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147Journal of Family and Community Medicine | December 2010 | Vol 17 | Issue 3 | 147-150 147
E-learning in Saudi Arabia: ‘To E or not to E, that is the
Ali M. Al-Shehri
Department of Public Health, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Address for correspondence: Dr. Ali Al-Shehri, Chairman, Department of Public Health, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health
Sciences, P.O. Box 22490, Riyadh 11426, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. E-mail: shehria3@ngha.med.sa
Medical Education
Background: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has witnessed unprecedented growth in higher education
and E-learning in recent times. In the last ve years, one university and ve colleges have been commissioned
every month; 800 scholarships have been awarded every month for overseas study; a national center for
E-learning has been established; and E-units or departments have been set-up in almost every university.
E-learning has become important for discussion to quote Shakespeare ‘To E or not to E that is the question.’
Objectives: To examine current and future developments and challenges of E-learning in KSA. Materials
and Methods: A qualitative approach was used to explore views of 30 senior academicians involved in
E-learning during their aendance at a two-week course on the subject. Results: All participants considered
themselves as decision makers on E-learning in their units or departments. They felt that E-learning had come
to stay, but acknowledged challenges in respect of resources, organization, management, and information
technology. Conclusion: The fast development of E-learning poses many challenges. Clear vision and strategic
planning with prospective E-learners in mind are essential to make E-learning programs cost eective.
Key words: Challenges and development of E-learning in Saudi Arabia, E-learning, vision and strategic
planning of E-learning
‘To be, or not to be: that is the question’ -
William Shakespeare (Hamlet)
The market for E-learning is estimated as more than 53
billion US dollars. Although the largest market is in USA,
the strongest growth is in Asia.[1] Saudi Arabia, as the
largest market and economy in the Middle East, has of
late witnessed huge expansion in higher education and
E-learning. Over the last ve years, the growth in higher
education has been the opening of one university every
three months; ve colleges every month; 800 scholarships
being awarded to students to study abroad every month;
and an extension of higher education from 15 to 86
districts.[2] The move toward E-learning seems to be fast
and strong. There have been a number of initiatives to
introduce E-learning to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).
These include orientation sessions and campaigns on the
subject; short and long courses for interested participants;
establishment of E-learning units in universities and
educational organizations; establishment of National
Center for E-learning; and the launching of local E-learning
programs that aim at national certication for E-learning.
This article shares views and interpretations of E-learning
in KSA, drawing on literature and information gathered
from 30 academicians and decision makers from all
universities and the National Center of E-learning in
KSA. The aim is to explore ideas on current and future
developments of E-learning in KSA from the decision
makers. Findings and interpretations of this study may be
helpful in developing organizational vision[3] and strategic
planning for E-learning in KSA.
Together with 30 participants from all universities of
SA and the National Center, the author attended a two-
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Al-Shehri: E-learning in Saudi Arabia
week course entitled ‘E-Learning and the Future of
Digital Education’ at The University of Manchester. All
participants had knowledge and experience in E-learning
and were considered decision makers in their respective
organizations. In fact, the course was meant to ‘Train the
Trainers’ in E-learning and was sponsored by Ministry of
Higher Education. Details of the course can be obtained
from National Center for E-learning and distance
The learning environment of the course was used to
explore the views of the participants on E-learning in
the form of one-to-one dialogue or group discussion
during small-group tasks during tea and coffee breaks,
over lunch and dinner at social gatherings, and other
activities. These informal discussions were used to gather
information from participants without making them
aware of the study. This was in order to minimize the
effects of research on participants’ opinion. However,
at the end of the course, participants’ permission was
taken to use their views and comments in this article on
E-learning in KSA.
‘Chats and Dialogues’ with participants focused on the
following questions: How do you describe yourself in
relation to E-learning in your unit or organization: decision
maker or user or other? How do you see E-learning now
and in the future of your unit or organization, in particular,
and in Saudi Arabia in general? What challenges do you
face now and what others do you expect in the future? No
notes were made during the chats, but the main ideas were
written down immediately afterwards.
This approach gave exibility to both participants and
researcher to tackle the issues from different perspectives
and facilitate free reflection on the whole subject.[4]
Concepts, rather than literal statements or opinions, were
elicited from participants. For example, if a participant
mentioned ‘bureaucracy’ in response to the question on the
challenges faced in the unit, it was interpreted as a concept
of organization and management as shown below. The
response ‘money’ or ‘lack of trained staff ’ was categorized
as resources. The study tried to make use of anecdotes,[5]
feelings, judgments, expectations, and views of those
senior and experienced participants to get a clear vision of
E-learning in KSA. In other words, a qualitative approach
was used for data gathering: ‘Qualitative researchers try to
interact with their subjects in a natural, inobtrusive, and
nonthreatening manner.’[6]
All participants described themselves as decision makers
in relation to E-learning in their units or organizations,
which their titles and backgrounds conrmed. Responses
to ‘How do you see E-learning in your unit/organization’
ranged from ‘still at the beginning’ to ‘We are well
advanced in E-learning.’ However, it was clear that the
majority saw themselves as being in an advanced stage.
Almost all saw E-learning as an inevitable development in
KSA and were most optimistic about its future. Challenges
mentioned were related to resources (human, materials,
and nancial); organization and management (reporting
relationships, links and authority, freelance vs controlled
administration); technical and infrastructure (availability
of enough technical support; capacity and coverage of
telecommunication). Some felt that budgetary allocation
to E-lear ning was the greatest challenge, whereas
others felt the biggest challenge was the knowledge
and skills of teachers and learners. Still others felt
that the greatest challenge was the infrastructure for
technology and telecommunications. Another group felt
that organizational relationship of all those involved in
E-learning posed the greatest challenge. Despite these
challenges, almost all agreed that E-learning was necessary
for KSA. These challenges are discussed below in the light
of literature on E-learning.
Despite the recent impressive development and expansion
of higher education in KSA, there are still not enough
places in the universities to accommodate the large number
of applicants and meet the growth of the population.
Almost half of the population of KSA is at or under
college age.[7] Every academic year, thousands of students
are left without a place at university to study their subject
of choice. Although many universities have recently been
opened, the demand for place is still much more than is
available. This is compounded by the fact that KSA is a
large country with issues of accessibility, particularly for
females and those who cannot travel to the main cities
where the universities are located. The reasons above
conrm the views of participants in this study that part of
the solution to this problem is to be found in E-learning.
In fact, the fast pace of development toward E-learning
in KSA is impressive, considering the country’s relative
youth in learning and education. To use the words of
Shakespeare’s Hamlet, it is perhaps appropriate in KSA to
say: ‘to E or not to E, that is the question.’
It is necessary to pause and give careful thought to certain
issues with far-reaching consequences before embarking
on full-scale national-certied E-learning programs. The
following are some such issues emerging from the literature,
and participant’s views have to be given serious thought by
the organizations concerned in KSA.
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Al-Shehri: E-learning in Saudi Arabia
Education and technology
‘Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) evolve at a
quick pace and affect the way we live, work, access information,
communicate and learn.’[8] Internet and web technology
can assist in transforming education in the 21st century,
but there is always a risk of putting technology before
education, and the claim is that E-learning enables
learners to be more self-directed, inquisitive, and reective.
However, the desire to master technology may observe
this ideal. During the ‘chats’ with participants as well as
the actual course, it was clear that most of the priority
was to master the technology. Participants were more
interested in acquiring the technical procedures of how to
conduct E-learning rather than nding out the educational
principles of learning. This was undoubtedly expected
because participants look for their learning needs rather
than giving priority to technology over education. However,
most of participants lost interest when instructors talked
about learning theories and reective practice. However,
it is worth remembering that ‘there is a common misconception
that e-learning is mainly about technology … technology is not what
learning is all about.’[8] Learning is essentially about change
in attitudes, skills, and knowledge.
Inequity and variations
‘E-learning (or sometimes Electronic Learning or eLearning) is a
term which is used a great deal but with diverse denitions … it has
different meanings to different people.’[1] In this study, though
most of participants felt that their units or organizations
were advanced in E-learning, the meanings they adducted to
E-learning varied and some saw it as a web-based distance
education, whereas others saw it as technology-mediated
learning. Digital zing classrooms are not what E-learning
is about. However, it was clear from the discussions
with participants that some were really advanced in their
understanding of E-learning but lacked structural support,
whereas others who were not so advanced had great support
from other units or organizations. With better organization
and management, these inequities and variations can be
utilized as strengths rather than weaknesses.
Organization and management
During the course, we learned about many developments
of E-learning in different universities and institutions.
There was no clear organizational links or reports to
ensure coordination and collaboration among different
bodies involved in E-learning. The existence of National
Center of E-learning came as a surprise to the majority
of participants. The fact that it had no ofcial oversight
of the development of E-learning in different universities
and organization may explain, at least partly, this lack
of awareness. Giving freedom to different organization
to adopt E-learning in their own way may present
opportunities for more innovations and independence.
However, there is the risk of waste of resources and
disintegration of the whole process of E-learning. With
proper organization and management, technical support
and infrastructure required by different organizations
would be easier to identify and thereby improve the
efciency and effectiveness of the pursuit of the national
objective appropriate in E-learning in KSA.
Technical support and infrastructure
Almost all participants expressed concerns about the
availability of enough technical support and the capacity
of infrastructure to cope with the potential size of
E-learning. Supporting ow and processing of information
in terms of hardware, software, policies and procedures,
and capacity to deal with problems that arise are major
challenges for developed countries[9,10] that let alone
developing countries. E-learning software applications
such as learning management system, managed learning
environment, and others are ourishing and need proper
hardware infrastructure and technical support. This
support should be available in all regions and not limited
to major cities. Judging with the current problems on
telecommunication coverage of the whole country, any
moves that embark large-scale E-learning projects should
be made with caution.
In addition, the question of ‘to E or not to E’ in Saudi
Arabia cannot be addressed properly unless the following
two other issues are tackled: (1) Developing organizational
vision and strategic planning for E-learning and (2)
Identifying E-learners.
Organizational vision and strategic planning
The following organizations are a few of many involved
directly or indirectly with E-learning in KSA: Ministry
of Higher Education, National Center of E-learning,
universities, Ministry of Telecommunication, King
Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, educational
and training institutions, and the private sector (educational
and business rms). These organizations as stakeholders
need to come together to formulate a collective vision for
E-learning for the whole country. This vision should give
some direction with the present realities through risks and
opportunities into the future.[3] A common vision for all
stakeholders means a common purpose and clear direction
to the future. Thus, strategic planning for E-learning in SA
would consider the present realities of each organization,
their risks and opportunities and attainable goals within a
time frame.[3] The development of this vision depends on
identifying the customers, that is, the E-learners.
Identifying our E-learners
‘E-LEARNERS FAIL! Not one or two, here and there, but large
numbers of them. Some studies suggest more than half of would-be
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Journal of Family and Community Medicine | December 2010 | Vol 17 | Issue 3 150
Al-Shehri: E-learning in Saudi Arabia
e-learners either never take advantage of e-learning possibilities or
never nish their rst program.’[9] This quotation is the opening
sentence of the book[9] that emphasizes the importance
of preparing E-learners before embarking on major
e-learning programs. We need to know the characteristics,
motivations, and potential of E-learners before asking
them to join E-learning programs. Traditional classroom
learning programs have been the norm for years and to
ask learners not to come to class may feel strange and
perhaps difcult to accept. More importantly, E-learning
might require different skills, knowledge, and attitudes.[9,10]
Therefore, there is an urgent need to do major studies
on the prospective E-learners to find out what their
perception of E-learning is, what skills they have, and what
they understand. It is vital to nd out what is motivating
them to participate in the E-learning programs. It would
be necessary to nd out where, when, and how they want
to E-learn. There are many other questions that must
be resolved and the results of which will provide useful
information to determine the modalities for implementing
cost-effective major E-learning programs.
Limitations of the study
Reliance on informal chatting and dialogues without
recording or transcribing what was actually said is a clear
limitation. There is the risk of the loss of some data and
compromise of validity. However, issues of concerns
and challenges mentioned by participants were similar
to those reported in literature.[8-10] Certainly, capturing
actual statements or comments of participants would
substantiate qualitative results, but would not alter the
outcome validity of the study that E-learning in Saudi
Arabia is ourishing, poses many challenges, requires
strategic planning based on clear vision, and demands an
appraisal of the E-learners.
Another limitation of the study is the limited target of
number of senior academicians and e-learning tutors. This
purposeful sampling is acceptable in qualitative research.
Participants were considered a focus group chosen because
of their experience, insights, and knowledge of e-learning.
Their views carry a signicant weight that should be
acknowledged in strategic planning of E-learning in
KSA. Moreover, the ndings and limitations of this study
demand further research (both qualitative and quantitative)
on E-learning.
I am thankful to participating colleagues who enabled me to
understand E-learning better. Thanks to the Ministry of Higher
Education, National Center of E-learning, and my university
(KSAU-HS) for giving me the opportunity to attend the valuable
1. Available from: hp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elearning [Last accessed
on 15 of March 2010]
2. Al Othman (president of King Saud University) cited in Editorial by
Al Malik in Al Jazirah Newspaper, 26 August 2009.
3. Al-Shehri AM, Stanley I, Thomas P. Developing organizational
vision in general practice. BMJ 1993;307:101-3.
4. Schon D. The reective practitioner: How professional think in
action. New York, NY: Basic Books; 1983.
5. Bradley CP. Turning anecdotes into data-the critical incident
technique. Fam Pract 1992;9:98-103.
6. Bogdan RC, Biklen SK. Qualitative research for Education: An
Introduction to Theory and Methods. 2nd ed. London: Allyn and
Bacon; 1992.
7. Ministry of Economy and Planning. Population and Housing
Characteristics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Demography
Survey 1428H (2007).
8. Global Virtual University (GVU). The pedagogical challenges
of e-learning. Available from: hp://www.gvu.unu.edu /docs/
pedagogy12.doc [last accessed on 2009 Aug 31].
9. Piskurich GM. Preparing Learners for e-Learning. San Francisco:
Wiley and Sons; 2003.
10. Macdonald J. Developing competent e-learners: The role
of assessment. Available from: hp://leeds.ac.uk/educol/
documents/00002251.htm [Last accessed on 15 of March 2010]
Source of Support: Nil, Conict of Interest: Nil
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