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Abstract and Figures

The main aim of this research was to study the effects of a specific exercise program on the speed of behavior of older adults during on-the-road driving. Twenty-six drivers (55-78 yr old) were randomly assigned to either an exercise group or a control group. The exercise program (3 sessions of 60 min/wk for 8 wk) incorporated tasks that induced the participants to respond quickly to challenging situations. On-the-road driving tasks (under single- and dual-task conditions) included measures of simple and choice reaction time, movement time, and response time. Significant positive effects were found at follow-up resulting from participation in the exercise program: Improvements were found for several measures in all driving tasks, and a composite score reflected a better general drivers' speed of behavior. These results show that exercise can enhance speed of behavior in older drivers and should therefore be promoted.
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Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2011, 19, 48-61
© 2011 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Exercise Can Improve Speed
of Behavior in Older Drivers
José Francisco Filipe Marmeleira,
Filipe Manuel Soares de Melo, Mouhaydine Tlemcani,
and Mário Adriano Bandeira Godinho
The main aim of this research was to study the effects of a specic exercise program
on the speed of behavior of older adults during on-the-road driving. Twenty-six
drivers (55–78 yr old) were randomly assigned to either an exercise group or a
control group. The exercise program (3 sessions of 60 min/wk for 8 wk) incorpo-
rated tasks that induced the participants to respond quickly to challenging situa-
tions. On-the-road driving tasks (under single- and dual-task conditions) included
measures of simple and choice reaction time, movement time, and response time.
Signicant positive effects were found at follow-up resulting from participation
in the exercise program: Improvements were found for several measures in all
driving tasks, and a composite score reected a better general drivers’ speed of
behavior. These results show that exercise can enhance speed of behavior in older
drivers and should therefore be promoted.
Keywords: automobile driving, aging, reaction time, physical activity
Slowing and increasing variability of motor performance during human aging
is a well-demonstrated phenomenon (Der & Deary, 2006; Hultsch, MacDonald,
& Dixon, 2002; Spirduso, Francis, & MacRae, 2005). The negative effect of
age on reaction time (RT) is more pronounced in tasks that have high levels of
complexity (Der & Deary, 2006) and could affect the way people perform daily
functional tasks such as driving a car (Spirduso et al., 2005). Research has shown
that speed of behavior (i.e., RT to environmental stimuli and speed of execution)
can be improved by the practice of physical activity, in both simple and choice
reaction tasks (American College of Sports Medicine [ACSM], 1998; Spirduso,
2006). However, few studies have explored this potential link among older drivers.
Previous studies have established an association between speed of behavior
and on-road tests (McKnight & McKnight, 1999; Odenheimer et al., 1994) or
crashes (Margolis et al., 2002). Driving is a complex and interactive task involving
a variety of skills and requires the ability to make appropriate and timely decisions.
Marmeleira is with the Dept. of Sport and Health, and Tlemcani, the Geophysics Center, University of
Évora, Évora, Portugal. Melo and Godinho are with the Faculty of Human Kinetics, Technical University
of Lisbon, Cruz Quebrada, Portugal.
Exercise Effects on Speed of Behavior 49
The speed at which visual information is processed may be an important factor
for the successful negotiation of difcult or dangerous trafc situations (Anstey,
Wood, Lord, & Walker, 2005). The relevance of peripheral vision to driving has
been noted in subtasks such as lane maintenance (Land & Horwood, 1995) and
hazard detection (Chapman & Underwood, 1998).
Unfortunately, it has been reported that older drivers show signicantly
decreased visual-attention ability, reecting a spatial constriction of the useful
eld of view (Ball, Beard, Roenker, Miller, & Griggs, 1988) or decreased visual
information-processing efciency (Sekuler, Bennett, & Mamelak, 2000). It is
promising that previous studies have found positive effects of physical activity
on visual-processing speed and divided visual attention (Marmeleira, Godinho, &
Fernandes, 2009; Roth, Goode, Clay, & Ball, 2003)
Increases in RT with aging are evident when it is necessary to control attention
while performing concurrent tasks. In driving, dual-task decits have often been
observed in older adults (Bherer et al., 2005; Chaparro, Wood, & Carberry, 2005).
Secondary tasks appear to interfere with driving, affecting the detection of hazards
and of changes in the driving scenery (Recarte & Nunes, 2003). Research has
revealed that dual-task decits can be reduced by either specic cognitive training
(Bherer et al., 2005) or physical activity training (Hawkins, Kramer, & Capaldi,
1992; Marmeleira et al., 2009).
There is now strong evidence that exercise and physical activity have a
signicant impact on several psychological parameters (Chodzko-Zajko et al.,
2009). Important support for this relationship comes from intervention studies. For
instance, it has been shown that exercise promotes greater information-processing
speed (Marmeleira et al., 2009; Rikli & Edwards, 1991), enhancement of attention
capacity in dual-task situations (Hawkins et al., 1992), and better visual-attention
skills (Roth et al., 2003). Research has also indicated that the frontal region of
the brain, a region that mediates executive function, is the primary locus in which
aging-related cognitive decits are found (West, 1996) and also the locus in which
physical tness appears to exert its greatest inuence (Colcombe & Kramer, 2003).
It has been proposed that physical activity is associated with changes in
underlying mechanisms such as cerebral blood ow (Swain et al., 2003), cerebral
structure (Colcombe et al., 2006), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Zoladz et al.,
2008), neurotransmitters (Meeusen, 2005), and gene expression patterns (Booth,
Chakravarthy, & Spangenburg, 2002). The gains in cardiovascular tness are often
considered the main physiological mediator underlying the cognitive benets of
physical activity (Chodzko-Zajko & Moore, 1994; van Boxtel et al., 1997). Never-
theless, some studies have failed to obtain evidence of the relation between aerobic
tness and cognitive function (Colcombe & Kramer, 2003; Etnier, Nowell, Landers,
& Sibley, 2006). Thus, the underlying mediators of the relationship between
physical activity and cognitive performance have yet to be fully identied (Etnier
et al., 2006).
Few investigations have explored the potential link between physical training
and driving-related abilities. Recent studies have shown that forms of exercise that
require demanding information processing and for which the speed of behavior
is crucial could be positively transferred to driving situations (Marmeleira et al.,
2009; Matos & Godinho, 2009). However, other studies (Hancock, Kane, Scallen,
& Albinson, 2002) have not found any advantage of sport practitioners over
50 Marmeleira et al.
nonpractitioners in a braking-task experiment. In this context, an important ques-
tion is, What type of exercise is more suitable to affect driving-related abilities?
For instance, it seems reasonable to assume that exercise that incorporates activities
intended to enhance speed of behavior could have a greater impact on the indi-
vidual’s capacity to respond quickly to environmental stimuli during actual driving.
This idea is supported in the hypothesis that for positive transfer to occur between
training and transfer tasks they must involve the same cognitive-processing demands
(Magill, 2003). In addition, studies that compared the individual and combined
effects of physical and mental exercise interventions reported cognitive benets
to be greater for combined cognitive and aerobic training (Fabre, Chamari, Mucci,
Masse-Biron, & Prefaut, 2002; Oswald, Rupprecht, Gunzelmann, & Tritt, 1996).
A great deal of research has focused on elderly drivers’ crash-involvement
patterns, but not on developing methods to enhance their driving-related abilities.
Recently, it was reported that an exercise program developed to stress perceptive,
cognitive, and physical abilities was capable of improving speed of behavior among
older drivers, but measures were collected in a simulated scenario (Marmeleira et
al., 2009). In this context, the main aim of this research was to study the effects
of a similar exercise program on the speed of behavior of older adults during on-
the-road driving.
Participants were recruited from the local community by posted yers and local
radio and newspaper announcements. The inclusion criteria were being age 55 years
or more, living independently in the community, being healthy without serious
cardiovascular or musculoskeletal disease, and having a valid driving license, 0.5
or greater corrected visual acuity, and normal cognitive status on the Mini-Mental
State Examination (MMSE; Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, 1975).
Twenty-six participants fullled the inclusion criteria; 1 subject was excluded
because of severe osteoarthritis. Computer-generated random numbers stratied
by gender were used to randomize participants to either a control group (CG; 63.4
± 6.7 years) or an exercise group (EG; 65.5 ± 6.9 years). During the entire 8-week
period, the CG continued to follow normal daily activities. At the 8-week follow-
up, all adults in each research group completed the posttests. The age ranges were
55–76 years and 57–78 years in the EG and CG, respectively; 9 and 8 women were
in the CG and EG, respectively.
Two instrumented cars were used in the experiments. Participants drove a Volkswa-
gen Golf, and a research assistant drove a Fiat Uno. In the Fiat a radio-telemetry
transmitter was instantly activated by the car’s electric circuit whenever the rear
brake light was turned on; in the Volkswagen, the testing devices included a radio-
telemetry receiver, microswitches attached to the foot pedals, and six light-emitting
diodes (LEDs). The LEDs were controlled using a laptop and an interface kit. All
Exercise Effects on Speed of Behavior 51
signs were detected by an MP100 Biopac system (interfaced with a laptop) and
processed with Acqnowledge 3.7.2 software. The signal of the accelerator was reg-
istered when it was initially released; the signal from the brake pedal was detected
when it was initially depressed.
Seats, mirrors, and seat belts were adjusted before getting on the road (a rural
road with little trafc). Participants were instructed to follow the leading car and
maintain a close but safe distance of about 30 m (the exception was the peripheral
RT task, in which the participants drove without the other research car in front). The
vehicles’ speed was around 50 km/hr. One investigator seated in the back seat of the
vehicle driven by the participant ensured that the design protocols were followed,
namely that the sequence and time intervals between stimuli (minimum of 5 s and
maximum of 16 s) were identical for all participants and that the required distance
to the leading car was maintained. Participants were instructed to detect stimuli as
fast as possible while keeping their attention on the road. The same investigator and
research assistant conducted both the pre- and the postassessment. The institutional
human research ethics committee approved this study.
Brake RT Task
Participants were instructed to brake as quickly as possible whenever the leading
car’s rear brake lights were activated. The total drive time was about 6 min. Each
participant had to respond to 26 onsets of the rear brake lights (2 for practice and
24 for data acquisition). Three time measures were recorded: (a) RT, measured from
the onset of the leading car’s brake lights to the initial release of the accelerator by
the driver participant; (b) movement time, the period from the initial release of the
accelerator to the initial brake application; and (c) response time, measured from the
onset of the leading car’s brake lights to the participant’s initial brake application.
Peripheral RT Task
Six red LEDs were positioned approximately 10°, 20°, and 30° left (three LEDs)
and right (three LEDs) of the center of the sight line of the driver and approximately
8° above the car’s console. All the LEDs were placed in the front windshield except
one in the left front door window. The LEDs have a light intensity of 10.0 cd.
The participants reacted by depressing with their left thumb a microswitch
attached to the left side of the steering wheel. One LED at a time was illuminated
for 2 s (less time if the microswitch was depressed sooner). The total time of the
task was about 8 min. The participant had to respond to 54 onsets of the LEDs (6
for practice and 48—8 by LED—for data acquisition). Performance was recorded
in the form of number of signal misses and RTs in milliseconds.
This type of task has been used before and depends greatly on divided visual
attention (Wood, 2002), which is a skill frequently associated with driving perfor-
mance in the elderly (Ball, Owsley, Sloane, Roenker, & Bruni, 1993; Wood, 2002).
Choice RT Task
A two-choice task was used. Participants were instructed to follow the leading
car and react as quickly as possible to either of the following stimuli: (a) The
52 Marmeleira et al.
leading car’s rear brake lights were activated, or (b) one of two LEDs placed
in the front windshield (20° left and right) was activated. In the rst condition,
the participant should brake; in the second condition, he or she should depress
the microswitch on the steering wheel. The use of two LEDs instead of one was
intended to target both sides of the visual eld and to avoid any posture adjust-
ments of the driver to position the LEDs in a more central region of his or her visual
The total time of the task was about 6 min, during which the participant had
to respond to 32 stimuli (4 for practice and 28 for data acquisition). The occur-
rence of the two stimulus types was balanced. Performance was evaluated by the
RTs and number of errors.
Dual-Task Condition
In the dual-task condition, the primary task was similar to the brake RT task (i.e.,
the participant had to brake as fast as possible whenever the leading car’s rear brake
lights were activated). The time intervals between the stimulus onsets were also
the same as for the brake RT task. The secondary task was a mental-calculation
task that required participants to verbally report the result of adding or subtracting
pairs of numbers presented by the researcher. A new pair of numbers was presented
roughly every 5 s. This type of secondary task has been used frequently (Chaparro
et al., 2005; Marmeleira et al., 2009). Performance measurements were similar to
those of the brake RT task. It has previously been demonstrated that drivers’ ability
is negatively inuenced by the interference resulting from performing a nonvisual
task while driving (Lamble, Kauranen, Laakso, & Summala, 1999). Dual-task
paradigms have also commonly been used to investigate executive functioning
(Adcock, Constable, Gore, & Goldman-Rakic, 2000).
Exercise Intervention
The EG participated in a supervised exercise program 3 days/week for 8 weeks.
Each session lasted approximately 60 min. The exercise intervention incorporated
physical tasks that induced the participants to respond to challenging situations
by producing the desirable motor responses. The idea was that physical activities
that make large cognitive demands may inuence some aspects of cognition more
than repetitive and cyclic activities (Spirduso, 2006).
The types of tasks incorporated in the intervention were very similar to
those used in another study (Marmeleira et al., 2009). However, more emphasis
was placed on activities intended to enhance the participants’ speed of behavior;
frequently, the time needed to respond was a criterion of success. Some examples
of the types of activities are tasks that target simple RT (e.g., while walking, an
auditory/visual sign is presented that requires a specic psychomotor response),
tasks that focus on choice RT (e.g., similar to the simple RT but including more
than one auditory/visual sign), dual-task situations (e.g., walking in different
directions while executing another motor task with the arms), activities that work
peripheral vision (e.g., maintaining several balloons in the air), activities focused
on response inhibition (e.g., while maintaining balloons in the air, all auditory
numeric signs except one require rapidly catching specic-color balloons),
Exercise Effects on Speed of Behavior 53
actions that require planning efforts and decision making (e.g., orienteering
in the gymnasium and in an open space), and activities strongly depending on
working memory (e.g., selecting and completing a specic walking course in
the gymnasium after the presentation of the associated auditory signal, the cor-
respondence of auditory cues to walking courses having been previously estab-
lished). Cooperative games requiring a dynamic group behavior were frequently
It is important to emphasize that the intervention in this study could not be
considered multimodal in the common view of a program with two distinct parts
(mental exercise and physical exercise) that are implemented side by side with
the goal of improving cognitive function in older adults. The type of program that
this research advocates is clearly a physical exercise program in which cognitively
challenging tasks are executed by the older adults undertaking physical activities
such as walking, stepping, reaching, throwing, and manipulating objects.
Statistical Analyses
The upper bound of each time-component measurement was established by com-
puting the mean and standard deviation separately for each participant (CG and
EG, baseline and after 8 weeks) and dropping any trial exceeding the mean by 3
or more standard deviations (Hultsch et al., 2002). A lower bound for legitimate
responses was set at 150 ms, and scores below this limit were dropped. To capture
the overall driving performance for each participant compared with the whole
group, a composite driving score was computed for the baseline and follow-up by
standardizing each of the RT measures (calculating z scores) from the four road
tests and summing z scores. To show the main effect of time, the composite driving
score at follow-up was calculated using the mean and standard deviation from the
baseline RT measures.
Data normality was evaluated by a Shapiro–Wilk test. An independent-sample
t test was used to study differences at baseline between the CG and the EG. The
paired-sample t test was used to compare data within each group at baseline and
after 8 weeks. To assess whether the EG and CG showed differential change after
8 weeks, analyses of covariance (ANCOVAs) were conducted on the change scores
(i.e., postintervention minus baseline), with baseline score serving as the covariate.
Effect sizes are reported as partial eta-squared (ηp2), with cut-off values of .01,
.06, and .14 for small, medium, and large effects, respectively (Cohen, 1988). The
results are expressed as M ± SD. Signicance was set at p < .05 for all tests. Data
were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, IL).
The general groups’ characteristics (Table 1) were similar in gender, age, visual
acuity, MMSE score, years with a driver’s license, and weekly physical activity as
measured by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Short Form (Craig
et al., 2003). Six participants from each group had practiced some type of exercise
(mainly dance or aquatic exercise) for at least 1 year. Compliance in the exercise
sessions was very good, exceeding 80% for all participants.
54 Marmeleira et al.
At baseline, the EG and CG did not show any statistical difference in the
driving-related variables. However, several within- and between-groups differences
were found after 8 weeks (Table 2).
In the brake RT task, signicant improvements were found in the EG in RT
(-8%, p = .008) and response time (-7%, p = .045) after 8 weeks. Intergroup analysis
indicated signicant differences in the 8-week changes between groups for RT (-8%
for the EG and 3% for the CG): F(1, 24) = 6.91, p = .015, ηp2 = .231.
In the peripheral RT task, signicant improvements were found in the EG
(-8%, p = .045) after 8 weeks. In the choice RT task, signicant improvements were
found in the EG in RT (-7%, p = .018) at follow-up. Intergroup analysis indicated
signicant differences in the 8-week changes between groups (-7% for the EG and
1% for the CG): F(1, 24) = 10.32, p = .004, ηp2 = .310.
In the dual-task condition, intergroup analysis indicated signicant differences
in the 8-week changes between groups for response time (-7% for the EG and 1%
for the CG): F(1, 24) = 5.08, p = .034, ηp2 = .181.
The EG displayed signicant differences compared with the CG for the mag-
nitude of improvement on the composite score from the pre- to posttest measures:
F(1, 24) = 12.80, p = .002, ηp2 = .358 (Figure 1).
This study is one of the few to investigate the effects of exercise on the speed of
behavior of older drivers. During the training program, task constraints induced
the participants to increase the speed of central mental processes (e.g., stimulus
identication, response selection, and response programming) to accomplish the
desired responses. Signicant positive effects occurred in the simple, two-choice,
and peripheral RT tasks and in the dual-task condition. Moreover, a composite score
reecting all RT measurements also showed signicant improvements.
Table 1 General Sample Characteristics
n13 13
Women, men 8, 5 9, 4 .680
Age (years), M (SD) 63.4 (6.7) 65.5 (6.9) .514
Visual acuity (decimal), M (SD) 1.1 (0.2) 1.1 (0.3) .905
MMSE (points), M (SD) 28.7 (1.2) 28.9 (1.1) .731
IPAQ (MET min/week), M (SD) 1,576 (1,182) 1,759 (1,194) .698
Weekly distance driven (km), M (SD) 80.1 (47.6) 86.4 (52.0) .741
Time with driving license (years), M (SD) 36.0 (5.5) 30.5 (12.2) .183
Note. MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination; IPAQ = International Physical Activity Questionnaire–
Short Form.
55 55
Table 2 Driving Measurements at Baseline and at 8 Weeks
8 weeks,
Difference between
(95% CI)
Brake RT Task
RT .015
control group 421.2 (64.4) 431.8 (34.2) 10.6 (–26.6, 47.8)
experimental group 438.4 (73.5) 401.7 (56.4) –36.7 (–62.0, –11.4)*
Movement time .583
control group 284.1 (53.4) 283.5 (48.6) –0.5 (–19.6, 18.9)
experimental group 306.4 (41.0) 287.5 (55.3) –18.9 (–53.7, 15.9)
Response time .083
control group 707.3 (91.6) 714.6 (71.8) 7.2 (–31.5, 46.0)
experimental group 740.5 (100.5) 686.4 (107.3) –54.1 (–105.4, –2.6)*
Peripheral RT Task
RT .167
control group 446.6 (95.2) 434.8 (96.4) –11.8 (–63.3, 39.6)
experimental group 415.7 (82.5) 381.9 (56.8) –33.8 (–66.6, –0.93)*
Undetected LEDs .763
control group 1.6 (1.9) 1.2 (1.6) –0.5 (–1.83, 0.90)
experimental group 1.3 (1.1) 1.5 (1.2) 0.2 (–0.49, 0.80)
Choice RT task
RT .004
control group 597.1 (68.2) 601.7 (67.7) 4.6 (–43.0, 52.3)
experimental group 560.1 (89.3) 519.1 (53.4) –41.0 (–73.5, –8.5)*
Errors .187
control group 2.4 (1.3) 2.3 (1.4) –0.08 (–0.91, 0.76)
experimental group 3.1 (1.7) 3.3 (1.4) 0.2 (–0.43, 0.89)
Dual Task
RT .059
control group 607.9 (150.7) 615.5 (79.2) 7.6 (–65.3, 80.5)
experimental group 622.4 (173.3) 577.2 (86.2) –45.2 (–110.6, 20.3)
Movement time .264
control group 285.8 (59.3) 292.0 (47.4) 6.2 (–11.4, 23.9)
experimental group 316.6 (40.9) 296.9 (49.3) –19.7 (–46.2, 6.8)
Response time .034
control group 890.9 (189.6) 917.4 (126.8) 26.5 (–47.1, 100.1)
experimental group 941.8 (200.6) 872.1 (100.3) –69.7 (–154.7, 15.3)
Note. CI = condence interval; RT = reaction time; LED = light-emitting diode. All times are given in milliseconds.
The p values are for differences in the 8-week changes between groups. Analysis of covariance.
*p < .05 changes within the group. Paired-sample t test.
56 Marmeleira et al.
The need to quickly choose between different motor responses according to
the stimuli presented was recurrently trained in the exercise sessions, extending
the ndings of a previous study in the choice RT task (Marmeleira et al., 2009).
Considering that driving is carried out in changeable environments, choice RT
paradigms seem particularly important in the assessment of driving-related abili-
ties. A higher association of on-road driving performance with a complex rather
than with a simple RT paradigm has been previously reported (Odenheimer et
al., 1994).
The peripheral RT task performance showed small benets from the exercise
program. Some previous studies have reported that the time to react to peripheral
stimuli is amenable to improvement by the practice of sports or perceptive-motor
programs (Ando, Kida, & Oda, 2001), whereas others failed to demonstrate such
an effect (Helsen & Starkes, 1999). In the driving-related literature, there are
reports of positive effects of cognitive-processing-speed training on visual-attention
paradigms that involve the presentation of simultaneous stimuli in both central and
peripheral vision (Ball, Edwards, & Ross, 2007; Roenker, Cissell, Ball, Wadley, &
Edwards, 2003). However, it is important to note that these studies were conducted
in laboratory settings and did not measure response time but only response accuracy.
One can assume that, when measurements are carried out during actual driving,
some performance decrement in peripheral RT may occur as a result of a probable
increase in anxiety leading to the allocation of more attentional resources to the
central driving task (Janelle, 2002).
The current study did not nd signicant differences in the changes between
groups over the 8-week period in the peripheral RT task. However, considering the
signicant improvement in the EG, it seems realistic to expect larger intergroup
differences if the exercise program were extended in length. It is important to note
Figure 1 — Composite driving scores for the control group (CG) and the experimental
group (EG) at baseline and 8-week follow-up. †p < .01 for differences in the 8-week changes
between groups. Analysis of covariance. Lower composite scores indicate greater speed of
Exercise Effects on Speed of Behavior 57
that during the intervention program, several activities were planned to focus spe-
cically on peripheral vision; nevertheless, it is difcult to isolate their particular
contribution to the peripheral RT task performance because previous research has
shown that the practicing on visual stimulus in central vision can shorten the RT to
stimulus in peripheral vision, and vice versa (Ando, Kida, & Oda, 2002).
The dual-task condition reected signicant effects of the training program,
reinforcing previous ndings that improvements in attention performance resulting
from dual-task training are generalizable to new task combinations involving new
stimuli (Bherer et al., 2008; Marmeleira et al., 2009). These results are very promis-
ing considering that dual-task decits are often observed in older adults. Secondary
tasks interfere with driving, affecting the detection of hazards and changes in the
driving environment (Recarte & Nunes, 2003). A recent study demonstrated that
performing mental calculations while driving markedly increased the average RT
of elderly drivers in comparison with younger drivers (Makishita & Matsunaga,
2008). Driving leads to a greater mental workload for older drivers than for younger
drivers, and this effect is exacerbated by more complex driving contexts (Cantin,
Lavalliere, Simoneau, & Teasdale, 2009).
The generalized benet from the exercise program to the on-the-road driving
tests reinforces previous ndings about the potential of exercise and perceptual-
motor training to promote important driving-related abilities (Marmeleira et al.,
2009; Matos & Godinho, 2009). This is a very positive outcome given that motor
learning often shows a great specicity, with little generalization to related tasks
or new environments (for an overview see Green & Bavelier, 2008).
There have been some reports of a positive transfer from cognitive-processing-
speed training to driving behavior among older adults (Edwards et al., 2009; Roenker
et al., 2003). In those studies, speed training was mainly administered on computer
screens, focusing on the ability to identify visual information quickly in a central
or divided-attention format. In the current study, we used physical exercise as the
training strategy and emphasized not only stimulus perception but also adjusted
and quicker motor responses.
Much research has focused on the effects of aerobic tness on measures of
cognitive function (ACSM, 1998); however, there has been a lack of studies con-
cerning the hypothesis that physical activities exerting large cognitive demands
may have an important inuence on cognition (Spirduso, 2006). In addition,
some meta-analysis did not support the cardiovascular-tness hypothesis, which
suggests that physical activity can enhance cognitive functioning only when aero-
bic tness is improved (Colcombe & Kramer, 2003; Etnier et al., 2006). Thus,
it is possible that mechanisms other than aerobic tness may mediate changes
in cognitive functioning obtainable through physical activity. Following this
line of thought, special emphasis was given in the current study to the type of
activities included in the exercise program. An important idea was to stimulate
psychological mechanisms that promote transfer of learning from the exercise
program to the driving tasks. The design of the exercise program was supported
in the hypothesis that positive transfer of learning occurs primarily because of
similarities between the amount and types of cognitive processes required by the
performance situations (Magill, 2003).
Speed of behavior was successfully enhanced using a challenging form of
exercise that simultaneously required physical effort (e.g., aerobic capacity and
range of motion) and mental effort (e.g., speed of processing, visual attention, and
58 Marmeleira et al.
dual-task processing). Larger effect sizes were found in all tasks, with the excep-
tion of the peripheral RT task. The fact that marked improvements occurred in a
sample of which about 50% were already engaged in exercise strengthens the idea
that the perceptive and cognitive specicity of the program was fundamental. It
is important to note that previous research has found that combined physical and
cognitive training produced greater improvements in cognitive function than either
physical or cognitive training alone (Fabre et al., 2002). Future studies should
continue to examine this issue.
At follow-up, the composite score reected better general speed of behavior.
Improvement of information-processing speed is especially promising for its
potential to affect older adults’ functional abilities that maintain independence
and quality of life (Edwards et al., 2005; Owsley, Sloane, McGwin, & Ball, 2002).
For instance, Ball et al. (2007) examined data from six studies that used the same
computer-based processing-speed training program and concluded that participants
maintained benets of training for at least 2 years, which translated not only to
safer driving performance but also to efcient performance of other instrumental
activities of daily living. The relevance of the results from the current study also
cosubstantiates the theory that changes in cognitive function with age can result
from generalized, age-related slowing of processing speed (Birren & Fisher, 1995).
The current study has some limitations, and caution should be taken in general-
izing the ndings. A relatively small sample of drivers participated, and evaluations
were conducted during open-road driving, but drivers were aware of the stimulus–
response correspondence. In addition, possible bias might have been introduced in
the study because the investigator involved in the assessments was not blinded to
the participants’ group and because the control group did not receive any control
intervention. Finally, it was not possible to differentiate between contributions to
the obtained improvements by specic characteristics of the exercise program and
possible training effects of physical tness (physical tness was not measured).
Future research using longitudinal designs is needed to examine whether change
in behavioral speed promoted by the exercise program can prevent motor-vehicle
crashes among older drivers.
The current research showed that older drivers’ speed of behavior can be improved
through exercise. Therefore, training interventions for older drivers should integrate
exercise programs. Furthermore, the greatest functional benets will be achieved
if exercise programs for older adults incorporate activities that stimulate both
perceptive and cognitive abilities.
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... The participants were instructed to move the car using their right hand to reach the target before the moving object. Marmeleira et al. (2011) used a driving simulator that consisted of two instrumented cars fixed in front of six LEDs. The participants' task involved perceiving the upcoming traffic while sitting in the simulated car, pushing the accelerator, and applying brakes when they needed to stop. ...
... In another study, action game professionals and newcomers traversed a simulated road (Gasper et al., 2014). Marmeleira et al. (2011) had an exercise group (EG) work out under supervision in three 60-minute weekly sessions for eight weeks. ...
... Such behavior implies that the action video game experience may not impact gap interception skills, thus unable to improve perceptual-motor capabilities. Marmeleira et al. (2011) demonstrated that the experimental group (EG) showed statistically significant improvements in composite scores between pre-and posttests compared to the control group (CG) (p < .002, η p 2 = .358). ...
Researchers have studied human perception-action systems during interceptive tasks in real or virtual situations. Training and practice may enhance perception and action in dynamic gap interception tasks like crossing a road. For relevant studies, we thoroughly searched PubMed, PsycINFO, ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, and SPORTDiscus. We reviewed and summarized research to determine how task-specific practice, exercise, and sports experience affect perception-action capacities when intercepting a moving gap. Specifically, we examined how sports experience influences perception-action coupling in street crossing. Task-specific and sports skills may improve perception-action in everyday activities. Hence, task-specific practice and perception-action coupling in sports may increase perceptual-motor skills for dynamic gap interception tasks.
... Only 2 studies used physical training to improve driving skills. Both used a RCT (Level 1), 1 using an evaluation scheme similar to an instructor looking at a driver's overall performance [47] while the second study used different types of evaluations more associated with processing and movement time, such as brake reaction time and peripheral response time tasks [48]. ...
... Both programs showed relatively similar active time for the older drivers, Marottoli et al.'s program lasting 21 h [47] and Marmeleira et al.'s program 24 h[48]. The 2 interventions showed a positive impact on driving performance by either maintaining driving capacity after 12 weeks or even improving scores of reaction time measurements. ...
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Background: With the aging of the population, the number of older drivers is on the rise. This poses significant challenges for public health initiatives, as older drivers have a relatively higher risk for collisions. While many studies focus on developing screening tools to identify medically at-risk drivers, little research has been done to develop training programs or interventions to promote, maintain or enhance driving-related abilities among healthy individuals. The purpose of this systematic review is to synopsize the current literature on interventions that are tailored to improve driving in older healthy individuals by working on components of safe driving such as: self-awareness, knowledge, behaviour, skills and/or reducing crash/collision rates in healthy older drivers. Methods: Relevant databases such as Scopus and PubMed databases were selected and searched for primary articles published in between January 2007 and December 2017. Articles were identified using MeSH search terms: ("safety" OR "education" OR "training" OR "driving" OR "simulator" OR "program" OR "countermeasures") AND ("older drivers" OR "senior drivers" OR "aged drivers" OR "elderly drivers"). All retrieved abstracts were reviewed, and full texts printed if deemed relevant. Results: Twenty-five (25) articles were classified according to: 1) Classroom settings; 2) Computer-based training for cognitive or visual processing; 3) Physical training; 4) In-simulator training; 5) On-road training; and 6) Mixed interventions. Results show that different types of approaches have been successful in improving specific driving skills and/or behaviours. However, there are clear discrepancies on how driving performance/behaviours are evaluated between studies, both in terms of methods or dependent variables, it is therefore difficult to make direct comparisons between these studies. Conclusions: This review identified strong study projects, effective at improving older drivers' performance and thus allowed to highlight potential interventions that can be used to maintain or improve older drivers' safety behind the wheel. There is a need to further test these interventions by combining them and determining their effectiveness at improving driving performance.
... 10,13 One should note that some multimodal intervention studies with older adults used physical and cognitive training in separate moments, 14 while others used interventions in which older adults engaged exclusively in physical exercise sessions that included activities with significant cognitive exertion. 9,15 Recently, it was showed that cognitive functioning benefit more from simultaneous cognitivephysical training in comparison to exclusively physical multicomponent training in older adults without cognitive Competing interests: None of the authors declare competing financial interests. impairment, 16 and in a study with elderly nursing home residents it was concluded that tai-chi can preserve functioning or delay decline in certain cognitive domains, also in those with significant cognitive impairment. ...
... Other studies used interventions very similar to that of the present study, in which older adults engaged exclusively in physical exercise sessions (although planned to stress physiological, perceptual and cognitive mechanisms), showing comparable results in several reaction time measures and visual attention. 9,15 The benefits of combining physical and cognitive training in a single program also seem possible in cognitively impaired populations. Recently, it was shown showed that executive functions benefit from simultaneous cognitive-physical training compared to exclusively physical multicomponent training in older adults without cognitive impairment, 16 and in a study with nursing home residents, it was concluded that tai-chi can preserve functioning or delay decline in certain cognitive domains, also in those with significant cognitive impairment. ...
The main purpose of this pilot study was to examine the feasibility and the effects of a multimodal exercise intervention on the physical and cognitive functioning of institutionalized older people. Twenty-one older adults (83.5 ± 4.9 years) living in two nursing home residences, were tested on two occasions 4 weeks apart to establish a baseline measure, and then engage in the exercise program twice weekly for 8 weeks. Participants were tested again after the exercise program. Almost all physical fitness and cognitive tests were unchanged at baseline measures, but after the exercise program, significant improvements (p < 0.05) were found in all physical fitness variables (strength, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility and balance) and in the majority of cognitive variables (visual attention, executive functioning and information processing speed). Exercise merging physical and cognitive stimulation could have broad impacts in the individual's level of functioning and should be promoted in nursing home residences for the elderly.
... Avenues are being explored for interventions to keep older adults driving safely as long as possible. Intervention studies are emerging exploring the efficacy between exercise training and driving outcomes (Marmeleira et al. 2011). With the eventual progression to intervention studies, it is first important to understand the association between physical performance and certain driving outcomes. ...
... Various exercise and physical activity interventions can be implemented with older adults to keep them driving longer, with SPPB used as a measure of change. As previously mentioned, limited research is exploring what types of exercise interventions could also be specifically beneficial for maintaining or improving which kinds of driving ability (Marmeleira et al. 2011;Marmeleira et al. 2009;Marottoli et al. 2007). Regarding safety, one TUG test study and three RPW studies included crashes as an outcome (although the Marottoli et al. ...
Full-text available
Background Improving physical functioning may be a future intervention to keep older adults driving safely longer as it can help maintain both physical and cognitive health longer. This systematic review assesses the evidence on the association between three physical functioning measures: the Short Physical Performance Battery, the Timed Up-and-Go test, and the Rapid Pace Walk with driving outcomes in older adults. Methods Older adult studies published between 1994 and 2015 that included the Short Physical Performance Battery, the Timed Up-and-Go test, or the Rapid Pace Walk as a measure of physical functioning and included a driving-related outcome were identified through a comprehensive search and reviewed following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Results Thirteen studies involving 5,313 older adults met the inclusion criteria. Lower Short Physical Performance Battery scores were associated with reduced driving exposure and increased cessation in all three Short Physical Performance Battery studies. The Timed Up-and-Go test was not associated with the driving outcomes (cessation, ability, crashes, and citations) in either of the two Timed Up-and-Go studies. Poorer Rapid Pace Walk scores were associated with decreased driving ability in two studies and with reduced driving exposure in one study, but not associated with driving ability, crashes, citations, or cessation in the remaining five Rapid Pace Walk studies. Conclusions The Timed Up-and-Go test measure appears not to be a useful measure of physical functioning for the driving outcomes included here. The Rapid Pace Walk may be useful in studies of driving ability and exposure. More driving studies should consider using the Short Physical Performance Battery to determine if it may be useful as a risk factor assessment for identifying individuals at risk of certain driving outcomes.
... Department of Health and Human Services, 2011). Regular physical exercise and overnight sleeping of minimum of eight hours showed a positive effect on reaction time, longitudinal and lateral control of the drivers (Marmeleira et al., 2011;Soleimanloo et al., 2017;Steptoe et al., 2002;Stojan et al., 2021). Thus, participants were enquired about exercise and sleeping habits to study their influence on gap-acceptance behavior. ...
Time pressure is a driving condition experienced by drivers in day-to-day life. However, limited studies are conducted on assessing the effects of time pressure on driving performance, particularly in Low-and-Middle Income Countries. Further, the majority of road safety research in Low-and-Middle Income Countries is based on the assumption of consistency and homogeneity of driving condition without taking into account the risk tolerance of the drivers which highly governs the driving performance and decision making while driving. Thus, the current study was conducted to overcome this particular aspect by examining the gap-acceptance decision of the drivers and its implication on safety at un-signalized intersections under time pressure driving conditions. Ninety-four participants’ data were collected on the driving simulator located at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in three different time pressure conditions: No Time Pressure (NTP), Low Time Pressure (LTP), and High Time Pressure (HTP). The accepted gaps were analyzed using a decision tree which revealed that merge distance of oncoming vehicles, speed reduction, gender, regular exercise, and driving profession along with time pressure significantly influenced the gap-acceptance decisions. Compared to NTP driving condition, the accident probability was observed to increase by 127% and 181% in LTP and HTP driving conditions, respectively. The overall findings from the current study aids in understanding the effect of time pressure on drivers’ decision making and safety as well as highlight the role of human factors that needs to be specifically incorporated in the road safety research conducted in Low-and-Middle Income Countries to avoid safety–critical situations.
... Such interventions might include cataract surgery, 34-37 efforts to improve cognitive ability, [38][39][40][41] or exercise to improve overall physical and cognitive function. 34,[42][43][44][45] If fall injuries directly affect subsequent driving ability and behavior, postfall rehabilitation that addresses functional ability and self-efficacy might improve driving outcomes. Models of condition-specific driving rehabilitation programs have been described. ...
Objectives: To examine associations between falls and subsequent motor vehicle crashes (MVCs), crash-related injuries, driving performance, and driving behavior. Design: Systematic review and metaanalysis. Participants: Observational studies including drivers aged 55 and older or with a mean age of 65 and older. Measurements: Two authors independently extracted study and participant characteristics, exposures, and outcomes and assessed risk of bias. Pooled risk estimates for MVCs and MVC-related injuries were calculated using random-effects models. Other results were synthesized narratively. Results: From 3,286 potentially eligible records, 15 studies (N = 27-17,349 subjects) met inclusion criteria. Risk of bias was low to moderate, except for cross-sectional studies (n = 3), which all had a high potential for bias. A fall history was associated with a significantly greater risk of subsequent MVC (summary risk estimate = 1.40, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.20-1.63; I(2 ) = 28%, N = 5 studies). One study found a significantly greater risk of MVC-related hospitalizations and deaths after a fall (hazard ratio = 3.12, 95% CI = 1.71-5.69). Evidence was inconclusive regarding an association between falls and driving cessation and showed no association between falls and driving performance or behavior. Conclusion: Falls in older adults appear to be a risk marker for subsequent MVCs and MVC-related injury. Given the nature of the evidence, which is limited to observational studies, the identified associations may also result at least partly from confounding or bias. Further research is needed to clarify the mechanisms linking falls to crash risk and to develop effective interventions to ensure driving safety in older adults with a history of falls.
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Driving is a critical aspect of personal mobility and autonomy, but ensuring road safety requires a comprehensive evaluation of driving abilities beyond self-reported behaviors and practical skills. This article emphasizes the importance of cognitive assessment in determining fitness to drive and explores the potential benefits of using digital tools for such evaluations to enhance road safety. Implementing these digital tools does come with challenges, such as unfamiliarity with digital cognitive reviews for some and the requirement of adaptability to evaluate cognitive skills across various age demographics. Additionally, the absence of standardization in driving assessments across different regions can result in inconsistencies in judging who is fit to drive. Despite these hurdles, integrating digital cognitive evaluations and training into conducting assessments and educational initiatives can more effectively comprehend and address mental aspects of driving, thereby potentially reducing crash risk and promoting road safety. This hypothesis-driven approach proposes that a thorough assessment of an individual's readiness to drive, focusing on vital cognitive domains associated with safe driving, can contribute to safer roads and yield substantial social, economic, and personal benefits. We encourage future research and educators to consider these insights when developing driving education programs and assessments of driving fitness.
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Este obra reúne uma coletânea de trabalhos direccionados à Atividade Física, Saúde e Bem-Estar em populações dos mais variados contextos de intervenção. O que a torna rica e diversificada, do ponto de vista do contributo científico, prende-se com fato de que a retratação de realidades de países com dimensões muito distintas se deu através de temáticas emergentes, amplamente discutidas na atualidade.
Abstract: Aging is associated with a decline in cognitive and psychomotor functions, resulting in difficulties with daily activities such as driving. Cognitive function has been found to be associated with arterial stiffening. These age-related decrements can be mitigated through routine aerobic exercise. To determine the effects of life-long aerobic exercise on cognitive function, driving performance, and cardiovascular health (i.e., arterial stiffness and thickness) among older adults (65 – 84 years old). A cross-sectional design was utilized to compare 27 endurance-trained older adults with 35 sedentary counterparts. Driving performance and cognitive function were measured via driving simulator and a cognitive battery, respectively. Cardiovascular health was assessed via a perceptually-regulated exercise test, carotid-intima media thickness (IMT) via Doppler ultrasound, and carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cf-PWV). Fitness comparisons were made using an independent sample t-test. Cognitive function and driving performance scores were transformed to Z-scores. VO2max was higher in the endurance-trained group compared to the sedentary group (41±9 vs 25±3 ml/kg/min, p<.01). There were no differences between the groups in cf-PWV (12±2 vs. 12±2 m/s), carotid-IMT (.74±.15 vs .76±.13 mm), nor cognitive function scores (-.01±.57 vs -.09±.97). However, the endurance-trained group performed better on the driving simulator (.18±.58 vs -.28±.92, p<.05). Enhanced cardiorespiratory fitness may mitigate age-related decrements to driving performance.
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Driving performance can deteriorate and become potentially dangerous when someone pays attention to a secondary task at the expenses of the attention needed to the main driving task. We wanted to verify if there were differences on the capacity of novice drivers to detect peripheral lights at the left or right over the front panel, according to their status (team-sport players and non-players). To force them to divide attention, there were several marks in the pavement they had to pass over. An experimental group of non-players was submitted to the Peripheral Vision and Reaction Time (PVRT) Training Program, to verify if it would improve significantly more than the control group. The results show us that team-sport players surpassed in a significant way non-players in the detection of peripheral stimuli, though there were no significant differences on the peripheral reaction time. After the Training Program, the non-players experimental group scored significantly better than the non-trained group, diminishing significantly, also, their peripheral reaction time, showing that it is possible to develop and transfer perceptual skills from perceptual-motor activity to driving that help to diminish the distraction or lack of ability to divide attention between central and peripheral tasks.
Three experiments examined the relative importance of attributes determined largely by the efficiency of the visual/central nervous system versus cognitive domain-specific skills, in the determination of expertise in soccer. In Experiment 1, expert and intermediate soccer players were assessed on various non-specific abilities including: processing (simple reaction time, peripheral reaction time, visual correction time), optometric (static, dynamic and mesopic acuity), and perimetric parameters (horizontal and vertical peripheral range). In Experiment 2, domain-specific variables were assessed including complex decision speed and accuracy, number of visual fixations, fixation duration, and fixation location in solving game problems. Stimuli were initially presented by slides (Experiment 2) and later by 16 mm film (Experiment 3). Eye movements were recorded and analysed. A stepwise discriminant analysis of both non-specific abilities and soccer-specific skills revealed an average squared canonical correlation=0.84, with the significant step variables all being domain-specific skills. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
ACSM Position Stand on Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults. Med. Sci. Sports. Exerc., Vol. 30. No. 6, pp. 992-1008, 1998. By the year 2030, the number of individuals 65 yr and over will reach 70 million in the United States alone; persons 85 yr and older will be the fastest growing segment of the population. As more individuals live longer, it is imperative to determine the extent and mechanisms by which exercise and physical activity can improve health, functional capacity, quality of life, and independence in this population. Aging is a complex process involving many variables (e.g., genetics, lifestyle factors, chronic diseases) that interact with one another, greatly influencing the manner in which we age. Participation in regular physical activity (both aerobic and strength exercises) elicits a number of favorable responses that contribute to healthy aging. Much has been learned recently regarding the adaptability of various biological systems, as well as the ways that regular exercise can influence them. Participation in a regular exercise program is an effective intervention/modality to reduce/prevent a number of functional declines associated with aging. Further, the trainability of older individuals (including octo- and nonagenarians) is evidenced by their ability to adapt and respond to both endurance and strength training. Endurance training can help maintain and improve various aspects of cardiovascular function (as measured by maximal V˙O2, cardiac output, and arteriovenous O2 difference), as well as enhance submaximal performance. Importantly, reductions in risk factors associated with disease states (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) improve health status and contribute to an increase in life expectancy. Strength training helps offset the loss in muscle mass and strength typically associated with normal aging. Additional benefits from regular exercise include improved bone health and, thus, reduction in risk for osteoporosis; improved postural stability, thereby reducing the risk of falling and associated injuries and fractures; and increased flexibility and range of motion. While not as abundant, the evidence also suggests that involvement in regular exercise can also provide a number of psychological benefits related to preserved cognitive function, alleviation of depression symptoms and behavior, and an improved concept of personal control and self-efficacy. It is important to note that while participation in physical activity may not always elicit increases in the traditional markers of physiological performance and fitness (e.g., V˙O2max, mitochondrial oxidative capacity, body composition) in older adults, it does improve health (reduction in disease risk factors) and functional capacity. Thus, the benefits associated with regular exercise and physical activity contribute to a more healthy, independent lifestyle, greatly improving the functional capacity and quality of life in this population.
Three experiments examined the relative importance of attributes determined largely by the efficiency of the visual/central nervous system versus cognitive domain-specific skills, in the determination of expertise in soccer. In Experiment 1, expert and intermediate soccer players were assessed on various non-specific abilities including: processing (simple reaction time, peripheral reaction time, visual correction time), optometric (static, dynamic and mesopic acuity), and perimetric parameters (horizontal and vertical peripheral range). In Experiment 2, domain-specific variables were assessed including complex decision speed and accuracy, number of visual fixations, fixation duration, and fixation location in solving game problems. Stimuli were initially presented by slides (Experiment 2) and later by 16 mm film (Experiment 3). Eye movements were recorded and analysed. A stepwise discriminant analysis of both non-specific abilities and soccer-specific skills revealed an average squared canonical correlation=0.84, with the significant step variables all being domain-specific skills. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.