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Abstract and Figures

In species in which males care for young, testosterone (T) is often high during mating periods but then declines to allow for caregiving of resulting offspring. This model may apply to human males, but past human studies of T and fatherhood have been cross-sectional, making it unclear whether fatherhood suppresses T or if men with lower T are more likely to become fathers. Here, we use a large representative study in the Philippines (n = 624) to show that among single nonfathers at baseline (2005) (21.5 ± 0.3 y), men with high waking T were more likely to become partnered fathers by the time of follow-up 4.5 y later (P < 0.05). Men who became partnered fathers then experienced large declines in waking (median: -26%) and evening (median: -34%) T, which were significantly greater than declines in single nonfathers (P < 0.001). Consistent with the hypothesis that child interaction suppresses T, fathers reporting 3 h or more of daily childcare had lower T at follow-up compared with fathers not involved in care (P < 0.05). Using longitudinal data, these findings show that T and reproductive strategy have bidirectional relationships in human males, with high T predicting subsequent mating success but then declining rapidly after men become fathers. Our findings suggest that T mediates tradeoffs between mating and parenting in humans, as seen in other species in which fathers care for young. They also highlight one likely explanation for previously observed health disparities between partnered fathers and single men.
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Longitudinal evidence that fatherhood decreases
testosterone in human males
Lee T. Gettler
, Thomas W. McDade
, Alan B. Feranil
, and Christopher W. Kuzawa
Department of Anthropology, and
Cells to Society, Center on Social Disparities and Health, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University, Evanston,
IL 60208; and
Ofce of Population Studies Foundation, University of San Carlos, Cebu City 6000, Philippines
Edited by A. E. Storey, Department of Psychology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. Johns, NF, Canada, and accepted by the Editorial Board July 28,
2011 (received for review May 10, 2011)
In species in which males care for young, testosterone (T) is often
high during mating periods but then declines to allow for
caregiving of resulting offspring. This model may apply to human
males, but past human studies of T and fatherhood have been
cross-sectional, making it unclear whether fatherhood suppresses
T or if men with lower T are more likely to become fathers. Here,
we use a large representative study in the Philippines (n= 624) to
show that among single nonfathers at baseline (2005) (21.5 ±0.3 y),
men with high waking T were more likely to become partnered
fathers by the time of follow-up 4.5 y later (P<0.05). Men who
became partnered fathers then experienced large declines in wak-
ing (median: 26%) and evening (median: 34%) T, which were
signicantly greater than declines in single nonfathers (P<0.001).
Consistent with the hypothesis that child interaction suppresses T,
fathers reporting 3 h or more of daily childcare had lower T at
follow-up compared with fathers not involved in care (P<0.05).
Using longitudinal data, these ndings show that T and reproduc-
tive strategy have bidirectional relationships in human males, with
high T predicting subsequent mating success but then declining
rapidly after men become fathers. Our ndings suggest that T
mediates tradeoffs between mating and parenting in humans, as
seen in other species in which fathers care for young. They also
highlight one likely explanation for previously observed health
disparities between partnered fathers and single men.
challenge hypothesis
human evolution
hormones and behavior
paternal care
reproductive ecology
In male mammals, testosterone (T) stimulates the development
and maintenance of traits and behaviors that contribute to
male mating effort, including musculature, libido, conspecic
aggressivity, and courtship (14). Although these T-driven traits
factor into mating success, male reproductive tness in some
avian and mammalian species also depends on contributions to
offspring care (5, 6). Because time and energy are nite (7),
males in these species often face tradeoffs between conicting
behaviors related to mating and parenting. Adjustment of T
production has been proposed as a physiological mechanism
underlying this tradeoff, with males who focus on mating effort
predicted to maintain elevated T, whereas males who cooperate
with a female partner and invest in parental care should reduce T
production (6, 8). This model is well supported by data from
a variety of avian species (6, 8), but evidence for its applicability
to mammalian species in which males provide direct care is
mixed (9). It is presently unclear whether T mediates the tradeoff
between mating and parenting effort in human males, who often
express paternal care facultatively.
Humans have been described as serial monogamists who fre-
quently engage in one or more long-lasting partnerships with
females during reproductive life spans that last several decades
(1012). Humans are one of the few mammalian species in which
paternal care is relatively common, with fathers often helping to
raise multiple overlapping offspring who are dependent well into
their second decade of life (5, 1315). If T contributes to human
male reproductive strategy, high initial T should enhance a mans
mating success, but men who have succeeded in securing a mate
and/or fathering a child should then down-regulate T, particu-
larly if they frequently care for their children (6, 8, 13).
Past human work provides indirect support for these expect-
ations largely using cross-sectional data. Multiple studies have
shown that partnered men have lower T compared with single
men (16, 17), and a large 10-y study of US servicemen found that
T decreased in men who married during the study period (18). In
comparisons of men varying in both relationship and parenting
status, partnered fathers have been shown to have the lowest T
overall, differing signicantly from single nonfathers in some
populations (1921), including the present study population (22,
23). There is also increasing evidence that caregiving predicts
which fathers have lowest T (20, 22, 24). Although these cross-
sectional correlations are generally consistent with the presumed
suppressive effect of partnering and fatherhood on T production
(a stateeffect), such ndings could alternatively result if men
with low T are more likely to become partnered or fathers (a
traiteffect) (25). However, to date, no human study has
monitored hormonal changes longitudinally as single nonfathers
transition into stable partnerships and become fathers.
To clarify the role of T in human male reproductive strategy,
we draw on data and biological samples collected in a large
sample of men participating in the Cebu Longitudinal Health
and Nutrition Survey (CLHNS), a representative 1-y birth cohort
study begun in the Philippines in 1983. In addition to longitu-
dinal questionnaire data, we collected saliva samples for T
measurement at waking (AM) and before bed (PM) in all par-
ticipants (n= 624) when they were 21.5 (±0.3) y of age (base-
line) and again when they were 26.0 (±0.3) y of age (follow-up).
All participants live in or around Cebu City, the Philippines,
where it is common for fathers to be involved in day-to-day care
of their children (22). Focusing on the subsample of men who
were single nonfathers at baseline (n= 465), we tested the hy-
potheses that (i) men with higher baseline T would have greater
mating success as indicated by being in a stable partnership
(married/cohabitating) and/or becoming a father by the time of
follow-up and (ii) these newly partnered new fathers would
subsequently show a greater decrease in T than men who
remained single nonfathers. We also tested the hypothesis that
(iii) fathers who reported spending more time in childcare would
have lower T at follow-up than fathers who reported spending
Author contributions: L.T.G., A.B.F., and C.W.K. designed research; L.T.G., T.W.M., A.B.F.,
and C.W.K. performed research; L.T.G. and C.W.K. analyzed data; and L.T.G., T.W.M.,
A.B.F., and C.W.K. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no conict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. A.E.S. is a guest editor invited by the Editorial
See Commentary on page 16141.
L.T.G. and C.W.K. contributed equally to this work.
To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: or
This article contains supporting information online at
September 27, 2011
vol. 108
no. 39
less time in childcare, as would be consistent with a direct sup-
pressive role of caregiving on T among fathers.
In observational research, correlated nonmeasured factors can
inuence both predictor and outcome variables, and thus lead to
confounded associations. Here, we use an econometric change
model that minimizes the likelihood of such confounding, be-
cause any permanent or stable factors that differ among men but
that have not changed in the follow-up period are included
within the error term of both regression models, and thus are
eliminated as potential inuences on any change in T experi-
enced during the period of follow-up (26).
Table 1 summarizes sociodemographic and biological charac-
teristics for the full sample and also stratied on a median split of
AM T measured at follow-up (2009). When the full sample was
considered, all men showed a modest but signicant decrease in
both AM and PM T between baseline and follow-up, consistent
with age-related declines documented previously (27). Men with
high T tended to have completed more years of education,
whereas men with low and high T did not differ in anthropo-
metric measures. Consistent with the results presented below,
a greater proportion of partnered men and fathers had T below
the median.
We rst used logistic regression to test whether T at baseline
predicted reproductive status at follow-up (n= 465; Table S1).
Consistent with our hypothesis, single nonfathers with greater
AM T at baseline were more likely to become newly partnered
[odds ratio (OR) = 1.20, P= 0.044] and newly partnered new
fathers (OR = 1.21, P= 0.048) by the time of follow-up in 2009.
We next tested whether men who became newly partnered
new fathers during the period of follow-up experienced a greater
decline in T relative to men who remained single nonfathers
between baseline and follow-up. Consistent with this hypothesis,
men who were both newly partnered and new fathers showed the
largest declines in AM and PM T between 2005 and 2009 (Fig. 1
Aand B), and their declines in both AM (median: 26%) and
PM (median: 34%) T were signicantly greater than the
modest age-related declines in AM (median: 12%) and PM
(median: 14%) T observed among single nonfathers (P<0.001,
n= 465; Fig. 1Band Tables S2 and S3). Newly partnered men
who remained nonfathers at follow-up showed declines in AM
(median: 10%) and PM (median: 32%) T (Fig. 1A) that were
not signicantly different from those of single nonfathers [ab-
solute change in AM T (ΔAM T), P= 0.499; ΔPM T, P= 0.167;
Fig. 1Band Tables S2 and S3]. Effects of change in partnering
and fatherhood status on ΔAM and ΔPM T were not sub-
stantially affected after adjusting for self-reported psychosocial
stress and sleep quality, neither of which signicantly predicted
ΔT (all P>0.3; Tables S2 and S3). In addition, men who were
partnered fathers in 2005 and who already had low T at baseline
showed only slight within-group declines in both ΔAM T (me-
dian: 7%, P= 0.048; n= 83) and ΔPM T (median: 3%, P=
0.374) by follow-up in 2009 (Fig. 1Aand Table S4).
We next tested whether the large decrease in T among new
fathers was contingent on the age of a mans youngest child.
Although all new fathers, regardless of their youngest childs age,
experienced a signicant reduction in AM and/or PM T com-
pared with nonfathers (Fig. 2 and Tables S5 and S6), fathers with
newborns (1 mo old or less) at the time of follow-up hormone
assessment showed signicantly greater declines in AM (P=
0.023) and PM (P= 0.003) T compared with fathers whose
youngest child was older than 1 y of age, which was not ac-
counted for by reports of psychosocial stress, sleep quality, or
involvement in caregiving (Tables S7 and S8). Men with new-
borns also differed signicantly for ΔAM T compared with men
with infants between 1 mo and 1 y of age (P= 0.007).
Finally, we evaluated whether men who were fathers at follow-
up (n= 312) varied in T based on their self-reported in-
volvement in childcare in 2009, controlling for sleep quality,
psychosocial stress, and number of children. Men reporting 13h
of daily childcare had signicantly lower AM T compared with
fathers reporting not being involved with care (Fig. 3), whereas
fathers reporting the highest involvement in childcare (3 h or
more per day) showed signicantly lower values of both AM and
PM T compared with men reporting no care (Fig. 3). Consistent
with the hypothesis that childcare suppresses T, among men who
began as nonpartnered nonfathers at baseline (n= 162), time
Fig. 1. (A) Within-group changes in AM and PM T values between 2005 and 2009. Mean values of T, adjusted for time of saliva collection and usual wake
time (AM), were compared using paired ttests. Group 1 (n= 83) comprised men who were partnered and fathers in 2005 and 2009. Group 2 (n= 257)
comprised men who were not partnered in 2005 and 2009 and were never fathers. Group 3 (n= 46) comprised men who became partnered between 2005 and
2009 and were never fathers. Group 4 (n= 162) comprised men who became partnered and were rst-time fathers between 2005 and 2009. *P<0.05; **P<
P<0.0001. Error bars indicate SEM. P, partnered. (B) Between-group changes in AM and PM T values between 2005 and 2009 based on partnering and
parenting status. Group descriptions are as in A. Values were adjusted for time of saliva collection and usual wake time (AM) and are derived from regressing
the change in T on changes in partnering and parenting status, with group 2 as the comparison group, controlling for sleep quality and psychosocial stress
(Tables S2 and S3). Partnered fathers are included for visual comparison but were not part of the regression analyses. ***P<0.001. Error bars indicate SEM.
Gettler et al. PNAS
September 27, 2011
vol. 108
no. 39
spent in childcare as fathers (at follow-up) was not predicted by
either AM T [ordered logistic OR = 1.12, 95% condence in-
terval (CI): 0.841.48; P= 0.441] or PM T (OR = 0.89, 95% CI:
0.671.18; P= 0.417) measured at baseline.
Among the men in our sample who were single nonfathers as
young adults, those with higher waking T were more likely to
have become a partnered father by the time of follow-up. Once
these men entered stable partnerships and became new fathers,
they subsequently experienced a large decline in T, which was
greater than the comparably modest declines seen in single
nonfathers during the same period. Finally, fathers who were
most involved in childcare had lower T compared with fathers
who did not participate in care. Using longitudinal data, these
results demonstrate that high T not only predicts mating success
(i.e., partnering with a female and fathering a child) in human
males but that T is then greatly reduced after men enter stable
relationships and become fathers. The nding that high in-
volvement in childcare was associated with low T measured at
follow-up but was not related to baseline T supports the hy-
pothesis that direct care of dependent offspring suppressed T
among the fathers in our sample (20, 22). Our ndings suggest
that human males have an evolved neuroendocrine architecture
that is responsive to committed parenting, supporting a role of
men as direct caregivers during hominin evolution (13, 14, 21).
Our results provide longitudinal evidence that high T predicts
subsequent mating success in human males. Although we did not
measure the behavioral or physical pathways linking T with
mating success in this analysis, T has previously been shown to
bolster traits related to mating effort and attractiveness, such as
musculature (1, 28, 29), motivation to win during competition
(30), and pursuit of social dominance (2, 31). Men with higher T
have also been shown to have physical attributes deemed at-
tractive by females and to have more recent and lifetime sexual
partners (3234). Although families traditionally played a pri-
mary role in arranging courtship and marriage in the Philippines,
courting in recent decades has gradually moved toward males
and females meeting independent of familial control (35). Mens
romantic prospects may thus be increasingly contingent on male-
male competition, particularly in social and economic domains
(36). This trend has likely increased the potential for high T to
factor into male mating success.
Although helpful in securing mates, many T-stimulated
behaviors may conict with partnership stability and parenting
(4, 33). Indeed, men with higher T have been shown to be more
likely to have marital problems and to be divorced (4, 18),
whereas men with lower T have been found to spend more time
with their wives (21). In an experimental setting, men with
greater T also reported feeling less sympathy or need to respond
to infant cries compared with men with lower T (37). Although
prior cross-sectional studies have led to speculation that father-
hood decreases T in human males (19, 22, 24), our longitudinal
results demonstrate that fatherhood causes T to decline and
remain low. These ndings were not substantively changed when
covariates (psychosocial stress and sleep quality) that might be
expected to mediate the relationship between fatherhood/
marriage and T were included in models and are consistent with a
previous longitudinal report that men who were married experi-
enced decreased T (18).
We also found that T at follow-up was lowest among fathers
reporting more hours spent in childcare. Although this nding
could result if men with low T at baseline were more likely to get
involved in childcare, instead, we found that childcare in-
volvement was unrelated to T at baseline. Familial composition
was not a confounding inuence on the relationships that we
documented, which is consistent with previous research from
Cebu reporting that fathers did not alter their childcare partici-
pation based on their number of children (38). Together, these
ndings provide longitudinal support for the hypothesis that
interacting with a dependent child suppresses T (20, 22, 24). In
prior research conducted in two neighboring cultural groups in
Tanzania, fathers in the population in which paternal care is the
cultural norm had lower T, whereas this was not found among
fathers in the group in which paternal care is absent (20). In
a study of a polygynous Senegalese society, it was found that
fathers who were highly invested in their children, as reported by
the childrens mothers, had lower T compared with fathers who
were less invested (24). Lower T has also been associated with
nurturing behaviors among fathers (37, 39).
Fig. 2. Between-group changes in AM and PM T values between 2005 and
2009 with fathers stratied by child age. Values are adjusted for time of
saliva collection and usual wake time (AM) and are derived from regressing
the change in T on fatherhood, stratied by child age, with men who were
not fathers in 2005 and 2009 as the comparison group, and controlling for
sleep quality and psychosocial stress (Tables S5 and S6). Fathers of newborns
were men whose youngest child was in the perinatal period [1 mo (m) old or
less]. Fathers of infants were men whose youngest child was older than 1 mo
(m) but 1 y (yr) old or less. ^P<0.10; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001. Error bars
indicate SEM.
Fig. 3. 2009 AM and PM T values among fathers varying in daily physical
childcare. Values were derived from regressing T on daily paternal caregiv-
ing, controlling for time of saliva collection, usual wake time (AM), sleep
quality, psychosocial stress, and number of children, with fathers who
reported no involvement in childcare as the comparison group. No care (n=
34), 01h(n= 37), 13h(n= 139), 3+ h (n= 102). Regression models were
calculated with robust SEs.
P= 0.020;
P= 0.044;
P= 0.015. AM model: R
0.047; PM model: R
= 0.046. Error bars indicate SEM.
| Gettler et al.
Although all new fathers had lower T than men remaining
single nonfathers, our results also suggest that fathers of new-
borns (1 mo old or less) experienced a large transient decline in
T that was signicantly greater than that of fathers whose
youngest child was older than 1 mo of age. This nding is con-
sistent with a previous cross-sectional study in which fathers of
newborns were found to have lower T compared with a group of
expectant fathers, whose T had been measured during their
partnerspregnancies (39). In another study in which expectant
fathers were sampled for T multiple times during their partners
pregnancies and after the women gave birth, those men with high
T during the pregnancy showed a signicant decline in the rst
week after birth (40). Viewed alongside these past ndings, the
steep transient T decrease that we document among fathers with
newborns could indicate an anticipatory psychological compo-
nent to mens T decline around the time of birth of their chil-
dren. Alternatively, our control variables may not fully capture
the scope of sleep disruption and psychosocial adjustments that
accompany a familys accommodation of a newborn baby, which
could contribute to this large short-term T decline in the post-
partum period. Taken together, our ndings suggest that antic-
ipatory or other effects unique to the immediate period of
parturition are likely additive to the more sustained effects of
caregiving in suppressing paternal T.
Our results are consistent with ndings from many bird spe-
cies, among which fathers often show declines in T during
periods in which they help raise young (6, 41). Relevant ndings
from other mammals are less consistent, with fathers having
lower T in some (4245) but not all (4648) mammalian species
in which fathers assist with offspring care. Analogies to bird and
other mammalian species are somewhat constrained because
humans are not seasonal breeders and have signicantly longer
interbirth intervals (34 y) and slowly developing dependent
offspring (49, 50). Moreover, human malespredisposition to-
ward paternal care is likely a derived trait that emerged during
hominin evolution (1315, 51, 52). Thus, compared with other
species with paternal care, mens T might decrease with father-
hood and then remain low over a longer and more sustained time
period corresponding to the slow life history of humans and the
prolonged dependency of offspring (50, 53, 54).
There is considerable interest in the health differentials be-
tween fathers and single men (55), and it is often reported that
married men and fathers have lower risk for certain diseases and
mortality (5658). Our ndings suggest that fathers are likely
exposed to lower levels of T throughout much of their prime
reproductive years, which could contribute to some of these
health differentials. For instance, high T may increase risk for
prostate cancer and adverse cholesterol proles, and high T has
also been linked to risk-taking behaviors that can affect mens
health, such as drug and alcohol use and promiscuity (33, 59, 60).
Our nding that men who end up as fathers tend to have higher
T to begin with also suggests that some of the benets of low T
among fathers could be offset by higher T exposure among these
men before becoming fathers, which could hinder efforts to
identify the health impacts of being a partnered father. Thus, our
ndings point to likely health effects of fatherhood and also
underscore some of the complexities of this exposure. The large
reductions in circulating T among the new fathers in our sample
provide a strong rationale to investigate linkages between fa-
therhood status and risk for diseases related to T exposure.
In sum, our results provide longitudinal conrmation that T
exhibits a bidirectional relationship with reproductive strategy in
human males. Single nonfathers with higher T at baseline were
more likely to be partnered fathers 4.5 y later. After becoming
partnered fathers, these men experienced dramatic reductions
in both waking and evening T, which were substantially greater
than the age-related declines observed in single nonfathers. Our
nding that caregiving fathers had lower T than fathers who did
not invest in care supports the hypothesis that father-child in-
teraction likely contributes to suppressed paternal T among fathers.
Table 1. Sample characteristics stratied on low and high follow-up (2009) AM T (n= 624)
All (n= 624) Low AM T* (n= 316) High AM T* (n= 308)
Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Pvalue
Demographic characteristics
Age, y 26.0 ±0.3 26.0 ±0.3 26.0 ±0.3 0.57
Highest grade completed 11.5 ±4.8 11.2 ±4.8 11.9 ±4.8 0.07
T values
AM T 2005, pg/mL 192.8 ±74.1 175.5 ±65.7 210.5 ±77.9 0.0001
AM T 2009, pg/mL
162.0 ±61.8 115.9 ±30.8 209.2 ±48.4 0.0001
PM T 2005, pg/mL 117.7 ±51.9 112.3 ±50.0 123.3 ±53.2 0.0001
PM T 2009, pg/mL
92.6 ±39.2 79.3 ±32.4 106.2 ±40.9 0.0001
Anthropometric measures
Body fat percentage 20.1 ±5.2 19.9 ±5.3 20.2 ±5.1 0.40
Body mass index, kg/m
22.7 ±3.6 22.5 ±3.8 22.9 ±3.4 0.23
Relationship characteristics
Partnered 2005 19.7% 20.6% 18.8% 0.59
Partnered 2009 54.0% 59.8% 48.1% 0.003
Duration of relationship
,y 3.7±2.4 3.6 ±2.4 3.8 ±2.4 0.45
Fatherhood characteristics
Father 2005 16.0% 15.8% 16.2% 0.89
Father 2009 50.0% 56.0% 43.8% 0.002
No. children
1.6 ±0.8 1.6 ±0.8 1.7 ±0.8 0.18
Age of oldest child
,y 3.4±2.2 3.2 ±2.2 3.6 ±2.2 0.16
*Test for signicant differences by median split of 2009 AM T (low AM T <155.6 pg/mL <high AM T); unpaired,
two-tailed ttest or χ
Paired ttests comparing 2005 and 2009 AM and PM T (both P<0.0001).
Restricted to partnered men in 2009 (n= 337).
Restricted to fathers in 2009 (n= 312).
Gettler et al. PNAS
September 27, 2011
vol. 108
no. 39
These results point to an important role of the hypothalamic-
pituitary-gonadal axis as a mediator of the tradeoff between
investments in parenting and mating in human males, similar to
what is seen in other species in which paternal care is common.
They also add to evidence that human males have an evolved
neuroendocrine architecture shaped to facilitate their role as fa-
thers and caregivers as a key component of reproductive success.
Study Population. Data were collected in 2005 and 2009 as part of the CLHNS,
a representative population-based birth cohort study of mothers and their
infants born in 19831984 (61). Men (n= 624) were an average of 26.0 ±0.3
(SD) y old at the time of data and sample collection in 2009. Socioeconomic,
demographic, and behavioral data were collected during in-home interviews
administered by Cebuano-speaking interviewers (61). Men were classied as
partneredif they identied themselves as married or in a cohabitating
relationship (22). Fathers were dened as men who reported having one or
more biological children. Fathers of newborns were dened as men whose
youngest child was in the perinatal period (1 mo old or less). Fathers of
infants were dened as men whose youngest child was older than 1 mo of
age but less than 1 y old. Paternal caregiving was assessed via the question,
How much time do you usually spend providing physical care to your
children on a daily basis?with men grouped by no contact/0 min, less than
1h,13 h, and 3+ h.
Weight (kg), height (cm), and triceps skinfold thickness (mm) were
measured using standard anthropometric techniques (62). Body fat per-
centage was calculated from triceps skinfold thickness using body density
estimates and a body composition predictive equation (63). The body mass
index was calculated as the ratio of weight (kg)/height (m
). Self-reported
psychosocial stress in the month preceding sampling was quantied via
a modied version of the 10-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) (64). Sleep
quality was assessed via self-reports of how many days per week subjects
woke up feeling rested. This research was conducted under conditions of
informed consent with human subject clearance from the Institutional Re-
view Boards of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North-
western University.
Salivary T Collection and Measurement. The same saliva collection procedures
were used in 2005 and 2009. Each participant was provided with instructions
and two polypropylene tubes for saliva collection. The rst sample was
collected immediately before bed (PM) at mean sampling times of 10:14 PM ±
1:38 (SD) in 2005 and 10:04 PM ±1:33 (SD) in 2009. The participants were
instructed to collect the second sample immediately on waking the follow-
ing morning (AM) and to report the time of saliva collection. Mean AM
sampling times were 6:30 AM ±1:13 (SD) in 2005 and 6:48 AM ±1:28 (SD) in
2009. Saliva tubes were collected on the second day by an interviewer and
stored at 35 °C until shipment on dry ice to Northwestern University, where
they were stored at 80 °C.
Salivary T Assessment. T concentrations were determined at the Laboratory
for Human Biology Research at Northwestern University using an enzyme
immunoassay protocol developed for use with saliva samples (kit no. 1-2402;
Salimetrics). Interassay coefcients of variation were 13.7% and 11.5% for
high and low control samples, respectively, in 2005 samples and 7.8% and
17.9% for high and low control samples, respectively, in 2009 samples.
Sample Selection. During a 1-y period in 19831984, the CLHNS surveyed
w28,000 households in randomly selected neighborhoods in metro Cebu
City, inviting all pregnant women to participate (acceptance rate of 96%, n=
3,080 singleton liveborns). Thus, the original sample was representative of
births during that year. Subsequent attrition has largely been attributable to
out-migration, and the refusal rate for the subjects in adult surveys has
typically been w5% (61). During the 2005 survey, 1,008 (62%) of the original
cohort of 1,633 liveborn males were located and were willing to be inter-
viewed, and 908 (56% of original cohort) men were located and enrolled in
2009. Subjects lost to attrition have generally been from higher socioeco-
nomic status households (61), which is also true of the present sample (see
below). Participants were compensated 100 pesos (w$2 US) for their time.
Anal sample of 624 individuals had all required data and met all criteria
for inclusion. Seventy-three men were excluded from this analysis because
they were nightshift workers or had sleep patterns consistent with night-
shift work, which is associated with disrupted circadian rhythms for T (65,
66). Four subjects were excluded as outliers because their T values were very
high (all were 6+ SD above the sample mean), suggesting contamination of
the saliva sample by blood, and one subject was excluded because of a T
value below the assay detection limit. Because this sample is drawn from
a cultural setting in which it is rare for men to become new fathers outside
of stable romantic partnerships or to le for divorce, there were few single
new fathers (n=12)ordivorcedmen(n= 9), who therefore were excluded
from longitudinal analyses. We assessed whether subjects in the analysis
differed from excluded men. Excluded individuals were born to mothers
(P<0.10) and fathers (P<0.01) who were more educated. However, there
were no signicant differences between the subsample used here and
the original baseline cohort in birth weight, birth length, birth order,
household income, parental height, or mother or fathers age at baseline
(all P>0.10).
Statistical Analysis. All analyses were conducted using version 10 of Stata
(Stata Corporation). AM T (pg/mL), PM T (pg/mL), sleep quality, and PSS were
all analyzed as continuous variables. AM and PM T were each adjusted for
time of sampling (AM and PM) and usual wake time (AM) before calculating
absolute change in T (ΔT) between baseline (2005) and follow-up (2009). All
other models were also adjusted for time of sampling (AM and PM) and
usual wake time (AM). Average self-reported stress and sleep quality were
calculated as the mean of 2005 and 2009 values (26).
Paired ttests were used to compare adjusted values of baseline T and
follow-up T. Multiple logistic regression was used to predict 2009 partner-
ship and fatherhood status from baseline T (z-scored) among men who were
single or were not fathers in 2005. Multiple linear regression was used to
predict ΔT based on partnership and fatherhood status changes between
2005 and 2009, controlling for sleep quality and self-reported stress, among
men who were single nonfathers at baseline. Multiple linear regression was
used to predict ΔT among men who were single nonfathers at baseline,
based on the age of fathersyoungest child at follow-up, with child age
stratied according to whether the youngest child was a perinatal infant (1
mo old or less), nonperinatal infant (older than 1 mo but less than 1 y), or
noninfant (older than 1 y). Multiple linear regression was also used to assess
differences in fathersT values (2009) based on self-reported hours spent in
direct physical childcare. Ordered logistic regression was used to predict
mens self-reported hours spent in direct physical childcare (2009) from
baseline T (z-scored) among men who were single nonfathers in 2005, with
all models meeting the parallel regression assumption based on the Brant
test. Statistical signicance was evaluated at P<0.05, with relationships with
0.05 <P<0.10 interpreted as a borderline statistical trend. All regression
models were tested for heteroscedasticity using the BreuschPagan/Cook
Weisberg test and were calculated with robust SEs where appropriate.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Linda Adair played a central role in designing and
implementing the CLHNS survey from which these data and samples were
obtained. Greg Duncan provided statistical advice. Jeffrey Huang helped
with laboratory work. We thank the Ofce of Population Studies, University
of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippines, for its role in study design and data
collection and the Filipino participants who provided their time for this
study. This work was supported by the Wenner Gren Foundation (Grants
7356 and 8186), National Science Foundation (Grants BCS-0542182 and BCS-
0962212), Interdisciplinary Obesity Center (Grant RR20649), and Center for
Environmental Health and Susceptibility (Grant ES10126; Project 7-2004-E).
L.T.G. was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research
Fellowship during write-up.
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Gettler et al. PNAS
September 27, 2011
vol. 108
no. 39
... Hormonal (L. T. Gettler et al., 2011) and neural changes (Abraham et al., 2014;Kim et al., 2014) across the transition to fatherhood might relate to fathers' enhanced empathic ability and indicate preparation for caregiving (Feldman & Bakermans-Kranenburg, 2017;Feldman et al., 2012;Fleming et al., 2002;Gordon et al., 2010Gordon et al., , 2017. ...
... Regarding hormonal changes across the transition to fatherhood, men's testosterone levels decline as they become a father L. T. Gettler et al., 2011;Gray et al., 2002;Saxbe et al., 2017), a change that is hypothesized to help the new father to shift their focus competition and mating to family and childcare (Archer, 2006;L. T. Gettler et al., 2011). Besides shifting men's focus to parenting, the decline in testosterone levels across the transition to fatherhood was proposed to indica ...
... Regarding hormonal changes across the transition to fatherhood, men's testosterone levels decline as they become a father L. T. Gettler et al., 2011;Gray et al., 2002;Saxbe et al., 2017), a change that is hypothesized to help the new father to shift their focus competition and mating to family and childcare (Archer, 2006;L. T. Gettler et al., 2011). Besides shifting men's focus to parenting, the decline in testosterone levels across the transition to fatherhood was proposed to indicate a change toward more empathic responding to infant's distress by Fleming et al. (2002). They found that, compared to childless men, fathers responded to infant distress with greater sympathy and urg ...
Full-text available
We investigated whether men’s affective and cognitive empathy toward children’s emotions changes across the transition to fatherhood. Specifically, we were interested in whether empathy increases with fathering experience. In two preregistered online studies (N = 1,046, primarily from the United Kingdom and the United States), participants’ task was to rate their affective responses to emotional pictures of children (affective empathy) and to recognize children’s emotions from pictures of the eye area (cognitive empathy). In Study 1 (N = 530), we compared childless men, expecting fathers, and fathers. Expecting fathers displayed greater affective empathy toward children than childless men, but they did not differ significantly from fathers. Unexpectedly, fathers exhibited lower cognitive empathy than expecting fathers. Study 2 (N = 516) extended these findings by investigating the impact of different levels of fathering experience among first-time fathers and those with prior parenting experience. Fathers of infants showed more affective empathy than childless men, regardless of prior parenting experience. Fathers with older children had lower cognitive empathy compared to childless men and fathers with infants. These results suggest that expecting fathers and fathers with a new infant may exhibit increased affective empathy to children’s emotions. More experienced fathers and fathers of older children may have become accustomed to childcare, necessitating less intensive engagement to child signals. Future longitudinal studies are needed to determine whether empathy toward children’s emotions shows within-person fluctuations during the transition to fatherhood instead of steadily increasing.
... In its gender-career test, 75% of the 846,000 respondents expressed automatic association of men with career and women with family. In addition, scientific evidence also demonstrated that internalized roles and role expectations could change individuals' hormones, making them better suited to the expected specific social roles (Gettler et al., 2011;Wood & Eagly, 2010). Thus, this amalgamation of biological, social, and cognitive processes perpetuates gender stereotypes and gender-stereotypical behaviors. ...
While business studies on gender have increased, they continue to adopt traditional approaches with limited samples drawn from general populations (e.g., students and teachers). In contrast, we investigate gender differences with our focus solely on business professionals. Specifically, we study 40 societies using the four dimensions of subordinate influence ethics (SIE) behaviors: pro-organizational behaviors, image-management behaviors, self-serving behaviors, and maliciously intended behaviors. We employed crossvergence theory as our theoretical foundation, with its two competing forces, sociocultural (gender differences) and businessideological (no gender differences), which translates to a global-business-subculture effect. We found no gender differences for three of the four SIE behaviors and minimal differences for the fourth for our sample of business professionals. Thus, our findings differ significantly from those of previous general-population samples. We also tested for societal-level moderating effects of collectivism and individualism using the business values dimensions (BVD) measure. Our individualism findings, the primary values dimension associated with business success, in conjunction with findings from other studies, support our nonsignificant SIE differences findings. In sum, the truly minimal gender differences that we found provide strong support for the perspective that there is a global-business-subculture effect. Our findings also suggest that ethical differences between genders are minimal across the global workforce. We discuss the implications for international business.
... On the contrary, another study found no changes of cortisol levels during pregnancy in men (Edelstein et al., 2015). Moreover, fathering behaviours like cuddling and playing with the child have been found to be positively related to lower paternal salivary cortisol levels (Ahnert et al., 2021;Gettler et al., 2011b). However, in the realm of PPDS, there are almost no studies on men while studies on women have yielded heterogeneous results (Corwin et al., 2015;Szpunar and Parry, 2018;Taylor et al., 2009). ...
... Fathering behavior further reduces testosterone, with the largest declines in testosterone seen in men who partner, have a child and provide hands on care to that child within a five year period (Gettler et al., 2011;Gray et al., 2020). The predictions of the Challenge Hypothesis apply to all cultures. ...
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This is Part 2 of Lifespan Development a Biopsychological Perspective, Puberto through Early Adulthood. We wrote this text for students entering helping professions. It covers many topics not addressed by other texts including, development of behavioral systems attachment, caregiving, dominance and sex. We thoroughly address what clinicians need to know about "the self" including the development of self-regulation.
... Additionally, testosterone levels decline in new fathers, reflecting a hormonally mediated shift away from investment in mating and towards greater investment in parental care [33]. While these data suggest a general tendency for greater male sexual motivation postpartum compared to females, this alone is not a clear signal of sexual conflict over postpartum sex. ...
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Many postpartum women experience sexual dysfunction e.g. reduced sexual motivation and libido, and increased pain during intercourse. Menstruation is also suppressed in breastfeeding women (lactational amenorrhea). Lactational amenorrhea has been discussed in an evolutionary context due to its positive impacts on birth-spacing. In contrast, postpartum sexual dysfunction has not been viewed through an evolutionary lens. Might postpartum sexual dysfunction also be under selection? We discuss possible evolutionary explanations for postpartum sexual dysfunction. In particular, we suggest that sexual conflict, a widespread phenomenon that occurs when the evolutionary interests of males and females diverge, may be a cause of disrupted postpartum sex. This sexual conflict based explanation generates predictions relevant to the health and wellbeing of new mothers that warrant testing.
The importance of hormones in mediating a behavioral transition in mammals from a virgin or nonparenting state to parental state was established around 50 years ago. Extensive research has since revealed a highly conserved neural circuit that underlies parental behavior both between sexes and between mammalian species. Within this circuit, hormonal action in the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus (MPOA) has been shown to be key in timing the onset of parental behavior with the birth of offspring. However, the mechanism underlying how hormones act in the MPOA to facilitate this change in behavior has been unclear. Technical advances in neuroscience, including single cell sequencing, novel transgenic approaches, calcium imaging, and optogenetics, have recently been harnessed to reveal new insights into maternal behavior. This review aims to highlight how the use of these tools has shaped our understanding about which aspects of maternal behavior are regulated by specific hormone activity within the MPOA, how hormone-sensitive MPOA neurons integrate within the wider neural circuit that governs maternal behavior, and how maternal hormones drive changes in MPOA neuronal function during different reproductive states. Finally, we review our current understanding of hormonal modulation of MPOA-mediated paternal behavior in males.
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This introduction to the special issue explores the increasing integration of biosocial and evolutionary approaches within sociology, highlighting the diverse ways in which these perspectives are incorporated into sociological research. In the past, sociology had reservations against or even rejected biological and evolutionary explanations of human behavior and often viewed them with skepticism. However, recent developments have seen a resurgence of interest in these approaches, leading to the emergence of interdisciplinary subfields such as biosociology, evolutionary sociology, neurosociology, and sociogenomics. This introduction provides a historical overview of biological and evolutionary thinking with regard to human behavior and sociality, tracing its roots from Darwinian theory to its contemporary applications within sociology. We discuss the conceptual and methodological differences between these approaches and offer an overview of key contributions that illustrate their relevance to core sociological topics. The articles in this special issue—which we summarize in this introduction—exemplify the variety of work being done at the intersection of sociology and the bio- and evolutionary sciences, from theoretical explorations to empirical studies. By presenting this range of interdisciplinary research, we aim to invite a broader sociological audience to engage with these perspectives, contributing to the development of a more comprehensive understanding of human behavior that sheds the dualism between nature and nurture—long overcome outside of sociology—for a consolidated effort to examine how nature and nurture are intertwined in multiple and complex ways.
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A combination of field and laboratory investigations has revealed that the temporal patterns of testosterone (T) levels in blood can vary markedly among populations and individuals, and even within individuals from one year to the next. Although T is known to regulate reproductive behavior (both sexual and aggressive) and thus could be expected to correlate with mating systems, it is clear that the absolute levels of T in blood are not always indicative of reproductive state. Rather, the pattern and amplitude of change in T levels are far more useful in making predictions about the hormonal basis of mating systems and breeding strategies. In these contexts we present a model that compares the amplitude of change in T level with the degree of parental care shown by individual males. On the basis of data collected from male birds breeding in natural or captive conditions, polygynous males appear less responsive to social environmental cues than are monogamous males. This model indicates that there may be widely different hormonal responses to male-male and male-female interactions and presumably equally plastic neural mechanisms for the transduction of these signals into endocrine secretions. Furthermore, evidence from other vertebrate taxa suggests strongly that the model is applicable to other classes
The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
Two hypotheses have been offered to explain the relation between testosterone and antisocial behavior in delinquent and criminal populations. One is that testosterone leads directly to antisocial behavior. The other is that a constellation of dominance, competitiveness, and sensation seeking associated with testosterone leads to either antisocial or prosocial behavior, depending upon an individual's resources and background. Analysis of archival data from 4,462 U.S. military veterans supported the first hypothesis: Testosterone was correlated with a variety of antisocial behaviors among all individuals. However, socioeconomic status (SES) proved to be a moderating variable, with weaker testosterone-behavior relationships among high SES subjects.
While it is obvious that a birth will increase a woman's time devoted to child care, it is less obvious where the additional time comes from. Using data from the Philippines, the author estimates the average time spent in child care, market work, housework, and leisure by mothers, fathers, and older children both before and after the birth of a child. Comparison of the effects of the birth on time allocation across households indicates that the time adjustments made after the birth of a first child are significantly greater than those made after the births of subsequent children. The results also indicate that mothers bear over 90 percent of the time costs of children in families with no older children. When older children are present, however, mothers' percentage contribution falls considerably.
National survey data are used to compute mortality rates for persons in different living arrangements. Mortality is lower for married persons than for nonmarried persons; lower for married persons with children than for those without children; and lower for nonmarried persons who are household heads than for those who are not heads. Two approaches are considered: (1) social processes select healthy persons to the statuses of spouse, parent, and household head; (2) those statuses protect their occupants against risk of death. The protection hypothesis succeeds better than the selection hypothesis in accounting plausibly for the sex and age pattern of status differences in mortality.
We examine the relationship of testosterone to tendencies to marry and divorce, and to the quality of marriage, of a large representative sample of men. The analysis shows that men producing more testosterone are less likely to marry and more likely to divorce. Once married they are more likely to leave home because of troubled marital relations, extramarital sex, hitting or throwing things at their spouses, and experiencing a lower quality of marital interaction. Sociological models that might be informed by this finding are examined, and its implications for subsequent research are discussed.