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Sickness absence associated with shared and open-plan offices - a national cross sectional questionnaire survey

  • Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, Berlin, Germany

Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study was to examine whether shared and open-plan offices are associated with more days of sickness absence than cellular offices. The analysis was based on a national survey of Danish inhabitants between 18-59 years of age (response rate 62%), and the study population consisted of the 2403 employees that reported working in offices. The different types of offices were characterized according to self-reported number of occupants in the space. The log-linear Poisson model was used to model the number of self-reported sickness absence days depending on the type of office; the analysis was adjusted for age, gender, socioeconomic status, body mass index, alcohol consumption, smoking habits, and physical activity during leisure time. Sickness absence was significantly related to having a greater number of occupants in the office (P<0.001) when adjusting for confounders. Compared to cellular offices, occupants in 2-person offices had 50% more days of sickness absence [rate ratio (RR) 1.50, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.13-1.98], occupants in 3-6-person offices had 36% more days of sickness absence (RR 1.36, 95% CI 1.08-1.73), and occupants in open-plan offices (>6 persons) had 62% more days of sickness absence (RR 1.62, 95% CI 1.30-2.02). Occupants sharing an office and occupants in open-plan offices (>6 occupants) had significantly more days of sickness absence than occupants in cellular offices.
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Original article
Scand J Work Environ Health 2011;37(5):376-382
Sickness absence associated with shared and open-plan
offices – a national cross sectional questionnaire survey
by Pejtersen JH, Feveile H, Christensen KB, Burr H
Affiliation: Danish National Centre for Social Research, Herluf
Trolles Gade 11,·DK-1052 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
The following article refers to this text: 2011;37(5):359-362
Key terms: office building; open-plan office; shared office; sick leave;
sickness absence; work environment
This article in PubMed:
376 Scand J Work Environ Health 2011, vol 37, no 5
Original article
Scand J Work Environ Health 2011;37(5):376–382. doi:10.5271/sjweh.3167
Sickness absence associated with shared and open-plan offices – a national
cross sectional questionnaire survey
by Jan H Pejtersen, PhD,1 Helene Feveile, PhD,1 Karl B Christensen, PhD,2 Hermann Burr, PhD 1
Pejtersen JH, Feveile H, Christensen KB, Burr H. Sickness absence associated with shared and open-plan offices –
a national cross sectional questionnaire survey. Scand J Work Environ Health 2011;37(5):376–382. doi:10.5271/
Objective The aim of this study was to examine whether shared and open-plan offices are associated with more
days of sickness absence than cellular offices comprising one occupant.
Methods The analysis was based on a national survey of Danish inhabitants between 18–59 years of age
(response rate 62%), and the study population consisted of the 2403 employees that reported working in offices.
The different types of offices were characterized according to self-reported number of occupants in the space.
The log-linear Poisson model was used to model the number of self-reported sickness absence days depending
on the type of office; the analysis was adjusted for age, gender, socioeconomic status, body mass index, alcohol
consumption, smoking habits, and physical activity during leisure time.
Results Sickness absence was significantly related to having a greater number of occupants in the office
(P<0.001) when adjusting for confounders. Compared to cellular offices, occupants in 2-person offices had 50%
more days of sickness absence [rate ratio (RR) 1.50, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.13–1.98], occupants
in 3–6-person offices had 36% more days of sickness absence (RR 1.36, 95% CI 1.08–1.73), and occupants in
open-plan offices (>6 persons) had 62% more days of sickness absence (RR 1.62, 95% CI 1.30–2.02).
Conclusion Occupants sharing an office and occupants in open-plan offices (>6 occupants) had significantly
more days of sickness absence than occupants in cellular offices.
Key terms office building; sick leave; work environment.
1 National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2 Institute of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Correspondence to: Jan H Pejtersen, Danish National Centre for Social Research, Herluf Trolles Gade 11,·DK-1052, Copenhagen K,
Denmark. [].
Sickness absence is an important public health problem
with an impact on employees, the employer, and society
in general (1–3). Risk factors for sickness absence have
been the topic of many studies (4), but so far only a few
have related sickness absence to the indoor environ-
ment in offices (5). Danielsson & Bodin (6) studied the
association between self-reported sick leave and type
of office characterized by a combination of functional
features of the offices and number of occupants. The
type of office showed no association with the risk of
sick leave (>7 days/year), but an association between the
type of office and being sick at least one day per year
was found. Sharing an office has shown to be a risk fac-
tor for more than two epi sodes of common cold during a
year compared to workers having private offices (7). In
an observa tional study, Milton et al (8) found an asso-
ciation between sickness absence and lower ventilation
rates per person in offices. However, in an experimental
intervention study, no relation between ventilation rate
and sick leave was found (9).
Studies have found that sickness absence was associ-
ated with mechani cal ventilation (10) and air-condition-
ing (11), and cleaning the ventilation system may reduce
the prevalence of symptoms and the absenteeism rate
(5). Mechanical ventilation has been associated with
an elevated prevalence of non-specific symptoms in
office buildings in several studies (12, 13); open-plan
offices are more likely to have mechanical ventilation
than cellular offices to be able to cope with build ing
regulations (14).
We have previously reported that the prevalence
of indoor environmental complaints and non-speci fic
Scand J Work Environ Health 2011, vol 37, no 5 377
Pejtersen et al
symptoms among office workers increased with an
increasing number of occupants in the space (14). How-
ever, in a review of non-specific symptoms among office
workers, only 7 out of 32 studies included the number
of office workers in the space (12). Five of these found
the number of office workers to be positively associated
with prevalence of symptoms. This is in accordance with
recent studies (7, 15–18).
The most prevalent complaint in open-plan offices is
noise annoyance (14, 19), with ringing phones and other
peoples’ conversation being the most annoying sources
of noise (20). In open-plan offices, employees perceive
they have less privacy and find it difficult to have undis-
turbed and confidential conversations (21). However, to
our knowledge, no studies have related noise to sickness
absence solely in office buildings.
Several studies have found that psychosocial risk
factors predict sickness absence (22–24). One of these
has been performed among office workers but did not
include the number of workers per office (24). In our pre-
vious study, we found a significant association between
employees’ psychosocial work environment and the type
of office for a number of psychosocial dimensions (14),
but differences were below what is regarded as mean-
ingful (25). However, a review found strong evidence
that working in open-plan offices reduced employees’
privacy and job satisfaction (19).
The aim of this study was to investigate whether
shared and open-plan offices were associated with a
higher number of days of sickness absence than cellular
This study is based on the 2005 wave of the Danish
Work Environment Cohort Study (DWECS) (26). The
main components of DWECS are cohorts of random
samples of adults registered in the Danish centralized
civil register (CRS).
The analysis is based on a representative sample
of Danish inhabitants, who had not requested survey
exemption (27), were between 18–59 years of age,
and were assigned to receive a mailed questionnaire.
Respondents who had been employees within two
months prior to the survey were classified as employees
and responded to questions about working conditions
and health behavior. The sample consisted of 14 969
persons of which 9252 participated (62%), 7219 of these
were employees. This study is based on the 2403 (33%
of the 7219) employees that reported working in offices
most of their time at work.
Type of workplace was assessed with the question
“Where do you spend most of your time at work?”
Response options were: (i) outside; (ii) vehicle (for
example, car, truck, work machine, train, ship); (iii)
workshop or production area, with ___ colleagues (indi-
cate how many); (iv) workshop, production area without
colleagues; (v) location where there are customers,
clients, patients, students, children; (vi) office or open-
plan office (multiple workers in the same space), with
___ colleagues (indicate how many); (vii) office without
colleagues; (viii) indoors, other, indicate what:___.
Respondents were classified as working in offices if
they used the 7th response category or the 6th response
category together with a response to the question about
number of colleagues.
Office workers were divided into four categories
according to type of office: (i) cellular offices compris-
ing one occupant, (ii) shared offices comprising two
occupants, (iii) shared offices comprising three to six
occupants, and (iv) open-plan offices comprising more
than six occupants.
Sickness absence was assessed with the question
“In total, how many sick days have you taken in the last
year? Number of days: ___”.
Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from self-
reported weight and height and categorized according
to the standard classification of the World Health Orga-
nization (WHO) (28). The population was divided into
heavy smokers (15 cigarettes/day), moderate smokers
(<15 cigarettes/day), ex-smokers and non-smokers. Men
were classified as having a high consumption of alcohol
if their consumption on aver age exceeded three units per
day. Women were classified as high consumers if they on
average re ported more than two units per day.
Physical activity during leisure time in the last year
was measured with a single question (29). The four
response categories were: (i) physically inactive/light
physical activity <2 hours per week; (ii) light physical
activity 2–4 hours per week; (iii) physically active 4
hours per week or more vigorous physical activity 2–4
hours per week; (iv) more vigorous physical activity
and competitive sports several times per week (>4 hours
per week).
Socioeconomic status was divided into six classes
based on self-reported information on employ ment
grade, job title, and education (30).
The distributions of age, gender, socioeconomic
status, BMI, alcohol consumption, smoking habits, and
physical activity during leisure time according to the
various types of offices are given in table 1. Among the
respondents working in offices, 2308 (96 %) answered
the question concerning sickness absence. As sickness
absence is a rare event, Poisson regression was used
to model the number of self-reported sickness absence
days. The analysis was adjusted for age, gender, socio-
economic status, BMI, alcohol consumption, smoking
habits and physical activity during leisure time (31, 32)
378 Scand J Work Environ Health 2011, vol 37, no 5
Sickness absence in offices
and a scale parameter was added to account for over-
dispersion. A total number of 2202 respondents with
non-missing data entered in this analysis.
The average and median number of days of absence
from work due to sickness during the last year for the
occupants in the various types of offices is shown in
table 2. The occupants in shared or open-plan offices
reported almost twice as many days of sickness absence
compared to occupants in private offices.
The rate ratios (RR) for sickness absence in the vari-
ous office types are shown in table 3. Sickness absence
was significantly related to type of office when adjust-
ing for age, gender, socioeconomic status, BMI, alcohol
consumption, smoking habits, and physical activity
during leisure time (P<0.001). The occupants in 2- and
3–6-person offices had on average, respectively 50%
and 36% more days of sickness absence than occupants
in cellular offices, while the occupants in open-plan
offices (>6 persons) had on average 62% more days
of sickness absence than occupants in cellular offices.
The strength of this study is the use of a national popu-
lation sample. In contrast to other studies of open-plan
offices (6, 14), this study represents more than 2000 dif-
ferent offices. To our knowledge this is the first national
population study that has related sickness absence to
type of office.
A weakness of the study is that both the type of
office classification and sickness absence are based on
self-report and associations may be influenced by com-
mon method bias (33). Reporting of sickness absence
during the last 12 months may be influenced by recall
bias (34), but the reporting of the number of occupants
in the space is less likely to be affected by memory. The
distribution of the number of occupants in the space
(data not shown), showed that the reporting was subject
to end-digit preference above ten occupants (35). This
Table 1. Characteristic of the study population in the various office types. [SD=standard deviation.]
Characteristic Office type [number of occupants]
1 (N=543) 2 (N=268) 3–6 (N=637) >6 (N=955) Total (N=2403)
% Mean SD % Mean SD % Mean SD % Mean SD % Mean SD
Age (years) 146.0 9.2 42.6 9.1 41.0 9.8 41.1 10.1 42.4 9.9
Gender (women) 53 66 60 50 55
Socioeconomic status
Higher white-collar 47 35 28 32 35
Middle white-collar 25 22 21 20 21
Lower white-collar 22 34 42 40 36
Skilled workers 3 7 4 5 4
Unskilled workers 4 2 2 2 2
In process of training 0 0 2 2 1
Body mass index (BMI)
<18.5 (underweight) 1 2 1 2 1
18.5–24.9 (normal) 54 60 59 60 59
25–29.9 (over weight) 36 31 29 31 32
30 (obese) 9 7 10 7 8
Smoking habits
Non-smokers 43 49 50 51 49
Ex-smokers 34 28 26 28 29
Moderate smokers (<15 cigarettes/day) 9 12 11 12 11
Heavy smokers (15 cigarettes/day) 15 10 13 9 9
Alcohol consumption
High consumption (men: >3 units per day;
women: >2 units per day)
16 13 16 15 15
Physical activity during leisure time
Physically active <2 hours/week 18 16 17 17 17
Light physical activity 2–4 hours/week 58 63 59 58 58
Physically active >4 hours/week or more
vigorous physical activity 2–4 hours/week
22 18 21 22 22
More vigorous physical activity and competitive
sports several times per week, >4 hours per week
3 3 3 3 3
1 Age, November 2005
Scand J Work Environ Health 2011, vol 37, no 5 379
Pejtersen et al
may be because respondents in larger offices pass from
actually counting to roughly estimating the number of
colleagues in the offices. Except for the end-digit pref-
erence peaks, the distribution was very similar to our
previous study where the occupants were counted by
a researcher (data not shown) (14). This indicates that
the self-reported number of occupants <10 is valid, and
since the offices were categorized into 1-, 2-, 3–6- and
>6-person offices, the bias in relation to the end-digit
preference had no influence on the found association.
Another weakness is that we do not know if the
occupants have been in the same office for the entire
recall period of 12 months. However, adjusting the
model for length of employment in the company did
not change the estimated rate ratios (data not shown).
Although employees may change office within the
company, we have no reason to believe that this should
bias the results.
In all, 2308 respondents answered the question
about sickness absence (table 2), but due to missing
values for some of the covariates our analysis is based
on 2202 occupants (table 3). The mean number of sick-
ness absence days is higher for the group with missing
data on covariates, but the pattern and relations between
office categories are very similar to the overall sample
(table 2). We do not think that the 4.5% missing data
could influence the conclusion.
It would have been an advantage to have matched
workplaces in each of the four categories of offices.
However, by taking a random sample of employees, we
are accounting for the fact that there is no matching on
workplaces. Furthermore, by focusing on office workers,
we are making the type of work comparable and also
excluding workplaces and industries where employees
experience sickness absence due to hard manual work
etc. To further study this, we adjusted our model for
differences in industries by using the 9-grouping for
standard industrial grouping according to the 2003
Danish industrial classification of all economic activi-
ties (data not shown). We collapsed some of the smaller
categories. The adjustment for industrial grouping had
very little effect on the RR as they were reduced by
only 2–4%.
The validity of self-reported sickness absence has
been studied among British civil servants, who mainly
were office workers. The study found good agreement
between self-reported sickness absence and register-
based sickness absence (36). The mean absence rates for
the British civil servants were 7.1 days per year based
on self-reported data and 7.3 days per year based on
recorded data. This is similar to the mean absence rate
of 7.1 days per year in our study. We therefore believe
that self-reported sickness absence is a valid measure.
In Danish national surveys, there are increasing
proportions of non-responders especially among young
persons, and survey exception is four times more com-
mon among the age group 20–29 years than in the age
group 50–59 years (27). In this study, we saw a slight
trend towards decreasing age with increasing number
of occupants in the space (table 1), and as other stud-
ies have shown that increasing age were a risk factor
for self-reported sickness absence (31), we have age-
adjusted the analysis. Nevertheless, we might have
problems concerning the representativeness of the young
responders if the non-responders and those with survey
exception differ from respondents when it comes to both
type of office and self-reported sickness absence. Per-
sons with higher education are least inclined to request
survey exemption (27) and non-responders have lower
socioeconomic status and worse health than responders
according to a Danish population-based study (37). The
under-representation of the age group 20–29 years most
likely resulted in bias towards an underestimation of the
association, assuming that lower socioeconomic status is
associated with more occupants in the office.
This study is cross-sectional and cannot explain the
mechanisms behind the increased sickness absence rates
in shared and open-plan offices. However, the literature
suggests five main explanations. One explanation could
be that increased absence rates in shared and open-
plan offices are caused by higher exposure to noise in
these offices (14). In their review, Passchier-Vermeer
& Passchier (38) found that exposure to noise indoors
constitutes a risk in terms of hearing impairment, hyper-
tension, annoyance and sleep disturbance, but there was
limited evidence that absence rates were related to noise
exposure. Evans (39) found elevated stress hormone in
Table 2. Self-reported days of sickness absence within the last
year according to office types.
Office type
[number of
N Days of sickness
Days of sickness
1 522 4.9 1.0
2 258 8.0 2.0
3–6 610 7.1 2.0
>6 918 8.1 2.0
Table 3. Rate ratios for sickness absence in the various office
types. The log-linear Poisson model was adjusted for age, gen-
der, socioeconomic status, body mass index, alcohol consump-
tion, smoking habits and physical activity during leisure time.
[95% CI=95% confidence interval.]
Office type [number
of occupants]
N Rate ratios 95% CI
1 497 1
2 250 1.50 1.13–1.98
3–6 584 1.36 1.08–1.73
>6 871 1.62 1.30–2.02
380 Scand J Work Environ Health 2011, vol 37, no 5
Sickness absence in offices
subjects exposed to office noise compared to subjects
exposed to quiet conditions even when there were no
differences in the subjects’ perception of stress. Clausen
et al (40) found a relation between self-reported noise
exposure and long-term sickness absence for men, but
not for women. Although the results from other studies
are mixed, noise exposure is more prevalent in shared
and especially open-plan offices and may be a part of
the explanation for the found association.
Another explanation for the association could be
that the difference in sickness absence in the various
offices is due to differences in the type of ventilation
used. Open-plan offices are in general equipped with
mechanical ventilation whereas many cellular offices in
Denmark have natural ventilation (14). This explanation
is supported by other studies (10, 11) and the general
finding that mechanical ventilation is associated with
non-specific symptoms (12, 13). However, controlling
for type of ventilation in our previous study did not
remove the effect of type of office on symptoms (14).
A third explanation for the found association could
be that occupants in shared and open-plan offices are
more likely to be exposed to viruses than occupants
in cellular offices. A recent review showed strong evi-
dence for an association between ventilation, air move-
ments in buildings, and the spread of infectious diseases
(41). Even though the number of sources is higher in
mechanically ventilated open-plan offices than in natu-
rally ventilated cellular offices, the ventilation rate is in
general also higher in open-plan offices, so the resulting
exposure for workers in the various types of offices is
hard to estimate.
A fourth explanation for the difference in sickness
absence between types of offices could be differences in
the psychosocial work environment (23). Our previous
study neither supported nor contradicted this explana-
tion since we found statistically significant differences
in the psychosocial work environment between offices,
but the magnitude of the differences was very modest
(14). Other studies pointed at lack of privacy as a severe
problem in open-plan offices (19).
A final explanation has to do with the presence of
other humans when working, and shares similarities with
the psychosocial explanation. Working in open-plan or
shared offices may reduce employees’ autonomy, as the
absence of physical boundaries will increase the likeli-
hood that co-workers and leaders will interfere with
the employees’ discretion and freedom to work (19).
Lack of autonomy may be a stressor, as it is related to
burnout (42), and therefore can be a contributing factor
to sickness absence. Related to this explanation is the
evaluation apprehension explanation. Within psychol-
ogy, studies have shown that working in the presence
of others may lead to social facilitation, however if the
employees are subject to evaluation apprehension, this
may rather lead to inhibition than social facilitation (43).
This stressor may therefore also be a contributing factor
to sickness absence.
Concluding remarks
Open-plan offices have become popular because they are
designed to facilitate communication and accommodate
knowledge sharing. However, our study showed that
occupants sharing an office had a significantly higher
number of days of sickness absence than those in cel-
lular offices. Consequently, employees, employers, and
society in general pay a high price for the benefits of
open-plan offices in terms of sickness absence and loss
of productivity.
This work was partly supported by the Danish Ministry
of Employment as a part of a surveillance programme on
occupational health, and partly by the Danish Working
Environment Research Fund [Grant no: 20070014615].
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Received for publication: 23 December 2010
... While this allows organizations to save space, potentially reducing operating costs and climate footprint, conceptual (1, 2) and empirical (3,4) work suggest unfavorable employee and organizational outcomes compared to private offices. One such outcome is sickness absence (5), with previous studies indicating both a higher probability of sickness absence (6)(7)(8) and more sickness absence days (9,10) in shared and open workspaces than private offices. As sickness absence is costly for both individuals, organizations, and welfare states (11), it is important to understand why these differences occur (eg, to identify targets for evidence-based intervention). ...
... While echoing findings from previous studies on office concepts and sickness absence (5), we are the first to examine these associations in a nationally representative sample using physician-certified sickness absence. Save for one study in a non-representative sample (7), all previous studies have relied on either self-reported (6,8,9) or employer-reported (10) sickness absence. As registry-based physician-certified sickness absence may differ from other sickness absence measures both methodologically (eg, not self-reported) and empirically (eg, less prevalent, other underlying mechanisms), more studies using this type of outcome data are warranted. ...
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Objectives: Several studies have found higher sickness absence in shared and open workspaces than in private offices, but little is known about why these differences occur. We propose and test job control as a potential mechanism underlying observed differences in the risk of physician-certified sickness absence between private offices and shared and open workspaces. Methods: We conducted a counterfactual mediation analysis using observational survey data from a nationally representative sample of Norwegian employees merged with prospective data from national registries (N=5512). The registry data included information about whether participants had any physician-certified sickness absence the year following the survey. Models were adjusted for age, sex, education level, occupation group, executive/leadership responsibility, and time spent on office work. Results: We found significantly higher sickness absence risk in conventional [risk ratio (RR) 1.12, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01‒1.25] and non-territorial (RR 1.20, 95% 1.04‒1.37) open-plan and non-territorial shared-room offices (RR 1.29, 95% CI 1.13‒1.48) compared to private offices. Natural indirect effects due to job control were statistically significant in all contrasts and accounted for 19-34% of total effects depending on contrast. Conclusions: Findings were in line with hypothesized relationships and suggest that job control may be a mechanism underlying observed differences in sickness absence across office concepts. Future studies should continue to explore potential mechanisms linking shared and open workspaces to higher sickness absence and other unfavorable outcomes in the workplace, particularly with study designs that provide stronger basis for causal inference.
... Although open-plan office (widespread adopted in workplaces worldwide) are promoted for their benefitswhich include cost savings, enhanced communication, and improved teamwork [15][16][17][18][19] -, these layouts are not without their drawbacks. They can lead to decreased productivity, increased health issues, temperature-related problems, and, notably, noise-related challenges [20][21][22][23][24][25][26]. ...
Open-plan offices are common in the tertiary sector, yet occupants often complain about noise, particularly from co-worker conversations. This issue can differently affect normal hearing people and those with presbycusis. This study therefore examines the impact of mild hearing loss (the onset of presbycusis) on performance in open-plan offices, focusing on the effect of irrelevant speech. An analysis of the decrease in performance on serial recall task as a function of speech-to-noise ratio was carried out with young, normal-hearing subjects under two auditory conditions: with and without a hearing loss simulator, as well as with hearing-impaired elderly subjects. Participants were exposed to five speech-to-noise conditions and silence. Subjective intelligibility was also measured. The results showed a minor, non-significant difference in decrease of performance between normalhearing and hearing-impaired participants. The hearing loss simulator produced results comparable to those of the older group, validating its efficacy.
... These factors can lead to increased dissatisfaction and stress among workers, resulting in decreased productivity. Furthermore, the high density of individuals in open-plan offices can contribute to the transmission of viruses and bacteria, exacerbating the risk of illness among employees [21]. ...
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Open-plan offices encourage communication among office workers, but they also create distractions stemming from the movement, glances, and nearby conversations of co-workers. Partitions are often employed to mitigate these distractions, yet they struggle with achieving equilibrium between privacy and situational awareness. In this study, we propose a system of visibility control utilizing a blind-based partitioning device whose slat angles can be individually controlled. To demonstrate our system’s efficacy, we implemented a prototype of the device consisting of 48 controllable slats with servo motors, allowing visibility control of the front and both sides of the worker’s desk. Our accuracy test of the visibility control revealed that visibility from the user’s view can be controlled with an error of 6.4%. Subsequently, we conducted a user study that asked participants to design the shape of the partition under specific conditions of task and co-worker location. The results show that users want to change the partition shape according to the conditions and that using the device improves the subjective sense of task performance, comfort, concentration, and visual privacy in the video-summarizing tasks, but slightly reduces subjective comfort and concentration in the conversation tasks. These findings demonstrate a solid need for our system and established the usage guidelines.
... COVID-19 will be recognized for redefining norms of how people work; the adoption of virtual work will expand because of advantages such as cost-savings from reorganizing labor bases with fewer full-time employees and more contractors connected technologically [14,15]. Also, it provides access to a broader talent pool in the finance sector that has emerged due to remote work. ...
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Remote work as a new working pattern is considered of high importance in determining the competitiveness of the institutions that adopt this form of work. This trend toward remote working has benefited workers greatly in terms of flexibility and work-life balance and has had unanticipatedly positive effects on sustainability. The issue has grown in importance considering recent development of digitalization and high concern of countries to achieve the sustainable goals. This study attempts to examine the effect of three explanatory variables: remote work, institutional efficiency, and work management on the competitiveness of finance institutions in Saudi Arabia. To collect the primary data, a survey was conducted on a stratified random sample that comprised 1270 respondents. The sample covers the three finance sector segments: banks, insurance, and finance companies. Correlation analyses, one-sample t-tests, and multi-regression analyses are applied to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that there is a positive significant relationship between the three explanatory variables of the study and institutional competitiveness. Besides, the regression model revealed that the two explanatory variables; remote work and institution efficiency are statistically significant at 95% confidence intervals, while work management is not statistically significant. The study recommends promoting remote work to increase the finance institution's competitiveness by restructuring the work policies, designing work strategies, and introducing a new management system compatible with remote work.
... Human spend most of their time indoors (Al Horr et al., 2016a;ASHRAE, 2016;United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1989), and over 90% of workers spend at least four hours in the office building and at their workstations everyday (Rasheed et al., 2021). The quality of physical workspace affects the productivity, health and well-being of its occupants significantly (Al Horr et al., 2016b;Brennan et al., 2002;Haynes, 2008;Page and Tolmie, 2024;Pejtersen et al., 2011). While a large number of studies have demonstrated the influences of design and environmental features on the productivity and satisfaction of workers (Chacon Vega et al., 2020;Rasheed et al., 2021;Shafaghat et al., 2015;Vischer, 2007), limited study focuses on the workers' preferences for the design of workspaces when they are granted with more freedom to choose their working location and time in a flexible and hybrid working pattern (Pan et al., 2024(Pan et al., , 2023. ...
... However, the environmental problems of open-plan offices are not confined to office noise. Open-plan offices have also been associated with increased complaints about most indoor environmental factors (e.g., [6,1]), lack of privacy (e.g., [7]), decreased satisfaction with the overall environment [5], increased cognitive workload [7], increased prevalence of different symptoms [1], and increased sickness absence [8]. Therefore, it is difficult to separate the effect of acoustic conditions on work performance and well-being from other factors that may confound the perception and the impact of the acoustic environment. ...
Remote work as a new working pattern is considered of high importance in determining the competitiveness of the institutions that adopt this form of work. This study attempts to examine the effect of three explanatory variables: remote work, institutional efficiency, and work management on the competitiveness of finance institutions in Saudi Arabia. To collect the primary data, a survey is conducted on a stratified random sample that comprised 1270 respondents. The sample covers the three finance sector segments: banks, insurance, and finance companies. Correlation analyses, one-sample t-tests, and multi-regression analyses are applied to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that there is a positive significant relationship between the three explanatory variables of the study and institutional competitiveness. Besides, the regression model revealed that the two explanatory variables; remote work and institution efficiency are statistically significant at 95% confidence intervals, while work management is not statistically significant. The study recommends promoting remote work to increase the finance institution’s competitiveness by restructuring the work policies, designing work strategies, and introducing a new management system compatible with remote work.
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The study aims to deepen our understanding of how systematic design variations applied to the spatial configurations of three distinct workplace typologies — Open plan, Cellular, and Bürolandschaft — impact individuals' attitudes towards workplace environments. Specifically, it explores how variations in key architectural features such as partitions, ceiling height, and contour influence two dimensions of attitude: aesthetic appraisal, associated with the affective dimension (e.g., ratings and rankings of beauty, attention, pleasure), and cognitive appraisal (e.g., ratings and rankings of safety, distraction, interaction). Recruiting 713 participants via Amazon's Mechanical Turk, the study utilised a parametric model to generate 36 virtual models applying systematic architectural designs across the three common workspace typologies (open plan, cellular, Bürolandschaft), varying partition type (none, high, low), ceiling height (low, high), and contour type (angular, curved). Our findings reveal that higher partitions enhance safety and reduce distractions, while curved contours are perceived as more beautiful and pleasurable than angular ones. Moreover, the Bürolandschaft typology is associated with greater safety and ease of interaction compared to cellular and open-plan offices. Objective isovist analysis further elucidates the relationship between spatial configuration and appraisal measures. We interpret these findings through the lens of environmental preference theories grounded in evolutionary psychology and discuss their applicability to inform evidence-based and human-centred architectural design of workplace environments.
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This meta-analysis examined how demand and resource correlates and behavioral and attitudinal correlates were related to each of the 3 dimensions of job burnout. Both the demand and resource correlates were more strongly related to emotional exhaustion than to either depersonalization or personal accomplishment. Consistent with the conservation of resources theory of stress, emotional exhaustion was more strongly related to the demand correlates than to the resource correlates, suggesting that workers might have been sensitive to the possibility of resource loss. The 3 burnout dimensions were differentially related to turnover intentions, organizational commitment, and control coping. Implications for research and the amelioration of burnout are discussed.
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This article investigates the hypothesis that office type has an influence on workers' health status and job satisfaction and 469 employees in seven different types, defined by their unique setup of architectural and functional features, have rated their health status and job satisfaction. Multivariate regression models were used for analysis of these outcomes, with adjustment for age, gender, job rank, and line of business. Both health status and job satisfaction differed between the seven office types. Lowest health status was found in medium-sized and small open plan offices. Best health was among employees in cell offices and flex offices. Workers in these types of offices and in shared room offices also rated the highest job satisfaction. Lowest job satisfaction was in combi offices, followed by medium-sized open plan offices. The differences between employees could possibly be ascribed to variations in architectural and functional features of the office types.
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A representative sample of 5001 Danish employees was followed for five years. The respondents were interviewed by telephone in 1990 and again in 1995. Social class, diseases, self-rated health (SRH), and a number of psychosocial and other work environment factors were assessed in 1990, and SRH was measured again in 1995. We analyzed predictors of changes in SRH from 1990 to 1995. After control for age, gender, and disease, the following factors predicted worsening of SRH among respondents with good SRH in 1990: repetitive work, high psychological demands, low social support, high job insecurity, and high ergonomic exposures. After further control for social class, the ORs for some of these factors were reduced, but they all remained significant. Only one of the work environment factors, ergonomic exposures, predicted improvements in SRH among those respondents who had poor SRH in 1990. Many studies have shown that SRH is a powerful independent predictor for total mortality. This is the first study showing that a number of work environment factors predict worsening of SRH over time. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Interest in the problem of method biases has a long history in the behavioral sciences. Despite this, a comprehensive summary of the potential sources of method biases and how to control for them does not exist. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine the extent to which method biases influence behavioral research results, identify potential sources of method biases, discuss the cognitive processes through which method biases influence responses to measures, evaluate the many different procedural and statistical techniques that can be used to control method biases, and provide recommendations for how to select appropriate procedural and statistical remedies for different types of research settings.
In many applications data can be interpreted as indirect observations of a latent distri- bution. A typical example is the phenomenon known as digit preference, i.e. the tendency to round outcomes to pleasing digits. The composite link model (CLM) is a useful framework to uncover such latent distributions. Moreover, when applied to data showing digit preferences, this approach allows estimation of the proportions of counts that were transferred to neighbouring digits. As the estimating equations generally are singular or severely ill-conditioned, we impose smoothness assumptions on the latent distribution and penalize the likelihood function. To estimate the misreported proportions, we use a weighted least-squares regression with an added L1 penalty. The optimal smoothing parameters are found by minimizing the Akaike's information Criterion (AIC). The approach is verified by a simulation study and several applications are presented.
Research in open office design has shown that it is negatively related to workers’ satisfaction with their physical environment and perceived productivity. A longitudinal study was conducted within a large private organization to investigatethe effects of relocating employees from traditional offices to open offices. A measure was constructed that assessed employees’satisfaction with the physical environment, physical stress, coworker relations, perceived job performance, and the use of open office protocols. The sample consisted of 21 employees who completed the surveys at all three measurement intervals: prior to the move, 4 weeks after the move, and 6 months after the move. Results indicated decreased employee satisfaction with all of the dependent measures following the relocation. Moreover, the employees’dissatisfaction did not abate, even after an adjustment period. Reasons for these findings are discussed and recommendations are presented.
The prevalence of symptoms compatible with the Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) was measured in a questionnaire study among 4 943 office workers. An assessment of the relation between SBS symptoms and personal, physical and psychosocial exposure factors was made. In contrast to males, the majority of females were lower-grade staff Females reported annoyance from physical climate factors more often, both at work and at home. Males reported a better psychosocial situation than females. Female gender, asthmalrhinitis, paper and VDT work were related to an increased prevalence of SBS symptoms. The prevalence of facial skin symptoms increased markedly with the amount of VDT work. Psychosocial workload intensifid this relation. Inequalities in physical climate and psychosocial conditions associated with different positions held in the offices can be of importance for the increased occurrence of symptoms among females.