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Diagnosis of Ecto- and Endoparasites in Laboratory Rats and Mice



Internal and external parasites remain a significant concern in laboratory rodent facilities, and many research facilities harbor some parasitized animals. Before embarking on an examination of animals for parasites, two things should be considered. One: what use will be made of the information collected, and two: which test is the most appropriate. Knowing that animals are parasitized may be something that the facility accepts, but there is often a need to treat animals and then to determine the efficacy of treatment. Parasites may be detected in animals through various techniques, including samples taken from live or euthanized animals. Historically, the tests with the greatest diagnostic sensitivity required euthanasia of the animal, although PCR has allowed high-sensitivity testing for several types of parasite. This article demonstrates procedures for the detection of endo- and ectoparasites in mice and rats. The same procedures are applicable to other rodents, although the species of parasites found will differ.
Journal of Visualized Experiments
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Visualized Experiments and Charles River September 2011 | 55 | e2767 | Page 1 of 4
Video Article
Diagnosis of Ecto- and Endoparasites in Laboratory Rats and Mice
Christina M. Parkinson1, Alexandra O'Brien1, Theresa M. Albers1, Meredith A. Simon1, Charles B. Clifford1, Kathleen R. Pritchett-Corning2,3
1Research Animal Diagnostic Services, Charles River
2Research Models and Services, Charles River
3Department of Comparative Medicine, University of Washington
Correspondence to: Christina M. Parkinson at
DOI: doi:10.3791/2767
Keywords: Immunology, Issue 55, rat, mouse, endoparasite, ectoparasite, diagnostics, mites, pinworm, helminths, protozoa, health monitoring
Date Published: 9/6/2011
Citation: Parkinson, C.M., O'Brien, A., Albers, T.M., Simon, M.A., Clifford, C.B., Pritchett-Corning, K.R. Diagnosis of Ecto- and Endoparasites in
Laboratory Rats and Mice. J. Vis. Exp. (55), e2767, doi:10.3791/2767 (2011).
Internal and external parasites remain a significant concern in laboratory rodent facilities, and many research facilities harbor some parasitized
animals. Before embarking on an examination of animals for parasites, two things should be considered. One: what use will be made of the
information collected, and two: which test is the most appropriate. Knowing that animals are parasitized may be something that the facility
accepts, but there is often a need to treat animals and then to determine the efficacy of treatment. Parasites may be detected in animals through
various techniques, including samples taken from live or euthanized animals. Historically, the tests with the greatest diagnostic sensitivity
required euthanasia of the animal, although PCR has allowed high-sensitivity testing for several types of parasite. This article demonstrates
procedures for the detection of endo- and ectoparasites in mice and rats. The same procedures are applicable to other rodents, although the
species of parasites found will differ.
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1. Endoparasite examination (Table 1)
1. Perianal tape test (also see section 5; these are usually performed at the same time)
1. Remove a length of clear, not frosted, cellophane tape from a dispenser. Tape should be long enough to handle by one end without touching
the middle (approximately 5 cm). It may be easier to dispense several lengths at one time, attaching them to the edge of a clean work surface
and using as needed.
2. Lift a mouse from its cage and place on the cage lid, holding it by the tail. Perform this action in a laminar flow cabinet or biosafety cabinet if
the health status of the animal requires it.
3. Restrain the mouse by the tail, lifting its hind legs from the cage. Grasp the end of the tape between thumb and forefinger, then apply the
middle of the tape firmly to the mouse's perineum, including the perianal area several times. Hair should be seen to be adherent to the tape
for the assay to be considered successful.
4. Place the mouse back in the cage.
5. Place a drop of mineral oil on a labeled clean glass slide, apply the tape to the slide, then another drop of mineral oil. Cover with a glass
cover slip.
6. Read the microscope slide using the 10x and 40x objectives on a light microscope. The perianal tape test is best at detecting Syphacia eggs,
although other parasite eggs are sometimes found.
2. Fecal flotation
1. Assemble flotation solution, a flat-bottomed vial (pill vial or fecal flotation device such as Ovatector), petri dish, cover slip, microscope slide,
and applicator/stirring sticks. Floatation solution, such as Fecasol, should have a specific gravity of 1.20-1.30 and may be made from various
sodium salts, sugar, zinc sulfate, or purchased commercially. (Table 2)
2. Collect 2-5 fecal pellets from the cage or fresh from the animal(s) into the flotation chamber. If feces are extremely dry, either due to age or
species producing the fecal matter, moistening the feces with 500 μl of 0.9% saline may be beneficial.
3. Place the vial in the petri dish to protect the working surface from overflow of dissolved feces. Add a small volume of floatation medium and
mash and stir thoroughly. No large pieces of material should remain. Continue to add flotation medium until a meniscus forms above the edge
of the vial.
4. Place the cover slip on the meniscus and incubate at room temperature for 15 minutes. Parasite eggs and some protozoan oocysts will rise to
the top and adhere to the cover slip.
Journal of Visualized Experiments
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Visualized Experiments and Charles River September 2011 | 55 | e2767 | Page 2 of 4
5. After incubation, lift and invert the cover slip. Place the cover slip on a glass microscope slide.
6. Examine the slide using the 10x and 40x objectives under a light microscope.
7. Although low-tech and easy to perform, in general, this technique is not recommended for mice or rats. As a rule, it is more suitable for
animals that produce a larger volume of feces.
3. Fecal concentration and centrifugation
1. Assemble flotation solution, centrifuge tube, cover slip, microscope slide, and applicator/stirring sticks and tube caps. Flotation solution
should have a specific gravity of 1.18-1.30 and may be made from various sodium salts, sugar, zinc sulfate, or purchased commercially.
(Table 2)
2. Collect 2-10 fecal pellets from the cage or fresh from the animal(s) into a collection tube. If feces are extremely dry, either due to age or
species producing the fecal matter, moistening the feces with 500 μl of 0.9% saline or with the flotation solution you are using may be
3. Mix sample in an appropriate flotation solution within a glass centrifuge tube. Mechanical agitation with a vortexer may be used to mix
samples. If a vortexer is used, snap caps should be placed on the tops of the tube to prevent spillage and cross contamination. Routinely,
samples are prepared in 1.18 specific gravity zinc sulfate, however other solutions may be used in addition (in a separate preparation tube) or
in substitution.
4. Add additional flotation solution to each tube to form a slight positive meniscus on each tube. Apply a plastic cover slip to each tube, and
ensure that full contact with tube lip is made. Place tube(s) into the centrifuge.
5. Centrifuge at approximately 616-760 RCF for 10 minutes. If cover slips are lost or broken during the centrifugation process, a new cover
slip can be placed on the sample tube and the tube can be gently tipped so that the meniscus touches the new cover slip. No additional
centrifugation is necessary.
6. Remove cover slip from centrifuge tube and place on a labeled, clean glass microscope slide. If multiple centrifugation solutions were used to
evaluate one fecal sample, two cover slips may be placed on the same slide.
7. Stain the slide with iodine. This allows for easier identification of cysts.
8. Examine the slide using the 10x and 40x objectives on a light microscope.
4. Direct examination of intestines for helminths and protozoa
1. Place the euthanized mouse or rat carcass in dorsal recumbency on a clean dissection board or similar work surface.
2. Using forceps, lift the abdominal wall at the genital area. Using scissors, carefully incise the ventral abdominal wall from the genital area to
the base of the ribcage removing both skin and muscle and exposing the intestines. Remove the intestines, beginning at the duodenum (the
segment of the intestine beginning at the exit of the stomach) and continuing to the descending colon (the segment of the intestine which
ends at the anus and usually contains formed feces).
3. Place intestines in a 100 ml Petri dish. Collect a portion of cecum and duodenum from the euthanized animal and place on a dissecting
board. Incise each intestinal segment lengthwise to expose the mucosa.
4. Using scissors, cut the remaining intestines into small sections. Add enough tap water to the dish to barely submerge the collected tissue.
5. Incubate the sample mixture at 35-40°C in a laboratory oven or incubator for a minimum of 10 minutes. This will liberate and expose luminal
helminths. While the sample is incubating, carry out the following steps.
6. Place two drops of 0.9% saline side by side on a single labeled slide, to allow for preparation of samples from two intestinal segments
(duodenum and cecum).
7. Heat sterilize and cool an inoculating loop or equivalent.
8. Scrape the mucosa of the duodenum and place the scrapings on the left hand side of the slide (side closest to the frosted edge).
9. Scrape the mucosa of the cecum and place the scrapings from on the right hand side of the slide.
10. Top the scrapings with a cover slip. Examine prepared slide using the 40x objective under a phase contrast microscope); increase
magnification as needed for identification. If parasites are detected, identify based on morphology.
11. The dish contents will be ready for examination by this point. Examine the dish contents under a dissecting microscope. Use a probe or
applicator stick as necessary to move contents within the dish to complete a thorough examination. If pinworms are present they will appear
as small, white, hair-like worms. If tapeworms are present, they will appear as segmented, flat worms (larger than the thread-like pinworms).
12. If helminths are detected or suspected, collect the specimen using a small pair of forceps.
13. Mount the specimen on a labeled, clean glass slide in a drop of paraffin or mineral oil and place a cover slip on top of the specimen. Examine
the slide using the 10x and 40x objectives on a light microscope.
2. Ectoparasite examination (Table 3)
5. Fur pluck examination for ectoparasites (tape test)
1. Remove a length of clear, not frosted, cellophane tape from a dispenser. Tape should be long enough to handle by one end without touching
the middle (approximately 5 cm). It may be easier to dispense several lengths at one time, attaching them to the edge of a clean work surface
and using as needed.
2. Lift a mouse or rat from its cage and place on the cage lid, holding it by the tail. Perform this action in a laminar flow cabinet or biosafety
cabinet if the health status of the animal requires it.
3. Restrain the mouse or rat. Grasp the fur with hemostats and gently pluck fur from the mouse's scapular area, ventral cervical region, axillary
area, inguinal area, and dorsal rump. Place the fur on the tape. Hair should be seen to be adherent to the tape for the assay to be considered
successful. Place the mouse or rat back in its cage.
4. Place a drop of mineral oil on a labeled clean glass slide; apply the tape, then another drop of mineral oil. Cover with a glass cover slip.
5. Read the microscope slide using the 10x and 40x objectives under a light microscope.
6. This examination is best for detecting fur mites such as Radfordia, Myobia, and Myocoptes.
Journal of Visualized Experiments
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Visualized Experiments and Charles River September 2011 | 55 | e2767 | Page 3 of 4
6. Skin scrape
1. Assemble the following materials: animal to be tested, mineral oil, microscope slide, cover slip, scalpel, and scissors. If this test is to be
performed on live animals, they should be anesthetized before beginning.
2. Sample the dorsum near the base of the tail and the temporal region of the head. Alternatively, skin lesions and/or other sites may be
3. Deeply scrape the skin with the scalpel blade in the opposite direction of hair growth, to erode the epidermis. Trimming the hair coat prior to
scraping may improve screening sensitivity by reducing visual obstruction (excess hair) on the slide.
4. Place a drop of oil on the slide. Apply the sample to the oil drop by wiping the blade (with sample attached) on the surface of the slide. Add
additional oil to the slide if necessary, and top with a cover slip.
5. Read the microscope slide using the 10x and 40x objectives under a light microscope.
6. The skin scrape is generally used to detect Demodex (and dermatophytic fungi).
7. Direct examination of pelage
1. Place the euthanized mouse or rat on the stage of a dissecting microscope.
2. Examine the hairs of the pelt at approximately 10X using an applicator stick or similar instrument to part the hair and observe the base of the
hair shaft.
3. Examine the cranial region, between the eyes and the pinnae, between the pinnae, between the scapulae, under the jaw, and the inguinal
and axillary areas. Alternatively, the whole carcass may be examined.
4. Collect any ectoparasites or suspicious material seen using a small pair of forceps. Ectoparasites may often look like dandruff or a yellow
waxy buildup at the base of a hair shaft or directly on the skin.
5. Mount the specimen on a clean glass slide in a drop of paraffin or mineral oil and place a cover slip on top of the specimen. Examine the slide
using the 10x and 40x objectives under a light microscope.
3. Representative Results:
See attached files identifying the following parasites: (Note: these procedures will detect any egg, helminth, or cyst present in the feces or on the
skin and fur; only a few of these are listed below)
Syphacia muris (egg, worm) Chilomastix bettencourti
Syphacia obvelata (egg, worm) Hexamastix muris
Aspiculuris tetraptera (egg, worm) Retortamonas sp.
Rodentolepis nana (egg, worm) Giardia spp.
Tritrichomonas muris Spironucleus muris
Entamoeba muris
Myocoptes musculinis Radfordia affinis
Myocoptes musculinis Radforida ensifera
Myobia musculi
Tape test Fecal flotation FCC Direct exam1PCR
Protozoa -- + ++ +++ +++/NA2
Pinworm +/-3+/-4+4+++ +++
Tapeworm5-- + ++ +++ NA
Other roundworms5-- + +++ +++ NA
1. This method requires euthanasia of the animal.
2. There are not PCR detection methods currently available for every protozoan.
3. This method is most appropriate to detect Syphacia spp.
4. This method will be more likely to detect Aspiculuris, and less likely to detect Syphacia.
5. Tapeworms and roundworms other than pinworms are very rare in modern laboratory mice and rats.
Journal of Visualized Experiments
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Visualized Experiments and Charles River September 2011 | 55 | e2767 | Page 4 of 4
Table 1. Class of endoparasite and appropriate detection method. Some methods will require euthanasia of the animal. NA indicates method is
not currently available for these parasites.+ indicates suitability of the method for detection of the parasite in question, and – indicates that the
method is not recommended for that parasite.
Solution Specific gravity Ingredients per 1L H2O
Sodium chloride 1.20 311 g sodium chloride
Sodium nitrate 1.20 338 g sodium nitrate
Sodium nitrate 1.30 616 g sodium nitrate
Sugar 1.20 1170 g sucrose1
Sheather's sugar 1.27-1.30 1563 g sucrose1
Zinc sulfate 1.18 493 g zinc sulfate
1. These solutions require refrigeration or the addition of 9 ml phenol as a preservative.
Table 2. Fecal flotation solutions (from Smith et al.)
Fur pluck (tape test) Skin scrape1Direct exam1PCR
Lice -- -- ++ NA
Mites + + +++ +++/NA3
Fleas4-- -- + NA
Ticks4-- -- ++ NA
1. This method requires anesthesia if it is to be performed on a live animal.
2. This method requires euthanasia of the animal.
3. There are not PCR detection methods currently available for every species of mite.
4. Fleas and ticks are extremely rare in modern laboratory animal facilities.
Table 3. Class of ectoparasite and appropriate detection method. Some methods will require euthanasia of the animal, and other methods will
require anesthesia to perform them in live animals. NA indicates method is not currently available for these parasites. NA indicates method is
not currently available for these parasites.+ indicates suitability of the method for detection of the parasite in question, and – indicates that the
method is not recommended for that parasite.
When working in a laboratory, safety should always be a concern. Remember to wear appropriate protective equipment when working with
animals and to clean your workstation with disinfectant before and after. These methods are primarily designed to find any parasites of laboratory
rodents in the locations examined, i.e., they can detect exotic or exceedingly rare parasites as well as the more common pinworms and fur mites.
Although they are equally applicable to other species, wild rodents may have additional parasites in locations such as liver, subcutis and brain,
not evaluated by the above methods.
The authors are all employees of Charles River, a supplier of diagnostic tests and reagents, including the tests described above.
1. Baker, D.G. in The Mouse in Biomedical Research: Diseases Vol. 2 The Mouse in Biomedical Research. eds. J. Fox, et al. Ch. 23, 565-580
(Academic Press, 2007).
2. Baker, D.G. in Flynn's Parasites of Laboratory Animals. (ed. David G. Baker) Ch. 11, 303-398 (Blackwell, 2007).
3. Owen, D.G. Parasites of Laboratory Animals. Vol. 12 (Royal Society of Medicine, 1992).
4. Pritchett, K.R. in The Mouse in Biomedical Research: Diseases Vol. 2 The Mouse in Biomedical Research. eds. J. Fox, et al. Ch. 22, 551-564
(Academic Press, 2007).
5. Smith, P.H., Wiles, S.E., Malone, J.B., & Monahan, C.M. in Flynn's Parasites of Laboratory Animals. (ed. David G. Baker) Ch. 1, 1-13
(Blackwell, 2007).
6. Wasson, K. in The Mouse in Biomedical Research: Diseases Vol. 2 The Mouse in Biomedical Research. eds. J. Fox et al. Ch. 21, 517-550
(Academic Press, 2007).
... O diagnóstico é determinante para adoção de medidas eficazes de tratamento, controle e para a manutenção da qualidade dos biomodelos fornecidos para pesquisa [1][2][3][4]6,9,12,13 . O parasito pode infectar tanto o homem, quanto animais de laboratório 7,9,[13][14][15][16] . ...
... O diagnóstico é determinante para adoção de medidas eficazes de tratamento, controle e para a manutenção da qualidade dos biomodelos fornecidos para pesquisa [1][2][3][4]6,9,12,13 . O parasito pode infectar tanto o homem, quanto animais de laboratório 7,9,[13][14][15][16] . Os ovos depositados apresentam aspecto reniforme, são alongados, com uma parede fina e achatados em um dos lados e embrionam entre 5 e 20 horas a 37ºC ou, mais lentamente, em temperatura ambiente, são leves e se dispersam facilmente, resultando em contaminação generalizada do ambiente, o que dificulta o seu controle nas colônias de roedores [7][8][9][10]13,15,[17][18][19][20][21] . ...
... O parasito pode infectar tanto o homem, quanto animais de laboratório 7,9,[13][14][15][16] . Os ovos depositados apresentam aspecto reniforme, são alongados, com uma parede fina e achatados em um dos lados e embrionam entre 5 e 20 horas a 37ºC ou, mais lentamente, em temperatura ambiente, são leves e se dispersam facilmente, resultando em contaminação generalizada do ambiente, o que dificulta o seu controle nas colônias de roedores [7][8][9][10]13,15,[17][18][19][20][21] . ...
... Ectoparasites were detected by fur plucking, skin scraping, and fur combing techniques [4,12,13], as shown in Figure-2. If present, fur plucking and skin scraping tests were performed in the scapular, axillary, inguinal, dorsal rump, cervical, and lesions regions. ...
... Intestinal helminths and protozoa were identified using a perianal tape test, fecal smear, simple flotation, and direct examination of intestinal tract techniques [13]. A perianal tape test was used to examine the helminth eggs, and a fecal smear test was performed to detect intestinal protozoa. ...
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Background and aim: Rattus spp. are the most common animals capable of adapting to their environment. They can be reservoirs or vectors of diseases that facilitate the transmission of zoonotic-borne parasites to humans. Hence, a study on the detection of parasites in rat populations in urban areas is crucial to prepare for emerging zoonosis. Therefore, this study aims to identify blood parasites, ectoparasites, and helminths in Rattus spp. from wet markets located in Klang Valley, an urban area with a high-density human population. Materials and methods: A total of 32 rats were trapped in several wet markets in Klang Valley, Malaysia. They were anesthetized for morphometric examination followed by exsanguination. Various parasitological techniques such as perianal tape test, simple flotation, direct examination of the intestine, and fecal smear were performed for intestinal parasite detection; hair plucking, skin scraping, and full body combing for ectoparasite identification; and blood smear, microhematocrit centrifugation, and buffy coat techniques for blood parasite detection. Results: The rats were identified as Rattus rattus (71.9%) and Rattus norvegicus (28.1%). The only blood protozoan found was Trypanosoma lewisi. The ectoparasites identified belonged to two broad groups, mites (Laelaps spp. and Ornithonyssus spp.) and fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis), known to be parasitic zoonotic disease vectors. The zoonotic intestinal parasites were cestodes (Hymenolepis nana), nematodes (Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, Strongyloides spp., Trichuris spp., Capillaria spp., and Syphacia spp.), and intestinal protozoa (coccidian oocysts and Giardia spp.). Microscopic images showing Giardia spp. are the first report of this organism in rats in Malaysia. Conclusion: Rats caught in this urban area of the Klang Valley harbor parasites can pose a potential zoonotic threat to humans, raising public health concerns because of their proximity to densely populated urban areas.
... Laboratory animals throughout the previous years contributed significantly to the progress of scientific research at the level of composition and vital function (Clark et al., 1997) and it play`s an essential role in medical experiments, it has been widely used in assessing the safety of many medicines, food and chemicals , In addition to laboratory experiments to diagnose the pathogens of many diseases and to produce vaccines (Tsegaye and Shiferaw, 1999;Velev et al., 2018), however, in some cases, laboratory animals themselves may develop various laboratory causes, especially parasitic agents, which overlap and affect negatively the result of scientific research to be conducted in addition to wasting effort Scientific, time, and material losses (Baker, 2007;Tanideh et al., 2010), These severe parasitic infections may be internal or external and the parasite is one of the organisms that live on or in other types of organisms and that often causes harmful diseases if they are not beneficial to the host and the parasites live parallel to the livelihood these parasites organisms always try to identify and reduce the host's immunity for the purpose of preserving themselves and surviving (Behenke et al., 2003;Evgenya and Oleg, 2020) The influence of the parasites may extend to the host's behavior (McNair and Timmons, 1977;Webster, 1994) and even alter its immune status (Bashir et al., 2002;Kamal et al., 2002) and its growth (Mullink, 1970) although mice are tolerant to tolerance and reception (Rahemo et al., 2012) large numbers of parasites have reported cases of parasitic infections in them that have reached out of control limits, as in the case of a pinworm, especially if they hit laboratory mice and the arthropod may play an important role in this process by being an intermediate host or a mechanical carrier of these parasites or their larval roles, therefore, the process of diagnosing infection in laboratory mice is a major challenge Baker, 2007;Parkinson et al., 2011) and the parasite's influence may extend to the host's behavior (McNair and Timmons, 1977;Webster, 1994) The parasites or their eggs confuse the laboratory diagnosis process, which made relying on one laboratory diagnostic method that can give wrong results that negatively affect the overall laboratory work and therefore it is better to use more than one method because the diagnostic process is not easy It is very important to keep in mind that in many cases of parasitic infections like Entamoeba histolyitca were most probably confused with Entamoeba dispar because they did not differentiate morphologically between identical species in microscopic examinations (Mehmet and William, 2003). ...
... this process was repeated until clear leachate is reached, then add 2 ml of zinc sulfate to the end of the test tube after disposal of the filtrate with the glass slide cover fixed to the test tube and place the sample In a centrifuge at the same speed and time as before, the cover of the slide was raised and fixed to a glass slide and the sample was stained with an iodine dye to detect eggs of worms and cysts of protozoa parasites. A dissection of infected mice was also performed to obtain whole intestinal contents where the animal was anaesthetized with chloroform by placing the lab mouse in a sealed glass chamber containing a piece of cotton wet with the drug (Padmanabhan et al., 1981;Cicero et al., 2018) and the intestine removed and then emptying its contents in a sterile Petri dish with normal saline solution and then prepare the stained slides that examined later by using microscopy (Nicon Co., Japan) at the power of 40X and 100X to diagnose parasitic pathogens, according to method of Parkinson et al. (2011). ...
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A total of 150 Laboratory mice divided into four age groups consisted of 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks old were used in this study by placing each animal individually in a special cage within the period between October 2019 to the end of February 2020 at the Research and Graduate Studies Laboratory University of Mosul, Iraq. This study aimed to investigate intestinal parasitic infections in laboratory mice, stool samples were collected for 150 laboratory mice and periodically to perform laboratory tests that included direct slide examination and using the concentration method to detect eggs of worms and cysts of protozoa parasites, the culture of parasites also was used by prepared manufactured culture media to develop parasites. The infection was diagnosed in 136 (90.66%) mice while the rest 14 (9.33%) mice did not record any parasitic infection (clean). The higher rate of infection 58% was reported for Trichomonas muris followed by Entamoeba muris and Giardia muris which found in 22%, 15.3% respectively. In the other hand the infection with Hymenolepis diminuta was recorded in 16% from infected cases by identifying the eggs of this worm in stool samples. This study shows the high rate of parasites infection in laboratory mice which might have negative effects on the result of previous scientific researches, in addition to wasting effort, time, and materials.
... Rodent helminth infection was determined by processing rodent feces using a standard protocol to detect helminth eggs. For each sample, 0.1 g of feces was processed from each animal by homogenizing rodent feces in a Sugar-Med solution (Bechtel et al., 2015;Benbrook and Sloss, 1955;Foreyt, 2001;Parkinson et al., 2011). Samples were then centrifuged at 500 RCF for 5 min in a centrifuge with a 161 mm rotor in 15 mL test tubes. ...
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Wildlife species are often heavily parasitized by multiple infections simultaneously. Yet research on sylvatic transmission cycles, tend to focus on host interactions with a single parasite and neglects the influence of co-infections by other pathogens and parasites. Co-infections between macro-parasites and micro-parasites can alter mechanisms that regulate pathogenesis and are important for understanding disease emergence and dynamics. Wildlife rodent hosts in the Lyme disease system are infected with macro-parasites (i.e., ticks and helminths) and micro-parasites (i.e., Borrelia spp.), however, there has not been a study that investigates the interaction of all three parasites (i.e., I. pacificus, Borrelia spp., and helminths) and how these co-infections impact prevalence of micro-parasites. We live-trapped rodents in ten sites in northern California to collect feces, blood, ear tissue, and attached ticks. These samples were used to test for infection status of Borrelia species (i.e., micro-parasite), and describe the burden of ticks and helminths (i.e., macro-parasites). We found that some rodent hosts were co-infected with all three parasites, however, the burden or presence of concurrent macro-parasites were not associated with Borrelia infections. For macro-parasites, we found that tick burdens were positively associated with rodent Shannon diversity while negatively associated with predator diversity, whereas helminth burdens were not significantly associated with any host community metric. Ticks and tick-borne pathogens are associated with rodent host diversity, predator diversity, and abiotic factors. However, it is still unknown what factors helminths are associated with on the community level. Understanding the mechanisms that influence co-infections of multiple types of parasites within and across hosts is an increasingly critical component of characterizing zoonotic disease transmission and maintenance.
... Death was confirmed by the absence of heartbeat, movement of the chest and reflexes as well as the presence of pale mucous membrane. Ectoparasites and parasitic eggs and larvae were detected around perianal area using hair pluck examination (tape test) [9] and were examined under microscope. Hair samples were collected and cultured on Dermatophyte selective agar at 28-30 o C for up to 3 weeks. ...
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Surveillance of communicable diseases among laboratory animals is an important component of veterinary care within any animal research facility. This study aimed to monitor the health status of research animals at the Laboratory Animal Center, Thammasat University, using the Sentinel Animal Program. Five female, specific pathogen free, BALB/cMlac mice were designated as sentinel animals. After a 3-day quarantine, the sentinel mice were housed in a cage which was placed in the same laboratory-animal room with 50 other experimental mice. An indirect sentinel test was performed twice weekly for six weeks by transferring soiled bedding from different cages of the experimental mice into the cage of the sentinel mice. After six weeks, the sentinel mice were euthanized. Their blood samples and intestinal contents were tested to detect any evidence of infections by certain pathogens. Their organ tissues were also reviewed under microscope. By using ELISA, cultivation and examination under microscope, no evidence of infections was detected among the sentinel mice. Their organ tissue histology appeared normal. The sentinel mice did not receive any infectious diseases, if present, from the experimental mice. This reflects the generally good health status of other experimental mice simultaneously housed in the same facility. However, it should be noted that certain pathogens cannot transmit via soiled bedding and, hence, may not be able to be detected under the Sentinel Animal Program using the indirect contact method.
... The parasitological methods were conducted for all 54 animals within a 5-week time frame following studies by Parkinson et al. (2011) andGerwin et al. (2017). Detection of endoparasites was performed using perianal tape test, direct faecal smear, faecal floatation, and direct examination of gastrointestinal tract contents. ...
... Blood parasites were detected by thin and thick blood smear tests. The parasitological methods are in accordance with studies by Parkinson et al. (2011). The morphology of the endoparasites were identified using a compound microscope at magnifications of 10× and 40× objectives. ...
Rodents used in biomedical research are maintained as specific pathogen-free (SPF) by employing biosecurity measures that eliminate and exclude adventitious infectious agents known to confound research. The efficacy of these practices is assessed by routine laboratory testing referred to as health monitoring (HM). This study summarizes the results of HM performed at Charles River Research Animal Diagnostic Services (CR-RADS) on samples submitted by external (non-Charles River) clients between 2003 and 2020. Summarizing this vast amount of data has been made practicable by the recent introduction of end-user business intelligence tools to Excel. HM summaries include the number of samples tested and the percent positive by diagnostic methodology, including direct examination for parasites, cultural isolation and identification for bacteria, serology for antibodies to viruses and fastidious microorganisms, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for pathogen-specific genomic sequences. Consistent with comparable studies, the percentages of pathogen-positive samples by diagnostic methodology and year interval are referred to as period prevalence estimates (%P E ). These %P E substantiate the elimination of once common respiratory pathogens, such as Sendai virus, and reductions in the prevalence of other agents considered common, such as the rodent coronaviruses and parvoviruses. Conversely, the %P E of certain pathogens, for example, murine norovirus (MNV), Helicobacter , Rodentibacter , and parasites remain high, perhaps due to the increasing exchange of genetically engineered mutant (GEM) rodents among researchers and the challenges and high cost of eliminating these agents from rodent housing facilities. Study results also document the growing role of PCR in HM because of its applicability to all pathogen types and its high specificity and sensitivity; moreover, PCR can detect pathogens in samples collected antemortem directly from colony animals and from the environment, thereby improving the detection of host-adapted, environmentally unstable pathogens that are not efficiently transmitted to sentinels by soiled bedding.
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Colchicine (COL) is a permeability-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate drug used for familial Mediterranean fever, acute pericarditis, and the management of acute gout. It has a narrow therapeutic index which implies that a small change in the drug's absorption profile may lead to either toxicity or therapeutic failure. Absorption can be altered by modulating the function of P-gp via the concomitant use of drugs, herbal medicines, or food supplements such as probiotics. Here, we investigated the effect of probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus BIOTECH 1900 on COL's transepithelial mucosal-to-serosal transport in the jejunum of ICR mice. A high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array (HPLC-PDA) method for the assay of COL was developed and validated. The HPLC-PDA method was applied in an ex vivo non-everted gut sac model to measure COL's cumulative mucosal-to-serosal transport and apparent permeability (Papp). Treatment of L. acidophilus BIOTECH 1900 resulted to a significantly lower COL transport and Papp value compared to the control group. Additionally, the activity of L. acidophilus BIOTECH 1900 was found to be similar to dexamethasone, a known P-gp inducer. We report that L. acidophilus BIOTECH 1900 decreases the transepithelial mucosal-to-serosal transport of COL, suggesting possible P-gp induction. Further studies are recommended to substantiate this transporter-based drug-probiotic interaction.
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Neonatal fostering to remove Helicobacter spp from Deer Mice.
Prepared under the auspices of the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine, this second edition has been thoroughly updated and revised to improve utility and readability. The book is now organized by vertebrate host species, with parasites presented phylogenetically within chapters. Additional highlights of this edition include introductory chapters on modern diagnostic techniques and parasite biology, and a new appendix features a complete drug formulary. The well-presented and extensively illustrated volume addresses all aspects of laboratory animal parasites. Regarded as the most comprehensive and authoritative work available on the topic, this book is an essential reference for veterinary parasitologists, clinicians, students and laboratory animal scientists.
IntroductionSample Collection And PreservationParasite Collection And PreservationFecal Examination TechniquesDetection Of MicrofilariaMicroscopy Techniques
  • P H Smith
  • S E Wiles
  • J B Malone
  • C Monahan
Smith, P.H., Wiles, S.E., Malone, J.B., & Monahan, C.M. in Flynn's Parasites of Laboratory Animals. (ed. David G. Baker) Ch. 1, 1-13 (Blackwell, 2007).
  • D G Owen
Owen, D.G. Parasites of Laboratory Animals. Vol. 12 (Royal Society of Medicine, 1992).