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Efficacy of Lower Limb Compression and Combined Treatment of Manual Massage and Lower Limb Compression on Symptoms of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Women


Abstract and Figures

Strategies to manage the symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) are widespread, though are often based on anecdotal evidence. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of a combination of manual massage and compressive clothing and compressive clothing individually as recovery strategies after muscle damage. Thirty-two female volunteers completed 100 plyometric drop jumps and were randomly assigned to a passive recovery (n = 17), combined treatment (n = 7), or compression treatment group (n = 8). Indices of muscle damage (perceived soreness, creatine kinase activity, isokinetic muscle strength, squat jump, and countermovement jump performance) were assessed immediately before and after 1, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours of plyometric exercise. The compression treatment group wore compressive tights for 12 hours after damage and the combined treatment group received a 30-minute massage immediately after damaging exercise and wore compression stockings for the following 11.5 hours. Plyometric exercise had a significant effect on all indices of muscle damage (p < 0.05). The treatments significantly reduced decrements in isokinetic muscle strength, squat jump performance, and countermovement jump performance and reduced the level of perceived soreness in comparison with the passive recovery group (p < 0.05). The addition of sports massage to compression after muscle damage did not improve performance recovery, with recovery trends being similar in both treatment groups. The treatment combination of massage and compression significantly moderated perceived soreness at 48 and 72 hours after plyometric exercise (p < 0.05) in comparison with the passive recovery or compression alone treatment. The results indicate that the use of lower limb compression and a combined treatment of manual massage with lower limb compression are effective recovery strategies following EIMD. Minimal performance differences between treatments were observed, although the combination treatment may be beneficial in controlling perceived soreness.
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School of Sport and Health Science, University of Exeter, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom
Jakeman, JR, Byrne, C, and Eston, RG. Efficacy of lower limb
compression and combined treatment of manual massage and
lower limb compression on symptoms of exercise-induced
muscle damage in women. J Strength Cond Res 24(11):
3157–3165, 2010—Strategies to manage the symptoms of
exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) are widespread,
though are often based on anecdotal evidence. The aim of
this study was to determine the efficacy of a combination of
manual massage and compressive clothing and compressive
clothing individually as recovery strategies after muscle
damage. Thirty-two female volunteers completed 100 plyomet-
ric drop jumps and were randomly assigned to a passive
recovery (n= 17), combined treatment (n= 7), or compression
treatment group (n= 8). Indices of muscle damage (perceived
soreness, creatine kinase activity, isokinetic muscle strength,
squat jump, and countermovement jump performance) were
assessed immediately before and after 1, 24, 48, 72, and 96
hours of plyometric exercise. The compression treatment group
wore compressive tights for 12 hours after damage and the
combined treatment group received a 30-minute massage
immediately after damaging exercise and wore compression
stockings for the following 11.5 hours. Plyometric exercise had
a significant effect on all indices of muscle damage (p,0.05).
The treatments significantly reduced decrements in isokinetic
muscle strength, squat jump performance, and countermove-
ment jump performance and reduced the level of perceived
soreness in comparison with the passive recovery group (p,
0.05). The addition of sports massage to compression after
muscle damage did not improve performance recovery, with
recovery trends being similar in both treatment groups. The
treatment combination of massage and compression signifi-
cantly moderated perceived soreness at 48 and 72 hours after
plyometric exercise (p,0.05) in comparison with the passive
recovery or compression alone treatment. The results indicate
that the use of lower limb compression and a combined
treatment of manual massage with lower limb compression
are effective recovery strategies following EIMD. Minimal
performance differences between treatments were observed,
although the combination treatment may be beneficial in
controlling perceived soreness.
KEY WORDS plyometric exercise, recovery, delayed onset
muscle soreness, performance
After unaccustomed exertion, or activity that is
eccentrically biased, individuals often experience
symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage
(EIMD). The nature of eccentric muscle actions,
where a muscle lengthens while generating tension, has been
shown to be a causative factor in EIMD, because over-
extension of muscle sarcomeres leads to mechanical disrup-
tion of muscle fibers, compromising contractile ability.
Symptoms of EIMD include increases in circulating my-
oproteins (26); increases in perceived soreness (16); a reduced
time to volitional exhaustion (3); and decrements in muscle
strength, power and endurance (2,29). These symptoms are
problematic for individuals engaged in regular competition,
and consequently, a number of strategies attempting to
manage the symptoms of EIMD are currently employed,
particularly in athletic populations.
Sports massage is a common feature of many athletes’
training and recovery programs, with perceived outcomes
including decreased feelings of soreness, decreased tissue
tension, increased local blood flow facilitating the removal of
cellular debris, and an influence on the inflammatory process
to expedite recovery (4,24). Scientific evidence supporting
these contentions is equivocal, though a number of review
and experimental papers have indicated potentially beneficial
effects of sports massage treatments (4,12,20,24). Recently,
the use of clothing with specific compressive properties has
Address correspondence to John R. Jakeman,
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Ó2010 National Strength and Conditioning Association
VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2010 | 3157
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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
become increasingly popular among competitive athletes.
The use of compressive clothing is supported by encouraging
scientific evidence, which indicates that the treatment can
facilitate limb blood flow, reduced muscle oscillation, provide
aÔdynamic castÕfacilitating muscle recovery, and influence
the inflammatory process after exercise (9,17,34).
In applied fields, strategies to manage the training and
recovery of athletes to maintain performance through
consecutive cycles of physical activity (i.e., training and
competition cycles) are common, though few scientific studies
have been completed to assess the effectiveness of these
treatments on the symptoms of EIMD. It is important to
recognize that although the symptoms of EIMD are consistent,
different forms of exercise can cause muscle damage. It is
currently unclear whether the effectiveness of a recovery
strategy on EIMD is exercise type dependent or not. The aim
of this study was to determine whether a combined treatment
involving sports massage and compression immediately
after damaging exercise was an effective strategy to manage
the symptoms of EIMD induced by strenuous plyometric
exercise. Data from a previous study (15) that indicated that
compressive clothing used independently, reduced decre-
ments in muscle strength loss and function in comparison with
a passive recovery group, were used to determine whether
sports massage had an additive effect on recoveryfrom EIMD.
Additional passive recovery data were collected to increase the
sample size of this study.
Experimental Approach to the Problem
In this study, a randomized mixed-model experimental design
was used. Subjects were requiredtocompletestrenuous
plyometric exercise designed to induce muscle damage,
followed by either a passive recovery, compression, or com-
bined treatment intervention. Biochemical, perceptual, and
performance changes were monitored pre and postexercise.
Thirty-two physically active (minimum 3 occasions per week)
female volunteers (Age = 21.4 61.7 years, stature = 1.66 6
0.047 m, mass = 66.7 66.8 kg) who had not engaged in
specific lower limb weight or eccentric exercise training and
had no recent history of musculoskeletal injury were
randomly allocated to a passive recovery (n= 17),
compression treatment (n= 8), or combined compression
and massage intervention group (n= 7). Participants
provided signed, informed consent to participate in the
study that received ethical approval from the School of
Sport and Health Sciences ethics committee. No significant
differences between groups were observed for age, height,
or weight (p.0.05). Volunteers were asked to maintain
normal levels of food intake and hydration, to refrain from
ingesting alcohol, nutritional supplements or nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs for the duration of the test, and to
avoid any exercise or therapeutic treatments such as massage,
which may have affected a normal recovery pattern.
After collection of baseline data, all participants completed
a plyometric drop jump exercise protocol designed to induce
low-level muscle damage similar to that which may be
expected after training or competition in a number of sports.
The plyometric exercise protocol was used to localize muscle
damage to the quadriceps to facilitate reliable testing and to
replicate the types of muscle injury that occur to athletes in
applied settings. Volunteers in the combined treatment group
were then given a 30-minute sports massage from a qualified
masseur and a pair of commercially available compression
tights to wear for a period of 12 hours after damaging exercise.
Participants in the compression treatment group were given
an identical pair of compression tights to wear for the same
period. Participants were instructed to refrain from taking
nutritional supplements, alcohol and from engaging in
physical activity during the testing period. A priori calcu-
lations of statistical power indicated that this sample size was
appropriate to satisfy power at or above 80% (6).
Plyometric Exercise
Participants completed 10 310 plyometric drop jumps to
induce muscle damage. Volunteers were instructed to stand
on a 0.6-m box, step off with 1 foot, land with both feet
together, and attempt to achieve a 90°knee angle upon
landing, before performing a maximal vertical jump (21)
though jump height was not recorded. Jump frequency was
standardized so that participants completed 1 jump every 10
seconds and were permitted 1-minute rest between sets. The
plyometric exercise protocol was demonstrated and moni-
tored by an experienced strength and conditioning coach.
Assessment of Muscle Damage
Indices of muscle damage were collected in the same order on
each occasion: perceived soreness, creatine kinase activity,
isokinetic muscle function, countermovement jump perfor-
mance and squat jump performance. Indices of muscle
damage were assessed before and after 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours
damaging exercise. Data were also collected 1 hour after
damaging exercise to quantify the magnitude of muscle
damage immediately after exercise avoiding the influence of
acute fatigue following the plyometric exercise protocol. To
minimize the time delay between completion of the damaging
exercise and the treatment intervention, no assessment of
muscle damage was completed immediately after plyometric
exercise. Random allocation of participants to groups limits
the likelihood of differences in response to plyometric
exercise. Therefore, any between group variations in response
to damaging exercise can confidently be attributed to the
treatment intervention.
Perceived Soreness
Perceived soreness was assessed using a 10-cm visual analog
scale, with 0 indicating no pain and 10 indicating the worst
soreness experienced after exercise. Participants were in-
structed to complete an unweighted squat, holding a knee
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Recovery from Muscle Damage
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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
angle of approximately 90°for a period of 2 seconds, and mark
perceived soreness on the visual analog scale (35).
Creatine Kinase Activity
Plasma creatine kinase activity was assessed using fingertip
capillary blood sampling. The finger was cleaned using
a sterile alcohol swab, and a capillary puncture was made
using a Haemocue lancet (Haemocue, Sheffield, United
Kingdom). Thirty microliters of sampled blood was separated
by using a centrifuge and refrigerated at 4°C until analysis.
Spectrophotometry (Jenway, Dunmow, United Kingdom)
was used to analyze creatine kinase activity in accordance
with the manufacturer’s guidelines (Randox, Co. Antrim,
United Kingdom). All samples were analyzed in duplicate.
Jump Performance
Squat and countermovement jump performances were
assessed to give a further indicator of functional strength.
For assessment of squat jump performance, participants were
instructed to adopt a squat with a 90°knee angle and hands
placed on hips. This position was held for approximately
3 seconds before volunteers performed a maximal vertical
jump, maintaining a straight leg position and hand placement
on the hips during flight (2).
Tassess countermovement jump performance, participants
stood fully erect and upon verbal command performed
a maximal vertical jump (2). The average height of 3 jumps of
both squat and countermovement jump was measured using
an infrared jump system (Microgate, Bolzano, Italy) and was
taken as an indicator of jump performance. Indicators of
muscle function and performance were converted to values
relative to baseline for analysis.
Isokinetic Muscle Function
Muscle function was assessed by isokinetic dynamometry
(Biodex 3 Medical Systems, New York, NY, USA). Partic-
ipants were seated upright with the torso and experimental
leg secured to reduce extraneous movement. The axis of
rotation of the knee was aligned with that of the
dynamometer and was standardized during the testing
period. Participants completed 5 maximal voluntary exten-
sions of the dominant leg knee extensor muscles on each
occasion through 80°range of movement from full knee
extension, at 60°s
. The best of 5 gravity corrected knee
extensions was taken as the criterion measure of muscle
Strength and performance measures such as these are
typically reliable (intraclass correlation coefficients $0.82
[21,36]) and have been used successfully in a number of
previous investigations (2,16,23)
Experimental Treatments
After completion of the plyometric jump protocol, partic-
ipants in the combined treatment group received a 30-minute
manual massage from a professional sports masseur. Massage
was completed using an oil medium and consisted of
effleurage, petrissage, tapotment, and hacking to the whole
of both legs and was standardized for each participant
through the use of stopwatch and cue cards for the masseur
who performed all treatments. Upon completion of the
massage treatment, volunteers were given a pair of hip to
ankle compression tights (Skins, Sydney, Australia; Figure 1)
to wear for a period of 12 hours to replicate contemporary
treatment methodologies and previously investigated proto-
cols (7,9). Compression tights of this type are composed of
76% nylon tactel microfiber and 24% elastane and have been
reported to exert an average compression of 17.3 mm Hg at
the calf and 14.9 mm Hg at the thigh (33). Compression
tights were removed for approximately 10 minutes for the
1 hour assessment of muscle damage. Participants in the
compression treatment group wore identical compressive
tights for 12 hours after plyometric exercise.
Statistical Analyses
Data were analyzed using a repeated-measures analysis of
variance (ANOVA) (3 36, group 3time), with significance
set at p#0.05 a priori. The Mauchly sphericity test was used
to test assumptions of homogeneity of variance. Where this
was violated, the Greenhouse–Geisser value was used to
adjust degrees of freedom to increase the critical value of the
F-ratio. Where appropriate, modified Tukey’s post hoc tests
were applied to determine the location of between group
differences (SPSS 15.0).
Figure 1. Lower limb compression garments worn by individuals in
experimental groups.
VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2010 | 3159
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Perceived Soreness
Analysis ofcovariance was used to remove baseline variance in
perceived muscle soreness. Significant time (F= 28.3, p,
0.01), group (F=17.1,p,0.01), and group by time interaction
(F=4.8,p,0.01) effects were observed after damaging
exercise. Muscle soreness was
significantly higher in the pas-
sive recovery group 24, 48, and
72 hours after damaging exer-
cise in comparison with both
treatment groups (p,0.01).
Soreness was also elevated
1 hour after exercise in compar-
ison with the compression treat-
ment group. No significant
differences in muscle soreness
between the treatment groups
were observed 24 and 96 hours
after muscle damage. Signifi-
cantly higher soreness was
observed in the combined treat-
ment group 1 hour after muscle
damage, though this trend re-
versed 48 and 72 hours after
exercise, with the compression
group reporting higher percep-
points (p,0.01; Figure 2).
Countermovement Jump
No significant group differences were observed at baseline
in absolute terms for countermovement jump height (passive
recovery 0.28 60.03 m, combined 0.28 60.02 m,
compression 0.26 60.05 m, p.0.05). Significant time
(F= 15.4, p,0.01) and group 3time interaction effects were
observed (F= 4.0, p,0.01). Significant differences between
the passive recovery and treat-
ment groups were observed at
24 and 48 hours after plyomet-
ric exercise (p,0.01), with
a further significant difference
between the passive recovery
and compression group present
72 hours after exercise. No
significant differences between
treatment groups were
observed at any time (Figure 3).
Squat Jump Performance
No significant group differences
were observed at baseline in
absolute terms for squat jump
height (passive recovery 0.23 6
0.03 m, combined treatment
0.23 60.02 m, compression
0.22 60.05 m, p.0.05).
Significant time (F= 28.4, p,
0.01) group (F=18.8, p,0.01),
and group 3time interaction
effects (F= 7.5, p,0.01) were
Figure 2. Perceived soreness after plyometric exercise. *Significant difference from baseline in all groups;
+Significant difference from baseline in passive group; A) Significant difference between passive recovery and
combined treatment group; B) Significant difference between passive recovery and compression treatment group;
C) Significant difference between treatment groups.
Figure 3. Countermovement jump height after plyometric exercise. *Significant difference from baseline in all
groups; +Significant difference from baseline in passive group; Significant difference from baseline in passive
recovery and combined treatment groups; A) Significant difference between passive recovery and combined
treatment group; B) Significant difference between passive recovery and compression treatment group.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Recovery from Muscle Damage
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
observed on squat jump height. Follow-up analysis indicated
significant performance differences between the control and
treatment groups 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after damaging
exercise (p,0.01). Strength decrements were also greater in
the passive recovery group in
comparison with the compres-
sion group, 1 hour after plyo-
metric exercise. There were no
significant differences between
treatments, with the exception
of 48 hours after damaging
exercise, where jump perfor-
mance was significantly worse
in the compression group in
comparison with the combined
treatment group (p,0.01;
Figure 4).
Isokinetic Muscle Function
Absolute peak torque at baseline
was not significantly different
between groups (passive recov-
ery 158.4 625.2 Nm
bined treatment 168.3 633.5
, compression clothing
165.7 621 Nm
Significant time (F=26.2,p,
0.01), group (F= 8.0, p,0.01),
and group 3time interaction
effects were observed (F=5.1,
p,0.01). Significant differences in isokinetic muscle function
24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after damaging exercise (p,0.01)
between the passive recovery and treatment groups were
observed. A significant difference in relative muscle strength
was observed between treat-
ment groups at 48 hours, with
muscle strength of the com-
bined treatment group being
significantly lower than that of
the compression group (p,
0.01). Isokinetic muscle function
returned to baseline 72 hours
after muscle damage in both
treatment groups (Figure 5).
Creatine Kinase Activity
No significant difference be-
tween absolute baseline levels
of creatine kinase activity was
observed between groups
(Table 1), with baseline creatine
kinase activity within normal
resting limits (25). Creatine
kinase activity data were trans-
formed to natural log values to
satisfy assumptions of spheric-
ity associated with repeated-
measures ANOVA. A signifi-
cant main effect of time (F=
9.1, p,0.01) was observed on
Figure 4. Squat jump height after plyometric exercise. *Significant difference from baseline in all groups;
+Significant difference from baseline in passive group; Significant difference from baseline in passive recovery
and combined treatment groups; Significant difference from baseline in passive recovery and compression
groups; A) Significant difference between passive recovery and combined treatment group; B) Significant
difference between passive recovery and compression treatment group; C) Significant difference between
treatment groups.
Figure 5. Isokinetic muscle function after plyometric exercise. *Significant difference from baseline in all groups;
+Significant difference from baseline in passive group; Significant difference from baseline in passive recovery
and combined treatment groups; A) Significant difference between passive recovery and combined treatment
group; B) Significant difference between passive recovery and compression treatment group; C) Significant
difference between treatment groups
VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2010 | 3161
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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
creatine kinase activity, but no group (F= 0.7, p.0.05), or
group 3time interaction effects (F= 1.7, p.0.05) were
Data from a previous investigation (15) had indicated that the
use of lower limb compression significantly reduced decre-
ments in muscle strength loss and performance, and
moderated increases in perceived soreness following EIMD.
Data from the first investigation were used to determine
whether combining the use of lower limb compression with
a sports massage immediately after damaging exercise had an
additive beneficial effect on symptoms of EIMD. A significant
main effect for time was observed on all indices of EIMD,
indicating that the exercise protocol was successful in inducing
muscle damage. Though previous investigations (18) have
used more aggressive damage exercise protocols, plyometric
jumping of this nature has been used successfully to induce
muscle damage and was selected for its appropriateness for
athletes as this level of damage is likely to occur during the
course of a normal training and competition schedule.
Information pertaining to the performance of female athletes
following EIMD is relatively sparse, with the majority of
studies using either male or mixed gender samples. There is
currently some debate as to whether there is an effect of gender
on symptoms of EIMD in human subjects (13,33). Therefore,
this study was designed to both contribute to the limited
literature regarding female recovery responses following
EIMD and eliminate the potential for a gender effect.
Participants were individuals training and competing regularly
and were selected from competitive university sports teams
to ensure a similarity of training status. Several studies have
observed a protective effect of previous training on responses
to EIMD (see [22] for review). Therefore, individuals were
excluded if they had engaged in specific plyometric or weight
training programs in the 3 months preceding data collection.
Perceived muscle soreness significantly increased immedi-
ately after plyometric exercise in both groups. Soreness in all
groups peaked 24–48 hours after muscle damage and returned
to baseline values 96 hours after initial muscle damage,
a temporal pattern consistent with both specifically and
nonspecifically trained individuals, as in this case (38).
Perceived soreness was significantly higher in the passive
recovery group 24, 48, and 72 hours after muscle damage
and was also significantly higher in comparison with the
compression treatment group, 1 hour after exercise (p,0.01).
One hour after plyometric exercise, the perceived soreness of
individuals in the combined treatment group was significantly
higher than those in the compression treatment group. This
difference was reversed 48 and 72 hours after damaging
exercise, with greater perceived soreness reported in the
compression treatment group in comparison with the
combined treatment. Sports massage intentionally seeks to
affect deep muscle tissue, and individuals often experiencepain
during the treatment. In this case, the significantly higher
reported soreness 1 hour after damage (;30 minutes after
treatment), may be because of residual discomfort as a result
the treatment. Perceived soreness was significantly higher in
the compression treatment group 48 and 72 hours after muscle
damage, indicating that the sports massage had an additive
positive effect on soreness beyond that of lower limb
compression alone.
Muscle soreness following damaging exercise has often
been referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness, because
significant increases in perceived soreness tend to be observed
several hours after exercise. In this case, though peak soreness
followed a typical temporal pattern, occurring between 24 and
48 hours after damage, significant increases in muscle soreness
were observed 1 hour after damaging exercise and is consistent
with previous research in this area (3,35). Practically, athletes
and coaches should be aware that soreness associated with
muscle damage can be present immediately after exercise and
is not solely a delayed effect. Studies where increases in
perceived muscle soreness have not been observed immedi-
ately (#1 hour) after damaging exercise have typically used
less aggressive damaging exercise protocols (14) or have not
assessed measures of soreness #1 hour after damage (27). In
this study, and those by Twist and Eston (35) and Davies et al.
TABLE 1. Creatine kinase activity (mean 6SD) after exercise-induced muscle damage.
Pie Creatine kinase activity (UL
1 24 487296
Passive recovery 106.7 650.9 144.7 650.7* 276.5 6126.2* 155.3 660.9* 105.7 642.5 100.3 643.3
Lower limb
170.1 691.7 248.8 6110.6* 245.0 6100.9* 182.5 6104.8 202.2 6222.5 227.7 6255.2
Massage and
150.6 646.2 175.1 634.2* 206.4 660.1* 122.5 634.2 162.8 695.6 124.5 646.1
*Significant difference from baseline (p,0.05).
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Recovery from Muscle Damage
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(3), the magnitude of strain is likely to be greater than the
strain elicited by other eccentrically biased exercise protocols,
consequently increasing the magnitude of muscle damage,
as evidenced by large functional strength decrements, and
causing mechanical disruption that is likely to increase in
soreness soon after exercise.
Consistent with previous research, muscle strength was
significantly affected by the plyometric exercise protocol (2,23).
Countermovement jump height was affected to a lesser extent
than squat jump height following the damaging protocol (11.4
vs. 15.6% 1 hour after damage) as a result of the contribution of
the stretch-shortening cycle in the countermovement jump
action. Though there were some variations in response, there
were typically no significant differences in jump performance
between treatments.
Muscle function was also assessed using isokinetic dyna-
mometry at a slow speed of isokinetic muscle contraction
). Previous research has indicated that strength
decrements following damaging exercise are greater at slow
contractile speeds (30). The slow contraction speed was used
to provide the greatest opportunity to observe any treatment
effect and to reduce the incidence of artifact associated with
this type of assessment. Isokinetic muscle strength decreased
18.2% after damaging exercise in the passive recovery group,
and 15.7 and 17.6% in the combined and compression
treatment groups, respectively. Strength decrements in the
passive recovery group continued to fall to 69.9% of baseline
values 48 hours after damaging exercise, before beginning to
recover 72 and 96 hours after damage. The temporal pattern
and magnitude of strength decrement observed in this study is
consistent with those of previous research investigating the
effects of EIMD (2).
It has been suggested that sports massage treatments
applied soon after muscle injury can have a positive effect
on the inflammatory process, reducing emigration of
neutrophils to the cell wall, subsequently decreasing localized
edema (1,32). Further muscle damage caused by neutrophil
and macrophage free radical production may also be
moderated by the massage process (1). Friden et al. (8) have
indicated that swelling following muscle damage may lead to
increased intracellular pressure, which in turn can result in
increased perceptions of soreness. A reduction in soreness
observed by Zainuddin et al. (39) was linked to a reduction in
swelling following damaging exercise consistent with the
suggestion of Friden et al. (8) that swelling can lead to
soreness. This is supported by Farr et al. (5) who observed
decreased soreness after a massage treatment administered
2 hours after a downhill walking exercise.
The ability for compressive clothing to significantly affect
edema after damaging exercise has also previously been
demonstrated (7). Limb constriction following damaging
exercise has been shown to decrease localized edema,
promote limb blood flow, expedite the removal of cellular
debris, and reduce perceived soreness (17). The combination
of these treatments may explain the significant differences
in perceived soreness between the passive recovery and
experimental groups in this study. Soreness has been
associated with neuromuscular inhibition following damag-
ing exercise. Westing et al. (38) indicated that soreness could
result in reduced neural drive to protect the musculoskeletal
system from further injury under high tension loading
conditions. Reductions in soreness, such as in this study, may
subsequently explain the differences in functional muscle
capability between the passive recovery and treatment
groups. However, the influence of soreness on subsequent
muscular contraction capability following muscle damage
however is unclear. Although soreness may be associated
with reduced neural drive following damaging exercise (38),
studies which have superimposed electrical stimulation on
maximum voluntary muscle contractions have indicated that
subjects are able to fully activate muscles despite the presence
of soreness (30). Soreness may or may not be a limiting factor
in the ability to produce a maximal voluntary muscle action,
but recovery methods moderating perceived soreness are
pertinent in holistic treatment strategies.
Mechanical disruption to muscle fibers after EIMD is well
documented (14,28), though the effects of massage and
compression treatments are rarely considered in these terms.
Limb constriction associated with compressive garments of
this nature have been described as creating a dynamic cast
(17), promoting normal alignment of muscle fibers after
EIMD, and the benefits in terms of perceived soreness
previously discussed. The mechanical action of massage
may also promote a return to more normal muscle fiber
alignment, while decreasing passive tension within the
muscle fibers and positively affecting perceptions of soreness
and mood state (11,12,20). It is possible that the promotion of
muscle fiber alignment, afforded by both compression and
massage treatments, may facilitate recovery of muscle
function and explain alterations in muscle function observed.
The failure of massage to subsequently affect recovery of
muscle function may indicate that there is a limit to the
potential for immediate recovery after EIMD, though this
suggestion must be examined. Compressive clothing has
previously been investigated in regard to its ability to
promote tissue repair. Trenell et al. (34) investigated the
effects of compressive clothing on the inflammatory response
and observed an increase in phosphodiester on a
spectra, suggesting that this represented an altered in-
flammatory response and accelerated muscle repair.
The timing and duration of intervention seem to play an
important part in determining the effectiveness of a treatment
when using massage and compression treatments. Butterfield
et al. (1) and Smith et al. (32) observed positive effects of
massage-type actions on recovery from EIMD where
treatment was administered within 2 hours of damaging
exercise. Butterfield et al. (1) observed that the beneficial
effects associated with their cyclic compression intervention
were lost when the treatment was applied 48 hours after
damage. The duration of intervention is similarly important.
VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2010 | 3163
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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Moraska (24) suggested that to be effective, a massage
treatment should last at least 10 minutes per body part. This
may go some way to explaining the lack of effect observed in
other studies that used a shorter massage duration (10,11).
Lambert et al. (19) have previously indicated that compres-
sion garments of this type should be worn for a minimum of
3 hours after strenuous exercise, and this appears to be
consistent with current practice in some elite athletic fields.
After damaging exercise, increased creatine kinase activity
is often observed and is considered to indicate an increase in
cellular permeability caused by muscle damage. Although
creatine kinase activity increased significantly after damaging
exercise, there were no differences between groups across
time. This would indicate that the treatments had no
protective effect on creatine kinase activity. Although a good
indicator of the occurrence of muscle damage, creatine kinase
activity responses after EIMD typically track poorly with
other markers of muscle damage (37).
This study examined a treatment strategy using sports
massage and lower limb compression to moderate the
symptoms of, and promote recovery from EIMD in young,
nonspecifically trainedwomen. Data from a previous study (15)
were included to determine whether the combined treatment
offered any additional benefits in terms of moderating
symptoms of EIMD. The compression and combined
treatment strategies were successful in moderating functional
strength losses and increases in perceived soreness following
strenuous plyometric exercise in comparison with a passive
recovery group. Although perceptions of soreness were
moderated by the combined treatment, the practicality of
using sports massage as a treatment strategy is questionable
given the lack of effect of the combined treatment on
functional performance. Though this study observed that the
combination of lower limb compression and sports massage
was effective in ameliorating some of the deleterious
symptoms of EIMD, the additional benefits of sports massage
are unlikely to be great enough to warrant widespread use,
especially if lower limb compression is available.
The application of lower limb compression immediately after
exercise, which may be damaging in nature, reduces
perceptions of soreness and decrements in performance
in comparison with a passive recovery. Combining this
treatment with a manual massage immediately after exercise
can further benefit recovery in terms of perceived soreness but
offers no additional benefit on muscle function. However,
because no additional performance benefits were offered, the
cost and time constrictions associated with manual massage
are likely to limit its feasibility for use with groups of athletes,
especially if lower limb compression is an available treatment.
The authors declare no conflict of interest and no grant
support was provided for this study.
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VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2010 | 3165
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... In most studies, massages did not affect muscle force [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31], but a few studies showed that massages led to a significant improvement in muscle force [32][33][34][35][36][37][38]. They also revealed that performing a massage before doing muscle strength or speed tests in most conditions did not alter the results in the post-tests [18,24,25,27,30,36,[41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][61][62][63][64]. However, the results of several studies showed improvements in muscle force and strength, especially 48 h after the fatigue protocols [21,35,36,47,53,59]. ...
... When muscle strength was observed, two types of methods were used: strength assessed with a dynamometer [40][41][42][43][44][45][46]52,56,57] and assessed via jumping [18,21,24,25,27,30,33,35,36,40,[43][44][45][47][48][49][50][51][53][54][55]58,60]. Most studies indicated that a massage does not affect muscle strength [18,24,25,27,30,36,[41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51]. ...
... When muscle strength was observed, two types of methods were used: strength assessed with a dynamometer [40][41][42][43][44][45][46]52,56,57] and assessed via jumping [18,21,24,25,27,30,33,35,36,40,[43][44][45][47][48][49][50][51][53][54][55]58,60]. Most studies indicated that a massage does not affect muscle strength [18,24,25,27,30,36,[41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51]. ...
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Background: A massage is a tool that is frequently used in sports and exercise in general for recovery and increased performance. In this review paper, we aimed to search and systemize current literature findings relating to massages' effects on sports and exercise performance concerning its effects on motor abilities and neurophysiological and psychological mechanisms. Methods: The review has been written following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis) guidelines. One hundred and fourteen articles were included in this review. Results: The data revealed that massages, in general, do not affect motor abilities, except flexibility. However, several studies demonstrated that positive muscle force and strength changed 48 h after the massage was given. Concerning neurophysiological parameters, the massage did not change blood lactate clearance, muscle blood flow, muscle temperature, or activation. However, many studies indicate pain reduction and delayed onset muscle soreness, which are probably correlated with the reduction of the level of creatine kinase enzyme and psychological mechanisms. In addition, the massage treatment led to a decrease in depression, stress, anxiety, and the perception of fatigue and an increase in mood, relaxation, and the perception of recovery. Conclusion: The direct usage of massages just for gaining results in sport and exercise performance seems questionable. However, it is indirectly connected to performance as an important tool when an athlete should stay focused and relaxed during competition or training and recover after them.
... It was considered mechanical methods the foam roller, compression, massage, stretching, and active exercise. All five studies that investigated this method found significant effects (Akinci et al., 2020;Macdonald et al., 2014;Naderi et (Jakeman et al., 2010a(Jakeman et al., , 2010bKraemer et al., 2001;Prill et al., 2019) while five studies did not reveal differences (Carling et al., 1995;Ferguson et al., 2014;Hill et al., 2017;Hoffman et al., 2016;Northey et al., 2016). Regarding massage, 14 studies reported significant outcomes (Andersen et al., 2013;Frey et al., 2008;Hilbert et al., 2003;Hoffman et al., 2016;Imtiyaz et al., 2014;Jakeman et al., 2010aJakeman et al., , 2010bJay et al., 2014;Kargarfard et al., 2016;Smith et al., 1994;Tiidus & Shoemaker, 1995 (Changa et al., 2020;Fuller et al., 2015;Hart et al., 2005;Howatson & Van Someren, 2003;Kong et al., 2018;Lightfoot et al., 1997;Visconti et al., 2020;Weber et al., 1994). ...
... All five studies that investigated this method found significant effects (Akinci et al., 2020;Macdonald et al., 2014;Naderi et (Jakeman et al., 2010a(Jakeman et al., , 2010bKraemer et al., 2001;Prill et al., 2019) while five studies did not reveal differences (Carling et al., 1995;Ferguson et al., 2014;Hill et al., 2017;Hoffman et al., 2016;Northey et al., 2016). Regarding massage, 14 studies reported significant outcomes (Andersen et al., 2013;Frey et al., 2008;Hilbert et al., 2003;Hoffman et al., 2016;Imtiyaz et al., 2014;Jakeman et al., 2010aJakeman et al., , 2010bJay et al., 2014;Kargarfard et al., 2016;Smith et al., 1994;Tiidus & Shoemaker, 1995 (Changa et al., 2020;Fuller et al., 2015;Hart et al., 2005;Howatson & Van Someren, 2003;Kong et al., 2018;Lightfoot et al., 1997;Visconti et al., 2020;Weber et al., 1994). For stretching, two studies (Ozmen (Boobphachart et al., 2017;Lightfoot et al., 1997;Rhea et al., 2009;Torres et al., 2013;Wessel & Wan, 1994;Xie et al., 2018). ...
... The methodological evaluation of the quality of the studies has yielded an average of 4.7 points on the PEDro scale. Sixteen studies were considered "high quality" (Aaron et al., 2017;Aytar et al., 2008;Chang et al., 2019;Craig et al., 1999b;de Paiva et al., 2016;Ferreira-Junior et al., 2015;Fleckenstein et al., 2016Fleckenstein et al., , 2017 R.L. Nahon, J.S. Silva A. Monteiro de Magalhães Neto Physical Therapy in Sport 52 (2021) 1e12 et al., 2002;Mikesky & Hayden, 2005;Selkow et al., 2015;Sellwood et al., 2007;Vinck et al., 2006); 42 studies were considered "moderate quality" (Adamczyk et al., 2016;Andersen et al., 2013;Butterfield et al., 1997;Changa et al., 2020;Craig et al., 1996b;Curtis et al., 2010;Doungkulsa et al., 2018;Elias et al., 2012;Glasgow et al., 2014;Guilhem et al., 2013;Hart et al., 2005;Hasson et al., 1990;Hazar Kanik et al., 2019;Hoffman et al., 2016;Howatson et al., 2008;Jayaraman et al., 2004;Jeon et al., 2015;Johar et al., 2012;Kirmizigil et al., 2019;Kong et al., 2018;Law & Herbert, 2007;Leeder et al., 2015;Macdonald et al., 2014;Machado et al., 2017;Malmir et al., 2017;McLoughlin et al., 2004;Micheletti et al., 2019;Naderi et al., 2020;Paddon-Jones & Quigley, 1997;Rey et al., 2012;Rocha et al., 2012;Romero-Moraleda et al., 2019;Siqueira et al., 2018;Smith et al., 1994;Tourville et al., 2006;Wang et al., 2006;Weber et al., 1994;Wiewelhove et al., 2018;Xie et al., 2018;Zebrowska et al., 2019;Zhang et al., 2000) and 63 studies were considered "low quality" (Akinci et al., 2020;Behringer et al., 2018;Boobphachart et al., 2017;Carling et al., 1995;Ferguson et al., 2014;Haksever et al., 2016;Hill et al., 2017;Imtiyaz et al., 2014;Jakeman et al., 2010aJakeman et al., , 2010bKraemer et al., 2001;Lau & Nosaka, 2011;Northey et al., 2016;Ozmen et al., 2017;Pearcey et al., 2015;Prill et al., 2019;Rhea et al., 2009;Timon et al., 2016;Vaile et al., 2007Vaile et al., , 2008Visconti et al., 2020;Wheeler & Jacobson, 2013) , (Ascensão et al., 2011;Hassan, 2011;Hilbert et al., 2003;Howatson & Van Someren, 2003;Jajtner et al., 2015;Kargarfard et al., 2016;Lightfoot et al., 1997;Marquet et al., 2015;Micklewright, 2009;Tiidus & Shoemaker, 1995;Torres et al., 2013;Weber et al., 1994;Wessel & Wan, 1994;Xiong et al., 2009;Zainuddin et al., 2005) , (Abaïdia et al., 2017;Barlas et al., 2000;Cardoso et al., 2020;Craig et al., 1996aCraig et al., , 1999aHowatson et al., 2005;Itoh et al., 2008;Mankovsky-Arnold et al., 2013;Minder et al., 2002;Parker & Madden, 2014;Petrofsky et al., 2012;Plaskett et al., 1999;Shankar et al., 2006;Taylor et al., 2015;Tseng et al., 2013;Tufano et al., 2012;Vanderthommen et al., 2007;Zainuddin et al., 2006) (See details in Appendix 3). The overall analysis results showed that there was "low quality evidence" (according to GRADE classification). ...
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Objective To evaluate the impact of interventions on pain associated with DOMS. Data sources PubMed, EMBASE, PEDro, Cochrane, and Scielo databases were searched, from the oldest records until May/2020. Search terms used included combinations of keywords related to “DOMS” and “intervention therapy”. Eligibility criteria Healthy participants (no restrictions were applied, e.g., age, sex, and exercise level). To be included, studies should be: 1) Randomized clinical trial; 2) Having induced muscle damage and subsequently measuring the level of pain; 3) To have applied therapeutic interventions (nonpharmacological or nutritional) and compare with a control group that received no intervention; and 4) The first application of the intervention had to occur immediately after muscle damage had been induced. Results One hundred and twenty-one studies were included. The results revealed that the contrast techniques (p = 0,002 I² = 60 %), cryotherapy (p = 0,002 I² = 100 %), phototherapy (p = 0,0001 I² = 95 %), vibration (p = 0,004 I² = 96 %), ultrasound (p = 0,02 I² = 97 %), massage (p < 0,00001 I² = 94 %), active exercise (p = 0,0004 I² = 93 %) and compression (p = 0,002 I² = 93 %) have a better positive effect than the control in the management of DOMS. Conclusion Low quality evidence suggests that contrast, cryotherapy, phototherapy, vibration, ultrasound, massage, and active exercise have beneficial effects in the management of DOMS-related pain.
... The application of a mechanical pressure to the body compresses the tissues underneath, reducing the space available for swelling [19] and consequently lessening the inflammatory response [20]. The use of compression garments in the recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage has been the subject of some controversy, with some authors supporting their use [21] and other authors reporting no additional benefit related with the use of compression garments [22]; however, no adverse effects are expected with the use of compression garments concerning recovery from damaging exercise [22][23][24]. ...
... The use of external compression is known to affect a few cellular and hemodynamic processes [18], which is due to the mechanical pressure application compressing the tissues underneath [19] reducing the space available for swelling [20]. The use of compression garments in recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage is controversial, with some studies supporting their use [21], other authors reporting no additional benefit [22], and a third party stating that no adverse effects are expected when they are used to recover from damaging exercise [23,24]. Judging by the current study results, compression was not effective for accelerating acute recovery after the fatigue protocol. ...
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Citation: Silva, G.; Goethel, M.; Machado, L.; Sousa, F.; Costa, M.J.; Magalhães, P.; Silva, C.; Midão, M.; Leite, A.; Couto, S.; et al. Acute Recovery after a Fatigue Protocol Using a Recovery Sports Legging: An Experimental Study. Sensors 2023, 23, 7634. s23177634 Academic Editors: Abstract: Enhancing recovery is a fundamental component of high-performance sports training since it enables practitioners to potentiate physical performance and minimise the risk of injuries. Using a new sports legging embedded with an intelligent system for electrostimulation, localised heating and compression (completely embodied into the textile structures), we aimed to analyse acute recovery following a fatigue protocol. Surface electromyography-and torque-related variables were recorded on eight recreational athletes. A fatigue protocol conducted in an isokinetic dynamometer allowed us to examine isometric torque and consequent post-exercise acute recovery after using the sports legging. Regarding peak torque, no differences were found between post-fatigue and post-recovery assessments in any variable; however, pre-fatigue registered a 16% greater peak torque when compared with post-fatigue for localised heating and compression recovery methods. Our data are supported by recent meta-analyses indicating that individual recovery methods, such as localised heating, electrostimulation and compression, are not effective to recover from a fatiguing exercise. In fact, none of the recovery methods available through the sports legging tested was effective in acutely recovering the torque values produced isometrically.
... Joint amplitude is assessed by means of goniometers and functional tests (Leivadi et al., 1999;Hilbert et al., 2003;Zainuddin et al., 2005;McKechnie et al., 2007;Arabaci, 2008;Arazi et al., 2012;Iwamoto et al., 2016; Table 1). Behavioral measures also enabled researchers to assess the impact of MM on strength production of athletes (Rinder and Sutherland, 1995;Tiidus and Shoemaker, 1995;Farr et al., 2002;Hilbert et al., 2003;Dawson et al., 2004;Zainuddin et al., 2005;Jakeman et al., 2010). The influence of MM was also examined in vertical and horizontal power production (Farr et al., 2002;McKechnie et al., 2007;Willems et al., 2009;Jakeman et al., 2010;Delextrat et al., 2013;Abrantes et al., 2019). ...
... Behavioral measures also enabled researchers to assess the impact of MM on strength production of athletes (Rinder and Sutherland, 1995;Tiidus and Shoemaker, 1995;Farr et al., 2002;Hilbert et al., 2003;Dawson et al., 2004;Zainuddin et al., 2005;Jakeman et al., 2010). The influence of MM was also examined in vertical and horizontal power production (Farr et al., 2002;McKechnie et al., 2007;Willems et al., 2009;Jakeman et al., 2010;Delextrat et al., 2013;Abrantes et al., 2019). Speed and agility qualities were checked, taking into account acceleration, deceleration (Mancinelli et al., 2006;Arabaci, 2008;Arazi et al., 2012;Delextrat et al., 2013; Table 1). ...
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Manual massage and foam rolling are commonly used by athletes for warm-up and recovery, as well as by healthy individuals for well-being. Manual massage is an ancient practice requiring the intervention of an experienced physiotherapist, while foam rolling is a more recent self-administered technique. These two topics have been largely studied in isolation from each other. In the present review, we first provide a deep quantitative literature analysis to gather the beneficial effects of each technique through an integrative account, as well as their psychometric and neurophysiological evaluations. We then conceptually consider the motor control strategies induced by each type of massage. During manual massage, the person remains passive, lying on the massage table, and receives unanticipated manual pressure by the physiotherapist, hence resulting in a retroactive mode of action control with an ongoing central integration of proprioceptive feedback. In contrast, while performing foam rolling, the person directly exerts pressures through voluntary actions to manipulate the massaging tool, therefore through a predominant proactive mode of action control, where operations of forward and inverse modeling do not require sensory feedback. While these opposite modes of action do not seem to offer any compromise, we then discuss whether technological advances and collaborative robots might reconcile proactive and retroactive modes of action control during a massage, and offer new massage perspectives through a stochastic sensorimotor user experience. This transition faculty, from one mode of control to the other, might definitely represent an innovative conceptual approach in terms of human-machine interactions.
... As such, massage might facilitate recovery after damaging exercise and help to improve muscle strength, proprioceptive, and physical performance. 26,28 For example, applying 30-minute manual massage immediately after EIMD reduced perceived soreness and declines in muscle strength and jump performance. 28 In addition, Shin and Sung 12 suggested a 15-minute massage on the gastrocnemius after EIMD can improve muscle strength and proprioception in young participants. ...
... 26,28 For example, applying 30-minute manual massage immediately after EIMD reduced perceived soreness and declines in muscle strength and jump performance. 28 In addition, Shin and Sung 12 suggested a 15-minute massage on the gastrocnemius after EIMD can improve muscle strength and proprioception in young participants. However, there is currently no research that has examined the efficacy of these simple recovery strategies on reducing impairments from strenuous exercise in older adults, and more specifically, on muscular strength, joint position sense, balance, and risk of falling. ...
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To examine efficacy of cold water immersion (CWI) and massage as recovery techniques on joint position sense, balance, and fear of falling following exercise‐induced muscle damage in older adults. Seventy‐eight older men and women performed a single bout of strength training on the calf muscles (3 exercises with 4 sets of 10 reps with 75% of 1RM) to induce muscle damage. After the damaging exercise, participants received either a 15‐minute massage on calf muscles, or a CWI of the lower limb in cold water (15 ± 1°C) for 15 minute, or passive rest. Interventions were applied immediately after the exercise protocol and at 24, 48, and 72 hours post‐exercise. Muscle pain, calf muscle strength, joint position sense, dynamic balance, postural sway, and fear of falling were measured at each time point. Repeated application of massage after EIMD relieved muscle pain, attenuated the loss of muscle strength and joint position senses, reduce balance impairments, and fear of falling in older adults (P ≤ .05). However, repeated applications of CWI, despite relieving muscle pain (P ≤ .05), did not attenuate the loss of muscle strength, joint position senses, balance impairments, and fear of falling. CWI had only some modest effects on muscle pain, but massage attenuated EIMD symptoms and the related impairments in muscle strength, joint position sense, balance, and postural sway in untrained older individuals. Therefore, older exercisers who plan to participate in strength training can benefit from massage for recovery from muscle damage indices and balance to decrease falling risk during the days following strength training.
... These studies collectively highlight the potential positive impact of massage on various aspects of physical performance. Shin and Sung (2015) demonstrated that gastrocnemius massage can enhance muscular strength and proprioception, consistent with Jakeman et al. (2010), who found that massage prevents the loss of muscle strength. However, Zainuddin et al. (2005) contradicted these findings, suggesting that massage has no substantial protective effect on muscle strength loss, attributed to inadequate blood flow for tissue healing. ...
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This study aims to identify the effects of therapeutic massage on muscle recovery, physiological, psychological and performance in sport. Articles were identified from several databases by searching MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, PEDro, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, and PubMed starting from 2010 to 2023, related through databases according to predefined inclusion criteria that were identified previously. In the review, 31 studies were considered to be eligible for inclusion by recruiting male (n=558) participants, aged between 12 and 60 years, and females (n=226) participants, aged between 12 and 60 years. Compared with the active control, twelve studies found massage to have a significant and measurable benefit, whereas five studies found no obvious advantage. Comparing massage with an inactive control, four studies reported massage to have a significant and considerable effect, whereas three studies did not. For massage compared with other therapies, three studies reported massage to have a measurable and considerable effect, whereas two studies did not. Massage as a stand-alone treatment provided a considerable and substantial benefit in two studies, whereas one study found no significant impact on muscle healing, performance, physiological, and psychological. In conclusion, the current study revealed that massage had a large and substantial advantage when compared with an inactive and active control, but not when compared with other interventions, as examined in this review. There was a shred of conflicting evidence to prove the superior outcomes of massage when administered as a stand-alone treatment and relative to other forms of therapies. However, the efficiency of massage is rarely assessed.
... The majority of studies reported no change in measures of creatine kinase (CK, mostly measured from plasma) [21,67,73,[82][83][84], with the exception of a moderate reduction in CK with the use of compression socks during a competitive half-Ironman triathlon [47]. Although, it should be noted that CK as a measure of exercise-induced muscle damage is questionable, given that it is influenced by training status, appears unspecific to the zone damaged, and is considered more accurate at establishing the occurrence of muscle damage rather than the magnitude of such damage [85,86]. An alternative-though more invasive and expensive-method to measure muscle damage is to investigate myofibrillar structure disruptions or inflammation via muscle biopsies, as was performed by Valle et al. [87]. ...
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Background: Compression garments (CGs) are a popular tool that may act on physiological, physical, neuromuscular, biomechanical, and/or perceptual domains during exercise and recovery from exercise, with varying levels of efficacy. While previous reviews have focused on the effects of CGs during running, high-intensity exercise, and exercise recovery, a comprehensive systematic review that assesses the effectiveness of garment use both during and after exercise has not been recently conducted. Methods: A systematic search of the literature from the earliest record until May 2022 was performed based on the PRISMA-P guidelines for systematic reviews, using the online databases PubMed, SPORTDiscus, and Google Scholar. Results: 160 articles with 2530 total participants were included for analysis in the systematic review, comprised of 103 ‘during exercise’ studies, 42 ‘during recovery’ studies, and 15 combined design studies. Conclusions: During exercise, CGs have a limited effect on global measures of endurance performance but may improve some sport-specific variables (e.g., countermovement jump height). Most muscle proteins/metabolites are unchanged with the use of CGs during exercise, though measures of blood lactate tend to be lowered. CGs for recovery appear to have a positive benefit on subsequent bouts of endurance (e.g., cycling time trials) and resistance exercise (e.g., isokinetic dynamometry). CGs are associated with reductions in lactate dehydrogenase during recovery and are consistently associated with decreases in perceived muscle soreness following fatiguing exercise. This review may provide a useful point of reference for practitioners and researchers interested in the effect of CGs on particular outcome variables or exercise types.
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Penelitian analisis bibliometrik ini bertujuan untuk memetakan, menganalisis perkembangan, menganalisis dan menemukan ide future research pada kajian Sport Massage. Studi ini menganalisis secara bibliometrik penelitian tentang Sport massage dari tahun 2009-2023, mengungkap pola penulis terkemuka, dan negara. dengan data yang di ambil dari laman Sampel dikumpulkan dengan format Comma Separated Value (CSV), dan penelitian metode analisis bibliometrik ini menggunakan aplikasi VOSViewer. Temuan ini memberikan wawasan bagi para peneliti dan pembaca untuk mengidentifikasi bidang penelitian saat ini dan yang potensial. Amerika Serikat menjadi negara paling produktif dengan menyumbang 29 publikasi terkait Sport Massage, sedangkan Behem, david g. menjadi penulis paling berdampak dengan 244 kutipan.
This paper aims to succinctly summarize the existing body of literature concerning the effects of massage on sports and exercise performance, particularly focusing on motor skills, neurophysiological factors, and psychological factors. The review adheres to the PRISMA guidelines (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis) and encompasses a total of 76 articles. The findings suggest that, on the whole, massages do not exert a significant influence on motor skills, except for flexibility. Nevertheless, some studies propose that favorable changes in muscle force and muscular strength may be noticeable 48 hours after undergoing a massage. Regarding neurophysiological aspects, massages do not seem to impact factors such as clearance of blood lactate, circulation in the muscle, blood circulation, temperature in the muscle tissue, or activation of muscles. However, there is substantiated evidence supporting the idea that massages can alleviate pain and mitigate delayed-onset muscle soreness, potentially by reducing creatine kinase enzyme levels and through psychological processes. Additionally, the review underscores the psychological advantages of massage. It is documented that massage treatments lead to a reduction in feelings of depression, stress, anxiety, and perceived fatigue while simultaneously fostering enhancements in mood, relaxation, and opinion about recovery states. Massages may not have a direct impact on certain performance aspects, but they offer notable psychological benefits for sports, and exercise performance is questionable. They also play an indirect role as an important tool for promoting focus, relaxation, and recovery in athletes. Massages can aid athletes in staying mentally and physically prepared during competitions or training sessions.
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Background Compression garments are regularly worn during exercise to improve physical performance, mitigate fatigue responses, and enhance recovery. However, evidence for their efficacy is varied and the methodological approaches and outcome measures used within the scientific literature are diverse. Objectives The aim of this scoping review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the effects of compression garments on commonly assessed outcome measures in response to exercise, including: performance, biomechanical, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, cardiorespiratory, muscle damage, thermoregulatory, and perceptual responses. Methods A systematic search of electronic databases (PubMed, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science and CINAHL Complete) was performed from the earliest record to 27 December, 2020. Results In total, 183 studies were identified for qualitative analysis with the following breakdown: performance and muscle function outcomes: 115 studies (63%), biomechanical and neuromuscular: 59 (32%), blood and saliva markers: 85 (46%), cardiovascular: 76 (42%), cardiorespiratory: 39 (21%), thermoregulatory: 19 (10%) and perceptual: 98 (54%). Approximately 85% ( n = 156) of studies were published between 2010 and 2020. Conclusions Evidence is equivocal as to whether garments improve physical performance, with little evidence supporting improvements in kinetic or kinematic outcomes. Compression likely reduces muscle oscillatory properties and has a positive effect on sensorimotor systems. Findings suggest potential increases in arterial blood flow; however, it is unlikely that compression garments meaningfully change metabolic responses, blood pressure, heart rate, and cardiorespiratory measures. Compression garments increase localised skin temperature and may reduce perceptions of muscle soreness and pain following exercise; however, rating of perceived exertion during exercise is likely unchanged. It is unlikely that compression garments negatively influence exercise-related outcomes. Future research should assess wearer belief in compression garments, report pressure ranges at multiple sites as well as garment material, and finally examine individual responses and varying compression coverage areas.
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The low oxidative demand and muscular adaptations accompanying eccentric exercise hold benefits for both healthy and clinical populations. Compression garments have been suggested to reduce muscle damage and maintain muscle function. This study investigated whether compression garments could benefit metabolic recovery from eccentric exercise. Following 30-min of downhill walking participants wore compression garments on one leg (COMP), the other leg was used as an internal, untreated control (CONT). The muscle metabolites phosphomonoester (PME), phosphodiester (PDE), phosphocreatine (PCr), inorganic phosphate (Pi) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) were evaluated at baseline, 1-h and 48-h after eccentric exercise using 31P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Subjective reports of muscle soreness were recorded at all time points. The pressure of the garment against the thigh was assessed at 1-h and 48-h following exercise. There was a significant increase in perceived muscle soreness from baseline in both the control (CONT) and compression (COMP) leg at 1-h and 48-h following eccentric exercise (p < 0.05). Relative to baseline, both CONT and COMP showed reduced pH at 1-h (p < 0.05). There was no difference between CONT and COMP pH at 1-h. COMP legs exhibited significantly (p < 0.05) elevated skeletal muscle PDE 1-h following exercise. There was no significant change in PCr/Pi, Mg2+ or PME at any time point or between CONT and COMP legs. Eccentric exercise causes disruption of pH control in skeletal muscle but does not cause disruption to cellular control of free energy. Compression garments may alter potential indices of the repair processes accompanying structural damage to the skeletal muscle following eccentric exercise allowing a faster cellular repair.
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Purpose: The present investigation examined the physiological and performance effects of lower-body compression garments (LBCG) during a one-hour cycling time-trial in well-trained cyclists. Methods: Twelve well-trained male cyclists ([mean+/-SD] age: 20.5+/-3.6 years; height: 177.5+/-4.9 cm; body mass: 70.5+/-7.5 kg; VO2max: 55.2+/-6.8 volunteered for the study. Each subject completed two randomly ordered stepwise incremental tests and two randomly ordered one-hour time trials (1HTT) wearing either full-length SportSkins Classic LBCG or underwear briefs (control). Blood lactate concentration ([BLa-]), heart rate (HR), oxygen consumption (VO2) and muscle oxygenation (mOxy) were recorded throughout each test. Indicators of cycling endurance performance were anaerobic threshold (AnT) and VO2max values from the incremental test, and mean power (W), peak power (W), and total work (kJ) from the 1HTT. Magnitude-based inferences were used to determine if LBCG demonstrated any performance and/or physiological benefits. Results: A likely practically significant increase (86%:12%:2%; eta2=0.6) in power output at AnT was observed in the LBCG condition (CONT: 245.9+/-55.7 W; LBCG: 259.8+/-44.6 W). Further, a possible practically significant improvement (78%:19%:3%; eta2=0.6) was reported in muscle oxygenation economy (W.%mOxy(-1)) across the 1HTT (mOxy: CONT: 52.2+/-12.2%; LBCG: 57.3+/-8.2%). Conclusions: The present results demonstrated limited physiological benefits and no performance enhancement through wearing LBCG during a cycling time trial.
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This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of lower limb compression as a recovery strategy following exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD). Seventeen female volunteers completed 10 x 10 plyometric drop jumps from a 0.6-m box to induce muscle damage. Participants were randomly allocated to a passive recovery (n = 9) or a compression treatment (n = 8) group. Treatment group volunteers wore full leg compression stockings for 12 h immediately following damaging exercise. Passive recovery group participants had no intervention. Indirect indices of muscle damage (muscle soreness, creatine kinase activity, knee extensor concentric strength, and vertical jump performance) were assessed prior to and 1, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h following plyometric exercise. Plyometric exercise had a significant effect (p < or = 0.05) on all indices of muscle damage. The compression treatment reduced decrements in countermovement jump performance (passive recovery 88.1 +/- 2.8% vs. treatment 95.2 +/- 2.9% of pre-exercise), squat jump performance (82.3 +/- 1.9% vs. 94.5 +/- 2%), and knee extensor strength loss (81.6 +/- 3% vs. 93 +/- 3.2%), and reduced muscle soreness (4.0 +/- 0.23 vs. 2.4 +/- 0.24), but had no significant effect on creatine kinase activity. The results indicate that compression clothing is an effective recovery strategy following exercise-induced muscle damage.
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MIYAMA, M. and NOSAKA, K., Muscle Damage and Soreness Following Repeated Bouts of Consecutive Drop Jumps. Abv. Exerc. Sports Physiol., Vol.10, No.3 pp.63-69, 2004. This study investigated the magnitude of muscle damage and soreness induced by consecutive drop jumps (DJ), and whether changes in indicators of muscle damage attenuate when the same DJ exercise is repeated 8 weeks after the first exercise bout. Eight subjects performed two bouts of DJ exercise scpatated by 8 weeks. Subjects preformed five sets of 20 DJ from a height of 0.6 m box with a 10-s intcrval between jumps, and 2-min rest period between sets. Jump height during DJ, peak vertical ground reaction force (peal VGRF), and ground contact time were determined from the force platform data for each DJ. Heart rate was also measured during exercise. Maximal isometric force (MIF), muscle soreness (SOR), pasma creatine kinase (CK) activity, and vertical jump performance were measured before and immediately after, and 1, 24, and 48 hours after the DJ exercise, and blood lactate concentration was measured before and immediately after the exercise. All indicators of muscle damage changed significantly (P<0.05) after both bouts, whereas no significant differences between bouts were evident for jumping height during DJ, peak VGRF,, ground contact time, heart rate, and bolld lactate concentration. Compared to the first bout, all indicators of muscle damage resulted in significantly (P<0.05) smaller changers after the second exercise bout. The maximal decline in MIF from pre-exercise value for bout 1 and 2 were 39.6% and 29.2%, respectively. SOR peaked 24-48 h after exercise for bothe bouts, but SOR after bout 2 was significantly (P<0.05) lower than that after bout 1. Peak CK activity was 910 IU・L-1 after the first bout, but 391 IU・L-1 agter the second bout, which was significantly (P<0.05) lower than after the first bout. It was concluded that a consecutive DJ exercise induced severe muscle damage, and adaptation resulting in attenuated responses of MIF, SOR, plasma CK activity, and vertical jump performance lasted for 8 weeks.
Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the physiological and psychological effects of massage on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Methods Eighteen volunteers were randomly assigned to either a massage or control group. DOMS was induced with six sets of eight maximal eccentric contractions of the right hamstring, which were followed 2 h later by 20 min of massage or sham massage (control). Peak torque and mood were assessed at 2, 6, 24, and 48 h postexercise. Range of motion (ROM) and intensity and unpleasantness of soreness were assessed at 6, 24, and 48 h postexercise. Neutrophil count was assessed at 6 and 24 h postexercise. Results A two factor ANOVA (treatment v time) with repeated measures on the second factor showed no significant treatment differences for peak torque, ROM, neutrophils, unpleasantness of soreness, and mood (p > 0.05). The intensity of soreness, however, was significantly lower in the massage group relative to the control group at 48 h postexercise (p < 0.05). Conclusions Massage administered 2 h after exercise induced muscle injury did not improve hamstring function but did reduce the intensity of soreness 48 h after muscle insult.
G*Power (Erdfelder, Faul, & Buchner, 1996) was designed as a general stand-alone power analysis program for statistical tests commonly used in social and behavioral research. G*Power 3 is a major extension of, and improvement over, the previous versions. It runs on widely used computer platforms (i.e., Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Mac OS X 10.4) and covers many different statistical tests of the t, F, and chi2 test families. In addition, it includes power analyses for z tests and some exact tests. G*Power 3 provides improved effect size calculators and graphic options, supports both distribution-based and design-based input modes, and offers all types of power analyses in which users might be interested. Like its predecessors, G*Power 3 is free.
Objective The purpose of this study was to determine if post-exercise massage has an effect on delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and physical performance in women collegiate athletes.DesignThis study used a randomized pre-test post-test control group design.ParticipantsTwenty-two NCAA Division I women basketball and volleyball players participated. On the day of predicted peak soreness, the treatment group (n=11) received a thigh massage using effleurage, petrissage and vibration while the control group (n=11) rested.Outcome measuresPaired t-tests were used to assess differences between pre and post massage measures (α=0.05) for vertical jump displacement, timed shuttle run, quadriceps length and pressure-pain threshold in the thigh.ResultsA significant increase (slowing) was found in shuttle run times for the control group (p=0.0354). There were significant changes in vertical jump displacement (p=0.0033), perceived soreness (p=0.0011) and algometer readings (p=0.0461) for the massage group.Conclusions This study supports the use of massage in women collegiate athletes for decreasing soreness and improving vertical jump.