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Abstract and Figures

Physical exercise induces adaptive changes leading to a muscle phenotype with enhanced performance. We first investigated whether genetic polymorphisms altering enzymes involved in DNA methylation, probably responsible of DNA methylation deficiency, are present in athletes' DNA. We determined the polymorphic variants C667T/A1298C of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), A2756G of methionine synthase (MTR), A66G of methionine synthase reductase (MTRR), G742A of betaine:homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT), and 68-bp ins of cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) genes in 77 athletes and 54 control subjects. The frequency of MTHFR (AC), MTR (AG), and MTRR (AG) heterozygous genotypes was found statistically different in the athletes compared with the control group (P=0.0001, P=0.018, and P=0.0001), suggesting a reduced DNA methylating capacity. We therefore assessed whether DNA hypomethylation might increase the expression of myogenic proteins expressed during early (Myf-5 and MyoD), intermediate (Myf-6), and late-phase (MHC) of myogenesis in a cellular model of hypomethylated or unhypomethylated C2C12 myoblasts. Myogenic proteins are largely induced in hypomethylated cells [fold change (FC)=Myf-5: 1.21, 1.35; MyoD: 0.9, 1.47; Myf-6: 1.39, 1.66; MHC: 1.35, 3.10 in GMA, DMA, respectively] compared with the control groups (FC=Myf-5: 1.0, 1.38; MyoD: 1.0, 1.14; Myf-6: 1.0, 1.44; MHC: 1.0, 2.20 in GM, DM, respectively). Diameters and length of hypomethylated myotubes were greater then their respective controls. Our findings suggest that DNA hypomethylation due to lesser efficiency of polymorphic MTHFR, MS, and MSR enzymes induces the activation of factors determining proliferation and differentiation of myoblasts promoting muscle growth and increase of muscle mass.
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43:965-973, 2011. First published 14 June 2011;Physiol. Genomics
Alberti, Stefano Benedini, Andrea Caumo, Isabella Fermo and Livio Luzi
Ileana Terruzzi, Pamela Senesi, Anna Montesano, Antonio La Torre, Giampietro
DNA methylation and synthesis in elite athletes
Genetic polymorphisms of the enzymes involved in
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Genetic polymorphisms of the enzymes involved in DNA methylation
and synthesis in elite athletes
Ileana Terruzzi,
Pamela Senesi,
Anna Montesano,
Antonio La Torre,
Giampietro Alberti,
Stefano Benedini,
Andrea Caumo,
Isabella Fermo,
and Livio Luzi
Division of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Science, San Raffaele Scientific Institute;
Department of Sport Science, Nutrition
and Health, Faculty of Exercise Sciences, University of Milan;
Laboratory of Chromatographic and Separative Techniques,
San Raffaele Scientific Institute; and
Metabolism Research Centre, San Donato Hospital and Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy
Submitted 18 February 2010; accepted in final form 9 June 2011
Terruzzi I, Senesi P, Montesano A, La Torre A, Alberti G,
Benedini S, Caumo A, Fermo I, Luzi L. Genetic polymorphisms of
the enzymes involved in DNA methylation and synthesis in elite
athletes. Physiol Genomics 43: 965–973, 2011. First published June
14, 2011; doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00040.2010.—Physical exer-
cise induces adaptive changes leading to a muscle phenotype with
enhanced performance. We first investigated whether genetic poly-
morphisms altering enzymes involved in DNA methylation, probably
responsible of DNA methylation deficiency, are present in athletes’
DNA. We determined the polymorphic variants C667T/A1298C of
5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), A2756G of me-
thionine synthase (MTR), A66G of methionine synthase reductase
(MTRR), G742A of betaine:homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT),
and 68-bp ins of cystathionine -synthase (CBS) genes in 77 athletes
and 54 control subjects. The frequency of MTHFR (AC), MTR
(AG), and MTRR (AG) heterozygous genotypes was found statisti-
cally different in the athletes compared with the control group (P
0.0001, P0.018, and P0.0001), suggesting a reduced DNA
methylating capacity. We therefore assessed whether DNA hypom-
ethylation might increase the expression of myogenic proteins ex-
pressed during early (Myf-5 and MyoD), intermediate (Myf-6), and
late-phase (MHC) of myogenesis in a cellular model of hypomethy-
lated or unhypomethylated C2C12 myoblasts. Myogenic proteins are
largely induced in hypomethylated cells [fold change (FC) Myf-5:
1.21, 1.35; MyoD: 0.9, 1.47; Myf-6: 1.39, 1.66; MHC: 1.35, 3.10 in
GMA, DMA, respectively] compared with the control groups (FC
Myf-5: 1.0, 1.38; MyoD: 1.0, 1.14; Myf-6: 1.0, 1.44; MHC: 1.0, 2.20
in GM, DM, respectively). Diameters and length of hypomethylated
myotubes were greater then their respective controls. Our findings
suggest that DNA hypomethylation due to lesser efficiency of poly-
morphic MTHFR, MS, and MSR enzymes induces the activation of
factors determining proliferation and differentiation of myoblasts
promoting muscle growth and increase of muscle mass.
myogenesis; muscle hypertrophy; homocysteine cycle; muscle differ-
entiation; hypertrophy
PHYSICAL EXERCISE INDUCES considerable metabolic and morpho-
logical adaptive changes leading to an altered muscle pheno-
type with enhanced performance in trained individuals. The
mechanism by which exercise exerts its action in athletes is
still unclear. While environmental influences such as training
scheme and diet are important, there is increasing evidence for
strong genetic influences in athletic subjects. It is suggested
that athletes possess some genetic advantage predisposing
them to better sport performances than nonathletes. Thus,
genotype may predict sport ability and performance (9, 41).
Gene expression is controlled by an adequate supply of
methyl groups to the DNA. Specific mechanisms (Fig. 1) take
part in controlling DNA methylation (35): the methionine
synthase enzyme (MS) uses MS-bound cobalamin cofactor as
intermediate methyl-carrier and N5-methyltetrahydrofolate as
methyl donor, supplied by methylene-tetrahydrofolate reduc-
tase (MTHFR) enzyme. Methionine synthase reductase (MSR)
plays a critical role in maintaining adequate levels of activated
cobalamin, the cofactor for MS, which acts as an intermediate
methyl carrier between methyltetrahydrofolate and homocys-
teine, which is condensed with serine to form cysteine by the
enzyme cystathionine -synthase (CBS). The betaine-homo-
cysteine methyltransferase (BHMT) enzyme uses betaine as a
methyl donor to catalyze an alternative pathway of homocys-
teine remethylation, which, in humans, is mainly confined to
the liver and the kidney (28). But the whole cycle performs
other important functions: it controls gene expression by en-
suring an adequate supply of methyl groups to the DNA; it also
regulates nucleotides synthesis, and then the cell cycle, using
methylene group attached to tetrahydrofolate to convert the
uracil-type base found in RNA into the thymine-type base
found in DNA.
The functional integrity of anyone of the enzymes regulating
these pathways is important in maintaining adequate efficiency
of this cycle: common variants in genes codifying regulatory
enzymes of methylation cycle, caused by missense mutations,
are characterized by a reduced enzyme activity (7, 39, 17, 15),
probably responsible of both DNA methylation and synthesis
The present work was therefore designed to investigate if the
polymorphic variants of MTHFR C677T and A1298C, of CBS
844ins68, of methionine synthase (MTR) A2756G, of methi-
onine synthase reductase (MTRR) A66G, of betaine:homocys-
teine methyltransferase (BHMT) G742A, and of CBS 68-bp
ins, which disrupt the activity of the respective enzymes (7, 39,
17, 15), are present in the DNA of athletes. The study of the 76
elite athletes herein indicates this is the case. Since the pres-
ence of polymorphic variants in our cohort of athletes that may
induce a reduction in DNA methylation, we also studied an in
vitro model of DNA hypomethylation testing whether DNA
hypomethylation would increase the expression of muscle-
specific genes (Myf-5, MyoD, Myf-6, and MHC) crucial in the
myogenic differentiation. In vitro experiments demonstrated
that the induction of hypomethylation of DNA causes cell
hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Taken together, our in vivo and
in vitro studies indicate that elite athletes possess DNA poly-
morphisms of DNA methylation cycle enzymes that may
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: I. Terruzzi, Div. of
Metabolic and Cardiovascular Science, San Raffaele Scientific Inst., Via
Olgettina, 60, 20132 Milano, Italy (e-mail:
Physiol Genomics 43: 965–973, 2011.
First published June 14, 2011; doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00040.2010.
1094-8341/11 Copyright ©2011 the American Physiological Society 965
on December 28, 2011physiolgenomics.physiology.orgDownloaded from
predispose them to quicker DNA hypomethylation and, con-
sequently, to an higher rate of DNA synthesis. We also showed
that DNA hypomethylation in vitro determines increase in
muscle cell size.
Subjects. In a case control study, we examined the allelic frequen-
cies and genotype distributions of restricted fragment length polymor-
phisms (RFLP) in the MTHFR, MTR, MTRR, BHMN, and CBS
genes among elite athletes and sedentary subjects. Elite athlete is
defined as an highly specialized athlete whose performances corre-
spond to the best world results in his or her respective sports or
Of the 131 subjects recruited for the study, 54 (mean SD: BMI
22.4 1.8; yr 32.3 8.1) were studied as the sedentary control group
and 77 subjects (mean SD: BMI 21.0 1.8; yr 23.4 5.0)
represented the elite athlete group, studied independently from their
training stage. All the subjects recruited for the study gave their
informed written consent after being given an explanation of pur-
poses, nature, and potential risks of the study.
In vitro experimental protocol. Myoblastic C2C12 cells were main-
tained in growth medium containing DMEM (Dulbecco’s modified
eagle medium) supplemented with 20% (vol/vol) FBS (fetal bovine
serum) up to 70% of confluence, and then (time 0) maintained in
growth medium or differentiated in DMEM supplemented with 1%
horse serum and antibiotics, both without (GM, DM) or with (GMA,
DMA) 5=-aza-2=-deoxycytidine (AZA, 5 M). At the end of the basal
period (0), early (4 h), intermediate (24 h, 48 h), and late myogenesis
(96 h), cells were lysed and the expression of specific myogenic genes
(Myf-5, MyoD, Myf-6, and MHC) was detected by Western blotting.
During late differentiation (72 and 96 h) morphology of MHC ex-
pressing cells was studied by immunofluorescence analysis. For each
experimental condition the DAPI (4=,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole)-
stained nuclei per myotube and myotube length and diameter were
determined and expressed as percentage increase SD.
Total homocysteine, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6 determination.
Peripheral blood samples were obtained from the patients in the
fasting state. Total plasma homocysteine levels were determined using
an HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) method based on
the derivatization with SBD-F (ammonium-7-fluorobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-
diazole-4-sulfonate) (6). Vitamin B12 was assayed by enzyme immu-
noassay using the Advia Centaur Immunoassay system (Bayer Health
Care). Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal 5=-phosphate) was measured by apply-
ing a radioenzymatic assay (3).
Mutation detection. DNA from whole blood nuclear pellets, drown
after an overnight fast, was digested and quantified. For DNA extrac-
tion, all reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. PCR-based
RFLP analysis was used for genotyping in this study. MTHFR
(C677T) and MTHFR (A1298C) polymorphisms were analyzed as
described (19, 36). Amplification products underwent digestion, re-
spectively with HinfI (MTHFR C677T) and MboII (MTHFR
A1298C) (Promega, Madison, WI), and were then electrophoresed on
a 3% methaphore agarose gel (Cambrex Bio Science Rockland) with
ethidium bromide.
The MTR (A2756G) and MTRR (A66G) polymorphisms were
identified after amplification as described (42, 40). Restriction en-
zymes HaeIII and NdeI (Promega) were used for RFLP analysis of
amplification products. The primers and the conditions used for
BHMT genotyping were the same described (38). The PCR product
was digested with TaqI (Promega). For the 68-bp insertion variant of
CBS gene, DNA was amplified with the primers described (19) and
amplification products were observed on a 3% agarose gel.
Fig. 1. Simplified scheme of DNA methylation/synthesis cycle. Dihydrofolate (DHF), tetrahydrofolate (THF), methionine (MET), S-adenosylmethionine (SAM),
S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), homocysteine (Hcy), 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), thymidylate synthase (TS) methionine synthase
(MS), methionine synthase reductase (MSR), betaine:homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT), cystathionine -synthase (CBS), B6 vitamin (B6), and B12
vitamins (B12).
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Electrophoretic techniques and immunoblotting analysis. C2C12
myotubes were homogenized as described (32). Aliquots of 30 g
supernatant proteins from the different samples were resolved by 8%
SDS-PAGE. Electrophoresed proteins were transferred to nitrocellu-
lose membrane (Protran, Whatman Schleicher & Schuell) as described
(34). The membranes were incubated with Myf5 (C-20), MyoD
(C-20), Myf6 (C-19), or MHC (H-300) antibodies and then incubated
with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated anti-species-specific second-
ary antibodies. Immunoreactive bands were visualized by an enhanced
chemiluminescence method (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Piscat-
away, NJ).
The membranes were stripped and reprobed with an antibody to
-tubulin (TU-02) to confirm equal protein loading per sample. All
antibodies were purchased by Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Santa Cruz,
CA). Quantitative measurement of immunoreactive bands was per-
formed by densitometric analysis using the Scion image software
(Scion, Frederick, MD).
Immunofluorescence analysis. For indirect immunofluorescence,
cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, permeabilized with 0.2%
Triton X-100, and blocked with PBS containing 1% bovine serum
albumin. Cells were then immunostained with anti-MHC rhoda-
mine conjugated (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and nuclei revealed
with DAPI staining. Cells were observed using fluorescence mi-
croscopy (Leica DM IRE2), and images of myotubes were captured
using IM50 software (Leica Microsystems, Switzerland) for size
comparison. Data were displayed and analyzed using Adobe Pho-
toshop CS4.
Statistical analysis. Statistical differences between control and athlete
genotype frequencies were calculated by using the Exact Test for
Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/ME/2000/XP (, gener-
alization of Fisher’s Exact Test for 2 2 contingency tables. The
exact Pvalue was estimated by generation of 10,000,000 random
samples. Expected genotype frequencies were obtained from the allele
frequencies calculated for each genotype, under the assumption of
Hardy-Weinberg (H-W) equilibrium by using the Exact Test, and
were then compared with the observed frequencies by a Monte-Carlo
When the determined deviation between observed and expected
numbers has a probability that is 5%, there is no statistical deviation
from H-W equilibrium. Statistical significance calculated using
Fisher’s Exact Test was interpreted as two-tailed Pvalues of
0.05. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI)
were calculated to estimate the correlation between polymorphic
genotypes and athletic phenotypes.
For immunoblotting and immunofluorescence analysis, statistical
evaluations were performed by Student t-test using the SPSS 10.0 for
Windows statistical package. Differences between groups were con-
sidered statistically significant if P0.05.
Investigation of polymorphic variants in DNA methylation
cycle genes. The mechanisms by which the DNA methylation
cycle enzymes control DNA synthesis and methylation are
summarized in Fig. 1. Genetic variants of these enzymes are
responsible for a reduced efficiency in DNA synthesis and
methylation. Table 1 shows that plasma levels of B12 (434.5
131.4, 457.2 146.5 pg/ml; P0.58) and vitamin B6 (32.4
18.4, 36.4 15.9 nmol/l; P0.20), well-known cofactors
(25) crucial for the correct activity of MS and CBS enzymes,
were normal in all subjects, and the values were not statisti-
cally different between the athlete group compared with the
control group.
We compared the allele and genotype frequencies of the
MTHFR (C677T and A1298C), MTR (A2756G), MTRR
(A66G), BHMT (G742A), and CBS (68-bp ins) polymorphic
genes in athletes and control subjects (Fig. 2). Both groups
were divided according to their wild-type, heterozygous, and
homozygous status relative to each of the six studied polymor-
phic sites (Table 2). A significantly increased frequency of
only MTHFR (AC), MTR (AG), and MTRR (AG) heterozy-
gous genotypes in the athletes’ group compared with the
control group was observed (P0.0001, 0.018, and 0.0001).
Comparison of the observed and expected frequencies demon-
strated that there was a significant deviation in control subjects
of (MTHFR) C677T and in athletes of (MTHFR) A1298C
genotype frequencies from the H-W equilibrium (P0.03),
probably explained by the small sample size used for this study
and a random genetic selection for individuals with certain
genotypes in the sampling process giving rise to a lower than
expected number of subjects with the MTHFR homozygous
Table 3 provides evidence for an increased predisposition of
the athletic group for carrying a polymorphic genotype for the
single MTHFR (AC), MTR (AG), or MTRR (AG and GG)
gene compared with the sedentary genotypes at the same loci
(P0.001, 0.02, 0.001, and 0.002, respectively) estimated
at OR of 4.76 (95% CI: 2.2–10.3), 2.94 (95% CI: 1.2– 6.9),
4.71 (95% CI: 2.1–10.3), and 17.14 (95% CI: 2.0 –143.5),
Myogenic protein expression is increased by AZA-DNA
hypomethylation. To simulate the effect of hypomethylation
due to the less efficient polymorphic MTHFR, MS, and MSR
enzymes, we caused DNA hypomethylation by AZA (5 M) in
murine C2C12 myoblastic cells and studied the regulation of
muscle-specific genes expression during myoblast differentia-
tion. C2C12 cells have been widely used as a model for the
process of myogenesis. Under standard tissue culture condi-
tions (GM), the cells proliferate as single cell myoblasts. When
confluent cultures are transferred from GM to DM, the myo-
blasts exit cell cycle (Fig. 3A) and begin to elongate (early
differentiation). Subsequently, confluent mononucleated myo-
cytes begin to fuse forming multinucleate myotubes (interme-
diate differentiation), which become wider and longer over the
next few days as additional myoblasts fuse (late differentia-
Figure 3Bshows that the myogenic factors progressively
expressed during early phase (Myf-5 and MyoD) and interme-
diate phase (Myf-6) and the muscle-specific protein (MHC)
Table 1. Clinical characteristics and plasma features of control and athlete groups
Cases nAge, yr BMI Vitamin B12, pg/ml Vitamin B6, nmol/l
Control 54 32.3 8.1 22.4 1.8 434.5 131.4 32.4 18.4
Athletes 77 24.8 6.7 21.9 2.9
P0.58 0.20
Values are means SD. BMI, body mass index.
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expressed during the late phase of myogenic differentiation are
largely induced by DNA hypomethylation in GMA and DMA
groups (FC Myf-5: 1.21, 1.35; MyoD: 0.9, 1.47; Myf-6:
1.39, 1.66; MHC: 1.35, 3.10, respectively) compared with the
GM and DM groups (FC Myf-5: 1.0, 1.38; MyoD: 1.0, 1.14;
Myf-6: 1.0, 1.44; MHC: 1.0, 2.20, respectively). In addition,
the expression of MHC gene results positively regulated by
hypomethylation with respect to the unhypomethylated differ-
entiated muscle cells. Overall, our results demonstrate that
MHC gene expressed in muscle tissues is transcriptionally
regulated by DNA hypomethylation.
The hypertrophic response of myofibers is induced by AZA-
DNA hypomethylation. To validate the effect of DNA hypom-
ethylation on myoblast differentiation and to investigate whether
that effect could improve the recruitment of myoblasts into myo-
tubes, or myotube hypertrophy, C2C12 cells were cultured in GM
Fig. 2. Identification of the polymorphic genotypes. Digestion of amplification PCR-RFLP products were cleaved and electrophoresed. A: MTHFR (C677T)
genotypes. The originated fragments of 198 and 175 bp are both present in the heterozygote genotypes (CT), only 198-bp fragment was present in wild type (CC),
while 175-bp fragment is the only present in the mutant homozygous genotype (TT). B: MTHFR (A1298C) genotypes. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of
the PCR-RFLP product showing the bands of 84 and 56 bp obtained with wild-type (AA), heterozygous (AC), and homozygous (CC) A1298C mutation. C: the
MTR 2,756 wild-type homozygotes (AA) produce a 189-bp fragment, the heterozygotes (AG) produce both 189- and 159-bp fragments, and the variant
homozygotes (GG) produce 159-bp fragments. D: after electrophoresis genotypes of the MTRR (A66G) polymorphism were visualized as a 66-bp band for the
wild type (AA), a 66- and 44-bp band for the heterozygous (AG), and a 44-bp band for the mutant homozygous genotype. E: BHMT (G742A) genotypes. Cleaved
and electrophoresed PCR-RFLP products originated fragments of 163, 90, and 71 bp. All 3 bands were present in the heterozygote genotypes (GA), only 169-
and 71-bp fragment were present in wild type (GG), while 169- and 90-bp fragments were present in the mutant homozygous genotype (AA). F: CBS (68-bp
ins) genotypes. Wild-type genotypes were identified by 184-bp band (wt). Heterozygote genotypes (et) carrying the 68-bp insertion variant were identified by
digestion products of the 252-bp fragment, in addition to the normal 184-bp fragment. The mutant homozygous genotype was not found neither in control subjects
nor in athletes.
Table 2. Allele and genotype frequencies of the polymorphisms of MTHFR, MTR, MTRR, BHMT, and CBS genes in control
and athlete groups
Allele Frequency, n(%)
Genotype Frequency, n(%)
Control Athletes
Control Athletes Observed Expected Observed Expected
MTHFR (C677T) 0.737
CC C 61 (58.7) C 93 (62.0) 14 (26.9) 16.0 25 (33.3) 23.0
CT T 43 (41.3) T 57 (38.0) 33 (63.5) 31.1 43 (57.3) 44.9
TT 5 (9.6) 4.9 7 (9.3) 7.1
MTHFR (A1298C) 0.0001
AA A 85 (80.2) A 92 (63.0) 34 (64.2) 23.1 21 (28.8) 31.9
AC C 21 (19.8) C 54 (37.0) 17 (32.1) 28.2 50 (68.5) 38.8
CC 2 (3.8) 1.7 2 (2.7) 2.3
MTR (A2756G) 0.018
AA A 91 (89.2) A 119 (79.3) 41 (80.4) 34.8 45 (60.0) 51.2
AG G 11 (10.8) G 31 (20.7) 9 (17.6) 15.4 29 (38.7) 22.6
GG 1 (2.0) 0.8 1 (1.3) 1.2
MTRR (A66G) 0,0001
AA A 88 (83.0) A 86 (57.3) 36 (67.9) 23.6 21 (28.0) 33.4
AG G 18 (17.0) G 64 (42.7) 16 (30.2) 24.8 44 (58.7) 35.2
GG 1 (1.9) 4.6 10 (13.3) 6.4
BHMT (G742A) 0,66
GG G 71 (74.0) G 106 (70.7) 25 (52.1) 24.6 38 (50.7) 38.4
GA A 25 (26.0) A 44 (29.3) 21 (43.8) 19.9 30 (40.0) 31.1
AA 2 (4.2) 3.5 7 (9.3) 5.5
CBS (68-bp ins) 0.734
wt Wt 105 (97.2) Wt 144 (96.0) 51 (94.4) 50.2 69 (92.0) 69.8
hetero Ins 3 (2.8) Ins 6 (4.0) 3 (5.6) 3.8 6 (8.0) 5.2
homo 0 (0.0) 0.0 0 (0.0) 0.0
Exact test (generalization of Fisher’s exact test for 2x2 contingency tables).
Fisher’s exact test for 2x2 contingency tables.
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or DM in the presence or absence of AZA for 72 or 96 h,
Images of MHC-positive myotubes detected by immunoflu-
orescence (Fig. 4, Aand a) showed that the morphology of
cells that were hypomethylated by AZA in growth (GMA) or
differentiation medium (DMA) for 3 and 4 days was severely
altered relative to their respective control GM and DM.
The process by which cells with star-shaped morphology
typical of the early stages of differentiation were substituted
with elongated spindle-shaped cells, which aligned close to
each other in the later stages, was slower in GM and DM (96
h) than in GMA and DMA (72 h). In C2C12 cells cultured in
DM or GM in the absence of AZA, maximal myoblast fusion
and myotube dimension required longer times than in AZA-
stimulated cells. After 72 h of treatment, the length and
diameter percentage increase (Fig. 4, Band C) of the myotubes
cultured in GMA was 34.9 and 57.2% with respect to GM,
whereas that of myotubes in DMA was 25.0 and 23.7% with
respect to DM. At 96 h of differentiation, the length percentage
increase of the myotubes (Fig. 4b) treated with AZA is even
greater than their respective controls (GMA 18.7% with
respect to GM and DMA 17.7% with respect to DM). The
diameter percentage increase of the cells differentiated without
AZA (DM) seems to stop when they reach the same GM
myotube size (DM 3.7% with respect to GM), while the
diameter percentage increase of the AZA-stimulated cells is
still growing (GMA 75.8%, DMA 79.6% with respect to
GM and DM) as shown in Fig. 4c.
Our in vivo studies in a cohort of elite athletes demonstrate
the presence of DNA polymorphisms of enzymes involved in
the homocysteine cycle leading to reduced DNA methylation.
Therefore, we set up for in vitro experiments where DNA
hypomethylation was induced in murine myoblasts demon-
strating an higher rate of activation and differentiation in
muscle fibers, leading to muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia.
Taken together, in vivo and in vitro data indicate that elite
athletes have a genetic predisposition to DNA hypomethylation
Table 3. Ratio of odds of expressing the polymorphic
genotypes in control group to the odds of expressing the
same polymorphysms in athlete group
(control/athletes) 95% CI P
CT 0.73 0.3–1.6 0.44
TT 0.78 0.2–2.9 0.74
MTHFR (A1298C)
AC 4.76 2.2–10.3 0.001
CC 1.62 0.2–12.4 0.64
MTR (A2756G)
AG 2.94 1.2–6.9 0.02
GG 0.91 0.1–15.0 1.00
AG 4.71 2.1–10.3 0.001
GG 17.14 2.0–143.5 0.002
BHMT (G742A)
GA 0.94 0.4–2.0 0.87
AA 2.30 0.4–12.0 0.47
CBS (68-bp ins)
hetero 1.48 0.4–6.2 0.73
OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.
Fisher’s exact test (2 sided)
computed for 2x2 contingency table.
Fig. 3. A: when the growth factors are used up, the committed myoblasts exit cell cycle, cease dividing and begin to elongate (early differentiation). In a second
stage mononucleated myocytes begin to fuse, forming fused multinucleated myocytes (intermediate differentiation) that become wider and longer, becoming
organized into multinucleate myotubes (late differentiation). B: the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors function as dominant activators of skeletal
muscle differentiation during early differentiation (MyoD, Myf-5), intermediate differentiation (Myf-6) and stimulate MHC gene expression in myotubes during
the late phase of muscle differentiation. The histograms depict the concentration of Myf-5, MyoD, Myf-6, and MHC proteins in untreated and AZA-treated
myoblasts at 4, 24, 48, and 96 h, respectively . The data of 3 independent experiments are expressed as fold changes. Protein quantification was adjusted for the
corresponding -tubulin level, and the data are expressed as means SD. The Pvalue was obtained by comparing GMA, DM, and DMA vs. GM (1).
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Fig. 4. Effects of AZA on myoblast differentiation. MHC in myotubes of control (GM, DM) and treated with AZA (GMA, DMA) was detected by
immunofluorescence 72 h (A) and 96 h (a) after differentiation. The diameters of MHC-positive myotubes differentiated for 72 h (B) and 96 h (b) were measured
and the average, expressed in cm, were graphically represented. The length of MHC-positive myotubes differentiated for 72 h (C) and 96 h (c) were measured
and the average, expressed in cm, were graphically represented. The data of 3 independent experiments are expressed as means SD.
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and synthesis that we demonstrated to be some of the factors
leading to myogenic differentiation stimulation and muscle
mass increase (Fig. 5).
The primary mechanisms involved in muscle mass increase
are the proliferative activation (22, 23) and myogenic differ-
entiation of mononuclear satellite cells that fuse with the
enlarging myofiber, as well as an increased protein synthesis
(10, 14, 30), although some evidence is present that hyperpla-
sia of existing muscle fibers also plays a role in muscle
enlargement along with hypertrophy alone (1).
Several factors besides DNA hypomethylation induce mus-
cle hypertrophy. Skeletal muscle-specific growth factors and
hormones modulate satellite cell activity during muscle growth
and development; however, a single bout of voluntary high-
intensity exercise was shown to increase the number of satellite
cells, and repeated bouts of exercise are sufficient for the
satellite cell to undergo terminal differentiation (5), indicating
in physical exercise a major stimulus in muscle hypertrophy.
Therefore, in elite athletes, two major stimuli inducing muscle
hypertrophy are present, one hereditary (DNA hypomethyla-
tion due to polymorphic variants of enzymes of the DNA
methylation cycle) and one environmental (high intensity and
frequency of physical exercise training).
Studies in human bladder smooth muscle cells (16) have
confirmed that a cyclic stretch-relaxation signal is able to
increase the rate of protein synthesis and accelerate entry into
the S phase, when DNA synthesis or replication occurs, induc-
ing both hypertrophic and hyperplastic responses.
An adaptive response to exercise training is the increment of
active muscle mass achieved by an increase in the volume of
individual myofibers (11). To sustain hypertrophic enlarge-
ment, myofibers need the insertion of new nuclei. Muscle
satellite cell proliferation, differentiation, and fusion with the
existing myofibers are known to be responsible for postnatal
Fig. 5. Proposed skeletal muscle mechanism
derived from the study data. Our results
suggest that in athletes the increased speed
of entry into S phase, and then DNA synthe-
sis, stimulated by physical exercise, should
be facilitated by the reduced enzymatic ac-
tivity due to the polymorphic MTHFR gene,
which increases 5–10-methylenetetrahydro-
folate availability. A larger amount of sub-
strate becomes thus available for the in-
creased speed of entry into S phase and then
DNA synthesis, stimulated by physical ex-
ercise facilitating hypertrophic responses.
Likewise, as a consequence of the less effi-
cient MS and MSR enzymes due to genetic
variants as MTR (AG) and MTRR (AG)
heterozygous genotypes, cellular 5-methyl-
tetrahydrofolate is depleted, inducing DNA
hypomethylation and a consequent increase
of muscle-specific genes (Myf-5, MyoD,
Myf-6 and MHC) expression, crucial in the
myogenic differentiation. The data we ob-
tained support our hypothesis of a functional
role for the studied genetic variants to deter-
mine a role in athletic performance and iden-
tify polymorphisms of these genes as medi-
ators of the myogenic and hypertrophic ef-
fects exerted by physical exercise on skeletal
Physiol Genomics VOL 43
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muscle hypertrophy, by supplying more DNA to the individual
fiber (4). One of the main physiological functions of meth-
ylation cycle can be classified as DNA synthesis by the
activity of MTHFR enzyme responsible for transferring the
methyl group from 5-10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to ura-
cil, converting it to thymine used for DNA synthesis and
repair (26). The reduced MTHFR enzyme activity (7), due
to the C677T gene polymorphism, engenders an accumula-
tion of 5-10-methylenetetrahydrofolate, increasing the avai-
lability of methyl groups.
Our data suggest that in athletes the increased speed of entry
into S phase, and then DNA synthesis, stimulated by physical
exercise, should be facilitated by the presence of MTHFR
polymorphisms, which increase the 5-10-methylenetetrahydro-
folate availability.
Moreover, DNA stability is affected also through another
pathway (see Fig. 1) regulated by MS and MSR enzyme
activity. 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate also serves as methyl donor
in the methylation of specific cytosines in DNA, an epigenetic
mechanism to exert transcriptional control and regulate gene
While in vitro models are routinely used to try to elucidate
signaling pathways, the genetic factors influencing muscle
response to exercise training are more difficult to dissect out,
although correlation studies of polymorphic variation associ-
ated with muscle size and strength were performed (33, 24),
and several papers have been published on this topic.
The role of DNA methylation as a locking mechanism for an
important event, such as tissue-specific gene expression during
development, is well established (8, 27, 20). In particular,
several studies of single muscle genes (2, 12, 18, 37) have
demonstrated a role of hypomethylation in the induction of
muscle differentiation (21, 29, 31). Of the several tissue-
specific transcription factors, a family of transcriptional regu-
lators (MyoD, Myf-5, and Myf-6) is known to be closely
involved in the commitment to myogenic fate and in the
induction of muscle-specific genes expression (MHC).
It might be expected that, in athletes, as a consequence of
reduced MTHFR, MS, and MSR enzyme activity due to
genetic variants [namely MTHFR (AC), MTR (AG), and
MTRR (AG) heterozygous genotypes], cellular 5-methyltetra-
hydrofolate is depleted, inducing DNA hypomethylation and a
consequent increase of muscle-specific genes expression. To
verify this hypothesis, we utilized a murine cell line model to
study the effects of DNA hypomethylation by AZA (5 M), a
DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, on the regulation of muscle-
specific genes expression, myoblast differentiation, and hyper-
trophy, using the mouse myoblast C2C12 cell line model
system. This immortalized cell line derived from satellite cells
has routinely been used as a model for skeletal muscle devel-
opment and skeletal muscle differentiation. In these cells, DNA
hypomethylation increased the expression of the myogenic
regulatory factors Myf-5 and MyoD, required for myogenic
determination, and Myf-6, which has a role in terminal differ-
entiation inducing an increment in MHC muscle-specific gene
expression, confirming that the mononucleated cells finally
become muscle cells. The greater capability of hypomethylated
cells, not only to differentiate earlier in mature muscle cell, but
also to support an hypertrophy process that leads treated cells
to reach length and diameter size considerably higher than
unhypomethylated cells is confirmed by the immunofluores-
cence images.
Elite athletes have normally an high insulin sensitivity.
Although several substrates and cofactors involved in the
methylation cycle are shown to modulate insulin action, the
level of homocysteine, involved in this metabolic pathway, is
important for the interpretation of the present findings. Li et al.
(13) showed that high homocysteine concentration impairs
insulin sensitivity via a proinflammatory action and a resistin-
mediated effect. In our athletes bearing the polymorphic vari-
ants, the methylation of homocysteine to methionine is reduced
so that it is very likely that the all cycle flux is down regulated.
In contrast, CBS function was found to be normal in our
athletes, explaining the normal homocysteine levels. More
directly related to insulin sensitivity are probably polymor-
phisms of the respiratory chain enzymes, not under study in
this experimental setting.
In conclusion, the significant increase of MTHFR A1298C,
MTR A2756G, and MTRR A66G polymorphic variant fre-
quency, in athletes with respect to controls, leads us to spec-
ulate that these polymorphisms represent a genetic factor that
determines athletic performance in association with other en-
vironmental factors. Significant progress has been made in
recent years to understand the mechanisms that induce both
skeletal muscle differentiation and hypertrophy, but our data
provide the first evidence of a potential functional role for the
genetic variants studied herein to determine a role in athletic
performance. Therefore, the search for polymorphisms of these
genes as mediators of the myogenic and hypertrophic effects
exerted by exercise on skeletal muscles may become a routine
genetic test in sport medicine.
No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the author(s).
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... In contrast, the pancreas exports to plasma both methionine and Hcy, and this matches matching the contribution from liver (Fiona et al., 2009). In recent years the importance of methionine cycle in skeletal muscle, in particular on inducing differential DNA methylation, has been reappraised both in physiology (Terruzzi et al., 2011) and disease (Van Dyck et al., 2022). Methionine synthase is expressed, although at intermediate level, in skeletal muscle, which, however, represents a large part (about 40%) of body weight. ...
... At variance with liver, pancreas and kidney, the transsulfuration pathway is virtually absent in muscle; in addition, the remethylation pathway is limited by lack of BHMT expression. Terruzzi et al., 2011;Verbruggen et al., 2009) prompted us to review the results of studies on muscle amino acid kinetics performed from our laboratory (Garibotto et al., 2006(Garibotto et al., , 2015. While the results on protein metabolism have been previously published (Garibotto et al., 2006(Garibotto et al., , 2015, data on Hcy exchange are still unpublished. ...
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Sites and mechanisms regulating the supply of homocysteine (Hcy) to the circulation are unexplored in humans. We studied the exchange of Hcy across the forearm in CKD patients (n = 17, eGFR 20 ± 2 ml/min), in hemodialysis (HD)-treated patients (n = 14) and controls (n = 9). Arterial Hcy was ~ 2.5 folds increased in CKD and HD patients (p < 0.05-0.03 vs. controls). Both in controls and in patients Hcy levels in the deep forearm vein were consistently greater (+~7%, p < 0.05-0.01) than the corresponding arterial levels, indicating the occurrence of Hcy release from muscle. The release of Hcy from the forearm was similar among groups. In all groups arterial Hcy varied with its release from muscle (p < 0.03-0.02), suggesting that muscle plays an important role on plasma Hcy levels. Forearm Hcy release was inversely related to folate plasma level in all study groups but neither to vitamin B12 and IL-6 levels nor to muscle protein net balance. These data indicate that the release of Hcy from peripheral tissue metabolism plays a major role in influencing its Hcy plasma levels in humans and patients with CKD, and that folate is a major determinant of Hcy release.
... Polymorphisms that lead to reduced activity of the DNA methylation cycle and hypomethylation of DNA are overrepresented in elite athletes suggestive of a role in muscle biology. 26 The targeted studies we have performed previously have identified altered miRNA expression in the muscle and plasma of COPD patients. 17,11 This led us to hypothesize that the miRNA pattern would differ between patients with a low fat-free mass index (FFMI) and those with a normal FFMI and that these differences would provide mechanistic insight into the susceptibility of some individuals with COPD to lose significant muscle mass. ...
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Background Loss of muscle mass and strength is a significant comorbidity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that limits their quality of life and has prognostic implications but does not affect everyone equally. To identify mechanisms that may contribute to the susceptibility to a low muscle mass, we investigated microRNA (miRNA) expression, methylation status, and regeneration in quadriceps muscle from COPD patients and the effect of miRNAs on myoblast proliferation in vitro. The relationships of miRNA expression with muscle mass and strength was also determined in a group of healthy older men. Methods We identified miRNAs associated with a low fat-free mass (FFM) phenotype in a small group of patients with COPD using a PCR screen of 750 miRNAs. The expression of two differentially expressed miRNAs (miR-675 and miR-519a) was determined in an expanded group of COPD patients and their associations with FFM and strength identified. The association of these miRNAs with FFM and strength was also explored in a group of healthy community-dwelling older men. As the expression of the miRNAs associated with FFM could be regulated by methylation, the relative methylation of the H19 ICR was determined. Furthermore, the proportion of myofibres with centralized nuclei, as a marker of muscle regeneration, in the muscle of COPD patients was identified by immunofluorescence. Results Imprinted miRNAs (miR-675 and from a cluster, C19MC which includes miR-519a) were differentially expressed in the quadriceps of patients with a low fat-free mass index (FFMI) compared to those with a normal FFMI. In larger cohorts, miR-675 and its host gene (H19) were higher in patients with a low FFMI and strength. The association of miR-519a expression with FFMI was present in male patients with severe COPD. Similar associations of miR expression with lean mass and strength were not observed in healthy community dwelling older men participating in the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study. Relative methylation of the H19 ICR was reduced in COPD patients with muscle weakness but was not associated with FFM. In vitro, miR-675 inhibited myoblast proliferation and patients with a low FFMI had fewer centralized nuclei suggesting miR-675 represses regeneration. Conclusions The data suggest that increased expression of miR-675/H19 and altered methylation of the H19 imprinting control region are associated with a low FFMI in patients with COPD but not in healthy community dwelling older men suggesting that epigenetic control of this loci may contribute to a susceptibility to a low FFMI.<br/
Physical activity and athletic performance are complex phenotypes influenced by environmental and genetic factors. Recent advances in lifestyle and behavioral genomics led to the discovery of dozens of DNA polymorphisms (variants) associated with physical activity and allowed to use them as genetic instruments in Mendelian randomization studies for identifying the causal links between physical activity and health outcomes. On the other hand, exercise and sports genomics studies are focused on the search for genetic variants associated with athlete status, sports injuries and individual responses to training and supplement use. In this review, the findings of studies investigating genetic markers and their associations with physical activity and athlete status are reported. As of the end of September 2023, a total of 149 variants have been associated with various physical activity traits (of which 42 variants are genome-wide significant) and 253 variants have been linked to athlete status (115 endurance-related, 96 power-related, and 42 strength-related).
Zusammenfassung Zahlreiche Studien belegen: Wer Sport treibt, reduziert sein Risiko für Diabetes, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und bestimmte Arten von Krebs. Neben den unmittelbaren Effekten auf Muskeln und Gefäße haben Bewegung und Sport auch einen direkten Einfluss auf epigenetische Prozesse, die zu einer veränderten Genregulation führen. Das bedeutet auch, dass epigenetische Signaturen als molekularer Nachweis von Sport und Bewegung genutzt werden können. Dazu dienen heutzutage nicht-invasive Methoden auf Basis von Speichel oder Fingerkuppenblut, um bewegungstherapeutische Effekte zu analysieren und individuell zu steuern. Das hat zur Folge, dass molekular-basierte und personalisierte Therapiekonzepte einfacher realisierbar werden.
Researchers have long worked to identify and describe the morphologic, anthropometric, physiologic, and functional characteristics of athletes who have reached high levels in various sports. But year after year, athletic records are broken and the limits of human performance are continuously redefined.KeywordsBody balancePerformanceGenetic variabilityGenetic polymorphismsResponses variety
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Phenotypes of athletic performance and exercise capacity are complex traits influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. This update on the panel of genetic markers (DNA polymorphisms) associated with athlete status summarises recent advances in sports genomics research, including findings from candidate gene and genome-wide association (GWAS) studies, meta-analyses, and findings involving larger-scale initiatives such as the UK Biobank. As of the end of May 2023, a total of 251 DNA polymorphisms have been associated with athlete status, of which 128 genetic markers were positively associated with athlete status in at least two studies (41 endurance-related, 45 power-related, and 42 strength-related). The most promising genetic markers include the AMPD1 rs17602729 C, CDKN1A rs236448 A, HFE rs1799945 G, MYBPC3 rs1052373 G, NFIA-AS2 rs1572312 C, PPARA rs4253778 G, and PPARGC1A rs8192678 G alleles for endurance; ACTN3 rs1815739 C, AMPD1 rs17602729 C, CDKN1A rs236448 C, CPNE5 rs3213537 G, GALNTL6 rs558129 T, IGF2 rs680 G, IGSF3 rs699785 A, NOS3 rs2070744 T, and TRHR rs7832552 T alleles for power; and ACTN3 rs1815739 C, AR ≥21 CAG repeats, LRPPRC rs10186876 A, MMS22L rs9320823 T, PHACTR1 rs6905419 C, and PPARG rs1801282 G alleles for strength. It should be appreciated, however, that elite performance still cannot be predicted well using only genetic testing.
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Human skeletal muscle demonstrates remarkable plasticity, adapting to numerous external stimuli including the habitual level of contractile loading. Accordingly, muscle function and exercise capacity encompass a broad spectrum, from inactive individuals with low levels of endurance and strength, to elite athletes who produce prodigious performances underpinned by pleiotropic training-induced muscular adaptations. Our current understanding of the signal integration, interpretation and output coordination of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that govern muscle plasticity across this continuum is incomplete. As such, training methods and their application to elite athletes largely rely on a "trial and error" approach with the experience and practices of successful coaches and athletes often providing the bases for "post hoc" scientific enquiry and research. This review provides a synopsis of the morphological and functional changes along with the molecular mechanisms underlying exercise adaptation to endurance- and resistance-based training. These traits are placed in the context of innate genetic and inter-individual differences in exercise capacity and performance, with special considerations given to the ageing athletes. Collectively, we provide a comprehensive overview of skeletal muscle plasticity in response to different modes of exercise, and how such adaptations translate from "molecules to medals".
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In the present review, the main features involved in the susceptibility and progression of neurodegenerative disorders (NDDs) have been discussed, with the purpose of highlighting their potential application for promoting the management and treatment of patients with NDDs. In particular, the impact of genetic and epigenetic factors, nutrients, and lifestyle will be presented, with particular emphasis on Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Metabolism, dietary habits, physical exercise and microbiota are part of a complex network that is crucial for brain function and preservation. This complex equilibrium can be disrupted by genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors causing perturbations in central nervous system homeostasis, contributing thereby to neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. Diet and physical activity can directly act on epigenetic modifications, which, in turn, alter the expression of specific genes involved in NDDs onset and progression. On this subject, the introduction of nutrigenomics shed light on the main molecular players involved in the modulation of health and disease status. In particular, the review presents data concerning the impact of ADH1B, CYP1A2, and MTHFR on the susceptibility and progression of NDDs (especially AD and PD) and how they may be exploited for developing precision medicine strategies for the disease treatment and management.
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Evidence suggests a potential relationship between gestational weight gain (GWG) and adverse birth outcomes. However, the role of maternal genetic polymorphisms remains unclear. This study was conducted to investigate whether the relationship of GWG with risk of adverse birth outcomes was modified by methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphisms. A total of 2,967 Chinese pregnant women were included and divided into insufficient, sufficient, and excessive groups based on the Institute of Medicine (IOM) criteria. Polymorphisms of C677T and A1298C in gene MTHFR were genotyped. Multivariable logistic regression models were introduced after controlling major confounders. Excessive GWG was found to increase the odds ratio (OR) for macrosomia [OR = 3.47, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.86–6.48] and large-for-gestational age (LGA, OR = 3.25, 95% CI: 2.23–4.74), and decreased the OR for small-for-gestational age (SGA, OR = 0.60, 95% CI: 0.45–0.79). Pregnant women with insufficient GWG had a higher frequency of SGA (OR = 1.68, 95% CI: 1.32–2.13) and a lower rate of LGA (OR = 0.51, 95% CI: 0.27–0.96). Interestingly, significant associations of GWG categories in relation to low birth weight (LBW), macrosomia, and SGA were only suggested among pregnant women with MTHFR A1298C AA genotype. Among pregnant women with insufficient GWG group, an increased risk of 3.96 (95% CI: 1.57–10.01) for LBW was observed among subjects with the A1298C AA genotype, compared to the AC+CC genotype group. GWG categories are closely related to LBW, macrosomia, SGA and LGA, and the associations were modified by the polymorphism of MTHFR A1298C.
Sports genomics is the scientific discipline that focuses on the organization and function of the genome in elite athletes, and aims to develop molecular methods for talent identification, personalized exercise training, nutritional need and prevention of exercise-related diseases. It postulates that both genetic and environmental factors play a key role in athletic performance and related phenotypes. This update on the panel of genetic markers (DNA polymorphisms) associated with athlete status and soft-tissue injuries covers advances in research reported in recent years, including one whole genome sequencing (WGS) and four genome-wide association (GWAS) studies, as well as findings from collaborative projects and meta-analyses. At end of 2020, the total number of DNA polymorphisms associated with athlete status was 220, of which 97 markers have been found significant in at least two studies (35 endurance-related, 24 power-related, and 38 strength-related). Furthermore, 29 genetic markers have been linked to soft-tissue injuries in at least two studies. The most promising genetic markers include HFE rs1799945, MYBPC3 rs1052373, NFIA-AS2 rs1572312, PPARA rs4253778, and PPARGC1A rs8192678 for endurance; ACTN3 rs1815739, AMPD1 rs17602729, CPNE5 rs3213537, CKM rs8111989, and NOS3 rs2070744 for power; LRPPRC rs10186876, MMS22L rs9320823, PHACTR1 rs6905419, and PPARG rs1801282 for strength; and COL1A1 rs1800012, COL5A1 rs12722, COL12A1 rs970547, MMP1 rs1799750, MMP3 rs679620, and TIMP2 rs4789932 for soft-tissue injuries. It should be appreciated, however, that hundreds and even thousands of DNA polymorphisms are needed for the prediction of athletic performance and injury risk.
A radioenzymatic assay for measurement of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) is described, based on the incubation of L-[3H]tyrosine (10(6) cpm, spec. acty. 1.88 Ci/mol) in the presence of the apoenzyme tyrosine decarboxylase (EC from Streptococcus faecalis and PLP in phosphate buffer (0.1 mol/L, pH 5.5) at 37 degrees C for 60 min. The decarboxylated metabolite formed, [3H]tyramine, was selectively extracted into ethyl acetate, and the tritium radioactivity in the sample was determined by liquid scintillation counting. As little as 0.5 nmol of PLP can be detected per liter. The assay is specific, no cross reactivity having been noted for several compounds closely related to PLP. With this we could directly measure the concentrations of PLP in plasma without prior deproteinization and ether washing of the samples. Using the assay to determine plasma concentrations of PLP in healthy adult populations, we found results that were comparable with previously reported data.
A large body of evidence demonstrates that DNA methylation plays a role in gene regulation in animal cells. Not only is there a correlation between gene transcription and undermethylation, but also transfection experiments clearly show that the presence of methyl moieties inhibits gene expression in vivo. Furthermore, gene activation can be induced by treatment of cells with 5-azacytidine, a potent demethylating agent. Methylation appears to influence gene expression by affecting the interactions with DNA of both chromatin proteins and specific transcription factors. Although methylation patterns are very stable in somatic cells, the early embryo is characterized by large alterations in DNA modification. New methodologies are now becoming available for studying methylation at this stage and in the germ line. During development, tissue-specific genes undergo demethylation in their tissue of expression. In tissue culture cells this process is highly specific and appears to involve an active mechanism which takes place in the absence of DNA replication. The X chromosome undergoes inactivation during development; this is accompanied by de novo methylation, which appears necessary to stably maintain its silent state. As opposed to the programmed changes in DNA methylation which occur in vivo, immortalized tissue culture cells demonstrate alterations in DNA modification which take place over a long time scale and which appear to be the result of selective pressures present during the growth of these cells in culture.
Postnatal skeletal muscle growth is a result of hypertrophy of existing skeletal muscle fibers in food producing animals. Accumulation of additional nuclei, as a source of DNA, to the multinucleated skeletal muscle fiber aids in fiber hypertrophy during periods of rapid skeletal muscle growth. Muscle satellite cells are recognized as the source of nuclei to support muscle hypertrophy. Exogenous growth-enhancing compounds have been used to modulate growth rate and efficiency in meat animals for over a half century. In cattle, these compounds enhance efficiency of growth by preferentially stimulating skeletal muscle growth compared with adipose tissue. There are 2 main classes of compounds approved for use in cattle in the United States, anabolic steroids and beta-adrenergic agonists (beta-AA). Administration of both trenbolone acetate and estradiol-17beta, as implants, increased carcass protein accumulation 8 to 10% in yearling steers. Muscle satellite cells isolated from steers implanted with trenbolone acetate/ estradiol-17beta had a shorter lag phase in culture compared with satellite cells isolated from control steers. Collectively, these data indicate that activation, increased proliferation, and subsequent fusion of satellite cells in muscles of implanted cattle may be an important mechanism by which anabolic steroids enhance muscle hypertrophy. Oral administration of beta-AA to ruminants does not alter DNA accumulation in skeletal muscle over a typical feeding period (28 to 42 d). Enhanced muscle hypertrophy observed due to beta-AA feeding occurs by direct, receptor-mediated changes in protein synthesis and degradation rates of skeletal muscle tissue. Proper timing of anabolic steroid administration when coupled with beta-AA feeding could result in a synergistic response in skeletal muscle growth due to the effects of anabolic steroids at increasing satellite cell activity, which then can support the rapid hypertrophic changes of the muscle fiber when exposed to beta-AA. At the same time each of these classes of compounds are stimulating lean tissue deposition, they appear to repress adipogenesis in meat animals. Increased knowledge of the mechanism by which growth promoters regulate lean tissue deposition and adipogenesis in meat animals will allow for effective application of these techniques to optimize lean tissue growth and minimize the negative effects on meat quality.
Transient transfection into L8 myoblasts has been used to study the rat alpha-actin gene promoter. Demodification of specific sites occurs in two stages, with a hemimethylated intermediate formed within a few hours after entry of the alpha-actin gene construct into the cell. The removal of the methyl moiety from the complementary strand takes place after a delay of at least 48 hr, and both events are actively carried out in the absence of DNA replication. By assaying gene activity during the course of the transfection, it was possible to demonstrate that demethylation of both strands at the critical CpG loci is essential to activate transcription. Genetic analysis revealed the existence of cis-acting elements required for demethylation. The recognition of these sites early in the differentiation process probably leads to the demodification events required to make the gene accessible to its transcription factors.
We have modified a high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) procedure based on SBD-F (ammonium-7-fluorobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole-4-sulphonate) pre-column derivatization to obtain an assay that is useful for routine clinical total plasma homocysteine (tHcy) analysis. The introduction of easily handled sodium borohydride instead of the traditional tri-n-butylphosphine in dimethylformamide as a reductant and a 14-min run-time using basic isocratic HPLC equipment are the more notable advantages. The addition of mercaptopropionylglycine as an internal standard contributed to improvements in the reproducibility of the assay, yielding within- and between-run precisions of 1.9 and 4% (C.V.), respectively. Reference values for fasting tHcy were 7.65±2.3 and 8.9±2.4 μmol/l, while post-methionine load gave tHcy levels of 19.9±5.5 and 26.8±5.5 μmol/l, for women and men, respectively (n=40).
Impairment of folate and cobalamin (vitamin B12) metabolism has been observed in families with neural tube defects (NTDs). Genetic variants of enzymes in the homocysteine remethylation pathway might act as predisposing factors contributing to NTD risk. The first polymorphism linked to increased NTD risk was the 677C→T mutation in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). We now report a polymorphism in methionine synthase reductase (MTRR), the enzyme that activates cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase. This polymorphorism, 66A→G (I22M), has an allele frequency of 0.51 and increases NTD risk when cobalamin status is low or when the MTHFR mutant genotype is present. Genotypes and cobalamin status were assessed in 56 patients with spina bifida, 58 mothers of patients, 97 control children, and 89 mothers of controls. Cases and case mothers were almost twice as likely to possess the homozygous mutant genotype when compared to controls, but this difference was not statistically significant. However, when combined with low levels of cobalamin, the risk for mothers increased nearly five times (odds ratio (OR) = 4.8, 95% CI 1.5–15.8); the OR for children with this combination was 2.5 (95% CI 0.63–9.7). In the presence of combined MTHFR and MTRR homozygous mutant genotypes, children and mothers had a fourfold and threefold increase in risk, respectively (OR = 4.1, 95% CI 1.0–16.4; and OR = 2.9, 95% CI 0.58–14.8). This study provides the first genetic link between vitamin B12 deficiency and NTDs and supports the multifactorial origins of these common birth defects. Investigation of this polymorphism in other disorders associated with altered homocysteine metabolism, such as vascular disease, is clearly warranted.
A common mutation in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), C677T, results in a thermolabile variant with reduced activity. Homozygous mutant individuals (approximately 10% of North Americans) are predisposed to mild hyperhomocysteinemia, when their folate status is low. This genetic–nutrient interactive effect is believed to increase the risk for neural tube defects and vascular disease. In this communication, we characterize a second common variant in MTHFR (A1298C), an E to A substitution. Homozygosity was observed in approximately 10% of Canadian individuals. This polymorphism was associated with decreased enzyme activity; homozygotes had approximately 60% of control activity in lymphocytes. Heterozygotes for both the C677T and the A1298C mutation, approximately 15% of individuals, had 50–60% of control activity, a value that was lower than that seen in single heterozygotes for the C677T variant. No individuals were homozygous for both mutations. Additional studies of the A1298C mutation, in the absence and presence of the C677T mutation, are warranted, to adequately address the role of this new genetic variant in complex traits. A silent genetic variant, T1317C, was identified in the same exon. It was relatively infrequent (allele frequency 5%) in our study group, but was quite common in a small sample of African individuals (allele frequency 39%).
Recently, we showed that homozygosity for the common 677(C-->T) mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene, causing thermolability of the enzyme, is a risk factor for neural-tube defects (NTDs). We now report on another mutation in the same gene, the 1298(A-->C) mutation, which changes a glutamate into an alanine residue. This mutation destroys an MboII recognition site and has an allele frequency of .33. This 1298(A-->C) mutation results in decreased MTHFR activity (one-way analysis of variance [ANOVA] P < .0001), which is more pronounced in the homozygous than heterozygous state. Neither the homozygous nor the heterozygous state is associated with higher plasma homocysteine (Hcy) or a lower plasma folate concentration-phenomena that are evident with homozygosity for the 677(C-->T) mutation. However, there appears to be an interaction between these two common mutations. When compared with heterozygosity for either the 677(C-->T) or 1298(A-->C) mutations, the combined heterozygosity for the 1298(A-->C) and 677(C-->T) mutations was associated with reduced MTHFR specific activity (ANOVA P < .0001), higher Hcy, and decreased plasma folate levels (ANOVA P <.03). Thus, combined heterozygosity for both MTHFR mutations results in similar features as observed in homozygotes for the 677(C-->T) mutation. This combined heterozygosity was observed in 28% (n =86) of the NTD patients compared with 20% (n =403) among controls, resulting in an odds ratio of 2.04 (95% confidence interval: .9-4.7). These data suggest that the combined heterozygosity for the two MTHFR common mutations accounts for a proportion of folate-related NTDs, which is not explained by homozygosity for the 677(C-->T) mutation, and can be an additional genetic risk factor for NTDs.
The rapid growth (1-6 days) of the functionally overloaded soleus muscle, in response to tenotomy of the synergist gastrocnemius, was found to correlate with increases in both the protein synthetic and degradative rates, the change in the former being greater than that of the latter. These conclusions were drawn from two different methods used to measure (in vivo and in vitro) the average rates of protein synthesis and protein breakdown in these soleus muscles. Although the basal rates of synthesis were higher when measured in vivo, and the degradative rates higher in isolated muscle preparations incubated in vitro, both methods gave good agreement concerning the changes in protein turnover induced by tenotomy of the gastrocnemius. The possible involvement of passive stretch in inducing this additional growth is discussed. As an antagonist to the soleus, growth of the extensor digitorum longus muscle was decreased under the same conditions, presumably because of less usage. At 3 days after the cutting of the sciatic nerve, the previously normal or overloaded soleus muscles underwent rapid atrophy. Although in both cases RNA and protein were lost, while protein synthesis decreased and protein breakdown increased, denervation induced larger changes within these parameters of the formerly overloaded muscle. The slowing of growth in the tenotomized gastrocnemius, and its subsequent rapid atrophy after additional denervation, were explained by large increases in protein breakdown, with little or no change in the synthetic rate.