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Defining Translation Functions
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Christiane NordChristiane Nord
Christiane NordChristiane Nord
Christiane Nord
It can be regarded as widely known that, from a functionalist point
of view (cf. Reiss/Vermeer 1984, Nord 1991), the translator’s decisions
in the translation process should be governed by the function or
communicative purpose the target text (TT) is intended to fulfil in a
particular target-culture situation. This is a normative statement which
does not describe an existing state of things (otherwise we would not
have to lament the poor quality of so many translations) but rather an
aim towards which prospective professional translators should be geared
in their training. Functionalist approaches to translation, among them
Skopostheorie (cf. Vermeer 1978), have been designed in and for
translator training, and this is why they have been criticized by the
followers of a descriptive approach who, often drawing on examples
taken from literary translation, claim that translation studies ‘should
be’ (another normative statement) based on empirical research only.
Referring to several apodictic statements presented by Reiss and
Vermeer (for example, “Translators offer just so much information and
in just the manner which they consider optimal for the target-text
42 Christiane Nord
recipient in view of their translation”, Reiss/Vermeer 1984:123), Koller
asks the following questions:
Do these sentences refer to a given set of translations, say in
German, i.e. are they based on empirical investigations which justify
results of the type: The analysis of 1000 translations from English into
German reveals that in 95% of cases the important factor for the
translation/interpretation was the respective translator’s decision as to
what and how to translate/interpret? Or is the idea that: For a translator/
interpreter to translate well, s/he must decide what and how to translate?
(Koller 1995: 215, note 21)
Koller is quite justified in asking this kind of question. To my
knowledge, the principles of Skopostheorie have so far not been based
on any thorough analysis of large, possibly electronically-held corpora.
They are founded on observations of translation practice in various
fields, as indeed would seem to be Koller’s own remarks about
equivalence being a constitutive feature of translation and the five
equivalence frameworks he suggests to explain certain features of some
texts and their translations.
This is not the place for a contest in empiricism. If we take existing
translations to be the norm governing any future translation process,
we risk setting the fox to keep the geese, for how could we tell a ‘good’
translation from a ‘bad’ one? In the context of translator training,
evaluation is part and parcel of the teacher’s job, and how can a teacher
ever evaluate a student’s translation if each and every translation as
such is part of the norm? Or is it only a professional translator’s product
that forms the norm? Or only a published translation? And then, who
decides whether or not a translation is to be published, and is every
person whose translations are published a ‘professional translator’?
Therefore, in order to train prospective professional translators, we have
to look for another yardstick to measure translation quality. Functionalist
approaches to translation suggest that it might be helpful to ask whether
or not the product of a translation process achieves the intended
communicative function.
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ranslation as an intentional, interranslation as an intentional, inter
ranslation as an intentional, interranslation as an intentional, inter
ranslation as an intentional, inter
cultural, partly verbalcultural, partly verbal
cultural, partly verbalcultural, partly verbal
cultural, partly verbal
communicative interaction involving a source textcommunicative interaction involving a source text
communicative interaction involving a source textcommunicative interaction involving a source text
communicative interaction involving a source text
Functionalist approaches to translation draw on action theory (cf.
Nord 1996). Action can be defined as an intentional change or transition
from one state of affairs to another (cf. von Wright 1963:28). If there are
two or more agents involved in an action, we may speak of an interaction.
An interaction is referred to as communicative when it is carried out
through signs produced intentionally by one agent, referred to as the
’sender’, directed towards another agent, referred to as the ‘addressee‘
or ‘receiver’, and intended to change the state of mind of the latter.
Communicative interactions take place in situations that are limited in
time and space. This means every situation has historical and cultural
dimensions that condition the agents’ verbal and nonverbal behaviour,
their knowledge and expectations of each other, their appraisal of the
situation, and the standpoint from which they look at the world.
Translators enable communication to take place between members
of different culture communities. They bridge the gap between
situations where differences in verbal and nonverbal behaviour,
expectations, knowledge and perspectives are such that there is not
enough common ground for the sender and receiver to communicate
effectively by themselves.
The translator’s mediatory role does not always involve
translating in any literal way. In fact, translators quite regularly do much
more than translate texts, they sometimes even advise their clients not
to have a particular text translated at all but to use another kind of
communication medium to achieve the purpose they are aiming at. To
account for this difference, we distinguish between ‘translational action’
(the range of what translators actually do) and ‘translation’ (what they
do when rendering texts). In this article, I will refer to ‘translation’ (in
the narrower sense) only.
Texts may consist of verbal and nonverbal signs (illustrations,
tables, text format, etc. in written texts - intonation and pitch, gestures,
44 Christiane Nord
face and body movements in face-to-face communication). The use of
verbal and nonverbal signs in a particular text or text type may be
governed by culture-specific norms and conventions. The translator
may therefore have to change from the verbal to the nonverbal code, or
vice versa, in the course of the translation process.
Translating can thus be regarded as an intentional, intercultural,
partly verbal communicative interaction involving a source text.
A flexible concept of cultureA flexible concept of culture
A flexible concept of cultureA flexible concept of culture
A flexible concept of culture
Göhring (1978: 10) stresses the fact that in intercultural encounters
the individual is free either to conform to the behaviour patterns
accepted in the other culture or to bear the consequences of behaviour
that is contrary to cultural expectations. Culture is a complex system, of
which language is an intrinsic part, especially if culture is defined as a
“totality of knowledge, proficiency and perception” (Snell-Hornby
1988: 40). However, the borderlines between cultural systems or sub-
systems (such as paraculture, diaculture or idioculture, cf. Ammann
1989: 39) are notoriously difficult to define. A culture cannot simply be
equated with a language area. For instance, the linguistic behaviour of
the Portuguese and the Brazilians will be different in some situations
and very similar in others. Or again, Argentinians and Brazilians from
the regions along their common border may differ in language but
have similar value systems. In modern multicultural societies we cannot
even say that a town or a street represents a single homogeneous culture.
The American ethnologist Michael Agar, who works as what he calls
an “intercultural practitioner” between US-Americans and Mexicans
along the border, takes this into consideration when he writes:
Culture is not something people have; it is something that
fills the spaces between them. And culture is not an
exhaustive description of anything; it focuses on differences,
Defining Translation Functions
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differences that can vary from task to task and group to group.
(Agar 1992: 11)
The differences in verbal and nonverbal behaviour causing
culture conflicts or even communication breakdowns between two
communities in contact are called “rich points” (cf. Agar 1991). This is
a pragmatic way of describing the translator’s situation. A translator
does not have to take into account all cultural rich points which may
occur between all members of two linguistic communities; translation
always takes place between two rather well defined sub-groups of the
two language communities involved, such as South Brazilian and North
Argentinian engineers (e.g. in the case of the translation of a technical
text from Portuguese into Spanish) or the readers of a particular São
Paulo daily newspaper and those of a particular US-American
newspaper (e.g. in the case of the translation of a political commentary
on the relations between Brazil and the United States from Portuguese
into English). In these examples, it is neither necessary nor possible to
translate for all Spanish-speaking or all English-speaking readers. In
this respect, the translator’s work is not very different from that of any
person writing about a particular topic in any language.
Intentionality and text functionIntentionality and text function
Intentionality and text functionIntentionality and text function
Intentionality and text function
In translation, intentionality may be associated with the translator
or, more often, with the person who is the ‘initiator’ of the translation
process. Translational intention may or may not be similar to the
intention guiding the original sender or text producer in the production
of the source text, which is an intentional communicative interaction in
Texts are intended to carry out communicative purposes, which,
in another terminology, are called communicative functions. Since the
best of intentions will not always guarantee success, we will distinguish
the sender’s intention from the function assigned to the text by the
46 Christiane Nord
receiver from their own point of view, which, particularly in intercultural
communication, may be quite different from the one the sender had in
mind. Intention and function may, but need not, be congruent. Texts are
intended to be meaningful to their addressees, and therefore, text
producers (and translators are text producers, too) shape their texts so
as to conform as far as possible to the situational conditions of the
addressees. They usually provide the text with function markers
indicating the intended function, and in normal communication
receivers would be cooperative and use the text for the intended purpose
if they recognize the markers.
Therefore, all a translator (or any other text producer) can do is
provide their texts with the corresponding intention markers and hope
for the receiver to join the game. To be able to do that, the translator
needs as much knowledge as possible about the communicative
purposes the target text is supposed to achieve for the addressees in
their communicative situation. These details are explicitly or implicitly
defined in the translation brief.
The translation brief (Übersetzungsauftrag)The translation brief (Übersetzungsauftrag)
The translation brief (Übersetzungsauftrag)The translation brief (Übersetzungsauftrag)
The translation brief (Übersetzungsauftrag)
Here we have to clarify a translation problem. The German word
Übersetzungsauftrag may be translated literally as either translation
commission or translation assignment. We find both terms used in the
works by (mostly German) functionalist translation scholars writing in
English or translated into English. I have even introduced a third term
myself, translation instructions, “because it highlights the pedagogical
aspect” (Nord 1991: 8, note 3). However, in a recent study Janet Fraser
uses the term “brief” (Fraser 1996: 73), which seems to express very
aptly what is meant by Übersetzungsauftrag. It implicitly compares
the translator with a barrister who has received the basic information
and instructions but is then free (as the responsible expert) to carry out
those instructions as they see fit. I will therefore use the term “translation
Defining Translation Functions
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brief” referring to the definition of the intended purpose of the
translation process.
In professional settings, translators very often do not feel any need
for a detailed specification of the translation function(s) because their
experience tells them that a particular kind of source text provided by a
particular kind of client (perhaps their employer, if they happen to
enjoy the benefits of stable employment) is usually i.e. if not stated
otherwise) expected to be translated for a particular kind of purpose,
including a particular kind (or even specimen) of addressee, medium,
format etc.
Lacking this kind of experience, trainee translators cannot be
expected to interpret a situation that, in the classroom, is not very clear
anyway. Each translation task should thus be accompanied by a brief
that defines the conditions under which the target text should carry out
its particular function.
Starting from the idea that the communicative situation (including
the communicators and their communicative intentions) determines
the verbal and nonverbal features of the text, we may assume that the
description of the situational factors defines the slot into which the text
should fit. This applies to both the source and the target texts. The
situation in which the source text fulfils its functions is, by definition,
different from that of the target text. Simultaneous translation could be
regarded as an exception with regard to the difference in place, time,
motive and purpose of the communication, but even there we have to
consider a certain difference with regard to the culture-bound
knowledge, experience or susceptibility of the respective audiences.
To find the aspects in which the source and the target texts will diverge,
the translator has to compare the source text with the target-text profile
defined in the translation brief.
The translation brief should contain (explicit or implicit)
information about:
• the target-text addressee(s),
• the prospective time and place of text reception,
48 Christiane Nord
• the medium over which the text will be transmitted, and
• the motive for the production or reception of the text,
and this information will allow some conjectures as to the
communicative function(s) the text is intended to have for the
prospective receivers.
The intended communicative function of the target text is the
crucial criterion for the translator’s decisions in the translation process.
To make function analysis easier in translator training, I use a rather
simplified model of text functions combined with a functional translation
typology, which will be briefly explained in the following section.
ext functions and translation functionsext functions and translation functions
ext functions and translation functionsext functions and translation functions
ext functions and translation functions
The following schema is based on a combination of the models of
language functions elaborated by Bühler (1934) and Jakobson (1960)
and consists of four basic functions with an open list of sub-functions
• Referential function: (objective) reference to the objects and
phenomena of the world; sub-functions: informative, metalinguistic,
metatextual, directive, didactic etc.
• Expressive function: expression of the sender’s (subjective)
attitude or feelings towards the things and phenomena of the world;
sub-functions: evaluative, emotive, ironical etc.
• Appellative function: appeal directed at the receiver’s
sensitivity, previous experience or disposition to act; sub-functions:
illustrative, persuasive, imperative, pedagogical, advertising etc.
• Phatic function: establishing / maintaining / ending (social)
contact between sender and receiver; sub-functions: small talk, taking
leave, introductory “peg” for text opening etc.
Basically, these communicative functions may be considered to be
universal or at least, to put it more carefully, transcultural, whereas the
verbal or nonverbal indicators used to mark them are determined by
culture-specific norms, traditions, preferences, etc. Therefore, we may
Defining Translation Functions
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assume that translations would have to bear the markers used in the
target culture in order to be meaningful to the target receivers, unless
the receivers are made aware of the fact that they are reading a
translation and have to re-interpret the function markers themselves.
We may thus distinguish two types of translations: those that are
explicitly marked as texts transferred from another culture (by stating
the name of the translator, the language from which they have been
translated, the source where they were first published etc. and/or by
bearing “foreign” or “strange” textual markers) and those that do not
betray their origin in another language and culture and will thus be
interpreted as target-culture texts by the receivers.
The first type, which I call the documentary translation type, is
first and foremost a metatext, being a target-culture text informing about
a source-culture text or any of its aspects and dimensions (for example,
an interlineal word-for-word translation informs about the lexical and
syntactic structures or the source language as used in the text), and as
such, its communicative function will be realized in an indirect way:
e.g., informing target-culture addressees about a source-culture author
referring to an object of the world (from a source-culture point of view),
or informing target-culture readers about somebody from a source
culture appealing to their addressees’ culture-specific experience of
the world (cf. Juliane House’s “overt translation” type, House 1981).
The second type, which I call the instrumental translation type, is
an object-text in its own right, directed at a target-culture readership for
whom it can fulfil any of the above-mentioned basic functions and
sub-functions like a non-translated text, and modelled according to a
pre-existing text borrowed from a source culture (cf. House’s “covert
translation” type). Instrumental translations may be intended to achieve
the same function as the source text (“equifunctional translation”) or a
function that is different from that of the source text (“heterofunctional
translation”). The fundamental option for either the documentary or
the instrumental translation type then governs any subsequent decision
the translator has to take during the translation process. Therefore, it is
50 Christiane Nord
of vital importance that the translation brief contains some explicit or
implicit clue as to the expected translation type.
Example: Selling apartments to foreign visitors in SpainExample: Selling apartments to foreign visitors in Spain
Example: Selling apartments to foreign visitors in SpainExample: Selling apartments to foreign visitors in Spain
Example: Selling apartments to foreign visitors in Spain
Let’s look at an example. A Spanish estate agent wants to sell a
number of apartments situated in a large building by the seaside in a
small town called Cullera in the South of Spain. They have produced a
folder in Spanish, but somehow the business does not prosper. The
place is full of Germans, Austrians, Swiss, French, Belgian and English
people spending their holidays mostly in rented apartments, and the
agent thinks it would be worthwhile to have the text translated into
German, English and French to address a larger clientele. So they ask a
group of translators who happen to be around to produce a German, an
English and a French translation for separate folders in these languages.
This situation can be formalized as follows:
• target addressees: any German-speaking, anglophone or
francophone visitors who pass by the agent’s office or the building site
where the folder is distributed free; they are already in Cullera and
know the place, they seem to like Spain, and they should be sufficiently
well-off to afford to buy an apartment abroad;
• place and time of reception: Cullera (Spain), from the start of
the project to the moment all apartments have been sold;
• medium: monolingual folder with coloured pictures and short
pieces of text in a given layout which will be the same for all versions;
• motive for text production and reception: the wish to establish
contact between the building company and prospective customers;
• text functions: phatic (to attract possible customers’ attention),
referential-informative (to inform about the building), appellative-
persuasive (to raise the reader’s interest and eventually ‘seduce’ them
to buy one of the apartments).
This leads to the following translation “brief”: The situation
characterized by the five dimensions listed above calls for a text that
Defining Translation Functions
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attracts the target addressees’ attention (phatic function), provides
information that is comprehensible for them (referential function), and
appeals to their ideas of a perfect place where to spend their holidays in
Spain for many years to come (appellative function). We may assume
that the source text similarly addresses its source-culture audience
(although possible linguistic or stylistic or cultural imperfections of the
source text are really not the translator’s concern in this case). What is
required is, thus, an equifunctional instrumental translation, where the
target text is adapted to the norms and conventions of the target culture
and the needs and expectations of the target audiences.
To find out how the source-text features have to be transformed in
order to meet the requirements of the translation brief, we have to take
a closer look at the source text and at the way the intended text functions
are marked in the Spanish original. We find that the text consists of
three main parts:
• part 1 (front and back cover if the leaflet is folded properly)
contains a kind of slogan, “En el lugar más tranquilo de la playa de San
Antonio”, and the name of the building, “Torres de San Antonio”) and
the identification of the sender (Cooperativa de viviendas “El Ferrobus”
+ address), accompanied by an illustration suggesting sun, sea and a
stereotypical Spanish village;
• part 2 presents the attractions of the apartment block and the
premises, including two schematic maps, one showing the situation of
the building with regard to the town and the seaside and another one
showing the localization of the projected building on the premises, and
a photograph showing a model of the building;
• part 3 gives the prices for the three basic types of apartment,
the conditions of payment and some information concerning tax
reductions and other financial advantages.
A functional analysis of these three parts shows that:
• part 1 is mainly phatic: contact is established by offering
information and producing a positive impression on the reader, using
mainly nonverbal means which appeal to the cliché of a prototypical
52 Christiane Nord
Spanish coastal village, thus responding more to the expectations of
foreigners than of Spaniards even in the original;
• part 2 is mainly appellative, using the expressive-evaluative
elements praising the positive aspects of the building (el lugar más
tranquilo, emplazamiento inmejorable, soleamiento adecuado,
materiales de primera calidad, etc.) and referential-informative
elements referring to the social aspect (dos piscinas, dos pistas de tenis,
parque infantil, local social, etc.) as an indirect means of appeal;
• part 3 is also mainly appellative, since the information given in
this part is supposed to make the object attractive to the reader (I have
deleted the original prices because they would look ridiculous today
after various devaluations of the peseta); we would neither expect nor
find any negative aspects of the building to be mentioned in this kind
of text.
If the target text is supposed to achieve the same functions for the
target audience, we have to consider the following principles:
The referential function relies on correctness and
comprehensibility. If source and target audiences do not share the same
amount of previous knowledge, the translator has to provide additional
information. In our example, English, German or French readers cannot
be expected to be familiar with the Spanish “V.P.O.” (viviendas de
protección oficial) system; therefore the information is of little use for
them as it stands; a target-culture equivalent might be used to explain
the basic idea. On the other hand, the information about tax reductions
does not apply to foreigners unless they have a permanent residence
and workplace in Spain - to avoid misunderstandings, the translator
would have to make this detail explicit in the target version.
The phatic function relies on conventionality. Since the illustrations
used in part 1 are rather target-culture oriented (and could not be
changed anyway), they will not cause any functionality problems.
The appellative function depends on the audience’s cooperation.
If the evaluations presented in the text are not positive enough from a
target-cultural point of view (as, for example, soleamiento adecuado
Defining Translation Functions
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for a German or British audience who goes to Spain precisely in order to
take in as much sun as possible), they may have to be ‘upgraded’ (e.g.,
to “sonnige Südlage” for the German reader); if, on the other hand,
they seem exaggerated to a central European reader (as in el lugar más
tranquilo - what is tranquilo for a Spaniard may be terribly noisy for an
English person), they may have to be ‘downgraded’ or shifted to another
dimension in the target text (e.g., to “a nice and quiet part” or “the most
beautiful part” for the English reader).
Intertextuality as a source of information in the translationIntertextuality as a source of information in the translation
Intertextuality as a source of information in the translationIntertextuality as a source of information in the translation
Intertextuality as a source of information in the translation
To conclude, let me briefly mention another aspect which makes
the translation brief a valuable tool in translator training. The
considerations about culture-specific expectations and value systems
presented above often seem rather far-fetched to the students. On the
one hand, they are not aware of the differences in attitude and
conventions, and on the other, they have never learned to produce texts
like the one used as an example, i.e. they are not familiar with the
linguistic norms and conventions of the text type in question. The two
constraints may be compensated for by using parallel texts as a source
of information or even as a textual model in the translation process.
The translation brief describes, as it were, the situational slot into
which the target text has to fit. If such a type of communicative situation
exists in the target-culture community, there may also be target-
language texts which are used, or have been used, in this kind of
situation. Texts used in similar or identical situations are linked by
similar or identical features, they form a text type or genre, and their
characteristics serve as indicators of the intended function
conventionally linked to a text type. Therefore, the translation brief
helps the students to find these texts, which we usually call parallel
texts if they belong to the same text type, and to model their translations
according to the patterns they find there.
54 Christiane Nord
With regard to the example presented above, a number of German
parallel texts (for example, advertisements published in a daily
newspaper and an estate agent’s documentation on projected apartment
blocks) allowed the students to compose a list of possible functional
equivalents which appeared in the parallel texts in a rather stereotypical
way, as is shown in the following table. Using these modules, they
could not only verify some of the cultural and quite a few terminological
differences but also overcome their own difficulties in producing a text
they had never before been asked to produce.
entrega de llaves Bezugsfertigkeit¨
precios¨ Festpreise
versión duplex Maisonette¨
en el lugar más tranquilo ruhige Umgebung, absolut ruhige
Lage, sehr ruhig
¨emplazamiento inmejorable herrliche Umgebung, einmalige
Lage, Spitzenlage, schönste Lage¨
orientación mediodía sonnige Lage, Südlage¨
(soleamiento adecuado)
arquitectura singular außergewöhnliche Architektur/
materiales de primera calidad erstklassige/beste Bauqualität (und
Ausstattung)/... mit jeglichem
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