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Effective Ways of Decreasing Acrylamide Content in Potato Crisps during Processing


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this work was to examine the effect of blanching or soaking in different acid solutions on the acrylamide content in potato crisps. Furthermore, the effects of a shorter frying time and a lower frying temperature combined with a postdrying were investigated. Soaking or blanching of potato slices in acidic solutions decreased the pH of potato juice and increased the extraction of amino acids and sugars. Potato crisps obtained after such pretreatments were characterized by lower acrylamide content. The most effective extraction of free amino acids and sugars as well as the largest decrease of acrylamide content (90%) in crisps was obtained when potato slices were soaked in acetic acid solution for 60 min at 20 degrees C. Shorter frying time followed by postdrying resulted in low-moisture potato crisps. Furthermore, the postdrying treatment gave a decreases in acrylamide content of approximately 70% when potato slices were fried at 185 degrees C and approximately 80% when potato slices were fried at 160 degrees C. Effective ways of decreasing acrylamide content in crisps production have been found. Crisps with low acrylamide content and good sensory quality can be obtained either by blanching in acetic acid as pretreatment or by a short frying followed by postdrying.
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Effective Ways of Decreasing Acrylamide Content in Potato
Crisps during Processing
Department of Food Storage and Technology, Faculty of Food Sciences,
Agricultural University of Wroclaw, ul. C.K. Norwida 25, 50-375 Wroclaw, Poland;
Matforsk, Norwegian Food Research Institute, Osloveien 1, N-1430 A°s, Norway; and
Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Agricultural University of Norway,
P.O. Box 5036, N-1432 A°s, Norway
The aim of this work was to examine the effect of blanching or soaking in different acid solutions on
the acrylamide content in potato crisps. Furthermore, the effects of a shorter frying time and a lower
frying temperature combined with a postdrying were investigated. Soaking or blanching of potato
slices in acidic solutions decreased the pH of potato juice and increased the extraction of amino
acids and sugars. Potato crisps obtained after such pretreatments were characterized by lower
acrylamide content. The most effective extraction of free amino acids and sugars as well as the
largest decrease of acrylamide content (90%) in crisps was obtained when potato slices were soaked
in acetic acid solution for 60 min at 20 °C. Shorter frying time followed by postdrying resulted in
low-moisture potato crisps. Furthermore, the postdrying treatment gave a decreases in acrylamide
content of 70% when potato slices were fried at 185 °C and 80% when potato slices were fried
at 160 °C. Effective ways of decreasing acrylamide content in crisps production have been found.
Crisps with low acrylamide content and good sensory quality can be obtained either by blanching in
acetic acid as pretreatment or by a short frying followed by postdrying.
KEYWORDS: Acrylamide; potato crips; soaking; blanching; postdrying
Potato crisps are one of the most popular snack products in
the world. They are also among the products that have been
reported to have the highest levels of acrylamide. Because
acrylamide is a potential carcinogen, several works have been
devoted to the study of the mechanism of its formation and the
factors influencing its formation (1-12). Still, there are few
solutions on how to decrease acrylamide creation during
processing (13,14). One of the possibilities could be decreasing
the content of acrylamide precursors: reducing sugars and
asparagine by soaking or blanching of potato slices. When water
has been used for that kind of pretreatment, the results have
been inconclusive, having no, very little, or a significant effect
on the amount of acrylamide formed during frying (13,15).It
has been suggested that lowering the pH during processing limits
acrylamide formation. Jung et al. (14) found that blanching or
soaking in a citric acid solution before baking or frying greatly
reduced acrylamide formation in corn chips and French fries.
It is possible that such treatment could also be introduced in
crisps production.
The critical point when acrylamide is formed during crisps
processing is frying. It has been shown that the most important
factors influencing acrylamide formation are temperature and
time of frying (5,8,13). It is suggested that frying temperature
should be below 175 °C and time of frying should be no longer
than necessary to obtain the right quality parameters of fried
products. However, a lower frying temperature will influence
the fat content and the moisture of crisps (16,17).The moisture
is one of the critical quality factors of potato crisps because it
affects the texture, which should be crispy not only after frying
but also during several months of storage (18). In general, the
moisture of crisps should be very low, not higher than 2%. This
is easy to obtain when crisps are fried in hot oil (usually at
185-190 °C). Decreasing the frying temperature necessitates
increasing the frying time, which could affect the acrylamide
content. To limit acrylamide formation during relatively long
frying times, we introduced a new step in crisps processings
postdrying (Figure 1).
The aim of this work was to examine the effect of blanching
or soaking in different acid solutions. In addition, the effects
of a reduced time and temperature during frying combined with
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed (telephone +48-
71-3205239; fax +48-71-3205221; e-mail
Agricultural University of Wroclaw.
§Agricultural University of Norway.
J. Agric. Food Chem.
7016 7011
10.1021/jf049269i CCC: $27.50 © 2004 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 10/15/2004
a postdrying step on the acrylamide content in potato crisps
were investigated.
Chemicals. Citric acid, acetic acid (98%), NaOH, glucose, fructose,
sucrose, and mannitol were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Ger-
many). Acrylamide was supplied by Sigma (Deisenhoffen, Germany)
and deuterium-labeled d3-acrylamide by CIL (Cambridge Isotope
Laboratories Inc., Andover, MA). All other solvents and chemicals used
were of analytical grade.
Raw Material. For crisps production three different potato varieties
were used: Tivoli and Saturna, stored for 1-2 months at 8 °C, and
Asterix, stored at 4 °C for 1 month. All potatoes came from specialized
farms in Norway. Storage was conducted in a storage room with
monitored temperature and moisture.
Soaking or Blanching in Acid Solutions. Potato tubers of the
varieties Tivoli and Asterix were washed, peeled, and sliced (1 mm)
(slicer machine Crypto Peerless Ltd.). After a rinse in water, 500 g of
potato slices was soaked (1 min at 20 °C or 60 min at 20 °C) or
blanched (1 min at 70 °C or 3 min at 70 °C) in water, 0.05 M citric
acid solution, and 0.15 M acetic acid solution (both acid solutions
having the same concentration of acidic protons) (all experiments with
solution/potato )20:1). In addition, soaking in a 1% NaOH solution
was used. The slices were dried using paper towels, and 100 g samples
were fried for 4 min in 10 L of palm oil heated at 175 °C in an electric
frying pan (Masterline). After soaking or blanching, the pH in potato
juice and sugars and amino acids contents in freeze-dried material were
measured. In crisps, acrylamide content was measured. All experiments
were run in duplicates.
Postdrying of Potato Crisps. Potato tubers of the variety Saturna
were washed, peeled (carborundum peeler, Millert B.V., Ulft, Holland),
and sliced (1.5 mm) (slicing machine, Brown). After rinsing in water
and drying (paper towels), 100 g of potato slices was fried in a 10 L
electric frying pan (Elframo) for 3-7 min in palm oil at 160 °C and
for 2-5 min in palm oil at 185 °C. After frying, potato slices were
dried in a hot air oven (105 °C) (WTB Binder) for 30-120 min. After
frying and postdrying, the moisture and acrylamide contents were
measured. The experiment was conducted according to a central
composite design.
Sugars Analysis. The concentrations of sucrose, fructose, and
glucose in potatoes were quantified using an HPLC technique based
on that of Coop et al. (19) with a few modifications.A5gsample of
freeze-dried potato tubers was shaken with 25 mL of 50% methanol
with 1.5 mg/mL mannitol as an internal standard. Activated carbon
(2.5 g) was added, and the suspension was shaken for 100 min at room
temperature. The samples were filtered by paper filters, and the filtrate
was collected. Five milliliters of the filtrates was incubated at 35 °C
for 16 h, and precipitates were removed by centrifugation. One milliliter
of filtrate was evaporated by vacuum centrifugation (ISS110 SpeedVac,
Termo Savant) and redissolved in 1 mL of distilled water. After filtration
through Millex-HV (0.45 µm, 13 mm), the samples were analyzed by
HPLC on a Shimadzu pump (LC-10AD) controlled by Class VP
software. Twenty microliters of sample was injected with an SIL-10
autoinjector into a Varian Carbohydrate PB column (300 ×7.8 mm)
eluted with water (0.4 mL/min) at 80 °C and equipped with a refractive
detector (RID-6A). The sugars were quantified on the basis of their
areas relative to the internal standard, corrected for their individual
response factors. All samples were analyzed in duplicates.
Amino Acids Analysis. Amino acids were analyzed using an HPLC
(series 410) pump, an ISS 200 autoinjector (series 200) column oven,
an LC240 fluorescence detector, a Turbochrom version 4.1 LC terminal,
and a 900 series interface (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT) equipped with
a Hypersil ODS 4 ×4 mm precolumn and a 250 ×4 mm column,
both with a particle size of 5.0 µm (Agilent, Wilmington, DE). The
precolumn derivatization method of Bu¨tikofer and Ardo¨(20) with
O-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) and fluorenylmethyl chloroformate (FMOC)
was used, but the internal standard contained 0.5 µmol/mL L-norvalin
and 0.5 µmol/mL piperidine-4-carboxylic acid (PICA) (Merck). Extrac-
tion, deproteination, and derivatization of the amino acids were made
by dispersing1goffreeze-dried potatoes in 10 mL of 0.1 M HCl
containing the internal standards mentioned above, according to the
method of Ardo¨ and Polychroniadou (21). The amino acid standards
were delivered by Pierce (Erembodegem, Aalst, Belgium), the L-amino
acid kit was from Sigma (St. Louis, MO), OPA, FMOC, and borate
buffer were from Agilent, and sodium acetate trihydrate, tritriplex III,
and tetrahydrofuran were from Merck.
Acrylamide Analysis. Crisps were ground by a c-mill electrical
coffee grinder (Bodum, Switzerland) and stored at -20 °C until
Figure 1.
Potato crisp processing steps
possibilities of decreasing
acrylamide formation.
Table 1.
Sugars and Amino Acids Contents in Potato Tubers
potato variety
(mg/kg) Asterix
sucrose 1405 a 1440 a
glucose 270 a 2040 b
fructose 79 a 1200 b
aspargine 3168 b 2661 a
glutamine 4423 b 3115 a
Different letters in the same row indicate significant differences (
Table 2.
Effect of Soaking or Blanching in Acid Solutions on pH of
Potato Juice
temp (
time (min) Tivoli Asterix
raw material 6.05 c 6.10 c
water 20 1 6.05 c 6.10 c
60 5.95 c 6.10 c
70 1 6.05 c 6.10 c
3 6.00 c 5.95 c
citric acid 20 1 4.95 b
60 4.15 a
70 1 4.60 ab
3 3.85 a
acetic acid 20 1 4.95 b 4.90 b
60 3.70 a 3.85 a
70 1 4.25 ab 4.60 ab
3 4.00 a 4.20 a
NaOH 20 1 11.40 d
60 12.00 d
Different letters indicate significant differences (
J. Agric. Food Chem.,
Vol. 52, No. 23, 2004 Kita et al.
analysis. Two grams of the homogenized sample was defatted with 80
mL of n-hexane. To the residue were added and mixed 20 mL of water,
200 µL of internal standard, d3-acrylamide (10 µg/mL). Acrylamide
was extracted by sonication for 30 min. The sample was purified by
adding 500 µL of Carrez I and Carrez II, respectively. The samples
was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min, and the supernatant (3 mL)
was filtered through SPE columns Isolute Multimode 300 mg (ITS,
Hengoed, U.K.) pretreated with acetonitrile (1 mL) and water (2 ×2
mL). The first portion (1 mL) was discarded, and the remaining portion
was collected and passed through a 0.22 µm syringe filter Millex-GS
(Millipore, Bedford, MA). The filtrate was frozen and stored for later
analysis. Five hundred microliters of filtrate was passed through a
centrifuge spin filter, Microcon YM-3 (Millipore) (13000 rpm, 10-20
min) until a sufficient volume had been obtained for analysis with LC-
The analysis of acrylamide was done by the Norwegian Air Research
Institute (NILU), using a method similar to that of Rose´n and Hellena¨s
(7), using high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry instead of
tandem mass spectrometry. Acrylamide was separated from the sample
matrix by using a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Agilent HP-1100 system. The chromatographic separation was per-
formed with a Waters Atlantis precolumn in front of an analytical
column (3.9 mm ×20 mm, 3 µm, no. 186001313, and 3.9 ×150 mm,
3µm, no. 186001317, respectively). The injection volume was 100
µL, and the mobile phase was 100% water at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/
min up to 6 min with a subsequent column flushing (100% acetonitrile).
The detector was a Micromass LCT orthogonal time-of-flight (TOF)
mass spectrometer equipped with a Z-spray ion source operated in the
atmospheric pressure chemical ionization positive mode APCI(+). The
cone voltage was 15 V, and the monitoring ions were m/z72 and 75
for acrylamide and the internal standard, respectively, with a signal
peak width of typically 30 mDA. The limit of detection (signal-to-
noise ratio of 3) depends on instrument tuning and ion source
contamination and corresponds typically to 10-30 µg/kg acrylamide
in the sample.
Statistical Analysis. Statistical analysis of the data was performed
using Minitab, version 14. Tukey’s multiple-range tests were performed
to determine significant differences (Pe0.05) among treatment means.
Soaking or Blanching in Acid Solutions. The potato
varieties used for crisps production varied in sugars and amino
acids contents (Table 1). In the first experiment only Tivoli
was used. Soaking in acid decreased the pH of the potato juice
(Table 2). However, due to the low reducing sugars contents
in Tivoli, soaking and blanching were repeated with the potato
variety Asterix. Only water and acetic acid were used in this
case because acetic acid was more effective in reducing the pH
in the first experiment.
As shown in Table 2 there were no changes in the pH of
potato juice when water was used for soaking or blanching.
Most effective in decreasing pH was soaking for1hat20°C
in acetic acid solution (pH <4). Quite satisfactory results (pH
<4.2) were also obtained after blanching for 3 min at 70 °Cin
both acids. Soaking or blanching changed the chemical com-
position of the potato slices by removing reducing sugars as
well as amino acids (Table 3). When pure water was used, the
most efficient extraction of reducing sugars was observed after
3 min of blanching at 70 °C.
Table 3.
Extraction of Asparagine and Sugars from Potato Slices: Percentages Related to the Initial Content
extraction (%)
asparagine sucrose glucose fructose
solution soaking/blanching
temp (
C) soaking/blanching
time (min) Tivoli Asterix Tivoli Asterix Asterix Asterix
water 20 1 6 7 14 5 2 5
60 9401617 22 17
70 1 4 16 7 8 17 15
3 11341518 35 32
citric acid 20 1 8 8
60 18 13
70 1 26 25
331 42
acetic acid 20 1 22 30 14 0 19 9
60 83 76 83 78 65 63
70 1 19223114 21 20
3 38364138 48 46
NaOH 20 1 38 78 99 99
60 89 80 99 99
Table 4.
Acrylamide Content in Potato Crisps after Soaking or
Blanching Potato Slices in Acid Solutions
temp (
time (min) content
g/kg) reduction
water 20 1 550 d 10
60 438 c 24
70 1 472 c 19
3 428 c 26
citric acid 20 1 399 b 31
60 289 b 50
70 1 438 c 24
3 293 b 49
acetic acid 20 1 329 b 43
60 60 a 90
70 1 336 b 42
3 293 b 49
Different letters indicate significant differences (
Table 5.
Most Effective Ways of Decreasing Acrylamide Content in
Potato Crisps during Processing
treatment decrease
soaking in citric acid solution (60 min/20
C) 50
soaking in acetic acid solution (60 min/20
C) 90
blanching in citric acid solution (3 min/70
C) 49
blanching in acetic acid solution (3 min/70
C) 49
frying for 2 min/185
C and postdrying for 75 min/105
frying for 3 min/160
C and postdrying for 75 min/105
Decreasing Acrylamide Content in Potato Crisps
J. Agric. Food Chem.,
Vol. 52, No. 23, 2004 7013
Similar results have been obtained by other authors (13,15)
after soaking or blanching potato slices for different periods of
time at different temperatures.
Much more interesting results were observed when acids or
bases were used for pretreatment. The most efficient extraction
of sugars (60-80%) as well as of asparagine (80%) was
observed after soaking of potato slices in acetic acid or NaOH
solutions for 60 min at 20 °C. Citric acid reduced the content
of these components by <20%. However, in citric acid efficient
extraction of sugars and asparagine (40%) was obtained after
blanching for 3 min at 70 °C.
The different treatments of potato slices before frying
influenced acrylamide content in crisps (Table 4). Soaking or
blanching of potato slices in all solutions used decreased the
acrylamide content. The highest decrease (90%) was observed
after soaking of potato slices in acetic acid solution (60 min/20
°C). Furthermore, a 50% decrease of acrylamide content in
crisps was obtained after only 3 min of blanching at 70 °Cin
both acid solutions. Due to variability known to be present
between potato tubers, exact reductions are impossible to give,
but on the basis of our results the reduction should be in the
range of 40-60% in a real situation. Such results suggest that
it is possible in an easy way to decrease acrylamide creation
during crisps production.
However, a sour taste was detected with the citric and acetic
acid when slices were soaked in those solutions for 60 min (data
not presented). A slight sour taste was detected also in crisps
blanched for 1 or 3 min at 70 °C in citric acid solution, but no
detectable taste differences were observed when acetic acid was
used. This suggests that acetic acid could be a better acidulant
for the pretreatment for potato crisps.
A large decrease of acrylamide content (74%) was also
observed after soaking of potato slices in 1% NaOH solution
(results not shown), but the base solution influenced the
appearance as well as the taste and flavor of crisps, which were
not sensorially acceptable. The results show that it is possible
to decrease acrylamide content also with an increase of pH, most
probably due to the removal of sugars and amino acids.
However, more investigations with respect to which actual base
or its concentration are needed to define a process.
Postdrying of Potato Crisps. The moisture content of crisps
depended on frying temperature as well as on frying time
Figure 2.
Effect of frying time on moisture of potato crisps.
Figure 3.
Response surface plot of moisture in potato crisps after frying at 160
C(a) and at 185
C(b) followed by postdrying: (
) measured values.
J. Agric. Food Chem.,
Vol. 52, No. 23, 2004 Kita et al.
(Figure 2). It was possible to obtain a low-moisture product
after frying at 185 °C for 4.5 min, whereas when the frying
temperature was lower (160 °C), the minimum frying time was
2.5 min longer. After a longer or shorter postdrying step, there
was no problem in obtaining low moisture in the final product
(Figure 3). The apparent increase in dry matter at long frying
and drying times probably is a result of the second-order
regression and is probably not real.
At both frying temperatures decreased frying times followed
by postdrying resulted in a decrease in acrylamide content in
the crisps (Figure 4). When crisps were fried in oil at 185 °C,
it was possible to obtain a 70% decrease of acrylamide content
after 2 min of frying and 75 min of postdrying. An even larger
decrease was observed after frying at 160 °C. In this case it
was possible to decrease acrylamide content in crisps by >80%
if, after 3 min of frying, the crisps were dried for 75 min (Figure
5). This shows that it is possible to decrease acrylamide content
by postdrying during crisps prodution.
The products had taste and mechanical properties (data not
presented) comparable to those of regular processed products.
A full sensory evaluation will be performed after a pilot-scale
processing, taking advantage of the findings obtained by the
postdrying procedure in the present work.
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J. Agric. Food Chem.,
Vol. 52, No. 23, 2004 Kita et al.
... Unsaturated oil such as cottonseed oil is less absorbed as compared to palm oil because the former has lower viscosity during cooling and drains easily [11]. The higher amounts of unsaturated fatty acids in frying oil result inhigher fat absorption [12]. These contradictory studies could be simplified by considering the influential role of oil's viscosity in the fat absorption mechanism [13]. ...
... Pre-treatment of samples prior to frying can be an excellent choice to reduce acrylamide up to 98%in vacuum fried potato crisps [48] such as calcium and sodium salts dip during blanching [49,50]. Kita and coauthors [12] reported that dipping in acetic acid solution and post drying treatment could decrease acrylamide content by 90%. Seasonal variability in acrylamide levels has been reported, highest being observed when potatoes were being used from storage, and lowest when potatoes were freshly harvested. ...
... Then these chips were fried at 160°C for 3 mins. Post-drying was done to reduce moisture content (1.3% to 1.5%) at 105°C for 75 mins (Kita et al., 2004). After spicing, potato chips were cooled to an ambient temperature to facilitate packaging and storage. ...
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Potato chips are popular and frequently consumed ready-to-eat food in the world. Acrylamide is a possible carcinogenic and neurotoxic compound formed in potato chips during heat processing, a public health concern. This study aimed to develop potato chips to mitigate acrylamide formation, followed by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines with some modifications. A total of 15 local chip samples were collected by a stratified random sampling method and were assessed for nutritional values, sensory attributes, microbial quality, and acrylamide levels. Acrylamide was extracted from potato chips using a novel activated charcoal method, then determined by the High- Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method and showed that only 40% of local potato chips were above the benchmark level established by the EU 2017/2158 (750 ppb) (parts per billion) and ranged from 461 ppb to 2129 ppb while in the developed chips it was not detected. The microbial results showed that the developed chips are safe according to Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) standard, while the local chips contain total viable count (TVC) (>104 ) and yeast-mold count in a significant amount (>103 ). Sensory evaluation results showed that the developed potato chip samples had high ratings for all the evaluated attributes. From the nutritional point of view, fat content is lower while protein and fiber content is higher in developed potato chips. Moisture content is significantly higher in local potato chips than in developed potato chips, which is the major concern for microbial quality. As a result of the study's findings, acrylamide formation in potato chips was successfully mitigated by adhering to FDA modification guidelines without compromising quality, despite the fact that many locally produced potato chips are unfit for human consumption.
... In contrast, samples immersed in a 5 % lemon juice solution, lemon juice immersed cooked (LIC), had significantly lower pH levels after cooking compared to CK and DIC. These findings are consistent with a study by Kita, Bråthen, Knutsen, & Wicklund, 2004, which revealed that soaking or blanching potato slices in acidic solutions like citric acid reduced the pH of potato juice due to the high acidity (low pH) of the treatment solutions used (Vujčić Bok,Šola, & Rusak, 2022). The slight pH changes resulting from the LJP are unlikely to impact consumer preferences. ...
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Potatoes are an important food crop worldwide and are rich in essential nutrients. However, cooking can reduce their nutritional value and alter their texture. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of pretreating potato slices with lemon juice. The slices were immersed in 5 % lemon juice solution for 3 h, rinsed with distilled water for another 3 h, then cooked at 100 °C for 20 min. Findings revealed that lemon juice pretreatment (LJP) notably improved the texture, mouthfeel, and overall acceptability of the cooked potato slices of different sizes (CPS-Ds). Additionally, LJP significantly increased vitamin C and total phenolic contents, slightly decreased pH levels, and preserved the desired color of CPS-Ds. Consumer sensory evaluations also indicated a positive response to LJP samples, suggesting its potential application in the food industry. The study confirmed that LJP is an effective, sustainable, consumer-friendly, and cost-efficient technique for improving the quality of CPS-Ds.
... A study by Kita et al. showed the importance of soaking and blanching potatoes before cooking. They deduced that soaking decreases the content of reducing sugars and consequently acrylamide formation; and that the most efficient method was blanching potatoes for 3 min at 70 degrees [21]. This finding highlights an interesting aspect of the participants' behavior. ...
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Introduction For years, heat treatment has been an essential method for ensuring mature food that meet the desired quality and safety characteristics. However, this process could lead to the formation of harmful compounds such as acrylamide. In this study we aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAPs) of the Lebanese population toward the potential risk associated with acrylamide. Materials & methods An online survey (n = 598) was conducted among residents in Lebanon aged 18 years and above. The survey was divided into five sections including participants’ sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude and practice sections, and some questions related to consumer’s preferences. Results & discussion The results showed that the majority of the participants had low food safety knowledge regarding acrylamide. Specifically, 82.9% of the consumers had no idea about the chemical, its formation, the foods with a high risk of acrylamide formation and the health risks associated with its exposure. Despite lack of knowledge, good domestic food practices (storage, pre-treatment) were noticed among participants. Moreover, the majority of consumers (> 80%) showed positive attitude towards proper acrylamide labeling. Participants with a bachelor’s degree appeared to have a more positive attitude toward food safety compared to those with no qualifications (p<0.001). Conclusion Despite the high consumption of acrylamide by the consumers in Lebanon through fried potatoes, bread, and coffee, the majority have no idea about acrylamide’s presence in food, its sources and its adverse health effects. Raising awareness among the public, involving policy makers in addressing the issue of clear labeling and encouraging the adoption of alternative practices to reduce acrylamide are all crucial to protect consumers’ health in Lebanon and promote healthier food consumption habits.
... This could be attributed to the simultaneous processes of starch hydrolysis and oxidation reactions (Biemelt et al. 2000). These results are in line with the findings of Kita et al. (2004) who reported that a decrease in pH of chips is more effectively achieved through soaking in acids. Intentionally reducing the pH of potato slices by soaking in organic acids intended for processing can result in reduces the acrylamide formation in the final products (Jung et al. 2003;Pedreschi et al. 2004). ...
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Potato snacks are a promising nutrient delivery strategy, given their global popularity. This study aimed to compare potato cultivars (S.M Kaghan, Rocco, Kuroda, and Desiree) for chips production. Proximate, physicochemical, microbial, and sensory evaluations were conducted on chips made from these varieties. Rocco had the highest moisture content (1.39%), followed by Kuroda (1.35%). Significant variations (p < 0.05) in fat, carbohydrate, ash, fiber, pH, and acidity were observed between control and all varieties. Mold counts were highest in Rocco (1.11 log CFU/g), while S.M Kaghan, Desiree, and Kuroda had counts of 1.04, 0.85, and 0.99 log CFU/g, respectively. Total plate count increased significantly during storage, reaching 3.27, 3.38, 3.51, 3.62, and 3.72 log CFU/g on days 0, 15, 30, 45, and 60, respectively. Sensory evaluation indicated that the chips were well-accepted, with Desiree variety scoring highest in all attributes.
... Many researchers have reported additional methods to reduce acrylamide formation in potato chips. Tactics include choosing a variety of potatoes [52] , the addition of additives, such as acids, to the hot wash (citric acid) [64] , salts (CaCl 2 ) [65] , or enzymes (asparaginase) [66] , color monitoring [67] and controlling the fryer conditions [32] . When applied to industry, abatement techniques that have been shown to be effective at the laboratory scale reduce ACR. ...
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Since the discovery of acrylamide in heat-treated foods (crisps and biscuits) in April 2002, by a Swedish study, many efforts have been made to reduce acrylamide levels in foods. Consideration was given to reducing acrylamide levels by reducing Maillard reaction products. However, the production of potato chips creates acrylamide, a carcinogenic compound. This study aimed to use a new quantitative index and formula for l-asparaginase, glucose oxidase, their 1:1 blending enzymes, baker's yeast and green tea powder (0.5 g/kg distilled water) to reduce acrylamide production in potato chips and evaluate the products on some new indicators, such as asparagine reduction (%), acrylamide reduction (%), Asparagine / Acrylamide ratio (AAR) and Asparagine content (mg/kg). The highest acrylamide concentrations were reduced from 1346.0 ± 7.9 mg/kg in the blank sample (control) to 285.7 ± 3.2 and 325.3 ± 10.5 mg/kg in the baker's yeast sample (CT4) and green tea sample (CT5) treated sample, respectively. The potato chips treated with 0.5 g/kg l-asparaginase (CT1) reduced the acrylamide level by approximately 70.65±0.31%, while the CT4 samples showed 78.77±0.21% and asparagine contents of 116.0 ± 5.3 mg/kg and 195.0 ± 5.0 mg/kg, respectively.The results showed that some enzymes, baker's yeast and green tea powder could control the formation of acrylamide, which was formed during the processing of potato chips, allowing the food industry to produce low acrylamide foods from high starch food products such as potatoes. It has the ability to be used as a functional food, as well as to protect the human body of school-age children and adolescents from absorbing 70–80% of their daily acrylamide intake without these treatments.
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Acrylamide is a small hydrophilic molecule produced during the Maillard reaction from amino acid asparagine and carbonyl compounds such as reducing sugars. Before 2002, it was thought that exposure to acrylamide occurs through occupational exposure and smoking, and to a lesser extent through drinking water and using cosmetics. However, after studies conducted in 2002 in Sweden, For the first time, relatively large amounts of acrylamide were observed in carbohydrate-rich foods that are cooked or fried at high temperatures. It has been proven that acrylamide is 100% carcinogenic in rodents and possibly carcinogenic in humans. Although there is no legal limit on this substance's contamination, experts, scientists, and industrialists are finding a solution to this problem. etc., is found. In this research, the introduction of acrylamide, the compounds in which acrylamide is produced, the presence of acrylamide in baby food, the available reports about acrylamide and Iran, the adverse effects of acrylamide, the things that can be done to reduce the amount of acrylamide, and the methods Its identification and analysis have been discussed in food.
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چکیده اکریل آمید یک ترکیب سرطان زا است که از واکنش بین اسیدهای آمینه با قندهای احیا کننده به عنوان ترکیبات کربونیل در حین واکنش میلارد تشکیل می¬شود.آکریل آمید بوسیله فرایند ها در دمای بالا در مواد غذایی دارای کربوهیدرات بالا در سرخ کردن و پختن تولید می شود، ساخته شدن اکریل امید در فرآورده هاي غلات یکی از مهمترین مسائل مطرح در ایمنی و بهداشت مواد غذایی در جهان می باشد که اولین بار توسط دانشگاه استکهلم گزارش شد. تحقیقات نشان داده‌است که بین افزایش زمان و دمای پخت و میزان تولید آکریل‌آمید رابطه مستقیم وجود دارد. آکریل امید در صورت ورود به بدن، تجزیه شده و ماده‌ای به نام گلاسید آمید تولید می‌کند که می‌تواند بر روی DNA انسان تاثیر گذاشته و با ایجاد جهش در ژن‌ها منجر به بروز سرطان، انواع عفونت‌ها و عوارض جبران ‌ناپذیر دیگراز جمله آسیب به سیستم عصبی و ایمنی بدن شود. حتی تماس مستقیم با این ماده باعث تحریک، سوزش، خارش در دستگاه تنفسی و چشم‌ها، تهوع، اختلال در هوشیاری و تکلم و بی اختیاری ادراری و غیره می‌شود.بیشترین مقدار این ماده در فر آورده های سرخ شده سیب زمینی تعیین شده است. همچنین حد ایمنی که از ایجاد سرطان آکریل امید جلوگیري نماید، براي آن تعیین نشده است.در بین مواد غذایی نان و سیب زمینی سرخ شده از اصلی ترین منابع مهم دریافت مقادیر بالاي اکریل آمید براي انسان محسوب میشود
Acrylamide formation in potato crisps was investigated in relation to raw material (potato variety and field site) and production process. Both, potato variety and field site had a noticeable Influence upon acryl-amide formation. Differences between field sites changed between early and late varieties. A reduction of the sugar content by blanching or soaking decreased the acrylamide concentration by about 60%. No differences between blanching and soaking, respectively, could be observed. Blanching removed more glucose and fructose than sucrose, whereas the effect of soaking was vice versa. The total content of reducing sugars showed a good correlation with the acrylamide concentration in the fried product (r2 = 0.64). In detail, the correlation was pronounced for the monosaccharides (glucose: r2 = 0.60; fructose: r2 = 0.56), whereas the content of the disaccharide showed no correlation with the acryiamide concentration (sucrose r2 = 0.24). Additionally, only by lowering the frying temperature (from 185 to 165°C, and from 190 to 150°C resp.; adaptation of frying time) it was possible to reduce the acrylamide formation to a half and to a third, respectively.
Reports of the presence of acrylamide in a range of fried and oven-cooked foods1, 2 have caused worldwide concern because this compound has been classified as probably carcinogenic in humans3. Here we show how acrylamide can be generated from food components during heat treatment as a result of the Maillard reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars. We find that asparagine, a major amino acid in potatoes and cereals, is a crucial participant in the production of acrylamide by this pathway.
A reliable and sensitive gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method was developed for the determination of acrylamide, a toxic compound recently discovered in baked, fried or grilled food. Satisfactory results for repeatability and recoveries were obtained by this method. The limit of detection for acrylamide was 15 μg/kg food and recoveries were between 95 to 103%.The improved method was then employed to study the influence of heat, heating time and type of frying oil on the formation of acrylamide during the deep frying of French fries. In this matrix acrylamide formation was promoted by heating in a time-dependent manner. It appeared that acrylamide arose, when reducing sugars, dimethylpolysiloxane or partial glycerides were present. Three mechanisms of formation are discussed in this context. Although the mechanistic complexity increases dramatically in the presence of various food components, some recommendations can be given to minimize acrylamide levels in deep fried products.
The effects of lowering pH by an acidulant (citric acid) on the formation of acrylamide in fried and baked corn chips and in french fries were studied by using a GC/MS. The 0.2% citric acid treatments induced 82.2% and 72.8% inhibition of acrylamide formation in fried and baked corn chips, respectively. Dipping potato cuts in 1% and 2% citric acid solutions for 1 h before frying showed 73.1% and 79.7% inhibition of acrylamide formation in french fries. In the experiment of heating 1 mL solution containing asparagine and glucose in phosphate buffers, by lowering the pH from 7.0 to 4.0, 99.1% inhibition of acrylamide formation was achieved. This is the first finding of an effective, simple, and practical way to limit the acrylamide formation in real foods.
The variations in moisture content and oil content of samples of 1.5-mm thick slices of potato (c.v. Record U.K.) were examined after various frying times at frying temperatures of 145, 165 and 185°C. The loss of moisture and the uptake of oil were found to be interrelated and both were linear functions of the square root of frying time. Within the temperature range examined, moisture loss and oil uptake were found to be independent of frying temperature. From the data and visual observations the mechanism of moisture loss and its influence on oil content in the final product were discussed. Suggestions are made for means of reducing the total oil content by modifications in the frying process.
In collaboration with cooking experts, the preparation of French fries in oil and in ovens was optimized, aiming at optimum culinary quality combined with a minimum acrylamide content. French fries with 40–70g/kg acrylamide were consistently produced, i.e. with 5–10 times less acrylamide than currently normal. The raw potato should contain little reducing sugars, i.e. be of a suitable cultivar, and storage at temperatures below about 10C must be avoided. After cutting and elimination of the fines, the potato is immersed in standing cold or boiler-warm water for some 15min in order to extract asparagine and sugars from the surface without washing out the starch. Pre-frying in oil (ca. 140C for 2.5min) improves crispiness. Frying should occur at an initial oil temperature of about 170C, adding some 100g potato/l oil. Since acrylamide formation increases exponentially towards the end of the process, the most important factor to keep acrylamide contents low is the determination of the proper end point of the frying process. French fries should be crispy with slight browning of the tips to achieve the typical flavor, but without general browning. Preparation in the oven, starting from frozen prefabricates, requires temperatures of around 190C or 220C, depending on whether or not the air is circulated. The proper determination of the end point is again the most critical step.