... Noteworthy, at the moment, some of these phenomena are difficult to examine empirically without solely relying on self-report and hypothetical scenarios [87,219,265], partly due to the unavailability, high price, and/or novelty of (sophisticated) erobotic systems. Others, however, can already be observed (and studied)-to various degrees-through individuals, communities, and cultures related to: digi/technosexuality [21,200,283], cybersex (or online sexuality; [67,85]), hentai (i.e., manga or anime pornography; [301]) and otakuism (i.e., interests in animation, manga, and games, often incorporating (non-)fictional technology; [11,304]), dolls [87,104,166,174,280,294], toys [86,89,90,138,247,253], platforms [49], games [80], teledildonics [85,107,200], (VR/AR/MR) pornography [254,275], (AI-powered) dating applications [197,208,281], artificial partners [87,112,160,200,219,237,307], as well as objectophilia, agalmatophilia/pygmalionism, and mechanophilia (i.e., respectively, the (sexual and/or romantic) attraction to objects, statue/dolls/mannequins, and machines; [102,317]. Just to name a few. ...