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Protected Agriculture: A Global Review.



This paper gives a broad overview of the three main protective methods of plant coverage and related technologies for climate control and production techniques, including drip irrigation in vegetables and floriculture. The three protective methods are by using mulches, row covers and green houses. The paper also addresses some relevant economic and policy aspects in protected agriculture. Because of the overriding importance of the sector, a special annex on modern marketing has been included to highlight world wide marketing issues and trends from centers in Europe, North America, the Middle East, to Latin America. The paper is illustrated. -from Authors
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... Knowing the CO2 level indoors has the benefit of balancing the microclimate to reduce the risk of poor air quality and humidity levels, which are associated with causing plant diseases. Moreover, consistent CO2 can contribute to uniform plant growth, promoting quality assurance of crops and commercial cultivation [16]. ...
... Knowing the CO 2 level indoors has the benefit of balancing the microclimate to reduce the risk of poor air quality and humidity levels, which are associated with causing plant diseases. Moreover, consistent CO 2 can contribute to uniform plant growth, promoting quality assurance of crops and commercial cultivation [16]. ...
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Open-ventilated greenhouses have reasonable setup costs and low operational costs for growers, which is crucial and most appealing for this research. These attributes fit developing nations like Thailand and other tropical regions. It is challenging to control the equipment intended to obtain an ideal microclimate. This research was conducted in an actual greenhouse setting for data collection and experiments, with a proposed system for adaptive equipment control via web integration. Also, the proposed multivariate multistep LSTM was forecasted over 1 h and cooperated with sensor data. Additional sensors, like a leaf wetness sensor and a CO2 sensor, were installed for detecting plant-level precision for vaporization, rather than greenhouse-level. The proposed system can optimize the indoor temperature within 34.5 to 36 °C with a 39 to 40 °C outdoor temperature. Also, humidity was still at the ideal level of 68 to 70%; more precisely, the wetness value was below 300 throughout the experiment. The model accuracy achieved a sufficient RMSE (0.49) and R2 (0.9788). This proposed system architecture and MM-LSTM model has potential as one dimension of a fully smart greenhouse system development in open-ventilated greenhouse settings in tropical regions and Southeast Asian nations for a better yield rate and less human interaction.
... Surface sterilised seeds were sown in sterile hydroponic boxes (10/15 seeds per box) filled with half strength (0.5x) modified Hoagland solution (NS; Supplementary Table S3). The N replete condition was set at 2 mM KNO 3 (Jensen and Malter, 1995). Germination and growth were performed in a growth chamber (Conviron/Binder kbwf720, Bohemina, NY, USA) set at 80% humidity, 16 hours photoperiod, at a temperature of 25 ± 2°C. ...
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Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus is a nitrogen fixing bacterium able to colonise a wide range of host plants and is marketed as a biofertiliser due to its ability to promote plant growth. This study aims to investigate how biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) competency affects the growth promotion of inoculated tomato plants and to describe the colonisation mechanism of this bacterium in dicot systems. A nitrogen fixation impaired mutant (Gd nifD⁻ ) was produced by disrupting the nifD gene, which encodes the nitrogenase Mo-Fe subunit, in order to assess its plant growth promotion (PGP) capability in comparison to G. diazotrophicus wild type strain (Gd WT). Furthermore, tagged strains were employed to monitor the colonisation process through qPCR analyses and fluorescence microscopy. Following a preliminary glass house trial, Gd WT or Gd nifD⁻ were applied to hydroponically grown tomato plants under nitrogen-replete and nitrogen-limiting conditions. Bacteria reisolation data and plant growth parameters including height, fresh weight, and chlorophyll content were assessed 15 days post inoculation (dpi). Gd WT significantly enhanced plant height, fresh weight, and chlorophyll content in both nitrogen conditions, while Gd nifD⁻ showed a reduced PGP effect, particularly in terms of chlorophyll content. Both strains colonised plants at similar levels, suggesting that the growth advantages were linked to BNF capacity rather than colonisation differences. These findings indicate that a functional nifD gene is a fundamental requirement for optimal plant growth promotion by G. diazotrophicus.
... Sendo assim, justifica-se a importância da produção de hortaliças em ambientes controlados, para diminuir os efeitos climáticos que incidem sobre as plantações agrícolas (Jensen, 1995). Além disso, as pessoas que passam muito tempo fora de casa, e não tem condições de cultivar hortas de forma adequada, podem desfrutar dessa experiência. ...
... Sendo assim, justifica-se a importância da produção de hortaliças em ambientes controlados, para diminuir os efeitos climáticos que incidem sobre as plantações agrícolas (Jensen, 1995). Além disso, as pessoas que passam muito tempo fora de casa, e não tem condições de cultivar hortas de forma adequada, podem desfrutar dessa experiência. ...
... Sendo assim, justifica-se a importância da produção de hortaliças em ambientes controlados, para diminuir os efeitos climáticos que incidem sobre as plantações agrícolas (Jensen, 1995). Além disso, as pessoas que passam muito tempo fora de casa, e não tem condições de cultivar hortas de forma adequada, podem desfrutar dessa experiência. ...
... These flexible covers, ranging from transparent to semi-transparent materials, create a beneficial microclimate for plants by increasing air and soil temperatures while mitigating wind damage (Hochmuth et al., 2000;Arancibia and Motsenbocker, 2008;Gordon et al., 2008). Such practices enable earlier crop production, allowing farmers to seize opportunities in early markets and potentially obtain higher prices (Jensen and Malter, 1995). Furthermore, remote sensing and GIS play a pivotal role in agriculture by providing valuable temperature estimation data (Parmar et al., 2019). ...
... In 2022, Europe had 65,428 ha of cultivated tobacco, of which 10,970 ha were in Italy [54]. The use of plastic mulching films is currently not a common practice in European tobacco farms, but interest in this practice has grown in recent years in Japan, where about 98% of tobacco is cultivated under plastic mulching [55]; in Brazil, where organic mulching is preferably used when sustainable practices are applied [56]; and in China [57], where an area of 31.9 × 10 4 haof tobacco cultivated using plastic mulching was reported in 2001 by Yang et al. [1]. At present, Japan, Brazil, and China are the world's major producers of this important non-food crop. ...
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Citation: Sifola, M.I.; Cozzolino, E.; Ciancolini, A.; Falce, M.; Raimo, F.; Enotrio, T.; Sicignano, M.; Baiano, S.; del Piano, L. Crop Management System Consisting of Biodegradable Mulching Film + Drip Irrigation Increases Yield and Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco. Sustainability 2024, 16, 7089. https://doi.
This study determined the growth effect of the sprouting period on macro and micro mineral concentration of hydroponics fodder produced from white sorghum, red sorghum (sorghum bicolor) and millet (pennisetum glacum) seed. 2.5 kilograms each of the selected seeds were divided into five groups of 500 g each, and tagged T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5, with T1 being the unsprouted seeds and serving as the control, while the T2 – Ts were sprouted. The seeds were transferred to plastic buckets with perforated lids, and soaked in water for 4 hours to activate them. Thereafter, the water was drained, and the seeds left in plastic buckets for 24 hours to further hasten their sprouting. The seeds were then transferred to properly labeled plastic trays measuring approximately 487.68cm and depth of 2.54cm, and having one end perforated to allow for water drainage. The set-up was therefore 15 trays made up of 5 trays per seed type in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). The seeds were irrigated trice daily with bore-hole water for 8 days to produce the hydroponic fodders. The mineral concentrations of the fodders were determined at the day 0, 4, 6, and 8 of growth. Progressive increase in the macro and micro-mineral concentration, with sprouting days, was also observed with the 8th day values being significantly higher (p<0.05) than the others. Fe content was much higher in the 6th and 8th day millet fodder than the sorghum fodder, while the zinc and manganese content of the 8th day white sorghum fodder were also much higher than the others. Both the sorghum and millet seeds can be used for hydroponic fodder production in south eastern Nigeria.
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This study, conducted at Khulna University, Bangladesh, from January to April 2023, aimed to assess the biomass yield of hydroponically cultivated fodder and its influence on rabbit growth. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was employed with four treatments: control (T1), maize hydroponic fodder (T2), wheat hydroponic fodder (T3), and jumbo hydroponic fodder (T4). Twelve rabbits were divided into four treatment groups, and their weekly body weights were recorded. Biomass yield and plant height of each fodder type were measured, and chemical composition was analyzed. Wheat hydroponic fodder exhibited the highest biomass yield (766±4 g) after 15 days from 250 g seeds, while maize hydroponic fodder had the lowest yield (574±14 g) from the same seed quantity. Wheat hydroponic fodder also displayed the tallest plants (15.9±0.1 cm) on the 15th day, with jumbo hydroponic fodder having the shortest (6.25±0.05 cm). In chemical analysis, wheat hydroponic fodder had the highest crude protein (18.71±0.28%), jumbo hydroponic fodder had the highest crude fiber (21.65±0.55%), and jumbo hydroponic fodder contained the most ether extract (3.74±0.07%). Maize hydroponic fodder had the highest nitrogen-free extract (78.58±0.18%).Regarding rabbit growth performance, jumbo hydroponic fodder significantly outperformed other treatments, with the highest weight gain and improved feed conversion ratio (FCR). The rabbits fed jumbo hydroponic fodder (initial weight: 417±74 g, final weight: 731±61 g) exhibited the most substantial growth, while the control group (initial weight: 614±84 g, final weight: 533±59 g) showed the least growth, likely due to a lack of dietary fiber leading to digestion issues and chronic diarrhea.In conclusion, hydroponically grown jumbo fodder positively influenced rabbit growth performance within an intensive housing system. The study emphasizes the importance of dietary fiber for rabbits and recommends incorporating fibrous feeds into their diet. These findings contribute to improved rabbit husbandry practices and the potential of hydroponically grown fodder as a valuable dietary resource.
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Pengabdian Masyarakat bertujuan meningkatan pendapatan kelompok tani dengan pembuatan hidroponik berbasis IoT, Kelompok Tani Mekar Ayu Desa Sei Mencirim selama ini mengandalkan pertanian holtikultura dengan menggunakan lahan pertanian yang sangat bergantung pada alam dan pengendalian hama dengan menyemprot anti hama yang mengakibatkan hasil panen terkontaminasi dengan zat anti hama tersebut. Kelompok tani belum memanfaatkan lahan-lahan kosong sekitar perumahan anggota kelompok yang dapat dibuat berbagai usaha yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan anggotanya, pelatihan pembuatan hidroponik, penyemaian bibit kangkung dan pakcoi. Permasalahannya belum ada hidroponik padahal lahan untuk tempat peletakan hidroponik banyak di rumah-rumah anggota kelompok tani, selama ini kelompok tani mengandalkan lahan pertanian, pengetahuan penyemaian bibit. Solusi pelatiahan pembuatan hidroponik berbasis IoT dan pelatihan penyemaian serta pengendalian hama hingga panen tiba.
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