Resonant soft X-ray Raman scattering measurements on NiO have been made at
photon energies across the Ni 2p absorption edges. The details of the spectral
features are identified as Raman scattering due to d-d and charge-transfer
excitations. The spectra are interpreted within the single impurity Anderson
model, including multiplets, crystal-field and charge-transfer effects. At
threshold excitation, the spectral features consists of triplet-triplet and
triplet-singlet transitions of the 3d8 configuration. For excitation energies
corresponding to the charge-transfer region in the Ni 2p X-ray absorption
spectrum of NiO, the emission spectra are instead dominated by charge-transfer
transitions to the 3d9L-1 final state. Comparisons of the final states with
other spectroscopical techniques are also made.