
Labor Markets and the Choice of Technology in an Open Developing Economy

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This study analyzes the effects of right-wing extremism on the well-being of immigrants based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) for the years 1984 to 2006 merged with state-level information on election outcomes. The results show that the life satisfaction of immigrants is significantly reduced if right-wing extremism in the native population increases. Moreover ; the life satisfaction of highly educated immigrants is affected more strongly than that of low-skilled immigrants. This supports the view that policies aimed at making immigration more attractive to the high-skilled have to include measures that reduce xenophobic attitudes in the native population. --

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A better understanding of the relationship between economic policies and human capital formation through vocational education and training (VET) will help both development strategists and education planners. With this in mind, the paper begins with a social systems model to trace the impact of the economic environment and policies on the internal and external efficiency of VET. It continues with a discussion of how specific economic policies can shape efforts to improve the internal and external efficiency of VET. Some evidence of this relationship is provided in a review of the VET experience in selected countries. The paper concludes with some tentative lessons for VET lending and sector work as drawn from this review and offers an agenda for the further study and validation of the economic environment thesis.
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This study analyzes the effects of right-wing extremism on the well-being of immigrants based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) for the years 1984 to 2006 merged with state-level information on election outcomes. The results show that the life satisfaction of immigrants is significantly reduced if right-wing extremism in the native population increases. Moreover ; the life satisfaction of highly educated immigrants is affected more strongly than that of low-skilled immigrants. This supports the view that policies aimed at making immigration more attractive to the high-skilled have to include measures that reduce xenophobic attitudes in the native population. --
Book delves with the puzzle that assets play important role in the theory of international finance but hardly any any role in the theory of international trade. Where this dichotomy comes from? Main feature is that trade in assets may interact in an important ways with trade in goods and services. The book develops a theory that clarified these interactions. It should also help in the understanding of the effects of capital-market policies on trade in goods and assets.
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Terms of Trade, Exchange Rates and Labor Markets in Developing Countries' (presented at a World Bank Conference on Adjustment of Labour Markets in LDCs to External Changes
  • S Edwards
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Uncertainty in Trade Models; Chapter 9 In the Handbook of International Economics
  • J Pomery
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Foreign trade regimes and economic development: South Korea (Columbia University Press for the
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Trade Policy In Developing Countries; Chapter 11 in the Handbook of International Economics
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Terms of Trade, Exchange Rates and Labor Markets in Developing Countries’. (presented at a World Bank Conference on Adjustment of Labour Markets in LDCs to External Changes
  • S Edwards
  • Ingram
  • K Gregory
  • Ruth Klinov