ArticleLiterature Review

Achalasia and Other Esophageal Motility Disorders

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Achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm, nutcracker esophagus, and the hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter are considered primary esophageal motility disorder. These disorders are characterized by esophageal dysmotility that is responsible for the symptoms. While there is today a reasonable consensus about the pathophysiology, the diagnosis, and the treatment of achalasia, this has not occurred for the other disorders. A careful evaluation is therefore necessary before an operation is considered.

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... Esophageal motility disorders are a large group of pathologic conditions that involve both primary and secondary disorders of esophageal contraction (1). Motility disorders are considered to be primary if symptoms, such as dysphagia and chest pain, originate from the esophagus, and no other cause can be identified (1). ...
... Esophageal motility disorders are a large group of pathologic conditions that involve both primary and secondary disorders of esophageal contraction (1). Motility disorders are considered to be primary if symptoms, such as dysphagia and chest pain, originate from the esophagus, and no other cause can be identified (1). The main primary conditions are achalasia, diffuse (distal) esophageal spasm, nutcracker esophagus, and hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter (1). ...
... Motility disorders are considered to be primary if symptoms, such as dysphagia and chest pain, originate from the esophagus, and no other cause can be identified (1). The main primary conditions are achalasia, diffuse (distal) esophageal spasm, nutcracker esophagus, and hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter (1). The evaluation of esophageal motility disorders is mainly based on the use of manometry, and their classification is made according to the Chicago Classification system, which utilizes high-resolution manometry (HRM) (2). ...
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Background: The use of bibliometrics can help us identify the most impactful articles on a topic or scientific discipline and their influence on clinical practice. We aimed to identify the 100 most cited articles covering esophageal motility disorders and examine their key characteristics. Methods: The Web of Science database was utilized to perform the search, using predefined search terms. The returned dataset was filtered to include full manuscripts written in the English language. After screening, we identified the 100 most cited articles and analyzed them for title, year of publication, names of authors, institution, country of the first author, number of citations and citation rate. Results: The initial search returned 29,521 results. The top 100 articles received a total of 20,688 citations. The most cited paper was by Inoue et al. (665 citations) who first described peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) for treating achalasia. The article with the highest citation rate was the third version of the Chicago Classification system, written by Kahrilas and colleagues. Gastroenterology published most papers on the list (n=32) and accrued the highest number of citations (6,675 citations). Peter Kahrilas was the most cited author (3,650 citations) and, along with Joel Richter, authored the highest number of manuscripts (n=14). Most articles were produced in the USA (n=66) between the years 1991 and 2000 (n=32). Conclusions: By analyzing the most influential articles, this work is a reference on the articles that shaped our understanding of esophageal motility disorders, thus serving as a guide for future research.
... A fecção primária da motilidade do esôfago pouco comum, a acalásia ocorre com igual distribuição quanto ao gênero e raça, mas com incidência que aumenta com a idade e prevalência variável nos diferentes continentes 1 . Embora a causa normalmente não possa ser definida, a fisiopatologia, diagnóstico e tratamento são relativamente bem compreendidos 18 . Ela é predominantemente doença idiopática, secundária à perda seletiva da função dos neurônios inibitórios dos plexos mioentéricos, provavelmente devido a fenômeno autoimmune em resposta a antígenos desconhecidos 14 . ...
... O diagnóstico da acalásia é realizado com elevado grau de certeza mesmo nos estágios iniciais da doença pela manometria esofágica. O quadro manométrico clássico é caracterizado pela incapacidade do esfíncter inferior do esôfago (EIE) em relaxar durante a deglutição e aperistalse 18 . ...
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Introduction: The diagnosis of achalasia may be suggested by clinical features but a complete work-up is required not only to confirm the diagnosis but also to grade the disease by severity or clinical subtype. Objective: To review the current evaluation of esophageal achalasia and its correct comprehension. Method: The literature review was based on papers published on Medline/Pubmed, SciELO and Lilacs, crossing the following headings: "esophageal achalasia"; "deglutition disorders"; "diagnostic techniques", "digestive system"; "endoscopy, digestive system"; "manometry". Results: The diagnosis of achalasia is suggested by clinical features but is not sufficient to distinguish this from other esophageal disease. It must be confirmed by further diagnostic tests, such as esophagogastroduodenoscopy, barium swallow and manometry. Recent advances in diagnostic methods, including high resolution manometry might even help predicting outcome or selected more appropriate procedures to treat the disease. Conclusion: A detailed and systematic study of achalasia patients allows not only a correct diagnosis but also contributes to therapeutic decision making and prognosis.
... Achalasia may develop at all ages, but it usually displays bimodal presentation. The first peak of incidence occurs in adulthood, between ages 30 and 40 s, while the second peak occurs after the age of 60 [6,7]. Then, the incidence progressively increases with age, along with the rates of hospitalization that reach 37/100,000 per year in subjects aged[85 [8]. ...
... To date, while dysphagia is a hallmark symptom at all ages, younger patients most frequently present chest pain and heartburn than older people [12]. Progressive weight loss, malnutrition, and pulmonary complications of various entities commonly occur while the disease advances [6,7,12,13]. According to highresolution manometry, this esophageal disorder can be classified into three subtypes: type I, or achalasia with minimal esophageal pressurization; type II, with esophageal compression; type III, with spasm [14]. ...
... Achalasia is a rare idiopathic disorder characterized by the absence of esophageal peristalsis and a defective relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) [1,2]. Clinical symptoms include dysphagia, chest pain, and regurgitation of undigested food, and all of these symptoms are common diagnostic clinical features of achalasia in normal-weight patients [3]. ...
... There is currently no treatment for achalasia which results in improved activity of the denervated muscle tissue. The fundamental aims of achalasia treatment include decreasing the severity of the dysphagia complaints, correction of esophageal emptying, and improving the respiratory symptoms [1]. ...
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Achalasia is a relatively rare condition with a prevalence estimated at less than 0.001 %. Laparoscopic or robotic Heller myotomy is an effective surgical treatment for achalasia. We present the first published case of a morbidly obese achalasia patient treated with robotic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication. The operative time was 175 min, with an estimated blood loss of 110 ml. The patient had a normal bowel transit on postoperative day 2, and he was discharged on postoperative day 4 on a liquid diet. A follow-up at 2 months showed significant resolved symptoms of achalasia.
... Although, others would turn to barium swallow first in the evaluation of dysphagia [36,37]. However, manometry is the most sensitive diagnostic tool and is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of achalasia [38,39]. Fluoroscopic barium swallow provides additional information; a bird's beak appearance of the esophagus, esophageal dilation, delayed esophageal emptying, and tertiary contractions are all characteristics of achalasia [29,40]. ...
... Fluoroscopic barium swallow provides additional information; a bird's beak appearance of the esophagus, esophageal dilation, delayed esophageal emptying, and tertiary contractions are all characteristics of achalasia [29,40]. Important criteria for diagnosis of achalasia are lack of peristalsis, absent or incomplete relaxation of the LES in response to swallowing on manometry, and diagnostic findings on barium swallow [25,39]. A variant of achalasia has also been described. ...
The goal of this review is to illustrate our approach to patients with achalasia in terms of preoperative evaluation and surgical technique. Indications, patient selection and management are herein discussed. Specifically, we illustrate the pathogenetic theories and diagnostic algorithm with current up-to-date techniques to diagnose achalasia and its manometric variants. Finally, we focus on the therapeutic approaches available today: medical and surgical. A special emphasis is given on the surgical treatment of achalasia and we provide the reader with a detailed description of our pre and postoperative management.
... [1]. Patients with achalasia usually suffer from progressive dysphagia and regurgitation and rarely chest pain, weight loss and dyspnea [2]. A systematic investigation of the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and diseases in patients with achalasia [3] was performed and reported a relatively high prevalence of patients with cough, hoarseness, wheezing, dyspnea, sore throat, and episodes of pneumonia. ...
A young female in her early twenties presented with complaints of sneezing, nocturnal dry cough, chest tightness and occasional nocturnal wheeze. She reported occasional reflux symptoms. She denied loss of weight, loss of appetite or fever.
... [1]. Patients with achalasia usually suffer from progressive dysphagia and regurgitation and rarely chest pain, weight loss and dyspnea [2]. A systematic investigation of the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and diseases in patients with achalasia [3] was performed and reported a relatively high prevalence of patients with cough, hoarseness, wheezing, dyspnea, sore throat, and episodes of pneumonia. ...
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All that wheezes is not asthma. In patients with suspected asthma and poor response to treatment, be sure to look for asthma mimics. This work is intended to target undergraduate medical students and primary care physicians
... Regarding this issue, the optimal length of myotomy remains a topic of considerable debate. While some authors advocate for a restricted myotomy on the lower oesophagus to preserve a portion of the LOS and prevent postoperative reflux 11,12 , most recommended a myotomy extending 4-6 cm on the oesophagus and 1-2 cm on the gastric side, followed by an antireflux procedure [13][14][15][16] . Moreover, in the era of precision medicine and precision surgery, it is time to abandon ancient surgical dogmas and begin embracing the concepts of calibrated myotomy. ...
... Esophageal manometry determines the disease's diagnosis with a high degree of certainty, even in the early stages of the disease. The failure of the lower LES to relax during swallowing and aperistalsis characterizes the manometric image of achalasia [10]. Around 70-80% of patients will have absent or partial LES relaxation, while the remaining patients will have a nadir pressure within acceptable ranges but with short-duration relaxation (6s) [6] had high amplitude concurrent waves. ...
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Achalasia is caused by chronic degeneration of ganglionic cells in the myenteric plexus that leads to failure of relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This leads to aperistalsis of the digital esophagus and eventually led to dilation of the lower esophagus. We present the case of a 37-year-old man who initially presented with dysphagia for solid food and then slowly developed dysphagia for liquid over the past 6 months. He had significant weight loss, and his esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) showed esophagitis and gastritis. The imaging of computed tomography (CT) with oral contrast showed dilation of the distal esophagus and mild circumferential thickening at the gastroesophageal junction. After the failure of response to BoTox-infiltration in the LES, the patient was taken for Heller’s myotomy. He showed immediate improvement in dysphagia after surgical intervention. This case study includes findings from CT scan, X-ray, and EGD with biopsies in this patient. This paper also summarizes the therapeutic options of BoTox-injection and surgical myotomy
... If GERD is present, the motility abnormality is considered secondary, and treatment is directed toward reflux. In the absence of GERD, therapy is aimed at the modulation of the esophageal dysmotility with pharmacological agents or at the permeabilization of the gastroesophageal junction with endoscopic or surgical procedures [4] . ...
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Surgical treatment for non-achalasia primary esophageal motility disorders is reserved for few situations. Proper selection of patients brings good outcomes with low morbidity, which makes surgical therapy an adequate therapeutic option. High resolution manometry reclassifies esophageal motility disorders. Interestingly, literature is scarce on surgical therapy for this new classification with per oral endoscopic myotomy as the leading treatment.
... Achalasia is usually quoted as a rare primary esophageal disorder with an unknown etiology. [1] This rarity leads to frequent misdiagnosis as shown by high rate of patients with achalasia referred for antireflux surgery. [2] The two affirmatives that achalasia is rare and lacks an etiology; however, may not be true in South America. ...
... 6 A reasonable consensus has developed for the pathophysiology, the diagnosis, and the treatment of achalasia, but this has not occurred for the other disorders. 7 All these patterns, with the exception of achalasia, can be found associated with GERD and the therapy for these cases is aimed at reflux control based on the assumption that the motility disorder is secondary to GERD. Furthermore, an overlapping of diagnosis is possible based on the current definition of the disorders. ...
The manometric pattern of either diffuse esophageal spasm (DES), nutcracker esophagus (NE), or hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter (HLES) in the presence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is considered a secondary finding and treatment should be directed toward GERD. This study aims to evaluate the outcomes of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (LNF) in patients with manometric patterns of esophageal motility disorders. Patients with GERD confirmed by pH monitoring and manometric pattern of DES (simultaneous contractions 20 to 90% of wet swallows), NE (increased mean distal amplitude greater than 180 mmHg), or HLES (lower esophageal sphincter pressure greater than 45 mmHg) who underwent LNF were studied. A group of 50 consecutive patients with normal esophageal motility who underwent LNF were used as control subjects. Groups were comparable to control subjects for age, gender, preoperative symptoms, hiatal hernia, and Barrett's esophagus, except for NE that had younger individuals and a lower rate of hiatal hernia. Symptomatic outcome was similar when groups were compared with control subjects. Transient dysphagia was present in the postoperative period in 33, 7, 0, and 20 per cent of the patients with HLES, DES, NE, and control subjects, respectively. LNF is an adequate treatment for patients with GERD and manometric patterns of esophageal motility disorders.
... Esophageal motility disorders are a compilation of conditions resulting from inappropriate function of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and associated dysfunction of the peristaltic activity of the esophagus. Motor disorders of the esophagus may have ineffective or lost peristaltic function as in achalasia, or high or uncoordinated esophageal muscle contractions as in diffuse esophageal spasm and nutcracker esophagus, which may lead to failure of propagation of food into the stomach [1]. Given the variety of physiologic disturbances that occur in esophageal motility disorders, patients present with varied clinical complaints. ...
... 4 Around 45% of the patients diagnosed with achalasia were assumed to have gastroesophageal reflux disease and were treated for it. [4][5][6] There are limited data available on the differences in presentation and high-resolution esophageal manometry (HREM) findings with respect to race in patients with achalasia. It has been difficult to collect epidemiologic data on achalasia as most clinical studies have rarely recruited more than 100 patients. ...
Background: The advent of the Chicago Classification for esophageal motility disorders allowed for clinically reproducible subgrouping of patients with achalasia based on manometric phenotype. However, there are limited data with regards to racial variation using high-resolution esophageal manometry (HREM). The aim of our study was to evaluate the racial differences in patients with achalasia diagnosed with HREM using the Chicago Classification. We evaluated the clinical presentation, treatment decisions and outcomes between blacks and non-blacks with achalasia to identify potential racial disparities. Materials and methods: We performed a retrospective review of consecutive patients referred for HREM at a single tertiary referral center from June 2008 through October 2012. All patients diagnosed with achalasia on HREM according to the Chicago Classification were included. Demographic, clinical and manometric data were abstracted. All studies interpreted before the Chicago Classification was in widespread use were reanalyzed. Race was defined as black or non-black. Patients who had missing data were excluded. Proportions were compared using chi-squared analysis and means were compared using the Student's t-test. Results: A total of 1,268 patients underwent HREM during the study period, and 105 (8.3%) were manometrically diagnosed with achalasia (53% female, mean age: 53.8 ± 17.0 years) and also met the aforementioned inclusion and exclusion criteria. A higher percentage of women presented with achalasia in blacks as compared to whites or other races (P < 0.001). Non-blacks were more likely to present with reflux than blacks (P = 0.01), while blacks were more likely to be treated on the inpatient service than non-blacks (P < 0.001). There were no other significant differences noted in clinical presentation, treatment decisions and treatment outcomes among blacks and non-blacks. Conclusions: Our study highlights possible racial differences between blacks and non-blacks, including a higher proportion of black women diagnosed with achalasia and most blacks presenting with dysphagia. There is possibly a meaningful interaction of race and sex in the development of achalasia that might represent genetic differences in its pathophysiology. Further prospective studies are required to identify such differences.
... A refluxszövődmények elleni védekezés egyik, az irodalomban erősen vitatott formája az achalasia. Ismert dolog, hogy a nyelőcső-motilitási zavarok egymásba, sőt achalasiába is átmehetnek [17]. Az első közlemény, amely felvetette a reflux etiológiai szerepét az achalasia kialakulásában, 1986-ban jelent meg. ...
Gastroesophageal reflux disease affects more than 10% of the adult population. Most patients can be effectively treated with lifestyle changes and adequate acid-reducing therapy. However, about 10% of the patients remain symptomatic despite treatment and severe complications may develop. Interestingly, some of these complications seem to be a sort of defensive mechanism that may either alleviate the patient's symptoms or prevent developing further complications. In Barrett's esophagus, which can be unambigously considered as a complication of gastroesophageal reflux disease, reflux symptoms ruining the quality of life may significantly improve, since the metaplastic Barrett epithelium is much more resistent to gastric acid, than the normal epithelial lining of the esophagus. Furthermore, the motility disorders (hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter, achalasia, cricopharyngeal achalasia) and structural changes (Schatzki's ring, esophageal stricture, subglottic trachea stenosis), which develop as a complication of reflux may help to prevent aspiration that can cause new complaints and may lead to further complications.
... Conventional manometry neglected time and privileged only amplitudes. A progressive latter onset of the distal wave (CDP) can be noticed from 3 to 1 cm above the lower esophageal sphincter upper border (D-F). in association with a dilated esophagus on the barium esophagram makes the diagnoses of this disease not difficult [14] . Esophageal manometry; however, is useful not only for the diagnosis in difficult cases, especially without esophageal dilatation, but it seems to predict therapeutic outcomes [10] , usually accomplished via endoscopic forced dilatation of the cardia or surgical Heller's myotomy and fundoplication [15] . ...
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High resolution manometry (HRM) is a new technology that made important contributions to the field of gastrointestinal physiology. HRM showed clear advantages over conventional manometry and it allowed the creation of different manometric parameters. On the other side, conventional manometry is still wild available. It must be better studied if the new technology made possible the creation and study of these parameters or if they were always there but the colorful intuitive panoramic view of the peristalsis from the pharynx to the stomach HRM allowed the human eyes to distinguish subtle parameters unknown or uncomprehend so far and if HRM parameters can be reliably obtained by conventional manometry and data from conventional manometry still can be accepted in achalasia studies. Conventional manometry relied solely on the residual pressure to evaluate lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxation while HRM can obtain the Integrated Relaxation Pressure. Esophageal body HRM parameters defines achalasia subtypes, the Chicago classification, based on esophageal pressurization after swallows. The characterization of each subtype is very intuitive by HRM but also easy by conventional manometry since only wave amplitudes need to be measured. In conclusion, conventional manometry is still valuable to classify achalasia according to the Chicago classification. HRM permits a better study of the LES.
... Interestingly, in the "asymptomatic" clinically normal control group abnormal videofluoroscopic swallowing studies were only observed in terrier dogs. 8 While primary esophageal motility disorders occurring in the absence of an identifiable cause such as achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm, nutcracker esophagus or the hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter have been clearly identified in humans, 9 primary esophageal motility abnormalities have yet to be uncovered in small animals. For instance achalasia -the most well-defined esophageal motor disorder in people -has only very recently been documented in dogs. ...
... My questions are as follows: 1. What was the duration of symptoms in the two groups prior to HRM? ...
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Idiopathic achalasia (IA) and Chagas' disease esophagopathy (CDE) share several similarities. The comparison between IA and CDE is important to evaluate whether treatment options and their results can be accepted universally. High-resolution manometry (HRM) has proved a better diagnostic tool compared to conventional manometry. This study aims to evaluate HRM classifications for idiopathic achalasia in patients with CDE. We studied 98 patients: 52 patients with CDE (52 % females, mean age, 57 ± 14 years) and 46 patients with IA (54 % females; mean age 48 ± 19 years). All patients underwent a HRM and barium esophagogram. The Chicago classification was distributed in IA as Chicago I, 35 %; Chicago II, 63 %; and Chicago III, 2 %, and in CDE as Chicago I, 52 %; Chicago II, 48 %; and Chicago III, 0 % (p = 0.1, 0.1, and 0.5, respectively). All patients had the classic Rochester type. CDE patients had more pronounced degrees of esophageal dilatation (p < 0.002). The degree of esophageal dilatation did not correlate with Chicago classification (p = 0.08). In nine (9 %) patients, the HRM pattern changed during the test from Chicago I to II. Our results show that (a) HRM classifications for IA can be applied in patients with CDE and (b) HRM classifications did not correlate with the degree of esophageal dilatation. HRM classifications may reflect esophageal repletion and pressurization instead of muscular contraction. The correlation between manometric findings and treatment outcomes for CDE needs to be answered in the near future.
... Achalasia is the most common and the most studied primary esophageal motility disorder, characterized by the absence of peristalsis at the level of the esophageal body and abnormal relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). [1][2][3] Idiopathic achalasia (IA) is a rare disease leading to an esophageal neurodegenerative disorder of unknown etiology, with an estimated prevalence of 8 cases per 100 000 inhabitants and an incidence of 1 case per 100 000 inhabitants/year. 1,4 Chagas' disease esophagopathy (CDE) is caused by the infection of the flagellated protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, leading to the destruction of the esophageal autonomic nervous system leading to a clinical picture similar to IA. 5,6 High-resolution manometry (HRM) has proved a better diagnostic tool compared with conventional manometry. ...
The comparison between idiopathic achalasia (IA) and Chagas' disease esophagopathy (CDE) may evaluate if treatment options and their outcomes can be accepted universally. This study aims to compare IA and CDE at the light of high-resolution manometry. We studied 86 patients with achalasia: 45 patients with CDE (54% females, mean age 55 years) and 41 patients with IA (58% females, mean age 49 years). All patients underwent high-resolution manometry. Upper esophageal sphincter parameters were similar (basal pressure CDE = 72 ± 45 mmHg, IA = 82 ± 57 mmHg; residual pressure CDE = 9.9 ± 9.9 mmHg, IA = 9.8 ± 7.5 mmHg). In the body of the esophagus, the amplitude was higher in the IA group than the CDE group at 3 cm (CDE = 15 ± 14 mm Hg, IA = 42 ± 52 mmHg, P = 0.003) and 7 cm (CDE = 16 ± 15 mmHg, IA = 36 ± 57 mmHg, P = 0.04) above the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES basal pressure (CDE = 17 ± 16 mmHg, IA = 40 ± 22 mmHg, P < 0.001) and residual pressure (CDE = 12 ± 11 mmHg, IA = 27 ± 13 mmHg, P < 0.001) were also higher in the IA group. Our results show that: (i) there is no difference in regards to the upper esophageal sphincter; (ii) higher pressures of the esophageal body are noticed in patients with IA; and (iii) basal and residual pressures of the LES are lower in patients with CDE. Our results did not show expressive manometric differences between IA and CDE. Some differences may be attributed to a more pronounced esophageal dilatation in patients with CDE.
... During barium swallow or, rarely, during endoscopy, there may be simultaneous contractions leading to a corkscrew deformity of the lower third of the esophagus. 1 Th e diagnostic criteria for ES on esophageal mano-metry is simultaneous or rapid, prolonged (>6 seconds) contractions. Spontaneous, repetitive, or multipeaked contractions may also be seen during manometry. ...
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Introducción. La manometría de alta resolución es, sin duda, un avance tecnológico increíble en comparación con la manometría convencional. La manometría esofágica de alta resolución actualmente guía la clasificación y nomenclatura de los trastornos de la motilidad esofágica. A pesar del creciente entusiasmo, el desarrollo de nuevos parámetros, la mejora de la tecnología y la descripción de nuevas enfermedades, es difícil, esclarecer si la manometría de alta resolución es solo una excelente herramienta para diagnosticar las mismas enfermedades previas, tal vez con diferentes nombres, o es un verdadero instrumento que cambia la terapia. El objetivo de esta revisión fue resumir la evidencia actual de la manometría de alta resolución como herramienta para cambiar las decisiones terapéuticas en las enfermedades esofágicas. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura en la base de datos de PubMed de artículos en inglés y estudios realizados en adultos. Conclusiones. A pesar de tener bajos niveles de evidencia, la manometría de alta resolución parece ayudar en las decisiones terapéuticas en estas situaciones: (a) el tratamiento puede adaptarse en función de los tipos manométricos de acalasia; b) La extensión de la miotomía se puede adaptar en los trastornos espásticos basándose en la extensión manométrica de las ondas espástica; (c) una funduplicatura parcial puede ser más adecuada en pacientes con presión de relajación integrada elevada en el esfínter esofágico inferior; y (d) la terapia quirúrgica es más eficiente en pacientes con mayor integral de contractilidad distal y relajación anormal del esfínter esofágico inferior.
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Congenital idiopathic megaesophagus (CIM) is a gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorder of dogs in which reduced peristaltic activity and dilation of the esophagus prevent the normal transport of food into the stomach. Affected puppies regurgitate meals and water, fail to thrive, and experience complications such as aspiration pneumonia that may necessitate euthanasia. The German shepherd dog (GSD) has the highest disease incidence, indicative of a genetic predisposition. Here, we discover that male GSDs are twice as likely to be affected as females and show that the sex bias is independent of body size. We propose that female endogenous factors (e.g., estrogen) are protective via their role in promoting relaxation of the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach, facilitating food passage. A genome-wide association study for CIM revealed an association on canine chromosome 12 (P-val = 3.12x10⁻¹³), with the lead SNPs located upstream or within Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Receptor 2 (MCHR2), a compelling positional candidate gene having a role in appetite, weight, and GI motility. Within the first intron of MCHR2, we identified a 33 bp variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) containing a consensus binding sequence for the T-box family of transcription factors. Across dogs and wolves, the major allele includes two copies of the repeat, whereas the predominant alleles in GSDs have one or three copies. The single-copy allele is strongly associated with CIM (P-val = 1.32x10⁻¹⁷), with homozygosity for this allele posing the most significant risk. Our findings suggest that the number of T-box protein binding motifs may correlate with MCHR2 expression and that an imbalance of melanin-concentrating hormone plays a role in CIM. We describe herein the first genetic factors identified in CIM: sex and a major locus on chromosome 12, which together predict disease state in the GSD with greater than 75% accuracy.
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High-resolution manometry permitted the creation of the Chicago classification, that is the categorization for esophageal motility disorders most currently used. Despite its wide acceptance, there are few pitfalls for the correct interpretation of the tests. This technique review illustrates some difficult cases that may lead to misinterpretation of the results. Difficult cases are analyzed, such as the distinction of: (1) esophagogastric junction morphology and lower esophageal sphincter excursion, (2) intrabolus pressure pattern or common cavity, (3) hypercontractile esophagus (jackhammer) and achalasia type III, (4) absent contractility and severe ineffective esophageal motility or achalasia type I, and (5) simultaneous distal esophageal spasm and ineffective esophageal motility.
Background Distal contractile integral (DCI) is influenced by factors other than esophageal smooth muscle contractility, such as intrabolus pressure and vascular and respiratory movements’ artifacts. We aimed to determine the size of the contribution of pressures generated by vascular compression on the esophagus to the DCI measured in HRM recordings in symptomatic patients.MethodsHRM manometry recordings obtained from 383 subjects referred to the GI motility laboratory at a tertiary center (2012–2016) were evaluated by visual inspection for evidence of strong vascular compression (SVC) of the esophagus. Clinical, demographic, manometric, and serologic data for Chagas disease were obtained. Subjects were classified, respectively, as asymptomatics (ASYM) or symptomatics (SYMP). DCI and SVC-DCI were measured, and the SVC-DCI/DCI ratio was expressed as a percentage and the difference between DCI and SVC-DCI (neat-DCI) was calculated. DCI, SVC-DCI, SVC-DCI/DCI % and neat-DCI from SYMP and ASYM were compared.ResultsSVC was conspicuous in 42 of 383 subjects (11%). In 33 subjects, SVC was detected only in supine position. SVC was localized in middle esophagus in 21 subjects (50%), in distal esophagus in 12 subjects (29%) and in both regions in 9 subjects (21%). In 9 subjects, SVC vanished from the swallowing window analysis (21%).ConclusionsSVC is a common finding in esophageal HRM study, particularly in the supine position. Occasionally, its contribution to DCI value is sufficiently great to masquerade esophageal hypocontractility. Different manometric protocols may be required in patients with SVC.
The foregut is at the forefront of intestinal transit and motility as well as digestion and absorption. Thus the manipulation of these processes during the treatment of disease, both medically and surgically, allows for both treatment success and treatment consequences. This chapter will review the various methods for the evaluation of esophageal and gastric transit, motility, acid physiology, as well as anatomic considerations and evaluations. It will review the basic procedural elements to each testing method and review salient features to each test.
Esophageal diseases are functional disorders (gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), achalasia, esophageal diverticula), congenital abnormalities (esophageal duplication cyst), or tumors (leiomyoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), cancer). In the evaluation of these disorders, no single test provides all the needed information, but the final diagnosis and treatment plan are based on information provided by multiple tests. For instance, in patients with GERD, a barium swallow describes the anatomy of the esophagus and stomach (hiatal hernia, Schatzki’s ring, stricture); an upper endoscopy determines if mucosal injury is present and excludes gastric and duodenal pathology; esophageal manometry defines pressure, length, and position of the lower esophageal sphincter; quality of esophageal peristalsis; and pressure of the upper esophageal sphincter and its coordination with the pharyngeal contraction; ambulatory pH monitoring determines if abnormal gastroesophageal reflux is present, if reflux extends to the proximal esophagus and pharynx, and if there is a temporal correlation between episodes of reflux and symptoms experienced by the patient.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, primary esophageal motility disorders, and esophageal cancer are the most common disease processes affecting the esophagus. This article describes the pathophysiology of these disorders and how they can be prevented, diagnosed, and treated. Emphasis is placed on the most modern techniques available today to identify and characterize these disorders and on the development of minimally invasive surgery during the last 20 years, which has changed their treatment algorithm.
Diffuse esophageal spasm (DES) is a rare primary motility disorder of the esophagus causing substernal chest pain, dysphagia and regurgitation. This case reports shows a typical "corkscrew esophagus" in a 79-year-old male patient presenting with very severe dysphagia and regurgitation. Following a failed initial pharmacological treatment, he was successfully treated with endoscopic botulinum toxin (botox) injections. A botox injection appears to be a promising treatment of DES in patients who are non-responsive to the initial pharmacological treatment.
A 59-year-old man presented with dysphagia and food regurgitation at night.
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A 72-year-old woman presented with long-standing gastro-oesophageal reflux, regurgitation of swallowed food and worsening cervical dysphagia. Fluoroscopic barium oesophagography revealed a posterolateral pharyngeal pouch (Zenker's diverticulum (ZD)) complicating a 'cup and spill' oesophageal deformity with a smoothly tapered segment at the gastro-oesophageal junction. CT and high-resolution manometry confirmed that the underlying abnormality was a massively dilated oesophagus with aperistalsis and pan-oesophageal pressurisation, consistent with a diagnosis of oesophageal achalasia (type II). She underwent endoscopic stapled diverticulotomy, with good symptomatic relief. We discuss the aetiology of ZD, its management and the association here with oesophageal achalasia.
A 39-year-old female patient was referred to our hospital with a suspected esophageal motility disorder following a 4-month history of hiccup and dysphagia. Her past medical and family histories were unremarkable. Prior investigation with upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and esophagography failed to demonstrate any obvious pathology. Therefore, high-resolution manometry was performed, which showed the following: an integrated relaxation pressure (IRP) of 11.5mmHg; a distal contractile integral (DCI) of 6543mmHg-s-cm; and, a highest DCI of 9289mmHg-s-cm. A diagnosis of jackhammer esophagus was, therefore, considered. We reported on the details of this case and reviewed the relevant literature.
Esophageal achalasia is the most common primary esophageal motor disorder. Laparoscopic Heller's myotomy combined with fundoplication represents the treatment of choice for this disease, achieving good results in about 90% of patients. However, about 10% of treated patients refer persistent or recurrent dysphagia. Many Autors showed that this failure rate is related to inadequate myotomy. To verify, from experimental to clinical study, the modifications induced by Heller's myotomy of the esophago- gastric junction on LES pressure (LES-P profile, using a computerized manometric system. From 2002 to 2010 105 patients with achalasia underwent laparoscopic calibrated Heller myotomy followed by antireflux surgery. The calibrated Heller myotomy was extended for at least 2.5 cm on the esophagus and for 3 cm on the gastric side. Each step was evaluated by intraoperative manometry. Moreover, intraoperative manometry and endoscopy were used to calibrate the fundoplication. The preoperative mean LES-P was 37.73 ± 12.21. After esophageal and gastric myotomy the mean pressure drop was 21.3% and 91.9%, respectively. No mortality was reported. Laparocopic calibrated Heller myotomy with fundoplication achieves a good outcome in the surgical treatment of achalasia. The use of intraoperative manometry enables an adequate calibration of myotomy, being effective in the evaluation of the complete pressure drop, avoiding too long esophageal myotomy and, especially, too short gastric myotomy, that may be the cause of surgical failure. Achalasia, Heller myotomy, Laparoscopic Heller-Dor.
Achalasia is characterized by incomplete lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation and aperistalsis of the oesophagus. It may present with dyspnea symptom. An 18-years-old male patient applied to a clinic with the complaints of cough, dyspnea, wheezing and diagnosed as asthma. Although his asthma treatment was increased in time while he did not recover, he was reffered to our hospital with the diagnosis of uncontrolled asthma. On chest X-ray there was a mild upper mediastinal enlargement and chest computed tomography revealed an over-dilated oesophagus constricting the trachea. The patient was referred to chest surgery clinic with a suspected diagnosis of achalasia. Barium-oesophagogram and endoscopic evaluation of the oesophagus confirmed the diagnosis of achalasia. The patient underwent Heller myotomy and oesophagogastrostomy. He was recovered in one week after the surgery without any complaint of dyspnea. Spirometry tests and chest X-ray resulted normal in one year. With this case of achalasia who used asthma treatment unnecessarily,we wanted to emphasize the importance of differential diagnosis of difficult asthma.
The manometric pattern of either diffuse esophageal spasm (DES), nutcracker esophagus (NE), or hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter (HLES) in the presence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is considered a secondary finding and treatment should be directed toward GERD. This study aims to evaluate the outcomes of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (LNF) in patients with manometric patterns of esophageal motility disorders. Patients with GERD confirmed by pH monitoring and manometric pattern of DES (simultaneous contractions 20 to 90% of wet swallows), NE (increased mean distal amplitude greater than 180 mmHg), or HLES (lower esophageal sphincter pressure greater than 45 mmHg) who underwent LNF were studied. A group of 50 consecutive patients with normal esophageal motility who underwent LNF were used as control subjects. Groups were comparable to control subjects for age, gender, preoperative symptoms, hiatal hernia, and Barrett's esophagus, except for NE that had younger individuals and a lower rate of hiatal hernia. Symptomatic outcome was similar when groups were compared with control subjects. Transient dysphagia was present in the postoperative period in 33, 7, 0, and 20 per cent of the patients with HLES, DES, NE, and control subjects, respectively. LNF is an adequate treatment for patients with GERD and manometric patterns of esophageal motility disorders.
To propose a new endoscopic classification of achalasia for selecting patients appropriate for undergoing peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM). We screened out the data of patients with achalasia examined from October 2000 to September 2011 at our Digestive Endoscopic Center with endoscopic pictures clear enough to reveal the morphology of middle and lower esophagus. After analyzing the correlation between the endoscopic morphology of the esophageal lumen and POEM, we proposed a new endoscopic classification (Ling classification) of achalasia according to three kinds of endoscopically viewed structures: multi-ring structure, crescent-like structure and diverticulum structure. There were three types based on the criteria of Ling classification: type I, smooth without multi-ring, crescent-like structure or diverticulum structure; type II, with multi-ring or crescent-like structure but without diverticulum structure; and type III, with diverticulum structure. Type II was classified into three subtypes: Ling II(a), Ling II(b) and Ling II(c); and type III also had three subtypes: Ling III(l), Ling III(r) and Ling III(lr). Two endoscopists made a final decision upon mutual agreement through discussion if their separately recorded characteristics were different. Among the 976 screened patients with achalasia, 636 patients with qualified endoscopic pictures were selected for the analysis, including 405 males and 231 females. The average age was 42.7 years, ranging from 6 to 93 years. Type I was the most commonly observed type of achalasia, accounting for 64.5% (410/636), and type III was the least commonly observed type of achalasia, accounting for 2.8% (18/636). And type II accounted for 32.7% (208/636) and subtype of Ling II(a), Ling II(b) and Ling II(c) accounted for 14.6% (93/636), 9.9% (63/636) and 8.2% (52/636), respectively. And subtype of Ling III(l), Ling III(r) and Ling III(lr) accounted for 0.8% (5/636), 0.3% (2/636) and 1.7% (11/636), respectively. A new endoscopic classification of achalasia is proposed that might help in determining the proper candidates for POEM.
Laparoscopic Heller myotomy has become the therapy of choice for achalasia. In the last three years, clinical experience with a novel approach to this disease, Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM), has grown. Herein, we describe the technical steps in the POEM procedure. In our experience, the method appears to be a safe alternative to standard laparoscopic Heller myotomy, but further assessment is needed to understand long-term outcomes.
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A new manometric classification of esophageal achalasia has recently been proposed that also suggests a correlation with the final outcome of treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate this hypothesis in a large group of achalasia patients undergoing laparoscopic Heller-Dor myotomy. We evaluated 246 consecutive achalasia patients who underwent surgery as their first treatment from 2001 to 2009. Patients with sigmoid-shaped esophagus were excluded. Symptoms were scored and barium swallow X-ray, endoscopy, and esophageal manometry were performed before and again at 6 months after surgery. Patients were divided into three groups: (I) no distal esophageal pressurization (contraction wave amplitude <30 mmHg); (II) rapidly propagating compartmentalized pressurization (panesophageal pressurization >30 mmHg); and (III) rapidly propagating pressurization attributable to spastic contractions. Treatment failure was defined as a postoperative symptom score greater than the 10th percentile of the preoperative score (i.e., >7). Type III achalasia coincided with a longer overall lower esophageal sphincter (LES) length, a lower symptom score, and a smaller esophageal diameter. Treatment failure rates differed significantly in the three groups: I = 14.6% (14/96), II = 4.7% (6/127), and III = 30.4% (7/23; p = 0.0007). At univariate analysis, the manometric pattern, a low LES resting pressure, and a high chest pain score were the only factors predicting treatment failure. At multivariate analysis, the manometric pattern and a LES resting pressure <30 mmHg predicted a negative outcome. This is the first study by a surgical group to assess the outcome of surgery in 3 manometric achalasia subtypes: patients with panesophageal pressurization have the best outcome after laparoscopic Heller-Dor myotomy.
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Intrasphincteric injection of botulinum toxin is a new treatment option for achalasia. To compare the immediate and long term efficacy of botulinum toxin with that of pneumatic dilatation. Symptomatic patients with achalasia were randomised to botulinum toxin (22 patients, median age 57 years) or pneumatic dilatation (20 patients, median age 56 years). Symptom scores were assessed initially, and at one, three, six, nine, and 12 months after treatment. Objective assessment included oesophageal manometry initially and at one month, and barium oesophagram initially and at one, six, and 12 months post-treatment. Pneumatic dilatation resulted in a significantly (p=0.02) higher cumulative remission rate. At 12 months, 14/20 (70%) pneumatic dilatation and 7/22 (32%) botulinum toxin treated patients were in symptomatic remission (p=0.017). Failure rates were similar initially, but failure over time was significantly (p=0.01) higher after botulinum toxin (50%) than pneumatic dilatation (7%). Pneumatic dilatation resulted in significant (p<0.001) reduction in symptom scores, and lower oesophageal sphincter pressure, oesophageal barium column height, and oesophageal diameter. Botulinum toxin produced significant reduction in symptom scores (p<0.001), but no reduction in objective parameters. At one year pneumatic dilatation is more effective than botulinum toxin. Symptom improvement parallels objective oesophageal measurements after pneumatic dilatation but not after botulinum toxin treatment for achalasia.
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In the treatment of achalasia, surgery has been traditionally reserved for patients with residual dysphagia after pneumatic dilatation. The results of laparoscopic Heller myotomy have proven to be so good, however, that most experts now consider surgery the primary treatment. The outcome of laparoscopic myotomy and fundoplication for achalasia is dictated by technical factors. University hospital tertiary care center. Retrospective study. One hundred two patients with esophageal achalasia underwent laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication. Fifty-seven patients had been previously treated by pneumatic dilatation or botulinum toxin. The design of the operation involved a 7-cm myotomy, which extended 1.5 cm onto the gastric wall, and a Dor fundoplication. Esophagrams, esophageal manometric findings, and video records of the procedure were analyzed to determine the technical factors that contributed to the clinical success or failure of the operation. Swallowing status. In 91 (89%) of the 102 patients, good or excellent results were obtained after the first operation. A second operation was performed in 5 patients to either lengthen the myotomy (3 patients) or take down the fundoplication (2 patients). Dysphagia resolved in 4 of these patients. The remaining 6 patients were treated by pneumatic dilatation, but dysphagia improved in only 1. At the conclusion of treatment, excellent or good results had been obtained in 96 (94%) of the 102 patients. These data show that a Heller myotomy was unsuccessful in patients with an esophageal stricture; a short myotomy and a constricting Dor fundoplication were the avoidable causes of residual dysphagia; a second operation, but not pneumatic dilatation, was able to correct most failures; and that the identified technical flaws were eliminated from the last half of the patients in the series.
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Heller myotomy results for the treatment of sigmoid achalasia are worse than those achieved for fusiform achalasia. We retrospectively examined two groups of sigmoid achalasia patients, in which we performed (1) the standard Heller-Dor procedure (no pull-down) and (2) the Heller-Dor plus a technique apt to obtain the verticality of the oesophageal axis (pull-down). We verified whether the latter technique improved long-term results. We considered 33 patients affected by primitive oesophageal sigmoid achalasia operated upon consecutively (1979-2005). Diagnosis was based on symptoms, manometry, radiology and endoscopy. After 1987, we routinely isolated 360 degrees of the gastro-oesophageal junction and the lower oesophagus and applied U stitches at the right side of the lower oesophagus to pull down and rotate the gastro-oesophageal junction toward the right. Fifteen patients underwent the no pull-down and 18 patients underwent the pull-down technique. Postoperative follow-up included objective clinical and instrumental evaluation (questionnaire filled by a surgeon including the assessment of symptoms and endoscopic reflux oesophagitis according to a semi-quantitative scale) and subjective evaluation (self-evaluation SF-36 questionnaire). The mean follow-up period was 89 months (range 12-261 months). The postoperative dysphagia score was significantly improved in the entire group. Excellent results were present in 12 patients (36.4%), good in 11 (33.3%), fair in 3 (9.1%) and insufficient in 7 patients (21.2%). No statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups with regard to the postoperative symptoms and oesophagitis. Postoperative radiological measurements of oesophageal diameter and residual barium column were significantly improved in the whole group and within each group with respect to the radiological variables measured preoperatively (p=0.000). In the comparison of the two groups, statistically significant differences were observed with regard to mean oesophageal diameter (p=0.030) (pull-down, 4+/-0.9 cm; no pull-down, 4.7+/-0.6 cm) and residual barium column (p=0.048) (pull-down, 6.2+/-3.4 cm; no pull-down, 9.6+/-5.8 cm). The Heller-Dor operation is effective in the presence of sigmoid achalasia. The clinical objective and subjective evaluations show a trend toward the improvement of results with the pull-down technique. Stronger statistical significance would probably be obtained from a larger case series.
Background and aims In this prospective study, we determined the long term clinical course of patients with achalasia who were treated by pneumatic dilation using the Browne-McHardy dilator, and determined whether previously described predictors of outcome remain significant after prolonged follow up. Methods Between 1981 and 1991, 54 consecutive patients were treated by pneumatic dilation and followed up at regular intervals for a median of 13.8 years. Remission was determined with the use of a structured interview and a previously described symptom score. Duration of remission was evaluated by Kaplan-Meier estimates of time to recurrence. Predictors of outcome were determined using the log rank test. Results Complete follow up until 2002 was obtained in 98% of all patients. Seven patients had died and were censored. A single pneumatic dilation resulted in a five year remission rate of 40% and a 10 year remission rate of 36%. Repeated dilations only mildly improved the clinical response. Patients who were older than 40 years had a significantly better outcome than younger patients (log rank test, p = 0.0014). However, the most significant predictive factor for a favourable long term outcome was a post-dilation lower oesophageal sphincter pressure of less than 10 mm Hg (log rank test, p = 0.0001). Conclusions Long term results of pneumatic dilation are less favourable than previously thought. Young patients and those not responding to a single pneumatic dilation should be offered alternative therapy. Patients who remain in remission for five years are likely to benefit from the longlasting treatment effect of pneumatic dilation.
A complete preoperative evaluation is a key element of a successful operation. With experience, the number of patients with persistent dysphagia due to technical factors decreases. In our experience, the incidence of postoperative dysphagia was 2 3 % among 43 patients operated on between 1991 and 1994 but only 3% among 12.5 patients who had a laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication between 1995 and 1998. Close follow-up is of paramount importance to identify and treat appropriately patients with recurrent dysphagia.
Malignant pseudoachalasia can be indistinguishable from primary achalasia on routine clinical evaluation, often resulting in a delay in diagnosis. To better define the clinical features and appropriate management of this disease, the course of five patients discovered to have pseudoachalasia after being referred for a minimally invasive Heller myotomy was reviewed, as were 67 cases of pseudoachalasia previously reported in the literature. Patients with an occult malignancy tended to present with shorter durations of symptoms, greater weight loss, and at a more advanced age than patients with primary achalasia. Since contrast radiography and endoscopy frequently failed to differentiate these two diseases, persons with presumed achalasia meeting these criteria who are referred for minimally invasivesurgery should undergo additional imaging to rule out an occult malignancy, since this condition can not be reliably detected during the course ofa thoracoscopic or laparoscopic esophagomyotomy.
Revisional surgery for persistent or recurrent dysphagia following Heller myotomy is rare and should become even more rare if an extended myotomy has been carried out. It is important to work-up patients who experience persistent or recurrent dysphagia in a systematic fashion that includes the determination of the diagnosis of achalasia, the type of operation performed, the results obtained with the primary operation, and to further classify the type of recurrence. Use of adjunctive studies, including upper gastrointestinal study, endoscopy, manometry, and pH monitoring is critical to guiding clinical decision making. This article will review the differential diagnosis, diagnostic workup, and available treatment options for patients with achalasia who present with persistent or recurrent dysphagia following Heller myotomy.
Long-term symptom relief and patient satisfaction after Heller myotomy are being reported. Herein, we report the largest experience of laparoscopic Heller myotomy for the treatment of achalasia. Since 1992, 505 patients have been prospectively followed after laparoscopic Heller myotomy. Until 2004, concomitant fundoplication was undertaken for a patulous hiatus, a large hiatal hernia, or to buttress the repair of an esophagotomy, then concomitant fundoplication became routinely applied. More recently, laparo-endoscopic single site (LESS) Heller myotomy has been performed when possible to improve cosmesis. Before and after myotomy, patients scored their symptoms. Before myotomy, 60% of patients underwent endoscopic therapy; of these patients, 27% had Botox (Allergan) therapy alone, 52% underwent dilation therapy alone, and 21% had both. Esophagotomy occurred in 7% of patients. Concomitant diverticulectomy was undertaken in 7%, fundoplication was performed in 59%, and LESS Heller myotomy was done in 12%. Median length of stay was 1 day. With mean follow-up at 31 months, the severity of all symptoms improved significantly. After myotomy, 95% experienced symptoms less than once per week, 86% believed their outcome is satisfying or better, and 92% would undergo myotomy again, if necessary. Symptoms after myotomy are similar with or without fundoplication and regardless of the laparoscopic approach used. Laparoscopic Heller myotomy safely and durably relieves symptoms of dysphagia. Confinement is short and satisfaction is very high. Relief of esophageal obstruction is paramount; the approach used or the application of a fundoplication has a lesser impact. Laparoscopic Heller myotomy, preferably with anterior fundoplication using a single site laparoscopic approach, is strongly encouraged for patients with symptomatic achalasia and is efficacious even after failures of dilation and/or Botox therapy.
Because of the high success rate of minimally invasive surgery, a radical shift in the treatment algorithm of esophageal achalasia has occurred. Today, a laparoscopic Heller myotomy is the preferred treatment modality for achalasia. This remarkable change is due to the recognition by gastroenterologists and patients that a laparoscopic Heller myotomy gives better and more durable results than pneumatic dilatation and intrasphincteric injection of botulinum toxin injection, while it is associated to a short hospital stay and a fast recovery time. While there is agreement about the need of a fundoplication in conjunction to the myotomy, some questions still remain about the type of fundoplication: Should the fundoplication be total or partial, and in case a partial fundoplication is chosen, should it be anterior or posterior? The following review describes the data present in the literature in order to identify the best procedure that can achieve prevention or control of gastroesophageal reflux after a myotomy without impairing esophageal emptying.
Ambulatory pH monitoring is essential in patients with a manometric pattern of either diffuse esophageal spasm (DES) or nutcracker esophagus (NE), since these diseases can be considered a primary esophageal motility disorder (PEMD) only in the absence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If GERD is present, the motility abnormality is considered secondary, and treatment is directed toward reflux. The aims of this study were to determine in patients with a manometric picture of DES and NE (1) if symptoms alone can distinguish PEMD from GERD and (2) the value of ambulatory pH monitoring. A total of 180 patients fulfilled the manometric criteria for NE, and 124 (69%) of them had GERD detected by ambulatory pH monitoring. Among the 56 patients with PEMD, 31 (55%) were taking proton pump inhibitors on the assumption that GERD was present. Chest pain prevalence was similar when the two groups were compared; however, the symptom was more severe in the PEMD patients. Heartburn prevalence and severity was higher in the GERD group. A total of 121 patients fulfilled the manometric criteria for DES, and 73 (60%) of them had GERD detected by ambulatory pH monitoring. Among the 48 patients with PEMD, 39 (81%) were taking proton pump inhibitors. Dysphagia was more prevalent in the PEMD group. These data show that (1) 2 of 3 of patients with a manometric picture of NE or DES have GERD and (2) symptoms did not distinguish PEMD from GERD. Esophageal manometry and pH monitoring are essential to distinguish PEMD from GERD and to guide appropriate therapy.
To compare in a prospective, randomized trial the long-term results of laparoscopic Heller myotomy plus Dor fundoplication versus laparoscopic Heller myotomy plus floppy-Nissen for achalasia. Anterior fundoplication is usually performed after Heller myotomy to control GER; however, the incidence of postoperative GER ranges between 10% and 30%. Total fundoplication may aid in reducing GER rates. From December 1993 to September 2002, 153 patients with achalasia underwent Heller laparoscopic myotomy plus antireflux fundoplication. Of these, 9 were excluded from the study. The remaining 144 patients were randomly assigned to 2 treatment groups: Heller laparoscopic myotomy plus anterior fundoplication (Dor procedure) or Heller laparoscopic myotomy plus total fundoplication (floppy-Nissen procedure). The primary end point was incidence of clinical and instrumental GER after a minimum of 60 months follow-up. The secondary end point was recurrence of dysphagia. Follow-up clinical assessments were performed at 1, 3, 12, and 60 months using a modified DeMeester Symptom Scoring System (MDSS). Esophageal manometry and 24-hour pH monitoring were performed at 3, 12, and 60 months postoperative. Of the 144 patients originally included in the study, 138 were available for long-term analysis: 71 (51%) underwent antireflux fundoplication plus a Dor procedure (H + D group) and 67 (49%) antireflux fundoplication plus a Nissen procedure (H + N group). No mortality was observed. The mean follow-up period was 125 months. No statistically significant differences in clinical (5.6% vs. 0%) or instrumental GER (2.8% vs. 0%) were found between the 2 groups; however, a statistically significant difference in dysphagia rates was noted (2.8% vs. 15%; P < 0.001). Although both techniques achieved long-term GER control, the recurrence rate of dysphagia was significantly higher among the patients who underwent Nissen fundoplication. This evidence supports the use of Dor fundoplication as the preferred method to re-establish GER control in patients undergoing laparoscopic Heller myotomy.
Laparoscopic myotomy is the currently preferred treatment for achalasia. Our objectives were to assess the long-term outcome of this operation and preoperative factors influencing said outcome. Demographic and clinical characteristics and data on long-term outcome were prospectively collected on patients undergoing laparoscopic myotomy for achalasia at our institution from 1992 to 2007. Treatment failure was defined as a postoperative symptom score higher than the 10th percentile of the preoperative score (>9). Logistic regression analysis was used to identify independent preoperative factors associated with successful myotomy. Four hundred seven consecutive patients (220 men, 187 women) underwent the laparoscopic Heller-Dor procedure during the study period; 89 (22%) of them had previously had endoscopic treatment(s). The mortality rate was 0; the conversion and morbidity rates were 1.5% and 1.9%, respectively. The operation failed in 10% of patients (39/407) and the 5-year actuarial probability of being asymptomatic was 87%. Most failures (25/39, 64%) occurred within 12 months of the operation and can be considered as technical failures (incomplete myotomy). Pneumatic dilation overcome the dysphagia in 75% of patients whose surgery was unsuccessful. Considering both the primary surgery and this ancillary treatment, the operation was effective in 97% of achalasia patients. The frequency of sigmoid esophagus, lower esophageal sphincter (LES) resting pressures, and chest pain scores differed statistically between patients with and without recurrences. At multivariate analysis, high preoperative LES pressures (>30 mm Hg) was an independent predictor of a good response. The presence of chest pain and of sigmoid esophagus independently predicted the failure of the procedure. Laparoscopic myotomy can durably relieve dysphagia symptoms. High preoperative LES pressures represent the strongest predictor of a positive outcome, probably reflecting a less severely damaged esophageal muscle.
The purpose of this study is to characterize the esophageal motor and lower esophageal sphincter (LES) abnormalities associated with epiphrenic esophageal diverticula and analyze outcomes for laparoscopic esophageal diverticulectomy, myotomy, and partial fundoplication. The endoscopic, radiographic, manometric, and perioperative records for patients undergoing laparoscopic esophageal diverticulectomy, anterior esophageal myotomy, and partial fundoplication from 8/99 until 9/06 were reviewed from an Institutional Review Board (IRB)-approved outcomes database. Data are given as mean +/- standard deviation (SD). An esophageal body motor disorder and/or LES abnormalities were present in 11 patients with epiphrenic diverticula; three patients were characterized as achalasia, one had vigorous achalasia, two had diffuse esophageal spasm, and five had a nonspecific motor disorder. Presenting symptoms included dysphagia (13/13), regurgitation (7/13), and chest pain (4/13). Three patients had previous Botox injections and three patients had esophageal dilatations. Laparoscopic epiphrenic diverticulectomy with an anterior esophageal myotomy was completed in 13 patients (M:F; 3:10) with a mean age of 67.6 +/- 4.2 years, body mass index (BMI) of 28.1 +/- 1.9 kg/m2 and American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) 2.2 +/- 0.1. Partial fundoplication was performed in 12/13 patients (Dor, n = 2; Toupet, n = 10). Four patients had a type I and one patient had a type III hiatal hernia requiring repair. Mean operative time was 210 +/- 15.1 min and mean length of stay (LOS) was 2.8 +/- 0.4 days. Two grade II or higher complications occurred, including one patient who was readmitted on postoperative day 4 with a leak requiring a thoracotomy. After a mean follow-up of 13.6 +/- 3.0 months (range 3-36 months), two patients complained of mild solid food dysphagia and one patient required proton pump inhibitor (PPI) for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms. The majority of patients with epiphrenic esophageal diverticula have esophageal body motor disorders and/or LES abnormalities. Laparoscopic esophageal diverticulectomy and anterior esophageal myotomy with partial fundoplication is an appropriate alternative with acceptable short-term outcomes in symptomatic patients.
Although the diagnosis of achalasia hinges on demonstrating impaired esophagogastric junction (EGJ) relaxation and aperistalsis, 3 distinct patterns of aperistalsis are discernable with high-resolution manometry (HRM). This study aimed to compare the clinical characteristics and treatment response of these 3 subtypes. One thousand clinical HRM studies were reviewed, and 213 patients with impaired EGJ relaxation were identified. These were categorized into 4 groups: achalasia with minimal esophageal pressurization (type I, classic), achalasia with esophageal compression (type II), achalasia with spasm (type III), and functional obstruction with some preserved peristalsis. Clinical and manometric variables including treatment response were compared among the 3 achalasia subtypes. Logistic regression analysis was performed using treatment success as the dichotomous dependent variable controlling for independent manometric and clinical variables. Ninety-nine patients were newly diagnosed with achalasia (21 type I, 49 type II, 29 type III), and 83 of these had sufficient follow-up to analyze treatment response. Type II patients were significantly more likely to respond to any therapy (BoTox [71%], pneumatic dilation [91%], or Heller myotomy [100%]) than type I (56% overall) or type III (29% overall) patients. Logistic regression analysis found type II to be a predictor of positive treatment response, whereas type III and pretreatment esophageal dilatation were predictive of negative treatment response. Achalasia can be categorized into 3 subtypes that are distinct in terms of their responsiveness to medical or surgical therapies. Utilizing these subclassifications would likely strengthen future prospective studies of treatment efficacy in achalasia.
Objectives: Achalasia is a rare chronic disorder of esophageal motor function. Single-center reports suggest that there has been greater use of laparoscopic Heller myotomy for achalasia in the United States since its introduction in 1992. We aimed to study the trends of Heller myotomy and the relationship between surgery volume and perioperative outcomes. Data and methods: The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) is a 20% stratified sample of all hospitalizations in the United States. It was used to study the macro-trends of Heller myotomy hospitalizations during 1993-2005. We also used the NIS 2003-2005 micro-data to study the perioperative outcomes of Heller myotomy hospitalizations, using other achalasia and laparoscopic cholecystectomy hospitalizations as control groups. The generalized linear model with repeated observations from the same unit was used to adjust for multiple hospitalizations from the same hospital. Results: The national estimate of Heller myotomy hospitalizations increased from 728 to 2,255 during 1993-2005, while its mean length of stay decreased from 9.9 to 4.3 days. Of the 1,117 Heller myotomy hospitalizations in the NIS 2003-2005, 10 (0.9%) had the diagnosis of esophageal perforation at discharge. Length of stay was negatively correlated with a hospital's number of Heller myotomy per year (correlation coefficient -0.171, P < 0.001). In multivariate log-linear regressions with a control group, a hospital's number of Heller myotomy per year was negatively associated with length of stay (coefficient -0.215 to -0.119, both P < 0.001) and total charges (coefficient -0.252 to -0.073, both P < 0.10). These findings were robust in alternative statistical models, specifications, and subgroup analyses. Conclusions: On a national level, the introduction of laparoscopic Heller myotomy for achalasia was associated with greater use of surgery and shorter length of stay. A larger volume of Heller myotomy in a hospital was associated with better perioperative outcomes in terms of shorter length of stay and lower total charges.
The authors treated 17 patients with achalasia by a thoracoscopic (15 patients) or laparoscopic (2 patients) Heller myotomy. All patients had dysphagia and an upper gastrointestinal series demonstrating a dilated esophagus with a bird-beak deformity at the cardia. Manometry showed a mean lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure of 32 +/- 4 mmHg, incomplete sphincter relaxation on swallowing, and no primary esophageal peristalsis. After operation, mean LES pressure was 10 +/- 2 mmHg. Fifteen patients were fed on the second postoperative day. The average hospital stay was 3 days, and there were no deaths or major complications. In three early patients, the myotomy was not carried far enough onto the stomach, and dysphagia persisted until a second myotomy was performed (laparoscopically in two patients). The authors found that having an endoscope in the esophagus during the operation facilitated exposure and was vital to determine the appropriate length of the myotomy. With regard to dysphagia, final results were excellent in 12 patients (70%), good in two patients (12%), fair in two patients (12%), and poor in one patient (6%). Heller myotomy can be safely and reliably performed with minimally invasive techniques. Dysphagia is relieved, postoperative pain is minimal, hospital stay is short, and the patient can return quickly to normal activity.
When a patient presents with chest pain, the first order of business is likely to be differentiation of cardiac from noncardiac etiology. Recently, there has been increasing attention focused on disorders of esophageal motility. At least 10 discrete entities have now been identified. Their pathogenesis and diagnostic characteristics are discussed in this first segment of a two-part article.
Seven years ago, the authors reported on the feasibility and short-term results of minimally invasive surgical methods to treat esophageal achalasia. In this report, they describe the evolution of the surgical technique and the clinical results in a large group of patients with long follow-up. Between January 1991 and October 1998, 168 patients (96 men, 72 women; mean age 45 years, median duration of symptoms 48 months), who fulfilled the clinical, radiographic, endoscopic, and manometric criteria for a diagnosis of achalasia, underwent esophagomyotomy by minimally invasive techniques. Forty-eight patients had marked esophageal dilatation (diameter >6.0 cm). Thirty-five patients had a left thoracoscopic myotomy, and 133 patients had a laparoscopic myotomy plus a partial fundoplication. Follow-up to October 1998 was complete in 145 patients (86%). Median hospital stay was 72 hours for the thoracoscopic group and 48 hours for the laparoscopic group. Eight patients required a second operation for recurrent or persistent dysphagia, and two patients required an esophagectomy. There were no deaths. Good or excellent relief of dysphagia was obtained in 90% of patients (85% after thoracoscopic and 93% after laparoscopic myotomy). Gastroesophageal reflux developed in 60% of tested patients after thoracoscopic myotomy and in 17% after laparoscopic myotomy plus fundoplication. Laparoscopic myotomy plus fundoplication corrected reflux present before surgery in five of seven patients. Patients with a dilated esophagus had excellent relief of dysphagia after laparoscopic myotomy; none required an esophagectomy. Minimally invasive techniques provided effective and long-lasting relief of dysphagia in patients with achalasia. The authors prefer the laparoscopic approach for three reasons: it more effectively relieved dysphagia, it was associated with a shorter hospital stay, and it was associated with less postoperative reflux. Laparoscopic Heller myotomy and partial fundoplication should be considered the primary treatment for esophageal achalasia.
Until recently, pneumatic dilatation and intrasphincteric injection of botulinum toxin (Botox) have been used as initial treatments for achalasia, with myotomy reserved for patients with residual dysphagia. It is unknown, however, whether these nonsurgical treatments affect the performance of a subsequent myotomy. We compared the results of laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication in 44 patients with achalasia who had been treated with medications (group A, 16 patients), pneumatic dilatation (group B, 18 patients), or botulinum toxin (group C, 10 patients). The last group was further subdivided according to whether there was (C2, 4 patients) or was not (C1, 6 patients) a response to the treatment. Results for groups A, B, C1, and C2, respectively, were: anatomic planes identified at surgery (% of patients)--100%, 89%, 100%, and 25%; esophageal perforation (% of patients)--0%, 5%, 0%, and 50%; hospital stay (hrs)--26+/-8, 38+/-25, 26+/-11, and 72+/-65; and excellent/good results (% of patients)--87%, 95%, 100%, and 50%. These results show that: (1) previous pneumatic dilatation did not affect the results of myotomy; (2) in patients who did not respond to botulinum toxin, the myotomy was technically straightforward and the outcome was excellent; (3) in patients who responded to botulinum toxin, the LES muscle had become fibrotic (perforation occurred more often in this setting, and dysphagia was less predictably improved); and (4) myotomy relieved dysphagia in 91% of patients who had not been treated with botulinum toxin. These data support a strategy of reserving botulinum toxin for patients who are not candidates for pneumatic dilatation or laparoscopic Heller myotomy.
In the past, surgical treatment in achalasia usually has been reserved for patients whose dysphagia does not respond to pneumatic dilatation. The success of minimally invasive myotomy, however, has resulted in a shift in practice in adult patients, whereby laparoscopic surgery is becoming preferred as primary treatment by most gastroenterologists and surgeons. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication for esophageal achalasia in children. Thirteen patients with esophageal achalasia (median age, 15 years; 6 boys and 7 girls; median duration of symptoms, 24 months) underwent laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication between 1996 and 1999. Two patients had been treated previously by pneumatic dilatation, and 1 patient had received intrasphincteric Botulinum toxin injections. Median duration of the operation was 130 minutes. The patients were fed after an average of 33 hours, and they all left the hospital within 2 days. At a median follow-up of 19 months, there was no residual dysphagia in any patient. Laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication were effective and safe for children with esophageal achalasia. Hospital stay and recovery time was short, and the functional results were excellent. These data support the notion that laparoscopic Heller myotomy should become the primary treatment of esophageal achalasia in children.
Oesophageal motility disorders comprise various abnormal manometric patterns which usually present with dysphagia or chest pain. Some, such as achalasia, are diseases with a well defined pathology, characteristic manometric features, and good response to treatments directed at the pathophysiological abnormalities. Other disorders, such as diffuse oesophageal spasm and hypercontracting oesophagus, have no well defined pathology and could represent a range of motility changes associated with subtle neuropathic changes, gastro-oesophageal reflux, and anxiety states. Although manometric patterns have been defined for these disorders, the relation with symptoms is poorly defined and the response to medical or surgical therapy unpredictable. Hypocontracting oesophagus is generally caused by weak musculature commonly associated with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Secondary oesophageal motility disorders can be caused by collagen vascular diseases, diabetes, Chagas' disease, amyloidosis, alcoholism, myxo-oedema, multiple sclerosis, idiopathic pseudo-obstruction, or the ageing process.
In 1989, we predicted an increasing number of esophagectomies for megaesophagus and for recurrent symptoms after prior esophagomyotomy or balloon dilatation for achalasia. Patient selection in this group is challenging, as the potential operative morbidity of an esophagectomy must be weighed against the expected clinical outcome after a redo esophagomyotomy or alternative procedures designed to salvage the native esophagus. The hospital records of 93 patients undergoing esophagectomy for achalasia during the past 20 years were reviewed retrospectively and the results of operation assessed using our prospectively established Esophageal Resection Database and follow-up information obtained through personal contact with the patients. Patient age averaged 51 years. Indications for esophagectomy included tortuous megaesophagus (64%), failure of prior myotomy (63%), and associated reflux stricture (7%). Ninety-four percent of the patients underwent a transhiatal esophagectomy. Stomach was used as the esophageal substitute in 91% cases. Intraoperative blood loss averaged 672 mL. Postoperative length of stay averaged 12.5 days. Major complications included anastomotic leak (10%), recurrent laryngeal nerve injury (5%), delayed mediastinal bleeding requiring thoracotomy (2%), and chylothorax (2%). There were 2 hospital deaths (2%) from respiratory insufficiency and sepsis. Follow-up has averaged 38 months. In all, 95% of patients eat well; nearly 50% have required an anastomotic dilatation; troublesome regurgitation has been rare; and 4% have refractory postvagotomy dumping. Esophagectomy, preferably through a transhiatal approach, is generally safe and effective therapy in selected patients with achalasia. Unique technical considerations include difficulty encircling the dilated cervical esophagus, deviation of the esophagus into the right chest, large aortic esophageal arteries, and adherence of the exposed esophageal submucosa to the adjacent aorta after prior myotomy.
To quantitate and characterize the motility abnormalities present in patients with epiphrenic diverticula and to assess the outcome of surgical treatment undertaken according to these abnormalities. The concept that epiphrenic diverticula are complications of esophageal motility disorders rather than primary anatomic abnormalities is gradually becoming accepted. The inconsistency in identifying motility abnormalities in patients with epiphrenic diverticula is a major obstacle to the general acceptance of this concept. The study population consisted of 21 consecutive patients with epiphrenic diverticula. All patients underwent videoesophagography, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, and esophageal motility studies. The diverticula ranged in size from 3 to 10 cm and were predominantly right-sided. Seventeen patients underwent transthoracic diverticulectomy or diverticulopexy with esophageal myotomy and an antireflux procedure. The length of the myotomy was determined by the extent of the motility abnormality. Transhiatal esophagectomy was performed in one patient with multiple diverticula. Two patients declined surgical treatment and another patient died of aspiration before surgery. Symptomatic outcome was assessed via a questionnaire at a median of 24 months after surgery. The primary symptoms were dysphagia in 5 (24%) patients, dysphagia and regurgitation in 11 (52%) patients, and pulmonary symptoms in 5 (24%) patients. The median duration of the primary symptoms was 10 years. Esophageal motility abnormalities were identified in all patients. An esophageal motor disorder was diagnosed only by 24-hour ambulatory motility testing in one patient, and 24-hour ambulatory motility testing clarified the motility diagnosis in five other patients. The most common underlying disorder was achalasia, which was detected in nine (43%) patients. A hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter was diagnosed in three patients, diffuse esophageal spasm in five, "nutcracker" esophagus in two, and a nonspecific motor disorder in two patients. One patient had an intraoperative myocardial infarction and died. Two patients had persistent mild dysphagia after surgery. The remaining patients had complete relief of their primary symptoms. There is a high prevalence of named motility disorders in patients with epiphrenic diverticula, and this condition is associated with the potential for lethal aspiration. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory motility testing can be helpful if the results of the stationary examination are normal or indefinite. Resection of the diverticula and a surgical myotomy of the manometrically defined abnormal segment results in relief of symptoms and protection from aspiration.
Twenty years ago an average of 1.5 Heller myotomies were performed per year in our hospital, mostly for patients whose dysphagia did not improve following balloon dilatation or whose esophagus had been perforated during a balloon dilatation. Ten years ago we started using minimally invasive surgery to treat this disease. This study measures the impact of minimally invasive surgery with regard to the following: the number of patients referred for treatment; the number of patients who came to surgery without previous treatment; and the results of surgical treatment. Between 1991 and 2001, 149 patients had minimally invasive surgery for achalasia: 25 patients (17%) had thoracoscopic Heller myotomy and 124 (84%) had laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication. Of the 149 patients, 79 patients (53%) had previous treatment (56 patients [71%], balloon dilatation; 7 patients [9%], botulinum toxin injection; 16 patients [20%], both) and 70 patients (43%) had none of these treatments. Mean postoperative followup was 59 +/- 36 months. Patients were divided into two groups: group A, operated on between 1991 and 1995; and group B, operated on between 1996 and 2001. In the past decade, the number of patients referred for surgery has increased substantially--group A, 48; group B, 101; an increasing proportion of patients were referred for surgery without previous treatment--group A, 38%; group B, 51%; and the outcomes of the operation progressively improved--group A, 87%; group B, 95%. These data show that the high success rate of laparoscopic Heller myotomy for achalasia has brought a shift in practice; surgery has become the preferred treatment of most gastroenterologists and other referring physicians. This has followed documentation that laparoscopic treatment outperforms balloon dilatation and botulinum toxin injection.
There is general agreement that a Heller myotomy should extend 6 to 7 cm above the gastroesophageal junction. Results of most previous studies have recommended that the myotomy extend 1 to 1.5 cm below the gastroesophageal junction. We speculated that the effectiveness of the operation could be improved if a longer, 3-cm myotomy was carried out below the gastroesophageal junction, as it would more completely obliterate the lower esophageal sphincter. We, therefore, changed our technique in 1998. Concurrently, we converted from a Dor fundoplication to a Toupet fundoplication. This study analyzes the results of our new strategy. A case series using a prospectively maintained database. Tertiary referral center. One hundred ten consecutive patients with achalasia undergoing laparoscopic Heller myotomy. We analyzed the course of 52 patients treated with a standard laparoscopic esophagogastric myotomy (1.5 cm in the stomach) and a Dor fundoplication between September 1, 1994, and August 31, 1998, and 58 treated with an extended gastric myotomy (3 cm below the gastroesophageal junction) and a Toupet fundoplication between September 1, 1998, and August 31, 2001. Esophageal function testing (esophageal manometry and 24-hour pH monitoring), symptom questionnaire (frequency and severity), and postoperative interventions required. Postoperatively the lower esophageal sphincter pressure was significantly lower after extended gastric myotomy and a Toupet fundoplication vs standard myotomy and a Dor fundoplication (9.5 vs 15.8 mm Hg). Dysphagia was both less frequent (1.2 vs 2.1) and less severe (visual analog scale, 3.2 vs 5.3) after extended gastric myotomy and Toupet fundoplication. In the standard laparoscopic esophagogastric myotomy and a Dor fundoplication group, 9 patients (17%) had recurrent, severe dysphagia, which was treated by dilation in 5 patients and by reoperation in 4 patients. In the extended gastric myotomy and Toupet fundoplication group, 2 patients (3%) developed recurrent dysphagia that resolved with dilatation. There were no reoperations in the extended gastric myotomy and Toupet fundoplication group. No difference was noted in the frequency of heartburn (1.3 vs 1.7), regurgitation (0.3 vs 0.8), and chest pain (0.3 vs 0.6), nor was there a difference between the 2 groups in proximal (1.7% vs 2.3%) and distal (6.0% vs 5.9%) esophageal acid exposure. An extended gastric myotomy (3 cm) more effectively disrupts the lower esophageal sphincter, thus improving the results of surgical therapy for achalasia for dysphagia without increasing the rate of abnormal gastroesophageal reflux provided that a Toupet fundoplication is added.
The choice of treatment of recurrent dysphagia following transthoracic myotomy is unclear. Often pneumatic dilatation is tried first, followed by esophagectomy in case of failure. We propose laparoscopic Heller myotomy as an alternative treatment for this group of patients. Three patients underwent laparoscopic Heller myotomy for the treatment of recurrent dysphagia following transthoracic myotomy. The patients had undergone an average of 7 pneumatic dilatations (range, 2 to 10) prior to referral for surgery, without resolution of their dysphagia. All patients successfully underwent a laparoscopic myotomy on the right side of the esophagus with a Dor fundoplication. Good or excellent results were achieved in all patients. Average followup was 18 months. Laparoscopic Heller myotomy is a very effective treatment for patients who experience recurrent dysphagia following a transthoracic myotomy.
To compare laparoscopic cardia myotomy and fundoplication with botulinum toxin (BoTx) injection in patients with esophageal achalasia. Although myotomy is thought to offer better results, recent studies have reported 80% success rates after 2 BoTx injections a month apart. No randomized controlled trials comparing the 2 treatments have been published so far. Newly diagnosed achalasia patients were randomly assigned to BoTx injection or laparoscopic myotomy. Symptoms were scored; lower esophageal sphincter resting and nadir pressures were measured by manometry; barium swallow was used to assess esophageal diameter pre- and post-treatment. Eight to one hundred units of BoTx were injected twice, a month apart, at the esophagogastric junction. Myotomy included anterior partial (Dor) or Nissen fundoplication. Eighty patients were involved in the study: 40 received BoTx and 40 underwent myotomy. Mortality was nil. One surgical patient bled from the trocar site. Median hospital stay was 6 days for surgery; BoTox patients were treated as day-hospital admissions. All patients completed the follow-up. After 6 months, the results in the 2 groups were comparable, although symptom scores improved more in surgical patients (82% confidence interval [CI] 76-89 vs. 66% CI 57-75, P < 0.05). The drop in lower esophageal sphincter pressure was similar in the 2 groups; the reduction in esophageal diameter was greater after surgery (19% CI 13-26 vs. 5% CI 2-11, P < 0.05). Later on, symptoms recurred in 65% of the BoTx-treated patients and the probability of being symptom-free at 2 years was 87.5% after surgery and 34% after BoTx (P < 0.05). Laparoscopic myotomy is as safe as BoTx treatment and is a 1-shot treatment that cures achalasia in most patients. BoTx should be reserved for patients who are unfit for surgery or as a bridge to more effective therapies, such as surgery or endoscopic dilation.
and aims: In this prospective study, we determined the long term clinical course of patients with achalasia who were treated by pneumatic dilation using the Browne-McHardy dilator, and determined whether previously described predictors of outcome remain significant after prolonged follow up. Between 1981 and 1991, 54 consecutive patients were treated by pneumatic dilation and followed up at regular intervals for a median of 13.8 years. Remission was determined with the use of a structured interview and a previously described symptom score. Duration of remission was evaluated by Kaplan-Meier estimates of time to recurrence. Predictors of outcome were determined using the log rank test. Complete follow up until 2002 was obtained in 98% of all patients. Seven patients had died and were censored. A single pneumatic dilation resulted in a five year remission rate of 40% and a 10 year remission rate of 36%. Repeated dilations only mildly improved the clinical response. Patients who were older than 40 years had a significantly better outcome than younger patients (log rank test, p = 0.0014). However, the most significant predictive factor for a favourable long term outcome was a post-dilation lower oesophageal sphincter pressure of less than 10 mm Hg (log rank test, p = 0.0001). Long term results of pneumatic dilation are less favourable than previously thought. Young patients and those not responding to a single pneumatic dilation should be offered alternative therapy. Patients who remain in remission for five years are likely to benefit from the longlasting treatment effect of pneumatic dilation.
About a decade ago, partial (240 degrees) fundoplication became popular for treating gastroesophageal reflux disease in cases where the patient's primary esophageal peristalsis was weak. A total (360 degrees) fundoplication was reserved for patients with normal peristalsis (tailored approach). The theory was that partial fundoplication was an adequate antireflux measure, and by posing less resistance for the weak esophageal peristalsis to overcome, it would give rise to less dysphagia. Short-term results seemed to confirm these ideas. This study reports the longterm followup of patients in whom a tailored approach (type of wrap chosen to match esophageal peristalsis) was used, and the results of a nonselective approach, using a total fundoplication regardless of the amplitude of esophageal peristalsis. We analyzed clinical and laboratory findings in 357 patients who had an operation for gastroesophageal reflux disease between October 1992 and November 2002. Group 1 was composed of 235 patients in whom a tailored approach was used between October 1992 and December 1999 (141 patients, partial fundoplication and 94 patients, total fundoplication). Group 2 contained 122 patients in whom a nonselective approach was used (total fundoplication regardless of quality of peristalsis). In group 1, heartburn from reflux (ie, pH monitoring test was abnormal) recurred in 19% of patients after partial fundoplication and in 4% after total fundoplication. In group 2, heartburn recurred in 4% of patients after total fundoplication. The incidence of postoperative dysphagia was similar in the two groups. These data show that laparoscopic partial fundoplication was less effective than total fundoplication in curing gastroesophageal reflux disease, and compared with a partial (240 degrees) fundoplication, a total (360 degrees) fundoplication was not followed by more dysphagia, even when esophageal peristalsis was weak.
We sought to determine the impact of the addition of Dor fundoplication on the incidence of postoperative gastroesophageal reflux (GER) after Heller myotomy. Based only on case series, many surgeons believe that an antireflux procedure should be added to the Heller myotomy. However, no prospective randomized data support this approach. In this prospective, randomized, double-blind, institutional review board-approved clinical trial, patients with achalasia were assigned to undergo Heller myotomy or Heller myotomy plus Dor fundoplication. Patients were studied via 24-hour pH study and manometry at 6 months postoperatively. Pathologic GER was defined as distal esophageal time acid exposure time greater than 4.2% per 24-hour period. The outcome variables were analyzed on an intention-to-treat basis. Forty-three patients were enrolled. There were no differences in the baseline characteristics between study groups. Pathologic GER occurred in 10 of 21 patients (47.6%) after Heller and in 2 of 22 patients (9.1%) after Heller plus Dor (P = 0.005). Heller plus Dor was associated with a significant reduction in the risk of GER (relative risk 0.11; 95% confidence interval 0.02-0.59; P = 0.01). Median distal esophageal acid exposure time was lower in the Heller plus Dor (0.4%; range, 0-16.7) compared with the Heller group (4.9%; range, 0.1-43.6; P = 0.001). No significant difference in surgical outcome between the 2 techniques with respect to postoperative lower-esophageal sphincter pressure or postoperative dysphagia score was observed. Heller Myotomy plus Dor Fundoplication was superior to Heller myotomy alone in regard to the incidence of postoperative GER.
We sought to assess the long-term outcome of Heller myotomy and anterior fundoplication in patients with achalasic sigmoid esophagus. Fourteen patients with achalasia and sigmoid esophagus (median age, 42.5 years) operated on by the same surgeon through a laparotomy (n = 8) or laparoscopic approach (n = 6) between 1985 and 2000 were evaluated. According to a 4-grade classification (1, no symptoms; 4, persistent symptoms), both dysphagia and regurgitation had a median score of 4.0. Five patients complained of respiratory symptoms. Six patients had undergone previous pneumatic dilation. Preoperative and postoperative workup included an esophagogram, esophagoscopy, manometry, and health-related quality-of-life assessment with the Short-Form 36-item questionnaire. Median follow-up was 85 months. At 24 months, esophageal width decreased by 10 mm (P =.003), and the change correlated inversely with the age of the patients (R = -0.61; P =.02). Lower esophageal sphincter pressure decreased by 17 mm Hg (P =.001), and both dysphagia and regurgitation scores decreased to 1.0 (P <.003). Comparison with the results of 37 patients with earlier-stage achalasia showed no difference in changes of esophageal width, lower esophageal sphincter pressure, dysphagia score, and regurgitation score. Quality-of-life Short-Form 36-item questionnaire domains, including general health, social functioning, and vitality, improved significantly. Overall results were classified as excellent or good in 10 patients and as satisfactory and unsatisfactory in 2 patients each. No patient required esophagectomy or had esophageal carcinoma. In this study Heller myotomy proved effective in improving subjective, objective, and quality-of-life outcome measures in patients with achalasic sigmoid esophagus and should be considered as the first-choice treatment for this severe condition.
Laparoscopic Heller myotomy (HM) has become an increasingly preferred modality to treat achalasia. However, the treatment course after a failed myotomy is controversial with fears that pneumatic dilation (PD) has high perforation risk. To compare success and safety of graded PD with Rigiflex balloons in achalasia patients without a prior HM (untreated cases) and those with a failed HM. A total of 108 patients were retrospectively evaluated: 96 untreated cases (53 male, 43 female, mean age 51 years) and 12 failed HM(7 male, 5 female, mean age 54 years). Symptoms (dysphagia and regurgitation) and physiologic studies, lower esophageal sphincter pressure (LESP) and timed barium swallow, assessed pre- and post-PD. Success was defined as: 1) symptom improvement to </=2 to 4 times per week, and 2) >/=80% decrease in 5-minute barium column height from initial timed barium swallow. A total of 139 PDs performed (117 untreated cases, 22 failed HM): 2 perforations in untreated cases and none in failed HM group. Baseline demographics were similar, but failed HM patients had significantly lower LESP and timed barium swallow columns. Despite less LES resistance, failed HM group (symptom and physiologic success: 50% and 10%) did not do as well after PD as compared with untreated cases (symptom and physiologic success: 74% and 52%, respectively). Five failed HM patients had good symptom relief after PD compared with poor responders these patients were older (>50 years) and had LESP >17 mm Hg. PD perforation risk is not higher after HM. Despite lower LES pressure, patients undergoing PD after failed HM do not do as well as untreated cases. Factors predicting better outcome include older age and higher LES pressure.
The named primary esophageal motility disorders (PEMDs) are achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm (DES), nutcracker esophagus (NE), and hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter (HTN-LES). Although the diagnosis and treatment of achalasia are well defined, such is not the case with the other disorders. (1) Symptoms do not reliably distinguish PEMDs from gastroesophageal reflux disease; (2) esophageal function tests are essential to this distinction and to identifying the type of PEMD; (3) minimally invasive surgery is effective for each condition; and (4) the laparoscopic approach is better than the thoracoscopic approach. University hospital tertiary care center. Retrospective review of a prospectively collected database. Patients and A diagnosis of PEMD was established in 397 patients by esophagogram, endoscopy, manometry, and pH monitoring. There were 305 patients (77%) with achalasia, 49 patients (12%) with DES, 41 patients (10%) with NE, and 2 patients (1%) with HTN-LES. Two hundred eight patients (52%) underwent a myotomy by either a thoracoscopic or a laparoscopic approach. Ninety-nine patients (25%) had a diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease at the time of referral and had been treated with acid-suppressing medications. In achalasia and DES, a thoracoscopic or laparoscopic myotomy relieved dysphagia and chest pain in more than 80% of the patients. In contrast, in NE the results were less predictable, and the operation most often failed to relieve symptoms. These results show that (1) symptoms were unreliable in distinguishing gastroesophageal reflux disease from PEMDs; (2) esophageal function tests were essential to diagnose PEMD and to define its type; (3) the laparoscopic approach was better than the thoracoscopic approach; (4) a laparoscopic Heller myotomy is the treatment of choice for achalasia, DES, and HTN-LES; and (5) a predictably good treatment for NE is still elusive, and the results of surgery were disappointing.
Laparoscopic myotomy has become the preferred treatment for achalasia. Controversy persists on the need for fundoplication and/or its type; when used, most series have utilized the Dor fundoplication. We report a large series of laparoscopic Heller-Toupet procedures. All patients operated for achalasia were entered into a prospective database. Pre and postoperative esophageal symptoms, satisfaction scores, and SF-36 variables were compared. Surgical failures were defined as recurrent or persistent dysphagia leading to secondary treatment. Data are expressed as mean +/- S.D. One hundred consecutive cases were analyzed (61 men, 39 women, age 47 +/- 17 yr). Heller-Toupet was performed in 94, whereas six patients had a Dor fundoplication because of mucosal perforation (three) or technical difficulties performing a posterior wrap (three). Operative time was 148 +/- 21 min. There were 13 intraoperative adverse events managed laparoscopically, and no conversions. Minor postoperative complications were noted in two cases, whereas there were no major complications or deaths. Mean hospital stay was 1.2 +/- 0.5 days, (range 1-4). Follow-up was complete in 92% at 26 +/- 17 months. Failures leading to further treatment occurred in 4%. All symptom scores were significantly improved (p < 0.0001). Solid dysphagia score went from 6.4 to 1.0 postoperatively; regurgitation score went from 4.5 to 0.2 (combined frequency and severity, range 0-8). Postoperative global esophageal symptoms scale revealed improvement in 97%, and all domains of the SF-36 were improved. Although the best surgical approach to achalasia is yet to be determined, laparoscopic Heller-Toupet operation in experienced hands is a safe and effective procedure with low rates of morbidity and failure and high patient satisfaction.
This study was performed to assess the intermediate-term outcomes after laparoscopic Heller myotomy and posterior Toupet fundoplication in a single-surgeon series with the expectation of identifying patient and disease factors associated with poor outcomes. Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data. Tertiary care teaching hospital with a comprehensive esophageal physiology laboratory. A total of 121 patients undergoing laparoscopic Heller myotomy with Toupet fundoplication (between December 1, 1996, and December 31, 2004) for achalasia were included. All patients had preoperative objective documentation of achalasia. A 5- to 6-cm-long myotomy was performed on the distal esophagus. The myotomy incision was extended 2 cm onto the stomach. A partial (270 degrees ) posterior Toupet fundoplication was performed as an antireflux mechanism in all patients. Data on preoperative and postoperative symptoms, manometry, and 24-hour ambulatory pH were prospectively collected. Symptoms were recorded with a standardized assessment tool. Patients with postoperative dysphagia scores of 2 or greater were considered treatment failure. Logistic regression modeling was performed to identify variables significant for poor outcomes. Preoperatively, 89 patients (73.6%) had severe dysphagia (dysphagia score, 3 or 4) and 32 patients (26.4%) had mild or moderate dysphagia (dysphagia score, 1 or 2). After a median follow-up period of 9 months, 102 patients (84.3%) (P<.001) had excellent relief of dysphagia (dysphagia score, 0 or 1). Eight additional patients (6.6%) demonstrated a significant (25%-75% [P=.01]) improvement in dysphagia scores. Only 11 patients (9.0%) had either no change or worse dysphagia. Postoperatively, all patients with manometry had a normal lower esophageal sphincter pressure (mean +/- SD, 14.7 +/- 6.6 mm Hg; P<.001) and good lower esophageal sphincter relaxation. Odds of failure were greatest for patients with severe preoperative dysphagia, male patients, and patients with classic amotile achalasia. Of the 60 patients having heartburnlike symptoms preoperatively (mean +/- SD score, 2.52 +/- 1.00), 19 (31.7%) continued to have similar symptoms after surgery. Sixteen (33.3%) of the 48 patients having postoperative pH studies demonstrated objective reflux (DeMeester score, >14.7). Five (31.2%) of these patients had symptoms of their reflux. Dysphagia improves in most patients after laparoscopic Heller myotomy with partial fundoplication. Patients with severe preoperative dysphagia, esophageal dilation, or amotile achalasia may have greater chances of a poor outcome.
Background: Epiphrenic diverticula of the esophagus are often associated with a concomitant esophageal motor disorder, which is thought to be the cause of the diverticulum and some of the patient's symptoms. At one time diverticula were best removed via a left thoracotomy, but now the operation can be performed laparoscopically in most cases. We hypothesized that: (1) a motor disorder is the underlying cause of the diverticulum; and (2) optimal treatment consists of laparoscopic resection of the diverticulum, a Heller myotomy, and Dor fundoplication. Methods: We performed a retrospective review of a prospectively collected database from a university hospital tertiary care center. Between June 1994 and December 2002, we evaluated 21 patients with epiphrenic diverticula. An associated motility disorder of the esophagus was found in 81% of patients (achalasia, 9%; diffuse esophageal spasm, 24%; nonspecific esophageal motility disorder, 24%; nutcracker esophagus, 24%). Seven (33%) of these patients, all with esophageal dysmotility, were referred for treatment. The laparoscopic operation entailed resection of the diverticulum (using an endoscopic stapler), a Heller myotomy, and a Dor fundoplication. Results: All operations were completed laparoscopically. The postoperative course of 6 patients was uneventful and they left the hospital after 72 +/- 21 hours. In 1 patient an acute paraesophageal hernia developed, which was repaired on the second postoperative day. Late follow-up (median 57 months) showed that all 7 patients were asymptomatic. Conclusions: These data support the conclusions that: (1) a primary esophageal motility disorder is the underlying cause of most epiphrenic diverticula; and (2) laparoscopic treatment is successful and should be the method of choice. The diverticular neck can be exposed satisfactorily from the abdomen; a stapler inserted from this angle is better orientated to transect the neck than one inserted through a thoracoscopic approach. Furthermore, the myotomy and fundoplication are much more easily performed from the abdomen than from alternative approaches.
Laparoscopic Heller myotomy has recently emerged as the treatment of choice for esophageal achalasia. Previous unsuccessful treatments (pneumatic dilations or botulinum toxin [BT] injections) can make surgery more difficult, causing a higher risk of mucosal perforation and jeopardizing the outcome. The study goal was to evaluate the effects of prior endoscopic treatments on laparoscopic Heller myotomy. Between January 1992 and February 2005, 248 patients (130 males and 118 females; median age, 43 years) underwent a laparoscopic Heller-Dor operation for achalasia: 203 underwent primary surgery (group A), 19 had been previously treated with pneumatic dilations (group B), and 26 had BT injections (alone [22] or with dilations [4] (group C)). Median duration of the operation and rate of intraoperative mucosal lesions were not different in the three groups. Median follow-up was 41 months. The 5-year actuarial of control of dysphagia was similar in groups A (86%) and B (94%), whereas only 75% of group C patients were symptom free at 5 years (P = 0.02). On logistic regression analysis, prior treatment with two BT injections or BT combined with dilation was associated with poor outcome of surgery. Further, dilations for surgical failure patients were effective in 80% of group A but in only 33% of group B or C patients. Heller-Dor surgery is safe and effective as a primary or a second-line treatment (after pneumatic dilations or BT injections) for achalasia. However, long-term results seem less satisfactory in patients previously treated with BT.
Heller myotomy has been shown to be an effective primary treatment of achalasia. However, many physicians treating patients with achalasia continue to offer endoscopic therapies before recommending operative myotomy. Herein we report outcomes in 209 patients undergoing Heller myotomy with the majority (74%) undergoing myotomy as secondary treatment of achalasia. Data on all patients undergoing operative management of achalasia are collected prospectively. Over a 9-year period (1994-2003), 209 patients underwent Heller myotomy for achalasia. Of these, 154 had undergone either Botox injection and/or pneumatic dilation preoperatively. Preoperative, operative, and long-term outcome data were analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed with multiple chi and Mann-Whitney U analyses, as well as ANOVA. Among the 209 patients undergoing Heller myotomy for achalasia, 154 received endoscopic therapy before being referred for surgery (100 dilation only, 33 Botox only, 21 both). The groups were matched for preoperative demographics and symptom scores for dysphagia, regurgitation, and chest pain. Intraoperative complications were more common in the endoscopically treated group with GI perforations being the most common complication (9.7% versus 3.6%). Postoperative complications, primarily severe dysphagia, and pulmonary complications were more common after endoscopic treatment (10.4% versus 5.4%). Failure of myotomy as defined by persistent or recurrent severe symptoms, or need for additionally therapy including redo myotomy or esophagectomy was higher in the endoscopically treated group (19.5% versus 10.1%). Use of preoperative endoscopic therapy remains common and has resulted in more intraoperative complications, primarily perforation, more postoperative complications, and a higher rate of failure than when no preoperative therapy was used. Endoscopic therapy for achalasia should not be used unless patients are not candidates for surgery.
The most effective therapeutic strategy in newly diagnosed achalasia is yet to be established. Therefore we designed a study in which pneumatic dilatation was compared to laparoscopic cardiomyotomy to which was added a partial posterior fundoplication. A series of 51 patients (24 males, mean age 44 years) were randomly allocated to the therapeutic modalities (dilatation = 26, surgery = 25). All patients were followed for at least 12 months, and during that period the pneumatic dilatations strategy had significantly more treatment failures (P = 0.04). Only minor differences emerged between the study groups when symptoms, dysphagia scorings, and quality-of-life assessments were evaluated 12 months after initiation of therapy. Laparoscopic myotomy was found to be superior to an endoscopic balloon dilatation strategy in the treatment of achalasia when studied during the first 12 months after treatment.
The role of surgery in the management of patients with diffuse oesophageal spasm (DOS) remains controversial. The aim of this study was to assess functional results after extended myotomy for DOS. This prospective study evaluated 20 patients who had extended myotomy (14 cm on the oesophagus and 2 cm below the oesophagogastric junction) with anterior fundoplication via a laparotomy for severe DOS. Median follow-up was 50 (range 6-84) months. Functional data were assessed by means of dysphagia (range 0-3), chest pain (range 0-3) and overall clinical (range 0-12, including dysphagia, chest pain, regurgitation, gastro-oesophageal reflux) scores. All patients had severe DOS. The median preoperative overall clinical score was 6 (range 3-8) with a dysphagia score of at least 2. Median postoperative functional scores were significantly lower than preoperative values (overall clinical score 1 versus 6, dysphagia score 0 versus 3, chest pain score 0 versus 2). At final follow-up, good or excellent results were obtained for overall clinical score in 16 patients, for dysphagia score in 18 and for chest pain score in all 20 patients. Postoperative gastro-oesophageal reflux was noted in two of the 20 patients. Extended myotomy with anterior fundoplication is an effective treatment for severe DOS. Medium-term postoperative functional results were excellent, especially in terms of dysphagia and chest pain.
In the past, a Heller myotomy was considered to be ineffective in patients with achalasia and a markedly dilated or sigmoid-shaped esophagus. Esophagectomy was the standard treatment. The aims of this study were (a) to evaluate the results of laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication in patients with achalasia and various degrees of esophageal dilatation; and (b) to assess the role of endoscopic dilatation in patients with postoperative dysphagia. One hundred and thirteen patients with esophageal achalasia were separated into four groups based on the maximal diameter of the esophageal lumen and the shape of the esophagus: group A, diameter<4.0 cm, 46 patients; group B, esophageal diameter 4.0-6.0 cm, 32 patients; group C, diameter>6.0 cm and straight axis, 23 patients; and group D, diameter>6.0 cm and sigmoid-shaped esophagus, 12 patients. All had a laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication. The median length of follow-up was 45 months (range 7 months to 12.5 years). The postoperative recovery was similar among the four groups. Twenty-three patients (20%) had postoperative dilatations for dysphagia, and five patients (4%) required a second myotomy. Excellent or good results were obtained in 89% of group A and 91% of groups B, C, and D. None required an esophagectomy to maintain clinically adequate swallowing. These data show that (a) a laparoscopic Heller myotomy relieved dysphagia in most patients with achalasia, even when the esophagus was dilated; (b) about 20% of patients required additional treatment; (c) in the end, swallowing was good in 90%.
Although laparoscopic cardiomyotomy is considered to be the treatment of choice for achalasia, there is no consensus about how persistent or recurrent dysphagia after myotomy should be treated. In the current study we evaluated our experience with reoperation following previous cardiomyotomy. Between 1992 and 2006, 19 patients underwent re-myotomy: 7 for persistent dysphagia, 12 for recurrent dysphagia. Different operative approaches were used, depending on surgeon's preference and the technique used for the first operation. The mean interval between the cardiomyotomies was 81 months. In 12 patients, the alternative body cavity to that used for the first operation was used for access in the revision operation. This was associated with a shorter operation time. Mean follow-up after the revision operation was 3.6 years. Mean satisfaction score was 7 (out of 10), and 89% of patients had an improvement in symptoms. Reoperation for persistent or recurrent achalasia achieves a satisfactory outcome in most patients. Using the alternative body cavity to that used in the original procedure facilitates minimal access techniques, and gives easier access to the operative field.
The advent and the success of minimally invasive surgery have changed the treatment algorithm for esophageal achalasia. Today, a laparoscopic Heller myotomy and partial fundoplication is considered the treatment of choice for this disease. This article describes the technique of laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication.