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Abstract and Figures

Previous research regarding the potential benefits of exposing individuals to surrogate nature (photographs and videos) has found that such immersion results in restorative effects such as increased positive affect, decreased negative affect, and decreased stress. In the current experiment, we examined whether immersion in a virtual computer-generated nature setting could produce restorative effects. Twenty-two participants were equally divided between two conditions, while controlling for gender. In each condition, participants performed a stress-induction task, and were then immersed in virtual reality (VR) for 10 minutes. The control condition featured a slide show in VR, and the nature experimental condition featured an active exploration of a virtual forest. Participants in the nature condition were found to exhibit increased positive affect and decreased stress after immersion in VR when compared to those in the control condition. The results suggest that immersion in virtual nature settings has similar beneficial effects as exposure to surrogate nature. These results also suggest that VR can be used as a tool to study and understand restorative effects.
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Restorative Effects of Virtual Nature Settings
Deltcho Valtchanov, B.Sc., Kevin R. Barton, M.A., and Colin Ellard, Ph.D.
Previous research regarding the potential benefits of exposing individuals to surrogate nature (photographs and
videos) has found that such immersion results in restorative effects such as increased positive affect, decreased
negative affect, and decreased stress. In the current experiment, we examined whether immersion in a virtual
computer-generated nature setting could produce restorative effects. Twenty-two participants were equally di-
vided between two conditions, while controlling for gender. In each condition, participants performed a stress-
induction task, and were then immersed in virtual reality (VR) for 10 minutes. The control condition featured
a slide show in VR, and the nature experimental condition featured an active exploration of a virtual forest.
Participants in the nature condition were found to exhibit increased positive affect and decreased stress after
immersion in VR when compared to those in the control condition. The results suggest that immersion in virtual
nature settings has similar beneficial effects as exposure to surrogate nature. These results also suggest that VR
can be used as a tool to study and understand restorative effects.
Restorative effects are classified as a reduction in
cognitive fatigue, decreased stress levels, increased focus,
increased positive affect, decreased negative affect, and de-
creased sympathetic nervous system activity.
Early studies
by Kaplan and Kaplan
measured cognitive and emotional
changes in participants in an outdoor challenge program. The
program consisted of instruction in survival skills for a pe-
riod of 2 weeks. Pre- and posttests and comparisons with
control groups revealed gains in confidence, self-sufficiency,
and more realistic self-evaluations. More recent research by
Berman et al.
compared effects of interaction with natural
versus urban environments on cognitive function. Berman
et al.
found that a walk in a local park allowed for greater
improvement in performance on a backwards digit-span task
than a walk through a downtown area. Berman et al.
found that executive attention (as measured by the Attention
Network Task) and performance on a backwards digit-span
task improved after viewing pictures of nature when com-
pared to a group that viewed urban areas.
Findings such as those of the Kaplans gave rise to the at-
tention restoration theory (ART) as described in Kaplan,
stating that when one interacts with an environment (such as
a natural environment) that is rich with fascinating stimuli,
attention is modestly captured in a bottom-up fashion by
the stimuli, allowing directed attention mechanisms to re-
Also, unlike natural environments that modestly
promote involuntary attention, urban environments contain
bottom-up stimuli (such as flashing neon signs, lights, and
various loud sounds) that dramatically capture attention while
also requiring directed attention to overcome the stimuli (e.g.,
ignoring advertisements), and are thus less restorative.
cent research by Berto et al.
examining eye movements when
looking at images of urban and nature settings demonstrated
fewer fixations in high-fascination (nature) scenes, suggesting
that they were viewed with less effort and providing support
for the notion that nature modestly promotes involuntary
attention as suggested by ART.
In contrast to Kaplan’s theory, Ulrich et al.
that an individual’s initial response to an environment is af-
fective rather than cognitive. In this theory, structural prop-
erties (such as complexity and focality) are believed to elicit
an automatic affective response. Ulrich proposed that the
patterns within a person’s visual field (such as those in nature
settings) prompt prepotent (and potentially automatic) re-
sponses from the individual.
In this theory, patterns seen
outside of nature are believed to be more threatening (and
physiologically arousing) than those seen in nature settings.
Unlike Kaplan’s model, where replenishment of capacity for
attention is believed to be the source of restoration, Ulrich’s
model proposes that the initial affective response (including
that of liking and moderate interest) to an environment
shapes cognitive events that follow, leading to sustained at-
tention, higher levels of positive feelings, and reduced nega-
tive or stress-related feelings, as well as suppressed negative
Experiments by Ulrich have focused on measur-
ing the emotional and physiological states of participants.
Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Volume 13, Number 5, 2010
ªMary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089=cyber.2009.0308
In one experiment, participants were shown slides of either
a natural scene with vegetation or an urban setting, while
measurements of heart rate and alpha amplitude were taken.
Later research by Ulrich has shown that videos of nature can
reduce heart rate and skin-conductance level (SCL),
promote a trend decrease in blood pressure.
More recent
research by Ulrich also demonstrates that even posters of
nature can reduce stress in the workplace.
Results of his
research are consistent with those of Kaplan and Kaplan
and Berman et al.
in demonstrating the power of nature
environments as restorative settings. More specifically, Ulrich
et al.
demonstrated that even surrogate nature (in the form
of photographs and videos) can have a significant effect on
the physiological, emotional, and cognitive states of indi-
Since the emergence of these two theories, the questions of
‘‘how’’ and ‘‘why’’ restorative environments reduce cognitive
fatigue, decrease stress levels, and increase an individual’s
ability to focus have not been thoroughly researched. Instead,
there has been a shift from theory to application of restorative
environments in increasing people’s quality of life. This in-
cludes things such as increasing job satisfaction and well-
being in the workplace by adding windows that overlook
natural scenery and increase natural light.
A recent study by
Weinstein et al.
examined how the presentation of nature
versus urban images influenced participants’ aspirations and
feeling of autonomy and generosity. The study found that
when exposed to nature, individuals valued intrinsic aspira-
tions more (such as personal growth, intimacy, and connect-
ing with others) and devalued extrinsic aspirations (such as
material wealth, personal image, and fame).
The results also
suggested that participants’ feeling of autonomy and gener-
osity increased after exposure to nature.
This line of re-
search converges with findings by Ulrich,
Ulrich et al.,
Kweon et al.,
and Berman et al.
on the benefi-
cial aspects of natural environments, and further expands on
previous research to suggest that nature may not only reduce
physiological and cognitive levels of stress, but may also
promote a healthier psychological mindset that values in-
trinsic aspirations, autonomy, and generosity. This converg-
ing evidence on the beneficial effects of nature prompts an
important question: can restorative environments be created
and customized to promote a healthy psychological mindset,
and help individuals deal with different types of stress?
Modern advancements in immersive virtual reality (VR)
technology would allow for the complete customization and
creation of restorative environments. Previous work, such as
that by Ulrich et al.,
van den Berg et al.,
and de Kort
et al.,
has shown that the restorative effects described by
and Ulrich
can be elicited by ‘‘virtual nature,’’ by
using films of real nature displayed on screens. Here, we
would like to make the distinction between ‘‘virtual nature’
as described by de Kort et al.,
which encompasses films of
real nature presented on displays, and the computer-generated
nature presented in immersive VR. Computer-generated na-
ture consists of an artist’s interpretation and rendition of what
natural objects, colours, shapes, sounds, physics, motion, and
light look like. Also, unlike real nature, computer-generated
nature is created with a finite number of variables (objects,
shapes, colours, physics, etc) defined by the researcher. This
level of control results in differences between real and virtual
nature. Due to the finite number of variables, plants and trees
in virtual nature are much more similar to each other than
those found in real nature. When considering all of these
factors, computer-generated nature is better perceived as an
interpretation of what nature is, rather than a replication (such
as a photograph or video of real nature). Lastly, the interac-
tion with computer-generated nature in VR as presented in
this study allows for free exploration of the synthetic envi-
ronment, whereas the use of film and screens does not have
such affordances. Thus it should be noted that the computer-
generated nature in the current study is not a direct replication
(in the form of video or photograph) like in previous studies.
In the current study, it was hypothesized that exposure to
natural environments in VR would significantly reduce
stress, cognitive fatigue, and negative affect, while increasing
positive affect in participants who had recently experienced a
stressful event. Several measures were employed in order to
quantify stress, cognitive fatigue, and affect: SCL and heart
rate in the form of the interbeat interval (IBI), both of which
have been used as measures of physiological state and stress
in combination with affective measures such as
the Zuckerman Inventory of Personal Reactions (ZIPERS).
Skin conductance has been developed as a direct physio-
logical measure of sympathetic nervous system activity.
Increases in sympathetic nervous system activity are accom-
panied by increases in activation of epidermal tissue (in-
cluding sweat glands) and secretion of sweat, which results in
increased skin conductivity.
Skin-conductance measures
contain two different components: a phasic component re-
ferred to as skin-conductance response (SCR) and a tonic
component referred to as SCL. Skin-conductance responses
change over the course of seconds and are often used to
measure responses to a novel stimulus, while SCL changes
more gradually and is often associated with tonic states of
sympathetic arousal
(such as when a person is stressed).
The ZIPERS, as used in previous research
on the restor-
ative effects of nature, was used to measure affect and aug-
ment physiological measures. Performance on a standardized
mental-arithmetic quiz was used as a measure of cognitive
fatigue. SCL, heart rate, and negative affect scores on the
ZIPERS were hypothesized to significantly decrease, while
positive affect scores on the ZIPERS and mental-arithmetic
performance were hypothesized to increase after exposure to
a nature setting in VR.
Undergraduate students aged between 17 and 26 from the
University of Waterloo taking an introductory psychology
class were prescreened for trait-immersive tendencies using
the Immersive Tendencies Questionnaire (ITQ) created by
Witmer and Singer.
A random sample of 22 students who
scored within one standard deviation of the mean on the ITQ
were asked to participate in the experiment in exchange for
course credit. Participants were recruited and assigned ran-
domly to one of the two conditions (control or nature). There
were four males and six females in the control condition, and
six males and six females in the nature condition. Participants
came to the lab one at a time by scheduled appointments over
the course of 3 weeks.
A mixed 22 (timecondition) repeated measures design
was used. Measures of restoration (ZIPERS score, SCL, heart
rate, and mental-arithmetic score) were administered before
(time 2) and after (time 3) the VR experience, as shown in
Figure 1. Each participant served as his or her own control on
the repeated measures. The VR experience consisted of par-
ticipants putting on a head-mounted display (HMD) and
observing either a natural setting or abstract paintings, de-
pending on their assigned condition (control vs. nature).
Procedures were identical between conditions, while the VR
tasks each featured a different VR experience. While wearing
the HMD, participants in the nature condition were exposed
to a virtual nature setting, while those in the control condition
were exposed to a slideshow of abstract paintings inside an
empty virtual room featuring only a screen.
Validation of abstract paintings
The abstract paintings used in this study were validated in
a separate pilot study (n¼6) prior to this experiment. In the
pilot study, individuals were shown 30 abstract paintings and
asked to rate them. Ten of the paintings that were consistently
rated by participants as neutral were selected and used in the
control condition of this study.
Restorative effects were measured in three ways: the ZI-
PERS, heart rate and SCL, and two short mental-arithmetic
quizzes. The ZIPERS
was adapted from a similar experi-
ment conducted by Hartig et al.
using real natural settings,
and included 12 5-point items that measured the five factors
of fear, anger, positive affect, focus, and sadness, giving in-
dividual scores for each.
This scale was found to be an ef-
fective and reliable measure for restoration in previous
Heart rate and SCL were both recorded by a computer
from the start to the end of the experiment. Measurements
were recorded using the PowerLab Data Acquisition System
(ADInstruments, Colorado Springs, CO) and accompanying
LabChart software. SCL was recorded every 10 milliseconds
using two fingertip electrodes placed on the index and mid-
dle fingers of the individual’s non-dominant hand. Heart rate
was recorded every 10 milliseconds using a fingertip sensor
placed on the ring finger of the non-dominant hand. Both SCL
and heart rate have been found to correlate with physiolog-
ical state and stress levels, and have been used in previous
research on restorative effects of natural settings by Ulrich
et al.
The mental-arithmetic quizzes featured simple multipli-
cation and division questions. Each quiz contained five
multiplication and five division questions. The quizzes were
designed to be of equal difficulty, both featuring similar types
of problems. One quiz was administered before, and one after
the VR experience (as shown in Figure 1).
Immersive tendencies of participants were also measured
using a standardized ITQ developed by Witmer and Singer.
Immersive tendencies are believed to be enduring traits that
are constant over time.
These traits are believed to be di-
rectly proportional to how engaged, or ‘‘immersed,’’ an in-
dividual becomes in an attention-demanding task (such as
reading, watching television, or performing a task in VR).
The ITQ was used as a control factor, and was administered
within a mass-testing questionnaire prior to recruitment.
Only participants who scored within one standard deviation
of the mean were recruited. This was done to ensure that the
participants in the current experiment did not significantly
vary in immersive tendencies.
Technical information about the virtual-reality setup
The virtual nature setting was constructed using the Elder
Scrolls IV: Oblivion world construction set (Bethesda Soft-
works LLC, Rockville, MD) to handcraft an area equivalent to
1600 m
. The area was designed to look like a photo-realistic
forest (see Figure 2). The nature scene was rendered using
the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion engine using a GeForce 8800
(nVIDIA, Santa Clara, CA) at 12801024 resolution per eye
with realistic shadows and lighting. The rendered scene was
then piped in stereo to a high-resolution HMD (nVIS, Reston,
VA), capable of displaying a 65-degree field-of-view. The
HMD featured a thick light-blocking cover, which prevented
FIG. 1. Timeline of the events followed in the procedure, shown from left to right. SCL and heart rate were recorded at the
start (time 1), while ZIPERS1 was administered (time 2), and while ZIPERS2 was administered (time 3). The ZIPERS1 was
administered after math quiz 1, in order to measure participants’ affect at their highest level of stress. The ZIPERS2 was
administered right after the VR task, but before math quiz 2 (because the second math quiz would have contaminated the
effect of the VR immersion by stressing participants). The ZIPERS was administered in such a way that it ‘‘sandwiched’’ the
VR manipulation (as shown), giving a clear measure of ‘‘before’’ and ‘‘after’’ VR immersion.
participants from seeing the real-world environment around
them, allowing them to focus on the virtual scene presented.
The viewpoint was calibrated to work with an InertiaCube
(InterSense Inc., Billerica, MA) tracking device attached to the
HMD. This setup allowed for the viewpoint to be updated in
real time, such that it mimicked physical head movements.
For example, if the participant rotated his or her head to the
left, the viewpoint in the virtual environment would update
accordingly and look toward the left.
A large rumble platform was also incorporated into the
VR setup, in order to provide somatosensory stimulation dur-
ing experiences within the virtual environment. The rumble
platform was 2.5 meters in diameter, and was configured to
vibrate whenever a ‘‘step’’ was taken within the virtual en-
vironment, as well as whenever there was impact between
the virtual body and an object (i.e., when falling off an ele-
vation or when bumping into a tree).
Self-locomotion within the environment was done through
use of a wireless mouse. The left mouse button was config-
ured to move the virtual body forward, while the right mouse
button was configured to move the virtual body backward.
Turning within the virtual environment required the partic-
ipant to turn their physical body. The direction of movement
within the virtual world was the same as the direction of the
physical body of the participants in the real world.
Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two
conditions (control or nature). An identical procedure (as
shown in Figure 1) was followed for both conditions with the
exception of the manipulation itself. Participants were gree-
ted in a centralized meeting area and escorted individually to
the lab by the experimenter. They were then asked to read
and sign a consent form that described all procedures in the
experiment. Participants were given a cover story stating that
the purpose of the experiment was to examine the effects of
VR on math-test performance.
After the experiment was explained to the participants,
heart-rate and SCL monitoring electrodes were placed on
their non-dominant hand. A 2-minute baseline was recorded
(time 1 in Figure 1). They were then asked to put on stereo
headphones, and asked to describe (in writing) a stressful
event that had occurred to them in the last 6 months, while
loud urban noise (cars honking, jackhammers working, etc)
was played through the headphones. Participants were given
10 minutes to complete this stress-induction task (as indicated
in Figure 1). Upon completion of the task, participants were
given one of two short mental-arithmetic quizzes and given
5 minutes to complete it (‘‘math quiz 1’’ in Figure 1—head-
phones were removed before this was done). Participants
were instructed to complete as many of the math problems as
they could in the allotted time. The purpose of this was to
increase stress levels beyond those normally experienced, as
well as to cause a significant amount of cognitive fatigue. This
method of stress induction was inspired by the Markus &
Peters Arithmetic (MPA) Test,
which features a stressful
mental-arithmetic task. During the MPA Test, participants
are required to complete difficult mental-arithmetic problems
while listening to industrial noise. The MPA Test has been
used by de Kort,
and has been found to increase heart rate
and SCL, and to induce a negative mood.
After the 5 minutes had passed, participants were asked to
complete the ZIPERS (ZIPERS 1 at time 2 in Figure 1). While
they were answering the ZIPERS, they were asked to place
their non-dominant hand (which was attached to the elec-
trodes) on the table and not to move it. This allowed physio-
logical data to be collected without the movement of artifacts
prior to entering VR. Participants were then asked to put on
a HMD and stand on the rumble platform. The rumble plat-
form was only turned on in the nature condition. The ma-
nipulation was then applied, with the experience for each
participant while wearing the HMD depending on the con-
dition to which they were randomly assigned.
In the control condition, participants watched a slideshow
of abstract paintings for 10 minutes. There were 10 paintings
in the slideshow, and each was displayed for exactly 1 min-
ute. Paintings featured large proportions of common colours
found in nature, such as green (normally seen on trees, grass,
and plants) and blue (normally seen in the sky and water), as
well as very small proportions of other colours (red, orange,
and yellow) that are normally seen in flowers and fruits.
Participants had no control over the slideshow or the order of
the paintings. Paintings were presented in a predefined,
randomly generated order. The slideshow included a large
virtual screen (similar to those used for real-world slide-
shows) that displayed each painting for a set amount of time
within a dark virtual room with the lights off. See Figure 3 for
a sample of the paintings used.
In the nature condition, participants freely explored a
nature setting, which was rendered in real time. The setting
consisted of a photo-realistic forest with various shrubs,
flowers, trees, and small bodies of water (including water
streams and small ponds; see Figure 2). A variety of large and
small rocks and terrain elevations were also present. The
scene was rendered in high resolution (12801024 pixels per
eye) with realistic lighting, ambient natural sounds playing
in the background, and autonomous movement (plants
and trees moving with the wind, and ripples in the water).
Somatosensory feedback was also provided using a large
rumble pad on which participants stood. The rumble pad
shook slightly every time they took a ‘‘step’’ in VR. A ‘‘Forest
Breeze’’ Wick air freshener was also used, in an attempt to
provide participants with olfactory cues associated with be-
ing in a forest. Participants were given complete control over
the viewpoint by use of head-tracking technology, which
updated the viewpoint according to their physical head
FIG. 2. Screen capture of the three-dimensional photo-
realistic forest that was constructed for the high-presence
restorative task. The entire forest (1600 m
) could be explored
Participants wore the HMD and observed the virtual set-
tings for 10 minutes in both conditions (referred to as VR
immersion in Figure 1). After this task was completed, the
HMD was removed, and participants were asked to sit at a
desk and complete a second ZIPERS scale (ZIPERS2 at time 3
in Figure 1). During this time, participants were again asked
to place their non-dominant hand, which was connected to
the SCL and heart-rate monitors, on the table and to refrain
from moving it so that physiological data could be collected.
After this, participants were asked to complete the second
math quiz within 5 minutes (‘‘math quiz 2’’ in Figure 1), and
were then debriefed. A timeline summary of the procedure
can be seen in Figure 1.
Statistical analysis of immersive tendencies
An empirical check was implemented to ensure that par-
ticipants in the two conditions did not differ in immersive
tendencies, since differences could have potentially impacted
their immersion within the virtual environments. The ITQ
was administered to participants prior to their participa-
tion in the study. A one-way ANOVA revealed no signifi-
cant differences between the two conditions, F(1, 20) ¼0.54,
¼0.027, p¼0.468, indicating that immersive tendencies of
participants were constant (as intended) between groups.
Statistical analysis of physiological measures
The physiological state of participants was measured
using SCL and IBI. Measurements were taken continuously
throughout the duration of the experiment, with the baseline
established at the start of the experiment before participants
performed any tasks. The measurements were analyzed at
three critical times of interest: at the start of the experimental
session (time 1); just before the manipulation of immersion
into VR, and just after the stress-induction manipulation
(time 2); and just after the VR exposure (time 3). Measure-
ments of both SCL and IBI were averaged over a 2-minute
interval surrounding the time of interest (e.g., time 2 and
time 3). Figure 1 provides a chronological diagram of when
measures were administered. For statistical analysis, each
participant served as their own control. A baseline for HR
and SCL was established for each participant at time 1, and
the monitoring equipment was zeroed to this baseline. Since
each participant had their own unique SCL baseline, SCL
measurements for individual participants were converted
into z-scores to allow for between-subjects comparisons.
In order to confirm that the stress-induction manipulation
was effective, the data was collapsed across groups (since all
groups experienced the same stress-induction manipulation),
and two repeated-measures analyses of variance (ANOVAs)
were used to analyze the change in SCL and IBI from time 1
(the start) to time 2 (post-stressor). SCL was found to in-
crease significantly from time 1 to time 2, F(1, 21) ¼31.57,
MSE ¼0.514, Z
¼0.601, p0.001. A trend decrease was
found in IBI (indicating a higher heart rate) from time 1 to
time 2, F(1, 21) ¼3.152, MSE ¼0.002, Z
¼0.131, p¼0.09. To
verify that there were no differences in IBI and SCL at time 2
(post-stressor), a one-way ANOVA examining IBI and SCL
between conditions was performed. No differences between
conditions were found in SCL, F(1, 21) ¼0.575, n.s., and
no differences in IBI were found, F(1, 21) ¼0.391, n.s.,
confirming that SCL and IBI were not different between
groups before immersion into VR (as intended). These find-
ings correspond with the notion that SCL increases and IBI
FIG. 3. Three organic art paintings that were presented during the slideshow of the control condition.
decreases as personal levels of stress and cognitive arousal
Two repeated-measures mixed ANOVAs were used to
examine the effect of the VR manipulation (abstract art sli-
deshow vs. nature environment) on IBI and SCL from time 2
(post-stress) to time 3 (after VR). In the first ANOVA, IBI
was used as the within-subjects dependent variable, and the
condition (control vs. nature) was used as the between-
subjects variable. The second ANOVA used the same inde-
pendent variable as the first ANOVA, but used SCL as the
within-subjects dependent variable. The first repeated-
measures mixed ANOVA revealed no significant interaction
between the type of manipulation (nature exposure vs. slide-
show of abstract art) and change in IBI, F(1, 20) ¼0.621,
p¼0.440, n.s. This indicated that the change in IBI from time 2
to time 3 did not differ between conditions. These results are
shown in Figure 4. The second repeated-measures mixed
ANOVA revealed a significant interaction between the type
of VR manipulation and SCL, F(1, 20) ¼15.072, MSE ¼0.466,
¼0.430, p¼0.001, suggesting that the VR manipulations
had different effects on SCL. This warranted further investi-
gation of simple effects.
To test for simple effects, the data was split with respect
to condition (nature vs. control), and repeated-measures
ANOVAs were used to examine the effect of VR on SCL. A
significant decrease in SCL after exposure to the nature vir-
tual environment was found, F(1, 11) ¼36.082, MSE ¼0.514,
¼0.766, p<0.001. However, the abstract-art slideshow
had no effect on SCL, F(1, 9) ¼0.293, p¼0.601, n.s. These
results are shown in Figure 5.
Statistical analysis of self-report measures
ZIPERS measure. To augment physiological measures,
self-report measures were also collected. The ZIPERS was
administered at time 2 and time 3, before and after the VR
manipulation (see Figure 1). The purpose of this was to ex-
amine the effects of the VR manipulation on the five factors
(fear, anger, focus, positive affect, and sadness) measured by
the ZIPERS. For the purpose of analysis, sadness, fear, and
anger were grouped into one category, which we defined as
‘‘negative affect,’’ leaving us with three factors of interest
(positive affect, negative affect, and focus). The items grouped
into ‘‘positive affect’’ were found to have a Cronbach’s alpha
of 0.825, while items grouped into ‘‘negative affect’’ were
found to have a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.740. A series of
repeated-measures mixed ANOVAs with VR manipulation
(nature vs. slideshow) as the between-subjects independent
variable, and VR immersion (time 2 to time 3; immersion into
VR) as the within-subjects independent variable were used to
examine scores for the three relevant factors (positive affect,
negative affect, and focus).
The VR manipulation by positive-affect interaction was
found to be trending significance, F(1, 20) ¼3.925, MSE ¼
0.463, Z
¼0.164, p¼0.061, suggesting that there was likely
an effect of the VR manipulations on change in positive affect
from time 2 to time 3. This warranted further exploration
of simple effects to disambiguate the direction of the trend-
ing effects. Simple effects were tested by splitting the data
with respect to condition (nature vs. control), and perform-
ing repeated-measures ANOVAs on positive affect over time
(time 2 to time 3). In the nature condition, positive affect was
found to increase significantly, F(1, 11) ¼8.758, MSE ¼0.743
¼0.443, p<0.05. Meanwhile, in the control condition,
there was no significant change in positive affect, F(1, 9) ¼
2.089, n.s. Unlike positive affect, the VR manipulation by
negative-affect interaction was not significant, F(1, 20) ¼
0.365, p¼0.553, n.s., indicating that the VR manipulations did
not promote a different change in negative affect from time 2
to time 3. Also, no VR manipulation by focus interaction was
found, F(1, 20) ¼0.430, p¼0.519, n.s. The results for positive
and negative affect are shown in Figure 6.
FIG. 4. Graph of change in IBI in milliseconds at each critical time: at the start of the experiment (time 1) where the baseline
was established, after the stress-induction task (time 2), and after the VR manipulation (time 3), for the two conditions. Here,
it can be seen how IBI trended decrease from time 1 (start) to time 2 (post stressor) as a result of the stressor task within each
restorative task.
Math-quiz measure. Two mental-arithmetic quizzes were
also administered before and after immersion into VR, in
order to test potential increase in focus and recovery from
cognitive fatigue. The quizzes were counterbalanced be-
tween participants, and consisted of five multiplication and
five division questions. A repeated-measures ANOVA was
used to test for differences in math score with respect to time.
There were no significant differences in math scores before
(M¼75%, SD ¼23%) and after (M¼79%, SD ¼18%) im-
mersion into VR, F(1, 21) ¼2.8, MSE ¼5.114, p¼0.109, n.s.
Simple-effects analyses were done using independent sample
t-tests to check for expected gender effects, and to confirm
that the two math quizzes did not differ in difficulty. In-
dependent sample ttests revealed that males performed
significantly better than females before, t(31) ¼2.98, p<0.01,
and after, t(31) ¼2.11, p<0.05, immersion into VR. Since
groups contained roughly equal numbers of males and fe-
males (45% and 55% respectively), gender differences were
discounted as a source of significant variation between
groups. No significant differences between the two math
quizzes were found at time 2 (prior to immersion in VR),
indicating that the math quizzes were equally difficult,
t(20) ¼0.468, SE ¼0.996, p¼0.64, n.s.
As seen in Figures 5, and 6, SCL decreased significantly
and positive affect increased significantly after exposure to
computer-generated nature, supporting our first hypothesis that
computer-generated nature can promote restorative effects.
In the current experiment, the effects of exposure to com-
puter-generated nature in VR appear to be consistent with
the expanded model of restorative effects elicited by both
real nature settings
and surrogate nature such as photo-
and color videos.
There are several implica-
tions of these results.
First, the consistency with previous research using surro-
gate nature such as that by Ulrich,
van den Berg et al.,
de Kort et al.
provides further support for the notion that
restorative effects (such as improved affect and decreased
physiological stress) can be elicited by surrogate nature. In
the case of the current study, an increase in positive affect and
decrease in SCL demonstrate that computer-generated na-
ture, which is not a direct replication (such as a photograph or
video) but rather an artistic interpretation of what trees, water,
sky, light and other nature elements look and sound like, can
promote restorative effects. These results are also somewhat
FIG. 5. Graph of z-scores of the SCL measure at each time: at the start of the experiment (time 1) where the baseline was
established, after the stress-induction task (time 2), and after the VR manipulation (time 3), for each of the restorative tasks.
Here, it can be seen how SCL increased significantly from time 1 (start) to time 2 (post-stressor) as a result of the stress-
induction task in both conditions. Differences at time 2 (post-stressor) were not significant. By comparing time 2 (post stressor)
and time 3 (after VR), it can be seen that SCL did not decrease in the control condition while it decreased significantly in the
nature condition.
FIG. 6. Graph of the mean ZIPERS scores for positive affect
and negative affect at time 2 (post stressor) and time 3 (after
VR). Positive affect increased significantly in the nature
condition, while it did not change significantly in the control
condition. Here, the floor effect in the negative affect scores
can be also seen.
consistent with other studies using computer-generated na-
which have demonstrated increased self-reports of
feeling relaxed after a relaxation session incorporating a vir-
tual island. However, due to large differences in both the
procedure (using a relaxation session without a prior stress
induction) and the nature stimulus (beaches on an island vs.
a forest), further generalizations cannot be made.
In the current study, participants’ knowledge about the
synthetic properties of the nature environment did not ap-
pear to negate the beneficial effects of taking a walk inside
a virtual forest. This suggests that our predisposition to fa-
voring nature may not necessarily be confined to what is
‘‘real’’ and=or tangible, but rather that it may include syn-
thetic elements (such as three-dimensional re-creations like
those in VR, and photo=video-graphic replications). This
idea, that important restorative elements of nature can be
captured using media, is supported by previous research
using videos of nature settings to promote restoration.
It must be noted that the experimental procedure followed
in the current study does not allow for the differentiation
between attribution of the results to virtual nature settings,
and virtual settings in general. Although the results are
consistent with predicted restorative effects of surrogate na-
ture, one cannot discount the possibility that VR has restor-
ative properties in general, since the control condition did not
feature a full VR setup that allowed participants to explore
and interact with an environment. In the present study, we
did not use an interactive virtual environment for the control
condition because creating such an environment posed many
challenges that could not be rectified. Urban settings have
been used as the standard control in restorative-effects liter-
However, the continued use of urban settings as
a control has created a problem: It is still unclear whether
nature has restorative properties, or whether urban settings
simply induce stress. Thus the current study did not use an
interactive urban setting in order to avoid this ambiguity. In
not doing so, we were left with the alternative of attempting
to create an abstract virtual environment that did not feature
a nature or urban setting. However, in creating such an en-
vironment, one must consider the repercussions from im-
mersing individuals in unrealistic virtual environments, and
how individuals would respond to a virtual environment that
does not possess the qualitative properties of the real world.
After considering the potential for serious confounds that
such an environment would introduce, we opted to use a
‘‘safer’’ control that did not feature interactive VR but was still
realistic (i.e., looking at an abstract painting in VR is more
realistic than exploring a virtual world that looks like an
abstract painting). Unfortunately, using a control condition
that did not feature an interactive VR experience introduced
the confound suggesting that the interactive portion of the
nature condition may have contributed to the size of the ef-
fects. However, previous research by de Kort et al.
onstrating the restorative properties of nature in the absence
of interactive environments lead us to believe that if the in-
teractive properties of VR could not be solely responsible for
the restorative properties of the nature condition in the
present study.
When comparing the physiological responses to the control
and nature conditions, there are some oddities. As shown in
Figure 4, IBI increased (i.e., heart rate decreased) at approxi-
mately the same rate in both conditions from time 2 to time 3,
suggesting that the abstract-art slideshow and nature envi-
ronment had similar effects on IBI. The lack of interaction
between the type of virtual environment and the change in
IBI was contrary to a priori predictions stating that IBI would
increase more from exposure to nature when compared to a
control group. There are several explanations that could ac-
count for this. It is possible that the abstract-art slideshow
provided an opportunity for participants to relax, resulting in
a similar increase in IBI as in the nature condition. It is also
possible that IBI increased as it returned to baseline over time
as the effects of the stress-induction faded. However, this is a
weaker explanation that does not necessarily explain the
pattern shown in Figure 4, where IBI appears to be above
baseline at time 3. Lastly, it is possible that the VR experience
itself prompted changes in IBI. However, such a case seems
unlikely, as we know of no previous evidence to suggest that
all VR environments have restorative properties. Future work
investigating the potential benefits of immersion into VR is
needed to verify this. Also, future work comparing VR re-
storative effects to effects of other restoration methods (clos-
ing eyes and relaxing, listening to nature sounds, looking at
photos and videos, and going out for a real-world nature
walk) needs to be done to better gauge the validity of resto-
ration achieved through VR.
The lack of difference in math scores before and after im-
mersion was also contrary to what was expected. There are
several possible explanations for these results. The first sug-
gests that math quizzes were a poor choice of measure for
focus and cognitive fatigue, since math ability may not be
affected by such factors. In retrospect, a reading compre-
hension task, such as that used by Hartig et al.,
may have
been a better measure. The second explanation hints at the
possibility that the stress-induction writing task was not
cognitively taxing enough to result in cognitive fatigue and
loss of focus, leaving participants at near-baseline cognitive
ability with little room for recovery. Another possible expla-
nation is that immersion into VR does not encourage recovery
of cognitive ability. Lastly, it is also possible that the math
quizzes were not difficult or long enough (as shown by the
high means) to adequately differentiate between emotional
and cognitive states. Unfortunately, due to the ambiguity of
the math results, it is impossible to determine which of these
reasons may be the source of the unexpected results.
Finally, the lack of differences in change of negative affect
from time 2 to time 3 was also contrary to a priori predictions.
However, by looking at Figure 6, it can be seen that there was
a floor effect in the ZIPERs measure. Participants rated neg-
ative-affect factors on a scale of 1 (none) to 5 (very high), and
scores at time 2 were already close to 1 (i.e., there was no
negative affect). This left little room for scores to improve.
Further research exploring the possibility that virtual nature
environments can also reduce negative affect is required. A
more rigorous stress-induction task that induces strong neg-
ative affeect, such as the MPA Test,
might help create a level
of negative affect that can disambiguate differences between
a control virtual environment and a virtual environment
featuring a nature setting.
Implications for future research
The current study provides a new tool for finding ways to
understand ‘‘how’’ and ‘‘why’’ exposure to nature promotes
restorative effects. By showing results consistent with previ-
ous work,
and demonstrating that restorative effects can
be elicited using computer-generated nature and VR, the
current study suggests that VR can be used to understand
better how and why restorative environments function. With
the help of VR technology, restorative environments can be
constructed, as in the current study, and then systematically
changed in stages to explore how these changes affect resto-
ration. Similarly, non-restorative environments can be con-
structed and changed in stages until they become restorative.
Through the use of such methods with VR, future research
can begin to examine specific aspects of what creates a re-
storative environment and what creates a non-restorative or
stressful environment, while maintaining a high level of ex-
perimental control. Virtual city downtown cores can be filled
with trees and plants at the push of a button within a con-
trolled lab setting, while also maintaining complete control
over other aspects of the environment (such as traffic,
streetlights, advertisements, etc). Meanwhile, virtual restor-
ative forest or park environments can be constructed and then
systematically changed to included man-made features such
as paved paths, water fountains, lampposts, and other urban
features. The power over manipulating the environment in a
controlled manner (without the need for construction crews
to dig and modify a landscape), combined with the ease and
time efficiency, makes VR a very powerful research tool. With
such a powerful tool in the hands of researchers, it may be
possible to understand further why nature is important, and
what can be learned from natural environments.
With modern advancements in mainstream VR technol-
ogy, VR setups such as the one used in this experiment
have become available to consumers. Currently, consumers
may purchase a HMD with head-tracking that can attach to
their regular desktop computer for under $300 USD. With
the emergence of such technologies that allow regular in-
dividuals to experience immersive worlds, it is vital for
research to explore further the beneficial uses of VR. The
rising popularity of three-dimensional glasses and HMDs
in the entertainment industry gives rise to an intriguing
possibility of improving psychological health through re-
storative environments. This possibility further stresses the
importance of the findings presented in the current study,
and of future research exploring restorative environments
using VR.
In conclusion, the results of the current study demonstrate
that computer-generated nature in VR can promote restor-
ative effects, and thus provides the field of restorative re-
search with a new empirical tool that can help researchers
dissect the makings of both restorative and non-restorative
environments with full customizability and a high degree of
experimental control that would not otherwise be possible.
With such a tool at their disposal, researchers may not only
gain a deeper understanding into what constitutes a restor-
ative environment, but also develop methods and environ-
ments that may have therapeutic applications in scenarios
where real nature cannot be directly accessed or incorporated
into interior settings.
The present research was supported by funding awarded
to Colin Ellard by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Re-
search Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Social Sciences
and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).
Disclosure Statement
No competing financial interests exist.
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Address correspondence to:
Deltcho Valtchanov
Department of Psychology
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON
N2L 3G1
... Nevertheless, in recent years Virtual Reality (VR) has become a common format for environmental simulations. Some studies using fractals in VR have also shown that they help reduce stress [15,16]. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have used abstract fractals in a VR setting for restoration purposes. ...
... Closer to the use of abstract fractals in VR was the presence of organic abstract art slides in an immersive virtual environment as a control condition in a study on the restorativeness of natural environments, where it was shown that exposure to these slides also reduced stress [16]. This has led us to question the following: First, would an abstract VR environment based on fractal shapes have restorative effects? ...
... A review on the subject suggested that, despite being widely believed that the "mysterious vitalistic qualities of the natural scenes" [35, p. 16] are the key to restoration ( which has resulted in most restorative environments being mostly realistic representations of nature), positive responses to nature are triggered much more by their fractal shapes than by an accurate representation. A study by Valtchanov et al. comparing free exploration in virtual nature against the visualization of slides presenting organic abstract paintings corroborated that exposure to a computer-generated natural environment leads to an increase in positive affect [16]. However, it also showed that exposure to the abstract-art slideshow had similar effects [16]. ...
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Stress and its related mental conditions are an increasing concern in modern societies. Natural settings have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels and help restore lost physical-psychological resources. The Perceptual Fluency Account associates this restorative potential with nature's fractal characteristics , which facilitate their visual processing. While many studies have shown the value of Virtual Reality Nature for stress reduction and even treatment, no study of Virtual Reality fractal abstract worlds for restoration has been found. We question whether an abstract fractal-based environment can have similar restorative effects to a realistic nature-based environment in Virtual Reality. A total of 39 participants took part in two studies. In the first one, two groups (N=19) of participants performed a collecting task in a fractal-or nature-based environment. The results showed that both environments were perceived as restorative and significantly reduced stress. To infer how the existence of a task modulated the results , in the second study, with 20 participants split into two groups, participants were exposed to the same environments, this time without a task. The results showed that the condition was significantly more restorative for the fractal-based environment when no task was performed. To conclude, fractal-based abstract environments show potential to be used for restoration purposes, but the extent to which having a task influences restorativeness needs further research.
... Providing such experiences has become a major focus within urban planning and social sciences [8][9][10][11]. Immersive public art offers a unique opportunity for urban residents to access restorative environments through intelligent, interactive art that enhances psychological well-being [12]. ...
... For instance, Yu et al. found that virtual reality simulations of forest and urban environments can elicit significant physiological and psychological responses, with virtual forest environments inducing more relaxation and stress reduction compared to urban ones [37]. Similarly, Valtchanov et al. demonstrated that virtual environments have substantial restorative effects, improving both mood and overall affect [12]. Furthermore, Lee et al. conducted a systematic review on the psychological impacts of virtual green experiences, concluding that virtual nature environments can effectively mimic the restorative benefits of physical nature, such as enhancing mood and reducing stress [38]. ...
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This study explores the role of virtual immersive public art in improving the psychological well-being of urban residents. The research is set in the context of urban environments, where virtual immersive public art has the potential to foster innovation, integrate technology, and organically blend into public spaces. The study evaluates the impact of such art on psychological restoration by focusing on three key dimensions: interactive themes, interactive mechanisms, and artistic characteristics. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect participants’ real-life experiences and reactions to these art installations. The results show that virtual immersive public art significantly contributes to the restorative experience of urban residents, offering valuable insights into how these installations can promote mental health. Based on the findings, the study provides practical design recommendations for incorporating virtual immersive public art into future urban planning and design projects to enhance urban living conditions and support psychological recovery.
... For example, research by Calogiuri et al. (2018) found that the use of commercial IVE technology simulating interaction with green environments yielded adequate levels of "being there" and "sense of reality" within participants. Several studies have also demonstrated virtual nature via IVE to be a valid tool for promoting relaxation and managing stress (Anderson et al. 2017;Annerstedt et al. 2013;Valtchanov et al. 2010;Villani et al. 2007). Together these findings highlight IVE as a useful technology for green environment research and practice. ...
... The literature regarding the time frame of both green environment exposure and VR exposure is mixed (Anderson et al. 2017;Annerstedt et al. 2013;Valtchanov et al. 2010). In our previous study (O'Meara et al. 2020 the same videos of 4 min duration were used, also in line with Browning et al. (2023). ...
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Nature confers a host of benefits including recovering from stress, replenishing attentional resources, improving mood, and decreasing negative thinking. Virtual nature, i.e. exposure to natural environments through technological means, has proven to also be efficacious in producing benefits, although more limitedly. Previous studies with immersive virtual reality with university students have shown that one bout of virtual nature can reduce negative affect in students with high test anxiety and can reduce feeling of worry and panic after several weeks of daily exposure. The present study aimed at replicating the effect of one bout of virtual nature on affect and extend it to cognition in a sample of university students with different levels of test anxiety. An inexpensive goggle + phone apparatus was utilized and the one bout of virtual nature was self-administered. 48 university students took part in the study, randomized between viewing a 360 degrees video of nature or of an urban environment. They completed the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule and the Cognitive Reflection Test before and after the exposure to the virtual environments and responded to open-ended questions about their experience of the intervention. Results showed improvements in positive affect in students with higher anxiety were obtained in the nature condition, no other effects were found. Qualitative appraisal indicated that participants in the nature condition felt more relaxed and focused, however the technical issues were detrimental to the benefits. In conclusion one bout of virtual nature could support students with higher test anxiety when confronted with examinations.
... For some, it involves real nature reproduced through mediums such as video or sound, while for others, it refers to fully rendered environments with no real basis in nature (de Kort et al., 2006). When evaluating the impact of virtual nature, it is important to critically assess results, as it is easy to create visually appealing, yet potentially misleading, representations of nature (Valtchanov et al., 2010). Participants in such research may hold biased views of virtual nature. ...
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The pandemic has significantly interrupted the already declining relationship between children and nature in recent decades. Despite the widely recognised benefits of contact with nature for general well-being, efforts to improve this relationship and reconnect children with nature have been unsuccessful so far. Although the pandemic may have represented a kind of new opportunity to restart that relationship, several studies indicated a growing gap between those who regularly engage with nature and those who do not, a gap that has been exacerbated by the pandemic. This case study investigates how children perceive their contact with nature before, during, and after the pandemic, and explores its meaning. Participants, aged between 11 and 16 years old, were recruited from schools in both rural and urban areas of Czechia and completed an online questionnaire (= 123), followed by online group interviews with those who consented. Descriptive analysis was used to analyse quantitative data, and later thematic analysis provided insight into open-ended questions and qualitative data from interviews (= 20). Results showed that participants spent less time in nature now than they did during the pandemic, although they acknowledged the importance of nature. A commonly cited barrier to spending more time in nature is lack of free time. The overall accessibility and quality of nature in the neighbourhood influenced participants' time spent in and interactions with nature. Although they perceived some benefits, participants were reluctant to use virtual nature because of concerns about reduced contact with real nature and the accessibility of technical equipment. These findings provide valuable insights for local government to address issues such as accessible nature and the quality of natural areas in relation to the relationship between children and nature in the younger population. By creating such an environment, local authorities could improve the impact of nature as a resource for promoting children's mental and emotional well-being.
... Also, "naturalness", a term used to identify "structural" morphological properties of our environment, has attracted particular attention; for review, see: (Bowler et al., 2010). Starting with the famous finding of improved recovery from surgery (Ulrich, 1984), natural surroundings have been shown to exert positive effects (sometimes by mere image viewing) on mood (Barton & Pretty, 2010), stress reduction (Valtchanov et al., 2010), concentration and working memory improvement (Berman et al., 2008;Berman et al., 2012;Berto, 2005;Bratman et al., 2015;Kaplan, 1995), self-perceived health (Kardan et al., 2015), self-esteem (Barton & Pretty, 2010;Pretty et al., 2007) and occurrence of criminal behavior (Kuo & Sullivan, 2001a, 2001b. ...
Biometrics is the collection, measurement, and analysis of both physical and behavioral attributes in individuals. While the evaluation of physical traits is commonly employed for authentication purposes, the investigation of quantifiable behavioral characteristics is utilized to observe and measure how individuals react to their environment. Depending on the focus of a study, there may also be a gathering of valence data to be correlated with the physical response data. Biometric measurements can serve as a solid foundation for architects and designers to make data-driven decisions throughout the design process. In cases involving existing structures, biometric data can be applied for post-occupancy analysis, in conjunction with standard methods.
... Digital nature (representations or simulations of natural environments) has immersive forms of output such as 360 • photo or 360 • video (Bertel et al., 2020) and other forms of production including nature soundscapes (Rejeh et al., 2016), cave automatic virtual environment (Annerstedt et al., 2013) and C-G virtual reality (Li et al., 2021). Numerous studies have shown the benefits that the digital nature can bring to people such as elevated physiological arousal (Browning et al., 2020a), increased motivation, improved cognitive functioning (Reece and Merchant, 2022), improved subjective vitality (Reese et al., 2022a, b), and reduced stress (Reese et al., 2021;Valtchanov et al., 2010). These benefits are particularly important because high levels of stress are associated with various negative outcomes such as cardiovascular disease, anxiety, depression, hypertension, obesity (Pogosova et al., 2021;Bouillon-Minois et al., 2021), and burnout (Jin et al., 2020). ...
... Various studies have investigated the efficacy and feasibility of different treatment modalities in several unique virtual reality representations of nature. These modes have included viewing nature through static images on a desktop screen, and recently with advances in technology, implementing immersive experiences of nature, using virtual reality (VR) headsets 43 , 360 degree viewing, etc. Of note, one study 44 investigated the effects of an immersive VR environment experience among patients with varying severities of anxiety and depression, and found VR environments to be highly restorative. ...
The rise and the future of environmental neuroscience and environmental psychology are happening now simultaneously. Both disciplines hold multivalent opportunities to understand the human condition in a variety of settings. In addition, both examine the mechanisms and extent to which humans interact with particular places—built, natural, or virtual. This chapter discusses the insights and methods native to environmental neuroscience that prompt environmental psychologists to ask questions about what the brain and the body can do with the places around us—and why and how. The answers to these questions buttress the continued merger between these fields so that we can make a positive impact on the design of our cities, our homes, our workplaces, and the natural environments around us. Some classical studies at this intersection are noted as are some of the emerging themes in today’s body of research concerning attention restoration, cognitive load, creativity, mood, and various neuropsychophysiological responses to nature and architecture. A few key scholarly journals, books, and organizations that support environmental neuroscience research are also described, as is the need to augment academic programs and curricula to incorporate and build upon both fields that, together, are becoming a modernizing force in social science.
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This study used an experimental design and multiple measures to ascertain whether stress in healthcare consumers undergoing a procedure known to be stressful - blood donation - would be affected by modest changes in a clinic environment. Four different environmental conditions were presented to 872 blood donors (68% males; 32% females; mean age = 40.4 years) using wall-mounted television monitors: a videotape of nature settings (Nature); a tape of urban environments (Urban); daytime television (Television); or a blank monitor (No Television). Findings from physiological measures (blood pressure, pulse rate) provided a pattern of evidence that the environmental conditions had significantly different effects on donor stress. Consistent with arousal/stimulation theory, the blood-pressure and pulse-rate findings converged to indicate that stress was lower during No Television than Television, and during Low Stimulation (No Television + Nature) than High Stimulation (Television + Urban). In line with evolutionary theory, pulse rates were markedly lower during Nature than Urban. An important clinical implication of the findings is that the common practice of playing uncontrollable daytime television in healthcare waiting areas where stress is a problem may actually have stressful. not stress-reducing, influences on many patients/consumers. Healthcare environments should tend to be more restorative and supportive for stressed outpatients when Nature is prominently present, and environmental stimulation levels are low rather than high and intrusive.
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Anger and stress management have become important issues in the modern workplace. One out of four American workers report themselves to be chronically angry, which has been linked to negative outcomes such as retaliatory behavior, revenge, interpersonal aggression, poor work performance, absenteeism, and increased turnover. We hypothesized that people who work in office environments decorated with aesthetically engaging art posters would experience less stress and anger in response to task-related frustration. Two hundred and ten college students were randomly assigned to different office conditions where abstract and nature paintings were hung on the walls. Participants performed four mild anger-provoking computer tasks and then reported their levels of state anger and stress. Results indicate that different office conditions had a significant influence on state anger and stress for males but not for females. Males experienced less state anger and stress when art posters were present. Through mediation analysis, we found that increased proportions of nature paintings decreased state anger because of decreased levels of stress.
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Subjects viewed sixty color slides of either (1) nature with water, (2) nature dominated by vegetation, or (3) urban environments without water or vegetation. The information rates of the three slide samples were equivalent. Measurements were taken of the effects of the slide presentations on alpha amplitude, heart rate, and emotional states. Results revealed several significant differences as a function of environment, which together indicate that the two categories of nature views had more positive influences on psychophysiological states than the urban scenes. Alpha was significantly higher during the vegetation as opposed to urban slides; similarly, alpha was higher on the average when subjects viewed water rather than urban content. There was also a consistent pattern for nature, especially water, to have more positive influences on emotional states. A salient finding was that water, and to a lesser extent vegetation views, held attention and interest more effectively than the urban scenes. Implications of the findings for theory development in environmental aesthetics are discussed.
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Conducted a study with 375 high school students. The effects of requiring an overt or covert response to objectives when grouped before or interspersed throughout a text were investigated for intentional and incidental learning. In addition, 2 densities of specific and general objectives were investigated. Groups of about 30 Ss each were tested by their homeroom teachers. Results show greater intentional learning with objectives than without objectives. No difference was found between overt and covert responses, but overt responding resulted in less incidental learning than covert responding, particularly when objectives were interspersed. A strong relationship was found between correct identification of object-relevant text sentences and subsequent test performance. Finally, more time was required for overt than covert responding. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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In recent years, several publications have appeared on virtual reality (VR) therapy in the treatment of anxiety disorders. However, a limited number of these studies targeted stress management and relaxation. To evaluate the efficacy of VR as a support tool in the relaxation process, this study compared its efficacy with two other media (DVD and audiotape). The goals of the experiment were to test the efficacy of each condition in increasing relaxation and reducing anxiety, and whether the sense of presence—the feeling of being inside the media content— correlated with the efficacy of the treatment. Results suggested the importance of the sense of presence as a mediating variable between the media experience and the efficacy of the protocol.. The present work was supported in part by the Italian MIUR FIRB program (Project "Neurotiv Managed care basata su telepresenza immersiva virtuale per l'assessment e riabili-tazione in neuro-psicologia e psicologia clinica (Neurotiv managed care based on immersive virtual telepresence for the assessment and rehabilitation in neuropsychology and clinical psychology)"—RBNE01W8WH— and by Project "Realtà virtuale come strumento di valutazione e trattamento in psicologia clinica: aspetti tecnologici, ergo-nomici e clinici (Virtual Reality as a tool of assessment and treatment in clinical psychology: technological, ergonomic, and clinical aspects)"—RBAU014JE5.
This article investigates the direct and indirect effects of windows in the workplace onjob satisfaction, intention to quit, and general well-being. The impact of three specific influencing mechanisms are examined: general level of illumination, sunlight penetration, and view. The extent to which these environmental features might moderate the negative consequences of job stress is investigated. The sample consisted of 100 white-and blue-collar workers who were employed in a large wine-producing organization in the Mediterranean region of Southern Europe. The results showed a significant direct effect for sunlight penetration on job satisfaction, intention to quit, and general well-being. A view of natural elements (i.e., trees, vegetation, plants, and foliage) was found to buffer the negative impact of job stress on intention to quit and to have a similar, albeit marginal, effect on general well-being. No effects for general level of illumination were found.
The utility of different theoretical models of restorative experience was explored in a quasi-experimental field study and a true experiment. The former included wilderness backpacking and nonwilderness vacation conditions, as well as a control condition in which participants continued with their daily routines. The latter had urban environment, natural environment, and passive relaxation conditions. Multimethod assessments of restoration consisted of self-reports of affective states, cognitive performance, and, in the latter study, physiological measures. Convergent self-report and performance results obtained in both studies offer evidence of greater restorative effects arising from experiences in nature. Implications for theory, methodology, and design are discussed.
Attention restoration theory states that exposure to restorative environments engages fascination or low-effort attention, promoting recovery of adaptive resources and providing the opportunity to rest and reflect. On the contrary, exposure to non-restorative environments engages directed effortful attention and negatively affects mood, performance and psychophysical well being. Eye movements are a way to measure attention when viewing a scene; therefore, it is hypothesized that the difference in the type of attention engaged should be reflected in eye movements. To this aim eye movements were recorded during free viewing of photographs high on fascination vs. low on fascination. Mean exploration and mean numbers of saccades and fixations were measured between the two types of scenes. Eye movements related to photographs low on fascination were characterized by greater exploration and a greater number of fixations compared to those rated high on fascination, though viewing time was the same. Thus scenes high on fascination were viewed without really focusing on particular features. Differences in eye movements suggest that less effort is required to view nature than urban scenes, which is consistent with Kaplan's description of “soft fascination.”
Tested the claim that a wilderness survival program increases confidence and self-esteem of participants despite its relatively brief duration. Over a 6-mo period, 10 male participants in such a program responded to a variety of questionnaires twice before embarking on the program (Phases I, II), immediately after it (Phase III), and several months later (Phase IV). 25 other males between 15-17 yrs, and from the same region of northern Michigan, served as a control group. They completed only Phase I and Phase IV questionnaires. Results suggest that the program participants were enthusiastic immediately upon their return and showed increases in camping skills; they also showed longer term benefits in outlook and in attitude toward changes in themselves. Certain initial differences in self-esteem and in preferred activities also characterized the 2 groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)