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Increase the success of weight loss programs by creating an environment for change



Veterinary professionals frequently recommend weight loss programs for pets, but success is often elusive. By learning techniques to assess clients' readiness for change, the veterinary team can apply communication tools and strategies to help clients overcome obstacles and barriers to sustainable change. With a better assessment of a client's ability to change, a weight loss plan can be implemented at the right time in the right way to achieve better adherence to the agreed-upon plan and improve patient health. | December 2010 | Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® E1
Abstract: Veterinary professionals frequently recommend weight loss programs for pets, but success is often elusive.
By learning techniques to assess clients’ readiness for change, the veterinary team can apply communication tools
and strategies to help clients overcome obstacles and barriers to sustainable change. With a better assessment of a
client’s ability to change, a weight loss plan can be implemented at the right time in the right way to achieve better
adherence to the agreed-upon plan and improve patient health.
Increase the Success of Weight
Loss Programs by Creating an
Environment for Change
Julie Churchill, DVM, PhDa, DACVN
University of Minnesota
ll too often in small animal practice, the discussion
about weight loss and obesity is a frustrating one.
The topic can be sensitive, and recommendations
frequently go unheeded. Before lack of success in help-
ing pets achieve and maintain a healthy weight leads you
to ignore obesity in your patients, consider trying another
way of communicating with your clients about helping their
Obesity continues to be the most prevalent disease of
dogs and cats: it is estimated that between 24% and 40%
of pets in the United States are overweight or obese.1,2
Although it is well established that obesity negatively influ-
ences health, well-being, and even life span,3,4 veterinary
professionals still struggle to influence clients to begin or
adhere to a weight loss program for their pets. One diffi-
culty may be that veterinary team members lack concrete
tools to assess their clients’ readiness for change. By using
carefully worded questions when taking a medical and diet
history, veterinary professionals—both veterinarians and
technicians—can identify a client’s receptiveness to and
readiness for change. With this knowledge, they can bet-
ter identify the appropriate time to implement a nutritional
plan. If a client is not yet ready, they can instead help him
or her explore obstacles and overcome barriers to sustain-
able change.
Essential Elements of a Weight Loss Program
In veterinary practice, there are three essential elements
of a successful weight loss program. Ensuring that each
of these components is present greatly contributes to suc-
cessful patient weight loss as well as client and veterinarian
1. Establish owner commitment: Assess the client’s
readiness for change, as outlined below. If the client is ready
to act, proceed with your nutritional plan. If not, use state-
ments and questions such as the examples in TABLE 1 to
encourage the client to move from thinking (contemplation)
to doing (action).
2. Customize the weight loss plan: Partner with the
client to create an individualized plan that works for him or
her and meets the nutritional needs of the pet. A careful and
complete diet history (e.g., food and treat types, amounts,
schedule)5 can reveal important information about how the
family relates to the pet through food and often provides
insight about potential challenges for the client. The diet his-
tory can also reveal information about the pet’s nutritional
status, which is often imbalanced from excess treats and
human foods being added to commercial pet foods. Because
pets’ energy needs can vary significantly, it is important to
know an individual pet’s current caloric intake. The diet his-
tory can provide this information, which can then serve as
a much more accurate starting point for calculating the pet’s
specific food dose (start at 75% to 80% of current intake6).
©Copyright 2010 MediMedia Animal Health. This document is for internal purposes only. Reprinting or posting on an external website without written permission from MMAH is a violation of copyright laws.
aDr. Churchill discloses that she has received financial support from
Nestlé Purina PetCare Company and serves on its advisory board.
E2 Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® | December 2010 |
3. Reassess: Initially, biweekly follow-up helps to sup-
port clients, ensure a healthy rate of loss (0.5% to 1.5%
body weight/week), and detect potential relapses early so
that the weight loss plan can be adjusted or the client redi-
rected before additional weight gain occurs and frustration
becomes another barrier to success.
Keys to Communication
Great communication skills are as essential as clinical (phys-
ical examination and technical) skills to achieving success
in helping clients with weight loss programs for their pets.
Often, the most frustrating cases are those in which the cli-
ent’s and the veterinary professional’s expectations are mis-
matched. An appreciation of the client’s level of motivation
for weight loss allows us to tailor our interventions and can
help reduce our frustration with clients who do not adhere
to the weight loss program we have designed.
Using collaborative communication skills encourages
clients to actively participate in their pets’ care. This com-
munication style, known as relationship-centered care,7 uses
techniques that engage the client, allowing for shared deci-
sion-making between the client and the veterinarian. Shared
decisions are especially important in developing a successful
weight loss plan. To begin this process, first ask permission
to discuss the pet’s weight. This helps include the client in the
direction of the visit, and the answer will give you insight into
the client’s perspective. To help elicit pertinent information,
especially when collecting a diet history, use open-ended
questions, such as those beginning with “when,” “what,” and
“where.” When the client answers, summarize and clarify the
information in a supportive, nonjudgmental way. These tech-
niques, called reflective listening and empathetic statements,
communicate to the client that his or her perspective is recog-
nized and valued. TABLE 1 provides some specific examples
of t hese commu n icat ion t echniq ues, as well as commo n clie nt
statements that can help identify the client’s stage of change.
Moving Clients From Thinking to Doing
The best predictors of adherence to a weight loss program
are the veterinary professional’s interviewing skills and the
qualities of the veterinary–client interaction.8 To improve
adherence, it is essential to establish an atmosphere of trust
and demonstrate concern for both the patient’s and the cli-
ent’s well-being.9 It is also important to understand how
behavior change takes place.
Psychologists have developed several models to help
guide understanding of how humans make changes in
behavior to improve health. The “stages of change” model
developed by Prochaska and colleagues,10 also known as
the transtheoretical model, can be used to assess a client’s
readiness to change his or her behavior.11 It can help vet-
erinary professionals better understand the change process,
better partner with clients and patients, and customize rec-
ommendations that best suit their clients’ needs—in other
words, to use the “right” approach for the “right” client at the
“right” time. Implementing a weight loss plan when the client
is ready to act on your advice will improve your success and
be a more efficient use of your time.
Step 1. Identify the Stage of Change
The transtheoretical model identifies five stages of change
and their characteristic attributes10,11:
1. Precontemplation. The person has no intention of
taking action in the next 6 months. These clients might com-
monly be referred to as resistant, unmotivated, or unaware,
but clearly, they are not ready to change. In reality, our inter-
vention programs are often not ready for them.
2. Contemplation. The person is aware of the pros
and cons of changing and intends to change in the next
6 months. These clients may be stuck “thinking about it,”
intending to change “soon.”
3. Preparation. The person plans to take action in the
next month. Clients may have recognized the problem of
their pet’s weight and already sought advice from books,
online sources, or a pet store employee, trainer, or veteri-
nary professional.
4. Action. The person has taken action that is significant
enough to reduce the risks for disease. For example, the cli-
ent may have reduced the number of treats fed or selected
a different pet food. However, a change is not considered a
significant action unless it has reduced calories by at least
10% and provided complete and balanced nutrition.
Contributed by
ThE AmEricAn coLLEgE of
VETErinAry nuTriTion
About ACVN
Founded in 1988, the primary objective of the American College of Veterinary
Nutrition (ACVN) is to advance the specialty area of veterinary nutrition and
increase the competence of those who practice in this field by establishing
requirements for certification in veterinary nutrition, encouraging continuing
professional education, promoting research, and enhancing the dissemination of
new knowledge of veterinary nutrition through didactic teaching and postgraduate
For more information, contact:
American College of Veterinary Nutrition
c/o Dawn Cauthen, Administrative Assistant
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Email: | Web: | December 2010 | Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® E3
TABLE 1 Assessing Readiness for Changea
Stage of Change Tasks for Veterinarians Common Client Comments Options for Veterinarians
the client is unaware
of the problem or
has no intention of
making changes at
the present time.
Seek permission to talk
more about the problem.
Provide general
Establish a supportive
Leave the door open for
future discussion.
“Toby looks just ne to
me. She’s kind of cute that
“We tried that special
diet last year and she just
won’t eat it.”
“I can’t get my kids to
stop feeding her from the
AP: “I am wondering if we could talk about Toby’s
OQ: “What are your thoughts about Toby’s weight?”
OQ: “I am concerned that Toby’s weight may be
contributing to her health problems. What do you
RL: “It seems like you are comfortable with Toby’s
weight right now.”
ES: “I can see that you love Toby very much.”
client is aware of a
problem, but not yet
necessarily ready to
change behavior.
Look at pros/cons of
change and identify
supports and barriers.
Talk about ambivalence.
• “Yes, but….”
“I might be able to t
another walk into my
already busy day.”
“We could try reducing the
amount of table scraps.
She has come to expect a
treat at every meal.”
RL: “It seems like you are concerned about Toby’s
weight and are not quite sure how to make the change.”
OQ: “What will be most difcult for you?”
OQ: “What will be the easiest piece to put into place?”
OQ: “Tell me what is most important to you in caring
for Toby.”
OQ: “Who in your family is on board and will help you
with Toby?”
ES: “I know it’s hard to do this when you are already
Decision making—
the client commits
to making a change,
and plans are set to
do the best the client
Help determine the best
course of action and aid
in setting small, specific,
achievable goals.
“What can I do to address
Toby’s weight?”
“What was the name of
that weight-reducing diet
we might try?”
OQ: “What are your goals concerning Toby’s weight?”
OQ: “What small change might you make to start with?”
OQ: “How might we work together to develop a weight
loss plan for Toby?”
RL: “I hear you saying that you would like to discuss a
plan to address Toby’s weight.”
ES: “You seem motivated to address Toby’s weight.”
Action—the client is
ready and is making
Provide active support and
• Praise the client’s efforts.
“I am walking Toby twice a
day now.”
“She seems to like the
weight reduction diet and
eats it readily.”
C: “It sounds like you are doing a great job of
increasing Toby’s activity.”
OQ: “What changes have you noticed in Toby?”
RL: “It sounds like your plan is working well for you
and Toby.”
client is progressing
with the changes.
Provide active support to
maintain and practice new
Praise the client’s efforts
and recognize progress.
“I am starting to look
forward to the monthly
weigh-ins, as I am anxious
to see how much she has
C: “Due to your hard work, Toby lost one pound in the
past month.”
OQ: “What has been the most challenging for both of
OQ: “How have you overcome these challenges?”
RL: “You are pleased with the progress you are making
with Toby’s weight.”
Lapses—the client
lapses into old
Identify changes that have
worked and use these
as strategies for moving
Understand that
motivation comes and
goes as a normal part of
• Plan ahead for lapses.
“We did not make any
progress in Toby’s weight
this month. With the
holidays, I did not have
time to walk her like I had
“We were doing well until
I had the baby. I just don’t
have any time for Toby
these days.”
ES: “It’s hard to be consistent with any health plan. At
times we will do better than others.”
• OQ: “What has been working well for you and Toby?”
• OQ: “How might we capitalize on these successes?”
• OQ: “How do you feel we should proceed from here?”
AP = ask permission, C = compliment, ES = empathy statement, OQ = open-ended question, RL = reflective listening
aAdapted from material by Jane Shaw, DVM, PhD, Argus Institute Director, Colorado State University. Used with permission.
E4 Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® | December 2010 |
©Copyright 2010 MediMedia Animal Health. This document is for internal purposes only. Reprinting or posting on an external website without written permission from MMAH is a violation of copyright laws.
5. Maintenance. The person continues action to prevent
Step 2. Select a Stage-Appropriate Intervention
Many weight loss programs fail because the type of inter-
vention chosen is not matched to the client’s readiness to
change. Many traditional programs are action-oriented, but
most clients do not start in the action stage. By understand-
ing the stages of change, veterinary health professionals can
adapt their communication tactics to better meet a client’s
readiness and support the client to become ready for change
(TABLE 1). It may take time and several visits to establish rap-
port and build the trust necessary to move clients along to
the next stage. These visits may require patience, but we
can better serve the patient’s health needs and build great
loyalty when we partner with these clients.
1. Precontemplation. If a client is in this stage, it is not
yet time to try implementing a weight loss plan for the pet.
However, it is equally important not to ignore the patient’s
obesity until the next annual examination. A frequent
monitoring plan should be implemented for these patients.
Express your concern about the pet’s health and recom-
mend monthly follow-ups to monitor for any adverse effects
of being overweight. Depending on the patient’s health,
these can be brief weight checks performed by a technician.
By conveying care and concern for the patient rather than
judgment, you can follow both the patient and the client so
that you are ready with a weight loss plan when the client is
more receptive.
2. Contemplation. If a client seems to be “stuck” in this
stage, he or she may need to learn more about the issues
involved. Providing resources such as handouts or links to
reliable Web sites may give them necessary information and
reinforce the message that you care about their pet’s health
and that obesity is a real health concern.
3. Preparation. Recruit these clients for action-oriented
programs. Ask them if they are ready to begin.
4. Action. Work with clients to design an individual
weight loss plan that accounts for their pet’s needs and their
own schedule and lifestyle. Provide feedback and compli-
ments on the patient’s progress to encourage the client to
stay with the plan.
5. Maintenance. Refine the plan as necessary to achieve
or continue healthy weight loss. Give clients information
and permission for a possible relapse. This removes judg-
ment if a relapse should happen and encourages them to
seek your help if it does.
When you form a partnership with a client, you create an
environment that supports change. By understanding the
stages of change, you can help move your clients from
thinking to doing, bring them closer to implementing a
weight loss program for their pets, and, ultimately, improve
their pets’ health. Selecting the right intervention at the right
time for the right client can tremendously improve the clini-
cal outcome. Successfully managing obesity can change a
frustrating problem to a rewarding one. The pet’s health and
quality of life improve, and the pet owner becomes a loyal
client because he or she has been an active partner in the
health care plan.
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2. Lund EM, Armstrong PJ, Kirk CA, Klausner JS. Prevalence and risk factors for
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3. Kealy RD, Lawler DF, Ballam JM, et al. Effect of diet restriction on life span and age
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5. Michel KE. Using a diet history to improve adherence to dietary recommendations.
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7. Cornell KK, Kopcha M. Client-veterinarian communication: skills for client cen-
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8. Morrisey JK, Voiland B. Difcult interactions with veterinary clients: working in the
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9. Abood SK. Increasing adherence in practice: making your clients partners in care.
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10. Prochaska JO, Johnson S, Lee P. The transtheoretical model of behavior change.
In: Shumaker SA, Ockene JK, Riekert KA, eds. The Handbook of Health Behavior
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Using a Diet History to Improve Adherence to •
Dietary Recommendations, January 2009
Clinic Resources—Diet History Form
... identify the client's "stage of change" has been described for small animal practice. 16 When clients have been thinking about making a change, we can appreciate whether they are prepared to accept a new suggestion or recommendation by listening for what's called "change talk." These types of pet owners typically express themselves using statements, such as "I want to." or "I might be able to." or "We really should." ...
... Documenting the outcome of the recommendation is valuable so that future appointments can include inquires about whether the prior recommendation should be revisited, and whether the client has reached a different "stage of change." 16 For those clients who are receptive to change and/or willing to consider recommendations from the VHCT, a specific recommendation should be verbally articulated and clearly written to avoid any confusion on the part of the client. Research studies 1,26 and reports 18,27 indicate that many pet owners want their veterinarian to provide diet or feeding management recommendations and that they would like to know about all of the options. ...
Veterinary health care teams understand that acceptance of, and adherence to, dietary recommendations by clients depends on effective, continuous communication. Despite decades of available research and training, and the availability of numerous balanced commercial, balanced homemade, and veterinary therapeutic diets, our collective ability across the profession to consistently help clients change behaviors and feeding practices to improve patient health remains difficult. Based on the long-standing, evidence-based approach of motivational interviewing, a paradigm shift is suggested for veterinary health care teams to empower clients to make their own arguments for change and take positive action for the health of their pet.
... 9 Assessing clients' readiness to change in relation to managing their pet's weight has been proposed as a potential way to better understand and more effectively engage clients when veterinary professionals are addressing pet obesity and weight management. 13 The stages of change include precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance, and these stages are a conceptual framework for understanding clients' process when intentionally modifying established behaviors. 14 Preliminary research suggests that a notable number of pet owners with an overweight or obese pet may be in the early stages of precontemplation or contemplation, where readiness to change is low. ...
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OBJECTIVE To determine dog owner preferences for information communicated during veterinarian-client obesity-related conversations within companion animal practice. SAMPLE Dog owners recruited using snowball sampling. METHODS A cross-sectional online questionnaire was distributed to dog owners. A discrete choice experiment was used to determine the relative importance, to participating dog owners, of information about selected weight-related attributes that would encourage them to pursue weight management for a dog when diagnosed as overweight by a veterinarian. RESULTS A total of 1,108 surveys were analyzed, with most participating dog owners residing in Canada. The most important weight-related attribute was life expectancy (relative importance, 28.56%), followed by the timeline for developing arthritis (19.24%), future quality of life (18.91%), change to cost of food (18.90%), and future mobility (14.34%). CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggest that dog owners may consider information relating to an extension of their dog's life as the most important aspect of an obesity-related veterinary recommendation. By integrating dog owner preferences into discussions between clients and veterinary professionals about obesity, there is the potential to encourage more clients to engage in weight management efforts for their overweight or obese dog.
... Weight management of overweight cats is multifactorial and includes patient assessment (eg, body weight, BCS), assessment of the current diet, effective client education, client motivation, and a detailed weight loss and monitoring plan. [6][7][8][9] A detailed diet plan should include a specified diet (ie, food, treats, and other) and instructions on how much and how often to feed. A weight loss diet should facilitate calorie Effect of food toys on owner-perceived quality of life of cats during a prescribed weight loss plan restriction while meeting essential nutrient requirements. ...
Objective: To determine the effect of a food toy on owner-perceived quality of life (QOL) of overweight cats during a weight loss plan. Animals: 44 adult cats, 1 to 10 years of age with a body condition score (BCS) ≥ 7/9. Procedures: Cats were randomly assigned to the food toy or food bowl group. Cat owners completed an initial questionnaire and received a prescribed weight loss plan, bag of dry veterinary therapeutic cat food formulated for weight loss, measuring cup, and food bowl or ball-type food toy. Body weight and BCS were checked monthly. Owners completed a monthly questionnaire to assess their cat's QOL. Low-calorie vegetables were offered to 32 cats whose owners reported disruptive food-seeking behavior. Results: Of the 44 cats in the final analysis, 29 cats either lost ≥ 2 BCS points or achieved an ideal BCS. Owner-perceived QOL was higher at the final weigh-in, compared with that at the initial weigh-in. An effect of food toy versus food bowl on owner-perceived QOL was not detected. Of the cats offered vegetables, 28 cats would eat the vegetables with a palatability additive; 4 cats ate vegetables plain. Conclusions and clinical relevance: Owner-perceived QOL was higher at the end of the study. Feeding overweight cats by use of a ball-type food toy did not influence owner-perceived QOL. Low-calorie vegetables can successfully be added to the weight loss diet to promote satiety; albeit, a palatability additive is likely needed. Further studies regarding feeding management for cats during a weight loss plan should be explored.
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There are almost 9,500 full-time employees in Australia's thoroughbred horse breeding industry. During foaling, they can be exposed to bodily fluids and mucous membranes which may present risks for zoonotic disease. These risks can be mitigated through personal biosecurity strategies. The aim of this study was to identify which personal biosecurity strategies were more or less likely to be adopted by workers. Seventeen participants representing 14 thoroughbred breeding farms and three equine veterinary practices in Australia's largest thoroughbred breeding region trialed up to 16 stakeholder-nominated personal biosecurity strategies over the 2021 foaling season. The strategies encompassed personal protective equipment (PPE), zoonotic disease awareness, policies and protocols, supportive environments, and leadership. Strategy adoption was monitored through three repeated self-audit surveys designed around the Transtheoretical Model of change (TTM) and findings were reviewed in exit interviews. For all survey waves in aggregate, 13 strategies were practiced by at least 50.0% of participants. Participants were most likely to use a ready-made foaling box (98.0%), communicate the message that PPE usage is a personal responsibility (94.1%) and use ready-made PPE kits (88.2%). However, 31.4% had no intention of doing practice sessions and/or dummy runs for PPE use and 27.5% had no intention of using a buddy system on farm/practice to check use of PPE. Whilst these rates indicate workers' willingness to adopt and maintain personal biosecurity strategies, they also indicate capacity for more practices to be implemented more often. Overall, the findings highlight the need for personal biosecurity interventions to be sensitive to the demands of the annual thoroughbred breeding calendar, the size of the breeding operation and the availability of skilled staff.
Background: Owner behaviour change in relation to management is critical for successful pet weight loss. The stages of change (SOC) can be used to conceptualise the process of intentional behaviour change. Clients may be more likely to make successful changes when practitioners use communication techniques appropriate for a client's current stage. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to assess pet owners' SOC in relation to managing the weight of their overweight or obese pet. Methods: An online questionnaire targeting dog and cat owners was distributed via snowball sampling. A total of 532 questionnaires were included in the analysis. Of these, 153 participants (28.8%) self-identified their pet's body condition score (BCS) as greater than 5 (on a nine-point scale). An adapted University of Rhode Island Change Assessment scale was completed by 119 of these participants (77.8%) to assess their readiness to change related to managing their overweight or obese pet. Results: Most participants were scored in the precontemplation (52.1%) and contemplation (42%) stages, where readiness to change is low. Owner assessments likely resulted in underestimation of pets' BCS. Conclusion: The results offer preliminary insight into the SOC of owners who identify their pets as overweight or obese. Developing tools to assess and understand owners' readiness to change may be useful in informing veterinary professionals' communication approaches when engaging in weight management conversations.
There is an overweight/obesity crisis in both human and companion animal populations globally. Veterinarians have an ethical obligation to protect animal welfare and, therefore, have a duty to intervene by supporting their clients in changing care plans to mitigate and prevent pet overweight/obesity. Currently, there is limited evidence in veterinary contexts for when and how this can be done effectively. In contrast, a more comprehensive body of literature has been developed on how human healthcare practitioners ‘make every contact count’ (MECC). This review begins by briefly exploring the cross‐species multifactorial causes of overweight/obesity, before considering the literature regarding whether veterinarians reliably address overweight/obesity and the obstacles they encounter. The review then explores the evidence from human healthcare contexts in terms of how person‐centred and health ‘coaching‐style’ MECC interventions have supported weight management in adult and child populations and the barriers practitioners face when implementing these interventions. The final section interprets this literature to provide a fresh ‘lens’ through which veterinarians' concerns can be understood. Recommendations are made for enhancing veterinarians’ capacity to develop the knowledge and skills needed for successful outcomes when MECC. Opportunities for developing local multi‐stakeholder/agency teams taking a ‘one health’ approach are considered.
OBJECTIVE Pet weight may be difficult for veterinary professionals to address with clients, particularly when pets are overweight or obese. The objective of this study was to characterize the communication processes and content of weight-related conversations occurring between veterinary professionals and clients. SAMPLE Audio-video recordings of 917 veterinarian-client-patient interactions involving a random sample of 60 veterinarians and a convenience sample of clients. PROCEDURES Companion animal veterinarians in southern Ontario, Canada, were randomly recruited, and interactions with their clients were audio-video recorded. Interactions were reviewed for mentions of weight, then further analyzed by means of a researcher-generated coding framework to provide a comprehensive assessment of communication specific to weight-related interactions. RESULTS 463 of 917 (50.5%) veterinary-client-patient interactions contained an exchange involving the mention of a single patient’s (dog or cat) weight and were included in final analysis. Of the 463 interactions, 150 (32.4%) involved a discussion of obesity for a single patient. Of these, 43.3% (65/150) included a weight management recommendation from the veterinary team, and 28% (42/150) provided clients with a reason for pursuing weight management. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Findings illustrate opportunities to optimize obesity communication to improve the health and wellbeing of veterinary patients.
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To evaluate the effects of 25% diet restriction on life span of dogs and on markers of aging. Paired feeding study. 48 Labrador Retrievers. Dogs were paired, and 1 dog in each pair was fed 25% less food than its pair-mate from 8 weeks of age until death. Serum biochemical analyses were performed, body condition was scored, and body composition was measured annually until 12 years of age. Age at onset of chronic disease and median (age when 50% of the dogs were deceased) and maximum (age when 90% of the dogs were deceased) life spans were evaluated. Compared with control dogs, food-restricted dogs weighed less and had lower body fat content and lower serum triglycerides, triiodothyronine, insulin, and glucose concentrations. Median life span was significantly longer for dogs in which food was restricted. The onset of clinical signs of chronic disease generally was delayed for food-restricted dogs. Results suggest that 25% restriction in food intake increased median life span and delayed the onset of signs of chronic disease in these dogs.
Proper dietary management is essential to pet health, yet changing pet owners' feeding practices is often difficult Taking a diet history provides an opportunity to open a dialogue about animals' dietary needs as well as invaluable information that will aid in tailoring specific dietary interventions to the needs and preferences of patients and their caregivers.
Clients may appear compliant but may not fully adhere to recommendations made by the veterinarian or veterinary technician for many reasons. Client adherence is directly related to one's communication skills, which can be practiced by all members of the health care team in each client encounter. The four habits approach to enhancing communication skills has been tested in a large human health care organization and shown to result in greater satisfaction between patients and doctors as well as in improved adherence to recommendations. This model is easily adapted to small animal practice and provides the foundation for a relationship-centered approach to care.
As veterinarians, effective interactions with clients and coworkers are fundamental to our professional satisfaction and success. This article first reviews the basis of a difficult interaction and provides specific communication skills to help the veterinarian more successfully manage situations that he or she may find difficult. Then, the authors offer exercises to assist veterinarians in practicing these skills. The information in this article relies closely on the work provided through the Bayer Animal Health Communications Project.
This article reviews three decision-making models for veterinary-client and physician-patient interactions and proposes adaptation of the 4E communication model from human medicine for application in veterinary-client interactions. These models incorporate specific communication skills for achieving the four components fo a client interview: engagement, empathy, education, and enlistment.