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Platão e a Imortalidade da Alma



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... Todos os argumentos acerca da imortalidade se abrem para a possibilidade de revisão diante de novas investigações. Mas para lidar com o medo, um dos signos que denunciam o amor ao uso do corpo como meio de saciação, é preciso mais do que o estabelecimento de hipóteses provisionais: é preciso assumir a coragem do risco propiciada pela exortação e encantação musical (Nunes Sobrinho, 2007). As imagens e a encantação compõem um modo de comunicação polissêmica, com sentido subliminar (hypónoia), endereçada à afetividade da alma. ...
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Abstract: In the dialogue that shows the last philosophical speech of Socrates, Plato examines the theme of death: Socrates explores the tradition of Mysteries to find images that may justify his unusual attitude towards death. The very definition of death presupposes the existence and survival of the soul. Without defining the soul, Plato reconfigures the axioms based on the heterogeneity of the Mysteries. This reconfiguration of ancient beliefs results in the causal transmigration that moulds the hypothesis of Forms. The composition of the final myth is the results on a long dialectical pursue which re-establishes the discursive reason of images qualified as a “noble risk” (‘καλὸς’, Phd. 114d6). The aim of this analysis is thus to identify the itinerary by which the ‘noble risk’ of palingenesis constructs the axiom and the causal principle of Forms as the explanation of truth and the nature of all beings. Keywords: Causality, Forms, Participation, Palingenesis.
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In the dialogue that dramatizes Socrates’ last philosophical discussion and words, Plato borrows a stock of images which were shaped on the Greek mystery cults’ mind sets in order to introduce the fundamental principles of his own Philosophy. His philosophic interlocutors, who represent a Pythagorean tradition, present the opportunity of a sophisticated argumentation that promotes an extreme inflection on the religious tradition and philosophical notions, which investigates the causal principles of all things. This study relies on the technical meaning of initiation, soul-harmony and Socrates’ last words: an invitation of initiation to the principle.