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Education is linked with economic productivity and growth in personal income. But what is it about education which creates this linkage? Have nations with high rates of enrollment achieved the maximum educational productivity?This note will argue that the impact of education is derived primarily from its quality, but that there are multiple indicators of educational quality which do not necessarily operate in uniform fashion. The note will describe the distribution of educational quality around the world and point out that even in nations with full enrollment and high educational expenditure the impact of investments varies considerably. The note will review what we know about educational quality from the evidence of the last two decades. It will address some of the current debates surrounding investment in educational quality and it will introduce several issues which will drive these debates in the future.
... This is a common trend in learning, since differences in the sociocultural level of families are often displayed mostly in learning outcomes in reading, while such disparities in cultural characteristics are not equally apparent in Mathematics. This is often because schools are the main source of development for mathematical knowledge and families generally have greater influence on vocabulary development and early reading, and a greater gap is observed in the Language area for this reason (Heyneman, 2004). ...
... This may be due to the fact that in Language the two barriers mentioned above (language and cultural paradigm) operate more strongly, while in Mathematics the second element is more important. Likewise, it is feasible that the family environment has a greater impact on the results in Language and this is less so in the case of Mathematics because schools are the main sources of the formal structure of this knowledge (Heyneman, 2004;Treviño et al., 2010). ...
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This first chapter addresses three distinct aspects of Bilingual Intercultural Education (EIB, by the Spanish acronym). The first section provides a brief overview of the recent history of EIB during the last two decades in Chile, outlining its main policies and describing the major milestones and advances, as well as its various challenges, in order to demonstrate the development path that EIB has followed in the country.
... This is a common trend in learning, since differences in the sociocultural level of families are often displayed mostly in learning outcomes in reading, while such disparities in cultural characteristics are not equally apparent in Mathematics. This is often because schools are the main source of development for mathematical knowledge and families generally have greater influence on vocabulary development and early reading, and a greater gap is observed in the Language area for this reason (Heyneman, 2004). ...
... This may be due to the fact that in Language the two barriers mentioned above (language and cultural paradigm) operate more strongly, while in Mathematics the second element is more important. Likewise, it is feasible that the family environment has a greater impact on the results in Language and this is less so in the case of Mathematics because schools are the main sources of the formal structure of this knowledge (Heyneman, 2004;Treviño et al., 2010). ...
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School segregation, especially on the basis of socioeconomic, ethnic, or racial characteristics, is one of the fields of greatest interest for the design of public policies in countries with high levels of inequality in educational opportunities and low social mobility, such as Chile (Núñez and Miranda, Estudios De Economía 38:195–221, 2011; OECD. (2010). PISA 2009 Results: What Students Know and Can Do - Student Performance in Reading, Mathematics and Science (Vol. 1): OECD.). This trend has been accentuated in a global context of educational reforms aimed at improving academic performance through standards-based quality assurance systems (often built on the results of standardized national tests) and strengthening the links between productive development and the quality of education (ECLAC. (2010). La hora de la igualdad. Brechas por cerrar, caminos por abrir. Santiago: CEPAL.). The evidence gathered at the international level conclusively shows the direct negative short-, medium-, and long-term effects of school segregation on these objectives (Gorard and Fitz, Research Papers in Education 15:115–132, 2000; Harker, The effects of Student Composition on School Outcomes, Massey University, New Zealand. College of Education, 2004).
... There is ample evidence of differences in the quality of education systems among countries in the world 18 . A high school diploma does not, on average, provide the same human capital, and its effect on productivity may depend on whether it was obtained in a rich country that spends a lot on education or in a low-income country where schools are underfunded 19 . ...
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We provide a novel dataset of human capital-weighted population size (HCWP) for 185 countries from 1970 to 2100. HCWP summarizes a population’s productive capacity and human capital heterogeneity in a single metric, enabling comparisons across countries and over time. The weights are derived from Mincerian earnings functions applied to multi-country census data on educational attainment. The model used to compute the returns to schooling accounts for the diminishing positive relative relationship between education and wages as the overall education of populations rises. The population weights are adjusted by a skills assessment factor representing differences in education quality across countries and years. HCWP is calculated by applying these adjusted human capital weights to population estimates and projections disaggregated by age, sex and education, spanning the period 1970–2020 and 2020–2100 for five Shared Socioeconomic Pathway scenarios. Validation analyses demonstrate the utility of the new HCWP data in explaining national income trends. As a more comprehensive population measure than basic size and age-sex indicators, HCWP enhances the power of statistical models aimed at the assessment of socioeconomic change impacts and forecasting.
... There is ample evidence of differences in the quality of education systems among countries in the world . A high school diploma does not, on average, provide the same human capital, and its effect on productivity may depend on whether it was obtained in a rich country that spends a lot on education or in a low-income country where schools are underfunded (Heyneman 2004). ...
Technical Report
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This working paper provides a comprehensive overview of the methodology used to calculate a standardized and internationally comparable productivity-weighted labor force (PWLF) measure that takes into account both the education structure of the population and the quality of the educational system. Education-specific weights are calculated with a Mincerian earnings function on pooled data from all IPUMS-I censuses containing information on education, labor force status, and income. The education parameters are interacted with the countries' average educational attainment to account for the dependence of returns to education on the number of workers sharing that education level. Country and time specific adjustment factors for education quality are derived from skills assessment surveys. To calculate the productivity-weighted labor force size, these adjusted weights are then applied to labor force estimates and projections. The analytical value of the PWLF is validated making use of prediction exercise for GDP growth applied to a panel dataset covering all countries of the world from 1970 to 2015 for which data are available. Finally, the paper provides a practical application by forecasting PWLF figures for China, India, the United States, and the European Union from 2020 to 2100. These forecasts are compared against other population indicators (total population size, working-age population, and labor force size), highlighting the importance of population heterogeneity in the analysis of demographic trends.
... In addition to these challenges, universities have to establish a standard HEQC necessary to ensure and maintain quality in higher education (Noaman, Ragab, Madbouly, Khedra, & Fayoumi, 2017). No country can be expected to improve the quality of education unless it has some reliable measures of the quality of education available (Heyneman, 2004). ...
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Son yıllarda dünyada ve ülkemizde Üniversite sayılarının artmasıyla gündeme gelen en önemli sorun nicel büyümeden nitel büyümeye geçişin sağlanabilmesi ve niteliğin korunmasıdır. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı; öğretim elemanları açısından yükseköğretimin öğretim hizmetinin niteliğini belirleyecek bir ölçek geliştirmektir. Çalışmada nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Açımlayıcı faktör analizi için R programı kullanılmış olup toplamda 360 öğretim elemanına uygulanmıştır. Faktör analizi neticesinde tek boyutlu, 13 maddeden oluşan toplamda % 51 varyansın açıklandığı bir ölçek elde edilmiştir. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi için R programı kullanılmış olup toplamda 200 öğretim elemanına uygulanmıştır. Model uyumu için gerçekleştirilen analizlerde RMSEA 0.08 ve SRMR değeri 0.06, GFI – CFI- TLI-IFI değerleri .99, NFI- AGFI değeri ise .98 olarak bulunmuştur. Bu değerler açıklayıcı faktör analizi sonucunda oluşan yapının model uyumunun sağlandığını göstermektedir.
... In the Mena Region, for instance, Heyneman had summarised the main issues that affects education quality [8]: Lack of diversity of textbooks and curriculum, low levels of books and pedagogical materials, and misuse of educational resources. ...
Educational systems differ from country to country, but they all share some characteristics. Among the most common is the pressure on schools to respond to local economic demands and to implement the policies and strategies required to ensure efficient and skilled human capital. As a result, the main issues concerning financing the education system, the existence of educational corruption, and educational quality issues are some of the concerns that arise in every region undergoing economic reform, and therefore they are viewed as universal issues.
Latin America has been making progress in incorporating education policies with an intercultural bilingual focus in parallel with the struggles and demands of indigenous peoples, which international organizations such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), among others, have helped to place on the global agenda.
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The objective of this study is to examine a range of relevant publications in order to assess education quality and generate future possible research questions. This article systematically evaluates a comprehensive assessment of the literature on education quality (EQ) studies published between 2000 and 2023. The study makes use of data from the Scopus database, as well as relevant keywords like education quality. From 635 publications, thirty highly cited papers were chosen for this comprehensive literature review. This study showed that investing in education and enhancing the quality of teaching are crucial for ensuring that students receive quality education. Teachers, teaching practices, and teacher education play a significant role in achieving this. Other important factors that contribute to the quality of education include access to resources and facilities, curriculum design, and the learning environment. To improve education programs, it is necessary to focus on key factors such as teacher training, curriculum design, advanced technology tools and accessibility. Providing teacher training and professional development, improving access to educational resources and facilities, creating a supportive learning environment, and enhancing teachers' qualifications can all help improve the quality of instruction. In addition, a transparent ranking system is essential for the nation. Based on a review and analysis of the EQ literature, this paper generated 11 research questions for future researchers, allowing the research to be conducted
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Education quality and tourism faculties have a crucial role as qualified personnel is essential in the tourism industry; however, few studies have investigated this field using the bibliometric visualization method. The main aim of this study is to understand the trends in scientific publications about "education quality" and "tourism faculties" and how authors, institutions, and countries interact in these studies. To be able to understand that bibliometric methods within scientometrics were used via Citespace to merge two terms from 2002 to 2021. Data were obtained from the WoS database in January 2022. After the extraction process, a total of 711 publications were found that were linked to education quality and tourism faculties, and a set of co-occurrence, co-cited, and high-frequency word analyses were used. Basic 5 conclusions are derived based on the analysis method. When the five conclusions are examined, the methodology of this study, which is new for educational sciences and tourism, will contribute to the increase of knowledge and epistemology cumulatively in the field. Also, it will lead to the emergence of more publications on related subjects by directing the researchers to the less studied areas. And additional scholarly collaborations may be able to improve the depth of this research.
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The present study aims at investigating the students' perception of indicators of effectiveness of the teaching process in higher education institutions. 361 students from five different postsecondary vocational schools participated in the research. The instrument consisted of a list of indicators of the effectiveness of the teaching process, which has been taken from previous research related to characteristics of education at universities. The list included 13 indicators: knowledge, quality, creativity, flexibility, collegiality, critical thinking, cognitive skills, teamwork, cooperation, entrepreneurial spirit, interactivity, objective grading scale and the availability of teaching staff. The exploratory factor analysis was applied to extract the main components. The results have shown that the structure of the effectiveness of the teaching process from the perspective of students consists of two dimensions: Cooperation and Objectiveness. The improvement of the teaching process with the goal of its greater effectiveness is discussed in the context of these results.
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The influence of socioeconomic status upon the academic performance of poor children in Ugandan schools is investigated. In Uganda, socioeconomic status has little influence on school children's academic performance because the children of the wealthy are no more self-confident than are the children of the poor. The lack of influence exerted by socioeconomic status is due to the comparative recency of wide economic stratification; the close link between academic achievement, educational attainment, and later occupational success; and the universalistic prerequisite to educational advancement, the Primary Leaving Examination. Economic status is not linked with attitudes of self-concept. Therefore, although characterized by wide differences in wealth, Ugandan school children cannot be said to be marked by divisions of social class. Finally, the presence of the Primary Leaving Examination ensures that all have an equal chance for success. This exam maintains personal confidence by assuring children that, regardless of how menial their background, they will be judged fairly. Thus, it can be concluded that academic advantage is not an inevitable condition of economic privilege. 60 references.
Census data from 1960 and 1970, augmented with schooling data (expenditures per pupil as well as other measures of school quality) from the various Biennial Surveys of Education, are utilized to analyze the impact of school quality on earnings and to investigate secular changes in rates of return to school quality. This research indicates that the effect of expenditures per pupil on earnings is smaller than that estimated by previous researchers. However, there has been a substantial improvement for blacks in the last decade, while the returns to the investment in the quality of education of white males have been unchanged.
"School variables" account for only a modest proportion of variance in academic achievement. Neither physical facilities nor characteristics of teachers match the strength of pupil socioeconomic status and other indices of the pupil's out-of-school environment. These findings, so vividly portrayed in the Coleman and Jencks studies, can now be generalized beyond the United States to Great Britain, to Western Europe, and (relying on the recently published IEA data) throughout much of the industrialized world. These conclusions are less qualified for less industrial societies, however. Facilities seem to have a larger impact and socioeconomic status appears to have less effect than would have been expected. This discussion explores recent results with an eye on two specific questions. First, can the primacy attributed to socioeconomic status be generalized beyond industrialized societies? Second, do school facilities and teacher characteristics have more impact on achievement in societies at the lower end of the industrial spectrum?
L'interaction entre reproduction sociale, production du capital humain et developpement economique national est un objet de recherche majeur dans le cadre d'une etude comparative transnationale. Dans le cadre d'une opposition entre pays developpes, l'auteur tente de comprendre a quel niveau le developpement national economique influence le processus de reproduction sociale en milieu scolaire a travers la production du capital humain. L'influence de l'origine sociale et de l'environnement scolaire sur le rendement dans deux matieres, en science et mathematiques est illustree ici a travers la publication de donnees statistiques.