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Comparative Effectiveness of Weight-Loss Interventions in Clinical Practice


Abstract and Figures

Obesity and its cardiovascular complications are extremely common medical problems, but evidence on how to accomplish weight loss in clinical practice is sparse. We conducted a randomized, controlled trial to examine the effects of two behavioral weight-loss interventions in 415 obese patients with at least one cardiovascular risk factor. Participants were recruited from six primary care practices; 63.6% were women, 41.0% were black, and the mean age was 54.0 years. One intervention provided patients with weight-loss support remotely--through the telephone, a study-specific Web site, and e-mail. The other intervention provided in-person support during group and individual sessions, along with the three remote means of support. There was also a control group in which weight loss was self-directed. Outcomes were compared between each intervention group and the control group and between the two intervention groups. For both interventions, primary care providers reinforced participation at routinely scheduled visits. The trial duration was 24 months. At baseline, the mean body-mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) for all participants was 36.6, and the mean weight was 103.8 kg. At 24 months, the mean change in weight from baseline was -0.8 kg in the control group, -4.6 kg in the group receiving remote support only (P<0.001 for the comparison with the control group), and -5.1 kg in the group receiving in-person support (P<0.001 for the comparison with the control group). The percentage of participants who lost 5% or more of their initial weight was 18.8% in the control group, 38.2% in the group receiving remote support only, and 41.4% in the group receiving in-person support. The change in weight from baseline did not differ significantly between the two intervention groups. In two behavioral interventions, one delivered with in-person support and the other delivered remotely, without face-to-face contact between participants and weight-loss coaches, obese patients achieved and sustained clinically significant weight loss over a period of 24 months. (Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and others; number, NCT00783315.).
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n engl j med 365;21 november 24, 2011
The new england
journal of medicine
established in 1812
november 24, 2011
vol. 365 no. 21
Comparative Effectiveness of Weight-Loss Interventions
in Clinical Practice
Lawrence J. Appel, M.D., M.P.H., Jeanne M. Clark, M.D., M.P.H., Hsin-Chieh Yeh, Ph.D., Nae-Yuh Wang, Ph.D.,
Janelle W. Coughlin, Ph.D., Gail Daumit, M.D., M.H.S., Edgar R. Miller III, M.D., Ph.D., Arlene Dalcin, R.D.,
Gerald J. Jerome, Ph.D., Steven Geller, M.D., Gary Noronha, M.D., Thomas Pozefsky, M.D., Jeanne Charleston, R.N.,
Jeffrey B. Reynolds, M.S., Nowella Durkin, Richard R. Rubin, Ph.D., Thomas A. Louis, Ph.D.,
and Frederick L. Brancati, M.D., M.H.S.
From the Welch Center for Prevention,
Epidemiology, and Clinical Research,
Johns Hopkins University (L.J.A., J.M.C.,
H.-C.Y., N.-Y.W., G.D., E.R.M., F.L.B.); the
Divisions of General Internal Medicine
(L.J.A., J.M.C., H.-C.Y., N.-Y.W., G.D.,
E.R.M., A.D., G.J.J., G.N., T.P., J.B.R.,
N.D., F.L.B.) and Endocrinology (T.P.)
and the Departments of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences (J.W.C.) and Pediat-
rics (R.R.R.), Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine; the Departments of
Epidemiology (L.J.A., J.M.C., H.-C.Y., J.C.,
F.L.B.) and Biostatistics (N.-Y.W., T.A.L.),
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health; and Johns Hopkins Com-
munity Physicians (G.N.) — all in Balti-
more; and the Department of Kinesiology,
Towson University, Towson (G.J.J.); the
Centennial Medical Group, Elkridge (S.G.);
and Park Medical Associates, Timonium
(T.P.) — all in Maryland. Address reprint
requests to Dr. Appel at
This article (10.1056/NEJMoa1108660)
was published on November 15, 2011, at
N Engl J Med 2011;365:1959-68.
Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Obesity and its cardiovascular complications are extremely common medical problems,
but evidence on how to accomplish weight loss in clinical practice is sparse.
We conducted a randomized, controlled trial to examine the effects of two behavioral
weight-loss interventions in 415 obese patients with at least one cardiovascular risk fac-
tor. Participants were recruited from six primary care practices; 63.6% were women,
41.0% were black, and the mean age was 54.0 years. One intervention provided pa-
tients with weight-loss support remotely through the telephone, a study-specific Web
site, and e-mail. The other intervention provided in-person support during group
and individual sessions, along with the three remote means of support. There was
also a control group in which weight loss was self-directed. Outcomes were compared
between each intervention group and the control group and between the two interven-
tion groups. For both interventions, primary care providers reinforced participation
at routinely scheduled visits. The trial duration was 24 months.
At baseline, the mean body-mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square
of the height in meters) for all participants was 36.6, and the mean weight was
103.8 kg. At 24 months, the mean change in weight from baseline was −0.8 kg in the
control group, 4.6 kg in the group receiving remote support only (P<0.001 for the
comparison with the control group), and −5.1 kg in the group receiving in-person
support (P<0.001 for the comparison with the control group). The percentage of par-
ticipants who lost 5% or more of their initial weight was 18.8% in the control group,
38.2% in the group receiving remote support only, and 41.4% in the group receiving
in-person support. The change in weight from baseline did not differ significantly
between the two intervention groups.
In two behavioral interventions, one delivered with in-person support and the other
delivered remotely, without face-to-face contact between participants and weight-loss
coaches, obese patients achieved and sustained clinically significant weight loss over
a period of 24 months. (Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and
others; number, NCT00783315.)
The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from by RUTH BOE on November 27, 2011. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
ne w eng l an d jour na l
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n engl j med 365;21 november 24, 2011
besity is an important and grow-
ing public health problem around the
world. In the United States, approximately
one third of adults are obese.
Obesity adversely
affects each of the major cardiovascular risk fac-
tors — blood pressure, lipid profile, and diabetes.
As a consequence, obese persons have an increased
risk of death, especially from cardiovascular dis-
The economic burden of the obesity epi-
demic is enormous; the estimated direct and indi-
rect costs related to obesity exceed $110 billion
annually in the United States.
An extensive body of evidence from efficacy
trials has shown that weight loss is achievable
and that modest weight loss has beneficial effects
on cardiovascular risk factors.
However, virtually
all these trials tested intensive in-person inter-
ventions in highly selected participants. Typically,
primary care providers (PCPs) were not directly
involved in the intervention. Few weight-loss tri-
als have examined the effect of behavioral inter-
ventions in clinical practice,
and the results of
these trials have been inconsistent. Consequently,
even though it is recommended that clinicians
offer intensive counseling and behavioral support
to their obese patients,
practicing physicians lack
effective, empirically supported models of treat-
ment to guide their efforts in helping obese pa-
tients lose weight.
To address the need for treatment models, we
conducted a randomized, controlled trial to deter-
mine the effectiveness of two behavioral weight-
loss interventions — including one without in-
person contact — in obese patients with at least
one cardiovascular risk factor. The intervention
without in-person contact provided patients with
support by means of the telephone, the Internet,
and e-mail. The other intervention offered these
remote sources of support but reflected common
practice in efficacy trials by also providing face-to-
face group and individual sessions conducted by
health coaches. Participants in the control group
received brief advice but none of the above re-
sources. We hypothesized that patients assigned
to both active interventions would achieve great-
er weight loss than those in the control group. We
further hypothesized that patients in the group
receiving in-person support would achieve greater
weight loss than those in the group receiving only
remote support.
This trial is one of three independent trials in the
Practice-based Opportunities for Weight Reduction
(POWER) trials, each supported by a grant from the
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
For this trial, Healthways, a disease-management
company, also provided support. The Prevention
and Control Core of the Baltimore Diabetes Re-
search and Training Center contributed to the data
analysis. An institutional review board approved
the trial, as did an independent data and safety
monitoring board. All participants provided writ-
ten informed consent. Healthways employees con-
tributed to the study design, particularly on
technical matters related to the design of the study-
specific Web site. The first author wrote the article
and vouches for the accuracy of the data and the
analyses. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood In-
stitute and Healthways had opportunities to com-
ment on the manuscript. The final decisions re-
garding the content and composition of the
manuscript and the decision to submit it for pub-
lication were made by the academic investigators.
The study was conducted according to the proto-
col (available with the full text of this article at
Study Population
The study population consisted of obese adults who
were at least 21 years of age and had one or more
cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, hyper-
cholesterolemia, or diabetes). To be eligible for the
trial, potential participants had to be a patient at
one of the participating primary care practices,
have regular access to a computer, and have basic
computer skills (i.e., could enter data into a Web
site and send and receive e-mail). We excluded pa-
tients who had recently lost 5% or more of their
body weight or were taking medications that cause
weight gain or prevent weight loss (e.g., glucocor-
ticoids or second-generation antipsychotic medi-
cations). In general, the eligibility criteria for the
trial were less stringent than those typically used in
efficacy trials.
There was no run-in period,
no test given before randomization to determine
adherence to study procedures, and no requirement
that participants attend group sessions. Our ap-
proach to enrollment was to accept a person for
The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Weight-L oss Interventions i n Cl inical Pr act ice
n engl j med 365;21 november 24, 2011
study participation even if there were doubts about
the likelihood that the person would adhere to the
study protocol or be available for follow-up. (See the
protocol for a complete list of enrollment criteria.)
Participants were recruited from primary care
practices in the Baltimore metropolitan area be-
tween February 2008 and February 2009 through
physician referral, brochures, and targeted mail-
ings. Eight clinics were invited to participate in the
study, and six accepted. At the participating clinics,
46 PCPs enrolled participants; only 1 physician
Study Groups
Randomization was stratified according to sex and
was generated in blocks of 3 and 6 with the use of
a Web-based program. The research staff who no-
tified participants of their assignment were not in-
volved in the collection of follow-up data.
Participants had an equal chance of being as-
signed to any one of the three study groups. The
theoretical framework for the two active inter-
ventions was based on social cognitive theory and
incorporated behavioral self-management ap-
proaches designed to help participants set weight-
related goals, self-monitor weight and weight-
related behaviors (exercise and reduced calorie
intake), increase self-efficacy and social support,
and solve problems. These approaches were mod-
eled on those tested in previous trials.
vational interviewing was the primary approach to
interactions with participants. Participants in the
two intervention groups were encouraged to lose
5% of their baseline weight within 6 months and
to maintain the reduced weight until the end of the
Table 1
shows the key features of the two
intervention groups. (For more information on the
interventions, see the protocol and the Supplemen-
tary Appendix, available at
Participants in both intervention groups were
encouraged to log on to the study-specific Web site
weekly. The Web site contained learning modules;
opportunities for self-monitoring of weight, calorie
intake, and exercise; and feedback on progress in
these key behaviors. Each participant who was as-
signed to an active intervention received automated
monthly e-mail messages summarizing his or her
progress. Automated re-engagement e-mail mes-
sages were sent to participants who had not logged
on to the Web site in the preceding 7 days.
Weight-loss coaches encouraged participants to
complete the learning modules and provided posi-
tive reinforcement of key behaviors, with an em-
phasis on self-monitoring of weight, calorie intake,
and exercise. Individual sessions (in person or by
telephone) were approximately 20 minutes long;
group sessions conducted for the group receiving
in-person support typically lasted 90 minutes.
Participants in both intervention groups were
offered weekly contact with coaches during the
first 3 months (nine group sessions and three
individual sessions for participants receiving in-
person support, and 12 weekly calls for those
receiving only remote support). During the next
Table 1. Features of Both Interventions.*
Delivered the interventions in collaboration with the PCP to promote weight
Focused on key weight-management behaviors (reduced calorie intake as
part of the DASH diet, increased exercise, regular log-in to the study Web
site, and use of food records)
Used motivational interviewing techniques (e.g., asking open-ended ques-
tions, exploring participants’ feelings of ambivalence, supporting their
optimism regarding change, and directing conversations toward the
desired behavioral goals)
Followed re-engagement procedures when participants did not log in to the
study Web site (automated e-mail message sent after 7 to 10 days with-
out log-in and telephone call made after 14 days without log-in)
Received case-management support
Web-based support
Provided learning modules consisting of objectives, educational content,
quizzes, and worksheets
Provided self-monitoring tools and graphs (to record weight, minutes of exer-
cise per day, and calories consumed per day), with a recommendation to
record weight at least weekly on the study Web site
Provided feedback regarding weight-loss progress (e.g., change in weight
since last log-in and weight trend)
Reviewed one-page report on patient’s weight-loss progress at each routine
office visit
Encouraged participation in the intervention
Reported events that might affect patient’s ability to participate in the inter-
Sent letters to participants as part of the re-engagement strategy after pro-
longed periods with no participant contact
For patients with diabetes, provided assistance with self-monitoring of glu-
cose levels and medication adjustment
* DASH denotes Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, and PCP primary
care provider.
The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
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n engl j med 365;21 november 24, 2011
3 months, participants receiving in-person support
were offered three monthly contacts (one group
session and two individual sessions), whereas the
group receiving only remote support were offered
1 call each month. For the remainder of the study,
participants in the group receiving in-person sup-
port were offered two monthly contacts (one group
session and one individual session, with the latter
conducted either in person or by telephone), and
the group receiving only remote support continued
to be offered monthly calls.
The coaches for the group receiving in-person
support were employees of Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity, and the coaches for the group receiving only
remote support were employees of Healthways.
Coaches were trained before enrollment of the first
participant and on a quarterly basis thereafter. The
topics covered included behavioral theory and
strategies, basic nutritional and exercise guide-
lines, motivational interviewing techniques, and
study procedures, including use of the intervention
Web site. To assess fidelity to the protocol and to
promote motivational interviewing techniques, a
case-management team observed the coaches and
provided feedback monthly for the first 3 months
of the study and quarterly thereafter.
Participants in the control group met with a
weight-loss coach at the time of randomization
and, if desired, after the final data-collection visit,
at 24 months. They also received brochures and
a list of recommended Web sites promoting
weight loss.
Role of the PCP
PCPs played a supportive role in the study. At rou-
tinely scheduled visits, each PCP received and re-
viewed a progress report on any of their patients
who had been assigned to an intervention group
(see the sample report in the Supplementary Ap-
pendix). PCPs used this report to provide patients
with basic guidance (i.e., reduce calorie intake and
increase exercise) and to motivate their patients.
The report included a graph from the Web site
showing the patient’s baseline, target, and self-
reported weights. If patients were not actively par-
ticipating in their assigned intervention, the coach-
es sent re-engagement letters on behalf of the PCP.
Data Collection
Eligibility, baseline, and follow-up data were col-
lected by telephone, through the Web, and through
in-person visits. The enrollment process involved a
Web-based contact, an in-person visit during which
baseline data were collected, and a second in-
person visit at which participants were notified
of their assigned group. Participants were asked
to make in-person follow-up visits 6, 12, and 24
months after randomization. At each of these vis-
its, weight was measured on a high-quality, cali-
brated digital scale, with the participant wearing
light, indoor clothes and no shoes. Height was
measured once, at study entry. Blood pressure was
recorded at each of the three visits; waist circum-
ference and fasting levels of blood glucose and lip-
ids were measured at baseline and 6 and 24 months
after randomization. Trained research staff who
were not informed of the group assignment per-
formed the measurements.
Statistical Analysis
The primary outcome was change in weight from
baseline to 24 months. Other weight-related out-
comes were percentage of weight change from
baseline, percentage of participants without weight
gain, percentage of participants who lost at least
5% of their initial weight, and change from base-
line in body-mass index (BMI, the weight in kilo-
grams divided by the square of the height in me-
ters). The primary analysis was based on the
intention-to-treat principle. All weights obtained
before a protocol-defined censoring event (i.e.,
pregnancy, bariatric surgery, or amputation) were
included in the analysis, which was conducted with
the use of a saturated-means, repeated-measures,
mixed-effects model for visit-specific weight, with
indicators for missing data. Means were modeled
as a function of the group assignment and study
visit (at baseline and at 6, 12, and 24 months). The
model included adjustment for clinic, sex, age, and
race or ethnic group. An unstructured covariance
structure was used to relate the repeated measures.
In addition, robust standard errors were comput-
ed. This approach produces valid estimates if data
are missing at random.
The same modeling approach was used for the
dependent variables of percentage change in weight
and change in BMI. In addition, percentages of
participants in each of the three study groups who
met various weight-loss thresholds were compared
with the use of a binomial model. Analyses were
conducted with the use of SAS software, version
9.2 (SAS Institute) or the statistical software sys-
tem R, version 2.10.0. The Holm procedure was
used to adjust for multiple comparisons.
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Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Weight-L oss Interventions i n Cl inical Pr act ice
n engl j med 365;21 november 24, 2011
trial was designed to have 80% power to detect
a between-group difference in weight change of
2.75 kg for at least one of the two primary com-
parisons (the group receiving remote support only
vs. the control group and the group receiving in-
person support vs. the control group), each at a
two-sided significance level of 0.025.
Result s
Study Participants
A total of 1370 persons registered at the recruit-
ment Web site, and 415 underwent randomization
(for details, see Fig. 1 in the Supplementary Appen-
dix). Of the 415 participants, 63.6% were women
and 41.0% were black; the mean age was 54.0 years
Table 2
). At baseline, the mean BMI was 36.6.
Most participants (83.6%) had attempted to lose
weight during the 12 months preceding the study.
Weight Loss
After randomization, weight was recorded for 366
participants (88.2%) at 6 months, for 355 (85.5%) at
12 months, and for 392 (94.5%) at 24 months. At
6 months, the mean (±SE) adjusted change in
weight from baseline was −1.4±0.4 kg in the control
group, −6.1±0.5 kg in the group receiving remote
support only, and −5.8±0.6 kg in the group receiv-
ing in-person support. At 24 months, the mean
change in weight from baseline was −0.8±0.6 kg
in the control group, −4.6±0.7 kg in the group
receiving remote support only, and −5.1±0.8 kg in
the group receiving in-person support, correspond-
ing to a weight change of 1.1%, −5.0%, and −5.2%,
respectively (Fig. 1, and Tables 1 and 2 in the
Supplementary Appendix). The net weight change
at 24 months in the two intervention groups (the
change in each intervention group minus the
change in the control group) was −3.8 kg (95%
confidence interval [CI], −5.7 to 1.9; P<0.001) in
the group receiving remote support only and
−4.3 kg (95% CI, −6.3 to −2.3; P<0.001) in the
group receiving in-person support. There was no
significant difference in weight change between
the intervention groups at any time point. At 24
months, the mean difference in weight change
between these two groups (the mean change in
the group receiving in-person support minus the
mean change in the group receiving remote sup-
port) was −0.5 kg (95% CI, −2.5 to 1.5; P = 0.63).
Table 3 shows the percentage of participants
who met certain weight-change thresholds 6 and
24 months after randomization. At 24 months, the
percentage of participants in the control group
with a weight that was lower than their weight
at baseline was 52.3% as compared with 74.4% in
the group receiving in-person support and 77.1% in
the group receiving remote support only. The per-
centage of participants whose weight at 24 months
was at least 5% below their baseline weight was
18.8% in the control group, 41.4% in the group
receiving in-person support, and 38.2% in the
group receiving remote support only.
Participation Rates
Table 4 shows the actual and recommended rates
of study participation in the intervention groups.
In the group receiving remote support only, the
median number of completed phone calls was 14
in the first 6 months and 16 for the remainder of
the trial. In the group receiving in-person sup-
port, most contact with coaches during the first
6 months occurred in face-to-face group sessions.
Participation in group sessions, although strongly
encouraged, was initially low and declined further
over the course of the study. The median number
of group sessions attended was 6.5 in the first
6 months and 1 in the next 18 months, and the
median number of individual sessions attended
was 4 in the first 6 months and 1 in the last 18
months. In the group receiving in-person sup-
port only, the median number of phone calls was
4 in the first 6 months and 11 in the last 18
months. Both intervention groups used the Web
site frequently. The number of reports reviewed
by the PCPs was similar in the two groups. The
percentage of participants who dropped out of the
intervention (defined as having no contact with a
coach and no use of study Web site for 2 months)
was 5.0% at 6 months and 13.0% at 24 months
for the group receiving remote support and 8.7%
at 6 months and 15.9% at 24 months for the
group receiving in-person support.
Adverse Events
There was one serious adverse event that may have
been related to the study. One participant in the
group receiving in-person support was assaulted
while exercising and had musculoskeletal injuries.
At data-collection visits, 48 hospitalizations were
reported (15 in the control group, 15 in the group
receiving remote support, and 18 in the group re-
ceiving in-person support). There were no deaths
or serious hypoglycemic events.
The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
ne w eng l an d jour na l
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n engl j med 365;21 november 24, 2011
Table 2. Baseline Characteristics of the Study Participants*
Characteristic Control
(N = 138) Remote Support Only
(N = 139) In-Person Support
(N = 138) All Participants
(N = 415)
Age — yr 52.9±10.1 55.8±9.7 53.3±10.5 54.0±10.2
Weight — kg 104.4±18.6 102.1±13.9 105.01±20.7 103.4±17.9
BMI† 36.8±5.14 36.0±4.7 36.8±5.2 36.6±5.0
Waist circumference — cm 118.2±13.7 117.9±12.7 118.2±14.4 118.1±13.6
Race or ethnic group — no. (%)‡§
Asian 2 (1.4) 2 (1.4) 0 (0.0) 4 (1.0)
Black 59 (42.8) 52 (37.4) 59 (42.8) 170 (41.0)
White 72 (52.2) 83 (59.7) 78 (56.5) 233 (56.1)
Other 5 (3.6) 2 (1.4) 1 (0.7) 8 (1.9)
Hispanic 3 (2.2) 3 (2.2) 3 (2.2) 9 (2.2)
Education — no. (%)
High-school graduate or less 18 (13.0) 15 (10.8) 11 (8.0) 44 (10.6)
Some college 45 (32.6) 43 (30.9) 37 (26.8) 125 (30.1)
College graduate 75 (54.3) 81 (58.3) 90 (65.2) 246 (59.3)
Female sex — no. (%) 88 (63.8) 88 (63.3) 88 (63.8) 264 (63.6)
Household income — no. (%)
<$50,000 33 (23.9) 28 (20.1) 30 (21.7) 91 (21.9)
$50,000–99,999 52 (37.7) 53 (38.1) 50 (36.2) 155 (37.3)
≥$100,000 53 (38.4) 58 (41.7) 58 (42.0) 169 (40.7)
Employment status — no. (%)
Employed 106 (76.8) 101 (72.7) 105 (76.1) 312 (75.2)
Retired 17 (12.3) 28 (20.1) 20 (14.5) 65 (15.7)
Other 15 (10.9) 10 (7.2) 13 (9.4) 38 (9.2)
Health insurance — no. (%)§
Private or HMO 133 (96.4) 136 (97.8) 135 (97.8) 404 (97.3)
Medicare 11 (8.0) 20 (14.4) 13 (9.4) 44 (10.6)
Medicaid 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 2 (1.4) 2 (0.5)
Uninsured 3 (2.2) 1 (0.7) 0 (0.0) 4 (1.0)
Medical conditions — no. (%)
Hypertension¶ 106 (77.4) 112 (80.6) 98 (71.0) 316 (76.3)
Diabetes 32 (23.2) 31 (22.3) 33 (23.9) 96 (23.1)
Hypercholesterolemia 94 (68.1) 99 (71.2) 88 (63.8) 281 (67.7)
Daily Internet use — % 119 (86.2) 120 (86.3) 121 (87.7) 360 (86.7)
Weight loss attempted in last 12 mo — no. (%) 117 (84.8) 113 (81.3) 117 (84.8) 347 (83.6)
* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. With the exception of age (P = 0.03 by analysis of variance) there were no significant differences in base-
line characteristics among the three study groups. HMO denotes health maintenance organization.
† The body-mass index (BMI) is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.
‡ Race or ethnic group was self-reported.
§ The categories listed under race or ethnic group and under health insurance are not mutually exclusive, and the percentages for these cate-
gories therefore do not sum to 100.
Data on hypertension were not available for one participant in the control group.
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Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Weight-L oss Interventions i n Cl inical Pr act ice
n engl j med 365;21 november 24, 2011
In this comparative effectiveness trial, in which
obese medical patients with at least one cardio-
vascular risk factor were enrolled, two behavioral
interventions — one involving no in-person contact
with weight-loss coaches associated with the study
or with other participants — achieved clinically
relevant weight loss. The extent of weight loss was
similar to that achieved in many efficacy stud-
In contrast with the findings in most
weight-loss trials,
however, participants sus-
tained weight loss to the end of the trial. A large
percentage of participants lost 5% or more of their
initial body weight, an amount of weight loss that
has been associated with numerous health bene-
fits, including improved control of diabetes and
hypertension, a reduced risk of incident diabetes
and hypertension, and lower levels of risk factors
for cardiovascular disease.
In contrast with most weight-loss trials, this
was a trial of effectiveness rather than efficacy. At
each point in its design and implementation, we
tailored our approach to reflect the setting
namely, primary care practices. For example, we
did not have a run-in period or conduct an adher-
ence test before randomization, required only two
visits by potential participants to determine eligi-
bility, and modified our interventions considerably,
mostly by reducing the intensity of the intervention
and increasing flexibility. For the participants in
the group receiving in-person support, we encour-
aged but did not mandate participation in group
sessions and gave these participants the option of
maintaining individual contact by phone rather
than in person. Unlike efficacy trials, in which one
Remote support only
In-person support
Weight Change (kg)
60 12 24
Months since Randomization
Figure 1. Mean Weight Change According to Randomized Group.
Table 3. Proportion of Participants Who Met Various Weight-Loss Criteria at 6 and 24 Months of Follow-up.
Criterion Control Remote Support
Only In-Person
Support P Value
Support Only
vs. Control
vs. Control
Support vs.
Support Only
no. of participants/total no. (%)
At or below baseline weight
6 mo 75/113 (66.4) 110/129 (85.3) 105/124 (84.7) <0.001 0.001 0.84
24 mo 67/128 (52.3) 101/131 (77.1) 99/133 (74.4) <0.001 <0.001 0.81
At least 5% below baseline weight
6 mo 16/113 (14.2) 68/129 (52.7) 57/124 (46.0) <0.001 <0.001 0.23
24 mo 24/128 (18.8) 50/131 (38.2) 55/133 (41.4) <0.001 <0.001 0.73
At least 10% below baseline weight
6 mo 4/113 (3.5) 30/129 (23.3) 31/124 (25.0) <0.001 <0.001 0.92
24 mo 11/128 (8.6) 24/131 (18.3) 26/133 (19.5) 0.02 0.01 0.69
BMI <30
6 mo 12/113 (10.6) 36/129 (27.9) 27/124 (21.8) <0.001 0.02 0.22
24 mo 10/128 (7.8) 36/131 (27.5) 25/133 (18.8) <0.001 0.01 0.07
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ne w eng l an d jour na l
o f
me di ci ne
n engl j med 365;21 november 24, 2011
eligibility criterion is confirmed availability for
group sessions, we imposed no such requirement,
a policy that no doubt contributed to low atten-
dance at group sessions.
Few trials have attempted behavioral weight-
loss strategies in the primary care setting, and
none have implemented interventions similar to
those tested in the POWER trial. Tsai and Wadden
Table 4. Numbers of Recommended and Actual Contacts According to Intervention Group.
Type of Contact Beginning of Study to 6 Mo 7 Mo to End of Study*
Remote Support Only In-Person Support Remote Support Only In-Person Support
Recommended† Actual‡ Recommended† Actual‡ Recommended† Actual‡ Recommended† Actual‡
Total no. of contacts 15 21 18 36
Median 14 14 16 16
Quartile 1 13 9 12 10
Quartile 3 15 17 18 20
Telephone calls (no.) 15 3 18 12
Median 14 4 16 11
Quartile 1 13 2 12 6
Quartile 3 15 5 18 14
In-person sessions (no.)
Individual 6 6
Median 4 1
Quartile 1 2 0
Quartile 3 5 4
Group 12 18
Median 6.5 1
Quartile 1 2 0
Quartile 3 9 4
Study Web site
No. of wk with log-ins 26 26 72 72
Median 23 20.5 35 32
Quartile 1 17 14 16 11
Quartile 3 25 25 59 58
No. of modules completed 12 12 18 18
Median 12 12 16 8
Quartile 1 12 6 5 0
Quartile 3 12 12 17 16
No. of reports reviewed
with participant NA NA NA NA
Median 1 1 1 1
Quartile 1 0 0 0 0
Quartile 3 1 1 2 2
* The end of the study occurred 22 to 26 months after randomization. NA denotes not applicable.
† The recommended number of contacts was determined on the basis of a 24-month intervention period.
‡ The actual number of contacts was determined between 22 and 26 months after randomization.
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Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Weight-L oss Interventions i n Cl inical Pr act ice
n engl j med 365;21 november 24, 2011
conducted a systematic review of the literature
on this topic.
Of the 10 trials identified, 4 trials
tested the use of PCP counseling alone, 3 tested
PCP counseling with pharmacotherapy, and 3 test-
ed a collaborative approach in which the interven-
tion was delivered by care providers other than
PCPs. The results of these trials were inconsistent,
and most of them had one or more limitations
(e.g., small sample size, brief duration, low rate of
follow-up, or a combination thereof).
Our trial has limitations. Its duration, although
longer than that of many weight-loss trials, was
only 2 years. Still, to our knowledge, it is one of
the longest trials of a remote (telephone- or Web-
based) intervention.
Second, the study was a
single-center trial, although it did involve six clin-
ics. Third, the relative contribution of each compo-
nent of the interventions (personalized counseling,
reinforcement by PCPs, and Web-based support) is
difficult to assess. Fourth, although we collected
data on cardiovascular risk factors (in the Supple-
mentary Appendix), we did not design the trial to
reconfirm the well-established relationship be-
tween weight reduction and improvements in
blood pressure, lipid profile, and glucose levels.
Consequently, nonsignificant relationships should
be interpreted cautiously. The trial also had several
strengths, including a diverse population and high
rates of adherence and follow-up.
Our results have implications for the delivery of
behavioral interventions. First, in contrast with
previous interventions involving only telephone- or
Web-based interventions, the weight loss achieved
in the group receiving remote support only was
substantial and similar in magnitude to that
achieved in the group receiving in-person support
in addition to remote support. The effectiveness of
remote support is particularly noteworthy because
of the flexibility it offers to both participants and
coaches and because it is scalable.
Second, im-
plementing programs similar to those used in the
intervention groups in primary care could help
stem the tide of obesity-related disease, but it
would also require changes in health care delivery
systems and reimbursement policies.
in our study a disease-management company de-
livered the intervention restricted to remote sup-
port only, other groups, including large physician
practices and insurers, could implement such pro-
grams, which could also be part of patient-centered
medical home initiatives. Finally, the paradigm of
remote counseling, reinforcement of patient change
by PCPs, and use of a Web site with portals for
patients, counselors, and physicians could improve
the management of other chronic conditions.
Supported by grants from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute (HL087085), the Prevention and Control Core of the Balti-
more Diabetes Research and Training Center (P60DK079637), and
the National Center for Research Resources (UL1RR025005) and
by Healthways.
Dr. Louis reports receiving consulting fees from Bristol-Myers
Squibb and Merck and royalties from Taylor and Francis Pub-
lishing. Johns Hopkins University has an institutional consult-
ing agreement with Healthways. No other potential conf lict of
interest relevant to this article was reported.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
We thank the participants in the POWER trial, who made this
study possible; the members of the data and safety monitoring
board; several organizations that provided assistance with the
conduct of the trial — Johns Hopkins ProHealth, Healthways,
Centennial Medical Center, Johns Hopkins Community Physi-
cians, and Park Medical Associates; and a number of persons
(listed in the Supplementary Appendix) who contributed to the
success of the trial but are not authors.
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... De los 27 estudios seleccionados, un 70% (37-66) no aporta suficiente información acerca de la intervención de coaching. En cuanto a la definición de estrategias utilizadas, un 44% (23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)37,38,(50)(51)(52)59,62,66) especifica la utilización de habilidades comunicativas por parte del coach; un 59% (23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(32)(33)(34)(35)39,(44)(45)(46)59,62,66) se centra en el rol del paciente y del profesional; un 81% (23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(42)(43)(44)(45)(46)(47)(48)50,51,53,56,(58)(59)(60)(61)(62)(63)(64)(65) destaca la importancia de fijar objetivos conjuntamente entre paciente y profesional de la salud; un 26% (23-31,33-36) explica la utilización del plan de acción para llevar a la práctica las opciones valoradas; un 70% (23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)44,(46)(47)(48)(49)(50)(51)(52)(56)(57)(58)(60)(61)(62)64,65) se centra en identificar las barreras y encontrar soluciones; el mismo porcentaje se basa en el abordaje emocional (23-30,32-38,40,41,44- Es interesante comparar estos resultados con los de Wolever y cols. en 2013, quienes encontraron que en función del filtro aplicado entre un 11% y un 23% de los artículos no documentan detalles adecuados para identificar los procesos usados en sus intervenciones de coaching, y casi un tercio de los artículos no describen las técnicas de coaching realmente empleadas. ...
... De los 27 estudios seleccionados, un 70% (37-66) no aporta suficiente información acerca de la intervención de coaching. En cuanto a la definición de estrategias utilizadas, un 44% (23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)37,38,(50)(51)(52)59,62,66) especifica la utilización de habilidades comunicativas por parte del coach; un 59% (23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(32)(33)(34)(35)39,(44)(45)(46)59,62,66) se centra en el rol del paciente y del profesional; un 81% (23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(42)(43)(44)(45)(46)(47)(48)50,51,53,56,(58)(59)(60)(61)(62)(63)(64)(65) destaca la importancia de fijar objetivos conjuntamente entre paciente y profesional de la salud; un 26% (23-31,33-36) explica la utilización del plan de acción para llevar a la práctica las opciones valoradas; un 70% (23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)44,(46)(47)(48)(49)(50)(51)(52)(56)(57)(58)(60)(61)(62)64,65) se centra en identificar las barreras y encontrar soluciones; el mismo porcentaje se basa en el abordaje emocional (23-30,32-38,40,41,44- Es interesante comparar estos resultados con los de Wolever y cols. en 2013, quienes encontraron que en función del filtro aplicado entre un 11% y un 23% de los artículos no documentan detalles adecuados para identificar los procesos usados en sus intervenciones de coaching, y casi un tercio de los artículos no describen las técnicas de coaching realmente empleadas. ...
... En algunos estudios (27)(28)(29)31,(33)(34)(35)40,41,(54)(55)(56) no se aporta suficiente información que especifique la formación de coaching que reciben los profesionales que aplican la intervención, por lo que no podemos garantizar que ésta exista. Por otra parte, en un 18% de los estudios incluidos en nuestra revisión (28,29,49,56,58,64,65) no se comenta nada al respecto de la formación académica del personal que aplica coaching, aspecto que impide saber los conocimientos técnicos que posee. Es interesante mencionar los resultados de la revisión sistemática de Wolever y cols. ...
Introduction: poor dietary habits and lack of physical activity are associated with non-communicable diseases. A healthy diet during childhood is important for the prevention of these diseases in the short and long term. Objectives: improve eating habits, promote the Mediterranean diet (MD) and prevent and/or reverse overweight and obesity in children aged 3 to 12 years. Methods: the program includes 3 to 5 visits with dietitian-nutritionists, 1 telephone control and 1 practical workshop, with a follow-up of 1 year. Anthropometric, body composition and eating habits data are collected, and nutritional education is provided. Results: the program included 1018 participants (51.5 % boys; median age 8.5 ± 2.7 years). At baseline, 31 % were overweight or obese and 33.9 % had optimal MD. 696 participants completed the 12-month follow-up, and an increase in the percentage of participants following optimal MD was observed (38.1 % vs. 53.4 %; p < 0.001). Statistically significant improvements were also observed in relation to the consumption of fruits (except for 3 servings/day), vegetables, legumes, nuts and wholegrains cereals. In participants who were overweight or obese, a slight decrease in the mean BMI z-score was observed at the 12-month follow-up (p = 0.039). Conclusions: the results highlight the need for nutritional education in children and show that the Nutriplato® Program is effective in improving eating habits.
... Telemedicine platforms can tailor interventions to suit the unique needs and goals of each individual, making weight loss strategies more effective and relevant. 57 Behavioral support plays a pivotal role in telemedicinebased weight loss interventions, as demonstrated by Appel et al. 58 In a two-year study with 415 obese individuals, each having at least one cardiovascular risk factor, they evaluated a telemedicine-based behavioral weight loss program. Participants were randomly divided into three groups: (1) remote support via telephone, website, and email, (2) in-person support along with remote methods, and (3) a self-directed weight management control group. ...
... Additionally, more participants in the remote support groups achieved a 5% or more reduction in their initial weight. 58 Moreover, telemedicine provides individuals with easy access to educational resources, healthy recipes, food records, and informative materials, as reported by Cohen et al. 59 empowering them with knowledge for sustainable weight loss. The social dimension of telemedicine interventions cannot be overlooked, as highlighted by Doorenbos et al. 60 Through virtual support groups and communities, individuals find motivation and a sense of belonging, both essential for long-term success in weight loss programs. ...
Abstract Background and objective: Obesity and its associated health challenges represent a pressing global concern. Telemedicine interventions offer a promising solution for effective weight loss support. This study examines the impact of telemedicine interventions on weight loss support. Methods: We conducted a search of PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, starting from their inception. Both researchers systematically selected articles and extracted data using a designated data collection form. To assess the risk of bias in the included studies, we employed the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. Publication bias was evaluated through funnel plots and Egger's and Begg's tests. Utilizing the gathered data, we computed the standardized mean differences (Hedges's g) between the treatment and control groups. We estimated heterogeneity variance using the Q test and I2 statistic. The analysis was carried out using Stata 17.0. Results: Out of a total of 2626 retrieved articles, 30 studies were included in the analysis. Telemedicine interventions can cause weight loss in people (Hedges's g = 0.09, 95% CI: −0.13, 0.39; p-value < 0.001). The type of telemedicine intervention and target population were a significant moderator of the heterogeneity between studies (p < 0.05). Conclusion: This study highlights the potential of telemedicine interventions as valuable tools in weight loss programs. Embracing these technologies can enhance the effectiveness of weight management strategies for diverse populations.
... Although weight losses in mobile health (mHealth) programs are typically less, on average, than traditional programs with human input, mHealth programs can achieve clinically significant weight loss in as many as 25%-40% of participants. 19,20 There is promise in "hybrid" interventions, which combine personalized, specialized care provided by dietitians and more resource-efficient, scalable, digital technologies that are pervasive and well-accepted for nutrition and weight loss. [21][22][23] They can produce weight losses comparable to or greater than those in interventions with human support, and greater than those in interventions with technology alone. ...
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Objective Adaptive interventions may improve the potency and scalability of behavioral weight loss interventions, but the treatments—or treatment combinations—that should be offered are unknown. A two‐stage pilot sequential multiple assignment randomized trial was used to test the timing and dose of human support added to a core digital weight loss program. Methods In stage 1, 99 adults with overweight/obesity were randomized at baseline to a kick‐off with or without additional human support. In stage 2, “early non‐responders” who had not achieved a 2% weight loss were re‐randomized after 4 weeks to either biweekly counseling (120 min over 8 weeks) or a one‐time check‐in (30 min) with a dietitian. “Early responders” continued with the mHealth program alone. Feasibility and acceptability were assessed against pre‐specified criteria. Preliminary outcomes (weight loss, self‐monitoring and behavioral goal adherence) were explored. Results The study met all feasibility and acceptability criteria. The rate of early response was 52.5%. Mean (SE) 3‐month percent weight losses were significantly greater in early responders (−6.63% (0.72)) than non‐responders (−1.70% (0.43), p < 0.001). Outcomes were similar by first‐ and second‐line treatment though more counseling (27.3%) than check‐in (12.5%) participants achieved a 5% weight loss. Conclusions Identifying early responders may help optimize weight loss interventions, but more research is needed on rescue treatments for early non‐responders. Trial Registration, NCT05929469.
... Repeated failures by individuals to lose weight feed into a burgeoning marketplace (U.S. Weight Loss & Diet Control Market, 2023). Clinical trials show that nonsurgical weight loss interventions can work (Appel et al., 2011), but meta-analytical reviews have sometimes found minimal effects (Booth et al., 2014). Reviews of commercial weight loss programs in the USA show that intervention effect sizes are small (Gudzune, 2015), and noncumulative over time, with peak weight loss at 6 months following intervention in a review of impacts extending out to 48 months (Franz et al., 2007). ...
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Obesity is increasing around the world, with lower income individuals showing more obesity than wealthier ones in high income countries, where they live in more obesogenic environments. Bariatric surgery is trending as a method of inducing weight loss in high income countries; pills are popular but ineffective. As an OECD country, New Zealand has higher levels of obesity among its less affluent, and this is especially prevalent among its Pasifika and Māori minorities. Both Te Whatu Ora (Ministry of Health) and Total Healthcare (THC, a large Primary Health Organisation) were concerned with obesity reaching epidemic proportions, and a lack of effective existing remedies. They worked together to put together a “unique and unsolicited proposal” to fund Brown Buttabean Motivation (BBM) to provide its 12 week From the Couch (FTC) lifestyle change and weight loss program more widely to a predominantly Māori and Pacific clientele in South Auckland. The formative evaluation reported here documents how THC and BBM worked together to provide FTC to over a hundred obese and overly obese clients (BMI>=30), providing weight loss and mental health gains (i.e. lower depressive symptoms) to the 57% who completed the program. THC nurses, doctors, and health coaches contributed to and supported delivery of FTC. Rigorous and timely evaluation rather than competitive tender was used for quality control. It was found that a supportive environment (no judgement) and peer-based education (accepting no excuses) motivated clients (average initial weight of 180 kg) through not only diet and exercise training, but also through social media where Facebook groups formed helpful communities that supported face-to-face work in the gym. We close with discussion of BBM’s principles for success, and how extensible this might be to other communities.
... months. These results were similar to the 24-month weight loss observed in the ILI groups of clinical trials conducted in academic health centers, such as the DPP [16] and Look AHEAD [17], as well as to primary care-based ILIs, such as the Practice-based Opportunities for Weight Reduction (POWER) trials in Baltimore [18], Boston [19], and Philadelphia [20]. ...
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Purpose of Review Considerable current interest is directed at pharmacological agents for producing significant weight loss. However, healthy lifestyle choices can also lead to clinically meaningful weight loss and improvements in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. Recent Findings In this review, we summarize the recent research from our PROmoting Successful Weight Loss in Primary CarE in Louisiana (PROPEL) randomized controlled trial and review previous data on the potential benefits of cardiac rehabilitation and exercise training (CRET) programs to produce weight loss and improvements in CVD risk factors. Summary Although obesity medications are becoming extremely attractive for secondary and even primary CVD prevention, high-intensity non-pharmacological therapies with healthy lifestyle choices reviewed herein can also lead to substantial health improvements in patients with obesity, including improvements in body weight and other body composition parameters as well as overall CVD risk.
... Remote interventions can be delivered synchronously via videoconference or telephone at scheduled times, or asynchronously, via text messaging or in discussion threads on online platforms. A non-inferiority randomized trial compared a synchronous remote lifestyle intervention that involved telephone counseling, a website, and email to a synchronous in-person condition that involved individual and group visits [6]. Results revealed no differences in weight loss between groups at 6 months. ...
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Objective Lifestyle interventions are effective, but those delivered via in-person group meetings have poor scalability and reach. Research is needed to establish if remotely delivered lifestyle interventions are non-inferior to in-person delivered lifestyle interventions. Methods We conducted a randomized non-inferiority trial (N = 329) to compare a lifestyle intervention delivered remotely and asynchronously via an online social network (Get Social condition) to one delivered via in-person groups (Traditional condition). We hypothesized that the Get Social condition would result in a mean percent weight loss at 12 months that was not inferior to the Traditional condition. Additional outcomes included intervention delivery costs per pound lost and acceptability (e.g., convenience, support, modality preferences). Results At 12 months, no significant difference in percent weight change was observed between the Get Social and Traditional conditions (2.7% vs. 3.7%, p = 0.17) however, criteria for non-inferiority were not met. The Get Social condition costs 21.45perpoundlostversus21.45 per pound lost versus 26.24 for the Traditional condition. A greater percentage of Get Social condition participants rated participation as convenient (65% vs 44%; p = 0.001). Conclusions Results revealed a remotely-delivered asynchronous lifestyle intervention resulted in slightly less weight loss than an in-person version but may be more economical and convenient. Trial registration NCT02646618;
Glucagon-like peptide agonists (GLP-1) are highly effective anti-obesity medications. However, sustained effectiveness is potentially plagued by lack of adherence to the drug and resumption of pre-weight loss behaviors. Side effects are primarily severe gastrointestinal distress but can occasionally be more serious. Health and well-being coaching (HWC) is an important obesity intervention that can be used alongside GLP-1 prescription. HWC is documented to improve medication adherence and promote healthy behavior change. A coach who understands the complexities of rapid weight loss, specifically with GLP-1, can help the patient persist with the treatment. Moreover, the coach can assist in navigating GLP-1 side effects including undesirable loss of skeletal muscle during the weight loss period. A patient-centric and collaborative relationship seem essential to the HWC process. Specific coaching techniques are suggested for working with patients losing weight. The logical, but yet to be tested, expectation is that HWC as an adjuvant intervention to GLP-1 prescription will improve medication adherence and encourage sustained weight loss and health benefits in patients with obesity.
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Background Considering the increasing prevalence of obesity/overweight, its treatment or prevention with new interventions can greatly help health and reduce its adverse effects in people. One of these new interventions is investigating the effect of Survodutide as a dual agonist of glucagon and GLP-1 receptors, which seems to be able to influence weight loss processes in different ways. In this study, we investigated the effect of injectable Survodutide on weight loss. Methods In order to identify all randomized controlled trials that investigated the effects of Survodutide on factores related to obesity, a systematic search was conducted in the original databases using predefined keywords until August 2024. The pooled weighted mean difference and 95% confidence intervals were computed using the random-effects model. Results The Findings from 18 treatment arms with 1029 participants indicated significant reductions in weight (WMD: -8.33 kg; 95% CI: -10.80, -5.86; I² = 99.6%), body mass index (BMI) (WMD:-4.03 kg/m²; 95% CI: -4.86, -3.20; I2 = 72.7%), and waist circumferences (WC) (WMD: -6.33 cm; 95% CI: -8.85 to -3.81; I² = 99.5%) following the Survodutide injection compared to the control group. Subgroup analysis reveals that longer interventions (more than 16 weeks) and higher doses (more than 2 mg/week) of Survodutide are associated with more significant reductions in weight and WC. These results were also observed in the meta-regression analysis. Conclusions The results of this meta-analysis show that Survodutide is effective in reducing weight, BMI and waist circumference, especially with longer interventions and higher doses.
Overweight and obesity affect 71.2% of adults in the United States, with cancer survivors not far behind at 70.3%. Subgroups such as those diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) face even greater challenges. The Exercise and Quality Diet after Leukemia (EQUAL) trial sought to address weight management issues among ALL survivors by implementing a remotely delivered weight loss intervention, leveraging the previously proven Practice-based Opportunities for Weight Reduction (POWER) program. Despite a strong foundation and design, the EQUAL trial yielded null results. Key differences in study populations and intervention contexts between the EQUAL and POWER trials, such as the lack of primary care physician involvement in EQUAL, contributed to these outcomes. EQUAL’s failure to meet its accrual target and poor adherence among participants highlighted challenges in engaging this unique population. Contrary to EQUAL’s conclusions, evidence from other studies supports the efficacy of remote interventions for weight loss among cancer survivors. The lack of qualitative assessment among ALL survivors and key integration to inform intervention adaptations undermined EQUAL’s impact. However, EQUAL’s impressive retention rate offers valuable insights. Lessons from EQUAL underscore the need for well-fitted, remotely delivered interventions and the importance of thoughtfully adapted and tailored approaches to specific survivor populations. See related article by Fiedmann et al., p. 1158
This statement summarizes the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations on screening for obesity in adults based on the USPSTF's examination of evidence specific to obesity and overweight in adults and updates the 1996 recommendations on this topic. The complete USPSTF recommendation and rationale statement on this topic, which includes a brief review of the supporting evidence, is available through the USPSTF Web site (, the National Guideline Clearinghouse (, and in print through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Publications Clearinghouse (telephone, 800-358-9295; e-mail, The complete information on which this statement is based, including evidence tables and references, is available in the accompanying article in this issue and in the summary of the evidence and systematic evidence review on the Web sites already mentioned. The summary of the evidence is also available in print through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Publications Clearinghouse.
Background: Lifestyle interventions produce short-term improvements in glycemia and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus, but no long-term data are available. We examined the effects of lifestyle intervention on changes in weight, fitness, and CVD risk factors during a 4-year study. Methods: The Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) trial is a multicenter randomized clinical trial comparing the effects of an intensive lifestyle intervention (ILI) and diabetes support and education (DSE; the control group) on the incidence of major CVD events in 5145 overweight or obese individuals (59.5% female; mean age, 58.7 years) with type 2 diabetes mellitus. More than 93% of participants provided outcomes data at each annual assessment. Results: Averaged across 4 years, ILI participants had a greater percentage of weight loss than DSE participants (-6.15% vs -0.88%; P < .001) and greater improvements in treadmill fitness (12.74% vs 1.96%; P < .001), hemoglobin A(1c) level (-0.36% vs -0.09%; P < .001), systolic (-5.33 vs -2.97 mm Hg; P < .001) and diastolic (-2.92 vs -2.48 mm Hg; P = .01) blood pressure, and levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (3.67 vs 1.97 mg/dL; P < .001) and triglycerides (-25.56 vs -19.75 mg/dL; P < .001). Reductions in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were greater in DSE than ILI participants (-11.27 vs -12.84 mg/dL; P = .009) owing to greater use of medications to lower lipid levels in the DSE group. At 4 years, ILI participants maintained greater improvements than DSE participants in weight, fitness, hemoglobin A(1c) levels, systolic blood pressure, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. Conclusions: Intensive lifestyle intervention can produce sustained weight loss and improvements in fitness, glycemic control, and CVD risk factors in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Whether these differences in risk factors translate to reduction in CVD events will ultimately be addressed by the Look AHEAD trial. Trial registration: Identifier: NCT00017953.
Objective: To provide a firmer basis for preventing high blood pressure (BP), we tested interventions to promote weight loss, dietary sodium reduction, and their combination for lowering diastolic BP, systolic BP, and the incidence of hypertension during a 3- to 4-year period. Methods: We conducted a randomized, 2x2 factorial, clinical trial, with BP levels measured by blinded observers. Nine academic medical centers recruited 2382 men and women (age range, 30-54 years) not taking antihypertensive drugs, with a diastolic BP of 83 to 89 mm Hg, a systolic BP lower than 140 mm Hg, and a body mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) representing 110% to 165% of desirable body weight. Counseling aimed at helping participants achieve their desirable weight or a 4.5-kg or more weight reduction (in the weight loss and combined groups) and/or sodium intake of 80 mmol/d (in the sodium reduction and combined groups) was provided. Results: From baseline, participants' weight decreased by 4.3 to 4.5 kg at 6 months and by approximately 2 kg at 36 months in the weight loss and combined groups compared with weight changes in the usual care group (all groups, P<.001). Sodium excretion decreased 50 and 40 mmol/d at 6 and 36 months, respectively, in the sodium reduction group and about 15 mmol/d less at each time point in the combined group compared with the usual care group (all groups, P<.01). Compared with the usual care group, BP decreased 3.7/2.7 mm Hg in the weight loss group, 2.9/1.6 mm Hg in the sodium reduction group, and 4.0/2.8 mm Hg in the combined group at 6 months (all groups, P<.001). At 36 months, BP decreases remained greater in the active intervention groups than in the usual care group (weight loss group, 1.3/0.9 mm Hg; sodium reduction group, 1.2/0.7 mm Hg; combined group, 1.1/0.6 mm Hg). Differences were statistically significant for systolic and diastolic BP in the weight loss group and for systolic BP in the sodium reduction group. Through 48 months, the incidence of hypertension (BP greater than or equal to 140 mm Hg systolic or greater than or equal to 90 mm Hg diastolic or the use of antihypertensive drugs) was significantly less in each active intervention group than the usual care group (average relative risks, 0.78-0.82). Conclusions: In overweight adults with high-normal BP, weight loss and reduction in sodium intake, individually and in combination, were effective in lowering systolic and diastolic BP, especially in the short-term (6 months). Although the effects on average BP declined over time, reductions in hypertension incidence were achieved.
The combination of sibutramine and lifestyle counseling induced a clinically and statistically significant weight loss at 6 months in all intervention groups ranging from 5.2% (SELF) to 8.9% (HF-F2F) of initial weight (from 4.5% to 7.5% by using the last observation carried forward). Therefore, we confirmed our hypothesis that overweight and obese patients lost the most weight when exposed to frequent face-to-face dietitian contact and lost the least weight when assigned to a self-help intervention. The HF-F2F group also had the highest percentage of participants who lost at least 5% of their baseline body weight (62%). These results are consistent with those of a recent study (4) that also combined sibutramine with a lifestyle modification program. The higher frequency of the behavioral intervention, which included weekly meetings during the first 18 weeks, the group format of the counseling sessions, and a higher dose of sibutramine (15 mg/d), could explain the greater weight loss seen in that study (estimated at about 11% at 6 months) (4). Contact frequency proved to be an important factor for weight-loss success in our study because for the same type of contact, the LF-F2F group, which had only monthly counseling, yielded statistically significantly lower weight loss (6.4% for repeated-measures approach and 5.4% for last observation carried forward) than did the HF-F2F group at 6 months.
Background: The main 6-month results from the PREMIER trial showed that comprehensive behavioral intervention programs improve lifestyle behaviors and lower blood pressure. Objective: To compare the 18-month effects of 2 multicomponent behavioral interventions versus advice only on hypertension status, lifestyle changes, and blood pressure. Design: Multicenter, 3-arm, randomized trial conducted from January 2000 through November 2002. Setting: 4 clinical centers and a coordinating center. Patients: 810 adult volunteers with prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension (systolic blood pressure, 120 to 159 mm Hg; diastolic blood pressure, 80 to 95 mm Hg). Interventions: A multicomponent behavioral intervention that implemented long-established recommendations ("established"); a multicomponent behavioral intervention that implemented the established recommendations plus the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet ("established plus DASH"); and advice only. Measurements: Lifestyle variables and blood pressure status. Follow-up for blood pressure measurement at 18 months was 94%. Results: Compared with advice only, both behavioral interventions statistically significantly reduced weight, fat intake, and sodium intake. The established plus DASH intervention also statistically significantly increased fruit, vegetable, dairy, fiber, and mineral intakes. Relative to the advice only group, the odds ratios for hypertension at 18 months were 0.83 (95% Cl, 0.67 to 1.04) for the established group and 0.77 (Cl, 0.62 to 0.97) for the established plus DASH group. Although reductions in absolute blood pressure at 18 months were greater for participants in the established and the established plus DASH groups than for the advice only group, the differences were not statistically significant. Limitations: The exclusion criteria and the volunteer nature of this cohort may limit generalizability. Although blood pressure is a well-accepted risk factor for cardiovascular disease, the authors were not able to assess intervention effects on clinical cardiovascular events in this limited time and with this sample size. Conclusions: Over 18 months, persons with prehypertension and stage 1 hypertension can sustain multiple lifestyle modifications that improve control of blood pressure and could reduce the risk for chronic disease.
Background: Obesity poses a considerable and growing health burden. This review examines evidence for screening and treating obesity in adults. Data Sources: MEDLINE and Cochrane Library (January 1994 through February 2003). Study Selection: Systematic reviews; randomized, controlled trials; and observational studies of obesity's health outcomes or efficacy of obesity treatment. Data Extraction: Two reviewers independently abstracted data on study design, sample, sample size, treatment, outcomes, and quality. Data Synthesis: No trials evaluated mass screening for obesity, so the authors evaluated indirect evidence for efficacy. Pharmacotherapy or counseling interventions produced modest (generally 3 to 5 kg) weight loss over at least 6 or 12 months, respectively. Counseling was most effective when intensive and combined with behavioral therapy. Maintenance strategies helped retain weight loss. Selected surgical patients lost substantial weight (10 to 159 kg over 1 to 5 years). Weight reduction improved blood pressure, lipid levels, and glucose metabolism and decreased diabetes incidence. The internal validity of the treatment trials was fair to good, and external validity was limited by the minimal ethnic or gender diversity of volunteer participants. No data evaluated counseling harms. Primary adverse drug effects included hypertension with sibutramine (mean increase, 0 mm Hg to 3.5 mm Hg) and gastrointestinal distress with orlistat (1% to 37% of patients). Fewer than 1% (pooled samples) of surgical patients died; up to 25% needed surgery again over 5 years. Conclusions: Counseling and pharmacotherapy can promote modest sustained weight loss, improving clinical outcomes. Pharmacotherapy appears safe in the short term; long-term safety has not been as strongly established. In selected patients, surgery promotes large amounts of weight loss with rare but sometimes severe complications.
Background: Weight loss appears to be an effective method for primary prevention of hypertension. However, the long-term effects of weight loss on blood pressure have not been extensively studied. Objective: To present detailed results from the weight loss arm of Trials of Hypertension Prevention (TOHP) II. Design: Multicenter, randomized clinical trial testing the efficacy of lifestyle interventions for reducing blood pressure over 3 to 4 years. Participants in TOHP II were randomly assigned to one of four groups. This report focuses only on participants assigned to the weight loss (n = 595) and usual care control (n = 596) groups. Patients: Men and women 30 to 54 years of age who had nonmedicated diastolic blood pressure of 83 to 89 mm Hg and systolic blood pressure less than 140 mm Hg and were 110% to 165% of their ideal body weight at baseline. Intervention: The weight loss intervention included a 3-year program of group meetings and individual counseling focused on dietary change, physical activity, and social support. Measurements: Weight and blood pressure data were collected every 6 months by staff who were blinded to treatment assignment Results: Mean weight change from baseline in the intervention group was -4.4 kg at 6 months, -2.0 kg at 18 months, and -0.2 kg at 36 months. Mean weight change in the control group at the same time points was 0.1, 0.7, and 1.8 kg. Blood pressure was significantly lower in the intervention group than in the control group at 6, 18, and 36 months. The risk ratio for hypertension in the intervention group was 0.58 (95% Cl, 0.36 to 0.94) at 6 months, 0.78 (Cl, 0.62 to 1.00) at 18 months, and 0.81 (Cl, 0.70 to 0.95) at 36 months. In subgroup analyses, intervention participants who lost at least 4.5 kg at 6 months and maintained this weight reduction for the next 30 months had the greatest reduction in blood pressure and a relative risk for hypertension of 0.35 (Cl, 0.20 to 0.59). Conclusions: Clinically significant long-term reductions in blood pressure and reduced risk for hypertension can be achieved with even modest weight loss.