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Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46:399–424, 2011
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0027-3171 print/1532-7906 online
DOI: 10.1080/00273171.2011.568786
An Introduction to Propensity Score
Methods for Reducing the Effects of
Confounding in Observational Studies
Peter C. Austin
Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
Department of Health Management, Policy and Evaluation,
University of Toronto
The propensity score is the probability of treatment assignment conditional on
observed baseline characteristics. The propensity score allows one to design and
analyze an observational (nonrandomized) study so that it mimics some of the par-
ticular characteristics of a randomized controlled trial. In particular, the propensity
score is a balancing score: conditional on the propensity score, the distribution
of observed baseline covariates will be similar between treated and untreated
subjects. I describe 4 different propensity score methods: matching on the propen-
sity score, stratification on the propensity score, inverse probability of treatment
weighting using the propensity score, and covariate adjustment using the propensity
score. I describe balance diagnostics for examining whether the propensity score
model has been adequately specified. Furthermore, I discuss differences between
regression-based methods and propensity score-based methods for the analysis of
observational data. I describe different causal average treatment effects and their
relationship with propensity score analyses.
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are considered the gold standard approach
for estimating the effects of treatments, interventions, and exposures (hereafter
referred to as treatments) on outcomes. Random treatment allocation ensures that
treatment status will not be confounded with either measured or unmeasured
baseline characteristics. Therefore, the effect of treatment on outcomes can
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Peter C. Austin, Institute for
Clinical Evaluative Sciences, G1 06, 2075 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4N 3M5, Canada.
be estimated by comparing outcomes directly between treated and untreated
subjects (Greenland, Pearl, & Robins, 1999).
There is a growing interest in using observational (or nonrandomized) studies
to estimate the effects of treatments on outcomes. In observational studies,
treatment selection is often influenced by subject characteristics. As a result,
baseline characteristics of treated subjects often differ systematically from those
of untreated subjects. Therefore, one must account for systematic differences in
baseline characteristics between treated and untreated subjects when estimating
the effect of treatment on outcomes. Historically, applied researchers have relied
on the use of regression adjustment to account for differences in measured
baseline characteristics between treated and untreated subjects. Recently, there
has been increasing interest in methods based on the propensity score to reduce
or eliminate the effects of confounding when using observational data. Examples
of recent use of these methods include assessing the effects of kindergarten
retention on children’s social-emotional development (Hong & Yu, 2008), the
effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous (Ye & Kaskutas, 2009), the effects of
small school size on mathematics achievement (Wyse, Keesler, & Schneider,
2008), and the effect of teenage alcohol use on education attainment (Staff,
Patrick, Loken, & Maggs, 2008).
Our objective is to introduce the reader to the concept of the propensity
score and to describe how methods based on it can be used to reduce or
eliminate the effects of confounding when using observational data to estimate
treatment effects. The article is divided into six sections as follows: first, I briefly
describe the potential outcomes framework, causal treatment effects, RCTs,
and observational studies. Second, I introduce the concept of the propensity
score and describe four different methods in which it can be used to estimate
treatment effects. Third, I describe methods to assess whether the propensity
score model has been adequately specified. Fourth, I discuss variable selection
for the propensity score model. Fifth, I compare the use of propensity score-
based approaches with that of regression analyses in observational studies. Sixth,
I summarize our discussion in the final section. A recently published tutorial and
case study in this journal was written as a companion to this article to illustrate
the application of propensity score methods to estimate the reduction in mortality
due to provision of in-hospital smoking cessation counseling to current smokers
who had been hospitalized with a heart attack (Austin, 2011a).
Because propensity score methods allow one to mimic some of the characteristics
of an RCT in the context of an observational study, I begin this article by describ-
ing a conceptual framework for RCTs. I first describe the potential outcomes
framework, which has also been described as the Rubin Causal Model (Rubin,
1974). I conclude this section by defining what I mean by an observational study
and highlighting the primary difference between an observational study and a
randomized experiment.
The Potential Outcomes Framework and Average
Treatment Effects
In the potential outcomes framework, there are two possible treatments (e.g.,
active treatment vs. control treatment) and an outcome. Given a sample of
subjects and a treatment, each subject has a pair of potential outcomes: Yi.0/
and Yi.1/, the outcomes under the control treatment and the active treatment,
respectively. However, each subject receives only one of the control treatment
or the active treatment. Let Zbe an indicator variable denoting the treatment
received (ZD0for control treatment vs. ZD1for active treatment). Thus,
only one outcome, Yi.YiDZiYi.1/ C.1 Zi/Yi.0//, is observed for each
subject: the outcome under the actual treatment received.
For each subject, the effect of treatment is defined to be Yi.1/ Yi.0/.
The average treatment effect (ATE) is defined to be EŒYi.1/ Yi.0/ (Imbens,
2004). The ATE is the average effect, at the population level, of moving an
entire population from untreated to treated. A related measure of treatment
effect is the average treatment effect for the treated (ATT; Imbens, 2004). The
ATT is defined as EŒY .1/ Y .0/jZD1. The ATT is the average effect of
treatment on those subjects who ultimately received the treatment. In an RCT
these two measures of treatment effects coincide because, due to randomization,
the treated population will not, on average, differ systematically from the overall
Applied researchers should decide whether the ATE or the ATT is of greater
utility or interest in their particular research context. In estimating the ef-
fectiveness of an intensive, structured smoking cessation program, the ATT
may be of greater interest than the ATE. Due to potentially high barriers to
participation and completion of the smoking cessation program, it may be
unrealistic to estimate the effect of the program if it were applied to all current
smokers. Instead, greater interest may lie in the effect of the program on those
current smokers who elect to participate in the program. In contrast, when
estimating the effect on smoking cessation of an information brochure given
by family physicians to patients who are current smokers, the ATE may be of
greater interest than the ATT. The cost and effort of distributing an information
brochure is relatively low, and the barriers to a patient receiving the brochure
are minimal.
Randomized Controlled Trials
In RCTs, treatment is assigned by randomization. As a consequence of random-
ization, an unbiased estimate of the ATE can be directly computed from the study
data. An unbiased estimate of the ATE is EŒYi.1/ Yi.0/ DEŒY .1/ EŒY .0/
(Lunceford & Davidian, 2004). The aforementioned definition allows one to
define the ATE in terms of a difference in means (continuous outcomes) or a
difference in proportions or absolute risk reduction (dichotomous outcomes).
For dichotomous outcomes, alternative measures of effect include the relative
risk and the odds ratio. When outcomes are dichotomous, the number needed
treat (NNT), the reciprocal of the absolute risk reduction, denotes the number
of subjects that one must treat to avoid the occurrence of one event.
Observational Studies
Cochran (1965) defined an observational study to be an empirical investigation in
which the “objective is to elucidate cause-and-effect relationships ::: [in settings
in which] it is not feasible to use controlled experimentation, in the sense of
being able to impose the procedures or treatments whose effects it is desired
to discover, or to assign subjects at random to different procedures” (p. 234).
By this definition, an observational study has the same intent as a randomized
experiment: to estimate a causal effect. However, an observational study differs
from a randomized experiment in one design issue: the use of randomization to
allocate units to treatment and control groups.
In observational studies, the treated subjects often differ systematically from
untreated subjects. Thus, in general, I have that EŒY .1/jZD1 ¤EŒY .1/ (and
similarly for the control treatment). Thus, an unbiased estimate of the average
treatment effect cannot be obtained by directly comparing outcomes between
the two treatment groups. In subsequent sections, I describe how the propensity
score can be used to estimate average treatment effects.
The propensity score was defined by Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983a) to be the
probability of treatment assignment conditional on observed baseline covariates:
eiDP r.ZiD1jXi/. The propensity score is a balancing score: conditional on
the propensity score, the distribution of measured baseline covariates is similar
between treated and untreated subjects. Thus, in a set of subjects all of whom
have the same propensity score, the distribution of observed baseline covariates
will be the same between the treated and untreated subjects.
The propensity score exists in both randomized experiments and in obser-
vational studies. In randomized experiments the true propensity score is known
and is defined by the study design. In observational studies, the true propensity
score is not, in general, known. However, it can be estimated using the study
data. In practice, the propensity score is most often estimated using a logistic
regression model, in which treatment status is regressed on observed baseline
characteristics. The estimated propensity score is the predicted probability of
treatment derived from the fitted regression model. Although logistic regression
appears to be the most commonly used method for estimating the propensity
score, the use of bagging or boosting (Lee, Lessler, & Stuart, 2010; McCaffrey,
Ridgeway, & Morral, 2004), recursive partitioning or tree-based methods (Lee
et al., 2010; Setoguchi, Schneeweiss, Brookhart, Glynn, & Cook, 2008), random
forests (Lee et al., 2010), and neural networks (Setoguchi et al., 2008) for
estimating the propensity score have been examined.
Four different propensity score methods are used for removing the effects
of confounding when estimating the effects of treatment on outcomes: propen-
sity score matching, stratification (or subclassification) on the propensity score,
inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) using the propensity score,
and covariate adjustment using the propensity score (Austin & Mamdani, 2006;
Rosenbaum, 1987a; Rosenbaum & Rubin, 1983a). I describe each of these
methods separately in the following subsections.
Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983a) defined treatment assignment to be strongly
ignorable if the following two conditions hold: (a) .Y .1/; Y.0//
(b) 0 < P .Z D1jX / < 1. The first condition says that treatment assignment
is independent of the potential outcomes conditional on the observed base-
line covariates. The second condition says that every subject has a nonzero
probability to receive either treatment. They demonstrated that if treatment
assignment is strongly ignorable, conditioning on the propensity score allows
one to obtain unbiased estimates of average treatment effects. The aforemen-
tioned first condition is also referred to as the “no unmeasured confounders”
assumption: the assumption that all variables that affect treatment assignment
and outcome have been measured. Because this is the crucial assumption that
underlies propensity score analyses, Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983b) proposed
analyses to assess the sensitivity of study conclusions to the assumption that
there were no unmeasured confounders that influenced treatment assignment.
Furthermore, Rosenbaum (1987b) proposed the use of a second control group to
examine the plausibility that adjustment for measured covariates has eliminated
bias in estimating treatment effects. It should be noted that although the assump-
tion of strongly ignorable treatment assignment/no unmeasured confounding is
explicitly stated in the context of propensity score analyses, this assumption
also underlies regression-based approaches for estimating treatment effects in
observational studies.
Propensity Score Matching
Propensity score matching entails forming matched sets of treated and untreated
subjects who share a similar value of the propensity score (Rosenbaum &
Rubin, 1983a, 1985). Propensity score matching allows one to estimate the ATT
(Imbens, 2004). The most common implementation of propensity score matching
is one-to-one or pair matching, in which pairs of treated and untreated subjects
are formed, such that matched subjects have similar values of the propensity
score. Although one-to-one matching appears to be the most common approach
to propensity score matching, other approaches can be used. These are discussed
at the end of this section. Unless stated otherwise, the following discussion is
in the context of 1:1 matching.
Once a matched sample has been formed, the treatment effect can be esti-
mated by directly comparing outcomes between treated and untreated subjects
in the matched sample. If the outcome is continuous (e.g., a depression scale),
the effect of treatment can be estimated as the difference between the mean
outcome for treated subjects and the mean outcome for untreated subjects in the
matched sample (Rosenbaum & Rubin, 1983a). If the outcome is dichotomous
(self-report of the presence or absence of depression), the effect of treatment can
be estimated as the difference between the proportion of subjects experiencing
the event in each of the two groups (treated vs. untreated) in the matched sample.
With binary outcomes, the effect of treatment can also be described using the
relative risk or the NNT (Austin, 2008a, 2010; Rosenbaum & Rubin, 1983a).
Thus, the reporting of treatment effects can be done in same metrics as are
commonly used in RCTs.
Once the effect of treatment has been estimated in the propensity score
matched sample, the variance of the estimated treatment effect and its statistical
significance can be estimated. Schafer and Kang (2008) suggest that, within
the matched sample, the treated and untreated subjects should be regarded as
independent. In contrast to this, Imbens (2004) suggests that, when using a
matched estimator, the variance should be calculated using a method appropri-
ate for paired experiments. I argue that the propensity score matched sample
does not consist of independent observations. Rather, treated and untreated
subjects within the same matched set have similar values of the propensity
score. Therefore, their observed baseline covariates come from the same mul-
tivariate distribution. In the presence of confounding, baseline covariates are
related to outcomes. Thus, matched subjects are more likely to have similar
outcomes than are randomly selected subjects. The lack of independence in
the propensity score matched sample should be accounted for when estimat-
ing the variance of the treatment effect. Recent studies using Monte Carlo
simulations demonstrated that, for a range of scenarios, variance estimators
that account for matching more accurately reflected the sampling variability
of the estimated treatment effect (Austin 2009c, in press). Thus, a paired t
test could be used for assessing the statistical significance of the effect of
treatment on a continuous outcome. Similarly, McNemar’s test can be used to
assess the statistical significance of a difference in proportions for a dichotomous
The analysis of a propensity score matched sample can mimic that of an
RCT: one can directly compare outcomes between treated and untreated subjects
within the propensity score matched sample. In the context of an RCT, one
expects that, on average, the distribution of covariates will be similar between
treatment groups. However, in individual RCTs, residual differences in baseline
covariates may exist between treatment groups. Regression adjustment can be
used to reduce bias due to residual differences in observed baseline covariates
between treatment groups. Regression adjustment results in increased precision
for continuous outcomes and increased statistical power for continuous, binary,
and time-to-event outcomes (Steyerberg, 2009). Similarly, in propensity score
matched samples, covariate balance is a large sample property. Propensity score
matching can be combined with additional matching on prognostic factors or
regression adjustment (Imbens, 2004; Rubin & Thomas, 2000).
I now discuss different methods for forming matched pairs of treated and
untreated subjects when matching on the propensity score. In doing so, several
decisions must be made. First, one must choose between matching without
replacement and matching with replacement (Rosenbaum, 2002). When using
matching without replacement, once an untreated subject has been selected to be
matched to a given treated subject, that untreated subject is no longer available
for consideration as a potential match for subsequent treated subjects. As a
result, each untreated subject is included in at most one matched set. In contrast,
matching with replacement allows a given untreated subject to be included in
more than one matched set. When matching with replacement is used, variance
estimation must account for the fact that the same untreated subject may be in
multiple matched sets (Hill & Reiter, 2006).
A second choice is between greedy and optimal matching (Rosenbaum, 2002).
In greedy matching, a treated subject is first selected at random. The untreated
subject whose propensity score is closest to that of this randomly selected
treated subject is chosen for matching to this treated subject. This process is
then repeated until untreated subjects have been matched to all treated subjects
or until one has exhausted the list of treated subjects for whom a matched
untreated subject can be found. This process is called greedy because at each
step in the process, the nearest untreated subject is selected for matching to the
given treated subject, even if that untreated subject would better serve as a match
for a subsequent treated subject. An alternative to greedy matching is optimal
matching, in which matches are formed so as to minimize the total within-pair
difference of the propensity score. Gu and Rosenbaum (1993) compared greedy
and optimal matching and found that optimal matching did no better than greedy
matching in producing balanced matched samples.
In the previous paragraphs I described two sets of options for forming propen-
sity score matched sets. However, I have not provided criteria for selecting
untreated subjects whose propensity score is “close” to that of a treated subject.
There are two primary methods for this: nearest neighbor matching and nearest
neighbor matching within a specified caliper distance (Rosenbaum & Rubin,
1985). Nearest neighbor matching selects for matching to a given treated subject
that untreated subject whose propensity score is closest to that of the treated
subject. If multiple untreated subjects have propensity scores that are equally
close to that of the treated subject, one of these untreated subjects is selected
at random. It is important to note that no restrictions are placed upon the
maximum acceptable difference between the propensity scores of two matched
Nearest neighbor matching within a specified caliper distance is similar to
nearest neighbor matching with the further restriction that the absolute difference
in the propensity scores of matched subjects must be below some prespecified
threshold (the caliper distance). Thus, for a given treated subject, one would
identify all the untreated subjects whose propensity score lay within a specified
distance of that of the treated subject. From this restricted set of untreated
subjects, the untreated subject whose propensity score was closest to that of
the treated subject would be selected for matching to this treated subject. If
no untreated subjects had propensity scores that lay within the specified caliper
distance of the propensity score of the treated subject, that treated subject would
not be matched with any untreated subject. The unmatched treated subject would
then be excluded from the resultant matched sample.
When using caliper matching, there is no uniformly agreed upon definition of
what constitutes a maximal acceptable distance. Indeed, in the medical literature,
a wide range of caliper widths have been used (Austin, 2007a, 2008b). Cochran
and Rubin (1973) examined the reduction in bias due to a single normally
distributed confounding variable by matching on this confounding variable us-
ing calipers whose widths were proportional to the standard deviation of the
confounding variable. Based on these results, there are theoretical arguments for
matching on the logit of the propensity score, as this quantity is more likely to
be normally distributed, and for using a caliper width that is a proportion of the
standard deviation of the logit of the propensity score. Building on the prior work
of Cochran and Rubin on matching on a single normally distributed confounding
variable, Rosenbaum and Rubin (1985) suggested that similar reduction in bias
can be achieved by matching on the logit of the propensity score using caliper
widths similar to those described by Cochran and Rubin. For instance, if the
variance of the logit of the propensity score in the treated subjects is the same
as the variance in the untreated subjects, using calipers of width equal to 0.2 of
the pooled standard deviation of the logit of the propensity score will eliminate
approximately 99% of the bias due to the measured confounders. Recently,
Austin (2011b) examined optimal caliper widths when estimating risk differences
and differences in means. It was suggested that researchers use a caliper of width
equal to 0.2 of the standard deviation of the logit of the propensity score as this
value (or one close to it) minimized the mean squared error of the estimated
treatment effect in several scenarios.
In this paragraph, I briefly describe alternatives to one-to-one pair matching
when matching on the propensity score and refer the reader to the cited articles.
In many-to-one (M:1) matching, M untreated subjects are matched to each
treated subject. Ming and Rosenbaum (2000) modified this approach by allowing
for a variable number of untreated subjects to be matched to each treated subject.
They found that improved bias reduction was obtained when matching with
a variable number of controls compared to matching with a fixed number of
controls. Full matching (Gu & Rosenbaum, 1993; Hansen, 2004; Rosenbaum,
1991) involves forming matched sets consisting of either one treated subject and
at least one untreated subject or one untreated subject and at least one treated
subject. The reader is referred to Gu and Rosenbaum for an in-depth comparison
of different matching methods.
Propensity score matching can be conducted using a variety of statistical
packages. Methods to conduct propensity score matching using SAS®are de-
scribed in Chapter 3 of Faries, Leon, Maria Haro, and Obenchain (2010). In R,
the Matching (Sekhon, in press), MatchIt (Ho, Imai, King, & Stuart, 2011), and
Optmatch (Hansen & Klopfer, 2006) packages allow one to implement a variety
of different matching methods. In Stata®, the PSMATCH2 module can be used
for propensity score matching.
Stratification on the Propensity Score
Stratification on the propensity score involves stratifying subjects into mutually
exclusive subsets based on their estimated propensity score. Subjects are ranked
according to their estimated propensity score. Subjects are then stratified into
subsets based on previously defined thresholds of the estimated propensity score.
A common approach is to divide subjects into five equal-size groups using the
quintiles of the estimated propensity score. Cochran (1968) demonstrated that
stratifying on the quintiles of a continuous confounding variable eliminated
approximately 90% of the bias due to that variable. Rosenbaum and Rubin
(1984) extended this result to stratification on the propensity score, stating that
stratifying on the quintiles of the propensity score eliminates approximately 90%
of the bias due to measured confounders when estimating a linear treatment
effect. Increasing the number of strata used should result in improved bias
reduction, although the marginal reduction in bias decreases as the number
of strata increases (Cochran, 1968; Huppler Hullsiek & Louis, 2002). Within
each propensity score stratum, treated and untreated subjects will have roughly
similar values of the propensity score. Therefore, when the propensity score has
been correctly specified, the distribution of measured baseline covariates will be
approximately similar between treated and untreated subjects within the same
Stratification on the propensity can be conceptualized as a meta-analysis of
a set of quasi-RCTs. Within each stratum, the effect of treatment on outcomes
can be estimated by comparing outcomes directly between treated and untreated
subjects. The stratum-specific estimates of treatment effect can then be pooled
across stratum to estimate an overall treatment effect (Rosenbaum & Rubin,
1984). Thus, stratum-specific differences in means or risk differences can be
estimated. These can be averaged to produce an overall difference in means
or risk difference. In general, stratum-specific estimates of effect are weighted
by the proportion of subjects who lie within that stratum. Thus, when the
sample is stratified into Kequal-size strata, stratum-specific weights of 1=K are
commonly used when pooling the stratum-specific treatment effects, allowing
one to estimate the ATE (Imbens, 2004). The use of stratum-specific weights that
are equal to that proportion of treated subjects that lie within each stratum allow
one to estimate the ATT (Imbens, 2004). A pooled estimate of the variance
of the estimated treatment effect can be obtained by pooling the variances
of the stratum-specific treatment effects. For a greater discussion of variance
estimation, the reader is referred to Rosenbaum and Rubin (1984) and Lunceford
and Davidian (2004). As with matching, within-stratum regression adjustment
may be used to account for residual differences between treated and untreated
subjects (Imbens, 2004; Lunceford & Davidian, 2004).
Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting Using the
Propensity Score
Inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) using the propensity score
uses weights based on the propensity score to create a synthetic sample in which
the distribution of measured baseline covariates is independent of treatment
assignment. The use of IPTW is similar to the use of survey sampling weights
that are used to weight survey samples so that they are representative of specific
populations (Morgan & Todd, 2008).
As mentioned earlier, let Zibe an indicator variable denoting whether or not
the ith subject was treated; furthermore, let eidenote the propensity score for the
ith subject. Weights can be defined as wiDZi
1ei. A subject’s weight is
equal to the inverse of the probability of receiving the treatment that the subject
actually received. Inverse probability of treatment weighting was first proposed
by Rosenbaum (1987a) as a form of model-based direct standardization.
Lunceford and Davidian (2004) review a variety of estimators for treatment
effects based on IPTW. Assume that Yidenotes the outcome variable measured
on the ith subject. An estimate of the ATE is 1
where ndenotes the number of subjects. Lunceford and Davidian describe the
theoretical properties of this estimator (along with other IPTW estimators) of
the ATE and compare their performance to stratification.
Joffe, Ten Have, Feldman, and Kimmel (2004) describe how regression mod-
els can be weighted by the inverse probability of treatment to estimate causal
effects of treatments. When used in this context, IPTW is part of a larger family
of causal methods known as marginal structural model (Hernan, Brumback,
& Robins, 2000, 2002). It is important to note that variance estimation must
account for the weighted nature of the synthetic sample, with robust variance
estimation commonly being used to account for the sample weights (Joffe et al.,
The weights may be inaccurate or unstable for subjects with a very low
probability of receiving the treatment received. To address this issue, the use
of stabilizing weights has been proposed (Robins, Hernan, & Brumback, 2000).
The weights described earlier allow one to estimate the ATE. However, using
weights equal to wi ;ATT DZiC.1Zi/ei
1eiallows one to estimate the ATT, whereas
the use of weights equal to wi;ATC DZi.1ei/
eiC.1 Zi/allows one to estimate
the average effect of treatment in the controls (Morgan & Todd, 2008).
Covariate Adjustment Using the Propensity Score
The fourth propensity score method is covariate adjustment using the propensity
score. Using this approach, the outcome variable is regressed on an indicator
variable denoting treatment status and the estimated propensity score. The choice
of regression model would depend on the nature of the outcome. For continuous
outcomes, a linear model would be chosen; for dichotomous outcomes, a logistic
regression model may be selected. The effect of treatment is determined using
the estimated regression coefficient from the fitted regression model. For a linear
model, the treatment effect is an adjusted difference in means, whereas for a
logistic model it is an adjusted odds ratio. Of the four propensity score methods,
this is the only one that requires that a regression model relating the outcome to
treatment status and a covariate (the propensity score) be specified. Furthermore,
this method assumes that the nature of the relationship between the propensity
score and the outcome has been correctly modeled.
Comparison of the Different Propensity Score Methods
Several studies have demonstrated that propensity score matching eliminates
a greater proportion of the systematic differences in baseline characteristics
between treated and untreated subjects than does stratification on the propensity
score or covariate adjustment using the propensity score (Austin, 2009a; Austin,
Grootendorst, & Anderson, 2007; Austin & Mamdani, 2006). In some settings
propensity score matching and IPTW removed systematic differences between
treated and untreated subjects to a comparable degree; however, in some settings,
propensity score matching removed modestly more imbalance than did IPTW
(Austin, 2009a). Lunceford and Davidian (2004) demonstrated that stratification
results in estimates of average treatment effects with greater bias than does a
variety of weighted estimators.
Propensity score matching, stratification on the propensity score, and IPTW
differ from covariate adjustment using the propensity score in that the three
former methods separate the design of the study from the analysis of the study;
this separation does not occur when covariate adjustment using the propensity
score is used. Appropriate diagnostics exist for each of the four propensity
score methods to assess whether the propensity score model has been ade-
quately specified. However, with propensity score matching, stratification on
the propensity score, and IPTW, once one is satisfied with the specification of
the propensity score model, one can directly estimate the effect of treatment
on outcomes in the matched, stratified, or weighted sample. Specification of a
regression model relating the outcome to treatment is not necessary. In contrast,
when using covariate adjustment using the propensity score, once one is satisfied
that the propensity score model has been adequately specified, one must fit a
regression model relating the outcome to an indicator variable denoting treatment
status and to the propensity score. In specifying the regression model, one must
correctly model the relationship between the propensity score and the outcome
(e.g., specifying whether the relationship is linear or nonlinear). In doing so,
the outcome is always in sight because the outcome model contains both the
propensity score and the outcome. As Rubin (2001) notes, when using regression
modeling, the temptation to work toward the desired or anticipated result is
always present. Another difference between the four propensity score approaches
is that covariate adjustment using the propensity score and IPTW may be more
sensitive to whether the propensity score has been accurately estimated (Rubin,
The reader is referred elsewhere to empirical studies comparing the results
of analyses using the different propensity score methods on the same data set
(Austin & Mamdani, 2006; Kurth et al., 2006). Prior Monte Carlo studies have
compared the relative performance of the different propensity score methods
for estimating risk differences, relative risks, and marginal and conditional
odds ratios (Austin, 2007b, 2008c, 2010; Austin, Grootendorst, Normand, &
Anderson, 2007). It is important to note that two of these studies found that
stratification, matching, and covariate adjustment using the propensity score
resulted in biased estimation of both conditional and marginal odds ratios.
The true propensity score is a balancing score: conditional on the true propen-
sity score, the distribution of measured baseline covariates is independent of
treatment assignment. In an observational study the true propensity score is
not known. It must be estimated using the study data. An important com-
ponent of any propensity score analysis is examining whether the propensity
score model has been adequately specified. In this section, I discuss meth-
ods for assessing whether the propensity score model has been adequately
The true propensity score is a balancing score. Therefore, in strata of subjects
that have the same propensity score, the distribution of measured baseline
covariates will be the same between treated and untreated subjects. Appro-
priate methods for assessing whether the propensity score model has been
adequately specified involve examining whether the distribution of measured
baseline covariates is similar between treated and untreated subjects with the
same estimated propensity score. If, after conditioning on the propensity score,
there remain systematic differences in baseline covariates between treated and
untreated subjects, this can be an indication that the propensity score model has
not been correctly specified. With propensity score matching, assessing whether
the propensity score model has been adequately specified involves comparing
treated and untreated subjects within the propensity score matched sample. For
IPTW this assessment involves comparing treated and untreated subjects in the
sample weighted by the inverse probability of treatment. For stratification on
the propensity score, this assessment entails comparing treated and untreated
subjects within strata of the propensity score.
In this section, I summarize an extensive previous discussion of methods for
assessing the comparability of treated and untreated subjects in a propensity
score matched sample (Austin, 2009b). The methods described are for use in
the context of one-to-one matching on the propensity score. Adaptations for
use with many-to-one matching on the propensity score are provided elsewhere
(Austin, 2008d). These methods can be readily adapted to stratification on the
propensity score and IPTW using the propensity score (see Joffe et al., 2004;
Morgan & Todd, 2008, for use with IPTW). Goodness-of-fit diagnostics for use
with covariate adjustment using the propensity score are provided elsewhere
(Austin, 2008e).
Comparing the similarity of treated and untreated subjects in the matched
sample should begin with a comparison of the means or medians of continuous
covariates and the distribution of their categorical counterparts between treated
and untreated subjects. The standardized difference can be used to compare the
mean of continuous and binary variables between treatment groups (multilevel
categorical variables can be represented using a set of binary indicator vari-
ables; Austin, 2009e; Flury & Riedwyl, 1986). For a continuous covariate, the
standardized difference is defined as
dD.xtreatment xcontrol/
treatment Cs2
where xtreatment and xcontrol denote the sample mean of the covariate in treated and
untreated subjects, respectively, whereas s2
treatment and s2
control denote the sample
variance of the covariate in treated and untreated subjects, respectively. For
dichotomous variables, the standardized difference is defined as
dD.Optreatment Opcontrol/
rOptreatment.1 Optreatment/C Opcontrol.1 Opcontrol/
where Optreatment and Opcontrol denote the prevalence or mean of the dichotomous
variable in treated and untreated subjects, respectively. The standardized differ-
ence compares the difference in means in units of the pooled standard deviation.
Furthermore, it is not influenced by sample size and allows for the comparison
of the relative balance of variables measured in different units. Although there
is no universally agreed upon criterion as to what threshold of the standardized
difference can be used to indicate important imbalance, a standard difference
that is less than 0.1 has been taken to indicate a negligible difference in the mean
or prevalence of a covariate between treatment groups (Normand et al., 2001).
The standardized difference provides a framework for comparing the mean
or prevalence of a baseline covariate between treatment groups in the propensity
score matched sample. However, a thorough examination of the comparability
of treated and untreated subjects in the propensity score matched sample should
not stop with a comparison of means and prevalences. The true propensity
score is a balancing score: within strata matched on the true propensity score,
the distribution of observed baseline covariates is independent of treatment
status. Thus, the entire distribution of baseline covariates, not just means and
prevalences, should be similar between treatment groups in the matched sam-
ple. Therefore, higher order moments of covariates and interactions between
covariates should be compared between treatment groups (Austin, 2009b; Ho,
Imai, King, & Stuart, 2007; Imai, King, & Stuart, 2008; Morgan & Todd,
2008). Similarly, graphical methods such as side-by-side boxplots, quantile-
quantile plots, cumulative distribution functions, and empirical nonparametric
density plots can be used to compare the distribution of continuous baseline
covariates between treatment groups in the propensity score matched sample
(Austin, 2009b).
Rosenbaum and Rubin (1984) describe an iterative approach to specifying
a propensity score model (stratification on the propensity score was used in
their illustration; in this paragraph I describe how one would proceed when
using propensity score matching). One begins by specifying an initial propen-
sity score model. The comparability of treated and untreated subjects in the
resultant matched sample is then assessed. If important residual systematic
differences between treated and untreated subjects are found to remain, the
initial propensity score model can be modified. One can modify the propensity
score by including additional covariates, by adding interactions between covari-
ates that are already in the model, or by modeling the relationship between
continuous covariates and treatment status using nonlinear terms (e.g., using
cubic smoothing splines). One proceeds in an iterative fashion until system-
atic differences in observed baseline covariates between treated and untreated
subjects have either been eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level. It is
important to note that at each step of the iterative process, one is not guided
by the statistical significance of the estimated regression coefficients in the
propensity score model (assuming one is using a logistic regression model).
Rather, one is working toward the objective of creating a matched sample in
which the distribution of observed baseline covariates is similar between treated
and untreated subjects.
Rubin (2001) proposed a set of criteria based on comparing the distribution
of the propensity score between treated and untreated subjects in a sample to
determine whether regression adjustment may inadequately eliminate bias when
comparing outcomes between treatment groups. Some authors have suggested
that the comparison of baseline covariates may be complemented by comparing
the distribution of the estimated propensity score between treated and untreated
subjects in the matched sample (Ho et al., 2007). This approach may be useful
for determining the common area of support or the degree of overlap in the
propensity score between treated and untreated subjects. Furthermore, it may
serve as a rough assessment of whether the means of covariates included in
the propensity score model are similar between treatment groups. However,
recent research has found that this approach is insufficient for determining
whether an important variable has been omitted from the propensity score
model or for assessing whether the propensity score model has been correctly
specified (Austin, 2009b). For instance, in a sample matched on a misspecified
propensity score, the mean of an interaction between two covariates was im-
balanced between treatment groups. Despite this imbalance, the distribution of
the misspecified propensity score was similar to that of the correctly specified
propensity score.
Applied authors have frequently used statistical significance testing to com-
pare the mean of continuous covariates or the distribution of categorical variables
between treated and untreated subjects in propensity score matched samples
(Austin, 2007a, 2008b, 2008c). This approach has been criticized by several
authors for two reasons (Imai et al., 2008; Austin, 2008b, 2009b). First, signifi-
cance levels are confounded with sample size. The propensity score matched
sample is almost invariably smaller than the original sample. Thus, relying
on significance testing to detect imbalance may produce misleading results;
findings of nonsignificant differences between groups may be due only to the
diminished sample size of the matched sample (furthermore, for large samples,
statistically significant differences may be found merely due to the high power
of the test when covariate means are trivially different). Second, Imai et al.
suggested that balance is a property of a particular sample and that reference
to a superpopulation is inappropriate. For these reasons, the use of statistical
significance testing to assess balance in propensity score matched samples is
Finally, a recent review of propensity score methods (Stürmer et al., 2006)
documented that many authors report the c-statistic of the propensity score
model. The c-statistic indicates the degree to which the propensity score model
discriminates between subjects who are treated and those who are untreated.
Recent research has indicated that this statistic provides no information as to
whether the propensity score model has been correctly specified (Austin, 2009b;
Austin, Grootendorst, & Anderson, 2007; Weitzen, Lapane, Toledano, Hume, &
Mor, 2005).
There is a lack of consensus in the applied literature as to which variables to
include in the propensity score model. Possible sets of variables for inclusion
in the propensity score model include the following: all measured baseline
covariates, all baseline covariates that are associated with treatment assignment,
all covariates that affect the outcome (i.e., the potential confounders), and all
covariates that affect both treatment assignment and the outcome (i.e., the true
confounders). The propensity score is defined to be the probability of treatment
assignment .eiDPr.ZiD1jXi//. Thus, there are theoretical arguments in favor
of the inclusion of only those variables that affect treatment assignment.
A recent study (Austin, Grootendorst, & Anderson, 2007) examined the
relative benefits of including the different sets of baseline covariates described
earlier in the propensity score model. It was shown that there were merits
to including only the potential confounders or the true confounders in the
propensity score model. In the context of propensity-score matching, the use of
any of the four different sets of covariates in the propensity score model resulted
in all prognostically important variables being balanced between treated and
untreated subjects in the matched sample. When only the potential confounders
or only the true confounders were included in the propensity score model, the
variables that were imbalanced between treated and untreated subjects were
those variables that affected treatment assignment but that were independent
of the outcome. However, a greater number of matched pairs were formed
when these two propensity score models were used compared with when the
two alternative propensity score models were used. Furthermore, these two
propensity score models (i.e., the potential confounders or the true confounders)
resulted in estimates of a null treatment effect that had lower mean squared error
compared with estimates obtained when the other two propensity score models
were used. Thus, using these two propensity score models did not result in the
introduction of additional bias but resulted in estimates of treatment effect with
greater precision. Similar findings were observed by Brookhart et al. (2006),
who suggested that variables that do not affect exposure but that affect the
outcome should always be included in the propensity score model. Furthermore,
they noted that including variables that affect exposure but not the outcome will
increase the variance of the estimated treatment effect without a concomitant
reduction in bias.
It should be noted that, in practice, it may be difficult to accurately classify
baseline variables into the true confounders, those that only affect the outcome,
those that only affect exposure, and those that affect neither treatment nor the
outcome. In specific settings, the published literature may provide some guidance
for identifying variables that affect the outcome. In practice, in many settings,
most subject-level baseline covariates likely affect both treatment assignment and
the outcome. Therefore, in many settings, it is likely that one can safely include
all measured baseline characteristics in the propensity score model. Variables
that may require greater investigation are policy-related variables or variables
denoting different temporal periods. For instance, in a study comparing the affect
of an older treatment with that of a newer treatment, subjects who entered the
study in an earlier period may be more likely to receive the older treatment,
whereas subjects who entered the study in a later period may be more likely
to receive the newer treatment. Thus a variable denoting a temporal period
would affect treatment assignment. However, if the outcome was conditionally
independent of temporal period, the inclusion of a variable denoting temporal
period in the propensity score model could result in the formation of fewer
matched pairs compared with if this variable were excluded from the propensity
score model (e.g., the examination of the effect of atypical vs. typical neurolep-
tic agents on death in elderly nursing home residents with dementia; Austin,
Grootendorst, & Anderson, 2007). Finally, one should stress that the propen-
sity score model should only include variables that are measured at baseline
and not post-baseline covariates that may be influenced or modified by the
Historically, regression adjustment has been used more frequently than propen-
sity score methods for estimating the effects of treatments when using observa-
tional data. In this section, I compare and contrast these two competing methods
for inference.
Conditional Versus Marginal Estimates of Treatment Effect
A conditional treatment effect is the average effect of treatment on the individual.
A marginal treatment effect is the average effect of treatment on the population.
A measure of treatment effect is said to be collapsible if the conditional and
marginal effects coincide. For instance, in the absence of confounding, the
difference in means and risk difference are collapsible (Greenland, 1987). Thus,
an intervention that, on average, increases a student’s test score by five units
will, if applied to the entire population, increase the population’s test scores
by five units compared with if the intervention were withheld from the entire
Thus, in a randomized controlled trial, in which all covariates were balanced
between treatment groups, the crude difference in means and the adjusted dif-
ference in means will coincide. Propensity score methods allow for estimation
of the marginal treatment effect (Rosenbaum, 2005). Thus, in an observational
study in which (a) there was no unmeasured confounding, (b) the outcome
was continuous, and (c) the true outcome model was known, the marginal
and conditional estimates would coincide. Assuming that both the outcome
regression model and the propensity score model were correctly specified, it
follows that propensity score methods should result in conclusions similar to
those obtained using linear regression adjustment.
However, when the outcome is either binary or time-to-event in nature and if
the odds ratio or the hazard ratio is used as the measure of treatment effect, then,
even in the absence of confounding, the marginal and conditional estimates of the
treatment effect need not coincide (Gail, Wieand, & Piantadosi, 1984; Greenland,
1987). Thus, in an observational study, even in the absence of unmeasured
confounding, and even if the true outcome regression model were known, the
conditional odds ratio or the conditional hazard ratio need not coincide with
the estimate obtained using propensity score methods. This phenomenon was
examined in greater depth in the context of propensity score methods in a
previous study (Austin, Grootendorst, Normand, et al., 2007). When data were
simulated to induce a specific conditional odds ratio or hazard ratio, propensity
score methods were found to result in biased estimation, even when the true
propensity score model was used. These findings from a Monte Carlo simulation
mirror those from an empirical study that examined articles published in the
medical literature that reported using both regression adjustment and propensity
score methods to estimate treatment effects (Shah, Laupacis, Hux, & Austin,
2005). Although similar effect sizes were reported, estimates obtained using
propensity score methods tended to be modestly closer to the null compared
with when regression-based approaches were used for estimating odds ratios or
hazard ratios.
The aforementioned suggest that researchers need to carefully distinguish
between marginal and conditional treatment effects. In part, study design and
the analytic plan should reflect which treatment effect is more meaningful in a
given context. However, researchers should note that both RCTs and propensity
score methods allow one to estimate marginal treatment effects. Thus, if the
objective of an observational study is to answer the same question as an RCT,
the marginal effect may be of greater interest to researchers using observational
Regression Adjustment Versus Propensity Score Methods:
Practical Concerns
There are several practical reasons for preferring the use of propensity score-
based methods to regression-based methods when estimating treatment effects
using observational data. First, it is simpler to determine whether the propensity
score model has been adequately specified than to assess whether the regression
model relating treatment assignment and baseline covariates to the outcome has
been correctly specified. The propensity score is a balancing score: conditional
on the propensity score, the distribution of measured baseline covariates is
similar between treated and untreated subjects. In a previous section I described
diagnostics for assessing whether the propensity score model has been ade-
quately specified. These diagnostics were based on comparing the distribution
of measured baseline covariates between treated and untreated subjects, either
in the propensity score matched sample, within strata of the propensity score, or
within the weighted sample. In contrast, it is much more difficult to determine
whether the regression model relating treatment selection and baseline covariates
to the outcome has been correctly specified. Goodness-of-fit measures, such as
model R2, do not provide a test of whether the outcome model has been correctly
specified. Furthermore, goodness-of-fit tests do not allow one to determine
the degree to which the fitted regression model has successfully eliminated
systematic differences between treated and untreated subjects.
Second, these methods allow one to separate the design of the study from the
analysis of the study. This is similar to an RCT, in which the study is designed
first; only after the study has been completed is the effect of treatment on the
outcome estimated. When using propensity score matching, stratification on the
propensity score, and IPTW using the propensity score, the propensity score can
be estimated and a matched, stratified, or weighted sample can be constructed
without any reference to the outcome. Only once acceptable balance in measured
baseline covariates has been achieved does one progress to estimating the effect
of treatment on the outcome. However, when using regression adjustment, the
outcome is always in sight, and the researcher is faced with the subtle temptation
to continually modify the regression model until the desired association has
been achieved (Rubin, 2001). When using matching, stratification, or weighting
using the propensity score, subsequent regression adjustment may be used to
eliminate residual imbalance in prognostically important covariates. However,
as in an RCT, this regression may be specified prior to the analysis.
Third, there may be increased flexibility when outcomes (when binary or
time-to-event in nature) are rare and treatment is common (Braitman & Rosen-
baum, 2002). When outcomes are either binary or time-to-event in nature, prior
research has suggested that at least 10 events should be observed for every
covariate that is entered into a regression model (Peduzzi, Concato, Feinstein,
& Holford, 1995; Peduzzi, Concato, Kemper, Holford, & Feinstein, 1996).
Thus, in some settings, insufficient outcomes may be observed to allow one
to adequately adjust for all baseline variables that one would like to include in
the regression model. However, if the occurrence of treatment or nontreatment
is more common than outcomes, there may be increased flexibility in modeling
the propensity score.
Fourth, one can explicitly examine the degree of overlap in the distribution
of baseline covariates between the two treatment groups. When using propensity
score matching and stratification, one is explicitly comparing outcomes be-
tween treated and untreated subjects who have a similar distribution of observed
baseline covariates. If there are substantial differences in baseline covariates
between treated and untreated subjects, this will be evident by either the small
number of matched subjects or by the observation that most strata consist
primarily of either treated subjects or primarily of untreated subjects. When
faced with the sparse overlap between the treated and untreated subjects, the
analyst is faced with a choice between two alternatives: first, to restrict the
analysis to comparing outcomes between the minority of treated and untreated
subjects who have similar covariate patterns, and second, to discontinue the
analysis, concluding that treated and untreated subjects are so different that a
meaningful comparison of outcomes between the two groups is not plausible.
When using regression-based approaches, it may be difficult to assess the degree
of overlap between the distribution of baseline covariates for the two groups.
In a setting in which there is a strong separation between the two groups,
a naïve analyst may proceed with a regression-based analysis without being
aware that the fitted regression model is interpolating between two distinct
In this article I have introduced the concept of the propensity score and de-
scribed how its use can allow one to design and analyze an observational
study so as to mimic some of the characteristics of a randomized study. First,
the propensity score is a balancing score: conditional on the propensity score,
the distribution of observed baseline covariates is similar between treated and
untreated subjects. Thus, just as randomization will, on average, result in both
measured and unmeasured covariates being balanced between treatment groups,
so conditioning on the propensity score will, on average, result in measured
baseline covariates being balanced between treatment groups. However, it should
be reinforced that conditioning on the propensity score need not balance unmea-
sured covariates (Austin, Mamdani, Stukel, Anderson, & Tu, 2005). Second,
propensity score methods allow one to separate the design of an observa-
tional study from its analysis (Rubin, 2007). Third, similar to RCTs, propensity
score methods allow one to estimate marginal (or population-average) treat-
ment effects. This is in contrast to regression-based approaches that allow one
to estimate conditional (or adjusted) estimates of treatment effects. Fourth,
propensity score methods allow one to estimate treatment effects in metrics
similar to those reported in RCTs. When outcomes are binary, one can report
risk differences, numbers needed to treat, or the relative risk. Whereas, the
odds ratio is most commonly reported when logistic regression models are
In this article, I have also paid attention to a frequently overlooked aspect
of study design: assessing whether the propensity score model has been ad-
equately specified. Methods for assessing the specification of the propensity
score model are based on comparing the distribution of measured baseline
covariates between treated and untreated subjects with similar values of the
propensity score. I have also argued that balance diagnostics for assessing the
specification of the propensity score are more transparent than are comparable
diagnostics for assessing whether an outcome regression model has been cor-
rectly formulated. Similarly, with propensity score methods, one can more easily
assess whether observed confounding has been adequately eliminated, whereas
this is more difficult to assess when regression-based approaches are used.
This article was intended to provide an introductory overview of propensity
score methods. The reader is referred to the following books for a more in-
depth discussion (Guo & Fraser, 2009; Morgan & Winship, 2007; Rosenbaum,
2002, 2010; Rubin, 2006). Similarly, the reader is referred to previous in-
troductory overview articles (D’Agostino, 1998; Luellen, Shadish, & Clark,
2005; Rosenbaum, 2005; Rubin, 1997; Schafer & Kang, 2008). In a recently
published tutorial and case study in this journal, I illustrated the application of
propensity score methods to address a specific research question (Austin, 2011a).
In conclusion, propensity score methods allow one to transparently design
and analyze observational studies. I encourage greater use of these methods in
applied psychological and behavioral research.
This study was supported by the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
(ICES), which is funded by an annual grant from the Ontario Ministry of
Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC). The opinions, results, and conclusions
reported in this article are those of the author and are independent from the
funding sources. No endorsement by ICES or the Ontario MOHLTC is intended
or should be inferred. Peter C. Austin is supported in part by a Career Investi-
gator award from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. This study was
supported in part by an operating grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (MOP 86508).
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