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The effect of self- even- and variable-pacing strategies on the physiological and perceptual response to cycling


Abstract and Figures

It has been proposed that an even-pacing strategy is optimal for events lasting <120 s, but this assertion is not well-established. This study tested the hypothesis that even-paced cycling is less challenging than self- or variable-paced cycling. Ten well-trained male cyclists (VO2max, 4.89 ± 0.32 L min(-1)) completed a self-paced (SP) 20-km time trial followed by time- and work-matched even-paced (EP 100% SP mean power) and variable-paced (VP 142 and 72% SP mean power, 1:1.5 high:low power ratio) trials in a random, counterbalanced order. During all trials expired air and heart rate were analysed throughout, blood lactate was sampled every 4 km, and perceptual responses (rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and affect) were assessed every 2 km and post-trial. There were no whole trial statistically significant differences between trials for any of the respiratory variables measured, although there was a trend for higher RER's in VP compared to EP (P = 0.053). Blood lactate was lower in EP compared to VP (P = 0.001) and SP (P = 0.001), and higher in SP compared to VP (P = 0.008). RPE was lower, and affect more positive, in EP compared to both SP and VP (P > 0.05). The results of this study show that, for a time- and work-matched 20-km time trial, an even-paced strategy results in attenuated perturbations in the physiological response and lower perception of effort in comparison to self- and variable-paced strategies.
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The effect of self- even- and variable-pacing strategies
on the physiological and perceptual response to cycling
Kevin Thomas Mark R. Stone Kevin G. Thompson
Alan St. Clair Gibson Les Ansley
Received: 23 September 2011 / Accepted: 6 December 2011 / Published online: 23 December 2011
ÓSpringer-Verlag 2011
Abstract It has been proposed that an even-pacing strat-
egy is optimal for events lasting\120 s, but this assertion is
not well-established. This study tested the hypothesis that
even-paced cycling is less challenging than self- or variable-
paced cycling. Ten well-trained male cyclists ( _
4.89 ±0.32 L min
) completed a self-paced (SP) 20-km
time trial followed by time- and work-matched even-paced
(EP 100% SP mean power) and variable-paced (VP 142 and
72% SP mean power, 1:1.5 high:low power ratio) trials in a
random, counterbalanced order. During all trials expired air
and heart rate were analysed throughout, blood lactate was
sampled every 4 km, and perceptual responses (rating of
perceived exertion (RPE) and affect) were assessed every
2 km and post-trial. There were no whole trial statistically
significant differences between trials for any of the respira-
tory variables measured, although there was a trend for
higher RER’s in VP compared to EP (P=0.053). Blood
lactate was lower in EP compared to VP (P=0.001) and SP
(P=0.001), and higher in SP compared to VP (P=0.008).
RPE was lower, and affect more positive, in EP compared to
both SP and VP (P[0.05). The results of this study show
that, for a time- and work-matched 20-km time trial, an even-
paced strategy results in attenuated perturbations in the
physiological response and lower perception of effort in
comparison to self- and variable-paced strategies.
Keywords Cycling Pacing Time trial Intermittent
Constant RPE
The pacing strategy adopted by an athlete during a race
will influence the relative contribution and temporal dis-
tribution of energy derived from oxidative and non-oxi-
dative pathways (Jones et al. 2008), the perception of
exertion (St Clair Gibson et al. 2006) and ultimately the
race performance (Atkinson et al. 2007c). Perception of
effort has been described as the conscious awareness of
changes in subconscious homeostatic control systems (St
Clair Gibson et al. 2003) and has been identified as a
potential mediator of voluntary exercise output (Tucker
2009). The ideal pacing strategy would maximise perfor-
mance for the same rating of perceived exertion. Numerous
researchers have suggested that, for events lasting longer
than 2 min, an even distribution of work is optimal
(Atkinson et al. 2007c; Gordon 2005; Thompson et al.
2003; Foster et al. 1993). Despite this recommendation,
self-paced exercise is rarely sustained at a constant inten-
sity (Tucker et al. 2006; Ansley et al. 2004), and in events
where athletes compete directly against each other, racing
is characterised by variable, stochastic changes in pace
(Palmer et al. 1994).
The physiological responses to time- and work-matched
even-paced (EP) and variable-paced (VP) exercise bouts
have been previously examined using a range of exercise
protocols. When the variation in power output is small
(\±10%), the physiological responses to VP exercise
Communicated by David C. Poole.
K. Thomas (&)K. G. Thompson A. St. C. Gibson
L. Ansley
Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences,
Northumbria University, Northumberland Building,
Northumberland Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 8ST, UK
M. R. Stone
Department of Sport Science and Coaching,
Buckinghamshire New University, High Wycombe, UK
Eur J Appl Physiol (2012) 112:3069–3078
DOI 10.1007/s00421-011-2281-9
(respiratory exchange, muscle metabolism, blood metabo-
lites and neuromuscular fatigue) are similar to that
observed during EP exercise (Liedl et al. 1999; Atkinson
et al. 2007b; Lepers et al. 2008). When the variation in
power output incorporates high-intensity periods in the
extreme exercise domain, where the physiological response
is non-linear, neuromuscular fatigue is greater in VP
compared to EP (Theurel and Lepers 2008); although when
the recovery period between high-intensity efforts is long
(2 min) there is no additional physiological stress (Brickley
et al. 2007). Whilst the physiological responses to matched
EP and VP bouts are well-described, most studies have
imposed relative intensities based on measured physio-
logical thresholds such as critical power, or maximal aer-
obic power, and have seldom been compared with those
characterised by self-paced exercise (SP) (Lander et al.
2009; Billat et al. 2006) even though it has been demon-
strated that athletes can achieve mean intensities in excess
of such thresholds during SP exercise (Kenefick et al.
Limited data is available comparing EP and VP strate-
gies to time- and work-matched SP bouts (Lander et al.
2009; Billat et al. 2006; Ham and Knez 2009; Atkinson
et al. 2007a). It has been hypothesised that an even dis-
tribution of work might be physiologically optimal (Foster
et al. 1993); however, when EP exercise bouts based on a
previous SP performance have been examined, studies
have reported EP exercise to be more challenging, with
evidence of augmented physiological responses and an
inability to complete the required work in EP compared to
SP (Lander et al. 2009; Billat et al. 2006; Atkinson et al.
2007a). When comparing time- and work-matched SP and
VP bouts, the same exercise intolerance has been reported
in some participants during VP bouts with small variations
(±5%) in power output (Atkinson et al. 2007a), but no
studies exist that assess the impact of larger variations
incorporating exercise intensities in the extreme exercise
domain. Lander et al. (2009) proposed SP exercise is less
challenging since the intensity can be regulated and
adapted to minimise physiological strain and perception of
effort as part of a complex, central regulatory process. The
perception of effort is proposed to be the conscious
awareness of subconscious homeostatic control processes,
and alterations in pacing strategy are a behavioural
response to these sensations to prevent unreasonably large
disturbances to homeostasis during the exercise bout (St
Clair Gibson et al. 2003; de Koning et al. 2011). It is
somewhat surprising therefore that no studies have exam-
ined how adoption of these different types of pacing
strategy affects the perceived effort of completing a task.
The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of
time- and work-matched self-, even- and variable-pacing
strategies on physiological and perceptual responses to a
bout of cycling exercise. We hypothesised that an even-
paced strategy would result in the lowest perturbation to
the physiological systems and therefore be associated with
the lowest perception of effort. We also hypothesised that
variable-paced cycling which incorporates large variations
in exercise intensity would result in the greatest perturba-
tions and highest perception of effort.
Ten well-trained male cyclists who regularly perform
cycling training and time trial competitions volunteered to
participate in the study. Participant characteristics are
presented in Table 1. Using typical error scores derived
from a previous reproducibility study from our laboratory
(Thomas et al. 2011), and methods described by Hopkins
(2000), an estimated sample size of 9 was required to
detect 80% power in a crossover design. Written informed
consent was obtained from all the participants prior to the
start of the study, which was approved by the local research
ethics committee. The study was performed in accordance
with national and international guidelines (Hull et al. 2008;
WMA 2008)
Each participant completed an incremental cycling test,
one practice 20-km time trial (TT) and three experimental
20-km TTs. The design of the study was crossover with the
order of the experimental TTs partially randomised. Prior
to each visit participants were asked to refrain from
strenuous exercise (for at least 24 h) and caffeine (for at
least 12 h) and to arrive in a fully rested, hydrated state.
Before the practice TT, participants completed a 24-h food
diary and were instructed to replicate their intake as closely
as possible before each subsequent trial. Trials were con-
ducted at the same time of day (±1 h) to minimise diurnal
variation. Each visit was separated by at least 3 and no
more than 7 days.
All cycling trials were completed on an electromagnet-
ically braked cycle ergometer (Velotron Pro, RacerMate
Table 1 Participant characteristics (N=10), values are mean ±SD
Age (years) 32.8 ±7.3
Stature (cm) 177 ±6
Mass (kg) 76.7 ±7.2
Maximal oxygen uptake ( _
VO2max) (L min
)4.89 ±0.32
Maximal power output (P
) (W) 353 ±30
3070 Eur J Appl Physiol (2012) 112:3069–3078
Inc., USA), that recorded both power output and cadence at
a frequency of 20 Hz. Participants adjusted the ergometer
to their racing position (replicated for each trial) and wore
their own cycling shoes and cleats. Expired air was ana-
lysed continuously by an automated metabolic cart (Cortex
Metalyser 3b, Biophysik, Germany), calibrated prior to
each use according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Heart rate was recorded telemetrically (Polar Electro Oy,
Kempele, Finland). Blood lactate concentration was
determined from 25 ll samples of fingertip capillary blood
collected in heparinised-capillary tubes. The blood samples
were immediately analysed for lactate concentration using
an Analox P-GM7 Micro-stat (Analox instruments Ltd.
London, UK) automated analyser, which was calibrated
prior to use with an 8 mmol L
standard. An electrical fan
was positioned in front of the ergometer at a distance of 0.5
m for cooling during each trial.
Incremental exercise test
After a self-determined warm up, participants completed an
incremental test to volitional exhaustion to determine _
max, starting at 110 W with 30-W increments every 150 s.
Maximum oxygen uptake was calculated as the highest
30 s mean value. Power at maximum oxygen uptake (P
was calculated from:
Pmax ¼Pfinal1
150 150 tfinal
150 tfinal
where P
is final power output, Pfinal1is penultimate
stage power, t
is time completed at final stage power
20-km time trials
A standardised 10-minute warm up was employed before
each trial that consisted of 5 min at 150 W and 5 min at
70% P
. Following a practice self-paced 20-km TT,
participants completed three experimental 20-km TT’s: a
self-paced trial (SP), an even-paced trial (EP) and a vari-
able-paced trial (VP). The SP trial was always performed
first and participants were instructed to ‘complete the dis-
tance as fast as possible’. The order of the subsequent EP
and VP trials was randomised and evenly counterbalanced.
The constant workload during EP was fixed at the mean
power maintained during SP. The workload during VP
varied between 72 and 142% of the mean power main-
tained during SP in a 1:1.5 ratio (approximately 40:60 s
depending on SP performance). The VP protocol was
purposefully designed to examine the effect of variable
pacing when the imposed variations in intensity incorpo-
rated frequent, sustained periods of exercise in the extreme
exercise domain, where the physiological response is non-
linear (Jones and Doust 2001), whilst maintaining an
exercise intensity in the moderate domain during the low-
power segments that could still be representative of race
performance (Palmer et al. 1994). All three trials were
equal in terms of total work done (kJ) and time (s), but the
distribution of work varied.
During SP, participants were informed of distance at
2-km intervals, and 500-m intervals in the final 1 km.
During EP and VP, participants were informed of progress
at intervals equating to 10% of total work done. At the start
of each interval, participants rated their perceived exertion
(RPE) on a Borg 20 point scale (Borg 1982) and their
affective perceptions of the exercise intensity using an 11
point bipolar scale (?5 [very good] to -5 [very bad]) with
verbal anchors at two point intervals (Rejeski 1985). Blood
lactate was sampled every second interval; in the VP trial
this occurred halfway into a low-intensity period of exer-
cise. On completion of each time trial and after a stand-
ardised 5-min cool down, participants were asked for a
‘gestalt’ RPE that best represented the effort over the entire
Data analysis
Descriptive statistics are presented as mean (±SD). Data
from the cycle ergometer and metabolic cart were con-
verted to percentages of work done (kJ) for each trial to
display the pattern of responses, and further delimited into
10% ‘bins’ for subsequent analysis. Normality was asses-
sed via visual inspection of normal probability plots and
Shapiro–Wilks hypothesis tests (Newell et al. 2010).
Assuming a normal distribution, the effect of pacing
strategy on cadence (rpm), oxygen uptake ( _
L min
) carbon dioxide production ( _
VCO2, L min
respiratory exchange ratio (RER), heart rate (HR, bpm) and
blood lactate (mmol L
) was assessed for statistical sig-
nificance using factorial (trial 9distance) repeated mea-
sures ANOVA. Where a significant main effect between
trials was indicated, Tukey’s least significant difference
was used for pairwise comparisons. Differences between
trials for RPE and affect were assessed using Friedman’s
ANOVA, with post hoc Wilcoxon signed-rank tests
employed where a significant main effect was indicated.
Differences between trials for each parametric outcome
measure were further analysed with a published spread-
sheet (Hopkins 2003) that derived 90% confidence limits
[90% CI’s] for the precision of the estimate of true popu-
lation mean difference, and the likelihood that the true
effect was real or not, based on an a priori defined smallest
important change. The values for smallest worthwhile
change were defined conservatively as the expected noise
Eur J Appl Physiol (2012) 112:3069–3078 3071
(typical error) in each outcome measure across repeat 20-
km time trials, derived from a previous reproducibility
study (Thomas et al. 2011); accordingly, these were 2.7,
3.7, 2.0, 1.2 and 17.7% for _
VCO2, RER, HR and
blood lactate, respectively. Qualitative inferences regard-
ing a real change were drawn using the following criteria:
\1% almost certainly not, 1–5% very unlikely, 5–25%
unlikely, 25–75% possible, 75–95% likely, 95–99% very
likely, [99% almost certainly. If the chances of the
observed change being real and not real were both [5% the
effect was deemed unclear. Effect sizes were calculated
using Cohen’s D. Statistical significance was assumed at
Pvalues \0.05. Statistical analysis was performed using
PASW 17.0 and Microsoft Excel 2007.
Performance variables
During SP participants adopted a fast start strategy with the
first 6 km of the trial completed 4–10% above the mean
power, the next 12 km 1–7% below the mean power and an
end spurt 6% above the mean power in the final 2 km
(Fig. 1). Performance in SP was not different to the prac-
tice trial (mean difference [90% CI’s] =1.9% [-0.7 to
4.5%], P=0.22) and within the expected typical error of
measurement for 20 km time trials in this population
(Thomas et al. 2011) (Fig. 1). Time taken to complete the
SP trial was 32.53 ±1.54 min and the mean power output
was 265 ±29 W (75 ±6% of calculated P
). Based on
performance in SP, EP was set at 265 ±29 W and the VP
trial alternated between 374 ±44 W and 189 ±23 W in a
1:1.5 high:low power ratio (37–43 s of high intensity and
56–64 s of low intensity). Figure 2depicts an example of
the power profiles for a representative participant. All
participants successfully completed all trials. There were
differences between trials for cadence (P=0.02). Partic-
ipants adopted a higher cadence during SP (98 ±8 rpm)
compared to VP (90 ±11 rpm, mean difference [90%
CI’s] =-9[-14 to -3] rpm, P=0.02, D=1.05) and
EP (93 ±8, mean difference [90% CI’s] =-6[-11 to
-1] rpm, D=0.70) although the latter did not quite reach
statistical significance (P=0.07).
Physiological variables
Oxygen consumption was 87 ±4, 86 ±5and85±5%
VO2max for SP, EP and VP, respectively. The pattern of
response in all of the measured physiological variables was
different (Fig. 3), indicated by significant interaction effects
(P\0.05), but there were no whole trial differences for _
(P=0.44), _
VCO2(P=0.29) or RER (P=0.09), although
the slightly elevated RER in VP compared to EP represented a
moderate effect (mean difference [90% CI’s] =0.02
[0.00–0.03], D=0.44). Compared to SP, heart rate was lower
in EP (mean difference [90% CI’s] =-5[-7to-3] bpm,
P=0.001) and VP (mean difference [90% CI’s] =-6[-8
to -3] bpm, P=0.002). Blood lactate concentrations
(Fig. 4) were different between trials (P\0.05). Blood lac-
tate in VP was higher than in EP (mean difference [90%
CI’s] =1.8 [1.1–2.4] mmol L
,P=0.001, D=1.02) and
SP (mean difference [90% CI’s] =0.8 [0.4–1.2] mmol L
P=0.008, D=0.45) and lower in EP compared to SP (mean
difference [90% CI’s] =-1.0 [-1.3 to -0.6] mmol L
P=0.001, D=0.56). Although the differences in blood
lactate concentration were statistically significant, the likeli-
hood of exceeding the true effect was only very likely when
comparing EP to VP (Table 2).
Fig. 1 Power output profiles for self-paced (SP) and practice 20-km
time trials (N=10). Performance was not different between trials
Fig. 2 Example power output profiles for self-paced (SP), even-
paced (EP) and variable-paced (VP) trials from a representative
3072 Eur J Appl Physiol (2012) 112:3069–3078
Perceptual responses
Both RPE and affect (Fig. 5) were different between trials
(P\0.01). RPE was lower in EP (14 ±1) compared to
both SP (15 ±1, P\0.001, D=1.53) and VP (15 ±1,
P=0.006, D=1.31). Affect was more positive in EP
(1 ±2) compared to both SP (0 ±2, P=0.02, D=0.47)
and VP (0 ±2, P=0.02, D=0.50). Post-trial the par-
ticipants also reported lower ‘gestalt’ RPE in EP (14 ±2)
compared to SP (16 ±2, mean difference [90% CI’s] =
-1[-2to-1], P=0.01, D=0.94) and VP (16 ±2,
mean difference [90% CI’s] =-2[-1to-3], P=0.02,
The principal finding of this study was that an even-pacing
strategy dampened the perturbations in the physiological
response and minimised the perception of effort in com-
parison to time- and work-matched self-paced and vari-
able-paced cycling. In contrast, variable-pacing resulted in
an augmented physiological response and elevated per-
ception of effort to complete the same amount of work.
Fig. 3 Respiratory and heart rate responses to self-paced (SP), even-paced (EP) and variable-paced (VP) trials (N=10)
Fig. 4 Blood [lactate] response to self-paced (SP), even-paced (EP)
and variable-paced (VP) trials (N=10). Blood [lactate] was lower in
EP compared to VP and SP, and lower in SP compared to VP
Eur J Appl Physiol (2012) 112:3069–3078 3073
The finding that an EP strategy resulted in lower per-
ception of effort, more positive affect rating and a damp-
ened physiological response supports previous research
that has suggested an even-pacing strategy is optimal for
endurance events lasting [2 min (Atkinson et al. 2007b;
Gordon 2005; Foster et al. 1993). A more even distribution
of the proposed finite anaerobic capacity allows the athlete
to maintain an anaerobic reserve for a greater proportion of
the trial (Jones et al. 2008) which directly impacts on the
perception of effort (de Koning et al. 2011). de Koning
et al. (2011) theorised that the RPE at any given time point
in a closed-loop trial is dependent on the magnitude and
rate of homeostatic disturbance, and the fraction of the
duration or distance remaining. Accordingly, a faster start
would result in higher reported RPE values for the entire
race as a result of an increased ‘hazard of catastrophic
collapse’ (de Koning et al. 2011). Our data support this
conceptualisation, since the perception of effort (Fig. 5)
remained elevated for the entire trial during the SP and VP
conditions as a result of the augmented perturbations in the
Table 2 Precision of estimate between trials, the associated Pvalue and the percentage likelihood that the observed difference exceeds the smallest important change
Mean difference
[90% CI’s]
of exceeding
true effect (%)
Mean difference
[90% CI’s]
of exceeding
true effect (%)
Mean difference
[90% CI’s]
of exceeding
true effect (%)
Cadence [rpm] -6[-10 to -1] 0.07 89 -9[-14 to -3] 0.02 97 -3[-7 to 1] 0.20 70
VCO2[L min
]-0.02 [-0.14 to 0.09] 0.66 10 -0.07 [-0.19 to 0.04] 0.24 26 -0.05 [-0.12 to 0.03] 0.29 6
VCO2[L min
]-0.08 [-0.17 to -0.01] 0.17 12 -0.05 [-0.15 to 0.06] 0.47 6 0.03 [-0.04 to 0.10] 0.42 0
RER -0.01 [-0.03 to 0.00] 0.12 17 0.01 [-0.01 to 0.02] 0.47 8 0.02 [0.00 to 0.03] 0.05 45
HR [bpm] -5[-7to-3] \0.01 99 -6[-8to-3] \0.01 99 -1[-3to-1] 0.50 13
[Blood] lactate [mmol L
]-1.0 [-1.3 to -0.6] \0.01 65 0.8 [0.4 to 1.2] \0.01 32 1.8 [1.1 to 2.4] \0.01 98
Fig. 5 Affective response (top panel) and rating of perceived
exertion (bottom panel) during self-paced (SP), even-paced (EP)
and variable-paced (VP) trials (N=10). Affect was more positive,
and RPE lower in EP compared to both SP and VP (P\0.05)
3074 Eur J Appl Physiol (2012) 112:3069–3078
initial physiological responses—higher heart rate, blood
lactate and oxygen uptake—due to the higher power output
at the start of the trials; despite there being little difference
in the overall mean physiological response between trials
(Table 2).
Whilst our data support the implementation of an even-
pacing strategy, not all previous research is in agreement.
Lander et al. (2009) reported higher RPE in 7 of 9 novice
rowers during a time- and work-matched EP 5,000-m rowing
trial based on the mean power achieved during a SP trial at a
fixed RPE, and Billat et al. (2006) anecdotally reported a
higher perception of effort during an even-paced 10-km
run based on a previous self-paced effort in 3 well-trained
runners. Both of these studies also reported differences in the
physiological response to time- and work-matched SP and
EP exercise bouts. Billat et al. (2006) reported higher oxygen
uptake, heart rate and post-exercise blood lactate during the
even-paced trial while Lander et al. (2009) reported no
difference in oxygen uptake and heart rate, but a small
(1 mmol L
) difference in post-exercise blood lactate after
EP compared to SP.
Resolving the conflicting results between these studies
and the present study is difficult given differences in the
mode of exercise (running and rowing vs. cycling), level of
athlete (novice rowers vs. well-trained runners and cyclists)
and the small sample sizes involved (N=3, 9 and 10). A
potential explanation could reside in the nature of the even-
paced task. In previous studies (Lander et al. 2009; Billat
et al. 2006) the EP task required participants to consciously
maintain a pre-specified target constant intensity, but the
actual intensity was free to vary. In contrast, in our study
the power output during EP was fixed independent of
cadence, akin to a constant-load task. This allowed the
participants to alter the mechanical and metabolic stress
within the parameter of the imposed work by increasing or
decreasing pedalling cadence, respectively (Ansley and
Cangley 2009). In the present study, cadence was lower in
EP compared to SP, and closer to the theoretical energet-
ically optimum cadence (Ansley and Cangley 2009).
Although this had no significant impact on the metabolic
cost of the bout, it might have reduced the perception of
effort required to complete the task (Ansley and Cangley
An alternative explanation could be that pacing in the
initial SP trial was sub-optimal. Although the mean oxygen
uptake for the SP trial was 87 ±6% of maximum and
RPEs reported at the finish were consistent with a best
effort (18 ±2), the participants adopted a relatively fast
starting strategy in SP, with the first 4-km conducted at a
power output 8 ±4% above the mean power for the entire
trial. Previous studies have suggested that a fast start ([6%
of the race mean) might be detrimental to race performance
(Mattern et al. 2001; Gosztyla et al. 2006), although this
assertion has been refuted for short duration (\5 min) trials
(Aisbett et al. 2009) and is not well-established for longer
duration time trials. Comparison of the blood lactate
responses between the SP trial and the EP trial, which was
conducted at the mean power achieved in SP, offers an
insight to the relative intensity of the self-paced effort.
Blood lactate increased progressively in EP by 1.2 ±0.9
mmol L
between the first sampling point (at *6–7 min)
and the last sampling point (at *32.5 min), which suggests
that the EP trial (and by extension, the mean intensity of
the SP trial) was performed close to the maximum lactate
steady state (Tegtbur et al. 1993). Previous data in well-
trained cyclists have shown that the speed at MLSS cor-
responds closely with the average speed during a 40-km
time trial (Harnish et al. 2001). Whilst our trials were
shorter it would be reasonable to assume that the power
output at MLSS would be a strong predictor of perfor-
mance in exercise of this duration, given that both 20- and
40-km time trials would be completed at an intensity
close to the asymptote of the well-established hyperbolic
relationship between exercise intensity and duration
(Vanhatalo et al. 2011). Whether participants could have
actually achieved a higher mean exercise intensity is not
known. Theoretically, optimal 20-km time trial perfor-
mance would require maintenance of a maximum sustain-
able speed throughout the trial accompanied by an
exhaustion of the anaerobic energy reserve; yet the char-
acteristic pattern of falling blood lactate (Fig. 4) during the
majority of the SP trial in this and other similar studies
(Kenefick et al. 2002; Thomas et al. 2011) suggests cyclists
pace their efforts at an intensity where lactate clearance
exceeds lactate production. Previous studies have demon-
strated that competition (Corbett et al. 2011) and provision
of deceptive feedback (Stone et al. 2011), can motivate
cyclists to beat a previous ‘best’ self-paced effort through a
more complete use of the proposed finite anaerobic reserve.
However, the trials adopted in these other studies were
much shorter than the present study (2 and 4 km, respec-
tively) and therefore the relative contribution of energy
provision from anaerobic sources would have been higher.
Regardless of whether performance in SP was optimal, the
subsequent matched EP bout was perceived as easier, and
the VP bout perceived as harder, both of which have
implications for exercise.
A further observation with regards RPE highlighted by
the current study concerns the proposed linearity of the
RPE response during closed-loop exercise. Previous work
examining RPE during best effort SP trials and EP exercise
trials to exhaustion have suggested RPE has a scalar, linear
relationship with time (Eston et al. 2007; Noakes 2004;
Crewe et al. 2008). Noakes (2004) further suggested that in
constant-load trials, the maximum tolerable RPE is set in
advance of the exercise bout, and that the brain increases
Eur J Appl Physiol (2012) 112:3069–3078 3075
the RPE as a proportion of the exercise time or distance
completed. Based on the pattern of RPE response during
the SP and EP trials in this study and other studies (Mic-
klewright et al. 2010; Baden et al. 2004; Swart et al. 2009)
we would offer an alternative interpretation. The rise in
RPE during exercise is non-linear (Fig. 5) with periods of
flat RPE interjected with sharp increases in RPE, even in
the EP trial where the exercise intensity was constant.
Furthermore, in 40% of the SP trials a reduction in RPE in
conjunction with a reduction in power output was
observed. These observations are consistent with the
information processing model proposed by St Clair Gibson
et al. (2006), where power output and the associated RPE
in self-paced exercise are generated in a ‘quantal’ unit
manner based on feedforward control and afferent feed-
back information. The RPE is the conscious manifestation
of the ongoing change in the metabolic profile as the
exercise bout progresses, and is subject to periods of
cyclical certainty and uncertainty as the brain algorithm
responsible for the pacing strategy continuously interprets
the afferent information from the periphery (St Clair Gib-
son et al. 2006). The majority of the exercise bout is
controlled subconsciously, and it is only when a change in
the perceptual state occurs that the exerciser becomes
aware of it (St Clair Gibson et al. 2003; Damasio et al.
2000; Parvizi and Damasio 2001). The RPE does not
increase linearly, but in relation to the certainty of the
metabolic demand of the exercise bout and the participant’s
confidence in meeting this demand (Swart et al. 2009). The
non-monotonic changes in RPE reflect these underlying
control processes.
In contrast to EP, the VP trial resulted in an augmented
physiological response and increased perception of effort.
The elevated RER in VP compared to EP approached
statistical significance (P=0.053) and this, in conjunction
with the higher blood lactate, suggests a greater reliance
on non-oxidative energy provision. This was likely due
to cumulative lags in the _
VO2on-kinetics at the start of
each high-intensity period (20–25 s in trained individuals
Zoladz et al. 2006) and an increased recruitment of type II
muscle fibres to meet the power output demand of the high-
intensity periods (Christmass et al. 1999). These findings
support previous research that has demonstrated lower fat
oxidation and a greater contribution from glycolysis during
intermittent exercise compared to time- and work-matched
continuous exercise (Christmass et al. 1999; Ferrauti et al.
2001). Based on the progressively increasing blood lactate
concentrations (Fig. 4) and perception of effort (Fig. 5)it
is likely that the duty cycle employed in this study (1:1.5
ratio with 37–43 s work intervals at *106% P
and a
recovery interval at *53% P
) was close to a tolerable
maximum. This assertion is supported by the findings of
Turner et al. (2006), who showed participants could adhere
to a 30-min intermittent cycling bout comprising of 30-s
supramaximal exercise and 60-s recovery, but maintaining
the same work:recovery ratio and increasing the duration of
the supramaximal interval to 60 s led to premature exercise
termination, an augmented _
VO2response and a progressive
accumulation in blood lactate.
In conclusion, the results of this study show that, for a
time- and work-matched 20-km TT, an even-paced strategy
results in attenuated perturbations in the physiological
response and lower perception of effort in comparison to
self- and variable-paced strategies. The results support
previous work that suggests an even-paced strategy might
be optimal in endurance events of this duration (Atkinson
et al. 2007c). Further research is required to investigate
more ecologically valid time trial models.
Acknowledgments Funding for this study was provided by the
Research and Development Fund, Northumbria University.
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... Despite the appeal of the 3MT, the mentally and physically exhaustive nature of the test deters repeated testing occurrences. Thomas et al. (2012) reported that adopting an even pacing strategy (constant work-rate tests) reduces the perception of exertion compared to a self-paced (aggressively paced) strategy [23]. de Koning et al. (2011) theorized that perceived exertion (RPE) at any given time point is dependent on the magnitude and rate of homeostatic disturbance and the fraction of duration or distance remaining [24]. ...
... Despite the appeal of the 3MT, the mentally and physically exhaustive nature of the test deters repeated testing occurrences. Thomas et al. (2012) reported that adopting an even pacing strategy (constant work-rate tests) reduces the perception of exertion compared to a self-paced (aggressively paced) strategy [23]. de Koning et al. (2011) theorized that perceived exertion (RPE) at any given time point is dependent on the magnitude and rate of homeostatic disturbance and the fraction of duration or distance remaining [24]. ...
... The end cadence in the constant-load 3MT as power output declines to a stable value is generally different from the subject's preferred cadence. It has been shown that an end cadence at or slightly below the subject's preferred cadence provides robust and accurate estimates of the CP model, but higher cadences reduce the CP [23]. Hence, this difference in end cadence may explain the decrease in isokinetic 3MT EP due to the power-velocity relationship of the muscles involved in cycling [32]. ...
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Background: The critical power model (CPM) is used extensively in sports to characterize fitness by estimating anaerobic work capacity (W’) and critical power (CP). Traditionally, estimates of CP and W’ require repeated, time-consuming tests. Alternatively, a 3 min all-out test yields good estimates of W’ and CP. However, adoption of the 3 min protocol for regular fitness monitoring is deterred by the mentally/physically strenuous nature of the test. Objective: We propose to examine an alternative single-session testing protocol that can accurately estimate critical power model parameters. Methods: Twenty-eight healthy competitive athletes (cyclists or triathletes) (mean ± SD: age: 38.5 ± 10.4 years, height: 177.9 ± 8.6 cm, mass: 73.4 ± 9.9 kg) participated in 5 sessions on a Lode cycle ergometer in isokinetic mode within a 2-week period. A 3 min all-out test (3MT) was conducted on the first visit to determine CPM parameters from which power outputs for 4 subsequent constant-power plus all-out tests (CPT) were selected to result in exhaustion in 1–10 min. The subjects were to maintain the prescribed power output as consistently as possible at their preferred race cadence. Once the power output could no longer be maintained for more than 10 s, the subjects were instructed to produce an all-out effort. Tests were terminated after power output fell to an asymptote which was sustained for 2 min. Results: The CPM parameters for all of the CPT durations were compared to the traditional CP protocol (significant parameter differences were identified for all CPT durations) and the 3MT (only CPT durations > 3 min were different [3–6 min test, p < 0.01; >6 min test, p < 0.01]). CPT does not estimate traditional CP and W’ parameters well. However, the CPT with a duration < 3 min accurately estimates both parameters of a 3MT. Conclusion: Therefore, CPT has the capacity to serve as an alternative tool to assess CP parameters.
... In addition, such distinct pacing strategies could differentially affect training load based on physical work (i.e., external load) and physical work-induced psychophysiological responses (i.e., internal load) (Impellizzeri et al., 2019). Although external and internal training loads have been positively related (Genner & Weston, 2014), starting at faster pacing resulted in higher internal load at external load-matched workouts (Thomas et al., 2012). This means that other factors beyond external load could affect internal load. ...
... In prior studies, participants seemed to self-select a faster start followed by a slight drop with stabilization in pacing toward the end of the workout (Durkalec-Michalski et al., 2018;Rountree et al., 2017). Although faster start pacing strategies may be detrimental to performance due to an early onset of exercise-induced fatigue (Abbiss & Laursen, 2008), this assumption has been refuted in shorter-duration events (≤1 minute) (Aisbett et al., 2009) and is not well established in longer-duration events (≥2 minutes) for cyclic exercises (Thomas et al., 2012). Therefore, optimal pacing strategies to optimize performance in WODs remain to be determined. ...
We investigated fatigue and performance rates as decision-making criteria in pacing control during CrossFit ® . Thirteen male regional-level competitors completed conditions of all-out (maximum physical work from beginning to end) and controlled-split (controlled physical work in the first two rounds but maximum work in the third round) pacing throughout the Fight Gone Bad workout separated by one week. We assessed benchmarks, countermovement jumps and ratings of fatigue after each round. Benchmarks were lower in round 1 (99 vs. 114, p < .001) but higher in rounds 2 (98 vs. 80, p < .001) and 3 (97 vs. 80, p < .001) for controlled-split compared with all-out pacing. Reductions in countermovement jumps were higher after rounds 1 (−12.6% vs. 1.6%, p < .001) and 2 (−12.7% vs. −4.0%, p = .014) but similar after round 3 (−13.2% vs. −11.3%, p = .571) for all-out compared with controlled-split pacing. Ratings of fatigue were higher after rounds 1 (7 vs. 5 a.u., p < .001) and 2 (8 vs. 7 a.u, p = .023) but similar after round 3 (9 vs. 9 a.u., p = .737) for all-out compared with controlled-split pacing. During all-out pacing, countermovement jump reductions after round 2 correlated with benchmark drops across rounds 1 and 2 ( r = .78, p = .002) and rounds 1 and 3 ( r = −.77, p = .002) and with benchmark workout changes between pacing strategies ( r = −.58, p = .036), suggesting that the larger the countermovement jump reductions the higher the benchmark drops across rounds and workouts. Therefore, benchmarks, countermovement jumps and ratings of fatigue may assess exercise-induced fatigue as decision-making criteria to improve pacing strategy during workouts performed for as many repetitions as possible.
... Compared with natural variations in workload (±10%-15%), 5 smaller variations in workload (±5%) seem to have no effect on the physiological response, 8 while larger variations in workload (±35%) evoke an augmented physiological response and elevate perception of effort. 9 Furthermore, short highintensity exercise bouts have been shown to increase neuromuscular fatigue compared with constant power output cycling. 10 To our knowledge, only one study has used imposed variations (±5%-15%) comparable to the natural variations in power output occurring during TTs. ...
... This is in accordance with results of a study that compared VP cycling with 5% to 15% variations in workload with EP cycling over 20-km TTs and also found lower RPE values in individual kilometers in VP. 11 However, they did not report an overall effect of pacing strategy on mean RPE. In contrast, a study comparing EP cycling to VP cycling with larger variations in workload (±35%) showed an elevated RPE in VP compared with EP. 9 This is in accordance with research showing that high-intensity intervals result in higher perceived exertion than continuous exercise. 23 In the current study, the magnitude of the variations in workload was considerably smaller and the frequency of the variations lower, which is more representative to competitive TTs. ...
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Background: During self-paced (SP) time trials (TTs), cyclists show unconscious nonrandom variations in power output of up to 10% above and below average. It is unknown what the effects of variations in power output of this magnitude are on physiological, neuromuscular, and perceptual variables. Purpose: To describe physiological, neuromuscular, and perceptual responses of 10-km TTs with an imposed even-paced (EP) and variable-paced (VP) workload. Methods: Healthy male, trained, task-habituated cyclists (N = 9) completed three 10-km TTs. First, an SP TT was completed, the mean workload from which was used as the mean workload of the EP and VP TTs. The EP was performed with an imposed even workload, while VP was performed with imposed variations in workload of ±10% of the mean. In EP and VP, cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular, and perceptual variables were measured. Results: Mean rating of perceived exertion was significantly lower in VP (6.13 [1.16]) compared with EP (6.75 [1.24]), P = .014. No mean differences were found for cardiorespiratory and almost all neuromuscular variables. However, differences were found at individual kilometers corresponding to power-output differences between pacing strategies. Conclusion: Variations in power output during TTs of ±10%, simulating natural variations in power output that are present during SP TTs, evoke minor changes in cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular responses and mostly affect the perceptual response. Rating of perceived exertion is lower when simulating natural variations in power output, compared with EP cycling. The imposed variations in workload seem to provide a psychological rather than a physiological or neuromuscular advantage.
... However, it has previously been suggested to maintain this pacing strategy within a small range (<5% of the mean power output) to be tolerated by cyclists (Faria et al., 2005). Moreover, some authors suggested that variable pacing strategies were less efficient than even-paced strategies (constant pace, Thomas et al., 2012). ...
... With variable pacing, greater physiological responses (e.g., blood lactate) and perception of efforts have been observed (Palmer et al., 1997;Thomas et al., 2012). As a result of accelerations/decelerations, most authors argue that the variable pacing strategy resulted in excessive glycogen depletion (mostly on type II fibers) and premature onset of fatigue (Palmer et al., 1999;Faria et al., 2005). ...
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Fixed-gear cycling performance during criteriums predominantly involves the aerobic system. Whether pacing is another important factor for performance is unknown. The purpose of the present study was to explore pacing and/or positioning strategies of fixed-gear riders during criteriums. Race results of an international fixed-gear criterium were analyzed (20 laps for women and 28 laps for men; laps = 1,270 m). Statistics were conducted on individuals lap time and positioning during the finals. Race pattern in women (n = 35) and men (n = 53) revealed that the faster laps (P < 0.05) were in the middle and at the end of the race and the slower laps (P < 0.05) were at the end of the race (laps 17-18 for women and lap 26 for men). The final ranking was significantly correlated with the mean race position (Kendall's tau = 0.664 and 0.689 for women and men, respectively). A coefficient of variation >50% revealed an important positioning variability. The best riders are mostly amongst the first during the race. However, the others exhibited larger mean position variations during the first half of the race. Our results demonstrated variable pacing strategies during fixed-gear criteriums. Although some riders had economical drafting strategies during the first half of the race, riding placed ahead during the whole race seemed to be an essential performance factor.
... On the other hand, nonelite cyclists-who seem to be enthusiasts and start a race fast-would be expected to decrease speed largely across a race [11,12]. Furthermore, performance might depend on nutritional (fluid intake [8,15,16], hydration status [17,18], food intake [8,19,20]) and other external/technical (prize money [21], time of day [22], equipment [8], starting strategy [3,23], and pacing strategy [3,12,[24][25][26]) variables. Overall, the influence of environmental conditions, such as heat, may have the highest impact on cycling performance [11,[27][28][29][30][31], with performance generally being impaired when cycling in hot environment [32][33][34]. ...
... However, regarding new studies, an even-pacing strategy would be more appropriate [51] in order to attenuate perturbations in the physiological response and to lower perception of effort in comparison to self-and variable-paced strategies [26]. An even distribution of power output is both physiologically and biophysically optimal for longer time trials held in conditions of unvarying wind and gradient. ...
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The present case study analysed the pacing in a self-paced world record attempt during a 24-hour track cycling event by the current world record holder. The cyclist completed 3,767 laps on a 250 m long cycling track and covered a total distance of 941.873 km, breaking the existing world record by 37.99 km. The average cycling speed was 39.2 ± 1.9 km/h (range 35.5-42.8 km/h) and power output measured was 214.5 ± 23.7 W (range 190.0-266.0 W) during the 24 hours of cycling. We found a positive pacing result with negative correlations between cycling speed (r=-0.73, p<0.001), power output (r=-0.66, p<0.001) and laps per hour (r=-0.73, p<0.001), and covered distance. During the 24 hours, we could identify four different phases: The first phase lasting from the start till the 4th hour with a relatively stable speed, the second phase from the 4th till the 9th hour, characterized by the largest decrease of cycling speed, the third from the 9th hour till the 22nd hour showing relatively small changes in cycling speed, and the last one from the 22nd hour till the end presenting a final end spurt. The performance in the 24-hour track cycling was 45.577 km better than in the 24-hour road cycling where the same athlete cycled slower, but with higher power output. In summary, the current world best ultra-cyclist covered more kilometers with less power output during the world record 24-hour track cycling than during his world record 24-hour road cycling. This was most probably due to the more favorable environmental conditions in the velodrome with no wind and stable temperatures. Keywords: bike, ultra-endurance; athlete; cycling speed; power output
... Research has shown that shorter test durations may yield similar accuracy in CPM parameters while being more acceptable to athletes. For instance, pacing strategies and test modifications, such as reduced test durations, have been suggested to improve feasibility without compromising accuracy [10,11]. Shorter all-out efforts may reduce perceived exertion and make the 3MT more adaptable for frequent monitoring, potentially broadening its application in performance assessments and training adaptations [11,12]. ...
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The Critical Power Model (CPM) is key for assessing athletes’ aerobic and anaerobic energy systems but typically involves lengthy, exhausting protocols. The 3 min all-out test (3MT) simplifies CPM assessment, yet its duration remains demanding. Exponential decay models, specifically mono- and bi-exponential functions, offer a more efficient alternative by accurately capturing the nonlinear energy dynamics in high-intensity efforts. This study explores shortening the 3MT using these functions to reduce athlete strain while preserving the accuracy of critical power (CP) and work capacity (W′) estimates. Seventy-six competitive cyclists and triathletes completed a 3MT on a cycle ergometer, with CP and W′ calculated at shorter intervals. Results showed that a 90 s test using the bi-exponential model yielded CP and W′ values similar to those of the full 3MT. Meanwhile, the mono-exponential model required at least 135 s. Bland–Altman and linear regression analyses confirmed that a 120 s test with the mono-exponential model reliably estimated CP and W′ with minimal physical strain. These findings support a shortened, less-demanding 3MT as a valid alternative for CPM assessment.
... The study of perceived exertion shifts (PES) dynamics during exercise has provided a new insight to the known and widely investigated concept of PE and its measurement. Aragonés et al. (2013) (Thomas, Stone, Thompson, St Clair Gibson, & Ansley, 2012) and until this moment no adequate explanation has been provided to interpret them. The only scientific evidence of fatigue symptom attenuation as a function of time on task is the so called second wind phenomenon, first described by Pearson, Rimer, and Mommaerts (1961). ...
This chapter introduces the assumptions of the dynamic psychobiological model of exercise‐induced fatigue and reveals the dynamic behavior and properties of perceived exertion (PE) with workload accumulation. After introducing the basis of the extant cognitive and physiological models of PE, it provides the debate about the afferent or efferent nature of PE and its relationship with fatigue and exercise tolerance. The commonly assumed rigid and invariant type of integration between the brain, the body, and the environment of previous psychobio‐logical models are contrasted with the flexible and context‐dependent integration of the dynamic psychobio‐logical model of exercise‐induced fatigue. In relation to this model, the chapter presents the main research findings studying the PE dynamics during constant‐power exercise performed until exhaustion. It summarizes the main theoretical, methodological, and practical contributions of this research.
... Considering that the strategies adopted in cycling events are highly stochastic (Thomas, Stone, Thompson, Gibson, & Ansley, 2012), it can be asked how the mechanisms of pre-feeding (prior strategy) and feedback (interaction with the environment) could affect the performance of an athlete in a test, since there is a flow of information that generally does not exist in conventional ergometric tests. ...
Cycling ergometer protocols are commonly integrated with a virtual reality environment (VRE), especially because of its static position that also allows multiple exercise experiments. Concerning VRE scenarios, visually delayed situations like the ones produced at excessive low update rates can also affect the sense of presence and physiological responses. However, the main interface between the subject and a cycling VRE is the power applied over the crank, and there are only a few experiments to evaluate the effect of delayed situations on this particular interface. Thus, this work aims to investigate the effects of the power update rate (PUR) over the subject`s performance on an avatar-based simulator during a drafting task. A custom cycling VRE was built, and 21 male recreational cyclists (175.9±7.5 cm; 76.5±13.9 kg) were tested at six different PUR levels from 100 to 3000 ms. As a result, PUR affects performance scores (virtual distance, efficiency, and heart rate, p<0.01) at the given VRE conditions. The case-by-case analysis of the groups reveals that higher update rates always lead to a statistical equivalent or superior performance. Nevertheless, no parameter shows any group difference between 500 ms and lower PUR. These results suggest that virtual cycling protocols should consider PUR and other delay-related mechanisms as possible intervening factors over physiological responses and performance scores.
... Runners must balance human-environment interactions (e.g., weather, competitors, nutrition/ hydration, etc.) and in-race tactical decisions into the regulation of exercise intensity (28, 75), suggesting that optimal pacing requires additional considerations beyond distance/duration. Evidence from laboratory studies indicate distance runners adopt an even-pacing strategy that minimizes physiological, perceptual, and metabolic disturbances, ultimately improving exercise likability and maximizing performance (1,4,78,79). On the other hand, endurance athletes tend to adopt a positive or variable-pacing strategy in competition (2,39,89). ...
The purposeful distribution of speed, power, or energy is termed as the pacing or pacing strategy and is recognized as a key determinant in optimal run performance. There is no agreement on the best pacing strategy for all runners and race types. Thus, the challenge posed to runners and practitioners is pacing strategy selection and in-race adherence. This review briefly discusses pacing strategy types and selection considerations. More importantly, we overview factors influencing pacing and translate key findings from research into useable evidence-based recommendations for pacing strategy preparation and adherence during competition.
... The physiological demands imposed by different cycling strategies including constant and variable power cycling have been studied in a laboratory setting by implementing variable power protocols with smaller variability (Palmer et al., 1997;Lepers et al., 2008;Suriano et al., 2010) than that observed in some contemporary cycling races (Ebert et al., 2006;Bernard et al., 2009). The duration of the treatment protocols implemented (variable vs. constant) also differ substantially between studies: from ∼30 min (Bernard et al., 2007;Suriano et al., 2007;Lepers et al., 2008;Thomas et al., 2012) to ∼2 h (Palmer et al., 1999) and use a diverse range of performance and outcome measures. These methodological differences between studies investigating constant and variable cycling limit the transfer of the findings to actual sporting performances. ...
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Bunch riding in closed circuit cycling courses and some track cycling events are often typified by highly variable power output and a maximal sprint to the finish. How criterium style race demands affect final sprint performance however, is unclear. We studied the effects of 1 h variable power cycling on a subsequent maximal 30 s sprint in the laboratory. Nine well-trained male cyclists/triathletes (O2peak 4.9 ± 0.4 L⋅min-1; mean ± SD) performed two 1 h cycling trials in a randomized order with either a constant (CON) or variable (VAR) power output matched for mean power output. The VAR protocol comprised intervals of varying intensities (40–135% of maximal aerobic power) and durations (10 to 90 s). A 30 s maximal sprint was performed before and immediately after each 1 h cycling trial. When compared with CON, there was a greater reduction in peak (-5.1 ± 6.1%; mean ± 90% confidence limits) and mean (-5.9 ± 5.2%) power output during the 30 s sprint after the 1 h VAR cycle. Variable power cycling, commonly encountered during criterium and triathlon races can impair an optimal final sprint, potentially compromising race performance. Athletes, coaches, and staff should evaluate training (to improve repeat sprint-ability) and race-day strategies (minimize power variability) to optimize the final sprint.
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Two studies tested the hypothesis that teleoanticipatory mechanisms regulate the perception of exertion (RPE) in the context of expected exercise duration by the adjustment of attentional focus. Study 1 involved 22 runners who participated in a short (8-mile) run and a long (10-mile) run on separate days. Pace did not differ between conditions (M = 6.3 mph). Runners reported on their attentional focus (proportion of associative to dissociative thoughts) and RPE at regular intervals. Study 2 involved 40 participants who ran twice on a treadmill at the same speed and gradient: once when they expected to run for 10 min (short condition) and once when they expected to run for 20 min (long condition). In both studies, RPE was lower throughout the long condition. In Study 1 there were more dissociative thoughts in the long condition. Study 2 showed the same trend, although the results were nonsignificant. In both studies RPE was inversely correlated with dissociative thoughts, supporting the hypothesis that runners pace themselves cognitively by manipulating their attentional focus.
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This article examines how pacing strategies during exercise are controlled by information processing between the brain and peripheral physiological systems. It is suggested that, although several different pacing strategies can be used by athletes for events of different distance or duration, the underlying principle of how these different overall pacing strategies are controlled is similar. Perhaps the most important factor allowing the establishment of a pacing strategy is knowledge of the endpoint of a particular event. The brain centre controlling pace incorporates knowledge of the endpoint into an algorithm, together with memory of prior events of similar distance or duration, and knowledge of external (environmental) and internal (metabolic) conditions to set a particular optimal pacing strategy for a particular exercise bout. It is proposed that an internal clock, which appears to use scalar rather than absolute time scales, is used by the brain to generate knowledge of the duration or distance still to be covered, so that power output and metabolic rate can be altered appropriately throughout an event of a particular duration or distance. Although the initial pace is set at the beginning of an event in a feedforward manner, no event or internal physiological state will be identical to what has occurred previously. Therefore, continuous adjustments to the power output in the context of the overall pacing strategy occur throughout the exercise bout using feedback information from internal and external receptors. These continuous adjustments in power output require a specific length of time for afferent information to be assessed by the brain's pace control algorithm, and for efferent neural commands to be generated, and we suggest that it is this time lag that crates the fluctuations in power output that occur during an exercise bout. These non-monotonic changes in power output during exercise, associated with information processing between the brain and peripheral physiological systems, are crucial to maintain the overall pacing strategy chosen by the brain algorithm of each athlete at the start of the exercise bout.
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The aim of the study was to assess the reproducibility of pacing strategy, physiological and perceptual responses during simulated 20-km cycling time trials. Seventeen well-trained male cyclists ([Formula: see text] = 4.70 ± 0.33 L min(-1)) completed three 20-km time trials on a Velotron Pro cycle ergometer within a maximum duration of 14 days. During all trials power output, cadence and respiratory exchange were recorded throughout, rating of perceived exertion and affective response were recorded every 2-km and capillary blood was sampled and assayed for the determination of lactate concentration every 4-km. Power output data was assigned to 1-km 'bins' and expressed relative to the mean to quantify pacing strategy. Reproducibility of the pacing strategy and the whole trial mean responses was subsequently quantified using typical error (TE) with 90% confidence intervals. The pacing strategy adopted was similar across repeat trials, though there was a higher degree of variability at the start and end of the trial (TE = 6.6 and 6.8% for the first and last 1-km), and a trend for a progressively blunted start on repeat trials. The reproducibility of performance, cardiorespiratory and perceptual measures was good (TE range 1.0-4.0%), but blood lactate exhibited higher variability (TE = 17.7%). The results demonstrate the performance, perceptual and physiological response to self-paced 20-km time trials is reproducible in well-trained cyclists. Future research should acknowledge that variability in pacing strategy at the start and end of a self-paced bout is likely regardless of any intervention employed.
Subjective estimates of physical work intensity are considered of major importance to those concerned with prescription of exercise. This article reviews major theoretical models which might guide research on the antecedents for ratings of perceived exertion (RPE). It is argued that an active rather than passive view of perception is warranted in future research, and a parallel-processing model is emphasized as providing the needed structure for such reconceptualization. Moreover, existing exercise research is reviewed as support for this latter approach and several suggestions are offered with regard to needed empirical study.
Cadence is one of the only variables cyclists can adjust to manage their performance and fatigue during an event. Not surprisingly, cadence has received a great deal of attention from the scientific community in an effort to identify the cadence that optimizes power output while minimizing the fatigue that is incurred. The literature appears to present conflicting results with little consensus as regards the optimal pedalling cadence. This is in large part due to the inconsistent definition of the term “optimal” cadence, which has been used to describe energetic cost, muscular stress, and perception of effort. The issue is further confounded by the workload-dependent nature of the “optimal” cadence – that is, at higher power outputs, the optimized cadence is different from that at lower power outputs. Although the optimal cadence is different for energetic, muscular, and perceptual definitions, the curves that describe the effect of changes in cadence on these variables consistently exhibit a J-shaped response. This suggests that there is an underlying principle that is common to each of the definitions. Indeed, it would appear that the response of both the cardio-respiratory system (energetic cost) and the muscular system (muscular stress) is determined by the types of muscle motor units that are recruited during the exercise. Furthermore, although part of the response may be due to the inherent differences in the characteristics between the different motor units, the absolute contraction velocity relative to fibre type optimum may be of greater significance. Even when the power output is increased, the shape of the response curves to changes in cadence remains constant, although the nadir of the curve does shift to the right for increasing power outputs. We propose that the point at which the energetic vs. power and the muscular stress vs. power curves intercept is defined by the cadence at which the perceived effort is minimized (i.e. the preferred cadence). However, cadence fluctuations occur under field conditions that are unrelated to physiological factors and, therefore, the ability to identify an “optimal” cadence is limited to the laboratory environment and specific field conditions.
A simple mathematical model is used to find the optimal distribution of a cyclist’s effort during a time trial. It is shown that maintaining a constant velocity is optimal if the goal is to minimise the time taken to complete the course while fixing amount of work done. However, this is usually impractical on a non-flat course because the cyclist would be unable to maintain the power output required on the climbs. A model for exertion is introduced and used to identify the distribution of power that minimises time while restricting the cyclist’s exertion. It is shown that, for a course with a climb followed by a descent, limits on exertion prevent the cyclist from improving performance by shifting effort towards the climb and away from the descent. It is also shown, however, that significant improvement is possible on a course with several climbs and descents. An analogous problem with climbs and descents replaced by headwinds and tailwinds is considered and it is shown that there is no significant advantage to be gained by varying power output. Lagrange multipliers are used solve the minimisation problems.
The study's purpose was to examine the influence of head-to-head (HH) competition on performance, pacing strategy, and bioenergetics during a 2000-m cycling task. Fourteen participants completed three 2000-m familiarization time trials (TTs) on a Velotron cycle ergometer, before completing an additional TT and a 2000-m simulated HH competition in a counterbalanced order. During the trials, a computer-generated image of the participants completing the 2000-m course was projected onto a screen positioned in front of the participants. Although participants believed they were competing against another individual during the HH competition, they were in fact competing against their best familiarization performance (FAM), replayed on the screen by the Velotron software. Performance was significantly faster in HH than in FAM or TT (184.6 ± 6.2, 187.7 ± 8.2, and 188.3 ± 9.5 s, respectively). Pacing profile in HH initially matched the FAM performance but was better maintained from 1000 m until the end of exercise. The higher power output during the latter part of the test was achieved by a greater anaerobic energy contribution, whereas the aerobic energy yield remained unchanged. HH competition encourages participants to increase their performance. This occurs primarily via an increased anaerobic energy yield, which seems to be centrally mediated, and is consistent with the concept of a physiologic reserve.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether it was possible to reduce the time taken to complete a 4000-m cycling time trial by misleading participants into believing they were racing against a previous trial, when, in fact, the power output was 2% greater. Nine trained male cyclists each completed four 4000-m time trials. The first trial was a habituation and the data from the second trial was used to form a baseline (BL). During trials 3 and 4, participants raced against an avatar, which they were informed represented their BL performance. However, whereas one of these trials was an accurate (ACC) representation of BL, the power output in the other trial was set at 102% of BL and formed the deception condition (DEC). Oxygen uptake and RER were measured continuously and used to determine aerobic and anaerobic contributions to power output. There was a significant difference between trials for time to completion (F = 15.3, P = 0.00). Participants completed DEC more quickly than BL (90% CI = 2.1-10.1 s) and ACC (90% CI = 1.5-5.4 s) and completed ACC more quickly than BL (90% CI = 0.5-4.8 s). The difference in performance between DEC and ACC was attributable to a greater anaerobic contribution to power output at 90% of the total distance (F = 5.3, P = 0.02, 90% CI = 4-37 W). The provision of surreptitiously augmented feedback derived from a previous performance reduces time taken for cyclists to accomplish a time trial of known duration. This suggests that cyclists operate with a metabolic reserve even during maximal time trials and that this reserve can be accessed after deception.