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Giant non-functioning adrenocortical carcinoma: A rare childhood tumor


Abstract and Figures

Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignancy, especially in children. The overall incidence is approximately 2 cases per million per year.[1] In children, the incidence is 0.3 cases per million per year, except in southern Brazil where the incidence is 3.4-4.2 cases per million per year.[2] We describe a giant nonfunctioning metastasized ACC in a 6-year-old girl who presented with a history of increasing abdominal girth incidentally noticed by her mother since 1 week. Ultrasound abdomen showed a large right suprarenal tumor with calcifications and necrosis. Empty left renal fossa and compensatory enlarged right kidney were seen. Computed tomography (CT) scan revealed a large heterogenously enhancing right suprarenal mass with calcification and necrosis with pulmonary metastasis. Histopathology report from the right suprarenal mass revealed an ACC. With a stage IV disease, the patient died after 2 months from diagnosis.
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Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology | Apr-Jun 2010 | Vol 31 | Issue 2 65
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Viral Patel,
“Radhasoami” Opposite Old
Post Ofce, Karamsad,
Gujarat - 388 325, India.
Viral V. Patel, Diva S. Shah,
Chandra R. Raychaudhari,
Keyuri B. Patel
Department of Radiodiagnosis,
PramukhSwami Medical College
and Shree Krishna Hospital,
Karamsad, Gujarat, India
Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is an unusual, and a
highly malignant childhood tumor with grave prognosis.
It accounts for 0.002% of childhood malignancies,
with most of the tumors being functional in children.[3]
Nonfunctioning adrenocortical tumors are exteremly rare
in children.[3] There are many case reports for functional
ACC, but very few reports are available for non-functioning
ACC in children owing to its rarity.[4,5]
The tumor has bimodal age distribution, presenting in
children under 6 years, and in adults 30-40 years old.[6]
Girls are more frequently affected than boys.[6] Functioning
ACC usually draws clinical attention for many hormonal
syndromes, viz., virilization, cushing’s syndrome, cons
syndrome and feminization.
Nonfunctioning adrenal tumors remain a diagnostic
challenge in early diagnosis and successful management
as there are no early signs and symptoms. In a majority
of cases, the tumor has either invaded adjacent organ
or already metastasized to distant organ at the time of
initial diagnosis. In most of the cases, it is mistaken for
neuroblastoma which is the commonest intra-abdominal
childhood tumor.[3] Very rare incidence and unusual mode
of presentation in childhood in our patient with a single
functioning kidney prompted us to make a case report with
its review of literature.
Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignancy, especially in children. The overall
incidence is approximately 2 cases per million per year.[1] In children, the incidence is
0.3 cases per million per year, except in southern Brazil where the incidence is 3.4–4.2
cases per million per year.[2] We describe a giant nonfunctioning metastasized ACC in a
6-year-old girl who presented with a history of increasing abdominal girth incidentally
noticed by her mother since 1 week. Ultrasound abdomen showed a large right suprarenal
tumor with calcications and necrosis. Empty left renal fossa and compensatory
enlarged right kidney were seen. Computed tomography (CT) scan revealed a large
heterogenously enhancing right suprarenal mass with calcication and necrosis with
pulmonary metastasis. Histopathology report from the right suprarenal mass revealed
an ACC. With a stage IV disease, the patient died after 2 months from diagnosis.
Key words: Adrenocortical carcinoma, adrenocortical tumor, nonfunctioning
DOI: 10.4103/0971-5851.71659
Giant non-functioning adrenocortical carcinoma:
A rare childhood tumor
A 5-year-old girl presented with complains of abdominal
swelling and low grade fever since few days. No relevant
past history of bowel or urinary complains was present.
There was also no signicant family history of cancer.
Physical examination revealed distended abdomen
with a palpable lump in the right hypochondrium. Her
temperature was mildly raised, blood pressure was 110/72
mm Hg and rest of the vitals were unremarkable.
Ultrasonography of abdomen revealed a large heterogenous
mass of size approximately 11×10.6×9.26 cm in the right
suprarenal region, with calcications, large necrotic and
hemorrhagic areas within and indistinct fat planes from the
superior pole of right kidney. Left kidney was not seen in
left renal fossa or anywhere else in abdomen, suggesting
possible congenital absence. No focal lesion was observed
in liver.
Contrast enhanced CT scan of abdomen conrmed the above
ndings [Figures 1 and 2]. In addition, the lesion was abutting
right lobe of the liver causing mass effect and displacing
the right branch of portal vein and right hepatic vein
[Figures 3 and 4]. Inferiorly, the supero-medial pole of
the right kidney had indistinct fat plane with mass lesion.
However the claw sign and organ embedded sign were negative,
suggestive of extra renal origin [Figure 4]. Medially, the
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66 Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology | Apr-Jun 2010 | Vol 31 | Issue 2
Patel, et al.: Non-functioning adrenocortical carcinoma in a child
Figure 1: Non-contrast enhanced CT scan revealed large heterogenous
mass with few chunks of calcications
Figure 3: Multiplanner coronal reformation shows right suprarenal mass
causing displacement and bowing of inferior vena cava and abutting
inferior surface of liver and empty left renal fossa
Figure 2: Contrast-enhanced CT scan showing heterogenously
enhancing suprarenal lesion with areas of necrosis
Figure 4: Sagittal multiplanner reformation of right suprarenal mass
lesion abutting anterosuperior aspect of right kidney
lesion was extending in the midline abutting the caudate lobe,
causing compression and displacement of inferior vena cava
[Figure 3]. It was abutting the renal vessels without any
evidence of invasion/thrombosis. Multiple, moderately
enhancing round to oval shaped, randomly distributed lesions
were observed, involving bilateral lung parenchyma [Figure
5], suggestive of bilateral pulmonary metastatic deposits.
There was no evidence of bone marrow/bone metastasis.
Ultrasound guided biopsy revealed ACC. The tru-cut
biopsy cores showed areas with patternless sheets of
cell interrupted by a ne sinusoidal pattern and broad
trabeculae. Wide expanses of necrosis were seen.
[Figure 6] The individual cells had predominantly
eosinophilic cytoplasm. Less than 25% cells were clear
cells. Significant nuclear atypia and hyperchromatism
were noted. Infrequent but denitive atypical mitotic
gures were seen. [Figure 7] Six out of 9 Weiss criteria
were fullled. The histologic score as per Van Slooten
et al. was 21.
Routine laboratory investigations were unremarkable.
Although there were no clinically evident signs of
virilization or Cushing’s syndrome, plasma cortisol urinary
levels of 17-ketosteroids and 17-hydroxycoticosteroid were
measured and found to be within normal range.
The patient was grouped as stage IV (according to TNM
classication)1 and was planned for palliative chemotherapy.
As it was an advanced stage disease with metastasis and
considering the remote chances of complete cure and the
costly chemotherapy drugs which were not affordable by
the parents, they decided to start ayurvedic treatment. The
patient survived for 2 months after diagnosis.
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Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology | Apr-Jun 2010 | Vol 31 | Issue 2 67
Patel, et al.: Non-functioning adrenocortical carcinoma in a child
Figure 5: Bilateral randomly distributed variable sized lung parenchymal
lesions represent metastasis
Figure 7: Signicant nuclear atypia, hyperchromasia and pleomorphism
Figure 6: Area of necrosis with adjacent viable cells
ACC is an extremely rare tumor. In children, 90% of the
adrenal tumors are neuroblastomas (adrenal medulla).
Tumors arising from adrenal cortex are rare. Among
them, ACC is most common and it accounts for only
6% of adrenal tumors. Adrenal tumors in children can be
associated with hemihypertrophy and Beckwith Wiedmann
ACC are classied as functional and nonfunctional based on
the hormonal syndromes they produce. Functional tumors
are common and detected earlier than nonfunctioning
tumors due to the production of hormones and associated
clinical signs as well as symptoms.[6] Nonfunctioning tumors
remain undiagnosed till late and mostly present with a large
mass and metastatic disease, as in our case, due to their
silent nature.[4,5] Adrenocortical tumors are associated with
fever for unknown reasons, as seen in our case.[7]
Primary adrenocortical tumors are large tumors usually
measuring more than 5 cm at presentation. The larger
the tumor, more is the chance of it being malignant.
Because they are large, the organ of origin often is
difcult to determine. CT scan plays an important role
in characterizing the organ of origin and in dening the
extent of the primary as well as assessing the presence of
metastatic disease. The common metastatic sites include
lung and liver, with bone and bone marrow being less
common.[3] Neuroblastoma, which is a more common
childhood tumor with similar location, has a tendency
to metastasize to bone and bone marrow, though there
are case reports showing increasing prevalence of lung
metastasis.[8] However, in neuroblastoma, pulmonary
metastasis is usually a terminal event where at least one
other metastatic site apart from lung is present, which
could be bone, bone marrow or liver.[8]
ACC tends to be highly malignant and locally invasive, and
potential curative treatment is complete surgical removal. The
role of tumor debulking in metastatic ACCs is controversial.
According to Allolio et al., stage IV ACC is not amenable
to surgery and mitotane remains the rst-line therapy.[9]
Conversely, Icard et al. reported that debulking surgery along
with mitotane in stage IV patients prolongs survival.[10 ]
The reported median survival of stage IV ACC is less than
12 months. However, there are case reports showing longer
survival in patients with stage IV disease, with surgery and
chemotherapy.[11] Various clinical trials showing varying
effects of different chemotherapy agents like mitotane,
EDP (Etoposide, doxorubicin and cisplatin) and sunitinib
have shown prolonged survivals in individual stage III/IV
Prognosis depends largely on tumor stage. In a study
conducted by Icard P et al. of 253 patients, the overall
survival rate was 38% and the 5-year survival rates were
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68 Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology | Apr-Jun 2010 | Vol 31 | Issue 2
as follows: for stage I 60%; stage II 58%; stage III 24%
and stage IV 0%. The overall 5-year survival in different
series ranged between 16 and 38%. Median survival for
metastatic disease (stage IV) at the time of diagnosis is still
consistently less than 12 months.[9,10] The average survival
time for untreated patients is 2.5 months.[14] In our case,
the patient with stage IV disease survived for 2 months
after diagnosis without treatment.
In summary, nonfunctioning ACC is a very rare childhood
tumor. Its early detection and appropriate treatment
remains a continuing challenge. Although neuroblastoma
is the commonest intra-abdominal malignant childhood
tumor, in cases with a large nonfunctioning adrenal lesion
with pulmonary metastasis and no denite evidence of
bone metastasis, a nonfunctioning ACC, though very rare
in children, should be kept in differential diagnosis.
Dr. Monica Gupta, Professor, Department of Pathology for
her help in data analysis and Dr. Harshvardhan Khokhar
(R3) is acknowledged for his technical help.
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Patel, et al.: Non-functioning adrenocortical carcinoma in a child
Source of Support: Nil, Conict of Interest: None declared.
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... Regarding the age of diagnostic patients, there is a bimodal destribution with a predilection for patients aged 5 and 20 years on the one hand and between 40 and 50 years on the other hand [1]. 60% of adrenocortical carcinoma were hormone-secreting [2]. ...
... Most patients with non-functional adrenocortical carcinoma present with advanced disease that is characterized by abdominal or extraabdominal metastatic masses, because they are diagnosed incidentally [5]. Approximately 60% of cases present clinical symptoms of hormonal secretion.. Hormone secretion may help to orient between benign and malignant adrenocortical masses [2]. ...
Full-text available
Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare entity. We report a case of a 47-year-old male with abdominal pain. without classical tumor symptoms. Computed tomography revealed a left adrenal mass measuring 17 cm. Hormonal evaluation was negative. Open left adre-nalectomy was performed by sub-costal approach. Diagnosis of adrenocortical carcinoma was established by pathology. Metastatic workup was negative. The patient has been followed regularly with no recurrence for one year. Adrenocortical carcinoma is a challenge. Surgery is the main treatment.
... ACC is more common in the female population; it has a bimodal age distribution of 5 to 20 years and 40 to 50 years [2]. Out of all the adrenal masses, 60% are hyper-functioning (hormone-secreting) and the rest, 40%, are nonfunctioning (non-hormone secreting) [3]. ...
... Functional ACC can clinically manifest early with virilization, feminization, or Cushing's syndrome, while non-secretory adrenal masses are diagnosed late and incidentally (adrenal incidentalomas) due to a mass effect or metastatic disease [4]. Nonfunctioning ACC is correlated with a poor prognosis due to the late diagnosis, local invasion, or recurrence and distant metastases [1,3,4]. ...
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Background There are an estimated 1–2 cases per million per year of adrenocortical carcinoma in the USA. It represents a rare and aggressive malignancy; it is the second most aggressive endocrine malignant disease after anaplastic thyroid carcinoma. Non-secretory adrenal masses are diagnosed late due to a mass effect or metastatic disease or found incidentally (adrenal incidentalomas). Case presentation The first case report describes a 39-year-old Greek woman who presented to our department with complaints of repeated symptoms of flatulence and epigastric discomfort over a few months. The second case report is about a 67-year-old Greek woman who presented to our department after being evaluated for fatigue, mass effect, and epigastric discomfort. Both of them were diagnosed as having a nonfunctioning adrenocortical carcinoma and underwent open adrenalectomy. Conclusions Approximately 60% of patients with adrenocortical carcinoma present with symptoms and signs of hormonal secretion. Our cases’ adrenocortical carcinomas were not functional. Hormone secretion is not a discriminating feature between benign and malignant adrenocortical masses. The silent clinical nature of nonfunctioning adrenocortical carcinoma results in late diagnosis, while the majority of patients present with locally advanced and/or metastatic disease. Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare endocrine tumor with a poor prognosis that can be diagnostically challenging and demands high clinical suspicion. The work-up for adrenal masses must include determination of whether the mass is functioning or nonfunctioning and whether it is benign or malignant.
... The annual incidence of ACC has been reported as approximately 1 to 2 per million among the US population. 1 Patients with active endocrine adrenal tumors are often diagnosed with Cushing's syndrome associated with virilizing features; however, patients with nonfunctional tumors may present with symptoms consistent with a massoccupying lesion such as abdominal or flank pain. 2 Corresponding author: Yousef Rezaei, Seyyed-al-Shohada Heart Center, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia 5718749441, Iran. ...
... 6 Some cases have previously been reported; therefore we conducted a MEDLINE literature search over a 32-year period and found 44 cases of ACC with tumor thrombus extending to the IVC. [1][2][3][4][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] There were 18 nonfunctioning tumors and 26 functioning tumors, predominantly right-sided (32 right-sides versus 12 left-sides) and measuring 18 to 255 mm (median, 110 mm). Fifteen patients (34.1%) presented with distant metastases. ...
Full-text available
Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare aggressive tumor. Renal vein and inferior vena cava (IVC) thrombi have been found as uncommon presentations of ACC; however, the implementation of comprehensive therapy has remained controversial in such cases. We report a case of a 46-year-old woman with a large ACC associated with the invasion of tumor to IVC confirmed by imaging and immunohistochemistry examinations. The patient was treated successfully using aggressive surgery, including adrenalectomy and thrombectomy adjunct to an adrenocorticolytic agent. However, she died of metastasis complications at 3-month follow-up period. ACC is a rare malignancy, mostly presenting in advanced stages with poor prognosis. Implementing aggressive surgical therapy might be effective for the management of such cases; however, the short survival duration in our case underscores the need for defining the precise therapy of metastatic ACC associated with venous invasion.
... (3) It predominantly occurs in Females with Male: Female ratio of (1:1.5-2.5). (4,5) Some studies suggested proliferative effects of estrogen hormone on malignant adrenal cells (3) 80% of adrenocortical carcinoma were found hormone secreting (6). Poor prognosis associated with non-secreting adeno corticoid tumor because of delayed due to indigenous character (7). ...
Incidence of Adrenocortical Carcinoma approximately 1 to 2 (1, 2) case/ million Population per year. It represents only 0.02% of all Neoplasm. It has two peak of incidence 0-5 years and 40 to 50 years of age. (3) It predominantly occurs in Females with Male: Female ratio of (1:1.5-2.5). (4,5) Some studies suggested proliferative effects of oestrogen hormone on malignant adrenal cells (3) The National Institute of Health office of Rare Disease, research defines rare disease as having prevalence of less than 2,00,000 (two lakh) patients in the United States of America (8). A 37-year-old female presented with pain in abdomen for the last 3 months, she had undergone surgery in 2019, Histopathology report came as adrenocortical tumor. Biopsy was done which had shown malignant neoplasm, Immunohistochemistry report has confirmed as Adrenocortical tumour. Melan-A diffuse moderate strong positive in tumour cells. Adrenocortical carcinoma is found to be more common in the Children (11) Similar to our case report Else and colleagues also reported unilateral involvement with the normal contra lateral adrenal gland and female preponderance. The adjuvant therapies are advised to decrease the chances of recurrence. For unresectable or metastatic disease treatment is advisable with palliative purpose.
... Other cases reported were all less than 20 cm in size. [4][5][6][7][8][9][10] The initial classification of ACC took into account the size of the tumor as determinant to the diagnosis of malignant behavior. However, currently, along with tumor size, histologic criteria evolved to incorporate a variety of histological, and immunohistochemical parameters. ...
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Androgen secreting adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a very rare disease with a poor prognosis. Approximately 80% of tumors are functional, most commonly secreting glucocorticoids. We herewith report a case of a huge functional ACC of the right adrenal gland in a 33-year-old female who presented with complaints of hirsutism, amenorrhea and an abdominal lump. On abdominal examination a large lump was palpable in the right hypochondrium reaching up to the umbilicus. Contrast-enhance computed tomography (CECT) revealed a mass in the right suprarenal region. The tumor measured 29 cm × 20 cm × 12 cm and weighed 7.8 kg, the largest reported case of ACC in the world to the best of our knowledge.
... Functioning ACC usually manifests with hormonal syndromes, including virilization, Cushing's syndrome, Con's syndrome, and feminization. Nonfunctioning adrenal tumors remain a challenge in terms of early diagnosis and successful management, as there are no early signs or symptoms of disease [3]. ...
Full-text available
Background: Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare, heterogeneous malignancy with a poor prognosis. ACCs are classified as functioning and non-functioning. The pathogenesis of ACC remains elusive, and diagnosis of ACC is currently based on pathology. In the absence of other effective approaches, surgical resection is the preferred treatment option. Case presentation: Here, we report a case of ACC in the retroperitoneum. The patient underwent radical adrenalectomy and remained disease-free throughout a 6-month follow-up. Conclusions: Radical surgical resection is an efficient therapy for ACC, and hydrocortisone can be used to alleviate symptoms of secondary acute adrenal hypofunction.
Background: Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare, isolated malignancy. Case: A 13-year-old girl presented with secondary amenorrhea, hirsutism, and hypertension. Her clinical manifestations were interpreted as polycystic ovary syndrome and hyperinsulinemia. The rapid progression of this pubertal girl's virilization should have, but did not draw clinical attention to her malignancy. Because her condition worsened, she ultimately was transferred to our hospital because of an abdominal mass. She was diagnosed with a very large adrenal cortical carcinoma with pulmonary metastasis. The child was in the advanced stage and presented adrenal crisis after chemotherapy and mitotane treatment. Summary and conclusion: Rapidly progressive masculinization, with a marked increase in adrenal-derived androgens, might indicate rare adrenal neoplasms.
Nonfunctional adrenocortical carcinoma is an extremely rare malignant tumor in children. Unlike the functional tumor which is detected early due to its hormonal presentation, nonfunctional tumor is detected at a later stage. Here we report a case of a 10 year old girl who presented with abdominal mass and symptoms of short duration. No hypertension and cushingoid features were seen. Serum alpha-fetoprotein, urine vanillyl mandelic acid and homovanillic acid levels were not elevated. CT scan showed multiple pulmonary nodules suggestive of metastatic deposits. With gross and light microscopic findings differential diagnoses of hepatoblastoma, paraganglioma, renal cell carcinoma, adrenal cortical and medullary tumours were made. An array of immunohistochemical markers was done and the final diagnosis given was nonfunctional adrenocortical carcinoma with foci of osseous metaplasia.
OBJECTIVE. We undertook this study to determine the frequency, CT appearance, and clinical implications of the rare occurrence of pulmonary metastases among children presenting with neuroblastoma, MATERIALS AND METHODS. A search of the Children's Cancer Group database: revealed 21 of 567 children with reported lung metastases at original diagnosis of neuroblastoma, CT examinations available for 17 of these patients were analyzed retrospectively to determine if lung metastases were present, and if so. to characterize their radiographic features. RESULTS. Seventeen (3%) of 567 patients presenting with Evans stage IV neuroblastoma had confirmed pulmonary metastases at diagnosis. All had metastases to at least one site other than the lungs. The most common CT appearance of pulmonary lesions was of up to five, small, bilateral, noncalcified nodules, In nine patients (53%), the pulmonary nodules initially resolved with treatment, In this cohort, six children developed progressive disease and died. and three are still alive. All eight children whose lung lesion did not completely respond to treatment died, Overall children with pulmonary metastases had unfavorable Shimada histology, a higher association with amplification of the MYCN oncogene (p = 0.0002). and a de creased event-free survival (p < 0.001) when compared with all children with stage IV neuroblastoma without pulmonary metastases. CONCLUSION. The search for neuroblastoma lung metastases, which occur more frequently than previously reported, is clinically important because their presence portends a poor prognosis.
BACKGROUND The use of either mitotane or chemotherapy in the treatment of advanced adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) has led to scanty and controversial results. The recent finding that mitotane is able to reverse in vitro multidrug resistance has provided a rational basis for combining this agent with cytotoxic drugs. The association of mitotane with etoposide, doxorubicin, and cisplatin (EDP) in the treatment of patients with advanced, inoperable ACC was tested in an Italian multicenter Phase II trial.METHODS Twenty-eight patients (18 women and 10 men; median age, 47 years; range, 27-65 years) with measurable disease were enrolled in the study and evaluated for toxicity and response. There were 18 patients with clinical and/or biochemical evidence of steroid hypersecretion. An EDP schedule (etoposide 100 mg/m2 on Days 5-7, doxorubicin 20 mg/m2 on Days 1 and 8, and cisplatin 40 mg/m2 on Days 1 and 9) was administered intravenously every 4 weeks; concomitantly, patients were given up to 4 g/day of oral mitotane or the maximum tolerated dose, without any interruption between chemotherapy cycles.RESULTSAccording to World Health Organization criteria, complete response was achieved in 2 patients and partial response in 13, for an overall response rate of 53.5% (95% CI, 35-72%). Stable disease was observed in 8 patients and progressive disease in 5. Responses occurred in patients with both functioning and nonfunctioning tumors, and more often in those bearing lymph node and lung metastases. Time to progression in responding patients was 24.4 months. Generally, the EDP regimen was well tolerated. Only 4 patients received reduced doses, whereas 3 discontinued early chemotherapy due to toxicity. The addition of mitotane increased neurologic and gastrointestinal side effects. Due to these additional toxicities, only 9 patients regularly took the drug at the planned dose (4 g/day); 11 received the maximum tolerated dose of 3 g/day, 6 received 2 g/day, and 1 received 1 g/day. Mitotane was also responsible for raised serum levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. A complete hormone response (normalization of altered biochemical parameters) was observed in 9 of 16 evaluable patients with functioning tumors.CONCLUSIONSEDP plus mitotane combination chemotherapy appears to be active and manageable treatment for patients with advanced ACC. Cancer 1998;83:2194-2200. © 1998 American Cancer Society.
Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignancy with poor prognosis. Palliative chemotherapy can be considered in patients with metastatic disease. Although mitotane- or cisplatin-based chemotherapy regimens are widely used, the effects of these agents have been limited. We have experienced a case that showed a partial response with sunitinib after failure of mitotane-based cytotoxic chemotherapy. The clinical benefit from sunitinib persisted 7.5 months in this case. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case showing the effects of sunitinib on metastatic ACC.
Four patients with adrenal tumors in whom prolonged fever was the foremost symptom are presented. Two of the patients had nonfunctional adrenocortical carcinoma, one had a pheochromocytoma without adrenergic hyperactivity, and in the fourth, an aldosteronoma was found. Only in 1 case was the tumor (pheochromocytoma) resectable and this patient became afebrile post surgery. A review of the literature revealed that fever is encountered in 6-10% of cases with adrenal tumors, sometimes as the first manifestation of disease. However, a survey of the large series of fever of unknown origin revealed no mention of adrenal tumors in that group of solid tumors which many cause prolonged fever.
A 9 year old Japanese girl was admitted complaining of left hypochondrial pain and a large upper left abdominal tumor. There were no clinical or laboratory signs of hormonal abnormality. Intravenous pyelography showed marked compression and deformity of the kidney by a tumor. This tumor was excised together with the left kidney. The pathological diagnosis was adrenocortical carcinoma. Postoperatively, the child was given neither irradiation nor chemotherapy. Twenty-one months after the surgery, there was a hepatic metastasis, and she died 40 months after surgery from a combination of hepatic metastases and local tumor recurrence.
The problem From 1966 ‐1996, 73 children under 16 yr of age with adrenocortical tumor were admitted to the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology at the Clinics Hospital, Federal University of Parana, in the city of Curitiba, State of Parana, in southern Brazil. The Clinics Hospital is a tertiary referral center for approximately 10 million inhabitants, 3.5 million of whom are children less than 15 yr of age. With 12‐14 new cases of childhood adrenocortical tumor (ACT) diagnosed in the State of Parana each year, the annual incidence of ACT within this region can be estimated to range from 3.4 ‐ 4.2/ million children below the age of 15 yr. Remarkably, patients 4 yr of age or less account for the vast majority of cases seen at the Clinics Hospital (Fig. 1). This finding as well as those from other southern Brazilian states suggest an increased incidence of ACT in children (1). By comparison, the annual worldwide incidence of childhood ACT ranges from only 0.3‐ 0.38/million children below the age of 15 yr (2, 3). Definitive explanations for this apparent excess of ACT cases in southern Brazil are presently lacking. The Parana region is located below the Tropic of Capricorn and has no known endemic transmissible diseases. The population is mainly of European extraction (Italy, Poland, and Germany), locales in which the incidence of ACT in children has not been unduly increased. Moreover, compared with other regions of Brazil, this southern state has had the least native Indian influence during colonization. A genetic predisposition toward cancer, which appears to play a role in many childhood tumors, is not a common feature among southern Brazilian families of children with ACT (4). Industrial pollutants, a major contributor to increased rates of solid tumor development, cannot be accorded more than a minor role in the Parana cases due to the slow pace of industrial expansion in this region. However, because of the extensive agricultural activities in southern Brazil, it is possible that environmental pollutants, such as pesticides, may pose a substantial health hazard. Agricultural pesticides are widely used in Parana, usually without safety guidelines. In this regard, British investigators found an association between an increased incidence of ACT and pesticide use in northwestern England (5), whereas in Norway, Kristensen et al. (6) noted an almost 2-fold increase in the relative risk for cancer among children 0 ‐ 4 yr of age whose parents were engaged in agriculture. Taken together, these findings suggest that environmental pollutants may play a causative role in the excessive incidence of childhood ACT in southern Brazil.
Primary neoplasms of the adrenal cortex are rare in children and differ significantly in epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and biologic features from their counterparts in adults. In children, the inclusive term adrenocortical neoplasm is applied because adrenal adenoma and adrenal carcinoma may be difficult to distinguish histopathologically. Pediatric adrenocortical neoplasms typically occur before 5 years of age, affect young girls more commonly than boys, and are associated with hemihypertrophy and Beckwith-Wiedemann and Li-Fraumeni syndromes. Most children with an adrenocortical neoplasm present with signs and symptoms of endocrine abnormality, including virilization and Cushing syndrome. Cross-sectional imaging studies typically demonstrate a large, circumscribed, predominantly solid suprarenal mass with variable heterogeneity due to hemorrhage and necrosis. Calcification is not uncommon. Local invasion and metastases to the lungs, liver, and regional lymph nodes may be present at diagnosis. When friable tumor thrombus extends into the inferior vena cava, it poses a high risk of pulmonary embolization. The finding of increased retroperitoneal fat due to hypercortisolism on computed tomographic and magnetic resonance images of children with an adrenal mass favors the diagnosis of adrenocortical neoplasm. Surgical resection is the mainstay of therapy, with chemotherapy used for patients with metastases or persistent elevated hormone levels following surgery. Patients younger than 5 years with aggressive adrenocortical neoplasms fare better than older children.
We undertook this study to determine the frequency, CT appearance, and clinical implications of the rare occurrence of pulmonary metastases among children presenting with neuroblastoma. A search of the Children's Cancer Group database revealed 21 of 567 children with reported lung metastases at original diagnosis of neuroblastoma. CT examinations available for 17 of these patients were analyzed retrospectively to determine if lung metastases were present, and if so, to characterize their radiographic features. Seventeen (3%) of 567 patients presenting with Evans stage IV neuroblastoma had confirmed pulmonary metastases at diagnosis. All had metastases to at least one site other than the lungs. The most common CT appearance of pulmonary lesions was of up to five, small, bilateral, noncalcified nodules. In nine patients (53%), the pulmonary nodules initially resolved with treatment. In this cohort, six children developed progressive disease and died, and three are still alive. All eight children whose lung lesion did not completely respond to treatment died. Overall, children with pulmonary metastases had unfavorable Shimada histology, a higher association with amplification of the MYCN oncogene (p = 0.0002), and a decreased event-free survival (p < 0.001) when compared with all children with stage IV neuroblastoma without pulmonary metastases. The search for neuroblastoma lung metastases, which occur more frequently than previously reported, is clinically important because their presence portends a poor prognosis.
Because of the rarity of adrenocortical carcinoma, survival rates and the prognosis for patients who have undergone operation are not well known. The purpose of the French Association of Endocrine Surgery was to evaluate these factors over an 18-year period. A trend study was associated to assess changes in the clinical and biochemical presentations as well as the surgical evolution. A total of 253 patients (158 women, 95 men) with a mean age of 47 years were included. Cushing syndrome was the main clinical presentation (30%), and hormonal studies revealed secreting tumors in 66% of the cases. Altogether, 72% (n = 182) of patients underwent resection for cure, and 41.5% (n = 105) of them had an extensive resection because of metastatic cancer. A lymphadenectomy was performed in 32.5% (n = 89) of the cases. The operative mortality was 5.5% (n = 14). Patients were given mitotane as adjuvant therapy in 53.8% of the cases (n = 135). The results of staging were stage I in 16 patients (6.3%), stage II (local disease) in 126 patients (49.8%), stage III (locoregional disease) in 57 patients (22.5%), and stage IV (metastases) in 54 patients (21.3%). Neither tumor staging nor the rate of curative surgery changed during the study period. More subcostal incisions were performed, and the use of mitotane increased significantly. The 5-year actuarial survival rates were 38% overall, 50% in the curative group, 66% for stage I, 58% for stage II, 24% for stage III, and 0% for stage IV. Multivariate analysis showed that mitotane benefited only the group of patients not operated on for cure. A better prognosis was found in patients operated on after 1988 (p = 0.04), in those with precursor-secreting tumors (p = 0.005), and in those at local stages of the disease (p = 0.0003). Thus mitotane benefited only patients not operated on for cure. Curative resection, precursor secretion, recent diagnosis, and local stage were favorably associated with survival.