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Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Diabetes Patients with Foot Ulcers

International Journal of Microbiology

Abstract and Figures

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an invasive organism that frequently causes severe tissue damage in diabetic foot ulcers. A major problem in P. aeruginosa infection may be that this pathogen exhibits a high degree of resistance to a broad spectrum of antibiotics. The study aimed to isolate and determine the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of the P. aeruginosa population from diabetes patients with foot ulcers attending tertiary care hospitals in and around Coimbatore and their antimicrobial susceptibility pattern. The study was carried out at the Department of Microbiology, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, for a period of one year (June 2006 to April 2007). The present study comprised 270 pus specimens collected from diabetic patients with foot ulcers. All pus samples were subjected to gram staining; bacterial culture and subsequently the antibiotic sensitivity to 15 different antibiotics for the confirmed P. aeruginosa were performed as per the standard procedures. Eighteen strains (14.28%) of P. aeruginosa from 270 diabetic foot ulcers were detected. Almost all the strains exhibited a varying degree of resistance to the antibiotics tested. Multidrug resistance for about 8 to 11 antibiotics was observed among the 55.5% of the isolates. Disk diffusion results show 100% resistance to ampicillin, cefoperazone, erythromycin, norfloxacin, and only cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin exhibited greater activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
International Journal of Microbiology
Volume 2011, Article ID 605195, 4pages
Research Article
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
from Diabetes Patients with Foot Ulcers
Tamil Selvi Sivanmaliappan1and Murugan Sevanan2
1Department of Microbiology, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641048, India
2Department of Biotechnology, School of Biotechnology and Health Sciences, Karunya University, Karunya Nagar,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 114, India
Correspondence should be addressed to Murugan Sevanan,
Received 13 July 2011; Accepted 23 August 2011
Academic Editor: Toni L. Poole
Copyright © 2011 T. S. Sivanmaliappan and M. Sevanan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an invasive organism that frequently causes severe tissue damage in diabetic foot ulcers. A major
problem in P. a er u g i n o s a infection may be that this pathogen exhibits a high degree of resistance to a broad spectrum of antibiotics.
The study aimed to isolate and determine the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of the P. a e r u g in o s a population from diabetes
patients with foot ulcers attending tertiary care hospitals in and around Coimbatore and their antimicrobial susceptibility pattern.
The study was carried out at the Department of Microbiology, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, for a period
of one year (June 2006 to April 2007). The present study comprised 270 pus specimens collected from diabetic patients with
foot ulcers. All pus samples were subjected to gram staining; bacterial culture and subsequently the antibiotic sensitivity to 15
dierent antibiotics for the confirmed P. a e r u g i n o sa were performed as per the standard procedures. Eighteen strains (14.28%)
of P. a e r u g i no s a from 270 diabetic foot ulcers were detected. Almost all the strains exhibited a varying degree of resistance to the
antibiotics tested. Multidrug resistance for about 8 to 11 antibiotics was observed among the 55.5% of the isolates. Disk diusion
results show 100% resistance to ampicillin, cefoperazone, erythromycin, norfloxacin, and only cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin exhibited
greater activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
1. Introduction
Diabetes is a chronic disorder that aects a large segment of
population and is a major public health problem. Diabetes
and foot problems are almost synonymous [1]. A recent
WHO report indicates that India has the largest diabetic
population (19 million in 1995) that is expected to rise to 57
million by 2025 [2]. A commonly accepted definition of foot
infection is the presence of systemic signs of infection (e.g.,
fever and leucocytosis) or purulent secretions or two or more
local symptoms or signs (redness, warmth, indurations, pain,
or tenderness) [3]. Viswanathan et al. [4] reported that 25%
of diabetic individuals are anticipated to develop severe foot
problems at some point in their lifetime that often end
with amputation. Diabetic foot infections are more severe
and more dicult to treat than infections in nondiabetics.
Polymicrobial etiology has been implicated in the infected
diabetic foot. Gram-negative infections are three-times more
frequent in the diabetic than in non-diabetic individuals [5].
Most infections with Pseudomonas species occur in
compromised hosts. The pathogenicity of these organisms
is based on its ability to produce a variety of toxins and
proteases and also on its ability to resist phagocytosis [6].
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is commonly resistant to antibiotics,
and because of this it is a dangerous and dreaded pathogen.
The only antibiotic agents to which strains are regularly
sensitive are cephalosporins, carbenicillin, colistin, gentam-
icin, polymyxin, quinolones, and streptomycin; however
degrees of cross-resistance between these agents have been
reported [7]. P. a e r ug i n o s a is one of the most important
microorganisms that cause clinical problems resulting from
high-resistance to antimicrobial agents. Though it is rarely
2International Journal of Microbiology
found in the normal flora of humans, it is frequently isolated
from patients with burns, cystic fibrosis, and neutropenia
[8]. P. a e r u g in o s a may cause severe tissue damage in diabetics
and should never be ignored as insignificant in diabetic
foot ulcers. Moreover, it should never be considered a
contaminants or normal flora, and it should clearly be
considered a pathogen, because it may result in sepsis and
amputation [9].
One of the challenges in managing P. a e r u g in o s a infec-
tions is an inherent resistance mechanism, referred to as
intrinsic resistance. Its multiplicity of resistance mecha-
nisms may render this microbe less amenable to control
by antibiotic cycling [10]. P.aeruginosa is noted for its
metabolic versatility and its exceptional ability to colonize
a wide variety of environments and also for its intrinsic
resistance to a wide variety of antimicrobial agents. The
bacillus almost never causes infections in healthy individuals
and often infects the immunocompromised. Because of its
virulence and the limited choices of eective antimicrobial
agents, treatments of infections by P. a e r u g i n os a are often
dicult [11]. Though a lot of work has been carried out
elsewhere pertaining to P. a e r ug i n o s a , the prevalence and
the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of P. a e r u g i n os a
from diabetes patients with foot ulcers have rarely been
documented in this part of South India. Therefore, the
present study has been carried out to study the prevalence
of P. ae r u g i n os a and their antimicrobial susceptibility by the
Kirby Bauer-Disk Diusion method.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sample. The study was based on 270 pus specimens
received for the screening of P. ae r u g i n o sa from diabetes
patients with foot ulcers attending tertiary care hospitals
in and around Coimbatore. Specimens included in the
study were from “Soft tissue infection” which includes foot
wound and “limb threatening infections” specimens were
included in the study. Specimens were obtained using aseptic
techniques to avoid contamination and were promptly
transported to the laboratory in a sterile swab in ice-cold
2.2. Isolation and Identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
The isolation and identification of test organisms was carried
out by the procedures suggested by Valentina and Lalitha
[12]. Identification analysis like Gram staining, motility,
catalase, oxidase, pigment production, growth on cetrimide
agar, ability to grow at 42C, gelatin hydrolysis, arginine
dihydrolase, acid from Hugh-Leifson’s glucose, and nitrate
reduction tests were carried out.
2.3. Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing (Kirby Bauer-Disk Dif-
fusion Method). Antibiogram was performed using com-
mercially available antibiotic discs (Hi-Media, Mumbai)
with a standard P. a e r u g in o s a ATCC 27853 as a positive
control. Kirby-Bauer, recommended by the CLSI [13], was
used for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. The identi-
fied 18 P. a e r u g i n os a strains were tested against ampi-
cillin (10 µg), amikacin (30 µg), ceftazidime (30 µg), cefo-
taxime (30 µg), ciprofloxacin (5 µg), cefoperozone (75 µg),
co-trimoxazole (25 µg), erythromycin (10 µg), gentamicin
(10 µg), imipenem (10 µg), norfloxacin (10 µg), piperacillin
(100 µg), tobramycin (30 µg), ticarcillin (75 µg), and tetracy-
cline (30 µg).
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Patients. Of the total 270 diabetic patients suering from
foot infections, 180 were male and 90 were female. The
male-to-female ratio was 2 : 1 and the age of the patients
ranged between 36 to 75 years. Very few of these patients
have undergone amputation. Studies conducted in Chennai
have shown that males were more susceptible than females
in the ratio of 8 : 3 [14]. Previous studies have shown that
males were more susceptible than females in the ratio of 2 : 1,
which is in accordance with the current study. Predominance
of male over female patients as shown in the study can be
explained by the fact that in our country males are exposed
more to the outside environment because of their mobility as
compared to females.
3.2. Isolation Rate. Of the 270 pus specimens of diabetic
patients with foot infections, 180 (66.6%) specimens were
culture positive and the other 90 (33.3%) were negative.
Among the strains, aerobic gram-negative Pseudomonas
species were 126 (70.0%) and other aerobic organisms
comprised 54 (30.0%). From the 126 Pseudomonas species,
18 (14.30%) were found to be P. ae r u g i n o sa . Dhanasekaran
et al.[5] reported the prevalence of Pseudomonas species to
be 18.79% from a diabetic centre in Chennai. In a similar
study conducted in a private hospital in Chennai, 29.8%
strains among diabetic foot ulcer patients were P. a e r u g i no s a
[15]. This finding shows the high prevalence of Pseudomonas
species and P. ae r u g i n o sa among diabetes patients with foot
3.3. Antibiogram Pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The
Mueller Hinton agar-based antibiogram-resistogram pattern
study of P. a e r ug i n o s a isolated from foot ulcers of diabetes
patients is shown in Figure 1. Almost all of the eighteen
P. a e ru g i n o s a strains screened showed 100% resistance to
ampicillin, erythromycin, and norfloxacin, similarly 83.3%
resistance to piperacillin, ticarcillin, and tetracycline, 66.6%
resistance to ceftazidime, imipenem, gentamicin, amikacin,
tobramycin, and cotrimoxazole and 50.0% resistance to cef-
operazone. However, 15 (83.3%) P. a e ru g i n o s a strains were
susceptible to cefotaxime. Multidrug resistance for about 8
to 11 antibiotics was observed among 55.5% of the strains
(Tab l e 1 ). No single antibiotic showed 100% sensitivity to all
P. a e r u g i n o sa strains. Resistance was least with cefotaxime
(16.6%), followed by an intermediate resistance of 66.7%
observed for ciprofloxacin.
India has the largest number of diabetic individuals
and appreciably poor economic conditions; the study on
International Journal of Microbiology 3
Resistance (%)
Antimicrobial agents
Resistant Sensitivity
Te t
Figure 1: Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa among diabetes patients with foot ulcers.
Tab l e 1: Multidrug resistance patterns of P. a e r u g in o s a of diabetic
foot ulcers.
No. of drugs resistant No. of isolates
(n=18) Resistance (%)
8 18 100
9 15 83.3
10 13 72.2
11 10 55.5
12 7 38.8
13 5 27.7
14 2 11.1
15 0 0
this intrinsic resistant organism in diabetic foot infections
assumes significance. The present study has shown the
incidence of P. a e r u g i n os a to be 14.3% in diabetic foot
ulcers, which is significant when compared to previous
studies. In accordance with earlier observations [16], the
current study has demonstrated that P. ae r u g i n o s a strains
isolated from foot ulcers are more resistant to antimicrobial
agents. This may be due to the fact that the strains
isolated from clinical specimens have been subjected to
the selective actions of both disinfectants and antibiotics
[16]. As expected, the strains were resistant to imipenem,
piperacillin, erythromycin, ticarcillin, tetracycline, gentam-
icin, co-trimoxazole, and amikacin indicating the emergence
of multidrug-resistant strains. Antibiogram also revealed
that cefotaxime and ciprofloxacin retained high levels of
antipseudomonal activity and cefoperazone, gentamicin,
ceftazidime, amikacin, imipenem, and tobramycin had the
least activity. Ciprofloxacin and cefotaxime were found to be
better choices for diabetes patients with foot ulcers in this
part of the region when compared to gentamicin, imipenem,
piperacillin, and other third-generation cephalosporins. The
present study thus revealed the importance of P. ae r u g i n os a
from diabetes patients with foot ulcers, which is necessary for
proper management of diabetes patients.
The second author is grateful to the Chancellor (Dr. Paul
Dhinakaran), Vice Chancellor (Dr. Paul P. Appasamy), and
Registrar (Dr. Anne Mary Fernandez) of Karunya University,
Coimbatore, India, for their constant encouragement and
support to carry out this research publication.
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... However, the rise of antimicrobial resistance, particularly among pathogens like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, poses a formidable challenge. This organism often exhibits resistance to multiple antibiotics, complicating the treatment and management of infections and increasing the risk of severe outcomes such as sepsis (18)(19)(20)(21)(22). ...
... Antimicrobial susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was determined using a McFarland 0.5 standard to standardize inoculum density for the modified Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. The method assessed inhibition zones after incubation at 37°C to evaluate susceptibility to various antibiotics (20,35). This comprehensive methodological approach was designed to provide robust data on the prevalence and resistance patterns of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in diabetic foot ulcers at Hayatabad Medical Hospital. ...
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Background: Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a major complication of diabetes mellitus, affecting 15% of diabetic patients and often leading to severe outcomes like amputation. These ulcers frequently become infected with bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is known for its robust antibiotic resistance. Objective: To investigate the prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility patterns of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from the foot ulcers of diabetic patients in Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar. Methods: A total of 103 clinical samples from diabetic foot ulcers were collected and analyzed for the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa using culture techniques and biochemical tests. The antibiotic susceptibility was assessed using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method to identify effective treatments. Results: Pseudomonas aeruginosa was identified in 48 (46.60%) of the samples. High resistance was noted against amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (100%), and notable sensitivity was observed to gentamicin (79.16%) and cefoperazone-sulbactam (87.5%). The susceptibility to other tested antibiotics varied, with moderate resistance seen in agents like cefotaxime (25%) and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (33.33%). Conclusion: The study highlights a significant presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in diabetic foot ulcers with substantial antibiotic resistance, emphasizing the need for precise susceptibility testing to guide effective treatment strategies.
... Infections of the dermis (including burns, surgical-site infections, and non-healing diabetic foot ulcers) have an enormous impact on healthcare. One of the main pathogens in burns [58], diabetic foot ulcers [59], and chronic wounds [60,61] is P. aeruginosa. Our objective was to develop a biofilm model that closely resembled the kind of biofilm that we could observe in chronic wounds in clinical practice. ...
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One of the primary opportunistic pathogens that can cause a wide range of diseases is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This microorganism can become resistant to practically every antibacterial currently in use, including beta-lactam antibiotics. Its ability to proliferate as biofilm has been linked to, among other things, the failure of antimicrobial therapies. Due to a variety of virulence factors and host immune system modifications, P. aeruginosa is one of the most significant and common bacteria that colonize wounds and burns. A novel therapeutic option for treating these multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacterial infections is the combination of antibiotics and bacteriophages. This approach has been linked to improved biofilm penetration, a decreased selection of antibiotic and bacteriophage resistance, and an enhanced antibacterial impact. Combining the F1Pa bacteriophage and beta-lactam antibiotics reduced the viability of the mature biofilm of MDR P. aeruginosa strains and suppressed bacterial growth in vitro. F1Pa critically reduced the amount of biofilm that MDR P. aeruginosa clinical strains formed in the in vitro wound model. These findings highlight the bacteriophage F1Pa’s therapeutic potential as a prophylactic topical treatment against MDR pseudomonal infections in wounds and burns.
... Wound isolates showed a significant susceptibility to meropenem [33]. The increased prevalence of germs resistant to several drugs might be attributed to individuals who took antibiotics prior to surgical debridement [34]. ...
K. pneumoniae, which produces Carbapenemases, is of public health importance because of its resistance to antimicrobials. K. Pneumoniae is identified phenotypically by its large pink mucus appearance on MacConkey agar because of lactose fermentation and by bacteriological, microscopic, and biochemical tests using the VITK 2 device. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion. Klebsiella pneumoniae represented 5.3% (n = 16). It is highly resistant to antibiotics used to treat wound infections and shows the highest rate of resistance with cefepime 11(68.8%), followed by Ertapenem 9(56.3%), Doripenem and Imipenem 7(43.8%), and Meropenem 6(37.5%). Carbapenemases resistance was identified by phenotype through the Hodge test and also detection of Carbapenemases genes by polymerase chain reaction. The results showed the presence of the bla SHV 16 gene (100%) in K. pneumoniae isolates. The results showed that there were 4 isolates (25%) positive for the bla AMPC gene. The results also showed the presence of the bla KPC gene in two isolates (12.5%). The bla GES gene was not found in K. pneumoniae isolates. In general, the isolates were resistant to carbapenem and cefepime antibiotics. Five random samples were examined by publishing the results of the sequence analysis by BLAST in (NCBI) and the Mega 7 polymorphism detection program: it was found that there was no difference between the sequences, but rather the match was with the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae.
... 33,34 P. aeruginosa, which accounts for 14% of the isolates, is a terrible and vital pathogen with antibiotic resistance that can cause significant tissue damage and lead to sepsis and amputation. 35,36 Chronic infection wounds are inhabited by aerobic Gram-positive cocci, aerobic Gram-negative bacilli and anaerobic pathogens (Bacteroides fragilis; Propionibacterium spp; Clostridium spp; Peptostreptococcus spp). 37 Table 1 summarises the microbiological profile of diabetic foot ulcers done using microbial culture techniques in different geographical locations of India, where 23.7% of DFU cases in North India, 38 29.8% in South India, 39 11.89% in North-East India, 40 11.7% in East India, 41 and 27% in Western India 42 are caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa at different study periods. ...
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Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) in patients with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus are considered a global public health menace that is highly associated with morbidity and mortality. Pathogenic microorganisms entrenched deep into diabetic foot wounds are the causative agents for delayed healing and escalation of diabetic foot wound severity. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common opportunistic pathogen associated with several nosocomial infections, cystic fibrosis, and one of the most critical pathogens often isolated from acute and chronic diabetic foot ulcers. The organism can exhibit resistance to a wide range of antibiotics like ciprofloxacin, cefotaxime, and meropenem, thereby causing severe damage to the host tissues, followed by amputation of the affected foot region. Due to their ability to synthesize biofilms, the wound becomes more chronic and incurable, posing a serious threat to immunocompromised diabetic patients. This review highlights on the insights of pathophysiology and microbiological profile of Diabetic foot ulcers, the resistance mechanisms, and the therapeutics available for dealing with drug-resistant Pseudomonas, which could help clinicians in treating DFUs.
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is an acquired and/or inherited disease results from insulin deficiency or decrease effectively of the produced insulin; infection by Gram-negative bacteria in the wounds is common in patients with Diabetes mellitus, the wound dressing is very important for the treatment (P. aeruginosa) Pseudomonas aeruginosa which provided with factors OF genetic virulence. The objective of the current research is to identify the presence of the blaIMP and blaOXA genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria that were isolated from diabetic individuals with diabetic foot ulcers. Approaches: A grand total of 120 skin grafts were harvested from patients with diabetic
Background Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are severe complications of diabetes, leading to osteomyelitis, gangrene, and limb amputation. These outcomes increase mortality risk and bacterial resistance in surviving patients. The selection of the most effective antibiotics for DFUs remains a growing challenge. Objectives The study aimed to identify risk factors, bacterial pathogens, and drug resistance in DFU patients, and explore the correlation between interleukin-6 (IL-6), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels, and DFUs. Materials and Methods Sixty isolates of bacteria were isolated aerobically from 100 samples of DFU (30 isolates from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 30 isolates from Staphylococcus aureus ). All isolates were identified by biochemical tests, then confirmation diagnosis was done by using VITEK-2. Determination multiple drug resistance isolates by susceptibility tests, then estimation of the activity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) as antibacterial with different concentrations were done. VEGF and IL-6 levels were determined by using Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. Results The study revealed that many bacteria-resistant antibiotics, but AgNPs significantly inhibit multi-drug resistant bacteria, suggesting their potential as an alternative treatment. VEGF and IL-6 levels were significantly higher ( P -value < 0.001) in DFU patients, with IL-6 negatively correlating with VEGF. Conclusion Diabetic foot infections, caused by various bacteria, require understanding of antibiotic sensitivity for effective treatment. AgNPs showed strong antimicrobial effects against common bacteria, suggesting potential as an alternative treatment. The study also found elevated VEGF and IL-6 levels in DFU patients, with IL-6 potentially inhibiting VEGF, thus impairing healing.
Antimicrobial resistance is emerging as the new healthcare crisis necessitating the development of newer classes of drugs using non-traditional approaches. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, one of the most common pathogens involved in nosocomial infections, is extremely difficult to treat even with the last resort frontline drug, the carbapenems. As the pathogen has the ability to acquire resistance to new small-molecule antibiotics, being deployed, a novel biological approach has been tried using antibody fragments in combination with carbapenems and β-lactams as adjunct therapy for an enduring solution to the problem. In this study, we developed a camelid antibody fragment (VHH) library against P. aeruginosa and isolated a highly potent hit, PsC23. Mass spectrometry identified the target to be a component of the C4-dicarboxylate transporter that feeds metabolites to the glyoxylate shunt particularly under conditions of oxidative stress. PsC23 is bacteriostatic at a concentration of 1.66 µM (25 µg ml-1) and shows a synergistic effect with both the classes of drugs at an effective concentration of 100-200 nM (1.5-3.0 µg ml-1) when co administered with them. In combination with meropenem the VHH completely cleared the infection from a neutropenic mouse with a carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa systemic infection. Blocking the glyoxylate shunt by PsC23 resulted in disruption of energy transduction due to a respiratory shift to the oxygen-depleted TCA cycle causing inhibition of efflux and increased free radical generation from carbapenems and β-lactams exerting a strong bactericidal effect that reversed the resistance to multiple unrelated drugs.
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Objectives: To analyse the risk factors, severity pattern of infectious wounds and to analyse the antimicrobial sensitivity patterns. Methods: A prospective study, conducted for a period of 5 months, from November 2015 to March 2016. 138 wounds with pus were included. A Predesigned data collection form including demographic details, diagnosis, severity assessment scale, antibiogram report, medication chart was used. Results: Infectious wounds were found to be more prevalent in males (71.01%) than females (28.98%). A total of 124 cases with positive cultures were obtained. The major risk factor was found to be Diabetes mellitus (57.24%) followed by Hypertension (22.26%). Moderately severe infections were observed mostly (50.72%) followed by severe infections (43.47%). The infections were predominantly due to gram negative bacteria (54.03%) than gram positive bacteria (45.96%). The commonest isolates among the gram negative bacteria's were, Escherichia. coli (25.36%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (14.49%). Among the gram positive bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus was predominant (70.17%). E.coli was mostly sensitive to Amikacin (74.28%) and resistant towards Amoxicillin (51.42%). S.aureus was found to be sensitive to Vancomycin (55%) and was resistant towards Cotrimoxazole (32.5%). Conclusion: This study showed a preponderance of gram negative bacilli among the isolates from the infectious wounds. Most of the microorganisms showed resistance to commonly used antibiotics like Cotrimoxazole and Amoxicillin. This underscores for periodic surveillance of etiologic agent and antibiotic susceptibility to prevent further emergence and spread of resistant bacteria pathogens.
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Diabetic foot infections (DFIs) can be caused by a wide range of microorganisms, including mainly bacteria and fungi. This class of infections poses significant medical challenges, affecting a large proportion of individuals with diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the primary microorganisms responsible for diabetic foot infections, elucidating their virulence factors, pathogenesis, and susceptibility to antimicrobial agents. It also explores the impact of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) on diabetic foot infections (DFIs), highlighting the role of biofilms in chronic diabetic foot infections and the resulting treatment difficulties, all with the goal of reducing complications. By gaining insight into the diverse spectrum of microorganisms involved in diabetic foot infections, healthcare professionals can customize treatment plans for individual patients, ultimately improving patient outcomes and quality of life.
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Historically, the trend toward automation in clinical pathology laboratories has largely bypassed the clinical microbiology laboratory. In this article, we review the historical impediments to automation in the microbiology laboratory and offer insight into the reasons why we believe that we are on the cusp of a dramatic change that will sweep a wave of automation into clinical microbiology laboratories. We review the currently available specimen-processing instruments as well as the total laboratory automation solutions. Lastly, we outline the types of studies that will need to be performed to fully assess the benefits of automation in microbiology laboratories.
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In order to assess the current level of resistance to widely used antipseudomonal antibiotics in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a national survey was undertaken. Fifteen hospitals throughout Italy participated in the study. The University of Catania tested the antibiotic susceptibility of 1005 consecutive clinically significant P. aeruginosa collected from March to June 1995. Lack of susceptibility, according to NCCLS breakpoints, was at the following rates: meropenem, 9.1%; imipenem, 19.3%; ceftazidime, 13.4%; carbenicillin, 27.3%; piperacillin, 12%; ticarcillin/clavulanic acid, 22.8%; amikacin, 10.6%; and ciprofloxacin, 31.9%. About half of the isolates (44.4%) were not susceptible to at least one of the antibiotics tested.
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Enterobacter species were studied longitudinally in a children’s hospital. In total, 287 Enterobacter isolates were obtained from 171 children in 15 different wards (from March 1995 through April 1997). Strains were typed by random amplified polymorphic DNA and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, which were concordant in outcome. In total, 97 DNA types and 199 colonization events were identified. A predominant clone was isolated 111 times from 62 children; another clone was isolated 19 times from 10 patients. These clones caused 36% of all colonizations. In 34% of the children, Enterobacter clones were found in 2–4 patients. The remaining colonizations were due to unique Enterobacter isolates. A large proportion of the Enterobacter strains was acquired through cross-transmission. This finding contrasts with the prevailing opinion that resistant Enterobacter strains are selected primarily from the patient’s own gut flora
Extracts of black tea, green tea, pu-erh tea or coffee inhibited the growth of various bacteria known to cause diarrhoeal diseases. Tea or coffee also showed bactericidal activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
Foot ulcerations and their sequelae remain a major source of morbidity for patients with diabetes mellitus. Often leading to infection, osteomyelitis, or gangrene, these lesions have consistently been ascertained as significant risk factors for subsequent lower extremity amputation. Hence education, appropriate foot care, and early intervention have assumed important roles in programs focused on amputation prevention. Multidisciplinary cooperation has been demonstrated as the most successful approach to the management and prevention of foot lesions in patients with diabetes. This article reviews the epidemiology, current understanding of the underlying pathophysiology, and treatment rationale for diabetic foot ulcerations. Such knowledge is essential in the overall management of these complicated patients and, when incorporated into daily practice, can significantly reduce the incidence and morbidity of foot disease in diabetes.
A number of effective, low-cost strategies are available to identify and treat the person at risk for diabetic foot ulcers and lower-extremity amputation. These strategies must be more widely adopted by all diabetic care providers to maintain the integrity and function of the lower limb, and thus improve the quality of life for people with diabetes.