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Personality Traits and Colour Preferences

  • Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Medical Faculty, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Abstract and Figures

The objective of this investigation was to find out if there existed any differences in personality traits of subjects grouped according to the colour preference criterion. The study sample included a total of 104 subjects recruited from the third-year students of two grammar schools in Novi Sad, Serbia. The research instruments applied were the short version of the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire and the Colour Preference Questionnaire designed particularly for the purpose of this investigation. The obtained results showed that there were personality differences between subjects preferring dark colours (brown, grey and black) and subjects preferring bright colours (red, yellow). Social introversion and neuroticism/anxiety were more prominent personality traits in subjects who preferred dark colours, while aggression and activity were more prominent in subjects who preferred bright colours.
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28 Curr Top Neurol Psychiatr Relat Discip. Vol 18, No. 4, December 2010
Cigić at al.
UDC 159.937.51
Dunja Cigić1, Vojislava Bugarski 1
Abstract: e objective of this investigation was to nd out if there existed any dierences in personality
traits of subjects grouped according to the colour preference criterion. e study sample included a total of
104 subjects recruited from the third-year students of two grammar schools in Novi Sad, Serbia. e resear-
ch instruments applied were the short version of the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire and
the Colour Preference Questionnaire designed particularly for the purpose of this investigation. e obtai-
ned results showed that there were personality dierences between subjects preferring dark colours (brown,
grey and black) and subjects preferring bright colours (red, yellow). Social introversion and neuroticism/
anxiety were more prominent personality traits in subjects who preferred dark colours, while aggression
and activity were more prominent in subjects who preferred bright colours.
Key words: Colour preference, personality traits, Alternative Five-Factor Model of Personality
Sažetak: Cilj ovog istraživanja je da pruži odgovor na pitanje da li postoje razlike u osobinama ličnosti iz-
među grupa ispitanika formiranih na osnovu preferencije boja. Ispitanici su bili učenici treće godine novo-
sadskih gimnazija, ukupno 104 ispitanika. Od instrumenata korišćeni su skraćena verzija Zakerman-Kul-
manovog upitnika za procenu ličnosti i Upitnik za procenu stepena dopadanja boja konstruisan za dato
istraživanje. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da postoje razlike u osobinama ličnosti između ispitanika koji više
preferiraju tamnije boje (braon, siva i crna) naspram jarkih boja (crvena, žuta). Izraženije osobine socijal-
ne introverzije i neuroticizma/anksioznosti se beleže u grupi ispitanika kojoj se više dopadaju tamnije boje,
dok se izraženije prisustvo osobina kao što su agresivnost i aktivitet beleže u grupi ispitanika koja više pre-
ferira jarke boje.
Ključne reči: preferencija boja, osobine ličnosti, Alternativni petofaktorski model ličnosti
1 Clinic of Neurology, Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
Correspondence to: Dunja Cigić, MPsy; Address: Banović Strahinje 18, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; E-mail:
* Received November 16, 2010; accepted December 17, 2010.
Curr Top Neurol Psychiatr Relat Discip. Vol 18, No. 4, December 2010
Cigić at al.
Marvin Zuckerman’s Alternative Five-Factor
Model of Personality
At the basis of all personality models and accom-
panying personality assessment instruments lie
the presumptions regarding the nature of perso-
nality dimensions (1). Psychobiological personali-
ty theories (e.g. Eysenck’s theory of planned beha-
viour), propose models for understanding the in-
teraction between the biological and environmen-
tal eects on the personality traits. Psychobiologi-
cal personality theories assume there is a certain
neuropsychological system at the basis of any per-
sonality trait, and this systems structure and fun-
ction are aected by synergistic eects of genes
and the environment. Individual dierences in the
systems functioning retroactively aect the die-
rences on the behavioural plane. However, Zuc-
kerman opines there is no isomorphism between
the personality traits and neuropsychological sy-
stems. Neuropsychological systems may exert the-
ir inuence on diverse manifested behaviours,
which may be related to a wide spectrum of the
personality traits. erefore, there is an interacti-
on, but not a separate inuence of these systems
on behaviour. Each trait is supported by complex
neuropsychological functions and systems that
contribute to manifesting a large number of tra-
its (2). Relying upon the investigations of biopsyc-
hological bases of many personality traits, Zucker-
man has developed the approach with diverse tra-
it levels postulated, enabling thus their adequate
description (1). Psychometrically operationalized
traits are at the rst level; consistent behaviour pa-
tterns and accustomed cognitive reactions in cer-
tain situations are at the second level; then follow
the learning and conditioning; the cortical physi-
ology dierences are examined at the fourth level;
biochemical systems (neurotransmitters, enzymes
or hormones) are at the h level; neurological sy-
stems at the basis of functioning are at the sixth le-
vel; and the genetic structure is at the last, seventh
level. To fully understand a particular personali-
ty trait, it is essential to investigate all the levels of
its manifestation. e dimensions of Zuckermans
Alternative Five-Factor Model are Activity, Aggre-
ssion/Hostility, Impulsive Sensation Seeking, Ne-
uroticism/Anxiety and Sociability. Each of these
dimensions has specic manifestations at the le-
vel of behaviour, the basis in the form of the pro-
cess of conditioning, as well as its physiological,
biochemical, neurological and genetic basis (1).
According to Zuckerman, the physiological pro-
cesses underlying the cortical excitation or inhibi-
tion are important for all basic personality dimen-
sions. erefore, modern psychological models
abandon former reductional approaches, conside-
ring the relations between the physiological and
psychological features to be due to complex inte-
ractions. In addition to the presumption that the
psychological processes are physiologically condi-
tioned, one of the axioms of the psychobiological
approach is the thesis that they are genetically pre-
determined (1).
e colour is the sight sensation produced in the
retina by the visible light rays, i.e. the electroma-
gnetic irradiation of 380-760nm wave length.
According to this denition, the colour is a featu-
re of neither the sensation-producing light nor the
light-emitting object, but it is a psychic experience
produced by electromagnetic irradiation (3).
e spectrum may be divided into several se-
gments, which when collected together regardle-
ss their number, again produce the white light. If
the spectrum is dispersed through a prism into
three equal segments, three primary colours are
obtained. e rst colour classication includes
the primary and complex colours. ree primary
colours are red, yellow and blue. ree complex
colours are produced by mixing these primary
ones: red+yellow=orange, blue+yellow=green and
blue+red=violet. ese colours are also called se-
condary. Tertiary colours are produced by mixing
the primary and secondary ones (e.g. blue gree-
nish, yellow greenish, etc.). Another classicati-
on of the colours includes the warm (red, yellow,
orange) and cold (blue, violet, green) colours. is
classication has resulted from the fact that the-
se colours can in nature be correlated to respec-
tive thermal states (red– re, blue sea). Neutral
colours include brown, coee colour and alike.
Complementary colours are the two colours nei-
ther of which is contained in another one. ey
take the opposite sides in Ostwald’s colour wheel.
ese are: orange and blue (as orange is produced
30 Curr Top Neurol Psychiatr Relat Discip. Vol 18, No. 4, December 2010
Cigić at al.
by mixing red and yellow, i.e. it contains not a bit
of blue), violet and yellow, and red and green. e
German physicist Wilhelm Ostwald was the rst
to formulate the classication of colours depen-
ding on their chromatic features, which has been
generally accepted nowadays. According to their
chromatic features, the colours are classied as va-
riegated and non-variegated, that is as chromatic
and non-chromatic, or chromatin and achromatic
(neutral). Variegated or chromatic colours are the
ones included within the Sun Spectrum, and non-
variegated or achromatic colours include black,
white and grey.
e Colour and the Personality
e colour is an important aspect of our eorts to
create our personal environment we like. ere is
a surprisingly small number of studies investiga-
ting the correlation between the individual colo-
ur preference and the personality. According to
Luscher, who advocates the thesis that the subjects
with similar colour preference may have similar
personality traits, the subjects’ psychological reac-
tions/attitudes to the primary colours (blue, red,
yellow and green) reect their basic psychological
needs. When, for example, someone does not like
red, he/she unconsciously reects anxiety (4).
Eysenck postulated that the introverts, unlike the
extroverts, are preoccupied with their own thou-
ghts and emotions, so they choose a social envi-
ronment that allows them to achieve a medium le-
vel of the optimal excitement (1). e studies of
the eect of colour on excitement have shown that
there is a correlation between colour preferences
and personality traits. More precisely, the intro-
verts prefer „calm” colours (such as blue), becau-
se they reduce the excitement, while the extroverts
prefer „exciting” colours (such as red), as they in-
crease the excitement level (4). A study in whi-
ch hue (but not brightness or saturation) was va-
ried showed that more extroverts than introverts
preferred warm colours (5). In his careful anal-
ysis of the eect of permanent observation of co-
loured surfaces through psychophysical functi-
ons, Gerard reported a signicantly weaker excite-
ment under the blue than under the red and whi-
te light (6). Subjects who scored high on the ma-
nifest anxiety scale were signicantly more exci-
ted under the red light and calmer under the blue
light as compared to the subjects with low mani-
fest anxiety score (6). e high structural mode of
colour application has been established to be in
the positive correlation with the socially reserved
style of behaviour and in the negative correlation
with extroversion. However, the looser applicati-
on of colours is not necessarily in a close correlati-
on with extroversion (7). Lange and Rentfrow su-
ppose that similar personality traits may be reec-
ted through diverse colour preference patterns,
e.g., the high creativity might be associated with
the yellow or red colour preference at the rst pla-
ce, and the blue colour preference at the last pla-
ce (8).
e history of the psychological studies on the re-
lationship between personality and colour has
been partially reviewed by Schaie, who suggested
that the colour shades in the spectrum order from
red to violet represent a series of emotions, from
excitement, unrestraint, direct and prolonged im-
pulsive discharge (red), over calmness (green), to
anxiety and concern (violet) (5). e correlation
of the violet colour and concern and tension has
been supported by the ndings of a great number
of psycho-pathological groups. Birren has repor-
ted an association between the warm colours and
energetic and excited moods and between the cool
colours and passive and calm moods (9).
e investigation was carried out in order to exa-
mine the possibility of selecting the personality
types within the content of the Colour Preferen-
ce Assessment Questionnaire, i.e. to answer the
problematic question Are there personality tra-
it dierences between the clusters of the exami-
ned subjects formed on the colour preference ba-
sis?“ e few investigations of this problem carri-
ed out so far suggest there is a correlation between
warm colours and energetic and exciting moods,
as well as between cool colours and passive and
calm moods; in other words, the extroverts tend
to prefer warm colours, unlike the introverts (9).
ese theoretical suppositions suggest the hypot-
hesis of personality trait dierences between su-
bjects who prefer dark colours and those who pre-
fer bright colours.
Curr Top Neurol Psychiatr Relat Discip. Vol 18, No. 4, December 2010
Cigić at al.
e investigation was carried out in May, 2009.
e study sample included the students of four
third-year classes of two grammar schools (‘’Laza
Kostić’’ and ‘’Jovan Jovanović Zmaj’’) in Novi Sad,
Serbia. Two third-year classes from each school
were included. e school authorities gave their
written consent for this project. Prior to the initia-
tion, the examined subjects were informed the in-
vestigation was anonymous, and the obtained re-
sults would be used for the research purposes exc-
lusively. Having obtained the investigated subjects’
written consent for participation in the study, they
were all given a written instruction regarding the
application of the short version of Zuckerman-
Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire, with an ad-
ditional oral instruction concerning the applicati-
on of the Colour Preference Questionnaire, desi-
gned for the purpose of this investigation exclusi-
vely. e time for lling in the questionnaires was
not limited. e subjects were given to ll in the
short version of Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personali-
ty Questionnaire, and they came to the teacher’s
desk one by one, where was a computer with the
stimuli (colours) on the screen. All the instructi-
ons had been explained before the study started,
so in the second part of the investigation the stu-
dents just answered the Colour Preference Que-
stionnaire, with the stimuli eight colours of the
Luscher Colour Test simultaneously appearing on
the 15-inch computer screen.
e investigation was carried out on a sample of
a total of 104 subjects of both sexes, of whom 53
(51%) were males and 51 (49%) females, ave-
rage age of approximately 17 years (M=17.45;
SD=0.52). e subjects were matched with regard
to the basic sociodemographic variables - gender
(χ2 = 0.636; p>0.05) and age (χ2 = 0.955; p>0.05).
Two investigation instruments were applied in the
study: the short version of Zuckerman- Kuhlman
Personality Questionnaire, and the Colours Prefe-
rence Questionnaire.
Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionna-
ire - ZKPQ-50-CC (10) includes 50 items with
a binary answer format. e short version of the
questionnaire utilizes the dimensions of the Al-
ternative Five-Factor Personality Model: Activity
(Act), Aggression-Hostility (Agg-Host), Impulsive
Sensation Seeking (ImpSS), Neuroticism-Anxiety
(NAnx) and Sociability (Sy). e subjects’ achie-
vements in the examined dimensions were de-
ned by the factor scores on the rst primary com-
ponents of each subscale. Reliability coecients
for each dimension on the short version of the
Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire
are presented in Table 1. e reliability expressed
by the Cronbachs alpha coecient has been con-
rmed in some international studies (Germany
and the United States) (10), showing that the short
form of Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questi-
onnaire has satisfactory reliability for most subs-
Table 1. Reliability of ZKPQ-50-CC subscales expressed
by the Cronbachs alpha
Cronbach α
Cronbach α
Neuroticism-Anxiety 0.80 0.82
Impulsive Sensation
Seeking 0.72 0.73
Activity 0.74 0.74
Sociability 0.74 0.67
Aggression-Hostility 0.72 0.60
e Colour Preference Questionnaire
e Colour Preference Questionnaire was desi-
gned for this investigation in particular, with the
Luscher Colour test as a model (4). However, the
responding and scoring format is dierent from
that in the original Luscher Colour Test. To apply
the Colour Preference Questionnaire, it is neces-
sary to have a 15-inch computer screen on whi-
ch an examiner simultaneously presents all the sti-
muli, i.e., the eight colours (green, yellow, grey, red
violet, black, brown and blue) from the original
Luscher Colour Test. e questionnaire is applied
in two stages. In the rst stage, subjects are asked
to select the colour they like best from those pre-
32 Curr Top Neurol Psychiatr Relat Discip. Vol 18, No. 4, December 2010
Cigić at al.
sented on the screen. In the second stage, subjects
assess each of the given eight colours on the ve-
point Likert scale (1- I don’t like it at all, 2 -I don’t
like it, 3 - I can’t decide, 4- I like it, and 5 - I like it
very much). Subjects were exposed to the stimuli
all the time while they were answering the questi-
Statistical analyses
e statistical processing of the obtained data was
performed using SPSS 11 (Statistical Package for
Social Science) and Statistica 7.0 for Windows. In
order to dene the taxonomy of subjects within
the scope of the Colour Preference Questionna-
ire, the cluster analysis was performed. To iden-
tify the isolated clusters, the canonical discrimi-
nant analysis was applied, in which cluster alia-
tion was the criterion variable, and the predictors
were subjects’ responses on the Colour Preference
Questionnaire. Subsequently, in order to exami-
ne the personality dierences between the iden-
tied clusters, the canonical discriminant anal-
ysis was applied, with the colour preference rela-
ted cluster aliation as the criterion variable and
the factor scores on the rst principal components
of the short form of Zuckerman-Kuhlman Perso-
nality Questionnaire as the predictors.
To dene the taxonomy of subjects within the sco-
pe of the Colour Preference Questionnaire and
the short form of Zuckerman-Kuhlman Persona-
lity Questionnaire, the cluster analysis was perfor-
med. Ward’s hierarchical clustering method was
performed rst in order to dene the number of
clusters to be kept. e dendrogram showed the
solutions with two and three clusters to be accep-
table. en, the non-hierarchical K-means cluste-
ring method with two- and three-cluster solutions
was applied. e two-cluster solution was found
the most suitable for interpretation, and therefore
it was used in further analyses.
Colour preference dierences between the groups
e discriminant analysis was applied to identify
the isolated clusters, with cluster aliation as the
criterion variable and the subjects’ answers on the
Colour Preference Questionnaire as the predictors
Table 2 Discriminant Function Signicance (Eigenvalues and Wilks’ Lambda)
Specic root % of the variance Canonicalcorrelation Wilks’ Lambda Chi square (x2) df p
2.294 100.0 .834 .304 116.814 8 .000
e rst isolated discriminative function was statistically signicant at the signicance level of p<0.01
(x2=116.814; Vilks’ lambda=0.304). e canonical correlation coecient was 0.834. e specic root
value was 2.294.
Table 3. Structural and standardized discriminant function coecients
Structural coecients Standardized coecients
red .574 .633
brown -.495 -.534
grey -.381 -.514
black -.273 -.162
blue .164 .182
green .161 .218
yellow .160 .350
violet .062 .185
Curr Top Neurol Psychiatr Relat Discip. Vol 18, No. 4, December 2010
Cigić at al.
Table 4. Group centroids on the discriminant function
Cluster (group) Discriminant function
Group1 -2.106
Group 2 1.068
e isolated discriminant function may be termed
preference for bright over dark colours.
On the basis of group centroids, it is observed that
Group 1 subjects, as compared to Group 2 su-
bjects, preferred brown (r=-.495) and grey (r=-
.381) and liked less red. Also, the black colour pre-
ference had a marginal statistical signicance (r=-
.273). Group 2 subjects liked red (r=.574) more
than Group 1 subjects. A partial contribution
to distinguishing these two groups was made by
red (standardized coecient=.633), brown (stan-
dardized coecient =-.534), grey (standardized
coecient=-.514), as well as yellow (standardized
coecient= 0.35) (Table 3 and 4). e rst cluster
may be identied as the dark-colour-preferring
type, and the second cluster as the bright-colour-
preferring type.
Personality dierences between the clusters
e discriminant analysis was used to examine
whether the selected clusters mutually diered
in personality traits. e set of predictors in this
analysis included the subjects’ factor scores on the
rst principal components of the short version of
Zuckerman-Kuhlman Questionnaire subscales,
while the grouping variable was the aliation to
clusters formed on the basis of colour preference
(Table 5).
e discriminant function had the statistical si-
gnicance at the level of p<0.05 (χ2=12.413;
Wilks lambda=0.883). e canonical correlati-
on coecient was 0.342, meaning the dierences
between clusters were moderate. e specic root
was 0.133.
Table 5. Signicance of the discriminative function (Eigenvalues and Wilks’ Lambda)
Specic root % of the variance Canonical-
Lambda Chi square (x2) df p
.133 100.0 .342 .883 12.413 5 .030
Table 6. Structural and standardized discriminative
function coecients
ized coef-
Sociability (-) .805 .646
Neuroticism-Anxiety .490 .379
Aggression-Hostility -.439 -.322
Activity -.363 -.436
Impulsive Sensation Seeking -.178 .033
Table 7. Group centroids on the discriminative function
Cluster Discriminative
Group 1 .507
Group 2 -.257
e discriminant function was determined by
high neuroticism, but low sociability, aggression
and activity (Tables 5 and 6). is discriminant
function may be termed passivity vs. activity. Gro-
up centroids showed that subjects who preferred
dark colours (Group 1) had a higher score on the
discriminant function compared to subjects who
preferred bright colours (Group 2).
Integration of the results of both discriminant
analyses showed that Group 1 subjects preferred
dark colours (brown, grey, black) and had more
prominent traits of social introversion (the negati-
ve pole of the Sociability dimension) and neuroti-
cism/anxiety and less prominent traits of aggressi-
on and activity. Conversely, subject who preferred
bright colours (red and yellow) had more promi-
nent traits of aggression and activity and less pro-
minent traits of social introversion and neurotici-
34 Curr Top Neurol Psychiatr Relat Discip. Vol 18, No. 4, December 2010
Cigić at al.
is investigation represents a taxonomic perso-
nality study carried out in order to establish whet-
her the preference for certain colours may be the
basis for a personality taxonomy and whether the
individuals with dierent colour preferences dier
with regard to personality traits.
e discriminant analysis was applied to identify
the isolated clusters. e results of the discrimi-
nant analysis showed a statistically signicant pre-
ference for brown and grey and a marginally si-
gnicant preference for black in Group 1 subjects.
On the other hand, there was a signicant prefe-
rence for red and a marginally signicant prefe-
rence for yellow in Group 2 subjects. e results of
the other discriminant analysis, carried out to de-
termine whether the cluster of subjects who pre-
ferred dark colours diered in personality traits
from the cluster of subjects who preferred bright
colours, showed that the rst group scored higher
on the negative pole of the dimension of Sociabi-
lity (-) (i.e. Social Introversion) and Neuroticism,
whereas the latter group scored higher on the di-
mensions of Aggression and Activity.
As we expected, study subjects clustered with re-
gard to the colours they preferred (dark or cold
colours versus bright or warm colours) and accor-
dingly scored dierently on the dimensions of
Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire.
Our results are, therefore, in line with our expec-
tations and the theoretical assumptions presented
in the paper.
As stated in the Introduction, one possible classi-
cation of colours is into warm and cold colours.
Cold colours share the physical features which are
reected in their symbolical meaning, as well as in
the impression they make on people. Grey is the
most static colour, lacking any sound or motion.
According to Luscher, persons who pick grey in
the colour test try to take a distance from everyt-
hing, to protect themselves from any external in-
uence or stimuli (4). Brown is a real colour asso-
ciation to tranquillity and nature, it has strong ef-
fects on our physical condition in terms of cal-
ming down and relaxing, assisting in overcoming
fatigue and strain (11). Persons who pick brown
have the need for physical relaxation (4). e
black colour creates a protective barrier absorbing
the energy reaching us. is colour actually means
the absence of light, so it is a negation of contact
and life (12). In the study „Painting and Persona-
lity“, children who preferred black were shown to
suppress their feelings, to be anxious and full of
fears, oriented to intellectual interests, and posse-
ssing high self-control (13). e persons who pick
black in the colour test are revolutionists. ey op-
pose religion, or their own religion at least, feeling
that nothing is the way it should be (4).
erefore, we may conclude that these colours
have a common denominator – withdrawal. eir
meaning stems from their features of introversion,
inactivity and withdrawal. All the features of cold
colours may be correlated to introverts’ personali-
ty traits, which gains its full meaning when corre-
lated to another signicant discriminant function
which may be termed passivity versus activity. So-
cial introversion and neuroticism may be associ-
ated with the preference for dark and cold colo-
urs (in this case grey, brown, and black). Similar-
ly to these colours, introvert personalities tend to
withdraw from the external environment. All the
three colours are calm and static. In previous inve-
stigations they have predominantly been associa-
ted with the traits opposed to activity.
Group 2 subjects preferred red and yellow and ac-
hieved higher scores on the personality dimensi-
ons such as Aggression, Activity and Sociability
compared to Group 1 subjects. Both red and ye-
llow belong to warm, intensive colours and the-
refore the discriminant function was termed: the
preference for bright over dark colours. Red is the
most active colour, stimulating activity. Its sym-
bolism is associated with strength, sharpness, and
aggressiveness (12). Persons who pick red on the
Luscher Colour Test want to control their own
life, wishing to achieve the feeling of an intensive
and accomplished life by their own eorts (4). All
that has been said so far about the red colour com-
plies with its association with the personality tra-
its of activity and aggression. Red is active in cha-
racter, exhibiting no tendency to deepening, and
neither does the yellow colour (12). Although the
yellow colour is oen associated with cheerfulness
and an enthusiastic, active attitude, it is also asso-
ciated with aggression. erefore, here as well, a
clear association may be drawn between the cha-
Curr Top Neurol Psychiatr Relat Discip. Vol 18, No. 4, December 2010
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racteristics of a colour and the traits of a person
preferring it.
By integrating the results of both discriminant
analyses, two diverse personality types may be
formulated. Type 1 includes individuals who pre-
fer dark colours and score high on the dimensi-
on of Neuroticism, but low on Sociability, Activi-
ty and Aggression. ese subjects may be descri-
bed as inclined to withdrawal, passivity, tension
and emotional instability. ese persons are more
reserved and less aggressive than Type 2 persona-
lity. Type 2 includes persons who prefer warm, ac-
tive colours and score high on the dimensions of
Activity, Aggression and Sociability but low on the
dimension of Neuroticism. ese persons may be
described as those inclined to taking the initiative,
having an active approach, and showing increased
aggressiveness. ey are emotionally more stable
and more sociable than Type 1 persons.
e results interpreted in this way may support the
opinion that people choose the colours they like in
accordance with their personality traits, and their
personality traits resemble the colours they prefer.
erefore, active individuals select active, vivid,
strong colours (red, yellow), whereas introverted
and anxious individuals choose dark, heavy, static
colours (brown, grey, black).
Smederevac S, Mitrović D. Ličnost - metodi i mod-1.
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Luscher M. e Luscher color test. New York: 4.
Pocket Books; 1971.
Spiegel D, Keith-Spiegel P. 5. Manifest anxiety, col-
or preferences and sensory minimizing in college
man and women. Journal of Clinical Psychology 1971;
Gérard L, Gautier H, Jappé J, Vavasseur A. Modu-6.
lation of the blue light response. Physiologia Plantar-
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Kunce JT, Tamkin AS. 7. Rorschach movement and
color responses and MMPI social extraversion and
thinking introversion personality types. Journal of Per-
sonality Assessment 1981; 45: 5-10.
Lange R, Rentfrow J. Color and personality: 8.
Strong’s interest inventory and Cattell’s 16PF. North
American Journal of Psychology 2007; 9: 423-438.
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Aluja A, Rossier J, Garcia LF, 10. Angleitner A, Kuhlman
M, Zuckerman M. A cross-cultural shortened form of
the ZKPQ (ZKPQ-50-cc) adapted to English, French,
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vidual Dierences 2006; 41: 619–628.
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University of Chicago press; 1969.
... This hypothesis has originated from the premise that human response to colour is triggered by deep seated 'biological impulses' that are manifested through various physiological cum psychological responses. A number of studies are available on colour preferences and substantial data has been generated to map personality types (6,7,8,9,10). Many of these have centred around the use of various colours and colour groups to get a cue of the human personality and its underlying complexities. ...
... A landmark study (11) laid the foundation for a deep understanding of the subject. Colour perception choices are quite strong and they are dependent on a number of underlying factors such as personality types (12,6,7,8,13,14), ethnic background of the subjects (15,16,17,18), age (19,20,21,22,23,24), gender (25,26,27,28,29), education (30), mental status and information processing in such conditions (31,32,33). It has been demonstrated that brain activity is modulated by colour preference which implies a deep seated correlation between colour preference and personality traits; and colour preference is a persuasive aspect of visual processing (34). ...
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A B S T R A C T Response to colour is an outcome of complex interactions between retinal neurophysiology and light. This paper puts forward the hypothesis that the sequence of preferences for the three primary colours Red, Yellow and Blue could provide cues to the personality of an individual. The sequence of preferences will harbour hidden patterns or algorithms that are linked to personality traits. The fluctuations or volatility observed in these preferences carefully recorded over a large number of observations will throw up interesting patterns that can be linked to personality traits. The data from a number of subjects will be used to identify similarities in colour preference patterns that match with personality types that have been determined using standardised tools for identifying personality types. The protocols to be followed for testing the hypothesis have been detailed. Statistical analyses of the data sets are suggested. The subjects that will be studied will hopefully be a source of data that will lead to unveiling the complexities of various personality types and personality traits. It will not be out of place to assume that the data generated can be extrapolated to read the biological and physiological conditions also.
... This paper has analyzed impact of color factor on human learning. Color is due to a wavelength spectrum of exposure to the human eye, and causes the retina to produce visual excitement by color vision cell [5]. Hue, saturation and lightness are three basic characteristics of color. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the concept of multi interface technology based on psychological factors of an individual that determine likes and dislikes of a person. According to this concept modern devices will be able to read an indi-vidual's likes dislikes and then automatically change their interface including color combination, language, design etc. based on a person's desire. In this paper e-learning concept is also introduced through which we can educate enough to understand a particular technology. After implementing this approach, we will be able to bring people close to the modern technology and can minimize the gap between technology and understanding of a common person living in a backward area. Keywords: Multi interface, smart interface, interface that can automatically change, rural area development, human likes and dislikes and technology.
... Beyond such tests, a few prior studies have tested the associations between colours and more established personality trait measures (Bakker et al., 2015;Bimler et al., 2014;Cigić & Bugarski, 2010;He et al., 2011;Lange & Rentfrow, 2007;Pazda & Thorstenson, 2018;Rosenbloom, 2006). Only two of these, however, directly tested the validity of col our-personality relationships (Bimler et al., 2014;He et al., 2011). ...
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The claim that favourite colours reveal individuals' personalities is popular in the media yet lacks scientific support. We assessed this claim in two stages. First, we catalogued claims from six popular websites, and matched them to key Big Six/HEXACO trait terms, ultimately identifying 11 specific, systematic, testable predictions (e.g., higher Extraversion among those who prefer red, orange, yellow, pink, or turquoise). Next, we tested these predictions in terms of the Big Six personality trait scores and reports of favourite and least favourite colours from 323 French-speaking participants. For every prediction (e.g., red-extraversion), we compared trait scores between participants who chose or did not choose the predicted colour using Welch's t-tests. We failed to confirm any of the 11 predictions. Further exploratory analyses (MANOVA) revealed no associations between colour preferences and personality trait. Favourite colours appear unrelated to personality, failing to support the practical utility of colour-based personality assessment.
... In fact, almost universally, people tend to like cool colors such as blue and have a dislike for dark-yellow (Adams & Osgood, 1973;Hurlbert & Ling, 2007;Ou et al., 2004;Saito, 1996). However, it is likely that friendly and sociable people interact more with the left image, because it has warm colors, while introverted people interact more with the right one because there are cool colors (Cigić & Bugarski, 2010). ...
Computational neuroaesthetics is the new discipline that integrates neuromarketing, psychology and computer science to develop digital contents aligned to users' psychological characteristics, such as personality traits. The chapter illustrates the importance of content aesthetics in marketing (advertising and product).
... Infatti, quasi universalmente, le persone mostrano un maggior gradimento del colore blu e un'avversione verso il colore giallo-scuro (Adams & Osgood, 1973;Hurlbert & Ling, 2007;Ou et al., 2004;Saito, 1996). Tuttavia, è anche probabile che le persone più socievoli interagiscano maggiormente con l'immagine di sinistra, dal momento che presenta colori più caldi, e le persone più introverse con quella di destra poiché possiede colori più freddi (Cigić & Bugarski, 2010). ...
La neuroestetica computazionale è la nuova disciplina che integra il neuromarketing, la psicologia e le scienze informatiche per sviluppare contenuti digitali allineati alle caratteristiche psicografiche, come i tratti di personalità, degli utenti. Il capitolo illustra l'importanza dell'estetica dei contenuti negli ambiti sia del marketing (pubblicità e prodotto) sia del design (user experience).
Personality traits are considered the primary determinants of emotional and behavioral patterns of individuals within the built environment, influencing the experience of architectural space over their cognitive representation. Specifically, the dimension of extraversion within an individual's personality holds considerable predictive value in determining their attitudes toward the environment. Consequently, this study aims to investigate the influence of personality traits on color preference by comparing preferences for context‐free color samples and in‐context spatial colors among individuals exhibiting varying levels of extraversion. It also aims to ascertain the most accurate color‐construct scale for delineating individuals' preferences for in‐context spatial color. The study employed the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) representation of lexical factor markers for the Big‐Five structure. For the study, 11 colors, referred to as basic color terms, were selected as stimuli. Data on color preference were obtained through a rank order test for 11 context‐free color samples and 11 virtual images of in‐context spatial colors, as well as ratings of in‐context spatial colors based on 14 color‐construct scales. Findings reveal the relationship between extraversion personality trait and color preferences, revealing distinct patterns between context‐free and in‐context color preferences. They also suggest the possibility of divergent preferences for in‐context spatial colors among individuals with varying levels of extraversion, with certain colors eliciting significantly different ratings on color‐construct scales. The study's findings shed light on the importance of personality traits in predicting the relationship between architectural spaces and colors, depending on individuals' personalities, particularly within design disciplines such as interior architecture.
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The current study aims to uncover the differences in the big five personality traits according to the variables of gender and the colour preferences among the students of the secondary education stage. In order to achieve the aim of the study, the researcher used the list of the big five personality traits which was prepared by (Costa & McCrae, 1992). The sample of the study consists of (293) male and female students whose ages ranged between (16-17) years from the students of the secondary education stage in the Jenin Governorate. The results of the study reveale that there are no differences in the neurosis trait according to the variable of gender, with the existence of differences according to the variable of colour preferences in favour of the students who prefer the colour (yellow, green, and grey). It also indicates that there are no differences in the trait of extroversion according to the variable of gender, while it indicates that there are differences according to the variable of colour preferences in favour of the students who prefer both red and yellow colours. The study also points out that there are differences in the trait of openness on the experience according to the two variables of gender and the colour preferences in favour of the female students who prefer the colours (yellow and red). It also indicates that there are no differences in the trait of acceptability according to the variable of gender, with the existence of differences according to the variable of colour preferences in favour of the students who prefer the colours (grey and white). It also indicates that there are no differences in the conscientiousness trait according to the variable of gender, while there are differences according to the variable of colour preferences in favour of the students who prefer the colours (grey, red, and yellow).
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الملخص: هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى استكشاف العلاقة بين الألوان والمشاعر، وتكونت العينة من 344 رجلاً وامرأة، من ثلاث فئات عمرية: الشباب، والراشدون، وكبار السن، وتراوحت أعمارهم جميعًا بين 17 ، و 74 عامًا، وأظهرت النتائج، ميل الألوان الفاتحة، إلى التعبير عن المشاعر الإيجابية، مقارنة بالألوان الداكنة، التى عبرت عن المشاعر السلبية، ويستثنى من ذلك اللون الأصفر، الذى ارتبط بمشاعر سلبية لدى كلا الجنسين، فى كافة الفئات العمرية، باستثناء الإناث الراشدين، فقد كان اللون الأصفر لونًا حياديًا لديهن
Machine learning has been widely used in psychological issues. In this study, Iranian Instagram users' photos were used to predict the big five personality traits with extra trees, gradient boosted trees and random forest. The big five personality traits of 142 users were measured using the short form of Goldberg's 50-item personality scale, and 30 color features including classified color histogram, color level mean, and color level median in RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) and HSV (Hue, Saturation, and Value) spaces were extracted from the 1348 photos. Predictive models were cross-validated, and the highest root mean square error and mean absolute error values for all models did not reach 0.16 and 0.13, respectively, which were related to the prediction of Extraversion. Overall, all models had good performance and generalizability in prediction. Results showed that each personality trait has a special type of color preference and photo posting. The features' importance was evaluated by the Gini method. Color histogram and HSV color space were the most important features in modeling. As a result, it can be said that the proposed methodology is effective in practice, but care must be taken with multicollinearity, accuracy, and integrity of social media data.
The world has undergone a techno‐cultural revolution during the last decades with the materialization of the “global village” and more; all having a profound impact on our culture. Quantitative analysis of these profound multidimensional changes needs cross‐cultural data, and scalable tools/techniques that can discover interesting nontrivial hidden relationships in large data sets. Subsequently, presenting these discovered relationships in an intuitive visual form to non‐IT domain experts. In this article, using proven data mining techniques, we perform cross‐cultural clustering of word‐color associations for 344 respondents from three cultures, that is, the United States, Pakistan, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We consider the concept words cheap, reliable, and high quality along with colors liked and disliked for 10 colors. After statistical data validation one‐way cross‐cultural clustering was performed. High similarity of word‐based cluster association was discovered across the three cultures for negative and positive connotation words, and clear dissimilarity in clustering was discovered within each culture for color‐based cluster association; with possible explanations given. The universal consistent similarities in cross‐culture associations and the dissimilarities in local or intra‐culture associations could be useful for global brand decision making. In this article, we also do a technical comparison of the proposed technique with three traditional techniques used for such analysis, that is, hierarchical clustering, k‐means clustering and factor analysis; along with related comparison with principal component analysis and multidimensional scaling.
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Introduction Color is an important aspect of our efforts to create personal spaces to our own liking. More-over, color choices can have important social consequences as our choices are part of our presentation to others, and thus these choices may influence how others perceive us. Yet, little is known about why people like or dislike the colors they do. This paper asks whether people's color preferences reflect meaningful information about their personalities, interpersonal styles, and behaviors. Surprisingly, relatively little re-search has been done to investigate the links between such variables and individuals' color preferences. The research summarized here represents our efforts to identify links between people's color preferences and their personal characteristics as derived from two well-established psychological inventories.
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The aim of the present study was to develop a version of the (ZKPQ) with a robust structure and acceptable psychometric properties in four languages: English (United States), French (Switzerland), German (Germany), and Spanish (Spain). The total sample (N = 4621) was randomly divided into calibration and validation samples. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted in the calibration sample. Using several criteria derived from EFA and CFA item analysis, including modification index and standardized regression weights, 10 items per scale were selected. This short version (named ZKPQ-50-CC) presents psychometric properties strongly similar to the original version in the four countries. Moreover, the factor structure is near equivalent across the four countries since the congruence indices were all higher than 0.90. It is concluded that the ZKPQ-50-CC presented high cross-language replicability, and could be a useful questionnaire for personality research.
Preface 1. Temperament and personality: trait structure and persistence 2. Psychobiological methods 3. Extraversion/sociability 4. Neuroticism 5. Psychoticism (psychopathy), impulsivity, sensation and/or novelty seeking, conscientiousness 6. Aggression-hostility/agreeableness 7. Consilience References.
Results of an analysis of MMPI profiles and Rorschach protocols scored by the Exner method for 100 psychiatric patients provided partial support for Rorschach's hypotheses that perceptions of color (FC, CF, and C) and movement (M) tap separate personality dimensions. First, the proportion of M responses on a protocol correlated significantly (p < .01) to thinking introversion as defined in terms of a subject's MMPI profile similarity to a prototypic MMPI profile with peak PtSc elevations. Second, the proportion of FC responses correlated negatively (p < .01) to social extraversion defined in terms of MMPI profile similarity to a prototypic MMPI profile with peak PdMa elevations. Hence, use of FC signified a socially reserved, controlled behavior. The findings regarding CF and C were inconclusive. Third, color and movement responses did not correlate significantly with somatization defined in terms of similarity to a prototypic MMPI profile with peak Hs, D, Hy elevations. Finally, the nonsignificant correlations of FC with M and with MMPI thinking introversion plus the nonsignificant correlation of M with color responses and MMPI social extroversion further supported the hypotheses that movement and color responses tap essentially unique personality dimensions.
Modu-lation of the blue light response
  • Manifest
  • Anxiety
  • L Gérard
  • H Gautier
  • J Jappé
  • Vavasseur
Manifest anxiety, col-Gérard L, Gautier H, Jappé J, Vavasseur A. Modu-lation of the blue light response. Physiologia Plantar-um 1993; 88:453-459
Color and personality
  • R Lange
  • J Rentfrow
Lange R, Rentfrow J. Color and personality:
Selling Color to People New York: Uni- 9. versity Books
  • F Birren
Birren F. Selling Color to People. New York: Uni- 9. versity Books; 1956
Centar za primenjenu psihologiju
  • Beograd
eli. Beograd: Centar za primenjenu psihologiju; 2006.