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Abstract and Figures

O. Ivar Lovaas (1927-2010) devoted nearly half a century to ground-breaking research and practice aimed at improving the lives of children with autism and their families. In the 1960s, he pioneered applied behavior analytic (ABA) interventions to decrease severe challenging behaviors and establish communicative language. Later, he sought to improve outcomes by emphasizing early intervention for preschoolers with autism, provided in family homes with active parental participation. His studies indicated that many children who received early intensive ABA made dramatic gains in development. Lovaas also disseminated ABA widely through intervention manuals, educational films, and public speaking. Moreover, as an enthusiastic teacher and devoted mentor, he inspired many students and colleagues to enter the field of ABA and autism intervention.
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O. Ivar Lovaas: Pioneer of Applied Behavior Analysis
and Intervention for Children with Autism
Tristram Smith Svein Eikeseth
Published online: 14 December 2010
!Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
Abstract O. Ivar Lovaas (1927–2010) devoted nearly
half a century to ground-breaking research and practice
aimed at improving the lives of children with autism and
their families. In the 1960s, he pioneered applied behavior
analytic (ABA) interventions to decrease severe challeng-
ing behaviors and establish communicative language.
Later, he sought to improve outcomes by emphasizing
early intervention for preschoolers with autism, provided in
family homes with active parental participation. His studies
indicated that many children who received early intensive
ABA made dramatic gains in development. Lovaas also
disseminated ABA widely through intervention manuals,
educational films, and public speaking. Moreover, as an
enthusiastic teacher and devoted mentor, he inspired many
students and colleagues to enter the field of ABA and
autism intervention.
Keywords Autism !Applied behavior analysis !
Early intervention !Behavior modification !Lovaas
Many people regard the name O. Ivar Lovaas as synony-
mous with applied behavior analysis (ABA) and ABA as an
intervention specifically for children with autism. Lovaas
tried to dispel this one-dimensional view whenever he
could by crediting his own accomplishments to mentors
such as Don Baer and by extolling ABA interventions for
individuals with many different needs, not just those with
autism. Nevertheless, his extraordinary achievements in
helping children with autism, ground-breaking clinical
practices, commitment to testing the efficacy of these
practices, knack for popularizing his work, and charismatic
personality ensured his prominence (Figs. 1,2).
Lovaas was born in Norway in 1927, immigrated to the
U.S. in 1950 and received his Ph.D. in psychology from the
University of Washington in 1958. He stayed on as an
acting assistant professor for 3 years, teaching and con-
ducting research at the Child Development Institute. In
1961, he accepted a position as an assistant professor in the
UCLA Psychology Department, where he spent the
remainder of his career. Lovaas died at the age of 83 on
August 2, 2010.
Lovaas did not develop an interest in children with
autism until he was in his thirties, soon after he arrived at
UCLA. However, from that time until near his death, he
devoted almost a half century to improving the lives of
these children. Lovaas’ interest in children with autism
came about accidentally. His initial research at the Uni-
versity of Washington had been on how a person’s lan-
guage may influence other behavior, a process later
described as instructional control or rule-governed behav-
ior. At UCLA, Lovaas sought to extend this research by
studying how to teach language to children who had
communication delays and testing the effects of improved
language on other behavior such as social interaction.
Searching for children with communication delays, he
visited a clinic for children with autism, where he became
convinced that he had found the ideal group for his work.
During the next year, Lovaas was referred only one
client, Beth. To fill his laboratory space, he and his students
devoted 6 h per day, 5 days a week, to Beth. Indeed,
T. Smith (&)
Department of Pediatrics, Strong Center for Developmental
Disabilities, University of Rochester Medical Center, Box 671,
Rochester, NY 14642, USA
S. Eikeseth
Department of Behavioral Science, Akershus University
College, Kjeller, Norway
J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:375–378
DOI 10.1007/s10803-010-1162-0
Lovaas admitted that, during this period, he spent more
time with Beth than he did with his own children. How-
ever, the situation turned out to be pivotal for his research
because the close work with Beth allowed him to develop a
system to score multiple behaviors simultaneously and in
real time, and use single-subject experimental designs to
start developing interventions.
Beginning in 1965, based on this early work, Lovaas
published a remarkable series of articles that transformed
ABA and services for autism. The initial two articles pre-
sented his system for coding behaviors during direct
observations and a pioneering investigation of antecedents
and consequences that maintained a problem behavior, a
forerunner of what is now called experimental functional
analysis. Lovaas and his colleagues soon built on the
methodological foundation from these studies, as they
reported the first demonstration of an effective way to teach
nonverbal children to speak, a study on establishing social
(secondary) reinforcers, a procedure for teaching children
to imitate, and several studies on interventions to reduce
life-threatening self-injury and aggression.
Although Lovaas always emphasized positive rein-
forcement above all, he resorted on rare occasions to
contingent aversives. The aversives included low doses of
electric shock for life-threatening self-injury or aggression
displayed by institutionalized children with autism in the
1960s and slaps on the thigh for less urgent but still dev-
astating problem behaviors displayed by children with
autism in their homes in the 1970s and 1980s. The rapid
reduction of even the most horrifying behavior—children’s
punching themselves hard in the face thousands of times
every hour, chewing off their fingertips, smashing their
heads against the sharpest object available, or poking their
eyes—helped prove that children with autism were sensi-
tive to consequences, contrary to the conventional wisdom
in the 1960s. Moreover, the identification of a quick and
Fig. 2 Fieldwork in Behavior Modification class, UCLA, c1992. Lovaas in back row, far left
Fig. 1 Ole Ivar Lovaas (1927–2010)
376 J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:375–378
effective intervention was crucial in showing that children
with autism did not need to be confined to a hospital but
could live in their communities. Yet the question was
always whether the ends justified the means and whether
Lovaas was brave or reckless for administering aversives.
By the late 1980s, Lovaas felt the issue had become moot
because non-aversive interventions had become so
sophisticated and successful that aversives were no longer
necessary, at least for the young children in his clinic.
Accordingly, he stopped using them at that time. However,
his espousal of aversives over a period of many years
remains a controversial part of his legacy.
In 1973, Lovaas and his colleagues published one of the
first long-term follow-ups of ABA intervention. Lovaas
was heartbroken when he saw that most of the children
with autism had reverted to their pre-intervention levels of
functioning, losing their gains in language, social interac-
tion, and play when they went back to the hospital settings
where they and most other children with autism lived at the
time. Along with his colleagues, he proposed several ways
to improve outcomes such as starting intervention during
the children’s preschool years instead of later in childhood
or adolescence, involving parents in the intervention, and
implementing the intervention in the family home rather
than an institutional setting. However, even in the Journal
of Applied Behavior Analysis, where the follow-up study
appeared, reviewers doubted that there was much empirical
basis for Lovaas and colleagues’ proposals for increasing
the effectiveness of ABA. After much back and forth
between Lovaas and the editors, the study was eventually
published with a postscript in which the reviewers
acknowledged the great importance of the study but also
pointed out its limitations as a source of evidence for
refining ABA interventions.
By the time the 1973 study appeared, Lovaas had
already stopped working in hospitals and started his home-
based early intervention clinic, the UCLA Young Autism
Project. Meanwhile, he continued to report ground-break-
ing findings. Notably, in 1971, along with Bob Koegel and
Laura Schreibman, he showed that many children with
autism have a learning style that can hinder them from
learning important skills and generalizing these skills out-
side the intervention setting. Lovaas and colleagues called
this style stimulus overselectivity, which is demonstrated
when participants respond to only one detail of a multi-
faceted stimulus, such as when attending to a person’s
shoes only when learning the differences between boy and
a girl. They published several additional studies on this
topic during the 1970s, as well as a study on the nature and
significance of echolalia.
In 1987, Lovaas published the study for which he is now
best known: the report entitled ‘‘Behavioral Treatment and
Normal Educational and Intellectual Functioning in Young
Autistic Children,’’ which appeared in the Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology. This report indicated
that children with autism who received early intensive
ABA achieved vastly better outcomes than similar children
who received little or no ABA. Provocatively, Lovaas
described 9 of the 19 intensively treated children as
‘normal-functioning’’ and possibly even recovered. In so
doing, he challenged the prevailing belief that, although
children with autism might be able to learn isolated skills,
they would always be delayed and socially isolated. The
study sparked passionate debate. While some hailed it as a
breakthrough, others vigorously criticized the methodology
and argued that it was an exaggeration to describe the
children with the most favorable outcomes as ‘‘normal
In the 1990s, Lovaas built on the 1987 study by co-
authoring a long-term follow-up of children in the 1987
study, as well as several replication studies. He also
obtained two federal grants to support replications by other
investigators. He continued to publish important work until
he was in his late seventies, notably a long-awaited revi-
sion of his intervention manual. His efforts helped gain
widespread acceptance for early intensive ABA, despite
ongoing debate over the quality of research on this inter-
vention and the magnitude of its effects.
Over his long career, many aspects of Lovaas’s research
had clear precedents in the ABA literature. His persever-
ance in searching for effective interventions was inspired
by B. F. Skinner. Lovaas’ system for coding direct obser-
vations owed much to Don Baer, Sid Bijou, and others at
the University of Washington. His analyses of antecedents
and consequences were strongly influenced by investiga-
tors such as Ted Ayllon and Israel Goldiamond. His use of
discrete trial training, which is a highly structured teaching
format for one-on-one teaching, was borrowed from Todd
Risley, who, along with Mont Wolf and Hayden Mees,
reported the initial study on ABA for children with autism
in 1964. Lovaas’s inclusion of parents as active participants
in the intervention dovetailed with what others began to do
in the late 1960s and early 1970s. However, Lovaas was
the first to put these separate activities together to form a
comprehensive treatment approach and empirically evalu-
ate this approach.
In addition to synthesizing existing ABA principles and
research, Lovaas introduced many innovations. From the
early 1960s onward, he sought to provide 30–40 h per
week of individual teaching to children with autism—far
more than was customary. In so doing, he drew upon iso-
lated case reports from 19th century special educators,
especially Jean Marc Gaspard Itard, who worked virtually
all day for many months with Victor, the so-called ‘‘Wild
Boy of Aveyron.’’ Still, Lovaas may have been the first to
adopt this practice as a standard policy. Critics worried that
J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:375–378 377
so many hours of intervention would overburden children
and families, especially when Lovaas applied it to pre-
school children in the UCLA Young Autism Project. They
also questioned the extent to which available data justified
recommending 40 h per week, as opposed to some lower
amount such as 20–25 h. Despite having little objective
evidence to counter these criticisms, Lovaas became more
and more insistent over time that, if children with autism
are to have the same learning opportunities that are avail-
able to typically developing children, who learn all day
every day, they must have 40 h.
Another innovation was the recruitment of undergradu-
ate students and sending them to the family home to
implement the intervention. This was a bold move, con-
sidering the risks of sending students out into communities
and relying on them as the primary therapists. However,
with appropriate precautions in place, especially provisions
for ensuring adequate oversight by project directors, the
use of students turned out to be a brilliant solution to the
quandary of how to enlist the large numbers of bright,
highly motivated people needed to run a 40 h per week
program. Variations of this strategy have become com-
monplace in ABA intervention programs.
Alongside his research and clinical innovations, Lovaas
devoted much of his energy to advocacy on behalf of
autism and popularization of ABA. In the 1960s, he helped
found the parent organization now called the Autism
Society of America. He also became a strong proponent of
moving children (and adults) with autism from large
institutions into small group homes. Together with several
of his graduate students, he undertook a large project to
support this movement by instructing group home provid-
ers to implement ABA interventions. Subsequently, as
many children in the Young Autism Project successfully
entered general education classes in public schools, he also
became a proponent of inclusion in these classes.
Lovaas’ popularizations included one of the first films
on ABA, produced in 1969 to show interventions for
teaching language to children with autism. This film, along
with a 1988 film on the UCLA Young Autism Project,
introduced generations of undergraduates to ABA. Lovaas
also published two of the first ABA intervention manuals in
1977 and 1981 (the latter accompanied by videotapes
illustrating the intervention approaches), with a revision in
2003. These manuals laid out how and what to teach,
thereby making ABA accessible to many families and
providers. Always quotable and not shy about extolling the
benefits of ABA, Lovaas was profiled in many media
outlets such as Life, Rolling Stone, the New York Times,
and the CBS Evening News. He also conducted numerous
workshops and conferences for parents and providers.
In the UCLA community, Lovaas was a popular
instructor who entertained and instructed undergraduates
with his loud, tenor voice, strong Nordic accent, mischie-
vous laugh, and rollicking stories about the relevance of
ABA to all sorts of activities from dating to milking cows
in cold weather to salmon swimming upstream to spawn.
His students saw a charismatic, passionate, breath-taking,
and gifted man. After taking his introductory classes, many
leaped at the opportunity to complete a practicum in the
UCLA Young Autism Project. Those who were lucky
enough to go on to work more closely with him, including
his graduate students, collaborators, and staff, got to know
a more complicated person than they might have antici-
pated from his exuberant public persona. His capacity for
praising motivating, and supporting his students was vast,
but he could also be immensely critical and harsh. His
extreme excitement for a project or idea could suddenly
vanish for no obvious reason. Although his often unpre-
dictable moods and change of focus could be disheartening
to students and colleagues, they reflected the intensity of
his search for clinically important and creative ideas. Fol-
lowing his advice (and sometimes starting over again from
scratch) almost always resulted in improved projects and
gave collaborators tools they needed to establish them-
selves as independent investigators or clinicians. Former
students such as Bob Koegel, Laura Schreibman, and Ted
Carr have become leaders in research on ABA for children
with autism. Others such as Jim Varni and Dennis Russo
have made major contributions to research on other clinical
populations. Still others such as John McEachin, Ron Leaf,
Jacquie Wynn, and Doreen Granpeesheh have opened
large, thriving practices.
While equating Lovaas with ABA is far too simplistic,
he was a larger than life figure who arguably did as much
as or more than anyone else to improve the lives of children
with autism and their families, who did his utmost to
ensure that the ABA interventions developed by him and
others receive the attention and respect they deserve, and
who brought many students into the field to build on his
prodigious contributions.
Acknowledgments The authors thank Daniel W. Mruzek for
commenting on earlier drafts of this manuscript.
378 J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:375–378
... 11 Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is one of the behavioral approaches developed by Lovaas for children with ASD. 12 Among the interventions derived from ABA, the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) stands out. 9,13 Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) aims to teach adaptive behaviors to children under 5 years old through an intensive treatment model. ...
Introduction Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopment spectrum characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and interpersonal interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interest, or activities. The appropriate screening and diagnosis must be realized to improve the children's prognosis. Moreover, appropriate treatments are necessary to promote better social integration and development. In this scenario, this systematic review aims to evaluate the impacts of behavioral therapies applied in healthcare settings for patients with ASD. Methods This systematic review followed the PRISMA guidelines. The databases MEDLINE, Embase, CENTRAL (Cochrane), and Lilacs were accessed, and gray and manual searches were performed. The search strategy was created with terms referring to autism and behavioral therapy. The studies were assessed qualitatively. Results Randomized clinical trials and observational studies demonstrated improvements in cognitive and verbal components of patients who received behavioral therapies in therapeutic settings. These results indicate a positive impact of both cognitive-behavioral therapy and ESDM on the development of patients’ skills. Among the cognitive-behavioral therapies, the one based on the MASSI protocol did not impact the reduction of anxious symptoms. As for cognitive-behavioral therapy, one study demonstrated that the Behavioral Intervention for Anxiety in Children with Autism (BIACA), when compared to the Coping Cat protocol, improves cognition and reduces anxiety symptoms. Despite these results, further randomized clinical trials comparing behavioral therapies with one another are needed. Conclusion In the context of behavioral therapy within a healthcare setting, the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) showed improvements in the cognitive, verbal, and social aspects of the evaluated patients. Improvement in scores sometimes is achieved independently of the group and related to the time of interventions.
... At its core, ABA utilises the psychological principles of learning theory to enact change in the behaviors commonly seen in ASD (Lovaas et al., 1974). Ole Ivar Lovaas produced a method based on the principles of B. F. Skinner's theory of operant conditioning in the 1970s to help treat ASD children (Lovaas et al., 1973;Skinner, 1953;Smith & Eikeseth, 2011). Over the past 60 years, ABA has moved from the core principles established in the early Lovaas model and subsequent UCLA Young Autism Project into many comprehensive treatment models and focused intervention practices, methods, and teaching strategies, all aiming to address ASD functioning, including cognition, language, social skills, problem behavior, and daily living skills (Reichow et al., 2018). ...
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Evaluating the effectiveness of using picture books in teaching behavior to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), five children with ASD intellectual disabilities (ASD+ID) were taught queuing behavior using picture books. Multiple baselines with a staggered introduction of the independent variable of picture books to participants were employed to evaluate the dependent variable of the percentage of correct behavior observed. Children without exposure to picture books continued to fail to line up, whereas there was an increase in queuing behaviorwith picture book exposure. The results showed that picture books could be used to teach children with ASD+ID queuing behavior sustainably and effectively.
... ABA (Análisis Conductual Aplicado): Este enfoque evalúa la efectividad de técnicas para reducir conductas inapropiadas, sustituyéndolas por comportamientos más adecuados, mientras se enseñan nuevas habilidades. Se trabaja en áreas como el autocuidado, habilidades sociales y psicomotricidad (Smith y Eikeseth 2011). ...
... Implications to Subfields of Behavior Analysis ABA has evolved into its own species as a scientific body and found its own niche mainly in the field of autism and developmental disabilities. Though some have expressed concerns that ABA's niche became too narrow (Axelrod et al., 2012), this trend has continued since the 1960s (Smith & Eikeseth, 2011). Whereas Critchfield and Reed (2017) proposed to widen ABA's scope to increase its niche, an alternative is to accept that ABA is no longer an all-encompassing applied research branch of behavior analysis. ...
Get the PDF from here: What does it mean to be conceptually systematic in contemporary applied behavior analysis (ABA) research and practice? To answer this question, the present study conducted a historical analysis of ABA scholars’ interpretations of the conceptually systematic dimension of ABA over the last 55 years. The present article found the current characteristics of the conceptually systematic dimension are indeed sufficient to suggest ABA’s conceptual independence from the experimental analysis of behavior or any other subdisciplines of behavior analysis. Based on this finding, this article addresses the challenges in contemporary ABA field such as ABA’s own basic and applied continuum, translational research, and its relationship with other disciplines’ research and practice.
... Aversive procedures demonstrated quantifiable reductions of intensity and frequency in individuals emitting life-endangering, self-injurious, or severe obsessive, repetitive behaviors. It is controversial that electric shock was utilized initially (Smith & Eikeseth, 2011), with Lovaas later substituting shock for a spank (Lovaas, 1987). However, YAP's own guidelines aimed for a ratio of reinforcement to punishment at the very most to be 100:1 (Leaf & McEachin, 2016). ...
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This article addresses the relationship between applied behavior analysis (ABA) and the emergence of positive behavior support (PBS) in context of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the UK and Ireland. Two overarching issues that are salient in this discussion are professional training and certification. To date, there has been a lack of standardized training or statutory requirements to practice PBS despite proponents insisting that its practice should be grounded in behavior analytic principles. Furthermore, there is an undercurrent of anti-ABA bias fueled by misinterpretation and unsubstantiated anecdotal claims used to promote an alternative “value based” approach to managing behavior.
The current review of behaviourally based theories of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) outlines the historical background to the development of behavioural accounts of ASD and focuses on six different behavioural theories of ASD: positive reinforcement of deficits (Ferster, Child Dev 32:437–456, 1961); comprehensive theory of ASD (Lovaas and Smith, J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 20:17–29, 1989); contingency-shaped disordered verbal behaviour (Drash & Tudor, 2004); behaviour interference theory (Bijou & Ghezzi, 1999); stimulus control problems (Spradlin & Brady, 1999); and comparator theory (Reed, 2011). In doing do, it adds to the literature focused on theoretical developments in the field, primarily serving to illustrate the wide-ranging nature of behavioural accounts and to provide a commentary on the degree to which these theories accommodate the features of ASD. The review suggests that none of the behavioural theories of ASD are fully successful in accommodating the range of presenting issues seen for ASD and that it is unlikely that any one view, behaviourally based or not, will be enough to explain ASD. However, all six approaches lend themselves to the development of interventions in ways that other theoretical approaches do not, and some of their key features—such as a focus on modifiable aspects of the environment, and/or the learning process—are central to this application.
Research has demonstrated positive impacts of behavioral interventions on various educational outcomes for autistic youth, and implementation of these interventions in education settings has been widely advocated. However, recent studies have identified methodological shortcomings in the behavioral intervention evidence base, including lack of reporting on side effects and social validity. This review including 98 studies identified as evidence-based practices by the National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice further highlights the lack of evaluation of side effects and social validity in behavioral intervention research. Suggestions are given regarding assessment of side effects, embedding social validity into intervention, and practical takeaways for educators. Future research and practice should prioritize addressing potential side effects and advancing ethical implementation of evidence-based behavioral interventions.
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This thesis explores a humanistic intervention called Gentle Teaching and how a special residential school has attempted to embed this into its school culture. This thesis explores a range of concepts and as such a conceptual framework has been created to link each of these areas together. The conceptual framework is based upon Gentle Teaching, School Culture and Symbolic Interaction. Symbolic Interaction has been employed as a lens to explore the concepts of truth through the understanding of various factors that influence the understanding that people how regarding the meaning objects, interactions and words have for us. This is true still for the unique pupils within the school who express their own understanding of the school culture and what this feels like to them. This thesis has a series of sub-research questions to ascertain if Gentle Teaching is a natural ability or if this can be taught/learned, it also seeks to identify if the recipients of Gentle Teaching are aware of the process and finally, how Gentle Teaching can be embedded within a school culture. A qualitative methodological approach is employed to gather data from adult staff participants and the views and opinions from the students within the school. This thesis contributes to a modern exploration of the Gentle Teaching pedagogy. This thesis also gains insight into the views and opinions of an often overlooked and marginalised group of students and offers an illustration of what Gentle Teaching can offer to other schools as both a pedagogical and behavioural approach that could become an alternative to less humanistic approaches.
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