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Cosma Sorinel
„Ovidius” Universitaty ConstanĠa
Facultaty of Economic Sciencies
World-systems analysis is not a theory, but an approach to social analysis and social change
developed, among others by the Immanuel Wallerstein. Professor Wallerstein writes in three
domains of world-systems analysis: the historical development of the modern world-system; the
contemporary crisis of the capitalist world-economy; the structures of knowledge. The American
anlyst rejects the notion of a "Third World", claiming there is only one world connected by a
complex network of economic exchange relationship. Our world system is characterized by
mechanisms which bring about a redistribution of resources from the periphery to the core. His
analytical approach has made a significant impact and established an institutional base devoted
to the general approach.
World system, core, semi-periphery, periphery, external regions
World-system theory is a macro sociological perspective that seeks to explain the dynamics of
the “capitalist world economy” as a “total social system”.
World-system theory is both a political and an intellectual endeavor. It simultaneously falls into
the fields of historical sociology and economic history. In addition, because of its emphasis on
development and unequal opportunities across nations, it has been embraced by development
theorists and practitioners.
Immanuel Wallerstein’s name is associated with this approach. He first published the paper The
Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comparative Analysis, in
1974. Then, his most important work - The Modern World System I: Capitalist Agriculture and
the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century appeared in three volumes
in 1974, 1980, and 1989. This is his landmark contribution to sociological and historical thought
and spawned debates lasting three decades over the best way to interpret history, society, and
economy in global perspective.
His work is methodologically somewhere in between Marx and Weber, both of whom were
important inspirations for his own work.
The time when Wallerstein’s work appeared development, modernization theory, was under
attack from many fronts. He himself attacked it and tried to create an alternative explanation. He
aimed at achieving a clear conceptual break with theories of ‘modernization’ and thus providing a
new theoretical paradigm to guide the investigations of the emergence and development of
capitalism, industrialism, and national states.
Criticisms to modernization include
- the reification of the nation-state as the sole unit of analysis,
- assumption that all countries can follow only a single path of evolutionary development,
- disregard of the world-historical development of transnational structures that constrain local and
national development,
- explaining in terms of a-historical ideal types of “tradition” versus “modernity”, which are
elaborated and applied to national cases.
In his Modern World-System, Wallerstein mainly draws on three intellectual influences. There is
Karl Marx, from whom took over the dichotomy between capital and labor, the staged view of
world economic development through stages such as feudalism and capitalism, belief in the
accumulation of capital, dialectics and more. Then there is the French historian Fernand Braudel,
who had described the development and political implications of extensive networks of economic
exchange in the European world between 1400 and 1800. And also there is the dependency
theory, most obviously its concepts of "core" and "periphery"; and — presumably — the practical
experience and impressions gained from his own work regarding post-colonial Africa.
From Marx, Wallerstein learned that (1) the fundamental reality if social conflict among
materially based human groups, (2) the concern with a relevant totality, (3) the transitory nature
of social forms and theories about them, (4) the centrality of the accumulation process and
competitive class struggles that result from it, (5) a dialectical sense of motion through conflict
and contradiction.
World-system theory owes to the Annales School, whose major representative is Fernand
Braudel, its historical approach. Wallerstein got from Braudel’s his insistence on the long term
(la longue dureé). He also learned to focus on geo-ecological regions as units of analysis,
attention to rural history, and reliance on empirical materials from Braudel. The impact of the
Annales is at the general methodological level.
World-system theory is in many ways an adaptation of dependency theory. Wallerstein draws
heavily from dependency theory, a neo-Marxist explanation of development processes, popular in
the developing world. Dependency theory focuses on understanding the “periphery” by looking
at core-periphery relations, and it has flourished in peripheral regions like Latin America. It is
from a dependency theory perspective that many contemporary critiques to global capitalism
come from.
Other important influences in Wallerstein’s work, still present in contemporary world system
research, are Karl Polanyi and Joseph Schumpeter. From the latter comes world system interest in
business cycles, and from the former, the notion of three basic modes of economic organization:
reciprocal, redistributive, and market modes. These are analogous to Wallerstein’s concepts of
mini-systems, world-empires, and world-economies.
Historically speaking, the modern world system, essentially capitalist in nature, followed the
crisis of the feudal system and helps explain the rise of Western Europe to world supremacy
between 1450 and 1670.
Before the sixteenth century, when Western Europe embarked on a path of capitalist
development, "feudalism" dominated West European society. Between 1150 and 1300, both
population as well as commerce expanded within the confines of the feudal system. However,
from 1300 to 1450, this expansion ceased, creating a severe economic crisis. According to
Wallerstein, the feudal crisis was probably precipitated by the interaction of the following
factors: fall or stagnation of the agricultural production, the reaching of the peak level of the
economic cycle of the feudal economy; a change of climate conditions which brought low
agricultural productivity and epidemics within the population.
In response to the feudal crisis, by the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, the world
economic system emerged. The new capitalist world system was based on an international
division of labor that determined relationships between different regions as well as the types of
labor conditions within each region.
For Wallerstein, "a world-system is a social system, one that has boundaries, structures, member
groups, rules of legitimation, and coherence. Its life is made up of the conflicting forces which
hold it together by tension and tear it apart as each group seeks eternally to remold it to its
advantage. It has the characteristics of an organism, in that is has a lifespan over which its
characteristics change in some respects and remain stable in others…
Life within it is largely self-contained, and the dynamics of its development are largely internal".
A world-system is what Wallerstein terms a "world economy", integrated through the market
rather than a political center, in which two or more regions are interdependent with respect to
necessities like food, fuel, and protection, and two or more polities compete for domination
without the emergence of one single center forever.
His world-systems theory provided a model for understanding both change in the global system
and the relationship between its parts. He was among the first to suggest that we depart from the
relatively newly developed unit of the nation-state and to study global interaction instead.
In his own first definition, Wallerstein said that a world-system is a "multicultural territorial
division of labor in which the production and exchange of basic goods and raw materials is
necessary for the everyday life of its inhabitants."
This division of labor refers to the forces and relations of production of the world economy as a
whole. Wallerstein proposes four different categories, core, semi-periphery, periphery, and
external, into which all regions of the world can be placed. Of them four, two are of the uttermost
importance: core and periphery. These are geographically and culturally different, one focusing
on labor-intensive, and the other on capital-intensive production. The core-periphery relationship
is structural. Semi-peripheral states acts as a buffer zone between core and periphery, and has a
mix of the kinds of activities and institutions that exist on them.
The core regions benefited the most from the capitalist world economy. For the period under
discussion, much of northwestern Europe (England, France, and Holland) developed as the first
core region. Politically, the states within this part of Europe developed strong central
governments, extensive bureaucracies, and large mercenary armies. This permitted the local
bourgeoisie to obtain control over international commerce and extract capital surpluses from this
trade for their own benefit. As the rural population expanded, the small but increasing number of
landless wage earners provided labor for farms and manufacturing activities. The switch from
feudal obligations to money rents in the aftermath of the feudal crisis encouraged the rise of
independent or yeoman farmers but squeezed out many other peasants off the land. These
impoverished peasants often moved to the cities, providing cheap labor essential for the growth
in urban manufacturing. Agricultural productivity increased with the growing predominance of
the commercially-oriented independent farmer, the rise of pastoralism, and improved farm
On the other end of the scale lay the peripheral zones. These areas lacked strong central
governments or were controlled by other states, exported raw materials to the core, and relied on
coercive labor practices. The core expropriated much of the capital surplus generated by the
periphery through unequal trade relations. Two areas, Eastern Europe (especially Poland) and
Latin America exhibited characteristics of peripheral regions. In Poland, kings lost power to the
nobility as the region became a prime exporter of wheat to the rest of Europe. To gain sufficient
cheap and easily controlled labor, landlords forced rural workers into a "second serfdom" on their
commercial estates. In Latin America, the Spanish and Portuguese conquests destroyed
indigenous authority structures and replaced them with weak bureaucracies under the control of
these European states. Powerful local landlords of Hispanic origin became aristocratic capitalist
farmers. Enslavement of the native populations, the importation of African slaves, and the
coercive labor practices such as the encomienda and forced mine labor made possible the export
of cheap raw materials to Europe. Labor systems in both peripheral areas differed from earlier
forms in medieval Europe in that they were established to produce goods for a capitalist world
economy and not merely for internal consumption. Furthermore, the aristocracy both in Eastern
Europe and Latin America grew wealthy from their relationship with the world economy and
could draw on the strength of a central core region to maintain control.
Between the two extremes lie the semi-peripheries. These areas represented either core regions in
decline or peripheries attempting to improve their relative position in the world economic system.
They often also served as buffers between the core and the peripheries. As such, semi-peripheries
exhibited tensions between the central government and a strong local landed class. Good
examples of declining cores that became semi-peripheries during the period under study are
Portugal and Spain. Other semi-peripheries at this time were Italy, southern Germany, and
southern France. Economically, these regions retained limited but declining access to
international banking and the production of high-cost high-quality manufactured goods. Unlike
the core, however, they failed to predominate in international trade and thus did not benefit to the
same extent as the core. With a weak capitalist rural economy, landlords in semi-peripheries
resorted to sharecropping. This lessened the risk of crop failure for landowners, and made it
possible at the same time to enjoy profits from the land as well as the prestige that went with
According to Wallerstein, the semi-peripheries were exploited by the core but, as in the case of
the American empires of Spain and Portugal, often were exploiters of peripheries themselves.
Spain, for example, imported silver and gold from its American colonies, obtained largely
through coercive labor practices, but most of this specie went to paying for manufactured goods
from core countries such as England and France rather than encouraging the formation of a
domestic manufacturing sector.
These areas maintained their own economic systems and, for the most part, managed to remain
outside the modern world economy. Russia fits this case well. Unlike Poland, Russia's wheat
served primarily to supply its internal market. It traded with Asia as well as Europe; internal
commerce remained more important than trade with outside regions. Also, the considerable
power of the Russian state helped regulate the economy and limited foreign commercial
Dependency theorists first articulated a relationship of "unequal exchange" in which the rich
nations of the world enforced trade relationships with the poor, in which the former extracted
surpluses from the latter.
Among the most important structures of the current world-system is a power hierarchy between
core and periphery, in which powerful and wealthy “core” societies dominate and exploit weak
and poor “peripheral” societies.
Technology is a central factor in the positioning of a region in the core or the periphery.
Advanced or developed countries are the core, and the less developed are in the periphery.
Peripheral countries are structurally constrained to experience a kind of development that
reproduces their subordinate status. The differential strength of the multiple states within the
system is crucial to maintain the system as a whole, because strong states reinforce and increase
the differential flow of surplus to the core zone. This is what Wallerstein called unequal
exchange, the systematic transfer of surplus from semi-proletarian sectors in the periphery to the
high-technology, industrialized core. This leads to a process of capital accumulation at a global
scale, and necessarily involves the appropriation and transformation of peripheral surplus.
On the political side of the world-system a few concepts deem highlighting. For Wallerstein,
nation-states are variables, elements within the system. States are used by class forces to pursue
their interest, in the case of core countries. Imperialism refers to the domination of weak
peripheral regions by strong core states. Hegemony refers to the existence of one core state
temporarily outstripping the rest. Hegemonic powers maintain a stable balance of power and
enforce free trade as long as it is to their advantage. However, hegemony is temporary due to
class struggles and the diffusion of technical advantages. Finally, there is a global class struggle.
The current world-economy is characterized by regular cyclical rhythms, which provide the basis
of Wallerstein's periodization of modern history. After our current stage, Wallerstein envisions
the emergence of a socialist world-government, which is the only-alternative world-system that
could maintain a high level of productivity and change the distribution, by integrating the levels
of political and economic decision-making.
As a conclusion, it is relevant to notice what Wallerstein said in an interview on his book
European Universalism, in March 2008,: “Rather, we have lived in a "world-system" since the
beginning of the époque called modernity in the 16th century when the capitalist economy was
born in an embryonic form in a small part of the world, Europe. The world is thus a unit of
analysis vaster than the state. The capitalist system has gradually succeeded, by its internal
processes, in extending itself to the totality of the world. You can in fact see that, since the end of
the 19th century, the whole world has been governed by this capitalist system, to this day.
Studying this world-system, in my opinion, makes it possible to enrich the approach of social
sciences, by considering states as elements constituting themselves within this system. But they
are not the only elements of the system, in which races, classes, nations, households, etc. also
exist. All are institutions within this capitalist world-economy. Above all, this concept allows me
to show that, like any structure, it has gone through various phases: initially its emergence and
establishment, then its development, finally the moment of its structural crisis, before that of its
disappearance. I think that we are currently living this moment of structural crisis, and, while I
won't venture to guess a precise date or time, we shall witness (perhaps twenty-five to fifty years
from now) its disappearance – or rather its replacement by another thing. One cannot say by
what, for the time being, but the process is inexorably moving.”
1. Badescu, Ilie, Dungaciu, Dan, Baltasiu, Radu – Istoria sociologiei. Teorii contemporane,
Editura Eminescu, Bucuresti, 1996
2. Braudel, Fernand – Dinamica capitalismului, Editura Corint, Bucuresti, 2002
3. Wallerstein, Immanuel – Sistemul mondial modern, Editura Meridiane, Bucuresti, 1993
4. *** - O lectie de istorie cu Fernand Braudel, Editura Corint, Bucuresti, 2002
5. mrzine.monthlyreview.org/doubre260308.html