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Abstract and Figures

Background: homeopathy is held in organic agriculture as a means to control disease and plagues. However, different from doctors, who have works on materia medica and repertories available to choose the most suitable homeopathic medicine for each patient, agronomists do not yet have an equivalent Homeopathic Materia Medica of Plants (HMMP) describing symptoms observed in plants. Aim: the aim of this study was to carry out a homeopathic pathogenetic trial (HPT) in plants comparing the effects elicited by boric acid in ponderable dose and dilution 6cH in two different plant species, namely bean and tomato cultivars. Methods: 4 tests were carried out, 2 on tomato and 2 on bean plants, which received 1 to 6 applications of treatments. Results: there were differences between both species regarding their sensitiveness to boric acid. None of the tomato plants that received Boron 6cH showed symptoms, differently from bean plants. On the other hand, in tests of ponderable doses of boric acid, tomato plants exhibited 3 symptoms more than bean plants. A higher number of bean plants exhibited symptoms with boric acid in ponderable dose than in dilution 6cH). Nos ensaios com feijoeiro, um maior número de plantas apresentou sintomas após o tratamento com ácido bórico na dose ponderal do que com ácido bórico 6cH. Conclusions: these results suggest that the elaboration of a HMMP must take into account the species in which symptoms were obtained. Moreover, HPTs in plants must be carried out with both ponderable doses and high dilutions in order for differences in sensitiveness among species be better identified.
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Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10(34): 37-45
Original Article
Pathogenetic trial of boric acid in bean
and tomato plants
Solange Monteiro de Toledo Piza Gomes Carneiro1,
Euclides Davidson Bueno Romano1, Tiago Henrique dos Santos Garbim1,
Bruno Garcia de Oliveira1, Marcus Zulian Teixeira2
(1) Agronomic Institute of Paraná, IAPAR, PR, Brazil
(2) Medical School of University of São Paulo, FMUSP, SP, Brazil
Background: homeopathy is held in organic agriculture as a means to control disease and
plagues. However, different from doctors, who have works on materia medica and repertories
available to choose the most suitable homeopathic medicine for each patient, agronomists do not
yet have an equivalent Homeopathic Materia Medica of Plants (HMMP) describing symptoms
observed in plants. Aim: the aim of this study was to carry out a homeopathic pathogenetic trial
(HPT) in plants comparing the effects elicited by boric acid in ponderable dose and dilution 6cH in
two different plant species, namely bean and tomato cultivars. Methods: 4 tests were carried
out, 2 on tomato and 2 on bean plants, which received 1 to 6 applications of treatments. Results:
there were differences between both species regarding their sensitiveness to boric acid . None of
the tomato plants that received Boron 6cH showed symptoms, differently from bean plants. On
the other hand, in tests of ponderable doses of boric acid, tomato plants exhibited 3 symptoms
more than bean plants. A higher number of bean plants exhibited symptoms with boric acid in
ponderable dose than in dilution 6cH). Nos ensaios com feijoeiro, um maior número de plantas
apresentou sintomas após o tratamento com ácido bórico na dose ponderal do que com ácido bórico
6cH. Conclusions: these results suggest that the elaboration of a HMMP must take into account
the species in which symptoms were obtained. Moreover, HPTs in plants must be carried out with
both ponderable doses and high dilutions in order for differences in sensitiveness among species
be better identified.
Palavras-chave: Phaseolus vulgaris, Solanum lycopersicum, Homeopathic pathogenetic trial.
Since the publication in 1999 of Normative Instruction No 7 by Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture [1],
homeopathy is rated a practice suitable for the control of disease and plagues in organic agriculture. However,
different from the case of doctors, who have works on materia medica and repertories available for the choice
of the most suitable homeopathic medicine for each patient, agronomists do not have an equivalent
Homeopathic Materia Medica of Plants (HMMP) describing symptoms obtained in plants. For this reason, as
a rule, the choice of homeopathic remedies for plants has been grounded on analogies with the medical
materia medica [2]. If on the one hand, this allowed for a quick application of homeopathy in agriculture, on
the other it does not take into account the typical symptoms exhibited by plants and that naturally are
remarkably different from the ones of human beings.
Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10(34): 37-45
The guidelines laid out in Organon of medicine [3] regarding homeopathic pathogenetic trials (HPTs) make
explicit the need to learn the true pathogenetic power of drugs (“pure effects of medicines”) through tests on
individuals in which they will be used (“to constitute an artificial disease as similar as possible to the totality
of the main symptoms of the natural disease to be healed”). To illustrate, §105 establishes that “the second
point of the business of a true physician related to acquiring a knowledge of the instruments intended for the
cure of the natural diseases, investigating the pathogenetic power of the medicines, in order, when called on
to cure, to be able to select from among them one, from the list of whose symptoms an artificial disease may be
constructed, as similar as possible to the totality of the principal symptoms of the natural disease sought to be
cured”. In §106 it is stated: “The whole pathogenetic effect of the several medicines must be known; that is to
say, all the morbid symptoms and alterations in the health that each of them is specially capable of
developing in the healthy individual must first have been observed as far as possible, before we can hope to be
able to find among them, and to select, suitable homoeopathic remedies for most of the natural disease”[3].
In this way HPTs in plants can be a significant contribution to the development of homeopathy in agriculture
[4,5], since it will allow applying the principle of similitude on the grounds of the characteristic symptoms of
Plants with agricultural interest belong to different botanic genera and species, and such diversity might lead
to different pathogenetic symptoms. The homeopathic pure materia medica reports the doses used in HPTs,
the frequency of intake of drugs and when available, also data stemming from intoxications. Moreover, it is
recorded the name of volunteers and the symptoms exhibited by each one of them [6]. Making a parallel with
plants, the structure of a HMMP ought to take into account the symptoms exhibited by different families and
species of plants after taking some drug in, as well as (ponderable and high-diluted) the corresponding doses
and frequency of application. Many plant species and cultivars show differences in their sensitiveness to the
toxicity of mineral elements [7-10] a fact that can be advantageously used in the elaboration of a HMMP.
Boron (B) is a micronutrient essential for the growth of plants. It regulates the activity of the cell membrane,
the rate of cell development, cell division, the synthesis of proteins and the transportation of carbohydrates
from the leaves to other organs [7,11]. Since it is a substance used in agriculture, it is important to assess the
relative sensitiveness of different species of plants subjected to HPTs of boron in ponderable and high -diluted
In this way, the aim of this study was to carry out a HPT on plants by comparing the symptoms exhibited by
bean and tomato cultivars after the administration of boric acid in ponderable dose and dilution 6cH.
Materials and Methods
Four tests were carried out, 2 in tomato and 2 in bean plants.
HPT in tomato plants: tests were carried out in a greenhouse, with one plant per vase. Variety chosen was
Santa Clara Miss Brasil. The application of the treatments started when plants had shown the fourth leaf.
The experimental design was entirely randomized, with 7 treatments and 4 repetitions (1 plant per repetition)
in tests with ponderable dose and 10 repetitions in tests with high dilution. Treatments consisted in a number
of spray applications of boric acid every 4 to 6 days. Plants subjected to treatment 1 received only one
application, treatment 2, 2 applications and so on up to 6 applications. Plants receiving control treatment
were treated only with purified water in spray application in 6 different days similarly to treatment 6.
Equipment for application was a 500 ml hand-operated sprayer, and each treatment had your own device.
Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10(34): 37-45
Spraying in all treatments continued until running down. In order to avoid contamination during spraying,
treatments were carried out separately in a different room of the greenhouse. Assessment was accomplished
through the description of the observed symptoms according to Honey’s classification [12]. Solutions were
prepared with boric acid in concentration 74.16mg/100 ml purified water. In the first test, plants were applied
boric acid in ponderable dose and in the second test diluted and agitated boric acid. In the latter, the solution
of boric acid 74.16mg/100ml was prepared following the Hahnemannian centesimal scale [13] in purified
water. Dilution 6cH was used in this study and it was prepared on the same day it was applied, after being
agitated further 30 times in the greenhouse before application.
HPT in bean plants: the design of both tests in bean plants was the same as in tomato plants. Cultivar used
was Carioca”, which has undetermined growth habit, matted light chestnut hued seeds and havana hued
streaks. It was sowed 1 plant per vase. The test began when the third trifoliate leave was fully developed.
Plants that received control treatment (purified water) in all tests showed no symptoms. Symptoms observed
occurred in the leaves of plants treated with boric acid (Table 1), whereas in test “tomato-6cH” no plant
exhibited any symptom whatsoever.
Table 1: description and occurrence of symptoms in plants per treatment
Percentage of plants in each treatment exhibiting symptoms
Tomato plants ponderable dose
Bean plants ponderable dose
Bean plants- 6cH
Leaf symptom
• Irregular necrotic lesion
- cream
• Irregular necrotic lesion
- light chestnut
•Irregular necrotic lesion
- dark chestnut
• Localization of necrotic lesions
- margin of foliole
• Localization of necrotic lesion
- side of foliole
• Chlorosis around necrosis
• Necrosis on the tips of folioles
•Light-green islands in foliar tissue
• Epinasty
Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10(34): 37-45
In tests with boric acid in ponderable doses, all bean (Figure 1) and tomato (Figure 2) plants in treatments 1
to 6 exhibited at least 1 symptom, while in several cases one same plant exhibited more than one symptom.
Figure 1: Necrotic lesion in bean plant
The 2 species studied differed regarding sensitiveness to boric acid not only in dilution 6cH but also in
ponderable dose, since tomato plants exhibited 3 symptoms more than bean plants: cream-hued necrotic
lesion, light-green islands and epinasty. Regarding the remainder of symptoms, rate of occurrence was similar
among all plants under study.
Figura 2: Necrosis on the tips of tomatoes folioles.
Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10(34): 37-45
Similar to test “bean plant ponderable dose”, also samples in test “bean plant 6cH” did not exhibited
symptoms cream-hued necrotic lesion, light-green islands and epinasty. The percentage of plants exhibiting
symptoms in test bean plant 6cHwas much lower than in test “bean plant ponderable dose” (Table 2)
particularly regarding symptoms “chlorosis around necrosis”and “necrosis on the tips of folioles”. No symptom
that was not observed with ponderable dose was observed in tests with 6cH.
Table 2 - Occurrence of symptoms in all treated plants
Leaf symptom
Tomato plants
(ponderable dose)
Bean plants
(ponderable dose)
Bean plants
• Irregular necrotic lesion
- cream
5 (20,8)
• Irregular necrotic lesion
- light chestnut
22 (91,6)
20 (83,3)
16 (26,6)
•Irregular necrotic lesion
- dark chestnut
20 (83,3)
23 (95,8)
11 (18,3)
• Localization of necrotic lesions
- margin of foliole
24 (100)
24 (100)
13 (21,6)
• Localization of necrotic lesion
- side of foliole
24 (100)
22 (91,6)
13 (21,6)
• Chlorosis around necrosis
23 (95,8)
23 (95,8)
3 (5,0)
• Necrosis on the tips of folioles
24 (100)
24 (100)
5 (8,3)
• Light-green islands in foliar tissue
15 (62,5)
• Epinasty
6 (25,0)
Necrotic spots and mottled chlorosis are symptoms of toxicity by boron, and they appear on the areas of leaves
with most transpiration [11]. Differences in sensitiveness to boron among plant species have been reported in
the literature. Cereals and gramineous plants are more sensitive to high levels of boron. Barley has the
highest sensitiveness followed by wheat and oat [7], whereas cotton and sorghum are rated quite tolerant [14].
In this study, it was observed a higher sensitiveness to boron in ponderable dose in tomato plants, which
exhibited 3 symptoms more than bean plants.
Besides differences in sensitiveness to boron among different species of plants, it was also observed
differences among cultivars of a same species. Carneiro et al [15] found that 3 cultivars of bean plants reacted
in different manners to intoxication with boric acid. Eldorado cultivar always showed a lesser number of
symptoms independently from the dose employed, whereas Uirapuru and Carioca cultivars were more
sensitive. Such differentiated sensitiveness has been reported in the literature also for other species of plan ts
Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10(34): 37-45
Ours is the first report of differences in sensitiveness between species to high dilutions of boron. Tomato
plants showed no symptoms when treated with dilution 6cH, whereas bean plants exhibited the same kind of
symptoms as when treated with ponderable dose although in a lesser number of samples. Rossi et al [18]
studied the effect of homeopathic preparations on the productivity of potatoes. These authors observed that
out of 3 cultivars tested, only 1 was affected by the homeopathic preparation. In our study only 1 cultivar of
each species was used, therefore it cannot be established whether the lack of symptoms in test “tomato plant
6cH” was due to the specificity of the cultivar employed or whether it is a general trait of tomato plants.
In this study, only primary symptoms developed in foliar tissues were observed and to describe them the
symptomatology presented by Salgado and Amorim [12] proved to be adequate. However, it is possible that
other alterations also occurred but were not visually detected. Plants have an ability to react through
metabolic changes that are not visually detectable [19]. Some authors have reported changes in the contents
of secondary metabolites in plants elicited by high-diluted substances [20-22]. However, taking into account
that the choice of the homeopathic medicine most suitable to a farm/culture/crop will depend on the visual
identification of symptoms in plants at the field, we did not hold necessary to evaluate in this study
alterations not visually identifiable.
The results observed in this study together with data in the literature regarding differences in symptoms of
intoxication among plant species and cultivars [7-10,14-17] can be used in the elaboration of a HMMP
describing the typical symptoms exhibited by plants [23]. Such HMMP grounded on the symptomatology of
plants has the advantage of following Hahnemann’s guidelines [3] in Organon §144: “From such a materia
medica everything that is conjectural, all that is mere assertion or imaginary should be strictly excluded;
everything should be the pure language of nature carefully and honestly interrogated”.
Symptoms obtained in HPTs in plants as grounds for a therapeutic application of the principle of similitude
have already been employed by Betti et al [24] to increase the resistance of tobacco to TMV. The differences in
the response to intoxication by a given substance among different species of plants described in the literature
and in this study regarding the pathogenetic experimentation of boric acid and more particularly of Boron
6cH strengthen the need to test substances in the individuals/species where they will be used for therapeutic
purposes according to the principle of similitude. Moreover, from these results it is possible to infer that the
indication of homeopathic medicines will have to take into account such differences due to the requirement of
individualization of treatment. Further studies are needed to verify this hypothesis.
The results presented in this article suggest that the elaboration of a HMMP requires taking notice of the
species where symptoms were obtained. Another significant point is that HPTs in plants ought to be carried
with both ponderable doses and high dilutions in order to identify more clearly differences in sensitiveness
among species, and a larger number of symptoms can be observed and recorded, thereby allowing for a more
accurate application of therapeutic similitude in each botanical species. In this way, it will be possible to score
the relative significance of each symptom for a given drug as it is done in the traditional homeopathic materia
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Experimentação patogenética de ácido bórico em tomateiros e feijoeiros.
Introdução: A homeopatia é considerada como uma prática para manejo de doenças e pragas na agricultura
orgânica. No entanto, ao contrário dos médicos que dispõe das Matérias Médicas e Repertórios para a escolha
do medicamento homeopático mais adequado para o paciente, os agrônomos não dispõem de uma Matéria
Médica Homeopática de Plantas (MMHP) com sintomas observados em vegetais. Objetivos: O objetivo deste
trabalho foi realizar uma experimentação patogenética homeopática em vegetais, comparando os sintomas
apresentados por uma cultivar de feijoeiro e uma cultivar de tomateiro após a administração de ácido bórico
em dose ponderal e na dinamização 6cH. todos: Foram conduzidos quatro experimentos, dois com
tomateiro e dois com feijoeiro, sendo que as plantas receberam entre uma a seis pulverizações dos
tratamentos. Resultados: Observaram-se diferenças entre as espécies quanto à sensibilidade ao ácido bórico:
nenhuma planta de tomateiro que recebeu Boro 6cH apresentou sintomas, diferentemente do feijoeiro. Por
outro lado, nos ensaios com ácido bórico em dose ponderal o tomateiro apresentou três sintomas a mais que o
feijoeiro. Nos ensaios com feijoeiro, um maior número de plantas apresentou sintomas após o tratamento com
ácido bórico na dose ponderal do que com ácido bórico 6cH. Conclusões: Estes resultados sugerem que na
elaboração de uma Matéria Médica Homeopática de Plantas (MMHP) deve ser considerada a espécie vegetal
na qual os sintomas foram obtidos. Além disso, as experimentações patogenéticas homeopáticas em vegetais
devem ser realizadas tanto com doses ponderais quanto com doses dinamizadas, a fim de que as diferenças na
sensibilidade entre espécies possam ser mais bem detectadas.
Palavras-chave: Phaseolus vulgaris, Solanum lycopersicum, patogenesia, homeopatia.
Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10(34): 37-45
Experimentación patogenetica de ácido Bórico en tomateros y frijoleros
Introducción: La homeopatia es usada en la práctica para el manejo de enfermedades y plagas en la
agricultura orgánica. Pero, al contrario de los médicos que disponen de Materias Médicas y Repertorios para
la elección del medicamento homeopático mas adecuado para el paciente, los agrónomos no disponen de una
Materia Médica Homeopática de Plantas (MMHP) com sintomas observados em vegetales. Objetivos: El
objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una experimentación patogenética homeopática en vegetales, comparando
los sintomas presentes en un cultivo de frijoles y de tomates después de administrar ácido bórico en dosis
ponderales y en la dinamización 6 CH. Métodos: fueron realizados cuatro experimentos, dos con tomateros y
dos con frijoleros y las plantas recibieron seis pulverizaciones con las sustancias del tratamiento.Resultados:
Seobservaron diferencias entre las espécies en relación a la sensibilidad al ácido bórico: ninguna planta de
tomatero que recibió Boro 6 CH presentó sintomas, al contrario de los frijoleros. Por outro lado en los ensayos
con ácido bórico ponderal los tomateros presentaron tres sintomas más que los frijoleros. En los ensayos con
frijoleros um mayor número de plantas presentó sintomas después del tratamiento con ácido bórico en la
dosis ponderal en relación a los tratados com Boro 6 CH. Conclusión: estos resultados sugieren que en la
elaboración de una Materia Médica Homeopática de Plantas (MMHP) debe ser considerada la espécie vegetal
en la que los sintomas fueron obtenidos. Además, las experimentaciones patogenéticas homeopáticas en
vegetales deben ser realizadas tanto con dosis ponderales como con dosis dinamizadas a fin de que las
diferencias en la sensibilidad entre espécies puedan ser mejor detectadas..
Palabras-clave: Phaseolus vulgaris, Solanum lycopersicum, Experimentación patogenética homeopática.
Licensed to GIRI
Support: authors declare that this study received no funding
Conflict of interest: authors declare there is no conflict of interest
Received: 02 October 2011; Revised: 10 March 2011; Published: 30 March 2011.
Correspondence author: Solange Gomes Carneiro,
How to cite this article: Carneiro SMTPG, Romano EDB, Garbim THS, Oliveira BG, Teixeira MZ. Pathogenetic trial of
boric acid in bean and tomato plants. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2011 [cited YYYY Month dd]; 10(34): 37-45.
Available from:
... Este estudo inaugurou um conjunto de pesquisas para avaliar a viabilidade do emprego da homeopatia no controle de doenças e pragas de plantas, com desdobramentos publicados nesta e em outras revistas [45] [46] [47] [48]. Utilizando as premissas básicas do método homeopático, elaboramos um projeto que englobasse desde a experimentação em plantas sadias, pré-requisito para a elaboração futura de um " Compêndio de Sintomas Homeopáticos Vegetais " ( " Matéria Médica Vegetal Homeopática " ), até a prevenção e o tratamento da doença em estudo. ...
... " Experimentação patogenética de ácido bórico em feijoeiro e tomateiro [47] [48] ...
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Founded in 1936 to divulgate studies on homeopathy and related fields, Revista de Homeopatia, edited by the São Paulo Medical Homeopathic Association, is one of the oldest homeopathic scientific publications in the world, and is currently included in several databases and digital libraries. Initially published in printed format, starting 2008 it became an open-access electronic journal “to facilitate the access to this ield of medical-scientific studies”. Based on that same ideal, I recently made a collection of articles ublished in this journal, as well as in Revista de Homeopatia, edited by the Brazilian Medical Homeopathic Association, available online. To facilitate the initial immersion in the wide-scoped content of these “Homeopathic studies, in this article I present a synthesis of the results and conclusions of articles published over 20 years, with some additional reflections on the relevance of those publications for my clinical practice, as well as for the elaboration of other varieties of scientific productions. RESUMO: Inaugurada em 1936, com o intuito de difundir estudos relacionados à homeopatia e áreas afins, a Revista de Homeopatia da Associação Paulista de Homeopatia (APH) é uma das mais antigas publicações científicas homeopáticas, estando incluída em diversos bancos de dados e bibliotecas virtuais. Inicialmente editada na forma impressa, passou a ser disponibilizada na forma online por acesso aberto a partir de 2008, facilitando o “acesso ao saber construído nesta área de estudos médicos científicos”. Compartilhando esse mesmo ideal, disponibilizei recentemente, em formato digital de livre acesso, uma coletânea de artigos publicados na forma impressa da revista, juntamente com estudos publicados na Revista de Homeopatia da Associação Médica Homeopática Brasileira (AMHB). Objetivando facilitar o contato de todos ao vasto conteúdo destes “Estudos homeopáticos”, elaborei neste artigo uma síntese dos resultados e conclusões destes 20 anos de publicações na Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo), acrescentando algumas reflexões sobre a importância das mesmas na minha prática clínica e na elaboração de outras produções científicas.
... Alguns trabalhos comprovam a eficiência do uso de medicamentos homeopáticos sobre o crescimento e produtividade vegetal (Grisa et al., 2007;Baumgartner et al., 2008;Ferreira et al., 2009) e no controle de pragas e doenças (Betti et al., 2003;Rossi et al., 2007;Carneiro et al., 2011), mas apenas alguns trabalhos observam o efeito desses medicamentos em sementes (Binder et al., 2005;Marques et al., 2008;Bonfim et al., 2010), ou abordam apenas espécie de cultivo anuais, sendo escassos estudos com espécies florestais. Com isso, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes preparados homeopáticos na germinação de sementes de ipê amarelo para verificar se estes afetam sementes sadias. ...
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Studies with homeopathie on seed germination of native forest species are scarce, regardless of its potential as low impact technology. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the use of homeopathic medications in different dynamizations in the seed germination of yellow ipe. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replications, in a factorial scheme with the three medicines in five dynamizations, totaling 16 treatments with the control consisting of distilled water. The medications used were Calcarea carbonica , Carbo vegetabilis and Silicea . The mediations were applied in of 6, 12, 30, 100 and 200 centesimals hahnemanianas (CH) dynamizations. Regarding germination percentage and speed of germination index the medicament Silicea in 12CH dynamization was less efficient when compared to others medications and dynamizations. The use of homeopathic preparations does not benefit the pattern of yellow ipe seeds germination.
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Agroecological interventions for disease management and plant vigour focus on strategies to enhance crop homeostasis. Biological agents and homeopathic preparations are innovative and efficient agriculture technologies used in the production of pesticide-free food. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the biological control Trichoderma spp. and high-dynamized dilutions of Silicea terra to manage grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) and to promote plant growth in strawberry plants cv. San Andreas. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at EPAGRI experimental station, Lages-SC, 2017. The experimental design consisted of six treatments and five repetitions which were completely randomised. Each plot consisted of a strawberry plant cultivated in a 3.6 L plastic pot. Leaf area, number of leaves, root and leaf weights were assessed. The incidence and severity of grey mould on fruits was also evaluated. The statistical analysis was done by environment R ®. Plants treated with Trichoderma spp. (WP formulation) resulted in a lower fruit incidence of B. cinerea fruits in all evaluated periods. Plants treated with Silicea12CH showed wider leaf area, produced more leaves during the cycle and had greater root weight. RESUMO Intervenções agroecológicas para manejo de doenças e vigor de plantas focam em estratégias para melhorar a homeostase das culturas. Agentes biológicos e preparados homeopáticas são tecnologias agrícolas inovadoras e eficientes utilizadas na produção de alimentos livres de agrotóxicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do controle biológico Trichoderma spp. e altas diluições dinamizadas de Silicea terra para manejar o mofo cinzento (Botrytis cinerea) e promover o crescimento de plantas de morangueiro cv. San Andreas. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação na estação experimental da EPAGRI, Lages-SC, 2017. O delineamento experimental constou de seis tratamentos e cinco repetições, inteiramente casualizados. Cada parcela foi composta por uma planta de morangueiro cultivada em vaso plástico de 3,6 L. A área foliar, o número de folhas, o peso das raízes e das folhas foram avaliados. A incidência e severidade do mofo cinzento nos frutos também foram avaliadas. A análise estatística foi realizada em ambiente R ®. Plantas tratadas com Trichoderma spp. (formulação WP) resultou em menor incidência de frutos de B. cinerea em todos os períodos avaliados. Plantas tratadas com Silicea Terra 12CH apresentaram maior área foliar, produziram mais folhas durante o ciclo e tiveram maior peso de raiz. Palavras Chaves: Agroecologia, homeopatia, controle biológico, mofo cinzento, Fragaria x ananassa, alimento livre de agrotóxicos Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia USE OF TRICHODERMA SPP. AND HIGH-DYNAMIZED DILUTIONS IN THE CONTROL OF BOTRYTIS CINEREA AND STRAWBERRY GROWTH Faedo, Leonardo F. et al. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE AGROECOLOGIA 7 Esta obra possui Copyright e está licenciada através da CC BY-NC-SA.
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The extensive use of synthetic chemical fertilizers in agriculture is causing environmental problem. In this situation it is desirable to find out suitable agents, which would increase plant growth without compromising with the quality of food and of soil. This paper represents the history and trends of homeopathic drugs utilized in the control of plant pathogens in plant pathology. This method started with the pioneering work of kolisko in 1923 on wheat germination and Junker in 1928 on growth of microorganisms. Literature search on the Homeopathic drugs in the control of plant pathogens, which have shown the anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial properties have been reviewed in this present paper. From the literature during the present study the different homeopathic drugs were found were used in agriculture. The contents of the article cover all the scientific reports published in Agricultural sectorfrom 1966 to till dates. A total 120 papers have been reported from homeopathic treatments used in Agriculture. Amongst these Arsenicum album, Natrum muriaticum, Cina, Thujawere found as the most used compounds. The science of homeopathy has great potentials and could give a new direction that requires attention of the researchers in alternative agriculture. This review discusses the experimental evidence relating to the use of homeopathic drugs in plant pathology, with view to assess the potential of homeopathy in agriculture.
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Agroecological interventions for pest and disease management include several strategies to enhance homeostasis of the crop. Biological agents and homeopathic remedies are innovative and efficient agriculture technologies in the production of pesticide-free food. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the biological control Trichoderma spp. and high-dynamized dilutions of Silicea terra to manage grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) and to promote growth in strawberry plants cv. San Andreas. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at EPAGRI experimental station, Lages-SC, 2017. The experimental design consisted of six treatments and five repetitions which were completely randomised. Each plot consisted of a strawberry plant cultivated in a 3.6 L plastic pot. Leaf area, number of leaves, root and leaf weights were assessed. The incidence and severity of grey mould on fruits was also evaluated. The statistical analysis was done by environment R®. Plants treated with Trichoderma spp. (WP formulation) resulted in a lower fruit incidence of B. cinerea fruits in all evaluated periods. Plants treated with Silicea12CH showed wider leaf area, produced more leaves during the cycle and had greater root weight.
For the past 200 years or so we are the preferred target for skeptics, for “material existence”, “proof”, “recognition” and “modus operandi” of Homoeopathy. There are some areas where we lack or are being criticized and dragged. It is a heartfelt need to strengthen our science as per the scientific methods applied universally. This is the fundamental challenge in front of us now. Constant onslaught from various agencies has made us a little more sensitize to prove, present (or both) our science on research oriented backgrounds. We must explore the hidden areas, define the flaws, and open new horizons for future research. There are many peer reviewed published studies and meta-analyses supporting basic, fundamental and evidence based character of Homoeopathic researches that have contributed substantially, taking Homoeopathy to newer heights. Such work needs to be replicated at multi-centric levels in larger sample sizes to better understand the depth of Homoeopathic research. We must be able to find the hidden treasures of Homoeopathy and present them to the scientific fraternity in a comprehensible manner. The main aim of research is to look into the matter in a scientific and “rational” attitude and the conclusions and benefits must be used for the development of skills, clinical practices, repositories and growth.
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O uso de medicamentos homeopáticos em lavouras e criações, sobretudo naquelas conduzidas no modelo orgânico de produção, é o tema do livro “Homeopatia – princípios e aplicações na agroecologia”, publicado pelo Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (Iapar). A obra foi coordenada pela especialista em fitopatologia (doença de plantas) Solange Carneiro, e tem ainda como autores os médicos Marcus Zulian Teixeira e Rosana Maria Ceribelli Nechar; as farmacêuticas Audrey Alesandra Lonni e Maria do Rocio Rodrigues; e o médico-veterinário Laerte Filippsen. Dirigido a pesquisadores, professores e estudantes de pós-graduação, o livro é um esforço para entregar ao público acadêmico uma atualização do que vem se fazendo neste campo do conhecimento, conforme Solange Carneiro. “Não é um manual de medicamentos homeopáticos” avisa. A proposta, explica a autora, é estimular o intercâmbio de informações entre os que se dedicam a estudos na área com o objetivo de fortalecer o emprego, em bases científicas, da homeopatia na agropecuária. O livro apresenta um amplo levantamento da literatura produzida sobre o tema e disseca mais de 100 artigos publicados em periódicos nos últimos anos. Introdução; 1 O que é a homeopatia?; 2 Os pilares da homeopatia; 3 Racionalidade científica do modelo homeopático; 4 Pesquisa clínica em homeopatia; 5 Medicamento homeopático; 6 Forma farmacêutica básica - tintura-mãe; 7 Formas farmacêuticas derivadas; 8 bioterápicos; 9 Isoterapia na agricultura; 10 Homeopatia na medicina veterinária; 11 O uso de analogias na agricultura; 12 Homeopatia na agricultura: resultados experimentais; 13 Homeopatia e complexidade; 14 Experimentação patogenética para elaboração da matéria médica homeopática das plantas; 15 Matéria médica homeopática das plantas: boro, manganês e zinco.
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Taking advantage the proposal of XXVI Brazilian Congress of Homeopathy, that looks for to contemplate on 'the degradation of the environment and their consequences about the health and the quality of life of the population', we are proposing a model of homoeopathic research in the agriculture, in order to systematize a methodology of homoeopathic treatment to the agricultural diseases, to the curses and the nutritional lacks of the plants. This project is the beginning of a study about the viability of the use of the homeopathy in the control of diseases of plants. Using the basic premises of the homoeopathic method, we elaborated a research project that includes from the experimentation in healthy plants, prerequisite for the future elaboration of a 'Compendium of Homoeopathic Symptoms Vegetables' ('Homeopathic Materia Vegetable'), until the prevention and treatment of the disease in study. In this work in development in the Agronomic Institute of Paraná (IAPAR) we are studying critically the countless variables of the homoeopathic application in plants (time of pre and post-treatment, homoeopathic potencies, etc.), in order to escape from the empiricism and to create safe parameters so that we can indicate the utilization of the homeopathy in agriculture. RESUMO: Aproveitando a proposta do XXVI Congresso Brasileiro de Homeopatia, que busca refletir sobre 'a degradação do meio ambiente e suas conseqüências sobre a saúde e a qualidade de vida da população', estamos propondo um modelo de pesquisa homeopática na agricultura, a fim de sistematizarmos uma metodologia de tratamento homeopático às doenças, às pragas e às carências nutricionais das plantas. Este projeto é o início de um estudo sobre a viabilidade do emprego da homeopatia no controle de doenças de plantas. Utilizando as premissas básicas do método homeopático, elaboramos um projeto de pesquisa que engloba desde a experimentação em plantas sadias, pré-requisito para a elaboração futura de um 'Compêndio de Sintomas Homeopáticos Vegetais' ('Matéria Vegetal Homeopática'), até a prevenção e o tratamento da doença em estudo. Neste trabalho em desenvolvimento no Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR), estamos estudando criteriosamente as inúmeras variáveis da aplicação homeopática em plantas (tempo de pré e pós-tratamento, potências homeopáticas, etc.), a fim de fugirmos do empirismo e criarmos parâmetros seguros para que se possa indicar futuramente o emprego da homeopatia na agricultura.
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The homepathy is based in different principles of classic scientific model, turning difficult its understanding and acceptance for the traditional academic middle, that it leans on in the cartesian paradigm. So to get to legitimate the homeopathy before the modern episteme, it becomes fundamental the production of researches that they confirm the homeopathic presuppositions: principle of similitude, experimentation in the healthy man and infinitesimal doses. While the clinical trials confirm the effectiveness of the homoeopathic treatment in a series of illnesses, experiments in the basic areas of the science sustain the validity of the homoeopathic foundations. In this revision work, we told the main studies accomplished in several areas of the modern experimental research that endorse the homoeopathic pillars, bringing an idea of the roads until then trodden, aiding the sympathizers of the homeopathy to intend to venture in this taskwork and trying to satisfy the longing of those that shout for scientific proofs of the homoeopathic model. RESUMO: A homeopatia fundamenta-se em princípios distintos do modelo científico clássico, tornando difícil sua compreensão e aceitação pelo meio acadêmico tradicional, que se apoia no paradigma cartesiano. Para que se consiga legitimar a homeopatia perante a episteme moderna, torna-se fundamental a produção de pesquisas que confirmem os pressupostos homeopáticos: princípio da similitude, experimentação no homem são e doses infinitesimais. Enquanto os ensaios clínicos confirmam a eficácia do tratamento homeopático numa série de enfermidades, experimentos nas áreas básicas da ciência sustentam a validade dos fundamentos homeopáticos. Neste trabalho de revisão, relatamos os principais estudos realizados nas diversas áreas da pesquisa experimental moderna que endossam os pilares homeopáticos, trazendo uma idéia dos caminhos até então trilhados, auxiliando os simpatizantes da homeopatia que pretendam se aventurar nesta empreitada e procurando satisfazer o anseio daqueles que clamam por comprovações científicas do modelo homeopático.
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Effects of homeopathic drugs Sulphur and Arsenicum album ill growth variables and essential oil content of mint are analyzed. Four homeopathic dinamizations (6, 12, 24 and 30CH) were used for both drugs in the centesimal scale (CH=centesimal hahnemannian), besides control (water). Treatments were conducted in greenhouse and homeopathic drugs applied weekly (250 mL vase(-1)) for 98 days. Plant height, root system's dry mass, shoot's dry mass and essential oil content were determined. Among the tested homeopathy drugs, Sulphur increased values of fresh and dry biomass more than Arsenicum album. Plant height increased by the two drugs and their respective dinamizations. Whereas Sulphur inhibited dry biomass production, except 6CH dinamization, it increased Substantially mint plant's essential oil content. Arsenicum album presented the same behavior as Sulphur drug, with the difference that it increased the fresh biomass in 24 and 30CH dinamizations. Results suggest that Sulphur and Arsenicum album modify plant metabolism, especially by increasing secondary metabolism as occurs with essential oil contents.
Forty five days after the transplant to pots, plants of Tanacetum parthenium (L) Schultz-Bip. gotten from seeds, received homeopathies solutions of Arnica montana, centesimal potencies (CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4 and CH5). The applications, weekly, were done in the same schedule, in the soil, after dilutions in deionized water. The plant height was determined each 15 days, while that the fresh mass and the parthenolide content were been determined only at the end of the experiment. Despite the height and fresh mass not have been modified in function of the homeopathies solutions, the parthenolide content diminished, especially after application of CH3 and CH5.
Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz-Bip plants were grown in pots of 10 L, a month after the transplant to pots, homeopathics solutions of Arnica montana (D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5) were applicated. The weekly applications were done in the same schedule, in the soil, after dilutions in deionized water. The plant height was determined each 15 days. The fresh mass of the aerial part and the parthenolide content were evaluated at the end of the experiment. Increase was verified in the height and in the fresh mass, as well as reduction in the parthenolide content, due to applications of the homeopathic solutions.
Effect of homeopathy Arnica montana, centesimal potencies, on plants of artemísia. Forty five days after the transplant to pots, plants of Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz- Bip. gotten from seeds, received homeopathics solutions of Arnica montana, centesimal potencies (CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4 and CH5). The applications, weekly, were done in the same schedule, in the soil, after dilutions in deionized water. The plant height was determined each 15 days, while that the fresh mass and the parthenolide content were been determined only at the end of the experiment. Despite the height and fresh mass not have been modified in function of the homeopathics solutions, the parthenolide content diminished, especially after application of CH3 and CH5.
The genetic control of tolerance of wheat to high concentrations of soil boron was studied for five genotypes. Each genotype represented one of five categories of response to high levels of boron, ranging from very sensitive to tolerant. Tolerance to boron was expressed as a partially dominant character, although the response of an F1 hybrid, relative to the parents, varied with the level of boron applied. The F1 hybrids responded similarly to the more tolerant parent at low B treatments and intermediate to the parents at higher treatments. Ratios consistent with monogenic segregation were observed for the F2 and F3 generations for the combinations (WI*MMC) Kenya Farmer, Warigal (WI*MMC) and Halberd Warigal. The three genes, Bo1, Bo2 and Bo3, while transgressive segregation between two tolerant genotypes, G61450 and Halberd, suggested a fourth locus controlling tolerance to boron.