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Should I Go With My Gut? Investigating the Benefits of Emotion-Focused
Decision Making
Joseph A. Mikels
DePaul University Sam J. Maglio
New York University
Andrew E. Reed
Stanford University Lee J. Kaplowitz
State University of New York at Buffalo
Deliberative decision strategies have historically been considered the surest path to sound decisions;
however, recent evidence and theory suggest that affective strategies may be equally as effective. In four
experiments we examined conditions under which affective versus deliberative decision strategies might
result in higher decision quality. While consciously focusing on feelings versus details, participants made
choices that varied in complexity, in extent of subsequent conscious deliberation allowed, and in domain.
Results indicate that focusing on feelings versus details led to superior objective and subjective decision
quality for complex decisions. However, when using a feeling-focused approach, subsequent deliberation
after encoding resulted in reduced choice quality. These results suggest that affective decision strategies
may be more effective relative to deliberative strategies for certain complex decisions.
Keywords: gut feeling, intuition, emotion, decision making
Modern life is inundated with complex decisions, from purchas-
ing a car and deciding where to go on vacation to making decisions
about physicians and medical treatments. When making such de-
cisions, people sometimes hold the various factors in memory and
deliberate over them in order to make the best possible choice.
However, at other times people focus on their feelings regarding
the options and ultimately “go with their gut.” The deliberative
approach has traditionally been considered the best path in deci-
sion making (see, e.g., Janis & Mann, 1977), but introspection
about a choice has been shown to lead to less optimal decisions
(see, e.g., Wilson et al., 1993; Wilson & Schooler, 1991). More-
over, recent evidence suggests that using affect as a heuristic in
decision making may be an equally important path (for a review
see Slovic, Finucane, Peters, & MacGregor, 2002)—and may even
be critical to some decisions (Damasio, 1994). Here we report four
studies examining the conditions under which affective decision
strategies could potentially be beneficial, with data supporting the
notion that focusing on feelings versus details during information
acquisition can improve the quality of certain decisions.
Descriptive decision research and theory has focused heavily on
the cognitive, deliberative aspects of decision making. However,
the efficacy of cognitive processes should not be evaluated in
isolation—one should also consider the influence of affective
processes, as suggested by dual process theories of decision mak-
ing. Dual process theories draw the distinction between two gen-
eral processing streams that lead individuals to make their choices:
intuitive and deliberative (e.g., Epstein, 1994; Kahneman, 2003;
Loewenstein, Weber, Hsee, & Welch, 2001; Reyna, 2004; Stanov-
ich & West, 2000). The intuitive system (system 1) is considered
to be experiential and is generally characterized as quick, auto-
matic, gist-based, and affective. In contrast, the deliberative sys-
tem (system 2) is considered to be generally slow, controlled,
verbatim-based, and analytic in nature. Although the distinctions
between systems 1 and 2 themselves are a useful heuristic, it is
becoming increasingly clear that such an overarching dichotomy is
oversimplified and cannot coherently accommodate all proposed
distinctions (for a review see Evans, 2008). For instance, whereas
some dual process models include affect centrally within the
intuitive system (see, e.g., Epstein, 1994), others do not include
affect and consider the intuitive system to be entirely cognitive and
implicit in nature (see Evans, 2008 for a review). Hence, greater
precision is necessary.
The present line of research takes into account a dual process
model that includes affect as a central component: cognitive-
experiential self-theory (CEST; Epstein, 1994). When individuals
are faced with decisions, there are multiple sources of information
to consciously consider including “hot” and “cold” cognitions. The
former stream of information is emotional in nature, whereas the
latter involves “rational” and deliberative processes (see, e.g.,
Janis & Mann, 1977). According to CEST, behavior and decisions
are guided by both affect-laden experiential and rational-analytic
parallel systems (see Epstein, 1994; Epstein, Pacini, Denes-Raj, &
Heier, 1996). Critical to the current studies, the experiential system
This article was published Online First May 30, 2011.
Joseph A. Mikels, Department of Psychology, DePaul University; Sam
J. Maglio, Department of Psychology, New York University; Andrew E.
Reed, Department of Psychology, Stanford University; Lee J. Kaplowitz,
School of Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo.
This research was supported, in part, by the Decision, Risk and Man-
agement Sciences program at the National Science Foundation, Research
Grant SES-1023206.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Joseph A.
Mikels, Department of Psychology, DePaul University, 2219 N. Kenmore
Avenue Chicago, IL 60614. E-mail:
Emotion © 2011 American Psychological Association
2011, Vol. 11, No. 4, 743–753 1528-3542/11/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0023986
is intuitive in nature and intimately associated with affect. Impor-
tantly, previous research has shown that differential reliance on
affect versus deliberation can lead to different judgments (Hsee &
Rottenstreich, 2004). Moreover, research suggests that there are no
overarching principles that govern the benefits of affective versus
deliberative processes (e.g., Shiv, Loewenstein, Bechara, Damasio,
& Damasio, 2005). As such, the current approach attempts to
disentangle some of the boundary conditions, while also offering a
different dual-process approach in distinguishing the contributions
of conscious deliberative versus affective processes in decision
Although both modes of processing play an important role in the
decision making process, reliance on the “intuitive” system—via
various heuristics—has historically been shown to lead to flawed
decisions (for reviews see Gilovich, Griffin, & Kahneman, 2002).
However, more recently the potential benefits of the intuitive
system have been highlighted (Kahneman, 2003; Reyna, 2004;
Slovic et al., 2002), in addition to evidence for the negative effects
of deliberation on decision quality (e.g., Wilson & Schooler,
1991). In related research, individuals who have a high level of
skill or expertise within a given domain appear to rely to a
greater extent on intuitive judgments, implying that intuition is
an advanced means of decision making (see, e.g., Reyna, 2004;
Reyna & Lloyd, 2006). Thus, although research in decision
making has revealed many pitfalls of intuitive judgments (e.g.,
Gilovich et al., 2002), it remains unclear the extent to which
intuitive relative to deliberative processes may be beneficial to
decisions. More precise process-level distinctions may provide
greater clarity—specifically in the operational distinction of
“intuitive” processing as the conscious processing of the emo-
tional aspects of decision attributes.
The Affect Heuristic
Certain lines of theorizing about the intuitive system have
emphasized the role of affective processing in decision making
(for a review see Loewenstein et al., 2001; Slovic et al., 2002). For
instance, Slovic and colleagues have introduced a theoretical
framework that explicates how decision alternatives are “tagged”
with differing degrees of positive and negative affect: the affect
heuristic (see Finucane, Alhakami, Slovic, & Johnson, 2000; Pe-
ters, Hess, Vastfjall, & Auman, 2007; Slovic et al., 2002; Slovic,
Peters, Finucane, & MacGregor, 2005). The affect heuristic can be
used to explain various findings in judgment and decision making
such as the evaluability of options (e.g., Hsee, 1996), proportion
dominance (e.g., Hsee, 1998), risk and benefit judgments (Al-
hakami & Slovic, 1994; Finucane et al., 2000), the ratio bias
(Denes-Raj & Epstein, 1994), and so forth. In addition, a large
body of evidence suggests that emotional reactions play a major
role in risky decision making—that is, choice under conditions of
risk or uncertainty—as explicated by the affect heuristic as well as
in the risk-as-feelings hypothesis (Loewenstein et al., 2001). The
lion’s share of evidence indicates that these affective influences
may lead to poor decisions (see above); however, as implicated by
the affect heuristic, “using an overall, readily available affective
impression can be far easier—more efficient—than weighing the
pros and cons or retrieving from memory many relevant examples,
especially when the required judgment or decision is complex or
mental resources are limited” (Slovic et al., 2002, p. 400). Thus,
affective decision processes may be beneficial for complex deci-
sions when time to consciously process the attributes is limited. In
contrast, with adequate time to consciously process the details, a
deliberative approach may be beneficial. Nonetheless, although
affect is theorized to be an efficient route to good decisions, the
precise benefits remain speculative.
A dramatic example of the crucial role of affect in risky decision
making comes from the work of Damasio and colleagues (see, e.g.,
Damasio, 1994), who have documented that patients with damage
to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex make severely flawed and
nonoptimal decisions. In an extensive series of observations and
studies, it has been demonstrated that the nonoptimal decisions of
these patients resulted from their inability to use anticipatory
feelings to guide behavior and decisions despite preserved intel-
lectual and deliberative abilities. While these various lines of
research and theory emphasize affective along with deliberative
processes within the decision making process, the circumstances
under which affective processing may be beneficial to decision
making require further delineation. Thus, empirical investigation
of such circumstances would not only extend previous work on the
affect heuristic, but also extend the ecological rationality approach,
which emphasizes the importance of understanding the heuristic-
environment fit (Gigerenzer, 2008; Todd & Gigerenzer, 2007).
Importantly, the introduction of the affect heuristic suggests a
concrete and specific distinction between two dual processes that
involve a focus on feelings versus details during the decision
making process. Whereas a general dual process model draws
important broad distinctions, the specific contrast of using feelings
versus details for decisions allows for a precise distinction that can
be operationally defined. That is, reliance on processes that encode
affective impressions versus the details into working memory
would allow for a precise test of the efficacy of these dual pro-
cesses. Such an approach has previously been useful in revealing
age differences in decision making; although older adults fared as
well as younger adults using a feeling-focused strategy, reliance on
a detail-focus strategy impaired the performance of older adults
relative to their younger counterparts (Mikels et al., 2010). More-
over, in support of the notion that emotion-based information can
be stored in parallel with detail-based information, recent work
suggests that there may be separable working memory subsystems
for emotional versus nonemotional information (Mikels, Reuter-
Lorenz, Beyer, & Fredrickson, 2008). As such, the central goal of
the current project was to examine the differential decision out-
comes of feeling versus detail focused encoding into working
memory as informed by the attitude formation literature.
Affective Versus Cognitive Focus in
Attitude Formation
Although we know of very limited research directly examining
the impact of focus on decision outcomes, the distinction between
affective and cognitive processes in attitude formation has a long
and prominent history. This line of research and theory importantly
underscores that there are distinct and separable affective and
cognitive components of attitudes (Breckler, 1984; Breckler &
Wiggins, 1989; Trafimow & Sheeran, 1998), and that attitudes can
be experimentally created that are either based more or less on
affective versus cognitive factors (Crites, Fabrigar, & Petty, 1994).
For example, one prominent set of manipulations involve directing
the focus of attention to either affective versus cognitive aspects of
the attitude object, resulting in attitudes that are drawn more
strongly from affective versus cognitive factors, respectively (e.g.,
Millar & Tesser, 1986; van den Berg, Manstead, van der Pligt, &
Wigboldus, 2006).
For instance, van den Berg et al. (2006) found that participants
who were induced to focus on affect constructed attitudes that
were congruent with affective versus cognitive information about
an object, whereas those induced to focus on cognition and rea-
soning formed the opposite attitudes. In other words, manipulating
the focus of attention to affective or cognitive factors of an attitude
object can result in the formation of different attitudes despite
being exposed to the same information. Additionally, focusing on
feelings versus thoughts regarding an attitude object has been
shown to differentially correspond to hedonic versus instrumental
behavior (Millar & Tesser, 1986). Such findings suggest that
emphasizing the affective versus cognitive component of an atti-
tude not only influences the attitude itself but also subsequent
behavior. Extending this line of research into the decision domain,
it then follows that focusing on affective versus cognitive aspects
during attitude formation could subsequently influence the ulti-
mate quality of a decision. However, to our knowledge, such
conjectures have heretofore gone uninvestigated.
Unconscious Processes and Decision Making
Despite the lack of direct research into the benefits of affec-
tive focus on decision outcomes, related work on unconscious
processing in decision making provides a useful point of
comparison. In a manner consistent with—but different from—
dual process theories, Dijksterhuis and Nordgren’s (2006)
unconscious-thought theory (UTT) distinguishes between two
modes of thought: conscious and unconscious. The theory
holds, for instance, that conscious thought has limited capacity
and is top-down, whereas unconscious has high capacity and is
bottom-up. With respect to the dual process models described
above, UTT differs in several important ways (see Dijksterhuis
& Nordgren, 2006). For instance, UTT predicts that relatively
effortless unconscious thought can lead to more desirable out-
comes in contrast to effortful conscious thought. This postulate
runs contrary to other dual process models, which predict
superior outcomes via effortful processes. Additionally, UTT
does not perfectly match the deliberative and intuitive systems
that many dual process models invoke, as UTT contends that
both conscious and unconscious processes are able to work on
the same inputs. Thus, although UTT resembles other dual
process models, there are important theoretical distinctions.
Although UTT has been considered relevant to various psycho-
logical processes, the application of the theory to decision making
has been notably disputed. The theory holds that conscious thought
is superior for simple decisions but that unconscious thought is
superior for complex decisions, as demonstrated in multiple stud-
ies (e.g., Dijksterhuis, 2004; Dijksterhuis, Bos, Nordgren, & van
Baaren, 2006). In these studies, participants are presented with
either simple decisions (typically involving four pieces of infor-
mation for four options) or complex decisions (typically involving
12 pieces of information for four options). For the simple deci-
sions, participants who are given subsequent time to deliberate
after information acquisition make higher quality decisions rela-
tive to participants who are distracted for an equal amount of time
following information acquisition. In stark contrast, for complex
decisions, participants make inferior choices when given subse-
quent time to think about the decision, relative to participants who
are distracted. Importantly, this latter condition also results in
superior decisions in comparison to conditions in which partici-
pants make a decision immediately, suggesting that participants
engage in productive “unconscious” deliberation about the deci-
sion during distraction.
Nevertheless, despite the allure of the above findings, UTT
remains controversial. For instance, more recent work has not
replicated these results—possibly due to various moderating fac-
tors such as presentation format (see, e.g., Acker, 2008). More-
over, findings in cognitive and social psychology have called the
tenets of UTT into question (see, e.g., Gonza´lez-Vallejo, Lassiter,
Bellezza, & Lindberg, 2008). For instance, recent work by Las-
siter, Lindberg, Gonzalez-Vallejo, Bellezza, and Phillips (2009)
suggests that the benefits of unconscious deliberation are due to
online working memory-based judgments versus long-term
memory-based judgments. The specific nature of these online
processes, though, remains opaque but may be related to config-
ural versus featural processing. Specifically, unconscious pro-
cesses during distraction led to superior decisions with initially
encoded configural holistic impressions but not featural detail-
based impressions (Lerouge, 2009). The broad distinction between
configural versus featural impressions parallels the distinction
between feeling- versus detail-based focus suggested by the affec-
tive heuristic.
Most critical to the current investigation, UTT distinguishes
between conscious and unconscious thought, but with both
involving “object-relevant or task-relevant cognitive or affec-
tive thought processes” (p. 96) that occur after information
acquisition (Dijksterhuis & Nordgren, 2006). UTT also draws
linkages between unconscious thought, affect, and intuition
insofar as intuition is considered “a gut feeling based on un-
conscious past experience” (p. 105), which raises the possibility
that the superiority of unconscious thought for complex deci-
sions may be partially due to reliance on affective processing.
Although intuitive decision processes need not be conceptual-
ized as intrinsically affective in nature, some theoretical per-
spectives place affect centrally within the purview of the expe-
riential/intuitive system (e.g., Epstein, 1994; Slovic, Finucane,
Peters, & MacGregor, 2004).
These speculations raise intriguing connections with the affect
heuristic but with a few critical theoretical distinctions. In partic-
ular, the affect heuristic distinguishes between the conscious af-
fective and cognitive processes at work during decision making
with minimal consideration of unconscious processes (Slovic et
al., 2002). Additionally, the affect heuristic considers the role of
emotion during the entire decision process—from encoding to
final choice—whereas UTT largely focuses on processes at work
after encoding. Thus, conscious focus on feelings versus the details
at encoding would allow for a direct test how affective versus
cognitive processes may benefit decisions outcomes as predicted
by the affect heuristic literature. It remains unclear—yet intrigu-
ing—how subsequent conscious versus unconscious thought may
interface with initial affective versus cognitive information acqui-
sition. Thus, although the conscious versus unconscious distinction
resembles the deliberative versus affective distinction, they are
indeed orthogonal.
Present Investigation
In order to examine whether affective versus deliberative pro-
cessing may be more effective for complex decisions, we manip-
ulated the encoding strategies individuals used during various
decision tasks. As both affective and deliberative processes con-
tribute to decisions naturally, our intent was to examine whether
strategic reliance on affective versus deliberative processing could
result in superior decisions as suggested by theorizing about the
affect heuristic (e.g., Slovic et al., 2002). We operationalized
affective and deliberative processing as the differential encoding
of decision options into working memory via attentional focus on
feelings versus details during information acquisition. As de-
scribed above, this operational definition is derived from the affect
heuristic and attitude formation literatures, which in turn provides
a specific contrast with which the benefits of affect to decision
making can be better specified. That is, manipulations of initial
attentional focus influence attitudes and subsequent behavior (e.g.,
Millar & Tesser, 1986; van den Berg et al., 2006), and in a decision
context could impact decision quality.
Our emphasis on encoding as a direct way to test the affect
heuristic raises critical methodological and theoretical consider-
ations. In the work of Dijksterhuis and colleagues (e.g., 2004;
2006) based on UTT, the experimenters manipulated the availabil-
ity of conscious versus unconscious thought following information
acquisition. In the present work, we manipulated how participants
consciously encoded the information pertaining to the decisions
into working memory. The decision process involves multiple
stages, from information acquisition and encoding to subsequent
deliberation and then the ultimate choice, during which affective
and cognitive processes are ostensibly at work. As a critical test of
the affect heuristic, we sought to disentangle the effects of con-
scious affective versus cognitive processes on choice quality at the
initial stage of information acquisition. Although our approach
complements that of Dijksterhuis and colleagues, it addresses the
orthogonal constructs of affective versus cognitive processing.
In the first two studies, we manipulated focus on feelings versus
details as information was encoded into working memory in a
decision task and then examined subsequent decision quality for
simple versus complex decisions (Experiment 1) and with consid-
eration of objective and subjective decision quality (Experiment
2). In Experiment 3, we sought to examine how subsequent con-
scious versus unconscious thought may influence the quality of
decisions that are initially encoded affectively versus cognitively.
Finally, in Experiment 4, we sought to extend our approach using
a different methodology and additional domains.
Experiment 1
In the first study, we sought to directly test the efficacy of the
affect heuristic for relatively simple versus complex decisions as
operationally defined above. As such, we manipulated attentional
focus as information was encoded into working memory by de-
vising two conditions—one in which participants focused on their
feelings about the options, and a second in which participants
focused on the details of the options. We also manipulated the
complexity of the decision to examine whether a focus on feelings
would lead to higher decision quality. Based on theorizing about
the affect heuristic, we predicted that focusing on feelings versus
details would benefit complex but not simple decisions.
Seventy-six undergraduates (Mage ⫽19.24 years; 54 females,
22 males) were randomly assigned to conditions in a 2 (feeling vs.
detail focus) ⫻2 (simple vs. complex decisions) between-
participants design. They received course credit for participation.
Stimuli were presented to participants on a 17” LCD screen
using a Dell Optiplex GX270 desktop with E-Prime experimen-
tal software. Participant responses were recorded via a standard
Design and Procedure
The procedure and stimuli were adapted from Study 1 of Dijk-
sterhuis et al. (2006). The strategy manipulations were based on
those used by Mikels et al. (2010). Participants were presented
with information about four hypothetical cars. Information was
presented one attribute at a time (serially) and in random order for
4 seconds per attribute. Each attribute was positive (e.g., “gets
good gas mileage”) or negative (e.g., “gets poor gas mileage”).
The options were designed such that one car (the “best” option)
had 75% positive attributes, two cars had 50% positive attributes,
and one car had 25% positive attributes.
To manipulate strategy, we devised two between-participants
conditions: feeling-focus and detail-focus. Before reading the in-
formation about the options, participants were instructed to attend
to, and base their decision on, either their feelings about the
options or the details about the options (depending on condition).
Additionally, strategy manipulations were reinforced after each
attribute was presented: participants responded to queries regard-
ing either their feelings or their memory for the corresponding car.
Participants in the feeling-focus condition reported how they felt
about the corresponding option on a 7-point Likert-type scale
(from 1– very negative to 7– very positive). Participants in the
detail-focus condition reported how well they were remembering
the option on a 7-point Likert-type scale (from 1– not at all to 7–
very well). Importantly, the instructions and query manipulation
focused on the actual options—rather than on the specific attri-
butes—so as to target working memory processes rather than
long-term memory processes.
To manipulate complexity, we constructed two between-
participants conditions: simple and complex decisions. Half of our
participants (randomly assigned) viewed information about four
hypothetical cars, each defined by four attributes (simple condi-
tion). The other half of the participants viewed information about
four hypothetical cars as well, but defined by 12 attributes each
(complex condition). The attributes for each car were alignable—
that is, each car was described by the same attributes but either
positively or negatively. After viewing all of the information,
participants were asked to choose a car.
After several unrelated additional questionnaires, participants
completed a free-recall task in which they wrote down as many of
the details they could remember for each car. Finally, to control for
the subjective importance of attributes, we then had participants
rate the importance of each attribute (e.g., “whether a car gets good
gas mileage”). Participants rated each attribute on a 7-point Likert-
type scale (from 1–not important at all to 7–very important). These
importance ratings were collected to weigh the options for each
participant individually, with which an alternate scoring system
was used to score choice quality.
Results and Discussion
To examine decision quality in each condition, we compared the
number of participants who chose the “best” option (the car with
75% positive attributes) using chi-square tests. As depicted in
Figure 1, for simple decisions the number of participants in the
feeling-focus condition that chose the best option (31.6%) did not
differ from those in the detail-focus condition (47.4%),
(1, N⫽
38) ⫽1.81, ns. However, for complex decisions significantly more
participants in the feeling-focus condition (68.4%) chose the best
option relative to those in the detail-focus condition (26.3%),
N⫽38) ⫽5.16, p⬍.05. Importantly, when we recoded the
“superiority” of the options with respect to each participant’s
importance ratings for each attribute, the results remained entirely
unchanged, thus confirming our a priori designations. Although
such measures provide converging support for the designations, it
remains possible that the choice participants made influenced the
importance ratings as suggested by evidence that choices can
influence evaluations (for a review see, e.g., Brownstein, 2003).
In order to examine whether the conditions resulted in differ-
ential long-term memory encoding, we conducted an ANOVA on
the percentage of attributes recalled with focus (details, feelings)
and complexity (simple, complex) as between-participants factors.
The only significant effect was the main effect of complexity, F(1,
72) ⫽33.08, p⬍.001,
⫽.32. Thus, although participants in the
simple conditions recalled a higher percentage of attributes relative
to the complex condition (for means see Table 1), the manipulation
of focus did not influence long-term memory recall suggesting that
the focus manipulations successfully altered encoding into work-
ing memory rather than long-term memory encoding.
In this study we set out to examine whether a focus on feelings
versus details would result in higher choice quality for complex
decisions, and found precisely that. Importantly, an alternative
possibility as suggested by the work of Lassiter et al. (2009) is that
the detail-focus condition relied on memorization and encoding
into long-term memory. However, given the lack of a difference in
recall between the focus conditions, it is unlikely that our manip-
ulation recruited long-term memory differentially. Thus, encoding
feelings into working memory resulted in superior objective choice
quality relative to encoding the details into working memory. But
does such an encoding focus extend to subjective aspects of choice
quality? In Experiment 2, we sought to further address these
differences by extending the effects to subjective decision quality.
Experiment 2
Experiment 1 provided evidence that focusing on feelings ver-
sus details can result in higher objective choice quality (i.e.,
accuracy) for complex decisions, but it remains unclear whether
the benefits of such a focus extend to subjective choice quality
(i.e., satisfaction and confidence). Moreover, the choices were
constructed such that there was a dominating alternative, which
was predetermined as the “best” choice. To complement this
design and better assess the subjective dimensions of choice
quality, we employed a design without an a priori dominating
In Experiment 2, we further explore the benefits of focusing on
feelings by examining subjective choice quality for a choice set
without a dominating alternative. Additionally, using importance
ratings from each participant, we determined the “best” choice for
each participant and provide an alternative measure of objective
choice quality. Finally, we measured participants’ postchoice re-
call of attributes to examine if the feeling versus detail focus
condition resulted in superior long-term memory for the attributes.
We contend that the benefits to objective choice quality of focus-
ing on feelings versus details during decision making would ex-
tend to subjective choice quality and are unique to affective
encoding rather than deeper processing—thus resulting in com-
mensurate levels of recall.
Forty undergraduates (Mage ⫽19.78 years; 34 females, 6
males) were randomly assigned to either a feeling-focus or a
detail-focus condition. They received course credit for partici-
Same as Experiment 1.
Figure 1. Percentage of participants in Experiment 1 who chose the best
option (the car with 75% positive attributes) in each condition. Error bars
represent the standard error.
Design and Procedure
The stimuli and procedure were very similar to Experiment 1:
participants were either assigned to a feeling-focus or a detail-
focus condition, but in this experiment only made complex deci-
sions (four hypothetical cars, each defined by 12 attributes). In
contrast to Experiment 1, the options in this study were designed
such that there was no dominating alternative; each of the four cars
was defined by 50% positive attributes and 50% negative attri-
butes. Moreover, using the importance rating data for the attributes
from Experiment 1, we constructed the options such that each car
was relatively matched overall in the distribution of normative
importance for its positive versus negative attributes.
In this experiment, we included several additional measures that
were not included in Experiment 1. First, after participants chose
a car, they then rated their satisfaction with their choice on a
7-point Likert-type scale, with 1 indicating that they were not at all
satisfied and 7 indicating that they were extremely satisfied. They
also rated how confident they were that they made the best
possible choice on a 7-point Likert-type scale with 1 indicating
that they were highly unconfident and with 7 indicating that
they were highly confident. In addition, following these ratings
of subjective choice quality, participants completed a surprise
recall test for the attributes in which they were instructed to
write down everything they remembered about each car on a
sheet of paper listing the four car names. Finally, we also
collected subjective importance ratings for each attribute in the
same manner as described in Experiment 1.
Results and Discussion
In order to assess subjective choice quality, independent sample
ttests were conducted on the satisfaction and confidence measures.
Supporting the notion that focusing on feelings versus details
would result in increased subjective choice quality, participants in
the feeling-focus condition were more satisfied with and confident
about their choice than those in the detail-focus condition, t(38) ⫽
2.54, p⬍.05 & t(38) ⫽2.28, p⬍.05, respectively (see Figure 2).
Although the choice options were constructed such that each
consisted of the same percentage of positive and negative attribute
roughly equated on normative importance, using the importance
ratings from each participant in this experiment, we were able to
determine the “best” option for many of the participant. Specifi-
cally, we calculated a weighted score for each car by summing the
importance rating of each positive and negative attribute, which
resulted in the detection of a moderately superior option for 36
participants. We then compared the number of participants who
chose the best option as determined individually for each partici-
pant using a chi-square test. The proportion of participants in the
feeling-focus condition that chose their best option (M⫽66.7%,
SE ⫽11.4) was significantly higher than in the detail-focus con-
dition (M⫽22.2%, SE ⫽10.1),
(1, N⫽36) ⫽7.20, p⬍.01.
Thus, this finding replicates the finding from Experiment 1 that a
focus on feelings versus details yields higher objective choice
Finally, in order to examine whether the number of attributes
recalled for each option differed between the conditions, an inde-
pendent samples ttest was conducted on the percentage of recalled
attributes. Participants in the feeling-focus condition did not recall
more attributes (M⫽20.4%, SE ⫽2.1) than those in the detail-
focus condition (M⫽18.7%, SE ⫽2.2), t(38) ⫽.58, p⬎.5. The
differential focus of the two conditions, thus, did not influence the
number of attributes that were later remembered.
In sum, Experiment 2 replicated the finding from Experiment 1
of higher objective decision quality for complex decisions in the
feeling-focus versus detail-focus condition. More importantly,
though, this study extended our investigation to include subjective
decision quality, which was also significantly higher when partic-
ipants focused on their feelings versus the details. Taken together,
these results indicate that there are multiple benefits of focusing on
feelings versus details during encoding for complex decisions.
Importantly, these benefits are not due to deeper processing as
reflected in differential memory encoding; participants recalled the
same percentage of attributes irrespective of condition.
In contrast to the aim of this project examining attentional focus
during encoding into working memory, as mentioned above, the
work of Dijksterhuis and colleagues focuses on conscious versus
unconscious processes that are at work after information acquisi-
tion. Thus, in order to further extend these findings with consid-
eration of how different forms of conscious encoding interact with
subsequent conscious versus unconscious thought, in Experiment
3 we expanded our procedures to include conditions that provided
an opportunity for either subsequent conscious or unconscious
Table 1
Percentage of Recalled Attributes by Strategy and Decision
Complexity for Experiment 1
AverageFeeling-focus Detail-focus
Simple 39.5 (2.6) 36.9 (3.4) 38.2 (3.0)
Complex 22.1 (1.8) 24.5 (2.3) 23.3 (2.1)
Average 30.8 (2.2) 30.7 (2.9)
Note. Standard errors are in parentheses.
Figure 2. Mean satisfaction and confidence ratings in each condition.
Error bars represent the standard error.
Experiment 3
Although Experiments 1 and 2 provide evidence that focusing
on feelings versus details can result in higher objective and sub-
jective choice quality for complex decisions, the decisions were
made immediately after information acquisition. Would the effi-
cacy of affective versus deliberative encoding for complex deci-
sions be diminished by subsequent conscious deliberation? Al-
though UTT does not necessarily offer predictions beyond the
subsequent benefits of unconscious thought for complex decisions,
the affect heuristic offers the prediction that affective “tags” ben-
efit time-limited decisions that may be made adequately with
deliberative processes with additional time. Indirectly supporting
this possibility, Wilson and Schooler (1991) demonstrated that
introspection about affective appraisals of options can reduce
choice quality. Moreover, McMackin and Slovic (2000) found that
introspection about reasons impaired the quality of “intuitive”
judgments but enhanced “analytic” judgments. Based on these
findings, we expected that subsequent conscious deliberation
would impair choice quality for feeling-focused but not detail-
focused decisions. To test this hypothesis in Experiment 3, we
manipulated participants’ opportunity for subsequent conscious
deliberation after either focusing on feelings or details during
information acquisition.
Seventy-six undergraduates (Mage ⫽20.07 years; 56 females,
20 males) were randomly assigned to conditions in a 2 (feeling vs.
detail focus) ⫻2 (deliberation vs. distraction) between-
participants design. They received course credit for participation.
Same as Experiment 1.
Design and Procedure
The procedure was very similar to Experiment 1. Again partic-
ipants were assigned to either a feeling-focus or detail-focus con-
dition, but here only made complex decisions (four hypothetical
cars, each defined by 12 attributes). In addition to experimentally
manipulating attentional focus during encoding, we also included
a subsequent deliberation manipulation. Modeled after the proce-
dure of Djiksterhuis et al. (2006), participants were randomly
assigned to conscious deliberation or distraction conditions. In the
deliberation condition, participants were instructed to think about
the decision for three minutes after information acquisition and
prior to choosing a car. In the distraction condition, prior to
making their choice participants were distracted for three minutes
by completing a 2-back working memory task (Jonides et al.,
1997). In the 2-back task, random digits (1–9) were presented
serially for 2 seconds each. Participants were instructed to make a
response if the current digit was the same digit that appeared two
digits previously. After 3 minutes of conscious deliberation or
distraction, participants chose one of the four cars.
Results and Discussion
We examined decision quality in the same manner as in Exper-
iment 1; we compared the number of participants who chose the
best option (the car with 75% positive attributes) using chi-square
tests. As depicted in Figure 3, participants in the detail-focus
condition preformed equivalently when given 3 minutes to delib-
erate over their decision (57.9%) as when distracted for 3 minutes
(1, N⫽38) ⫽0.42, ns. In contrast, in the feeling-focus
condition, those participants who deliberated over the decision for
3 minutes chose an inferior option (26.3%) more often that those
who were distracted for 3 minutes (57.9%),
(1, N⫽38) ⫽3.89,
To verify that these effects could not be attributed to n-back
performance as a potential confound, we examined accuracy on the
n-back distractor task between the feeling-focus versus detail-
focus groups. The groups performed the n-back with equivalent
accuracy, t(74) ⫽1.15, ns.
In this third study, we sought to examine how attentional focus
during information acquisition interacted with subsequent deliber-
ation. In Experiments 1 and 2, we found that focusing on feelings
relative to the details resulted in higher choice quality for complex
decisions when the choice was made immediately after all infor-
mation was presented. In Experiment 3, we discovered that sub-
sequent conscious deliberation relative to distraction led to lower
decision quality in the feeling-focus conditions. In contrast, sub-
sequent conscious deliberation did not influence quality in the
detail-focus condition. Although Experiments 1 and 3 were sepa-
rate investigations, examination of the patterns of performance
across the two studies for the complex decisions suggests potential
differences for delayed versus immediate decisions. It appears that
choice performance in the detail-focus condition may benefit from
the inclusion of a delay. These patterns suggest that a conscious
detail-focused encoding strategy may benefit from additional pro-
cessing time. However, it is clear in Experiment 3 that subsequent
Figure 3. Percentage of participants in Experiment 3 who chose the best
option (the car with 75% positive attributes) in each condition. Error bars
represent the standard error.
deliberation after conscious feeling-focused encoding impairs per-
formance, whereas subsequent distraction does not. These patterns
could then lead to the speculation that affective processes are
perhaps somewhat more congruent with unconscious thought rel-
ative to deliberative processes.
Although these first three studies provide data demonstrating
that feeling focused encoding is effective for complex decisions,
there are a number of caveats that should be mentioned. First, the
serial presentation of attributes is somewhat unnatural, as decisions
are typically made while viewing and considering multiple attri-
butes at a time. Second, our strategy reinforcement procedure (i.e.,
the intervening queries after each piece of information) was also
somewhat unnatural. Finally, participants made only one decision
in one domain (i.e., cars). In Experiment 4, we sought to address
these methodological concerns while also extending the proce-
dures to different domains.
Experiment 4
Given the aforementioned caveats to the above experiments, in
Experiment 4, we again manipulated whether individuals were
instructed to use an affective versus deliberative strategy, but with
a less imposing manipulation and across four different domains
(apartments, vacations, physicians, and medical treatments). In an
attempt to provide greater generalizability for the previous results,
we chose a broader and less imposing manipulation grounded in
previous theory and research on intuitive/feeling-focused versus
deliberative/reason-focused approaches to judgments (see, e.g.,
Epstein, 1994; Epstein, Donovan, & Denes-Raj, 1999; Epstein et
al., 1996). So as to encourage a more naturalistic strategy use,
participants were instructed to rely on their gut feelings to guide
their decisions versus using their considered, rational analysis to
guide their decisions. These manipulations are broader than the
feeling versus detailed focus manipulations of the previous studies
and offer a less constrained and more robust interpretation and test
of the affect heuristic; that is, the previous manipulations could be
considered a specific operationally constrained approach for each
of these general strategies as derived from theorizing on the affect
heuristic. Also in this study, information was presented in a less
resource-demanding grid format, and participants made multiple
decisions. Finally, we included a control condition, in which
participants were not given any particular strategy, in order to
provide a basis of comparison for our strategy manipulations.
Thus, the design of Experiment 4 represents an attempt to extend
the previous findings, while also addressing various methodolog-
ical constraints pertaining to the first three studies.
Forty-six undergraduate students (28 female, 18 male) aged
18–21 (M⫽19.76, SD ⫽1.00) participated in exchange for
course extra credit. The present study incorporated a 3 (strategy:
feeling-focus vs. reason-focus vs. control) ⫻4 (domain: apart-
ments vs. vacations vs. physicians vs. treatments) within-
participant factorial design.
Same as Experiment 1.
Decision Grids
For each decision, participants read information in a grid listing
four options (e.g., Physician A, Physician B, Physician C, Physi-
cian D) in columns and 12 attributes in rows. Choice attributes
were derived from pilot studies in which participants rated a
variety of attributes, from which we selected the 12 attributes rated
as most important. The options were constructed in a similar
manner to Experiments 1 and 3 such that one option had 75%
positive attributes (the “best” option), two options had 50% pos-
itive attributes, and the final option had 25% positive attributes.
In order to increase the difficulty of the decision task, values for
the choice attributes were initially concealed from participants and
were displayed one option (that is, one column with 12 pieces of
information) at a time, in random order, for 5 seconds per option.
After the last column was presented, participants indicated their
Participants completed a series of decisions using three strate-
gies (feeling-focus, reason-focus, and no-strategy/control) in four
domains (apartments, vacations, physicians, and treatments). All
participants made four decisions (one for each of the four domains)
using each of the three strategies, for a total of 12 decisions. As
described above, strategy manipulations were adapted from previ-
ous research on intuitive/feeling-focused versus deliberative/
reason-focused approaches to judgments (see, e.g., Epstein, 1994;
Epstein et al., 1999; Epstein et al., 1996). Specifically, participants
were instructed to “rely on your gut feelings to guide your deci-
sions” (feeling-focus), “use your considered, rational analysis to
guide your decisions” (reason-focus), or were given no imposed
strategy (control) prior to examining the decision grids. After
reading information about the options for each decision, partici-
pants selected their preferred option and reported the extent to
which they relied on their feelings or the details about the options
to guide their decisions using a 7-point Likert-type scale (1– not at
all to 7–extremely). Decisions were blocked by strategy such that
participants made four decisions using a given strategy before
making decisions with another strategy. To control for possible
ordering effects, we randomized the order of decision blocks, as
well as the order of decision domains within each block. Addi-
tionally, decision strategy blocks were separated by unrelated filler
questionnaires so as to facilitate shifting strategies.
Results and Discussion
Manipulation Check
To verify that participants followed the strategy instructions in
making their decisions, repeated-measures analyses of variance
(ANOVA) were performed on the self-report measures of the
extent to which they relied on their feelings or the details. As
expected, participants reported greater reliance on feelings when
using the feeling-focus strategy (M⫽4.41, SD ⫽1.24) than either
the reason-focus (M⫽3.48, SD ⫽1.43) or control strategies (M⫽
3.79, SD ⫽1.43), F(2, 90) ⫽14.40, p⬍.001. Also as expected,
participants relied more on details when using the reason-focus
strategy (M⫽4.98, SD ⫽1.11) than the feeling-focus (M⫽4.44,
SD ⫽1.11) or control strategies (M⫽4.55, SD ⫽1.32), F(2,
90) ⫽5.48, p⬍.01.
Decision Quality
Choice quality was determined as the percentage of decisions
for which participants chose the best option (with 75% positive
attributes). A repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA)
using the within-participant variables focus type (feeling-focus,
reason-focus, control/no focus) and domain type (apartment, va-
cation, physician, treatment) revealed a significant main effect of
focus type on decision quality, F(2, 43) ⫽3.30, p⬍.05. Pairwise
comparisons indicated that feeling-focus decisions resulted in
higher choice quality (M⫽82.6) than either reason-focus (M⫽
75.5) or control decisions (M⫽70.7), ts(45) ⫽2.11 & 2.33, ps⬍
.05, respectively. The quality of reason-focus decisions did not
differ from control decisions, t(45) ⫽1.16, p⬎.2.
The main effect of decision strategy on choice quality was
qualified by a strategy by domain interaction, F(6, 39) ⫽3.11, p⬍
.05 (see Table 2). For decisions involving vacations, feeling-focus
decisions were of higher quality than either reason-focus or control
decisions, ts(45) ⬎3.0, ps⬍.005. For decisions involving apart-
ments, feeling-focus decisions were of higher quality than control
decisions, t(45) ⫽3.08, p⬍.005, but not reason-focus decisions,
t(45) ⫽1.27, ns. No differences emerged in choice quality be-
tween decision strategies for physicians and treatments. Given that
strategy was varied within participants in this study, analyses
including strategy order as a factor resulted in no significant
effects for order nor influenced the other results reported above.
Experiment 4 provides a more nuanced indication as to when
feeling-focus strategies may be particularly beneficial. Specifi-
cally, an affective strategy was superior to a reason-based strategy
for vacation but not the other domains. For apartments, an affec-
tive approach was superior to the control condition but was not
significantly beneficial relative to the reason-focus condition, pro-
viding qualified support. Importantly, though, the procedures in
Experiment 4 were significantly different from the previous ex-
periments, which may have rendered the decisions in Experiment
4 less complex and difficult. For instance, for the “complex”
decisions in this experiment, choice quality was overall at approx-
imately 76% in contrast to choice quality in the prior three exper-
iments, in which choice quality was overall at approximately 46%.
As such, the results of Experiment 4 may be less effective than the
previous three studies in differentiating the benefits of affective-
versus reason-based strategies.
General Discussion
In the present investigation, we sought to examine the benefits
of affect-focused decision making. Experiments 1 and 2 docu-
mented that focusing on feelings versus details during encoding
resulted in higher objective and subjective decision quality for
complex decisions.
In Experiment 3, focusing on feelings again resulted in superior
choice quality, but only when subsequent conscious deliberation
was precluded. Finally, the fourth experiment, which employed a
significantly different methodology, provided qualified support for
the relative benefits of using an affective strategy. Thus, these
studies document that strategies drawing on affect are indeed
beneficial, but with important constraints.
These findings extend the existing literature on intuitive deci-
sion making in a number of ways. First and foremost, these data
provide a direct test of the efficacy of the affect heuristic across
different decisions. Consistent with the theorizing of Slovic et al.
(2002), basing decisions on affective impressions can be superior
for certain complex decisions, contrary to traditional thinking that
emotions interfere with decision making (for a review see Vohs,
Baumeister, & Loewenstein, 2007). Second, although previous
studies have examined the benefits of subsequent unconscious
processes for complex decisions (see, e.g., Dijksterhuis & Nor-
dgren, 2006), we know of no studies that have directly examined
feeling-focus approaches to complex decision making. Theorizing
on the affect heuristic has articulated the potential benefits of
reliance on emotion, but few studies have directly tested this
notion (e.g., Finucane et al., 2000). As such, the current report adds
direct support for the benefits of feeling-focus decision strategies
for complex decisions.
Both affective and deliberative processes play an important role
in decision making, but the interaction of the two has been under-
studied. Although the work by Damasio (1994) underscores the
importance of emotion to decision making and has shown that
affective and deliberative processes are dissociable (Bechara,
Damasio, Tranel, & Anderson, 1998), little work has examined
how the two modes of processing interact. Here we report data
suggesting that deliberative processes may interfere with affective
processes. Specifically, in Experiment 3, we found that partici-
pants who engaged in subsequent deliberation regarding the deci-
sion made lower quality choices relative to those who were dis-
tracted from subsequent conscious deliberation. This finding
suggests that when using feeling-based encoding, it is best not to
overthink the decision, consistent with previous work (McMackin
& Slovic, 2000; Wilson & Schooler, 1991). While our findings
complement those of Dijksterhuis and colleagues, they also sug-
gest that affective encoding is superior to deliberative encoding for
complex decisions—in a similar manner but distinct from—
subsequent unconscious versus conscious thought.
The distinction between encoding and later deliberation de-
serves further consideration. Constrained versus unconstrained
encoding is one critical distinction between the current set of
studies and previous work on unconscious thought. Dijksterhuis
and Nordgren (2006) acknowledge the importance of conscious
encoding as critical to the upstream effects of subsequent con-
scious or unconscious deliberation, but they do not differentiate the
affective versus deliberative nature of this encoding. Under con-
ditions in which encoding into working memory is not constrained
Table 2
Decision Quality by Strategy and Domain for Experiment 4
ControlFeeling-focus Reason-focus
Apartments 91.3 (4.2) 82.6 (5.7) 65.2 (7.1)
Vacations 89.1 (4.6) 60.9 (7.3) 60.9 (7.3)
Physicians 78.3 (6.1) 82.6 (5.7) 78.3 (6.1)
Treatments 71.7 (6.7) 76.1 (6.4) 78.3 (6.1)
Average 82.6 (2.6) 75.5 (2.7) 70.7 (4.1)
Note. Standard errors are in parentheses.
(as in their research paradigms), it is very likely that information
is encoded by both affective and cognitive processes. Thus, the
work of Dijksterhuis and colleagues addresses “intuition” from the
perspective of subsequent processing and whether this processing
is conscious or unconscious. However, examining the way in
which attentional focus on emotion versus details influences the
weight of affective tags represents an exciting direction for future
Similarly, Lassiter et al. (2009) draw the distinction between
online and memory-based processing without consideration of
affect. Importantly though, the current study focuses on cognitive
versus affective encoding into working memory in an online
manner, whereas Lassiter et al. focused on online encoding into
working memory versus encoding into long-term memory. Inter-
estingly, in Experiment 3, we found that 3 minutes of deliberation
after feeling-based encoding impaired decision-quality, while 3
minutes of deliberation were beneficial for detail-focused encod-
ing. This line of reasoning suggests that the online condition in the
work of Lassiter et al. (2009) might involve affective encoding, but
such speculation requires future research. Here we report data
related to specific conscious encoding strategies. Thus, while our
findings cannot be directly compared to those of Dijksterhuis and
Lassiter, they are complementary in suggesting that affective pro-
cesses may be at work in the “gut feeling” considered a corner-
stone for intuition. Future studies will be necessary, however, to
precisely delineate the intersection of affective and unconscious
Given recent attention to ecological rationality (e.g., Gigerenzer,
2008; Todd & Gigerenzer, 2007), we examined different domains,
and found that affective strategies may prevail only for certain
domains. Importantly, these considerations are qualified by signif-
icant methodological changes between the experiments. Despite
the differences in procedure, though, the benefits of an affective
strategy emerged for cars and vacations, partially for apartments,
but not for physicians and treatments. For college students, these
former domains may be more familiar or more important and
salient. Coupled with the aforementioned research showing that
experts rely to a greater extent on intuitive processes when making
decisions (Reyna, 2004; Reyna & Lloyd, 2006), Dijksterhuis, Bos,
van der Leij, & van Baaren (in press) recently demonstrated that
experts make better predictions after a period of unconscious
versus conscious thought. These lines of research suggest that
familiarity and/or greater expertise may explain the current domain
effect in that decisions about cars, vacations, and apartments are
more familiar to college students than decisions about physicians
and treatments. However, it is also possible that the observed
domain differences were due to these domains being more “affec-
tive” versus “rational” by nature (Inbar, Cone, & Gilovich, 2010).
That is, it remains equally plausible that the former domains are
more affectively driven; these domains maybe intrinsically more
amenable to affective versus deliberative strategies. Finally, as
described above, the methodological differences in Experiment 4
may have influenced the results. Disentangling these different
possibilities represents an important area for future investigation.
While the current studies report on the benefits of emotion-
based strategies, it remains possible that the detail-focus condition
resulted in inferior choice quality due to the slow and serial nature
of such processes, or due to distracting attention away from feel-
ings. This distinction regarding the detail-focus condition repre-
sents another direction for future research. Additionally, as de-
scribed above, there are certainly instances when emotion may
lead to flawed or biased decisions (Gilovich et al., 2002), which
importantly can be corrected with deliberation (see, e.g., Small,
Loewenstein, & Slovic, 2007). For instance, there appears to be an
affective component that leads to the framing effect (Cheung &
Mikels, in press), in which the presentation of alternatives as gains
or losses for equivalent expected outcomes results in biased asym-
metric decisions (i.e., risk aversion for gains and risk seeking for
losses). Thus, given the dearth of such investigations, future work
will be needed to precisely delineate when emotion benefits versus
harms decision making.
In sum, the results of the current investigation suggest that
affective strategies are indeed an effective means to making good
decisions, thus contributing to findings on the benefits of affect in
decision making. Moreover, the results are prescriptive with re-
spect to when and how such strategies should be used. While many
open questions remain, the current results support the notion that
when the going gets tough, go with your gut—but with the
qualification that one should not overthink their decision.
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Received November 12, 2009
Revision received March 31, 2011
Accepted April 7, 2011 䡲
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