall, these findings offer functional evidence on the efficacy of blue light therapy as a non-invasive intervention for Aβrelated pathology and cognitive impairment. Compared to drugs and other electromagnetic physical interventions, light therapy offers the advantages of being non-invasive, relatively safe, and easy to use 50,51 . Numerous clinical studies over the past decades have explored white light therapy in AD and other neuropsychiatric conditions [51][52][53] . ...
... Compared to drugs and other electromagnetic physical interventions, light therapy offers the advantages of being non-invasive, relatively safe, and easy to use 50,51 . Numerous clinical studies over the past decades have explored white light therapy in AD and other neuropsychiatric conditions [51][52][53] . However, previous studies using white light have presented challenges in evaluating, standardizing, and optimizing light therapy conditions due to its mixed nature and varying physical parameters. ...
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Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by progressive amyloid deposition and cognitive decline, yet the pathological mechanisms and treatments remain elusive. Here we report the therapeutic potential of low-intensity 40 hertz blue light exposure in a 5xFAD mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Our findings reveal that light treatment prevents memory decline in 4-month-old 5xFAD mice and motivation loss in 14-month-old 5xFAD mice, accompanied by restoration of glial water channel aquaporin-4 polarity, improved brain drainage efficiency, and a reduction in hippocampal lipid accumulation. We further demonstrate the beneficial effects of 40 hertz blue light are mediated through the activation of the vLGN/IGL-Re visual circuit. Notably, concomitant use of anti-Aβ antibody with 40 hertz blue light demonstrates improved soluble Aβ clearance and cognitive performance in 5xFAD mice. These findings offer functional evidence on the therapeutic effects of 40 hertz blue light in Aβ-related pathologies and suggest its potential as a supplementary strategy to augment the efficacy of antibody-based therapy.
... Previous studies suggest that blue-enriched light can increase daytime activity [14], reduce insomnia, and increase rest-activity amplitude [15], strengthening the rest-activity rhythm in older people [16]. These studies, however, have focused on participants with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's/ dementia, living within institutions [14,[17][18][19], which are controlled environments and thus, can limit our understanding of the usefulness of light interventions in healthy, non-demented older adults under free-living conditions. ...
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Low indoor light in urban housing can disrupt health and wellbeing, especially in older adults who experience reduced light sensitivity and sleep/circadian disruptions with natural aging. While controlled studies suggest that enhancing indoor lighting may alleviate the negative effects of reduced light sensitivity, evidence for this to be effective in the real world is lacking. This study investigates the effects of two light conditions on actigraphic rest-activity rhythms and subjective sleep in healthy older adults (≥ 60 years) living at home. Two photon-matched lights were compared; a control white light (4000 K) and a blue-enriched white light (17000 K) at two different intensities (300–450 lx and 1100–1200 lx respectively). Participants ( n = 36, 25 female) completed an 11-week randomized, cross-over study, comprising 1 week of baseline, 3 weeks of self-administered light exposure (2 h in the morning and 2 h in the evening), and 2 weeks of washout for each light condition. Participants completed sleep diaries, wore a wrist actigraph and a light sensor necklace, and collected urine to measure 6-sulphatoxymelatonin. Longer duration of morning blue-enriched light significantly improved rest-activity rhythm stability and decreased sleep fragmentation. More time spent above 2500 lx increased actigraphy amplitude, daytime activity, and advanced bedtime. Evening light exposure, however, increased sleep latency and lowered sleep efficiency. Our findings show morning blue-enriched light is beneficial whereas evening light should be avoided. Optimal timing of self-administered light interventions thus may offer a promising strategy to improve sleep and rest-activity rhythms in older adults in real-world settings.
... Cognition improved significantly in participants in all three studies that examined the impact of BLT on cognition [30,33,34]. These results were consistent with previous studies [44,45], which similarly indicated positive effects on cognitive function. ...
Integrative lighting considers light for both visual and non-visual impact and can therefore benefit human health and well-being. More specifically, it can benefit circadian-related well-being, an umbrella term which within dementia cohorts considers factors such as sleep, rest-activity, mood, agitation and activities of daily living. As people living with dementia experience disruptions to their circadian rhythms and spend large amounts of time indoors, the understanding of how integrative interior lighting could influence their body clock could help support their well-being. A review of 18 studies found that papers are difficult to compare due to unsystematic study designs and reporting of study characteristics, light characteristics and participant characteristics. The findings at most imply that indoor integrative lighting could be beneficial to these aspects of well-being. This review finds suggestion that for this cohort there may be a relationship between colour variation and mood and agitation, alongside a relationship between intensity variation and sleep, and that the influence on rest-activity may be more unpredictable. These findings are inferred and due to heterogeneous study designs they are inconclusive. The outcome of this review therefore recommends future studies that follow systematic checklists for study designs which seek to test these inferred hypotheses within this cohort.
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Wearable devices have gained increasing attention for use in multifunctional applications related to health monitoring, particularly in research of the circadian rhythms of cognitive functions and metabolic processes. In this comprehensive review, we encompass how wearables can be used to study circadian rhythms in health and disease. We highlight the importance of these rhythms as markers of health and well-being and as potential predictors for health outcomes. We focus on the use of wearable technologies in sleep research, circadian medicine, and chronomedicine beyond the circadian domain and emphasize actigraphy as a validated tool for monitoring sleep, activity, and light exposure. We discuss various mathematical methods currently used to analyze actigraphic data, such as parametric and non-parametric approaches, linear, non-linear, and neural network-based methods applied to quantify circadian and non-circadian variability. We also introduce novel actigraphy-derived markers, which can be used as personalized proxies of health status, assisting in discriminating between health and disease, offering insights into neu-robehavioral and metabolic status. We discuss how lifestyle factors such as physical activity and light exposure can modulate brain functions and metabolic health. We emphasize the importance of establishing reference standards for actigraphic measures to further refine data interpretation and improve clinical and research outcomes. The review calls for further research to refine existing tools and methods, deepen our understanding of circadian health, and develop personalized healthcare strategies.
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Circadian rhythm disturbances are frequently present in Alzheimer disease (AD). In the present study, we investigated the expression of vasopressin (AVP) mRNA in the human suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The in situ hybridization procedure on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded material was improved to such a degree that we could, for the first time, visualize AVP mRNA expressing neurons in the human SCN and carry out quantitative measurements. The total amount of AVP mRNA expressed as masked silver grains in the SCN was 3 times lower in AD patients (n = 14; 2,135 +/- 597 microm2) than in age- and time-of-death-matched controls (n = 11; 6,667 +/- 1466 microm2) (p = 0.003). No significant difference was found in the amount of AVP mRNA between AD patients with depression (n = 7) and without depression (n = 7) (2,985 +/-1103 microm2 and 1,285 +/- 298 microm2, respectively; p = 0.38). In addition, the human SCN AVP mRNA expressing neurons showed a marked day-night difference in controls under 80 years of age. The amount of AVP mRNA was more than 3 times higher during the daytime (9,028 +/- 1709 microm2, n = 7) than at night (2,536 +/- 740 microm2, n = 4; p = 0.02), whereas no clear diurnal rhythm of AVP mRNA in the SCN was observed in AD patients. There was no relationship between the amount of AVP mRNA in the SCN and age at onset of dementia, duration of AD and the neuropathological changes in the cerebral cortex. These findings suggest that the neurobiological basis of the circadian rhythm disturbances that are responsible for behavioral rhythm disorders is located in the SCN. It also explains the beneficial effects of light therapy on nightly restlessness in AD patients.
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As part of a study of care for patients with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders in 31 dementia units, (special care units) and 32 traditional units in five states, an observational screening checklist was designed and field tested. That checklist the Therapeutic Environment Screening Scale (TESS) uses 12 items to evaluate the appropriateness of a nursing home unit for residents with dementing disorders. The therapeutic principles evaluated by the instrument are: eliminating potentially noxious stimuli, enhancing mood and self image, promoting safety, accommodating a range of private and social activities, and providing access to the outdoors. Application of the instrument showed that the 63 settings studied did differ in the 12 environmental characteristics studied, and that as a whole, dementia units scored significantly better than traditional nursing home units.
Background Cholinesterase inhibitors produce small improvements in cognitive and global assessments in Alzheimer's disease. We aimed to determine whether donepezil produces worthwhile improvements in disability, dependency, behavioural and psychological symptoms, carers' psychological wellbeing, or delay in institutionalisation. If so, which patients benefit, from what dose, and for how long? Methods 565 community-resident patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease entered a 12-week run-in period in which they were randomly allocated donepezil (5 mg/day) or placebo. 486 who completed this period were rerandomised to either donepezil (5 or 10 mg/day) or placebo, with double-blind treatment continuing as long as judged appropriate. Primary endpoints were entry to institutional care and progression of disability, defined by loss of either two of four basic, or six of 11 instrumental, activities on the Bristol activities of daily living scale (BADLS). Outcome assessments were sought for all patients and analysed by logrank and multilevel models. Findings Cognition averaged 0·8 MMSE (mini-mental state examination) points better (95% Cl 0·5–1·2; p<0·0001) and functionality 1·0 BADLS points better (0·5–1·6; p<0·0001) with donepezil over the first 2 years. No significant benefits were seen with donepezil compared with placebo in institutionalisation (42% vs 44% at 3 years; p=0·4) or progression of disability (58% vs 59% at 3 years; p=0·4). The relative risk of entering institutional care in the donepezil group compared with placebo was 0·97 (95% Cl 0·72–1·30; p=0·8); the relative risk of progression of disability or entering institutional care was 0·96 (95% Cl 0·74–1·24; p=0·7). Similarly, no significant differences were seen between donepezil and placebo in behavioural and psychological symptoms, carer psychopathology, formal care costs, unpaid caregiver time, adverse events or deaths, or between 5 mg and 10 mg donepezil. Interpretation Donepezil is not cost effective, with benefits below minimally relevant thresholds. More effective treatments than Cholinesterase inhibitors are needed for Alzheimer's disease.
Background: The results of clinical trials are routinely presented in terms of statistical significance, which may or may not indicate clinical significance. Analysis of the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) of cognitive scales has received little attention to date. Objectives: By reviewing the key methodological features (sample size, duration, statistical and clinical significance) of clinical trials examining the efficacy of tacrine in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), we assessed their ability to detect clinically important changes in cognition. Design: The value for the MCID of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) was determined by surveying specialists in neurology and geriatric medicine. This value was then used to interpret the clinical significance of the results of published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the efficacy of tacrine in the treatment of AD and to retrospectively determine their optimal sample size and trial duration. Results: The mean survey MCID for the MMSE was 3.72 (95% confidence interval 3.50–3.95) points. Only 2 of 12 tacrine RCTs using the MMSE found a statistically significant difference in MMSE scores for patients taking tacrine compared with those taking placebo. These improvements were not clinically significant when compared with the survey MMSE MCID. For parallel trials of tacrine in AD, the smallest sample size and minimum trial duration required to demonstrate a clinically significant difference were calculated to be 53 subjects and 1 year, respectively. Five of the 7 parallel trials met the required sample size; however, none of them met the criteria for trial duration. Conclusions: When using the MMSE as an outcome measure, no tacrine trial reported results that were clinically significant as perceived by clinicians working with dementia patients. Application of a range of plausible MCIDs to the parallel design RCTs also demonstrated that 2 of 7 of these trials did not have sufficient sample size, and none had sufficient duration of treatment to reliably detect clinically meaningful changes in cognition. Future clinical trials in this area will need to incorporate the evolving knowledge of MCIDs in order to increase their chance of detecting clinically relevant results.
SUMMARY  Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common dementing disorder of aging, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease of unknown etiology. Two of the common clinical features of AD are progressive cognitive and functional impairment, and disturbed sleep/wake patterns. We examined sleep/wake patterns and cognitive and functional status measures in a large sample of AD subjects ranging from mild to moderate-severe in impairment. All subjects survived at least 2 years after initial diagnosis. Regression analyses revealed that sleep/wake variables were highly correlated with and explained significant variance in cognitive and functional measures. More wakefulness during the night and longer REM latencies were associated with impaired cognition and function while more REM and slow-wave sleep were associated with preserved cognition and function. These results indicate that with advancing severity of the disease, sleep/wake patterns are disrupted in parallel with the disturbances in cognition and function that are the hallmarks of AD. Further, they suggest that the neural substrates underlying each process degenerate at somewhat comparable rates.
Objective To evaluate variables associated with quality of life (QOL) in dementia residents in a long-term care facility using a recently standardized and validated dementia-specific QOL scale (ADRQL).MethodA cross-sectional, case-control design was employed using validated scales to assess dementia-related symptomatology. Thirty-two facility staff members were interviewed to assess the QOL of 120 patients meeting DSM-IV for dementia criteria residing in long-term care.ResultsADRQL scores were higher in assisted living residents than in skilled nursing facility residents. In univariate analyses, worse orientation, greater physical dependency, depression, and treatment with anxiolytics were associated with lower ADRQL scores. In multivariate analyses, lower scores were associated with worse orientation, greater physical dependency, depression, and anxiolytic treatment.Conclusions Residents exhibited better QOL than expected. Future longitudinal studies should address if reorientation, activity therapy, treatment of depression, and avoidance of benzodiazepines might improve QOL in this population. Interventions that might improve orientation and physical abilities, such as cholinomimetic therapies, psychosocial interventions, or behavioral strategies, should also be studied in future research on QOL. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Objectives: To explore the impact of subgroups and individual symptoms of non-cognitive disturbance on the carers of Alzheimer's disease patients. Design: Cross-sectional study using clinically valid scales to assess patient symptomatology and self-report questionnaires to measure carer variables. Setting: Old age psychiatry outreach services in South and Central Manchester. Subjects: 100 patients with Alzheimer's disease living at home and their carers. Main outcome measures: Subjective burden and distress in carers. Results: Separate statistical analyses were performed for subgroups and individual symptoms of non-cognitive disturbance. For subgroups, multivariate analyses identified depression and behavioural disturbances in patients as significant predictors of subjective burden in carers. Carer distress was predicted by depression, psychosis and cognitive impairments in patients and carer gender. For individual symptoms of non-cognitive disturbance, three features of depression in patients (mood-related signs, physical signs and behaviour changes), walking disruptions and the patient-carer relationship predicted of subjective burden in carers. Variance in the level of carer distress was accounted for by sleep disruptions, hallucinations and mood-related depressive features in patients and carer gender. Conclusion: The findings confirm that the non-cognitive features of Alzheimer's disease are stressful for carers and indicate specific relationships between mood-related and behavioural signs of depression, walking and sleep disruptions and hallucinations in patients and adverse carer outcomes. Patient depression and the mood-related signs of depression in particular were the most consistent and powerful predictors of psychological morbidity in carers. Intervention strategies need to identify and target troublesome behaviours in patients and aim to either change these behaviours or alter the way carers respond to them. Thus, interventions need to be symptoms-rather than service-led and are likely to require multidisciplinary and multi-agency approaches.
The circadian timing system (CTS) allows organisms on earth to synchronize internal rhythms to the environmental 24-hour light-dark cycle and anticipate the body on the forthcoming period of either activity or rest. The central pacemaker of the CTS is the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) regulating most, if not all, circadian rhythms in the body. The plasticity of this system at old age is the subject of this review, with special regard to its major internal stimulus, the pineal hormone melatonin.The circadian rhythm in melatonin production is regulated by the SCN and results in low daytime circulating levels of melatonin and an increase of circulating melatonin after darkness onset. This rhythm, like other circadian rhythms, is attenuated in elderly subjects. The relation between the age-related change in melatonin levels and sleep is discussed in this paper.Based on the hypothesis that there is a relationship between the increased prevalence of sleep-disturbances and decreased melatonin levels in elderly, several studies have been performed to investigate the effect of exogenous melatonin supplementation on sleep in elderly and demented subjects. An overview of these findings is presented and the various results are discussed.
In order to test the efficacy of the pineal neurohumor melatonin on depression, the hormone was administered in varying doses to six moderately to severely depressed patients and two patients with Huntington's chorea in double-blind crossover study. Melatonin exacerbated symptoms of dysphoria in these patients, as well as causing a loss of sleep and weight and a drop in oral temperature. Melatonin increased cerebrospinal fluid 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and calcium in three of four patients studied. The authors discuss the implications of this finding.