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Academic Performance of New Jersey's Public Schools

  • Independent Statistician and Author


Data from the 1992 National Assessment of Educational Progress are used to compare the performance of New Jersey public school children with those from other participating states. The comparisons are made with the raw means scores and after standardizing all state scores to a common (National U.S.) demographic mixture. It is argued that for most plausible questions about the performance of public schools the standardized scores are more useful. Also, it is shown that if New Jersey is viewed as an independent nation, its students finished sixth among all the nations participating in the 1991 International Mathematics Assessment.
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Education Policy Analysis Archives
Volume 2 Number 10 July 11, 1994 ISSN 1068-2341
A peer-reviewed scholarly electronic journal.
Editor: Gene V Glass, Glass@ASU.EDU. College of Education,
Arizona State University,Tempe AZ 85287-2411
ARCHIVES.Permission is hereby granted to copy any article
credited and copies are not sold.
On the Academic Performance of New Jersey's Public School Children:
Fourth and Eighth Grade Mathematics in 1992
Howard Wainer
Educational Testing Service
Abstract: Data from the 1992 National Assessment of Educational Progress are used to
compare the performance of New Jersey public school children with those from other
participating states. The comparisons are made with the raw means scores and after standardizing
all state scores to a common (National U.S.) demographic mixture. It is argued that for most
plausible questions about the performance of public schools the standardized scores are more
useful. Also, it is shown that if New Jersey is viewed as an independent nation, its students
finished sixth among all the nations participating in the 1991 International Mathematics
"...teaching is validated by the transformation of the minds and persons of the intended
audience." (Bressler, 1991)
On the Genesis of this Report
In January of this year I was approached by three members of the research staff of the New
Jersey Education Association (NJEA) with a proposition. They wanted me to do some research
that would show that "New Jersey's teachers were doing a good job." They pointed out that NJEA
was an advocacy group and that their principal goal was furthering the interests of their members.
I told them I understood this, but that "research" means that we don't already know the answer,
and that it was ETS policy that there could be no control exercised by a client over the freedom
to publish by its researchers (except for usual concerns about protecting the privacy of
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examinees). So whatever I found, good or bad, would be written up and disseminated in the same
way. They agreed.
Then we discussed the character of the research. They began with the notion that I
somehow collect and summarize information that could be formed into some sort of index of
teaching quality. I didn't (and don't) know how to characterize the quality of teaching indirectly. I
know that some teachers are justly renowned for their bravura performances as Grand Expositor
on the podium, Agent Provocateur in the preceptorial, or Kindly Old Mentor in the corridors. I
also knew that these familiar roles in the standard faculty repertoire should not be mistaken for
teaching, except as they are validated by the transformation of the minds and persons of the
students. Thus I was committed to measuring the success of the schools by the performance of
the students.
They agreed and suggested that I compare New Jersey's students with other states on their
SAT scores. I pointed out there is a substantial literature (much of it by my favorite author - e.g.
Wainer, 1986a,b; 1989a,b) that demonstrates quite conclusively that one cannot make effective
comparisons among states using the scores of any college admissions test because of the
self-selected character of the sample of students who choose to take it. I suggested that the data
collected in the NAEP state assessment would be just the thing. They expressed concern that
such an investigation would not have as high a profile since SAT scores are often in the news. I
agreed that this might be the case, but that we could begin to change this by making a big deal
about the importance of NAEP. I pointed out that NAEP had much to recommend it in addition
to it being drawn from a representative sample; that it touched several grades, several different
subjects, and allowed international comparisons were three reasons that occurred to me at the
The project was a small one, as these things go at ETS. It could be completed in only a
few weeks of my time, since most of the results were already available in one NAEP publication
or another. My only contribution was in selecting the results that seemed suitable, figuring out
what were the most likely questions these results would be asked to answer, placing them into a
form that would allow them to properly answer those questions, and displaying them to make the
results accessible.
The report was written and went through the usual peer review process at ETS, pursuant
to which it was revised and appeared as an ETS Research Report (RR-94-29). Then, in the June
15, 1994 issue of Education Week there was an extended commentary by Chester Finn, a
founding partner of the Edison Project, a branch of the Whittle Corporation that is seeking to
privatize public schools. He felt that I had painted a too rosy picture of the performance of New
Jersey's schools. He was particularly incensed because I had presented state school performance
both before and after statistical standardization to a common demographic mixture. He seemed to
feel that allowing any formal statistical adjustment opened the door to all sorts of mischief. His
alternative, as I understand it, is to leave the summary scores alone and allow individual users to
weigh their component pieces subjectively. This is what Samuel Johnson has referred to as "the
ancient method." (Note 1)
It is true that an incorrect statistical adjustment will promote incorrect inferences. It is also
true that not adjusting when one ought to will also promote incorrect inferences. The issue that
we must address in this instance is what questions are NAEP data most likely to be asked to
illuminate. Once this is determined what kind of statistical adjustment, if any, will become clear.
Let me illustrate this issue with a simple, but real example: the 1992 NAEP 8th grade
math assessment. Nebraska's average score was 277 New Jersey's average score was 271. On the
face of it, it appears that 8th grade students in Nebraska do better in mathematics than their
counterparts in New Jersey. We note further however that when we examine performance by
ethnic group we find:
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White Black
Nebraska 281 236
New Jersey 283 242
How can this be? Even though Nebraska does better overall than New Jersey, New Jersey's
students in both of the major ethnic groups outperform their Nebraska counterparts. This is an
example of what statisticians have long called Simpson's Paradox (Wainer, 1986c, Yule, 1903).
It is caused by the differences in the ethnic distributions in the two states.
White Black
Nebraska 87% 5%
New Jersey 61% 16%
Each state's mean score is a product of the mean score within each ethnic group and its
proportional representation in the population. Thus Nebraska's mean is composed of the White
mean weighted by 87% and the much lower black mean weighted by only 5%. In New Jersey
Whites represent a much smaller segment of the population and so are given a smaller weight in
the calculation of the overall mean.
If we standardize all states to a common demographic mixture, say the demographics of
the United States as a whole, we find that New Jersey's standardized mean is 274 and Nebraska's
is 270. Which is the right number? Finn suggests the it is the unstandardized figure.To answer
this we have to know what is the question that the number will be answering.
If the question is of the sort, "I want to open a business in either New Jersey or Nebraska.
Which state will provide me with a population of potential employees whose knowledge of
mathematics is, on average, higher?" The unadjusted mean scores provide the proper answer.
If the question is, "I want to place my child in school in either New Jersey or Nebraska. In
which state is my child likely to learn more mathematics?" The standardized scores give the right
answer. One can see this immediately by imagining a sequence of questions that someone trying
to help the parent phrasing the above question might ask."Does your child have a race? If your
child is White, he/she is likely to do better in New Jersey. If he/she is Black, he/she is likely to do
better in New Jersey." Presenting the data in a disaggregated way allows these sorts of questions
to be answered specifically, but if a single, overall number is needed to summarize the
performance of a state's children, for questions like this, one must standardize.
I contend that NAEP data are gathered to illuminate the performance of schools. Different
schools face tasks of differing difficulty depending upon the particular mix of students that
attend. If we want to make comparisons among schools that are about the schools and not about
the mix of students we must standardize. Not doing so is wrong and misleading, exactly the
opposite, if I may be permitted the obiter dictum, of what Mr. Finn suggests.
The Report in Question
The most critical measure of any educational system is the performance of its students.
But what yardstick should be used to accomplish this measure? The fact that modern education
has many goals suggests that we must measure the extent of its success in a variety of ways. This
report describes the first of a series of researches that will attempt to characterize the
performance of New Jersey's public school system. We will do this through comparative and
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absolute measures, the primary instrument of which will be the data gathered during the course of
the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
NAEP is a Congressionally mandated survey of the educational achievement of American
students and of changes in that achievement across time. Although this survey has been
operational for nearly 25 years, it was only in 1988 that Congress authorized adding state level
surveys to the national assessment. This was begun on a trial basis with states participating on a
voluntary basis. In 1990 37 states, two territories and the District of Columbia participated in the
first Eighth Grade Math Assessment. In 1992 seven more states joined the state assessment
yielding 44 jurisdictions. The 1992 assessment was expanded to also include the Fourth grade. In
this report we shall focus attention only upon the 41 states in the assessment. Guam, the Virgin
Islands and the District of Columbia will be explicitly excluded because they are sufficiently
different from the states in their size, character and composition so as to distort most
comparisons. The assessment methodology is technically sophisticated. Through the use of
linking items and item response theory, the performance of all students participating in the
assessment can be placed on the same numerical scale. Measuring students' growth is thus
straightforward. Subtracting 4th grade scores from 8th grade scores is the growth obtained.
Consequently the expansion of the assessment to the fourth grade provides us with two important
bits of information. First, is a measure of how much mathematics Fourth graders know. Second,
a measure of how much mathematics is learned between 4th and 8th grade. Note that having a
measure of the gain obtained (about 49 NAEP points on average) helps us to interpret the NAEP
scale. It tells us that if one state trails another by about 12 points this is about the same as the
average gain in one year of school. Thus, when we compare California's mean 8th grade NAEP
score of 261 to New Jersey's score of 273, we can interpret the 12 point difference as indicating
that the average California 8th grader performs about the same in mathematics as the average
New Jersey 7th grader would have. This helps give additional meaning to the numerical scale.
More meaning still for the eighth grade math assessment is yielded by comparing
performance on it with performance of 13 year old students in the 1991 International
Assessment. Because the NAEP Math assessment was coordinated with the International
Assessment both sets of scores can, with reasonable confidence, be placed on the same scale.
This was accomplished by having a common sample of examinees for both assessments. As we
shall see, the performance of New Jersey's students compares favorably with those from the
developed nations.
The Mathematics assessment contained tasks for the students drawn from the framework
provided by the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics, developed by the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The content and the structure of the assessment
has been widely praised as being representative of the best that current knowledge and
technology allows. A full description of the 1992 Mathematics Assessment is found in NAEP
1992: Mathematics Report Card for the Nation and the States (Mullis, Dossey, Owen, & Phillips;
The NAEP State Assessment Sample
Within each state 100 public schools are carefully selected to be representative of all
public schools in that state. Within each school at least 30 students are chosen at random to be
tested ( in larger schools this number can be as large as 90). Students (usually of foreign birth)
whose English language proficiency is deemed to be insufficient to deal with the test, are
excluded from the sampling frame.
The Results
All results are reported on a uniform scale that can meaningfully characterize the
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performance of students over a very wide range of proficiency. This scale can be used in a
normative manner, for example comparing one state with another, or one state with the nation as
a whole. Or it can be used as an absolute measure, since expert judges have provided a
correspondence between score levels and specific proficiencies. These proficiencies are denoted
Basic, Proficient and Advanced and what is required to perform at each of these levels obviously
increases as the student progresses through school, but are always referred back to the five NAEP
content areas. These are: (1) numbers and operations, (2) measurement, (3) geometry, (4) data
analysis, statistics, and probability, and (5) algebra and functions.
For example, a score of 211 is characterized as "Basic Level" fourth grade performance.
"Basic Level" is defined as "showing some evidence of understanding the mathematical concepts
and procedures of the five NAEP content areas." The second level is called "Proficient" and is
located at score 248 and reflects being able to "consistently apply integrated procedural
knowledge and conceptual understanding to problem solving in the five NAEP areas." The
highest performance level is termed "Advanced," is located at score 280 and reflects the ability to
"apply integrated procedural knowledge and conceptual understanding to complex and
nonroutine real-world problem solving in the five NAEP areas."
The mean performance of all participating states for the 8th grade assessment is shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. A stem & leaf display of the 1992 NAEP State Assessment in 8th Grade
Mathematics. These results are the raw (unstandardized) means from each state.
New Jersey ranks 14th among all participants.
NAEP 1992 Mathematics Assessment Overall Proficiency-8th Grade Mathematics
283 Iowa North Dakota
282 Minnesota
278 Maine New Hampshire
277 Nebraska Wisconsin
274 Idaho Wyoming Utah
273 Connecticut
272 Colorado Massachusetts
271 New Jersey Pennsylvania
270 Missouri
269 Indiana
267 Michigan Oklahoma Virginia Ohio
266 Delaware
261 Kentucky
260 California South Carolina
259 Florida New Mexico Georgia
258 West Virginia Tennessee North Carolina
257 Hawaii
255 Arkansas
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251 Alabama
249 Louisiana
246 Mississippi
The results shown in Figure 1, while accurately reflecting the actual mean performance within
each state, may not be appropriate for certain kinds of state-by-state comparisons. The student
populations of each state differ in their demographic make-up. As such, some states face more
difficult challenges in educating their populations than others. One obvious example of such a
situation occurs in states like California, New Jersey and Florida that have large immigrant
populations whose children, even if they do not participate directly in the assessment, require a
larger share of instructional resources than native English speakers. In addition, the various
subpopulations of students in each state often perform very differently from one another. For
example, in Figure 2 are displayed the mean performance of students in different parts of the
country broken down by race/ethnicity.
Figure 2 has two important messages:
1. There are very large differences in performance by ethnic group. These differences are
much larger than the geographic variation observed.
2. New Jersey's students perform better than the national average and all regional averages for all
groups. Thus although it is true that New Jersey's African-American and Hispanic students do
worse than White students, they do better than African-American and Hispanic students in any
Figure 2. A stem & leaf depiction comparing the performance New Jersey's
students, broken down by race/ethnicity, with similar groups from all other parts of
the country. (Samples of "Asian/Pacific Islanders" were insufficient to obtain
accurate estimates for any other regions than the West.)
(Note to Reader: The horizontal spacing of the entries in this figure are significant. If
you view this figure in a proportional font such as Times or New York it will be
distorted. The proper spacing is retained in Courier.)
NAEP 1992 Trial State Assessment Subgroup comparisons of NJ with other parts
of the Nation
Grade 8
Mathematics White
Islander Hispanic
297 NJ
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286 West
283 NJ
280 Central
279 Northeast
277 West
269 Southeast
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
247 NJ
246 Central & West
242 NJ
241 Northeast
239 Southeast Northeast & Central
234 West
233 Southeast
In addition to the widely different performances of the various demographic subgroups, the
distribution of these groups is not uniform across all states. A brief summary of these
distributions is shown in Table 1. As is evident, New Jersey's racial/ethnic distribution is rather
close to that of the nation as a whole. The central states are the most deviant in the sense that they
have a substantially larger proportion of their student population that is White.
Table 1. The national and regional racial/ethnic distribution.
NAEP 1992 Trial State Assessment Percentage Race/Ethnic Representation in NJ
Compared to that in other parts of the Nation
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Mathematics White Black Hispanic Asian Other
NATION 69 17 10 2 2
Northeast 68 20 9 2 1
Southeast 63 29 5 1 2
Central 79 11 7 1 2
West 65 11 16 5 3
NJ 67 14 13 5 1
If we wish to use such data to draw inferences about the relative efficacy of a state's
schools, it is considered good practice to statistically adjust for the demographic differences.
Why is it helpful to make such adjustments? It is beyond the goals of this report to investigate
fully why there are differences in performance by demographic group, although there is a rich
literature of fact and conjecture that attempts to do so (Note 2).
However, to understand why we need to make a statistical adjustment it is important to
provide some explanation. To do so requires that we draw the important distinction between
education and schooling. The school is only one agency among many -- family, church,
neighborhood, mass media -- that provides children with windows on the world. Mass schooling
was invented because families could no longer perform essential educational functions. "Once
upon a time schools could proceed on the only partly fictitious assumption that, in their efforts to
teach children, they were supported by relatively stable families, and by neighborhoods that
enforced elementary standards of civility." (Note 3) Not only is this much less true now than in
the past, but also it is less true within some demographic groups than others. NAEP measures
education and not just schooling, but inferences about the differences among states are explicitly
about schools. To add some validity to those inferences we must try, statistically, to place all
states on a level playing field with respect to their children's nonschool educational opportunities.
Adjusting for differences in demographic groupings is a crude beginning.
What follows is a methodology that recognizes that such differences exist, and a statistical
technology that attempts to partition state differences due to demographics from those due to
differences in school performance.
Interpretable comparisons through statistical standardization
The between-state comparisons that are implicit in Figure 1 can yield misleading inferences if
one is not acutely aware of the differences in the demographic make-up of all of the constituent
units. This is of such a complex nature that it is impossible to keep things straight without some
formal adjustment. One accepted way to accomplish this adjustment is termed "standardization"
(Mosteller & Tukey, 1977, p. 223). The basic idea of standardization is to choose some specific
demographic proportions as the standard and then estimate each state's mean proficiency on that
specific mixture. In this instance it is sensible to choose the configuration of the entire United
States as the standard mixture. Thus the estimated score for each state will be the answer to the
question, "What would the national average be if all children went to school in this state?"
How is this adjustment accomplished? It is very simple in theory, although sometimes,
because of peculiarities in sampling weights, a bit tricky to execute. We take the mean score
obtained in a state for a particular subgroup and multiply it by that subgroup's proportional
representation in the standard (national) mixture. Do this for all subgroups and the resulting score
is the adjusted one. So far we have reported New Jersey's scores for four racial/ethnic groups. As
we have seen, because New Jersey's demographics are so much like the national standard this
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sort of adjustment would have little effect. A greater effect would be on more disparate areas (i.e.
the central US,). Is it sufficient to adjust simply on the basis of this one demographic variable?
No, although if we adjust on too many variables, and so include some irrelevant ones, no damage
will be done, since irrelevant variables will typically not show differences in performance. In this
paper we adjust on three variables. These are:
1. Race/ethnicity - Five categories: White, African-American, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander,
2. Type of community - Four categories: Extreme Rural, Advantaged Urban, Disadvantaged
Urban, Other.
3. Limited English Proficiency - Two categories: Yes, No
This resulted in dividing each state up into forty pieces corresponding to the forty possible
combinations (5X4X2) and calculating the mean proficiency within each of those 40 groups.
These 40 means were then weighted by their representation in the entire nation yielding a
standardized score for each state. The results of this standardization are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. After standardization New Jersey ranks fourth among all participating
states in the 1992 8th grade mathematics assessment.
NAEP 1992 Trial state Assessment (Standardized for demographic differences)
Grade 8
278 North Dakota
275 Iowa Minnesota
274 New Jersey Maine New Hampshire
273 Idaho
272 Connecticut
271 Massachusetts Wisconsin
270 Nebraska Wyoming Utah
269 Texas
268 Colorado Pennsylvania New York Virginia Missouri
267 Arizona California Maryland Indiana Michigan
265 South Carolina Oklahoma Ohio
264 Delaware New Mexico Florida
263 Rhode Island
262 Georgia
260 Kentucky
259 North Carolina
257 Hawaii Tennessee
255 Alabama Louisiana Arkansas West Virginia
254 Mississippi
After standardization to national demographic norms we find that although New Jersey's
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mean score has not changed much, ten other states, with more homogeneous student populations
(e.g., Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Iowa, Idaho, North Dakota) that had previously been slightly
higher are now ranked equal to or below New Jersey.
What is the point of standardization? There are many reasons. So far we have mentioned
just one -- making comparisons between states on the basis of their children's performance on the
same tasks and not on the differences in the demographic structure of their population. A second,
and oftentimes more important use of standardized scores is in easing the difficulties in making
inferences about changes that occur within a state across time. When changes do occur the
standardized scores assure that the change reflects changes in the students' performance and not
changes in the demographic structure of the state. We expect that as time goes on this will be the
aspect of greatest value of the standardization. (Note 4)
A natural question to ask is, "At what age do the differences observed among the states
manifest themselves?" If we see the same difference between two states in 4th grade as we do in
8th, it implies that the lower scoring state needs to place more emphasis on learning in lower
grades. If the difference observed in 4th grade grows proportionally larger in 8th it means that the
deficit is spread throughout the years of school and a more systemic change is needed for
improvement. Trying to make inferences of this sort based on just two time points is risky, but is
certainly instructive. Shown in Figure 4 are the standardized scores for the 1992 4th grade math
assessment. A comparison with the 8th grade rankings shown in Figure 3 indicates that the
positions established in 4th grade are maintained and the differences observed between states
increase. The range of 24 NAEP points observed between the relatively extreme states of North
Dakota and Mississippi in 8th grade was 13 NAEP points in 4th grade. One way to interpret this
is that the average Mississippi 4th grader was a year behind the average North Dakota 4th grader
in math, and by the time they both reached 8th grade this deficit had increased to two years.
Figure 4. The standardized scores for the 41 states in the 1992 4th grade math
NAEP 1992 Trial state Assessment (Standardized for demographic differences)
Grade 4 Mathematics
227 New Hampshire
226 Maine
224 Connecticut
223 New Jersey Iowa Wisconsin
222 North Dakota Pennsylvania
221 Minnesota Texas Wyoming Virginia Massachusetts
220 Nebraska Missouri New York
219 Maryland Georgia
218 Colorado Idaho Indiana Michigan Delaware Oklahoma
217 NATION Utah Ohio Arizona
216 South Carolina
215 New Mexico North Carolina
214 Rhode Island Florida
213 Kentucky
212 California West Virginia
211 Hawaii
210 Tennessee Alabama Arkansas Louisiana
209 Mississippi
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By subtracting the scores shown in Figure 4 from those in Figure 3 we obtain estimates of
the average growth exhibited in each state. This result is shown in Figure 5 below. All states'
scores are standardized to the demographic structure of the nation as a whole. Thus were these
results longitudinal rather than cross- sectional, we would be able to interpret the changes as due
entirely to growth and not demographic changes. As they are now constituted these changes in
scores are due to differences in performance and not to demographic differences in the two
Figure 5. Standardized estimates of change in mathematics performance seen by
state between 4th and 8th grade in the 1992 assessment. New Jersey's gain was the
seventh largest.
Gain in Mathematics Proficiency from 4th to 8th grade
(Scores are standardized to entire US population)
56 North Dakota
55 California Idaho
54 Minnesota
53 Utah
52 Iowa
51 New Jersey
50 Arizona Colorado Florida Massachusetts Nebraska
49 NATION Indiana Michigan New Mexico Rhode Island Wyoming South Carolina Ohio
48 Connecticut Maine Wisconsin New York Maryland Missouri
47 Kentucky Oklahoma Virginia Tennessee New Hampshire
46 Delaware Hawaii Pennsylvania
45 Alabama Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi
44 North Carolina
43 Georgia West Virginia
International Comparisons
As mentioned previously, the 1991 International Assessment contained enough NAEP
items to allow accurate comparisons. The most newsworthy result was that the United States
finished near the bottom in this assessment, finishing ahead of Jordan but behind all of the
participating developed nations. This was (properly) viewed with alarm. But, as we have seen in
the preceding figures, there is tremendous variation within the United States. Shown in Figure 6,
are the results of this assessment augmented by the inclusion of New Jersey (standardized to
national demographics). As is evident, New Jersey's students' performance was sixth among all
nations participating in the assessment. Further details of the International Assessment can be
found in Salganik, Phelps, Bianchi, Nohara, & Smith (1993).
Figure 6. Placing New Jersey explicitly into the 1991 International Assessment
shows that its students performed above the average level of most developed
International 1991 Mathematics Assessment
(Predicted Proficiency for 13 year olds)
285 Taiwan
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283 Korea
279 Soviet Union Switzerland
277 Hungary
274 New Jersey
273 France
272 Italy Israel
270 Canada
269 Ireland Scotland
266 Slovenia
263 Spain
262 United States
246 Jordan
Interpretation of this figure is helped by remembering that, on average, students advance roughly
12 NAEP points a year. Thus the average student in Taiwan and Korea is about a year ahead of
the average New Jersey student, who is within a month or two of the other developed nations.
Thus we see rather dramatically that because of the great diversity within the United
States looking at just an overall figure for the entire country provides an incomplete and, for
some purposes, misleading picture. Because New Jersey's score is standardized to the
demographic structure of the entire nation one can interpret this result as what the nation's
location would have been if all of the states' educational systems performed as well as New
Within State Variation
We have seen that the variation among states (roughly 30 NAEP points from highest to
lowest) makes interpretation of a national mean of limited value. In the same way, the variation
within states dwarfs the variation between them. In most states the average score obtained by the
lowest 10% of the students is more than 90 points below the score obtained by the top 10%.
(Note 5) 90 points is an enormous gulf. Before trying to understand the reasons for this great
disparity (with an eye toward developing strategies for ameliorating it) it will be useful to
continue this series of comparisons for one important segment of the population --the very top.
In Figure 7 is a comparison of the performance of the top 5% in the 1992 8th grade math
assessment with the top 5% of the various OECD countries. We see immediately that New
Jersey's top 8th grade students compare favorably with their counterparts throughout the world.
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The United States as a whole has also improved relative to the other countries, but still lags the
other developed nations by from 3 to 12 months.
Figure 7. New Jersey's top students rank third in the world in the 8th grade math
International 1991 Mathematics Assessment
(Predicted Proficiency for 95th %ile of 13 year olds)
345 Taiwan
335 Korea
328 New Jersey
326 Hungary
324 Soviet Union
322 Switzerland
319 France
317 Israel Italy
316 Ireland
315 Scotland Canada
312 United States
311 Slovenia
306 Spain
296 Jordan
Summary & Conclusions
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This report is the beginning of a series that examines of the performance of New Jersey's
school children relative to other children within the United States and world-wide. The measure
of performance used was the 1992 National Assessment of Educational Progress mathematics
exams and their linked versions used in the 1991 International Assessment. This is done in the
ardent belief that the efficacy of schools must be measured by the performance of their students.
We chose NAEP for several reasons, three of which were:
1. It is composed of test items that satisfy the best of current wisdom with respect to both
their content and their form.
2. The psychometric model underlying the scoring of NAEP yields a single scale on which
not only can the fourth grade and eighth graders be characterized, but also the 13 year olds from
the OECD countries from around the world.
3. The students sampled by the NAEP are drawn in a principled way from the populations
of interest. This in sharp contrast to the sorts of self-selected samples that are represented by state
means of such college admission tests as the SAT and the ACT. It is well known that trying to
draw inferences of useful accuracy from such self-selected samples is impossible (Wainer,
1986a, b; 1989a, b).
We concur with prevailing expert opinion that of all broad-based tests NAEP provides the
most honest and accurate estimates of the performance of the students over the broad range of
jurisdictions sampled.
We found that, based on the unstandardized results of the 1992 Mathematics Assessment,
New Jersey was among the highest performing states. Once these results were standardized to
reflect a single (national) demographic composition New Jersey's rank among the participating
states increased to fourth. The United States finished next to last when the performance of its
students was compared with that of the students in the other 14 participating OECD nations in
the 1991 International Assessment. New Jersey's students were ranked sixth on the same
assessment when their performance was placed on the same scale. However New Jersey's best
students, its top 5%, when compared with the performance of the top 5% of all other OECD
nations, ranked third; trailing only Taiwan and Korea.
This research was supported by the New Jersey Education Association. I am pleased to
acknowledge their help. Furthermore I am grateful for the advice and help of John Fremer, Gene
Johnson, Philip Leung and John Mazzeo.
1. Samuel Johnson "To count is modern practice, the ancient method was to guess"; but even
Seneca was aware of the difference-"Magnum esse solem philosophus probabit, quantus sit
2. The Coleman report (Coleman et al., 1966) remains the most encyclopedic of such
investigations, summarizing, as it does, the performance of more than 645,000 children in 4,000
public schools. It arrives at the not surprising conclusion that family and economic variables
drive educational achievement.
3. This quote and much of the surrounding logic comes from Marvin Bressler's delightful and
wise 1992 essay, "A teacher reflects."
4. A caveat: Big changes as a result of a statistical adjustment tell us that great care must be
exercised in making inferences. A careful comparison of Figure 1 and Figure 3 reveals that most
states do not change very much. This is evidence that the standardization is generally behaving as
it ought, for if one disagrees with the structure of the adjustment one can still be content that it
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isn't changing anything drastically. A notable exception to this would be the District of
Columbia, whose small size and atypical demographic structure would combine to yield an
enormous shift. Inferences about the meaning of its standardized location ought not be the same
as those drawn about the states. For the more important purpose of tracking changes in a
jurisdiction's performance over time, it is probably prudent to develop a special standardization
for each of the four most unusual jurisdictions (DC, Hawaii, Guam, Virgin Islands).
5. In all but one of the OECD countries this gulf between the 10th percentile and the 90th is
somewhat smaller, about 70 points. Taiwan is the lone exception a difference of 96 points.
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Salganik, L. H., Phelps, R. P., Bianchi, L., Nohara, D., & Smith, T. M. (1993). Education in
States and Nations: Indicators Comparing U.S. States with the OECD Countries in 1988. NCES
Report No. 93-237. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
Wainer, H. (1986a). Drawing inferences from self-selected samples. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Wainer, H. (1986b). Five pitfalls encountered while trying to compare states on their SAT scores.
Journal of Educational Measurement, 23, 69-81.
Wainer, H. (1986c). Minority contributions to the SAT score turnaround: An example of
Simpson's paradox. Journal of Educational Statistics, 11, 229-244.
Wainer, H. (1989a). Eelworms, bulletholes & Geraldine Ferraro: Some problems with statistical
adjustment and some solutions. Journal of Educational Statistics, 14, 121-140 (with discussions).
Reprinted in Shaffer, J. P. (Ed.) (1992). The role of models in nonexperimental social science
(pps. 129-148). Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association & American
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Wainer, H. (1989b). Responsum. Journal of Educational Statistics, 14, 187-200. Reprinted in
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Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association & American Statistical
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Yule, G. U. (1903). Notes on the theory of association of attributes of statistics. Biometrics, 2,
About the Author
Howard Wainer
Howard Wainer received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1968, after which he was
on the faculty of the University of Chicago. He worked at the Bureau of Social Science Research
in Washington during the Carter Administration, and is now Principal Research Scientist at the
Educational Testing Service. He was awarded the Educational Testing Service's Senior Scientist
Award in 1990 and was selected for the Lady Davis Prize. He is a Fellow of the American
Statistical Association. His latest book, Visual Revelations, will be published by Copernicus
Books (a division of Springer-Verlag) in April of 1997.
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Full-text available
The huge technological improvement in data processing and the globalization have increased the demand for and the supply of indices that quantify the consequences of a policy. However, there are certain cases in which quantification may be misleading in the sense that it gives the impression of an accurate measurement while in reality it is not. Needless to say that a policy that is based on the wrong impression is doomed to fail. This article presents such an example in the area of education.Ability is a latent variable. As such, it has to be measured indirectly, using questions of varying levels of difficulties. The larger the number of questions a student answers correctly, the higher the grade and the higher the estimated ability. Groups (i.e., classes, schools, ethnic groups, etc.) are ranked in a similar way, based on the average grades of their students.This article argues that the inability to directly measure ability may cause the ranking of groups to be questionable in the sense that one can compose an alternative legitimate examination that will reverse the ranking of groups' average abilities. This case may occur although the ranking of individuals according to ability may be correct. This problem percolates into other cases of aggregation of grades, such as the use of grades in a regression.The article provides an easy way to check whether the condition for reversing the order of the ranks is possible. As an illustration we demonstrate the methodology using data from Israel and from TIMSS.
There is no safety in numbers. When data are gathered from a sample in which the selection criteria are unknown, many problems can befall the unwary investigator. In this paper we explore some of these problems and discuss some solutions. Our principle example is drawn from data from students who choose to take the College Board's Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). We explore methods of covariance adjustment as well as more explicitly model-based adjustment methods. Among the latter we discuss Heckman's Selection Model, Rubin's Mixture Model, and Tukey's Simplified Selection Model.
Since 1980 the decline in SAT scores has stopped and the scores have started to creep back up. The scores for white Americans have increased 8 points during this period and 15 points for non-whites. It was thus surprising to discover that the overall mean increased only 7 points. This is not an arithmetic error but rather an example of a well-known statistical phenomenon called Simpson's Paradox. In this note we explain the paradox and describe a method that will avoid it in the future.
This report is based on the first international education indicators produced by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The 16 indicators were chosen to take advantage of data available in "Education at a Glance," the most up-to-date set of international educational indicators. Indicators are grouped into categories of: (1) background; (2) participation; (3) outcomes; and (4) finance. In addition, results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress study of mathematics achievement of eighth graders have been statistically linked to results from a similar international study. The presentation of each indicator includes an explanation of what it means, why it is important, and key results from a comparison of countries and states. Comparisons are most often made among "like-size" entities. For each indicator, tables are included for states and countries along with a graph that displays this data together. The indicators are policy-relevant and problem-oriented measures of the state of a system. A commitment to reaching world-class education performance is expressed in the National Education Goals of 1990. These indicators provide information necessary to plan for these goals. Eighteen figures and 32 tables present indicators. An appendix provides technical information about the comparison process and includes standard error tables for indicators. A glossary and technical notes are attached. (SLD)
Recent research (Page & Feifs, 1985; Powell & Steelman, 1984; Steelman & Powell, 1985) attempts to draw inferences about the relative standing of the states on the basis of mean SAT scores. These papers point out that this cannot be done without statistically adjusting for various differences among the states. In this paper I identify five serious errors that, when made, call into question the validity of such inferences. In addition, I describe some plausible ways to avoid the errors.
Although there is wide agreement in the United States that our society accepts and supports the fundamental value of equal opportunity, when it comes to areas of specific application there is considerable disagreement over its meaning. In this article, the author traces the evolutionary shifts in interpretation of the concept of equality of educational opportunity, not only putting into perspective the different views which form the basis for disagreement today but also indicating how the current direction of change may influence the interpretation of this concept in the future.