
Sex, Gender and Society

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... In 1972, Oakley (1972) made the distinction in the usage of the concept of "gender" between its biological dimension, referring to the word "sex", and its cultural and social dimension. Gender needs to be understood as a social construction, which emphasizes inequalities between the sexes (Oakley, 1972). ...
... In 1972, Oakley (1972) made the distinction in the usage of the concept of "gender" between its biological dimension, referring to the word "sex", and its cultural and social dimension. Gender needs to be understood as a social construction, which emphasizes inequalities between the sexes (Oakley, 1972). According to Coutras (1993), gender inequalities partly determine our spatial representation, influencing in turn urban landscape. ...
... Selain teori yang digagas Jäger (2009), penelitian ini juga menggunakan teoriteori penunjang lainnya, yaitu teori tentang kekerasan simbolik dari Bourdieu (2001), gender dari Oakley (1972) dan patriarki dari Walby (1990). Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan kritis Siegfried Jäger dan teori sosial Bourdieu tentang kekerasan simbolik. ...
... Menurut Bourdieu (2001), habitus itu sendiri dipahami sebagai hasil keterampilan yang menjadi tindakan praktis yang tidak selalu harus disadari, seperti ketaatan pada normanorma atau tunduk pada ideologi tertentu, mengafirmasi budaya dan gaya hidup tertentu, dan seterusnya. Dari Oakley (1972) diketahui bahwa konsep seks (jenis kelamin) merujuk pada perbedaan biologis, yang secara umum mencakup istilah laki-laki dan perempuan, sedangkan gender mengacu pada klasifikasi sosial, yang dalam terminologi umum dikenal dengan istilah maskulin dan feminin. Selanjutnya adalah konsep-konsep terkait patriarki. ...
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Kajian ini merupakan penelitian yang berbasis pendekatan Analisis Wacana Kritis (AWK) Siegfried Jäger (2009). Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari tiga episode FTV Suara Hati Istri (disingkat SHI ), yaitu episode Sakitnya Hatiku Tak Pernah Mendapat Cinta Suami (disingkat SHTMCS ), Pernikahan Yang Dipaksa Pasti Akan Penuh Air Mata (disingkat PDPPA ), dan Istri Bayaran (disingkat IB ). Untuk mengungkap bagaimana tayangan FTV SHI menampilkan kekerasan simbolik terhadap perempuan melalui bahasa, peneliti menganalisis konteks diskursif ( diskursiver Kontext ), melakukan analisis struktur ( Strukturanalyse ), menganalisis posisi wacana ( Diskursposition ), dan melakukan analisis rinci ( Feinanalyse ). Berdasarkan temuan dalam penelitian ini terlihat bahwa kekerasan simbolik terhadap perempuan, yang merupakan sarana untuk melanggengkan ideologi patriarki, ditampilkan dalam tayangan FTV SHI melalui variabel-variabel linguistik, yaitu kosakata (verba, nomina, adjektiva, adverbia), modalitas, idiom, implikasi, dan tindak tutur.
... Bock, 1983, S. 23, 26;Habermas, 2006, S. 234-235). [2] Für die Ausrichtung und weitere Institutionalisierung war die durch Ann Oakley (1972) weiterentwickelte Unterscheidung zwischen biologischem (sex) und soziokulturellem Geschlecht (gender) maßgeblich. Nach Oakley konnte sich die Frauen-und Geschlechtergeschichte dadurch unabhängig von der Diskussion über die menschliche ‚Natur' und der von ihr determinierten Attribute auf die soziokulturell konstruierten Eigenschaften der Geschlechter fokussieren und deren historische und sozioökonomische Gemachtheit, deren politische Ökonomie, zeigen (vgl. ...
... Nach Oakley konnte sich die Frauen-und Geschlechtergeschichte dadurch unabhängig von der Diskussion über die menschliche ‚Natur' und der von ihr determinierten Attribute auf die soziokulturell konstruierten Eigenschaften der Geschlechter fokussieren und deren historische und sozioökonomische Gemachtheit, deren politische Ökonomie, zeigen (vgl. Oakley, 1972;Rubin, 2006;Geimer, 2013 Jahrhundert in der Geschichtsschreibung herangezogen (vgl. Mazohl-Wallnig, 1996). ...
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Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte verfolgt das Anliegen, die Gewordenheit von Geschlecht und Geschlechterverhältnissen zu verstehen, bisherige Darstellungen darüber kritisch zu hinterfragen und neue Erzählungen des Vergangenen für die Gegenwart zu entwickeln. Geschichtsschreibung beabsichtigt, die Vergangenheit darzustellen. Sie drückt das Prozesshafte des gesellschaftlichen Werdens aus und wendet sich gegen die Ahistorisierung von Ideen, Ereignissen und Zuständen.
... In the broad stream of publications on gender, some attention has in the past decades also been paid to the relation between the construction of national identity and gender identities (e.g., Ignatieff 1994, Yuval-Davis 1997, Walby 2000, Mayer 2012, Oakley 2016. People are confronted with a variety of social contexts and social expectations; they are often forced to build their own gender identity in and through the process of dealing with these diverse expectations (e.g., De Beauvoir 1956, Cameron 1998, Eckert andMcConnell-Ginet 2003). ...
... We move from a brief numerical summary of historical changes in the visibility of female and male characters to more qualitative, in-depth analyses of the imbalance in the representation of female and male characters. We look at the variety of roles in which women and men are depicted, and the different gendered models with which students are prompted to identify (see also Williams 2014a, Oakley 2016. Because, as we have seen, women are often confined to household settings in Vietnamese textbooks, we also deal in more detail with the depiction of gendered roles in these settings. ...
... Bu kavram, cinsiyet ya da cinsel farklılık gibi terimlerin kullanımında gizli bir halde var olan biyolojik determinizmin reddedilmesidir (Scott, 2007: 3). Bu anlamda ilk olarak Ann Oakley tarafından 1972 yılında yayımlanan "Sex, Gender and Society" adı eserde kadın ve erkeğin realitedeki karşılıkları, farklılığa dayalı toplumsal cinsiyet anlamına gelen Gender kavramı ile tanımlanmıştır (Oakley, 2015). Erkeklik çalışmaları ise toplumsal cinsiyet çalışmalarının gündeme gelmesinden kısa bir süre sonra gündeme gelmeye başlamıştır. ...
... Toplumsal cinsiyet çalışmaları özellikle yirminci yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren feminist hareketlerin güçlenmesi ile görünürlük kazanmıştır. İlk başlarda sadece kadın-erkek eşitliği üzerine kurulduğu ve kadın haklarını talep eden niteliğe sahip olmasına rağmen daha sonraları hayatın her alanında özellikle erkeklik çalışmalarını da içine alarak devam ettiği belirtilmektedir (Oakley, 2015;Vatandaş, 2011). ...
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The purpose of this study is to examine relationship between masculine culture of football sıupporters (activities relate to football both inside and outside to the pitch) and violence observed (activities relate to football both inside and outside to the pitch). To form the sample of research Nefer Fan Group which is one of supporter groups of Eskişehirspor by using judgement sampling. 348 supporters of Nefer fan group were reached by using easy sampling method on internet with Google Documents forms. In accordance with the purpose of research, BEM Sex Role Inventory and Violence Culture Scale were used. The population of the study is comprised of football supporters in Turkey. Since the population is huge and difficult to reach, sampling of the study is chosen as 348 members of Nefer Supporter Group of Eskişehirspor. To collect data, BEM Sex Role Inventory, Violence Culture Scale and individual information form were used. To transfer and analyze the data, SPSS 22.0 Statistical Software Program was used. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) conducted and Cronbach Alpha coefficients were calculated to make reliability and validity analyses. To analyze obtained data, t-Test, ANOVA and Pearson Correlation analyses were used. When findings were examined, it is founded that there are significant relationships between masculine culture and violence endorsement, and between violence exposure and violence endorsement. Besides it is presented that levels of violence endorsement of participants differentiate significantly in terms of age groups and level of education. Thanks to findings obtained from this study, it is concluded that theoretical insights about understanding and preventing violence regarding football in Turkey can be supported by practical findings
... Back to our discussion of female's superiority in language learning, there is also some evidence that girl's efficiency in manipulating verbal abilities is manifested at a quite an early age in infancy (Oakley 1972;Kipnis, 1976;Powell 1979;Halpern, 1992). Girls have been reported to speak their first word sooner, construct words to form longer sentences earlier, and they are likely to develop faster than do boys in the expressive use of their native language (Kipnis, 1976;Ekstrand, 1980). ...
... In agreement with this assumption, Oakley (1972) asserts that there is an essential tendency among female learners to be distinctly better in displaying greater grammatical competence, and to be much more accurate in initiating more verbal exchanges throughout the school years. Likewise, it is believed that girls are more intrinsic than boys in terms of classroom curiosity and are likely to predominate in aspects such as class discussion (Green & Foster, 1986). ...
The aim of this paper is to unravel some of the controversies which have often shaped the findings drawn from prior studies germane to the area of male-female differences in relation to language learning. Educationalists in Morocco have hardly looked at the sex variable as a potential parameter which may explain some of the differential success of students in schools, and little if not daring to say none is known about it in the Moroccan context where there is still much to be done in terms of research and investigations. This study sets out to fill in this gap in research by analyzing male-female differences in language leaning. Using results of a test battery, regional exam GPA, and a standard EFL achievement test, quantitative data of a large group of senior high school students constituting a non-probability convenience sample (N = 152) drawn from the official records of Zerktouni high school, Beni Mellal directorate, have been explored to gather information about the issue in question. The results from the Chi-Square test and the independent samples t-test prove very convincingly that female learners unequivocally outperform their male peers at almost all basic language skills. The paper ends up with a conclusion and some pedagogical recommendations.
... Back to our discussion of female's superiority in language learning, there is also some evidence that girl's efficiency in manipulating verbal abilities is manifested at a quite an early age in infancy (Oakley 1972;Kipnis, 1976;Powell 1979;Halpern, 1992). Girls have been reported to speak their first word sooner, construct words to form longer sentences earlier, and they are likely to develop faster than do boys in the expressive use of their native language (Kipnis, 1976;Ekstrand, 1980). ...
... In agreement with this assumption, Oakley (1972) asserts that there is an essential tendency among female learners to be distinctly better in displaying greater grammatical competence, and to be much more accurate in initiating more verbal exchanges throughout the school years. Likewise, it is believed that girls are more intrinsic than boys in terms of classroom curiosity and are likely to predominate in aspects such as class discussion (Green & Foster, 1986). ...
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The aim of this paper is to unravel some of the controversies which have often shaped the findings drawn from prior studies germane to the area of male-female differences in relation to language learning. Educationalists in Morocco have hardly looked at the sex variable as a potential parameter which may explain some of the differential success of students in schools, and little if not daring to say none is known about it in the Moroccan context where there is still much to be done in terms of research and investigations. This study sets out to fill in this gap in research by analyzing male-female differences in language leaning. Using results of a test battery, regional exam GPA, and a standard EFL achievement test, quantitative data of a large group of senior high school students constituting a non-probability convenience sample (N = 152) drawn from the official records of Zerktouni high school, Beni Mellal directorate, have been explored to gather information about the issue in question. The results from the Chi-Square test and the independent samples t-test prove very convincingly that female learners unequivocally outperform their male peers at almost all basic language skills. The paper ends up with a conclusion and some pedagogical recommendations.
... Back to our discussion of female's superiority in language learning, there is also some evidence that girl's efficiency in manipulating verbal abilities is manifested at a quite an early age in infancy (Oakley 1972;Kipnis, 1976;Powell 1979;Halpern, 1992). Girls have been reported to speak their first word sooner, construct words to form longer sentences earlier, and they are likely to develop faster than do boys in the expressive use of their native language (Kipnis, 1976;Ekstrand, 1980). ...
... In agreement with this assumption, Oakley (1972) asserts that there is an essential tendency among female learners to be distinctly better in displaying greater grammatical competence, and to be much more accurate in initiating more verbal exchanges throughout the school years. Likewise, it is believed that girls are more intrinsic than boys in terms of classroom curiosity and are likely to predominate in aspects such as class discussion (Green & Foster, 1986). ...
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The aim of this paper is to unravel some of the controversies which have often shaped the findings drawn from prior studies germane to the area of male-female differences in relation to language learning. Educationalists in Morocco have hardly looked at the sex variable as a potential parameter which may explain some of the differential success of students in schools, and little if not daring to say none is known about it in the Moroccan context where there is still much to be done in terms of research and investigations. This study sets out to fill in this gap in research by analyzing male-female differences in language leaning. Using results of a test battery, regional exam GPA, and a standard EFL achievement test, quantitative data of a large group of senior high school students constituting a non-probability convenience sample (N = 152) drawn from the official records of Zerktouni high school, Beni Mellal directorate, have been explored to gather information about the issue in question. The results from the Chi-Square test and the independent samples t-test prove very convincingly that female learners unequivocally outperform their male peers at almost all basic language skills. The paper ends up with a conclusion and some pedagogical recommendations.
... Pendapat para ahli tentang defenisi gender: Oakley (1972), dalam Sex, Gender dan Society, mengungkapkan bahwa Gender adalah perbedaan jenis kelamin yang bukan bersifat biologis dan bukan merupakan kodrat Tuhan sebagaimana dalam pandangan masyarakat selama ini, karena gender bersifat soisologis yang socially contructed dan gender merupakan Behavioral Differences antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Sedangkan jenis kelamin atau disebut sex yang merupakan kodrat Tuhan dan bersifat permanen (biologis). ...
Kesehatan reproduksi merupakan aspek penting dalam kehidupan yang menyentuh berbagai dimensi, mulai dari fisik hingga sosial, serta melibatkan hak-hak setiap individu. Buku ini hadir untuk memberikan pemahaman dasar tentang kesehatan reproduksi dan berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi di setiap tahap kehidupan. Dengan pendekatan yang praktis dan berfokus pada pemberdayaan, buku ini diharapkan dapat membantu individu, khususnya perempuan, dalam mengambil keputusan yang tepat terkait kesehatan reproduksi mereka. Buku ini disusun oleh para dosen dan praktisi kesehatan yang berpengalaman dalam bidangnya. Konten yang dihadirkan mengombinasikan teori dasar dengan aplikasi praktis, sehingga mudah diikuti oleh mahasiswa, tenaga kesehatan, hingga masyarakat umum yang ingin memahami lebih jauh mengenai kesehatan reproduksi. Topik dalam buku ini meliputi: 1 : Konsep Dasar Kesehatan Reproduksi 2 : Peran dan Tugas Bidan dalam Primary Health Care (PHC) Untuk Wanita 3 : Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja 4 : Keterkaitan Wanita dalam Pengambilan Keputusan terkait Masalah Kesehatan Reproduksi 5 : Kesehatan Wanita Sepanjang Siklus Kehidupan 6 : Pemantauan Tumbuh Kembang Wanita Sepanjang Daur Kehidupan 7 : Indikator Pemantauan Gangguan Kesehatan Reproduksi 8 : Gangguan Menstruasi 9 : Unwanted Pregnancy dan Hormon Replacement Therapy 10 : Skrining Keganasan dan Penyakit Sistematik 11 : Dimensi Sosial Wanita dan Permasalahannya 12 : Perspektif Gender 13 : Upaya Promotif dan Preventif Masalah Kesehatan Reproduksi
... În calitatea sa de promotor al conceptului numit studiu de gen, Oakley (1985) precizează că termenul sex este utilizat cu scopul de a stabili particularităţile biologice ale bărbaţilor şi ale femeilor, cu influenţă specifică în funcţia de procreare. Genul, pe de altă parte, este o problemă de cultură, referindu-se la gruparea masculin şi feminin, din perspectivă socială. ...
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The differences in approach and interpretation of messages from everyday communication, which characterize the exponents of the two genders, have attracted the attention of specialists from fields such as psychology, neurophysiology, biology, linguistics, sociology, and philosophy. Endowed with qualities that individualize them both biologically and socio-culturally, the representatives of the two sides - male - female - assimilate values and develop behaviors that, as a whole, should help them complement each other. This complementarity, however, does not work with the same precision in every situation, stage or context of life. Thus, the coordinates under which the communication is carried out bring back into focus the arguments regarding the structural and behavioral differences determining the quality of the communication act. The article undertakes a theoretical approach, which aims to identify and analyze from a bio-psycho-socio-behavioral perspective the most relevant elements underlying these distinctions.
... Utiliza-se o termo sexo para remeter as categorias inatas da biologia humana, feminino e masculino, diferindo do gênero que remete aos papéis sociais da mulher e do homem na sociedade[Oakley 2016]. ...
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Este estudo foca-se nas emoções envolvidas na aprendizagem, com o objetivo de investigar a dinâmica afetiva entre estudantes brasileiros e desenvolver modelos de detecção de emoções livres de sensores, considerando características adicionais dos alunos. A pesquisa busca entender como diversos fatores, tais como personalidade, motivação, sexo, comportamentos e a duração das emoções, influenciam na dinâmica afetiva e na detecção das emoções engajamento, confusão, tédio e frustração no âmbito dos Sistemas de Tutoria Inteligentes (STI). A metodologia empregada envolve a coleta de dados por meio do STI PAT2Math, e a utilização do protocolo EmAP-ML para a anotação das emoções. Os resultados principais sugerem que o modelo de dinâmica afetiva aplicado ao contexto brasileiro é análogo aos modelos mais recentes disponíveis na literatura. Ademais, foi possível constatar que as características individuais dos estudantes influenciam nas transições entre suas emoções. Observou-se ainda que a inclusão dessas características como fontes de dados adicionais otimiza o desempenho dos detectores de emoção sem sensores.
... In this topic, adherents of the social science of conflict use gender as an analytical tool to analyse structural and systemic gender-based inequalities. According to Oakley in Sex, Gender and Society, gender is a distinction that is neither biological nor God-given (Oakley 2016). Biological differences are God-given sex distinctions, and hence they are permanent. ...
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Upon previous research, the matrilineal system seems to oppose Islamic teaching. However, the matrilineal system practiced by the Minangkabau society in West Sumatra, Indonesia has its uniqueness. Thus, this study aims to examine the correlation between the Qur’an and gender roles within the context of Minangkabau customs, specifically focusing on the matrilineal aspect. The present study employs qualitative methods for conducting library research through critical analysis. This study discovered that the matrilineal system practiced by the Minangkabau society aligns with Qur’anic teachings that respect the position of women in Islam. In the matrilineal system of Minangkabau, women hold significant strength and play an influential role in cultural and traditional practices. The Minangkabau tribe’s matrilineal system encompasses three key elements: marriage, inheritance and offspring. The marriage system is exogamous. Additionally, the practice of marriage is localised, with the husband typically residing in the wife’s household. Their inheritance is divided into pusako tinggi [from ancestors from generation to generation] and pusako randah (from the efforts of married couple). Women get pusako tinggi as they serve as protectors and a symbol of their community. In comparison, men take the responsibility of overseeing its preservation to prevent any form of misuse. Pusako randah is distributed as Islamic teaching. Lineage determination is primarily based on paternal lineage, aligning with Islamic teaching. Upon comprehensive analysis, it becomes evident that there is no conflict between the matrilineal system and Islamic teachings, particularly concerning principles of gender equality. Both women and men have significant roles, as the Qur’an provides extensive explanations regarding gender equality.Contribution: This research holds significant findings in establishing a great relation between Islamic teachings based on the Qur’an and the matrilineal principles practiced by the Minangkabau tribe.
... Still, it is not quite possible to claim that two di erent cultures can nd common ground in their de nitions of the concept of gender. Judging by the distinctly described concept of gender in each society's own culture, it can be said that gender is not merely about biological di erences; cultural elements also play an important role in shaping gender (Oakley, 1972). ...
The social value systems place masculinity in a privileged position. Men often think they deserve said privileged positions due to the heavy jobs that are attributed to them in the social sphere. Starting with family, learning of the gender continues with social relations. As an instrument that spreads such education to masses, media plays a key role in the process of socialization. The distinction that determines masculinity and femininity based on gender undertakes a connotation of discrimination, which is sus- tained in all spheres of the society by social institutions. The patriarchal social structure is one of the main reasons that underlie the emergence of gender-based discrimination. Women in patriarchal societies always exist with their traditional roles. Responsibilities of raising children and cleaning the house are attributed to women, whereas men are viewed as the symbols of power and endurance, undertaking significant tasks. Much like other areas of life, women are pushed in the background in sports too. Described with concepts such as power, competition, ambition, and conflict, the area of sports ignores women, who do not possess as much physical strength as men. Therefore, the foundations of the study are represented by the inequality of men and women in sports. Male domina- tion that is spread via news discourse of the sporting press is another important theme, covered by this study. In this context, Turkish sporting press is selected for the research section of this study. Two prominent newspapers of Turkish sporting press, Fotomaç and Fanatik newspapers, are examined with an issue from each week in 2013, 2014, and 2015 and evidence regarding gender discrimination is inquired.
... Still, it is not quite possible to claim that two di erent cultures can nd common ground in their de nitions of the concept of gender. Judging by the distinctly described concept of gender in each society's own culture, it can be said that gender is not merely about biological di erences; cultural elements also play an important role in shaping gender (Oakley, 1972). ...
The social value systems place masculinity in a privileged position. Men often think they deserve said privileged positions due to the heavy jobs that are attributed to them in the social sphere. Starting with family, learning of the gender continues with social relations. As an instrument that spreads such education to masses, media plays a key role in the process of socialization. The distinction that determines masculinity and femininity based on gender undertakes a connotation of discrimination, which is sus- tained in all spheres of the society by social institutions. The patriarchal social structure is one of the main reasons that underlie the emergence of gender-based discrimination. Women in patriarchal societies always exist with their traditional roles. Responsibilities of raising children and cleaning the house are attributed to women, whereas men are viewed as the symbols of power and endurance, undertaking significant tasks. Much like other areas of life, women are pushed in the background in sports too. Described with concepts such as power, competition, ambition, and conflict, the area of sports ignores women, who do not possess as much physical strength as men. Therefore, the foundations of the study are represented by the inequality of men and women in sports. Male domina- tion that is spread via news discourse of the sporting press is another important theme, covered by this study. In this context, Turkish sporting press is selected for the research section of this study. Two prominent newspapers of Turkish sporting press, Fotomaç and Fanatik newspapers, are examined with an issue from each week in 2013, 2014, and 2015 and evidence regarding gender discrimination is inquired.
... Toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri, biyolojik belirlenimden farklı olarak bireyin içinde yaşadığı kültür tarafından belirlenen, her cinsiyetten beklentileri içeren ve sosyal etkileşimlerle üretilen rollerdir (Oakley, 1972). Toplum kadın ve erkek olarak her bir cinsiyetten cinsiyetlerine uygun kadınlık ve erkeklik rollerine uygun hareket etmesini beklemektedir. ...
Toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri, kültür tarafından cinsiyetlere atfedilen, "kadınlık" ve "erkeklik" rolleridir. Hâkim kültür, bireyden cinsiyeti ile ilişkili olarak birtakım rolleri yerine getirmesini beklemektedir. Bu beklentiler, kültürden kültüre farklılık gösterse de temelde erkek egemen toplum yapısının yansıması olarak toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliklerinin deneyimlenmesine ve bu yolla eşitsizliklerin yeniden inşa edilmesine neden olmaktadır. Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizlikleri her alanda olduğu gibi ekonomi alanındaki kurumsal yapıların işleyişine de yansımaktadır. Kurumsal yapılar, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliklerinin gözlemlenebileceği mikro kültür alanlarıdır. Kadının çalışma hayatında var olma mücadelesi onun, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizlikleri ile özel alanın yanında kamusal alanda da mücadele etmesine neden olmaktadır. Cam tavan kavramı, kadınların kurumsal liderlikte kendinden ve toplumsal yapıdan kaynaklı engellemelerle mücadele ettiğini ve bir noktadan sonra yükselmelerinin engellendiğini anlatmak için kullanılmaktadır. Cam uçurum kavramı ise kadınların liderlik mücadelesinde cam tavan kavramının aksine terfi alabildiklerini ancak söz konusu terfilerin çalıştıkları kurumların kriz dönemlerinde gerçekleştiğine işaret etmektedir. Bu haliyle “cam uçurum” metaforu ile krizde olan kurumlarda başarısızlığın sorumluluğunun ve faturasının kadınlara kesilmesi durumu anlatılmak istenmektedir. Bu çerçevede çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de çalışan kadınların çalıştıkları kurum içerisindeki terfi deneyimlerini cam tavan ve cam uçurum bağlamında araştırmaktır. Çalışma, cam tavan ve cam uçurum kavramları bağlamında kadınların iş yerindeki deneyimlerini (“işe alım”, “işte yükseliş”, “işten ayrılma”) anlamak açısından önem taşımaktadır. Sonuç olarak araştırma bulguları çalışan kadınların belli bir kısmının "cam uçurum" olgusunu deneyimlemekle beraber temelde kadınların, "cam tavana" takıldıklarını ortaya koymaktadır.
... Un revisor de este artículo, por ejemplo, observó cierta incoherencia al referirnos a "mujeres" únicamente a través del cuerpo sexuado, al considerar que desarrollábamos una "perspectiva de género" en nuestra investigación y que, por lo tanto, estábamos estableciendo una identidad entre biología y, lo que podríamos definir como construcción cultural de la identidad psicosexual (Millet 2010). Aquello es válido para las perspectivas que se inspiran, básicamente, en la noción de "sistema sexo-género" propuesto por Ann Oakley en 1972(Oakley 2015, que depende fuertemente de la dicotomía naturaleza-cultura (Tubert 2003). ...
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In this paper we propose explanatory hypotheses about the sexual politics that were from time to time implemented in the configuration of the Pampa del Tamarugal formative community, with the aim to contribute to the archaeological study of social reproduction. The bioanthropological collections of the Tarapacá 40 Cemetery underwent an osteological survey, designed to identify their sexual and age structure. A significant number of contextual references were recovered, and an exploratory analysis of the variation in the sex-age structure of some cemeteries in the region was carried out. The results show a cemetery with all age ranges and a 1:1 sex ratio. On a regional scale, a dichotomous distribution was observed between archaic and formative cemeteries, based on the ratio between adult women and non-adults. We propose that social relations of reproduction and sexual division of labor between the late archaic and the formative society underwent radical transformations, the most direct impact of which could be the social control of female sexuality through the establishment of a kinship-based socio-political regime.
... The term 'gender' has similarly been defined in various ways, including suggestions that it relates to traits derived from socialisation, categories defined by culture and the ways in which an individual expresses their masculinity or femininity (Muehlenhard & Peterson, 2011). Oakley (2015) posits that 'gender' is a psychological and cultural term which has a great deal to do with social constructionism. Diamond (2002) echoes this point, arguing that gender has generally been used in social and cultural contexts and is particularly associated with language, with those whose sex is categorised as male typically being perceived and referred to as a boy or man, whilst those whose sex is categorised as female are typically perceived and referred to as a girl or woman. ...
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There is an increasingly visible population of trans* young people of secondary school age in the UK. In an attempt to support these young people, legislation and guidance for schools has been published; The Equality Act (2010) and Human Rights Act (1998) provide protection for trans* young people, including their right to access education without discrimination, whilst the Government, national organisations and Local Authorities (LAs) have published policies and guidance. However, there is a lack of information regarding how many schools engage with these. Moreover, research suggests that educational professionals are not aware that guidance exists and feel ill-equipped to support trans* young people. The current research aims to generate new knowledge about the way that educational professionals engage with systems to support trans* young people in secondary schools. Educational professionals’ experiences and perceptions of best support, unsupportive practice and how support can be improved will be explored. This small-scale qualitative study used semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences of 32 educational professionals, including 22 secondary school staff and 8 Educational Psychologists (EPs) from one LA in South-East England and 2 key personnel working at a national level. Thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006) was used to analyse the interview data. Four themes were identified which related to system readiness to change, ensuring a sense of safety and belonging throughout school communities, education and prioritising the voices of trans* young people. Themes are discussed in relation to previous literature, along with implications for LA policy, practice and research. Consideration of how the findings could inform the work of EPs is presented, including applying the concept of readiness to change to ascertain what stage a school is in, in terms of their readiness to implement changes in their support of trans* young people to ensure that EP support is tailored accordingly.
... Ein zeitgleich durch die Frauenbewegung initiierter gesellschaftlicher Wertewandel, in dem traditionelle Rollenbilder kritisiert und eine Gleichbehandlung von Männern und Frauen gefordert wurden, beeinflusste vor allem in den Human-und Gesellschaftswissenschaften auch wissenschaftliches Denken und Handeln, sodass sich die Psychotherapieforschung mit der Frage auseinanderzusetzen begann, ob es einen geschlechtsbezogenen Therapiebedarf gibt. Passend zu dieser Entwicklung schlugOakley (1972) eine begriffliche Unterscheidung der anatomisch-biologischen und der sozialen, politischen, ethnischen und ökonomischen Perspektive vor, unter der die Geschlechter gesehen werden sollten. Mit Gender bezeichnete sie die soziale, gesellschaftlich geprägte und geformte Geschlechtsrolle, mit Sex die biologische Dimension des Geschlechts. ...
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Das Buch Frauen in Psychotherapie präsentiert psychische Störungen, psychotherapeutische Angebote, Psychotherapieforschung und fallbezogenes Wissen im Genderbezug praxisgerecht und im Kontext unterschiedlicher Schulen und vermittelt praktische Handlungsoptionen. Gendersensibilität ist ein leitender Gesichtspunkt im Zusammenhang mit den Herausforderungen lebenslanger Entwicklung, den aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen im Bereich Partnerschaft und Familie, Bildung und Beruf und der globalen medialen Vernetzung. Die Aufmerksamkeit gilt körperlichen Beeinträchtigungen, Besonderheiten und Einschränkungen; außerdem den psychischen Anforderungen im Zusammenhang mit Pubertät, Sexualität, Mutterschaft, Menopause und Alter. Es geht um Belastungen durch Lebensumstände, besondere Ereignisse und Herausforderungen, um Auffälligkeiten in Bezug auf Körperbild, Geschlechtsanatomie und Genderidentität. Zentral sind die Kapitel zu psychischen Störungen: des Befindens, der Leistung, der mentalen Organisation, der sozialen Integration, der sexuellen Praxis, der Konsum- und Genussregulierung. Schließlich gelangt Psychotherapie mit Frauen und ihr Entwicklungspotenzial für Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit in den Blick.
... Fine explains that when someone uses the term 'gender', they are highlighting the role of social constructions around gender, as well as the disparities created between women and men. Social scientists such as Ann Oakley (1972) distinguished between biological 'sex' and socialised 'gender'. This usage of 'gender' was making reference to 'stable' differences between men and women which were informed by cultural learning (rather than being based in biology). ...
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This thesis aims to explore young women’s relationship with feminism against the backdrop of a long-running media claim that ‘feminism is dead’ from a feminist-influenced poststructuralist perspective. Aapola, Gonick, and Harris (2004) note how young women tend to be constructed in three specific ways: 1) as repudiating a feminist subjectivity, 2) as apolitical and apathetic, and 3) as interpreting the world through an individualistic lens. I agree with theirs and Griffin’s (2001) sentiment that many assumptions have been made about young women’s relationships with feminism. I sought to build on previous research by conducting three studies. Study 1 and Study 2 were both media-text studies which investigated contemporary discourses relating to gender and feminism which are made available in (S1) women’s monthly magazines and (S2) online feminist blogs. Study 3 used mini-focus groups with young women aged 18-30 years, in order to examine how discourses around feminism are co-constructed, as well as to identify which discourses from media (specifically women’s magazines and feminist blogs) women reproduced and/or challenged in their talk. A feminist-informed poststructuralist discourse analysis was used to analyse each dataset. This research identifies not only a strong underlying core of individualism running throughout participants’ talk (and operating across both media datasets), but also participants frequently repudiated terms such as ‘feminism’ and ‘women’s rights’ and instead positioned themselves as ‘equal rights advocate’. While participants deployed a discourse of gender neutrality to advocate a degendering of women’s rights issues to being ‘human rights’, participants were deploying this discourse to suggest that men ‘have it bad too’. Many participants seemed to prefer to look at equality issues through a gender-neutral lens, and some participants felt unable to adopt a feminist subjectivity due to its perceived ‘exclusion’ of men. A feminist subjectivity was constructed by participants as passive and dependent. Instead, participants appeared to adopt the (apparently) active subject position of the ‘can-do girl’, who has individual agency and does not need to rely on support from the state, nor have any need for involvement in collective action such as feminist politics.
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In recent decades, as the world strives toward a democratic, just, equal, and progressive society for all, significant progress has been made in global gender equality. However, gender-based discrimination regarding fundamental human rights still persists in many places, particularly in poorer countries. These gaps or discriminations stem from gender prejudices that value men over women, and from a lack of profound and comprehensive understanding of women's roles and positions in society, often disregarding the principle of gender equality. Notably, gender equality is one of the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals, to which Vietnam has committed, aiming to achieve gender equality in key areas of social life. Currently, feminist theories and gender equality concepts are diverse and abundant, encompassing various perspectives. Nevertheless, in practice, women still do not enjoy true equality. In Vietnam, the feminist movement is not a protest against unjust laws or gender-discriminatory institutions, but rather against deeply rooted prejudices and norms that have disadvantaged women for centuries. In the feudal society, the image of women was incredibly diminutive, wholly dependent on men: “Preference for males over females.” These sayings caused women to forget their intrinsic value. Achieving the aforementioned goal requires the realization of freedom for women, progressing toward women's liberation and achieving gender equality. Based on these considerations, this article analyzes the reception of feminist ideas about gender and gender equality in Simone de Beauvoir's "The Second Sex" in Vietnam. By examining the historical and social context of Vietnam, the author aims to demonstrate how feminist ideas on gender equality in Beauvoir's work have influenced the perception of women's roles in contemporary Vietnamese society. The reception of these feminist ideas in Vietnam, whether positive or negative, contributes to a clearer understanding of the development of gender equality thought in the history of humanity in general and in Vietnam in particular.
This paper explores past and present conceptual aspects of sport feminisms to understand trans women and/in sport. The adverse treatment of trans sportswomen now runs through governing bodies, sport media, individuals who are in decision-making roles, policy formation, and public social attitude. The move to exclude and/or restrict trans women from sport is apparent at national and international levels and demonstrates shifts in sport policy. The aim of the paper is to explore past and present developments in sport feminism to highlight the value of its dynamism to explain, critique, and challenge the current treatment of trans women athletes. The paper highlights the need to further develop, within sport sociology, a de-colonial transfeminism. De-colonial in this context involves postcolonial feminism, Black feminism, and queer of color critical approaches.
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Based on the publication records of journal articles indexed in the Web of Science Social Sciences Citation Index, our analysis examines the underlying factors influencing the usage of ‘sex differences’ over ‘gender differences’ in Titles and Author Keywords. Our search query identified 16,362 articles published in 1971–2021 that use either of the phrases and have at least one of their Research Areas belonging to the Social Sciences. In concurrence with earlier research, we find a substantial shift towards using ‘gender’ in the 1980s. However, for records published after 1992, the Publication Year has a negligible aggregate impact on the likelihood of ‘gender’ over ‘sex’, although meaningful trend differences occur across subsets defined by article-level disciplinary associations. Using the available publication meta-data (Publication Year, Research Area, Publication Journal) as well as the results of topic modelling (LDA) on Titles and Abstracts, we implement multi-level regression modelling to demonstrate that the likelihood of referring to ‘gender’ rather than ‘sex’ is strongly influenced by article-level disciplinary associations and their topical classification. We find that Psychology articles, by far the most numerous, exhibit a lower propensity to use ‘gender’ than all the other Social Sciences, especially when collaborating with Life Sciences & Biomedicine.
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Masalah gender, bukanlah hal yang baru ditemukan. Perdebatan mengenai masalah ini sudah berlangsung dari waktu ke waktu dan selalu mewarnai kehidupan manusia. Masalah ini lebih spesifik memperdebatkan tentang kepribadian laki-laki dan perempuan serta perannya masing-masing dalam keseharian. Baik dalam keluarga, maupun dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memberikan perspektif bagi keluarga dan gereja agar tidak melakukan diskriminiasi karena perbedaan gender berdasarkan kata “tidak ada” dalam Galatia 3:28. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah paradigma kualitatif dengan pendkatan eksegesis dan kepustkaan seperti buku dan artikel yang berkaitan. Untuk menjawab perdebatan yang ada, maka Alkitablah yang akan menjadi jawabannya. Sebab, baik dalam Perjanjian Lama, maupun dalam Perjanjian baru, akan menyatakn kebenaran bahwa tidak ada perbedaan antara laki-laki dan perempuan, atau disebut semua setara dihadapan Tuhan. Tentu dalam hal ini, sebagai orang percaya, wajib mengakui legitimasi Alkitab sebagai otoritas kebanaran tertinggi tanpa terpengaruh serta terhalangi oleh kehidupan sosial dan budaya yang ada.
Toplumsal cinsiyet ve toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri dinamik bir süreci kapsar; kişinin doğuştan sahip olduğu değil toplum içindeki etkileşimleri, rolleri öğrenme ve meşrulaştırma gibi aşamaların ürünüdür. Kadın ve erkek, içine doğdukları toplumun, sosyo-kültürel geçmişi çerçevesinde birtakım roller üstlenir. Toplumsal cinsiyet kavramı da toplum tarafından çizilen bu rolleri anlatmak için kullanılmaktadır. Genellikle kadını vurgulamak için kullanılan toplumsal cinsiyet kavramı, kadının karşısına rolü belli bir erkek figürü koymaktadır. Kadın ve erkeklerin doğuştan gelen biyolojik farklılıkları tüm toplumlarda farklı şekillerde yorumlanır, bunun sonucunda toplumsal yapı içerisinde kadınların ve erkeklerin nasıl davranacağı, hangi durumlarda hangi tepkileri vereceği noktasında genel beklentiler oluşur. Söz konusu beklentiler gerek toplumlar arası gerekse toplum içinde farklılık gösterse de temelde ortak noktalar vardır. Ortak noktalar, cinsiyet temelli farklılıklar ve eşitsizlikler sonucu oluşmuştur. Bu çalışma özü itibariyle toplumsal cinsiyet kavramı ve toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin edebi eserlerde işlenişini konu edinmektedir. Geleneksel toplumsal cinsiyet rollerine meydan okuyan, Türkiye'nin önde gelen feminist yazarlarından olan Duygu Asena romanlarında toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin temsilini ve ataerkil bir toplumda kadınların eşitlik ve özgürlük mücadelelerinin nasıl tasvir edildiği bu çalışmanın temel incelenme alanını oluşturmaktadır.
Rural settlements are settlements with relatively low population density where agriculture and animal husbandry activities are carried out or come to the fore, and the character of the settlement can be explained in the light of human-environment-culture relations. Rural residences and additions create the characteristic texture of rural settlements. Rural dwellings can be defined as spaces that contain not only a sheltered shell, but also add-ons with storage and production volumes according to the economic activity of the owner and the needs of the region. In order to sustain life in rural settlements, houses, unlike the residences in central settlements, meet the needs of the life of the region and contain many additions. In order to ensure the continuity of life in the countryside, the necessity of semi-open or fully closed volumes for different needs, as well as the storage areas necessary for economic activities such as animal husbandry and agriculture, are determinant on rural housing add-ons. The importance of fuel storage areas is better understood as the heating requirement in the coops and ovens in the garden or in rural houses in Anatolia is mostly met by stoves. While analyzing rural residences and rural settlements created by these dwellings, evaluating rural dwellings not only over closed areas where activities such as sleeping and sheltering at night, but also with open areas with add-ons, due to the rural life characteristics, It is also important in terms of determining the conditions and evaluating the projects to be proposed for the said regions within this scope. In this study, within the scope of the master's thesis study titled "A Research on Rural Houses and Their Extensions: The Example of Tongurlar Village", analysis studies were carried out on the add-on types and building materials of the houses in Tongurlar Village, and without considering the settlement characteristics and the need for add-ons, The types of options that determine the housing morphology in accordance with the needs of rural life are discussed.
Bu araştırmanın amacı, sağlık sektöründe yönetici kadın temsilini ortaya koymaktır. Nitekim, tüm dünyada üst düzey yönetici pozisyonlarında kadınlara yer verildiğinde birtakım avantajların örgütleri daha güçlü kıldığı görülmektedir. Ancak gerek ülkemizde gerekse dünya çapında tepe yönetim kademelerindeki kadın yöneticilerin sayısı oldukça düşüktür. Bu durumun temelinde; çok sayıda unsur yer alabilmektedir. Neticede, örgütler içerisinde kadın çalışan sayısının görece daha yüksek olduğu sağlık kurumlarında bile kadınların yönetimdeki varlığı istenilen düzeyde değildir. Bu nedenle, konun yönetimde kadın-erkek fırsat eşitliği bağlamında önem arz ettiği ve incelenmesi gerektiği düşünülmektedir. Bu kapsamda, Bursa ilindeki/ilçelerindeki kamu ve özel hastanelerin web siteleri aracılığıyla doküman analizine tabii tutularak üst yönetim kademeleri incelenmiş ve fırsat eşitliği bağlamında kadın yöneticilerin sayısal büyüklüğü dikkate alınarak tanımlayıcı nitelikte bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucu toplam 326 yöneticiye ilişkin bulgular Bursa kamu-özel hastanelerinde kadınların yönetsel temsilinin yetersiz, üniversite hastanelerinin ise diğerlerine göre nispeten görece daha yüksek olduğunu açık bir şekilde ortaya koymaktadır.
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In dieser Arbeit wird auf den Begriff Gender eingegangen, um die Stelle der Frau in einer Gesellschaft in Verbindung mit einem literarischen Text darstellen zu können. Die gesellschaftliche, soziale, gelebte und gefühlte Dimension des Geschlechts wird in der ersten Phase konkretisiert und die Gendertheorie hervorgehoben. Hierbei führt der geschichtliche Wandel der Gesellschaft und damit verbunden der Gendertheorie vor Auge, wie sich sowohl begrifflich als auch im Alltag die Bedeutung der Frau innerhalb einer Gesellschaft verändert. Bei der begrifflichen Darlegung wird auch die soziale Konstruktion beachtet und der Alltag in zwei Teile kategorisiert: Zum einen ist es der Mann und zum anderen die Frau. Wobei in dieser Arbeit auf die Frau und ihren Platz in der Gesellschaft innerhalb eines literarischen Textes näher eingegangen wird. Diesbezüglich wird zum einen die Gendertheorie von Ann Oakley näher betrachtet. Auch das 8-Stufenmodell von Erik Erikson spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Betrachtung der Gendertheorie. In der Analyse wird zuerst auf das Werk „Unruhe“ von Zülfü Livaneli eingegangen, um den Stellenwert einer Frau innerhalb einer Gesellschaft festzulegen und danach analysiert, wie die Frauen in diesem literarischen Text in Verbindung mit dem Begriff „Gender“ veranschaulicht wurde. Im Fazit wird der Begriff „Gender“ im Werk „Unruhe“ von Zülfü Livanelis intensiviert hervorgehoben. Es wird bezweckt mit einer neuen Perspektive einen Einblick auf das Werk zu schaffen.
L’objectif de la thèse est de montrer, à travers l’analyse des représentations féminines sur les chaînes satellitaires transnationales arabes, la manière dont la télévision contribue au façonnement des normes de genre. La question des rapports sociaux de sexe, appréhendés en termes de construction sociale, représente un thème intéressant à étudier du point de vue des représentations télévisuelles, en particulier pour ce qui concerne le monde arabe où le statut des femmes est complexe à définir. Malgré l’existence d’inégalités entre les femmes et les hommes, leur réalité sociale diffère en fonction des pays de la région et de l’importance que ces pays accordent au fait religieux, à la modernité et au progrès social. À ce titre, la télévision représente un observatoire privilégié, puisqu’elle est autant révélatrice des assignations de genre que de l’incorporation de nouvelles normes et représentations dans la société. En étudiant les chaînes satellitaires transnationales, nous avons pu avoir une vision globale de cette question à l’échelle du monde arabe. Notre analysée est axée sur les contenus informationnels des trois chaînes MBC, Al Jazeera et Al Arabiya. En appui sur une double grille d’analyse qualitative, nous avons identifié les modèles de monstration télévisuelle relatifs aux femmes, et analysé par ce biais les normes qui se rattachent au genre féminin dans le monde arabe. Les images et les discours véhiculés par les médias satellitaires révèlent, d’une part, que les contenus télévisuels contribuent à redéfinir les normes associées au genre féminin et permettent, d’autre part, de saisir les enjeux de la globalisation télévisuelle et de la modernité dans les sociétés arabes contemporaines.
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Favorable à la modification des lois de bioéthique de 2011, Emmanuel Macron a fait de la procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) accessible à toutes les femmes, une mesure phare de son programme présidentiel lors des campagnes de l’année 2017. Ces techniques de procréation médicale étaient alors déjà accessibles aux couples hétérosexuels, mariés ou non, en âge de procréer et pouvant justifier d’une vie commune depuis plus de deux ans. Par la révision de l’article 1 de ces lois bioéthiques (relatif, entre autres, à la PMA), il a été alors question d’étendre les conditions d’accès aux couples de femmes et aux femmes seules, ce qui, en est venu, par la suite à supprimer le critère médical d’une infertilité attestée au sein d'un couple. Quatre ans après son élection, et à la suite d'un avis favorable du Comité consultatif national d'éthique, la « PMA pour toutes » (comme elle est communément appelée par le gouvernement) a suscité de nombreux débats et controverses en France. Plus particulièrement, le collectif d’associations « Marchons enfants ! », formé pour l’occasion, a affirmé une franche opposition à ce projet de loi et a montré sa volonté de se mobiliser pour faire reculer le gouvernement français et tenter, in fine, de faire échouer cette tentative de légifération.Inscrit dans le domaine des sciences du langage, et plus particulièrement en sociolinguistique critique, ce travail de recherche consiste à étudier ces discours d’opposition et de contestation face à ce possible changement des droits reproductifs et sexuels. À partir d’un travail de terrain ethnographique auprès de plusieurs associations activistes (La Manif pour tous, Alliance Vita et les Associations familiales catholiques) entre décembre 2018 et janvier 2020, cette étude a pour objectif de déconstruire ces discours d’opposition afin de comprendre, entre revendication et dissimulation, quelles stratégies et idéologies discursives sont mobilisées et quels peuvent être les phénomènes et les processus discursifs et linguistiques ainsi que les enjeux de persuasion qui les sous-tendent.
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In general, although women make the majority of the meals in almost every household in Turkey, the majority of cuisine chefs working in hotel and restaurant kitchens are men. In this context, measuring the perception of gender towards cuisine chefs constitutes the purpose of the research. The research was established in the Survey Model, which is one of the quantitative research designs. Survey Model is the transfer of a case, fact or circumstance as it is, without interfering with its own state. Since it was created from Google Forms within the scope of the research, the sampling was reached with the Snowball Sampling Method, one of the improbable sampling techniques. In the snowball technique, firstly, a person was reached and a questionnaire was sent to the people determined by them. Within the scope of the research, the survey technique created from Google Forms was used. Questionnaire items were created as multiple choice and supported by short answers. In the analysis of the data, the frequency distribution of the responses was examined. As a result, the majority of the participants answered that talent has nothing to do with gender. However; women chefs have a more hygienic, detail-oriented, innate ability than men; male chefs are more disciplined and faster; It has been found that gender has nothing to do with cooking, but it is important to enjoy work and experience
El presente artículo propone que, para contribuir a generar modelos de gobernanza, es fundamental incluir la perspectiva de género y fomentar la igualdad en todos los niveles de gobierno con la finalidad de garantizar que las mujeres y los hombres, los niños y las niñas participen y se beneficien de forma equitativa e igualitaria del proceso de gobernanza y desarrollo. En este sentido, el trabajo tiene como objetivo aportar información que genere conciencia sobre la gran responsabilidad que tiene el gobierno respecto al fomento de la igualdad de género. Para el desarrollo del presente artículo se empleó un análisis de data cuantitativa, mediante el uso de fuentes secundarias. A partir de este análisis se llegó a la conclusión de que, a pesar de los avances realizados por el gobierno en la materia, todavía estamos lejos de lograr el objetivo. El rol de la mujer en la participación política, el empleo y la educación está muy por debajo del varón.
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Tüketim insanlığın var olduğu andan beri çeşitli şekillerde gerçekleşse de Sanayi Devrimi sonrasında kapitalizm dalgasının tezahür etmesi sonucu etkisini yıkıcı boyutlarda göstermeye başlamıştır. Post-fordist üretim tarzı ile tüketim anlam değiştirerek seri ve hızlı bir hal almıştır. Bunun sonucu ise daha çok ve daha hızlı tüketim gerçekleşmesi normalleşmiş, bilinçsiz tüketim hareketleri ise yaygınlaşmıştır. Tüketimin gerek bireyler ve gerekse toplumlar üzerinde farkında olunamayan bir boyuta ulaşmıştır. Bu olumsuzluğu önlemek adına sınıfsal ve ayrıştırıcı yönü yanında ekolojik ve sosyal anlamda tahribata sebep olmayan sürdürülebilir tüketimlerin gerçekleşmesi önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışma tüketim hareketlerinin değişmesi sonucu toplumda yaşanan hızlı tüketim olgusunun etkilerinin konu edinildiği The True Cost belgesel filmini, sınıfsal eşitsizlik ve ayrışmaya sebebiyet veren boyutuyla sosyolojik pencereden analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışma tüketim toplumunun yarattığı ayrıştırıcı yönlere ve diğer pejoratif etkilere 2015 yılında kabul edilen Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları ekseninde bakılarak nasıl uygulan(a)madığı eleştirel bir perspektif ile sunulacaktır. Karakterler, söylemler, imgeler, metaforlar ve dikotomilerin kullanılış şekillerine yer verilerek çalışma görünenin ardındakini ortaya çıkarmayı hedeflemekte ve bunu sosyoloji disiplinin geniş yelpazesindeki anlamsallığı ile ortaya koymaya çalışmaktadır.
Psychological theories of gender and/or sex (gender/sex) have the capacity to shape people’s self-perceptions, social judgments, and behaviors. The institutional power of psychology to affect cognition and behavior—not just to measure them—necessitates a serious consideration of our social responsibility to manage the products of our intellectual labor. Therefore, I propose that psychological research should be understood as stewardship of gender/sex (and socially relevant concepts in general). In this issue, four articles collectively serve as a demonstrative slice of the diversity of current directions in psychological research on gender/sex. I use these articles as springboards for articulating key elements of psychologists’ stewardship of gender/sex and strategies for improving our stewardship. First, I examine how psychology’s historical stewardship of gender/sex has yielded both new methods for self-understanding and harmful consequences for marginalized people. Next, I explore promising current approaches that center minoritized perspectives. I also discuss roadblocks to effective stewardship, including narrowly disciplinary approaches. Finally, I consider strategies for improving psychology’s stewardship of gender/sex, such as mitigating gender/sex essentialism and employing generative theoretical frameworks built from interdisciplinary insights.
Dünyada cinsiyetler arası eşitsizlik; insanın temel hak ve özgürlüklerinden sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik hayata katılımına kadar birçok alanda etkisini göstermektedir. Son yıllarda farklı küresel hareketlerle gündemde yer alan toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği kavramı, pazarlama ve kültür endüstrisinin önemli bir parçası olan reklam sektöründe de tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada; Türkiye’de 30 yılı aşkındır yapılan Kristal Elma Reklam Yaratıcılığı Yarışması’nda ödül kazanmış televizyon reklamları, toplumsal cinsiyet temsil ve rolleri çerçevesinde incelenmektedir. Araştırma kapsamında, 2011, 2014 ve 2017 yıllarında Kristal Elma Reklam Yaratıcılığı Yarışması’nda ödül kazanmış 222 televizyon reklamı içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular; 2011, 2014 ve 2017 yıllarında ödül kazanan televizyon reklamlarının, çoğunlukla geleneksel kadınlık ve erkeklik temsilleri içermekle birlikte ilerici cinsiyet rollerini de barındırdığını ortaya koymaktadır. Ancak, genel tablo hem görsel hem de işitsel olarak Türkiye’de hala erkek egemen televizyon reklamları üretildiğini göstermektedir. Erkek ana karakterler ağırlıklı otorite figürü rolünde resmedilmekte ve kamusal alanla, çalışma hayatıyla özdeşleştirilmektedir. Kadınlar ise geleneksel biçimde evle ve ev işleriyle ilişkilendirilmektedir. 2014 yılında ödül alan televizyon reklamları diğer yıllardakinden daha yüksek oranda geleneksel rol ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliği unsuru içermektedir.
The meta-theoretical resource of critical realism (CR) is deployed in order to examine transgender and healthcare. CR treads a middle way between positivism and postmodernism, within post-Popperian discussions of the philosophy of natural and social science. It focuses on the conditions of possibility for the emergence of a phenomenon under investigation. In this case, the focus is on the emergence of debates about transgenderism in healthcare. These have been technological (about the prospect of biomedical solutions to personal problems) and ideological, with the enlarged salience of identity politics and our currently unresolved “culture wars.” Identity politics have brought a focus on epistemological privilege or “lived experience” and on rights to healthcare being driven by consumer choice. The current contestation and its history are discussed in relation to our four planar social being (nature, relationality, socio-economic structures, and our particular personalities) and future scenarios are rehearsed.
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KRITSCH, R., VENTURA, W. R. Cuidado e Justiça: Contribuições dos Estudos Feministas à Teoria Política. IN: BARBATO, C. El cuidado es político: reflexiones transversales en tiempos de precariedad / Constanza Barbato; contribuciones de Valeria Esquivel... [et al.] ; compilado por Constanza Barbato; editado por María Sol Besada.-1a ed.
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Eğitim konusu, ilk çağlardan beri tüm toplumları ilgilendiren ve toplumsal yaşamda önemli rol oynayan bir süreçtir. Eğitim, günümüz dünyasındaki hızlı deği-şim ve gelişim sürecine uyum sağlama konusunda anahtar kavramdır. Bu nedenle günümüzde bir toplumun bireylerine vereceği eğitimin niteliği, toplumun tüm kesimlerini içine alması açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu bölümün amacı, eğitimde toplumsal cinsiyet anlayışını incelemektir. Bu amaçla, son yıllardaki gelişmeler ve alandaki yeni değişiklikler incelenecektir. Alandaki değişiklikler ve devam eden tartışmaları, zaman içinde eğitimde toplumsal cinsiyet araştırmaları-nı tartışmak için güncel toplumsal cinsiyet teorilerini feminist eğitim araştırmala-rı perspektifinden ele alacağım.
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Raquel KRITSCH UEL (PR, Brasil) Raissa Wihby Ventura PUC-SP (Brasil) RESUMO: O objetivo principal deste trabalho é discutir a formulação oferecida por Carol Gilligan à chamada ética do cuidado e suas implicações para uma teoria política feminista preocupada com os debates contemporâneos sobre justiça e autonomia. O texto divide-se em quatro movimentos: o primeiro passo é sintetizar a crítica do feminismo radical à separação entre esfera pública e privada, isto é, entre uma área que é e outra que não é preocupação legítima do Estado, da justiça e do direito. O segundo movimento consiste em abordar os problemas e as discri-minações gerados pela fragmentação-promovida sobretudo pelo pensamento iluminista-entre uma voz moral do cuidado, supostamente feminina, e outra da justiça, que seria típica do universo masculino, responsáveis por engendrar rela-ções psicossexuais por meio das quais as identidades de gênero são (re)produzi-das. Para vária/os autora/es importantes do pensamento feminista, razão, afetividade e emoção não devem ser tratadas como noções opostas e/ou como meios próprios de ação e de raciocínio moral; a relevância de se levar em consi-deração, tanto na linguagem política quanto moral, o cuidado e os limites de um repertório da justiça constituem assim o terceiro passo. Por fim, o artigo apresenta 97 1 Uma versão preliminar deste texto foi apresentada no 8° Encontro da ABCP, realizado entre 01 e 04 de agosto de 2012, junto à Área Temática 12. Investigação vinculada ao projeto de pesquisa intitulado «Para além da constelação nacional? Disputas em torno da cidadania, do cosmopolitismo e dos direitos humanos na teoria política contemporânea III», financiado pelo CNPq (308475/2017-8) e apoiado pela UEL.
As backlash politics and practices of patriarchal, white, Western, educated, industrialized, rich, democratic reproduction continue to keep certain people ‘in their place’, including feminists working for gender equity/women’s liberation and those that queer gender binaries and other categories in society, (virtual) social fields such as Outdoor and Environmental Education (OEE), including in Higher Education, are yet to adequately address gender equity. With a somewhat smaller target than saving the world, yet big idea remit—‘gender equity’ in/through OEE in HE (OEEiHE), interconnected to and reflective of ‘our’ current dilemmas and pandemic, I use a conceptual yarn to explore and pose a number of theoretical and issue-based challenges to OEE, beyond and within HE. Drawing on scholars in and outside the field I suggest that in order to address complex socio-ecological issues, this field needs to break its own doxa, valuing such destruction, so that previously marginalised and emerging possibilities can be enabled. Only then will OEE demonstrate an ability to embody diversity, inclusion and an ecology that is at the same time sustainable AND changing, making a difference that really counts.
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