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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
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The Applications of Nanotechnology in Food Industry
Ladan Rashidi a & Kianoush Khosravi-Darani b
a Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of Iran, Department of Food & Agriculture
Research, P. O. Box 31585-163, Karaj, Iran
b Department of Food Technology Research, National Nutrition and Food Technology
Research Institute, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology, Shaheed Beheshti
University of Medical Sciences, P. O. Box 19395-4741, Tehran, Iran
Available online: 10 May 2011
To cite this article: Ladan Rashidi & Kianoush Khosravi-Darani (2011): The Applications of Nanotechnology in Food Industry,
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 51:8, 723-730
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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 51:723–730 (2011)
Copyright C
2011 National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute
ISSN: 1040-8398 print / 1549-7852 online
DOI: 10.1080/10408391003785417
The Applications of Nanotechnology
in Food Industry
1Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of Iran, Department of Food & Agriculture Research, P. O. Box 31585-163,
Karaj, Iran
2Department of Food Technology Research, National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, Faculty of Nutrition
Sciences and Food Technology, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, P. O. Box 19395-4741, Tehran, Iran
Nanotechnology has the potential of application in the food industry and processing as new tools for pathogen detection,
disease treatment delivery systems, food packaging, and delivery of bioactive compounds to target sites. The application of
nanotechnology in food systems will provide new methods to improve safety and the nutritional value of food products. This
article will review the current advances of applications of nanotechnology in food science and technology. Also, it describes
new current food laws for nanofood and novel articles in the field of risk assessment of using nanotechnology in the food
Keywords nanotechnology, nanopackaging, food industry, regulations, encapsulation
Most materials have different properties when they are nanos-
tructured and these properties depend on the designed location
of every atom or molecule (Roco et al., 2000). The resulting
materials and systems can be designed to exhibit novel and
significantly improved optical, chemical, biological, and elec-
trical properties such as nanotubes, nanomaterials, nanowire,
etc. Therefore, it is clear that the new nanoscale products re-
place the old because of their efficient functions (Warad and
Dutta, 2005). Using nanotechnology, researchers enable our un-
derstanding of the relationship between macroscopic properties
and molecular structure in biological materials of plants and
animal origin (Kulzer and Oritt, 2004).
Coverage of nanotechnology with other science and tech-
nologies including biotechnology, chemistry, physics, and engi-
neering, may increase the magnitude of its transformative poten-
tial. Nanotechnology can be used in construction materials for
floors, machines, new devices, and techniques in electronics,
medicine, wastewater, water treatment, biology, biochemistry
and agriculture, and food processing (Doyle, 2006).
Address correspondence to K. Khosravi-Darani, Department of Food Tech-
nology Research, National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute,
Faculty of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology, Shaheed Beheshti Univer-
sity of Medical Sciences, P. O. Box 19395-4741, Tehran, Iran. Tel.: +98-21-
22376473, +98-21-22376475. E-mail:
In fact, nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize
agriculture and food systems. The nanoscale level of foods can
affect the safety, efficiency, bioavailability, and nutritional value
properties as well as the molecular synthesis of new products
and ingredients (Blundell and Thurlby, 1987; Aguilera, 2005).
In fact, the major links of nanotechnology to the food and agri-
culture systems are improving food security and processing, the
ability of plants to absorb nutrients, flavor and nutrition, delivery
methods, pathogen detection, functionality of foods, protection
of the environment, and the cost-effectiveness of storage and
distribution. The development of new functional materials, mi-
croscale and nanoscale processing, product development, and
design of methods and instrumentation in food production may
benefit from nanotechnology. The possible applications of nan-
otechnology in food production are shown in Table 1.
The application of nanotechnology in agriculture and food
industries was first addressed by the United States Department
of Agriculture (USDA) roadmap published in 2003. This re-
view will describe recent scientific papers and achieved results
that address the uses of nanotechnology in food production and
Recent studies have begun to address the use of nanoencapsu-
lation of active compounds such as flavors, vitamins, minerals,
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Tab le 1 Application matrix of nanoscience and nanotechnology in main areas of food science and technology
Area of application Purpose and fact Approaches
Design of nanomaterial Nanoparticles, Nanoemulsions,
Nanocomposites, Nanobiocomposites
(nanobiopolymeric starch) Nanolaminates
•Novel defined material, with self-assembling, self-healing, and manipulating
Nanosensors and
Quality control and food safety •Detection of very small amounts of chemical contaminants
•monitoring and tagging of food items
•Electronic nose and tongue for sensor evaluation
•Food born pathogen identification by measurement of nucleic acid, protein or any
other indicator metabolite of microorganism
Processing Nanofiltration •Selective passage of materials on the basis of shape and size
Nanoscale enzymatic reactor •Improved understanding of process
Heat and mass transfer Nanofabrication •Enhanced heat resistance of packages
Nanocapsules for modification of absorption •Nanoceramic pan to reduce time of roasting and amount of consumed oil, reduction
of trans fatty acids due to usage of plant oil instead of hydrogenated oil and finally
resulted in safe nano food development of nanocapsules that can be incorporated
into food to deliver nutrients to enable increased absorption of nut
New products Packaging •Nanocomposites application as barriers, coating, release device, and novel packaging
modifying the permeation behavior of foils, increasing barrier properties
(mechanical, thermal, chemical, and microbial), improving mechanical and
heat-resistance properties, developing active antimicrobial surfaces, sensing as well
as signaling microbiological and biochemical changes, developing dirt repellent
coatings for packages
Delivery •Nanomycells for targeted delivery of nutrients (nutrition nanotherapy)
•Nanocapsulation for controlled release of nutrients, proteins, antioxidants, and flavors
Formulation •Production of nanoscale enzymatic reactor for development of new product.
•Fortification of food by omega3 fatty acid, haem, licopene, beta-caraton,
phitosterols, DHA/EPA
Evaluation •Enzyme and protein evaluation as nanobiological system to development of new
DNA recombinant technology •Recombinant enzyme production in nanoporous media with special numerous
antimoicrobials, drugs, colorants, antioxidants, probiotic mi-
croorganisms, and micronutrients (Chen et al., 2006; Hsieh and
Ofori, 2007). Encapsulation is applied in food technology to
mask odors or tastes, control interactions of active ingredients
with the food matrix, control the release of the active agents,
ensure availability at a target time and specific rate, and protect
them from moisture, heat (Gibbs et al., 1999; Pothakumary
and BarbosaCanovas, 1995; Shahidi and Han, 1993; Ubbink
and Kruger, 2006), chemical, or biological degradation during
processing, storage, and utilization, and also compatibility with
other compounds in the system (Weiss et al., 2006).
Therefore, a large number of delivery systems such as emul-
sions, biopolymer matrices, simple solutions, and association
colloids have been developed to maintain active compounds at
suitable levels for long periods of time (Jelinski, 2002). Using
targeted nanocarriers reduces the toxicity and the efficiency of
distribution (Ravi Kumar, 2000; Khosravi-Darani et al., 2007).
Nanoparticles have better properties for encapsulation and
release efficiency than traditional encapsulation systems (Roy
et al., 1999).
Functional foods can be encapsulated in these nanoparticles
(form food grade proteins or polysaccharides) and released in
response to specific environmental triggers. In fact the change
of solution conditions induces particle dissolution or porosity
(Weiss et al., 2006; Chang and Chen, 2005; Gupta and Gupta,
2005; Oppenheim, 1981).
The efficiency of delivery systems can be increased by den-
drimer (unique class of polymer) coated particles. Dendrimers
which have regular, highly branched 3-dimensional structure
can be applied as sensors, catalysts, delivery of drugs, and in
gene therapy (Hughes, 2005). The main criteria for using den-
drimers as delivery system is their nontoxicity, nonimmuno-
genecity, and biodegradability (Khosravi-Darani et al., 2007;
Aulenta et al., 2003).
Cochleates are small-sized and very stable delivery system
with a multilayered structure consisting of a large, continuous,
solid lipid bilayer sheet rolled up into a spiral. They can be
applied to encapsulate many bioactive materials such as com-
pounds with poor water solubility, peptide, protein, drugs, and
large hydrophilic molecules (Gould-Fogerite et al., 2007).
Aqueous solution of starch-based nanoparticles which
behave like colloids can be applied in mixing, emulsifying,
producing of paints, inks, and coatings (Dziechciarek et al.,
2003). Colloids also have been used for encapsulation and
delivery of polar, nonpolar, or amiphilic functional ingredients
(Garti et al., 2004; Golding and Sein, 2004; Flanagan and Singh,
2006). Micelles are spherical particles (5–100 nm diameter) and
have the ability to encapsulate nonpolar molecules including
Downloaded by [National Chiao Tung University] at 09:34 02 October 2011
lipids, flavorants, antimicrobials, antioxidants, and vitamins
(Weiss and McClements, 2002). In 2007 the Meridian Institute
reported a new product (Novasol CT) as a solution containing
nanoparticles, which can be applied to add antioxidants into
food and beverage. In this product, the nanoparticles called mi-
celles carry antioxidants and can be used to introduce vitamins
A, C, and E, and Q10 to food and beverages without changing
Nanoemulsions are produced by high-pressure value homog-
enizers or microfluidizers with a droplet diameter less than
100–500 nm (McClements, 2005). Functional food ingredients
can be incorporated within the droplet, the interfacial region, or
the continuous phase to reduce the chemical degradation process
(McClements and Decker, 2000).
Multiple emulsions can be used as delivery system with novel
encapsulation and delivery properties including oil in water in
oil (o/w/o) and water in oil in water (w/o/w) emulsions (Garti
and Benichou, 2001, 2004; Garti et al., 2005). The multilayer
emulsions can produce novel delivery systems containing oil
droplets surrounded by multilayer interfaces (nanometer thick
layers consist of different polyelectrolyte). They have more
stability against environmental stresses than conventional oil-
in-water emulsions with single layer interfaces. In these sys-
tems, functional ingredients (e.g., polysaccharides, proteins, and
phospholipids) are trapped within the core of a multilayer emul-
sion delivery system (Gu et al., 2005; Guzey and McClements,
Liposomes or lipid vesicles are extremely suitable systems to
deliver a broad spectrum of substances in functional food, agri-
cultural, biological, biochemical, pharmacological, etc. (Gibbs
et al., 1999; Taylor et al., 2005; Chonn and Cullis, 1998; Huang
et al., 1999). They are closed, continuous bilayered structures
made mainly of lipid and/or phospholipid molecules (Khosravi-
Darani et al., 2007; Mozafari and Mortazavi, 2005) and can be
prepared by the heating method in which no harmful chem-
ical or procedure is involved. Lipid vesicles can be made of
uni- or multi- lamellar, containing one or many bilayer shells,
respectively (Mortazavi et al., 2007). An overview of eight dif-
ferent liposome-derived nanocarriers with respect to their char-
acteristics, preparation methods, and application had been pre-
sented (Mozafari and Khosravi-Darani, 2007).Taylor and others
(2005) reported the physicochemical properties, applications,
and producing methods of liposomes. Liposomes can be used
for controlled delivery of functional ingredients including en-
zymes, vitamins (Kirby et al., 1991), and flavors in different
food applications (Taylor et al., 2005). Liposomes can encapsu-
late enzymes to increase the speed of cheese ripening (Law and
King, 1991) and vitamins to increase the nutritional quality of
dairy products (Banville et al., 2000). Lee and Martin (2002)
reported that degradation of retinol entrapped in liposomes
was decreased by the addition of vitamin E (α-tocopherol).
These studies show that the use of liposomes can increase
the protection of bioactivity of nutrients against degradation in
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been applied exten-
sively in biological science, material science, chemistry, and
recently in food science. AFM is a powerful tool applied in
investigating the fine structure information of food materials
and molecular interaction on nanoscale (Yang et al., 2007).
Application of AFM was started as a powerful tool for mon-
itoring changes of food proteins in 1993. Morris (2004) has
obtained direct process images of the molecular interactions
between protein and surfactant. In recent years, much research
has been conducted to study the polysaccharides from com-
monly used food materials including starch.Gunning and others
(2003) used a new process to stabilize the amylase molecules.
AFM images of the sample revealed a distribution of extended
chain-like molecules, directly visualizing a small number of
branched macromolecules for the first time. Also, images of
pectin polysaccharides extracted from unripe tomato plant cell
walls were obtained by AFM (Round et al., 1997). In 2001,
AFM was used to study the nature of the long branches to the
pectin by Round and others (1997). Many polysaccharides or
proteins can form networks and gels in certain conditions by the
bacterial polysaccharide gellan gum and AFM can image the
individual polysaccharides (Gunning et al., 1996).
Manipulations of molecules enable us to observe the re-
actions between food macromolecules directly (Yang et al.,
2007).Yang and others (2006a) have manipulated and stretched
single pectin molecules with modified molecular combing and
fluid fixation techniques. Using AFM, the properties of pectin
chain widths of yellow peach during storage were studied by
Yang and others (2005; 2006a; 2006b) AFM and Friction Force
Microscopy (FFM) can be applied for nanorheological and nan-
otribological measurements of biopolymers. Also, with the de-
velopment of AFM, the process of building nanofoods can be
simulated and optimized.
The important role of food packaging is to protect food from
the surrounding system, contain the food, provide nutritional
information for consumers, extend food shelf life, and increase
the quality of food (Cole and Bergeson, 2006). Nowadays, the
application of nanotechnology in food packaging is increasing
rapidly. Nanopackaging produced over $860 million in sales
worldwide in 2006, and is likely to be a $30 billion market
within the next 10 years (Coles et al., 2003). The use of nanopar-
ticles can improve the mechanical and heat resistance properties
of food packaging and therefore increase shelf life, by affect-
ing gas or water vapor permeability. For example, polymers
are not inherently impermeable to gases or water vapor, but
polymer silicate nanocomposites have improved gas barrier, the
Downloaded by [National Chiao Tung University] at 09:34 02 October 2011
mechanical strength, and the heat resistance properties of food
packaging (Holley, 2005; Schaefer, 2005; Brody, 2006). The
first nanocomposite was inspired by interacting an organic sub-
stance (protein, peptide, or lipid) with an inorganic one (e.g.,
calcium carbonate) to form a material with increased tough-
ness. One example is a packaging material composed of potato
starch and calcium carbonate. This foam, which is thermal sta-
bile and biodegradable, can replace the polystyrene used for fast
food (Stucky, 1997; Moraru et al., 2003). In 2002, nanocompos-
ites were produced from starch and amorphous poly (beta hy-
droxyoctanoate) and from starch and tucinin whiskers (Mathew
and Dufresne, 2002).Park and co-workers (2003) produced ther-
moplastic starch (TPS)/clay nanocomposite with higher tensile
properties and lower water vapor transmission rate than the pris-
tine TPS. A nanocomposite barrier material was used for coating
plastic films such as PET, which is a better performing, trans-
parent, attractive to silica and alumina-coated food packaging
films (Moore, 1999).
Nanomaterials can be made of natural materials including
natural smectic clays, especially montmorillonite (a volcanic
material consisting of nanometer thick platelets as a common
source for producing nanoclays) (Quarmley and Rossi, 2001).
The addition of 3–5% montmorillonite into nanocomposite pro-
duction makes plastics lighter, stronger with more thermal sta-
bility, and increased barrier properties against oxygen, carbon
dioxide, moisture, and volatiles. The use of nanoclays into
ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer and into a poly (lactic acid)
biopolymer increases barrier properties to oxygen and water va-
por and extends the shelf life of food products (Lagaron et al.,
Nanolaminates, which consist of 2 or more layers of nano-
materials (physically or chemically bonded to each other), are
suitable for use in the food industry. Nanolaminates can be used
for the preparation of edible coatings and films as well as foam-
ing which are currently applied in the food industry such as
fruit, vegetables, meats, chocolate, candies, bakery products,
and French fries. These coatings or films could be used as
barriers to moisture, lipid, or gases and increase the textural
properties of foods, or applied as carriers of functional agents
including colors, flavors, antioxidants, nutrients, and antimicro-
bials (Morillon et al., 2002; Phan The et al., 2008; Ponce et al.,
2008; cargi et al., 2004; Cha and Chinnan, 2004; Rhim, 2004).
At present, proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids are being used
for producing these films and coatings. Nanolaminates are used
as coating material on food surfaces due to their extremely thin
nature that make them very fragile (Kotov, 2003).
In 1991, nanotubes were discovered by the Japanese electron
microscopist Sumio Iijim at the NEC Crop. Nanotubes are es-
sentially buckyballs that have been on two sides with additional
atom groups added in the characteristic hexagon shape to form
a hollow carbon tube (Scott, 2005). The properties of nanotubes
include thermal resistance and a strong and flexible structure
which could be used in medical devices, sports equipment, alu-
mina, and industrial food processing equipment. The partial
hydrolysis of the milk protein α-lactalbumin by a protease from
Bacillus licheniformis can be made to self-assemble into similar
nanotubes under appropriate environmental conditions which
can be used in food, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology. The
main characteristics of alpha-lactalbumin nanotubes are the for-
mation condition and stability (Graveland-Bikker and de Kruif,
2005; 2006; Graveland-Bikker et al., 2006a; 2006b).
Huang et al. (2002) have reported the application of carbon
nanotubes for crystallization of proteins and building of biore-
actors and biosensors. Deposition of silver on nanoparticles of
titanium dioxide increases its bacteriocidal effects against E.coli
(Kim et al., 2006) while titanium dioxide combined with carbon
nanotubes significantly increase disinfectant properties against
Bacillus cereus spores (Krishna et al., 2005).
Nanotubes membranes can also be used in food systems for
analytical purposes such as molecular detection (enzymes, an-
tibodies, various proteins, and DNA) and membrane separation
of biomolecules (proteins, peptides, vitamins, or minerals) (Lee
and Martin, 2002; Rouhi, 2002).
Enzymes can be applied in some food processing methods
for changing food components to enhance flavor, nutritional
value, health benefits, etc. The use of nanomaterials provides
superior enzyme support systems (improving activity, shelf life,
and cost-effective) due to their help in dispersion through food
matrices and their large surface-to-volume ratios compared to
traditional macroscale support materials (Yu et al., 2005) For
example, nano-silicon dioxide particles effectively hydrolyzed
olive oil with modified stability, adaptability, and reusability
(Bai et al., 2006).
Biosensors may be applied for detecting gases, pathogens,
or toxins in packaged foods. Using nanobiosensors have been
reported for the detection of pathogens in processing plants or
alerting consumers, procedures, and distributors on the safety
status of food (Baeumner, 2004; Cheng et al., 2006; Helmke and
Minerick, 2006).
An electrochemical glucose biosensor was nanofabricated
by layer-by-layer self-assembly of polyelectrolyte for detection
and quantification of glucose (Rivas et al., 2006). Liposome
nanovesicles have been applied for detection of peanut aller-
genic proteins in chocolate (Wen et al., 2005) and pathogens
(Edwards et al., 2006). Using universal protein G-liposomal
nanovesicles and an immounomagnetic bead sandwich assay
can simultaneously detect E.coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp, and
Listeria monocytogenes (Chen et al., 2006) Su and Li (2004)
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have reported a sensitive and rapid method for the detection of
E.coli O157:H7 using quantum dots as a fluorescence marker
coupled with immunomagnetic separation. Electronic nose is
a device which is applied for identifying different types of
odors. Gas sensors are the main components in an E-Nose and
composed of nanoparticles, for example, zinc oxide nanowires
(Hossain et al., 2005) Immunosensing of Staphylococcus en-
trotoxin B (SEB) in milk was reported using poly (dimethyl
siloxane) (PDMS) chips with reinforced, supported, fluid bi-
layer membranes. Antibodies to entrotoxin were attached to the
bilayer membrane in PDMS channels from a biosensor (Dong
et al., 2006).
A quartz crystal micro-balance based biosensor has been
reported using 50 nm gold nanoparticles as amplification
probes for DNA detection (Zhao et al., 2001). 1-Dodecanethiol-
encapsulated colloidal gold array has been used to establish
DNA-based nano-electronic devices (Ge et al., 2003). A re-
cent report suggests that complementary DNA sequences could
be sensed by immobilizing thiol-modified DNA probe onto
gold nano-particle coated electrode (Liu et al., 2005; Fortina
et al., 2002). A gold nano-particle coated quartz crystal micro-
balance based DNA sensor has been reported for the detection
of E. coli O157:H7 synthesized oligonucleotides. The use of
nanoparticles amplifies the signals and improves the detection
limit for pathogenic bacteria detection (Mao et al., 2006). Mi-
crofluidics coupled with microarrays, micro-motors, and micro-
heaters generate low power consumption devices which could
be applied for in situ detection of food pathogens in differ-
ent samples with very high degree of sensitivity and specificity
(Arora et al., 2006).
A risk assessment report has been published about Magic
Nano, which was a spray-on ceramic sealant to repel dirt. Over
110 European consumers showed respiratory symptoms after
using this product, therefore the product was pulled out in March
2006 (Pillar et al., 2006).
A preliminary framework has been developed to inform the
risk analysis and risk management of nanomaterials (Morgan,
2005). So, a list of factors potentially affecting human health
and ecological risks of nanoparticles has been studied. A forum
series of seven articles on research strategies for safety evalua-
tion of nanomaterials was presented in toxicological science in
2005–2006. Some of the techniques were explained for basic
nanoparticles characterization through the body to asses how
they will interact with biological systems (Doyle, 2006; Powers
et al., 2006) Determination of solubility of nanoparticles and
their biological fate and effects on the health are very impor-
tant. There are a lot of factors that affect dissolution including
concentration, surface area, surface energy, surface morphol-
ogy, aggregation, dissolution layer properties, and adsorbing
species (Doyle, 2006; Borm et al., 2006). The risk assessment
of nanoparticles and nanostructures showed that the potential
routes of human exposure to nanoparticles are skin, lungs, and
the gastrointestinal tract. By the addition of nanostructured ma-
terials to food, water, and drugs, nanoparticles can be absorbed
from the intestine and enter the circulatory system but there
is not much research focused on this potential route of entry
(Maynard, 2006). In recent years, there is a great focus on the
skin as a potential route of absorption of nanoparticles due to
increased consumption of cosmetics and sunscreens. Nanopar-
ticles are able to penetrate through the outer layers of the skin
and there is little information on the hazard which they might
present (Maynard, 2006). Inhalation of airborne material is an
important potential exposure route as well (FDA, 2004).
Nanoliposomes with several applications in several scientific
and technological fields, for example, gene delivery (Khosravi-
Darani et al., 2009) and medicine (Khosravi-Darani et al., 2009),
can provide controlled release of various bioactive agents, in-
cluding food ingredients and nutraceuticals, at the right place
and the right time. Therefore, they increase the effectiveness and
cellular uptake of the encapsulated material. Reactive, sensitive,
or volatile additives (vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants, slimming
agents, etc.) can be turned into stable ingredients using nanoli-
posomes. Mozafari et al. (2008) have recently reviewed various
aspects of nanoliposomes including currently available prepa-
ration methods, and their application in food technology.
Nowadays, there are no special regulations for using nan-
otechnology in foods. The Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA)
regulates on a product-by-product basis and and points out many
products which are currently regulated produce of nanoparticles
(FDA, 2004; Weiss et al., 2006). FDA has traditionally regulated
many products with particulate material in nano-size range but
has not focused on applied technology for their preparation. It is
clear that there are other government agencies that have different
missions with regard to nanotechnology including to solve envi-
ronmental problems and to improve technology to treat disease,
etc. (FDA, 2004). The Institute of Food Science and Technology
(IFST) suggested that when nanoparticles are used as food addi-
tives, the conventional E-numbering system for labeling should
be used along with the subscript “n” (Maynard et al., 2005). The
British government agreed to this suggestion that nanoparticles
ingredients be subjected to a full safety assessment before using
them in food products (Weiss et al., 2006).
The Codex Alimentarius which was created in 1963 con-
tains a set of standards about practices, recommendations, and
characteristics of food products and its handling. To the rec-
ommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) and
the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
the Codex Alimentarius updates through the use of nanotech-
nology in food and agriculture. FAO and WHO have recently
started preparations to hold an expert consultation in 2008 that
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identify the applications of nanotechnology in the food sector
at present or in the future and the potential food safety issues,
as well as exploring areas for future research and international
guidance. Recently, the Institute of Food Science Technologists
(ISFT) has presented important documents and member experts
for addressing each of these issues. Supporting research and
development in food nanoscience is a priority for ISFT. The
application of nanotechnology will investigate in the Spring of
2008 in the meetings of the codex committees on food additives
and food contaminants (Maynard et al., 2005; IFST, 2006; CAC,
2007; Newsome, 2007). The European Commission intends to
apply current food laws for nanofoods but these laws will require
modifications and plans to use case-by-case analyzing methods
for risk assessment (Weiss et al., 2006). It is anticipated that
nanotechnology standards are being developed by organizations
such as the International Standards for Organization (ISO) and
ASTM International on terminology, nomenclature, measure-
ment and characterization, and environment, safety, and health.
Nanotechnology may develop devices for rapid identifica-
tion deficiencies of nutrients (such as AFM) and the presence
of pathogens in food (including Nanosensors). Numerous ap-
plications of nanotechnology in food systems and processing
have been developed in many countries, some of which in-
clude nano based-food additives, Nanosensors, nancapsules,
nanobased smart delivery systems, nanopackaging, and health
care and medicine. Nowadays people fairly identified and ac-
cepted the effects of using nanotechnology in their life. The
potential of nanotechnology make it suitable for developing
countries because these countries could potentially engage some
of the new markets for new nanomaterials and production pro-
cesses. Nanotechnology can improve public awareness. Many
government departments paid more money towards research
and development of functional food, nutrient delivery systems,
color, flavor and consistency, food packaging, and detection
of nano based nutrients and metabolites structure. Base on the
above descriptions, nanofoods would be produced by the use
of nanotechnology techniques and devices for cultivation, pro-
cessing, packaging, production, suitable detection of fine food
molecule structure, or molecular interactions on nanoscale and
food quality. Finally, nanotechnology enables to change the ex-
isting food systems and processing to ensure products safety,
creating a healthy food culture, and enhancing the nutritional
quality of food.
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