... Numerous studies (Thorsen et al., 2021;Løkke and Krøtel, 2020;Clausen et al., 2020;Sørensen et al., 2020;Stengård et al., 2020;Buys et al., 2019;Nielsen et al., 2019;Harvey et al., 2018;Bernstrøm, 2018;Schmid et al., 2017;Shapira-Lishchinsky and Raftar-Ozery, 2016;Miraglia and Johns, 2016;Nielsen and Daniels, 2016;Halbesleben et al., 2014;Clausen et al., 2014;Hassan et al., 2014;Elshout et al., 2013;Frooman et al., 2012;Bernstrom and Kjekshus, 2012;Figueiredo-Ferraz et al., 2012;Rantanen and Tuominen, 2011;Yuksel and Tuncsiper, 2011;Hoxsey, 2010;Ybema et al., 2010;Hilton et al., 2009;Bryant et al., 2009;Nyberg et al., 2008;Kristensen et al., 2006;Zhu et al., 2005;Bourbonnais et al., 2005) show that the causes of sickness absence are linked to work environment-related factors, including working conditions, co-workers, leadership, bullying, organisational culture and climate, job satisfaction, etc. ...