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Memory Bandwidth and Machine Balance in Current High
Performance Computers
John D. McCalpin
University of Delaware
Revised to September 19, 1995
The ratio of cpu speed to memory speed in current
high-performance computers is growing rapidly, with
significant implications for the design and implemen-
tation of algorithms in scientific computing. I present
the results of a broad survey of memory bandwidth and
machine balance for a large variety current comput-
ers, including uniprocessors, vector processors, shared-
memory systems, and distributed-memory systems.
The results are analyzed in terms of the sustainable
data transfer rates for uncached unit-stride vector op-
erations for each machine, and for each class.
1 Introduction
It has been estimated that the cpu speed of the
fastest available microprocessors is increasing at ap-
proximately 80% per year [1], while the speed of mem-
ory devices has been growing at only about 7% per
year [5]. The ratio of the cpu to memory performance
is thus also growing exponentially, suggesting the need
for fundamental re-thinking of either the design of com-
puter systems or the algorithms that scientific users
employ on them [2], [9]. For example, 10 years ago,
floating-point operations were considered quite expen-
sive, often costing 10 times as much as an uncached
memory reference. Today the situation is dramatically
reversed, with the fastest current processors able to
perform 200 or more floating-point operations in the
time required to service a single cache miss. Because
of this fundamental change in the balance of the under-
lying technology, this report presents a survey of the
memory bandwidth and machine balance on a variety
of currently available machines.
Interestingly, despite the large amount of academic
research on improving the performance of cache-based
systems (e.g., the review in [2]), almost all of the sys-
tems here (which represent most of the machines sold
in the U.S.) are either vector machines or standard hi-
erarchical memory machines. No pre-fetching, cache
bypass, or other novel techniques are represented here,
and of the machines tested, only a few of the newest
entries have the ability to handle more than one out-
standing cache miss request.
The sections here include a definition of Machine
Balance, a discussion of the Stream Benchmark, and
a Discussion of the implications of current trends for
high performance computing.
2 Machine Balance
The concept of machine balance has been defined in
a number of studies (e.g.,[3]) as a ratio of the number
of memory operations per cpu cycle to the number of
floating-point operations per cpu cycle for a particular
This definition introduces a systematic bias into the
results, because it does not take into account the true
cost of memory accesses in most systems, for which
cache miss penalties (and other forms of latency and
contention) must be included. In contrast, the “peak
floating ops/cycle” is not strongly biased (for data in
registers), because extra latencies in floating-point op-
erations are usually due only to floating-point excep-
tions, and we will assume that these are rare enough
to be ignored.
Therefore, to attempt to overcome the systematic
bias incurred by the use of this definition, the defini-
tion of machine balance used here defines the number
of memory operations per cpu cycle in terms of the
performance on long, uncached vector operands with
unit stride.
peak floating ops/cycle
balance = -------------------------
sustained memory ops/cycle
A corresponding metric may be applied to computa-
tional kernels, comparing the floating-point work re-
quired with the number of memory references. This
quantity is referred to as the “computational density”
or “compute intensity” [4, 7, 6].
With this new definition, the “balance” can be in-
terpreted as the number of FP operations that can be
performed during the time for an “average” memory
access. Note that “average” here indicates average
across the elements of a cache line for the long vector
operations. It would be foolish to claim too much ap-
plicability for this concept of “average”, but it should
give results that are representative of the performance
of large, unit-stride vector codes. It is clearly not a
“worst-case” definition, since it assumes that all of the
data in the cache line will be used, but it is not a “best-
case” definition, since it assumes that none of the data
will be re-used.
Interestingly, information on sustainable memory
bandwidth is not typically available from published
vendor data (perhaps because the results are gener-
ally quite poor), and had to be measured directly for
this project by use of the STREAM benchmark code.
The “peak floating-ops/cycle” is derived from the
vendor literature, much of it by way of Dongarra’s LIN-
PACK benchmark report. Most current machines have
a sustainable floating-point operations rate that is very
close to the peak rate (provided that one is using data
in registers), so this usage does not introduce a signifi-
cant bias into the results. An alternative value, such as
the LINPACK 1000 or LINPACK scalable result would
be equally useful here, but would result in no qualita-
tive changes to the conclusions.
3 The STREAM Benchmark
The memory bandwidth data was obtained by use of
the STREAM benchmark code. STREAM is a syn-
thetic benchmark, written in standard Fortran 77,
which measures the performance of four long vector
operations. These operations are:
per iteration:
name kernel bytes FLOPS
COPY: a(i) = b(i) 16 0
SCALE: a(i) = q*b(i) 16 1
SUM: a(i) = b(i) + c(i) 24 1
TRIAD: a(i) = b(i) + q*c(i) 24 2
These operations are intended to represent the el-
emental operations on which long-vector codes are
based, and are specifically intended to eliminate the
possibility of data re-use (either in registers or in
cache). It should be noted that the last operation
(TRIAD) is not the same as the BLAS 1 SAXPY ker-
nel, because the output array is not the same as either
of the input arrays. On machines with a write-allocate
cache policy, the TRIAD operation requires an extra
memory read operation to load the elements of the “a”
vector into cache before they are over-written.
4 Results
The STREAM benchmark report is continually up-
dated as new measurements are contributed — much in
the style of Dongarra’s LINPACK report. The most re-
cent data values are available on the World Wide Web
and/or by anonymous ftp at
in /bench/stream/ and its subdirectories.
The STREAM benchmark raw results and simple
derived quantities are divided into five tables
•Raw Results: provides the data rates in MB/s for
each of the four kernels.
•Equivalent MFLOPS: using the conversion factors
in the Stream Definition Table
•Machine Balance: uses the Stream Triad results
for the sustainable bandwidth rate.
•Sources of Data: Most of the data in these ta-
bles has been provided by others, whose names
are provided here along with the date that the
information was sent to me. Complete e-mail
logs of all of the information that has been sent
to me are available at my anonymous ftp site in
•Parallel Speedups: provides speedup ratios for the
Copy and Triad operations for each of the parallel
computers listed.
What is perhaps most interesting about the results
is the poor sustainable memory bandwidth of the hi-
erarchical memory machines. The actual values ob-
tained from user code are often only a small fraction
of the impressive “peak” bandwidth numbers stated by
a number of vendors. Unfortunately, even “peak band-
width” numbers are stated by so few vendors that it is
not possible to do a comprehensive survey of the ratio
of “peak” to “sustainable” bandwidth.
In order to make some sense of the diversity of the
numbers, the machines have been divided up into var-
ious categories based on their memory system type.
The four categories used here are
•Distributed Memory
The results are plotted in Fig. 1.
5 Discussion
The results in Fig. 1 show a remarkably clear distinc-
tion between the four memory categories:
•Shared-memory: poor balance, fair scalability,
moderate performance.
•Vector: good balance, moderate scalability, high
•Distributed Memory: fair balance, perfect scala-
bility, high performance.
•Uniprocessor: fair to good balance, low to moder-
ate performance.
5.1 Uniprocessor Results
On hierarchical memory machines, the key determi-
nant of the sustainable memory bandwidth for a single
cpu is the cache miss latency. In the last few years,
the memory systems of cached machines have expe-
rienced significant shifts in the ratio of the relative
cost of latency vs transfer time in the total cost of
memory accesses, going from an approximately even
split in the typical 20 MHz machines of 1990, to being
strongly dominated by latency in the typical 100 MHz
machine of 1995. This trend is especially strong in
shared-memory machines, for which the cost of main-
taining cache coherence is a significant contributor to
the latency.
The results for the uniprocessor systems clearly show
two strategies for optimizing the performance of the
cache systems:
•The first strategy is to optimize for unit-stride ac-
cesses. The approach is exemplified by the IBM
RS/6000 series, which uses long cache lines (64,
128, or 256 bytes) and has minimal latency. The
models in that line which use the Power2 cpu have
a further reduction in the effective latency because
the two “Fixed-Point Units” in the cpu can each
handle independent cache misses at the same time,
thus overlapping their latencies with the latency
and transfer time of the other unit.
•The second strategy is to minimize memory traffic
due to unused data. In the limit, this would corre-
spond to single-word cache lines. Given sufficient
latency tolerance, this can be optimal ([8]), but
since these machines do not have effective latency
tolerance mechanisms, this approach is too ineffi-
cient for the important case of unit-stride accesses.
The most common compromise used for this case
is a 32 byte line size, as is used in the HP PA-RISC
and DEC Alpha (21064) systems. While this ap-
proach is reasonably effective in low latency situ-
ations, there is minimal gain from short line sizes
in high latency situations, since effective transfer
rates are limited largely by latency rather than
by a busy bus. In multiprocessor systems, this
approach is perhaps more justifiable, since unnec-
essary bus traffic (due to overly long cache lines)
will interfere with the other processors as well.
5.2 Shared Memory Results
It should be noted that all but one of the vector ma-
chines are shared-memory, and so manage to maintain
their good balance, scalability, and performance de-
spite the negative factors that reduce the performance
of the hierarchical-memory shared-memory machines.
1 10 100 1000 10000
Machine Balance
Stream Triad MFLOPS
Machine Balance vs Memory Type
SS 10
Power Challenge
DEC 8400
2100 7610
Figure 1: STREAM TRIAD MFLOPS and Machine Balance for a variety of recent and current computers.
Each point represents one computer system, and connected points represent either multi-processor results from
parallel systems, or different cpu speeds within the same cpu family for uniprocessor systems. The diagonal
lines indicate Peak Performance of 0.1, 1.0, and 10.0 GFLOPS (from left to right).
The vector machines with the best performance char-
acteristics do not employ hierarchical memory, thus
greatly simplifying the coherence issue and associated
latency penalty. In general, the vector machines are
more expensive than the shared-memory, hierarchical-
memory machines, but the larger configurations of the
hierarchical-memory systems do overlap with the price
range of the traditional supercomputers. When nor-
malized for STREAM TRIAD performance, the tra-
ditional vector supercomputers are always more cost-
effective than the shared-memory, hierarchical memory
systems, as well as being marginally more cost-effective
than the most cost-effective uniprocessors in the table.
Both the cached and vector shared-memory ma-
chines have absolute memory bandwidth limitations,
which are visible in Fig. 1 as a sharp increase in the
machine balance parameter as a the number of pro-
cessors reaches a critical level. (This is not visible on
most of the vector machines because they are deliber-
ately limited in the number of processors supported in
order to avoid this imbalance.)
Typically, the shared memory system (whether it
is implemented via a bus, switch, crossbar, or other
network) is either non-blocking between processors or
allows split transactions, either of which allows multi-
cpu parallelism to act as a latency tolerance mecha-
nism. The “wall” hit by the machines when using many
processors is a combination of latency, absolute band-
width limitations (due to the limited number of DRAM
banks), and bus/network/switch controller limitations.
On vector machines, the limitation is usually band-
width rather than latency for both single and multiple
Although extra processors can be used to provide
latency tolerance in parallelized applications, this ap-
proach is both expensive and contributes to greatly in-
creased (i.e., poorer) machine balance. It seems likely
that it would be more efficient to have special-purpose
load/store units stall on cache misses, rather than en-
tire cpus. This is the approach taken by the IBM Power
2 processor (with two fixed-point units to handle inde-
pendent loads and stores), and by many new proces-
sors which, while having only a single load/store unit,
support non-blocking caches (which can be considered
a sort of “split transaction” model at the cache con-
troller level). Most of the newest designs include non-
blocking caches, such as the DEC 21164, HP PA-7200,
and SGI/MIPS R10000 processors, the latter two of
which are designed to handle four outstanding cache
miss requests simultaneously.
It remains to be seen whether such “linear” solutions
will be able to keep up with what is essentially an expo-
nential increase in machine balance, or whether more
fundamental architectural changes will be required in
the very near future.
5.3 Trends in Hardware
Some historical trends in machine balance are repre-
sented in Table 1 for several major vendors.
The large size of the computer industry and the
rapid turnover of each model of computer combine to
make comprehensive surveys of more recent hardware
difficult. Using the data acquired in this study, we
will nevertheless make an attempt to examine trends
in the performance characteristics of computer hard-
ware, in the context of sustainable memory bandwidth
measurements. Using a subset of the data represent-
ing various models of Cray, IBM, SGI, DEC, and HP
computers, Fig. 2, shows the following quantities:
•Sustainable Memory Bandwidth
•“Efficiency” defined as:
Sustained MWords/second
----------------------- * 100
The specific models used in Fig. 2 are:
•HP: HP 9000/720, HP 9000/720, HP 9000/735,
HP 9000/J200
•IBM: RS/6000 Models 250, 320, 950, 980, 990
•Silicon Graphics: Indigo R4000 (100 MHz), Chal-
lenge (150 MHz), Power Challenge
•DEC: 3000/500, 4000/710, 600-5/300
•Cray: EL-98, J916, Y/MP, C90, T90
In general, the machines are ordered such that either
time or cost increases left to right within each vendor
family. Although the relationships between the ma-
chines are not simple, we observe that for the machines
tested from DEC and SGI, the peak cpu performance
is increasing significantly faster than the sustainable
memory bandwidth, thus resulting in decreasing “Ef-
ficiency”. In contrast, the machines from Cray and
IBM show a relatively constant “Efficiency” despite in-
creases in peak performance that are similar to those
of the other set of vendors.
One might conclude from this that DEC and SGI
have placed a relatively high priority on improving the
performance of the SPECfp92 benchmark in their re-
cent development, while IBM and Cray have favored a
more “balanced” approach.
While vendor attention to realistic benchmarks is
generally a “good thing”, in this case it may have acted
to deflect attention from the difficult problem(s) of in-
creasing memory bandwidth and maintaining machine
balance, since the SPECfp92 benchmarks are relatively
undemanding with respect to memory size and band-
width requirements.
The new SGI/MIPS R10000 and HP PA-7200 and
PA-8000 appear to be the beginnings of a deliber-
ate counter-trend, with an advertising emphasis on
improving “real-world” performance by larger factors
than the improvement in SPECfp92 performance — in
other words, by improving memory bandwidth. The
only good example of this here is the HP curve. HP’s
downward trend in efficiency is almost eliminated in
their J-200 model based on the PA-7200 cpu. The
DEC machines have also increased the memory band-
width significantly with the 21164 cpu, but the peak
performance has increase by an even greater amount,
resulting in poorer machine balance.
Few SPEC95 results are currently available, but the
initial indications suggest that SPEC95’s emphasis on
larger jobs has resulted in significantly higher corre-
lation of SPECfp95 results with memory bandwidth.
An example is a comparison of the HP J-200 and HP-
9000/755 (99 MHz version). These have approximate
the same peak performance (200 and 198 MFLOPS,
respectively). The J-200 has a significantly improved
memory interface that results in double the sustainable
memory bandwidth of the 755. The SPECfp92 ratio
of the J-200 is 1.33 times that of the 755, while the
SPECfp95 ratio is 1.57 times larger.
Memory Peak
Bandwidth FP rate
year Machine MB/s MFLOPS Balance
1978 VAX 11/780 4 0.4 0.8
1991 DEC 5000/200 28 10.0 2.9
1993 DEC 3000/500 100 150.0 12.0
1995 DEC 600-5/300 169 600.0 28.4
1980 IBM PC 8088/87 2 0.1 0.2
1992 IBM PC 486/DX2-66 33 10.0 2.4
1994 IBM PC Pentium/100 85 66.7 6.3
1989 SGI 4D/25 13 8.0 5.0
1992 SGI Crimson 62 50.0 6.5
1993 SGI Challenge 57 75.0 10.5
1994 SGI Power Challenge 135 300.0 17.8
1990 IBM RS/6000-320 62 40.0 5.2
1993 IBM RS/6000-580 276 83.2 2.4
1994 IBM RS/6000-990 800 286.0 2.9
Table 1: Historical changes in machine balance for several important computer vendors. Memory bandwidth
and Peak FP rate are estimated for the VAX 11/780 and 8088-based IBM PC, and measured for all other cases.
Trends in Performance Indicators
Stream MW/s
Figure 2: Trends in Peak MFLOPS, SPECfp92, Sustainable Memory Bandwidth (Mwords/s), and “Efficiency”.
Time and/or cost generally increase to the right within each vendor’s listing.
6 Conclusions
A review of the sustainable memory bandwidth of
a large variety of current and recent computer sys-
tems reveals strong systematic variations in the ma-
chine balance according to memory type. In particu-
lar, hierarchical-memory, shared-memory systems are
generally strongly imbalanced with respect to memory
bandwidth, typically being able to sustain only 3-10%
of the memory bandwidth needed to keep the floating-
point pipelines busy. Thus only algorithms which re-
use data elements many times each can be expected to
run efficiently. In contrast, vector shared-memory ma-
chines have very low machine balance parameters and
are typically capable of performing approximately one
load or store per floating-point operation. Of course,
this capability is a strong requirement for good per-
formance on the systems, since they typically have no
cache to enable data re-use.
The recent shift in machine balance of current high
performance computers strongly suggests that steps
need to be taken soon to increase the memory band-
width more rapidly. It is likely that merely increasing
bus width and decreasing latency will not be adequate,
given the rapid increase in cpu performance. What is
needed instead is a set of more fundamental architec-
tural changes to enable the systems to use information
about data access patterns in order to effectively ap-
ply latency tolerance mechanisms (e.g. pre-fetch, block
fetch, fetch with stride, cache bypass, etc.). At the
same time, these systems should not preclude the use
of “dumb” caches in the memory hierarchy when the
memory access patterns are not visible to the compiler.
This merger of the best features of “vector/flat mem-
ory” and “scalar/hierarchical memory” architectures
should be a major subject of research in high perfor-
mance computing in the closing years of this millenium.
[1] F. Baskett. Keynote address. International Sym-
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[2] D.C. Burger, J. R. Goodman, and Alain Kagi.
The declining effectiveness of dynamic caching for
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TR-1261, University of Wisconsin, Department of
Computer Science, 1994.
[3] D. Callahan, J. Cocke, and K. Kennedy. Estimat-
ing interlock and improving balance for pipelined
architectures. Journal of Parallel and Distributed
Computing, 5:334:358, 1988.
[4] B.R. Carlile. Algorithms and design: The Cray
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pages 312–320, February 1993.
[5] J.L. Hennessy and D.A. Patterson. Computer
Architecture: a Quantitative Approach. Morgan-
Kaufman, San Mateo, CA, 1990.
[6] R. W. Hockney and C. R. Jesshope. Parallel Com-
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[7] Roger Hockney. r∞,n1/2,s1/2measurements on the
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[8] L.I. Kontothanassis, R.A. Sugumar, G.J. Faanes,
J.E. Smith, and M.L. Scott. Cache performance in
vector supercomputers. In Proceedings, SuperCom-
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[9] W.A. Wulf and S.A. McKee. Hitting the wall: Im-
plications of the obvious. Technical Report Re-
port No. CS-94-48, University of Virginia, Dept.
of Computer Science, December 1994.