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Position Statement Executive Summary: Guidelines and Recommendations for Laboratory Analysis in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus



Multiple laboratory tests are used in the diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes mellitus. The quality of the scientific evidence supporting the use of these assays varies substantially. An expert committee compiled evidence-based recommendations for the use of laboratory analysis in patients with diabetes. A new system was developed to grade the overall quality of the evidence and the strength of the recommendations. A draft of the guidelines was posted on the Internet, and the document was modified in response to comments. The guidelines were reviewed by the joint Evidence-Based Laboratory Medicine Committee of the AACC and the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and were accepted after revisions by the Professional Practice Committee and subsequent approval by the Executive Committee of the American Diabetes Association. In addition to the long-standing criteria based on measurement of venous plasma glucose, diabetes can be diagnosed by demonstrating increased hemoglobin A(1c) (HbA(1c)) concentrations in the blood. Monitoring of glycemic control is performed by the patients measuring their own plasma or blood glucose with meters and by laboratory analysis of HbA(1c). The potential roles of noninvasive glucose monitoring, genetic testing, and measurement of autoantibodies, urine albumin, insulin, proinsulin, C-peptide, and other analytes are addressed. The guidelines provide specific recommendations based on published data or derived from expert consensus. Several analytes are found to have minimal clinical value at the present time, and measurement of them is not recommended.
Position Statement Executive Summary:
Guidelines and Recommendations for
Laboratory Analysis in the Diagnosis and
Management of Diabetes Mellitus
BACKGROUNDMultiple laboratory tests are used in the diagnosis and management of
patients with diabetes mellitus. The quality of the scientic evidence supporting the use of these
assays varies substantially.
APPROACHAn expert committee compiled evidence-based recommendations for the use
of laboratory analysis in patients with diabetes. A new system was developed to grade the overall
quality of the evidence and the strength of the recommendations. A draft of the guidelines was
posted on the Intern et, and the document was modied in response to comments. The guidelines
were reviewed by the joint Evidence-Based Laboratory Medicine Committee of the AACC and the
National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and were accepted after revisions by the Professional
Practice Committee and subsequent approval by the Executive Committee of the American
Diabetes Association.
CONTENTIn addition to the long-standing criteria based on measurement of venous plasma
glucose, diabetes can be diagnosed by demonstrating increased hemoglobin A
) con-
centrations in the blood. Monitoring of glycemic control is performed by the patients measuring
their own plasma or blood glucose with meters and by labora tory analysis of HbA
. The potential
roles of noninvasive glucose monitoring, genetic testing, and measurement of autoantibodies,
urine albumin, insulin, proinsulin, C-peptide, and other analytes are addressed.
SUMMARYThe guidelines provide specic recommendations based on published data or
derived from expert consensus. Several analytes are found to have minimal clinical value at the
present time, and measurement of them is not recommended.
Diabetes Care 34:14191423, 2011
Diabetes mellitus is a group of met-
abolic disorders of carbohydrate
metabolism in which glucose is
underutilized and overproduced, leading
to hyperglycemia. Diabetes is a common
disease. The current worldwide preva-
lence is estimated to be approximately
250 310
and is expected to reach 380 3
by 2025 (1). The most recent data,
derived from the 20052006 National
Health and Nutrition Examination Sur-
vey, show a prevalence of diabetes in the
U.S. in persons $20 years of age of 12.9%
(equivalent to approximately 40 310
people) (2), 40% (approximately 16 3
) of whom are undiagnosed. The prev-
alence of diabetes has also increased in
other parts of the world. Recent estimates
suggest 110 x 10
diabetic individuals in
Asia in 2007 (3), but the true number is
likely to be substantially greater, because
China alone was thought to have 92.4 3
adults with diabetes in 2008 (4).
The worldwide costs of diabetes in 2007
were approximately $232 billion and are
likely to be $302 billion by 2025 (1). The
mean annual per capita healthcare costs
for an individual with diabetes are ap-
proximately 2.3-fold higher than those
for individuals who do not have diabetes
(5). The high costs of diabetes are attrib-
utable to care for both acute conditions
(such as hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis)
and debilitating chronic microvascular
and macrovascular complications (6). To-
gether, they make diabetes the fourth
most common cause of death in the de-
veloped world (7).
The National Academy of Clinical
Biochemistry (NACB) issued its Guide-
lines and Recommendations for Labora-
tory Analysis in the Diagnosis and
Management of Diabetes Mellitusin
2002 (8). These recommendations were
reviewed and updated by a multidisciplin-
ary guideline team using an evidence-based
approach, especially in key areas in which
new evidence has emerged since the pre-
vious edition. The guideline committee,
whose membership was mostly from the
U.S., included clinical, laboratory, and
From the
Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; the
partment of Chemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa; the
Department of Medicine, Hypertensive
Disease Unit, Section of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois;
Department of Pathology, University of Virginia Medical School, Charlottesville, Virginia; the
Screening and Test Evaluation Program, School of Public Health, University of Sydney, SEALS Department
of Clinical Chemistry, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia; the
American Diabetes Association,
Alexandria, Virginia; the
Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University/CRC, Skane University Hos-
pital Malmö, Malmö, Sweden; the
Division of Endocrinology, Northwestern University, The Feinberg
School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois; and the
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical
School, Diabetes Center, Boston, Massachusetts.
Corresponding author: David B. Sacks,
Received 11 February 2011 and accepted 25 February 2011.
DOI: 10.2337/dc11-9997
This article contains Supplementary Data online at
This article is simultaneously published in Clinical Chemistry and Diabetes Care, under joint copyright, and by
the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry.
© 2011 by the American Diabetes Association and the American Association for Clinical Chemistry. Readers
may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for prot, and the
work is not altered. See for details.
See accompanying article, p. e61. DIABETE S CARE,VOLUME 34, JUNE 2011 1419
Reviews/Commentaries/ADA Statements
evidence-based guideline methodology
experts. Members of the guideline com-
mittee have disclosed any nancial, per-
sonal, or professional relationships that
might constitute conicts of interest
with this guideline and have received no
direct funding related to the development
of the recommendations. The perspec-
tives and views of various international
and national organizations, as well as
other potential stakeholders (e.g., health-
care providers, patients, policy makers,
regulatory bodies, health insurance com-
panies, researchers, and industry) were
taken into account during the public-
consultation process. A new system was
developed to grade both the overall qual-
ity of the evidence (Table 1) and the
strength of recommendations (Table 2).
The process of updating guideline recom-
mendations followed the standard oper-
ating procedures for issuing NACB
laboratory medicine practice guidelines,
and the key steps are detailed in the
guideline and accompanying supple-
ments available in the Supplementary
Data that accompanies the online version
of this report.
This guideline focuses on the practi-
cal aspects of care in order to assist with
decisions related to the use or interpreta-
tion of laboratory tests while screening,
diagnosing, or monitoring patients with
diabetes. It covers the rationale and pre-
analytical, analytical, postanalytical, and,
where applicable, emerging consider-
ations, the last of which alert the reader
to ongoing studies and potential future
aspects relevant to each analyte. The
recommendations intend to supplement
the American Diabetes Association guide-
lines and thus do not address any issues
related to the clinical management of
patients. The full version of this guideline
and its accompanying supplements are
available in the Supplementary Data that
accompanies the online version of this
report. Key recommendations are sum-
marized below.
These recommendations primarily
target laboratory professionals, general
practitioners, physicians, nurses, and
other healthcare practitioners involved
guidelines can be used by patients
(where relevant, e.g., self-monitoring of
blood glucose [SMBG]), policy makers,
and payers for healthcare, as well as by
researchers and manufacturers. Al-
though the recommendations were de-
veloped for national and international
use and were intended to be generic,
certain recommendations may not reect
views that are universally held or may
have limited applicability in healthcare
settings with differing organizational,
cultural, and economic backgrounds.
The guideline committee therefore advises
users to adapt recommendations to local
The next review of this guideline is
planned in 5 years, unless substantial new
evidence emerges earlier for high-priority
areas in the laboratory management of
patients with diabetes mellitus.
letters denote the grade of recommenda-
tions, and categories in brackets refer to
the quality of the underlying body of
evidence supporting each recommenda-
tion. The grading system is described in
Tables 1 and 2.
1. Glucose
a. When glucose is used to establish the
diagnosis of diabetes, it should be mea-
sured in venous plasma. A(high)
b. When glucose is used for screening
of high-risk individuals, it should be
measured in venous plasma. B(moder-
c. Plasma glucose should be measured in
an accredited laboratory when used for
diagnosis of or screening for diabetes.
GPP (good practice point)
d. Outcome studies are needed to de-
termine the effectiveness of screening.
e. Routine measurement of plasma glu-
cose concentrations in an accredited
laboratory is not recommended as the
primary means of monitoring or evaluat-
ing therapy in individuals with diabetes.
B (low)
f. Blood for fasting plasma glucose anal-
ysis should be drawn in the morning after
the individual has fasted overnight (at
least 8 h). B(low)
g. To minimize glycolysis, one should
place the sample tube immediately in an
icewater slurry, and plasma should be
separated from the cells within 30 min. If
that cannot be achieved, a tube containing
a rapidly effective glycolysis inhibitor,
such as citrate buffer, should be used for
collecting the sample. Tubes with only
enolase inhibitors, such as sodium uo-
ride, should not be relied on to prevent
glycolysis. B (moderate)
h. On the basis of biological variation,
glucose measurement should have an an-
alytical imprecision #2.9%, a bias #2.2%,
and a total error #6.9%. To avoid mis-
classication of patients, the goal for glu-
cose analysis should be to minimize total
analytical error, and methods should be
without measurable bias. B (low)
2. Glucose meters
a. There are insufcient published data to
support a role for portable meters and
skin-prick (nger-stick) blood samples in
the diagnosis of diabetes or for population
screening. C(moderate)
b. The imprecision of the results, coupled
with the substantial differences among
meters, precludes the use of glucose meters
from the diagnosis of diabetes and limits
their usefulness in screening for diabetes.
Table 1Rating scale for the quality of evidence
High: Further research is very unlikely to change our condence in the estimate of effect. The body of evidence comes from high-level individual
studies that are sufciently powered and provide precise, consistent, and directly applicable results in a relevant population.
Moderate: Further research is likely to have an important impact on our condence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate and the
recommendation. The body of evidence comes from high-/moderate-level individual studies that are sufcient to determine effects, but the
strength of the evidence is limited by the number, quality, or consistency of the included studies; generalizability of results to routine practice; or
indirect nature of the evidence.
Low: Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our condence in the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate and
the recommendation. The body of evidence is of low level and comes from studies with serious design aws, or evidence is indirect.
Very low: Any estimate of effect is very uncertain. Recommendation may change when higher-quality evidence becomes available. Evidence is
insufcient to assess the effects on health outcomes because of limited number or power of studies, important aws in their design or conduct,
gaps in the chain of evidence, or lack of information.
Position Statement Executive Summary
c. SMBG is recommended for all insulin-
treated patients with diabetes. A (high)
d. In patients with type 2 diabetes treated
with diet and oral agents, SMBG may help
achieve better control, particularly when
therapy is initiated or changed. Data are
insufcient, however, to claim an associ-
ated improvement of health outcomes.
The role of SMBG in patients with stable
type 2 diabetes controlled by diet alone is
not known. C(high)
e. Patients should be instructed in the
correct use of glucose meters, includ-
ing quality control. Comparison between
SMBG and concurrent laboratory glucose
analysis should be performed at regular
intervals to evaluate the performance of the
meters in the patients hands. B (moderate)
f. Multiple performance goals for portable
glucose meters have been proposed. These
targets vary widely and are highly contro-
versial. Manufacturers should work to im-
prove the imprecision of current meters,
with an intermediate goal of limiting total
error for 95% of samples to #15% at
glucose concentrations $5.6 mmol/L (100
mg/dL) and to ,0.8 mmol/L (15 mg/dL) at
glucose concentrations ,5.6 mmol/L (100
mg/dL). Lower total error would be desir-
able and may prove necessary in tight
glucose-control protocols and for avoiding
hypoglycemia in all settings. C(low)
g. Meters should measure and report
plasma glucose concentrations to facilitate
comparison with assays performed in ac-
credited laboratories. GPP
h. Studies are needed to determine the
analytical goals (quality specications) for
glucose meters in SMBG and in intensive
care units. C (moderate)
i. Recommendations for future research:
Important end points in studies of SMBG
should include, at a minimum, hemoglo-
bin A
) and frequency of hypo-
glycemic episodes to ascertain whether
improved meters enable patients to achieve
better glucose control. For studies of meter
use in intensive or critical care, important
end points include mean blood glucose,
frequency of hypoglycemia, and variation
of glucose control. Ideally, outcomes (e.g.,
long-term complications) should also be
examined. GPP
3. Continuous minimally invasive
glucose analyses
a. Real-time continuous glucose moni-
toring (CGM) in conjunction with in-
tensive insulin regimens can be a useful
tool to lower HbA
in selected adults
Table 2Grading the strength of recommendations
A. The NACB strongly recommends adoption
Strong recommendations for adoption are made when
cThere is high-quality evidence and strong or very strong agreement of experts that the intervention improves important health outcomes
and that benets substantially outweigh harms; or
cThere is moderate-quality evidence and strong or very strong agreement of experts that the intervention improves important health
outcomes and that benets substantially outweigh harms.
Strong recommendations against adoption are made when
cThere is high-quality evidence and strong or very strong agreement of experts that the intervention is ineffective or that benets are closely
balanced with harms, or that harms clearly outweigh benets; or
cThere is moderate-quality evidence and strong or very strong agreement of experts that the intervention is ineffective or that benets are
closely balanced with harms, or that harms outweigh benets.
B. The NACB recommends adoption
Recommendations for adoption are made when
cThere is moderate-quality evidence and level of agreement of experts that the intervention improves important health outcomes and that
benets outweigh harms; or
cThere is low-quality evidence but strong or very strong agreement and high level of condence of experts that the intervention improves
important health outcomes and that benets outweigh harms; or
cThere is very lowquality evidence but very strong agreement and very high level of condence of experts that the intervention improves
important health outcomes and that benets outweigh harms.
Recommendations against adoption are made when
cThere is moderate-quality evidence and level of agreement of experts that the intervention is ineffective or that benets are closely balanced
with harms, or that harms outweigh benets; or
cThere is low-quality evidence but strong or very strong agreement and high level of condence of experts that the intervention is ineffective
or that benets are closely balanced with harms, or that harms outweigh benets; or
cThere is very lowq uality evidence but very strong agreement and very high levels of condence of experts that the intervention is ineffective
or that benets are closely balanced with harms, or that harms outweigh benets.
C. The NACB concludes that there is insufcient information to make a recommendation
Grade C is applied in the following circumstances:
cEvidence is lacking or scarce or of ver y low quality, the balance of benets and harms cannot be determined, and there is no or very low level
of agreement of experts for or against adoption of the recommendation.
cAt any level of evidenceparticularly if the evidence is heterogeneous or inconsistent, indirect, or inconclusiveif there is no agreement of
experts for or against adoption of the recommendation.
GPP. The NACB recommends it as a good practice point
GPPs are recommendations mostly driven by expert consensus and professional agreement and are based on the information listed below and/or
professional experience, or widely accepted standards of best practice. This category applies predominately to technical (e.g., preanalytical,
analytical, postanalytical), organizational, economic, or quality-management aspects of laboratory practice. In these cases, evidence often comes
from observational studies, audit reports, case series or case studies, nonsystematic reviews, guidance or technical documents, nonevidence-
based guidelines, personal opinions, expert consensus, or position statements. Recommendations are often based on empirical data, usual
practice, quality requirements and standards set by professional or legislative authorities or accreditation bodies, and so forth. DIABETE S CARE,VOLUME 34, JUNE 2011 1421
Sacks and Associates
(age .25 years) with type 1 diabetes.
b. Although the evidence for lowering
is not as strong for children, teens,
and younger adults, real-time CGM may
be helpful in these groups. Success corre-
lates with adherence to ongoing use of the
device. B (moderate)
c. Real-time CGM may be a supplemental
tool to SMBG in individuals with hypo-
glycemia unawareness and/or frequent
episodes of hypoglycemia. B(low)
d. Patients require extensive training in
using the device. Available devices must
be calibrated with SMBG readings, and
the latter are recommended for making
treatment changes. GPP
4. Noninvasive glucose analysis
a. No noninvasive sensing technology is
currently approved for clinical glucose
measurements of any kind. Major tech-
nological hurdles must be overcome be-
fore noninvasive sensing technology will
be sufciently reliable to replace existing
portable meters, implantable biosensors,
or minimally invasive technologies.
5. Gestational diabetes mellitus
a. All pregnant women not previously
known to have diabetes should undergo
testing for gestational diabetes mellitus
(GDM) at 2428 weeks of gestation.
b. GDM should be diagnosed by a 75-g
oral glucose tolerance test according to
the IADPSG (International Association
of the Diabetes and Pregnancy Study
Groups) criteria derived from the HAPO
(Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy
Outcome) study. A (moderate)
6. Urinary glucose
a. Semiquantitative urine glucose testing
is not recommended for routine care of
patients with diabetes mellitus. B(low)
7. Ketone testing
a. Ketones measured in urine or blood in
the home setting by patients with diabetes
and in the clinic/hospital setting should be
considered only an adjunct to the diagnosis
of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). GPP
b. Urine ketone measurements should not
be used to diagnose or monitor the course
c. Blood ketone determinations that rely
on the nitroprusside reaction should be
used only as an adjunct to diagnose
DKA treatment. Specic measurement of
b-hydroxybutyric acid in blood can be
used for diagnosis and monitoring of
DKA. B (moderate)
8. HbA
a. HbA
should be measured routinely in
all patients with diabetes mellitus to doc-
ument their degree of glycemic control.
A (moderate)
b. Laboratories should use only HbA
assay methods that are certied by the
National Glycohemoglobin Standardiza-
tion Program (NGSP) as traceable to the
DCCT (Diabetes Control and Complica-
tions Trial) reference. The manufacturers
of HbA
assays should also show trace-
ability to the IFCC reference method.
c. Laboratories that measure HbA
should participate in a prociency-testing
program, such as the College of American
Pathologists (CAP) HbA
survey, that
uses fresh blood samples with targets set
by the NGSP Laboratory Network. GPP
d. Laboratories should be aware of po-
tential interferences, including hemoglo-
binopathies, that may affect HbA
results, depending on the method used.
In selecting assay methods, laboratories
should consider the potential for interfer-
ences in their particular patient popula-
tion. In addition, disorders that affect
erythrocyte turnover may cause spurious
results, regardless of the method used.
e. Desirable specications for HbA
surement are an intralaboratory CV ,2%
andaninterlaboratoryCV,3.5%. At
least two control materials with different
mean values should be analyzed as an in-
dependent measure of assay performance.
f. Samples with HbA
results below the
lower limit of the reference interval
or .15% HbA
should be veried by re-
peat testing. B(low)
g. HbA
values that are inconsistent with
the clinical presentation should be inves-
tigated further. GPP
h. Treatment goals should be based on
American Diabetes Association recommen-
dations, which include generally maintain-
ing HbA
concentrations at ,7% and
more-stringent goals in selected individual
patients if they can be achieved without
signicant hypoglycemia or other adverse
treatment effects. Somewhat higher inter-
vals are recommended for children and
adolescents and may be appropriate for pa-
tients with limited life expectancy, exten-
sive comorbid illnesses, a history of severe
hypoglycemia, or advanced complications
(note that these values are applicable only if
the NGSP has certied the assay method as
traceable to the DCCT reference). A (high)
i. HbA
testing should be performed at
least biannually in all patients and quar-
terly for patients whose therapy has
changed or who are not meeting treat-
ment goals. B(low)
j. HbA
may be used for the diagnosis of
diabetes, with values $6.5% being diag-
nostic. An NGSP-certied method should
be performed in an accredited laboratory.
Analogous to its use in the management of
diabetes, factors that interfere with or ad-
versely affect the HbA
assay will pre-
clude its use in diagnosis. A (moderate)
k. Point-of-care HbA
assays are not suf-
ciently accurate to use for the diagnosis
of diabetes. B (moderate)
9. Genetic markers
a. Routine measurement of genetic mark-
diagnosis or management of patients with
type 1 diabetes. For selected diabetic syn-
dromes, including neonatal diabetes,
valuable information can be obtained
with denition of diabetes-associated mu-
tations. A(moderate)
b. There is no role for routine genetic
testing in patients with type 2 diabetes.
These studies should be conned to the
research setting and evaluation of specic
syndromes. A (moderate)
10. Autoimmune markers
a. Islet cell autoantibodies are recom-
mended for screening nondiabetic family
members who wish to donate part of their
pancreas for transplantation into a relative
with end-stage type 1 diabetes. B(low)
b. Islet cell autoantibodies are not recom-
mended for routine diagnosis of diabetes,
but standardized islet cell autoantibody
tests may be used for classication of
diabetes in adults and in prospective
studies of children at genetic risk for
type 1 diabetes after HLA typing at birth.
c. Screening patients with type 2 diabetes
for islet cell autoantibodies is not recom-
mended at present. Standardized islet cell
autoantibodies are tested in prospective
clinical studies of type 2 diabetic patients
to identify possible mechanisms of sec-
ondary failures of treatment of type 2
diabetes. B(low)
d. Screening for islet cell autoantibodies
in relatives of patients with type 1 di-
abetes or in persons from the general
population is not recommended at pres-
ent. Standardized islet cell autoantibodies
Position Statement Executive Summary
are tested in prospective clinical studies.
e. There is currently no role for measure-
ment of islet cell autoantibodies in the
monitoring of patients in clinical practice.
Islet cell autoantibodies are measured in
research protocols and in some clinical
trials as surrogate end points. B(low)
f. It is important that islet cell autoanti-
bodies be measured only in an accredited
laboratory with an established quality-
control program and participation in a
prociency-testing program. GPP
11. Albuminuria (formerly
a. Annual testing for albuminuria in pa-
tients without clinical proteinuria should
begin in pubertal or postpubertal indi-
viduals 5 years after diagnosis of type 1
diabetes and at the time of diagnosis
of type 2 diabetes, regardless of treatment.
B (moderate)
b. Urine albumin at concentrations $30
mg/g creatinine should be considered as a
continuous risk marker for cardiovascular
events. B (moderate)
c. The analytical CV of methods to mea-
sure albuminuria should be ,15%.
B (moderate)
d. Semiquantitative or qualitative screen-
ing tests should be positive in .95% of
patients with albuminuria to be useful for
screening. Positive results must be con-
rmed by analysis in an accredited labo-
ratory. GPP
e. Currently available dipstick tests do not
have adequate analytical sensitivity to
detect albuminuria. B(moderate)
f. Acceptable samples to test for increased
urinary albumin excretion are timed collec-
of albumin concentration and timed or
untimed samples for measurement of the
albumincreatinine ratio. B (moderate)
g. The optimal time for spot urine collec-
tion is the early morning. All collections
should be at the same time of day to min-
imize variation. The patient should not
have ingested food within the preceding
2 h, but should be well hydrated (i.e., not
volume depleted). GPP
h. Low urine albumin concentrations
(i.e., ,30 mg/g creatinine) are not associ-
ated with high cardiovascular risk if the
estimated glomerular ltration rate (eGFR)
is .60 mL zmin
z(1.73 m
the patient is normotensive. If the eGFR
is ,60 mL zmin
z(1.73 m
the level of albuminuria is $30 mg/g cre-
atinine on a spot urine sample, a repeat
measurement should be taken within the
year to assess change among people with
hypertension. A (moderate)
12. Miscellaneous potentially
important analytes
a. There is no role for routine testing for
insulin, C-peptide, or proinsulin in most
patients with diabetes. Differentiation be-
tween type 1 and type 2 diabetes may be
made in most cases on the basis of the
clinical presentation and the subsequent
course. These assays are useful primarily
for research purposes. Occasionally, C-
peptide measurements may help distin-
guish type 1 from type 2 diabetes in
ambiguous cases, such as patients who
have a type 2 phenotype but present in
ketoacidosis. B (moderate)
b. There is no role for measurement of
insulin concentration in the assessment of
cardiometabolic risk, because knowledge
of this value does not alter the manage-
ment of these patients. B (moderate)
c. Because current measures of insulin are
poorly harmonized, a standardized insu-
lin assay should be developed to encour-
age the development of measures of
insulin sensitivity that will be practical
for clinical care. GPP
d. There is no published evidence to
support the use of insulin antibody test-
ing for routine care of patients with di-
abetes. C(verylow)
AcknowledgmentsUpon manuscript sub-
mission, all authors completed the Disclosures
of Potential Conict of Interest form. D.B.S.
and D.E.B. reported employment or leader-
ship positions with Clinical Chemistry, AACC.
M.A. reported employment or leadership
positions with, research funding from, and
stock ownership in ASL Analytical, Inc. G.L.B.
reported consultant or advisory role for
Novartis, Takeda, Johnson & Johnson, and
Merck and received research funding from
GlaxoSmithKline, Forest Laboratories, and
Novartis. D.E.B. received research funding
from Abbott Diagnostics, Siemens, and BD.
A.R.H. reported honoraria from MediLab Ltd.
(Hungary) and received other remuneration
from Diagon Ltd. Hungary, Roche Diagnostics
(Hungary), and Becton Dickinson.A.L. reported
consultant or advisory role for Diamyd Medical
AB and Probi AB. No other potential conicts
of interest relevant to this article were reported.
The funding organizations played no role in
the design of the study.
All authors conrmed they have contrib-
uted to the intellectual content of this article
and have met the following three require-
ments: 1)signicant contributions to the con-
ception and design, acquisition of data, or
analysis and interpretation of data; 2)drafting
or revising the article for intellectual content;
and 3)nal approval of the published article.
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Supplementary resource (1)

... There are several plausible reasons, for the variation in the optimal diagnostic set points of HbA1c and glucose. The concentration of plasma glucose ex-vivo decreases due to glycolysis [51]. To prevent glycolysis, fluoride tubes are used in clinical practice and were utilized in this study. ...
... Complete inhibition of glycolysis can take as long as four hours, with a resultant potential decline in measured glucose up to 0.6mmol/mol. Alternatively, glycolysis can be inhibited by separating plasma from cells within 30 minutes after venesection and transporting samples in ice slurries [51]. This is mainly used in research settings, as it is impractical in clinical practice. ...
... HbA1c as a monitoring tool reflects the mean plasma glucose over ±120 days (the lifespan of the red blood cells) in non-pregnancy. This relationship may be affected by conditions that alter red blood cell turnover, including iron-deficient states and pregnancy per se [30,40,51,56]. In iron-deficient states, HbA1c is falsely elevated, but declines by 0.4% after one month's supplementation [30]. ...
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Background South African women of childbearing age are disproportionally affected by obesity and at significant risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). Unless pregnant, they do not readily undergo screening for T2DM. With a local focus on improved antenatal care, hyperglycemia is often first detected in pregnancy (HFDP). This may erroneously be attributed to Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) in all without considering T2DM. Glucose evaluation following pregnancy is essential for early detection and management of women with T2DM in whom persistent hyperglycemia is to be expected. Conventional testing with an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is cumbersome, prompting investigation for alternate solutions. Aim To compare the diagnostic performance of HbA1c to the current gold standard OGTT in women with HFDP 4–12 weeks post-delivery. Methods Glucose homeostasis was assessed with OGTT and HbA1c in 167 women with HFDP, 4–12 weeks after delivery. Glucose status was based on American Diabetes Association criteria. Results Glucose homeostasis was assessed at 10 weeks (IQR 7–12) after delivery. Of the 167 participants, 52 (31%) had hyperglycemia, which was comprised of 34 (20%) prediabetes and 18 (11%) T2DM. Twelve women in the prediabetes subgroup had diagnostic fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and 2-hour plasma glucose (2hPG), but in two-thirds of the patients (22/34) only one time point proved diagnostic. The FPGs and the 2hPGs of six women with HbA1c-based T2DM were both within the prediabetes diagnostic range. According to the HbA1c measurements, 85% of 52 participants with gold standard OGTT defined hyperglycemia (prediabetes and T2DM) as well as 15 of 18 women with postpartum persistent T2DM were correctly classified. According to FPG, 15 women with persistent hyperglycemia would have been missed (11 with prediabetes and four with T2DM; 29%). When compared to an OGTT, a single HbA1c of 6.5% (48mmol/mol) postpartum demonstrated a sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 97% for the identification of T2DM. Conclusion HbA1c may improve access to postpartum testing in overburdened clinical settings where the required standards of OGTT cannot be guaranteed. HbA1c is a valuable test to detect women who will benefit most from early intervention but cannot unequivocally replace OGTT.
... The clinical course of ischemic stroke in patients with DM 2 and MS is characterized by a slower and incomplete recovery of neurological disorders [12]. When providing medical care to patients with IS under unified schemes in patients with DM 2, the worst outcome of the disease is noted [13]. In patients with DM, residual neurological deficit, severe prognosis and mortality are higher compared with patients without DM. ...
... Sugar reduction therapy was administered under the control of glycemia. The degree of neurologic impairment in patients with ADCC was determined according to the Scandinavian stroke scale [13] upon admission and on the 21st day from the moment of development of ADCC; The severity of functional disorders was also evaluated according to the modi fied Rankin scale [6]. Assessment of the clinical sta tus of patients during the acute period of the disease (21 days) was determined by the dynamics of the degree of neurological deficiency as significant, moderate and insignificant. ...
A study of the state of carbohydrate metabolism in patients with acute disorders of cerebral circulation (ADCC) was carried out. It is established that the development of a stroke is often preceded by a period of hyperglycemia. The level of glycosylated hemoglobin affects the clinical course of a stroke, including the restoration of disturbed neurological functions. The debut of diabetes mellitus (DM) can coincide with the development of ADCC.
... Fluoride oxalate inhibits enolase, which is far downstream in the glycolytic pathway while enzymes upstream of enolase remain active and continue to metabolize glucose until substrates are exhausted. Thus, the anti-glycolytic action of fluoride is delayed for up to 4 hours and has little or no effect on the rate of glycolysis during the first 1-2 hours after blood is collected thereby resulting in a drop in glucose levels as much as 10 mg/dL (0.6mmol/l) precipitated by delay following sample collection [8] [9] . ...
... Peake et al., [28] ) in their research advocated for the use of combined anticoagulant tube (NaF/KOx, EDTA, citrate called glucomedics) as the tube of choice. The use of test tubes containing citric acid and sodium fluoride was recommended by the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) in 2011 for all those cases in which prompt centrifugation of the sample cannot be assured [8] while the use of test tubes containing only sodium fluoride should be discouraged since this only gives a delayed inhibition of glycolysis. The acidified mixture, containing citrate buffer, sodium fluoride and Na 2 EDTA, recommended by the NACB was present in lyophilic form in test tubes already validated in numerous studies [12] [29] but is no longer commercially available. ...
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OBJECTIVE: Accurate measurement of glucose is critical for diabetic care. Sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate (NaF/KOx) has been the preferred tube for measuring glucose. The pre-analytical challenges associated with the use of NaF/KOx and the emergence of COVID-19 presented challenges in the purchase of preservatives for measuring glucose. The need to validate other available and accessible local preservatives for measuring glucose becomes necessary. This study aimed to validate glucose values obtained using standard NaF/KOx anticoagulant against iodide oxalate, chloride oxalate, and glucomedics anticoagulant. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 45 apparently healthy individuals and distributed into four tubes: NaF/KOx, sodium chloride/potassium oxalate (NaCl/KOx), iodide oxalate/potassium oxalate (IOx/KOx), and glucomedics. Samples were separated into aliquots and stored for various durations before centrifugation. Glucose analysis was measured using the glucose oxidase-peroxidase method. Statistical analysis included bias comparison, mean concentration comparison, Deming’s regression, and Bland-Altman analysis. RESULT: There was a significant decrease in glucose concentration with increasing separation time. Glucomedics showed minimal decrease, exhibited the least bias in all the time points considered with only 1-hour delayed measurement having a clinically acceptable bias of 1.62<2.2%; and demonstrated the strongest correlation with other methods. Mean concentration differences were comparable between glucomedics and NaF/KOx. CONCLUSION: The three different anticoagulants could be a good replacement for NaF/Kox. However, glucose values obtained using glucomedics could give a better clinically useful result than others when a delay in sample processing is inevitable. The need to consider the use of any of the anticoagulants in place of NaF/KOx is strongly recommended.
... He chaired the first National Kidney Foundation Consensus Report on Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease (2000) [17]. He also served on many American and international guideline committees including: The Joint National Committee Writing Groups 6 & 7 (1997Groups 6 & 7 ( , 2003 [18,19], the JNC 7 executive committee (2003) [19], the American Diabetes Association (ADA) Clinical Practice Guideline Committee (2002)(2003)(2004) [20][21][22], the National Kidney Foundation (K-DOQI) Blood Pressure (2002)(2003)(2004) [23] and (K-DOQI) Diabetes Guideline committees (2003)(2004)(2005) [24], the KDIGO clinical practice guideline for management of blood pressure in CKD (2012) [25] several ADA position statements on diabetes, hypertension and CKD [26][27][28] and the ADA-KDIGO report for management of diabetes in CKD (2022) [29]. Dr Bakris was an active physician for several decades. ...
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George L. Bakris passed away on 15 June 2024 at the age of 72 years. This obituary aims at honouring his life and career by describing the stages in his personal and professional pathway, presenting some of his many remarkable accomplishments, and highlighting his exceptional clinical skills, mentorship, and friendship.
... This relationship may be affected by conditions that alter red blood cell turnover, including iron-deficient states and pregnancy per se. (39,47,52,53) In irondeficient states, HbA1c is falsely elevated, but declines by 0.4% after one month's supplementation. (52) Consequently, one must consider that HbA1c levels in the study could have been altered, the direction dependent on the timing of iron supplementation. ...
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Background: South African women of childbearing age are disproportionally affected by obesity and at significant risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). Unless pregnant, they do not readily undergo screening for T2DM. With a local focus on improved antenatal care, hyperglycemia is often first detected in pregnancy (HFDP). This may erroneously be attributed to Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) in all without considering T2DM. Glucose evaluation following pregnancy is essential for early detection and management of women with T2DM in whom persistent hyperglycemia is to be expected. Conventional testing with an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is cumbersome, prompting investigation for alternate solutions. Aim: To compare the diagnostic performance of HbA1c to the current gold standard OGTT in women with HFDP 4-12 weeks post-delivery. Methods: Glucose homeostasis was assessed with OGTT and HbA1c in 167 women with HFDP, 4-12 weeks after delivery. Glucose status was based on American Diabetes Association criteria. Results: Glucose homeostasis was assessed at 10 weeks (IQR 7-12) after delivery. A total of 52/167 (31%) participants had hyperglycemia, 34 (20%) had prediabetes, and 18 (11%) had T2DM. For patients with prediabetes, fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and 2 hour plasma glucose (2hPG) were diagnostic in 12 patients, whereas in two-thirds (22/34) only one time point was diagnostic. FPG and 2hPG values were both in the prediabetes diagnostic range in six women with T2DM. Based on FPG, 15 women with persistent hyperglycemia (11 with prediabetes and four with T2DM) would have been missed (15/52; 29%). The HbA1c accurately classified 85% of the 52 participants with gold standard OGTT defined hyperglycemia and 15 of 18 women with postpartum persistent T2DM. When compared to an OGTT, a single HbA1c of 6.5% (48mmol/mol) postpartum demonstrated a sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 97% for the identification of T2DM. Conclusion: HbA1c may improve access to postpartum testing in overburdened clinical settings where the required standards of OGTT cannot be guaranteed. HbA1c is a valuable test to detect women who will benefit most from early intervention but cannot unequivocally replace OGTT.
This book aims to provide a current and comprehensive perspective on Diabetes mellitus, a valuable subject in the field of basic sciences. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease affecting millions worldwide and has become an increasingly serious health problem. This book examines the underlying mechanisms and causes of diabetes using the disciplines of basic sciences. The content of the book begins with fundamental information such as the definition, classification, histopathological mechanisms, and epidemiology of diabetes. It also includes interesting sections on current technologies and the use of artificial intelligence in the field of diabetes. Additionally, the book extensively discusses how genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices affect the risk of diabetes. This comprehensive evaluation of diabetes from the perspective of basic sciences provides important insights into the development and progression of the disease. This book is designed as a reference guide not only for those who want to understand the basic scientific aspects of diabetes but also for healthcare professionals, researchers, and students. We hope this book will benefit anyone who wants to explore the complexity of diabetes using the information provided by the basic sciences and establish a foundation for future research.
George L. Bakris passed away on June 15, 2024 at the age of 72 years. This obituary aims at honoring his life and career by describing the stages in his personal and professional pathway, presenting some of his many remarkable accomplishments, and highlighting his exceptional clinical skills, mentorship, and friendship.
Aim: To compare perceived family support (PFS) and medication adherence among adult T2DM patients with good and poor glycaemic control. Methods: This was a hospital-based cross-sectional comparative study among patients with T2DM. The participants were systematically recruited and divided into two groups after glycated haemoglobin testing. Additional data was collected using a structured interviewer – administered questionnaire adapted from Perceived Social Support – Family Scale and 8-item Modified Morisky Adherence Scale. Results: The mean PFS scores among participants with good and poor glycaemic control were 16.37 and 13.97 points respectively. The difference between their mean scores was significant (P 0.000). The mean score of medication adherence among participants with good glycaemic control was 7.13 points while participants with poor glycaemic control had a mean score of 6.42 points. The difference between their mean scores was significant (P 0.012). A statistically significant association was found between medication adherence and glycaemic control (P 0.025). Conclusions: This study found that T2DM participants with stronger PFS and better medication adherence had better glycaemic control than participants with weaker PFS and poor medication adherence. It is therefore important to emphasise family support and measures that improve medication adherence in the holistic management of T2DM.
To improve birth outcomes, all pregnant women without known diabetes are recommended for an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to screen for hyperglycaemia in pregnancy (diabetes in pregnancy or gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)). This narrative review presents contemporary approaches to minimise preanalytical glycolysis in OGTT samples with a focus on GDM diagnosis using criteria derived from the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes (HAPO) study. The challenges of implementing each approach across a diverse Australian healthcare setting were explored. Many Australian sites currently collect and transport OGTT samples at ambient temperature in sodium fluoride (NaF) tubes which is likely to lead to missed diagnosis of GDM in a significant proportion of cases. Alternative preanalytical solutions should be pragmatic and tailored to individual settings and as close as possible to the preanalytical conditions of the HAPO study for correct interpretation of OGTT results. Rapid centrifugation of barrier tubes to separate plasma could be suitable in urban settings provided time to centrifugation is strictly controlled. Tubes containing NaF and citrate could be useful for remote or resource poor settings with long delays to analysis but the impact on the interpretation of OGTT results should be carefully considered. Testing venous blood glucose at the point-of-care bypasses the need for glycolytic inhibition but requires careful selection of devices with robust analytical performance. Studies to evaluate the potential error of each solution compared to the HAPO protocol are required to assess the magnitude of misdiagnosis and inform clinicians regarding the potential impact on patient safety and healthcare costs.
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With increasing globalization and East-West exchanges, the increasing epidemic of type 2 diabetes in Asia has far-reaching public health and socioeconomic implications. To review recent data in epidemiologic trends, risk factors, and complications of type 2 diabetes in Asia. Search of MEDLINE using the term diabetes and other relevant keywords to identify meta-analyses, systematic reviews, large surveys, and cohort studies. Separate searches were performed for specific Asian countries. The review was limited to English-language articles published between January 1980 and March 2009; publications on type 1 diabetes were excluded. The prevalence of diabetes in Asian populations has increased rapidly in recent decades. In 2007, more than 110 million individuals in Asia were living with diabetes, with a disproportionate burden among the young and middle aged. Similarly, rates of overweight and obesity are increasing sharply, driven by economic development, nutrition transition, and increasingly sedentary lifestyles. The "metabolically obese" phenotype (ie, normal body weight with increased abdominal adiposity) is common in Asian populations. The increased risk of gestational diabetes, combined with exposure to poor nutrition in utero and overnutrition in later life in some populations, may contribute to the increasing diabetes epidemic through "diabetes begetting diabetes" in Asia. While young age of onset and long disease duration place Asian patients with diabetes at high risk for cardiorenal complications, cancer is emerging as an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Type 2 diabetes is an increasing epidemic in Asia, characterized by rapid rates of increase over short periods and onset at a relatively young age and low body mass index. Prevention and control of diabetes should be a top public health priority in Asian populations.
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Objective: Diabetes is the fifth leading cause of death by disease in the U.S. Diabetes also contributes to higher rates of morbidity-people with diabetes are at higher risk for heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, extremity amputations, and other chronic conditions. The objectives of this study were 1). to estimate the direct medical and indirect productivity-related costs attributable to diabetes and 2). to calculate and compare the total and per capita medical expenditures for people with and without diabetes. Research design and methods: Medical expenditures were estimated for the U.S. population with and without diabetes in 2002 by sex, age, race/ethnicity, type of medical condition, and health care setting. Health care use and total health care expenditures attributable to diabetes were estimated using etiological fractions, calculated based on national health care survey data. The value of lost productivity attributable to diabetes was also estimated based on estimates of lost workdays, restricted activity days, prevalence of permanent disability, and mortality attributable to diabetes. RESULTS-Direct medical and indirect expenditures attributable to diabetes in 2002 were estimated at 132 billion US dollars. Direct medical expenditures alone totaled 91.8 billion US dollars and comprised 23.2 billion US dollars for diabetes care, 24.6 billion US dollars for chronic complications attributable to diabetes, and 44.1 billion US dollars for excess prevalence of general medical conditions. Inpatient days (43.9%), nursing home care (15.1%), and office visits (10.9%) constituted the major expenditure groups by service settings. In addition, 51.8% of direct medical expenditures were incurred by people >65 years old. Attributable indirect expenditures resulting from lost workdays, restricted activity days, mortality, and permanent disability due to diabetes totaled 39.8 billion US dollars. U.S. health expenditures for the health care components included in the study totaled 865 billion US dollars, of which 160 billion US dollars was incurred by people with diabetes. Per capita medical expenditures totaled 13243 US dollars for people with diabetes and 2560 US dollars for people without diabetes. When adjusting for differences in age, sex, and race/ethnicity between the population with and without diabetes, people with diabetes had medical expenditures that were approximately 2.4 times higher than expenditures that would be incurred by the same group in the absence of diabetes. Conclusions: The estimated 132 billion US dollars cost likely underestimates the true burden of diabetes because it omits intangibles, such as pain and suffering, care provided by nonpaid caregivers, and several areas of health care spending where people with diabetes probably use services at higher rates than people without diabetes (e.g., dental care, optometry care, and the use of licensed dietitians). In addition, the cost estimate excludes undiagnosed cases of diabetes. Health care spending in 2002 for people with diabetes is more than double what spending would be without diabetes. Diabetes imposes a substantial cost burden to society and, in particular, to those individuals with diabetes and their families. Eliminating or reducing the health problems caused by diabetes through factors such as better access to preventive care, more widespread diagnosis, more intensive disease management, and the advent of new medical technologies could significantly improve the quality of life for people with diabetes and their families while at the same time potentially reducing national expenditures for health care services and increasing productivity in the U.S. economy.
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We examined the prevalences of diagnosed diabetes, and undiagnosed diabetes and pre-diabetes using fasting and 2-h oral glucose tolerance test values, in the U.S. during 2005-2006. We then compared the prevalences of these conditions with those in 1988-1994. In 2005-2006, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey included a probability sample of 7,267 people aged > or =12 years. Participants were classified according to glycemic status by interview for diagnosed diabetes and by fasting and 2-h glucoses measured in subsamples. In 2005-2006, the crude prevalence of total diabetes in people aged > or =20 years was 12.9%, of which approximately 40% was undiagnosed. In people aged > or =20 years, the crude prevalence of impaired fasting glucose was 25.7% and of impaired glucose tolerance was 13.8%, with almost 30% having either. Over 40% of individuals had diabetes or pre-diabetes. Almost one-third of the elderly had diabetes, and three-quarters had diabetes or pre-diabetes. Compared with non-Hispanic whites, age- and sex-standardized prevalence of diagnosed diabetes was approximately twice as high in non-Hispanic blacks (P < 0.0001) and Mexican Americans (P = 0.0001), whereas undiagnosed diabetes was not higher. Crude prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in people aged > or =20 years rose from 5.1% in 1988-1994 to 7.7% in 2005-2006 (P = 0.0001); this was significant after accounting for differences in age and sex, particularly in non-Hispanic blacks. Prevalences of undiagnosed diabetes and pre-diabetes were generally stable, although the proportion of total diabetes that was undiagnosed decreased in Mexican Americans. Over 40% of people aged > or =20 years have hyperglycemic conditions, and prevalence is higher in minorities. Diagnosed diabetes has increased over time, but other conditions have been relatively stable.
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Multiple laboratory tests are used in the diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes mellitus. The quality of the scientific evidence supporting the use of these assays varies substantially. An expert committee drafted evidence-based recommendations for the use of laboratory analysis in patients with diabetes. An external panel of experts reviewed a draft of the guidelines, which were modified in response to the reviewers' suggestions. A revised draft was posted on the Internet and was presented at the AACC Annual Meeting in July, 2000. The recommendations were modified again in response to oral and written comments. The guidelines were reviewed by the Professional Practice Committee of the American Diabetes Association. Measurement of plasma glucose remains the sole diagnostic criterion for diabetes. Monitoring of glycemic control is performed by the patients, who measure their own plasma or blood glucose with meters, and by laboratory analysis of glycated hemoglobin. The potential roles of noninvasive glucose monitoring, genetic testing, autoantibodies, microalbumin, proinsulin, C-peptide, and other analytes are addressed. The guidelines provide specific recommendations based on published data or derived from expert consensus. Several analytes are of minimal clinical value at the present time, and measurement of them is not recommended.
Background: Multiple laboratory tests are used in the diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes mellitus. The quality of the scientific evidence supporting the use of these assays varies substantially. Approach: An expert committee drafted evidence-based recommendations for the use of laboratory analysis in patients with diabetes. An external panel of experts reviewed a draft of the guidelines, which were modified in response to the reviewers’ suggestions. A revised draft was posted on the Internet and was presented at the AACC Annual Meeting in July, 2000. The recommendations were modified again in response to oral and written comments. The guidelines were reviewed by the Professional Practice Committee of the American Diabetes Association. Content: Measurement of plasma glucose remains the sole diagnostic criterion for diabetes. Monitoring of glycemic control is performed by the patients, who measure their own plasma or blood glucose with meters, and by laboratory analysis of glycated hemoglobin. The potential roles of noninvasive glucose monitoring, genetic testing, autoantibodies, microalbumin, proinsulin, C-peptide, and other analytes are addressed. Summary: The guidelines provide specific recommendations based on published data or derived from expert consensus. Several analytes are of minimal clinical value at the present time, and measurement of them is not recommended.
Multiple laboratory tests are used in the diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes mellitus. The quality of the scientific evidence supporting the use of these assays varies substantially. An expert committee compiled evidence-based recommendations for the use of laboratory analysis in patients with diabetes. A new system was developed to grade the overall quality of the evidence and the strength of the recommendations. A draft of the guidelines was posted on the Internet, and the document was modified in response to comments. The guidelines were reviewed by the joint Evidence-Based Laboratory Medicine Committee of the AACC and the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and were accepted after revisions by the Professional Practice Committee and subsequent approval by the Executive Committee of the American Diabetes Association. In addition to the long-standing criteria based on measurement of venous plasma glucose, diabetes can be diagnosed by demonstrating increased hemoglobin A(1c) (Hb A(1c)) concentrations in the blood. Monitoring of glycemic control is performed by the patients measuring their own plasma or blood glucose with meters and by laboratory analysis of Hb A(1c). The potential roles of noninvasive glucose monitoring, genetic testing, and measurement of autoantibodies, urine albumin, insulin, proinsulin, C-peptide, and other analytes are addressed. The guidelines provide specific recommendations based on published data or derived from expert consensus. Several analytes are found to have minimal clinical value at the present time, and measurement of them is not recommended.
Because of the rapid change in lifestyle in China, there is concern that diabetes may become epidemic. We conducted a national study from June 2007 through May 2008 to estimate the prevalence of diabetes among Chinese adults. A nationally representative sample of 46,239 adults, 20 years of age or older, from 14 provinces and municipalities participated in the study. After an overnight fast, participants underwent an oral glucose-tolerance test, and fasting and 2-hour glucose levels were measured to identify undiagnosed diabetes and prediabetes (i.e., impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance). Previously diagnosed diabetes was determined on the basis of self-report. The age-standardized prevalences of total diabetes (which included both previously diagnosed diabetes and previously undiagnosed diabetes) and prediabetes were 9.7% (10.6% among men and 8.8% among women) and 15.5% (16.1% among men and 14.9% among women), respectively, accounting for 92.4 million adults with diabetes (50.2 million men and 42.2 million women) and 148.2 million adults with prediabetes (76.1 million men and 72.1 million women). The prevalence of diabetes increased with increasing age (3.2%, 11.5%, and 20.4% among persons who were 20 to 39, 40 to 59, and > or = 60 years of age, respectively) and with increasing weight (4.5%, 7.6%, 12.8%, and 18.5% among persons with a body-mass index [the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters] of < 18.5, 18.5 to 24.9, 25.0 to 29.9, and > or = 30.0, respectively). The prevalence of diabetes was higher among urban residents than among rural residents (11.4% vs. 8.2%). The prevalence of isolated impaired glucose tolerance was higher than that of isolated impaired fasting glucose (11.0% vs. 3.2% among men and 10.9% vs. 2.2% among women). These results indicate that diabetes has become a major public health problem in China and that strategies aimed at the prevention and treatment of diabetes are needed.