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Inductive learning -- that is, learning a new concept or category by observing exemplars -- happens constantly, for example, when a baby learns a new word or a doctor classifies x-rays. What influence does the spacing of exemplars have on induction? Compared with massing, spacing enhances long-term recall, but we expected spacing to hamper induction by making the commonalities that define a concept or category less apparent. We asked participants to study multiple paintings by different artists, with a given artist's paintings presented consecutively (massed) or interleaved with other artists' paintings (spaced). We then tested induction by asking participants to indicate which studied artist (Experiments 1a and 1b) or whether any studied artist (Experiment 2) painted each of a series of new paintings. Surprisingly, induction profited from spacing, even though massing apparently created a sense of fluent learning: Participants rated massing as more effective than spacing, even after their own test performance had demonstrated the opposite.
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Research Article
Learning Concepts and
Is Spacing the ‘‘Enemy of Induction’’?
Nate Kornell and Robert A. Bjork
University of California, Los Angeles
ABSTRACT—Inductive learning—that is, learning a new
concept or category by observing exemplars—happens
constantly, for example, when a baby learns a new word or
a doctor classifies x-rays. What influence does the spacing
of exemplars have on induction? Compared with massing,
spacing enhances long-term recall, but we expected spac-
ing to hamper induction by making the commonalities that
define a concept or category less apparent. We asked
participants to study multiple paintings by different ar-
tists, with a given artist’s paintings presented consecutive-
ly (massed) or interleaved with other artists’ paintings
(spaced). We then tested induction by asking participants
to indicate which studied artist (Experiments 1a and 1b) or
whether any studied artist (Experiment 2) painted each of
a series of new paintings. Surprisingly, induction profited
from spacing, even though massing apparently created a
sense of fluent learning: Participants rated massing as
more effective than spacing, even after their own test
performance had demonstrated the opposite.
The spacing effect refers to the nearly ubiquitous finding that
items studied once and revisited after a delay are recalled better
in the long term than are items studied repeatedly with no in-
tervening delay (e.g., Cepeda, Pashler, Vul, Wixted, & Rohrer,
2006; Dempster, 1996; Glenberg, 1979; Hintzman, 1974;
Melton, 1970). The positive effects of spacing on long-term re-
call are large and robust, and have been demonstrated in a va-
riety of domains, such as conditioning (even in animals as simple
as Aplysia; see Carew, Pinsker, & Kandel, 1972), verbal learning
(e.g., Bahrick, Bahrick, Bahrick, & Bahrick, 1993; Ebbinghaus,
1885/1964), motor learning (e.g., Shea & Morgan, 1979), and
learning of educational materials (e.g., Bjork, 1979; Dempster,
In many everyday and educational contexts, however, what is
important to learn and remember transcends specific episodes,
instances, and examples. Instead, it is most important to learn
the principles, patterns, and concepts that can be abstracted
from related episodes or examples. In short, educators often
want to optimize the induction of concepts and patterns, and
there are reasons to think that such induction may be enhanced
by massing, rather than by spacing. As stated by E.Z. Rothkopf
(personal communication, September 1977), ‘‘spacing is the
friend of recall, but the enemy of induction.’’
There is a compelling logic behind Rothkopf’s assertion.
Massing allows one to notice the similarities between successive
episodes or exemplars, whereas spacing makes doing so more
difficult. Thus, for example, spacing presentations of individual
paintings by a given artist will make it more difficult to notice
any characteristics that define the artist’s style because spacing
increases the chances that those characteristics will be forgotten
between successive presentations.
The logic behind Rothkopf’s assertion is so compelling that, to
our knowledge, it has never been tested. Perhaps the most direct
evidence that massing facilitates induction comes from a study
by Kurtz and Hovland (1956), who asked participants to study
simple drawings that varied on four dimensions: size, shape,
position, and coloring. There were four categories of drawings
that participants learned to identify; for example, a ‘‘Kem’’ was
defined as a drawing containing a circle positioned near the top
of the display. Each category was presented eight times, with the
individual items either interleaved with items from the other
Address correspondence to Nate Kornell, Department of Psychology,
1285 Franz Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095, e-mail: nkornell@
Volume 19—Number 6 585Copyright r2008 Association for Psychological Science
categories (i.e., spaced) or massed together. No item was ever
repeated exactly. On a memory test following the study phase,
participants’ performance was better for drawings in the massed
condition than for drawings in the spaced condition. Gagne
(1950) obtained a similar result using four categories of non-
sense-figure/nonsense-syllable pairs: Error rates were reduced
when the highly similar category members were grouped to-
gether, instead of being interleaved.
Less direct evidence comes from experiments that compared
exact and nonexact repetitions (i.e., verbatim repetitions vs.
paraphrased or gist repetitions). In such experiments, the spac-
ing effect appears to diminish or disappear altogether for non-
verbatim repetitions (e.g., Appleton-Knapp, Bjork, & Wickens,
2005; Dellarosa & Bourne, 1985; Glover & Corkill, 1987).
Similarly, Melton (1970) demonstrated that spacing effects do
not occur when participants fail to recognize that a repeated item
is a repetition. Given such findings, and given that inductive
learning involves exposure to a variety of different exemplars
and does not involve exact repetition, it seems possible that
spacing effects will disappear or turn into massing effects in
tasks requiring induction.
Finally, research in the domain of motor learning also pro-
vides indirect evidence that inductive learning may profit from
massing, rather than spacing. Learning a motor skill, such as a
tennis serve, involves induction in the sense that exposure to
one’s own proprioceptive feedback is an important component of
learning—and such repetitions are, by necessity, not exact,
especially for novices learning complex skills. Although spaced
practice is effective in many areas of motor learning (e.g., Shea &
Morgan, 1979), massed practice can be more effective for learn-
ing complex motor skills (Wulf & Shea, 2002).
Thus, there are both logical and empirical reasons to expect
massing, not spacing, to facilitate induction. One goal of the ex-
periments reported here was to investigate the size of the mass-
ing effect—that is, the advantage of massed study over spaced
study—in an inductive-learning context relevant to educational
Another goal was to investigate participants’ subjective as-
sessments of massed versus spaced study in the context of in-
duction. Prior research has demonstrated that people often rate
massing as more effective than spacing, even in contexts in
which spacing is actually superior (Baddeley & Longman, 1978;
Simon & Bjork, 2001; Zechmeister & Shaughnessy, 1980). Such
massing illusions may derive from the fact that metacognitive
judgments are often grounded in feelings of fluency (e.g., see
Benjamin, Bjork, & Schwartz, 1998). Presenting the same item
twice consecutively makes processing the second presentation
seem highly fluent, providing a (misleading) impression of learn-
ing, whereas spacing decreases the fluency of processing the
second presentation. In other words, massing provides a sense of
ease, which learners assume will translate to good memory on a
later test, whereas spacing is often a ‘‘desirable difficulty’’
(Bjork, 1994) in the sense that it enhances long-term retention.
If massing produces a sense of fluency of induction, participants
may prefer massing to spacing in the induction task we used in
these experiments.
In this experiment, participants were asked to learn the styles of
12 different artists by viewing six different paintings by each
artist. In Experiment 1a, spacing was manipulated within par-
ticipants: Paintings by each of 6 of the artists were presented
massed, and paintings by each of the other 6 artists were
presented spaced. In Experiment 1b, spacing was manipulated
between participants: For a given participant, the paintings
were presented either all massed by painter or all interleaved
(spaced). After the learning phase, participants were shown new
paintings by the same 12 artists and asked to select, from a list of
all the artists’ names, the artist who had painted each new
painting. After the test, participants in Experiment 1a were
asked what presentation condition, massing or spacing, they felt
had been more effective for learning a given artist’s style.
The participants were University of California, Los Angeles,
undergraduates, who participated for course credit. There were
120 participants in Experiment 1a and 72 participants, 36 in
each condition, in Experiment 1b.
The materials were 10 paintings by each of 12 artists (Georges
Braque, Henri-Edmond Cross, Judy Hawkins, Philip Juras, Ryan
Lewis, Marilyn Mylrea, Bruno Pessani, Ron Schlorff, Georges
Seurat, Ciprian Stratulat, George Wexler, and YieMei). Six paint-
ings by each artist were presented during the study phase, and 4
more were presented during the test phase. All the paintings were
landscapes or skyscapes. We selected artists who would be rela-
tively unknown to the participants, although some of the paintings
by Braque and Seurat may have been familiar to some of the
participants (however, on the final test, average performance on
paintings by those two artists was not better than average perfor-
mance on paintings by all 12 artists). The paintings were cropped
to remove identifying characteristics such as names and signa-
tures, if necessary, and then resized to fit into a 15- 11-cm
rectangle on a computer screen.
Procedure and Design
Participants were instructed about the nature of the study and
test phases and were then shown 72 paintings, 6 paintings by
each of the 12 artists. Each painting was shown for 3 s on a
586 Volume 19—Number 6
Spacing and Induction
computer screen, with the last name of the artist displayed
In Experiment 1a, the paintings by each of six of the artists
were presented consecutively (massed), whereas the paintings by
each of the other six artists were intermingled with paintings by
other artists (spaced). The artists assigned to the massed and
spaced conditions were determined randomly for each partici-
pant. Each successive block of six paintings consisted of six
paintings by a given artist (massed, or M) or one painting by each
of the six artists (spaced, or S). The order of the blocks was
MSSMMSSMMSSM (see Fig. 1). In Experiment 1b, depending on
the condition to which a participant was assigned, either all of the
paintings were presented in the massed condition or all of the
paintings were presented in the spaced condition.
At the end of the study phase, there was a 15-s distractor task,
during which participants counted backward by 3s from 547; the
test phase began when participants completed the distractor
task. On each test trial, an unfamiliar painting by one of the 12
artists was presented. Participants indicated who they thought
had created each painting by clicking their computer’s mouse on
1 of 13 buttons, 12 labeled with the names of the artists and 1
labeled ‘‘I don’t know.’’ After this response, feedback was pro-
vided : The word ‘‘correct’’ followed a correct selection, and the
correct artist’s name was presented following an error.
There were 48 test trials divided into four blocks of 12
paintings. Each block consisted of one new painting by each of
the 12 artists, presented in random order. After the test phase in
Experiment 1a, participants were told the meanings of the terms
massed and spaced and asked, ‘‘Which do you think helped you
learn more, massed or spaced?’’ They were given three response
options: ‘‘massed,’’ ‘‘about the same,’’ and ‘‘spaced.’’ The same
question could not be asked in Experiment 1b because partic-
ipants did not experience both conditions.
In marked contrast to our expectations, spaced study resulted in
significantly better test performance than did massed study, as
measured by the proportion of artists identified correctly on the
test (Fig. 2). (Experiment 1b was conducted after we came up
with a convoluted conjecture that mixing massed and spaced
paintings in a single learning phase created a spacing effect in
Experiment 1a.) The advantage of spacing was significant in
both Experiment 1a, F(1, 119) 577.35, p<.0001, Zp25.39,
and Experiment 1b, F(1, 70) 515.63, p<.001, Zp25.18.
Not surprisingly, given that feedback was provided, test per-
formance increased across test blocks—Experiment 1a: F(3,
357) 526.99, p<.0001, Zp25.18; Experiment 1b: F(3, 210)
511.56, p<.0001, Zp25.14. The interaction of presentation
condition and test block was significant—Experiment 1a: F(3,
357) 513.25, p<.0001, Zp25.10; Experiment 1b: F(3, 210)
53.33, p<.05, Zp25.046. This interaction appears to reflect
the large increase from the first to the second test block in the
massed condition, which may have been a consequence of the
first test block acting as an additional, spaced study opportunity
that benefited previously massed items in particular. A planned
comparison of performance during the first test block, which
Fig. 1. The first 12 paintings presented to 1 of the participants in Ex-
periment 1a (the artists in each condition were determined randomly for
each participant). The first 6 paintings (left column) were all by the same
artist (massed, or M), and the next 6 paintings (right column) were all by
different artists (spaced, or S). In total, there were 12 blocks of 6
paintings in the order MSSMMSSMMSSM. Therefore, in the spaced
condition, a given artist was represented by 1 painting in each S block.
Volume 19—Number 6 587
Nate Kornell and Robert A. Bjork
was, presumably, largely unaffected by the presence of feed-
back, showed that participants performed significantly better in
the spaced condition than in the massed condition, in both
Experiment 1a (M5.61, SD 5.24 vs. M5.35, SD 5.24),
t(119) 510.82, p<.0001, p
1.00, d50.99, and Ex-
periment 1b (M5.59, SD 5.22 vs. M5.36, SD 5.18), t(70) 5
4.94, p<.0001, p
1.00, d51.28.
The advantage of spacing over massing is all the more sur-
prising given participants’ responses on the questionnaire ad-
ministered after the test. As Figure 3 shows, participants in
Experiment 1a judged massing to be more effective than spacing,
regardless of their performance in the two conditions. Overall,
78% of the participants did better with spaced presentations than
they did with massed presentations, but 78% of the participants
said that massing was as good as or better than spacing.
The results of Experiments 1a and 1b pose two puzzles. First,
why did spacing, not massing, foster induction when there were
compelling reasons to expect otherwise? Second, why did par-
ticipants remain unaware that spacing was more effective than
massing, even after taking the test? With respect to the second
puzzle, we hypothesized that participants, while taking the test,
might not have remembered which artists had been presented in
which condition. To investigate this hypothesis, we presented 28
participants in Experiment 1a with a list of the artists’ names, and
asked them to indicate—after they had completed the test—how
each artist’s paintings had been presented (spaced or massed).
Accuracy on the identification task was significantly above chance
for artists whose paintings had been presented spaced (M5.74,
SD 5.17), t(27) 57.48, p<.0001, p
1.00, d51.41, but
not for artists whose paintings had been presented massed (M5
.55, SD 5.21), t(27) 51.19, p5.25, p
Participants’ inability to remember which artists’ paintings had
been presented massed suggests that participants often, if not
always, made their metacognitive judgments on the basis of their
subjective experience during the study phase.
With respect to the puzzle of why spacing enhanced induction,
one possible explanation is that the test required recalling a given
artist’s name, not just knowing his or her style, and spacing facil-
itates recall. It seems possible that participants did indeed induce
an artist’s style more effectively in the massed condition than in the
spaced condition, but recalled the name associated with that style
better in the spaced condition. Experiment 2 was designed to test
that possibility by assessing participants’ recognition, not recall, so
that they did not need to remember name-style associations.
The learning phase in Experiment 2 was identical to the learning
phase in Experiment 1a. However, during the test phase, par-
Proportion Correct Proportion Correct
Test Block
Fig. 2. Proportion of artists selected correctly on the multiple-choice
tests in Experiments 1a (top panel) and 1b (bottom panel) as a function of
presentation condition (spaced or massed) and test block. Error bars
represent standard errors.
Massed >
Massed =
Spaced >
Judged Effectiveness
Number of Participants
Spaced > Massed
Massed = Spaced
Massed > Spaced
Actual Effectiveness
Fig. 3. Number of participants (out of 120) who judged massing as more
effective than, equally effective as, or less effective than spacing in Ex-
periment 1a. For each judgment, the number of participants is divided
according to their actual performance in the spaced condition relative to
the massed condition.
588 Volume 19—Number 6
Spacing and Induction
ticipants were given a style-recognition test. All of the tested
paintings were new paintings, as in Experiment 1, but partici-
pants were asked only to categorize a given test painting as by a
‘‘familiar artist’’ (i.e., by an artist whose paintings had been
presented during the study phase) or as by an ‘‘unfamiliar artist.’’
Thus, the test required remembering only studied artists’ styles,
not their names.
The participants were 80 undergraduate students at the Uni-
versity of California, Los Angeles, who participated for course
The materials consisted of the same set of paintings used in
Experiment 1, plus, for each studied artist, an additional set of
four distractor paintings. Each distractor painting was chosen to
be stylistically similar to a studied artist’s paintings, and each
distractor was by a different artist (see Fig. 4).
The study phase was exactly the same as in Experiment 1a, as
was the questionnaire at the end of the experiment. The only dif-
ference from Experiment 1a was in the test phase (and associ-
ated instructions).
During each trial of the test phase, a painting was presented
with two buttons on the computer screen; one button was labeled
‘‘familiar artist,’’ and one was labeled ‘‘unfamiliar artist.’’ Par-
ticipants were instructed to select the ‘‘familiar artist’’ button if
they thought the painting was by an artist whose paintings had
been presented during the study phase, and to select the ‘‘un-
familiar artist’’ button if they thought the painting was by an
artist whose paintings had not been presented during the study
phase. There were four test blocks, each of which included one
target painting and one distractor painting by a corresponding
nonstudied artist, making a total of 24 paintings per block. No
feedback was given during the test.
Recognition test trials are, inevitably, also learning events. A
side effect of falsely endorsing a painting as by a familiar artist
was that a participant might alter his or her concept of the fa-
miliar artist’s style by incorporating aspects of a painting by an
unfamiliar artist into that concept. On each successive test
block, the potential for contamination created by false alarms
grew, resulting in a significant decrease in recognition accuracy
across test blocks, F(3, 237) 53.60, p<.05, Zp25.04.
Therefore, to gain maximum leverage on the question of interest,
we restricted our analyses to the first test block, which provided
the purest measure of the learning that occurred during the study
phase of the experiment.
Again, we were surprised to find that performance in the
spaced condition was superior to performance in the massed
condition. As Figure 5 shows, the spaced and massed conditions
produced similar rates of false alarms (i.e., saying that a painting
by a nonstudied artist was by a studied artist), but the hit rate
(i.e., correctly categorizing a new painting by a studied artist as
by a familiar artist) was higher in the spaced condition (M5.77,
SD 5.22) than in the massed condition (M5.67, SD 5.24),
t(79) 53.28, p<.01, p
5.98, d50.41. Consequently, there
was a significant interaction between spacing condition and
response type, F(1, 79) 57.84, p<.01, Zp25.09. There was
also a main effect of response type, F(1, 79) 5177.82, p<
.0001, Zp25.69, with more hits than false alarms; this pattern
of results shows that participants could distinguish between the
target and distractor paintings. Thus, even in a situation that did
not require participants to recall name-style associations,
spacing led to more effective induction than did massing.
Fig. 4. Examples of four target (a) and four associated distractor (b) paintings from the test phase of Experiment 2. The target
paintings were the same as those used in Experiment 1. The distractors were all by different artists, and each was selected to be
similar to the paintings of a given studied artist.
Volume 19—Number 6 589
Nate Kornell and Robert A. Bjork
As in Experiment 1a, the participants’ metacognitive judg-
ments were strikingly at odds with their actual prior perfor-
mance. Of the 72 participants who did not say that learning in
the massed condition and learning in the spaced condition were
‘‘about the same,’’ 64 thought massing had been more effective
than spacing.
One possible explanation of the current findings is that
schema induction happened early in the study phase. For ex-
ample, the induction for each artist may have been ‘‘done’’ by the
third study trial, so that the next three study trials amounted to
either massed or spaced memory practice. To test this possi-
bility, we conducted an additional experiment. The test phase
was the same as in Experiment 2, but in the study phase, only two
paintings by each artist (instead of six) were presented. We
obtained the same pattern of results: There was a significant
benefit of spaced study, but participants thought massed study
had been more effective.
A common way to teach students about an artist is to show, in
succession, a number of paintings by that artist. Counterintu-
itive as it may be to art-history teachers—and our participants
we found that interleaving paintings by different artists (spac-
ing) was more effective than massing all of an artist’s paintings
together. A possible key to understanding the present findings
involves the relationship between induction and discrimination.
Induction and Discrimination
Experiment 1 required that participants discriminate among
different artists’ styles; that is, on the test, they had to decide
which artist, among the 12 studied artists, had painted a given
new painting. The interleaving of artists that was intrinsic to the
spaced condition might have fostered such discrimination. For
example, the key to deciding whether a tree is a maple or an
oak (or some other tree) is learning to appreciate the differences
among trees, not learning about a given type of tree in isolation.
Interleaving had the effect of juxtaposing different paintings and
therefore might have enhanced discrimination learning. (In fact,
we have presented no evidence regarding the effects of temporal
spacing in the absence of interleaving, and it may be inter-
leaving, not spacing itself, that is the key to enhancing inductive
With respect to this possibility, the following observation by
Kurtz and Hovland (1956) seems relevant: ‘‘When the degree of
discriminability is low, it might be expected that placing of in-
stances from different concepts in juxtaposition would facilitate
discrimination learning, whereas with greater discriminability,
like that obtaining in the present study, the reverse might ob-
tain’’ (p. 242). Thus, if discrimination is not difficult, as was the
case in Kurtz and Hovland’s experiment, massing may be ad-
vantageous, but if discrimination is difficult, as it was in our ex-
periments, spacing might be more effective.
This argument is appealing, but it is not entirely consistent
with the results from Experiment 2. The recognition test in Ex-
periment 2 required discriminating between paintings by pre-
viously studied artists and similar paintings by artists who had
not been studied; it did not require distinguishing among artists
whose work had been presented, and yet there was a benefit from
It could be argued that a by-product of being better able to
distinguish among the presented artists is being able to distin-
guish those artists, as a group, from other artists. It may be rare,
in fact, that a concept or category (such as what psychology is or
how to fly a kite) is ever learned without the need to discriminate
it from other categories (such as sociology or ways to make a kite
Our results notwithstanding, there surely are situations in
which massing is more effective for induction than is spacing.
We attempted to create one such situation by asking participants
to figure out, and remember on a later test, the single word that
could be used to fill in the blanks in each of 12 sets of six words;
for example, in the case of _____ cracker, _____ wood, _____
side, _____ ant, _____ truck, _____ arm, the word to be gen-
erated and remembered was fire. The design was similar to the
design of Experiment 1a—that is, half of the sets that defined a
to-be-remembered word were presented massed, whereas the
other half were presented spaced—and 20 undergraduate par-
ticipants were tested. In this case, spacing made it nearly im-
possible to solve the problems, and, thus, later memory for the
target words was significantly better in the massed condition
than in the spaced condition (.34 vs. .22), t(19) 52.78, p<.05,
5.94, d50.65.
Admittedly, this simple experiment was contrived to be a
situation in which massing, not spacing, would enhance the
Studied Artists
Artists (FAs)
Proportion 'Familiar'
Fig. 5. Results from the recognition test in Experiment 2: proportion of
paintings judged to be painted by a studied artist as a function of whether
the artist had been studied (hits) or had not been studied (false alarms, or
FAs), separately for the spaced and massed conditions. Only data from
the first test block were analyzed and plotted here. Error bars represent
standard errors.
590 Volume 19—Number 6
Spacing and Induction
generation and memory of the critical words. The experiment
demonstrates, however, that whether spacing is the friend or
enemy of induction is a matter for sophisticated theorizing, be-
cause induction is a product of conceptual and memory processes
that are open to multiple situational influences. The important
point, though, is that in less contrived and more complex real-
world learning situations, spacing appears to facilitate induction.
Practical Implications
Inductive learning—that is, learning from examples—is a key
element of formal education, and of how humans (and other
animals) informally learn about the world. There are many in-
ductive-learning situations that would seem, from an intuitive
standpoint, to lend themselves to massed study, but may not.
Examples include a baby learning what chair means by ob-
serving people talking about chairs; an older child learning the
rules of a language, such as that most plural English words end
in s, by listening to people speak the language; a student in
school learning how words are spelled by reading them (as well
as through more direct instruction); a quarterback learning to
recognize a complex pattern of motion that predicts an inter-
ception by gaining experience in practice and during games; a
monkey learning to recognize the warning signs that another
monkey is acting threateningly by observing other monkeys’
behavior; and a medical student learning to recognize warning
signs of lung cancer by reading x-rays under an expert’s su-
pervision. Our results cannot necessarily be generalized to all of
these situations, of course, but they do suggest that in inductive-
learning situations, spacing may often be more effective than
massing, even when intuition suggests the opposite.
Our results also suggest that individuals responsible for the
design and evaluation of instruction that involves induction are
susceptible to being very misled by their own intuitions and
subjective experiences. Although prior experiments (Baddeley &
Longman, 1978; Simon & Bjork, 2001; Zechmeister & Shaugh-
nessy, 1980) have shown that people can experience an illusion
that massing is effective, we know of no experiment that can
match the current findings in terms of sheer inaccuracy of
judgments. In Experiments 1a and 2 combined, 85% of the
participants did at least as well in the spaced condition as in the
massed condition, but 83% of the participants rated the massed
condition as equally effective as or more effective than the
spaced condition. The illusion of effective learning in the massed
condition, based, apparently, on a sense of fluency of induction,
was clearly powerful in the experiments presented here. In real-
world inductive-learning tasks, therefore, it seems likely that
people will be heavily influenced by the illusory benefits of
massing when making decisions about their own learning or the
learning of their students or children. That is, most people are
likely to prefer massing in inductive-learning situations, but our
results suggest that they may do so at their own (and their stu-
dents’ and children’s) peril from a learning standpoint.
Looking back at our own inability to foresee the benefits of
spacing, perhaps we fell victim to the same illusion that we have
railed against (e.g., Bjork, 1994, 1999; Kornell & Bjork, 2007),
namely, the illusion that a sense of ease or fluency accompanies
effective learning, whereas a sense of difficulty signifies in-
effective learning. In the case of induction, as in many other
types of learning, spacing appears to be sometimes, if not al-
ways, a desirable difficulty (Bjork, 1994).
Acknowledgments—We thank Makah Leal and Timothy Wong
for their invaluable contributions to all facets of the experiments,
Elizabeth Bjork for her insights, and Katherine Huang and Jeri
Little for their help carrying out the experiments. Grant 29192G
from the McDonnell Foundation supported this research.
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592 Volume 19—Number 6
Spacing and Induction
... As first reported by Kornell and Bjork (2008), interleaving exemplars from different categories (e.g., A 1 B 1 C 1 A 2 B 2 C 2 A 3 B 3 C 3 ; letters represent different categories, with subscripts denoting different exemplars in a given category) tends to produce superior inductive learning outcomes by comparison with blocking exemplars by category (e.g., A 1 A 2 A 3 B 1 B 2 B 3 C 1 C 2 C 3 ). In their Experiment 1a, participants were instructed to study six paintings by each of 12 artists in order to master their painting styles. ...
... After the study phase, all participants undertook an induction test in which 48 new paintings (i.e., four from each artist) were shown one-by-one, and participants judged which artist painted each one. Kornell and Bjork (2008) found that the mean rate of correct classifications was significantly higher in the interleaved than in the blocked condition, reflecting an interleaving effect on inductive learning. ...
... The interleaving effect has been successfully replicated by dozens of studies which have further extended it to learning of animal species (Birnbaum et al., 2013;Kornell & Vaughn, 2018;Wahlheim et al., 2011), chemical compounds (Eglington & Kang, 2017), mathematical volume calculations (Foster et al., 2019;Rohrer & Taylor, 2007), cognitive and social concepts (Rawson et al., 2015;Sana et al., 2017), musical styles and intervals (S. S. H. Wong et al., 2020Wong et al., , 2021, second-language syntax (Nakata & Suzuki, 2019;Suzuki et al., 2020), and other complex materials in educational settings (Mielicki & Wiley, 2022). Interleaving-enhanced inductive learning also persists across a span of study-test intervals ranging from seconds (Kornell & Bjork, 2008;Kornell et al., 2010;Verkoeijen & Bouwmeester, 2014;Wahlheim et al., 2011), days (Pan et al., 2019;Taylor & Rohrer, 2010), and weeks (Zulkiply, 2013;Zulkiply & Burt, 2013b), to months (Rohrer et al., 2015). Accordingly, interleaving is a recommended strategy to organize exemplars with respect to inductive learning (for a recent systematic review, see Firth et al., 2021). ...
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Interleaving (intermixing exemplars from different categories) is more effective in promoting inductive learning than blocking (massing exemplars from a given category together). Yet learners typically prefer blocking over interleaving during self-regulated inductive learning, highlighting the need to develop effective interventions to overcome this metacognitive illusion and promote learners’ practical use of the interleaving strategy. Drawing on a sample of university students, three experiments examined the effects of an instructional intervention on (a) correction of metacognitive fallacies regarding the superiority of blocking over interleaving for inductive learning, (b) adoption of the interleaving strategy during self-regulated learning when learners are allowed to make study choices exemplar-by-exemplar, (c) classification performance, and (d) transfer of category learning across diverse domains. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that instructions about the benefits of interleaving over blocking improved metacognitive awareness of the efficacy of interleaving and enhanced self-usage of the interleaving strategy during learning of new categories. However, this intervention had negligible influence on interleaving distance and did not improve classification performance. Experiment 3 found that informing learners about the benefits of extensive interleaving, as compared to minimal interleaving or no interleaving, successfully increased interleaving distance and boosted classification performance, and the intervention effects transferred to learning categories in a different domain. These findings support the practical use of the instructional intervention in promoting self-usage of the interleaving strategy and highlight the important role of enlarging interleaving distance in facilitating inductive learning.
... Learning general category knowledge can be optimized by manipulating the order or sequence of category exemplars during the study (Brunmair & Richter, 2019). Interleaving exemplars from different categories improves learners' ability to classify new exemplars of those categories (Brunmair & Richter, 2019), a finding that is counterintuitive to learners' preference for blocking exemplars by category (Kornell & Bjork, 2008). Despite participants' intuitions that blocking might facilitate encoding of category-defining features, experimental findings support a discriminative-contrast hypothesisthat extracting information about the differences between exemplars of different categories, rather than the similarities among members of the same category, may be more critical for category learning (for a review and meta-analysis, see Brunmair & Richter, 2019). ...
... To test our hypothesis that general category knowledge and detailed memory may benefit from different learning sequencesinterleaved and blocked, respectively, we adapted a paradigm from Kornell and Bjork (2008), in which participants learned to categorize paintings from unfamiliar artists (categories) studied in an interleaved or blocked fashion within subjects. For each participant, six artists' paintings were presented in a blocked sequence (all paintings from one artist were presented), whereas the remaining six artist paintings were interleaved with each other (one painting from each of the six different artists was presented). ...
... The overall improvement in the blocked group may be due to the fact that feedback was provided during the generalization test, thereby giving the blocked group an opportunity to gain additional training at an interleaved study schedule and improve over the course of the generalization test. Similarly, Kornell and Bjork (2008) found that when participants received feedback during their test of category induction (generalization), the blocked group showed improvements across the four test blocks. ...
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General Audience Summary In real-world learning experiences, individuals can learn specific facts, for example, which museum collection holds a specific painting by Monet, while simultaneously extracting generalities, such as the general style of Monet’s brush strokes and color palette. Both types of learning are important in classroom settings. However, they may benefit from different types of instruction. Knowing where Monet’s specific paintings are located requires forming memories that discriminate between each painting and its location from all other paintings by Monet. Learning how Monet’s painting style differs from Manet’s requires discriminating between paintings from each artist. Here, we tested whether different learning sequences supported discriminative contrast of features required for remembering specifics and generalities. We found that interleaving paintings by different artists improved individuals’ ability to learn each artist’s general style. In contrast, blocking paintings by individual artists (i.e., presenting all of one artist’s paintings in sequence before moving on to the next artist) improved incidental memory for the specific locations of each painting by that artist. These findings suggest that instructors have an opportunity to emphasize one type of learning over another, specific details and general knowledge, by manipulating how they present information to students in classroom settings.
... Pembelajar menemukan kata-kata baru dalam konteks yang berbeda beberapa kali, sehingga memudahkan ingatan dan penerapan dalam berbagai situasi (Gauthier & Wang, 2022). Algoritme aplikasi menjadwalkan sesi peninjauan secara strategis berdasarkan kinerja pembelajar, sehingga mengoptimalkan retensi memori jangka panjang (Kornell & Bjork, 2008). ...
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Sebagai seorang pendidik dengan pengalaman yang cukup lama dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing, saya telah menyaksikan secara langsung dampak mendalam yang dimiliki aplikasi seluler terhadap penguasaan bahasa. Munculnya alat-alat ini tidak hanya mengubah cara siswa belajar, tetapi juga mengubah lanskap pendidikan itu sendiri. Salah satu manfaat paling signifikan dari aplikasi seluler adalah kemampuannya untuk mendemokratisasi akses ke sumber belajar bahasa. Siswa tidak perlu lagi bergantung hanya pada ruang kelas fisik atau materi yang mahal. Dengan ponsel pintar atau tablet, pelajar dapat mengakses banyak alat bahasa, termasuk latihan tata bahasa, kartu kosakata, dan latihan pengucapan, kapan saja dan dari mana saja. Fleksibilitas ini memberdayakan pelajar untuk bertanggung jawab atas pendidikan mereka, menyesuaikan sesi belajar dengan kesibukan hidup mereka. Dengan menggabungkan gamifikasi dan elemen interaktif, aplikasi seluler memikat siswa dengan cara yang seringkali tidak dapat dilakukan oleh metode tradisional. Penggunaan hadiah, tantangan, dan umpan balik waktu nyata membuat pelajar termotivasi dan terlibat. Saya mengamati bahwa siswa cenderung berlatih secara konsisten ketika mereka dapat melihat hasil dan kemajuan langsung, menumbuhkan rasa pencapaian yang mendorong mereka untuk melanjutkan perjalanan belajar mereka. Aplikasi seluler sering kali menggunakan algoritme canggih untuk menyesuaikan pengalaman belajar dengan kebutuhan individu. Pendekatan yang dipersonalisasi ini memungkinkan pelajar untuk fokus pada area tertentu, baik itu meningkatkan kosakata, memperbaiki tata bahasa, atau meningkatkan keterampilan percakapan. Sebagai seorang pendidik, saya menghargai bagaimana aplikasi ini dapat memberikan wawasan tentang kekuatan dan kelemahan siswa, yang memungkinkan untuk lebih mendukung tujuan pembelajaran mereka. Aspek penting lain dari aplikasi seluler adalah kemampuannya untuk menjembatani kesenjangan antara pembelajaran di kelas dan penggunaan di dunia nyata. Banyak aplikasi yang menyertakan materi autentik, seperti artikel berita, video, dan podcast, yang memaparkan siswa pada berbagai konteks penggunaan bahasa Inggris. Pemaparan ini tidak hanya meningkatkan kemahiran berbahasa tetapi juga meningkatkan pemahaman budaya, komponen penting dari komunikasi yang efektif. Aplikasi seluler sering kali menampilkan komponen sosial yang memungkinkan pelajar untuk terhubung dengan teman sebaya di seluruh dunia. Aspek komunitas ini mendorong kolaborasi, mendorong pertukaran budaya, dan menyediakan kesempatan untuk berlatih bahasa secara langsung. Saya telah melihat siswa tumbuh percaya diri saat mereka berinteraksi dengan penutur asli dan pelajar lain, mendobrak hambatan dan membangun persahabatan lintas batas. Kekuatan buku ini tidak hanya terletak pada analisisnya yang menyeluruh tentang aplikasi seluler, tetapi juga pada pendekatan praktisnya. Dengan menggali cara-cara aplikasi ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan pengalaman belajar, buku ini berfungsi sebagai sumber ilmiah dan panduan praktis bagi para pendidik, siswa, dan peneliti. Eksplorasi yang cermat terhadap berbagai aplikasi, ditambah dengan contoh-contoh dunia nyata dan studi kasus, memberikan pemahaman yang bernuansa tentang bagaimana teknologi seluler dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung dan mempercepat pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Yang membedakan buku ini adalah komitmennya untuk mencari potensi dan keterbatasan aplikasi seluler dalam pendidikan. Buku ini mengakui bahwa meskipun alat-alat ini menawarkan peluang yang luar biasa, alat-alat ini juga menghadirkan tantangan yang harus dihadapi dengan hati-hati. Buku ini memberikan perspektif yang seimbang, mendorong pembaca untuk mendekati aplikasi seluler dengan pikiran kritis namun terbuka, dan untuk mempertimbangkan bagaimana alat alat ini dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam strategi pendidikan yang lebih luas.
... We found that training with many short interleaved blocks was substantially more effective than training with two long blocks. This resembles a similar observation in the cognitive sciences known as the interleaving effect 27,28 . In the cognitive sciences, two competing theories have been used to explain this effect. ...
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The nature of abstract reasoning is a matter of debate. Modern artificial neural network (ANN) models, like large language models, demonstrate impressive success when tested on abstract reasoning problems. However, it has been argued that their success reflects some form of memorization of similar problems (data contamination) rather than a general-purpose abstract reasoning capability. This concern is supported by evidence of brittleness, and the requirement of extensive training. In our study, we explored whether abstract reasoning can be achieved using the toolbox of ANNs, without prior training. Specifically, we studied an ANN model in which the weights of a naive network are optimized during the solution of the problem, using the problem data itself, rather than any prior knowledge. We tested this modeling approach on visual reasoning problems and found that it performs relatively well. Crucially, this success does not rely on memorization of similar problems. We further suggest an explanation of how it works. Finally, as problem solving is performed by changing the ANN weights, we explored the connection between problem solving and the accumulation of knowledge in the ANNs.
... Prior research has demonstrated the interleaving effect in various domains. Such studies have often focused on inductive learning (i.e., acquiring conceptual knowledge from exemplars) of visual categories, such as landscape artists' painting styles (Kornell & Bjork, 2008), radiograms (e.g., Hatala et al., 2003), bird families (e.g., Wahlheim et al., 2011), and chemical structures (Eglington & Kang, 2017). More recently, interleaving effects have also been observed for problem-solving skills in such domains as mathematics (e.g., Mielicki & Wiley, 2022;Rohrer et al., 2014) and physics (e.g., Samani & Pan, 2021). ...
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[OPEN ACCESS LINK:] BACKGROUND: Interleaved practice (or interleaving), the strategy of alternating between categories or concepts during study or practice, can enhance second language grammar skills. It remains to be determined, however, whether that enhancement specifically involves identifying tenses, conjugating verbs, or both, and whether close similarity between tenses is essential. AIMS: This study investigated the language skills that interleaving can enhance and the extent to which that enhancement is limited to highly similar tenses. SAMPLE: Participants were college students (Experiment 1, 92 participants; Experiment 2, 109 participants) and adult learners (Experiment 3, 104 participants; Experiment 4, 88 participants). Methods: In each experiment, participants completed two weekly learning sessions and a one-week delayed criterial test. In the blocked group, participants learned one tense per session. In the interleaved group, participants alternated between two tenses during each session. The criterial test assessed: verb conjugation skills (all experiments), tense identification ability for specific usage scenarios (Experiments 1-3), and the capacity to identify the language of a sentence written in a specific tense (Experiment 4). RESULTS: Interleaving improved verb conjugation skills in all experiments, tense identification ability in Experiments 1 and 3, and language identification skills in Experiment 4. Benefits of interleaving were observed across tenses varying in usage, meaning, and suffixes. CONCLUSIONS: Interleaving enhances multiple language skills, including verb conjugation, tense identification, and language identification. Those benefits are not limited to highly similar tenses. Accordingly, these results challenge assumptions about interleaving and underscore its potential as an effective approach for improving language learning.
... Although the work described above points to variability in learners' choices, previous research on learning strategies suggests that, overall, learners often fail to choose effective deep strategies, like elaborative interrogation (McDaniel & Donnelly, 1996;Seifert, 1993), interleaved practice (Kornell & Bjork, 2008), and other strategies that feel effortful (Karpicke et al., 2009). Instead, learners favor relatively ineffective surface-level learning strategies that do not predict exam performance well (Baars et al., 2020;Blasiman et al., 2017;Karpicke et al., 2009). ...
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People often need to learn complex information as part of their daily lives. One of the most effective strategies for understanding information is to explain it, for instance to a hypothetical other (Pilots 1 and 2). Yet, we find that learners prefer equally effortful but less effective learning strategies, even when incentivized to perform well (Study 1). Critically, we propose and find that learners’ reluctance to explain is tied to their subjective knowledge of the material; learners who feel less knowledgeable about what they learned are most reluctant to explain it, despite the strategy being as effective for them (Study 2). An intervention that increased subjective knowledge (by having learners answer a few easy questions) increased learners’ choice to explain, which was mediated by learners believing that explaining would be more pleasant and effective (Study 3). Directly manipulating beliefs about how fun and effective explaining is also boosted learners’ willingness to explain (Study 4). Finally, because Studies 1–4 incentivized performance financially, we replicated key results in the classroom with students, finding improved scores on a class quiz (Study 5). The paradoxical implication of these findings is that those who need effective learning strategies the most are the ones least likely to use them. Put together, we find that subjective knowledge plays a key role in learning decisions and that boosting subjective knowledge is a simple intervention that can improve learning-related choices.
... Importantly, they hypothesized that interleaving exemplars from different categories during the study would facilitate the contrast of category features and improve category learning, whereas to improve memory for specific details, the exemplars from the same category should be blocked (grouped together in a sequence) to promote contrast of what makes each exemplar unique (the specific details). Their findings were consistent with their predictions, replicating previous work showing an interleaving advantage for learning categories that are similar to each other (e.g., Kang & Pashler, 2012;Kornell & Bjork, 2008) and also adding support for the hypothesis that grouping together exemplars from the same category improves encoding of episodic details of each exemplar. The theorizing by Noh et al. (2024) united two different areas of research (category learning and episodic memory) by identifying discrimination as a common construct across both, and the practical implications of their findings are that the optimal sequencing of examples during the study (whether to interleave or block) depends on the type of knowledge you want to enhance (whether general or specific). ...
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Developments in cognitive psychology have advanced our understanding of human learning and yielded practical implications for improving learning. The studies reported in this special section offer contributions to both theory and practice, especially in the area of learning strategies. Although translating a given research finding into educational practice is not straightforward, the articles in the special section provide suggestions for strategies that students and teachers should have in their repertoire.
... In addition to cognitive and metacognitive factors, intrinsic interest plays a crucial role in learning. Research in effortful learning has shown that while complex tasks can improve performance, they often reduce learners' intrinsic interest (Kornell & Bjork, 2008). However, in the present study, no significant impact of task complexity on intrinsic interest was found. ...
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Background: Problem-solving encourages learners to engage in deep knowledge processing. However, merely providing problem-solving activities without considering task complexity may not optimize learning. Aims: The present study analyzed the effects of task complexity (consistently high vs. gradually increasing) on performance, germane cognitive load, meta-awareness, and intrinsic interest using a learning task conducted in a laboratory. Sample: We analyzed data collected from 98 graduate and ungraduated university students (N = 98; M age = 21.22 years, SD = 3.03). Methods: The study comprised a main session and a post-test. During the main session participants completed a problem-solving task either with consistently high complexity or gradually increasing complexity. During the post-test all participants solved the task once with high complexity. Metacognition (regulation, knowledge), germane cognitive load, meta-awareness, and intrinsic interest were assessed by self-evaluation questionnaires. Results: The findings indicated positive effects of consistently high complexity on immediate performance, germane cognitive load, and meta-awareness. Additionally, an important relationship between metacognition (regulation, knowledge) and meta-awareness was identified when learning with gradually increasing complexity. However, no impact of task complexity on intrinsic interest was found. Conclusions: The findings suggest that exposing learners to consistently high complexity tasks can have beneficial effects on learning without negatively influencing intrinsic interest.
... For example, research from cognitive psychology included the memory benefits of interleaving information (Kornell & Bjork, 2008) and ways to help students avoid choosing less effective study methods (Clark & Svinicki, 2015). The learning outcome alignment committee considered these cognitive processes in light of our predominantly working adult student population, their potential challenges in establishing a sense of belonging and socioemotional adjustment at the university (Shell & Absher, 2019), and ways that curricular and cocurricular experiences might mitigate these challenges. ...
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The APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major 3.0 (2023) provides a solid foundation to support program-level discussions of curricular planning and assessment. At an upper level comprehensive regional university, psychology faculty followed a stages-of-change model to form an intradisciplinary team to review program-level learning outcomes (PLOs) and their alignment with Guidelines 3.0, to develop sequenced and scaffolded course-level learning outcomes (CLOs) across the program, and to align CLOs to PLOs. During the precontemplation stage, we worked to develop an informal department-wide culture of faculty collaboration. During contemplation, we gathered current learning outcomes and established the learning outcome alignment committee, who articulated foundational beliefs to guide program revisions including intradisciplinary collaboration, effective curricula informed by research, and nonprescriptive learning outcomes to acknowledge faculty academic freedom. During the determination phase, the committee reviewed previous syllabi, discussed how they aligned with PLOs, and developed CLOs for all program courses. The CLOs were stated broadly enough to provide course instructors the academic freedom to choose the specific content, activities, assignments, and modality for their courses. The committee sought faculty feedback on changes and revised the program assessment plan. Finally, during the action and maintenance stages, the changes were submitted through the university curriculum process and integrated into classes. These revisions facilitated students’ access to equitable opportunities to practice PLOs benchmarked against Guidelines 3.0 and supported the scaffolding of essential skills. Benefits of these revisions are discussed along with step-by-step recommendations to support others who may want to implement them at their own institutions.
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In 1966 the first meeting of the Association for the Study of Attention and Performance was held in the Netherlands to promote the emerging science of cognitive psychology. This volume is based on the most recent conference, held in Israel thirty years later. The focus of the conference was the interaction between theory and application. The organizers chose the specific topic, cognitive regulation of performance, because it is an area where contemporary theories of cognitive processes meet the everyday challenges posed by human interactions with complex systems. Present-day technological systems impose on the operator a variety of supervisory functions, such as input and output monitoring, allocation of cognitive resources, choice of strategies, and regulation of cognitive operations. A challenge for engineers and designers is to accommodate the cognitive requirements called for by these systems. The book is divided into four sections: the presentation and representation of information, cognitive regulation of acquisition and performance, consciousness and behavior, and special populations: aging and neurological disorders. Contributors Nicole D. Anderson, Moshe Bar, Lynn Bardell, Alice E. Barnes, Irving Biederman, Robert A. Bjork, Richard A. Block, Fergus I. M. Craik, Heiner Deubel, John Dunlosky, Ido Erev, Ronald Fisher, John M. Flach, Barry Goettl, Morris Goldsmith, Daniel Gopher, Lynn Hasher, Okihide Hikosaka, Larry L. Jacoby, Peter Kalocsai, Colleen Kelley, David E. Kieras, Roberta Klatzky, Asher Koriat, Arthur F. Kramer, Elisabetta Ladavas, John L. Larish, Susan J. Lederman, John Long, Cynthia P. May, Guiliana Mazzoni, Brian McElree, David Meyer, Satoru Miyauchi, Neville Moray, Louis Narens, Thomas O. Nelson, Raymond S. Nickerson, Lynne Reder, J. Wesley Regian, Ian Robertson, Wolfgang Schneider, Christian D. Schunn, Wayne Shebilske, Shinsuke Shimojo, Suresh Subramaniam, Tom N. Trainham, Jehoshua Tsal, Timothy A. Weber, Christopher Wickens, Rose T. Zacks, Dan Zakay Bradford Books imprint
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The experiments address the degree to which retrieval fluency—the ease with which information is accessed from long-term memory—guides and occasionally misleads metamnemonic judgments. In each of 3 experiments, participants' predictions of their own future recall performance were examined under conditions in which probability or speed of retrieval at one time or on one task is known to be negatively related to retrieval probability on a later task. Participants' predictions reflected retrieval fluency on the initial task in each case, which led to striking mismatches between their predicted and actual performance on the later tasks. The results suggest that retrieval fluency is a potent but not necessarily reliable source of information for metacognitive judgments. Aspects of the results suggest that a basis on which better and poorer rememberers differ is the degree to which certain memory dynamics are understood, such as the fleeting nature of recency effects and the consequences of an initial retrieval. The results have pedagogical as well as theoretical implications, particularly with respect to the education of subjective assessments of ongoing learning.
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Research on judgments of verbal learning has demonstrated that participants' judgments are unreliable and often overconfident The authors studied judgments of perceptual-motor learning. Participants learned 3 keystroke patterns on the number pad of a computer, each requiring that a different sequence of keys be struck in a different total movement time. Practice trials on each pattern were either blocked or randomly interleaved with trials on the other patterns, and each participant was asked, periodically, to predict his or her performance on a 24-hr test. Consistent with earlier findings, blocked practice enhanced acquisition but harmed retention. Participants, though, predicted better performance given blocked practice. These results augment research on judgments of verbal learning and suggest that humans, at their peril, interpret current ease of access to a perceptual-motor skill as a valid index of learning.
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Metacognition offers an up-to-date compendium of major scientific issues involved in metacognition. The twelve original contributions provide a concise statement of theoretical and empirical research on self-reflective processes or knowing about what we know. Self-reflective processes are often thought to be central to what we mean by consciousness and the personal self. Without such processes, one would presumably respond to stimuli in an automatized and environmentally bound manner—that is, without the characteristic patterns of behavior and introspection that are manifested as plans, strategies, reflections, self-control, self-monitoring, and intelligence. Bradford Books imprint
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72 college students learned 3 motor tasks under a blocked (low interference) or random (high interference) sequence of presentation. Retention was measured after a 10-min or 10-day delay under blocked and random sequences of presentation. Subsequent transfer to a task of either the same complexity or greater complexity than the originally learned tasks was also investigated. Results showed that retention was greater following random acquisition than under changed contextual interference conditions. Likewise, transfer was greater for random acquisition groups than for blocked acquisition groups. This effect was most notable when transfer was measured for the transfer task of greatest complexity. Results are considered as support for W. F. Battig's (1978) conceptualization of contextual interference effects on retention and transfer. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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This article constitutes an optimistic argument that basic research on human cognitive processes has yielded principles and phenomena that have considerable promise in guiding the design and execution of college instruction. To illustrate that point, four somewhat interrelated principles and phenomena arc outlined and some possible implications and applications of those principles and phenomena are put forward.
The spacing effect would appear to have considerable potential for improving classroom learning, yet there is no evidence of its widespread application. I consider nine possible impediments to the implementation of research findings in the classroom in an effort to determine which, if any, apply to the spacing effect. I conclude that the apparent absence of systematic application may be due, in part, to the ahistorical character of research on the spacing effect and certain gaps in our understanding of both the spacing effect and classroom practice. However, because none of these concerns seems especially discouraging, and in view of what we do know about the spacing effect, classroom application is recommended.
In a 9-year longitudinal investigation, 4 subjects learned and relearned 300 English-foreign language word pairs. Either 13 or 26 relearning sessions were administered at intervals of 14, 28, or 56 days. Retention was tested for 1.2.3. or 5 years after training terminated. The longer intersession intervals slowed down acquisition slightly, but this disadvantage during training was offset by substantially higher retention. Thirteen retraining sessions spaced at 56 days yielded retention comparable to 26 sessions spaced at 14 days. The retention benefit due to additional sessions was independent of the benefit due to spacing, and both variables facilitated retention of words regardless of difficulty level and of the consistency of retrieval during training. The benefits of spaced retrieval practice to long-term maintenance of access to academic knowledge areas are discussed.