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Abstract and Figures

To establish the diagnostic validity of sensory overresponsivity (SOR), there is a need to document rates of SOR and the co-occurrence of SOR with other psychiatric disorders. Although this was not a diagnostic study of SOR, this study was designed to investigate rates of elevated SOR symptoms and associations between elevated SOR symptoms, psychiatric disorder status, and family impairment. From a larger birth cohort followed from infancy to school age, 338 children aged 7 to 10 years (51% boys, 49% girls) and their parents participated in an intensive assessment. Parents were interviewed with the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC) and completed the SensOR inventory and the Family Life Impairment Scale. Approximately one-fifth (21.2%) of children had elevated SOR symptoms. One-fourth (24.3%) of those with an elevated SOR score met criteria for a DSM-IV diagnosis, and 25.4% of children with a DSM-IV diagnosis had an elevated SOR score. Parents of children with elevated SOR alone reported a similar number of restrictions in family life as parents of those with an internalizing and/or externalizing diagnosis. SOR predicted concurrent family impairment above and beyond DSM diagnostic status and socio-demographic risk. Elevated SOR occurs in the absence of other psychiatric conditions and is associated with impairment in family life. Services for children with comorbid elevated SOR and an externalizing disorder are needed to address the extremely high level of family impairment reported.
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Sensory Over-responsivity, Psychopathology, and Family
Impairment in School-Aged Children
Dr. Alice S. Carter, Ph.D.,
University of Massachusetts Boston
Dr. Ayelet Ben-Sasson, Sc.D., and
Center for the Study of Child Development, University of Haifa
Dr. Margaret J. Briggs-Gowan, Ph.D.
University of Connecticut Health Center
Objective—To establish the diagnostic validity of Sensory over-responsivity (SOR) there is a
need to document rates of SOR and the co-occurrence of SOR with other psychiatric disorders.
Although not a diagnostic study of SOR, this study was designed to investigate rates of elevated
SOR symptoms and associations between elevated SOR symptoms, psychiatric disorder status,
and family impairment.
Method—From a larger birth cohort followed from infancy to school-age, 338 children ages 7–10
years (51% boys) and their parents participated in an intensive assessment. Parents were
interviewed with the DISC and completed the SensOR inventory and the Family Life Impairment
Results—Approximately one fifth (21.2%) of children evidenced elevated SOR symptoms. One-
fourth (24.3%) of those with an elevated SOR score met criteria for a DSM-IV diagnosis and
25.4% of children with a DSM-IV diagnosis had an elevated SOR score. Parents of children with
SOR alone reported a similar number of restrictions in family life as parents of those with an
internalizing and/or externalizing diagnosis and SOR. SOR predicted concurrent family
impairment above and beyond DSM diagnostic status and socio-demographic risk.
Conclusions—Elevated SOR occurs in the absence of other psychiatric conditions and is
associated with impairment in family life. Services for children with co-morbid elevated SOR and
an externalizing disorder are needed to address the extremely high level of family impairment
Correspondence to: Alice S. Carter, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, The University of Massachusetts Boston, 100 Morrissey
Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125, Phone: 617-287-6375; FAX: 617-287-6336,
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Disclosure: Drs. Carter, Ben-Sasson, and Briggs-Gowan report no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts of interest.
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Author manuscript
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 January
Published in final edited form as:
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry
. 2011 December ; 50(12): 1210–1219. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.
Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
Sensory Over-responsivity; Psychopathology; Internalizing; Externalizing; Family impairment
Accurate diagnosis of childhood conditions has implications for service eligibility and for
planning interventions that meet child and family needs. Sensory over-responsivity (SOR), is
a condition in which exaggerated or prolonged responses to sensory stimuli interfere with
participation in daily life1, 2. However, criteria for diagnosis and differential diagnosis are
not adequately specified and the validity of the disorder continues to be questioned3. Due to
limited research, SOR has not been considered as a formal diagnosis within the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders4 or International and Statistical Classification of
Diseases and Related Health Problems5 nosological systems. One criterion for determining
that SOR warrants consideration for inclusion as a significant form of psychopathology is
independence from other forms of psychopathology. A second criterion is that the presence
of elevated SOR symptom presentation is impairing to children and families, independent of
other diagnosable disorders. Thus, the goal of this report was to determine whether elevated
SOR would be observed independent of other psychiatric conditions and whether SOR
contributes uniquely to family impairment, independent of the presence of other psychiatric
As described by Miller and colleagues1, SOR is characterized by behavioral responses
towards sensory experiences that are exaggerated in intensity, frequency, and/or temporal
features, such as rapid, intense onset and long duration of response. Children with SOR
often show high distress levels and may be easily irritated and distracted by various sensory
stimuli from one or more sensory modality. High SOR scores are stable across early
childhood6. Although evidencing one or two symptoms of SOR (e.g., being bothered by tags
in shirts or having finger or toe nails cut) may be normative in school-aged children, those
with four or more symptoms of SOR appear to be at increased risk for social and emotional
problems7. SOR is conceptualized under the broader category of Sensory Processing
Disorders (SPD) and is considered to reflect an imbalance between sensitivity (i.e.,
identification of novel or changing stimuli) and habituation (i.e., adjusting to familiar or
ongoing stimuli). Supporting the validity of SOR, children with SPD evidence differential
physiological responses than children without SPD8–11 and there is evidence of genetic
heritability of SOR symptoms12, 13.
Clinical models classify SOR into subtypes which capture two different associated
behavioral and coping profiles. Dunn2 classified SOR into two subtypes: (1) an
, characterized by responding to overwhelming sensations with withdrawal, defiance,
resistance and taking control over input, and (2)
a sensitive
subtype, characterized by
distress, fear, and distractibility. These sensory subtypes seem to include symptoms from and
are somewhat comparable to distinctions between internalizing and externalizing problems.
Similarly, the Interdisciplinary Council of Developmental and Learning disorders14
described two subtypes of sensory over-responsive children under the age of three years; an
over-responsive fearful and anxious subtype versus an over-responsive, negative and
stubborn subtype. Both clinical classifications define SOR with an associated affective
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profile to account for the different emotional patterns and coping strategies displayed by
those with SOR. There is some preliminary evidence to support these subclassifications15.
Given the linkage to anxious and disruptive behaviors, it is not surprising that there would be
some confusion as to the independence of SOR in relation to other psychopathological
Few studies have documented rates of co-occurrence between SOR and other DSM
diagnoses. Gouze and colleagues16 reported that 33–63% (depending on criteria applied) of
4-year-old children who met criteria for a SPD (including but not limited to SOR) also met
criteria for a DSM diagnosis according to parent reports. However, the sample was not
representative and a broader set of sensory problems included. Using continuous measures
of SOR, researchers have reported moderate correlations between SOR symptoms and
scores on internalizing scales (e.g., anxiety) in children with developmental disabilities such
as autism spectrum disorders (ASD)17, 18 and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD).19 There also appear to be elevated anxiety symptoms in adults with sensory
defensiveness.20 Moreover, there is evidence for an association between internalizing
symptoms and SOR13 or dysregulation in general21 among non-referred children. In a study
of a representative sample, 28% of children with elevated SOR also showed elevated
internalizing scores which is significantly higher than the expected 10% rate based on the
Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (ITSEA) norms13. Further, multiple studies
indicate that infants who are highly reactive to sensations show higher levels of fear and
inhibition at school age22, 23. Thus, SOR appears to be associated with both internalizing
symptoms and psychiatric disorders.
Empirical evidence of an association also exists in the externalizing domain but to a modest
degree. In a study of preschool Latino children there were low-moderate correlations
between parent-based sensory scores and parent reports of externalizing problems, ODD,
and ADHD24. Consistent with this, SOR scores showed modest correlations with
externalizing scores in two population-based samples of children up to 3 years of age13, 21.
In a representative community sample of one and two-year olds, 20.6% of children with
elevated SOR also had elevated externalizing scores on the ITSEA; however this rate did not
differ significantly from the expected ITSEA normative rate of 10% with elevated scores13.
Yet, clinical characterizations suggest that SOR may result in externalizing behaviors, such
as impulsivity and aggression in response to unexpected and overwhelming input1.
Researchers have generally studied associations between SOR and child rather than family
impairment. Children with SOR demonstrate impairments across a variety of daily activities
including self-care and social participation2. Understanding children's impairment through
restrictions in family life activities provides an additional measure of the severity of SOR
impairment. It is also important to recognize that the impact of SOR upon the child and
family is not solely a reflection of the child's symptom severity and coping strategies but
also reflects family resources and the ways in which family members respond to, adapt, and
cope with the child's over-response.
In the current analyses, our measure of family impairment is based on parents attributing
difficulty completing tasks of daily family life to their children’s “
behavior, personality or
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special needs
” (e.g., not being able to take a long car ride or visit with relatives). Previous
research describing an earlier time point for the full sample showed strong relations between
elevated early social-emotional problems and greater family life impairment25 as well as
evidence that family life impairment was a significant predictor of persistent social-
emotional problems26 and help-seeking for social-emotional problems27. Studies of children
with developmental disabilities such as ASD describe SOR as a factor that limits family
participation and contributes to rigidity of routines and to parental stress28, 29. Whether or
not a developmental disability is present, parents of a child with SOR may restrict family
activities (e.g., outings, shopping) to minimize the child's exposure to bothersome,
unpredictable, and overwhelming sensations (e.g., loud sirens, being bumped into gently by
a stranger in a public place, trying on new clothing), and consequently avoid tantrums and
outbursts associated with their child’s negative responses to sensory experiences. Thus we
hypothesized that elevated SOR symptoms would contribute uniquely to family impairment,
even after controlling for symptoms of other psychopathological conditions.
In conclusion, the study goals were to conduct a preliminary investigation of the construct of
SOR by: (1) determining whether children with no other psychopathologies evidence
elevated SOR, and (2) quantifying its unique contribution to family impairment in both
children with and without other significant psychopathology.
Research questions were:
1. What is the rate of co-occurrence between elevated SOR
symptoms and DSM-IV disorder status?
2. Does having elevated SOR symptoms contribute to family
impairment uniquely, above and beyond other DSM-IV
3. Do parents of children with elevated SOR (with or without
co-occurring DSM-IV disorders) report greater family
impairment than those with only a DSM-IV diagnosis or
those with neither elevated SOR nor a DSM-IV diagnosis?
This study is comprised of a subsample of children whose parents provided data on sensory
over-responsivity and DSM-IV disorders when children were in second or third grade.
Children and parents had all participated in a larger longitudinal sample. Details about
sampling and longitudinal response rate and retention are provided in30. As shown in Figure
1, children were initially selected from birth records (N=8,404) provided by the State of
Connecticut Department of Public Health from July 1995 to September 1997. A random
sample of birth records was stratified to have equal representation of girls and boys within 3-
month age groupings between 11 to 35 months of age. Eligible children were born healthy at
Yale New Haven Hospital and lived in the Greater New Haven Standard Metropolitan
Statistical Area of the 1990 Census. Children who were likely to have developmental delays
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due to low birthweight (<2200 grams), prematurity (<36 weeks), low APGAR scores
(defined as both 1 and 5 minute scores below 5), or birth complications (e.g., need for
resuscitation, anoxia, long hospital stay) were excluded and only one child per family was
sampled. A random sample of 1,788 was selected from the 7,433 births meeting these
criteria. Children were excluded after the initial sampling if no parent was able to participate
in English; no biological parent had custody of the child; the family had moved out of state
at the time of the first survey (1998–1999), or eligibility could not be verified. After
exclusions, 1,491 subjects were eligible, of whom, 1,329 participated in one or more of three
early childhood surveys (89.1% response rate).
All participants in the early childhood surveys were followed to school-age. The focus of
this report is on data collected when children were in second or third grade. By the time of
this final wave of data collection, 24 children had been excluded on the basis of significant
genetic disorders, developmental delays, and/or ASD (including autism, Pervasive
Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified, and Asperger Syndrome), resulting in
an eligible sample of 1,306.
Of the full eligible sample, an intensive assessment subsample, which was enriched for
psychopathology (
= 567 following removal of one child lost to custody), was selected for
more in-depth diagnostic interview and direct child assessment [For details please see Carter
et al., 201030]. All children who met the following criteria were eligible (
= 434): (1)
Persistent Social-Emotional/Behavioral Problems in Early Childhood
– parent-reported
social-emotional problems on measures completed at both 2 and 3 years-of age; (2)
Emotional/Behavioral Problems in Early Elementary School
– parent- or teacher-reported
social-emotional/behavioral problems on a standardized checklist or indicated need for
social-emotional/behavior problems services at school age; and (3)
Risk for Language/
Learning Difficulties –
parent reported low language at 3 years of age or in Early
Elementary School or teacher-reported low language on a checklist or significant concern
about the child’s language abilities in Early Elementary School. Language difficulties were
included in these criteria because these have been linked to problem behaviors31. An
additional 134 children who were negative on all of these criteria were also selected.
In this paper we focus on 338 (82% of 413) children whose parents completed the intensive
assessment and completed a school-age SensOR inventory32, a measure added to the school-
age survey after data collection began. This subsample was similar to the full school-age
intensive subsample with respect to poverty status, single parent household, child sex,
maternal education, minority ethnicity and the percentage selected based on meeting
enrichment criteria (Chi-squares ranged from 0.04 to 3.17, p>.05; See Table 1). In this
subsample, children were between 6.9 and 9.6 years of age (
=0.4), 50.6%
were boys, and 64.5% were Caucasian. Informants were between 23.0 to 56.5 years of age
=6.5), and 94.0% were biological mothers. Most informants had a partner,
were working, and had an education level greater than high school.
Sampling Weights—Weights were applied in all analyses to adjust for unequal
probabilities of initial selection and retention across the longitudinal study. Information from
birth records concerning sociodemographic background (e.g., parental age and race) and
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birth status (e.g., birth weight and gestational age) were used to calculate sampling weights.
As sociodemographic changes in the retained sample based on loss-to-follow-up are
associated with small effect sizes30 and we are not inflating to the full sample, sampling
weights are associated with small changes in sample sizes.
Sensory Over-Responsivity inventory (SensOR32)—includes 76 items that describe
sensations that may bother a child. In the present study, 41 items from the auditory and
tactile modalities were included as sensitivities in these modalities are the most frequently
reported3. Parents are asked to check all items that apply to their child. Items are divided
into five lists that assess tactile over-responsivity (garments, activities, experiences, surfaces,
and materials) and three lists that assess auditory over-responsivity (specific sounds,
background noises, and loud places). A total over-responsivity score as well as modality
scores are computed.
This inventory was validated through factor and reliability analyses as well as discriminant
analysis. The sensitivity and specificity of the SensOR inventory in differentiating children
with SOR (
=101) from typically developing children (
=120) was highest
(sensitivity=69.09, specificity=84.16) when at least four tactile
auditory items were
present32. Previously, we reported that the internal consistency for the 41 SensOR items was
good in the full school-age sample (
Cronbach's alpha
=0.74)7. In this report we categorize
children into two groups: those with SensSOR total scores of four tactile
symptoms and those below this threshold.
The Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children, Version IV33is a structured
interview that determines DSM-IV child psychiatric disorders. The following disorders were
assessed: Specific Phobia, Social Phobia, Separation Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety,
Agoraphobia with and without Panic, Depression, Dysthymia, Tic Disorders, ADHD,
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Conduct Disorder (CD). The DISC has
acceptable test-retest reliability. Diagnostic status is determined by a set of computerized
symptom algorithms. Impairment is defined as present if interference in functioning
occurred “some of the time” or “a lot of the time” or caused “bad” or “very bad” problems
or feelings in at least one context, including home, school or other context. In this study a
conservative approach was applied by focusing on DISC diagnoses based on moderate level
of impairment in all analyses.
The Family Life Impairment Scale (FLIS34)—assesses the extent to which parents
report that child behavior limits participation in activities typical of families with young
children (e.g., family outings, leaving child with babysitter). Items are rated on a 3-point
scale from
Not true
Very true
and begin with “
Because of my child’s behavior, personality
or special needs, we rarely…”.
The FLIS has good internal consistency (
Cronbach’s alpha
0.81) with item loadings ranging from 0.33–0.62. Test-retest reliability was 0.70. Support for
the validity of the FLIS comes from evidence that it is associated with persistence of mental
health problems26 and with service-seeking among families of children with behavior
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Socioeconomic (SES) Risk Measure—was based on six parent reported demographic
variables: parent education, minority ethnicity, poverty and parent employment status,
single, and teen parenting. The distribution of SES risk scores supported the categorization
of SES risk into: '0' showing no more than 3 risk factors (93.9% of the sample) and '1'
showing above 3 risk factors. We decided to adopt a conservative approach and include SES
as a covariate as it was associated with SOR in the full school-age sample7 and with social-
emotional problems at earlier time points25.
The current study describes the fifth assessment time point, with separate parent consent
obtained at each time point. Data collection for this survey, which included the SensSOR,
FLIS, sociodemographic and new diagnostic and services information began in the
2002/2003 academic year and continued through the 2005/2006 academic year with families
first contacted to identify whether or not their children had entered second grade. DISC-IV
interviews were conducted during the intensive subsample visits, which occurred in project
offices or at the family home, depending upon family preference. Parents received $30 for
completing this survey and $100 for participating in the intensive visit.
Research Question 1: Rates of SOR and DSM-IV Diagnosis Co-occurrence
Approximately one fifth of parents (21.2%, n=71) reported that their child was bothered by
at least 4 auditory sensations and/or 4 tactile sensations (the recommended cut-off for the
SensOR). These children with elevated SOR symptoms represented 25.4% of children with
any DSM-IV diagnosis. Similarly, children with DSM-IV diagnoses represented 25.4% of
children with elevated SOR. Examined by diagnostic domain, of children with elevated
SOR, seven met criteria for an Internalizing disorder (10.0%), 13 met criteria for an
externalizing disorder (18.5%) and two children (2.9%) met criteria for all three
classifications (elevated SOR, internalizing and externalizing disorder) (see Table 2).
Research Question 2: SOR Unique Contribution to Family Impairment
A linear regression model showed that having an SOR score above the cutoff contributed
unique variance to family life impairment after controlling for variance associated with
concurrent DISC internalizing and/or externalizing diagnoses, and SES risk (
(4, 322)=9.27,
<.001) (See Table 3). The full model
(0.11) was translated into a Cohen's d of 0.7; SOR
explained 4% of this variance (Cohen’s d = .4). Meeting criteria for an externalizing
diagnosis significantly (
<.001) predicted family life impairment upon entry and in the final
Research Question 3: Family impairment of children with SOR and DSM-IV diagnosis
To further understand the clinical significance of these relations, a follow-up ANCOVA,
controlling for SES risk, was run. Significant differences in mean FLIS scores were
observed across four groups of children: (1) neither elevated SOR nor DSM-IV diagnosis
=192); (2) elevated SOR only (
=47); (3) DSM-IV diagnosis only (
=44), and (4) both
elevated SOR and at least one DSM-IV diagnosis (
=14) (
(4, 296)=6.44,
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=0.08) (See Figure 2). Consistent with the results of the regression analysis, SOR
conferred unique risk for family impairment, as Least Significant Difference post-hoc two-
tailed tests revealed that that children with only a DSM-IV diagnosis (
had significantly lower family impairment than those with elevated SOR and a DSM-IV
diagnosis (
=3.18) and that parents of children with SOR only (
=3.76) rated higher family impairment than those with neither condition (
=1.64), who were also lower than the two groups with DSM-IV diagnoses.
This study addressed the co-occurrence of elevated SOR symptoms and psychopathology in
school-aged children as well as the unique contribution of elevated SOR symptoms (over
and above DSM disorder status) to family impairment. In our sample there was relatively
limited co-occurrence of elevated SOR and psychiatric disorder status. Specifically,
approximately one fourth of children with elevated SOR also met criteria for a DSM-IV
diagnosis; similarly, approximately one fourth of children meeting criteria for a psychiatric
diagnosis were rated as having elevated SOR. Further, SOR accounted for unique variance in
concurrent family impairment above and beyond that associated with internalizing and
externalizing diagnostic status and SES risk. Examining differences in family impairment
across families with a child with neither elevated SOR nor a DSM-IV diagnosis, elevated
SOR only, a DSM-IV diagnosis only, or both conditions highlights that the presence of
elevated SOR constrains families’ ability to engage in routine daily activities. Parents of
children with elevated SOR without a DSM-IV diagnosis reported higher levels of family
impairment than parents of children with neither of these conditions and these rates were
comparable to those of families with a child with a DSM-IV diagnosis only. Moreover,
parents of children with both elevated SOR and a DSM-IV diagnosis reported greater family
impairment than those with a child with only a DSM-IV diagnosis.
The relatively low co-occurrence (25.4%) of SOR and psychopathology lends support to the
notion that SOR is a distinct entity. This rate is somewhat lower than the co-occurrence of
SPD and DSM-IV disorder status reported in a 4-year-old sample of referred children (33%–
63% depending on impairment criteria)16, but Gouze and colleagues did not focus
exclusively on SOR, including a broader range of sensory problems and disorders and
different ascertainment may have also influenced observed rates. Given that SOR is the most
prevalent sensory disorder3, it would be expected to account for most of the co-occurrence.
A significant limitation of the present estimate of co-occurrence is that the SOR criteria
employed were based on a checklist assessment rather than on a clinical diagnosis that
included direct observation. In addition, although the most prevalent3 it is also possible that
limiting inquiry to tactile and auditory sensitivities reduced SOR rates in this study. In
contrast, DSM-IV diagnoses were assigned following a structured diagnostic interview that
required a moderate to severe level of child impairment. There is a need to replicate and
corroborate these findings using a clinical assessment of SOR and multi-informant ratings of
symptoms and impairment. Moreover, the development of clear criteria, (that specify a
clinical threshold), for assigning a diagnosis of SOR will greatly facilitate research in this
area as currently there is no gold standard method for determining a diagnosis of SOR15.
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The majority of children with SOR did not meet criteria for any DSM-IV diagnosis (74.6%).
Of those with both elevated SOR and a DSM-IV disorder, the majority appeared to adopt
either an internalizing (39% met criteria for an internalizing disorder) or externalizing (72%
met criteria for an externalizing disorder) behavioral style; the mixed style was rare (11% of
those with both elevated SOR and a disorder were comorbid across internalizing and
externalizing, which represents 2.9% of those with SOR). Independent of SOR, the
prevalence of having both internalizing and externalizing disorders has been observed to be
low in this community sample (3.5 %)30. It is possible that some children who did not meet
criteria for a disorder evidence sub-threshold internalizing or externalizing symptoms and
are at higher risk for later diagnosis. It is also possible that our requirement of impairment
for DSM-IV disorders and studying a representative community sample reduced
comorbidities. To date, most of the evidence of an association between SOR and
psychopathological disorders has been derived from correlations between continuous
measures of these constructs in the general population13, 21 or studies of individuals with
developmental disabilities18. Given the higher likelihood of a dual diagnosis for children
with developmental disabilities and the exclusion of children with developmental disabilities
including ASD from this sample, rates reported likely represent an underestimate of the co-
occurrence of these conditions.
To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to examine categorical co-occurrence in a
nonreferred sample at risk for psychopathology. Children with SOR may develop
maladaptive emotional and behavioral patterns as a result of their ongoing alertness towards
and avoidance of sensation. Alternatively, the presence of psychopathology may heighten
risk for SOR among children with baseline vulnerability for SOR35. Longitudinal research is
needed to determine whether specific trajectories of SOR in early childhood are associated
with increased rates of psychopathology and/or whether co-occurrence of elevated SOR and
psychopathology in school-age predicts persistence of psychopathology to adolescence as
shown in younger ages26.
This study also demonstrates that SOR confers unique risk for family impairment over and
above that associated with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology and
sociodemographic factors. Families raising children with elevated SOR symptoms reported
greater restrictions in their social (e.g., rarely take the child to visit friends or family, we
rarely leave the child with relatives) and personal (e.g., I am usually exhausted all day, we
rarely make changes in daily schedule) lives. These restrictions may reflect efforts to
minimize the child's distress, fear, and withdrawal, and/or to increase the child’s need for
control in presence of bothering sensations that parents reported as distressing for their
children36. Consistent with prior work37, the presence of an externalizing disorder was
associated with interference in family life activities. Moreover, findings indicated that
behavior problems such as aggression, non-compliance, and high activity level pose
restrictions to family activities that are independent of those posed by SOR.
Primary findings provide support for consideration of SOR as an independent clinical entity:
(1) elevated SOR appears to be a distinct condition with relatively low co-occurrence with
DSM-IV conditions; and (2) SOR was associated with increased family burden, independent
of DSM-IV disorder status, an index of the impairing nature of this condition. There is a
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need to replicate and extend this work using direct clinical assessments of SOR as well as
multi-informant reporting of symptoms of DSM-IV psychopathology, SOR and family
impairment. Moreover, future studies should include neuro-cognitive and neuro-anatomical
assessments, as it has been recently argued that processes such as selective attention,
inhibition, and sensory gating may be implicated in SOR38.
This study underscores the need for being cognizant of the heightened family impairment
associated with raising children with elevated SOR as a child's aversive reaction to daily
activities and need to control incoming inputs may lead parents to restrict their family
routines in a manner that over time may diminish the quality of family life36. Although only
25% of children with internalizing and/or externalizing disorders evidenced elevated SOR,
assessment of SOR in this clinically significant subgroup could lead to more tailored and
effective intervention efforts. Historically, occupational therapists have identified, diagnosed
and treated individuals with SOR1. As the identification of SOR as a clinical entity may be
new to many mental health clinicians, establishing inter-disciplinary teams with
occupational therapy expertise may aid in differential diagnosis. Reciprocally, occupational
therapists need to be aware of the potential for co-occurring psychopathology among
children with SOR. Evidence of increased family burden supports the need for greater
understanding of the role of SOR in maintaining and exacerbating child psychopathology.
Support for this research came from grants to the first author from the National Institute of Mental Health
(R01MH55278) and the Wallace Foundation.
We also wish to thank all of the children and families who participated in the Connecticut Early Development
1. Miller LJ, Anzalone ME, Lane SJ, Cermak SA, Osten ET. Concept evolution in sensory integration:
A proposed nosology for diagnosis. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2007; 61(2):135–
140. [PubMed: 17436834]
2. Dunn W. Supporting children to participate successfully in everyday life by using sensory
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Figure 1.
Flowchart of Intensive Sample and
Sensory Over-Responsivity Inventory
Recruitment and Retention.
Note: SG = Second-Third Grade.
aIncludes all early childhood participants, including those lost to follow-up by school-age;
bThis represented 20% of 670 negatives who participated in the school surveys.
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Figure 2.
Mean Family Life Impairment Scale (FLIS) Scores across Sensory Over-responsivity (SOR)
and DSM-IV Diagnosis Status
Note: Weighted subgroup sizes are presented along with weighted raw means.
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Table 1
Sociodemographic Characteristics
School-age Sample (N=413) Intensive Subsample (N=338)
Sociodemographics Unweighted Weighted Unweighted Weighted
N % % N % %
Boys 208 50.4 48.7 171 50.6 49.7
Girls 205 49.6 51.3 167 49.4 50.3
Marital Status
Single parent household 100 24.4 22.5 76 22.6 20.3
Poverty Status
Non-poor 265 66.6 70.2 217 66.8 71.8
Borderline poverty 60 15.1 12.5 50 15.4 11.5
Poverty 73 18.3 17.3 58 17.9 16.7
Parental Education
Maternal education <=HS 98 24.6 23.9 76 23.3 22.2
Paternal education <=HS 87 30.0 27.5 69 27.7 25.7
Non-minority 260 63.0 67.0 218 64.5 67.6
Minority 153 37.0 33.1 120 35.5 32.4
Note: Sample of children who participated in the home visit was comparable to the subsample that had Sensory Over-responsivity Inventory scores. HS = High school or General Education Development
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Table 2
Rates of Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children, Version IV (DISC) diagnoses by Sensory Over-
responsivity (SOR) status
% (N) Non-Weighted
% (N)
SOR (n=71) aNo SOR
(n=262) SOR (n=75) No SOR
Any DISC diagnosis:
Yes 25.4% (18) 74.6% (53) 36.0% (27) 26.6% (70)
No 20.2% (53) 79.8% (209) 64.0% (48) 73.4% (193)
DISC Internalizing
Yes 10.0% (7
)90% (63) 16.2% (12) 11.8% (31)
No 9.2% (24) 90.8% (238) 83.8% (62) 88.2% (232)
DISC Externalizing
Yes 18.6% (13
)81.4% (57) 25.7% (19) 19.4% (51)
No 13.7% (36) 86.3% (226) 74.3% (55) 80.6% (212)
Note: SOR grouping was based on Miller's cutoff of at least four bothering auditory or tactile sensations. DISC diagnoses are defined by moderate
impairment criteria.
There is one missing child in the Internalizing and Externalizing diagnosis comparison.
Two of these children also qualified for an Internalizing diagnosis.
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Table 3
Linear Regression Model Predicting the Family Life Impairment Scale (FLIS) from Sensory Over-responsivity
(SOR) status, controlling for DSM Disorders and Socioeconomic Status (SES).
upon entry
in final model ΔR2Cohen's d
1. DSM Disorders 0.05 0.5
Internalizing −0.07 −0.04
Externalizing 1.53
2. SES −0.19 −0.14 0.01 0.2
3. SOR 1.23
0.04 0.4
Total R20.11 0.7
Model F-Value 9.53
** p
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry
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... Other common examples of atypical sensory processing and reactivity include sensory under-responsivity, an unawareness of or delayed response to salient sensory stimuli (e.g., reduced pain responses, not reacting to novel sounds), and sensation seeking, which typically involves searching for sensory input (e.g., seeking out deep pressure; mouthing nonfood items; Miller et al., 2007;Tomchek, & Dunn, 2007). In addition to contributing to family impairment and socialization challenges Carter, Ben-Sasson, & Briggs-Gowan, 2011;Dellapiazza et al., 2018Dellapiazza et al., , 2020Carpenter et al., 2019), these sensory symptoms have implications for mental health. Though the directionality of the relationship between sensory processing challenges and developmental psychopathology warrants further investigation, sensory processing challenges in general, and SOR in particular, prospectively predict later internalizing symptoms (Carpenter et al., 2019), and (to a lesser degree) are linked to externalizing behaviors (Gunn et al., 2009). ...
... First, screening for sensory processing challenges could prove to be useful for early intervention in youth with histories of ECA. In some individuals, ECA-induced changes to psychosocial functioning (and underlying neural circuitry) may first manifest as sensory processing challengeswhich emerge in early childhoodbefore evolving into broader psychological symptom profiles during adolescence, when psychopathology most commonly emerges Carter et al., 2011;Green et al., 2012;McLaughlin et al., 2012;Román-Oyola, & Reynolds, 2013;Carpenter et al., 2019;Solmi et al., 2021). In line with this reasoning, our findings suggest sensory processing challenges in ECA-exposed youth remain elevated in adolescence, and do not disappear following early childhood. ...
... For instance, sensory processing challenges often manifest as tantrums, aggression, and both avoidance of and difficulty disengaging with stimulation. In addition to being psychologically taxing for youth, such responses cause distress, family impairment, and socialization challenges Carter et al., 2011;Dellapiazza et al., 2018Dellapiazza et al., , 2020Carpenter et al., 2019). As a result, sensory-informed assessments may lead to more accurate, targeted, and effective treatments of both sensory symptoms and psychological symptomatology. ...
Early caregiving adversity (ECA) is associated with elevated psychological symptomatology. While neurobehavioral ECA research has focused on socioemotional and cognitive development, ECA may also increase risk for "low-level" sensory processing challenges. However, no prior work has compared how diverse ECA exposures differentially relate to sensory processing, or, critically, how this might influence psychological outcomes. We examined sensory processing challenges in 183 8-17-year-old youth with and without histories of institutional (orphanage) or foster caregiving, with a particular focus on sensory over-responsivity (SOR), a pattern of intensified responses to sensory stimuli that may negatively impact mental health. We further tested whether sensory processing challenges are linked to elevated internalizing and externalizing symptoms common in ECA-exposed youth. Relative to nonadopted comparison youth, both groups of ECA-exposed youth had elevated sensory processing challenges, including SOR, and also had heightened internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Additionally, we found significant indirect effects of ECA on internalizing and externalizing symptoms through both general sensory processing challenges and SOR, covarying for age and sex assigned at birth. These findings suggest multiple forms of ECA confer risk for sensory processing challenges that may contribute to mental health outcomes, and motivate continuing examination of these symptoms, with possible long-term implications for screening and treatment following ECA.
... This parent-report measure is part of the SP3D scales used to assess sensory integration and sensory processing abilities and challenges. This measure is currently being standardized by Western Psychological Services and has been shown to be useful in research (Carter et al., 2011;Ramappa et al., 2023). It was selected for this study because constructs parallel hypothesized groupings of the social emotional characteristics on the SEE-C. ...
... Sensory over-responsivity (SOR), also referred to as sensory sensitivity, specifically entails difficulty ignoring or over-reacting to sensory stimuli [23]. In other terms, SOR is considered to reflect an imbalance between the sensitivity to stimuli and the habituation to them [24,25]. A recent web-based study concluded that SOR is a transdiagnostic phenomenon linked to all the major symptom dimensions of OCD as well as to OCD-related difficulties such as skin picking, hair pulling, hoarding, and body dysmorphic symptoms [22]. ...
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Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are related to atypical sensory processing, particularly sensory over-responsivity, in both children and adults. In adults, obsessive-compulsive symptoms are also associated with the attenuation of access to the internal state and compensatory reliance on proxies for these states, including fixed rules and rituals. We aimed to examine the associations between sensory over-responsivity, the tendency to seek proxies for internal states, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in children. Parents of 404 children between 5 and 10 years of age completed online measures of obsessive-compulsive symptoms, seeking proxies for internal states, sensory over-responsivity, and anxiety. Linear regression, dominance analysis, and network analysis were used to explore the unique associations between these variables. The tendency to seek proxies for internal states was more strongly associated with obsessive-compulsive symptoms than with anxiety symptoms and uniquely associated with all major obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions except obsessing. Both the tendency to seek proxies for internal states and sensory over-responsivity were significantly associated with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, but the association was significantly stronger for the tendency to seek proxies for internal states. While limited by the sole reliance on the parent-report, the present study shows that the tendency to seek proxies for internal states could help clarify the developmental processes involved in the onset of obsessive-compulsive symptoms during childhood and that sensory sensitivity may be important to consider in this process.
... Sensory processing difficulties, while particularly important in ASD youths, are not specific to this condition (Benarous et al., 2020;Carter et al., 2011). One may regret that the current analyses did not account for the contribution of developmental, medical, or psychiatric conditions that could be associated with atypical sensory processing. ...
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Sensory processing difficulties are worth exploring in youths with ASD and feeding problems considering their high frequency and therapeutic potential. To synthesize prior knowledge and discrepancies between studies, a systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted. The quality of the 16 reviewed studies was regarded as moderate. The association between sensory processing difficulties in all modalities and problematic eating behaviors was not statistically significant. Oral sensory processing difficulties were associated with food refusal (SMD = − 0.88, p = 0.04) and all types of problematic eating behavior (SMD = − 1.31, p < .001), with little evidence supporting the role of atypical sensory processing in non-oral modalities. These findings highlight the importance of considering oral sensory processing performance of youths with ASD and eating complaints.
... Elevated SOR symptoms are associated with increased parenting stress and poor caregiver well-being in clinical populations such as ASD [29,30], ADHD [31,32], and children with psychopathology [33]. In addition, research indicates that higher levels of SMD symptoms are associated with restrictions in family activities and greater parenting daily hassles [34][35][36]. In a recent qualitative study, mothers of children with SPD described their efforts in changing their interaction with their child to attune to the child's sensory needs. ...
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Sensory over-responsivity (SOR) is linked with elevated anxiety and reduced family wellbeing. Family accommodation of anxiety relates with greater symptom severity and reduced intervention outcome. This study examined the contribution of child SOR and co-occurring anxiety symptoms to family accommodation and its consequences. Ninety families of typically developing children (ages 4–13 years), completed an online survey including the Sensory Profile 2, Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED), and Family Accommodation Sensory Scale (FASENS). FASENS scores include frequency of accommodation, child impact, and family impact. Children with elevated anxiety symptoms had significantly higher sensory and FASENS scores. Stepwise linear regression indicated that only SOR symptoms significantly predicted the frequency of sensory family accommodation, while both SOR and anxiety symptoms predicted the impact of family accommodation upon child and family well-being. Both SOR and anxiety symptoms in children predict the impact of sensory family accommodations on child and family well-being.
... SOR has been described as a disproportionately intense, prolonged, or intensified reaction to intense distress by sensory stimulation in tactile, sight, auditory, tasting, and smelling sensations, leading to functional impairment [4]. Substantial difficulties with SOR was found in 5% to 21% of school-age children [5,6]. ...
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Background: Sensory overresponsivity (SOR) has emerged as a potential endophenotype in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but few studies have examined SOR in relation to the major symptom dimensions of OCD and to symptoms across the full obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptom spectrum.
... First, SOR has not been formally included as a diagnosis in the DSM-5 or the International and Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems [25]. Second, SOR has been associated with other psychopathology [26] or anxious/disruptive behaviors [27]. For example, one study assessed the sensory and anxiety symptoms of 191 typically developing children from a local community. ...
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Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often exhibit sensory over-responsivity (SOR), which is characterized by an overwhelmingly negative reaction to or avoidance of sensory stimulation. Despite the detrimental effects of SOR on people’s personal and social lives, the knowledge of and interventions for the issue remain limited. This paper collates and reviews studies on SOR and information on the potential for effective interventions for people with ASD. This review reveals evidence that SOR has a close relationship with anxiety, depression, insomnia, and family life impairment and an underlying mechanism related to SOR. Four interventions and their theoretical bases in sensory-motor processing are discussed in this paper, namely, physical activity (PA), sensory integration therapy (SIT), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). These interventions focus on establishing coping strategies for regulating the emotional response to sensory information, and they have been found to be effective and to have the potential to help children with ASD reduce their SOR behaviors. This paper provides guidance for selecting appropriate interventions and for further investigation of more effective interventions in the future.
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Background: Sensory overresponsivity (SOR) has emerged as a potential endophenotype in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but few studies have examined SOR in relation to the major symptom dimensions of OCD and to symptoms across the full obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptom spectrum. Objective: This study had 2 main objectives. First, we examined the psychometric properties of the SOR Scales in a community-based sample of Spanish adolescents and adults. Second, we identified how SOR difficulties are related to symptoms across the full OC spectrum (eg, OC, body dysmorphic, hoarding, skin-picking, and hair-pulling symptoms), including the heterogeneity of OC symptoms. Methods: We translated the SOR Scales into Spanish-a measure that assesses SOR across the 5 sensory modalities-and created a web-based version of the measure. A sample of 1454 adolescents and adults (mean age 23.84, SD 8.46 years) participated in the study, and 388 (26.69%) participants completed the survey twice (approximately 8 months apart). The survey also contained a web-based measure that assesses symptoms across the full OC spectrum: harm and checking, taboo obsessions, contamination or cleaning, symmetry and ordering, body dysmorphic, hoarding, hair-pulling, and skin-picking symptoms. Results: The psychometric properties of the SOR Scales were excellent, and the test-retest reliability was adequate. All types of SOR were related to all major symptom dimensions of OCD and to all OC spectrum symptoms. Conclusions: SOR across the sensory modalities can be validly assessed using a web-based measure. SOR emerged as a pure transdiagnostic phenomenon in relation to symptoms across the OC spectrum, with no specific sensory modality being more strongly related to OC symptoms. SOR can shed much needed light on basic mechanisms that are important for the onset and maintenance of OC spectrum symptoms, and this study shows that large-scale web-based studies can aid in this endeavor. Future studies should examine whether SOR precedes or emerges alongside OC symptoms.
Objective This pilot study sought to explore the experience of children with sensory over-responsivity (SOR) during a sensory meltdown and the extent that parents feel confident about strategies they use to support their child. Background A large percentage of children with sensory processing challenges present with SOR. A better understanding of the experience of children with SOR is suggested to clarify severity and help parents respond effectively. Method A retrospective analysis was conducted. An anonymous survey questionnaire was sent to 110 members of an online support group. Thirty-six parent responses were collected from families of children with sensory processing challenges in San Francisco. Results Results indicated 88.9% of parents reported their child experiencing an SOR meltdown, with 51.4% having asked their child what a sensory meltdown feels like, and 31.4% reporting an experience of pain. Those children who responded to the question “does it hurt?” offered descriptions reflective of an “assault” (e.g., “it feels like knives are stabbing my bones,” “it's killing me,” “it's completely overwhelming”). Only 30.6% of parents reported feeling confident about how to respond to their child during sensory events. Conclusion Descriptions reported in this exploratory study suggest a change in terminology. Preliminary evidence suggests that these meltdowns may be more accurately described as sensory assaults. Implications This perspective could influence parental and societal views of children with SOR. More research is needed to determine how widespread the experience of pain with SOR is and if a better understanding of children's experiences can inform family interventions.
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This paper examines conditions that have variously been called sensory integration disorder, sensory processing disorder, and sensory modulation disorder (SID/SPD/SMD). As these conditions lack readily and consistently agreed-upon operational definitions, there has been confusion as to how these disorders are conceptualized. Rather than addressing various diagnostic controversies, we will instead focus upon explaining the symptoms that are believed to characterize these disorders. First, to clarify the overall context within which to view symptoms, we summarize a paradigm of adaptation characterized by continuous sensorimotor interaction with the environment. Next, we review a dual-tiered, integrated model of brain function in order to establish neuroanatomic underpinnings with which to conceptualize the symptom presentations. Generally accepted functions of the neocortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum are described to illustrate how interactions between these brain regions generate both adaptive and pathological symptoms and behaviors. We then examine the symptoms of SID/SPD/SMD within this interactive model and in relation to their impact upon the development of inhibitory control, working memory, academic skill development, and behavioral automation. We present likely etiologies for these symptoms, not only as they drive neurodevelopmental pathologies but also as they can be understood as variations in the development of neural networks.
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Some infants experience atypical levels of over-responsivity to sensations, which limit their ability to interact and explore their environment. Yet, little is known about typical development of over-responsivity during infancy or whether the presence of extreme over-responsivity in infancy is a predictor of clinically significant sensory over-responsivity (SOR) at school-age. This study followed a representative sample of children (n = 521, 47% boys) at four time points from infancy (mean ages in months Year 1 = 18.23, Year 2 = 30.39, Year 3 = 39.40) to elementary school-age (mean age = 7.97 years). SOR was measured via parent report. A latent growth curve model predicting SOR at school age from the intercept and slope of Sensory Sensitivity between Years 1-3 showed excellent fit with the data. Both early sensory sensitivities and change in early sensitivities were associated with SOR status at school-age.
Conference Paper
Background: Anxiety disorders are extremely common in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and can increase the functional impairment of these children (Lainhart, 1999), with rates two to three times as high as in the general population (Sukhodolsky et al., 2008). Sensory over-responsivity (SOR) is another common, and impairing feature found in more than half of children with ASD, and SOR has been linked to anxiety in children with ASD (Ben-Sasson, Cermak, Orsmond, Tager-Flusberg, Kadlec, & Carter, 2008; Liss, Saulnier, Fein, & Kinsborne, 2006; Pfeiffer, Kinnealey, & Herzberg, 2005). While there is some evidence that anxiety and SOR are associated in children with ASD, it is unclear what reciprocal patterns of influence (if any) exist between the two. A greater understanding of patterns of influence over time has direct implications for etiological study and intervention choices in this population. Objectives: The purpose of this investigation was to gain a better understanding of associations between anxiety and SOR in children with ASD by examining the extent to which anxiety predicted changes in SOR and vice versa in young children with ASD. Methods: Participants were 149 toddlers with an ASD diagnosis who were between 18 and 33 months at initial assessment, and between 28 and 50 months at a follow-up assessment approximately 1 year later. Anxiety and sensory sensitivity (SOR) were assessed by mother’s report on the Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (ITSEA) at both time points. Autism symptoms were assessed at time 1 using a combined social-communication score on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). Results: Anxiety and SOR were significantly correlated at time 1 (r=.52, p <.001) and time 2 (r-.60, p<.001). Mean anxiety scores increased from time 1 (M=.31, SD=.24) to time 2 (M=.35, SD=.30), t(148) = -3.00, p=.003. However, mean SOR scores were stable from time 1 (M=.53, SD=.43) to time 2 (M=.57, SD=.43), t(148) = -1.10, p=.275. Cross-lagged panel analyses were conducted in Mplus to compare the two pathways (SOR to anxiety and vice versa) controlling for the autocorrelation within measure. Time 1 child age and autism severity as measured by the ADOS social-communication score were entered as covariates. Results indicated a significant cross-lagged effect between time 1 SOR and time 2 anxiety after controlling for time 1 anxiety, child age, and autism severity (B=0.13, SE = .05, p=.01). The reciprocal cross-lagged effect from time 1 anxiety to time 2 SOR was not significant (B=.19, SE=.14, p=.18). Conclusions: The presence of SOR appears to contribute to changes in anxiety, which overall increased in this group of children with ASD. In contrast, the early presence of anxiety does not appear to contribute to changes in SOR, which was quite stable. These results support SOR as a possible contributor to anxiety in children with ASD. Implications for further study of the etiology of affective disorders and intervention choices in this population will be discussed.
Previous research on subjects showing the two temperamental profiles called inhibited and uninhibited to unfamiliar events suggests that the two groups differ in threshold of reactivity to novelty. Hence, variation among infants in behavioral reactivity to unfamiliar events might predict later display of the two profiles. In a longitudinal study of 94 four-month-old infants, those who displayed the combination of high motor activity and frequent crying to stimulation were more fearful to unfamiliar events at nine and 14 months than infants who displayed both low motor activity and infrequent crying. This result implies that the processes that mediate early reactivity to stimulation may also influence a later preparedness to avoid or to approach unfamiliarity.
There is an accumulating literature describing sensory processing in young children and suggesting the importance of this knowledge for understanding the characteristics of vulnerable children. Professionals and families need a working knowledge about sensory processing because it enables them to understand and interpret children's behaviors and to tailor everyday life routines so that children may have successful and satisfying experiences. This article reviews Dunn's model of sensory processing, and summarizes both typical and special population evidences that demonstrate support for the model. The article also describes how the concepts in this model are reflected in everyday behaviors so that readers can link the concepts to their own knowledge about young children. Since processing concepts are based on evidence across the lifespan, this knowledge can also enable caregivers to understand their own responses as well. The article then discusses the application of sensory processing knowledge within natural contexts and routines, arguing that using sensory processing knowledge to analyze, adapt, and support the established routines is an effective application of knowledge. Finally, the article provides specific suggestions for adapting everyday life situations to meet the needs of children with different patterns of sensory processing, and illustrates how adults can manage their own sensory processing needs as they care for young children.
The case report of Carrie describes a 3-and-a-half-year-old girl with sensory defensiveness. Social, emotional and behavioural problems related to this condition interfered with her assuming age-appropriate roles and learning pre-school skills. She responded well to occupational therapy using a sensory integration approach. Particular attention had to be paid to Carrie's anxiety, need for control, and the family dynamics that occur with this type of disability. Copyright © 1998 Whurr Publishers Ltd.
The impact of sensory defensiveness on performance, behaviour and adjustment of children has been addressed in the literature, but little has been written concerning its impact on adults. The purpose of this study was to explore whether sensory-defensive adults had more symptoms of anxiety, depression and pain than adults without sensory defensiveness. Participants were 32 volunteers who were normal functioning adults aged 21 to 48 years, without physical or psychological diagnoses or history of abuse. They were screened to eliminate persons with undiagnosed psychological problems using the Forty-eight Item Counseling Evaluation. Participants were assigned to a sensory-defensive or non-sensory-defensive group based on their score on the ADULT-SI, a sensory history interview, which assesses sensory defensiveness in adults. The two groups were matched for age, gender and race. Participants were then administered the IPAT Anxiety Scale, the IPAT Depression Scale and the Pain Apperception Test. Differences were found between sensory-defensive and non-defensive adults in anxiety (p=0.014) and depression (p=0.019), but not in pain perception. Analysis of the screening scores of the Forty-eight Item Counseling Evaluation indicated an unexpected difference between groups in psychological adjustment (p=0.005). This study supports clinical impressions that sensory-defensive adults differ from non-defensive adults in some psychological parameters. A sequela of sensory defensiveness in adults may be a tendency towards increased symptoms of anxiety and depression. Further, investigation of sensory defensiveness and its sequelae in adults is recommended, using larger samples, more sensitive tools and various diagnostic categories. Exploration of the impact of sensory defensiveness on adult roles and performance and life satisfaction is also recommended. Copyright © 1999 Whurr Publishers Ltd.
This study examined the relationship between sensory deficits and externalizing behavior problems in preschool children. Parents of 179 urban, Latino preschool children completed two parent-report measures, the Short Sensory Profile (SSP), as a checklist for sensory symptoms, and the Achenbach Checklist for Ages 1½–5 (CBCL/1½–5) to assess externalizing behavior problems. Measures were available in Spanish or English depending on the parent’s preference. Correlations were performed between the total sensory deficits scale of the SSP and the Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Externalizing Problems scales of the CBCL. Significant correlations were found between increasing levels of sensory deficits and increasing externalizing behavior problems. Correlations were also examined in subcategories of age, gender and socioeconomic status. Five-year-old children showed stronger correlations than 4-year-old children, while males showed stronger correlations than females, and the highest correlations were found in children of families reporting between 18,001 and18,001 and 24,000 per year annual income. Findings suggest that Latino preschool children with externalizing behavior problems may suffer from delays in sensory development that impact their behavior. Clinical interventions should promote strategies that either reduce or increase environmental stimuli in accordance with the sensory abilities of the individual child.
Sensory modulation disorder (SMD) is a severe inability to regulate responses to everyday sensory stimulation to which most people easily adapt. It is estimated to affect 5% to 16% of the general population of children. Although heterogeneity is seen in the presentation clinically, previous research has not empirically investigated whether the clinical heterogeneity of SMD can be classified into subtypes. This study explores a cohort of 98 children identified with SMD at the Department of Pediatric Rehabilitation by a member of the occupational therapy team at The Children's Hospital of Denver. Two subtypes of SMD were identified through cluster analysis based on data from 4 parent-report instruments. The first subtype is characterized by sensory seeking/craving, hyperactive, impulsive, externalizing (eg, delinquent, aggressive), unsocial, inadaptive, and impaired cognitive/social behavior. The second subtype is characterized by movement sensitivity, emotionally withdrawal, and low energy/weak behavior. Findings from this study present a step toward understanding and classifying the complexities of children with SMDs.