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Aroma-therapeutic Effects of Massage Blended Essential Oils on Humans

SAGE Publications Inc
Natural Product Communications


Although blended essential oils are increasingly being used for the improvement of the quality of life and for the relief of various symptoms in patients, the scientific evaluation of the aroma-therapeutic effects of blended essential oils in humans is rather scarce. In this study, we hypothesized that applying blended essential oil would provide a synergistic effect that would have a chance for success in treating depression or anxiety. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the blended essential oil on autonomic parameters and on emotional responses in humans following transdermal absorption. The blended essential oil consisted of lavender and bergamot oils. Human autonomic parameters, i.e. blood pressure, pulse rate, breathing rate, and skin temperature, were recorded as indicators of the arousal level of the autonomic nervous system. In addition, subjects had to rate their emotional condition in terms of relaxation, vigor, calmness, attentiveness, mood, and alertness in order to assess subjective behavioral arousal. Forty healthy volunteers participated in the experiments. Blended essential oil was applied topically to the skin of the abdomen of each subject. Compared with placebo, blended essential oil caused significant decreases of pulse rate, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which indicated a decrease of autonomic arousal. At the emotional level, subjects in the blended essential oil group rated themselves as 'more calm' and 'more relaxed' than subjects in the control group. This finding suggests a decrease of subjective behavioral arousal. In conclusion, our investigation demonstrates the relaxing effect of a mixture of lavender and bergamot oils. This synergistic blend provides evidence for its use in medicine for treating depression or anxiety in humans.
Aroma-therapeutic Effects of Massage Blended Essential
Oils on Humans
Tapanee Hongratanaworakit
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Srinakharinwirot University,
Rangsit-Ongkharak Road, Nakhonnayok 26120, Thailand
Received: October 18th, 2010; Accepted: April 20th, 2011
Although blended essential oils are increasingly being used for the improvement of the quality of life and for the relief of various symptoms
in patients, the scientific evaluation of the aroma-therapeutic effects of blended essential oils in humans is rather scarce. In this study, we
hypothesized that applying blended essential oil would provide a synergistic effect that would have a chance for success in treating
depression or anxiety. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the blended essential oil on autonomic
parameters and on emotional responses in humans following transdermal absorption. The blended essential oil consisted of lavender and
bergamot oils. Human autonomic parameters, i.e. blood pressure, pulse rate, breathing rate, and skin temperature, were recorded as indicators
of the arousal level of the autonomic nervous system. In addition, subjects had to rate their emotional condition in terms of relaxation, vigor,
calmness, attentiveness, mood, and alertness in order to assess subjective behavioral arousal. Forty healthy volunteers participated in the
experiments. Blended essential oil was applied topically to the skin of the abdomen of each subject. Compared with placebo, blended
essential oil caused significant decreases of pulse rate, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which indicated a decrease of autonomic
arousal. At the emotional level, subjects in the blended essential oil group rated themselves as ‘more calm’ and ‘more relaxed’ than subjects
in the control group. This finding suggests a decrease of subjective behavioral arousal. In conclusion, our investigation demonstrates the
relaxing effect of a mixture of lavender and bergamot oils. This synergistic blend provides evidence for its use in medicine for treating
depression or anxiety in humans.
Keywords: lavender, bergamot, massage aromatherapy, autonomic arousal, behavioral arousal, relaxing effect.
Aromatherapy has grown considerably into a big business
in many countries, as illustrated by the street shops that
sell either products supposedly made with essential oils,
such as skin care, hair care, and fragrance products, or pure
essential oil. Tisserand [1] suggested lavender oil
(Lavendula angustifolia Mill, Labiatae) and bergamot
(Citrus bergamia Risso, Rutaceae) as effective in treating
depression and anxiety. Lavender and bergamot oils have
been shown to be associated with brain-wave relaxation by
Torri et al. [2]. In traditional medicine, lavender oil is
reported used as an antispasmodic, carminative, mild
tranquilizer, sedative, and stomachic. Moreover, lavender
oil is the most used essential oil of all in aromatherapy. Its
greatest attribute is said to be as a relaxant. It is also used
for headache, nervous tension, exhaustion, emotional
extremes, and spiritual balance [3]. Lavender oil was used
by many researchers [4-6] in their studies of aromatherapy
relaxation in association with massage. In addition,
lavender oil was used as a component in topical
formulations to relieve the pain associated with rheumatic
and musculoskeletal disorders, acting as a potent radical
scavenger [7]. Bergamot oil is reportedly used for anxiety,
depression, and headaches. Bergamot oil had a sedative
effect, as shown by contingent negative variation studies
[8]. Antidepressant effects are included in the properties
attributed to bergamot [9].
Recently, interest in the use of aromatherapy with blended
essential oils as therapeutically active agents has grown
considerably. Fibromyalgia, a chronic painful condition,
can be treated with a mixture of seven organically derived
essential oils (Aloe vera, eucalyptus, lemon, orange,
camphor, rosemary, and peppermint) [10]. Lavender oil
was used in a mixture as a hair growth stimulant and for
the treatment of Alopecia areata [11]. Davis [12]
recommends a combination of lavender and bergamot for
relaxation. Moreover, blended essential oils of lavender
and bergamot showed reductions in anxiety in breast
cancer patients [13]. Aromatherapy massage with a
mixture of lavender and neroli was shown to be effective
for postpartum mothers to improve physical and mental
status [14]. Hand massage with blended essential oils of
bergamot, lavender and frankincense had a positive effect
on depression and pain on hospice patients with terminal
cancer [15]. Aromatherapy using topically applied blended
essential oils of lavender, clary sage, and rose is effective
in decreasing the severity of menstrual cramps [16].
NPC Natural Product Communications 2011
Vol. 6
No. 8
1199 - 1204
1200 Natural Product Communications Vol. 6 (8) 2011 Hongratanaworakit
Table 1: Mean and SEM of autonomic parameters of the control and experimental groups.
Autonomic parameters Control group (Mean+SEM) Experimental group (Mean+SEM)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
36.5 +0.2
SBP: systolic blood pressure ; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; ST: skin temperature; BR: breathing rate; PR: pulse rate; SEM: standard error mean
Although blended essential oils are increasingly being used
for the improvement of the quality of life, as well as for the
relief of various symptoms in patients, the scientific
evaluation of the aroma-therapeutic effects of blended
essential oils in humans is rather scarce. In this study, we
hypothesized that applying two essential oils, namely,
lavender and bergamot, together would provide a
synergistic effect that would have the chance of success in
treating depression or anxiety. Therefore, the main
objective of this study was to investigate the effects of this
blended essential oil on autonomic parameters, as well as
on emotional responses in humans following transdermal
In the present investigation a mixture of lavender and
bergamot was administered transdermally to healthy
subjects. Autonomic parameters, i.e. systolic blood
pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), pulse rate
(PR), breathing rate (BR), and skin temperature (ST), were
recorded as indicators of the arousal level of the autonomic
nervous system (ANS). In addition, subjects had to rate
their mental and emotional condition in terms of
relaxation, vigor, calmness, attentiveness, mood, and
alertness in order to assess subjective behavioral arousal.
Autonomic parameters: The mean and SEM of
autonomic parameters of the control group and the
experimental group are presented in Table 1. SBP of
subjects in the control group increased at the end of the
second trial compared with the end of the first. In contrast,
SBP of subjects in the blended essential oil group
decreased at the end of the second trial compared with the
end of the first. The difference scores of SBP between the
second and first trials for the control group and the blended
essential oil group are shown in Figure 1. Comparison of
these difference scores revealed a significantly larger
decrease of SBP in the blended essential oil group than in
the control group (P=0.014).
DBP of subjects in the control group only marginally
changed in the second trial compared with the first one. In
contrast, DBP of subjects in the blended essential oil group
decreased in the second trial compared with the first. The
different scores of DBP between the second and first trials
for the control group and the blended essential oil group
are shown in Figure 1. Comparison of these scores
revealed a significantly larger decrease of DBP in the
blended essential oil group than in the control group
(P=0.007). The blended essential oil group showed
significant decreases of systolic and diastolic blood
pressure. Since blood pressure is determined by the
activity of the sympathetic branch of the ANS, a decrease
in blood pressure shows a decrease in sympathetic tone,
i.e., a decrease of autonomic arousal [17,18].
Control group Blended essential oil group
Difference sco re
Figure 1: The difference scores of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic
blood pressure (DBP), breathing rate (BR), skin temperature (ST) and pulse
rate (PR) for the control group and the blended essential oil group. * on the top
of the bars indicates significant differences (P<0.05).
Table 2: Mean and SEM of emotional parameters of the control and
experimental groups.
Control (Mean+SEM) Experiment (Mean+SEM)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
AT: attentiveness; AL: alertness; C: calmness; R: relaxation; M: mood; V:
vigor; SEM: standard error mean
PR of subjects in the control group increased at the end of
the second trial compared with the end of the first one. In
contrast, PR of subjects in the blended essential oil group
decreased at the end of the second trial compared with the
end of the first. The difference scores of PR between the
second trial and the first for the control group and the
blended essential oil group are shown in Figure 1.
Comparison of these scores revealed a significantly larger
decrease of PR in the blended essential oil group than in
the control group (P=0.033). Since pulse rate is mainly
controlled by the ANS, the decrease of pulse rate after
transdermal absorption of blended essential oil is likely to
show an increase in vagal tone, i.e., a decrease of ANS
arousal. The change in the cardiovascular parameter, i.e.,
pulse rate, was consistent with a decrease of peripheral
autonomic nervous activity [17,18].
Aroma-therapeutic effect of massage blended essential oil Natural Product Communications Vol. 6 (8) 2011 1201
No significant effects of the blended essential oil on ST
and BR were found (P>0.05 for all).
Emotional parameters: The mean and SEM of emotional
parameters of the control group and the experimental
group are presented in Table 2. Subjects in the control
group felt less calm at the end of the second trial compared
with the end of the first. On the other hand, subjects in the
blended essential oil group judged themselves ‘more calm’
at the end of the second trial compared with the end of the
first. The difference scores of subjective calmness between
the second and first trials for the control group and the
blended essential oil group are shown in Figure 2.
Comparison of these difference scores revealed a
significant increase of subjective calmness in the blended
essential oil group compared with the control group
(P=0.028). Subjects in the blended essential oil group
rated themselves as ‘more calm’ than subjects in the
control group. This finding points towards a decrease of
arousal in terms of self-evaluation [17,18].
Furthermore, subjects in the control group felt less relaxed
at the end of the second trial compared with the end of the
first one. In contrast, subjects in the blended essential oil
group judged themselves ‘more relaxed’ at the end of the
second trial compared with the end of the first. The
difference scores of subjective relaxation between the
second and first trials for the control and blended essential
oil groups are shown in Figure 2. Comparison of these
difference scores revealed a significant increase of
subjective relaxation in the blended essential oil group
compared with the control (P=0.021). Subjects in the
blended essential oil group rated themselves as ‘more
relaxed’ than subjects in the control group. This finding
points towards an increase of arousal in terms of self-
evaluation [17,18].
Control group Blended essential oil group
Difference sco re
Attentiveness Alertness Mood Vigor Calmness Relaxation
Figure 2: The difference scores of subjective attentiveness, alertness, mood,
vigor, calmness, and relaxation for the control group and the blended essential
oil group. * on the top of the bars indicates significant differences
No significant effects of the blended essential oil on
subjective attentiveness, alertness, mood and vigor were
found (P>0.05 for all).
Transdermal absorption of blended essential oil decreased
the level of arousal of the ANS, i.e. decreases of systolic
and diastolic blood pressure, and pulse rate. Moreover,
massage of blended essential oil led to deactivation at the
behavioral level, i.e. subjects feel ‘more calm’ and ‘more
relaxed’ than before the administration of the oil. This
finding points towards a decrease of arousal in terms of
self-evaluation. Thus, the effects of blended essential oil
by massage may be characterized by the concept of
relaxing effect, which has also been described for rose
(Rosa damascena) [19], sandalwood [20], and ylang ylang
(Cananga odorata) essential oils [21]. Our findings clearly
support previous studies indicating the relaxing effect of
blended essential oil [12,13,15]. Although our findings
agree with other reports, it is important to assess further
biochemical measures (e.g., serotonin), as these would
further confirm the presence of a relaxing effect.
Blended essential oil mainly contained linalyl acetate and
linalool. Buchbauer et al. [22,23] described that both
linalyl acetate and linalool showed a sedative effect in
animals, namely, a decrease in motility of normal mice and
reverse caffeine-induced over-agitation in mice.
Transdermal absorption of (-)-linalool in humans induced a
deactivating effect on the ANS, that is, decreases of
systolic blood pressure and skin temperature as compared
with a control group receiving a placebo [24]. In addition,
previous reports [25-27] have suggested that the odor of
blended tea had lavender-like sedative effects on
autonomic nerve activity and mood states at a very low
intensity. Their results showed that (-)-linalool had a
sedative effect. Moreover, Hoeferl and colleagues [28]
showed that (-)-linalool had a sedative effect on heart rate.
It is known that essential oil is absorbed into the body via
skin [29,30]. Percutaneous absorption of lavender oil from
massage oil was investigated by our group [31]. They
reported that the main component of lavender oil, i.e.,
linalool, could be detected in human blood samples 5 min
after massage of the oil. This is one possible explanation
for the relaxing/sedating effect of the blended essential oil.
Correlation analysis between the ANS and behavior
parameters showed that the decreases of blood pressure
and pulse rate were not correlated with changes in
behavioral responses (data not shown). These findings
suggest the effectiveness of pharmacological mechanisms,
for example direct interactions between fragrance
molecules and receptor sites which are involved in the
regulation of ANS arousal. Due to their high lipophilicity,
fragrance molecules easily penetrate the blood brain
barrier and then affect the GABAA receptor-mediated
response, which would have a tranquilizing effect on the
brain following either inhalation or massage [32,33].
Therefore, one possibility that explains the relaxing effect
of blended essential oil could be that the oil possibly
stimulates the raphe nuclei in the brain into releasing
serotonin, a neurotransmitter that creates a
relaxing/sedative effect [34,35]. The raphe nuclei are also
1202 Natural Product Communications Vol. 6 (8) 2011 Hongratanaworakit
involved in sleep and relaxation [18,36]. Another
possibility that could explain its effect is that blended
essential oil interacts with central (e.g. hypothalamic,
limbic, thalamus) structures which control the level of
autonomic and/or behavioral arousal.
In conclusion, our investigation demonstrates the relaxing
effect of the mixture of lavender and bergamot oils. This
synergistic blend shows evidence for its use in medicine
for treating depression or anxiety in humans.
Subjects and essential oil: Forty healthy volunteers aged
between 19 and 48 years (mean age 24.95 6.67 years)
took part in the experiments. Demographic data for the
control group and the experimental group are presented in
Table 3. Subjects were tested in individual sessions and
randomly assigned to either the control group or the
blended essential oil group according to random numbers.
They were fully briefed, given written informed consent to
all aspects of the study (Srinakharinwirot University Ethics
Committees) and were free to withdraw at any time. Forty-
eight hours prior to testing, subjects were asked to abstain
from food, beverages and toiletries containing the essential
oil, as well as from any stimulants (for example, caffeine
and nicotine).
Table 3: Demographic data for the control group and the experimental group.
Parameter Control group Blended oil group
Number of
Sex (M:F)
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
The essential oil of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and
bergamot bergaptane-free oil (Citrus bergamia) were
obtained from FPI Sale Ltd., Stamford, England. Blended
essential oil consisted of 9.6%, w/w, lavender oil and
0.4%, w/w, bergamot bergaptane-free in sweet almond
carrier oil. The oils were analyzed by GC/FID and GC/MS.
The bergamot oil contained linalyl acetate (28.7%),
linalool (16.5%), and limonene (13.5%). The lavender oil
contained linalyl acetate (35.7%), linalool (31.5%), and
terpinen-4-ol (5.5%).
Essential oil administration: In the experimental group, 1
mL of a 10%, w/w, solution of blended essential oil in
sweet almond oil was applied to the skin of the lower
abdomen of each subject and the subjects self-massaged
the oil into the skin for 5 min. Afterwards, the massage
area was covered with a plastic film in order to prevent
evaporation of the oil. In the control group, 1 mL of the
placebo oil, pure sweet almond oil, was used. In both
groups, subjects were supplied with pure air through
breathing masks in order to eliminate any olfactory
stimulation by nose or mouth.
Experimental protocol: The experimental protocol has
been previously described [19-21,37-42]. Briefly, one
session consisted of two trials of 20 min each. At the
beginning and at the end of each trial, emotional responses
were assessed by visual analogue scales. Autonomic
parameters were recorded continuously during each trial.
In the first trial, which served as a control for influences of
the experimental setup, the placebo substance was
administered to all subjects. In the second trial, the placebo
was again administered to the control group, whereas in
the experimental groups the appropriate fragrance was
Acquisition of autonomic parameters: BR, PR and ST
were recorded simultaneously and in real time on the non-
dominant side of the body. All parameters were measured
using MP100WSW hardware (Biopac Systems, Inc., Santa
Barbara, California, USA), including sensors and Ag/AgCl
surface electrodes and Acqknowledge software (Biopac
Systems, Inc., Santa Barbara, California, USA). BR was
measured using a SKT100C amplifier and TSD102D
surface temperature thermistor probe. PR was assessed
using a Pulse Oximeter Module (OXY100C) and a
photoelectric transducer (TSD123B). ST was measured
with a SKT100C amplifier and a fast response thermistor
(TSD102A). SBP and DBP were measured in the dominant
arm by sphygmomanometry using an automated system
(Digital Electronic Model DS-155E, Japan). Details of the
recording system and procedure have been described
elsewhere [19-21,37-42].
Acquisition of visual analogue scales (VAS): VAS were
used to assess subjective mental and emotional conditions.
They consisted of 100 mm lines for 6 items: relaxation,
vigor, calmness, attentiveness, mood and alertness. Each
subject was asked to mark his or her feeling for each item
between the two possible extremes: relaxed and tense for
the item ‘relaxation’, vigorous and feeble for the item
‘vigor’, calm and restless for the item ‘calmness’, attentive
and inattentive for the item ‘attentiveness’, cheerful and
bad tempered for the item ‘mood’, alert and tired for the
item ‘alertness’.
Procedure: All experiments were conducted in a bright
and quiet room. Ambient temperature was 24-26°C. Upon
arrival, the volunteers were interviewed about their
personal data, e.g. sex, age, height, weight. In addition,
they were asked about the rating of emotional responses.
After completion of the interview and the rating scales,
SBP and DBP were measured. Subsequently, subjects were
seated in a semi-reclined position, providing easy access to
attach the ANS electrodes or probes. Electrodes were
placed on suitable positions, as mentioned above. The
breathing mask was fitted to the volunteer’s face to cover
the nose and mouth. Oxygen was then supplied directly.
Aroma-therapeutic effect of massage blended essential oil Natural Product Communications Vol. 6 (8) 2011 1203
Either the oil or the placebo was administered, as
described, together with recording of the autonomic
parameters. After completion of the first trial, the subjects
were asked to rate the VAS. SBP and DBP were measured
at the end of each trial. At the end of each trial, the
subjects were asked if they had perceived any odor during
the experiment. All subjects stated that they had not.
Data and statistical analyses: The autonomic recordings
of each subject were computed by trial using
Acqknowledge software (Biopac Systems, Inc., Santa
Barbara, California, USA). For each subject and every
parameter the mean value in the second trial was
subtracted from the mean value in the first to give the
individual inter-trial difference score. For emotional
ratings, on each scale the distance of the mark from the
left-hand side was measured in mm. Individual difference
scores between ratings were calculated for each item. The
SPSS version 11.5 was used for statistical analysis. Mann-
Whitney-U-Test analysis of variances was used in this
study. The effects of fragrances on autonomic parameters
and ratings of emotional responses were determined by
comparing the difference scores between the control group
and the experimental group. Correlational analyses
between ratings of emotional responses and autonomic
parameters were performed by means of Spearman rank-
order correlation coefficient.
Acknowledgments - This work was supported by grants from
Srinakharinwirot University. The author is grateful to Prof. Dr G.
Buchbauer and Dr E. Heuberger for experimental design
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... Bunun yanı sıra, ağrı yönetiminde de esansiyel yağların faydaları bilinmektedir. Lavanta ve bergamot yağlarının ağrı kesici özellikleri olduğu ve bu amaçla kullanıldığı rapor edilmiştir (Hongratanaworakit, 2011). Bu nedenlerle, esansiyel yağlar çeşitli tıbbi ve rahatlatıcı terapilerde yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. ...
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Bu makalede, bitkisel kaynaklı sekonder metabolitlerin antimikrobiyal etkileri ve bu bileşiklerin antibiyotik direncine karşı potansiyel kullanımları literatürdeki mevcut çalışmalar ışığında incelenmiştir. Antibiyotik direncinin artmasıyla birlikte, bitkisel ürünler alternatif tedavi yöntemleri olarak önem kazanmıştır. Alkaloidler, flavonoidler, terpenoidler, tanenler ve fenolik bileşikler gibi fitokimyasallar, bakteriyel hücre duvarını zayıflatma, DNA sentezini engelleme ve enzim inhibisyonu gibi mekanizmalarla antimikrobiyal etkiler gösterirler. Ayrıca, bu bileşikler antibiyotiklerle birlikte kullanıldığında sinerjik etkiler yaratarak tedavi etkinliğini artırabilir. Bitkisel bileşikler, biyofilm oluşumunu engelleme ve oksidatif stresle mücadele etme özellikleri ile de dikkat çeker. Antioksidan bileşikler, hücre hasarını engelleyerek özellikle nörodejeneratif hastalıklar için potansiyel tedavi seçenekleri sunmaktadır. Ayrıca, bu bileşiklerin kanser tedavisinde hücre döngüsünü durdurma ve apoptosisi indükleme gibi etkileri bulunmaktadır. Bitkisel kaynaklı antimikrobiyal ajanların klinik uygulamalara entegrasyonu için daha fazla araştırmaya ihtiyaç duyulmasına rağmen, bu bileşiklerin potansiyeli gelecekteki ilaç geliştirme çalışmalarında umut vericidir. Sonuç olarak, bu derlemede, bitkisel metabolitlerin gelecekte ilaç geliştirme süreçlerinde önemli bir rol oynayabileceğini ve antibiyotik direncine karşı etkili yeni tedavi yöntemlerinin keşfinde rehberlik edebileceğini vurgulanmıştır.
... 11 In clinical studies, aromatherapy using LEO reportedly reduced premenstrual emotional symptoms, 12 reduced autonomic nervous system activity, 13 and reduced autonomic nervous system activity. 14 As in many previous reports, those studies reported effects from aromatherapy that included psychological effects from olfactory stimulation. ...
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Objective/background As part of a scientific study into the effects of aromatherapy, we investigated the effects of lavender essential oil (LEO) treatment on the autonomic nervous system in subjects for whom the sense of smell had been eliminated. Methods This study used a single-blinded cross-over design for verification. Heart rate variability was measured and effects on the autonomic nervous system were investigated. Results and discussion Although no significant differences were found, aromatherapy treatment with 1% LEO tended to increase parasympathetic nervous system activity. Further, when differences between values before and during aromatherapy treatment were compared, LEO treatment significantly increased parasympathetic nervous system activity. Given these findings, LEO appears to increase parasympathetic nervous system activity, even in the absence of a psychological effect due to an absence of olfactory stimulation. Conclusion The present results provide a scientific method for verifying the effects of aromatherapy and will aid in further elucidation of aromatherapy.
... The synergistic effects are assumed to go beyond the effects of the individual ingredients 15,17,18 . In addition, there are indications that a blend of different essential oils could enhance positive effects further 19 while minimizing risks 14,20 . ...
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Dental fear and anxiety (DFA) is known as an immense challenge in oral healthcare, which can result in compromised oral health, pain, and uncomfortable treatment. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of essential-oil vaporization on acute anxiety of patients in dental practices. Four dental practices used five weekly cycles of vaporization with each scent: Orange (Citrus sinensis), Swiss Pine (Pinus cembra), Good Mood (blended essential oils: Citrus sinensis, Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus limon, Osmanthus fragrance (5%)), Forest Walk (blended essential oils: Abies grandis, Pinus cembra, Myrtus communis c. t. 1,8-cineol, Abies alba, Citrus paradisi, Abies sibirica, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Vetiveria zizanoides), and water. Acute anxiety was the primary outcome (state-trait-anxiety inventory (STAI-S)). Secondary outcomes were trait anxiety (STAI-T), dental anxiety (Kleinknecht dental fear survey), and pain perception in treatment (numeric rating scale). Across all patients (n = 486), STAI-S was slightly higher in the control group (40.7 ± 11.6) than in the intervention groups (38.4 ± 10.5). Post-hoc analyses revealed that the effect is only robust for the subgroup of female patients (n = 296, p = 0.044). We also conducted a post-hoc additional analysis on a subpopulation with an increased level of STAI-T ≥ 42 (n = 131 patients). For this group the difference in acute anxiety between the control group (51.1 ± 11.9, n = 30) vs. the intervention groups (46.8 ± 9.6, n = 118) was significant (T = 4.39, p = 0.0379). The results of the study indicate a promising potential of essential-oil vaporization to alleviate dental anxiety, particularly in the subgroups of patients with a high level of trait anxiety, and particularly in female patients. The calming effects of the essential-oil vaporization were also highlighted by the anecdotical statements of the dental-practice staff. The anxiety-reducing role of essential-oil vaporization alone and as one part of combined techniques to counter DFA should be further explored using multi-perspective methodological approaches in research.
... It has been examined and speculated that using mixed essential oils might have a synergistic impact with the potential of tackling depression or anxiety. Usually, the essential oil of lavender, bergamot and Indian sandalwood was commonly used in different suitable proportions to make the combinations (Hongratanaworakit et al., 2011). ...
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Santalum album Linn. also known as white sandalwood (Chandan/ srigandha), is a scented evergreen tree that belongs to the Santalaceae family. This plant is rich in essential oils extracted commonly by hydrodistillation. In phytochemical studies, alpha and beta santalols are major constituents in the heartwood. Sandalwood oil is used in aromatherapy, a holistic approach to treating mental illnesses without any risk of side effects like conventional medicines. Aromatherapy also cures insomnia and skin problems and provides relief in case of respiratory ailments too. Among numerous beneficial qualities, sandalwood oil also has antiviral properties; it is proven to prevent the multiplication of Herpes Simplex Virus, helps treat Human Papilloma virus, and indirectly contributes to combating Influenza-A virus. This article attempts to concisely apply aromatherapy and antiviral activities using the essential oil of sandalwood.
... The current study adds to previous literature by employing a novel anxiety induction procedure coupled with a subjective self-report scale to measure levels of anxiety. Hongratanaworakit [118] used physiological parameters to measure anxiety when investigating the effects of a lavender-bergamot blend, finding significant reductions in heart rate and blood pressure after topical administration. ...
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ssential oils of pure lavender and lavender blends have been employed as potential anxiolytic aromas in aromatherapy, but a direct comparison of their effectiveness is lacking. The current study investigated the effects of aroma on induced anxiety in non-clinical adults, comparing pure lavender, a commercially available blend and a no aroma control. An experimental, quantitative, mixed factorial design with an opportunity sample of 60 participants was employed. Participants were randomly allocated to three equal groups, one tested in a room infused with lavender aroma, the second with the doTerra Peace® blend, and the third free from any aroma. Participants’ state anxiety scores were measured before and after a novel video-based anxiety induction procedure. Data analysis revealed that the anxiety induction was successful and that both aromas delivered small to medium-sized buffering effects compared to no aroma. The findings add to a small body of research in an area where the practice is global yet has limited scientific evaluation. Future studies utilising brain imaging and blood serum analysis to investigate the anxiolytic mechanism of aromas would be beneficial to further our understanding.
Aromatherapy is a medical practice that uses aromatic compounds or essential oils to influence mood and health. Essential oils used in aromatherapy are created from a wide variety of medicinal plants, flowers, herbs, roots, and trees that are found all over the world and have significant, well-documented benefits on enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. This book is a comprehensive reference on aromatic compounds present in essential oils and their therapeutic use. Starting from fundamentals of essential oil biosynthesis the book guides the reader through their basic biochemistry, toxicology, profiling, blending and clinical applications. The concluding chapters also present focused information about the therapeutic effects of essential oils on specific physiological systems, plant sources, skin treatment and cancer therapeutics. The combination of basic and applied knowledge will provide readers with all the necessary information for understanding how to develop preclinical formulations and standard clinical therapies with essential oils. This is an essential reference for anyone interested in aromatherapy and the science of essential oils.
Aromatic plants are utilised as traditional medicines in many cultures, but they are also traded as goods that satisfy the needs of frequently far-off marketplaces. The term “medicinal and aromatic plant” (MAP) is used in this study to refer to the entire range of plants utilised not only for medicinal purposes but also in the closely related and frequently converging fields of condiments, food, and cosmetic. Essential oil-based products are growing in popularity in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and beverage, colorants, and biopesticides and are slowly marking the realm of nanotechnology for the betterment of mankind. Due to their natural, eco-friendly, and generally accepted safety as products, these plants and the derivatives they produce are currently in higher demand. As a result, extracts from aromatic plants have the potential to develop into novel types of foods and medicines for both human and animal nutrition and health. The usage of new ideas like nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, phytotherapy, and aromatherapy is expanding, and there are new developments in functional foods, animal husbandry, and agricultural pest management. Aside from their possible advantages for human health, fragrant plants are also esteemed for their ecological and advantage by being an eco-friendly phytostabilizer and thus removing the heavy metal toxicity from soils. Aromatic plants are truly human assets that add value to our daily lives.
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Massage of essential oils is increasing being used for the improvement of the quality of life and for the relief of various symptoms in patients, but scientific evaluation of the effects of fragrances in humans is rather scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of rosemary oil (Rosmarinus officinalis L., Labiatae) on human autonomic parameters and emotional responses in healthy subjects after transdermal absorption. Thirty five healthy volunteers participated in the experiments. Four autonomic parameters, i.e. blood pressure, breathing rate, pulse rate, skin temperature were recorded. Emotional responses were assessed by means of rating scales. Compared to placebo, rosemary oil caused significant increases of breathing rate, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure which indicate an increase of autonomic arousal. At the emotional level, subjects feel more attentive, more alert, more vigorous, and more cheerful than before the administration of the oil. This finding suggests an increase of arousal in terms of self-evaluation. In conclusion, our investigation demonstrates the stimulating effect of rosemary oil and provides evidence for its use in medicines for the relief of depression and stress in humans.
Reviews the book, Psychophysiology: Human behavior and physiological response (4th ed.) by John L. Andreassi (see record 2000-07165-000). This is the fourth edition of a well-known and highly acclaimed book. Although the author modestly states, "The plan of this book is to provide students with elementary information...," the book is almost an encyclopaedic account of this extremely extensive field. Given this comprehensiveness, the book represents an excellent introduction and overview to the whole field of psychophysiology. There are two introductory chapters, the first of which provides a general introduction to the field of psychophysiology, starting very conventionally with definitions and followed by a short historical account. The following chapter provides information on the basic anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, as well as the principles behind the main techniques used. The remaining 17 chapters are grouped into three main conceptual areas: (1) measures of central nervous system activity, (2) measures of the activity of behaviourally relevant peripheral systems, and (3) applications and methodological issues including an appendix dealing with the extremely important issue of laboratory safety. Andreassi has written a comprehensive guide on research methods in psychophysiology, clearly written and very suitable for the group for whom the book is primarily intended: students of behavioural science. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Massage and aromatherapy are being used increasingly by nurses to enhance the wellbeing of patients in palliative care settings, yet little evaluation of these therapies has been undertaken. This article reports a quasi experimental study comparing the effects of an 8-week course of massage, with or without the addition of a blend of essential oils, on patients undergoing cancer treatment. Findings from the study suggest that massage has a significant effect on anxiety and this was found to be greater where essential oils were used, although the small sample prevented this from being established conclusively. Massage was reported to be universally beneficial by patients, it assisted relaxation and reduced physical and emotional symptoms. The authors call for more research to be conducted in this area with larger cohorts of patients. Copies of the full research report for this study may be obtained from the Macmillan Practice Development Unit, Centre for Cancer and Palliative Care Studies, Institute of Cancer Research/Royal Marsden NHS Trust, Fulham Road, London SW3 6JJ. Price £6.00.
The sedative properties of linalool were examined using the optically active linalools, (R)-(−)-, (S)-(+)- and (RS)-(±)-forms. (R)-(−)-linalool with specific rotation of [α]D= −15.1° was isolated by repeated flash column chromatography from lavender oil, while (S)-(−)-linalool with [α]D= +17.4° and (RS)-(±)-linalool with [α]D=0° and content of (R)-form 50.9% and (S)-form 49.1% were obtained from coriander oil and commercial linalool, respectively, by using the same method. The effect of (RS)-(±)-linalool in our experiments, which was quite similar to that of linalool, with much more favorable impressions accompanied by a tendency to a greater decrease of the beta wave after hearing environmental sound after, rather than before work, appeared to be identical to that observed for (R)-(−)-linalool. The feature was just the reverse in the case of (S)-(+)-linalool.
Synopsis In the present study, the percutaneous absorption of the essential oil of lavender from a massage oil was investigated. It was shown that lavender oil penetrates the skin of a male subject. Within five minutes of finishing, the massage traces of linalool (1) and linalyl acetate (2) as the main constituents of lavender oil could be detected in the blood. After 20 minutes, 100 ng/ml for 2 and 121 ng/ml for 1 showed up as the maximum concentration. Within 90 minutes, most of the lavender oil was eliminated. The sedative and relaxing effect of lavender oil after a massage may be based on two different ways of incorporation: the inhalation of fragrant molecules and the penetration through the skin.
In this [textbook], Kenneth Hugdahl presents a comprehensive introduction to the history, methods, and applications of psychophysiology and explores other areas concerned with the "mind–body interface," such as psychosomatic medicine, behavioral medicine, clinical psychology, psychiatry, neuropsychology, and cognitive neuroscience. By showing how social, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional events are mirrored in physiological processes, he gives us a clearer understanding of complex cognitive processes. This book illustrates psychophysiology's importance as a research and clinical tool and highlights its many contributions to the assessment and diagnosis of physical disorders. It also provides a framework for extending psychophysiological insights to other areas of psychology and neuroscience. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Kaffir lime essential oil was obtained from fresh peels of Citrus hystrix (Rutaceae) by hydrodistillation and analysed by GC and GC–MS. The effects of kaffir lime oil on human autonomic and behavioural parameters after massage were investigated in this study. Forty healthy volunteers participated in the experiments. Autonomic parameters recorded were skin temperature, pulse rate, breathing rate and blood pressure. Behavioural parameters were assessed by means of visual analogue scales (VAS). The kaffir lime oil caused a significant increase in blood pressure and a significant decrease in skin temperature. Regarding the behavioural parameters, subjects in the kaffir lime oil group rated themselves more alert, attentive, cheerful and vigorous than subjects in the control group. These findings are likely to represent stimulating/activating effects of the kaffir lime oil and provide some evidence for the use of kaffir lime oil in aromatherapy, such as causing relief from depression and stress in humans. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Fragrance compounds and essential oils with sedative effects influence the motility of mice in inhalation studies under standardized conditions. A significant drop in the motility of mice was registered following exposure to these fragrances. The same results were achieved when the mice were artificially induced into overagitation by intraperitoneal application of caffeine and subsequently subjected to inhalation of fragrance compounds and essential oils. These results proved the sedative effects of these fragrants via inhalative exposure in low concentrations. Blood samples were taken from the mice after a 1-h inhalation period. Chromatographic and spectroscopic methods were used to detect and characterize the actual effective compounds after solid-phase extraction. Serum concentrations of 42 different substances, including fragrance compounds, were found in low ranges (ng/mL serum). The results contribute to the correct interpretation of the term aromatherapy (i.e., a stimulating or sedative effect on the behaviour of individuals only upon inhalation of fragrance compounds).
The sedative properties of linalool were examined using the optically active linalools, (R)-(−)-, (S)-(+)- and (RS)-(±)-forms. (R)-(−)-linalool with specific rotation of [α]D= −15.1° was isolated by repeated flash column chromatography from lavender oil, while (S)-(−)-linalool with [α]D= +17.4° and (RS)-(±)-linalool with [α]D=0° and content of (R)-form 50.9% and (S)-form 49.1% were obtained from coriander oil and commercial linalool, respectively, by using the same method. The effect of (RS)-(±)-linalool in our experiments, which was quite similar to that of linalool, with much more favorable impressions accompanied by a tendency to a greater decrease of the beta wave after hearing environmental sound after, rather than before work, appeared to be identical to that observed for (R)-(−)-linalool. The feature was just the reverse in the case of (S)-(+)-linalool.
Camphor, capsaicin, ketoprofen, lavender oil, cineole, β-pinene and methyl nicotinate which are used in topical formulations for the relief of pain associated with rheumatic and musculo-skeletal disorders were assessed for hydroxyl radical scavenging properties. The compounds tested were irradiated with simulated sunlight in a model aqueous system containing dequalinium chloride and hydrogen peroxide. The rate of degradation of the dequalinium chloride by the photogenerated hydroxyl radicals was measured and found to follow second-order kinetics. Ketoprofen, a clinically used antirheumatic agent, gave the optimal results. The hydroxyl radical scavenging properties of the other compounds are discussed in terms of their chemical structure and possible reactivity.