
A Study to Evaluate the Availability and Utilization of Physical and Instructional Facilities in Secondary Schools of Bajaur Agency (Pakistan)

  • Independent Researcher
  • Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi
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Educational facilities play a vital role in the output of educational institutions in terms of achieving educational objectives. These facilities also help in improving the quality as well as the quantity in education. This study was an attempt to evaluate the availability and utilization of physical and instructional facilities in secondary schools of Bajour Agency. In order to accomplish the desired study 15 secondary schools, 15 heads of the secondary schools, 130 teachers teaching at secondary level and 150 students studying at secondary level were considered as the sample of the study. Three questionnaires, one each for the heads, teachers and students were developed and data was collected, data was analyzed by using MS Excel in terms of frequency and percent. The study found that instructional facilities were not available in majority of the schools, teaching aids were not available in majority of the schools, science laboratories and the relevant equipments were not available according to needs in majority of the schools.

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... Adequate EI and proper use of teaching and physical facilities can improve performance and outcomes (Gujjar et al., 2010;James P. Spillane et al., 2018). One of the adverse effects, if an area is not equipped with adequate EI, is a failure to attract student interest which affects enrollment ratios and results in a waste of time and resources (Dettmer et al., 2014;Gil-Flores et al., 2017;Gujjar et al., 2010). ...
... Adequate EI and proper use of teaching and physical facilities can improve performance and outcomes (Gujjar et al., 2010;James P. Spillane et al., 2018). One of the adverse effects, if an area is not equipped with adequate EI, is a failure to attract student interest which affects enrollment ratios and results in a waste of time and resources (Dettmer et al., 2014;Gil-Flores et al., 2017;Gujjar et al., 2010). ...
Anxiety is a problem that arises from the gap between expectations and reality. Many factors influence mathematical anxiety (MA), one of which is the availability of educational infrastructure. Although MA has been widely researched, only a few studies have explored how gender and the availability of educational infrastructure form the basis for analyzing MA. By knowing student MA, it will help teachers to provide alternative educational foundation based on their gender analysis. This research aims to examine student MA based on gender and the availability of educational infrastructure. This research involved 450 senior high school students in East Java, Indonesia. The data were processed using univariate analysis. The results of the study reveal that gender does not significantly influence student MA, while educational infrastructure significantly influences students MA. There is no interaction between gender and educational infrastructure on student MA. It is implied that, by understanding the student MA, it allows teachers to guide students who have an MA based on their area of origin according to the level of availability of educational infrastructure.
... Education is universally acknowledged as a fundamental right and an essential tool for individual and societal development (Gujjar, Khan, Baig, Ramzan, & Saifi, 2010). At the heart of education lies the preparation of individuals for the challenges of life, with secondary education serving as a crucial bridge between primary schooling and tertiary studies (Awosusi, & Jegede, 2013). ...
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The study aimed to address existing gaps in understanding computer science instruction and its challenges, focusing on selected schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. To achieve this aim, we raised and addressed six research questions following a qualitative research design. The data were generated using semi-structured interviews of secondary school computer studies teachers. Through thematic analysis of interview data, the findings revealed a shift towards student-centred teaching approaches among teachers, albeit with a notable minority favouring teacher-centred methodologies. While all teachers emphasized the active integration of instructional resources and technology, discrepancies in resource availability persist. Assessment methods showcased diversity, with various approaches such as continuous assessments and tailored examinations being employed. However, challenges abound, ranging from issues with resource accessibility and electricity supply to practical lesson difficulties and student engagement issues. In response, teachers unanimously advocate for infrastructural enhancements, resource updates, and governmental support to foster effective computer studies instruction.
... Olagunju and Abiona (2008) were of the view that utilization is the process of managing and organizing resources. Gujjar, Khan, Baig, Ramzan & Saifi (2010) were of the opinion that the proper utilization of instructional and physical facilities would improve the performance and output of the institutions. It is therefore presumed that the adequate utilization of instructional facilities in the teaching and learning of Electronics Workshop Practice and Maintenance would improve the performance and output of the technical colleges, thus producing graduates that can be self-reliant or perform competently in their chosen vocation with little or no need for pre-employment training. ...
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This study investigated the utilization of instructional facilities in Electronics Workshop Practice and Maintenance for students' acquisition of trade skills in technical colleges in Akwa Ibom State. Three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A survey research design was adopted for the study and the entire population of NTCIII students of Electronics Workshop Practice and Maintenance was used for the study. Questionnaires were distributed by the researcher and then retrieved for analysis on completion. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the three research questions while t-test statistics was used to test the three hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed that even though most consumables were often utilized, only a few equipment and tools were often utilized for the acquisition of trade skills in Electronics Workshop Practice and Maintenance. Also, the findings indicated both male and female students shared similar views on the extent of utilization of the instructional facilities. It was therefore recommended that Workshops and seminars should be organized on the importance and benefits of utilization of instructional facilities in Electronics Workshop Practice and Maintenance for the teachers by principals of the technical colleges.
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