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There is evidence for the idea that there is biological (active) control of body weight at a given set point. Body weight is the product of genetic effects (DNA), epigenetic effects (heritable traits that do not involve changes in DNA), and the environment. Regulation of body weight is asymmetric, being more effective in response to weight loss than to weight gain. However, regulation may be lost or camouflaged by Western diets, suggesting that the failure of biological control is due mainly to external factors. In this situation, the body's 'set point' (i.e., a constant 'body-inherent' weight regulated by a proportional feedback control system) is replaced by various 'settling points' that are influenced by energy and macronutrient intake in order for the body to achieve a zero energy balance. In a world of abundance, a prudent lifestyle and thus cognitive control are preconditions of effective biological control and a stable body weight. This idea also impacts future genetic research on body weight regulation. Searching for the genetic background of excess weight gain in a world of abundance is misleading since the possible biological control is widely overshadowed by the effect of the environment. In regard to clinical practice, dietary approaches to both weight loss and weight gain have to be reconsidered. In underweight patients (e.g., patients with anorexia nervosa), weight gain is supported by biological mechanisms that may or may not be suppressed by hyperalimentation. To overcome weight loss-induced counter-regulation in the overweight, biological signals have to be taken into account. Computational modeling of weight changes based on metabolic flux and its regulation will provide future strategies for clinical nutrition.
Is there evidence for a set point that regulates human body weight?
Manfred J Müller
*, Anja Bosy-Westphal
and Steven B Heymsfield
Institute of Human Nutrition and Food Science, Christian-Albrechts University, Düsterbrooker Weg 15-17, 24221 Kiel, Germany;
Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70808, USA
* Corresponding author: Manfred J Müller (
F1000 Medicine Reports 2010, 2:59 (doi:10.3410/M2-59)
The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found at:
There is evidence for the idea that there is biological (active) control of body weight at a given set
point. Body weight is the product of genetic effects (DNA), epigenetic effects (heritable traits that do
not involve changes in DNA), and the environment. Regulation of body weight is asymmetric, being
more effective in response to weight loss than to weight gain. However, regulation may be lost or
camouflaged by Western diets, suggesting that the failure of biological control is due mainly to
external factors. In this situation, the bodysset point(i.e., a constant body-inherentweight
regulated by a proportional feedback control system) is replaced by various settling pointsthat are
influenced by energy and macronutrient intake in order for the body to achieve a zero energy
balance. In a world of abundance, a prudent lifestyle and thus cognitive control are preconditions of
effective biological control and a stable body weight. This idea also impacts future genetic research on
body weight regulation. Searching for the genetic background of excess weight gain in a world of
abundance is misleading since the possible biological control is widely overshadowed by the effect of
the environment. In regard to clinical practice, dietary approaches to both weight loss and weight gain
have to be reconsidered. In underweight patients (e.g., patients with anorexia nervosa), weight gain is
supported by biological mechanisms that may or may not be suppressed by hyperalimentation. To
overcome weight loss-induced counter-regulation in the overweight, biological signals have to be
taken into account. Computational modeling of weight changes based on metabolic flux and its
regulation will provide future strategies for clinical nutrition.
Introduction and context
Since body weight is a major determinant of health, the
regulation and preservation of body composition are
life-saving issues. The central nervous system and
peripheral systems regulate energy and nutrient balance
by biological and behavioral mechanisms. Short-term
controls include the initiation and termination of
feeding (e.g., brought about by gastrointestinal signals),
whereas long-term control of body weight is related to
changes in energy balance and energy stores. Efficiency
of body weight regulation is dominated by both sides of
the energy balance (both energy intake and energy
expenditure), which are functionally interconnected.
Thus, increases in either food intake or energy expendi-
ture are associated with corresponding changes in
metabolism and behavior. Overeating is followed by
increases in thermogenesis, whereas increases in energy
expenditure (e.g., due to strenuous exercise) affect food
intake. The general idea is that human body weight is
under sufficiently strong genetic and humoral control, a
view inspired by the theory of the so-called set point.
This theory proposes a proportional feedback control
system designed to regulate body weight to a constant
body-inherentweight, namely the set point weight [1].
The system, according to this theory, adjusts food intake
or energy expenditure (or both) in proportion to the
difference between the current body weight and the
set point weight. The set point theory originated from
animal studies [2] and ever since has been questioned in
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Published: 09 August 2010
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Many people appear to have a constant body weight
throughout adult life. However, intervention studies
suggest that a set point in humans is loose(e.g., involving
upper and lower limits) rather than tightly controlled [3].
In the classical Minnesota starvation study [4], the subjects
lost 66% of their initial fat mass in response to 24 weeks
of semi-starvation (i.e., at 50% reduced energy intake), but
ad libitum re-feeding resulted in a regain of fat mass
reaching 145% of the pre-starvation values (i.e., there was
an overshooting of fat mass, known as the catch-up fat
phenomenon) [5]. Thus, the fluctuation in body weight
that results from under- and overfeeding requires a
considerable change in the hypothetical set point, at
least after starvation, re-feeding, and overeating. Alter-
native models of body weight regulation therefore (a)
involve multiple body weight steady states, so-called
settling points, without a feedback control of energy
intake [1] or (b) propagate an asymmetric or threshold
control system that responds to negative energy balance
only [2].
Further simulation of the Minnesota starvation experi-
mental data suggested that after re-feeding, it may take
more than a year for the fat mass to decrease to within
5% of the initial value [6,7]. These data point to a
transient loss in appetite control (and thus body weight
regulation) during the first months of re- and over-
feeding. Returning to a pre-starvation (and presumably
healthy) lifestyle may take longer time periods as the
body reconstitutes or resets its body weight regulatory
system. This finding may lead to the more general
hypothesis that the biology of body weight regulation is
camouflaged by hyperphagia (and presumably a Western
Control of energy intake is a complex topic and this
control is something that many overweight people lose in
the long term. This is reflected by nearly all of the weight
loss experiences of obese patients who typically lose their
diet adherence with time [8]. Obviously, at reduced body
weight, a new set or settling point is hard to establish
(or hard to defend). It has been calculated that in weight-
reduced obese patients, maintenance of lost body weight
would have been achieved if energy intake over the course
of 2 years had been 170 kcal/day (0.7 MJ/day) lower than
before dieting [7]. The failure of keeping these small
changes in diet, and thus of maintaining a reduced weight,
may be taken as evidence for the inaccuracy or even
inefficiency of our weight control system to defend the
newsettling point. Alternatively, the programmed
regaining of body weight may also be taken as evidence
for a high set point, which seems to be well defended in
most obese patients.
The data from randomized controlled pharmacological
weight loss trials question the existence of a body weight
control system. When compared with dietary restriction
alone, a cannaboid-1 receptor blocker caused significant
weight loss over the course of 2 years (6.3 kg versus
1.6 kg compared with pre-study weights) [9]. However,
patients who were switched from the drug to the diet
group in the second year of the protocol regained weight
and reached nearly identical weight losses after the second
year (2.7 kg versus 2.9 kg by diet alone compared with
pre-study weights) [9]. These data may be taken as
evidence for different settling points. Alternatively, weight
changes simply followed energy intakes (which were lower
during drug treatment than during diet alone) and the
final body weights then reflected a new and zero energy
There are some lines of evidence suggesting that the
traditional set point theory seems to be overly simplistic.
The present article sets out to address the following
1. Is there evidence for a set point in body components
(rather than in body weight)?
2. Is there a setin energy balance and macronutrient
3. Is leptin a body weight regulatory signal, and what is
the evidence for asymmetric control of body weight?
4. Does a Western lifestyle camouflage biological
regulation of body weight?
Recent advances
Recent advances arose from the area of detailed body
composition research and from recent findings on the
genetic, epigenetic, and endocrine control of body
weight (i.e., leptin as part of the body weight regulatory
system). To put these data into perspective, the new
results have to be discussed within the context of some
older results from integrative physiology which have
frequently been neglected in modern research on genetic
control of body weight.
The contribution of gene variants to body weight
regulation is currently estimated to be small, and most
genome-wide association results are for markers that
are not in known genes [10]. In addition, metabolic
programming and epigenetic influences add to body
weight regulation. The developmental origins of the
health and disease hypothesis (i.e., the fetal programming
hypothesis) speculate that maternal over- and under-
nutrition affect the in utero environment thereby inducing
fetal adaptive responses favoring long-term and
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permanent changes in hypothalamic circuits of appetite
regulatory centers, post-natal overnutrition, and excess
weight gain in the offspring [10]. Genomic imprinting
(including DNA methylation and histone modification)
results in later discordance between metabolic responses
anticipated by the program and the environment. This
idea is supported by a recent study that found that, when
comparing the offspring of obese mothers with those of
obese mothers who had lost weight following biliopan-
creatic bypass surgery, the prevalence of offspring who
were overweight was reduced by 52% after maternal
biliopancreatic bypass surgery [11]. These data point to the
role of epigenetic factors in the regulation of body weight.
A major recent advance is computational modeling of
weight changes based on metabolic fluxes and their
biological control. This will add to future strategies of
pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of
clinical problems of being over- or underweight. Today,
it seems likely that the phenotype (i.e., an obese body
mass index [>30]), influenced by set or settling points, is
the product of genetic effects (DNA), epigenetic effects
(heritable traits that do not involve changes in DNA),
and the environment.
Is there evidence for a set point in body components
rather than for body weight?
Body weight is heterogeneous in that it comprises many
different organs and tissues. In a two-compartment model,
body weight is the sum of body fat mass and lean or fat-
free mass. Lean mass consists of bone, extracellular water,
and body cell mass; body cell mass includes intracellular
water, glycogen, and protein. Anatomically, lean tissue
comprises a number of individual organs or components
such as skeletal muscle, liver, brain, heart, and kidneys. In
a 70-kg male, these components make up 40%, 2.6%,
2.0%, 0.5%, and 0.4% of body weight, respectively [12].
Some component weights are interrelated (e.g., there is
a positive correlation between muscle mass and bone
mass), but for other components (including bone and
brain), their weights are not associated with each other
[13]. This lack of association argues against a common
regulation of the mass of individual organs and tissues and
therefore overall body weight. Instead, it appears more
likely that individual organ and tissue mass are differently
Body weight regulatory feedback may originate from fat
mass [2,5]. Both surgical lipectomy and transplantation
of white adipose tissue in animals result in compensatory
changes to defend total body fat [14]. In the Minnesota
study, post-starvation hyperphagia was related to the
extent to which body fat was depleted [4,5], suggesting
that the drive to overeat is part of a regulatory system that
operates to restore fat mass. In addition, there is sufficient
evidence for humoral feedback signals that influence
body fat mass, and studies of extreme human obesity
phenotypes (i.e., children who are obese from a very early
age) suggest that the efficiency or inefficiency with which
these processes operate may be heritable [15]. However,
adipose tissue is heterogeneous with respect to location,
amount present, metabolic functions, and response
to weight changes [16,17]. This concept implies that a
search for regulation of individual adipose tissue depots
rather than of total body adipose tissue is necessary.
There is some recent evidence suggesting that adipose
tissue distribution is genetically (or epigenetically)
programmed [18]. Diet-induced weight loss in over-
weight subjects does not affect adipose tissue distribu-
tion, implying that the different depots (e.g., visceral and
subcutaneous) are reduced with weight loss [16,17,19].
However, there are preferential losses of visceral adipose
tissue [20] and ectopic fat in the liver and these are
disproportionately depleted with weight loss [17].
Is there a setin energy balance and macronutrient
Increasing energy expenditure can increase energy intake,
whereas increasing energy intake does not intrinsically
increase activity and energy expenditure [21]. However,
with strenuous exercise and very high energy expenditure,
energy intake cannot be adjusted adequately and the
energy balance becomes negative [22]. Metabolic com-
pensation is obvious during controlled under- and
overfeeding (i.e., during rapid changes from energy
equilibrium to a negative or positive imbalance)
[23-25]. With underfeeding and weight loss, total (i.e.,
24-hour) energy expenditure (TEE), resting energy
expenditure (REE), the thermic effect of meals, and
physical activity (PA) decrease [4,6,24-26], whereas
increases in TEE and REE (but not PA) are observed in
response to overfeeding and weight gain [6,23,25,27].
Metabolic changes exceed changes in metabolically active
tissue mass (i.e., they were not explained by changes in
body mass) and thus are partly due to decreasing or
increasing the rate of cellular respiration. The whole-
body metabolic response to under- and overfeeding is
brought about by an interplay of metabolic rates in
individual organs (e.g., heart, liver, kidneys, skeletal
muscle, and brain), and this again is explained by
changes in sympathetic nervous system activity, in
plasma concentrations of thyroid hormones and leptin,
and in insulin sensitivity [7,28]. These metabolic
adaptations aim at diminishing the energy imbalance
(to finally reach a new equilibrium between energy
intake and energy expenditure) and thus add to long-
term weight stability [29]. This idea argues in favor of a
setto reach zero energy balance at a given body weight,
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which results in various settling points rather than a set
In regard to the comparison of different energy stores, fat,
protein, and carbohydrate stores differ with respect to
both (a) magnitude (i.e., in a 70-kg male, about 140,000
kcal [or 586 MJ] as fat, 24,000 kcal [100 MJ] as protein,
600 kcal [2.5 MJ] as carbohydrate) and (b) regulation
[29]. In the long term, carbohydrate balance is tightly
regulated and a glycogen feedback signal acts to correct
glucose oxidation and thus carbohydrate imbalances
[23,30]. Thus, a minor decrease in liver glycogen (e.g.,
brought about by a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet)
increases the eating drive in order to replenish glycogen
stores (which will also take a large amount of fat and thus
increase fat mass in the case of a low-carbohydrate, high-
fat diet) [31]. By contrast, protein and fat imbalances are
not tightly counter-regulated, leading to greater losses or
gains in these individual components in response to
nutrient intake. Whole body and cellular uptake of dietary
carbohydrates, fat, and protein is matched by their rates
of use. There is a hierarchy of post-prandial substrate
oxidation, and fat intake did not stimulate fat oxidation
[32,33], and this explains large fluctuations in fat mass in
response to varying fat intakes [33]. Taken together, these
data suggest that carbohydrate balance, rather than
protein and fat balance, is regulated as part of a putative
body weight regulatory system. If glycogen stores serve as
asetfor body weight, then variation in body weight is a
reflection of the fat content of the diet rather than of an
active regulation.
Is leptin a feedback signal of body weight regulation?
What is the evidence for asymmetric control?
During the last 15-20 years, the progress in our under-
standing of the neurobiology of appetite and satiety
has led to the characterization of fascinating networks
of hormones, peptides, and monoamines as part of the
appetite control system. However, endogenous control of
energy intake is still not completely characterized and
external factors (i.e., the obesity-promoting environment)
may override endogenous controls. It is unknown at
present how biological factors (e.g., hormones) combine
with external factors (e.g., food supply) to control food
intake. In addition, the impact of metabolic adaptation
on energy and macronutrient intake remains to be
Most of the recent research on body weight regulation is
based on the idea that brain centers, including those
located in the hypothalamus, receive peripheral signals
reflecting energy and fat stores. Early parabiosis studies
gave the first strong evidence that genetically obese
mice lacked a secretory signal from adipose tissue which
represses food intake [34]. One relevant homeostatic
signal in body weight (or fat mass) regulation is the
prototype adipokine leptin [35,36]. Leptin is derived
from fat cells in proportion to fat mass, and one of
leptins tasks is to send signals regarding levels of fat
mass (or changes in fat mass) to the hypothalamus,
which in turn regulates both a decrease in energy intake
and an increase in energy expenditure. This is an example
of proportional feedback control, as food intake and
energy expenditure are adjusted in proportion to the
difference between plasma leptin concentration and its
set point value [1]. However, present evidence suggests
that leptin does not primarily protect the body against
an increase in fat mass but instead defends the body
against fat loss, thus operating in cases of negative energy
balance only (i.e., there is an asymmetric or threshold
response to leptin at low concentrations only) [2,37,38].
Low levels of leptin, indicating food deprivation and
depleted fat stores, are a signal to induce adaptive
biological actions leading to an increase in energy intake
(which cannot or does not happen in the case of food
shortage or eating disorders) and to reduce energy
expenditure [39,40]. For example, the correlation line
demonstrating the relationship between leptin and REE,
adjusted for fat-free mass, is steep at low leptin levels and
flat at normal leptin levels, suggesting that the effect of
leptin on REE differs at different leptin concentrations
with a thermic effect at low concentrations only [40].
This example highlights that the control of individual
body component mass (e.g., fat) depends on energy
balance and may be efficient in response to negative
energy balance and fasting only. An asymmetric control
system is in line with the experience that it is easier to
gain weight than to lose weight. While the latter is tightly
controlled, the former seems to be not fully compen-
sated. This idea also questions the hypothesis that leptin
resistance, as suggested by high-plasma leptin levels,
causes obesity.
Does a Western lifestyle camouflage biological regulation
of body weight?
Observational and experimental human data give some
evidence for biological control of body weight. However,
given the present obesity epidemic, this may reflect a
collective overwhelming of the biological body weight
control systems. In fact, biological brakesare considered
to be weak and do not really operate within an obesity-
promoting environment. This failure is part of the so-
called runaway weight gain trainmodel that has been
proposed to perpetuate obesity and to further accelerate
the obesity epidemic [41]. However, on a daily balance,
excess weight gain is a failure in the fine tuning of energy
balance, and obesity results from a chronic (but small)
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positive energy balance. The so-called energy gap (i.e.,
the daily imbalance between energy intake and energy
expenditure, resulting in excess weight gain) is about
50-150 kcal/day (0.2 to 0.6 MJ/day) only (corresponding
to 5% of daily energy intake) [42,43]. This is in line with
longitudinal data showing that a difference in energy
expenditure of about 70 kcal/day was associated with
differences in weight gain [44]. All of these data point to
the need of precise matching between energy intake and
energy expenditure. Thus, a mismatch between the two
suggests that regulation is not precise. Some of the
metabolic changes observed in overweight subjects
(e.g., increases in energy expenditure and fat oxidation)
contribute to limiting further weight gain in response
to chronic overeating and aim to reach a new steady state
(i.e., at a settling point) rather than to re-establish initial
body weight [29]. It is obvious that under Western
lifestyle conditions, compensatory responses are passive
rather than active and thus have a limited impact on
body weight regulation.
It is tempting to speculate that imperfect body weight
control is due to our present lifestyle habits, which offset
biological control. This idea is in line with animal studies
in which so-called cafeteria (or Western) diets resulted
in hyperphagia (i.e., the animals lost intake control),
progressive weight gain, and obesity when compared
with a normal chow diet [45]. Switching back again to a
chow diet, the rats normalized their body weights (i.e.,
the animals readjusted their weights to previous levels),
and in the long term, this resulted in a normal weight
trajectory [45]. This is in line with human data showing
that energy-dense foods, which are rich in fat and sugar,
cause passiveovereating and thus weight gain [46]. By
contrast, an ad libitum, low-fat, high-carbohydrate,
traditional diet led to a spontaneous return to habitual
energy intake (within 3 months) and a recovery of initial
body weight (within 2.5 years) after massive overfeeding,
with 19 ± 3.2 kg weight gain in lean young Cameroonian
men [47]. A set point regulation was also evident under a
traditional low-fat diet and seasonal fluctuations (caused
by an annual food shortage) in the body weight of rural
Gambian women [48]. Despite repeated weight cycling
over a period of 10 years, minimal body weight
remained fairly stable (within ± 1.5 kg).
Implications for clinical practice
In regard to clinical practice, dietary approaches to both
weight loss and weight gain have to be reconsidered. In
the underweight patient, weight gain is supported by bio-
logical mechanisms that might be suppressed in part by
aggressive hyperalimentation. By contrast, to overcome
weight loss-induced counter-regulation in the overweight,
biological signals (i.e., the weight loss-associated decrease
in plasma leptin and T3 [triiodothyronine] levels) have to
be taken into account. Evidence suggests that leptin
replacement may help to reconstitute biological control.
In addition, modeling of weight changes (e.g., in patients
with cachectic cancer) [49] based on biological control of
body weight provides new concepts in pharmacological
and non-pharmacological treatment of the underweight.
Set point and settling pointsinstead of set point
versus settling point
Taken collectively, these data provide evidence for the
idea that there is biological (active) control of body
weight and also weight stability (and thus a set point at a
healthy steady state) in response to eating healthy chow
diets. By contrast, this regulation is lost or camouflaged
by Western diets, suggesting that the failure of biological
control is due mainly to external factors. In this situation,
the set point is replaced by various settling points that
are influenced by energy and macronutrient intake in
order for the body to reach a zero balance of energy and
macronutrients and thus a new and possibly unhealthy
steady state. Western diets may have a higher risk in
subjects who are efficient in the intake or metabolism of
food energy, the so-called thrifty genotypes, who have
been proposed to have a genetic predisposition or a high
set point. However, the present evidence from integrative
physiology leads to simple rather than to sophisticated
answers. In a world of abundance, a prudent lifestyle and
thus cognitive control (i.e., from instinct to intellect)
[50] are preconditions of efficient biological control, a
stable body weight, and thus maintenance of a set point.
This idea is true even in those people who may have an
efficient intake or metabolism of food energy (i.e., the
thrifty genotype) [10] since the putative mutation is
effective at high energy and fat intake only. In this sense,
losing ones set point (or ending up in various settling
points) of body weight may serve as another example of
the mind-body paradigm(e.g., in the obese, there is a
mind-body gapand thus a loss of biological control).
This idea also impacts future research on body weight
regulation. Searching for the genetic background of
excess weight gain in a world of abundance is misleading
since the possible biological control is widely over-
shadowed by the effect of the environment. As a
consequence, environmental factors rather than the
physiology (including the genetic background) have to
be addressed to tackle population-wide, non-syndromic
human obesity. It is interesting to note that the
fundamental components of energy balance, including
the effect of the environment, are well preserved across
species. For example, canine obesity is closely associated
with snack eating and low socioeconomic state, suggest-
ing that the overweight issue is not a uniquely human
problem [51].
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PA, physical activity; REE, resting energy expenditure;
TEE, total energy expenditure.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing
Our own data were supported by Competence Network
on Obesity, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education
and Research (FKZ: 01GI0821) and the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Founda-
tion) (DFG Mü 714/8-3 and DFG Bo3296/1-1).
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20(Suppl 2):
... The third and perhaps most significant limitation of the "calories in, calories out" model is the body's adaptive responses to changes in energy intake, which are conceptually linked to the weight "set point" theory. According to this theory, body weight is maintained within a relatively stable range by a biological feedback system that adjusts food intake and energy expenditure [5]. However, this set point is not absolute and likely allows for a range of variability, influenced by factors such as metabolic adaptations, hormonal fluctuations, and environmental factors, such as exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress. ...
... Emphasizes calorie quality over quantity, suggesting that carbohydrate intake influences insulin response and fat storage. [2,[5][6][7] Primary Focus Energy balance (calories consumed versus calories burned). ...
... Impact of carbohydrate types on insulin and subsequent fat storage. [2,[5][6][7] Mechanism of Weight Gain Excess caloric intake relative to expenditure results in weight gain. ...
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The global rise in obesity underscores the need for effective weight management strategies that address individual metabolic and hormonal variability, moving beyond the simplistic “calories in, calories out” model. Body types—ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph—provide a framework for understanding the differences in fat storage, muscle development, and energy expenditure, as each type responds uniquely to caloric intake and exercise. Variability in weight outcomes is influenced by factors such as genetic polymorphisms and epigenetic changes in hormonal signaling pathways and metabolic processes, as well as lifestyle factors, including nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress. These factors impact the magnitude of lipogenesis and myofibrillar protein synthesis during overfeeding, as well as the extent of lipolysis and muscle proteolysis during caloric restriction, through complex mechanisms that involve changes in the resting metabolic rate, metabolic pathways, and hormonal profiles. Precision approaches, such as nutrigenomics, indirect calorimetry, and artificial-intelligence-based strategies, can potentially leverage these insights to create individualized weight management strategies aligned with each person’s unique metabolic profile. By addressing these personalized factors, precision nutrition offers a promising pathway to sustainable and effective weight management outcomes. The main objective of this review is to examine the metabolic and hormonal adaptations driving variability in weight management outcomes and explore how precision nutrition can address these challenges through individualized strategies.
... Fat mass, like multiple other systems in the human body, requires homeostasis and aims to reach a pre-defined point (3,6,7). This set point is determined by genetic factors but can also be influenced by biological and environmental factors that change throughout life (8,9). ...
... While the current obesity epidemic is most likely provoked by the changes in our environment, in which energy-rich food products have become widely available, it is our underlying genetic makeup which stimulates weight gain and weight retention through the fat mass set point determined by the hypothalamus (7,19,20). These genetic profiles with interindividual variations make some patients more susceptible than others to develop this disease. ...
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As the prevalence of obesity increases worldwide, and lifestyle modification or pharmaceutical treatment yields insufficient results for patients with severe obesity, an increasing number of patients opt for metabolic bariatric surgery as an effective and durable treatment of this disease. Seeing as 80% of these patients are women, many of whom are of reproductive age, pregnancies after metabolic bariatric surgery become increasingly common. Metabolic bariatric surgery has many benefits for overall health and pregnancy outcomes, but certain risks are also reported. This leads to the rise of a new population of patients with their own specific needs regarding follow‐up. This review discusses the various benefits and risks of these types of surgery for pregnancy. We provide an overview of the current state of the evidence and look into future research goals.
... As we have shown, critics of what they take to be the limited perspective provided by homeostasis, understood as involving negative feedback to a setpoint, have advanced a variety of alternative concepts to supplement or replace it. 7 At present, researchers employ a plethora of 6 Similarly, the literature on the control of body weight also challenges the existence of setpoints and the use of this notion, replacing it with that of settling point (Müller, Bosy-Westphal, and Heymsfield, 2010). 7 In parallel to physiology, a similar criticism has been advanced in developmental biology by Waddington (1968). ...
Since Cannon, inspired by Bernard’s discussion of the conditions required for free and independent life, introduced the term homeostasis , many have embraced it as the main theoretical principle guiding physiology and medicine. Nonetheless, critics have argued that homeostasis is too limiting and have advanced a variety of alternative concepts such as heterostasis , rheostasis , and allostasis . We argue that the critics target a much narrower understanding of homeostasis put forward by the cyberneticists and that Bernard and Cannon embraced a far broader understanding that can accommodate the alternatives advanced by the critics and provide an integrated theoretical framework for physiology.
... The benefit, Romanovsky (2007) argues, is to redirect 'the scientific search from looking for the location of the set point (or building a new model of it) to studying the multiple feedback, feedforward, and open-loop components that contribute to thermal balance in the thermoregulatory system operating as a federation of independent thermoeffector loops.' For example, Romanovsky embraces Kobayashi et al.'s (2006) proposal that each temperature sensor acts as a thermostat: when its threshold is exceeded by a stimulus that is either too warm or too cold, it sends a signal to effector neurons (Similarly, the literature on the control of body weight also challenges the existence of setpoints and the use of this notion, replacing it with that of settling point (Müller et al., 2010).). ...
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Since it was inspired by Bernard and developed and named by Cannon, the concept of homeostasis has been invoked by many as the central theoretical framework for physiology. It has also been the target of numerous criticisms that have elicited the introduction of a plethora of alternative concepts. We argue that many of the criticisms actually target the more restrictive account of homeostasis advanced by the cyberneticists. What was crucial to Bernard and Cannon was a focus on the maintenance of the organism as the goal of physiological regulation. We analyse how Bernard's and Cannon's broad conception of what was required to maintain the organism was narrowed to negative feedback, characterized in terms of setpoints, by the cyberneticists and demonstrate how many of the alternative concepts challenge the role of setpoints – treating them as variable in light of circumstances or in anticipation of future circumstances, or as dispensable altogether. To support our analysis, we draw on the experimental and theoretical work on thermoregulation, a phenomenon that has been considered as a paradigmatic example of homeostasis and has been a common focus of those advancing alternative concepts. To integrate the insights advanced by the original proponents of homeostasis and the theorists proposing replacement notions we advance a framework in which regulation is viewed from the perspective of maintaining the organism. image
... The theory that the human body acts in a way to defend a body mass, or rank order of body fatness in a given environment, via a hypothetical "set point" has been long debated [13][14][15]. As heuristic, this simple feedback loop is like a thermostat and is clearly untenable in the face of obvious trends of weight gain among most individuals as they age among nearly all populations over time. ...
Obesity is a chronic disease that affects more than 650 million adults worldwide. Obesity not only is a significant health concern on its own, but predisposes to cardiometabolic comorbidities, including coronary heart disease, dyslipidemia, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Lifestyle interventions effectively promote weight loss of 5% to 10%, and pharmacological and surgical interventions even more, with some novel approved drugs inducing up to an average of 25% weight loss. Yet, maintaining weight loss over the long-term remains extremely challenging, and subsequent weight gain is typical. The mechanisms underlying weight regain remain to be fully elucidated. The purpose of this Pennington Biomedical Scientific Symposium was to review and highlight the complex interplay between the physiological, behavioral, and environmental systems controlling energy intake and expenditure. Each of these contributions were further discussed in the context of weight-loss maintenance, and systems-level viewpoints were highlighted to interpret gaps in current approaches. The invited speakers built upon the science of obesity and weight loss to collectively propose future research directions that will aid in revealing the complicated mechanisms involved in the weight-reduced state.
... There is little evidence for a tightly regulated equilibrium value of LI such as a maximum weight per individual 57 . However, one excess calorie absorbed does not equal one excess calorie stored, suggesting we do have mechanisms to curb increasing L I, and these become increasingly active as the energy balance becomes increasingly positive 58,59 . ...
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Ageing results from the gradual loss of homeostasis, and there are currently many hypotheses for the underlying initial causes, such as molecular damage accumulation. However, few if any theories directly connect comprehensive, underlying biological mechanisms to specific age-related diseases. We recently demonstrated how a specific maintenance system impeding overactivity disorders such as cancer might undergo positive selection while still resulting in a gradual homeostatic shift toward slower metabolism. Here we connect this metabolic slowdown, via a series of unavoidable homeostatic shifts, to the hallmarks of ageing, including mitochondrial dysfunction, insulin resistance (IR), weight gain, basal inflammation, and age-related diseases such as atherosclerosis. We constructed the fuel and energy model (FEM) based on these shifts and found that ageing via metabolic slowdown could explain not only the effects of anti-ageing interventions such as rapamycin and calorie restriction, but many of the paradoxes of ageing that currently defy alternative theories.
... This is the case with semaglutide and other glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogues, because of their pleiotropic effects on cardiovascular biology which include lipid, cardiorenal, blood pressure and inflammatory benefits [30]. The future of weight management is promising, thanks to improved understanding of the biology underpinning energy-balance regulation and food intake [31,32]. New AOMs based on this biology are under development, with tirzepatide, a GLP-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide dual agonist, demonstrating weight loss of up to 13.1% at 40 weeks in people with T2D versus 6.7% with semaglutide 1.0 mg [33,34], and no increase in MACE risk at 104 weeks of exposure [35]. ...
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Obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, yet management remains poor. Cardiologists and healthcare professionals treating people with high cardiovascular risk are in a position to address overweight and obesity to improve cardiovascular health. There are several treatment options for obesity, which are associated with numerous health benefits. Modest weight reductions of 5-10% improve cardiovascular risk factors, with greater weight loss bringing about greater benefits. Anti-obesity medications can support weight reduction when lifestyle modifications alone are insufficient. The weight loss induced by these treatments can improve cardiovascular risk, and some therapies - such as glucagon-like-peptide-1 analogues - may promote these benefits independently of weight loss. Bariatric surgery can induce greater weight losses than other treatment modalities and is associated with numerous health benefits, but newer medications such as semaglutide and those in development, such as tirzepatide, produce robust weight loss efficacy that is approaching that of bariatric surgery. Healthcare professionals must approach this disease with compassion and collaborate with patients to develop sustainable plans that improve health and maintain weight loss over the long term.
... A minor decrease in liver glycogen increases the eating drive in order to replenish glycogen stores. By contrast, protein and fat imbalances are not tightly counter-regulated, leading to greater losses or gains in these individual components in response to nutrient intake (161). During fasting, liver glycogen shortage activates a liver-brain-adipose neural axis that has an important role in switching the fuel source from glycogen to triglycerides under prolonged fasting conditions (162). ...
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In order to effectively manage and cure cancer we should move beyond the general view of cancer as a random process of genetic alterations leading to uncontrolled cell proliferation or simply a predictable evolutionary process involving selection for traits that increase cell fitness. In our view, cancer is a systemic disease that involves multiple interactions not only among cells within tumors or between tumors and surrounding tissues but also with the entire organism and its internal “milieu”. We define the internal body climate as an emergent property resulting from spatial and temporal interactions among internal components themselves and with the external environment. The body climate itself can either prevent, promote or support cancer initiation and progression (top-down effect; i.e., body climate-induced effects on cancer), as well as be perturbed by cancer (bottom-up effect; i.e., cancer-induced body climate changes) to further favor cancer progression and spread. This positive feedback loop can move the system towards a “cancerized” organism and ultimately results in its demise. In our view, cancer not only affects the entire system; it is a reflection of an imbalance of the entire system. This model provides an integrated framework to study all aspects of cancer as a systemic disease, and also highlights unexplored links that can be altered to both prevent body climate changes that favor cancer initiation, progression and dissemination as well as manipulate or restore the body internal climate to hinder the success of cancer inception, progression and metastasis or improve therapy outcomes. To do so, we need to (i) identify cancer-relevant factors that affect specific climate components, (ii) develop ‘body climate biomarkers’, (iii) define ‘body climate scores’, and (iv) develop strategies to prevent climate changes, stop or slow the changes, or even revert the changes (climate restoration).
Over the course of mammalian evolution, the ability to store energy likely conferred a survival advantage when food became scarce. A long-term increase in energy storage results from an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure, two tightly regulated parameters that generally balance out to maintain a fairly stable body weight. Understanding the molecular determinants of this feat likely holds the key to new therapeutic development to manage obesity and associated metabolic dysfunctions. Time-restricted feeding (TRF), a dietary intervention that limits feeding to the active phase, can prevent and treat obesity and metabolic dysfunction in rodents fed a high-fat diet, likely by exerting effects on energetic balance. Even when body weight is lower in mice on active-phase TRF, food intake is generally isocaloric as compared with ad libitum fed controls. This discrepancy between body weight and energy intake led to the hypothesis that energy expenditure is increased during TRF. However, at present, there is no consensus in the literature as to how TRF affects energy expenditure and energy balance as a whole, and the mechanisms behind metabolic adaptation under TRF are unknown. This review examines our current understanding of energy balance on TRF in rodents and provides a framework for future studies to evaluate the energetics of TRF and its molecular determinants.
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We are pleased that our article ( [1][1] ) has stimulated Butte and Ellis ( [2][2] ) to ask the question, “How much change in energy balance would be required to prevent weight gain in children?” The primary point of our article was that we need to set more realistic and specific goals for
An increase in the sensation of hunger and overeating after a period of chronic energy deprivation can be part of an autoregulatory phenomenon attempting to restore body weight. To gain insights into the role of fat and lean tissue depletion as determinants of such a hyperphagic response in hu- mans, we reanalyzed the individual data on food intake and body composition available for the 12 starved and refed men in the classical Minnesota Experiment after a shift from a 12-wk period of restricted refeeding to an ad libitum refeeding period of 8 wk. For each individual, the following were determined: 1) the total hyperphagic response during the ad libitum refeeding period, cal- culated as the energy intake in excess of that during the prestar- vation (control) period: 2) the degree of fat recovery and that of fat-free-mass (FFM) recovery before ad libitum refeeding, calcu- lated as the deviation in fat and FFM from their respective pre- starvation values (ie, the amount of fat or FFM before ad libitum refeeding as a percentage of fat or FFM during the control period); and 3) the deficit in energy intake before ad libitum refeeding, calculated as the difference between the energy intake during the period of restricted refeeding and that during the control period. The results indicate that 1) the total hyperphagic response is inversely correlated with the degree of fat recovery (r = -0.6) as well as with that of FFM recovery (r = -0.5), 2) the correlation between hyperphagia and FFM recovery persists after adjustment for fat recovery, and 3) the correlations between hyperphagia and fat recovery or FFM recovery persist after adjustment for the variance in the energy deficit during the preceding period of restricted refeeding. Taken together, these results in humans sug- gest that poststarvation hyperphagia is determined to a large extent by autoregulatory feedback mechanisms from both fat and lean tissues. These findings, which have implications for both the treatment of obesity and for nutritional rehabilitation after malnu- trition and cachexia, have been integrated into a compartmental model of autoregulation of body composition, and can be used to explain the phenomenon of poststarvation overshoot in body fat. Am J C/in Nutr 1997:65:717-23.
it is certainly a major player. Priorexperience with hormonal signals such as insulin sug-gested that leptin would have pleiotropic actions invarious end organs and that its signals would be inte-grated into a complicated system of checks and balancesinvolving other hormones and neural pathways. Thesepredictions have turned out to be true,
Surgical removal of body fat (partial lipectomy) is a means of directly reducing fat such that metabolic and behavioral responses can be readily attributed to the lipid deficit. If total body fat is regulated, then lipectomy should trigger compensatory increases in nonexcised white adipose tissue (WAT) mass and/or regrowth at excision sites. Many species, including laboratory rats and mice, show lipectomy-induced compensatory recovery of body fat. Those animals exhibiting naturally occurring annual adiposity cycles, such as ground squirrels and hamsters, do so most impressively reaching seasonally appropriate body fat levels indistinguishable from controls. Reparation of the lipid deficit occurs without an increase in food intake, and generally through enlargement of non-excised WAT mass, rather than regrowth of excised WAT. A body fat regulatory system involving humoral and sensory neural inputs to the brain as well as sympathetic neural outputs from brain to adipose tissue is presented. Collectively, the lipectomy model appears useful for testing mechanisms controlling adiposity, or individual depot growth, and offers insight into how lipid stores fluctuate naturally.
Investigating the effect of leptin on energy expenditure in undernutrition might lead to a better understanding of the role of leptin in regulating body weight in humans. 73 underweight female adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN) were compared with 23 healthy normal weight (nwC), and 9 overweight girls (OW); 37 AN were followed during 7 months of weight recovery. Resting energy expenditure (REE, by indirect calorimetry), body composition (fat mass, FM; lean tissue mass, LTM; by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) and plasma hormones of leptin and 3,5,3'-Triiodothyronine (T(3)) were measured. In underweight, leptin, T(3) and REE adjusted for lean tissue mass (REE(LTM)) were decreased; in OW, FM and leptin were increased at unchanged T(3) and REE(LTM). There was a significant positive relation between FM and leptin at low and normal (AN, r(2) = 0.26; nwC, r(2) = 0.51, p < 0.001), but not at high adiposity. Leptin and REE(LTM) were positively associated in underweight (r(2) = 0.14, p = 0.001) but not in normal or overweight subjects. T(3) was linearly related to REE(LTM) over the whole range of adiposity (r(2) = 0.42, p < 0.001). With weight gain in AN (5.0 ± 3.5 kg) the relationship between leptin and REE(LTM) changed toward the conditions seen in normal weight controls. At low adiposity the interrelated fall of leptin and REE reflect an adaptive mechanism to preserve body weight. High leptin production associated with excessive adiposity was without effect on metabolic adaptation.
To assess the relationships between socioeconomic and other environmental factors with canine obesity. This was a cross-sectional questionnaire study of dog owners attending five primary veterinary practices in the UK. Owners were asked about dog age, neuter status, feeding habits, dog exercise, household income and owner age. The body condition score of the dogs was also assessed. Factors hypothesised to be associated with obesity were investigated. In total, data from 696 questionnaires were evaluated. Out of those data evaluated, 35.3% of dogs (n=246) were classed as an ideal body shape, 38.9% (n=271) were overweight, 20.4% (n=142) were obese and 5.3% (n=37) were underweight. Identified risk factors associated with obesity included owner age, hours of weekly exercise, frequency of snacks/treats and personal income. Environmental risk factors associated with canine obesity are multifactorial and include personal income, owner age, frequency of snacks/treats and amount of exercise the dog receives. Awareness about health risks associated with obesity in dogs is significantly less in people in lower income brackets. This phenomenon is recognised in human obesity.
Body weight and energy balance can be maintained by adapting energy intake to changes in energy expenditure and vice versa, whereas short-term changes in energy expenditure are mainly caused by physical activity. This review investigates whether physical activity is affected by over- and undereating, whether intake is affected by an increase or a decrease in physical activity, and whether being overweight affects physical activity. The available evidence is based largely on studies that quantified physical activity with doubly labeled water. Overeating does not affect physical activity, while undereating decreases habitual or voluntary physical activity. Thus, it is easier to gain weight than to lose weight. An exercise-induced increase in energy requirement is typically compensated by increased energy intake, while a change to a more sedentary routine does not induce an equivalent reduction of intake and generally results in weight gain. Overweight and obese subjects tend to have similar activity energy expenditures to lean people despite being more sedentary. There are two ways in which the general population trend towards increasing body weight can be reversed: reduce intake or increase physical activity. The results of the present literature review indicate that eating less is the most effective method for preventing weight gain, despite the potential for a negative effect on physical activity when a negative energy balance is reached.
Recent research into the genetic basis of obesity has focused upon the study of candidate genes, both functional and positional, of genes underlying weight-related Mendelian disorders and of susceptibility loci identified in genome-wide association studies. Three large genome-wide association studies on obesity, together involving more than 150,000 individuals, were published in Nature Genetics last year. The results suggested the involvement of a large number of genetic variants in disease susceptibility. Most genetic effects upon body weight are likely to become obscured by the use of inappropriate phenotypes. In particular, clinical categories such as the body mass index and Metabolic Syndrome do not provide sufficient etiological information for them to be used sensibly in genetic studies on obesity or obesity-related disease. Alleviation of this situation will not come from new genomic research tools, sophisticated statistical algorithms or ever larger sample sizes. Instead, the above notions argue in favour of so-called 'deep phenotyping'.
Pericardial adipose tissue (PAT) is positively associated with fatty liver and obesity-related insulin resistance. Because PAT is a well-known marker of visceral adiposity, we investigated the impact of weight loss on PAT and its relationship with liver fat and insulin sensitivity independently of body fat distribution. Thirty overweight nondiabetic women (BMI 28.2-46.8 kg/m(2), 22-41 years) followed a 14.2 ± 4-weeks low-calorie diet. PAT, abdominal subcutaneous (SAT), and visceral fat volumes (VAT) were measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), total fat mass, trunk, and leg fat by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL) by ((1))H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp (M) and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA(IR)) were used to assess insulin sensitivity or insulin resistance. At baseline, PAT correlated with VAT (r = 0.82; P < 0.001), IHCL (r = 0.46), HOMA(IR) (r = 0.46), and M value (r = -0.40; all P < 0.05). During intervention, body weight decreased by -8.5%, accompanied by decreases of -12% PAT, -13% VAT, -44% IHCL, -10% HOMA2-%B, and +24% as well as +15% increases in HOMA2-%S and M, respectively. Decreases in PAT were only correlated with baseline PAT and the loss in VAT (r = -0.56; P < 0.01; r = 0.42; P < 0.05) but no associations with liver fat or indexes of insulin sensitivity were observed. Improvements in HOMA(IR) and HOMA2-%B were only related to the decrease in IHCL (r = 0.62, P < 0.01; r = 0.65, P = 0.002) and decreases in IHCL only correlated with the decrease in VAT (r = 0.61, P = 0.004). In conclusion, cross-sectionally PAT is correlated with VAT, liver fat, and insulin resistance. Longitudinally, the association between PAT and insulin resistance was lost suggesting no causal relationship between the two.