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Vladimir Mikhailovic Bekhterev (1857-1927): Strange Circumstances Surrounding the Death of the Great Russian Neurologist

  • Rehabilitation Centre Kliniken Valens

Abstract and Figures

The famous Russian neurologist Vladimir Mikhailovic Bekhterev (1857-1927) was ordered to examine Josef Stalin in December 1927 during the First All-Russian Neurological Congress in Moscow. Returning to the Congress after his consultation he told some colleagues that he had 'examined a paranoiac with a dry, small hand'. The next day, Bekhterev died and only his brain was examined postmortem, the body being cremated the same day.
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Historical Note
Eur Neurol 2011;66:14–17
DOI: 10.1159/000328779
Vladimir Mikhailovic Bekhterev (1857–1927):
Strange Circumstances Surrounding the Death of
the Great Russian Neurologist
Department of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation, Rehabilitation Centre, Valens , Switzerland
‘Die Steifigkeit der Wirbelsäule und ihre Verkrümmung
als besondere Krankheitsform’ (‘The rigidity of the spine
and its curvature as a special form of disease’)
[2] . His
descriptions, however, do not conform to what is now di-
agnosed as ankylosing spondylitis, which nevertheless
has been described by neurologists
[3–5] .
Bekhterev was an important Russian neurologist,
born on January 20 after the Julian, February 1 after the
Gregorian calendar in 1857 in Sorali Vyatka province
( fig.1 ).
After medical school he spent several years of travel-
ling, primarily working in neurological and psychologi-
cal institutes in Germany, among others with Paul Flech-
sig and Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig, Theodor Meynert in
Vienna and with Jean-Martin Charcot at La Salpêtrière
in Paris. In this period he wrote numerous neurological
articles, especially in German, which he published, for
example, in Pf lügers Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie
des Menschen und der Tiere (Pflüger’s Archive for the En-
tir e Phy siol og y o f Hum an s a nd An im al s) and several times
in the Neurologisches Centralblatt Leipzig [6–8] . He wrote
a great textbook Die Leitungsbahnen im Gehirn und Rü-
ckenmark: ein Handbuch für das Studium des Aufbaues
und der inneren Verbindungen des Nervensystemes [9] on
‘conducting pathways in the brain and spinal cord’, which
Key Words
Bekhterev Russian neurology Stalin
The famous Russian neurologist Vladimir Mikhailovic Bekh-
terev (1857–1927) was ordered to examine Josef Stalin in De-
cember 1927 during the First All-Russian Neurological Con-
gress in Moscow. Returning to the Congress after his consul-
tation he told some colleagues that he hadexamined a
paranoiac with a dry, small hand’. The next day, Bekhterev
died and only his brain was examined postmortem, the body
being cremated the same day.
Copyr ight © 2011 S. K arger AG, Basel
In rheumatology, the name of Bekhterev (Bechterew)
is usually associated with ankylosing spondylitis, a
chronic progressive auto-immune disease that mainly af-
fects the spine and surrounding structures such as the
sacro-iliac joints, the small synovial joints and the edges
of the discs, resulting in the so-called ‘bamboo spine’.
Bekhterev published first on spondylitis in 1892 in the
St. Petersburg medical journal Vrach [1] and a year later
a translation in the Neurologisches Centralblatt Leipzig ,
Recei ved: January 28, 2011
Accepted: A pril 26, 2011
Publish ed online: June 23, 2011
Prof. Jürg Kesselring
Depa rtment of Neurolog y and Neurorehabilitation
Rehabilitation Centre
CH–7317 Valens (Switzerland)
Tel. +41 81 303 1408, E-M ail kesselr ing.kliva l
© 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Accessible online at:
V.M. Bekhterev (1857–1927): Strange
Circumstances Surrounding His Death
Eur Neurol 2011;66:14–17
became a standard textbook and earned him the reputa-
tion: ‘Only two know the mysteries of the brain: God and
Bekhterev’ (a quotation which occasionally is attributed
to Friedrich Wilhelm Theodor Kopsch, 1868–1955, the
eminent anatomist).
After his years of travelling Bekhterev was appointed
to the chair of neurology at the University of Kazan, Ta-
tarstan, where he founded a neurological school, from
which emerged, much later, Alexander Romanovich
Luria. A new museum recently opened in Kazan and is
devoted to his memory there
[10] . In 1905, he founded
and led the Psychoneurological Institute in St. Peters-
burg, which in 1925 was named after him. He was partly
in fruitful competition, sometimes in open opposition
with Pavlov, who dominated the faculty
[11] .
Bekhterev was a renowned neurologist, he had also
contributed an article to the Festschrift for the great Swiss
neurologist (of Russian origin) Constantin von Monakow
[12, 13] on occasion of his 70th birthday in 1923 in the
Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry . He had also
been called to the bedside of Lenin and was co-founder
of the First All-Russian Congress of Neurologists and
Psychiatry, held in December 1927 in Moscow
[14 16]
( fig.2 ).
Bekhterev was Honorary President of this Congress
and in top health condition as various sources attest. A
few weeks earlier he had received a telegram from Mos-
cow asking (or rather: ordering) him to quickly come to
Moscow for a neurological examination in the Kremlin
[16] . In various newspaper reports and memoirs of the
time , a s we ll as in t ho se of the c ompo ser S host ak ov ich
18] , it is described that on December 23, 1927, after hav-
ing lectured on child neurology at the Congress men-
tioned, Bekhterev went to the Kremlin to examine Stalin
[14] . About 3 h later he came back to the Congress for an
important meeting and said to some colleagues there: ‘I
have just examined a paranoiac with a short, dry hand’.
On the same evening he was in the theatre [some sources
say it was the Bolshoi Theatre, others speak of Mal’ij (Lit-
tle Theatre)], and in the break 2 unknown young men ap-
proached him and offered him cakes and drinks at the
buffet. After returning to his apartment – when in Mos-
cow, he always used to reside with his old friend, the gy-
naecologist Prof. Plagavoli – violent vomiting started.
The next morning his wife called a doctor for consulta-
tion, and Prof. Burmin (1872–1954) came and made a di-
agnosis of ‘gastro-enteritis’
[19] . Then, on December 24,
1927, two doctors came to his bed uninvited, who were
later identified as doctors Klimenkov and Konstanti-
novski, members of the Secret Service, and later also Mr.
R. Rein, a member of the Central Committee, came for a
visit. Towards evening Bekhterev lost consciousness, res-
piration became irregular and blood pressure was drop-
ping. Resuscitation attempts were made in this house …
and in the evening he was dead ‘from heart failure …’
[16] .
The next day a consultation was convened by 9 profes-
Color versi on available online
Fig. 1. When Bekhterev was sitting for the
sculptor E.A. Block, he modelled himself a
head of a sufferi ng boy out of a piece of clay
which Block then integrated into his own
sculpture. This astonishing combination
symbolizes Bekhterev’s identification with
the suffering of his patients
[6] .
Fig. 2. Portrait of Bekhterev by Il’ ja E. Re-
pin painted in the summer of 1913. Origi-
nal in the Russian Museum in St. Peters-
burg; copy by Repin himself in the
Bekhterev Museum in the Psychoneuro-
logical Institute.
1 2
Eur Neurol 2011;66:14–17
sors: of notice, Prof. Scherwinski was present, a formerly
famous internist who had retired in 1911, the previously
mentioned Prof. Burmin, a balneologist was present and
also a well-known neuropathologist, Prof. Abriskov. In
this consilium it was stated that Bekhterev, just before his
death, had wished that no autopsy be performed and that
he had only allowed his brain to be removed. The brain
removal was carried out by Prof. Il’in, the chief physician
of a psychiatric hospital in Moscow, allegedly on the or-
ders of Health Minister Semashko
[16] . He declared in a
report that Bekhterev’s brain was brought ‘within 15 min
from the skull into a pot on the table …’. It is also record-
ed that the body of Bekhterev was sent for cremation the
same day against the will of the members of his family.
In the year 1927, Bekhterev had had the plan to build
a ‘Pantheon of Brains’ in Leningrad
[20] . It is an irony of
fate that exactly at the time when the question of the cre-
ation of the pantheon had been positively resolved, the
initiator of this institution, Bekhterev, died so sudden-
ly … In 1928, the neuro-anatomical laboratory of the
Vogts and their Russian counterparts was re-organized
in Moscow as the Moscow Brain Research Institute
[20] .
It was there where the structured collection and orga-
nization of the brains of famous Russians was set up.
Bekhterev did not live up to the fulfilling of his plans, but
his own brain enriched the collection of the Moscow In-
stitute (with a weight of 1,720 g!). For a long time scien-
tific investigations of skulls and brains of geniuses went
hand in hand with hagiographical celebrations of scien-
tists. Late-eighteenth century anatomists and anthropol-
ogists highlighted quantitative parameters such as the
size and weight of the brain in order to explain intellec-
tual differences between women and men and Europeans
and non-Europeans, geniuses and ordinary persons. Re-
ports about extraordinary brains were part of biographi-
cal sketches, mainly delivered in celebratory obituaries
[21] .
The diagnosis of paranoia in the case of Stalin was, no
doubt, well founded (ICD-10 F60.0: paranoid personality
disorder; excessive sensitivity to rejection; bearing on
slights, suspicion; tendency to distort experiences; neu-
tral or friend ly actions of ot hers misinterpreted as host ile
or contemptuous; recurring unjustified suspicions re-
garding sexual fidelity of spouse or sexual partner; con-
tentious and continued insistence on their own rights;
inflated self-esteem and frequent, excessive self-absorp-
tion). Stalin also had all the signs of what was described
[22] as ‘hubris syndrome’. The neurologist David
Owen, a long-standing Member of Parliament in Engla nd
and twice foreign minister, wrote a book worth reading
on diseases of state leaders in the last 100 years
[23] . He
also proposed criteria for this hubris syndrome and sug-
gested its relationship with cluster B personality disor-
ders in DSM-IV.
It is not clear what Bekhterev could have meant with
the diagnosis of ‘small dry hand’ for his patient: it is
known that Stalin’s left hand, probably the whole left arm,
was slightly atrophic – his left hand is only rarely seen in
pictures and on the few occasions in which it can be seen,
it appears clearly smaller, slightly atrophic. On the few
occasions where Stalin can be seen on film, he is moving
both arms, e.g. when clapping hands or when swinging
arm s wh en w al ki ng, a ce rtain spa stic ity is a ppa rent i n the
left upper limb, so that, in retrospect, syringomyelia
seems to me a diagnostic possibility. It is understandable
that to confirm or refute such a difficult diagnosis the
doctors in Moscow had asked the famous colleague
Bekhterev from Leningrad for a consultation. But it was
the other diagnosis which he had made aside and for
which he most probably had not been asked which caused
his premature death.
After his death the name of Bekhterev was hushed up
in the Soviet Union; one of his sons was exiled and died
soon after his father. His granddaughter, Natalia Pet-
rovna Bekhtereva, later headed the Institute of the Hu-
man Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Pe-
[24] . She said in an interview that they some-
Color versi on available online
Fig. 3. Tombstone of V.M. Bekhterev in the
Volkovo cemetery in St. Petersburg.
V.M. Bekhterev (1857–1927): Strange
Circumstances Surrounding His Death
Eur Neurol 2011;66:14–17
1 Bekhterev VM: Oderevenelast’ pozvonochi-
kas isk rivleniemego, kak osabia forma zabo-
levaniia . Vrach (St Petersburg) 1892;
13: 899–
2 Bekhterev VM: Die Steifigkeit der Wirbel-
säule und ihre Verkrümmung als besondere
Krankheitsform . Neurol Centralbl Leipzig
1893 ;
12: 426.
3 Connor B, Marie P: Les rhumatismes défor-
mants. Tribuna Med Paris 1895;
27: 27–30.
4 Marie P: Sur la spondylose rhizomélique .
Rev Méd Paris 1898;
18: 285–315.
5 Von Strümpell A: Bemerkung über die ch ro-
nische ankylosirende Entzündung der Wir-
belsäule und der Hüftgelenke. Lehrbuch der
speciellen Pathologie und Therapie der in-
neren Krankheiten . Leipzig, Vogel, 1884, vol
2, p 152.
6 Pfrepper R, Pfrepper G, Akimenko MA
(eds): Vladimir Michajlovic Bechterev
(1857–1927): Neue Material ien zu Leben und
Werk. Aachen, Shaker, 2007.
7 Bechterew VM: Über die functionelle Bezie-
hung der unteren Oliven zum K leinhirn und
die Bedeutung derselben für die Erhaltung
des Körpergleichgewichtes. Arch Ges Physi-
ol Menschen Thiere 1882;
9: 257–265.
8 Pfrepper G, P frepper R: Publi kationen Vlad-
imir M. Bechterevs in deutscher Sprache; in
Pfrepper R, Pfrepper G, Akimenko MA
(eds): Vladimir Michajlovic Bechterev
(1857–1927): Neue Material ien zu Leben und
Werk. Aachen, Shaker, 2007, pp 115–168.
9 Von Bechterew W: Die Leitungsbahnen im
Gehirn und Rückenmark: ein Handbuch für
das Studium des Auf baues und der inneren
Verbindungen des Nervensystemes. Leipzig,
Arthur Georgi, 1899.
10 Snamentyie Semljaki Vladimir Michailovic
Bechterev. Sbornik statej Elabuga 2007 (Mu-
seum’s catalogue).
11 Akimenko MA: Vladimir Michajlovic
Bechterev. J History Neurosci 2007;
16: 10 0–
12 Bechterew W: Studium der Funktionen der
Praefrontal- und anderer Gebiete der Hirn-
rinde vermittelst der associat iv-motorischen
Reflexe. Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatrie
13: 61–76.
13 Kessel ring J: Consta ntin von Monakow’s for-
mative years in Pfäfers. J Neurol 2000;
14 Keitel W: Ein Opfer Stalins? Wladimir Mi-
chailowitsch Bechterew (1857–1927). Z
Rheumatol 2002;
61: 201–206.
15 Lerner V, Margolin J, Witztum E: Vladimir
Michajlovic Bechterev (1857–1927). J Neurol
253: 1518–1519.
16 Lerner V, Margolin J, Witztum E: Vladimir
Bechterev: his life, his work and the mystery
of his death. Hist Psychiatry 2005;
16: 217–
17 Volkov S (ed): Testimony: The Memoirs of
Shostakovich. New York, Harper Colophon,
18 Topolyansky VD: Noch’ pered rozhdestvom
v 1927 godu. Ogonyek 1989;
27: 9–10.
19 Demin D: Vrachnebnaya Taina. Moscow,
Manskiy, 2002.
20 Vein AA, Maat-Schieman LC: Famous Rus-
sian brains historical attempts to under-
stand intelligence. Brain 2008;
131: 583–590.
21 Hagner M: Sku lls, brai ns, and memorial cu l-
ture: on cerebral biographies of scientists in
the nineteenth centu ry. Sci Context 2003;
22 Owen D, Davidson J: Hubris syndrome – an
acquire d personality d isorder? A study of US
Presidents and UK Prime ministers over the
last 100 years. Brain 2009;
132: 1396–1406.
23 Owe n D: In Sickne ss an d in Po wer: I llness in
Heads of Government in the Last 100 years.
London, Methuen, 2009.
24 Bechtereva NP: On the scientific school.
Hum Physiol 2004;
30: 379–391.
25 Bekhterev VM: Immortality from the scien-
tific point of view (translation of speech de-
livered at St Petersburg Psychoneurological
Institute in February 1916). Society 2006;
74– 80.
26 Grashenkov NI: Relationship between Brit-
ish and Russian medicine and neurology,
and the role of the National Hospital, Queen
Square, London, in the development of Rus-
sian neuropathology. J Neurol Neurosurg
Psychiatry 1960;
23: 185–190.
times had spoken about the affair of her grandfather in
the family, but that it was never clarified. She could only
confirm that her grandfather had never been a coward
and would have been prepared also to express an unpop-
ular diagnosis.
Much later, during the thaw climate under Khrush-
chev, or even later in the 70s, Bekhterev was rehabilitated
and recognized as one of the great Russian neurologists
[25, 26] . He was honoured in 2007 with a 5-ruble stamp,
and in the 1970s, a sculpture was erected on the cemetery
in St. Petersburg ( fig.3 ).
... As one of the results of his research, he proposed a division of the brain in zones, each with a specific function, being one of the first to reveal the role of the hippocampus in memory function 1,2,3 . Further, aware that nervous and mental disorders usually occur in conjunction, he believed that there was no definite distinction between them, a trend towards neuropsychiatry 4,5 . ...
... In December 1927, at the summit of his prestige, during the First Congress of Neurologists and Psychiatrists of Soviet Russia, in Moscow, came his termination, in a quick way and suspicious circumstances 1,2,5,6 (Box). In pyramidal hemiplegia, when the foot is released after being passively flexed plantarwards occurs dorsiflexion of the foot, and knee and hip flexion [4] Hypogastric reflex observed in tertiary neurosyphilis: normal contraction of the lower abdominal wall muscles when the peroneal nerve is compressed [5] Absence of pain when the peroneal nerve is compressed, in tertiary neurosyphilis [6] Nasal Reflex: contraction of the ipsilateral facial muscles to nasal stimulation (tickle) -normal phenomenon [7] Severe sciatica: the healthy leg can't extend more than the compromised one [8] Arm dropping test: in pyramidal tract lesion, when the previously sustained arm is suddenly released, an interval of seconds occurs before it drops In conclusion, Bekhterev was an intellectually gifted person, originating a wide range of contributions with ample repercussion in the dominion of the neurosciences. Revered as an encyclopedic scientist, received the admirative quotation attributed to the eminent German anatomist Friedrich Kopsch 2,3,5 : "Only two know the mystery of brain structure and organization: God and Bekhterev". ...
... Box. Circumstances of Bekhterev's death 1,2,5,6 . ...
Full-text available
Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev was a Russian innovative neuroscientist, extraordinary in the study, diagnosis, and research in the fields of neurology, psychology, morphology, physiology, and psychiatry. Considering the ample and multifaceted scientific feats, only some are touched in a very brief manner. However, it is necessary to highlight his contributions to neurology, with the description of structures, signs and syndromes, to physiology, including reflexology, which later underpinned behaviorism, to psychology, including objective psychology and suggestion. His accomplishments and legacy remained until the present days. Some comments about the scenery that involved his death are also presented.
... The name of the Russian scientist Vladimir Bekhterev is commonly related to the fields of psychiatry and neurology; and very few have heard about his theory of immortality. Western scholars mainly heard of Bekhterev as the person who gave a name to spondylitis (an inflammatory disease that affects the joints in the spine), and his scientific contributions had not received acknowledgement and decent place in history (Lerner et al., 2005: 225 (Kesserling, 2011). In his speech, which was presented in an official meeting of the St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute in 1916, published in the Russian language in 1928 and translated into English as late as in 2006, Bekhterev claimed that -at such moments in history as the present, when almost every day brings us news of the death of hundreds, even thousands of people on the battlefields, questions concerning ‗eternal' life and immortality of the human personality arise with particular persistence‖ (Bekhterev, 2006: 74). ...
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This paper focuses on a study of Milan Kundera’s vision of immortality as the possibility of overcoming death through one’s creative activity and social work during a lifetime. Having analyzed Kundera’s Immortality (1991), we argue that the novel is strongly aligned with the philosophical hypothesis that considers immortality as the everlasting influence of people’s life and creative work upon the minds and actions of succeeding generations. Touching on the eternal questions about the essence of life and death, Kundera thus arrives at a conciliatory solution to the temporality of human nature: an individual’s sociocultural contribution to the spiritual consciousness of humanity, according to which immortal personalities are divided into major and minor types—the artists or creators, and the statesmen or political figures. The scale of a contribution has a wide range and is not equal for different contributors. In the same way, immortality can be of a greater or smaller caliber. The aim of this article is to study what is immortality from the philosophical perspective of Milan Kundera, as it is reflected in his novel Immortality. Referring to philosophical, psychoneurological, psychological and physical concepts, classical literary works and personalities in the course of the interdisciplinary research, we argue that Milan Kundera’s views on immortality could originate from Russian philosophical thought of the second half of the 19th—the beginning of the 20th century, particularly represented by Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky. We also argue that Milan Kundera’s novel Immortality could artistically illustrate a philosophical theory of one of the most prominent but unfairly forgotten pioneers in the subject, the Russian psychiatrist and neurologist Vladimir Bekhterev. Bekhterev founded the St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute in 1907 and presented his hypothesis of immortality in 1916 in a speech titled “Immortality from the Scientific Point of View” (1)
... neurologists in Moscow. Many believed that the Russian authorities poisoned him, 10 though there was 'no proof.' 11 However, the Kremlin authorities insisted on cremation 11 and, his name and all of his works were erased from Soviet literature until Stalin's death in 1953. 12 The most plausible explanation of Stalin's late paranoia is 'the dimming of a superior intellect and the unleashing of a paranoid personality by a multi-infarct state.' 13 Bekhterev was a dynamic, gifted man who explored new fields in psychology and brain morphology in a career marked by vagaries and incident. ...
... Mamedov [7]. Foreign researchers were interested of the facts of his life [8], [9]. ...
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The article is devoted to the analysis of an early stage of formation of views of the well - known Russian doctor, the physiologist and the psychologist V. M. Bekhterev on a problem of the forming potential of a phenomenon of Suggestion. On the basis of the analysis of program performance on the First World Congress for Paedology, that was held in Brussels in 1911, from 8 to 12 August, subsequently issued in work “Education and suggestion” (1912), genesis of his views of the questions connected with a children's impressionability and suggestibility is shown. Bases of “Psychology of suggestibility” of V. M. Bekhterev are characterized; influence of foreign science and literature on formation of his views of rather leading methods of education of children in a context of the accounting of a factor of impressionability is shown.
... He also described numbness of the spine (Bekhterev's disease) and new forms of syphilitic-sclerosis, motor ataxia and spondylitis. [40]. ...
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Eponyms are used almost daily in the clinical practice of dermatology. And yet, information about the person behind the eponyms is difficult to find. Indeed, who is? What is this person’s nationality? Is this person alive or dead? How can one find the paper in which this person first described the disease? Eponyms are used to describe not only disease, but also clinical signs, surgical procedures, staining techniques, pharmacological formulations, and even pieces of equipment. In this article we present the symptoms starting with (M) and other. The symptoms and their synonyms, and those who have described this symptom or phenomenon..
Psychology in Russia and the Soviet Union has a long history influenced by several changes in the political environment. From Tsarist times to the death of the communist dictator Stalin in 1953, it was relatively easy to see the impact of the ruler on publications in Russian Psychology. This changed after Stalin’s death in 1953. In a bibliometric research, we investigated the change of psychological research subjects since the publishing of the first post-Stalin psychological journal “Voprosy Psichologii” in 1955 until 2000, when Putin became president of the Russian federation. In total, we obtained 7,049 entries of contributions in this journal, which we analyzed with an R-script using a qualitative time series analysis approach. The changes of the research subjects in psychology are then correlated with the policies of Secretary General of the communist party and the political decisions of the so-called central committee of the KPSU.
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Totalitarian regimes have been responsible for the greatest humanitarian catastrophes in modern history. Yet we can observe the alarming revival of authoritarian tendencies all around the world, often in countries that have suffered the most. China, Cambodia, Iraq, Belarus, Venezuela and now Russia have been facing the grave consequences of unchecked power. Although there are multiple socioeconomic factors that contribute to the emergence of dictatorships, claims have been made that their recurrence suggests psychological factors. Repetitive exposure to the same or similar adversity in the following generations has been recognised in multiple studies of psychological trauma (Kerr and Bowen, 1988; Schutzenberger, 1998; Mollica et al, 2014). I have argued previously that social cognitions that develop as an adaption to a totalitarian style of leadership can become part of an implicit social schema that is passed to descendants in the form of cultural wisdom (Cherepanov, 2020).Psychological studies of political abuse and violence have been limited and fall short of explaining the tremendous effectiveness of psychological manipulation and the power that ‘messianic’ leaders hold over their followers, who willingly surrender their autonomy and join the leaders on a path of self-destruction. Similarly powerful synergy emerging between a leader and their followers has been previously found in destructive cults (Dittman, 2002).In social psychology, a leadership style is understood as a leader’s method of providing direction, implementing plans and motivating people (Kotter, [1947] 2001). Most totalitarian autocrats are characterised by a fragmented, hectic, splitting and inconsistent style of leadership that theorists have compared to how a person with characteristics of a borderline personality (BP) interacts with the world (Volkan, 2000; Kreisman, 2012). Does it mean that dictators have a BP and does it matter? Identifying BP traits in dictators, or people who act like dictators, does not intend to vilify people who have received a BP diagnosis nor does it intend to explain the dictator’s abusive behaviour in terms of their mental health issues nor even offer a psychological excuse for the crimes and atrocities they commit. Instead, it focuses on how recognising and understanding political abuse and manipulation can help with resisting propaganda and brainwashing. This paper aims to answer the following questions: • What is the psychological impact of the abuse of political power? • What does a totalitarian leadership style tell us about the personality of the leader and the mental reality they create? • What can BP teach us about surviving abuse and building resilience?
Spondyloarthritis is an umbrella term for a group of inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine. The group includes ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease, and undifferentiated spondyloarthritis. Although the etiology and pathogenesis of spondyloarthritis are still largely unknown, the clinical overlap and shared genetics between the different disease subtypes indicate the potential for a shared pathogenetic mechanism. Increasing evidence suggests that dysregulated host/enteric microbial interactions are commonly observed in spondyloarthritis and may be a requisite for disease development. This chapter reviews the available evidence supporting the notion that spondyloarthritis is a microbiome-driven disease and discusses how genetic, environmental, and microbiota-specific interactions may affect the host immune response and lead to inflammation and autoimmunity. The chapter further discusses how microbiome research may not only provide new insight into disease pathogenesis but may also revolutionize diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of spondyloarthritis.KeywordsSpondyloarthropathyHLA-B27MicrobiomeDysbiosisInterleukin-23ERAP1COVID-19
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Polyneuropathies encompass a number of diseases of the peripheral nerves. Causes vary, and some types of polyneuropathy have a chronic disease course, and some have acute onset. Polyneuropathies, such as Guillain Barré Syndrome, improve after acute deterioration, but some people are left with longer term disability. Physical management to manage longer term impairments and maintain function, are gathering evidence of efficacy, though trials remain small in number and size. Exercise trials show some positive improvements in proximal muscle strength, aerobic capacity, balance and distal strength in children. People with polyneuropathy often present with distal weakness and joint malalignment. Orthotics interventions may address these impairments and can vary from ankle foot orthoses to insoles. Weakness and sensory impairment also lead to altered hand function which can be addressed by adaptive strategies and exercise. People with polyneuropathies can beneft from rehabilitation interventions through addressing the impact of impairments and compensatory strategies necessary for optimised function.
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Constantin von Monakow was the first professor of neurology in Switzerland and founder of the Swiss Neurological Society and of the Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry. He gained worldwide reputation as a neuroscientist mainly through his monumental work on neuropathology and cortical localization. His concept of diaschisis has been verified only in recent years by modern network concepts and imaging techniques. The basis of his work was developed with ingenious animal experiments and careful clinico-pathological comparisons during his early years, which he spent as assistant physician in the psychiatric clinic at St. Pirminsberg in Pfäfers, Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland from 1878 to 1885.
At such moments in history as the present, when almost every day brings us news of the death of hundreds, even thousands, of people on the battlefields, questions concerning "eternal" life and the immortality of the human personality arise with particular persistence. Of course, they also arise under the ordinary, mundane conditions of life, in which, at every step, we are confronted with the loss, from natural or violent causes, of friends, relatives, and acquaintances.