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The Use of Garcinia Extract (Hydroxycitric Acid) as a Weight loss Supplement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials

Journal of Obesity

Abstract and Figures

The aim of this systematic review is to examine the efficacy of Garcinia extract, hydroxycitric acid (HCA) as a weight reduction agent, using data from randomised clinical trials (RCTs). Electronic and nonelectronic searches were conducted to identify relevant articles, with no restrictions in language or time. Two independent reviewers extracted the data and assessed the methodological quality of included studies. Twenty-three eligible trials were identified and twelve were included. Nine trials provided data suitable for statistical pooling. The meta-analysis revealed a small, statistically significant difference in weight loss favouring HCA over placebo (MD: -0.88 kg; 95% CI: -1.75, -0.00). Gastrointestinal adverse events were twice as common in the HCA group compared with placebo in one included study. It is concluded that the RCTs suggest that Garcinia extracts/HCA can cause short-term weight loss. The magnitude of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance is uncertain. Future trials should be more rigorous and better reported.
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Journal of Obesity
Volume 2011, Article ID 509038, 9pages
Review Article
The Use of
Extract (Hydroxycitric Acid) as a
Weight loss Supplement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
of Randomised Clinical Trials
Igho Onakpoya, Shao Kang Hung, Rachel Perry, Barbara Wider, and Edzard Ernst
Peninsula Medical School, University of Exeter, Devon EX2 4NT, UK
Correspondence should be addressed to Igho Onakpoya,
Received 13 May 2010; Revised 13 July 2010; Accepted 22 October 2010
Academic Editor: S. B. Heymsfield
Copyright © 2011 Igho Onakpoya et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
The aim of this systematic review is to examine the ecacy of Garcinia extract, hydroxycitric acid (HCA) as a weight reduction
agent, using data from randomised clinical trials (RCTs). Electronic and nonelectronic searches were conducted to identify relevant
articles, with no restrictions in language or time. Two independent reviewers extracted the data and assessed the methodological
quality of included studies. Twenty-three eligible trials were identified and twelve were included. Nine trials provided data suitable
for statistical pooling. The meta-analysis revealed a small, statistically significant dierence in weight loss favouring HCA over
placebo (MD: 0.88 kg; 95% CI: 1.75, 0.00). Gastrointestinal adverse events were twice as common in the HCA group
compared with placebo in one included study. It is concluded that the RCTs suggest that Garcinia extracts/HCA can cause short-
term weight loss. The magnitude of the eect is small, and the clinical relevance is uncertain. Future trials should be more rigorous
and better reported.
1. Introduction
The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased over
the last decade [1], and current measures have not been
able to stem the tide. A wide variety of weight management
strategies are presently available, and some involve the use
of dietary supplements marketed as slimming aids. One
such slimming aid is Garcinia extract, (-)-hydroxycitric acid
HCA is a derivative of citric acid and can be found in
plant species native to South Asia such as Garcinia cambogia,
Garcinia indica, and Garcinia atroviridis [2]. HCA is usually
marketed as a weight loss supplement either alone or in
combination with other supplements [2,3]. Some authors
have suggested that HCA causes weight loss by competitively
inhibiting the enzyme adenosine triphosphatase-citrate-lyase
[36]. HCA has also been reported to increase the release
or availability of serotonin in the brain, thereby leading to
appetite suppression [7]. Other postulated weight loss mech-
anisms include inhibition of pancreatic alpha amylase and
intestinal alpha glucosidase, thereby leading to a reduction
in carbohydrate metabolism [8].
Animal studies have suggested that HCA causes weight
loss [3,9], and human trials involving the use of HCA as a
weight loss supplement have been carried out [3].
examine the ecacy of HCA in reducing body weight in
humans, using data from randomised clinical trials.
2. Methods
Electronic searches of the literature were conducted in the
following databases: Medline, Embase, TheCochraneLibrary,
Amed, and Cinahl. The search terms used included dietary
supplements, antiobesity agents, body weight, hydroxyci-
trate, garcinia, and derivatives of these. Each database was
searched from inception until March, 2010. We also searched
the Internet for relevant conference proceedings and hand
searched relevant medical journals, and our own files. The
bibliographies of all located articles were also searched.
2Journal of Obesity
11 articles excluded for the following reasons:
HCA as part of a combination package: 6
Unblinded trial: 1
Single-blinded trial: 1
Duplicates: 2
Didn’t measure body weight: 1
12 randomised clinical
trials included
23 full texts/abstracts retrieved
for more detailed evaluation of
the articles
5002 references retrieved
4979 articles excluded based on title/abstract, mainly
because they did not investigate a food supplement for
weight loss or the study design was unsuitable
Figure 1: Flow chart showing the process for the inclusion of randomised controlled trials.
Only randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
studies were included in this paper. To be considered for
inclusion, studies had to test the ecacy of oral HCA or
any of its salts for weight reduction in obese or overweight
humans. Included studies also had to report body weight
as an outcome. No age, time, or language restrictions were
imposed for inclusion of studies. Studies which involved
the use of HCA as part of a combination treatment (dietary
interventions containing other supplements in addition to
HCA), or not involving obese or overweight subjects based
on body mass index (BMI) values, were excluded from this
Two independent reviewers assessed the eligibility of
studies to be included in the paper. Data were extracted
systematically by two independent reviewers according to
the patient characteristics, interventions, and results. The
methodological quality of all included studies was assessed
by the use of a quality assessment checklist adapted from
the Consolidated Standard of Reporting Trials (CONSORT)
guidelines [10,11]. In addition, the Jadad score [12] was also
used to assess the quality of included studies. Disagreements
were resolved through discussion with the other authors.
Data are presented as means with standard deviations.
Mean changes in body weight were used as common
endpoints to assess the dierences between HCA and placebo
groups. Using the standard meta-analysis software [13], we
calculated mean dierences (MDs) and 95% confidence
intervals (CIs). Studies included in the meta-analysis were
weighted by SD (a proxy for study size). If a trial had 3
arms, only the HCA and placebo arms were included in the
meta-analysis. The I2statistic was used to assess for statistical
heterogeneity amongst studies. A funnel plot was used to test
for publication bias.
3. Results
Our searches produced 5002 “hits” of which 23 potentially
relevant articles were identified (Figure 1). Six trials were
excluded because they involved the use of HCA in combina-
tion with other therapies [7,1418]. One trial was excluded
because it was not blinded [19], and another because it
was single blinded [20]. Two articles were excluded because
they were duplicates. One of these articles [21] was the
same trial published in another journal which had been
earlier excluded, while the other article [22]wasareportof
two individual trials which were included in this systematic
review. One trial was excluded because the investigators did
not measure weight as an outcome [23]. Thus 12 randomised
clinical trials (RCTs) including a total of 706 participants met
our inclusion criteria, and were included in this systematic
review [2,46,2431]. Their key details are summarized in
Tab l e s 1,2,and3.
All of the studies had one or more methodological
weaknesses (Tabl e 1 ). None of the included studies reported
on how double blinding was carried out, and all studies
were also unclear about how the allocation was concealed.
The randomization procedure was clear in only a third of
included studies [4,6,25,29].
ThreeRCTs[4,28,31] did not provide actual values
to enable statistical pooling (Tabl e 3 ). One of these RCTs
Journal of Obesity 3
Tab le 1: Characteristics of included studies.a
Year Main outcome (s) Main diagnoses
of participants
similar at
follow-up of
Hayamizu et al.
2001 [24]
Visceral fat, BW
subjects ? ? + + ???
−− 2
Hayamizu et al.
2003 [4]
Visceral fat, BW
subjects + ? + + ????
Heymsfield et al.
1998 [25]BW, fat mass Overweight
subjects + ? + + ????+5
Kovacs et al. 2001
Satiety, food
intake, BW
Normal to
obese subjects
? ? ? + ???
−− 3
Kovacs et al. 2001
Satiety, food
intake, BW
Normal to
obese subjects
? ? ? + ???
−− 3
Mattes and
Bormann 2000 [5]
Satiety, body
subjects ? ? + + ????
Preuss et al. 2002
obese subjects ? ? ? ? ?????2
Preuss et al. 2004
BW, BMI, lipid
profile, appetite
Healthy, obese
volunteers + ? + + ????
Preuss et al. 2004
BW, BMI, lipid
profile, appetite
Healthy, obese
volunteers + ? ? + ????
Ramos et al. 1995
[30]BW, BMI, lipids Obese subjects ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2
thipong et al. 2007
waist-hip ratio
? ? + + ????
Thom 1996 [31]
BW, BP, total
Obesesubjects? ????????2
aQuality assessment checklist adapted from The CONSORT Statement and Jadad criteria [1012].
4Journal of Obesity
Tab le 2: Results table for studies with adequate data for meta-analysis.b
Analysed Age in yrs HCA Dosage Treatment
Baseline weight
indices for
HCA/placebo groups
Mean change in
weight indices for
HCA/placebo groups
events (AE)
Control for
lifestyle factors
Hayamizu et al.
2001 Japan [24]Tablets 40/40
1 g daily 8 weeks
No serious
AE reported Dietary control
Heymsfield et al.
1998 U.S.A. [25]Capsules 135/135
1.5 g daily 12 weeks
High fibre diet,
stable physical
activity levels
Kovacs et al. 2001
Netherlands [26]Unspecified 21/21
43 ±10
for both
1.5 g daily 2 weeks
Mean BW:
Mean BMI:
0.4±0.9/0.5±1.4Not reported
No restriction on
food intake; 1 glass
of alcohol
maximum daily
∗§Kova cs e t al .
2001 Netherlands
Unspecified 11/11
47 ±16
for both
1.5 g daily 2 weeks
Mean BW:
Mean BMI:
Not reported
No restriction on
food intake; 1 glass
of alcohol
maximum daily
Mattes and
Bormann 2000
U.S.A. [5]
Caplets 167/89
40.97 ±10
1.2 g daily 12 weeks
3.7±3.1/2.4±2.9Not reported
Dietary control,
encouraged, but no
formal regimen
§Preuss et al. 2004
India [29]Unspecified 60/53 Range: 21–50 2.8 g daily 8 weeks
Gas, stomach
skin rash
Dietary control,
walking exercise
§Preuss et al. 2004
India [6]Unspecified 30/29 Range: 21–50 2.8 g daily 8 weeks
No serious
AE reported
Dietary control,
walking exercise
Ramos et al. 1995
Mexico [30]Capsules 40/ 35
1.5 g daily 8 weeks BMI:
headache Dietary control
thipong et al. 2007
Thailand [2]
Sachets 50/42
Unclear 8 weeks
Not reported Dietary control
Abbreviations: HCA: Hydroxycitric acid; PLA: Placebo; BW: Body Weight; BMI: Body Mass Index.
bUnless otherwise specified, values for age, baseline weight and mean change in weight indices have been reported as means with standard deviations.
Studies included as crossover design, otherwise all included trials had parallel-study design.
§Studies with 3 intervention groups.
Journal of Obesity 5
Tab le 3: Results of included studies without suitable data for meta-analysis.ρ
Analysed Age in yrs HCA
Baseline weight
indices for
Main Results
for lifestyle
et al. 2003
Japan [4]
Tablets 44/39
1 g daily 12 weeks
No significant
dierences in
BMI or body
weight at week 12
Preuss et al.
India [28]
Unspecified 48/unclear Not
reported 2.8 g daily 8 weeks Not reported
4.8% loss in body
weight, and 6.8%
decrease in BMI
for HCA group
Thom 1996
Capsule 60/unclear Not
reported 1.32 g daily 8 weeks Not reported
decrease in body
weight in HCA
group compared
with placebo
Low fat
Abbreviations: HCA: Hydroxycitric acid; PLA: Placebo; BW: Body Weight; BMI: Body Mass Index.
ρUnless otherwise stated, all trials are parallel-study designs.
reported a nonsignificant dierence in BMI or body weight
between groups [4], another reported a significant dierence
(P<.001) in the HCA group compared with placebo [31].
The third RCT [28] reported a decrease in body weight and
(BMI) from baseline for the HCA group, without providing
results of intergroup dierences.
A forest plot (random eect model) for studies with
data suitable for statistical pooling is shown in Figure 2.The
meta-analysis reveals a statistically significant dierence in
body weight between the HCA and placebo groups. The
average eectsizewas,however,small(MD:0.88 kg; 95%
CI: 1.75, 0.00), with a Pvalue of .05. This translates to
about 1% in body weight loss in HCA group compared with
placebo. The I2statistic suggests that there was considerable
heterogeneity amongst the trials, the duration of treatment,
and the dosages of HCA used in the dierent trials varied
widely. A funnel plot of mean dierence plotted against trial
sample size (Figure 3) indicated that most of the studies
(which had small sample sizes) were distributed around the
mean dierence of all the trials.
Sensitivity analyses were performed to test the robustness
of the overall analysis. The first included 7 trials [2,5,6,
24,25,29,30] with parallel-group design, excluding two
studies which were crossover [26,27]. Meta-analysis of these
trials revealed MD of 1.22 kg (95% CI: 2.29, 0.14).
Heterogeneity was substantial. A second meta-analysis for
studies with parallel group designs and dosage ranges of
HCAbetween1and1.5gperday[5,24,25,30] did not
reveal a significant dierence between HCA and placebo;
heterogeneity was also substantial in this analysis. A third
meta-analysis excluding three studies with outlying data for
MD [6,29,30] did not reveal a significant dierence in
weight loss between HCA and placebo, but heterogeneity
was considerable. A further meta-analysis of the two trials
with good methodological quality [6,25]revealedanon-
significant dierence in weight loss (MD: 0.88 kg; 95% CI:
0.33, 2.10) between HCA and placebo, with I2value of
0, suggesting that heterogeneity might not be important.
Finally, a meta-analysis of the change in BMI for four studies
[6,24,29,31] did not reveal any significant dierence
between HCA and placebo (MD: 0.34 kg; 95% CI: 0.88,
0.20), with I2value of 0.
One study [2] reported a significant decrease in fat mass
in the HCA group compared with placebo (P<.05),
while two studies [4,24] reported a significant decrease in
visceral, subcutaneous, and total fat areas in the HCA group
compared with placebo (P<.001). In contrast two other
studies [5,25] found no significant dierence in body fat loss
between HCA and placebo.
Adverse events reported in the RCTs included headache,
skin rash, common cold, and gastrointestinal (GI) symp-
toms. In most of the studies, there were no major dierences
in adverse events between the HCA and placebo groups.
However, in one trial, GI adverse events were twice as
frequent in the HCA group compared with the placebo
group [25]. In total, there were 88 drop outs. A further 45
participants were reported to have been excluded from the
analysis in one trial [5] because they either took a mixture of
HCA and placebo (28), or were males (17).
4. Discussion
The objective of this systematic review was to assess the
ecacy and eectiveness of HCA as a weight reduction
agent. The overall meta-analysis revealed a small dierence
in change in body weight between the HCA and placebo
groups. The eect is of borderline statistical significance and
is no longer significant on the basis of a sensitivity analysis
6Journal of Obesity
Study or subgroup
Mean SD Mean SDTotal
Total Weight
Mean dierence
IV, random, 95% CI
Mean dierence
IV, random, 95% CI
Hayamizu 2001
Heymsfield 1998
Kovacs 2001a
Kovacs 2001b
Mattes 2000
Preuss 2004a
Preuss 2004b
Ramos 1995
Roongpisuthipong 2007
0.5[7.69, 6.69]
0.9[0.32, 2.12]
0.1[0.61, 0.81]
0.5[1.76, 0.76]
1.3[2.55, 0.05]
2.9[21.2, 15.4]
4.1[22.93, 14.73]
2.8[3.74, 1.86]
1.4[1.7, 1.1]
Total (95% CI) 229 230 100% 0.88 [1.75, 0] 0510
Favours HCA Favours placebo
10 5
Test for overall eect: Z=1.96 (P=.05)
Heterogeneity: τ2=0.98; χ2=38.5, df =8(P<.00001); I2=79%
Figure 2: Forest plot of comparison showing the eectofhydroxycitrateonbodyweight.Thevertical line represents no dierence in weight
loss between HCA and placebo.
100 50 0 50 100
Figure 3: Funnel plot of the mean dierence in body weight
reduction trials of HCA, plotted against sample size. The vertical
line depicts the weighted mean dierence of all trials.
of rigorous RCTs. Arguably the overall eect size is also too
small to be of clinical relevance. The overall meta-analytic
result corroborates the findings from one of the studies
without suitable data for statistical pooling [31], but is at
variance with another study [4].
The overall result should be interpreted with caution.
The pooled data from some of the studies were adjusted
values. Three studies with small sample sizes [6,29,30]
seemed to have influenced the overall meta-analytic result in
favour of HCA over placebo. If these three trials are excluded,
the meta-analysis result is no longer significant. The largest
and most rigorous RCT [25] found no significant dierence
in weight loss between HCA and placebo.
The result of our systematic review corroborates the
findings from a previous systematic review of weight loss
supplements, which reported that the weight reducing eects
of most dietary supplements is not convincing [32]. HCA
is a commonly marketed as a complementary weight loss
supplement. The meta-analysis from this systematic review
suggests that HCA is not as eective as conventional weight
loss pills, for example, orlistat. In a meta-analysis report of 16
studies including over 10 000 participants [33], overweight
and obese patients taking orlistat had a clinically significant
reduction in body weight compared to placebo (MD: 2.9 kg;
95% CI: 2.5, 3.2). Participants taking orlistat achieved a 5%
and 10% weight loss compared to placebo in the results from
pooled data. This contrasts quite sharply with the results
from the meta-analysis of HCA clinical trials.
All of the studies included in this review had method-
ological issues, which are likely to have aected the outcomes
in these trials. This is supported by the I2values from
the overall meta-analysis result which suggested substantial
heterogeneity. Most of the studies included in this systematic
review had small sample sizes. Only one included study [25]
reported that they performed a power calculation. Larger
study sizes with apriorisample size calculation will help
eliminate a type II error (i.e., failure to reject the null
hypothesis when it should have been rejected).Only one
study [25] performed an intention to treat (ITT) analysis,
while all the participants in three other studies [24,26,27]
were reported to have completed the trial. The failure of
about 66% of the included studies to report ITT analyses
casts a doubt as to the validity of their results. In several of
the RCTs, drop-outs/attrition was unclear. In one study [5],
participants were excluded due to mixed-pill ingestion (an
error in coding of pill bottles resulted in some participants
receiving a mixture of HCA and placebo). Male participants
were also excluded from the analysis of this RCT because they
were too few in number compared with females in the trial.
It was also unclear to which intervention group the excluded
participants belonged to in this study.
The dosage of HCA, and the duration of study also varied
amongst the RCTs. The dosage of HCA used ranged from
1 g to 2.8 g daily. The optimal dose of HCA is currently
unknown. Two included studies which diered widely in
results [25,29] also diered widely in dosage of HCA.
Journal of Obesity 7
Dose eectofHCAonbodyweight
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Dosage (g)
Weight loss (kg)
Figure 4: Eect of dosage of HCA on body weight. The dosages
from included RCTs did not produce a linear eect on body weight.
Though one of these studies claimed the bioavailability of
the HCA used in their trial was high [25], the dosage of
HCA used was almost twice that used in the other trial [29].
It is not clear if the higher HCA dosage ensures a higher
bioavailability of HCA. A nonlinear, significant (P<.05)
correlation between the dosage of HCA and body weight loss
seems to exist (Figure 4). Garcinia cambogia was the main
source of HCA in most studies, with Garcinia atroviridis
being the source of HCA in one included study [2]. None of
the trials used Garcinia indica as an intervention. It is unclear
if the strain of Garcinia species influences the bioavailability
of HCA. Furthermore HCA is also reported to be found in
Hibiscus subdaria[8], and none of the studies included in
this review used HCA extracted from this plant species. The
duration of the studies included in the review also diered,
is probably too short a time to assess the eects of HCA on
body weight.
There was some variation in the design of the RCTs
included in the review. All of the studies included had
parallel-study designs except two which were crossover trials
[26,27]. Four included RCTs comprised three intervention
groups [6,26,27,29]. None of the included studies indicated
whether or not outcome assessors were blinded, and seven
studies did not specify the source of funding [2,4,6,24,28,
29,31]. The failure of study investigators to adhere strictly
to the CONSORT guidelines [10,11] may have contributed
to the variation in methodology (and heterogeneity) of the
trials included in the review.
Most (7/12) RCTs reported adverse events, with
headache, nausea, upper respiratory, and gastrointestinal
tract symptoms being the most frequent ones. In most of the
trials, there were no significant dierences in adverse events
between HCA and placebo. This seems to corroborate the
report in another article [34] which suggested that HCA is
safe for human consumption. A few of the studies reported a
positive eect of HCA on the blood lipid profile [6,24,29
31], while one did not find any significant dierence between
HCA and placebo on this blood parameter [2]. However,
given the short duration of the studies involving the use
of HCA, it is unclear how safe this dietary supplement is
on the intermediate and long term. In 2009, the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) warned consumers about the
potential for serious adverse eects associated with the
consumption of hydroxycut, a popular HCA-containing
slimming pill. This resulted in the withdrawal of this
supplement from the market [35].
All of the studies included in this review except two
[26,27] incorporated some form of dietary control into their
trials, with participants in one study receiving high fibre diets
[25]. The daily caloric intake for participants in the trials
included in this review ranged from as low as 1,000 kcal
[2,30], to as high as 3,009 kcal [27]. Half the number of
studies in this review did not institute any form of exercise.
The extent to which the variation in these lifestyle adjustment
factors could have influenced study results is uncertain. Two
studies [28,31] reported a significant reduction in appetite
in the HCA group (P<.001), but not with placebo. Three
other studies did not find any significant dierence between
HCA and placebo groups in terms of satiety eect [5,26,27].
All of the studies described their participants as over-
weight, obese, or both. However, in one RCT [2], the
definition of the participants as obese individuals is ques-
tionable, because they had a BMI between 25–30 kg/m2.
Based on the World Health Organisation definition [36], a
BMI between 25–29 kg/m2is considered overweight, while a
BMI 30 kg/m2is termed obese.
This systematic review has several limitations. Though
our search strategy involved both electronic and non-
electronic studies, we may not have identified all the available
trials involving the use of HCA as a weight loss supplement.
Furthermore, the methodological quality of most of the
studies identified from our searches is poor, and most studies
are of short duration. These factors prevent us from drawing
firm conclusions about the eects of HCA on body weight.
5. Conclusion
The evidence from RCTs suggests that Garcinia extracts/HCA
generate weight loss on the short term. However, the
magnitudeofthiseect is small, is no longer statistically
significant when only rigorous RCTs are considered, and its
clinical relevance seems questionable. Future trials should be
more rigorous, longer in duration, and better reported.
Conflict of Interests
I. Onakpoya was funded by a grant from GlaxoSmithKline.
The funder had no role in the preparation of the paper. S. K.
competing interests.
The authors would like to thank Ms. Shoko Masuyama for
help with translating Japanese articles.
8Journal of Obesity
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... 11 The plants chosen in this study G. cambogia and E. officinalis, claim to have anti-obesity effect as well as beneficial effects on lipid profile. 11,12,13 In this study, we investigated the anti-obesity and hypolipidemic effects of Garcinia cambogia and E. officinalis in a high-energy dietinduced obese rat model. Our findings are supported by numerous studies that have explored the efficacy of these natural remedies in managing obesity and dyslipidaemia. ...
... In our study, significant reductions in body weight and lipid levels were observed with both low and high doses of Garcinia cambogia. These results align with the findings of Onakpoya et al (2011), who reported that HCA significantly reduces body weight compared to a placebo. 13 Additionally, Vasques et al (2014) demonstrated that Garcinia cambogia effectively lowered lipid levels in obese women. ...
... These results align with the findings of Onakpoya et al (2011), who reported that HCA significantly reduces body weight compared to a placebo. 13 Additionally, Vasques et al (2014) demonstrated that Garcinia cambogia effectively lowered lipid levels in obese women. 14 The primary mechanism by which Garcinia cambogia exerts its effects is through the inhibition of ATP-citrate lyase, an enzyme crucial for fatty acid synthesis. ...
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Background: Obesity has emerged as one of the significant public health burdens across the globe, which predisposes the risk of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic dysfunctions. Medicinal plants can be possible therapeutic measures for managing obesity. Garcinia cambogia and E. officinalis have been used for their anti-obesity and hypolipidemic properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the anti-obesity and hypolipidemic effects of Garcinia cambogia and E. officinalis in a high energy diet-induced obese rat model. Methods: A total 36 albino rats were included in the study. The animals were randomly divided into 6 groups of 6 rats each. Group 1 (control) received distilled water orally, Group 2 received Garcinia cambogia extract orally in dose of 200 mg/kg/day, Group 3 received Garcinia cambogia extract orally in dose of 400 mg/kg/day, Group 4 received E. officinalis extract orally in dose of 20 mg/kg/day, Group 5 received E. officinalis extract orally in dose of 40 mg/kg/day and Group 6 (standard) received Orlistat in dose 20 mg/kg/day. Parameters assessed included body weight and lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol). Results: Both Garcinia cambogia and Emblica officinalis interventions demonstrated significant reductions in body weight gain and improvements in lipid profile compared to the HED group. The intervention groups exhibited notable decreases in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol levels, along with an increase in HDL cholesterol levels. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that Garcinia cambogia and Emblica officinalis possess anti-obesity and hypolipidemic effects in a high energy diet-induced obese rat model. These naturals show promise as potential therapeutic agents for combating obesity and associated dyslipidemia. Further research is needed to understand and validate their efficacy in human populations.
... Preclinical research has demonstrated that the polyphenol resveratrol, which is found in grapes and red wine, affects adipogenesis, lipid metabolism, as well as energy expenditure [44]. A systematic review of 36 randomized controlled ...
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Purpose of Review This review explores the mechanistic pathways and clinical implications of phytochemicals in obesity management, addressing the global health crisis of obesity and the pressing need for effective, natural strategies to combat this epidemic. Recent Findings Phytochemicals demonstrate significant potential in obesity control through various molecular mechanisms. These include the modulation of adipogenesis, regulation of lipid metabolism, enhancement of energy expenditure, and suppression of appetite. Recent studies have provided compelling clinical evidence supporting the use of specific phytochemicals in obesity treatment. Notable among these are green tea extract, rich in catechins; garcinia cambogia, containing hydroxycitric acid; resveratrol, found in grapes and berries; and berberine, derived from various plants. These compounds have shown promising results in clinical trials, Recent studies show that phytochemicals contribute to weight loss, BMI reduction, and lipid profile improvement, highlighting their potential in managing obesity and associated comorbidities. However, research in this field also faces challenges, including inconsistent bioavailability and the need for standardized dosing protocols. Summary Phytochemicals offer a promising avenue for obesity management, acting through multiple pathways to influence weight control. While clinical evidence supports the efficacy of certain phytochemicals, further research and rigorous clinical validation are necessary to fully understand their potential and overcome existing challenges. This review underscores the importance of continued investigation into phytochemicals as a complementary approach to addressing the global obesity epidemic, potentially leading to more effective and natural interventions for weight management.
... Enquanto o Glucomannan é uma fibra solúvel que auxilia a reduzir o apetite, baixar os níveis de colesterol no sangue e melhorar o controle da glicemia em pessoas com diabetes (Kaats;Bagchi & Preuss, 2015). Já a Garcinia, que é usada isoladamente ou em combinação com outros ativos para perda de peso, inibe competitivamente a enzima adenosina trifosfato-citrato-liase, inibindo a síntese de lipídeos (Onakpoya et al., 2011). Possui o ácido hidroxicítrico como principal componente, além de outros complexos como flavonoides, alcaloides, saponinas, compostos fenólicos, taninos, carboidratos e proteínas que em conjunto tem ação inibidora da enzima denosina trifosfatase citrato-liase, que bloqueia a lipogênese, auxiliando na função pancreática e regulação da glicose (Palhe & Freite, 2022). ...
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O sobrepeso e a obesidade, que afetam cerca de 60% da população adulta no Brasil, representam um crescente problema de saúde pública. Pressionadas por padrões estéticos, muitas pessoas buscam métodos rápidos para emagrecer, recorrendo a dietas e substâncias sem orientação profissional. Nesse contexto, ativos vegetais, como berberina, cavalinha, garcínia e morosil, têm se destacado em formulações manipuladas para controle de peso, devido às suas propriedades metabólicas, lipolíticas, antioxidantes e diuréticas. O objetivo deste artigo é fornecer informações sobre os produtos mais demandados pela população e promover a conscientização sobre o uso racional de formulações para redução de peso. Este estudo analisou a prevalência e composição de formulações manipuladas à base de ativos vegetais em uma farmácia no município de Cascavel-PR, com dados de dispensações entre janeiro e dezembro de 2023. Dos 25 ativos avaliados, a berberina foi a mais utilizada (20,71%) e a cafeína a menos frequente (3,0%). Observou-se uma demanda sazonal, com picos em junho e dezembro, possivelmente influenciada por fatores culturais, e os nutricionistas foram responsáveis por 51,52% das dispensações. A análise sugere que a alta utilização de certos ativos reflete tanto as tendências de mercado quanto a percepção dos pacientes sobre a eficácia desses componentes. No entanto, o uso de ativos vegetais sem orientação pode gerar efeitos indesejados, reforçando a necessidade de conscientização sobre o uso seguro, baseado em evidências científicas e com acompanhamento profissional.
... A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies showed that 12-week supplementation of G. gummi-gutta extract reduced the accumulation of visceral fat but there was no significant decrease in BMI (Hayamizu et al. 2003). A systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the efficacy of G. gummi-gutta extract using data from a series of randomised clinical trials showed that magnitude of its effect is small and only for short term (Onakpoya et al. 2011). ...
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Overweight and obesity are global health challenges associated with an increased risk of life-threatening comorbidities. Whereas a healthy diet and a lifestyle with a sufficient amount of exercise is the first recommendation to avert complications arising from overweight, a variety of prescription medicines is recognised as potential aids in weight loss. However, concerns about adverse effects of many prescription weight-loss agents has made that may drugs are now prohibited in some countries, though not in all countries. This has given rise to a clandestine market which has made proper monitoring of safety of products on sale increasingly complex. In addition to pharmaceutical products, a wide range of food substitutes or food supplements that are marketed as aids in weight loss is available. Regulation of food ingredients is considerably less stringent than regulation for pharmaceutical products; whereas pharmaceutical companies need to provide evidence of safety and efficacy before they are allowed marketing of any products, manufacturers of herbal and dietary supplements are just expected to ensure safety of their products. A sustainable reduction in food intake can be a major challenge, and people on weight-loss programmes have to fight cravings and hunger pangs. Appetite suppression-based therapies are the novel and promising treatments to control obesity. Recently, the peptide Semaglutide (Wegovy®, Ozempic®) has emerged as a very popular appetite suppressing prescription drug, which is administered by injection, though oral formulations have been developed too. Appetite suppressing herbal supplements have often been used traditionally since ages and are therefore generally regarded as safe. The aim of present review is to reflect on the most popular herbal supplements that are currently marketed as appetite suppressants, and that are widely promoted as aids in weight loss exercises. Notably, members of the family Apocynaceae, e.g. Caralluma spp. and Hoodia spp. contain pregnane glycosides that have been shown to restore sensitivity to the appetite suppressant hormone leptin in obese mice. The anti-obesity effect of Garcinia spp. (Clusiaceae) has been attributed to the presence of hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which inhibits fatty acid and triglyceride biosynthesis. In addition, HCA administration has been shown to increase serotonin levels, which in turn results in reduced appetite. A similar mechanism of action is seen with extracts of Griffonia simplicifolia (Fabaceae) that are particularly rich in the serotonin precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan. A third mechanism of action is seen in Gymnema sylvestre (Apocynaceae) which contains gymnemic acids that selectively inhibit oral sweet taste sensation in humans, thus lessening the appeal of sweets and pastries.
... Some research suggests that HCA may help reduce appetite and inhibit fat storage. [53] Some studies suggest that probiotics can help regulate gut microbiota, which in turn may influence weight management. [54] ...
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Nutraceuticals, bridging nutrition and medicine, form a billion-dollar global industry. With dissatisfaction over costly medical treatments, consumers turn to healthier diets and nutraceuticals for an alternative. Recent scientific advances introduce concepts such as nutraceuticals, promising disease prevention, and reduced health-care costs. These compounds, categorized by natural sources, offer personalized, long-term solutions with a focus on holistic health. They play key roles in managing conditions from cardiovascular issues to neurodegenerative diseases, reducing oxidative stress, inhibiting cancer cell growth, and boosting cognitive function. As we look forward, genetics and personalized medicine will customize nutraceutical interventions, and the market for functional foods and plant-based nutraceuticals will expand as consumers seek healthier options. Ongoing research, technology, and regulatory standards will continue shaping healthcare’s future, making nutraceuticals a key player in disease prevention and holistic well-being
... Hydroxycitric acid Inhibiting the enzyme adenosine triphosphatase citrate lyase blocking lipogenesis (48) Hibiscus sabdarffa L. ...
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Obesity has emerged as a global health crisis, contributing to numerous comorbidities including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic inflammation. Although lifestyle modifications are recommended to prevent obesity, the increase of obesity in last years has revealed the importance of drug research. While bariatric surgery remains an effective approach, the limited number of approved pharmacotherapies for obesity necessitates further investigation into novel therapeutic agents. Currently, there has been growing interest in exploring the potential of plant extracts in the treatment of obesity. Phytoextracts, derived from a variety of botanical sources, have attracted considerable attention due to their therapeutic properties and perceived lower risk profile compared to synthetic pharmaceuticals. These extracts often contain bioactive compounds such as polyphenols, flavonoids, and alkaloids, which have been extensively studied for their anti-obesity effects. Research indicates that certain plant extracts can modulate weight control by influencing metabolic processes, overall health, and lipid metabolism. The integration of herbal extracts into obesity treatment regimens offers a holistic approach to health, presenting a natural alternative to conventional medicine. Moreover, plant extracts often exhibit pleiotropic effects, targeting multiple pathways involved in the pathogenesis and progression of obesity. This multifaceted mechanism holds promise for enhancing clinical outcomes while minimizing the risks associated with monotherapy. However, despite the evident potential, further research is essential to elucidate the precise mechanisms of action, optimize dosage regimens, and evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of these interventions. Article: Saglam, K., & Sekerler, T. (2024). A Compherensive Review of the Anti-Obesity Properties of Medicinal Plants. Pharmedicine Journal, 1(2), 46–67.
Plants are an indispensable source of many essentials for human beings from time immemorial. Apart from many functions, they continue to act as important sources of various medicinal ingredients capable of treating many illnesses. Plants used by indigenous and ancient people explicitly living in remote areas far from access to urbanized habitat for their therapeutic needs are mainly referred to as ethnomedicinal plants (EMPs). Primitively, human beings meet most of their needs from nature, including the sources for disease prevention and treatment, primarily met by different plants, later referred to as ethnomedicinal plants in particular or medicinal plants in general. Harnessing the healing power of medicinal plants is very important to treat an array of diseases. Despite advances in scientific research and drug development process, factors like affordability, accessibility, toxicity, and lack of awareness have become limitations for the use of synthetic or chemical drugs as a source of medicines for various illnesses by a large section of people across the globe. Ethnomedical plants treat many diseases, from contagious or infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases like diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and many more. Isolation, purification, and evaluation of the active component of the phytochemicals present in different parts of the EMPs in in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies are essential to use these chemical molecules or extracts of these plants more efficiently. These activities will facilitate identifying and validating the therapeutic properties of ethnomedicinal plants or their products against different diseases through scientific evidence. This exercise will enable the scientist to identify the lead compound from specific plant or plant products to use as a principal compound for developing effective drugs that can be used specifically to treat particular ailments. Thus, evidence-based EMPs for different diseases will serve as curated sources, accelerating the drug development program.
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(−)-Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), an active ingredient extracted from the rind of the Indian fruit Garcinia cambogia inhibits ATP-citrate lyase and is used for anti-obesity treatment. This study was conducted to examine the long-term effects of G. cambogia extracts on body fat accumulation in humans who are preobese or obese class 1 (body mass index from 25 to 35 kg/m2). A total of 40 subjects were randomized to either a G. cambogia (n=20, 1000 mg of HCA per day) or a placebo (n=20) group. The treatment period was 8 weeks. Each was subjected to computed tomography (CT) scan at the umbilical level before and after the treatment period, and blood samples taken to measure the clinical laboratory data every 4 weeks. As for a higher visceral fat area (VFA) in the subjects (with an initial VFA over 90 cm2), both the VFA and VFA/SFA (subcutaneous fat area) ratio in the G. cambogia group significantly decreased, compared to the placebo group (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively). Triacylglycerol was also reduced significantly in higher VFA subjects in the G. cambogia group, compared to the initial levels (p=0.05), but there were no significant difference between the groups in loss of body weight and the waist-hip ratio. No adverse effect was observed through out the test period. In conclusion, G. cambogia extract is useful for reducing body fat accumulation, especially visceral fat accumulation.
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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of (-)-Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) for body weight loss in overweight human subjects who received a (-)HCA formula consisting of 1500 mg of the calcium salt of HCA (750 mg of pure HCA) and 300 mcg of elemental chromium per day. (-)HCA derived from the rind of the Garcinia cambogia fruit competitively inhibits the cytosolic enzyme adenosine triphosphate (ATP) citrate lyase in vitro and in vivo. This mechanism occurs in experimental animals fed (-)HCA, and is likely responsible for their noticeably decreased feeding frequency, reduction in total body weight and body fat, and increase in energy expenditure. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: This open field, physician controlled eight week clinical study was evaluated (-)HCA formula in 55 overweight subjects of both genders with a body mass index of >25 kg/m2 and <45 kg/m2. RESULTS: Patients lost on average <5 lbs. after four and <10 lbs. after eight weeks of regimen on the (-)HCA formula (p<0.001). Weight loss was independent of the gender or age of the population studied. The blood levels of triglycerides (TG), VLDL in the entire population and LDL in men over 60 years of age were significantly (p<0.05) lowered during course of treatment (TG mean value before treatment 167 mg/dl vs. 155 mg/dl after eight weeks; VLDL 34 mg/dl before vs. 29 mg/dl after; LDL 124 mg/dl before vs. 116 mg/dl after), with the cholesterol levels unchanged. Blood levels of HDL were significantly (p<0.01) increased for the entire population studied (mean value before treatment 47 4 mg/dl vs. 50.4 mg/dl after). The eight week intake of the formula lowered the Coronary Heart Disease (CHD calculated as total cholesterol/HDL ratio)) risk index significantly (p<0.01) for the entire sample studied. The risk index decreased from a mean value of 0.99 (CI: 0.87-1.13) to a mean of 0.90 (CI: 0.76-1.04). No side effects of the regimen, subjective or objective, were reported. DISCUSSION In view of safety of the regimen and significant weight loss effects and health benefits of the (-)HCA formula, it should be considered a promising supplement to weight loss therapy, especially when administered for several weeks.
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the weight loss and the decrease of cholesterolemia and triglyceridemia in overweight of subjects treated with lyophylized extract of Garcinia cambogia (GC). Two groups were randomly allocated. Each group had 20 adult, healthy (except for the overweight from I to III grade) subjects. Placebo was administered to the subjects in the first group, and GC to the subjects in the second group, both in similar capsules of 500 mg, before each meal and during eight weeks. Results showed that GC caused a significant reduction (p < 0.05) of the overweight, cholesterol and triglycerides in relation to the control group with placebo, without the side effects commonly caused by anorectic sympathomimetic amines. In conclusion, it can be assured that GC represents a new efficacious alternative in the control of obesity.
Overwhelming evidence now indicates that the quality of reporting of randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) is less than optimal. Recent methodologic analyses indicate that inadequate reporting and design are associated with biased estimates of treatment effects. Such systematic error is seriously damaging to RCTs, which boast the elimination of systematic error as their primary hallmark. Systematic error in RCTs reflects poor science, and poor science threatens proper ethical standards. A group of scientists and editors developed the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement to improve the quality of reporting of RCTs. The statement consists of a checklist and flow diagram that authors can use for reporting an RCT. Many leading medical journals and major international editorial groups have adopted the CONSORT statement. The CONSORT statement facilitates critical appraisal and interpretation of RCTs by providing guidance to authors about how to improve the reporting of their trials. This explanatory and elaboration document is intended to enhance the use, understanding, and dissemination of the CONSORT statement. The meaning and rationale for each checklist item are presented. For most items, at least one published example of good reporting and, where possible, references to relevant empirical studies are provided. Several examples of flow diagrams are included. The CONSORT statement, this explanatory and elaboration document, and the associated Web site (http://www.consort should be helpful resources to improve reporting of randomized trials.
In this pilot study, the efficacy of a novel, natural extract of a highly bioavailable, calcium-potassium salt of (–)-hydroxycitric acid (HCA-SX) alone and in combination with a niacin-bound chromium (NBC) and Gymnema sylvestra extract (GSE) was evaluated for weight loss in moderately obese subjects by monitoring changes in body weight, body mass index (BMI), appetite, lipid profiles, serum leptin and serotonin levels, and enhanced excretion of urinary fat metabolites. Garcinia cambogia-derived (–)-hydroxycitric acid (HCA) has been shown to reduce appetite, inhibit fat synthesis and decrease body weight without stimulating the central nervous system. NBC has shown the ability to restore insulin function, metabolize fat, turn protein into muscle, and convert sugar into energy, which plays a role in appetite regulation and facilitates weight loss. Gymnema sylvestre is a traditional herb that helps to promote weight loss possibly through its ability to reduce cravings for sweets and control blood sugar levels. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical study was conducted in thirty obese subjects (ages 21-50, BMI>26 kg/m2) for eight weeks in Elluru, India. The subjects were randomly divided into three groups (10 subjects/group) and given HCA-SX 4,667 mg (60% HCA providing 2,800 mg HCA/day) (Group A), a combination of HCA-SX 4,667 mg, NBC 4 mg (providing 400 μg elemental Cr) and GSE 400 mg (providing 100 mg gymnemic acid) (Group B), or placebo (Group C) daily in 3 equally divided doses 30-60 min before each meal. This HCA-SX dose was extrapolated from previously conducted in vitro and in vivo studies. In addition, subjects received 2,000 kcal diet/day and underwent a 30 min/day supervised walking program, 5 days/week. At the end of 8 weeks, body weight and BMI decreased by 6.3%, respectively, in Group A. Food intake was reduced by 4%. Total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides levels were reduced by 6.3%, 12.3% and 8.6%, respectively, while HDL and serotonin levels increased by 10.7% and 40%, respectively. Serum leptin levels were decreased by 36.6%, and the enhanced excretion of urinary fat metabolites, including malondialdehyde (MDA), acetaldehyde (ACT), formaldehyde (FA) and acetone (ACON), increased by 125-258%. Under these same conditions, Group B reduced body weight and BMI by 7.8% and 7.9%, respectively. Food intake was reduced by 14.1%. Total cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride levels were reduced by 9.1%, 17.9% and 18.1%, respectively, while HDL and serotonin levels increased by 20.7% and 50%, respectively. Serum leptin levels decreased by 40.5% and enhanced excretion of urinary fat metabolites increased by 146-281%. Group C reduced body weight and BMI by only 1.6% and 1.7%, respectively, food intake was increased by 2.8%, and LDL, triglycerides and total cholesterol decreased by 0.8%, 0.2% and 0.8%, respectively. HDL were reduced by 4.1% while serum leptin levels were increased by 0.3%, and excretion of urinary fat metabolites did not change in MDA, ACT and FA, and marginally increased in the case of ACON. No adverse effects were observed. Results demonstrate that HCA-SX and, to a greater degree, the combination of HCA-SX, NBC and GSE can serve as safe weight management supplements.
Background: (-)-Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is an active ingredient extracted from the rind of the Indian fruit Garcinia cambogia. It inhibits adenosine triphosphate citrate lyase and has been used in the treatment of obesity. Objective: The primary end point of this study was the effects of 12 weeks of G cambogia extract administration on visceral fat accumulation. The secondary end points were body indices (including height, body weight, body mass index [BMI], waist and hip circumference, and waist-hip ratio) and laboratory values (including total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, and free fatty acid). Methods: This study was performed according to a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group design. Subjects aged 20 to 65 years with a visceral fat area >90 cm(2) were enrolled. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive treatment for 12 weeks with G cambogia (containing 1000 mg of HCA per day) or placebo. At the end of the treatment period, both groups were administered placebo for 4 weeks to assess any rebound effect. Each subject underwent a computed tomography scan at the umbilical level at -2, 0, 12, and 16 weeks. Results: Forty-four subjects were randomized at baseline, and 39 completed the study (G cambogia group, n = 18; placebo group, n = 21). At 16 weeks, the G cambogia group had significantly reduced visceral, subcutaneous, and total fat areas compared with the placebo group (all indices P<0.001). No severe adverse effect was observed at any time in the test period. There were no significant differences in BMI or body weight at week 12, but there were slight numeric decreases in body weight and BMI in men. There were no signs of a rebound effect from week 12 to week 16. Conclusion: G cambogia reduced abdominal fat accumulation in subjects, regardless of sex, who had the visceral fat accumulation type of obesity. No rebound effect was observed. It is therefore expected that G cambogia may be useful for the prevention and reduction of accumulation of visceral fat.