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Coati (Nasua nasua) Attacks on Humans: Case Report


Abstract and Figures

Coatis [including Nasua nasua, the ring-tailed coati], are medium-sized mammals widely distributed in the Americas. They are social animals, whose normal diet includes insects, fruits, and small vertebrates, and rarely prey on larger sized animals. There are, to our knowledge, no reports in the medical literature of attacks on humans. This report describes a coati attack on 2 children in their home. The children sustained deep scratches and bites. The animal may have injured the humans in a defensive strike, but motivation for attack was uncertain. Coati attacks may occur in places where there is interaction between these mammals and humans.
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Coati (Nasua nasua) Attacks on Humans: Case Report
Guilherme Canho Bittner, MD; Nelise Ritter Hans, MD; Günter Hans Neto, MD; Monique Oliveira Morais, MD;
Günter Hans Filho, MD, PhD; Vidal Haddad Jr, MD, PhD
From the School of Medicine, Mato Grosso do Sul Federal University, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil (Dr. Hans-Filho
and Dr. Bittner); University for the Development of the State and region of Pantanal, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil
(Drs. Hans-Neto, Ritter-Hans and Morais); and Botucatu School of Medicine, Univ Estadual Paulista and Vital Brazil Hospital, Butantan
Institute and Post Graduate in Zoology, Biosciences Institute, São Paulo State University, São Paulo, Brazil (Dr. Haddad).
Coatis [including Nasua nasua, the ring-tailed coati], are medium-sized mammals widely distributed in
the Americas. They are social animals, whose normal diet includes insects, fruits, and small vertebrates,
and rarely prey on larger sized animals. There are, to our knowledge, no reports in the medical literature
of attacks on humans. This report describes a coati attack on 2 children in their home. The children
sustained deep scratches and bites. The animal may have injured the humans in a defensive strike, but
motivation for attack was uncertain. Coati attacks may occur in places where there is interaction
between these mammals and humans.
Key words: coati, Nasua nasua, wild animal attacks, predation, human, bites and stings
Coatis (in the indigenous Brazilian Tupi language,
“pointed nose”) are gregarious carnivores and members
of the Procyonidae family, the same as the raccoons.
There are 3 species, all confined to the Americas: Nasua
found from Northern Colombia to Southern
Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas; Nasua (or Nasuella)
which occurs in the Andes Ridges of Venezuela,
Colombia, and Ecuador, and Nasua nasua,
the ring-
tailed coati, which is widely distributed in South Amer-
ica, occurring in Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suri-
name, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and
Coatis are average size animals, weighing between 2.5
and 10 kg, measuring 40 to 65 cm in length with a tail of
about 50 cm, and males are larger than females.
have an enlarged head ending in a long narrow pro-
truding, pointed, and very mobile snout. Color varies
depending on distribution area, and its tail has brighter
color rings than the rest of its coat.
The forelimbs are
shorter than the hind limbs and the ends of the legs are
dark with well-developed sharp claws (Figure 1). Co-
atis are diurnal and semiarboreal animals. They are
sociable and can live in bands of up to 30 individu-
consisting of adult females (over 2 years) and
young individuals of both sexes.
Adult males are solitary and only join the groups
during the mating season, which lasts just under a
Reproduction is synchronous throughout the
allowing social activities to be maintained
which are of great importance for youngster learning.
Coati diet includes mainly insects, their larvae, and other
arthropods. They also consume a variety of fruits, brome-
liads, and occasionally small vertebrates.
However, there are descriptions of them consuming greater
mammals such as the capuchin monkey (Cebus nigritus),
the pigmy Brocket deer (Mazama nana), the paca (Cunic-
ulus paca), and the coypu or nutria (Myocastor coypus),
suggesting a strong potential for predation.
There are also
records of a necrophagous diet.
In areas of anthropogenic
influence they are often observed feeding on garbage.
They can also be regarded as seed dispersers as they con-
sume fruits and defecate intact seeds.
In the Brazilian Pantanal, coatis are found naturally
infected with different Trypanosoma cruzi populations,
highlighting the importance of this species in the main-
tenance of different transmission cycles.
The species is
a natural host for the “star tick” (Amblyomma cajen-
nense), the main reservoir of Rickettsia rickettsii, the
cause of Brazilian spotted fever.
They also participate
Corresponding author: Vidal Haddad Jr, MD, PhD, Departamento de
Dermatologia, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Es-
tadual Paulista, Caixa Postal 557, 18618-000 Botucatu, São Paulo,
Brazil (e-mail:
Author's personal copy
in the enzootic cycle of Leishmania shawi, an agent of
mucocutaneous leishmaniasis,
and are a described but
little known reservoir for the rabies virus.
With forest
fragmentation, the extinction of top predators can lead to
an increased density of medium size species with gener-
alists such as coatis (mesopredators), which may in turn
cause drastic changes in small vertebrate communi-
and allow these animals to have increased con-
tact with humans and urban environments.
Summary of the cases
A 9-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl, both inhabitants
of the Indian village of Jaguapirú, Dourados, Mato
Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, were victims of an attack by
a coati at 7:30 a.m. on April 23, 2010 while they slept.
The residence, made of concrete, is located in a rural area
near a highway and the motivation for attack was uncer-
Lesions in the male patient were characterized by 2
deep incised wounds with approximately 5 cm of ex-
posed subcutaneous tissue in the distal third of the ante-
rior left forearm, 3 cm on the inner left wrist, and 2 flat
wounds, the largest measuring 3 0.5 cm, in the left
arch of the lumbar region (Figure 2).
The female patient presented an irregular, triangular-
shaped laceration of approximately 3 1.5 cm, which
was moderately deep with a small flap of skin hanging on
the outside of the left knee (Figure 3).
The patients were treated by Dourados 2nd Firefight-
ing Combat Team and taken to Vila Hospital, where they
were treated with intensive washing and dressing of the
wounds, and postexposure rabies prophylaxis.
These cases have been described due to lack of reports in
the medical literature on coati attacks, despite the ani-
mal’s wide geographic distribution and abundance.
The motivation for these attacks was unclear. It is inter-
esting to note that there are reports in the lay media of
Those attacks were associated with the pres-
ence of food in the victims’ hands.
We suspect that the animal entered the house, was
startled when the children awakened, and attacked when
it felt threatened. The resulting lacerations were probably
caused by the animal’s claws, but the 1 circular lacera-
tion on the boy’s back resembled a bite wound. It is
possible that the attack occurred due to the presence of
Figure 1. Left, above: the coati that caused the wounds in the chil-
dren, still in the house. Below: team of firefighters providing initial aid
to victims. Note in this image the round wound in the lower back of the
boy. Right: the ring-tailed coati. Note the sharp claws.
Figure 2. The male patient presented 2 deep incised wounds with
approximately 5 cm of exposed subcutaneous tissue in the distal third
of the anterior left forearm and 3 cm on the inner left wrist.
Figure 3. The female patient presented an irregular triangular-shaped
laceration of approximately 3 1.5 cm, moderately deep with a small
flap of hanging skin on the outside of the left knee.
350 Haddad et al
Author's personal copy
food in the home or even as a possible predatory attack
given that there are reports of coatis attacking relatively
large animals such as deer.
Coatis can cause serious injuries to humans with their
long claws, sharp teeth, and strong jaw muscles.
the injuries were not severe in these children, this may be
due to the rapid intervention by the victims’ family.
Attacks by coatis, although not reported in the medical
literature, appear to occur for several reasons in places
where there is interaction between them and humans. It
is important to be aware of the risks associated with
coatis as they are common and increasingly present in
areas frequented by people.
The authors thank the Dourados 2nd Firefighting Combat
Team, Mato Grosso do Sul State, especially soldier Éden
Nascimento da Silva from the Social Communication
Sector, and Ricardo Franchim, from the Lauro de Souza
Lima Institute, Bauru, São Paulo State.
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352 Haddad et al
... Vector-borne pathogens have been previously reported in South American [3][4][5][6] and white-nosed coatis (Nasua narica) [7], which may be of public health concern due to their synanthropic and fearless behavior toward peridomestic environments, human beings and domestic animals [4,7,8] with frequent contact and attacks [8]. In such scenarios, coatis may play a role as potential reservoir for vectors and pathogens. ...
... Vector-borne pathogens have been previously reported in South American [3][4][5][6] and white-nosed coatis (Nasua narica) [7], which may be of public health concern due to their synanthropic and fearless behavior toward peridomestic environments, human beings and domestic animals [4,7,8] with frequent contact and attacks [8]. In such scenarios, coatis may play a role as potential reservoir for vectors and pathogens. ...
... [36]. Due to the close contact of coatis with other wild and domestic animals and human beings [4,7,8], their role in the transmission of hemoplasmas should be further investigated. ...
Hemoplasmas were detected in two apparently healthy captive South American coatis (Nasua nasua) from southern Brazil during an investigation for vector-borne pathogens. Blood was subjected to packed cell volume (PCV) determination, a commercial real-time PCR panel for the detection of Anaplasma spp., Babesia spp., Bartonella spp., Hepatozoon spp., Leishmania spp., Mycoplasma haemofelis, ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis’, ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum’, Neorickettsia risticii, Rickettsia rickettsii and Leptospira spp., and a pan-hemoplasma conventional PCR assay. PCV was normal, but both coatis tested positive for hemoplasmas and negative for all the remaining pathogens tested. Using different techniques for microscopy (light, confocal or SEM), structures compatible with hemoplasmas were identified. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene identified an organism resembling Mycoplasma haemofelis and another hemotropic Mycoplasma sp., with a sequence identity of 96.8% to a Mycoplasma sp. previously detected in capybaras.
... Se ha reportado también que existen interacciones negativas cuando ocurren encuentros entre coatíes y el ser humano; de hecho, la mayor parte de estas agresiones se dan cuando existe alimento de por medio (Bittner et al., 2010). Un estudio reportó dos casos de ataque de coatíes que entraron a casas y agredieron a niños, los cuales tenían alimentos en su mano, causándole heridas y laceraciones graves cuando estos trataron de evitar dar el alimento o se sintieron amenazados por los animales (Bittner et al., 2010). ...
... Se ha reportado también que existen interacciones negativas cuando ocurren encuentros entre coatíes y el ser humano; de hecho, la mayor parte de estas agresiones se dan cuando existe alimento de por medio (Bittner et al., 2010). Un estudio reportó dos casos de ataque de coatíes que entraron a casas y agredieron a niños, los cuales tenían alimentos en su mano, causándole heridas y laceraciones graves cuando estos trataron de evitar dar el alimento o se sintieron amenazados por los animales (Bittner et al., 2010). ...
Full-text available
Coatis (Nasua nasua) are widely distributed; in the wild they aggregate in groups and feed on roots, fruits, macroinvertebrates and small mammals. However, anthropic activities can cause negative behavioral changes and restrict their distribution. The aim of this study is to evaluate the behavior and habitat use patterns of a group of 24 coatis exposed to anthropic activities in the Buenaventura Reserve. The behavioral evaluation was carried out by direct observation, and the use of habitat and disturbance were evaluated in 15 points, where the occurrence was registered by camera traps and visual records. 16 behaviors are reported grouped in four social contexts whose occurrence differs between males, females and juveniles. A wide range of occupancy of the coatí was detected within the reserve. However, it is highlighted that the use of the habitat does not depend on the vegetation differences, altitudinal levels, disturbances or the presence of predators.
... It is listed as the least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species (Emmons and Helgen 2016). Despite their high adaptability to anthropized environments, coatis may undergo agonistic encounters with humans (Bittner et al. 2010) and domestic dogs, which can favor their exposure to zoonotic pathogens and domestic animal-related infectious agents that may threaten their health (Milanelo et al. 2009;Porfírio et al. 2018;Moraes et al. 2019Moraes et al. , 2022Spera et al. 2020;de Macedo et al. 2023). ...
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Evaluation of free-living mammal physiological responses to natural and anthropogenic stressors constitutes a valuable tool for conservation, especially when it comes to wild mammal species living in anthropized environments. However, studies addressing “normal” physiological parameters are still limited in Brazilian wildlife. In this sense, we accessed the hematology and serum biochemistry of South American coatis inhabiting urban forested fragments and observed the influence of intrinsic factors and sampling sites on these variables. We analyzed the hematological and biochemical variables of 103 Southern coatis sampled from March 2018 to April 2019 in a conservation unit and in a residential area. Generalized linear model analysis was performed to access the influence of intrinsic factors (sex, age, the presence of clinical findings, and body condition) and two sampling sites as variables. Mean, median, standard deviation, and range were calculated for the hematological and biochemical values that were or were not influenced by intrinsic factors and studied areas. Age influenced mean corpuscular volume (MCV), platelet, creatinine, glucose, and cholesterol; sex influenced hemoglobin (Hb), alanine aminotransaminase (ALT), total serum proteins (TSP), cholesterol, and glucose; clinical findings influenced red blood cell counts (RBC), Hb, MCV, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), albumin, globulins, and cholesterol; body condition only influenced LDH; sampling site influenced neutrophil, lymphocyte, creatine kinase, aspartate transaminase, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, globulins, TSP, and triglycerides. Stress seems to be more accentuated in coatis from the residential area than from the conservation unit, and this may be attributed to their continuous exposure to the presence of humans and domestic animals.
... where coati attacks on humans may occur (Bittner et al., 2010). (Suzin et al., 2020), with Amblyomma brasiliense, Amblyomma ovale, Amblyomma rotundatum and Amblyomma coelebs commonly associated with ring-tailed coatis (Labruna et al., 2005;Magalhães-Matos et al., 2017). ...
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The Iguaçu National Park (INP) is the largest remnant of Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil, representing an ecological continuum with Argentina. The INP harbor a diverse fauna, with ring-tailed coatis (Nasua nasua Linnaeus, 1976, Carnivora: Procyonidae) in close contact with tourists either begging and/or snatching food from visitors. A potentially novel hemotropic Mycoplasma sp. has been previously detected in the ring-tailed coatis from central-western and southern Brazil. Therefore, the aims of this study were to investigate the occurrence of hemotropic Mycoplasma sp. and tick-borne pathogens (TBP) in wild ring-tailed coatis from the INP, Foz do Iguaçu municipality, Paraná State, southern Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 18 wild ring-tailed coatis and evaluated by cPCR assays for hemotropic Mycoplasma spp. (16S and 23S rRNA), Theileria/Babesia spp. (18S rRNA) and Ehrlichia/Anaplasma spp (16S rRNA, sodB, dsb and groEL). Eight out of 18 (44.44%; 95% CI: 24.56 – 66.28%) animals were positive for hemotropic Mycoplasma spp. All ring-tailed coatis tested negative for Theileria/Babesia spp. and only 1/18 (5,56%; 95% CI: 0.99 – 25.76%) animal tested positive for Ehrlichia/Anaplasma sp. by the 16S rRNA-cPCR. Unfortunately, multiple attempts to sequence the 16S rRNA gene of the Ehrlichia/Anaplasma-positive sample have failed. Phylogenetic and network analysis of the hemoplasma 16S and 23S rRNA gene fragments confirmed that animals were infected by a potentially novel hemotropic Mycoplasma sp. previously reported in ring-tailed coatis from Brazil. The name ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haematonasua’ is proposed for this novel organism. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
... Especially in developed countries, people should attend the basic recommendations outlined by Penteriani et al. [15]. This education implies basic common-sense human attitudes when in possible/potential predator country and these include unattended children [34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41], approaching females with cubs or injured animals (normally when hunting) and avoiding twilight or night walks in areas were predators are known to occur [42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49]. ...
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Attacks on humans by predators occur worldwide. This paper analyzes several documented and reported attacks in the available literature and discusses the causes and consequences of this type of human-wildlife conflict. We make a characterization of types of attacks and discuss a possible biased report of accidents between developed countries and exotic places with increased ecotourism activities. Finally, we propose a set of major suggestions to minimize both accidents and conflicts with predatory wildlife. We provide here a thorough comprehensive discussion on the following main topics: a) why predators attack humans, b) why accidents are apparently increasing and c) how to better report those accidents in order to make them available for proper study by the scientific community. The need to reduce the number of attacks and conflicts with wildlife is crucial for the safety of populations living close to protected areas, predator conservation and, sustained and safe development of ecotourism.
... Lately, there have been a growing number of complaints about the coatis' presence in condominiums and urban areas close to forest fragments [24]. Coatis can cause injuries and bites to humans in situations where there is habituation caused by providing food to these animals [25]. These wild animals, when they leave the forest in search of domestic food, can suffer possible behavioral changes. ...
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Coatis (Nasua nasua) are often found in the forest areas, but are also adaptable to small urban fragments. This may represent disorders and problems with living with human populations. Here, we showed the residents’ perceptions, recorded through questionnaires, about the coati’s approximation to urban areas, in the margin of a remnant fragment of Atlantic forest. Of interviewees, 66.23% did not attribute the coati’s visitation to risk or considerable problems. Among those interviewed 80.52% offered food to the animals. They have also reported the coatis exploiting solid waste deposits. We reported a few isolated cases involving negative interactions between coatis and humans or domestic animals. Although we verified a positive outlook by the population to this interaction, there are several risks arising from the approach of these animals. We need to develop environmental education strategies to the population close to the forest fragment, as well as in-depth studies to verify and reduce such risks.
... and found 3% of positive samples, which is a result slightly lower than that found in N. nasua in this study. Bittner et al. (2010) stated that wild animals, both freeliving and captive, might be infected with Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp., and that the interaction of these animals is increasing with humans; unfortunately, the number of complaints about coatis in houses and urban areas close to forest fragments is increasing because they are constantly seeking housing and food. ...
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Zoonotic enteroparasitosis represent an important public health problem, and species of protozoa such as Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. can reach high frequencies in regions where basic sanitation conditions are poor, which promotes outbreaks of diarrhea in humans and domestic and wild animals. Wild mammals such as the South American coati (Nasua nasua) feed on insects present in the soil, fruits, and small vertebrates, and are susceptible to contamination by enteroparasites present in the environmental niche. The aim of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. in N. nasua from a region in the Brazilian Amazon. Fecal samples of 27 coatis two from free-living and 25 from captivity were collected in three different municipalities in the state of Pará, Brazil. The search for Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. in the collected samples were performed using the direct and Kinyoun methods, respectively, and a commercial immunological test (RIDA-QUICK Cryptosporidium/Giardia Combi. ®R-Biopharm) was used to detect antigens from both parasites. Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts were found in 11.1% (3/27) of the samples; one from a free-living animal and two from captive animals. Giardia spp. cysts were found in 11.1% (3/27) of the samples, all from captive animals. This is the first report of infection by these protozoans in this coati's species in the North region of Brazil; the South American coati may be participating as maintainers and disseminators of infectious agents to the environment and other hosts. © 2017 Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arido. All rights reserved.
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The present study aimed to detect molecularly the presence of co-infections by vector-borne agents (VBA) in ring-tailed coatis' (Nasua nasua) blood samples from Iguaçu National Park (INP), southern Brazil, and assess the phylogenetic positioning of the detected agents. DNA blood samples were submitted to molecular screening and characterization for Anaplasmataceae agents, Piroplasmids, Hepatozoon sp., hemotropic mycoplasmas, and Bartonella spp. In total, 42 (85.7%) coatis were positive for hemotropic Mycoplasma sp., 12 (24.5%) for Bartonella machadoae, 7 (14.3%) for Anaplasma sp. closely related to 'Candidatus Anaplasma brasiliensis', and 3 (6%) for Hepatozoon procyonis. The most prevalent co-infections observed was from bacterial VBA: while 18.3% were co-infected by hemotropic Mycoplasma sp. and Bartonella sp., 12.2% were co-infected by Anaplasma sp. and hemotropic Mycoplasma sp. Only two animals (4%) presented co-infections by three VBA (Bartonella sp., Anaplasma sp. and hemotropic Mycoplasma sp.). The coati is a wild carnivore found in INP, mainly in areas visited by tourists. These animals are frequently seen searching for food in garbage dumps or in tourists' belongings. The present study expands the host specificity range of B. machadoae, which has been isolated only from rodents until the present moment. Since the zoonotic potential and transmission routes of the detected VBA are not yet known, surveillance in this area is much needed.
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A urbanização, a poluição e a modificação das paisagens naturais são características da sociedade moderna, cujo impacto na biodiversidade e mudança das relações humanas com o meio são determinantes ambientais que afetam a relação saúde-doença. A pele é um órgão de intensa interface com o meio ambiente e, portanto, padrões de prevalência das dermatoses podem refletir mudanças ambientais. Nesse texto são abordados os aspectos relacionados a desflorestamento, queimadas, urbanização, agricultura de escala, pecuária extensiva, poluição e modificações climáticas quanto a sua influência na epidemiologia das doenças cutâneas. É importante que os dermatologistas estejam atentos à sua responsabilidade social no sentido de promover práticas sustentáveis em sua comunidade, além de identificar os impactos dos desequilíbrios ambientais em diferentes dermatoses, o que é fundamental na prevenção e no tratamento dessas enfermidades. (H. Amante Miot). Introdução Desde sua origem, há 100-200 mil anos, a história do Homo sapiens compreendeu uma intensa interação com o meio ambiente, especialmente a partir das migrações para fora da África, em que as contingências climáticas, de relevo e vegetação impuseram pressões adaptativas que resulta-ram em grande parte da diversidade da espécie. 1 Sem a adaptação aos diversos desafios ambientais, o ser humano não teria ocupado todo o planeta. Assim, os determinantes ambientais influenciaram tanto a evolução da espécie quanto a saúde da humanidade. 2 2666-2752/
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Urbanization, pollution and the modification of natural landscapes are characteristics of modern society, where the change in human relations with the environment and the impact on biodiversity are environmental determinants that affect the health-disease relationship. The skin is an organ that has a strong interface with the environment and, therefore, the prevalence patterns of dermatoses may reflect these environmental changes. In this article, aspects related to deforestation, fires, urbanization, large-scale agriculture, extensive livestock farming, pollution and climatic changes are discussed regarding their influence on the epidemiology of skin diseases. It is important that dermatologists be aware of their social responsibility in order to promote sustainable practices in their community, in addition to identifying the impacts of environmental imbalances on different dermatoses, which is essential for the prevention and treatment of these diseases.
We determined the diet of the brown-nosed coati (Nasua nasua) in an urban semideciduous forest fragment in southeastern Brazil. Coati feces were collected weekly for 3 years. The 226 fecal samples included plant parts (85.4%), insects (75.7%), millipedes (53.9%), fruits (48.7%), spiders (33.6%), organic waste (9.7%), vertebrates (9.3%), and gastropods (2.6%). More spiders and millipedes were consumed during the wet season, and more fruits were consumed in the dry season. The consumption of vertebrates, fruits, and millipedes differed among different years. The monthly consumption of spiders and millipedes was positively correlated with rainfall. The consumption of fruits was negatively correlated with the consumption of millipedes and insects. Fruits were an important resource during periods of arthropod scarcity. Coatis ingested and defecated intact seeds of 49 plant species, indicating that they can be important seed dispersers. The consumption of vertebrates was occasional and varied.
The white-nosed coati, Nasua narica, is a common Neotropical carnivore with a social structure of band-living adult females and solitary adult males. A coati population on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, was studied over a four-year period by mark-recapture, radiotelemetry, and direct observation of habituated individuals. The population density was approximately 51.5 individuals/km2 and the sex ratio was I:l. Band size varied from six to 26 individuals (mean = 15.3) with extensive fluctuation within and between years. Mean foraging group size was smaller (7.2 individuals) than population group size, and fluctuated with food availability, synchronous parturition, and the emigration of mature males. Mean home-range size of six bands was 0.33 km2, arid ranges of adjacent bands overlapped from 0-66%. One band fissioned during the study; however, the resulting hands did not disperse from the original home range. Seven adult males had a mean home range size of 0.37 km2, each extensively overlapping the home ranges of several other males. Observations of 10 adult males whose natal bands were known indicate that when males disperse they do not simultaneously leave the band's home range. Rather, their home ranges remain within or broadly overlapping those of their natal bands. This dispersal pattern is unusual within the order Carnivora.