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Organisational Learning and Incident Response: Promoting Effective Learning Through The Incident Response Process


Abstract and Figures

Effective response to information security incidents is a critical function of modern organisations. However, recent studies have indicated that organisations have adopted a narrow and technical view of incident response (IR), focusing on the immediate concern of detection and subsequent corrective actions. Although some reflection on the IR process may be involved, it is typically limited to technical issues and does not leverage opportunities to learn about the organisational security threat environment and to adapt incident response capabilities. Given the science of incident response is rooted in practice, it is not surprising that the same criticisms can be applied to much of IR literature. However, a review of literature in the area of organisational learning suggests that improvements can be made to the incident response process. This paper proposes that future incident response research must incorporate a learning focus, improve feedback timing on learning activities, facilitate double-loop learning and incorporate an informal learning perspective within both formal, procedural incident response processes as well as unstructured, informal environments.
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Edith Cowan University
Research Online
Australian Information Security Management
Conference Security Research Centre Conferences
Organisational Learning and Incident Response:
Promoting Effective Learning Through The
Incident Response Process
Piya Shedden
University of Melbourne
Atif Ahmad
University of Melbourne
A B. Ruighaver
Deakin University
Originally published in the Proceedings of the 8th Australian Information Security Mangement Conference, Edith Cowan University, Perth Western
Australia, 30th November 2010
This Conference Proceeding is posted at Research Online.
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Organisational Learning and Incident Response: Promoting Effective
Learning Through The Incident Response Process
Piya Shedden1, Atif Ahmad1 and A.B. Ruighaver2
1Department of Information Systems
University of Melbourne
Victoria, Australia
2School of Information Systems
Deakin University
Burwood, Victoria, Australia
Effective response to information security incidents is a critical function of modern organisations. However, recent
studies have indicated that organisations have adopted a narrow and technical view of incident response (IR), focusing
on the immediate concern of detection and subsequent corrective actions. Although some reflection on the IR process
may be involved, it is typically limited to technical issues and does not leverage opportunities to learn about the
organisational security threat environment and to adapt incident response capabilities. Given the science of incident
response is rooted in practice, it is not surprising that the same criticisms can be applied to much of IR literature.
However, a review of literature in the area of organisational learning suggests that improvements can be made to the
incident response process. This paper proposes that future incident response research must incorporate a learning focus,
improve feedback timing on learning activities, facilitate double-loop learning and incorporate an informal learning
perspective within both formal, procedural incident response processes as well as unstructured, informal environments.
Security incident response, organisational learning, incident learning, informal organisation, knowledge management.
Security incident response is a critical process, ensuring that organisations have a capability to effective respond to,
eradicate, recover from and learn from security attacks perpetrated against them. The ultimate goal is to minimise the
effects of a successful attack and to ensure an expedient recovery (van Wyk et al, 2001; Wiik et al, 2005). Successful
security incidents can cost organisations severely across a variety of impact criteria, including reputation, productivity
and direct financial costs attributed to lost business as well as legal and regulatory penalties. Standard incident response
methodologies exist for organisations to use in their response to security incidents across a wide range of impact
severities (eg. Northcutt, 1998; West-Brown et al, 2003; Grance et al, 2004; Murray, 2007).
A seminal report by Knight & Pretty (1996) established a direct causal relationship between organisations that
successfully recovered from catastrophes and their effective response to the incident. In fact, the paper asserts that the
perceived success of the incident response was a more significant factor in share-value recovery than whether catastrophe
insurance was used to limit negative impact. Further, although not all incidents necessarily turn into catastrophes, the
ability of an organisation to effectively mitigate an incident plays a key role in preventing incidents from escalating into a
There are many factors that determine effectiveness of incident response. Among these are resourcing of the incident
response capability, availability and application of technical expertise, and support from senior management. These
factors are duly noted in the standard incident response methodologies available in the public domain (SANS and NIST
references here). However, at least one expert has pointed out that one of the biggest mistakes in the practice of incident
response is the lack of effective learning (Chuvakin, 2005).
Recent studies reinforce this observation, indicating that organisations have adopted a narrow and technical view of IR,
focusing on the immediate concern of detection and subsequent corrective actions. Although standard incident response
methodologies incorporate a ‘feedback’ or ‘follow-up’ phase where lessons are to be learned, reflection on IR is typically
limited to the technical process and does not leverage opportunities to learn about the security threat environment and
effectiveness of internal procedures, controls, training and policies in order to strengthen the organisation's incident
response capabilities (Cooke, 2003; Hadgkiss, 2006).
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A key activity in the incident response process is the capacity of the process to learn from the errors or mistakes made
during the incident, learn which policies and activities are effective or ineffective, identify concerns in staffing and skills
and to feed this knowledge back into the process (Northcutt, 1998; Killcrece et al, 2003; Grance et al, 2004). While major
incident response methods such as the SANS and NIST models include 'post-mortem' or 'follow-up' activities post-
incident, there is little evidence to suggest that organisations actively engage in adequate organisational learning and
improvement of these incident response processes (Cooke, 2003). Current incident response literature instead focuses
upon technical responses to incidents, the initial phases of the process and forensic activities (Mitropolous et al, 2006;
Turner, 2007; Zhang et al, 2009). However, if organisations were to appropriately learn from and manage their incident
response capability, they would be able to leverage opportunities to learn from incidents to their best advantage and
realise the benefits of a robust process and fortified security strategy.
Organisational learning literature can be used to develop deeper insights into how incident learning activities can be
examined and improved. They outline and detail how organisations are able to effectively learn from events and
modifying behaviours to adapt to changes in their environments (Fiol & Lyles, 1985; Huber, 1991). The effects of a
capable learning organisation are lower turnaround times, a greater capacity to deal with change in the organisational
environment and innovative strategies (Goh, 1998). However, work conducted in incident learning (Cooke, 2003;
Hadgkiss, 2006; Muhren et al, 2008) has attested that organisations are not effectively learning through their incident
response capabilities, despite the detailed actions that should be taken during post-mortem phases of the SANS and NIST
incident response models. Muhren et al (2008) describes how 'considerable opportunities remain unseized' in this space.
This paper will subsequently present a literature review of incident response and organisational learning literature,
outlining security incident response processes, how organisations learn effectively and the importance of double-loop
learning. A series of propositions will be presented, suggesting that the incident response process must have adequate
knowledge capturing methods to ensure quicker turnaround times for learning, feature the application of double-loop
learning to question fundamental processes and principles and that learning processes must ensure that both formal and
informal learning methods are applied.
Incident response refers to the formal, structured methods by which organisations engage teams to detect and eradicate
information security incidents (West-Brown, 2003; Wiik et al, 2005). Incident response teams are the 'firefighters' within
organisations, devoted to the preparation, identification, analysis and recovery from security incidents (Jaikumar, 2002).
On the timeline of business continuity, incident response is the immediate action taking to a security breach, whereas
disaster recovery and business continuity are longer-term concerns (Whitman & Mattord, 2005). Incident response is
therefore the considerations and actions undertaken upon the detection of the security incident and the immediate actions
taken in the short-term to reduce the organisation's exposure.
However, a security incident response team is responsible for more than just direct actions against incidents. Instead,
such teams will actively advise on security, develop security policy and conduct security training and awareness
programs (West-Brown et al, 2003). Therefore, the value of fielding effective and capable incident response teams is that
they will firstly be effective in their response to security breaches. However, in their wider organisational role, incident
response teams can provide knowledge and information to the organisation as a whole. An incident response team must
have a variety of qualities, including technical skill, organisational skill and diplomatic skill in dealing both with the
incident, management of the team and effective at negotiating during heated and stressful situations.
There are several published incident response processes that organisations may follow, including the SANS and NIST
SP800-61 methods. Both methods offer a similar approach in responding to and treating incidents. The methods centre
around a common process, incorporating initial preparatory phases, the detection and containment of incidents, recovery
from incidents and a 'post-mortem' analysis. Specifically, the SANS method features six steps: preparation, identification,
containment, eradication, recovery and lessons learned (Northcutt, 1998; Murray, 2007). The NIST 800-61 model
follows an iteration of four steps: preparation, detection and analysis, containment, eradication and recovery and post-
incident activities (Killcrece, 2003; Grance et al, 2004). Ultimately, both models perform the same functions through a
similar process, encapsulating preparatory actions before an incident occurs, the identification and analysis of the
incident, attempts to contain the spread of the incident, to remove the incident from the organisation's systems, restore
original operations and engage a learning process (Kossakowski et al, 1999; Osborne, 2001; Kelver, 2002; West-Brown
et al, 2003; Mitropolous et al, 2006). Figure 1 demonstrates a synthesis of this incident response process.
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Figure 1: the Incident Response Process (Mitropolous et al, 2006)
This process aims to firstly establish preventative measures, identify when an incident actually occurs, contain the
incident, remove the incident, facilitate recovery of organisational systems and networks and conduct a post-mortem
review to establish key learning notes. Table 1 further describes the phases of the incident response process in further
The preparation phase is where preventative measures such as security
policies and threat models are established. A 'response kit' is built, featuring
tools that will be used to assist during an incident, such as USB jump
drives, laptops, software, stationary and cabling There is also an emphasis
on proactive prevention of incidents through effective patch management
and user security awareness training.
When an incident occurs, identification procedures are engaged,
determining whether an incident exists. Here, the incident should be
validated, the scope and potential impact determined and how the incident
Once the incident has been identified, it must be contained. This will
attempt to ensure that the incident does not worsen. Two key objectives are
present under containment: the prevention of further contamination of the
system and the preservation of evidence for potential future legal
proceedings. The incident response team must contain the incident so that it
does not spread across the organisation's systems and network.
Eradication activities attempt to clean up after the incident, based on the
information gathered on the incident. The team will attempt to neutralise
the attack (eg. deleting malicious code).
Recovery concerns the transfer of the system back into regular
organisational use, though with monitoring and involvement from business
heads to ensure that the system operates smoothly.
the incident response team will validate and improve the incident handling
process. This will involve the completion of incident reports, presentation
of these reports to management, improvement of the incident response
process from technical and managerial perspectives and to define a strategy
and plan for implementing these changes.
Table 1: Description of Incident Response Phases (Northcutt, 1998; Kelver, 2002; Killcrece, 2003; West-Brown et al,
2003; Grance et al, 2004; Murray, 2007)
Incident response literature shows a disposition towards the technical aspects of intrusions and their eradication
(Mitropolous et al, 2006; Novak, 2007; Turner, 2007). Additionally, there is a strong tendency in incident response
literature to focus more on the initial phases of incident response over incident learning (Mitropolous et al, 2006; Zhang
et al, 2009). Incident response methods are recognised as being tightly coupled with digital forensics (Mandia & Procise,
2002; Novak, 2007), whereby the focus is not upon effective learning and the knowledge gain post-incident. Rather, a
digital forensics focus on incident response will lead to an emphasis on technical competence in responding to incidents
and the capability of tracing the incident back to its perpetrator for legal processing (Mitropolous et al, 2006).
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This technical perspective is consistent with the assertions by Dhillon & Backhouse (2001), Siponen (2005), Shedden et
al (2011) and Zafar & Clark (2009) that highlight how current security research is focused upon the technical elements of
security and security models rather than socio-organisational issues. Current security methods and models tend to present
a focus on the IT infrastructure of organisations, technical risks and technical controls without focusing on humans and
practice (Dhillon & Backhouse, 2001; Spears, 2006; Zafar & Clark, 2009). However, these socio-organisational
perspectives have the capacity to offer unique insight into security methods, beyond the technical, systematic space and
into the 'murky' reality of business and security practice (Brown & Duguid, 2002; Shedden et al, 2009).
The concept of a 'post-mortem' or 'follow-up' phase in incident response has achieved little attention in current literature.
It is evident that effective incident response is not a pure technical concern as is currently appreciated. The focus is
currently upon forensic, technical and procedural perspectives. However, incident response methods are an iterative
learning process that must allow for the flow of information into its phases in order to build the expertise and knowledge
base of the individuals. Although learning is a key feature of every fundamental IR model given the presence of feedback
loops, knowledge management and learning are not given much attention in literature. Further, the scope of incident
learning has never been explicitly defined.
Effective learning from incidents will feed back into the procedures followed, the information received by the incident
response team and will identify actions, steps and activities that may have inhibited the recovery of the organisation.
Feeding this information back to the organisation's preparedness phase will fortify policies, determine if additional tools
are required, increase security budgets, improve training programs and lead to alterations to the incident response
procedures, activities and processes themselves.
The post-mortem activities typically consist of analysis and reporting based on the incident, actions taken, what worked
and how the incident response procedures and responses could be improved (Kelver, 2002). Incident learning is usually
enacted through a series of formal reports, meetings and presentations to management (Northcutt, 1998; Grance et al,
2004). Meetings are held and communicative notes are gathered to address responses, disagreements, suggestions and
additions to security policies and the incident procedures (Northcutt, 1998). Issues to document include an estimation of
the damage caused, actions taken during the incident, policies and procedures that require an update and any electronic
evidence that can be used for pursuing those responsible (Mitropolous et al, 2006). The response to these lessons learned
should cycle relevant knowledge and changes into the procedures for the incident response process, training processes for
the incident response team, improving the incident response policies and procedures and the creation of further reference
material on how to respond to similar incidents (Grance et al, 2004). Such activities effectively feed information back to
the preparedness phase as shown in Figure 1 in order to reduce the likelihood of that incident occurring again (Osborne,
Incident response post-mortem reviews are in need of further study. More research is required to establish how
organisations can effectively learn from the incident response process, despite the apparent focus on technical intrusion
detection and the initial phases of the incident response process. As both the NIST 800-61 and SANS model demonstrate,
it is imperative that key learning notes are documented, reviewed, presented and integrated back into the incident
response process for future improvement. However, it is unsure as to how organisations can effectively learn and respond
to this information.
Organisational learning as a field of research examines how organisations are able to develop knowledge and 'routines' in
order to guide their behaviours (Levitt & March, 1988). Organisational learning is a process, whereby organisations aim
to incorporate and disseminate valuable experience and knowledge across its communities of practice over time, updating
and replacing 'organisational memory' (Huber, 1991). Learning takes place through a variety of stimuli in order to correct
errors, develop a new knowledge base, gain competitive advantage through innovation and reduce the time it takes to
undertake actions and make decisions (Argyris & Schon, 1978; Shrivastava; 1983; Huber, 1991). The more an
organisation is willing to learn and incorporate new knowledge and insight into its 'organisational memory', the more
agile the organisation will be when faced with unknown situations and the likelihood of errors made in decisions and
actions will be reduced. A learning organisation is described as being skilled at creating, acquiring and transferring its
knowledge, modifying behaviours in order to reflect the new insights gained (Sinkula et al, 1997).
Organisational Learning Processes
Organisational learning is accomplished across a variety of processes, perspectives and methods. Organisations learn by
encoding inferences from its own history into 'routines' (Levitt & March, 1988). These routines then guide behaviour
among the organisation's communities of practice through forms, rules, procedures and strategies. There are several
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views on how organisations learn: through direct knowledge acquisition, information distribution, information
interpretation and organisational memory (Huber, 1991). Organisations can learn through direct experience, through
interpreting the experiences of others and a history of events and through encoding knowledge and information into
organisational memory (Levitt & March, 1988). These perspectives illustrate that organisations can learn through
planned learning practices, directly seeking information through surveys and research, by distributing information across
its communities of practice, govern how this information is best framed and interpreted and how the learning notes,
information or knowledge is stored (Levitt & March, 1988; Huber, 1991).
Organisations also learn through four perspectives. These are adaptation, assumption sharing, development of knowledge
base and institutionalised experience (Shrivastava, 1983). Adaptation outlines how organisations adapt to changes in their
environment over time, adjusting behaviour to remain competitive (Cyert & March, 1963; Cangelosi & Dill, 1965;
March & Olsen, 1976). Assumption sharing refers to how organisations respond to change within their internal and
external environments, detecting and correcting errors (Argyris & Schon, 1978; Mitroff & Emshoff, 1979). This is
performed through the sharing of assumptions and mental 'maps' between individuals. The development of a knowledge
base is the process by which organisations build knowledge based upon the actions, outcomes and effects that these
actions have had on their internal and external environment (Duncan & Weiss, 1978; Shrivastava, 1983). Institutionalised
experience involves learning by doing, subsequently reducing the time it takes to produce goods and make decisions due
to the repetition of activities over time (Abernathy & Wayne, 1974).
These learning processes are important when planning incident learning activities within the incident response capability.
Current incident learning procedures and guidelines are action-oriented, focused upon the scheduling of meetings and the
creation of reports. There is, however, no comprehensive or recognised meta-structure or learning model situated beyond
this. Current incident learning literature focuses upon the acquisition of direct knowledge from staff involved in the
incident and the distribution of this information to select parties. However, there are a wide range of direct knowledge
acquisition processes available, including experiments, self-appraisals, experiments, unsystematic learning, vicarious
learning, searching and noticing and grafting (Huber, 1991). There are also broader recommendations for comprehensive
information dissemination to enable broad organisational learning that have not been actioned in incident learning
(Huber, 1991). Information interpretation must be considered in how the incident information is assigned meaning by
other staff, including the rapidity of feedback, the individual's personal knowledge and how they frame or view a
problem. Organisational memory must also be considered - ie. how the organisation stores and retrieves that information
over time (Levitt & McEvoy, 1988). An incident knowledge database can subsequently be used to store past incident
data, successful actions and key learning notes.
Effective organisational learning, when combined with the post-mortem reviews of incident response processes provide
an area for leverage. Simon (1991) describes how effective learning organisations are capable of innovation, assimilating
new ideas and fighting 'entropy'. Shrivastava (1983) and Levit & March (1988) highlight that organisational learning can
allow for the effective institutionalisation of cumulative experience, reducing the time it takes to produce goods and
make effective decisions due to the repetition of activities over time. Ultimately, organisations must learn and 'unlearn'
knowledge in order to reflect and adjust to its changing environment (Fiol & Lyles, 1985). Doing so will permit
flexibility in their strategy, competitive advantage, a healthy corporate culture conducive to learning and an
organisational structure that will permit innovation and the development of new insight. When related to incident
response, the benefits of effective learning can be seen, potentially increasing agility and flexibility in process, increasing
accuracy in decision-making, increasing efficiency in the incident response process and a wider understanding of security
incidents and appropriate issues distributed among the incident response team due to the ingestation of a wider body of
Single- and Double-Loop Learning Perspectives in Incident Learning
Through effective learning, organisations are able to detect and correct errors and issues within their structures, processes
and activities in order to either carry on present policies or to question their underlying structures as a precursor to
change (Agyris, 1976; McElroy, 1999). This discussion refers to the notion of single-loop and double-loop learning.
Single-loop learning is concerned with a more narrow and short-term focus concerning an organisation's 'action
strategies', or those plans and rules that enforce organisation structures and beliefs. This is the position of most
organisations (Rowe, 1996). An example, in the context of incident response, would be modifying the implementation of
a control to better enforce a security policy.
In order for effective organisational learning to actually occur, organisations must focus on double-loop learning (Agyris,
1976). Double-loop learning questions the fundamental governing variables of the organisation behind its actions. The
underlying rules, principles and knowledge of organisations will be challenged, leading to the 'active construction' of
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different actions to take and rules to follow (Agyris, 1976; McElroy, 1999). When using double-loop learning,
organisations will reconsider and alter their fundamental rules, policies, systems and processes in order to promote long-
term change (van Niekerk & von Solms, 2004). Questioning the fundamental principles of policies and incorporating
deep conceptual changes as part of a wider security change strategy is evidence of double-loop learning.
The difference between single-loop and double-loop learning is important when learning from incidents. Figure 2
illustrates this difference, highlighting that single loop learning will only establish specific actions in response to an
Figure 2: Organisational Learning for Incident Response (van Niekerk & von Solms, 2004)
The Informal Nature of Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Practice
Another important delineation within organisational learning refers to the formal and informal nature of learning. The
concept of the 'informal' organisation refers to the understanding that, despite formalised structures, procedures and
policy, an informal culture and routines will exist. The informal organisation consists of those activities not specified or
represented in the official blueprints of the formal organisation (Scott, 1961). The informal organisation is represented by
those communities, behaviours and actions that are not officially recognised by the formal organisation structures, but are
still integral to the function of the formal organisation (Farris, 1979; Simon, 1979). Informal working communities,
networks of individuals and knowledge, informal practices, workarounds and the like are all representative of the
informal organisation.
Brown & Duguid (2002) describe the concept of business 'practice' and the informal organisation, whereby organisations
and process can be viewed as 'machines' that are predictable in their behaviours and routines. However, the 'real view' of
organisations are that they can be unpredictable and 'messy' (Shedden et al, 2009; Shedden et al, 2011). Parties must
collaborate unofficially, share information, tell stories, share experiences and improvise in order to achieve their work
goals. Organisational members will indulge not only in formalised process, but will also aim to find shortcuts and
workarounds (Sasse & Flachais, 2005). Those informal organisational routines populated and acted upon via effective
organisational learning infrastructures will include structures of beliefs, frameworks, paradigms, codes, cultures and
knowledge that support formal routines (Levitt & March, 1988).
These routines can be transferred through formal means, such as education, mergers and personnel movement; however,
informal learning will occur through socialisation within teams, imitation of others with more experience and
'professionalisation'. When examining organisational and individual learning and knowledge, Davenport & Prusak
(1998), Brown & Duguid (2001) and Hislop (2009) outline that knowledge is informally embedded within the processes
and practices of organisations. Though the formalised variants of learning and knowledge embedded through policy and
training will exist, there will be a parallel and related level of learning via informal means through process and
participation. Therefore, it is suggested in literature that effective organisational learning can be performed through
formal classes, procedures, process and events, but informal learning mechanisms are just as critical (Shrivastava, 1983).
Though formal mechanisms of learning and change can be incorporated and are more likely to be recognised by
organisations, an effective incident learning process must incorporate an informal focus as well. Formal training
programs, alterations in policy and knowledge management systems are capable of capturing official records and
perspectives. However, the focus in current incident response methods such as the NIST and SANS models ignore the
'soft side' of learning. That is, they do not leverage the workarounds, informal networks and workarounds that people
pursue in conjunction with formal aspects of learning. Effective learning must therefore recognise and leverage those
unofficial activities and networks of knowledge in addition to the formal mechanisms in order to best learn from and
respond to future incidents.
Informal practice considerations are critical when learning from security incidents. Incident response occurs in stressful
environments with a heavy emphasis on teamwork. Under such circumstances, workarounds and informal activities or
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procedures will occur: Muhren et al (2008) demonstrates that during incidents, individuals default to their own informal
networks of knowledge and procedures even though incident response processes may be highly structured.
Therefore, incident response will require both formal and informal learning activities and strategies in order to
complement and reinforce the knowledge gained from incident learning. This is important for effective, holistic learning
given Farris' (1979) and Shrivastava's (1983) assertions that informal learning and practice will support formal learning.
Furthermore, recognising and reinforcing informal practices, knowledge and workarounds can enhance an organisation's
ability to learn from incidents and improve future incident response. As Muhren et al (2008) has shown, incident
response team members can successfully be given the freedom to pursue their own workarounds outside formalised
structure. That is, informal practices can be leveraged to more effectively respond to incidents rather than pure reliance
on formalised procedures. Building in flexibility and reinforcing informal avenues of knowledge acquisition, analysis and
decision-making can lead to a more effective incident response capability.
An effective incident response process must incorporate a learning strategy. Though quality incident response processes
must ensure that they prepare, identify and eradicate incidents, the importance of post-mortems must be recognised.
Effective post-mortem activities lead to the strengthening of organisational security policies, security management,
improved training programs and alterations to incident response activities. The effects of learning through incident
response has been demonstrated to avert major attacks and to lead to improvements to the incident response method as a
whole (Melara et al, 2003; Stephenson, 2003).
This paper suggests that further research must be conducted to promote organisational learning research and theory in the
context of incident learning activities. Currently, incident learning is focused upon activity-level procedures and
recommendations. There are no higher learning models and processes associated with incident learning. Organisational
learning literature provides a series of learning models and processes that can be incorporated into a meta-level incident
learning method. This could be used to develop a holistic, insightful and comprehensive incident learning model that
could acquire knowledge and insight across a variety of processes, disseminate the findings in a structured and
recognised manner and store this information in organisational memory. In doing so, double-loop learning should be
incorporated into incident response methods in order to gain comprehensive learning and feedback on the base structures
and principles of the model itself, in addition to the activities, polices, management structures, tools and staff in the
incident response process. There is the need to improve the expediency in incident response process feedback, moving
away from an 'after the fact' approach as is the current norm and to move towards a more agile approach. Finally, the
current emphasis is on providing feedback and learning through formal policy, presentation and reports. However, there
is the need to recognise informal learning approaches and mechanisms prevalent in all organisations and incident
response processes. These views are encapsulated in subsequent sections.
The incorporation of these propositions into existing models has the potential to significantly impact incident response
methods. These perspectives will alter the incident learning activities conducted within the final phase of the method
found in Figure 1. The application of organisational learning processes may lead to higher-level structures that would
surround or sit above the incident response process. Faster turnaround in feedback may lead to additional learning loops
in each phase, linking to the initial preparation phase but also to each independent phase. This view ensures that
organisations are capable of learning from incidents during the activities, feeding this information and learning directly
back to the incident response team at the time. However, formalised methods of incident response may change
completely when considering unstructured incident response methods and informal learning.
Organisational Learning Strategies and Incident Learning
It is hence suggested that effective incident response processes must lean on organisational learning practices throughout
the process. The current linear models loop back to the initial stage of the process in order to conduct post-mortem
meetings, as demonstrated in Figure 1. Current methods are also focused on pinpoint activities to operate rather than
providing comprehensive learning strategies and wide-perspective learning models. Little research has been conducted in
examining effective learning activities and how to improve incident response activities. Cooke (2003) and van Niekerk &
von Solms (2004) outline double-loop learning as a means of effectively gaining knowledge from security incidents.
These studies aim to feed the consequences of an incident back through to improve the underlying organisational policies
and security processes, improving the incident response capability as a whole.
For effective organisational learning to occur, there must be a higher-level view of incident learning utilising the models
and processes from literature. This will in turn lead to a systematic, structured and comprehensive strategy for effective
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incident learning. Organisational learning theory states that individuals and groups must adopt direct knowledge
acquisition, information distribution, information interpretation and also consider the effects of organisational memory
(Huber, 1991). From an incident learning perspective, relevant knowledge and information must be shared among
relevant parties and dispersed through relevant functions in order to enable double-loop learning systems in the first
instance and to subsequently improve incident learning processes, management, response times, procedures, manuals and
training. The effective consideration of organisational learning effects such as effective knowledge acquisition and
information distribution will allow organisations to obtain knowledge across departments and spread this knowledge and
information throughout the organisation to any relevant party. The encoding of relevant information and knowledge into
a repository and back into its routines will ensure that they exist in organisational memory. Therefore, we suggest that:
Proposition 1: incident learning models must be developed to appropriately map effective organisational
learning processes to incident response.
Double-Loop Incident Learning
Double-loop learning is critical for incident learning activities. Learning models from Agyris (1976), Agyris & Schon
(1977), Cooke (2003) and van Niekerk & von Solms (2004) emphasise the use of double-loop, generative learning over
single-loop learning. Double-loop learning is crucial for the incident response process, ensuring that base values, policies
and strategies are brought to question, possibly resulting in the redevelopment of ideals, culture, strategy, policies and
procedures at a base level. By contrast, single loop learning attempts to invoke responses to shift or alter current policies,
focusing upon the immediate actions (van Niekerk & von Solms, 2004). McElroy (1999) links double-loop learning to
'2nd generation knowledge management', articulating that double-loop learning deals with the creation of knowledge
itself, propagating this knowledge through formal and internal channels to update and refresh norms at a fundamental
However, while double-loop learning is indeed critical for incident response, how incident response teams actually learn
from incidents and manage this knowledge is unclear. As previously mentioned, most incident response literature focuses
upon technical intrusion types and specific technological controls. There are few studies that specifically discuss how
organisations learn and adapt their incident response processes and activities in the wake of attacks, barring the incident
response methodology literature themselves. Therefore, this paper makes the following proposition:
Proposition 2: double-loop learning must be facilitated in incident learning activities to ensure that not
only plans and policies are questioned, but their underlying structures and 'governing variables'.
An interesting role for IR processes relates to security risk management. The values assigned to the probability and
impact of individual risks is typically ‘gut-feel’ or hypothetical. Incident response can be a source of concrete data,
reflecting what is actually happening in the organisation. This data can be used to inform the risk assessment process
resulting in much more accurate risk assessments and subsequent strategies. However, this facility will only be available
if organisations take the necessary steps to learn from incidents and provide feedback into related organisational security
processes such as security risk management.
Agility in Incident Learning Feedback
Greater speed and agility in learning from incidents and of the incident response activities is required. The current
emphasis of current incident learning is to engage formal learning mechanisms ‘after the fact’, or upon completion of an
incident. However, feeding such information back post-incident may result in an erosion of knowledge and insight if left
for too long (Northcutt, 1998). Greater speed in response is necessary to ensure that all relevant information, key learning
notes and knowledge are captured and disseminated to the team as quickly as possible, perhaps even as the incident
occurs. Through faster turnaround of feedback during incidents, relevant insight and knowledge can be gained to be used
in order to reinterpret how incident response is performed. This in turn may improve incident response procedures and
practices with greater expediency, leading to the following proposition:
Proposition 3: organisations must incorporate feedback from incident learning activities through shorter
learning cycle turnarounds.
The Need to Incorporate Informal Approaches in Incident Learning
Organisational responses to major incidents tend to be haphazard and complex (Northcutt, 1998). It is known in incidents
that individuals will revert to their personal networks, skills and knowledge when responding to stressful events during
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the course of an incident (Welks, 2003; Muhren et al, 2008). Formal mechanisms such as process and procedure can and
often do break down due to the evolving and difficult environments created by such incidents.
In informal environments, formal learning processes may not be effective in isolation as individuals will need to support
formal knowledge and learning mechanisms with informal learning. Muhren et al (2008) illustrates how individuals can
effectively leverage informal knowledge throughout the organisation when responding to incidents. Specifically within
high-reliability organisations, it was found that formalised routines and procedures tended to break down during
incidents. Empowerment of employees was determined to be more effective, permitting greater flexibility and innovation
when able to leverage their own experience and networks of knowledge, distributed among individuals across the
organisational structure. Formal learning practices in informal environments such as this must be used in conjunction
with informal methods that support the informal practices upon which the official process relies upon.
Effective incident learning even in formalised incident response processes and environments must still incorporate an
informal focus, given that informal 'messy' view of organisational practice embedded in process (Brown & Duguid,
2002; Shedden et al, 2011). However, current post-mortem activities generally rely on formal reports and presentations to
articulate the effect of policies, procedures and performance (Grance et al, 2004). While this may be an effective means
of feeding learning notes and knowledge to security managers and the incident response team, there is the need to
recognise informal routes for learning to ensure complete and holistic knowledge transfer and understanding. the
imposition of formalised policy, procedure and management can be performed, there must be opportunity for incident
response teams to learn through informal networks. Different types of recognised learning procedures and steps can be
incorporated to promote effective knowledge management and organisational learning through informal procedures, such
as organisational self-appraisal, unintentional or unsystematic learning and grafting (Huber, 1991). These learning
mechanisms take the product of group interactions and knowledge discovered through informal, interpersonal networks,
however unstructured they may be, in order to grow organisational knowledge pools.
Understanding how knowledge is managed and spread at the individual and team levels can assist in the facilitation of
effective knowledge management and organisational learning. For instance, ‘grafting’ refers to learning by a team
through the acquisition of a new member, with their own knowledge and insights that can be shared. This individual can
codify their knowledge, or train others through seminars and personal interactions to scaffold this knowledge across to
informally improve team procedures and process. Leading from this, we have made the following propositions to suggest
an informal learning and practice perspective to incident response and incident learning:
Proposition 4: to promote effective and holistic learning, incident learning activities must include formal
and informal perspectives. This will disseminate key knowledge to management and staff in a
comprehensive manner, facilitating and assisting formal processes through supportive informal practices.
Proposition 5: incident learning must still occur in environments and situations where incident response
activities are unstructured and informal (eg. Muhren et al, 2008).
Current incident follow-up and post-mortem activities represent a critical phase in the incident response process.
However, incident learning is not a current research focus. Incident learning is currently viewed as a formal mechanism
for improving organisational security incident response processes and as a source of information, used to improve
procedures, policies, security training activities and implement new controls. However, current approaches are
formalised and high-level. Organisational learning literature suggests that the implementation of organisational learning
processes can result in the realisation of large benefits in incident learning and incident response. Through the
implementation of organisational learning processes that acquire and make sense of knowledge across a variety of means,
incident response and security structures can be improved and disseminated. Organisational learning concepts such as
double-loop learning are also critical to ensure that organisations learn appropriately, not only focused upon short-term
changes, but are also capable of questioning underlying security and incident response structures to facilitate long-term,
rigorous change where necessary. Finally, incident learning must be able to incorporate both formal and informal means
of learning. While current incident learning activities focus upon formalised methods of learning such as meetings,
presentations and reports, informal learning processes such as socialisation, imitation and the movement, or 'grafting', of
personnel. Through effective incident learning, organisations will be more capable of managing the incident response
capability, making improvements where necessary and feeding key learning notes back into security processes,
management structures, policies and procedures.
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... The research paper aims to examine counterstrategies adopted and implemented in HERS exclusively in Australia to mitigate cybersecurity challenges amidst major crises using the Organizational Learning (OL) theory. Prior studies have used the Organisational Learning (OL) theory to explore cybersecurity incidents [8,[17][18][19]. For instance, a recent research study [17] has used the double-loop learning approach from OL theory proposed by Argyris and Schon [20,21]. ...
... However, the findings are based on prior literature, and the study itself outlines that there is a need to empirically test the proposed conceptual model in organisational settings. A research study suggested that future incident response research must incorporate a learning focus and facilitate doubleloop learning [19]. Yet, the study is a literature review paper. ...
... However, the study emphasized improving incident response capabilities in any organisation rather than the current counterstrategies. Similarly, a research study suggested that future incident response research must incorporate a learning focus and facilitate double-loop learning [19]. Yet, the study is a literature review paper. ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this research paper was to analyse the counterstrategies to mitigate cybersecurity challenges using organisational learning loops amidst major crises in the Higher Education and Research Sector (HERS). The authors proposed the learning loop framework revealing several counterstrategies to mitigate cybersecurity issues in HERS. The counterstrategies are explored, and their implications for research and practice are discussed. Methodology: The qualitative methodology was adopted, and semi-structured interviews with cybersecurity experts and top managers were conducted. Results: This exploratory paper proposed the learning loop framework revealing introducing new policies and procedures, changing existing systems, partnership with other companies, integrating new software, improving employee learning, enhancing security, and monitoring and evaluating security measures as significant counterstrategies to ensure the cyber-safe working environment in HERS. These counterstrategies will help to tackle cybersecurity in HERS, not only during the current major crisis but also in the future. Implications: The outcomes provide insightful implications for both theory and practice. This study proposes a learning framework that prioritises counterstrategies to mitigate cybersecurity challenges in HERS amidst a major crisis. The proposed model can help HERS be more efficient in mitigating cybersecurity issues in future crises. The counterstrategies can also be tested, adopted, and implemented by practitioners working in other sectors to mitigate cybersecurity issues during and after major crises. Future research can focus on addressing the shortcomings and limitations of the proposed learning framework adopted by HERS.
... Their work sparked subsequent research, including Senge's contributions (Senge, 2010), which not only defined the characteristics of a learning organisation but also incorporated elements of systems thinking, building upon Argyris and Schön's theories. Cyber security researchers have also applied the models of double-loop learning in the study of how organisations learn from incidents, as evidenced by studies conducted by Ahmad et al. (2012Ahmad et al. ( , 2020 and Shedden et al. (2010Shedden et al. ( , 2011. Nonetheless, further research is essential to explore this topic in greater depth (He et al., 2014;Hove et al., 2014;Line and Albrechtsen, 2016;Shedden et al., 2010;Tøndel et al., 2014). ...
... Cyber security researchers have also applied the models of double-loop learning in the study of how organisations learn from incidents, as evidenced by studies conducted by Ahmad et al. (2012Ahmad et al. ( , 2020 and Shedden et al. (2010Shedden et al. ( , 2011. Nonetheless, further research is essential to explore this topic in greater depth (He et al., 2014;Hove et al., 2014;Line and Albrechtsen, 2016;Shedden et al., 2010;Tøndel et al., 2014). ...
... Early research by Niekerk and von Solms (2004) introduced the concept of double-loop learning but suggested the need for further investigation. Shedden et al. (2010) provided a valuable introduction to learning from incidents, with a review of organisational learning literature that emphasises the application of double-loop learning principles to strengthen incident response and organisational security. Double-loop learning involves delving deeper into understanding the factors that contributed to the occurrence of an incident, going beyond identifying the immediate cause. ...
... For transparency, it excludes; operational technology, including industrial control systems or home devices, digital forensics techniques and national security or warfare. Shedden et al. (2010) reviewed the literature available in 2010 to understand how organisational learning research could be ap-plied to security incident response. At the time there had been scant research into how organisations learn from cyber security incidents. ...
... The search results were compared with the bibliographies of existing literature reviews ( Line and Albrechtsen, Mar. 2016 ;Shedden et al., 2010 ;Grispos et al., 2014 ;Tøndel et al., 2014 ;Horne et al., 2020 ) to ensure that all previously identified articles were found in the search process. The additional articles identified through these supplementary methods were then also reviewed against the eligibility criteria in Table 1 . ...
... NIST 800-61 and ISO/IEC 27035 both list questions to ask in the post-incident meeting, but these questions are only aimed at improving incident response. As these two standards do not cover learning in much detail, studies that have applied them to structure their research have borrowed models from management science ( Sveen et al., 2007 ;Shedden et al., 2010 ;Shedden et al., 2011 ;Ahmad et al., 2012 ;Ahmad et al., 2015 ;Ahmad et al., 2020 ) or the safety discipline ( Jaatun et al., 2009 ;Evans et al., 2019 ;Bernsmed and Tøndel, 2013 ;He et al., 2014a ;He et al., 2014b ;He and Johnson, 2017 ). ...
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Cyber security incidents are now prevalent in many organisations. Arguably, those who can learn from security incidents and address the underlying causes will reduce the prevalence of similar ones in the future. This research provides a new examination of how organisations learn from incidents by systematically reviewing academic research on organisational learning from cyber security incidents and identifying further research needed in this area. To do this, it considers three research questions: what research has been conducted on learning from cyber security incidents, what learning practices in organisations have been found by research and what improvements have been recommended, and what further research is needed as organisations learn from such incidents. Using the PRISMA method, a total of 3,986 articles were extracted and, from these, a relevant set of 30 were selected for analysis to map the body of research, and to identify future research avenues. Despite learning lessons being recommended by both researchers and industry standards, our findings suggest that this advice is not being fully adopted by organisations. Importantly, these studies have found inadequate participation in learning activities, with superficial causal investigations, scarce effort on ensuring lessons are implemented and no evaluation of whether the actions taken actually reduce future security incidents. More research is needed to understand the right level and which learning practices to invest in for the greatest impact. For practitioners, this review discusses the essential elements of an effective process to learn from incidents. This review provides academics with a novel synthesis of the research undertaken on this topic, enabling them to incorporate the significant findings into their work and potentially explore the research agenda suggested.
... [5]. Incident learning is usually enacted through a series of formal reports, meetings and presentations to management [8]. This series of actions is conducted heuristically by humans in information security groups or organizations. ...
... Shedden et al. stated that information security incident learning has not been sufficiently researched. Shedden et al. also found that missing elements in incident learning are the regularisation of informal knowledge (formalisation of experience data) and double loop learning (questioning fundamental processes and principles) through a comparison with organisational learning research on knowledge management [8]. However, to the best of our knowledge, no one has presented a specific method for formulating informal knowledge and implementing a double loop. ...
... During incidents, individuals default on their own informal networks of knowledge and procedures, despite that incident response processes may be highly structured. Double-loop learning questions the fundamental policy and procedures of the organisation behind its actions [8]. To compensate for a lack of incident learning, various researchers have proposed organisational improvement methods. ...
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We propose the Delta ISMS method that strengthens the company-wide information security management system (ISMS) through incident learning. International standards of ISMS have been established to provide useful guidelines for information security risk management to organisations so they can respond appropriately to information security incidents. When the ISMS is first introduced to an organisation, the organisation is strengthened by introducing standard requirements. However, predicting everything and implementing a perfect ISMS may not be possible for each organisation. Thus, even in ISMS-certified organisations, information security incidents do not always diminish. This indicates that these organisations do not effectively carry out the PDCA cycle of the ISMS. We recognise that ISMS requires feedback and learning from incidents, while a sufficient explanation of learning procedures is not provided. Also, the Cyber Security Incident Response Team guidelines do not provide specific procedures for ‘incident learning’ explicitly. For incident learning, regularising informal knowledge (the formalisation of experience data) and double-loop learning (acquisition of company-wide knowledge from incident responses) is effective. Therefore, this study aims to develop detailed procedures for incident learning to run the second and subsequent rounds of the ISMS’s PDCA cycles. We propose an incident database operation method for regularising informal knowledge and a gold–silver–bronze communication method for implementing double loops. The procedures are routinely applied by headquarters under the supervision of the Chief Information Security Officer. By changing the safety factor in the damage reduction rate, it is possible to obtain multiple countermeasure candidate sets by considering the investment effect.
... Tndel, Line, and Jaatun (2014) suggest that IRTs identify problems, prevent them from spreading, mitigate their causes, and aid organisational recovery. Shedden et al. (2010) suggest that incident investigations into security failures might reveal faulty risk assessments, insufficient policy guidance, inefficient measures, and insufficient security education, training, and awareness. ...
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This research work demonstrated the design and development of a standardised cyber incident response playbooks database model optimised with the Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) for cyber threat intelligent (CTI) sharing. To the best of my knowledge, there is no existing one known as at moment. This research exploits a literature review to gather the relevant information needed to achieve this. An iterative development approach was adopted for the development process, while the study also used MOSCOW requirement specifications to specify the features and functionality of this proposed standardised IR playbooks database model. The study generated an entity-related diagram (ERD) for the development of the database, while database optimisation techniques such as normalisation, indexing, partitioning, etc. were applied to optimise the design. The Python programming language and relevant libraries such as STIX2, config, JSON, etc. are implemented to optimised the database with STIX for data sharing in the STIX model, which is readable by machines, to improve cyber threat intelligence sharing between cybersecurity experts or organisations. An evaluation process was designed to evaluate this artefact produced by this study and measure its success towards the achievement of the set aims and objectives. For the evaluation process, three use case scenarios were generated as a walkthrough to experiment with the functionality of the developed standardised IR playbooks database, which was carried out by six cybersecurity experts recruited for the evaluation, and a questionnaire was used to collect their evaluation feedback based on their experience with the system.
... 124 Even though it plays an essential part, the significance and importance of incident learning receive a different level of attention than the technological elements of incident management. 125 According to Ab Rahman and Choo, 122 the organizational learning theory has been employed as a conceptual framework to explore how organizations can acquire knowledge to guide their practices through various forms, norms, procedures, and strategies. This investigation was carried out using the organizational learning theory. ...
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Cloud computing faces more security threats, requiring better security measures. This paper examines the various classification and categorization schemes for cloud computing security issues, including the widely known CIA trinity (confidentiality, integrity, and availability), by considering critical aspects of the cloud, such as service models, deployment models, and involved parties. A comprehensive comparison of cloud security classifications constructs an exhaustive taxonomy. ISO27005, NIST SP 800–30, CRAMM, CORAS, OCTAVE Allegro, and COBIT 5 are rigorously compared based on their applicability, adaptability, and suitability within a cloud-based hosting methodology. The findings of this research recommend OCTAVE Allegro as the preferred cloud hosting paradigm. With many security models available in management studies, it is imperative to identify those suitable for the rapidly expanding and dynamically evolving cloud environment. This study underscores the significant methods for securing data on cloud-hosting platforms, thereby contributing to establishing a robust cloud security taxonomy and hosting methodology.
This chapter presents a scholarly review of the concepts of digital evidence, digital forensics, and digital forensic readiness. The chapter starts by introducing definitions, foundational concepts of digital evidence, and its relevance in crime investigations. The chapter examines the admissibility of digital evidence, both in Nigeria and other jurisdictions. The chapter analyses Nigeria’s Evidence Act, in relation to the admissibility of digital evidence in the Nigerian justice system. The chapter also presents important principles in the United States justice system, such as the Federal Rules of Evidence, Frye Standard, Daubert Standard, and other important principles of the admissibility of evidence. This chapter also presents digital forensics—definition, principles, and investigation models. The chapter also analyses the concept of digital forensic readiness. The chapter ends by reviewing available literature on digital forensic readiness of law enforcement agencies in Nigeria.
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This book is the result of a collective effort to present and develop knowledge in all scientific areas. We would like to thank all participants in this magnificent interdisciplinary work, firstly. We would also like to remind you that the idea of this connection and conversation between diverse areas, all correlated with the improvement of science, is done internationally, preferring to eliminate borders to reach the largest number of people and spread knowledge. In this sense, we quote Bobbio, who says that borders are a great obstacle to reaching all those who are different and that people are people no matter their nationality when he talks about the diffusion of human rights. In this way, this book, despite being indexed in a platform, can reach everyone and fulfill its role of developing and flourishing in different places without excluding people. Finally, we hope, dear reader, that you find this book pertinent, and if you feel instigated, you can contribute to our mission and spread the knowledge through future submissions.
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Security experts frequently refer to people as “the weakest link in the chain” of system security. Famed hacker Kevin Mitnick revealed that he hardly ever cracked a password, because it “was easier to dupe people into revealing it” by employing a range of social engineering techniques. Often, such failures are attributed to users’ carelessness and ignorance. However, more enlightened researchers have pointed out that current security tools are simply too complex for many users, and they have made efforts to improve user interfaces to security tools. In this chapter, we aim to broaden the current perspective, focusing on the usability of security tools (or products) and the process of designing secure systems for the real-world context (the panorama) in which they have to operate. Here we demonstrate how current human factors knowledge and user-centered design principles can help security designers produce security solutions that are effective in practice.
This chapter studies the practice-based perspective on knowledge. It presents an alternative answer to the question ‘what is knowledge?’, based on fundamentally different epistemological assumptions from the objectivist perspective. It begins by outlining the way knowledge is characterized within the practice-based perspective. The practice-based perspective conceptualizes knowledge not as a codifiable object/entity, but instead emphasizes the extent to which it is embedded within and inseparable from work activities or practices. The chapter then considers how knowledge management processes are conceptualized. The chapter's last part presents a practice-based perspective on the management and sharing of knowledge.
These are trying times for the field of knowledge management. Shunned by many as little more than yesterday's information technology trotted out in today's more fashionable clothes, KM has responded by evolving itself into two distinct, if not competing, schools of thought. Accordingly, many of us have begun to differentiate between first - and second-generation KM. 2 Second-generation KM emphasizes knowledge production in addition to the information codification and sharing emphasized by first-generation schemes. This emergent focus on knowledge creation points to a much higher value proposition for KM than has been proffered to date: the prospect of increasing an organization's rate of learning, and hence, its rate of innovation.