
Massive pediatric neurosurgical injuries and lessons learned following a tornado disaster in Alabama Clinical article

  • Seattle Science Foundation
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A large volume of patients presented to a Level I pediatric trauma center during and after a recent tornado disaster. Injuries of the central and peripheral nervous systems and the medical responses of a pediatric neurosurgical team are reviewed. The clinical courses of patients who suffered cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerve injuries due to the tornado storm are reported. The clinical actions taken by the neurosurgical team during and after the event are reviewed and the lessons learned are discussed. The tornado storm system moved through the Tuscaloosa and Birmingham metropolitan areas on the early evening hours of April 27, 2011. Twenty-four patients received care from the neurosurgical team. A total of 11 cranial (including placement of an external ventricular drain), 2 spine, and 2 peripheral procedures were performed for the victims. Nine procedures were performed within the first 12 hours of the event, and an additional 6 surgeries were performed in the following 24 hours. Injuries of the peripheral nervous system often presented in a delayed fashion. Several key components were identified that enabled adequate neurosurgical care for a large influx of acute patients. Massive casualties due to tornados are rare. A well-organized physician team working with the hospital administration may decrease the mortality and morbidity of such events.

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... From the screened charts, duplicates (n = 22) and charts unrelated to tornado-injury (n = 1,094) were excluded. Pediatric injuries [15] (ages ,18 years old; n = 298) were excluded due to Institutional Review Board (IRB) considerations. We abstracted 1,398 charts. ...
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OBJECTIVES: We analyzed tornado-related injuries seen at hospitals and risk factors for tornado injury, and screened for post-traumatic stress following a statewide tornado-emergency in Alabama in April 2011. METHODS: We conducted a chart abstraction of 1,398 patients at 39 hospitals, mapped injured cases, and conducted a case-control telephone survey of 98 injured cases along with 200 uninjured controls. RESULTS: Most (n = 1,111, 79.5%) injuries treated were non-life threatening (Injury Severity Score ≤ 15). Severe injuries often affected head (72.9%) and chest regions (86.4%). Mobile home residents showed the highest odds of injury (OR, 6.98; 95% CI: 2.10-23.20). No severe injuries occurred in tornado shelters. Within permanent homes, the odds of injury were decreased for basements (OR, 0.13; 95% CI: 0.04-0.40), bathrooms (OR, 0.22; 95% CI: 0.06-0.78), hallways (OR, 0.31; 95% CI: 0.11-0.90) and closets (OR, 0.25; 95% CI: 0.07-0.80). Exposure to warnings via the Internet (aOR, 0.20; 95% CI: 0.09-0.49), television (aOR, 0.45; 95% CI: 0.24-0.83), and sirens (aOR, 0.50; 95% CI: 0.30-0.85) decreased the odds of injury, and residents frequently exposed to tornado sirens had lower odds of injury. The prevalence of PTSD in respondents was 22.1% and screening positive for PTSD symptoms was associated with tornado-related loss events. CONCLUSIONS: Primary prevention, particularly improved shelter access, and media warnings, seem essential to prevent severe tornado-injury. Small rooms such as bathrooms may provide some protection within permanent homes when no underground shelter is available.
... From the screened charts, duplicates (n = 22) and charts unrelated to tornado-injury (n = 1,094) were excluded. Pediatric injuries [15] (ages ,18 years old; n = 298) were excluded due to Institutional Review Board (IRB) considerations. We abstracted 1,398 charts. ...
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Objectives We analyzed tornado-related injuries seen at hospitals and risk factors for tornado injury, and screened for post-traumatic stress following a statewide tornado-emergency in Alabama in April 2011. Methods We conducted a chart abstraction of 1,398 patients at 39 hospitals, mapped injured cases, and conducted a case-control telephone survey of 98 injured cases along with 200 uninjured controls. Results Most (n = 1,111, 79.5%) injuries treated were non-life threatening (Injury Severity Score ≤15). Severe injuries often affected head (72.9%) and chest regions (86.4%). Mobile home residents showed the highest odds of injury (OR, 6.98; 95% CI: 2.10–23.20). No severe injuries occurred in tornado shelters. Within permanent homes, the odds of injury were decreased for basements (OR, 0.13; 95% CI: 0.04–0.40), bathrooms (OR, 0.22; 95% CI: 0.06–0.78), hallways (OR, 0.31; 95% CI: 0.11–0.90) and closets (OR, 0.25; 95% CI: 0.07–0.80). Exposure to warnings via the Internet (aOR, 0.20; 95% CI: 0.09–0.49), television (aOR, 0.45; 95% CI: 0.24–0.83), and sirens (aOR, 0.50; 95% CI: 0.30–0.85) decreased the odds of injury, and residents frequently exposed to tornado sirens had lower odds of injury. The prevalence of PTSD in respondents was 22.1% and screening positive for PTSD symptoms was associated with tornado-related loss events. Conclusions Primary prevention, particularly improved shelter access, and media warnings, seem essential to prevent severe tornado-injury. Small rooms such as bathrooms may provide some protection within permanent homes when no underground shelter is available.
Background Mass casualty incidents (MCIs) due to bombing-related terrorism remain an omnipresent threat to our global society. The aim of this study was to elucidate differences in blast injury patterns between military and civilian victims affected by terrorist bombings. Methods An analysis of the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) and a PubMed literature search of casualty reports of bombing attacks from 2010–2020 was performed (main key words: blast injuries/therapy, terrorism, military personnel) with key epidemiological and injury pattern data extracted and statistically analyzed. Results Demographic analysis of casualties revealed that military casualties tend to be younger and predominantly male (P < 0.05) compared with civilians. Military casualties also reported higher amounts of head/neck injury (P < 0.01) compared with civilians. The proportion of instantaneous fatalities along with injuries affecting the thoracolumbar and extremity regions remained approximately equal across both groups. Conclusions Though the increased number of head/neck injuries was unexpected, we also found that the number of nonlethal head injuries also increased, predicating that more military blast neurotrauma patients survived their injuries. These data can be used to increase blast MCI preparation and education throughout the international neurosurgical community.
Background: On May 22, 2011, an F5 tornado ripped through the city of Joplin, Mo, resulting in over 150 fatalities and over 750 injuries. Pediatric trauma centers in the region needed to be prepared to receive patients. Little data exist on the types of patients who are received at pediatric trauma centers after disasters such as tornados. Objective: The purpose of this study is to describe the patients received at the nearest level 1 pediatric trauma center after the tornado. Methods: Cases were identified through the trauma registry. Data regarding patient demographics, past medical history, characteristics of injury, treatment received, and outcomes were obtained retrospectively from medical records. Results: A total of 10 patients were received at the pediatric trauma center. Traumatic brain injury was the most common diagnosis followed by orthopedic and maxillofacial injuries. Seven patients required surgical procedures in the operating room, but only 1 patient required surgery within the first 24 hours of arrival. Eight patients were intubated and were in the pediatric intensive care unit. The average length of stay in the hospital was 19.4 days with a range of 14 hours to 94 days. Conclusions: Immediately after a significant tornado in the referral region, pediatric trauma centers need to prepare to receive patients. Head injuries will likely be common, and pediatric trauma centers will likely receive multiple intubated patients. Knowledge of injuries received and resources needed can better prepare these trauma centers for future devastating tornadoes.
When preparing for a disaster or entering a disaster zone, one must stay organized and ready [1]. Remember that different types of disasters will lead to different types of injuries.
On October 23, 2011, a devastating earthquake, magnitude 7.2 on the Richter Scale, jolted the province of Van in the east of Turkey and led to hundreds of casualties. In this study, we aimed to present our clinical experience in the management of patients with cranial and spinal injuries who were admitted to the Van Regional Training and Research Hospital. The retrospective study included 44 (77.2%) patients who were referred to the neurosurgery department after being diagnosed with spinal and cranial injuries due to earthquake at the emergency department between October 23 and 27, 2011. The patients comprised 32 male (72.7%) and 12 (27.3%) female patients with a mean age of 23.5 years. The injuries included scalp injury (n = 16), burst fracture (n=7), compression fracture (n=3), epidural hematoma (n=9), subdural hematoma (n=3), contusion (n=1), traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (n=2), depressed skull fracture (n=3), linear fracture (n=9), cervical fracture (n=2), and pneumocephalus (n=1). Most of the patients (90.9%) had isolated injuries and the others (9.1%) presented with combined cranial and spinal injuries. At discharge, the 3 patients with spinal fractures were paraplegic, and of the 2 patients who were operatively treated due to subdural hematoma, 1 was hemiparesic and the other was hemiplegic. No mortality occurred in our patients. The results of this study demonstrated that, in the aftermath of a natural disaster, conducting correct triage procedures and performing a prompt intervention with appropriate and qualified equipment play key roles in reducing morbidity and mortality. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Object: The April 27, 2011, tornados that affected the southeastern US resulted in 248 deaths in the state of Alabama. The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Medical Center, the largest Level I trauma center in the state, triaged and treated a large number of individuals who suffered traumatic injuries during these events, including those requiring neurosurgical assessment and treatment. Methods: A retrospective review of all adult patients triaged at UAB Medical Center during the April 27, 2011, tornados was conducted. Those patients who were diagnosed with and treated for neurosurgical injuries were included in this cohort. Results: The Division of Neurosurgery at UAB Medical Center received 37 consultations in the 36 hours following the tornado disaster. An additional patient presented 6 days later, having suffered a lumbar spine fracture that ultimately required operative intervention. Twenty-seven patients (73%) suffered injuries as a direct result of the tornados. Twenty-three (85%) of these 27 patients experienced spine and spinal cord injuries. Four patients (15%) suffered intracranial injuries and 2 patients (7%) suffered combined intracranial and spinal injuries. The spinal fractures that were evaluated and treated were predominantly thoracic (43.5%) and lumbar (43.5%). The neurosurgery service performed 14 spinal fusions, 1 ventriculostomy, 2 halo placements, 1 diagnostic angiogram, 1 endovascular embolectomy, and 1 wound debridement and lavage. Twenty-two patients (81.5%) were neurologically intact at discharge and all but 4 had 1 year of follow-up. Three patients had persistent deficits from spinal cord injuries and there was 1 death in a patient with multisystem injuries in whom no procedures were performed. Two patients experienced postoperative complications in the form of 1 wound infection and 1 stroke. Conclusions: The April 27, 2011, tornados in Alabama produced significant neurosurgical injuries that primarily involved the spine. There were a disproportionate number of patients with thoracolumbar fractures, a finding possibly due to the county medical examiner's postmortem findings that demonstrated a high prevalence of fatal cervical spine and traumatic brain injuries. The UAB experience can be used to aid other institutions in preparing for the appropriate allotment of resources in the event of a similar natural disaster.
A case-control study, using both matched and unmatched controls, was carried out on individuals who were injured or killed by a series of tornadoes that passed through Ontario, Canada, on May 31, 1985. Many serious injuries (25%) and almost all (83%) deaths were the result of becoming airborne, while most minor injuries (94%) were due to being struck by objects. Head injury was the most common injury type. Few (21%) of those in buildings chose the recommended location, and most (61%) were not in the least damaged part. Most (91%) had less than one minute's warning, and only 47% had a functioning radio at the time the tornado hit. The following risk factors for injury and death were identified: poor building anchorage; location other than in a basement, especially outdoors; age over 70 years; and high wind strength. These findings support previous findings and point to measures which have potential for preventing death or serious injury in future tornadoes: adequate warning systems and public education to ensure that individuals understand the warning and respond by seeking appropriate shelter. Those in adequately anchored buildings should shelter in an interior room or basement. Those who are outdoors, in poorly anchored buildings, mobile homes, or portable classrooms require access to an adequately anchored building, preferably with a basement, during severe storm warnings. This should be arranged by local authorities.
Devastating tornados struck the state of Kansas on Friday, April 26, 1991. Twenty lives were lost and many people were injured. Property damage was extensive. Overall, the outcome of those admitted to the various hospitals was good, with few orthopedic-related complications. The low complication rate can be attributed to thorough open wound management and suspicion and recognition of other potential orthopedic complications such as compartment syndrome.
North America suffers some of the most severe tornado disasters of any location on the planet. Significant injury and economic impact may result from these storms, particularly in rural areas. Tornadic storms present unique problems for prehospital and Emergency Department personnel. Soft tissue injuries seen after tornadoes are contaminated with polymicrobial flora and may require delayed primary closure. Fractures are a frequent cause of hospital admission and head injury is a frequent cause of death. Advanced warning and proper sheltering actions by a population are the most significant factors in reducing morbidity and mortality. This article reviews the pertinent literature on the medical impact of tornadoes and details the mechanisms of injury, nature of injuries, pre-hospital and ED planning points associated with tornadic storms.
On April 8, 1998, an F5 tornado touched down in two counties of Alabama producing a wide path of destruction. The presence of a regional trauma system in this area presents an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the system in responding to the victims of this natural disaster. Emergency room logs and the regional trauma system database were searched for all patients treated for injuries sustained from the tornado, and medical records were reviewed for demographic information, mode of transportation to hospital, injuries, treatment, and outcome. Fatalities were identified by means of the coroner's office. A total of 224 patients were evaluated at nine area hospitals, of whom 63 (28%) required admission. There were 32 deaths: 30 persons were dead at the scene, and 2 patients subsequently died at Level I trauma centers. Among patients with nonfatal injuries, 39% were managed at Level I facilities, 46% at Level III facilities, and 15% at nontrauma facilities. Forty patients (55%) seen at Level I facilities required admission compared with 15 patients (17%) at Level III facilities and 8 patients (29%) at nontrauma facilities; Level I facilities also had the highest Injury Severity Score. Of patients requiring admission, 83% were transported by emergency medical services; these patients also had the highest Injury Severity Score. The regional trauma system facilitated appropriate and efficient triage to system hospitals, routing the most severely injured patients to the Level I centers without overwhelming them with the more numerous, less severely injured patients.