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Summary of: Are sugar-free confections really beneficial for dental health?


Abstract and Figures

Various sugar substitutes have been introduced and are widely used in confections and beverages to avoid tooth decay from sugar and other fermentable carbohydrates. One group of sugar substitutes are sugar alcohols or polyols. They have been specifically used in foods for diabetic patients because polyols are not readily absorbed in the intestine and blood stream, preventing post-prandial elevation of glucose level. Additionally they may lower caloric intake. We searched PubMed, Cochrane Controlled Trials Registry, Cochrane Oral Health Review, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination in the UK, National Library for Public Health and a Centre for Evidence Based Dentistry website up to the end of October 2010, using the search terms 'sugar alcohol' or 'sugar-free' or 'polyols' and combined with a search with terms 'dental caries' or 'dental erosion'. Xylitol, a polyol, has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for its non-cariogenic properties that actually reduce the risk of dental decay and recently, the European Union also officially approved a health claim about xylitol as a 'tooth friendly' component in chewing gums. Although the presence of acidic flavourings and preservatives in sugar-free products has received less attention, these additives may have adverse dental health effects, such as dental erosion. Furthermore, the term sugar-free may generate false security because people may automatically believe that sugar-free products are safe on teeth. We concluded that polyol-based sugar-free products may decrease dental caries incidence but they may bring another dental health risk, dental erosion, if they contain acidic flavouring. There is a need for properly conducted clinical studies in this area.
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Are sugar-free confections
really benecial for
dental health?
H. Nadimi,1 H. Wesamaa,2 S.-J. Janket,3 P. Bollu,4 and J. H. Meurman5
a million years and caries is still widely
observed in developing countries.2
Sugars and other fermentable dietary
carbohydrates are substrates to microor
ganisms that ferment carbohydrates and
generate acids. The acidity causes demin‑
eralisation of the tooth enamel which is the
initial step in dental caries lesions. Hence,
blocking any of the aetiological factors
will decrease caries activity. These include
suppressing acidogenic bacteria in the
mouth by maintaining good oral hygiene
and limiting consumption of fermentable
carbohydrates. In addition, use of uoride,
which reduces enamel liability to acid dis‑
solution, leads to less dental caries.3
Sugar substitutes have been introduced
and widely investigated in limiting the
dietary source of caries hazards.4 Of these,
the sugar alcohol polyols are most popular
today in many foods and beverages. Most
notably, they have been used in chewing
gums and candies as well as in soft drinks
and sports drinks. Furthermore, polyols are
less likely to exacerbate diabetes because
Dental caries is one of the most prevalent
health issues affecting a large proportion
of the world population and is considered
to be the most common form of chronic
disease among schoolchildren. In adults,
untreated tooth decay is seen in 28% of
people aged 35‑44and 18% of people aged
65years and older.1 Caries dates back over
Background Various sugar substitutes have been introduced and are widely used in confections and beverages to avoid
tooth decay from sugar and other fermentable carbohydrates. One group of sugar substitutes are sugar alcohols or polyols.
They have been specically used in foods for diabetic patients because polyols are not readily absorbed in the intestine and
blood stream, preventing post-prandial elevation of glucose level. Additionally they may lower caloric intake. Methods We
searched PubMed, Cochrane Controlled Trials Registry, Cochrane Oral Health Review, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
in the UK, National Library for Public Health and a Centre for Evidence Based Dentistry website up to the end of October
2010, using the search terms ‘sugar alcohol’ or ‘sugar-free’ or ‘polyols’ and combined with a search with terms ‘dental caries’
or ‘dental erosion’. Results Xylitol, a polyol, has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for its non-cari-
ogenic properties that actually reduce the risk of dental decay and recently, the European Union also ofcially approved a
health claim about xylitol as a ‘tooth friendly’ component in chewing gums. Although the presence of acidic avourings and
preservatives in sugar-free products has received less attention, these additives may have adverse dental health effects, such
as dental erosion. Furthermore, the term sugar-free may generate false security because people may automatically believe
that sugar-free products are safe on teeth. Conclusion We concluded that polyol-based sugar-free products may decrease
dental caries incidence but they may bring another dental health risk, dental erosion, if they contain acidic avouring. There
is a need for properly conducted clinical studies in this area.
these molecules are not readily absorbed
into the blood stream.5
Sugar alcohols produce less acid from
fermentation of carbohydrate by oral
microbiota.6 Any acidity surrounding the
tooth, especially a pH below the critical
value of approximately pH 5.5of dental
enamel, may induce chemical dissolution
or erosion.7,8 Dental erosion is a slowly
progressing condition described as the
irreversible loss of dental hard tissue due
to a chemical process without involvement
of microorganisms.9
Acids are frequently added as avour‑
ing and preservative agents in confections
and beverages but their role in dental
health has not been thoroughly studied.10
Depending on whether the acidic com
pound is in liquid or solid form, the loca‑
tion of dental defects may differ. Acidic
liquids preferentially seem to cause ero
sion of the anterior maxillary and man
dibular teeth. Erosion from solid acids
such as in candies manifests mainly on
posterior teeth with smooth, silky‑glazed
1Dental Student, 3*Research A ssociate Professor in
General Dentistry/Research Assistant Professor in
Periodontology and Oral Biology, Henry M. Goldman
School of Dental Medicine, Boston University, 100 East
Newton Street, Boston, MA 02118, USA; 2Institute of
Dentistry, University of Helsinki, FI-00 014, Helsinki,
Finland; 4Assistant Professor and Research Coordina-
tor, College of Dental Medicine, University of Southern
Nevada, 11 Sunset Way, Henderson, N V 89014, USA;
5Professor of Oral Infectious Diseases, Institute of
Dentistry, University of Helsinki/Department of Oral
and Maxillofacial Diseases, Helsinki Universit y Central
Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
*Correspondence to: Dr Sok-Ja Janket
Online article number E15
Refereed Paper - accepted 7 April 2011
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.823
©British Dental Journal 2011; 211: E15
Sugar-free does not mean calorie-free.
Some sugar-free products generate nearly
50% of calories produced by table sugar.
In general, sugar-free products may help
prevent dental caries. However, if they
contain acidic additives, it may increase
the probabilit y of demineralising enamel,
thus causing dental erosion.
Avoiding acid-containing, usually fruit-
avoured sugar-free products may be
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appearance of enamel and cupping of the
occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth.10
In comparison to what is known about
the fermentation of sucrose and other
fermentable sugars, data regarding oral
health consequences of polyols are sparse.
The present review is mainly based on a
PubMed literature search up to the end
of October 2010 resulting in the collec
tion of 471 references with the keywords
‘sugar alcohol’ or ‘sugar free’ or ‘polyols’
and combined with a search using the
terms ‘dental caries’ or ‘dental erosion’. We
also searched Cochrane Controlled Trials
Registry, Cochrane Oral Health Review,
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
in the UK, American Dental Association
Library and National Library for Public
Health, and a Centre for Evidence Based
Dentistry (CEBD) website, but did not
nd any additional literature. The lack
of well‑conducted studies or randomised
trials on the topic prohibited us from
conducting a meta‑analysis and quanti
fying dental erosion. The review is thus
mainly descriptive.
Polyols are naturally found in fruits and
vegetables but are also manufactured from
inorganic sources.5 Polyols are hydrogen‑
ated forms of carbohydrates whose car
bonyl group has been reduced to primary
or secondary hydroxyl group with struc‑
tural similarities to sugars and/or alcohols.
Polyols are typically used in conjunction
with other articial sweeteners because
they tend to have lower sweetness than
natural sugars. Some of the common sugar
alcohols include xylitol (5‑carbon sugar
alcohol), sorbitol (6‑carbon sugar alcohol),
maltitol (12‑carbon sugar alcohol), man‑
nitol (6‑carbon sugar alcohol), and isomalt
(12‑carbon sugar alcohol).
The primary indication for polyols has
been in the production of foods for peo‑
ple suffering from diabetes because unlike
sugars, polyols are not readily absorbed in
the intestine. This prevents post‑prandial
uctuation of the blood glucose levels and
helps in achieving lower caloric intake.
However, polyols are not calorie‑free,
as shown in Table1. Sorbitol generates
nearly 65% of the calories from the same
amount of sucrose, and the lowest calories
are generated by lactitol and isomalt, with
50% of the calories that sucrose generates.
Therefore, high levels of polyol intake may
still have deleterious effects on the blood
sugar level although to a lesser extent
than other caloric sweeteners. In addition,
because polyols are not well‑absorbed in
the intestine, accumulation of unabsorbed
polyols may cause gastro‑intestinal distur
bance and osmotic diarrhoea, which is not
within the scope of this review.
Polyols and oral health
There have been particularly many studies
analysing the effects of xylitol in chew
ing gum.11–13 Xylitol has been approved
by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) for its non‑cariogenic properties that
actually reduce the risk of dental decay.14
Recently, the European Commission also
approved a health claim of xylitol on
‘tooth friendliness’ when used in chewing
Oral bacteria are unable to ferment
xylitol. Studies have also shown that
xylitol chewing gum can increase salivary
ow leading to improved buffering effects
of the saliva.16 Furthermore, xylitol has the
ability to reduce the growth of oral bacte‑
ria by inhibiting glycolysis. When xylitol
is taken up by oral bacteria, it is incorpo‑
rated as xylitol 5‑phosphate which inhib‑
its the enzymes involved in metabolism.17
Sugar alcohols have been termed as non‑
fermentable sugars in the literature, yet
some oral bacteria can metabolise certain
sugar alcohols.18 For example, maltitol and
sorbitol appear to have variable ferment‑
ability depending on the species of bacteria
involved. Among polyols, scientic evi
dence indicates that xylitol demonstrates
the strongest caries prevention effect.19,20
The oral microorganism that displays
strong acidogenicity is Streptococcus
mutans.21 Unlike other species of the
viridans streptococci family, S.mutans
is capable of fermenting mannitol and
sorbitol.22 Lyon showed the various types
of carbohydrates that can be metabolised
by S.mutans and other strains of microor
ganisms.11 He also showed that S.mutans
ferments mannitol but not xylitol. Thus,
xylitol shows superior anticariogenic
properties in this regard.11
There are three notable properties of
xylitol that have made it an important
sugar alcohol in the dental perspective:
1) xylitol is not readily fermented by oral
bacteria, especially by streptococci; 2) it
has been shown to reduce the numbers of
S.mutans in the oral cavity by limiting
the source of fermentable substrates for
their survival; and 3) xylitol can induce
the production of salivary enzymes which
lead to the growth inhibition of bacteria
in plaque.13 Together, these mechanisms
are important in reducing dental caries
incidence in patients. The effective dose
of xylitol appears to be between 6.44g and
10.32g xylitol per day. Furthermore, lower
doses of xylitol have also been shown to be
efcient in caries prevention.23,24
The most commonly used polyol in
several sugar‑free chewing gums in the
United States, however, is sorbitol. This
is mainly due to its low cost compared
to xylitol.25 Since sorbitol is fermented by
mutans streptococci, thereby increasing
the acid production in plaque, it should
be considered low‑cariogenic rather than
non‑cariogenic.26 Animal studies have also
shown that microorganisms can learn to
metabolise sorbitol when the fermentable
sugar supply is restricted.27
Clinical trials with xylitol
The effect of xylitol chewing gum has
been extensively studied over the past
30 years.28 Blocking the early mother‑
child transmission of S.mutans is also an
important step in caries prevention since
the early S.mutans colonisation is con
nected with early childhood caries. The
effect of maternal use of xylitol chewing
gum on caries and on mutans streptococci
in children has been shown to be benecial
in caries reduction, with signicantly less
Table 1 Caloric content of various
sugar alcohols
Name Caloric content (kcal/g)
Sucrose 4
Sorbitol 2.6
Mannitol 1.6
Maltitol 2.1
Lactitol 2
Xylitol 2.4
Isomalt 2
Source: Food Insight sugar alcohols factsheet. Available
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S.mutans colonisation and less caries in
the children.24,29
The use of xylitol products has also been
tested on patients with high caries risk,
with xed orthodontic appliances, disabled
school children and/or veterans with high
root caries risk.30–32 Xylitol appeared to
have caries preventive effects in all but one
of these studies. However, in a two‑year
double blind trial evaluating the effect of
xylitol‑ and xylitol/uoride‑containing
lozenges on proximal caries, no statisti
cally signicant differences were found in
caries incidence between the experimental
groups and a control group that did not
receive lozenges.33
Milk for neonates would be a natural
vehicle for administration of anticaries
compounds. Hence, the taste of xylitol in
milk as a rst step toward measuring the
effectiveness of xylitol‑containing milk on
caries was tested in Peruvian children.34
The xylitol‑sweetened milk appeared to be
well accepted, offering a novel means for
administration. However, we question the
wisdom of introducing sweet taste sensa‑
tion at an early age which may not be
Clinical trials with sorbitol
Sorbitol is the most commonly used polyol
in the United States because of its low cost.
However, only a few clinical trials have
been conducted on its caries‑inhibitory
action. Some trials have been conducted
with xylitol, sorbitol, and mixtures of
xylitol and sorbitol. According to the
review by Burt, chewing sorbitol‑sweet
ened gum no more than three times a day
had low cariogenicity compared to chewing
sugar‑sweetened gum.25 Although small
amounts of sorbitol can be fermented by
oral microorganisms, this amount does not
lower the plaque pH enough to cause dem
ineralisation of enamel.35 In a rat model,
however, an adaptation to sorbitol did take
place and resulted in an enhanced drop in
plaque pH following sorbitol application.27
Caries reduction with other polyols
Lactitol and maltitol have been tested
mainly in laboratory animals. Lactitol, a
lactose‑based sugar alcohol, showed anti‑
dental caries properties similar to xylitol.36
However, since it is made from lactose
and whey, lactose‑intolerant persons may
experience gastric disturbance. Maltitol
was not utilised by mutans streptococci,
nor did it produce sufcient acid to dem‑
ineralise tooth enamel. Replacement of
sucrose with maltitol in the diet resulted
in a trend towards caries reduction.37 More
recently, Mäkinen and co‑workers com
pared the effects of erythritol, a tetritol
(4‑carbon sugar alcohol), with xylitol
and D‑glucitol (a 6‑carbon sugar alcohol)
on the risk of dental caries.38 The use of
erythritol and xylitol resulted in a statis‑
tically signicant reduction in the plaque
and saliva levels of S.mutans (p<0.001
in most cases) and there was also a sig
nicant reduction in the amount of dental
plaque in groups receiving erythritol and
xylitol. Further studies are needed, how‑
ever, to verify these results.
Acids in sugar-free candies
and beverages
Addition of other ingredients such as acids
to produce an enjoyable taste is another
important aspect of sugar‑free candies and
beverages. Acids are also used in foods as
preservatives. From a dental health point
of view, acidic avouring agents have
the same detrimental effects on dental
enamel as the microorganism‑generated
acids from sugar fermentation. This is evi‑
denced by the demineralisation observed
invitro studies39 and also shown following
the consumption of sugar‑free beverages.
The effect of acids in sugar‑free products
has yet to be widely studied invivo, and
more studies are needed in this area of
research. Our literature review will next
expand to dental erosion by discussing the
acids added to sugar‑free products in this
Dental erosion
When a patient presents with dental ero‑
sion, the possibility of frequent consump‑
tion of acidic candies should be considered
as a potential detrimental aetiologic factor.
The risk of erosion from acidic additives in
sugar‑free products has been recognised as
early as 1978 by Kleber and colleagues.40
This phenomenon may be more apparent
in paediatric patients due to low salivary
volume.41 Recently a few invivo, exvivo
and invitro studies have been published
on confections, conrming their erosive
capacity.10,41–45 According to the study by
Wagoner and co‑workers, both original
avour and sour versions of candies were
potentially erosive; generally the erosive
capacity was directly proportional to the
acidity of the candies investigated.45
In a study by Brand and co‑workers, the
erosive potential of several lollipops and
the protective effect of saliva were inves‑
tigated. Ten healthy volunteers consumed
different types of lollipops and their sali‑
vary ow rate and pH was determined. The
lollipops differed in their erosive potential
depending on their avours. Fruit and cola
avoured lollipops had a very low pH of
2.3‑2.4and showed a drop in the salivary
pH to well below the critical value of 5.5.
Strawberry yoghurt and salty liquorice lol
lipops had pH values of 3.8‑4.7and also
resulted in a salivary pH below 5.5.43 Hence
these products appeared to be potentially
detrimental to the teeth.46
Candies are also made in spray‑form in
Europe and some chewing gums are lled
with acidic centers.41,42 The seven candy
sprays tested by Gambon and co‑workers
had an extremely low pH of 1.9‑2.3. All
these candy sprays had erosive potential
and the effect may be even greater with
children as their salivary volume is smaller
than in adults.41 Also the longer exposure
time to these acids may increase the risk of
erosion even more.47 The acidic lling of a
chewing gum reduced the microhardness
of both primary and permanent enamel in
a study by Bolan etal. Sour sweets have
been found to be even more erosive than
orange juice, which is a well‑known ero‑
sive agent.10
Since dental erosion is an irreversible
pathology and erosive lesions on teeth are
difcult to treat, the addition of protec
tive ingredients such as calcium and/or
phosphate to candies has been considered.
The addition of calcium has been shown
to reduce the erosive tendency of poten
tially erosive candies.44,48 Salivary cal
cium concentration of around 15mmol/l
resulted in considerable attenuation in
the erosive potential of a candy compared
to candies without calcium (p<0.001).44
However, one recent study did not observe
any protection against erosion by adding
various minerals.49 The exact quanti
cation of the possible protective effect
of adding calcium into potentially ero
sive candies should be conducted in the
future. The erosive potential of a foodstuff
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is the result of complex interactions of
many molecules where calcium chelat
ing properties are only one parameter.50
Table 2 presents studies where acidic
products have been tested in relation to
dental erosion.
As the use of sorbitol and xylitol contain‑
ing products increases, the public should
be educated on the hidden risk of dental
erosion due to acidic additives as well as
the adverse effects of gastric disturbance
and osmotic diarrhoea. Especially in sugar‑
free products, these adverse effects may
be more insidious because the public has
blind condence that they are oral health
friendly. Also, the exposure time to such
products should be considered. Thus, hard
candies or lollipops may be more harmful
if they are slowly melted in the mouth than
candy spray.47
Adding calcium and phosphate to
the product is a promising approach to
counteract the adverse erosive effect on
teeth but more studies are needed to con‑
rm its efcacy. At present, the reports
of protective effects of uoride against
dental erosion are conflicting. Thus,
we defer further discussion until a clear
trend emerges.
In general, sugar‑free products appear
to be benecial as far as dental caries is
concerned. However, the unrecognised risk
of acidic avouring in sugar‑free candies
and beverages on dental health calls for
more studies and public awareness. Based
on research results by Kleber and Wagoner,
acidic additives lower the pH of saliva well
below the critical level of 5.5, regardless of
acid type (Fig.1). Some researchers advo‑
cate future randomized, cross‑over trials.
However, it may be unethical to expose
study subjects to irreversible harm from
dental erosion. Thus, future studies should
include in vivo assessment of pH change
with the consumption of sugar‑free con‑
fections with and without acidic avour‑
ing and exvivo assessment of erosion at
such respective pH levels.
Although some disagreement exists, results
from numerous studies have shown that
substitution of table sugar with sugar‑
free sweeteners is a healthier choice for
dental caries prevention. However, the
acid avouring and preservatives used in
the sugar‑free confections and beverages
cause the salivary pH to drop below the
critical value and thus may cause dental
erosion. Therefore, properly conducted
randomised controlled trials using sugar‑
free products with or without acidic addi‑
tives are needed.
Table 2 Studies testing sugar-free products with acids
Type of study Test subject/object Main result Comments Reference
Bovine incisors Fumaric acid, tar-
taric acid and citric
acid showed high-
est demineralisa-
tion. There was less
erosion when these
acids were given in
sorbitol candy.
Enamel dissolution
was correlated
with the potential
of the acids to
chelate calcium.
Kleber etal.40
Exvivo and
Five healthy women Citric acid was the
most detrimental
to enamel.
All drinks had a pH
of below 5.5.
Bovine tooth
Most erosion
with cola, orange
beverage, sports
drink, orange juice,
diet cola. Fluoride
did not inuence
erosive depth.
Carbonated mineral
water, beer, coffee,
yoghurt and butter-
milk did not cause
surface erosion.
Lowest pH below
Rytömaa etal.39
Invivo and
acidic candies
20 healthy
Modied candy
reduced the erosive
potential of acidic
Critical pH may not
fully reect when
dental erosion is
expected to occur.
sour candies
28 different sour
pH for all below 4.0,
some to 1.6and 1.8
Primary teeth
are more prone
to erosion, soft
tissue irritation
was possible.
Robyn etal.50
Invitro, acidic
chewing gum
80 enamel blocks The acidic lling
of gum reduced
the microhardness
of enamel
Both primary and
permanent enamel
were affected
Bolan etal.42
10 healthy
Lollipops differ in
erosive potential
Fruit and cola
avoured lollipops
have the greatest
erosive effect.
Brand etal.
Invivo and
candy sprays
Seven different
candy sprays on
adult volunteers
Candy sprays have
a very low pH of
Effect on children
may be greater
as their salivary
volumes are smaller
than adults´
Gambon etal.
Ascorbic acid
Adipic acid
Succinic acid
Glutaric acid
Fumaric acid
Malic acid
Tartaric acid
Citric acid
Fig. 1 pH change with various acidic additives in sugar-free confections
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... Produtos livres de açúcar são rotulados como seguros para os dentes, por não apresentam cariogenicidade. Entretanto, o fato de serem livres de açúcar não os isentam de poder provocar danos à estrutura dentária, pois podem conter ácidos na sua composição (ácido cítrico, fosfórico, ascórbico, málico, tartárico, oxálicio, carbônico, ácido fumárico), e dessa forma, estarem relacionados à etiologia da erosão dental 9,10 . ...
... Produtos rotulados com os termos "livre de açúcar" ou "zero açúcar" podem gerar uma falsa segurança, pois são adquiridos com o propósito de não causarem danos à estrutura dentária, por não serem cariogênicos. Entretanto, podem conter ácidos na sua composição e representar um fator de risco para a erosão dental 10 . ...
O consumo de balas ácidas está associado à etiologia da erosão dental. Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar o potencial erosivo de pastilhas e balas duras “zero açúcar” disponíveis comercialmente. Foram analisadas as balas: Halls® mini (extraforte, melancia, mentol e cereja) e as pastilhas Melagrião® (limão) e Valda® friends (mentol). Constituíram-se 2 grupos: balas e pastilhas dissolvidas em água duplamente deionizada (G-1) e balas e pastilhas dissolvidas em saliva artificial (G-2). O pH foi mensurado utilizando-se um potenciômetro e eletrodo combinado de vidro previamente calibrado com soluções padrão pH 7,0 e pH 4,0, antes de cada leitura. Para a verificação da acidez titulável, foram adicionadas alíquotas de 100 μL NaOH 0,1M, sob agitação constante até alcançar pH 7,0. Os resultados foram submetidos à Análise de Variância (ANOVA) e as comparações das médias realizadas pelo teste Tukey, em um nível de 5% de significância (p<0,05). As balas e pastilhas dissolvidas em água (G-1) apresentaram valores de pH inferiores a 5,5, com exceção do sabor mentol Valda® (pH= 6,1), que diferiu significantemente dos demais. Após diluição em saliva artificial (G-2) todos os sabores apresentaram valores de pH superiores a 5,5. Na comparação entre os grupos (G-1 e G-2), observou-se elevação significativa do pH no grupo G-2. Observou-se redução significativa da acidez titulável após diluição na saliva artificial (G-2). Conclui-se que a maioria das balas e pastilhas analisadas são ácidas, mas diferem quanto ao seu potencial erosivo. A saliva artificial atuou elevando o pH e reduzindo a acidez titulável.
... Therefore, xylitol is widely used as a sweetener for diabetics and in chewing gum [7,8]. Besides, studies have shown that xylitol also promotes calcium absorption in the intestine, reduces bone loss, and maintains normal bone density [9][10][11]. The global xylitol market size reached US$ 976.7 Million in 2023. ...
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Background Currently, the synthesis of compounds based on microbial cell factories is rapidly advancing, yet it encounters several challenges. During the production process, engineered strains frequently encounter disturbances in the cultivation environment or the impact of their metabolites, such as high temperature, acid-base imbalances, hypertonicity, organic solvents, toxic byproducts, and mechanical damage. These stress factors can constrain the efficiency of microbial fermentation, resulting in slow cell growth, decreased production, significantly increased energy consumption, and other issues that severely limit the application of microbial cell factories. Results This study demonstrated that sterol engineering in Kluyveromyces marxianus, achieved by overexpressing or deleting the coding genes for the last five steps of ergosterol synthase (Erg2-Erg6), altered the composition and ratio of sterols in its cell membrane, and affected its multiple tolerance. The results suggest that the knockout of the Erg5 can enhance the thermotolerance of K. marxianus, while the overexpression of the Erg4 can improve its acid tolerance. Additionally, engineering strain overexpressed Erg6 improved its tolerance to elevated temperature, hypertonic, and acid. YZB453, obtained by overexpressing Erg6 in an engineering strain with high efficiency in synthesizing xylitol, produced 101.22 g/L xylitol at 45oC and 75.11 g/L xylitol at 46oC. Using corncob hydrolysate for simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) at 46oC that xylose released from corncob hydrolysate by saccharification with hemicellulase, YZB453 can produce 45.98 g/L of xylitol, saving 53.72% of the cost of hemicellulase compared to 42oC. Conclusions This study elucidates the mechanism by which K. marxianus acquires resistance to various antifungal drugs, high temperatures, high osmolarity, acidity, and other stressors, through alterations in the composition and ratio of membrane sterols. By employing sterol engineering, the fermentation temperature of this unconventional thermotolerant K. marxianus was further elevated, ultimately providing an efficient platform for synthesizing high-value-added xylitol from biomass via the SSF process at temperatures exceeding 45 °C.
... Chewing, as an action, also shields teeth from bacteria that cause cavities by stimulating saliva flow. The combination of increased saliva production, non-cariogenic qualities, and sweetness is why sugar alcohols such as sorbitol and xylitol are incorporated into sugar-free chewing gum (Nadimi et al., 2011). ...
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Sugar is commonly used on a daily basis but, consuming excessive sugar can lead to various health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular, and respiratory illnesses. As a result, the food industry has been manufacturing artificial sweeteners in order to reduce the risk of disease development. This research aims to compare the roles of xylitol and sorbitol based on their chemical value, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of their use in food applications. Sugar alcohols are mostly employed as thickeners and sweeteners and are additionally referred to as bulk sweeteners. Xylitol is typically found in fruits, vegetables, and hardwood trees. Furthermore, when compared to sucrose, xylitol includes similar tastes and sweeteners, though insulin is not required during metabolism. Additionally, it is used in healthcare products such as toothpaste and mouthwash due to its ability to prevent tooth decay. Similarly, sorbitol can be found in fruits and vegetables and is frequently employed as a sweetener, texture enhancer, and moisture maintainer. Nevertheless, xylitol and sorbitol may have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. It has been found that xylitol has a wide range of potential health benefits, including lower blood glucose and insulin response, and less sweetness intensity than sucrose. However, a drawback of ingesting xylitol is that it provides low-GI energy, making it unsuitable for people with low glucose levels, and it has a lower laxation threshold. Sorbitol also provides health benefits as it supplies calories and has a low glycemic index.
... Sorbitol termasuk golongan pemanis alternatif dengan nilai relativitas rasa manis mendekati glukosa sebesar 0,6 (Sheet et al., 2014), (Soesilo, Santoso, & Diyatri, 2006), tidak mahal dan aman untuk digunakan, serta sulit untuk difermentasi oleh bakteri plak gigi (Soesilo et al, 2006). Sorbitol adalah gula alkohol yang bersifat low-cariogenic (Nadimi et al., 2011). Proses fermentasi sorbitol berlangsung amat lambat karena sorbitol bukanlah medium yang baik bagi pertumbuhan bakteri dan tidak menurunkan pH saliva. ...
... Sugar-free products are accepted as safe for teeth for being non-cariogenic. However, the presence of acidic components (citric, phosphoric, ascorbic, malic, tartaric, oxalic, carbonic and fumaric acids) may turn them an acid source, which is a risk factor for dental erosion, making them able to cause damage to the tooth structure 9,10 . ...
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Aim: To compare the acidity of sugar-free hard candies dissolved in water and artificial saliva. Methods: Sugar-free Flopi Florestal hard candies (grape, strawberry, cherry, orange, ginger, lemon balm, fennel) were selected and grouped in 2 groups: G-1 (candies dissolved in distilled water) and G-2 (candies dissolved in artificial saliva). Candies were triturated with a porcelain pestle, yielding two samples of 20 g. Samples were dissolved in 120 mL distilled water (G-1) and 120 mL artificial saliva (20 mM NaHCO3, 3 mM NaH2PO4.H2O and 1 mM CaCl2.2H2O) (G-2), obtaining three samples of 30 mL for each of the flavors and groups. pH was measured using potentiometer and combined glass electrode. Titratable acidity was evaluated by adding 100 μL 1M NaOH aliquots until reaching pH 5.5. For statistical analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. Means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% significance level (p<0.05) Results: All flavors of G-1 showed pH values below 5.5. Comparison of groups in the same flavor showed a significant increase in pH in flavors of G-2. Comparison of the titratable acidity between G-1 and G-2, showed that fruit flavors were significantly different from each other, with reduced acidity in G-2. Conclusions: All evaluated candies are acid, and dilution in artificial saliva raised their pH and lowered their titratable acidity, reducing their erosive potential.
Starch-guest inclusion complexes (ICs) are a novel, clean-label flavor encapsulation system with the potential to improve stability of aroma volatiles. While amylase has been shown to modulate guest release in vitro, release by sensory perception has not been evaluated. Here, Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA) and CATA were used to compare flavor perception of starch-limonene ICs to uncomplexed limonene, and the differences in perception were explored as a function of participant salivary α-amylase activity (sAA) and salivary flow rate (sFR). High sFR levels decreased limonene perception while high sAA increased limonene perception, highlighting the potential influence of these physiological factors on flavor perception of foods. Temporal flavor perception of a chewing gum containing starch-limonene ICs and a second chewing gum containing uncomplexed limonene and corn starch (CTL) was evaluated by 99 untrained consumers who assessed taste, texture, and aroma attributes over 17 minutes by TCATA and CATA. In addition, participants were segmented into three clusters based on their sAA and sFR, and cluster TCATA curves for each sample and attribute were statistically compared. Overall, participants rated Citrus, Sour and Bitter (p < 0.05) significantly higher for the IC sample and rated Sweet higher for the CTL. For Citrus, Sour, and Bitter, significant differences were observed between the three clusters for the IC chewing gum, while the CTL gum showed no significant differences for these three attributes. We demonstrate that flavor perception of starch-guest ICs varies with participants’ salivary α-amylase activity and flow rate. Additionally, TCATA and CATA were found to be well suited to characterize flavor release systems over a long period of time as multiple flavor percepts can be simultaneously tracked.
This article presents a discussion paper for both consideration and implementation of Minimal Intervention Dentistry (MID) principles by the general dental practitioner. It argues that if these concepts can be adopted in early childhood by both the community and the profession, “Teeth for Life” can become a reality for all. Oral Health promoting behaviours can be nurtured and supported from infancy and developed into everyday living practice for a lifetime thereby maintaining an optimal quality of life. MID techniques have become more refined and supported by scientific research in the recent times and should be considered an essential clinical guideline for the future disease management.
Recent results of randomized trials testing the efficacy of xylitol in caries prevention have been conflicting. This narrative review reveals the sources of discrepancy. The following databases were searched for the terms "xylitol" or "artificial sweeteners" restricted to the English language: PubMed, Web of Science, Evidenced-Based Medicine, Scopus, and the Cochrane database. In a separate search, the terms "dental caries" or "cariogenicity" or "glucosyltransferase" or "low glycemic" or "low insulinemic" or "dysbiosis" or "gut microbiome" were used and then combined. In section I, findings regarding the role of xylitol in dental caries prevention, the appropriateness of research methods, and the causes for potential biases are summarized. In section II, the systemic effects of xylitol on gut microbiota as well as low-glycemic/insulinogenic systemic effects are evaluated and summarized. The substitution of a carbonyl group with an alcohol radical in xylitol hinders its absorption and slowly releases sugar into the bloodstream. This quality of xylitol is beneficial for diabetic patients to maintain a constant glucose level. Although this quality of xylitol has been proven in in vitro and animal studies, it has yet to be proven in humans. Paradoxically, recent animal studies reported hyperglycemia and intestinal dysbiosis with artificial sweetener consumption. Upon careful inspection of evidence, it was revealed that these reports may be due to misinterpretation of original references or flaws in study methodology. Any systemic benefits of xylitol intake must be weighed in consideration with the well-established adverse gastrointestinal consequences. The contribution of xylitol to gut dysbiosis that may affect systemic immunity warrants further research.
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Aim Energy drinks are widely consumed worldwide and are recognised for their adverse health effects, usually due to their high caffeine content. However, little is known about their impact on oral and general health. The aim of this investigation was to review the most popular energy drinks sold in the UK, for their possible effect on oral health and contribution to obesity. Materials and methods Five drinks representing 75% of the UK energy drinks market were purposively selected (Lucozade, Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar and Relentless). pH and sugar content were measured and their ingredients reviewed in the context of oral and general health, focusing on dental caries and erosion and obesity. Results All five energy drinks investigated had pH values below the critical value (5.5) associated with dental erosion; the lowest pH was 2.72 (Lucozade) and the highest was 3.37 (Monster). The drinks also contained excessive amounts of free sugars, ranging from 25.5 g (Red Bull) to 69.2 g (Rockstar). Differences in sugar content were mainly explained by portion size. Other ingredients contained within the energy drinks, caffeine and various acids, are also linked to oral and general health. Conclusion Regular consumption of energy drinks could contribute to dental erosion and the development of obesity. Lucozade and Rockstar were found to potentially have the greatest impact on oral health and obesity. Achieving a healthy product by reformulation is highly unlikely due to the very high initial free sugar content. Thus, health professionals need to acknowledge the popularity of these products and help their clients to reduce their use. This is the first study which compares in detail the potential oral and general health consequences of overuse of a selection of energy drinks popular in the UK.
According to the chemo‐parasitic or acidogenic theory proposed by W. D. Miller in 1980, dental caries is caused by acid production due to fermentation of dietary sugars by non‐specific bacteria found in plaque. The bacteria most responsible for development and progression of dental caries are Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus and lactobacilli. Different types of dental caries have been described based on their clinical presentation, location, time of development, rate of progression and aetiological factors. This chapter summarizes all these types. It lists some aspects of patient's history that can be relevant to dental caries. A recent systematic review and meta‐analysis showed visual examination, radiographic assessment and laser fluorescence detection to be the most useful tools to detect secondary carious lesions. Daily self‐application of fluoride gel following application of high‐calcium phosphate‐containing products has been recommended for head and neck oncology patients receiving radiotherapy who are at risk of developing radiation‐induced caries.
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To explore the consumption pattern of a specific type of acidic solid candy, the so-called jawbreakers, by primary school children and determine the erosive potential of this type of candy in vivo. A questionnaire about jawbreaker consumption was distributed among 10-12 year-old-children (n = 302). Subsequently, 19 healthy volunteers tested four different jawbreakers in vivo. Whole saliva was collected 5 min before, 3 min during and 11 min after consumption. Salivary flow rate and pH were determined. Two-thirds of the children reported a history of jawbreaker consumption, 18% during the last week. More than half of the children estimated their average time for consumption of one jawbreaker to be more than 15 min. In vivo, the jawbreakers induced 8.6-13.9-fold increase in salivary flow rate. Sucking on sour, jumbo and strawberry jawbreakers induced a drop in salivary pH to values below pH 5.5. During consumption of fireball jawbreakers, the intra-oral pH hardly changed. Jawbreakers are frequently used by children, who keep this candy in their mouth for a long time. Jawbreakers differ considerable in erosive potential, with sour and jumbo jawbreakers > strawberry jawbreaker > fireball jawbreaker. This information is of use for dental hygienists counselling juvenile patients with dental erosion.
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This study is a part of the cross-national survey on health behaviour in school-aged children (HBSC) - World Health Organization Collaborative Study. The aim was to compare the HBSC data on frequency of toothbrushing, consumption of sweets, soft drinks, fruits and vegetables among 11-13-year-old children in different countries and to estimate the relation of these factors with caries experience at the country level. Oral health behaviour patterns were assessed from the HBSC survey conducted in the 2001-2002 school year in 27 countries in Europe, Israel, Canada, and the USA. Representative samples of 11- and 13-year-old schoolchildren were drawn from participating countries and aggregated by the direct age standardisation method. DMFT of 12-year-olds was collected from the international data banks and recent publications. Statistical analysis was performed using multiple linear regression. The most significant factor related with the cross-regional variation of DMFT was the proportion of children who reported regular toothbrushing; it explained 26.3% of the DMFT variation. Low rates of regular toothbrushing and high rates of sweets consumption were related with higher DMFT while high rates of drinking of soft drinks were related with lower DMFT. Consumption of fruits and vegetables had no significant impact. Altogether, factors of this model explained 51.2% of the total DMFT variation across countries. The findings of the study demonstrate that different oral health behaviour profiles among young people across European countries, Israel, Canada, and the USA significantly contribute to the variation in caries experience.
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Remineralization of minor enamel defects is a normal physiological process that is well known to clinicians and researchers in dentistry and oral biology. This process can be facilitated by various dietary and oral hygiene procedures and may also concern dentin caries lesions. Dental caries is reversible if detected and treated sufficiently early. Habitual use of xylitol, a sugar alcohol of the pentitol type, can be associated with significant reduction in caries incidence and with tooth remineralization. Other dietary polyols that can remarkably lower the incidence of caries include erythritol which is a tetritol-type alditol. Based on known molecular parameters of simple dietary alditols, it is conceivable to predict that their efficacy in caries prevention will follow the homologous series, that is, that the number of OH-groups present in the alditol molecule will determine the efficacy as follows: erythritol >/= xylitol > sorbitol. The possible difference between erythritol and xylitol must be confirmed in future clinical trials.
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To determine the erosive potential of several commercially available lollipops and the protective effect of saliva. The erosive potential of lollipops was determined in vitro by measuring the pH and neutralisable acidity. Subsequently, 10 healthy volunteers tested different types of lollipops. Whole saliva was collected 5 minutes before, 15 minutes during and 10 minutes after consumption. Salivary flow rate and pH were determined. Fruit flavoured and cola flavoured lollipops have a very low pH (2.3 - 2.4). Yogurt-containing and salmiak (salty liquorice) flavoured lollipops have much higher pH values (3.8-4.7). The neutralisable acidity of 1g of lollipop showed a large variation from < 200 microl to > 1700 microl 0.1 M NaOH. In vivo, lollipops induced 2.5 to 4.7-fold increase in salivary flow rate with a concomitant drop in salivary pH. For fruit flavoured and cola flavoured lollipops the salivary pH dropped below pH 5.5. For strawberry yogurt and salmiak lollipops, the salivary pH remained above this critical value. The volunteers did not report significant differences in preferences for the lollipops. Lollipops differ considerable in erosive potential, with fruit flavoured and cola flavoured lollipops having the highest risk for inducing dental erosion. This information is of use for clinicians counselling juvenile patients with dental erosion.
An exploratory study investigated the root caries incidence in Department of Veterans Affairs patients with exposed root surfaces. For a period of six to 30 months, the subjects were systematically assigned to groups which used chewable dragées or chewing gums that contained either xylitol or sorbitol as bulk sweeteners. The mean treatment time was 1.8 years (standard deviation = 0.8). The consumption levels of both polyols was up to 8.5 g daily, used typically in five episodes during a 16-hour period. The subjects were examined every six months in connection with their standard scheduled visits at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. The risk for a root-surface lesion in the xylitol group was only 19% of that for a surface in the sorbitol group (relative risk, 0.19; 95% confidence interval, 0.06–0.62; p <0,0065). Simultaneous study in periodontal patients showed that both polyols significantly reduced the gingival index scores, and slightly (but not significantly) reduced the plaque index scores. Collectively, both studies suggest that frequent daily consumption of chewable, saliva-stimulating products containing essentially nonfermentable or slowly fermentable dietary carbohydrate sweeteners (xylitol and sorbitol) may have an oral-health-improving effect in Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center patients. It is necessary to evaluate if these procedures would be efficacious in larger and expanded patient cohorts.
The aim of this study was to analyse the erosive effect of acidic lozenges and to compare it with that of orange juice, known to have the capacity to cause erosion. Two acidic, sugar-free lozenges and orange juice were tested in situ in nine patients. Changes in surface Knoop microhardness and change in the surface texture were assessed. The results revealed that orange juice and one acidic lozenge were--under the conditions of this experiment--capable of significantly softening abraded enamel (P < or = 0.017). It was concluded that excessive consumption of acidic lozenges could have the potential to enhance existing dental erosion.
The objective of the present in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of different minerals in combination with 1% citric acid on dental erosion. Ninety enamel samples were randomly allocated to nine groups (G1: pure 1% citric acid solution [control]; G2: with 1 mM Ca; G3: with 0.047 mM F; G4: with 1 mM Fe; G5: with 1 mM P; G6: with 1 mM Ca and 0.047 mM F; G7: with 1 mM Ca and 1 mM P; G8: with 1 mM Fe and 0.047 mM F; G9: with 1 mM Ca, 1 mM P, 0.047 mM F and 1.0 mM Fe). The samples were subjected to six pH cycles, each consisting of immersion in pure or modified 1% citric acid (1 min) followed by storage in artificial saliva (59 min). Enamel wear was assessed using profilometry. Data were analysed using analysis of variance and Tukey test (P < 0.05). Enamel loss (mean + or - SD) amounted to between 0.87 + or - 0.30 and 1.74 + or - 0.74 microm but did not significantly differ among the groups. The modification of 1% citric acid with different minerals did not have a protective effect on enamel erosion.
An important caries prevention strategy for children includes measures to interfere with transmission of mutans streptococci (MS). This study confirmed the effectiveness of maternal early exposure to xylitol chewing gum on mother-child transmission of MS. After screening, 107 pregnant women with high salivary MS were randomized into two groups: xylitol gum (Xylitol; n = 56) and no gum (Control; n = 51) groups. Maternal chewing started at the sixth month of pregnancy and terminated 13 months later in the Xylitol group. Outcome measures were the presence of MS in saliva or plaque of the children until age 24 months. The Xylitol-group children were significantly less likely to show MS colonization than Control-group children aged 9-24 months. The Control-group children acquired MS 8.8 months earlier than those in the Xylitol group, suggesting that maternal xylitol gum chewing in Japan shows beneficial effects similar to those demonstrated in Nordic countries.
Exposure to acidic foods and beverages is thought to increase the risk of developing dental erosion. The authors hypothesized that the erosion potential of sour candies was greater than the erosion potential of original-flavor versions of the candies. The authors measured the pH and titratable acidity of candies dissolved in artificial saliva or water. They then measured the lesion depths of enamel surfaces exposed to candy slurries for 25 hours. Statistical analyses included two-sample t tests and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests to identify differences between original-flavor and sour candies, as well as correlations to identify relationships between lesion depths, pH and titratable acidity. The study results show that lesion depths generally were greater after exposure of enamel to sour candies than they were after exposure of enamel to original-flavor candies, as well as for candies dissolved in water compared with those dissolved in artificial saliva. Lesion depths were negatively associated with the initial slurry pH and positively associated with titratable acidity. Both original-flavor and sour versions of candies are potentially erosive, with sour candies being of greater concern. Although saliva might protect against the erosive effects of original-flavor candies, it is much less likely to protect against the erosive effects of sour candies. People at risk of developing candy-associated erosion, particularly those with a high intake of candy, pocketing behaviors or decreased salivary flow, should receive preventive guidance regarding candy-consuming habits.
To determine the erosive potential of seven different commercially available candy sprays in vitro and in vivo. The erosive potential was determined in vitro by measuring the pH and neutralisable acidity. The salivary pH and flow rate were measured in healthy volunteers after administration of a single dose of candy spray. Candy sprays have an extremely low pH (1.9-2.3) and a neutralisable acidity varying between 0.8-1.6 ml of 0.25M NaOH. In vivo, candy sprays induced a short-term 3.0 to 5.8-fold increase in salivary flow rate with a concomitant drop in salivary pH to values between 4.4 and 5.8. All candy sprays tested have an erosive potential. This information is of use for clinicians counselling juvenile patients with dental erosion.