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Leptospirosis in Hawaii, USA, 1999–2008


Abstract and Figures

Although infrequently diagnosed in the United States, leptospirosis is a notable reemerging infectious disease throughout developing countries. Until 1995, when the disease was eliminated from the US list of nationally notifiable diseases, Hawaii led the nation in reported annual incidence rates. Leptospirosis remains a notifiable disease in Hawaii. To ascertain the status of leptospirosis in Hawaii since the most recent US report in 2002, we reviewed 1999-2008 data obtained from case investigation reports by the Hawaii State Department of Health. Of the 345 case reports related to in-state exposures, 198 (57%) were laboratory confirmed. Our findings indicate a change in seasonal disease occurrence from summer to winter and in the infective serogroup from Icterohemorrhagiae to Australis. Also, during the past 20 years, recreational exposures have plateaued, while occupational exposures have increased. Ongoing surveillance is needed to clarify and track the dynamic epidemiology of this widespread zoonosis.
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Although infrequently diagnosed in the United States,
leptospirosis is a notable reemerging infectious disease
throughout developing countries. Until 1995, when the dis-
ease was eliminated from the US list of nationally noti able
diseases, Hawaii led the nation in reported annual incidence
rates. Leptospirosis remains a noti able disease in Hawaii.
To ascertain the status of leptospirosis in Hawaii since the
most recent US report in 2002, we reviewed 1999–2008
data obtained from case investigation reports by the Hawaii
State Department of Health. Of the 345 case reports related
to in-state exposures, 198 (57%) were laboratory con rmed.
Our ndings indicate a change in seasonal disease occur-
rence from summer to winter and in the infective serogroup
from Icterohemorrhagiae to Australis. Also, during the past
20 years, recreational exposures have plateaued, while oc-
cupational exposures have increased. Ongoing surveillance
is needed to clarify and track the dynamic epidemiology of
this widespread zoonosis.
eptospirosis is considered the most globally widespread
zoonotic illness; it has been classi ed as an emerging
or reemerging infectious disease by the World Health Or-
ganization (1) and the US Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) (2). Most frequently recognized as a dis-
ease of the developing world (3), leptospirosis was removed
from the US list of nationally reportable infectious diseases
in 1995 (4). Before the disease’s removal from national
surveillance, Hawaii consistently led the nation in reported
annual incidence rates (5). The state of Hawaii continues
to include leptospirosis as a noti able illness. The last pub-
lished US population-based surveillance report was from
Hawaii and covered data obtained during 1974–1998 (5).
This study serves as an update for leptospirosis in Hawaii
during 1999–2008.
We reviewed leptospirosis case investigation reports
by Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH) investigators
submitted during 1999–2008. These reports were (and
still are) generated for all reported leptospirosis cases in
the state. A standardized case investigation form was used,
which includes demographic, epidemiologic, clinical, and
laboratory information obtained from patient interviews,
medical record reviews, and laboratory reports. Research
for this study was approved by the HDOH Institutional Re-
view Board.
For exposure source to be assessed, incubation periods
estimated, and exposures classi ed, patients were asked
about high-risk activities that occurred during the 21 days
before symptom onset. These included exposure to ani-
mals, mud, or potentially contaminated freshwater sources
involving occupational activities (e.g., farming, ranching),
recreational activities (e.g., freshwater swimming, hiking),
or habitational activities (around the home; e.g., garden-
ing, trapping rats). If exposure was continuous or if persons
had been exposed multiple times, the incubation period was
considered indeterminate. Ascertainment of exposure clas-
si cation involved placing cases into 3 mutually exclusive
exposure categories: occupational, recreational, or habi-
tational. If exposure activities involved >1 category, the
exposure classi cation was considered indeterminate. Out-
breaks were de ned as >2 epidemiologically linked cases.
A patient with a con rmed case had a clinically com-
patible illness plus a >4-fold increase in microscopic agglu-
tination test (MAT) titer between acute- and convalescent-
phase serum specimens or isolation of Leptospira spp. from
a clinical specimen (6,7). All other cases were classi ed
as either probable (clinically compatible illness with MAT
titer >200 in >1 serum specimens without a 4-fold increase
Leptospirosis in Hawaii, USA,
Alan R. Katz, Arlene E. Buchholz, Kialani Hinson, Sarah Y. Park, and Paul V. Ef er
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 17, No. 2, February 2011 221
Author af liations: University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
(A.R. Katz, K. Hinson); and Hawaii State Department of Health,
Honolulu (A.E. Buchholz, S.Y. Park, P.V. Ef er)
DOI: 10.3201/eid1412.080470
in titer [8]) or suspected (clinically compatible illness with
less supportive laboratory evidence of infection [e.g., MAT
titer <200, positive macroscopic slide agglutination test re-
sult, reactive immunoglobulin (Ig) M ELISA, or positive
indirect hemagglutination assay results]). Only laboratory-
con rmed cases in patients whose disease was contracted
through exposure within the state of Hawaii were included
in this analysis. MATs were conducted by CDC from Janu-
ary 1999 through November 2004, and by HDOH from De-
cember 2004 through December 2008.
All isolates were sent to CDC for de nitive serogroup
identi cation. To determine the presumptive infecting se-
rogroup for serologically con rmed cases, MAT titers were
examined. The highest and most recent titer was presumed
to be the infecting serogroup. If >1 serogroup had the same
high titer, the identi cation was labeled indeterminate.
To calculate mean annual incidence rates (overall and
by age, sex, and Hawaii island on which patient was ex-
posed), the numerator was the number of cases for the spec-
i ed groups over the 10-year observation period divided
by 10. The denominator was the overall or relevant group-
speci c population estimate from the 2000 US Census (9).
Data from our earlier 25-year study period, 1974–1998,
were used for trend analyses (5).
We calculated frequencies, tests for trends, and tests
for difference using Epi Info version 3.3.2 (CDC, Atlanta,
GA, USA); p values <0.05 were considered signi cant. All
statistical tests were 2-tailed.
HDOH received 356 leptospirosis case reports; 345
were related to exposures within the state of Hawaii. The
11 cases from exposures occurring out of state included 2
from Guam; 2 from Thailand; and 1 each from Panama, the
Federated States of Micronesia, Borneo, Okinawa, Malay-
sia, Singapore, and Texas. Of the case reports related to in-
state exposures, 198 (57%) were laboratory con rmed, 116
(34%) were probable, and 31 (9%) were suspected.
The number of con rmed cases reported per year
ranged from 11 to 27 (median 20), and the estimated mean
annual incidence rate was 1.63 per 100,000 population.
Mean monthly reported cases were highest from October
through February (Figure 1). The observed seasonal dis-
ease occurrence for the recent 10-year study period was
signi cantly different from that of the previously reported
25-year study period; summer cases predominated in the
latter (p<0.01) (5).
Case-patients were predominately male (91%), and
ages ranged from 3 to 76 years (median 38 years). The
highest age-speci c rate was among persons 20–29 years
of age, and the lowest was among children 0–9 years of
age. Most cases and the highest incidence rates were re-
lated to exposures on the islands of Kauai and Hawaii
(Table 1). In addition, cases were most consistently report-
ed from the northeast, windward sides of the islands: Hana-
lei (n = 8) and Wailua (n = 12) on Kauai, Waipio Valley (n
= 12) and Hilo (n = 17) on Hawaii, and Maunawili Falls (n
= 13) on Oahu (Figure 2).
We were able to determine exposure classi cations for
177 (89%) of the 198 con rmed cases. Recreational expo-
sures accounted for 79 (45%) and were mostly related to
freshwater swimming, hiking, and camping. Occupational
exposures accounted for 78 (44%), mostly relating to farm-
ing, speci cally, taro farming. Exposures around the home
accounted for 20 (11%), most commonly, gardening. After
222 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 17, No. 2, February 2011
Hawaiian "summer"
No. cases
Hawaiian "summer"
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
No. cases
Month of onset
Hawaiian "summer"
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
No. cases
Month of onset
Hawaiian "summer"
Figure 1. Month of onset for 198 laboratory-con rmed leptospirosis
cases, Hawaii, USA, 1999–2008.
Table 1. Sex, age, and island of exposure for 198 case-patients
with laboratory-confirmed leptospirosis, Hawaii, USA, 1999–2008
No. (%)
Estimated mean annual
incidence rate*
M 181 (91) 2.97
F 17 (9) 0.28
Age group, y
0–9 1 (1) 0.06
10–19 24 (12) 1.46
20–29 48 (24) 2.87
30–39 31 (16) 1.69
40–49 38 (19) 2.05
50–59 36 (18) 2.55
60–69 15 (8) 1.68
70–79 5 (3) 0.64
Hawaii 98 (49) 6.59
Kauai 47 (24) 8.06
Oahu 44 (23) 0.50
Maui 4 (2) 0.34
Molokai 1 (1) 1.38
Unknown 4 (2)
*No. cases/100,000 population. Rate = no. case-patients observed over 10
years for the specified category divided by 10 divided by specified
subgroup population estimate from 2000 US Census data (9).
Leptospirosis in Hawaii
categorizing cases into 5-year intervals and comparing the
results with reports from 1989 through 1998 (5), we found
that recreational exposures remained relatively stable over
the past 20 years (1989–2008), while occupational expo-
sures actually increased, but the difference was not signi -
cant (p = 0.08) (Figure 3). After strati cation by island, a
signi cant increase in occupational exposures was shown
for the island of Hawaii (p = 0.04). No other trends for ex-
posure classi cation were signi cant.
Most cases occurred sporadically. One outbreak (>2
epidemiologically linked cases), which involved 2 land-
scapers, occurred on Kauai in 1999; both cases were labo-
ratory con rmed. Another outbreak (2 epidemiologically
linked cases: 1 con rmed, 1 probable) was associated with
ooding of the University of Hawaii campus on October
31, 2004, when heavy rains caused an adjacent stream to
over ow its banks (10).
For case-patients with known exposure dates, the me-
dian incubation period was 9 days (range 1–21 days). The
median duration of illness was 14 days (range 3–90 days).
A total of 118 (73%) of 161 case-patients, for whom treat-
ment information was available, were hospitalized.
The most frequent signs and symptoms among patients
who sought treatment were fever, myalgias, headache, nau-
sea, and vomiting. Abnormal urinalysis results were com-
mon; specimens from 78 (73%) of 107 and 71 (68%) of
105 case-patients showed hematuria and proteinuria, re-
spectively. Results of liver function tests were frequently
abnormal as well; laboratory results for 109 (74%) of 147
case-patients showed elevated alanine aminotransferase
levels (>40 U/L), and 85 (63%) of 134 showed elevated
total bilirubin levels (>1 mg/dL). The most common he-
matologic anomaly was thrombocytopenia (<140 × 10
which was observed for 97 (66%) of 146 case-patients
(Table 2). Initial clinical impression was recorded for 151
(76%) of 198 patients. The most common initial diagnosis
was leptospirosis for 114 (75%) of 151 patients.
During the 10-year reporting period, 1 death occurred
among 198 patients with con rmed cases (case-fatality rate
0.5%). A 23-year-old man who attended college on the
mainland had been exposed through recreational activities
while at home in Hawaii during winter break 2003. Symp-
toms developed after he returned to school, and he died in
January 2004.
Of the 198 patients with con rmed infection, 152 (77%)
received a diagnosis on the basis of serologic testing with
the MAT, 18 (9%) cases were con rmed with culture iso-
lates, and 28 (14%) were con rmed by MAT and isolates.
Forty-three isolates obtained during 2000–2008 were char-
acterized at CDC by molecular and serologic techniques.
Isolates were grouped into 4 clades based on MAT results
and pulsed- eld gel electrophoresis: 19 (44%) unknown
serovar (serogroup Australis), 17 (40%) serovar Icterohe-
morrhagiae (serogroup Icterohemorrhagiae), 4 (9%) sero-
var Ballum (serogroup Ballum), and 3 (7%) of unknown
serovar (serogroup Bataviae). Cross-agglutination absorp-
tion assay identi ed the unknown serovar from serogroup
Australis as a new serovar closely related to Lora (11).
The most common infecting serogroups (identi ed de-
nitively by isolate or presumptively by MAT) were Aus-
tralis (n = 50) and Icterohemorrhagiae (n = 51). Analysis
for linear trend, after cases were categorized into 5-year in-
tervals and compared with con rmed cases reported during
1974–1998 (5), showed a signi cant increase in infections
attributed to serogroup Australis and a decrease in infec-
tions caused by serogroup Icterohemorrhagiae (p<0.0001
for each).
The most recent 10-year reporting period has demon-
strated a statistically signi cant shift in the seasonal occur-
rence of leptospirosis from the drier summer months (5) to
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 17, No. 2, February 2011 223
Figure 2. Exposure locations associated with the greatest number
of leptospirosis cases, Hawaii, USA, 1999–2008.
Recreational Occupational Habitational
% Total cases
Recreational Occupational Habitational
1989–1993 1994–1998 1999–2003 2004–2008
% Total cases
Recreational Occupational Habitational
Figure 3. Trends in exposure classi cation for laboratory-con rmed
leptospirosis cases, Hawaii, USA, 1989–2008
the wetter winter months. Climatologists have character-
ized the Hawaiian archipelago as having only 2 seasons:
summer (May through September) and winter (October
through April). Rainfall and widespread rainstorms are
most common during the winter months (12).
During the earlier reporting period, 1974–1998, rec-
reationally associated exposures predominated and in-
creased over time; therefore, the summer predominance
was attributed to the greater likelihood of recreational ex-
posure in the summer. During 1989–2008, the frequency
of recreational exposures plateaued while frequency of
occupational exposures seemed to increase. This observed
change in exposure history might allow seasonal climatic
effect to have a greater in uence on the epidemiology of
the disease. In addition, taro farming, a recognized high-
risk occupation (5), which had been on the decline, has
experienced a resurgence relating to renewed interest in
the cultural importance to native Hawaiians and an aware-
ness of taro’s nutritional value (13). In 2000, Hawaii pro-
duced 7 million pounds of taro, the largest crop yield
since 1977 (14).
The island distribution of leptospirosis cases remains
virtually unchanged since our earlier report (5). Kauai, the
island with the highest annual rainfall and second most
rural island, had and continues to have the highest inci-
dence rate, followed by Hawaii, the most rural island. As
in our earlier report, cases were most consistently reported
from the wetter, windward, northeast sides of each island.
Notably, climatic changes have been documented for the
Hawaiian archipelago with signi cant trends in increasing
temperatures (15), decreasing rainfall (16), and increasing
rain intensity (17) over the past 30 years. The effects of
climate change on ecosystems are complex, but the poten-
tial for in uencing infectious disease patterns has been well
described (18,19). Temperature and climate changes may
affect the host animal’s environment, making transmission
to humans more likely. Increase in rain intensity with re-
sultant ooding is a well-recognized climatic risk factor for
transmission of Leptospira spp. (20). Flooding was respon-
sible for 1 of the 2 outbreaks during the study period (10).
The predominance of men among case-patients is well
recognized (2124) and is virtually unchanged from our
earlier report (5). This predominance has been explained
by the tendency of more men to participate in high-risk
outdoor exposure activities. The low reported age-speci c
case rates in children <10 years of age and highest rates
among adults 20–50 years of age are also consistently re-
ported (2224) and similar to our earlier ndings (5).
Our ndings corroborate other large case series that
show that the most common clinical manifestation of
leptosporisis are nonspeci c signs or symptoms, such as
fever, headache, and mylagias (5,22,2527). The case-fa-
224 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 17, No. 2, February 2011
Table 2. Clinical findings for 198 case-patients with laboratory-confirmed leptospirosis, Hawaii, USA, 1999–2008
Sign, symptoms, and laboratory result No. (%) patients affected No. patients with data available
Sign or symptom
Fever 187 (98) 191
Myalgia 162 (88) 185
Headache 156 (87) 179
Nausea 117 (68) 173
Vomiting 101 (59) 172
Arthralgia 73 (46) 157
Diarrhea 79 (46) 171
Backache 50 (34) 146
Jaundice 53 (33) 163
Oliguria or anuria 32 (21) 152
Conjunctival suffusion 30 (19) 156
Nuchal rigidity 23 (14) 159
Pneumonia 13 (8) 154
Hepatosplenomegaly 8 (6) 140
Laboratory results
Hematuria 78 (73) 107
Proteinuria 71 (68) 105
Elevated creatinine (>1.5 mg/dL) 60 (51) 118
Elevated blood urea nitrogen (>20 mg/dL) 68 (50) 136
Elevated alanine aminotransferase (>40 U/L) 109 (74) 147
Elevated total bilirubin (>1 mg/dL) 85 (63) 134
Thrombocytopenia (<140 u 10
97 (66) 146
Elevated leukocyte count (>10 u 10
74 (48) 155
Decreased hematocrit (<34%) 56 (38) 146
Leptospirosis in Hawaii
tality rate (0.5%) is lower than that reported from Brazil
(25), Barbados (28), Guadeloupe (22), and the Andaman
Islands (26), but similar to the rates found in our earlier
study (5) and in a recent case series from France (27). The
low case-fatality rate in this series may be explained by
early recognition and initiation of supportive therapy and
antimicrobial drugs. Other case series may be biased to-
ward recognition and inclusion of only the most severely
ill, hospitalized patients, which leads to higher case-fatality
rates. A recent population-based case-control study from
Brazil (29) showed that pulmonary involvement was the
strongest independent predictive factor for death caused by
severe leptospirosis. Pulmonary ndings were infrequent
among case-patients in this study, the earlier Hawaii series
(5), and the France series (27).
The changing temporal trend in the infecting sero-
group rst identi ed in our earlier study has continued;
most of the current leptospirosis isolates are in the Austra-
lis serogroup. This documented trend over the past 35 years
from the previously predominant serogroup Icterohemor-
rhagiae to the now predominant Australis may re ect the
in uence of different host animals, the effects of climatic
and land use changes, or both. Serogroup Icterohemorrha-
giae has been associated with rats (Rattus norwegicus and
R. rattus), and Australis has been associated with swine,
including feral swine or wild boars (Sus scrofa) (30,31).
Recent reports from Germany have shown high serop-
revalence of Australis serogroup (serovar Bratislava) in
urban feral swine (32) and documented increased size in
the feral swine population and habitat changes leading to
epidemiologic linkages between leptospirosis occurrence
and feral swine exposure (33). Hawaii has also experi-
enced an increase in the feral swine population, with a
concordant sharp increase in the number of feral swine
encroaching on urban residential areas (34,35). Research-
ers at the University of Hawaii are currently investigating
the possible in uence of feral swine exposure on human
disease in Hawaii by undertaking a leptospirosis serop-
revalence study of feral swine.
Annual reported leptospirosis incidence rates in the
United States ranged from 0.02 to 0.05 per 100,000 popu-
lation from 1974 through 1994, the last year leptospirosis
was included in the list of nationally noti able diseases (5).
If we include probable and suspected cases, as was done
nationally, our mean estimated annual incidence rate dur-
ing this 10-year study period would increase from 1.63 to
2.85 per 100,000 population, 100× greater than that re-
ported nationally. Compared with other locales for which
annual leptospirosis incidence rates are available, Ha-
waii would be considered in the moderate range category
(1–10/100,000 population) (36). Countries in this range
include Cuba (2.47/100,000 population) and Costa Rica
(6.72/100,000 population) (3). Countries categorized as
having high rates (>10/100,000 population) include Bar-
bados (10.03/100,000 population), Trinidad and Tobago
(12.04/100,000 population), and Seychelles (43.21/100,000
population) (3). Additional countries or regions considered
to have high rates (for which data are not available) are
Vietnam and French Polynesia (36). Although leptospirosis
is a noti able disease in Hawaii, case reporting is based on
passive surveillance and likely underestimates true disease
occurrence. During a 1-year period in 1988 and 1989, an
active surveillance study was conducted on the islands of
Hawaii and Kauai, which resulted in a 5-fold increase in
case identi cation (37). A recent retrospective analysis of
serum obtained from febrile patients during a dengue fe-
ver outbreak in Hawaii, 2001–2002, also identi ed a sub-
stantial number of leptospirosis cases that otherwise would
have gone undiagnosed (38).
Future eld studies using geographic information
system technology to link climatic and environmental
phenomena, such as rainfall occurrence and environmen-
tal isolates with human and animal infection, could offer
valuable insights. Given the potential effects of climate and
land use changes, public health of cials must remain alert
to the occurrence and changing epidemiology of emerging
and reemerging infectious diseases. Without national sur-
veillance, the occurrence of leptospirosis outside of Hawaii
or other regions that have leptospirosis surveillance may
go largely unrecognized, and thus, unmonitored. Ongoing
surveillance activities, such as ecologic, animal, and labo-
ratory studies are necessary to clarify and track the dynam-
ic epidemiology of this widespread, reemerging zoonotic
We gratefully acknowledge A. Christian Whelen, Norman
O’Connor, Harry Domen, Jan Ishibashi, and Renee Galloway for
laboratory support; and Joe Elm, Mayee Wong, and Erick Cremer
for case investigation.
Dr Katz is a professor of epidemiology at the University of
Hawaii. His primary research interests are leptospirosis and sexu-
ally transmitted infections.
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Address for correspondence: Alan R. Katz, Department of Public Health
Sciences, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii,
Biomedical Sciences Building, Rm D104M, 1960 East-West Rd, Honolulu,
HI 96822, USA; email:
226 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 17, No. 2, February 2011
All material published in Emerging Infectious Diseases is in
the public domain and may be used and reprinted without
special permission; proper citation, however, is required.
... Fifty percent of the participants were female (95% CI: 47-55). Participant ages ranged from 5-94 years old, with a mean age of 42 years (95% CI: [39][40][41][42][43][44]. Fifty-eight percent (95% CI: 53-63) of participants were aged 20-59 years, 22% (95%CI: 18-26) were 60 years and over, and 20% (95% CI: [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] were under 20 years of age. ...
... Historically, in most places leptospirosis cases tend to be most common among young and middle-aged adult males [18,24,44,45]. Our finding that increased age was independently associated with seropositivity is unsurprising in the context of a serosurvey; as age increases, there is increased opportunity over time for exposure or re-exposure. ...
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Background The first documented human leptospirosis cases in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) occurred following 2017 Hurricanes Irma and Maria. We conducted a representative serosurvey in USVI to estimate the seroprevalence and distribution of human leptospirosis and evaluate local risk factors associated with seropositivity. Methodology/Principal findings A stratified, two-stage cluster sampling design was used and consisted of three island strata and random selection of census blocks and then households. All eligible members of selected households were invited to participate (≥5 years old, resided in USVI ≥6 months and ≥6 months/year). Household and individual-level questionnaires were completed, and serum collected from each enrolled individual. Microscopic agglutination test serology was conducted, and bivariate and logistic regression analyses completed to identify risk factors for seropositivity. In March 2019, 1,161 individuals were enrolled from 918 households in St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John. The territory-wide weighted seroprevalence was 4.0% (95% CI:2.3–5.7). Characteristics/exposures independently associated with seropositivity using logistic regression included contact with cows (OR: 39.5; 95% CI: 9.0–172.7), seeing rodents/rodent evidence or contact with rodents (OR: 2.6; 95% CI: 1.1–5.9), and increasing age (OR: 1.02; 95% CI: 1.002–1.04); full or partial Caucasian/White race was negatively correlated with seropositivity (OR: 0.02, 95% CI: 0.04–0.7). Bivariate analysis showed self-reported jaundice since the 2017 hurricanes (pRR: 5.7; 95% CI: 1.0–33.4) was associated with seropositivity and using a cover/lid on cisterns/rainwater collection containers (pRR: 0.3; 95% CI: 0.08–0.8) was protective against seropositivity. Conclusions/Significance Leptospirosis seropositivity of 4% across USVI demonstrates an important human disease that was previously unrecognized and emphasizes the importance of continued leptospirosis surveillance and investigation. Local risk factors identified may help guide future human and animal leptospirosis studies in USVI, strengthen leptospirosis public health surveillance and treatment timeliness, and inform targeted education, prevention, and control efforts.
... Certain populations are at higher risk for acquiring leptospirosis. This includes people participating in recreational water sports (particularly when these activities lead to skin injuries, head immersion, or swallowing contaminated water), those exposed to flooding events, and agricultural workers especially of rice and sugarcane crops [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. Additionally, military members on deployments and during training exercises overseas are also at high risk due to the large amount of time spent in field conditions where frequent exposure to soil and water is inevitable. ...
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Leptospirosis is a neglected tropical disease that remains potentially life threatening and hard to diagnose. Climate change combined with overlapping reservoir and human habitats will likely lead to increasing incidence, outbreaks, and mortality in the future. Preventative vaccines are either of limited scope and availability, or under development. Antibiotic chemoprophylaxis for prevention has been the subject of numerous clinical trials. However, despite 40 years of effort, clinical trials to better define protective efficacy, dosing, and the preferred medication are of poor quality and offer limited evidence. We reviewed the literature and offer critiques of the existing trials as well as potential areas for future exploration that may better define the epidemiology and yield a better evidence base for both travel medicine and public health efforts.
... Global re-emergence of leptospirosis has been associated with environmental and socio-economic factors including high rainfall, flooding, poverty, urbanization, and ecotourism (Center for Disease Control [CDC], 1995;Ricaldi, 2006;Lau et al., 2010). Leptospirosis is a disease of increasing global concern and is most prevalent in tropical climates where people and animals live in close contact (Anon, 2005;Alan et al., 2011). It is considered the most common zoonosis and an emerging disease whose incidence is increasing, as a consequence of global climate change (Plank and Dean, 2000;Lau et al., 2010). ...
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Leptospirosis is an important re-emerging bacterial zoonosis of public health importance in Kenya. It is transmitted through contact with contaminated soil, water, or urine of infected animals. The disease is associated with high economic losses which include high cost of diagnosis and treatment, disruption of international trade in animals and animal products and loss of milk production following mastitis among others. In this study, the sero-prevalence of bovine leptospirosis in Kimilili and Mt Elgon Sub-Counties of Bungoma County in Kenya was estimated. A cross-sectional study was conducted between April to July, 2017 where blood serum samples from 200 head of cattle from five wards and one slaughter house using systematic random sampling technique. The samples were then subjected to the Enzyme Linked Immunorsorbent Assay (ELISA) test. The findings show an overall sero-prevalence for leptospirosis in cattle in the study area to be 16%. The sero-prevalence of leptospirosis in the study area by wards is as follows; 10.7% in Kibingei, 12.5% in Kimilili, 17.6 in Maeni, 16.7% in Kamukuywa and 15.6% in Kaptama. The study also reveals that the sero-prevalence was relatively higher in Kimilili Slaughterhouse which recorded 21.0%. The study therefore demonstrates that there is a high sero-prevalence of leptospirosis in cattle in Kimilili and Mt Elgon Sub-Counties, Bungoma County. This study therefore provides critical public health information which is necessary in guiding leptospirosis prevention and control in Bungoma County. It is therefore recommended that strategies for surveillance and laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis should be initiated in Bungoma County. This will help in providing better estimates of leptospirosis burden in the county.
... However, current diagnostic tests are usually based on serovars isolated in decades past without regard to evolution and change over time. The potential for gene exchange in the environment and within various mammalian hosts could give rise to new strains that can cause outbreaks [47] or a shift in predominant strains [48]. There is a great need to attempt isolation to understand the dynamics of leptospirosis in the environment and among humans and animals, as well as develop tests that diagnose leptospirosis appropriately [49]. ...
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A One Health approach to the epidemiology, management, surveillance, and control of leptospirosis relies on accessible and accurate diagnostics that can be applied to humans and companion animals and livestock. Diagnosis should be multifaceted and take into account exposure risk, clinical presentation, and multiple direct and/or indirect diagnostic approaches. Methods of direct detection of Leptospira spp. include culture, histopathology and immunostaining of tissues or clinical specimens, and nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs). Indirect serologic methods to detect leptospiral antibodies include the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and lateral flow methods. Rapid diagnostics that can be applied at the point-of-care; NAAT and lateral flow serologic tests are essential for management of acute infection and control of outbreaks. Culture is essential to an understanding of regional knowledge of circulating strains, and we discuss recent improvements in methods for cultivation, genomic sequencing, and serotyping. We review the limitations of NAATs, MAT, and other diagnostic approaches in the context of our expanding understanding of the diversity of pathogenic Leptospira spp. Novel approaches are needed, such as loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-based approaches to leptospiral nucleic acid detection.
... Seguindo os mesmos índices de outras localidades no país, demonstrando que os homens se encontram mais suscetíveis que as mulheres quando se trata do adoecimento pelo agravo (CALADO et al., 2017;FIGUEIREDO et al., 2001;GONÇALVES et al., 2016;LIMA et al., 2012). Essa predominância perceptível é associada aos homens por estarem mais presentes em atividades de risco e/ou ocupacionais que estejam atreladas a doença (KATZ et al., 2011). (2017) RESUMO: O hipotireoidismo é considerado um estado patológico resultante da deficiência dos hormônios circulantes da tireoide, e vem sendo apontado como um problema de saúde rotineiro, com maior ocorrência no sexo feminino. ...
... Seguindo os mesmos índices de outras localidades no país, demonstrando que os homens se encontram mais suscetíveis que as mulheres quando se trata do adoecimento pelo agravo (CALADO et al., 2017;FIGUEIREDO et al., 2001;GONÇALVES et al., 2016;LIMA et al., 2012). Essa predominância perceptível é associada aos homens por estarem mais presentes em atividades de risco e/ou ocupacionais que estejam atreladas a doença (KATZ et al., 2011). (2017) RESUMO: O hipotireoidismo é considerado um estado patológico resultante da deficiência dos hormônios circulantes da tireoide, e vem sendo apontado como um problema de saúde rotineiro, com maior ocorrência no sexo feminino. ...
... Participants in international events may become ill after having returned home, often to multiple destination countries, which complicates recognition and investigation of outbreaks. In many series, the incidence of leptospirosis is much higher in males than females (Everard et al. 1992;Guerra-Silveira and Abad-Franch 2013;Katz et al. 2011). However, it seems likely that gender differences in leptospirosis incidence are due entirely to exposure-related bias, as reports of leptospirosis outbreaks related to athletic events where males and females have similar levels of exposure have found no significant effects of gender on development of illness (Morgan et al. 2002;Sejvar et al. 2003). ...
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Hawaiʻi, the United States’ most western geographic state in the Pacific, is intermediate between the North and South American continents and Indo-Pacific regions, including Japan. The Hawaiian Islands’ tropical environmental conditions provide favorable ecosystems for various infectious pathogens, their vectors, and reservoirs. This creates a conducive environment for-transmission of various zoonotic diseases that affect both humans and animals. Hawaiʻi has experienced an increase in outbreaks of dengue, leptospirosis, and murine typhus. Further, toxoplasmosis and neuroangiostrongyliasis cases remain prevalent throughout the state, and the putative presence of autochthonous Zika cases in a retrospective study may be of national public health concern. Understanding the factors that affect the transmission and distribution of zoonoses is necessary to identify at-risk places and populations. The One Health approach seeks to understand, report, and interpret these factors and requires collaborations between private and government institutions. One Health should focus its efforts on neglected tropical diseases (NTD) and prioritize intervention development to control and prevent the transmission of diseases that spread between animals and humans. This review will focus on the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of under-recognized zoonotic and NTD affecting Hawaiʻi: leptospirosis, murine typhus, neuroangiostrongyliasis, toxoplasmosis, dengue, and Zika infections.
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Leptospirosis, the most widespread zoonotic disease in the world, is broadly understudied in multi-host wildlife systems. Knowledge gaps regarding Leptospira circulation in wildlife, particularly in densely populated areas, contribute to frequent misdiagnoses in humans and domestic animals. We assessed Leptospira prevalence levels and risk factors in five target wildlife species across the greater Los Angeles region: striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis), raccoons (Procyon lotor), coyotes (Canis latrans), Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana), and fox squirrels (Sciurus niger). We sampled more than 960 individual animals, including over 700 from target species in the greater Los Angeles region, and an additional 266 sampled opportunistically from other California regions and species. In the five target species seroprevalences ranged from 5 to 60%, and infection prevalences ranged from 0.8 to 15.2% in all except fox squirrels (0%). Leptospira phylogenomics and patterns of serologic reactivity suggest that mainland terrestrial wildlife, particularly mesocarnivores, could be the source of repeated observed introductions of Leptospira into local marine and island ecosystems. Overall, we found evidence of widespread Leptospira exposure in wildlife across Los Angeles and surrounding regions. This indicates exposure risk for humans and domestic animals and highlights that this pathogen can circulate endemically in many wildlife species even in densely populated urban areas.
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Leptospirosis is one of the main re-emerging zoonotic diseases with a worldwide distribution, mainly in regions with hot or tropical climates. It is caused by the spirochetal bacteria of the genus Leptospira, which, in their pathogenic life forms, causes asymptomatic to severe infections in humans and animals. Animal-to-human transmission occurs most frequently in occupationally exposed groups and in travelers. However, leptospirosis also represents a disease associated with poverty and low sanitation environments, in rural and urban communities, in close contact with companion animals and livestock. A search was performed in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google scholar databases using query terms related to Leptospira/leptospirosis, reported during 1990-2020. This review focuses on the description of biologic and socioenvironmental drivers that influence the occurrence of the disease in humans. Leptospirosis is found at the human-animal-environment interfaces, and represents a challenge for public and animal health, and food production; hence, improving the strategies for prevention control and surveillance in Latin-American countries is critical, as one of the regions most affected by the disease.
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INTRODUCTION: leptospirosis is a zoonosis of worldwide importance. The disease is endemic in Brazil. This study was conducted to describe the clinical and laboratory presentation of leptospirosis in a metropolitan city of Brazil. METHODS: this is a retrospective study including 201 consecutive patients with leptospirosis admitted to tertiary hospitals in Fortaleza, Brazil, between 1985 and 2006. All patients had clinical and epidemiological data suggestive of leptospirosis, and positive laboratorial test for leptospirosis (microscopic agglutination test, MAT, higher than 1:800). RESULTS: a total of 201 patients were included, with mean age of 38.9 ± 15.7 years; 79.1% were male. The mean length from onset of symptoms to admission was 7 ± 3 days. The main clinical signs and symptoms at admission were fever (96.5%), jaundice (94.5%), myalgia (92.5%), headache (74.6%), vomiting (71.6%) and dehydration (63.5%). Hemorrhagic manifestations were present in 35.8%. Acute kidney injury was found in 87% of the patients. Platelet count was less than 100,000/mm³ in 74.3%. Hematuria was found in 42.9%. Death occurred in 31 cases (15.4%). CONCLUSIONS: leptospirosis is a globally relevant disease with potential fatal outcome. Signs and symptoms suggestive of leptospirosis must be known by any physician in order to institute early adequate treatment to improve outcome. Early indication and daily hemodialysis seems to be beneficial in this group of patients.
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This publication contains summary tables of the official statistics for the reported occurrence of nationally notifiable diseases in the United States for 1997. These statistics are collected and compiled from reports to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS), which is operated by CDC in collaboration with the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). Because the dates of onset or diagnosis for notifiable diseases are not always reported, these surveillance data are presented by the week they were reported to CDC by public health officials in state and territorial health departments. These data are finalized and published in the MMWR Summary of Notifiable Diseases, United States for use by state and local health departments; schools of medicine and public health; communications media; local, state, and federal agencies; and other agencies or persons interested in following the trends of reportable diseases in the United States. The annual publication of the Summary also documents which diseases are considered national priorities for notification and the annual number of cases of such diseases.
Leptospirosis in humans is an acute, febrile zoonosis occurring in all parts of the world. Its reservoir is in the chronically infected proximal renal tubules of carrier animals. The causal organisms, Leptospira interrogans, are excreted in urine and contaminate soil, mud, ground waters, streams, and rivers. Fresh infections of animals or humans occur from direct inoculation with urine or indirectly from contaminated waters. The carriers may be wild or domestic animals, especially rodents and small marsupials, cattle, pigs, and dogs. Almost every mammal (including aquatic) and marsupial has been known to be a carrier of leptospires. Humans are almost never chronic carriers, but suffer acute infections, sometimes with longer-term sequelae.
While the upward trend in global mean temperature has been intensively studied, some regional temperature trends are less well known. We document secular temperature changes in the Hawaiian Islands for the past ∼85 years based on an index of 21 stations. Results show a relatively rapid rise in surface temperature in the last ∼30 years, with stronger warming at the higher elevations. The bulk of the increase in mean temperature is related to a much larger increase in minimum temperatures compared to the maximum—a net warming about 3 times as large—resulting in a reduction of the diurnal range. For much of the period of record analyzed here, surface temperature in Hawai‘i has varied coherently with changes in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). However, in recent decades, the secular warming has begun to predominate, such that despite the recent cooling associated with the PDO, surface temperatures in Hawai‘i have remained elevated. The greater warming trend at the higher elevations may have significant ecological impacts.